#please reblog and share!!! 💞
dragonsorceress22 · 1 month
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Nova needs a forever home!
Nova is a 9 month old classic tabby – male, neutered, and microchipped.
Nova has Feline Coronavirus which is contagious to other cats. Most cats can kick the virus, but Nova cannot. He needs a safe home where he no longer has to be isolated. Other pets and people totally okay! Only cats are at risk.
Nova has all of his claws but he has never tried to claw the couch or curtains – he likes his scratching post. He is playful and active, clumsy, doesn’t mind being picked up, and will happily sit in laps when he’s tired of playing. He’s social and friendly and loves open windows.
Nova will come with a nice carrier, all of his toys, a couple cat beds, his scratching post, a few blankets and towels, and all of his medical history.
Nova has dietary restrictions. As a symptom of his virus Nova has digestive difficulties, so his dietary needs are sort of high maintenance but his current regimen is working well for managing his symptoms and letting him live a normal kitty life.
Please share this as much as possible so we can find Nova a safe and loving home!
Nova's Adopt A Pet profile
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berberriescorner · 9 months
pregnant sexs w rio
I had to sit and think of which direction I wanted to take this in. Whew, chileee! Way too many scenarios are playing in my mind. This man😩😍!
I'm going to keep it a stack with y'all. This turned into a whole-ass fic.
Sit back, buckle up, and prep yourself for the trip my imagination's about to take you on♥️. Love, comments, and reblogs are appreciated, lovelies💞.
A/N: Sexual frustration and prolonged foreplay ahead. If that's not your vibe. You may want to skip out on this one. A couple of twists and flips here and there. I hope you lovelies enjoy what I did with this♥️. Just a heads up, I really got into this one, so it's going to be pretty lengthy. Worked on it for a while. Even made a damn mood board...I couldn't resist.
One More Note: A polite, gentle reminder that I don't usually take requests. If you float something in my ask that I just can't resist. I will give in here and there. In other words, if you don't get a response, please don't take it personally.
If you missed any other ask about dad!rio or hubby!rio, they're all listed on my Masterlist under Rio Asks/Headcanons (in order). Enjoy my lovelies! Feel free to love, comment, and share🥰.
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Song Inspo💜:
"Let's Go Little Kitty-Kat"
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Livid. Irritable. Restless. Each one of these words perfectly describes your current mood. The kids had begged to spend their spring break with Rio’s grandmother. Marcus was spending his time off with her, and his siblings loved to follow big brother’s every move. You weren’t surprised that they wanted to be wherever he was. It didn’t hurt that their great-grandmother spoiled them rotten and gave them whatever their hearts desired. Even your sweet baby boy left his momma in the dust. That wasn’t the reason for your foul mood (though being in this big, empty house didn’t help).
You were angrily resting on the couch, a permanent pout etched on your face. You huffed loudly as your husband’s voice sounded on the other end of the phone call.
“So, you’re not going to say anything?”
“Mama,” he sighed. 
You were willing to bet any amount of money that Rio’s hand was running down his face right now. Were you overreacting? Possibly. Maybe even being a bit unreasonable? Probably so. Did you give a damn? Not at all. Blame it on the hormones.
“Let me make sure I’ve got this right. You’re pissed off–again? That’s two days in a row, mama. I’ve still yet to figure out the reason behind yesterday's bad attitude. Normally, I don’t let that shit slide, but I understand you’re emo-.”
“Call me emotional one more time, Rio.”
“And you’re going to do what, darlin’,” he questioned, voice laced with a hint of warning. Rio chuckled sarcastically, “I got a lot going on right now. Call me back when you’re ready to talk like an adult. Ready to get back on your grown woman shit.”
“Whatever, Christopher. You called me. Nobody wanted to talk to your dusty ass anyway. Get off my line,” with that, you both hung up on one another, more irritated than before the call.
You knew your behavior was coming off as petty, but too much pent-up frustration kept you from acting like a rational human being. You rolled your eyes so hard they nearly got stuck as you recalled yesterday's events.
You lay awake in bed, your body vibrating with lust. The day had dragged by slowly as your need for Rio grew more and more. You changed positions so many times your head scarf came undone.
“If I can just manage to wait up at least another hour. Maybe Rio will get here soon enough to put my ass to bed.”
Nope. The tiny human growing in your womb pulled you into a deep slumber. 
By the time Rio reached the threshold of your master bedroom. You were snuggled deep into the covers with pillows surrounding you. His shoulders lowered with a hint of disappointment. Rio knew you wanted him home, even if you hadn't said the words aloud. He could sense the attitude and frustration in your voice when he called to tell you not to wait up. Rio had tried his hardest to get home hours ago, but with every attempt at leaving came more matters that required his attention. He lowered himself to your sleeping form. Adjusting your scarf so it wouldn’t slip off, Rio softly pecked your nose and cheek. After a quick shower, he carefully climbed into his side of the bed, gently pulling two of the many pillows from behind your back. It took some effort, but he managed to cuddle up to you and delicately pull you into him. You stirred for a few moments but quickly fell back into a deep sleep. Your husband watched, smirking at the light snores you released.
“Night, Mama. Love you,” he whispered, kissing your neck.
The following morning, you woke up. Still horny as hell. You rolled over to find his side of the bed empty. He had been there. Rio’s side of the bed looked slept in. Your head turned in the direction of your en suite. Not a peep sounded. He wasn’t in there.
Maybe he’s downstairs. I should fix him something before he heads out. Perhaps he could eat me for breakfast. These freaking pregnancy hormones are out of control. Every waking moment, I feel like swallowing this man whole. When I’m not hungry, I’m horny. When I’m not fiending for my husband, I want to eat everything in sight. Fucking Rio. The dick just doesn’t miss. He shoots the club up every.single.time.
You smiled at your small bump, rubbing soft circles at the sides. Honestly, you didn’t mind being pregnant for the fifth time, but for your sanity (and the kids), this would be your last. If Rio wanted more babies, he had better find a damn good surrogate. Mama’s tired.
Does this man not realize he’ll have to pay for three, possibly four, weddings? Who am I kidding? In his mind, Rio probably believes he’ll be able to chase off any and every potential love interest. He’s in for a rude awakening. My dad didn’t like his ass at first. I have a (legally) pistol-toting father as well. That didn’t stop shit. Now look at us: marriage and a gang of children.
Pregnancy turned you into an impatient woman. When you wanted something, there was no convincing you different. 
In your thoughts, the bedroom door crept open. Rio’s head peeked inside. He noticed you sitting on the side of the bed and stepped into the room. He swaggered over to you, a smile pulling at the corners of his mouth. His voice was low, and restlessness lingered in his tone.
“Morning, Mama. You sleep alright,” he asked as his fingers took hold of your chin, tilting your head back for a kiss. His rough, calloused fingers danced along your jawline, trailing low enough to graze the outside of your breast. He smiled as you gasped against his lips.
The kiss started sweet, turning into hunger in mere seconds. You tried tugging your husband down onto the bed. Rio pulled back, pecking your lips a few times, before standing upright, hand slowly stroking the inner part of your thigh. With just a few inches, he would've been dangerously close to where you wanted him most. 
“I had to come to kiss my beautiful wife before heading out. I need to slide, mama. I’ve got a lot on my plate today. It's going to be hectic, and shit might get active. I ordered you some breakfast. It’ll be here soon. I’ll probably get in late tonight. Don’t wait up for me. Make sure you and my baby get some rest. Love you,” he said, kissing you again.
“Love you too, Papa,” you exhaled.
You watched him leave and groaned with irritation. 
It would be two nights in a row that he’d be coming in late at night. That typically wouldn’t be an issue. You had grown used to it throughout the years. The only time it became a problem was when you were in your current state: knocked up, horny, and hormonal. It was just something that switched in your brain during these times. You wanted all Rio’s attention. The need to have him buried deep inside you was high, and you couldn’t quite get your fill of him.
Several attempts to distract yourself throughout the day had failed miserably. No matter what you did, your thoughts always redirected themselves back to Rio and sex. You made one last effort to ignore the constant need to devour your husband. Turning Apple Music on shuffle, you opened a magazine and thumbed through it. Unfortunately, the universe wasn't on your side. Every song was more explicit than the previous one. A frustrated sigh fell from your lips as you shut the music off.
Enough is enough. Hubby won’t come to me, but rest assured I can go to him.
You padded to your bedroom closet, looking for a sexy little number. Slipping on a pair of Steve Madden heels, you snatched up your car keys. You set forth on a journey to Rio. Bringing him lunch would be your excuse for showing up unannounced. That reason, however, wasn't enough to prevent the lecture you received from an overprotective husband, Rio. As if that wasn’t enough, you also caught shit from your meddlesome bodyguard/homie, Mick. He escorted you into the warehouse when you arrived.
“Boss lady, you know you’re not supposed to be here,” he instigated.
“Mick, hush. I can bring my husband some lunch. Chill on me.”
“Alright, but you already know. The boss won’t be happy you're out, running around for him.”
“I went to get him some takeout. I didn’t even get out of the car. It was a curbside pickup.”
You were about to continue the debate when Rio’s voice sounded behind you.
How could one little word send your body into a frenzy? You could sense both curiosity and a little anger in his tone. Mick stood there smirking at you. He knew what was about to go down. It was one thing for you to be out and about with no security detail. That was enough to put you in hot water. The fact that you were pregnant pushed his disappointment to another level.
“Mick, that thing we were about to take care of? Start without me. I need a few moments with my wife.”
He nodded in agreement, giving you a ‘good luck’ smirk on his way out. You turned your attention to Rio after the door closed. His jaw ticked as he shook his head in disbelief.
“What did I tell you about leaving the house with no security detail? You’re supposed to be at home relaxing. What are you even doing out and about? I specifically told you I’d be busy today. You know that’s code for business dealings. Your ass shouldn’t be anywhere near this warehouse right now.”
“I just wanted to bring you lunch, Papa. I needed to see that handsome face,” you replied in your best baby voice.
“Nah, that little voice and smile ain’t cutting it right now. Why are you so damn hardheaded?”
Now you were starting to get a little pissed. It was understandable that Rio was always concerned for your safety, but what choice did you have? Several, you had several. It just couldn’t wait. Yes, you were slightly irritated by his reaction, but the ache in your core grew even more being in his presence. The scent of his cologne wafted through the air. With just one sniff, you could feel your nipples harden.
These hormones are so out of control. I need this man to wreck my shit. The sooner, the better.
Taking a deep breath, you attempted to plead your case.
“But baby-”
“Listen. I’m too busy to have this argument with you right now.”
Rio closed the distance between you and placed his hands on either side of your face. He angrily sighed and pecked your lips.
“I appreciate the gesture, Mama, but please listen to me next time.”
You bit your lip, looking at him apologetically. Snaking your arms around his body, you allowed him to engulf you in a hug. Wrapped tightly in his embrace, Rio caught you off guard, giving you a hard swat on the bottom. His voice was low and gravelly as he growled, “You're trouble, Mama.”
You moaned, pushing your backside deeper into his palms. Eyes drifted shut as you stood on your tiptoes and puckered your lips for a kiss. Rio’s hands caressed the soft, plush globes as his breath fanned your lips. He denied your request for a kiss. Instead, his lips ghosted your neck, and his mouth traveled to your ear. Nipping at your lobe, he rasped, “Sorry, mama. We don’t have time for that. I have to go handle business.”
He pulled away, smirking at the frown that quickly shifted to a pout.
“We can’t spend just a few more minutes together?”
“Don’t do that, ma. You know this is important. Since you’re already out and ignoring my demands, why don’t you spend some time with your best friend? Here, take my card. Lunch is on me.”
This man is so preoccupied with business. He doesn’t even see that I came here to give him a piece of pussy. For some reason, that irritates the hell out of me. Usually, he can read my body like a book. I see where his priorities are at the moment. Business must trump his pregnant wife’s needs. I gave this man four and a half babies, and this is the thanks I get? Let me take my pregnant, horny, irritated tail home. His ass is sleeping on the couch tonight, and I don’t give one fuck that I’m being irrational.
“Nah, I’m good,” you waved your hand dismissively.
Sensing attitude, Rio tilted his head back, giving you a look of incredulity.
“Look, I ain't got time for the dramatics right now. I told you I would be busy. Go home, mama. We can discuss this in the privacy of our home.”
Cocking your head to the side, you gave him an irritated glare. A rush of pregnancy hormones came hurtling towards you. Snatching your handbag and keys from his desk, you stormed out of the room. Rio knew he struck a nerve and possibly hurt your feelings. Stepping into the hall, he called after you. Ignoring him, you stomped out of the building. With an exasperated sigh, your husband ran his hands over his face. Taking a deep breath did little to soothe the irritation that started festering inside him. It also didn’t help that the idiots working the warehouse floor were ogling your behind as you angrily switched out of the building.
“Y’all got a death wish or something? Fuck you looking at,” Rio barked towards the group of men.
“I suggest you get back to work before I unload the clip in this bitch,” he boomed, walking back into his office to cool down before heading to the meeting.
“She’s almost to her car. Hurry up! Follow her. Keep a watchful eye over her. She’s in her feelings. Make sure my wife and child make it home safe,” he ordered one of his men.
Her ass is out here walking around in those tight-ass jeans. We’re about to have a heated exchange when I get home. Out here showing out. She’s over here pressing on my last nerve and still making me want to put her on her back at the same damn time. Thick-ass. Feisty-ass. Sexy-ass. Spoiled-ass. Hormonal-ass woman.
Rio’s detail only served to anger you more. Pulling into your driveway, you flung the car door open, grabbed your stuff, and turned toward the henchman.
“I don’t need a fucking babysitter. Either wait out here or take your ass back to the warehouse.”
Not waiting for a response, you went into your home. Setting the alarm, you settled in for a quiet, lonesome evening. You had hoped a nice relaxing shower, comfy PJs, and stuffing your face would put you in a better mood. It could have worked, but your husband kept blowing up your phone.
Annoyed by the fourth call, you answered icily, “What can I do for you, dear?”
Rio could hear the sarcasm in your voice. “This what we on tonight?”
“Why, whatever do you mean, husband?”
“Cut the shit, mama. Why are you ignoring my calls?”
“You were oh so busy. I’d imagine that ignoring you would give you more time to concentrate on business, sweetie.”
“You petty as fuck. Stop being mean, mama.”
His mini flirtations went ignored.
This man hasn’t seen petty yet. Watch me work, Daddy.
“What can I do for you, Christopher?”
“Oh, are we using government names now? Bet. Why are you being stubborn?”
“So, you’re not going to say anything?”
 “Mama,” he sighed. 
“Let me make sure I’ve got this right. You’re pissed off–again? That’s two days in a row, mama. I’ve still yet to figure out the reason behind yesterday's bad attitude. Normally, I don’t let that shit slide, but I understand you’re emo-.”
“Call me emotional one more time, Rio.”
“And you’re going to do what, darlin’,” he questioned, voice laced with a hint of warning. Rio chuckled sarcastically, “I got a lot going on right now. Call me back when you’re ready to talk like an adult. Ready to get back on your grown woman shit.”
“Whatever, Christopher. You called me. Nobody wanted to talk to your dusty ass anyway. Get off my line,” with that, you both hung up on one another, more irritated than before the call.
Hours later, you came down from your mood swing. Guilt slowly started to seep into you. Not one to give in and apologize first, you decided it was the right thing to do. Unlocking your phone, you sent a request for FaceTime. It rang twice before being denied.
He’s probably busy. I’ll try again in an hour or so.
The next time you tried his cell, you called. It rang several times before going to voicemail. Waiting another hour, you tried again. Ringing once, it went to voicemail.
Now, wait a fuckin’ minute. One ring means he hit the “f you button.” See, now a bitch is starting to get mad again. Woosah. Fight them mood swings, girl. Fight them!
Just as you had calmed your nerves, a text came through.
Husbaeee (Papa)🥰😈👅💦: You and the baby good?
Wifey (Mama)🌎💍: Yes, we’re fine. Why haven’t you called me back? Are you okay?
Husbaeee (Papa)🥰😈👅💦: I’m busy, remember? You didn’t feel like talking earlier? Why are you so chatty all of a sudden?
His petty ass.
Wifey (Mama)🌎💍: Stop making it hard to tell you sorry, Papa. Chill on me.
Husbaeee (Papa)🥰😈👅💦: Keep your sorry, ma. I’m cool on that. See you when I get home.
Oh, okay! It’s just, ma, now? Bet.
Slipping his phone back into his pocket, Rio smiled to himself. He purposefully pissed you off again. Part of him did it out of payback, but his main objective was getting you frustrated. If it had done the trick. You would be ripping his clothes off and begging to be fucked once he made it home.
Not one to tell a man where he can and cannot go in his own home. You decided against telling Rio to sleep on the couch. However, the need to be petty was vibrating heavily in your bones. You fought sleep as long as you could, hoping to wait up for him long enough to ignore him for a bit. The baby again had other plans and lulled you into a deep sleep.
Rio braced himself for whatever you had planned to throw his way. He smirked to himself, releasing a low chuckle before exiting the car. Dragging his tired body into the house, your husband entered the code into the security system. Resetting it, he headed in the direction of the bar. He filled a tumbler with two fingers of bourbon. Tossing it back, Rio let the warm liquid flow through his chest. He rinsed the glass, set it in the dishwasher, and headed upstairs. 
Her moody ass is probably sleeping.
Attempting not to wake you, he quietly padded up the stairs. Rio unbuttoned the first couple of buttons on his shirt as he walked toward your shared bedroom. He nearly made it there but stopped in his tracks. The look on his face turned stone cold, and he slowly turned his head to peer into the guest bedroom.
What the fuck is this shit?
There you were, the door cracked, and lights dimmed just enough for him to see you tucked in tight, slumbering peacefully. Your plan to ignore him may have fallen through, but you still managed to be petty even in your sleep.
You jolted awake, feeling arms slip under your frame and pull you up from the mattress. Moments went by as you willed your eyes to wake fully. Your sight focused on Rio’s angered expression, and you pushed at his chest.
“What the hell are you doing? Put me down, Christopher!”
He ignored you. Rio’s jaw ticking as he took long strides exiting the guest room. He carried you into your bedroom, laid you in bed, tucking you in. You started to explain that you were a grown-ass woman and could sleep anywhere you damn well pleased. The look in his eyes forced you to think better of it.
“I don’t give a fuck how angry you are! Your ass will sleep in this bed regardless. Go to bed mad if you want to. Your stubborn ass is going to do it lying next to me. No room for debate, mama. You mad at me? You don’t want to be near me right now? That’s all good, but you sleep in our bed. Roll to the edge of the bed. That's all the space you're getting.”
Rio snatched his shirt over his head and threw it into the clothes hamper. You did your best to bite back any more snarky responses as you watched Rio stalk to the bathroom. The door flew shut, and you mumbled, “Dramatic much.”
The bathroom door swung open. Standing in the doorway, eyes set on you, Rio commanded, “Can you stop talking? Please give me a moment of peace, ma. All that talking’s gon’ land your ass in a world of trouble. Save yourself, mama. Be quiet.”
You cut your eyes at him, sliding down into bed. You lay on the side facing away from him. The corners of your mouth pulled into a mischievous grin. Waiting for the shower to start, you attempted to remove yourself from the bed and head toward the exit. Rio's voice bounced off the bathroom walls, halting your movement.
“Get back in bed, mama.”
You kissed your teeth, “Ain’t nobody left. Shut up, Rio.”
“You heard what I said. Stop playing with me.”
Pouncing back on the bed, you snarled towards the bathroom door.
“Fix your face, ma. You’re trying my patience tonight.”
Can he see through the damn walls or something?
“Nobody worried about you, Christopher.”
“Yeah, okay. Your stubborn ass got back in that bed. Didn’t you?”
Rio wanted to wash the events of the day away. He wanted a few quiet minutes to destress, but being a little hellcat, you wouldn’t give him that. You had a response for everything. He loved you combative and keyed up, but tonight, you were laying it on thick and wouldn’t let up. Rio was slightly irritated that his plan to piss you off again was starting to backfire. Taking a few calming breaths, he readied himself to regain control of the situation.  
The water cut off, and he walked into the room, towel hanging dangerously low around his waist. There were beads of water sliding down his naked torso. Being irritated by him wasn’t enough to stop your eyes from tracing him from head to toe. Squeezing your thighs together, you bit your lip, fighting the urge to jump on him. Rio felt your eyes on him and smirked in your direction. He laid a fresh pair of underwear on the foot of the bed. Standing upright, his eyes connected with yours as Rio pulled the towel from his waist. His eyes stayed on you as he took the time to dry the rest of his body. Your vision latched onto his manhood as you watched it swing from side to side. The tip of your tongue danced across your lips, and Rio rasped, “You hungry, mama?” The knowing smirk on his face aggravated you. Not thinking it through, you mumbled, “Like you give a fuck.”
A low and bitter chuckle fell from Rio’s lips. That was your last chance. His bottom lip pulled between his teeth. His eyes darkened and held yours as he slipped into his underwear. Tossing the towel into the hamper, he crept toward you. The silence that filled the air added to the moment's intensity.
Rio’s fingers glided along the column of your neck. His digits cupped your chin, giving it a light squeeze as a warning. His face crowded your own. You bit the inside of your cheek to keep from smirking. Finally, you had pissed him off enough to get the reaction you craved. Wetness pulled between your thighs in anticipation.
“This all could’ve been avoided, mama.”
Rio’s thumb traced your bottom lip as he backed away. You watched in confusion as he stepped into a pair of sweatpants and grabbed his phone. Stepping toward the door, you asked, “Where are you going?”
“Thought you didn't want to be near me, darlin’? I think you need some time alone. Just go to bed. I'm not tired.”
“I’ve been alone for two days! You’re such an asshole.”
His hand gripped the doorknob as he rolled his neck and shoulders. He was fighting the urge to pounce. With his back to you, Rio finished, “Next time you want to be fucked. Just say that, ma.”
You growled in annoyance, chucking a pillow against his back as he walked out of the room.
“Your ass is lucky you're carrying my baby. It's the only thing keeping me from snatching your little ass up. Crazy ass woman,” he called out from the hallway.
You punched your pillows and got back in bed. Too upset to sleep, a slew of emotions rained down on you. First, there were tears of frustration. Then anger, followed by another round of guilt.
Why do I keep putting this man through hell? All over some dick. That’s what it comes down to. However, if he would’ve cracked my damn back, this shit could’ve been avoided. You're so damn busy you can’t slide inside me and bust a quick nut? 
You smiled, rolled your eyes, and finished your thoughts.
Damn, I’m a brat. Let me drag grumpy pants back to bed. I thought, “wE sLeEp BeSiDe EaCh OtHeR No MaTtEr WhAt,” Head ass.
Rio was sitting on the edge of the living room sofa, arms draped over his lap. The longer he sat there thinking over the day and your attitude. The more he had to fight the urge to do the things he truly wanted. Rio fisted the top of his pants as wicked thoughts of you crying out for him cycled through. His hands trembled, filled with the need to possess and punish you. He closed his eyes, tilting his head back to calm his hunger. That plan fell through as your scent flowed into the room. He groaned, opening his eyes and settling his gaze on you.
“You could’ve slept in the guest room. Why are you being extra? I thought we didn’t sleep in separate rooms anyway?”
“I’m not about to keep going back and forth with you. Just go back to bed, Mama,” he responded with tiredness in his voice.”
That pulled at your heartstrings.
Be nice, bitch.
You swallowed your pride and made the first move toward reconciliation.
“Come back to bed, Rio. I’m sorry for being unreasonable, papa.”
Still standing in the entryway of the spacious living room, you waited for a response. The room was painfully quiet as you two watched one another. Rio’s gaze trailed your body. It was just something about you in his T-shirts that always drove him crazy. He kept his expression blank, making it hard for you to get a read on him. The silence continued for a moment. When he finally spoke, his voice was different. It wasn’t angry, but it wasn’t happy either.
It was dominant, possessive even. 
“Come here.”
Oh, shit. Not that voice. Anything but that.
There were two types of dominant Rio. One, you had been working his nerves for. The other? Not so much. You stayed frozen in place.
“Don’t make me ask again.”
Your legs carried you over to him. Stepping between him and the coffee table, you waited for further instruction.
“Look, I know I’ve been working your nerves-.”
“Mm-Mm. Quiet. Talking seems to be your downfall, Mama.”
Rio’s hands reached up and grasped your hips.
“Sit,” he instructed, pulling you into a seated position on the coffee table.
His elbows rested on the top of his knees, hands folded underneath his chin.
“You’ve been doing your best to get my attention. Now that you have it. You seem a bit worried, Mama. It’s what you wanted. Right?”
“Good girl. You finally learned how to listen and not talk. It’s a little shocking, honestly. You’ve had so much to say for the past two days. Now, when it seems you’re about to get the response you want, and then some. You don’t have shit to say.”
You could feel the heat radiating off of him. Fucked. That’s what you were. There were times when you would overdo it, pushing him too far. Tonight was going to be one of those nights. Pulling in a shaky breath, you continued to listen. Being pregnant, you didn’t know how he would play it. That alone sent a shiver down your body.
See, this is what my emotional, spoiled ass gets. It’s too late to turn back now. Dear sweet Kitty Kat, I wish you the best of luck, girl.
“What’s wrong, darlin’? You seem a bit nervous.”
More silence.
Rio leaned towards you, placing his hands on your plush thighs. He was so close your noses were an inch apart. He tilted his head, angling it to nip your bottom lip. Pulling back, his hand massaged your left cheek. It circled your skin as he leaned back in.
“My hands itching to wrap around your throat, Mama. You know I can’t act like this and do things like that when you’re carrying my child. I don’t take risks with my seed, and you know that. Playing with your oxygen supply is the same as messing with theirs. So why the fuck do you keep trying me,” he groaned.
“Baby, I’m-“
“Shhh.” He laid a gentle kiss on your lips. “You've been talking all day. Right now is a time for listening, darlin’.”
He leisurely rose from the couch, towering over you.
“Let’s put your mouth to better use. Yeah?”
Your breath hitched as his fingers threaded through your hair. Tugging it, he tilted your head back, pecking your lips again. Rio’s eyes held yours as his free hand dipped inside his sweatpants and briefs. Releasing and stroking his member, he hovered over you.
“You wanted some attention. Right, mama? You need dick? Open that pretty little mouth for me.”
Rio jerked your head forward. Hand still wrapped tightly around his thick length, he tapped it on your lips. Your mouth watered and instantly fell open.
“Now you want to be a good girl,” he groaned, swiping the head of his cock on the tip of your tongue.
You started to wrap your mouth around him, but he backed away. A whimper fell from your mouth. Rio held your chin, “I’ll tell you when you can eat it up, Mama,” he whispered, gently tapping your face with his girth.
“You so fucking fine. Wet juicy ass lips got my shit throbbing,” Rio moaned, bending down to kiss you again. Eyes blazing, you used your mouth to capture his thumb. You suckled it, giving him doe eyes. It was as if your beautiful orbs were pleading for him to give in. Your body was so wound up it screamed for some sort of relief. You so desperately wanted to taste him. Thoughts of him spilling his seed into your mouth had you salivating. Rio’s lips parted as his tongue did that snake motion you loved. He slid his thumb from your lips, moving it out of reach.
“Can’t even ruin you in the manner you deserve. I want to shove my dick in that pretty little mouth and fuck your throat until you choke. Damn, I want to leave you gasping for air, voice hoarse. You know I love the way you swallow the dick.”
 An appreciative whimper sounded from your lips. Rio’s eyes danced with excitement. He took joy at the needy and desperate look on your face. The rise and fall of your chest quickened as sinful sounds came from your sweet lips. 
“Look at you moaning and whimpering. That’s my nasty bitch. Does the thought of me shoving myself down that pretty little throat turn you on, mama? It makes you wet. Doesn’t it?”
You shivered and released a stuttered breath, “Daddy, please.” He smiled wickedly, “Damn, I love it when you beg, darlin’.”
“Christopher, please. I’m about to go crazy. I don't think I've ever wanted to swallow you down this bad. Please, Papa. I need you.”
A chuckle fell from his lips. Rio swallowed hard, and you could see the pulse dancing on the side of his neck. His eyes grew darker as he leaned close enough, and you felt his breath brush against your lips.
“You are so cute, mama. Beg as much as you want. The question is: Do you think you deserve it,” he whispered, peppering your lips with light kisses. The corners of his lips lifted, forming a smile as you panted the word yes. “Mm, no. I don't think so, darlin’. You've been stomping around, throwing tantrums, twisting and turning, rolling that neck for days now.”
Your impatience and temper got the best of you.
“If you're so tired of my damn attitude. Put me out of my misery already. You're the one being stingy with the dick! You can't find a few moments to love on your wife?”
There was that sinister smile once more. Rio’s hand went to wrap around your throat, but halfway he stopped. Closing it into a fist tightly, he forced it down to his side. He smirked, slowly opening his mouth to speak, “You’re letting these hormones rattle you, mama. They got you impatient as fuck and coming out of pocket.”
Tucking himself back into his sweats, Rio reclaimed his spot on the sofa. Leaning back into the cushions, he watched your face twist up in frustration.
“Fuck this. I’m going back upstairs. Sleep wherever you want. I don’t care.”
“Sit. Down,” Rio roared.
You froze, back still facing him.
“I’m getting tired of saying things twice,” Rio hissed. “Sit your ass down.”
You swung around and stomped to the coffee table to reclaim your seat.
“Not there. Come here.”
Standing in front of him, you crossed your arms over your chest.
“You beckoned? Dear sweet husband.”
Though Rio wore a thin smile, you could tell he didn’t find shit amusing. Glancing at his lap, he whispered, “Sit.”
You kissed your teeth, plopping into his lap. He pressed up against you, hands gripping your waist. “You enjoy making me tick. Don’t you darlin’?”
Not waiting for you to answer, one hand abandoned your waist. It slid into your hair, tugging at the strands. The action caused you to release something Rio couldn’t decipher. What had started as a gasp shifted to a whimper and ended as a moan. The sound caused his erection to twitch underneath you as he bit back a groan.
“Why are you giving Daddy a hard time? Thought you loved me, Mama,” he teased.
Your lips parted, but he tugged more, signaling you to remain silent.
“Don’t deny it, love. I’m over here fighting everything in me right now. I know how you want it. You ain’t in no condition for that, baby girl.”
“How do I want it, Papa,” you whispered breathlessly.
Rio’s hand trailed to the column of your neck. He gave it a light, gentle squeeze. Pulling your ear to his lips, he groaned, “You want that rough shit. Need me to choke you. Talk my shit and say all the nasty things you like. Pin you down, fuck you until you cry. That’s what you want, yeah,” he questioned, nipping at your earlobe.
A smirk danced across his face at the sound of your whimpering.
“Can’t you just do it as gently as possible? Please, you begged, grinding into his lap.
His growl bounced off the living room walls. It was a signal, a warning, but you couldn’t help yourself. Circling your hips, you pressed further into his erection. Rio hissed, “Behave. You really gotta chill, Mama.”
You stood long enough to turn and straddle his thigh. His hands cradled your small bump. Pecking his lips, you watched as Rio’s eyes fluttered closed. The two of you slipped into a sensual kiss. Your hips rolled as you started to grind your moist panties against his thigh.
“Papa, please. I’m begging you. I need you. I’ll take it any way you’d like.”
He sucked in a shallow breath, grasping your chin.
“I know you will. You don’t have a choice, mama.”
Cocky motha-.
“Keep grinding that slick little pussy against me, baby,” he rasped, grabbing up the globes of your behind. “Now I know you can do better than that. Grind harder,” he finished with a smack to each cheek. Mouths collided as your fingers traced patterns along the nape of his neck. Your tongues wrestled for dominance. His palms dug into your supple flesh, guiding you along the slick spot that started to form on his thigh.
“Damn, mama. Just the sound of my voice makes that little pussy weep, yeah?”
He watched you with pride, your eyes shut tight, breathing ragged. Rio moved his hands to your breast, giving them a light squeeze. He moaned as his teeth sunk into your bottom lip.
“Go a little faster. Pull yourself toward the edge, darlin’.”
Your body rocked faster against his drenched thigh as his hand crept until it found its way underneath your shirt, pulling at the hardened nipples.
“Hmm, baby? Talk to me, mama. What do you need from Daddy?”
The words got stuck in your throat, and you edged closer and closer to the brink of ecstasy. Your head tilted back, and the mewl you released made all Rio’s blood rush to his thick member. He peppered kisses along the soft skin of your neck, cooing, “You close, baby girl? Hmm? Come on now, tell me how you feel, darlin’. Let me hear that pretty voice.”
“So damn close. Add a little pressure, Daddy. Press into me, please.”
Rio chuckled, lifting his thigh just enough to give you the desired pressure.
“That better, sweetheart?”
“Fuck,” you whispered. Ye-I’ma come. Please-.”
You started to tremble, signaling an explosive orgasm. Rio’s fingers gripped your waist, halting all movement. A high-pitched whine echoed throughout the room as you tried to power through his grasp and thrust your hips. His hold on you was too strong to fight. The teasing chuckle he gave frustrated you.
“Why would you do that? Don’t play with me like that, Rio,” you whimpered.
“Oh, you thought this was about to be easy? No, love. See where all the nagging and expectations got you. Playing with my patience had you believing I would let you have your way. Fuck that. You better work for that shit, mama. You know how I operate, and I ain’t feeling too generous right now.” He pinched your nipple, sucking your bottom lip into his mouth.
Shoving his shoulder, he fell back against the couch, pinning you with a mischievous glint.
“Ain’t shit funny, Rio. You’re pissing me off,” you snapped, pacing the hardwood floor.
“That makes two of us,” he countered, shrugging his shoulders.
“What happened to a happy wife, a happy life? I’m carrying your child. Where is the love?”
“So damn dramatic. You just knew you’d get your way, huh?”
You stopped, turning to face him. Your arms crossed your ample chest. Frustration ran deep in your mind. The two of you matched glare for glare.
Rio’s eyes darkened as he stood, walking toward you. He kissed you long and hard, backing you toward the living room wall. Your body shivered as you made contact with the chilled surface. He broke the kiss and rasped, “Should’ve used these past few minutes to make a convincing argument,” he tsked. “I don't even know if you deserve to come at this point, darlin’.”
Rio dropped to his knees, and you watched his head disappear underneath the fabric of your shirt. Heat pulsed throughout your core as you felt Rio pull fabric aside. Thousands of tiny sparks flooded your body as you felt his wet, warm tongue trail from the bottom of your dripping sex to the top. His middle and pointer fingers spread you open while the tip of his tongue danced around your bundle of nerves. You released a shuttered breath, head tilting back as your eyes fluttered closed. Without having to look up, Rio paused his licking and growled, “Keep you’re fucking eyes on me. Take off this damn shirt, and watch me eat this pussy up, mama.” 
Say less. I got you, Zaddy.
His eyes burned with passion at the sight of your breast. “You don’t need these either,” he rasped, tearing the panties from your body. Without another word, his head dipped back between your thighs. He teased you with nips and licks until you squirmed, begging for more. The pace had started achingly slow. His breath fanned your lower lips, “Look at you wiggling and shit. Are you aching for me, mama?” Rio inhaled your scent, “Damn, I’m about to eat this shit up.”
“Less talking. More licking, Papa,” you mewled, trying to thrust your heat back into his face. Rio leaned away.
“See, that’s your problem. You need to learn patience, mama. We don’t need to rush. Let me take my time and enjoy all this fine dining.”
“Truthfully, you get off on torturing me, don’t you?”
Instead of using his words, Rio answered with action. Still holding your lips apart, three fingers from the opposite hand pressed into your clit, rubbing wide circles slowly.
In a husky tone, he taunted, “Come on, sweetheart, I know you can get wetter than this.” Your sarcastic rebuttal halted as he continued, “Let me help you with that, ma.”
His words fully registered as you felt his saliva collide with your silky flesh. His mouth covered your lips again, alternating between slow, languid strokes and rapid, hungry licks. From the movement of his tongue to the way he gripped your thighs. Feeling everything at once was hurdling toward a powerful orgasm. His fingers rejoined the party, using them to fumble with your clit as he thrust his tongue into you.
“N-no, baby. Not ye-it’s too soon. S-slow down, fuck!”
Your hand wrapped around his wrist, trying to pull his fingers away. Rio swatted it as he hoisted you higher, locking his arms around your thighs.
“I thought you wanted to come though, Mama,” he teased. “Let me switch it up for you, yeah?”
His tongue replaced those same fingers, licking and sucking your sweet little nub like a man who hadn’t eaten in days.
“Oh! You fucking demon. Daddy, no,” you mewled, body starting to jerk. The sensation sent tingles throughout as your fist pounded against the wall. The digits of the other hand dug into his scalp. You felt him smile against your flesh, moaning and growling. Slipping three fingers inside, he flexed them, deliciously tapping your g-spot. The pace of his digits quickened as his lips wrapped around your abused clit, and he sucked as hard as he could. Your body writhed. The feeling was so intense you considered climbing the wall.
This bitch would go harder. I need to learn how to shut up.
Rio tsked again, “There’s nowhere for you to run, Mama. Daddy got you locked in,” he taunted, fingers speeding up a little more. “Thought this is what you wanted, hm? You've been crying for this all day. Is it too much for you, baby?” Rio’s fingers slipped out of you, and the palm of his hand delivered smacks over your lips. “Yeah! There we go! That’s that wet shit, mama.” Rio dove back in, the sounds of his mouth on your body growing more lewd by the second. All you could do was tremble and whimper. Rio groaned, his mouth devouring you. His words tickled your slick heat, “ You gon’ come for me? Hmm? My mouth got you leaking all over the place.” Your legs started to shake as his tongue lashed at your skin. 
“Answer me, ma,” he demanded, harsh yet sexy.
“Yes, fuck. I’m so close, shit!”
“Beg me to let you come.”
“Please, Papa! Let me come all over that sinfully delicious tongue.”
“I know you’re close. Look at that pretty little pussy squeezing around my fingers,” Rio teased, adding a fourth finger. “Look at these thick thighs shaking,” he taunted. Your husband took a moment to nip at your inner thighs. “Soft as fuck. Tastes so damn good.” His lips licked and sucked at the soft skin as he massaged your g-spot.
“Hold on a bit longer for me.”
His eyes glistened, and you knew Rio was about to make you suffer. There was something in his expression that just reeked of revenge. Minutes ticked by, and you were proven right: every torturous lick of his tongue was his getback. Every time his lips captured your bundle of nerves, it felt like he was trying to suck the soul out of you. He had brought you to the edge for the third time, only to slow down. Tears threatened to spill as you begged and pleaded. At this point, you were no longer begging him to come on his talented tongue. You just wanted him to wrap your legs around his waist and pound you into an earth-shattering orgasm. Twice, you had tried pulling his head away, pressing him to fuck you. Both times, Rio denied you and went right back to eating. His greedy mouth slurped at your juices, “Mm-mm, mama. Daddy’s still hungry.”
His tongue grazed your clit, causing your body to shiver with force. You cried out, “Rio, please! You have to let me come. I can’t do this anymore.” Tears trailed down your cheeks, tugging at his heart a bit. He kissed your nub once more before he pulled up from between your legs. Using the pads of his thumbs, he wiped at the remnants of your tears. Pecking your lips, his hands cradled your face. “I’m sorry, mama. Shh, I know, baby. I know. Breathe for me, catch your breath.”
How could your emotions be all over the place? Yet, every ounce of you still ached for him. Though you were irritated and pissed at the way he edged you. The need to be fucked and orgasm was still the top priority. You could curse him out later. Truthfully, you had done it to yourself. You knew pushing him too far was what brought you here. Patience and understanding had been an option that would have left you well rewarded. Instead, you had opted to try to force his hand.
I’m pregnant, horny, and a bit illogical at the moment. I want what the fuck I want, and I want it now.
Rio’s eyes locked with yours, his orbs still dark but sympathetic at the same time. His teeth sunk into his bottom lip as he swept hair that blocked your vision. Taking a deep breath, he leaned in, lips brushing against yours.
“I’ma stop fucking with you, mama,” he whispered, stealing a kiss.
Rio shushed your whimpering as his hands trailed back down your body and between your thighs. His fingers brushed your slit, collecting moisture along the way. His fingers slid lower until they reached the destination they were in search of. Two fingers penetrated you as his free hand tweaked your nipple. You sucked in a sharp breath as his digits tapped against that special place in warp speed.
“R-rio. Oh, God,” you mewled. “No, please. I want you inside. I need you inside me, baby. Why won’t you just-.”
His head fell into the crook of your neck as you pleaded. An anguished growl echoed against your throat.
“I can’t right now, mama. I just can’t,” he responded helplessly as his fingers kept slamming into you. “Give it to me, mama. I know you can’t hold it anymore. Come for me, baby girl,” he moaned against your skin.
“But why? Oh! Fuck! Y-yes. God, yes,” you cried, falling over the edge.
“Fuck, mama. My arm’s soaked,” he groaned, breath shallow, as he trailed kisses down your neck. He waited for you to respond, but the only sound he heard was sniffling. Rio pulled back with a quickness, hands cradling your face once more. He kissed you, “What’s wrong, mama? Why are you crying?”
“Are you not attracted to me anymore?”
“Mama. Don’t start. Why wouldn’t I be attracted to you? That’s a wild ass question. Please don’t take this wrong, but these hormones got you all messed up. You know better than to ask me such a ludicrous question.” 
Your eyes started to water again, and Rio threw his head back, running his hand down his face. Releasing a long sigh, “Don’t start again, mama. You’re all over the place today. One minute, you’re cursing me out, trying to push me away. The next minute, you’re on me. I damn sure can’t keep up with the mood swings today. Now I’m getting pissed all over again because you're questioning my love for you.”
“It’s a simple question, Rio. Something must be wrong since you won’t fuck your wife. It can’t be that bizarre of a question. Just admit it. I’m gaining weight (not to mention I was already plushie before), so you’re not interested.”
“What number mood swing is this?”
“Fuck you, Rio.”
“You’d like that? A fuck. Wouldn’t you?”
“Such a dickish response!”
You stormed away, ignoring his demands not to walk away from him. Upon entering your bedroom, you slammed the door. Climbing under the covers, you snuggled down until you found a comfortable spot. He didn’t immediately follow you upstairs. Sinking back into the couch, he tried to calm his temper. 
Rio’s mood/urge was why Y/N hadn’t gotten what she wanted in the first place. He was right back to being as pissed as he was earlier. It was all the more reason to stay where he was until he could calm himself. During the first round of this sexually charged argument, it had taken every fiber in him not to fuck you relentlessly. No matter how bad you both wanted it. He wasn’t comfortable with manhandling you at a time like this.
He tilted his head back against the cushions and chuckled to himself. Looking back over the day, you had been a pain in the ass. However, Rio loved that you were adamant about getting what you desired.
The fact that she thinks there’s a way for me to be gentle and rough in that sort of head space is laughable. I love this crazy ass woman.
He replayed the last of your conversation. Guilt crept in as he remembered how your lip trembled as you fought back tears of frustration and neediness while leaving the room. Thinking the situation over, Rio started to hold himself accountable. He knew what to expect at times like this. If he was being honest, having another baby was mainly his idea. That thought alone had him shaking his head and smirking.
This woman is going to drive me insane. She can’t be serious thinking I’m not attracted to her right now because she’s pregnant. If anything, that makes my dick harder. These kinks, man. Her ass knows I love her any size. Mama knows I love it when she’s stupid thick. Damn, I want to bend her ass over something. Just wait until baby girl or boy gets here. I’m going to remember every single mood swing and attitude. Like that man Miguel once said, that pussy gon’ be mine. Let me check on her mean ass. Remember to remain calm, Rio.
He flipped off all the lights downstairs and made sure everything was locked up tight. It was pitch black in the master suite. Rio entered quietly, not wanting to wake you. The faint sounds of sniffles came from under the covers on your side of the bed. Your husband’s head hung low at the sounds, shaking it side to side in disbelief. Sadness ached deep in his chest. It had never been his intention to make you feel unwanted. He certainly didn’t mean for you to feel unattractive. You had pushed him to that place of uncertainty. Rio didn’t trust himself enough to remain gentle. His anger had been raging off and on for the past two days. It was time for him to set the record straight and make things right.
Self-control, my boy. Self-control. I may not be able to choke her. Let that mouth get to firing off again. I’ma spank this woman. Lord, help me.
He approached your side of the bed, attempting to lower the comforter, but it wouldn’t budge. You grumbled, “Don’t, Christopher. Just get in bed. Let’s get some rest. We can discuss this in the morning.” The fabric of the blankets muffled your voice a bit, but Rio could hear how you fought back tears.
Rio gently rubbed what he believed to be your hip. “Don’t hide from me,” he rasped.
“I’m not. Goodnight, Papa.”
He lowered his head, rubbing soothing circles against your back. He stood there a few moments, trying to find a way to make things better. A thought entered his mind. His head leaned to the side as he gave a quick head nod. Heading to his side of the bed, Rio checked his notifications one last time, setting the ringer to silent. He grabbed an item from the nightstand, setting it to the side. Rio got into bed, sliding closer. The feeling of his chest pressing against your back as he joined you under the covers.
“You still mad at me, Mama,” he questioned, leaving butterfly kisses against your skin. “You gon’ forgive me, hm?”
“Shut up, Rio,” you responded with a giggle and sniffle.
“You know you’re crazy for thinking that bullshit, right? I love you, mama. Don’t you know that you’re my favorite person in this world? I love you for life, woman,” he explained. “I’ll always be attracted to you, no matter what. You’re my heart and world, baby girl.” Rio nibbled at your neck. “Those better be happy sniffles, he teased.
“They are, trust me. Thank you for the reassurance, Papa,” you responded, voice still shaky.
His fingers caressed your thighs, drawing small patterns on your flesh, lips peppering kisses against a bare shoulder back to the soft spot below your ear.
“Papa, I don’t think that’s a good idea. I’m still wet from earlier,” you whispered, lower lips tingling again.
Rio shushed you as his tongue swept across the column of your neck. “You looked so damn good in those jeans with the heels. You just had to get me hard while I was working. Didn’t you? How am I supposed to focus with images of fucking you against my desk floating through my head?”
“I just wanted to see you, baby.”
“Yeah. Okay.”
His hand slid between soft thighs, swiping at the moisture pooling between your folds.
“Always wet. Forever ready for me. Shit. Give me those lips, ma.”
Both of you tried to take control of the kiss until his fingers pulled away. You huffed, “Not this shit again-Oh! Shit,” you moaned. Not only had he placed his hand back where it was, but you felt a lovely buzzing sensation against your clit. “Yes,” you whispered.
“Been waiting for the right time to break this out. You’ve been rambling on about that damn toy, so I bought you a rose, Mama. How’s that feel?” Unable to speak, you answered with a sweet sigh. Rio’s lips connected to your temple. “I’ll take that as a yes,” he laughed, increasing the speed.
Between his lips and the toy, you hadn’t noticed Rio tugging down his sweatpants. The kiss broke as you mewled. He bit his lip, watching you gasp at the feel of the rose pressed against your nub while his aching erection slid back and forth against your folds. The leaking tip dipped in and out of your spasming channel. The covers kicked down to the foot of the bed as Rio’s hungry gaze drank in the writhing of your bodies. His breathing quickened, listening to your faint moans.
“I think we’re both a bit calmer now. Don’t you agree, Mama,” he questioned, sucking in a breath at the wetness pulling around his tip.
If you had heard him, Rio didn’t wait for a response. He reclaimed your mouth, sinking his thick, veiny rod inside you.
“Got Damn,” you both moaned in unison.
“That’s a good girl. Take it all, Mama. So fucking tight. Grip that shit.”
Burying your head in your pillow, you trembled, moaning repetitively. Rio’s hands sunk into the plushness of your waist. His finger sunk deeper, pressing your behind into his lap. Pumping you slowly, you felt his hips do that circular motion. 
“Faster, Daddy. Please go faster.”
“Whatever you say, love,” he answered, pulling your hair and snapping his hips harder. “The settings go higher, baby.” Shifting the rose to its highest voltage, he growled at the screams that bounced around the room.
“T-too much. Fuck!”
“No, ma. You got this. Take that shit. Don’t you want me to make that pussy feel good, yeah? Yes, baby. Oh, shit. Take it, baby. Just let me pound that pretty little flower.”
Every thrust sent you higher. Your fingers dug into Rio’s hand as you thrashed about the bed.
“You keep fucking me like this. I’m not going to last much longer,” you whined.
“You got that. Go on and wet that shit up, mama. Fall apart. Come for, Daddy. I’ll put you back together and break you apart again. Don’t bury your face in the pillow. Let me hear you come loud and clear. Come for me right fucking now,” he demanded, giving your ass a hard smack.”
“Fu-Chris! Baby,” you screamed, body tensing, shaking violently. Kisses danced along your temple. Whimpers continued to fall from your lips, the aftershocks sending waves throughout your body. Rio attempted to center and bring you back down from the high.
“You’re good, mama. I got you. Good job,” he praised. 
You couldn’t imagine a better way to end a long day. At least that's what you thought until Rio decided to take it one step further.
“I’m not finished with you yet, baby girl,” he whispered.
Rio slid out of you, laying on his back, while he waited for you to turn toward him. Your face hovered over his. Staring lovingly into his eyes, you spoke softly.
“Tell me what you need, Papa,” you questioned, stroking his jaw.
He reached for your leg, bringing it over his to straddle him. Hands traveled the length of your body, stopping to cup your breast. Through body language alone, the communication was clear. Giving him a gentle nod, lip tucking between your teeth. Rio felt your digits wrap around his length, rising just enough. You slowly slipped his throbbing length into the slick cavern. The two of you moaned in unison.
Rio sat up, wrapping his arms around your waist. You rode him slow and steady. Biting your lip, he encouraged you, “Mm, that's it, mama. You feel so good.” He wrapped his lips around your nipple, tongue circling it hungrily. Giving it a playful bite pulled a meal from your lungs. Releasing the taut bud, Rio whimpered, “Keep squeezing me. Just like that. Fuck.”
He tugged one of your hands from his shoulder, placing the digits around the column of his throat. He smirked as your eyes widened.
“I can’t choke you, so why don’t we switch shit up? You be me for a change, mama. Be rough with Daddy, yeah?”
A tremble coursed through you at the thought of it.
“It’s your body, mama. You’re in control. Ride me as hard as you can stand it.” He pecked your lips, cooing, “Are you going to ride your daddy nice and hard, hm? This is your dick. Take it, mama,” he insisted, giving your bottom another slap.
Pushing at his chest, you laid him back against the mattress. Your hand tightened around his throat as your hips circled, taking him as deep as possible. Your head fell back as your speed increased.
“Oh,” you cried. “Daddy!”
“Look at me,” he gasped.
Your face floated above his, and you started to bounce erratically. Rio’s face twisted up as he grunted your name. The hold on his throat tightened, causing him to bite his lip harder. You felt his hands spank and grip your cheeks. The two of you entered a lip lock as the headboard banged against the wall. Coming up for air, you felt him twitch inside you.
“Fuck, Mama. I’m about to nut. Is that what you want, baby? Do you want to be filled up? Yeah, I know you do, darlin’. F-fuck! Come with me, mama! Right now!”
You both plummeted over the edge, calling out each other’s name. Trying to keep balance, your hands rested against Rio’s chest. He sat up, pulling you into an embrace. Leaving kisses all over your face, you giggled breathlessly. His arm reached around your waist, guiding you to lie down comfortably.
“Let’s get you cleaned up. Stay right here. I got you, mama.”
Rio disappeared into the bathroom, returning moments later with a warm towel. With the aftercare complete, he quickly got himself together. Making his way to the kitchen, Rio returned with a glass of ice water for you.
“Drink up. You need to replenish, ma.”
“Thank you, Papa. What about you, though?”
“Drank it downstairs, " he responded, cuddling up to you.
“So we’re switching roles now? Is that what we are doing,” you teased.
Rio’s laugh bellowed throughout the room. “Listen, ma. You’re little thirsty ass needed that rough shit. I figured since I’m not doing that right now. You can get your fix if I relinquish a little bit of that power. Temporarily, of course.” He gave your shoulder a playful bite. “You should know I’m keeping tabs for the remainder of this pregnancy.”
“Tabs? What tabs?”
“I’m keeping a mental log of every time you act up. The moment the doctor clears you. That thick ass will be stinging, and you won’t be able to walk straight for a few weeks. Maybe a month,” he shrugged, nonchalance written on his handsome face. His eyes reduced to slits, “Breath play’s about to be a beast for you, mama. Hate it for you.”
“No, you don’t, liar.”
“You said it. Not me,” Rio shrugged.
He felt your fist collide with his arm.
“Aye, chill out now. You know what, let me put this shit in my notes. What is this? That makes at least eight offenses. For the day alone.”
“Whatever. Goodnight, crybaby.”
“Says the woman that’s been crying all night.”
“Don’t piss me off again, Rio. Go to sleep. Keep in mind that you won’t be leaving for work on time. I can tell that I’ll be just as needy in the morning. Have my dick ready.”
“Just admit that you only want me for my body,” he teased.
You kissed your teeth and mugged his forehead.
“Aye! Chill. Where my kisses at?”
Rio pulled your leg over his waist, cradling your bump, and kissed you goodnight.
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What did y'all think about that roller coaster? Hope you enjoyed it. Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated, lovelies 💕!
@darqchilddaydreamz @4everbrookemarie @fineanddandy @rio-reid-whoreee @novaniskye @that-one-anxious-mango @1andonlytashae @blkbutterfly816 @lovedlover @vanityinvenus
@librarian1002 @banana123pudding @fezcosonlylove @sunshine-flower @invisiblegiurl
@astoldbychae @amorestevens @starrynite7114 @alertyoulikeitsamber
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thisismeracing · 7 months
Super shy | MS47
― Pairing: Mick Schumacher x plus size!reader (she/her) ― Warnings: mentions of food, shy!reader, and tooth-rotting fluff. ― Summary: The one where your boyfriend is your biggest fan to the point of turning his account into a fan account or something of the sort. Or, Mick and Yn's relationship through the years. ― A/n: none of the pictures used are mine, they are all from Pinterest and other apps, but the work is and I do not allow it to be published on a different platform. I would appreciate it if those things could be taken into consideration 💛
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liked by ginaschumacher, jackdoohan, and others
ynusername what a beautiful season! super proud of my blondie :)
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mickschumacher thank you for being by my side through it all! I love you, pretty ❤️
user2 Yn you're amazing, but coffee with ice and milk is a crime!
collegefriend congrats, mick, the whole class was rooting for you!! 🥳
⤷ collegefriend2 the whole class: our friend group that happens to have seven people in it lol
jackdoohan send me the pics you took 🙏🏻🙏🏻
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liked by maxverstappen1, charles_leclerc, and others
mickschumacher Yes, we decided to adopt! Meet Angie Yln-Schumacher 🐶❤️
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jackdoohan omg you two look like a fifty years old couple sometimes 🥸
⤷ mickschumacher that sounds so single of you, I might have to ignore 🤨
ginaschumacher omg bring her to the ranch asap!!!!!! (also, you look perfect on this set, yn!!! ❤️❤️❤️)
⤷ ynusername love you, G 💖
user05 can Yn please share her skin care routine with us? home girl is glowing!!!
ynsfriend the shirt omg hahahaha I love you guys sm
username1 Angie is so cute!!
ynusername 🩷🩷🩷
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liked by estebanocon, ginaschumacher, and others
ynusername went vroom vroom this weekend 💙
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user03 I am so ready for the paddock pics aaaa
mickschumacher love you, pretty!
⤷ ynusername love you more, blondie <3
oconzinho31 omg so this is his gf?? She’s stunning!!!!
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liked by estebanocon, lewishamilton, and others
mickschumacher had a great week ❤️
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estebanocon it was nice catching up with you guys
⤷ ferrarifanatic he says as if they weren't together every weekend lol
⤷ schumashoes nah but they were gossiping I'm sure, during the weekend the focus is racing
ynusername 💞💞
lancestroll 🥂🥂
charlesleclown I wanted to be Yn sm. Can you imagine being this pretty and also dating Mick Schumacher?!
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liked by franciscac.gomes, lilymhe, and others
ynusername 💛 a little throwback time to Angie a year ago
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ginaschumacher omg I'm so used to seeing Angie that I didn't notice she lost her puppy face
lilymhe 🤍🤍🤍
1directionpaddock all of her dumps are so aesthetic, I'm in love
yukilover Yn you should show your face more, you're so pretty 💘
mickschumacher my princess and my queen ❤️
⤷ ynusername yeah, Angie is our little queen 💗
⤷ mickschumacher you're my queen, silly 😜
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liked by sebastianvettel, carlossainz55, and others
mickschumacher week's dump
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lancestroll where am I? 🤨
⤷ estebanocon you were gossiping with Yn and Albon
⤷ ynusername as if you weren't gossiping in the last pic huh
⤷ strollingaround LMAO get them, queen!
hamiltontouch can someone make a fan account for Yn clothes? I need all of her sets, they're too perfect!!
lewishamilton ❤️❤️
rbrvettel can we keep seb forever please? :(
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liked by georgerussell63, lilymhe, and others
ynusername It's the most beautiful time of the year 💚❤️🤍
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ginaschumacher one more xmas together 🥰
jackdoohan 💚
mickschumacher every time is the most beautiful time of the year as long as I'm with you
⤷ ynusername you're so cheesy
⤷ mickschumacher just for you 😚
monzasainz I wanna cry they're so cute
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liked by lancestroll, danielricciardo, and others
mickschumacher month dump: sza concert, we adopted a sister for Angie, and we're moving to a bigger place 🤍
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estebanocon now you're a father of two
interlagoshamilton Mick account is actually a fan account for Yn I said what I said 🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️
⤷ tauritsunoda and you’re right, bestie!
happyricciardo I wanna be loved the way Yn is, get flowers, and praises, and have a man obsessed with me the way Mick is with her *crying in single*
ynusername I love you forever, blondie 💗 here to many more years together
⤷ mickschumacher I love you the most, Schatzi
lilymhe 🤎🤎 ily guys!
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― ⋆🪩 VOICEMAIL: Hi, besties! I hope you guys like this piece! I wanted to write something fluffly, but didn’t have the biggest idea so I went with just fluff, that’s all there is to the piece, but I hope you like it! 🤍 make sure to let me know your thoughts by reblogging and leaving me an ask!
taglist: @sachaa-ff @ferrariloverr @mickslover @fdl305 @lunnnix @saintslewis @mishaandthebrits @iloveyou3000morgan @smiithys @crimeshowjunkie @carojasmin2204 @chaoticevilbakugo @f1kota @wondergirl101ks @shhhchriss @leclercsluv @karmabyfernando @baby-is-crying @crashingwavesofeuphoria @v1naco @cixrosie @elliegrey2803 @he6rtshaker @therealcap @mehrmonga @thatgibbsygirl @the-depressed-fellow @darleneslane @skepvids @goldenalbon @nichmeddar @buckybarnessweetheart @nzygftoji @fastcarsandshit @scopeiguess @jamie2305 @balekanemohafe @callsign-scully @schumacheer @dearxcherry @princewis
✷ check here my main masterlist | patreon masterlist and my taglist  if you wanna be tagged on my pieces
©thisismeracing do not copy, steal, or translate my work. do not repost on a different media platform.
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ebenrosetaylor · 4 days
Dear/Lovely supporter🌷
I hope you're well😃. I'm doctor Mohammed Aldeeb,a medical doctor from gaza🇵🇸🕊🍉 , my family and I have faced a devastating loss😓; our home and my workplace at the hospital have been destroyed😢💔. We are in dire need of assistance to rebuild our lives🥺🙏❤.
I've started a fundraising campaign and urgently need your help to spread it to the world💚🤍.
Reblogging our story on your platforms would greatly increase our reach🥺🙏🇵🇸🖤.
Please know that our campaign is verified😁by @el-shab-hussein @90-ghost @nabulsi @mangocheesecakes,
and all funds will go directly to our recovery efforts💞.
Thank you for your support during this challenging time🙏🇵🇸.
Best regards,
Dr.mohammed aldeeb from gaza.
Of course!
This fundraiser has been verified by numerous people, including @90-ghost. Please share and lend your support in any way possible! 💖🙏
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jeonsbabygirlsworld · 9 months
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SUMMARY: Mingyu always fantasied about you and now finally, Jungkook lets him have a taste but who knew this isn't a onetime thing and how you have them both wrapped around your pinky.
PAIRINGS: Jungkook X Mingyu X Reader
WARNINGS: ⚠️⚠️ contains cheating themes , smut, MDNI . Part 1 thank-you for all the notes love the way y’all supported this fic also this can be read as stand alone but part 1 is recommended
This part is the flashback of when they first started fucking and it comes back to present in last.
SMUT WARNINGS: Mingyu sees their sex tapes in Jungkook's phone that's what gets him whipped, Blowjobs , fingering, reader is called slut and whore, double penetration, sex tape, Haerin calls while mid fucking, Jealous gyu kook, that's all ig ? lmk if I miss anything.
A/n: Thank you to the sweetest person for requesting this I tried hard to fill up your requests <3 lmk if you like it. Tumblr works on reblog system please reblog !! Also a simple “it good or it’s great”can make my entire day 💞
Mingyu always wondered how your pussy would feel against his cock, Jungkook would never stop obsessing over your tight pussy you were a squirter, and you were into BDSM, you were also into food play, and you also had a breeding kink!
Today they both were hanging out near the basketball court when you texted Jungkook. “Hey Kook, you have a text from y/n” Mingyu informed while Jungkook was in the court practicing for the upcoming match.  
He throws the ball in the basket jogging over and sitting next to him. Mingyu choked on seeing the text.  
Baby❤️: sent a video ! A gift for you 💞
A low “fuck” is heard from Jungkook’s mouth lifting up his head to see Mingyu giving him a nervous grin.  
“Fuck Jungkook look at her” Mingyu almost curses at how beautiful your ass looks. “Dude back off you have a girlfriend already” Jungkook says almost instantly offing his phone. “Dude fuck her look,at her she is so messy” Mingyu babbled.  
“I know she just gets so dumb and tells me to make a mess over her pussy” Jungkook explained. Mingyu’s cock twitched at the sight “Kook Lemme get a taste, just one time and I’m going to back off” Mingyu begs.  
Jungkook thinks for a moment and shrugs off nodding his head “Cool bro jus once's Kay?” Jungkook says. Who knew this wasn’t going to be a one-time thing you three were up for the ride.  
A few days passed by, and Mingyu tried sneaking out but failed Harein constantly clinging to his side.  
It’s Jungkook’s basketball match he invited you to watch him play. Cheering for him you wore a small black skirt and a white tank top, clinging to Taehyung by your side. In mid-game, you don’t notice but Jungkook and Mingyu share a brief eye contact. His team wins while you go to the locker rooms finding him between the boys.  
“Hey, you did great today” You give him a peck, and the boys soon disperse leaving only you, Jungkook and Mingyu in the room “Yeah? Scored just for you baby” he chuckles his arms clutching around your waist while Mingyu walks behind you.  
Only to notice he is way too close to your ass, now you are sandwiched between both the bulky men. You hesitated to mutter a small “Mingyu?” You look at him turning to see him with your back now pressed against Jungkook.  
“Yes, baby?” He whispers softly his hands coming to grab your cheeks making them in a pouty manner. Jungkook whispers in your ear “Will you be good for him? He wants to have you too” getting a bit confused “Wasn’t he dating Harein already?” 
“Mingyu what about Harein?” You ask him while he scoffs “What about her, nobody’s going to know about this” He clears up while you hesitate for a bit and nod slowly inching towards his lips.  
“Mm gyu” you moan when he bites on your lower lip. “Let’s get out from here yeah?” You suggest that ,Mingyu said he would join you both in your house.  
You were in your panties only when Mingyu arrived. Your hard nipples and the wet spot on the panties made his cock stir in his sweat. You sat there with Jungkook's cock in your mouth groaning and moaning trying to take him completely.  
“Gyu come she was waiting for you, she got so slutty and told me she wanted you to remove her panties” Jungkook groans when you get down to suck on his balls, hallowing your cheeks when come at his tip. Mingyu chuckled while you got shy under his gaze.  
Jungkook walks away to give him space while you whine “Now Mingyu is here baby, let him see your pussy yeah baby?” Jungkook says helping you to lay back and sitting beside you palming his wet cock.  
Eagerly Mingyu reaches to slide those panties off your legs groaning at the site when a transparent string of your slick joins the panties throwing it towards Jungkook “Here kook cum on those make it messy” Mingyu says kneeling at the end of the bed.  
He looks up at you when he sees your hole clench around his fingers when he traces silly shapes on your pussy “Want it baby? I know I can see it. got me so fucking horny when you sent the your sex tape” Mingyu tells you his fingertips just below your hole.  
“Want it, need it, look I’m wet” You give him your puppy eyes your hands coming you grab at his wrist and insert his fingers. “Look Jungkook you got the best girl for yourself she gets her work done on her own, so tight,”He says looking over him and helping you with his mouth now closer spitting at your clit.  
The rubbing made it a bit swollen and puffy. The thrust of Mingyu’s long fingers made you twitch in your place. “You're so perfect baby I’m so fucking lucky to have you”Mingyu comes up and leaves some pecks on your lips.  
You look down to slightly smile “fuck don’t smile like that makes me fucking crazy” he groans “Gyu I want to cum”you whine looking at Jungkook wanting to hold his hands while Cumming.  
You soon reach your high knuckles white by grabbing the bed sheets tight. Mingyu stands tall in front of you telling you to turn around and go sit on Jungkook’s lap kissing his lips you mutter a small “hi”. While Mingyu undresses himself. 
Mingyu reached to grab the strawberry lube from the nightstand took an adequate amount and started rubbing all over his hard cock you turn around to see the leaky tip and the prominent veins.  
You turn around so quickly when Jungkook groans “fuck you Mingyu I had wrapped her around my finger and now she runs away”he complains while you whine wanting Mingyu’s heavy cock in your mouth.  
“Aw, such a cock deprived slut you are”He mocks while you take his lubed-up cock in your hand palming them while you sway your ass in the air signaling Jungkook to already fill you up. 
“You want me to fuck you while you have his cock in your mouth baby?” Jungkook gets on his knees real quick understanding you and you nod looking back.  
“Want it kook I’m already wet, see? You can slide in just right” you say going to suck on Mingyu’s balls while he is a moaning mess above you.  
“Of course, you are, going in yeah baby?” Jungkook warns slowly sliding his cock into your pussy lips, his red tip kissing your swollen clit and then sliding up your hole after a few teases.  
You grunt out a choked moan when you feel him already kissing your cervix with his hard cock. You lap at Mingyu’s hard cock when he is about to cum, he pushes you off his cock telling Kook he wants in too.  
Now the positions have been changed Jungkook laid on the bed with you on top of him with Mingyu above you. Jungkook’s slicked-up cock nestled between your pussy while Mingyu rubbed lube over your ass tracing his cock over the clenched muscle slowly inching his cock closer towards your asshole. 
  Jungkook growls grabbing your cheeks while Mingyu thrusts inside almost screaming at the tightness. you cried at the feeling of both of their cocks drilling your ass and pussy. That’s when Mingyu grabs at his phone recording how your ass is bouncing and how you were taking Jungkook’s cock too.  
“Kook she is our slut, aren’t your y/n?” Mingyu bends down kissing your shoulder blade your neck nestled in Jungkook's neck. “Yeah, your slut” you cried.  
They both thrust inside you at an animalistic pace “Get louder can your y/n?” Jungkook grits giving up a couple of taps on your cheeks “Mm Jungkook so good” you bawled feeling overwhelmed.  
You face jungkook speaking in between“Kook so good I think I’m going to squirt so fucking bad,”you said, your puffy clit bumping against his abs when Mingyu thrusts hard.  
“Ahh just do it baby, make a mess” he says. When you three were about to come a loud ringtone was heard it was Harein.  
Mingyu ignored it and focused on Cumming when he heard it ring for the third time “fuck you Harein” Mingyu growled slowing up his pace.  
“Why the hell are you calling me?” Mingyu says already pissed off by his orgasm snatched right under his nose. “I’ll be there in a few hours something came up”he says abruptly cutting off the phone and not hearing her blabbering.  
“Cum baby cum” Mingyu tells you soon Cumming inside you while Jungkook drains his load in your pussy you now collapse completely on top of Him panting heavily.  
“Fuck this was the best fuck I’ve ever had”Mingyu chuckled slowly removing himself while his cum dripping down your ass staining the sheets and some dropping in between your pussy and where Jungkook's balls were there.  
“Fuck gyu can feel it dripping down” you moan your arms clutching Jungkook's neck and you purred getting comfortable in his hold. While your ass hole clenched. “Drained me out baby,” Jungkook says petting your hair.  
This continued on for a while Mingyu came at every other chance he got, ditching on Haerin became an everyday thing for him. The sex was rough, messy and new kinks were added whenever you fucked.  
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Today was a bit different, you were busy with your studies when Mingyu comes barging in your apartment when he backed you away at the nearest wall kissing you, you sensed something must be wrong sucking on few purple hickeys on your neck he finally spoke “felt good whoring around with taehyung today?” he questioned. 
“Gyu what are you talking about we were just talking, there is nothing between me and Tae.” you answered your hands grabbing on his neck keeping him at one place “I fuck only you both alright? And you both are the best yeah Gyu?” you whispered in his ear.  
With that Mingyu lifts you off the ground you giggled your legs coming to wrap around his tiny waist. Soon you both made your way to your room . Your back was pressed against the bed he grabbed on your already hard nipples tugging them “no bra? Fuck so good” Mingyu moans his hard on rubbing at your core. 
“Fuck me already, can you? Been dying to have it, I know I'm wet enough” you say removing your cloths getting naked, “fuck alright” he stands up to his full height grabbing on his cloths and getting him naked as well.  
Thats when you heard Jungkook coming in your room. “Started already? Thought we agreed on getting off it together bro? Did she deny the fact she's seeing taehyung hm?i hope she knows he's nothing compared to us, and he should see he won't ever be able to compete with what we got here” Jungkook chuckles taking out his phone. While Mingyu speaks up “make a video yeah kook and sent it to tae, gonna let him know she is ours” Mingyu gets in his position his hard cock rubbing in between your soft dewy lips.  
A string of his pre cum attached to your lips when he pulls back to see in between you. Jungkook sits on the sofa recording you both.  “Fuck me already gyu” you whine your patience running out “yeah baby going in now” he tells you thrusting inside you. “This pussy has me whipped bro” Mingyu speaks in between looking at jungkook .
The room was filled with your crying and chocked up moans his cock hits you right at your g-spot, your clit begging for his fingers to rub on it. And he notices them right away giving you what you want Jungkook still recording you both. His hips shuttered when he was about to cum, “Gonna cum y/n”he warns when he fills you up with his hot cum.  
Jungkook gets a blowjob that night ending it with a soft aftercare session pampering you with an oil massage and your favorite food. It’s good to see your both boys getting jealous once in a while. You thought while silently smirking in your head.  
While having dinner you have a thought which the boys notice by your silence “speak up baby what's wrong” Jungkook heaves out “nothing kook I'm just worried what if tae shows the video to his friends his friends know Haerin really well” you finally speak up while Mingyu makes sure it's nothing to worry and They'll take care if something happens. 
TAGLIST : @jungk97kwife, @kimmingyuswifee , @httpjeonlicious , @meraofc
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winterrrnight · 3 months
“the blue in your eyes” — new beginnings chapter IV
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PAIRING: stepdad!soft!rafe cameron x mom!reader
EDITH SPEAKS: I am so so sorry for the break I took with updating this! I'll try to be much more regular now <3 <3 please reblog if you enjoyed this and share all your thoughts 💞😊 I am sorry if this feels super boring right now but honestly it wasn't ever really meant to really interesting either 😭😭
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It’s been over one week since Sage joined Rafe’s class. You've noticed the big increase in her happiness; she comes home with a big grin gracing her face, and she proudly shows you her art pieces and small arithmetic and alphabet assignments she did with a huge good star adorning almost each one of them.
“Mamma look, Fafe gave me a star!” She would tell you, jumping around as you look at the star, along with the ‘very well done!’ written next to it.
You’re on your way to pick her up from the school, after finishing up with your own work. As you walk inside the school, you notice Rafe, Sage, and the rest of her classmates sitting in the grass in a circle. You can hear the little children giggling and Rafe laughing along with them. You can't help but smile at the sight; watching Rafe being extremely sweet with the children, always praising them when they do the little things right.
“Okay Sage it’s your turn,” Rafe smiles, handing her a football. “What do you love most?”
“My mamma!” She says, without hesitating even for a second. You softly gasp as you hear those words come from her mouth, deciding to stay here just for a moment more to see how this conversation unfolds.
“And what do you love about her?” Rafe asks her next, the smile still tugging on the corners of Rafe’s lips.
“She is pretty,” Sage sighs. “and she makes me happy.”
Hearing Sage not only call you pretty, but say you make her happy has tears pricking your eyes quickly. A soft smile takes over your face as you watch how Sage glows talking about you, her sweet grin never leaving her, and her little pigtails bouncing when she nods her head. These are the moments when you realize how lucky you are to have Sage in your life.
In the next few minutes Rafe wraps up the class and more parents appear to pick up their children. As Sage spots you, she comes rushing you and clutches onto your legs, hugging them tightly.
“Hey baby,” you smile, bending down to her level as you press a kiss to her cheek. “Did you have a good day?”
She looks up at you and nods her head, a grin on her face. Although you can see she’s feeling tired, her eyes droopy and yawns escaping her lips. “Good day,” she smiles at you, and hugs you. You hug her back, his head nuzzling in your neck. You laugh as you pick her up, her resting on your hip. Just as you get up, you see Rafe looking at you from a distance. You can't help but smile at him, and he waves at you.
A few seconds pass and you’re still looking at him, a smile persistent on your face. Sage’s body relaxes in your arms, and you see she’s almost asleep. You give Rafe a small nod of your head and walk back to where your car is parked.
You set Sage in her car seat, her now being completely asleep. As you close her door, you turn around to see Rafe walking to you.
“Hey,” you smile at him as he approaches you.
“Hi,” he says back, a similar smile on his face. You take a moment to look in his bright blue eyes, the light shining on them to make them seem even brighter than usual.
He takes a look into the car window, seeing the small resting body of Sage. “She’s very smart, you know? And a bright ray of sunshine,” he says, smiling fondly at her.
“I wouldn’t doubt that, she absolutely adores you,” I say. “She comes back home each day with a huge smile on her face,” I sigh, my smile not leaving my face.
“She is just… such a beautiful addition to the class,” Rafe says softly. A moment of silence passes over you two as you steal a glance at Sage in your car, her resting deeply in her seat. The cotton floss clouds slowly shift in the sky, small streaks of golden, hazy sunlight falling on you two.
Just for a second, you see the sunlight strike across Rafe’s eyes, and they seem a brighter blue than usual. Not the usual navy blue, but a sapphire blue instead; the pupil seeming even darker. Your own eyes almost widen at the ethereal sight; it seems as if his eyes just changed colors.
“Uh y/n?” Rafe calls softly. You blink yourself out of your daze and let a small smile grace your face, noticing how the sunrays aren’t falling across his eyes anymore and they’ve returned to their usual dark blue.
“Nothing, you just seemed a little lost there… is everything alright?” He asks, furrowing his brows a little.
And it happens again.
The sunlight falls, and the electric blue appears again. But you try your best to not distract yourself much from it.
“Yeah yeah,” you say, “everything’s alright,”
Silence falls over you two again, but it’s short lived before Rafe speaks again.
“Listen I uh… I wanted to ask you something,” Rafe says. You tilt your head slightly, your brows furrowed slightly.
“Hm?” You hum, wanting him to continue.
He seems to be fumbling with his words, not knowing what to say as his gaze refuses to meet yours, his eyes looking everywhere but at you.
“I was wondering if…” he takes a deep breath, and you notice his hands are at his back, and your first intuition is that he’s probably fiddling with his fingers the way he seems so flustered. “I was wondering if you’d like to grab some coffee with me sometime…” He says, and his voice fades by the end of the sentence, the words dissolving in the air around you.
The creases in your forehead relax and your eyes widen slightly as you process the words.
You and Rafe. Out for coffee. That sounds like a date…
“I mean, we don’t have to have coffee, we can go to some other place if that’s more of your thing…” he rambles. “We don’t even have to go to some food place, we can go for uh… movies and such, or uh… an art museum maybe…”
You can’t help but softly smile at him. His cheeks tinted with a light pink as he rambles on, listing possible locations of where you can go as his gaze refuses to meet yours. It feels as if you’re a teenager, your first crush asking you out.
“Rafe,” you say softly, and he looks up at you. “The offer is beautiful but…” you take a deep breath, “are you sure it’s okay for you to go out for coffee with a… a parent?”
“Of course it is,” he says almost immediately. “Don’t think of me as your child’s teacher I just… I would love to get to know you better,”
You can’t help but smile at his words. The idea sounds quite nice to you, not to mention how Rafe has caught your eye since you first ever saw him.
Since you ended your marriage, you were busy with raising Sage, leaving you no time to put yourself out there for dating whatsoever. You barely even had time to even make a simple conversation with someone, seeing how you were always busy with either taking care of Sage or your own job.
But this? It feels right.
“Then it’s okay,” you say. “I’ll love to have some coffee with you,”
You can see how Rafe’s eyes light up; metaphorically and literally as the sunlight strikes against them and they turn the sharp electric blue, but it’s only momentary. His lips pull into a grin and he nods at you. “Sounds wonderful,” he says softly.
You acknowledge him with a nod of your own head, and pass on a smile.
This is good. This feels good.
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
taglist: @runningfrom2am @saccharinesammie @maybankslover @totalswag @madelynie @chenslucy @ietss @elle-mp3 @viawritesstuff @wallsdreams @lunalitva @sadfury @newsies-pape-girl @jamesbuckybarneswify @xxxlaura @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @callsignwidow @starkowswife @rafeinterlude @rylie-m @zulema222 @karmasloverrr @leixwhite02 @congratsloserr @rubixgsworld @dilvcv @fandom-life-12 @drewstarkeyswifehoe @jjchaer @f4ll-for-you @fishingirl12 @wearemadeofstardust0 @drewsmusee @stvrligghtt @rafegirly @leighbronk @addriaenne @rafesdrew @bejeweledreverie @crgirlsworld @valenftcrush @lillywildly @julovesurmom @raf3sgff @drewstarkey1bae @aerangi @moneymaybank @spideysimpossiblegirl @the-tortured-poets-depxrtment @mellyie + continued in rbs!
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jade-green-butterfly · 2 months
~Johnalthea💚🌌🌟💘'At All Costs'~
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More Johnalthea goodness I was excited to share with you all but this time, in the form of a beautifully breathtaking three-page comic, done by none other than the lovely and sweet @jaguardorado16~✨💓 This masterpiece of a commission was heavily inspired by the demo version of Wish's 'At All Costs' and this amazing fan storyboard/animatic as seen here 🌟 Although the movie is mostly reviewed as mediocre itself (despite the hidden references, secrets and easter eggs to other Disney classics) this song I really enjoy listening to~😌To me, it really gives off John Dory x Amalthea vibes (hence it being their love song list💕) it really fits them~💚💘 You cannot imagine how truly over the moon I am to have this wonderfully romantic and memorable moment between John and Ama brought magically to life~🪄✨🥹I am absolutely love, love, LOVING every single part and page to the stars and heavens above -LITERALLY~!!😍💖🥰🌌🥰💖😍 Every time I look at them this way - dancing and singing amongst the stars together, the song always plays in my head, it's absolutely perfect...EEEEEEE~!!🤩🌟💝🌟🤩And it's great to see Broppy witnessing the beautiful moment too~💙🩷😉
Thank-you ever so, soooo much in a million, my dear JD!!🫂💞😊💞🫂You have done true justice, captured Johnalthea ever so magnificently here in your amazing style~!👏🏻😁💝I am also very happy you see them as a super beautiful and charming couple, just like I do, along with Coossy~!😚💗
Bless you, my dear~🫶🏻😇🪽 It was a real pleasure to commission you and keep up the awesome work in all you do!✌🏻😘💕xoxo.
*~Reblogs are also deeply appreciated as well, so please do reblog as well as like! Thank-you kindly!~*
Comic Commission (c) @jaguardorado16~✨ Space Trolls (c) @x-elyssa-x~💜 Amalthea (c) @jade-green-butterfly (Me~!) John Dory (c) DreamWorks Trolls/DreamWorks Animation
'At All Costs' -Demo Version- (sung by Chris Pine & Ariana DeBose) (c) Disney's Wish
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mak-to-the-future · 2 days
Dear/Lovely supporter🌷
I hope you're well😃. I'm doctor Mohammed Aldeeb,a medical doctor from gaza🇵🇸🕊🍉 , my family and I have faced a devastating loss😓; our home and my workplace at the hospital have been destroyed😢💔. We are in dire need of assistance to rebuild our lives🥺🙏❤.
I've started a fundraising campaign and urgently need your help to spread it to the world💚🤍.
Reblogging our story on your platforms would greatly increase our reach🥺🙏🇵🇸🖤.
Please know that our campaign is verified😁by @el-shab-hussein @90-ghost @nabulsi @mangocheesecakes,
and all funds will go directly to our recovery efforts💞.
Thank you for your support during this challenging time🙏🇵🇸.
Best regards,
Dr.mohammed aldeeb from gaza.
Thank you! For anyone else who sees this, please donate to and share their campaign:
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myers-meadow · 1 month
Foolish Gratitude (Rolan x Tav)
Pairing: Rolan x Tav
Summary: After you saved Rolan from the shadow people, his mood worsens. It's up to you to make him feel better. AKA Rolan hatefucks you <3
Warnings: smut, 18 +, dub-con, penetration, (mild) spanking, degrading language, fem Tav (she/her and vulva used), submissive tav, no aftercare shown in the fic, no discussion of kinks or consent, Tav is into it though ^^.
Word count: 1767
This is my first ever foray into writing Rolan 💞✨, please be nice. Reblogs and comments are very appreciated (please feed my brainrot i beg). Proofread by the very kind @gauntermetaverse - thank you! Divider by saradika-graphics.
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Rolan is taking his loss hard. After that drunk night, he turns mean - doubly so after you save him from the darkness the next day.
The Last Light Inn is pleasant tonight. There's some gossip, some small hopes and dreams shared at a table, and some tears. At least there is still warm soup, you think to yourself as you sit down at a small table with a bowl full. It warms you in just the way you need it to. The rest of your companions are around, resting, playing board games, reading. Lae'zel is armwrestling whomever dares. Gale is talking to Halsin about the nature of the shadow curse. A quiet evening. Your bowl is empty, and you stand to return it to the bar.
"There we have her; our beloved hero," It could've been Raphael if it wasn't for the cruel sarcasm dripping from his every word. Rolan. "Come to the inn to gloat? To rub it into my face how much better you are?"
He's not even that drunk, but his anger is something fierce. In the past, you were understanding, kind. The man has been going through a lot. But now... Even you are losing patience in the face of his barbed words.
"Rolan," You start, your tone soft, not wanting this to escalate. "I know you're-"
He cuts you off. "No, you don't know. But I have something better in mind."
He grabs you by the fabric over your shoulder - you're in your camp clothes, no armour to protect you here - and drags you past the bar. All the while, he's hissing things at you like a cat who had her pride hurt.
To avoid escalation, you follow him willingly. Then, the door of a small food supply closet shuts and the lock clicks shut. The key clatters against the ground as Rolan drops it over his shoulder.
"A hero who doesn't know her place, that won't do..." He muses as he stands over you. A cruel smile licks at the corners of his mouth. "How fortunate I've always been a good teacher."
His tone is startling. He doesn't even seem drunk. "Rolan, that’s-" 
He clamps a hand over your mouth. He's so close that you feel his breath on your cheek as he turns your head to the side. He breathes deep. "You think you can solve everything." The grip on your cheeks is hard enough to make you feel he's gonna leave a bruise.
Your muffled sounds go ignored. Rolan chuckles, and it sends a weird tingling sensation through your lower belly.
"You're gonna have to be quiet for this lesson," He says, and with a dizzying movement, he turns you to face the wall. A warm hand gropes at your ass, through the thin fabric of that cute skirt you found in a chest at Sharess' Caress. His nails dig in. How good it feels, startles you. None too gently, he bends you over - still keeping his hand over your mouth.
"You're nothing more than any other adventurer in this inn. Yet you think you're owed all this gratitude, all this praise..." His voice curls meanly at the end. "You need to learn. To really feel where you belong." 
In his groping, he moves your skirt up and tucks in the waistband so it stays. The first slap, hard, short, without warning, has you twist against his hold, and with a muffled shout to match.
Rolan tuts. "Now, hero, is that how you take a little spanking? I would've thought you could take more. This is a disappointment, really."
The second slap lands on your other asscheek, just as stinging as the first. The third deepens the sensation. You don't struggle out of his hold, instead, you lean into it. After the fourth, he soothes your sore bum with strokes of his hand. That's far from the end, though. A fifth, a sixth, the heat increases, the stinging takes longer to leave after each slap. Seventh, eight, and you lose count. His speed increases, and your shouts of pain turn to whimpers as he tires you out.
He seems barely out of breath as he speaks again. "And that is the hero against the Absolute. Pathetic. Look at you. Whimpering after just a few meager slaps." Another sharp one lands, your whiny moan of pain punctuating his words. You're not sure you're hearing it right through the ringing in your ear, but it almost sounds like he moaned.
His hand lets go of your face, instead he pushes two fingers in your mouth. "If you can barely take a spanking, I'm not sure how you'll take this, but you owe me more than some pain."
The nails dig into your tongue, but you wet his fingers a bit too eagerly. "You want to help others, right? To serve them. You'll call me 'master', understood?"
You nod, but it's not enough. He jerks your head to the side by the fingers now hooked in your cheek.
"Yes," you manage to get out.
"Yes, what?" he grits his teeth. Another slap on your ass that feels like it's on fire.
"Yes, master." After you said it, you sigh in something close to relief that comes from the depths of your chest.
"Good. Finally you're beginning to understand." He lets go of your face fully, leaving you to feel cold without his touch. He tugs at the straps of your underwear, and the sound of fabric shifting emphasises the tension in your body. There was no way Rolan could've known your submissive streak, he really just needs to get all this pent up frustration out - somehow his wordless confidence and the lack of care for whether you enjoy it or not turns you on more. It's a primal feeling, that only very few people can unlock from within you. Exhilarating.
Something nudges between your legs, and with a start, you realise it's his cock. Even though you'd hoped this is where it was headed, had pined for him night after night, experiencing the real thing was so much more raw and real than you ever envisioned. He presses inside with little care for your comfort. It surprises you how smooth it goes in, even with you already dripping wet, it's still quite the stretch. His groan of pleasure is the most sinful thing you've ever heard.
His lips are at your ear, his tone changed completely to before. "Aren't you just good and wet for me? Filthy little slut."
Finally, his cock hits home somewhere deep inside, and the drag as he moves out is even better. "Gods, I needed this."
You can tell how much he needed this by how he wraps his arms around you, pressing your back against his chest. His horn bumps into your cheek, as he bites your bare shoulder. As slow as he went before, he seems to lose all control and sets a messy pace, slipping out and forcing himself back in again and again. The sounds of your slick and skin slapping skin are disgusting.
"Perhaps you have some redeeming qualities yet," he says, his playful tone returning as he relaxes. His grip around your torso is crushingly tight and you try to reach down to touch your clit, whining as he won't let you. "Na-ah, your first lesson isn't even done yet, you naughty girl."
Rolan fucks you roughly, his horn keeps bumping into you but neither of you mind. Every time he thrusts in, it draws attention to your sore ass, its small edge of pain only heightens the pleasure. His groans and moans are delicious. You angle your hips to make him hit deeper and he delivers, with a bruising pace. 
“Who knew the hero would be such a good little slut? Fuck, you feel amazing.”
“Rolan,” you moan, pressing your lips against his cheek. 
As much as you imagined fucking him as intense, your fantasies are nothing compared to the real thing. You moan something high-pitched as he hits just right, dragging his tip back and forth against the most sensitive parts of you. The feeling builds quickly, even without being able to touch yourself, and your breath is catching as the pleasure of being filled transcends all. 
His thrusts stutter, and although it takes great effort, he pulls out, and whirls you around. Surprised, but altogether too overwhelmed to resist him. He tugs you down to your knees. Your core throbs, yearning for him, but it’s your lips that now enjoy the taste of him. He’s salty, and you taste your own wetness on his length as he pushes himself into your mouth. When you gag, he grabs a fistful of hair, and prevents you from leaning away. No choice but to take all of him as he pumps himself in and out. Drool drips from the corners of your mouth as you try your best to please him. His groans are delightfully filthy, heavy with all his pent up emotion. Your own desire makes you light-headed. As soon as your hand darts down to your core, Rolan slaps them away. 
“What did I say? No touching.” He’s just as stern as a school teacher. Your core throbs around nothing. He groans as he makes you gag, “The others should see you now, on your knees, doing so well to please your superior.”
His grip on your hair tightens to something uncomfortable. “This just shows what can become of the high and mighty hero - ah, fuck - who amounts to nothing good without proper guidance.”
His thrusts grow sloppy, yet deep, so deep, fuck you need him inside of you so bad - he moans and pulls out. Ropes of cum land on your face, some on your tongue, or across your chest. You twitch as several flecks get in your lashes. Rolan looks so proud, smiling down on you like this, so pleased. A sense of satisfaction swells in your chest, even as you still tingle with ghosts of his touch, longing to be sated. 
Rolan bites his lip. “Such a good hero, really willing to go the extra mile for those in need…” He considers you for a moment, tracing a finger over your face. “I’m sure this is the best reward you’ve ever gotten, dear hero.” 
You’re not sure whether the curl of his lip is playful or contemptuous. After collecting enough cum on his finger, he presses it to your lips, for you to clean off for him. 
Despite, or because, of his mean expression, you say just what he wants you to say: “Thank you, master.”
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danijaci · 5 days
Dear/Lovely supporter🌷
I hope you're well😃. I'm doctor Mohammed Aldeeb,a medical doctor from gaza🇵🇸🕊🍉 , my family and I have faced a devastating loss😓; our home and my workplace at the hospital have been destroyed😢💔. We are in dire need of assistance to rebuild our lives🥺🙏❤.
I've started a fundraising campaign and urgently need your help to spread it to the world💚🤍.
Reblogging our story on your platforms would greatly increase our reach🥺🙏🇵🇸🖤.
Please know that our campaign is verified😁by @el-shab-hussein @90-ghost @nabulsi @mangocheesecakes,
and all funds will go directly to our recovery efforts💞.
Thank you for your support during this challenging time🙏🇵🇸.
Best regards,
Dr.mohammed aldeeb from gaza.
Hello, Dr. Aldeeb, of course I can! 🙏🙏 Thank you for reaching out. Everyone! Please share the campaign and donate if you can. I wish you the best, Dr. Aldeeb!
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dragonsorceress22 · 1 month
Nova needs a forever home!
Nova is a 9 month old classic tabby – male, neutered, and microchipped.
Nova has Feline Coronavirus which is contagious to other cats. Some cats can kick the virus, but Nova cannot. He needs a safe home where he no longer has to be isolated. Other pets and people totally okay! Only cats are at risk.
Nova has all of his claws but has never tried to claw the couch or curtains – he likes his scratching post. He is playful and active, clumsy, doesn’t mind being picked up, and will happily sit in laps when he’s tired of playing. He’s social and friendly and loves open windows.
Nova will come with a nice carrier, all of his toys, a couple cat beds, his scratching post, and a few blankets and towels, and all his medical history.
As a symptom of his virus Nova has digestive difficulties, so his dietary needs are sort of high maintenance but his current regimen is working well for managing his symptoms and letting him live a normal kitty life.
Please share this as much as possible so we can find Nova a safe and loving home!
Nova's Adopt A Pet profile
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astelren · 2 years
OP to you being clueless to their flirting/feelings II
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ೃ⁀➷ TW/CW: Fluff, Gender Neutral Reader, Teasing, Nothing much, Doflamingo being extra like always, let me know if I need to add more TW/Tags ♡ Minors please interact with me only by liking or reblogs. ➳ Characters: Nico Robin, Nami, Eustass Kid, Killer, Donquixote Doflamingo, Crocodile, Dracule Mihawk, Koby
⤠ Part I ⤟ One Piece Masterlist ⤠ Cbat Song ⤟
someone asked for Doflamingo, Mihawk, and Crocodile so here they are 💞💞 I hope you will like this, I'm not so sure about certain characters fhfkf
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In Robin's eyes, you are the cutest thing she ever saw in her life. You are so adorable over how completely oblivious you are to her flirting or everyone else's, she doesn't really have the heart to tease you that much. Still expect a very soft and kind "I like you very much" from her while she caresses your cheek in a very intimate moment.
Truth to be told, Kid hates you just a little bit. How fucking oblivious can you actually be?? Like, hello??? He's being flirting with you for ages, why don't you get the hint already??? Does he have to scream at you his love?! Because he won't do it. Just no. Accept his gifts of love which consisting of intense bullying (with love)
Killer doesn't mind that much. Sure, sometimes he does get slightly annoyed by it, but seeing you smile makes him forget about it. He also seems the type to not confess and prefers to watch you from afar, so it doesn't surprise me that you didn't get his "flirting", since he just clearly favours you (don't say it in front of Kidd though, he might get pissed about it lmao)
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Just endless teasing from Nami, we can end it there. You are just so cute, so oblivious, so adorable that she wants to squeeze you! Doesn't mind that much that you don't get it when she is flirting you, she just makes it very hard to not get the hint when she is so straightforward with her feelings, loving to see you getting so embarrassed.
How the fuck did you managed to think that Doflamingo is just being friendly (or nice) is beyond me. But okay. He clearly favours you with; luxurious gifts (even if you try to reject them), his attention only on you, and his not at all subtle flirting. Why should he hide his feelings when he can say time and time again how he likes you and wishes you to be a part of his family, he swears you will make a new beautiful addition.
The same could be said about Crocodile, much to his despise. He clearly favours you over others and doesn't mind flirting to the point of calling you different pet names without shame (I feel like he's the type of calling you doll, pretty face, beauty, etc). More protective of you since your obliviousness, but overall just finds it a charme. Sometimes he wishes you will get the hint though, deeply sighing whatever you comment over how nice Crocodile is.
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I feel like Mihawk would be very similar to Killer; just a lot more open with his feelings, his eyebrows frowning whatever you say what good friends you two are when he thought his way of courting you was very obvious but it's not like he minds it that much, he finds it quite cute how clueless you are. More excuses to protect you!
Koby is as bad as you are, so don't worry. He can't fathom the idea that his biggest crush ever has feelings for him, he simply can't accept it. However that doesn't mean he won't stop flirting with you even if you don't it get, he finds it a bit cute to be honest, but he will make sure you get how much his heart beats for you. He is very determined.
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This work belongs to @/sevywy, do not repost, translate, copy, rewrite or share on tiktok without my permission. Reblogs are appreciated and encouraged♡
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thisismeracing · 7 months
King of my heart | MS47 | Part. 23
― Pairing: Mick Schumacher x fem!hamilton!reader ― Warnings: graphic description of unprotected sex (fingering, dirty talk, and p in v), mentions of alcohol, and jealousy.  ― Summary: It the ending of the season and fans get a glimpse on Mick and Yn’s perspective. ― A/n: None of the pictures used are mine, they are all from Pinterest and other apps, but the work is, and I do not allow it to be published on a different platform. I would appreciate it if those things could be taken into consideration 💛
▸ my masterlist | my taglist | patreon guide ▸ you can support my writing by reblogging, leaving a comment (don’t forget to follow me if you like the piece), or buying me a coffee
part. 22 | series masterlist | part 24
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November, 2023
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liked by pierregasly, temsbaby, and others
lewishamilton You'll always be my baby sister, my bisty. I don't care how old you are, if you're dating, if you have kids of your own, or if you get married, you're forever the baby I held and knew I would protect with my life. Happy birthday theofficialyn 💙
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pierregasly Happy birthday, Hamilton baby! 🥳
⤷ hammertime_ why this is so funny to me
⤷ theofficialyn pierre 😠 hamilton baby sounds as if he’s my dad lol
ynfan my fav sibling duo 🥹💖
landonorris happy birthday to my fav brit girl! 💗💗
schumimick imagine having these genes and being born this pretty!
mickschumacher 🥹❤️
⤷ leclerccookies not even mick can’t resist baby yn!
⤷ dreiricciardo mick is the weakest for her and we know it
theofficialyn I love you, lew! thank you for always taking care of me 😭💗 my fav brother 💗
⤷ sainzfiftyfive do they have more siblings? what?
⤷ schumercedes I guess this is the joke, he’s her only brother 😂
georgerussell63 Happy birthday, Yn!!! Love you tons, please stop giving merc admin memes ideas 😘❤️
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liked by lewishamilton, lilymhe, and others
ginaschumacher life gave me a little sister and I have never been so grateful. Thank you for being you, and for shining your light on everyone around you. I wish you the happiest life, Yn. I love you tons! 👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏾💘
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fan02 Is that mickyn I see? Did gina just fed us mickyn crumbs? 😭😭😭😭😭😭
mickschumacher I had no idea you took that pic haha 💜 we look cute, ily
⤷ astonmartinha GINA POSTED MICKYN 😭😭😭
theofficialyn I love you, g! You’re a gift life brought to me and I’ll cherish and keep you forever! 👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏾💞💞
⤷ burrowleclerc oh to be best friends with my boyfriend’s sister
carmenmmundt 🥹🥰 Happy bday, Yn!!! You’re such a kind soul, and it’s an honor to be your friend. Ily!
ylnrain I find it so gentle and endearing the way the schumacher and the hamiltons became close friends all because of mick and yn. like, she could just be acquaintance with gina, but they’re always seem together and they truly root for each other, you can see it. and then there’s mick and lewis who got even closer during these past few months, like…this is some romance book typa shit and I love it!
⤷ norrizzfour bestie ur rant was longer than the birthday wishes but I love that for you 😅🤣
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liked by estebanocon, carlossainz55, and others
charles_leclerc I won't say you're like a sister to me or else your brother will push me off the track 🙄 but it's a pleasure to be your friend and to share the struggles and the good things of life with you. Thank you for always remembering about me with your sugary diet vegan desserts. Life is sweeter around you! Happy birthday, Yn ❤️
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pierregasly 👍
⤷ lewisfan not pierre jealous LMAO
⤷ theofficialyn he loves you a tiiiiiny bit more than he loves me, believe me
⤷ pierregasly yeah but he never said life is sweeter around me 🤬
⤷ arthur_leclerc he did say it was funnier tho
⤷ joris_trouche 🤔🤨🤨
⤷ theofficialyn did charles told you to comment this, arthur? 🤣
⤷ charles_leclerc I’m trying to avoid a future track collision here, Yn!
⤷ landonorris you guys so dramatic 🤦‍♂️
danielricciardo Happy birthday, Yn!!!! 🥳🥳🥳🙌🏻
carlossainz55 feliz cumpleaños, hamilton! ❤️❤️
scuderiaferrari so she HAS been bringing you sweets huh?
⤷ theofficialyn they’re all healthy I promise, I even talked with the nutritionist 😇
⤷ georgerussell63 rumor has it she didn’t talk with the nutricionista
⤷ georgerussell63 but they’re all healthy anyways, calories free and all, even I eat some!!!
⤷ theofficialyn I was about to call alex to beat ur ass!
franciscac.gomes feliz aniversário, yn! 🥹🥰💗 te amo!!!
⤷ theofficialyn I love you more, kikaaaa! 💘💘
🐦‍⬛ twitter
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liked by danielricciardo, mercedesamgf1, and others
mickschumacher I am the luckiest guy for having you in my life. I still remember the first time I saw you, and to this day I still feel all giddy whenever you walk into the room. I wanna spend the rest of my life by your side, smiling, laughing, crying, talking, sharing every moment. I wish you the happiest birthday, and an even happier life, Schatzi. I love you 💛 here’s to many more birthdays together
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ynsunshine the mickey shirt 😭
⤷ spanishgp23 isn’t that how yn calls him?
⤷ ynsunshine exactly!!!!! 😭
estebanocon happy birthday, yn!! 🩵🩵🩵
mercedesamgf1 happy birthday to the merc’s garage sunshine 💓
theofficialyn forever 💗
🐦‍⬛ twitter
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liked by exudoblues, pierregasly, and others
theofficialyn had a great time in Brazil with some even greater people 💛💚💙🤍
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brunamarquezine te amooooo! 🩵🩵 (Ily)
keepupwthehamiltons I saw yn was with Iza too, and I’m manifesting something between iza and lewis like 😩😩 they would be so powerful together
mickschumacher ❤️
satelliteferrari mick showing up twice 🥰 she really said MY man
lewishamilton thank you for always having my back 💙
⤷ theofficialyn you’re my forever number 1! Love you, lew 😘
⤷ hamiltonsiblings my forever number 1 😀🥲☹️😭 meanwhile my brother calls me ugly in every possible language
1directiontrack I say give Yn the citizen title too 🇧🇷
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liked by estebanocon, lancestroll, and others
mickschumacher vegas, baby! 😚
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gaslightgasly I wonder if the last pic isnt a soft launch for his new seat next year 👀
⤷ schumicedes I haven’t thought about it, but it makes sense…
mickynshipper I love how they’re the center of each others posts 😩💗
sainzleclerc God, I’ve seen what you done for others 🙇‍♀️
estebanocon I like the new haircut 😎
gaslybestie I can’t be the only one who had some very age restricted thoughts with the fourth pic…
⤷ vettelforever oh you’re def not alone on this train bestie
porscheschumi I am invested on this porsche 2024 mick!! omg omg
December, 2023
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theofficialyn & mickschumacher
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liked by temsbaby, lilymhe, and others
theofficialyn it's the most beautiful time of the year 😍❤️🎄
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lewishamilton sickenly cute, but ily 🤍
ginaschumacher its even prettier sharing it with you guys 💚
ynfan2 the way they're always included in each other's dump is so wholesome, I bet they waited way too long to do it, and now it must feel liberating
⤷ russellsainz they're showing off but I would too if I dated one of them
estebanocon merry xmas!! 🎅
sunnyyn its their first Christmas together I'm crying pls
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────── ⋆🪩 VOICEMAIL: Hi, lovelies! I hope you liked this quick chapter, we're about to reach the last one and I'm a bit nervoussss hihi Let me know your thoughts on this chapter and komh in general *mwah*.  
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taglist: @sachaa-ff @mickslover @mishaandthebrits @fdl305 @iloveyou3000morgan @crimeshowjunkie @saintslewis @carojasmin2204 @chaoticevilbakugo @wondergirl101ks @smiithys @shhhchriss @f1kota @lunnnix @karmabyfernando @crashingwavesofeuphoria @schumacheer @callsign-scully @v1naco @dearxcherry @elliegrey2803 @peachiicherries @he6rtshaker @therealcap @mehrmonga @the-depressed-fellow @cixrosie @darleneslane @buckybarnessweetheart @nichmeddar @fastcarsandshit @goldenalbon @balekanemohafe @jamie2305 @nzygftoji @skepvids @bbreezybitch @graciewrote @ferrariloverr @heelariously @thatgibbsygirl @minkyungseokie @scopeiguess @princewis @leclercsluv @alessioayla @littlesatanicassholebitch @barcelonaloverf1life @noncannonships @fanboyluvr
©thisismeracing. do not copy, steal, or translate my work; do not repost on a different media platform.  
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chappellrroan · 3 days
Dear/Lovely supporter🌷
I hope you're well😃. I'm doctor Mohammed Aldeeb,a medical doctor from gaza🇵🇸🕊🍉 , my family and I have faced a devastating loss😓; our home and my workplace at the hospital have been destroyed😢💔. We are in dire need of assistance to rebuild our lives🥺🙏❤.
I've started a fundraising campaign and urgently need your help to spread it to the world💚🤍.
Reblogging our story on your platforms would greatly increase our reach🥺🙏🇵🇸🖤.
Please know that our campaign is verified😁by @el-shab-hussein @90-ghost @nabulsi @mangocheesecakes,
and all funds will go directly to our recovery efforts💞.
Thank you for your support during this challenging time🙏🇵🇸.
Best regards,
Dr.mohammed aldeeb from gaza.
verified by @/el-shab-hussein and @/90-ghost
Current Status: €14,002 raised of €30,000 target since 16th April 2024. Pls donate as much as you can and share it!!
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lemonsweet · 1 day
Dear/Lovely supporter🌷
I hope you're well😃. I'm doctor Mohammed Aldeeb,a medical doctor from gaza🇵🇸🕊🍉 , my family and I have faced a devastating loss😓; our home and my workplace at the hospital have been destroyed😢💔. We are in dire need of assistance to rebuild our lives🥺🙏❤.
I've started a fundraising campaign and urgently need your help to spread it to the world💚🤍.
Reblogging our story on your platforms would greatly increase our reach🥺🙏🇵🇸🖤.
Please know that our campaign is verified😁by @el-shab-hussein @90-ghost @nabulsi @mangocheesecakes,
and all funds will go directly to our recovery efforts💞.
Thank you for your support during this challenging time🙏🇵🇸.
Best regards,
Dr.mohammed aldeeb from gaza.
Of course,
This fundraiser is vetted and has reached 14,856 of its €30,000 goal, please donate or share if you can!
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winterrrnight · 6 months
Wedding / honeymoon with Drew for ig au ?
thank you for this request nonnie! I hope you enjoy this 💞💞 do let me know your thoughts if you wanna xx
PAIRING: drew starkey x fem!reader
SUMMARY: an instagram blurb about you and drew getting married and going on your honeymoon.
EDITH SPEAKS: I wasn't able to find a good face claim for this one so I decided to use faceless pictures from pinterest. please know none of these are deciding what you look like, they are used purely for imagination purposes :)
I made up all the instagram users, so if by any chance I have your instagram user used here, I'm so sorry I promise it was a total coincidence!
please like, reblog and share your thoughts 🥺 I love to interact with you all <3
navigation || join my taglist || requests
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liked by rudeth, brooke_starkey and 3,281,492 others
yourinstagram what a day it was celebrating the start of our new life ❤️ drew, I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for us 🎇
tagged: drewstarkey
drewstarkey 💘💘
drewandynschild HAPPY MARRIAGE!!!! 💗😭
rafecore oh my goddd they're so cute 🥹 wishing only the best for them <3
vogueweddings congratulations!! 🤍✨
-> yourinstagram thank you vogue 💞
madelyncline mr. and mrs. starkey 🫶🏻
-> yourinstagram 🤭
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liked by user21, obx_is_life and 89,281 others
drewstarkeyupdates y/n via ig stories!
tagged: drewstarkey, yourinstagram
rafeyyy omg their honeymoon 🥹
zachmaclarensgirl can they adopt me or smth
drewsrafe oh lord he's so cute
-> karabaeee FR FR FR
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liked by jonathandavissofficial, madisonbaileybabe and 4,421,964 others
drewstarkey wouldn't wanna do this with anyone else
tagged: yourinstagram
yourinstagram 🥺🤍
-> drewstarkey ❤️
fionapalomo how cutee 🫶🏻🥹
-> drewstarkey 💖
user82 ughh I love them smm
iluvrafe they are just my favourite people everrr
drewsify 🥹🥹
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liked by hichasestokes, theregoesrafe and 4,382,281 others
yourinstagram honeymoon diaries (drew being drew edition)
lilalovesdrew everyone say thank you y/n for all the premium drew content she's been providing us 😌
-> obxfan29 thank you y/n!!!
-> rafestarkey YEAHH THANK YOU Y/N
drewandynschild can't get enough of him 😭😭
maybankluvbot HES SO CUTE
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liked by drew_clouds, theotherzach and 99,291 others
drewstarkeyupdates drew with fans today!
tagged: drewstarkey
ayoitsyourgirl OH THESE ARE SO CUTE
cameronlovebot he looks like he gives the best hugs 🥺
misscarerra 🥹🥹🥹
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liked by rafelovesyou, rafeyyy and 70,382 others
drewstarkeyupdates y/n via ig stories!
tagged: drewstarkey, yourinstagram
olivia_cameron if my future husband doesn't take me to a honeymoon as amazing as this one I'm not going 😤
macklovesmaddie i love them smmmm
drewfan90 they fr gave us some of the best content ever
aurora.andrews my parents frfr
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
TAGLIST: @runningfrom2am @saccharinesammie @maybankslover @totalswag @madelynie @chenslucy @ietss @elle-mp3 @viawritesstuff @wallsdreams @tahliac11 @sadfury @newsies-pape-girl @jamesbuckybarneswify @xxxlaura @callsignwidow
(If you want to be added, check out the 'join my taglist' post on top! + send in requests if you have any, but please read the 'requests' post first!)
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