#please please please i need to know the in-world legal stuff
usertransducks · 4 months
you: hey how’s it goin-
me: Della was missing for over 10 years. When a person goes missing, within the first 7 years anyone who wants to declare them legally dead has to offer evidence that they’re no longer alive. However, after those 7 years, anyone who wants to declare a person alive has to offer evidence that that person isn’t dead and then its up to a judge whether the person is legally alive or not. Have Scrooge and Della gone through this process? Would Scrooge even be willing to spend the money to go through that process? Is Della still legally dead?
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evilwizard · 7 months
I do want to say, my views on AI “art” have changed somewhat. It was wrong of me to claim that it’s not wrong to use it in shitposts… there definitely is some degree of something problematic there.
Personally I feel like it’s one of those problems that’s best solved via lawmaking—specifically, AI generations shouldn’t be copywrite-able, and AI companies should be fined for art theft and “plagiarism”… even though it’s not directly plagiarism in the current legal sense. We definitely need ethical philosophers and lawmakers to spend some time defining exactly what is going on here.
But for civilians, using AI art is bad in the same nebulous sense that buying clothes from H&M or ordering stuff on Amazon is bad… it’s a very spread out, far away kind of badness, which makes it hard to quantify. And there’s no denying that in certain contexts, when applied in certain ways (with actual editing and artistic skill), AI can be a really interesting tool for artists and writers. Which again runs into the copywrite-ability thing. How much distance must be placed between the artist and the AI-generated inspiration in order to allow the artist to say “this work is fully mine?”
I can’t claim to know the answers to these issues. But I will say two things:
Ignoring AI shit isn’t going to make it go away. Our tumblr philosophy is wildly unpopular in the real world and most other places on the internet, and those who do start using AI are unfortunately gonna have a big leg up on those who don’t, especially as it gets better and better at avoiding human detection.
Treating AI as a fundamental, ontological evil is going to prevent us from having these deep conversations which are necessary for us—as a part of society—to figure out the ways to censure AI that are actually helpful to artists. We need strong unions making permanent deals now, we need laws in place that regulate AI use and the replacement of humans, and we need to get this technology out of the hands of huge megacorporations who want nothing more than to profit off our suffering.
I’ve seen the research. I knew AI was going to big years ago, and right now I know that it’s just going to get bigger. Nearly every job is in danger. We need to interact with this issue—sooner rather than later—or we risk losing all of our futures. And unfortunately, just as with many other things under capitalism, for the time being I think we have to allow some concessions. The issue is not 100% black or white. Certainly a dark, stormy grey of some sort.
But please don’t attack middle-aged cat-owners playing around with AI filters. Start a dialogue about the spectrum of morality present in every use of AI—from the good (recognizing cancer cells years in advance, finding awesome new metamaterials) to the bad (megacorporations replacing workers and stealing from artists) to the kinda ambiguous (shitposts, app filter that makes your dog look like a 16th century British royal for some reason).
And if you disagree with me, please don’t be hateful about it. I fully recognize that my current views might be wrong. I’m not a paragon of moral philosophy or anything. I’m just doing my best to live my life in a way that improves the world instead of detracting from it. That’s all any of us can do, in my opinion.
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filmbyjy · 6 months
husband ff Jake??
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a/n: ahhh i’m trying to finish past requests and i’m sorry this took too long 😭 i didn't want to write a too long of a story so this is just a small one. it is also crack bc i was not in my right state of mind to focus 😭
WARNING: mentions of pregnancy, talking about sex and stuff. no smut bc i can't write it anyways.
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“come on noona! it will be fun! travelling around the world with us and of course jake hyung.” sunoo excitedly exclaims.
you could see the excitement that the other boys had. especially, the boy who had his hands placed on your thighs. “please, baby? take it like another honeymoon until we actually have time for one.” jake pouts.
“oh, yeah. we could walk around and show noona some of the places we’ve been too!” jungwon says.
“I don’t know guys…I feel like I would be intruding. after all, I’m not part of enhypen.”
“but you are part of ‘our family’. besides, you and jake hyung are married!” ni-ki says.
you looked at the other boys for reassurance and they seemed okay with it but you still felt bad. they’d have to get an extra ticket if you came along with them and ENGENEs probably didn’t want to see you in their content.
ever since you and jake got married, there had been quite a lot of death threats sent to you. it was so bad to the point that enhypen’s legal team had to step in on behalf of you. despite having a legal team to help you with any threats, it still didn’t stop. you couldn’t even really leave the house without being recognised in the streets and some ‘engene’ yelling at you for stealing their idol from them.
it definitely didn’t help now that you’re pregnant. which was a surprise for jake (and the boys). this is also why you wanted to stay in Seoul. you couldn’t travel around, not when you’re at your early stages of pregnancy. actually, the obstetrician had already explain to you that you could travel around but you didn't want to take the risk.
“I don’t know, boys…” you say. ni-ki pouts. jake grabs your hand and squeezes.
“something wrong, baby? you usually don’t hesitate on hanging out with us. in fact, don’t you love travelling with us?” jake asks in the softest tone possible.
“I’m fine. I just feel scared…what if the ENGENEs find me annoying? I mean, I always somehow appear in your content and like they are forced to see my face. you know some of them don’t even like me.”
“well, first off. those aren't ENGENEs." jungwon says. "no ENGENE would hate on someone who is close to us or is family to us. besides, even if they are 'ENGENEs', they need to learn that jake hyung is happily married to you."
jake hums at jungwon's words. "you're my wife and they should respect that. i still show as much love to ENGENEs despite being married to you." jake tilts his head. "so, baby. you don't have to worry about a thing. i'll protect you and put you first over ENGENEs if they talk bad about you."
"thanks, babe."
"so why can't you travel with us? there must be another reason right?"
you sighed, "i'll tell you and the boys in a few days. don't worry, it's a really good explanation. i promise i'm not lying or trying to avoid it. i just haven't done something."
"now that's just making me more worried, princess." jake pouts.
"it's nothing bad, i promise. give me like 3 days."
"okay, fine. hmm, but in 3 days we'll be at practice the whole day."
"i know, i'll swing by your break as per usual."
the other boys were just as confused as jake but they just kept quiet.
3 days later
you had gone to HYBE to visit the boys like you usually did. you had brought some food, snacks and box with a balloon tied to it. a little extra thing for jake since you were going to reveal to him about your pregnancy. you had placed the food at the pantry so they could eat there.
you had knocked on their practice room door and popped your head in after you heard a 'come in'.
"i brought some food and snacks! come out before the food becomes cold."
the boys wiped their sweat and went out of the practice room. the coffee table was filled with food and snacks. their jaws dropped.
"did you plan this with the staff or something?"
"a little. it's a little reward for working hard for your tour." you say. jake goes over to peck your lips.
"baby, this is amazing! i married and dated the right woman!" jake exclaims. you laughed.
"what's that?" ni-ki points out the box with a balloon tied to it.
"dessert, eat the food first. it's going to be cold."
and so the boys dig into the food. with schedules being packed and having practices for the whole day lately, they were unable to eat such good food. they were thankful you were there to look after them and feed them well like a mom.
"okay, we're done with the food. i want to open the cake!" ni-ki pouts.
"mmm, how about we have jake open the cake and also cut it in the honour of the start of fate tour!" you say. the boys and jake didn't think much of it so they allowed jake to open and cut the cake.
when jake opens the cake box, he was met with the words "i'm going to be a dad!" and the ultrasound picture stuck to the roof of the box. his jaw drops as he slowly looks up at you. the boys looked over his shoulder as they noticed jake's shocked expression. their jaws dropped quickly after processing the words written on the cake.
"surprise." you shyly say.
"you're- holy shit." jake stands up and hugs you tightly. "i'm going to be a dad!!"
"wait wait. this is a lot to process." jay says. "you two have been fucking while we're all at the dorms..."
"no, that's not the main thing. they didn't use a condom! oh my god, you two are freaky!" sunghoon's face scrunches in disgust.
"we don't do it all the time! it was one time and that was to celebrate the day i proposed to her. i booked a hotel for me and (name) because i respected you guys."
"jake's little swimmers are working hard. just do it once and she gets pregnant?" heeseung says.
"why do you have to say it in the most graphic way in front of the younger ones." you hid your face on jake's chest, clearly embarrassed. not a single words were coming out of the younger members' mouths.
"okay, but can we eat the cake..." ni-ki voices out.
"yes, we can." jake says.
and so after the shock, everyone goes to enjoy the cake that you had brought. they cheered for jake and happily congratulated him. since they were going on tour, jake promised to always call and check up on you whenever he could.
and just before he left, both you and him announced to both of your parents that you were expecting. they all had thrilled faces when they realised that they would be grandparents. throughout the whole tour period, you had stayed with your parents as an advise from jake so that in case something happened, your mom would be around.
you were glad to have someone as caring as jake and you couldn't have asked for a better husband than him.
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anarchotolkienist · 2 months
you’re attacking that neopagan kind of birthstone post about druid plants, but could you please elaborate or at least clarify the explicit trope that is being used that has been historically weaponized?
I used to spend about a good third of my time on this godforsaken website attacking that idea, but sure, I'll do it again. This will be a bit of an effortpost, so I'll stick it under the readmore
There is a notion of 'celts' or Gaels as being magicial and somehow deeply in touch with nature and connected to pre-Christian worldviews that the people who decided to make up the "Celtic tree astrology" used. This is also why Buffy used Irish Gaelic as the language of the demons, why Warhammer uses Gaelic as Elvish, why garbled Scottish Gaelic is used by Wiccans as the basis for their new religious construct, why people call themselves Druids to go an say chants in bad Welsh in Stonehenge, or Tursachan Chalanais, or wherever, etc etc. This stuff is everywhere in popular culture today, by far the dominant view of Celtic language speaking peoples. Made up neopagan nonsense is the only thing you find if you go looking for Gaelic folklore, unless you know where to look, and so on and so on. I could multiply examples Endless, and in fact have throughout the lifespan of this blog, and probably will continue to.
To make a long history extremely brief (you can ask me for sources on specifics, or ask me to expand if you're interested), this is directly rooted in a mediaeval legalistic discussion in Catholic justifications for the expansionist policies of the Normans, especially in Ireland, who against the vigourous protestation of the Church in Ireland claimed that the Gaelic Irish were practically Pagan in practice and that conquest against fellow Christians was justified to bring them in like with the Church. That this was nonsense I hope I don't need to state. Similar discourses about the Gaels in Scotland exist at the same time, as is clear from the earliest sources we have postdating the Gaelic kingdom of Alba becoming Scotland discussing the 'coastal Scots' - who speak Ynglis (early Scots) and are civilised - and the 'forest Scots' (who speak 'Scottis' (Middle Gaelic) and have all the hallmarks of barbarity. This discourse of Gaelic savagery remains in place fairly unchanged as the Scottish and then British crowns try various methods for integrating Gaeldom under the developing early state, provoking constant conflict and unrest, support certain clans and chiefs against others and generally massively upset and destabilise life among the Gaels both in Scotland and Ireland. This campaign, which is material in root but has a superstructure of Gaelic savagery and threat justifying it develops through attempts at assimilation, more or less failed colonial schemes in Leòdhas and Ìle, the splitting of the Gaelic Irish from the Gaelic Scots through legal means and the genocide of the Irish Gaels in Ulster, eventually culminates in the total ban on Gaelic culture, ethnic cleansing and permanent military occupation of large swathes of Northern Scotland, and the destruction of the clan system and therefore of Gaelic independence from the Scottish and British state, following the last rising in 1745-6.
What's relevant here is that the attitude of Gaelic barbarity, standing lower on the civilisational ladder than the Anglo Saxons of the Lowlands and of England, was continuously present as a justification for all these things. This package included associations with the natural world, with paganisms, with emotion, and etc. This set of things then become picked up on by the developing antiquarian movement and early national romantics of the 18th century, when the Gaels stop being a serious military threat to the comfortable lives of the Anglo nobility and developing bourgeoise who ran the state following the ethnic cleansing after Culloden and permanent occupation of the Highlands (again, ongoing to this day). They could then, as happened with other colonised peoples, be picked up on and romanticised instead, made into a noble savage, these perceived traits which before had made them undesirable now making them a sad but romantic relic of an inexorably disappearing past. It is no surprise that Sir Walter Scott (a curse upon him and all his kin) could make Gaels the romantic leads of his pseudohistorical epics at the exact same time that Gaels were being driven from their traditional lands in their millions and lost all traditional land rights. These moves are related. This tradition is what's picked up on by Gardner when he decides to use mangled versions of Gaelic Catholic practice (primarily) as collected by the Gaelic folklorist Alasdair MacIlleMhìcheil as the coating for Wicca, the most influential neo-pagan "religion" to claim a 'Celtic' root and the base of a lot of oncoming nonsense like that Celtic Tree Astrology horseshit that started this whole thing, and give it a pagan coat of paint while also adding some half-understood Dharmic concepts (three-fold law anyone?) and a spice of deeply racist Western Esotericism to the mix. That's why shit like that is directly harmful, not just historically but in the present total blotting out of actually existing culture of Celtic language speakers and their extremely precarious communities today.
If you want to read more, I especially recommend Dr. Silke Stroh's work Gaelic Scotland in the Colonial Imaginary, Dr. Aonghas MacCoinnich's book Plantation and Civility in the North-Atlantic World, the edited collection Mio-rún Mór nan Gall on Lowland-Highland divide, the Gaelic writer known in English as Ian Crichton Smith's essay A real people in a real place on these impacts on Gaelic speaking communities in the 20th century, Dr. Donnchadh Sneddons essay on Gaelic racial ideas present in Howard and Lovecrafts writings, and Dr. James Hunter's The Making of the Crofting Community for a focus on the clearings of Gaels after the land thefts of the late 18th and early 19th century.
@grimdr an do chaill mi dad cudromach, an canadh tu?
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simplymarr · 6 months
Chapter one.
summary: vincent renzi x fem!reader.
A young law student is navigating her last year in university, where she meets a misteryous french professor that is going to help her getting her thesis done. A strong chemistry and a love for books and hard work it's what gets them to work so well with each other. But how much are they going to resist when temptation arrives?
warnings: age gap (legal ofc) he's 43 and she's 26. Other that that, none (yet).
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London. 8 am and a room full of people on a rainy day. Cold fingers on the desk, waiting for something to happen.
I looked over and the clock was still; maybe it was broken or maybe the time was way too slow in the morning. Even for me.
Today it was the last-first day i was going to have on that university. Five long years studying law, yet it felt like i was still a stranger in that big, cold classroom.
I was, finally, going to get my thesis done. No more wasting time, no more fear. I had to be strong.
How difficult could it be?
The world with its unique, hidden irony seemed to have answered my question when, all of a sudden, he walked through that old, wooden door.
Mature, maybe in his early forties. Tall but not too much; quite skinny. Long neck and serious countenance. Silver hair, some strands fell on his forehead as he walked across the room until he reached his desk. His polished clothes didn't look wet even though it was raining, and even for me to be so far away from him i could, somehow, sense that he smelled like cigarrettes and old fashioned, classic cologne.
Professor Vincent Renzi was his name.
He came from France. He said that he had recently won a case in the city, and that a colleague of his needed him to replace him for a few months at the university. A two-hour weekly class and, most importantly,
he was in charge of correcting some of the theses.
I hesitated the rest of the class, unsure of what was going to happen. Would he be easy on me? or would he be an idiot? After all, all male professors in law school seemed to treat women like they were not smart enough to be there. Or worse, like they fucked their way to the top.
Suddenly my feet stepped on earth again when i felt a deep voice making, in a strong french accent, a question that no one dared to answer.
"So, has anyone already started working on their thesis?"
Then, for inertia or maybe an obscure, unconscious desire to be seen by his blue eyes i raised my hand.
He smiled at me; perhaps relieved that he hadn't been ignored. Little wrinkles formed on each side of his mouth as he spoke:
"Great, at least someone is doing their job. Now, enlighten me, please".
I tried to leave as soon as the class ended.
Maybe it was the shame, the blushed cheeks as i explained to him the central themes of the thesis. For the first time, i felt like my tongue wasn't mine as the words kept coming out of my mouth, but i felt grateful for that.
However, due to how far away i was from the exit, i was the last one to leave. I slid between each seat until i reached the door where, luckily for me, he was standing, waiting.
"That was good. Very good actually". He said as he reached out for a pack of cigarettes between his pockets.
I stuttered.
"Well, thank you. There's still some issues i need to fix, you know. References and stuff". I tried, without luck, to sound as calm as possible.
"That's why im here". He said, staid but in a soft tone.
As he left the building and got into his car, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear and lighting a cigarette, i couldn't help but wonder
what the hell was i getting into.
next chapter soon
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devilfic · 11 months
I was wondering if you have any hcs for a jealous Selina Kyle? Thank you!
(gn reader please)
❝jealous!selina kyle❞
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pairing: zoe kravitz!selina kyle x gn!reader. cw: best friends to lovers, roommates to lovers, jealousy, possessive selina, she's a little toxica but she's too pretty to be mad at about it, author's taste in women is showing, knives, brief mention of childhood bullying. words: 2.6k.
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my god, do I ever
first of all, selina wants you to know that she is NOT the jealous type. how could she be? it wouldn't be... befitting of a woman who likes to stretch her legs and coil her tail ‘round whoever she pleases, whenever she pleases
as an orphan who has owned so little, she has evolved past jealousy, past watching the pretty girls with the happy families buy them everything they want
when she wants something, she takes it. and when it's hers? it's hers
so what's there to be jealous of? she gets everything she wants. and if someone tries to take her things... well. god forbid
you knew this, growing up with selina in the system. she had been in plenty of fights with the sniveling little boys who'd pull her hair and steal what little she could get her hands on
but what little she did have, she shared with you
you always felt a sense of pride at being the exception for selina, the only one she'd let get close
you were practically a part of her, joined at the hip everywhere you went. you didn't need to ask for she'd give you everything if she could
as you both got older, selina got faster
when those same sniveling boys would try to take her things, they'd wake up with pin needles in their boots or bleach in their soap bottles
they'd stopped messing with her pretty quick, but it also put selina in the hot seat with the wardens at the orphanage
by 13, selina was on the streets. she'd threatened you not to follow, told you she'd make a real life for herself, and it took all there was in you not to beg her to stay
but she'd sneak through the gates to see you in the courtyard, hiding and giggling in the tree branches together until the sun set
she'd walk you home from school and you'd share your leftover lunch with her (because it wasn't "worrying" about her if you ate too, it was just two friends shoveling cookies in each other's mouths and laughing all the way home)
by 16, selina was working at bars and nightclubs with fake IDs that promised she was 21
you told her how grown she looked in all that makeup and how she reminded you of those supermodels with their sultry bedroom eyes
and when all was quiet, she would sneak in through your dorm window and climb into bed with you, eyes still caked in glitter and lips still glossy red
and you couldn't help but get a little shy when she would kiss your cheek goodbye before sneaking out at sunrise
by 18, she had secured the keys to her first ever shitty apartment, and hadn't let you spend a day out in the real world before asking you to move in with her
and ever since, you have been selina kyle's one and only roommate
if you didn't count the cats
selina never really made it out of the club scene. she'd bounced from bar to bar and eventually landed at the iceberg lounge, her best-paying gig yet
but it also left you coming home right as she was leaving, only ever having the time to hug each other goodbye before you were forced to eat dinner alone
you'd always hoped that with you helping out on rent, selina could finally get a better job. somewhere sleazy dropheads weren't constantly trying to cop a feel
but she had her reasons, and she promised she’d never bring any of it back home to you
the extent of her nightlife, as far as she let you know, was her one little secret. you knew the lounge was teeming with unseemly types, and whatever happened behind closed doors wasn't exactly legal
and the other stuff—the things she did that covered the other half of her rent?—the less you knew, the better
what she did share were the dates
and selina dated. of COURSE she dated. she’d sometimes come home at 4 in the morning and you’d wake up, a light sleeper when she wasn't around, and she’d kick off her heels and slither into bed behind you and reprimand you for asking about her date when you’ve got to be up for work in 2 hours. but she’d tell you anyway, spinning hilarious webs about the strange people she let spend their dime on her
and you’d nod off in her arms as she sung you dreams of lobster takeout she made her date buy you in the fridge, promising to make you coffee before you headed off to work in the morning
and if you were to ask her the next day about her date, she’d blink and ask, “who?”
it really wasn’t a surprise to you how desired selina was
even in the orphanage, she'd been popular. you yourself had been entranced by her plenty of times before, and selina would tell you a million times how many street rats she'd had to turn down over the years because they got a little too attached
if you asked her if she’d ever commit to anyone tho, she'd just smile, “we both know you're the only one who can pin me down”
you didn't want to admit how often you'd imagined doing just that. and other things
you, on the other hand, have been in a constant struggle to hold down a real relationship
most of your prospective dates were kind, maybe a little awkward
but they also never went anywhere
you blamed it on the nature of gotham, a loveless city that made it hard to hold onto something sweet when the next minute was rarely guaranteed
you never came home from your dates with lobster or funny stories, just snuggling into selina’s open arms and swearing you didn't want to talk about it
you’d asked selina once, a little drunk on sadness, if you’d ever find someone to love you
and she’d taken your chin into her hand, forcing you to look her in the eyes, and told you very seriously, “I love you, and none of these bozos know what they’re missing out on.”
and then, quietly, when you had tucked your head back into her chest to hide the way her words had turned you to jelly, added on, “but I can’t say I hate having you all to myself.”
you hadn’t known then, but she really meant that
selina would continue to go on dates and bring you back gifts—things that were intended for her but she always insisted you have. it had weirded you out wearing the pretty bracelets and rings and more that her one-and-done dates would buy her, even more so when she would insist on you wearing them to work or on nights out on the town
but she always got this proud look in her eye when you would show off her gifts
borderline... hungry, even
god forbid if it was a piece of clothing, some piece she'd bought for you on a poor sap's black card during a shopping spree
she’d drape herself against the couch and command you to walk for her in your little living room, her hand brushing your thigh or waist as you pass her by, her eyes glinting as she would order you to twirl or pose or stand utterly still as her fingers drag up your silhouette to examine… something
or she’d come up behind you while you were washing dishes, her fingers plucking one of the rings she'd given you off the kitchen sink and admiring the little soap suds bubbling on the gem, murmuring something about how she should really get on top of dishes more often
or how she’d kiss your ear after climbing into your shared bed for the night, resting her hand on your hip where her fingers would just brush the waistband of your underwear
honestly, it was really hard to remember she wasn’t your girlfriend sometimes
after one too many internal what-are-we’s, you’d vowed to secure yourself an actual partner
and funnily enough, that was all it took
this date was smart, funny, a good listener, and definitely hadn’t killed anyone before
one uncertain date turned into two shaky dates turned into three hopeful dates turned into a month of steady dating
you could see the surprise in selina’s eye whenever you'd tell her that yes, you were going out again and yes, it was still the same person
but then she’d always wish you good luck, promise to break their knees if they broke your heart, and stand alone as you bolted off to see your new not-quite-something-just-yet
morning chats over coffee about the neighbors or the strays selina let wander in through the fire escape turned into "they're just so sweet" and "I really want you to meet them, selina" and "don't you have work in twenty?"
of course she'd grin and bear it when you talked about them. of course she'd pretend it didn't bother her, even if the cats would scamper away from her caress at the mention of your new... thing
you: and they’re really outdoorsy, they promised to take me on a picnic upstate whenever we got time off from work
selina: I bet you’d love that :) too bad your allergies are so sensitive :)) maybe I should take you on a rooftop picnic one day instead :)))
you're always going on and on about how she should meet them, but she never commits to a solid date
but she does want to know everything about them. not their interests or aspirations, but the things that even you wouldn't know
and although she’d never tell you this and you’d never find out, sometimes when you leave for those dates, she breaks into their place
it started out as a necessary precaution, something she told herself she had to do to protect you
there were sick people out there. selina knew that best
but god, if you found out, she wouldn't hear the end of it
it's that little part of her that she keeps secret from you. for your own good
and this too, snooping around your date's bedroom, was for your own good
checking their passport against a list of gcpd's most wanted was for your own good
staying up for you with her hand flicking their butterfly knife back and forth as you tumble through the front door, giggling and- she realizes then that you're not alone. they're here too
the two of you freeze in the front door where selina watches from the couch
"shoot, selina. I thought you had work tonight?"
she eyes you and your meek expression, then the equally bashful look on your date's face. she adores shy on you, adores it even more when she's the reason why, but them... "got off early. hope I'm not... interrupting"
but selina panics through all her bravado, imagines what would have happened had she not been here. would your date have coaxed you to the bedroom—your bedroom—and laid you down, kissed your neck where selina kissed you when she was feeling playful?
or would they have let you straddle them on the couch where selina sits now, windows wide open because they were just so smug that they were taking you from her so easily-
she clears her throat, shoves that thought away lest it get the better of her, and smiles
you look nervously between your date and selina, then very gently tell them that you'd probably have to rain check the rest of the night. you even insinuate to try their place next time, and selina imagines them kissing you on their sticky futon and... oh god, she's gonna lose it if she isn't careful
your date smiles and nods, shrinks back a little when selina rises abruptly to follow them out, and that's when your date notices the knife in her hand still being flicked between her fingers to the rhythm of her pounding heart
"oh, cool. I have a butterfly knife too! you're pretty handy with that." your date praises, sounding a little... shocked
selina smiles tighter, "yeah? you do?"
your date laughs nervously, "almost exactly the same, actually. I-I got it in college. I'm not as skilled as you, though. that one actually looks a lot like the one I have back at my place. that's such a... funny coincidence."
and it's really too much, but when selina thinks back on this moment, she will never truly forget the look in their eyes when she stabs the blade into the door frame right beside their head
if they weren't a little scared of her before, they were now
selina leans in and lets her hand drop from the hilt, "yeah, funny."
your date doesn't look at the knife, or selina, before wishing you a goodnight and bolting down the hallway
"selina, what the hell was that?"
"nothing! nothing. I was just... playing around. I didn't think they'd piss themselves."
you narrow your eyes at her, "you expect me to believe you didn't know what you were doing?"
"well, if they scare that easily, I'd rather them not be around you anyway"
"I mean, come on, pet. I've looked after you since we were kids and you expect me to let just anybody come take you away from me?"
"and I don't care if you've found someone—I couldn't care less, really—but at the very least pick someone with some teeth-"
in her pacing, you catch selina by the wrist and cage her against the kitchen countertop just to force her to look at you, your voice dropping to whisper her name, "selina?"
and she just. cracks
her eyes are wet with frustration and she doesn't want you to see, doesn't want you to see her laid bare so suddenly because she'd always thought.... well, she'd always imagined that this would go a little smoother
dinner over candlelight, rented out restaurant just for the two of you, wine and feeding you expensive sweets and every ruby and emerald and pearl she'd ever bought adorning you. making you shine in her fantasies like a bright light blotting out that nasty little speedbump of a wimp you called your date-
she pushes her lips against yours to stop the spiral, and because you look so pretty that it hurts to look at you for too long and not kiss you
it's quick. a peck, really
she does it to quell the raging storm of desperation in her but when she pulls away and your lip is wet from her kiss, the desperation swells all over again
you look like you're trying to process all those years of friendship, "playful" kisses, touches that you weren't supposed to think twice about
"you... but you... all those dates..."
selina shakes her head, and somehow admitting who she's been every night since she was 13 is a lot less scary compared to her heart bursting in her chest, "did you really think... all those gifts were for me?"
everything did always fit just a little too perfectly on you
you melt into her, dropping your head on her shoulder with the weight of the truth and you feel her laugh and hold you close by the waist
you press your burning face into the crook of her neck, "I never thought... I mean, I'd always kind of hoped that you... that you might feel the same. I'd just assumed I wasn't your type."
you feel her nails glide up your spine, dragging up your neck and causing you to full-body shiver, "baby, you are the type"
"so, the dates weren't real?"
"a few were. not all of them"
"how'd you afford all that stuff, then? penguin can't pay that well"
selina's nails pause in their caressing of your neck
you peel back some, waiting for her reply
gently cupping your throat, selina smiles innocently, "you're into leather, right?"
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taglist: @yikes-buddy @alexxavicry @theclassicvinyldragon @marina-and-the-memes @angxlictexrs
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isahorcrux · 1 year
In light of the recent announcement of the Harry Potter TV Show and the fact that this is primarily a Harry Potter fan fiction blog, the below needs to be said.
I am not excited about this show.
If you told my past self 5 years ago this, I’d be shocked.  Five years ago, if they announced a Harry Potter TV show I’d be doing everything in my power to be involved some way or another.  However, in the last five years JKR has shown her true colors and spent her free time and money attacking the trans community.  There are many reasons why I’m not excited about the show or looking forward to it in any regard, but to me the most important is that this show gives JKR more money and cultural capital to further her anti-trans agenda.  This is unacceptable.
I think a lot of us raised on Harry Potter really wanted to separate the art from the artist, dive further into fanfic and fandom and just ignore that the woman who created a world in which we’ve spent most of our lives escaping into.  However, we can’t do that.  It’s come to my attention over the past few days that a lot of people aren’t even aware of the active harm JKR is doing to the trans community.  Most people just say, ‘oh she said some weird stuff on twitter’ right?
Well, yeah.  But, did you also know she launched an active campaign against a reform bill that made it easier for trans people to legally change gender?  You know what happened?  The UK blocked that Bill and Scotland now has to launch a legal challenge to the government block.  She’s also funding a Sex Abuse Crisis Center that excludes trans women.  Yeah, that’s right.  She’s using her money from a book about love and acceptance to actively exclude a marginalized group from a crisis center.  She’s also publicly admitted via twitter that she funds anti-LGBTQ political activity in the UK.
So yeah, there’s a direct line of fans supporting official trademarked Harry Potter anything and that money directly harming transpeople.  Sorry for that rude awakening, but some of y’all are doing backflips to avoid seeing this.
Now, is there a way to prevent Warner Brothers (and Max, lol) from making this show?  Probably not?  After mergers and at a point when the tv and film industry isn’t booming, they need money.  You know what makes money?  Harry Potter.  Which is why they’re rebooting it.  Another question that’s been raised, will the looming writer’s strike affect this?  I would guess probably not?  Most UK writers (and International writers at large) are not in the WGA.  JKR has always wanted the most amount of British people involved in Harry Potter adaptations, so they’ll use the strike to find a UK writer and get them to work.
So what can we do?
Don’t watch the show.  Or, if you do.  Pirate it. In fact, cancel your Max subscription before the show launches.
They’re going to spend A LOT of money on this.  If the numbers aren’t there for them they will do what every other streamer does with an unsuccessful show and cancel it.  They announced 5 Fantastic Beast movies, and yet...where’s that last one?
Anyway, thanks for reading this whole thing if you’ve gotten this far.  Please share with friends who are excited about the show.  Please engage in meaningful discussions with other Potter fans.  Please support our trans friends and strangers.
Once again, this blog says FUCK JKR.
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ravenstargames · 5 months
✦ Lost in Limbo Devlog #11 | 05.08.24
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AHA! Nope, we didn't forget about April's devlog. In fact, we have been busier than ever—doing early preparations for our Kickstarter, working on the demo, sorting out legal stuff...
Speaking of which...
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This month we have been really busy making our studio official by the law! Now, to pay taxes and cry! YAY!
We are very very excited about it—and also terrified! We are still sorting out the studio's bank account, as burocracy isn't the fastest thing in this world, sadly. This is the first thing I wanted to talk about in this devlog, because it's such fantastic news for us! :')
Now, let's jump on the process we've made this past month, shall we? ✨
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This past month, Raquel worked very hard on our second Key Art. This was originally made for Steam, but I modified the format a bit so it could also be used in other places! I honestly love this one—we have our first Key Art to represent the darker aspects of the game, and then this one to show off the characters' dynamics! Not everything's going to be horror and mystery in the game!✨💜
Also, we have been working on designing the merch for the Kickstarter, but we can't show anything yet. All we can say is that everything is looking gorgeous and we are so excited to share it eventually!
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Thanks to Airyn, we've made great progress with the backgrounds! In fact, there's only one left to finish. The one you see above needs a few final touches (that will be made by yours truly!), and then I'll animate it a bit to get it ready for the build! The rest of the backgrounds are finished, animated, and integrated in the build :3
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The survey icon is missing, but it'll be there!
Well, this should tell you everything you need to know when it comes to programming! The whole demo is programmed. Functional. Nothing crashes. Stuff works and I'm over cloud nine. I have been working on the final touches (revisiting scenes, checking sprites, music / sfx volume...) and the beta testing phase will begin soon. Soon as in tomorrow.
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We've mainly used this month to review the auditions we received for our casting call, contacting the selected VAs, etc. Every VA has accepted their role, received the document with the lines we'll need for the demo, and we'll work hard to announce the cast publicly as soon as possible! We want to at least do a promotional short video showcasing every LI and their VA!
Sadly, making the studio official has (and will) take more time than we anticipated, and as we want to release the demo on Steam, the review process will most likely slow us down. There's the option of doing an itchio release and then a Steam one, but I'm not sure if that'll hurt the project. We are still keeping the demo release date a secret, until things settle down!
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Also, I couldn't finish this devlog without talking about the Magic & Mystery Otome cross-promotion! ✨ We were invited by the amazing folks at Best Laid Plans Studios to participate in this event that showcases 12 amazing visual novels like Alaris, Obscura, Dual Chroma and more! I know I have been pretty annoying with this (can you blame me, though?!) so I won't keep rambling about it—just check everyone out, please!
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I think that's all! Well, that's not all, but we gotta keep a bit of mystery surrounding the demo! We have been busy bees this month, with the making of the studio, the polishing of the demo, contacting and coordinating the VAs...
We are so excited for the demo release. I'm personally excited and terrified, but blame it on the OCD. I keep jumping from catastrophic scenario to catastrophic scenario. I'll have no control over what happens when the demo goes live, but I have control on what I can do before that happens—and that's working as hard as I've been doing this whole time.
And that's it! Please take care, enjoy the week, and stay hydrated. The Raventar team, NOW AN OFFICIAL STUDIO, wishes you all the best and sends a huge hug your way! 💜
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konigsblog · 1 year
Hiiiii :P I jus wanted to ask for some Konig or Ghost headcanons pls (idc if they're nsfw or sfw i jus want headcanons 😩😩)
i'm dying and i need my boys
ty boo<333
simon ‘ghost’ riley headcannons ;;
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warnings: mentions of simons past, smut, angst, pregnancy ;;
a/n; please request more headcannons if you want to !! my requests should be open usually, if not it's because i have too many requests atm, but they'll be back on later :) ,,,
i think simon doesn't like getting drunk often, due to his past, his childhood, and his father constantly being drunk. i think he's anxious about getting drunk/drinking alcohol in fear of acting out like his dad, or being reminded of traumatic events.
simon is a man of few words, we know that. i think is love language is acts of service; making you tea/coffee in the morning, ironing your clothes for you or helping you out when you're doing housework.
he wants children in the future. earlier in life, before he met you, he swore deep that he'd never have children (again, in fear of becoming like his father), but once he met you his whole world changed. his cold heart warmed up, the idea of settling down, starting a family with you started lingering in his brain, hoping to get you pregnant someday.
he's a dog person, this isn't an uncommon headcannon. he wants a german shepherd, he wants to train it to become a guard dog to protect you whilst on deployment. but, i don't think he wants to name it ‘riley’ in my eyes, i think simon hates his last name since it's associated with his horrible father, if he could, he'd change his name - but legally he's dead, so he has to live with his last name so he wouldn't want to be reminded of it everytime he called on his dog.
definitely a breakfast person. he likes bacon, scones, everything you'd get in a true english breakfast. then afterwards, he'd stand on the balcony of your shared apartment and smoke a cigar, a growing problem that never seemed to slow down.
wants a son. wants to teach it stuff like self defense, football, how to stand up for yourself because he struggled to protect himself as a child. he'd be overprotective of his daughter, shielding her from any boy.
on the topic of football, he supports manchester city/man united (i don't know the difference, i don't watch football oops..)
loves when you put the black face paint on his face before leaving for deployment. your gentle touch has a almost stained smile on his face, which is then replaced by sadness when it's time to say goodbye.
adores your comfort, clings to you when he needs help or reassurance. rests his head on your chest, listening to the thumping sound of your heartbeat, the way it rams against your ribs and sternum.
favourite positions would be anything as long as he can see your reaction. the way your lips part in arousal, his cock kissing your cervix with each thrust.
i don't think he likes seeing you sob, maybe sometimes if he's in a dacryphillic mood. he loves to hear your moans, they sound pleasureful as they bounce off the walls.
loves marking you in any way possible; hickeys, rubbing his scent onto your body, filling you with his cum and walking around with it inside your panties or getting you swollen and pregnant.
god forbid johnny makes any sexual remark to you. the second you look away, simons holding him by the scruff of his neck and threatening him into never saying anything of that nature again. (he does it again)
has a kink for you being vulnerable. his cock hardens watching you squirm beneath him, the sounds that escape your throat have him drooling in his boxers.
loves to eat you out; his tongue flicking at your clit, holding your thighs with a strong grip, his lips sucking while his pink tongue explores your wetness. pressing into your tightness, your whimpers turning his tip desperate and angry.
and if you lean down and suck him off whilst sitting on his face, he'll go crazy. bucking his hips into your mouth, hitting the back of your throat causing you to gag. loves seeing you struggle taking him in your mouth. lips stretching over his girth, chucking into your arousal when you whine around him.
doesn't like being submissive, hates being vulnerable and will refuse to do it. i genuinely don't think any convincing could change his mind, because he associates him being vulnerable and scared with his horrific childhood, he'd rather not relive that.
also wouldn't want to be called daddy, a substitute becoming ‘sir’. loves the way it flows of your tongue. his balls slapping against your tight ass, your legs trembling with euphoria rushing through your body.
that's all, i couldn't think of anymore and i have other requests to answer atm :( might add onto this later, tell me what you think :)
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hisshiss-bitch -> anas-moving-castle -> stars-on-my-bedroom-ceiling
currently listening to:
what the world needs - ride the cyclone
0:52 ━━━━●───── 2:14
↻     ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤ ♡
i'm doing a binge watch of all studio ghibli movies! if you want the details, go here!
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hi, my name is ana (short for anastasia, bestowed upon me by james. or, as runar says, short for anaesthesia 😒🎀 /lh)
i'm a minor (14-16 bracket)
i go by all pronouns (they/she preferred <3) my gender is currently up for debate, i'm pansexual and demiromantic 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
canadian 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
i don't believe in astrology but i'm a taurus ♉
i use way too many emoticons and usually type in lowercase letters (for the ✨aesthetic✨)
and i am always so veryvery excited to meet new people on here :D
here is my pinterest ☆
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☆ fandoms: good omens | the vivzieverse | all of em studio ghibli movies (mainly howls moving castle though) | the osemanverse | pirates of the caribbean | all of those delicious tim burton films, beetlejuice especially (and the musical!) | sorta in the heathers fandom but i haven't actually watched the musical (or the movie lmao), just the soundtrack ;-; | night at the museum but only for the tiny gay people lol | DEAD BOY DETECTIVES :D | the marauders sort of ☆
☆ favourite books: anything by alice oseman | coraline | good omens* | the book thief | percy jackson | harry potter** | a good girls guide to murder | the graveyard book | carry on/the simon snow series ☆
*yes i know about the neil gaiman sa allegations, yes i am ✨seperating the art from the artist✨ because it wasn't just neil who made good omens
**not supporting she-who-must-not-be-named by any means (ew fuck her)
☆ favourite movies/tv shows: howls moving castle | inside out | helluva boss | hazbin hotel | good omens | coraline | night at the museum | monty python and the holy grail | matilda | my neighbor totoro | ponyo | the harry potter series ☆
☆ also i really love musicals: beetlejuice | heathers | ride the cyclone | mean girls | legally blonde | etc. ☆
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☆ favourite artists (in no particular order): girl in red | tv girl | queen | abba | bon jovi | taylor swift | CONAN GRAY MY BELOVED <3333 | musical soundtracks lol | beyonce | cavetown | lemon demon | chappell roan ☆
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☆ things that make me happy: meeting new people online | doing puzzles | doomscrolling | the sound of keyboards | reading | my cat <3 | the color of bubbles | cool rocks | rain | silence | stars | big comfy hoodies | the colour of blood | red pandas <3 look at their little fuzzy faces!! | watching "slime tutorials" winkwink nudgenudge ☆
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☆ dni if you are homophobic, transphobic/terf, racist, xenophobic, a pedophile, republican, pro-israel, or in any way hateful and/or bigoted <3 ☆
tagging system masterlist: here
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first of all, if you know me irl somehow, i'm actually a pretty different person on here and i will not be changing my online personality for you <3 also, please don't call me by my real name, use ana/anastasia :) (also obviously don't give info about who i am duh)
please don't send me asks with a fundraiser or a donation page because i am in fact a minor and therefore poor as fuck. i am not able to donate to whatever campaign you have, however much i want to. anything asking me to donate money will be deleted without so much as a second glance
look! userboxes! :D
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i think i'm gonna ramble on at you for a bit more
anyone else hate the sound of styrofoam? makes me want to shed my skin and shiver until mushrooms erupt from my pores
that was weird. sorry.
y'know i think i'm gonna ramble on about one of my special interests to you now.
listen up pals because i'm gonna tell you some stuff about pompeii.
ALRIGHTY so getting right into it, pompeiis eruption was mainly just ash and dust falling down on the city, along with some pumice etc. it covered the city so thickly that even people who stayed inside died.
but that's not all. the dust rushing down the mountain, called the pyroclastic surge, got superheated. i can't remember the exact number but it was big. think burning upon impact.
speaking of the heat of the pyroclastic surge, it was so hot that the people standing in the streets immediately evaporated all the water in their bodies, and that's why they were all curled up on the ground, the heat caused their muscles to contract. cool, huh?
yeah. i think so too.
why are you still here?
i've recently been getting into the sort of fourth-wall breaking dreamcore stuff.
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bet you weren't expecting that, hm?
i'm gonna go now
psyche (or is it sike?)! as if. i've put too much work into this post now, i can't stop.
i love space, don't you? not the sort of purple and blue and red galaxy thats on every piece of edgy wolf art, but the way that you look up at the sky and think you see a star, the first star of the night, but no its just an airplane.
but then you realize it was a star, your vision is just swimming
and you suddenly see all the stars
and look, there's a constellation
and you stand there under the flickering streetlight for a bit, just looking up
up is a funny word.
what was i talking about?
oh right, the stars.
i like the stars. i like astrology, i think it's cool, but i don't believe in it really. most likely just behavioural patterns based on times of year. i'm a taurus, if you want to know.
this is a long post.
d'you think i can make a text post longer than "do you love the color of the sky?"
"which one?"
i love the color of the sky.
unfortunately, i live in the city
too much light pollution to see the stars or the color of the sky.
my friend wrote me this poem and the last line was "like a spider trapped under a cup, you wish you could just float up."
that word again. up. up. up.
i'd like to float up, i think.
i'd take my phone with me, so we can stay together.
remember the panplosaurus? good times.
how long has it been?
sometimes i want to
thats sad. what do i want to do? i looked through my autocorrect suggestions to find something i might want to do
i don't know what to do
well, this is getting depressing. i'm getting rather tired. sorry.
whenever i think of the word sorry i think of heartstopper in the one panel with nick telling charlie to stop apologizing.
"you know, you say sorry a lot."
"don't you dare say it!"
"i kinda want to say it"
i like that part.
anyways, i'm gonna edit most of my spelling mistakes in here and go to bed.
i love you
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pedrostylez · 1 year
Cherry Flavored
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pairing: Frankie Morales x fem!reader
summary: smoking weed with Frankie who has been pining after you for years. Things finally get admitted while high
rating: 18+ (no minors please)
word count:3.6k
warnings etc: unprotected p in v, dirty talk, angst, light fluff, riding, mentions of PTSD…I think that is all. No use of Y/N
A/N: Happy Sunday! Here is a one-shot of what smoking weed with Frankie would be like if he had really just been in love with you since day one. Just assume you’re in a state (in the US) that has legalized medical, but not recreational. Okay enjoy :) Sorry for the spelling mistakes it's Sunday okay
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The thing about Frankie is that he loves smoking weed with you. 
It always starts with you having a shitty week, nothing going your way and you’re desperate to relax. Sometimes it goes so far as you’re not able to sleep because of the stress of work and you end up begging Frankie to come over and “unwind with you”. That’s your code for him to bring the weed that he was prescribed by his new doctor to help him with his PTSD. 
Ever since he took your advice to ask his doctor about getting it prescribed, he thanked you by sharing some. You really didn’t ask that often, and more than anything Frankie always offered. 
This time it had been raining all week. You had texted him about how frizzy your hair had been that week and even though that’s not usually an issue, you were presenting to clients every day and you knew they weren’t taking you seriously. You had only just started this job and wanted to impress and it was like the world was laughing at you after working so hard.
He struggled to not laugh when you sent texts throughout the week–it was always dramatic with you. When you called him on Friday after he did a follow-up text asking how it was going, he could feel the anxiety through the phone as you drove home. You didn’t even ask for him to come over this time, he offered, hoping it would distract you from all your worries giving you an “it’s okay, I’ll head over soon.” Before hanging up the phone and going into his stash. 
And so he brings the weed and you just smile at him and mention how much you appreciate him spending time with you. You preferred being alone, always more independent than other girls he had ever been close with, but you guys spending time together was almost the same as being alone.  It could be hours of you two not saying anything watching a movie, eating food and it was just as comfortable as if you were spending the night alone. 
When you come out from your bedroom, changed into pajamas and a robe to keep warm, he has rolled a joint and offers the first hit to you but you wave him off, not wanting the first puff. He shrugs, reaching for the lighter you keep next to your candles while you sit down and get cozy next to him. 
The smoke rolls out of his mouth, not needing to hold his breath like he used to-this stuff was strong and he wouldn’t be surprised if you would feel the buzz just by sitting next to him. He turns his head to you and offers it, planning to warn you about this most recent batch, watching your fingers glide against his to hold the joint gently, bringing it up to your pouted lips and lightly inhaling. He didn’t have time to let you know before your eyes widen, stronger than you were ready for, and holding your breath to not cough. You look over at Frankie, note his smirk as he watches you play it cool and immediately let out your breath to cough roughly, eyes stinging with tears.
“Sorry baby, I should have warned you.” He breaks the comfortable silence, reaching to rub your back lightly He feels the muscles in his shoulders relax, down low closer to the blade where he never thought he could release tension. “This is the good stuff, don’t need a lot to just lay down, you know?”
You nod, taking another quick hit before handing it back to him and sinking farther into the couch. “Don’t be surprised if I fall asleep sitting up.” You joke, glancing at him for a moment to watch him take another hit, mesmerized by his lips around the paper. You found yourself watching him sometimes when he would come over, content with your quiet and just moving about your space as if he belonged there. How he moved, how he rested, you were always fascinated. 
He chuckles, stamping out the end against his jeans and setting the joint on your coffee table. You never kept an ashtray, not wanting people to think you like cigarettes and give them the wrong impression, but made it difficult the first few times Frankie brought over weed. He eventually gave up, making sure to wear his ratty jeans whenever he came over like this. The black charcoal spot on the left knee of his jeans reminded him of his time with you whenever he looked down.
He looks at you, feet up with your robe wrapped around your body covering your pajamas, smirking at how your head is lying back as far as it can, the column of your neck exposed with your eyes closed in bliss.
This was what relaxed you. You loved having your body fully relaxed, your mind hazy, and tingles going up and down your limbs. You could feel your feet and hands heating up, your blood flowing more freely.
Every time you got high together, Frankie had to hold himself back from kissing you. 
He just imagined it would be literal magic, tasting the candy you seemed to always have, or maybe the leftovers of your gum, warm and plush and soft. 
He had been caught plenty of times staring at your mouth, sober or not, typically by the other guys. Pope would always shove his shoulder, cracking a smile and giving him another shove before pointing to his own eyes to say “Keep them up here” before distracting the rest of the group from Frankie’s gawking. 
Benny would wrap his arm around his shoulder, turning him away from looking at you to see if Frankie would try anyway, crane his neck out of Benny’s hold to keep looking. Frankie usually was able to control himself, but Benny had caught him plenty of times pulling away from his stronghold to see where you had gone or who you were talking to. “If you don’t make a move then you can’t be upset if she goes for someone else, buddy.”
Will was the nicest about it, going all soft in the eyes and looking between you and Frankie to see if you would notice. You always knew when Frankie was looking based on how Will was acting, and you struggled to not just connect your eyes with Frankie and let Will giggle like a girl watching Pride and Prejudice for the first time.
But if you caught him, you only ever blushed, looked up at his hat, and would turn away. You never had the courage to ask what he was looking at, but you knew he was looking at your mouth and it made your heart flutter, wanting to lean in to see if he would take the bait. 
You and Frankie had been friends for a long time, and while you were attracted to him neither of you took it further. You noted his pet names for you, but the other boys also had similar sayings and you didn’t want to read too far into it. Ruining what you had with each other was not in the cards if it meant you had to take the first step. 
Tonight wasn’t any different as you opened your eyes slowly, tilting your head to the side to see Frankie leaning back on the couch, facing you so one leg was on the cushions, arm over the back with his fingers reaching out touching some of your hair. There was a small smile on his face, eyes glued to your bottom lip, glancing up at your eyes for a moment when you turned to look at him and back down on your mouth. 
When he was high he felt like he could tell you anything. His deepest secrets had come out before on this very couch, stoned out of his mind as he spilled his feelings about what he did in South America, or what flights he felt went wrong. He always watched you throughout his secret telling, unable to look away at how unfazed you were, keeping eye contact with him and reassuring him with a brush of your fingers against his leg. 
In the scope of his whole life, what he was about to admit was very minuscule. Gruffly, he stated, “I want to kiss you so badly.” 
You gave him that same look that you always give him, eyes glazed over as you reach for his knee and give it a squeeze. “I know you do.” You sigh, the corners of your mouth tilting up as he tickles your cheek with the end of your hair. 
He felt vulnerable, unsure where the courage to tell you was coming from but felt he had fallen into a hole and now he had to dig in deeper. “I always want to kiss you, even if I am not high or drunk.” He feels the words start to bubble over like he won’t be able to stop. “Do you ever think about kissing me? About us getting to be….letting us be together like that? Or more?” 
Your thoughts are going a mile a minute, unable to keep up with what you end up saying. “Yeah, I think about it. Usually when I am trying to go to sleep.” 
His breath stops, letting go of your strand of hair and looking back up to your eyes. You’ve lifted your head now but still have an unreadable expression. “Is that all you think about when you’re trying to go to sleep? Me?”
You giggle, moving your body to face him more with your robe coming loose and exposing your collarbone. His eyes have now attached there. “No, I think about other things too. But I think about you when I want a distraction so I can fall asleep.”
He nods knowingly, reaching out to brush the back of his hand against your cheek and neck, loving how you lean into his touch. While his day-to-day life had slowed down since coming home, his unhealthy distraction was thinking about you. If all he did during the day was think about you, text you, and go out with you and his friends, then to him it was a successful day. 
Maybe just the two puffs were enough to give him the courage to ask for more. “Can I kiss you then, baby? I’ve wanted…” He pauses, laughing lightly. “I don’t think I should admit that.”
“Admit what?” You grab his hand that is paused on your cheek, gripping his fingers to not let him pull away. He always tried to reel in his feelings when he was high, realizing too late what he had started to admit and you had worked with him on just letting it out. This information was different from other times, his feelings for you were not something you had ever touched on together, but you tried to push your own aside so he could be open without your excitement getting in the way. 
He takes a deep breath, shaking his head and leaning forward slightly to tell you this secret. “Admit that I’ve wanted to kiss you since we first became friends.” He whispers, noticing your eyes jump down to his mouth. Hope began to flutter in his stomach, pupils dilating at how your breathing changed. 
“That would have been a good thing to know, Frankie.” You say breathlessly, reaching toward to his crumpled t-shirt and pulling him forward more. “I would have let you.” You pause with his face inches away from you, his nose brushing the side of yours and he tilts one way and then the other. 
He can feel your breath pick up again, your hand tightens on his shirt as his hand reaches around to the back of your head and holds you steady. “What about now? Would you let me now?” He needed permission, the final approval. 
One second you’re nodding, frantic for him to come closer and to attach his lips to yours. The next your eyes are closed, face tingling and connected to Frankie’s, tongues intermingling messily. His kiss is powerful, hand firmly on the back of your head and in your hair, suddenly nipping at your bottom lip and panting. 
He swears he tastes cherry Jolly Ranchers-he didn’t see a bag in the kitchen or any in your candy bowl that you keep on the coffee table, but he swears it is in the undertones of your breath, in every swipe of his tongue. He pulls away briefly to open his eyes and look at you, your eyes still closed and lips pouting out to him. It has always meant to be this way in his eyes. “Did you have Jolly Ranchers?”
His question surprises you, making your eyebrows furrow and peel open your eyes at him. He is already smiling, leaning forward to peck at your lips again before giving you time to speak. “No, I have Starburst on the table…did you want some?” You ask, glancing at the table where the joint is currently, a bowl of candy half empty. 
He’s shaking his head, turning your face back to his and leaning in again. He mumbles against your lips “I should’ve known, fucking cherry Starburst.” He kisses you quickly again. “So fucking sweet.” 
Now you’re moaning, not sure if he is referring to the candy or to you, reaching your hands back up around to the nape of his neck. One hand glides down your side, pulling your leg over his as he lifts you to be in his lap. He leans back on your couch, your lips following his as he tightens his one-handed grip on your hip to shift you over his center, silently showing you how turned on he is. 
You release his lips, panting into his mouth and holding on to his shoulders for leverage, shifting your hips to glide up and down the denim covering him. Your robe has found itself untied, opening your eyes to look down and see Frankie already hovering over your chest with one hand, looking up to your face to ask permission. “Can I touch you darlin’? I want to make you feel good.”
His chest explodes with excitement at your eager nod, capturing your bottom lip with his teeth as his hand connects to your breast, immediately finding the hardened nipple and swiping his thumb back and forth over it. He groans when your hips move again, squeezing your hip tighter and listening to you squeak in surprise. “Fuck, I’ve wanted you forever baby. Couldn’t you tell?” He moans, pushing your robe off your shoulders and onto the ground, moving your shirt to sit up above your chest so he can wrap his lips around one nipple and then the other. 
You lean your head back, whimpering at the sight of him attached to you. Your hands find purchase in his hair, yanking slightly to hear him groan, popping off of your chest to kiss and lick up your neck to bite at your ear. “So fucking pretty baby, do you want me? Can I check?”
You nod again, attaching your lips quickly to his. “Please, Frankie.” 
He feels like he has lost his mind, running one calloused hand down your stomach and watching goosebumps appear in its path as he sinks two fingers into your underwear. The heat coming from your clothed center has him panting again, his fingers lightly separating your lips to search for your entrance, dragging up to your clit and down again. His eyes look up to yours, mouth open as he does another swipe back and forth. “Holy shit, you’re fucking drenched for me.” 
You smirk quickly, hearing the awe and confusion in his voice. “Of course, I am, Frankie. I want you.”
It was like he hadn’t put two and two together, pausing his fingers to look closer at your face. He couldn’t comprehend it fully. “Are you sure we aren’t just stoned?”
“We only had a couple of puffs Frankie but if you want to wait until the morning and ask me again then I guess we can.” You winced slightly at the thought, not wanting to stop the feeling of his hands on you, his fingers pleasuring you…
Suddenly he sinks his index finger in to you, watching as your breath catches and eyes close. “I want you as long as you want me baby.” He whispered, leaning forward to kiss your neck and bite into your collarbone, listening to your whine and whimper around his finger. 
He added a second, reaching his thumb to the front of you to move your clit back and forth. Your legs were already starting to shake, wanting to cum already. He paused his hand, reaching up to the back of your neck to pull you to him and kiss you again. “Take off your shorts.”
You shoved away from him, quickly shucking your shorts and underwear in one go and removing your shirt while he unbuttoned his pants and shoved them down to his knees before getting impatient and pulling his shirt off as well. You reached forward, getting on your knees to pull his pants the rest of the way down as he groaned. Seeing you on your knees did something to him, but it wasn’t what he wanted right now. “You better get back up here, sweets. I want you on my lap today.”
You were practically purring as you stood back up, kicking his pants and boxers to the side as he reached for your hips again and pulled you into him. His lips were on yours instantly, hips jutting up to have you feel how hard he was against your center. 
He moaned as you moved your hips so that he was sliding between your lips, the head of his cock slipping past your clit over and over, teasing your entrance with every move. He looked down to watch you work, tightening his grip on your hips enough to tilt his own slightly and surprise you as the head of him caught at your entrance and pushed in. He closed his eyes, needing to concentrate on not finishing too soon, already pushed to the hilt without even trying because of your movements. 
You gripped his shoulders roughly, nails digging into the pale skin there as you adjusted. “Holy shit–Frankie, fuck you feel amazing.”
That made him open his eyes, gently reaching up to your jaw to cradle your face and lean in again. He kissed you slowly, letting you relax around him and taking his time to savor your mouth. He pulls away with a pop, hand gliding down your arm to your hand and moving it to his chest. His heart was beating rapidly, letting you feel how overwhelmed he really was. He watched you process his movements, eyes connecting with him one more time before he reached for your hips again to lift you slightly and back down. 
You both moaned, letting him do it again until you both found a rhythm with your hands on his chest, his hands on your hips and you both working together to find release. He grunted, watching your chest as you shifted over him and picked up his hips to meet yours more quickly. The tighter he squeezed you, the sharper his thrusts up, your body stilling above his as he took you from below. 
“You’re so perfect like this baby.” He panted. “Can’t stop fucking you. I can feel you tightening on me–” He paused his words long enough to pull you to him, forehead resting on his, chest to chest as he continued to piston his hips up into yours. “I want to watch you cum darlin’, all over me. Can you do that? Just like this?”
You nodded, feeling your sweat mix with his from the exertion as your moans became louder, his hands impossibly tight around your hip and back, holding you up. Your release began, your legs shaking and ready to give out but he continued to hold you, thrusting through your cries. “That’s it, honey, soak me. You are so fucking beautiful like this–” He groaned, his hips stuttering as you clenched around him tightly. 
He pulled you off of him quickly, ropes of his orgasm starting as he reached for himself and pumped between you. His mess reached your upper stomach and his as you tried sitting up to not spread it around more. 
You both were breathing heavily, his hand still wrapped around his cock at the base, your hands still on his shoulders. You stood on shaking legs, causing him to reach out to your arm to make sure you didn’t fall. “Hold on a second, don’t go running away.” He said quietly, pulling you back forward but not onto his lap again. “I’ll get a towel.” He mumbled, standing and walking to your bathroom. 
You watched him, completely bare as you were as you sat back on the couch and reached for the forgotten joint. You relit it, taking a larger puff than you had previously and setting it between your fingers as you reached for another Starburst. 
He returned with a towel, wiping at his stomach and having his softened member on display. You looked up to see him already looking at you with a smirk on his face at the joint between your fingers. You offered it to him as he leaned forward to kiss the top of your head and wipe at your abdomen. 
Instead, he took the unwrapped candy for your fingers, popping it in his mouth before you could protest. “You’re too sweet, baby.” He smiled, kissing your jaw before sitting next to you and taking the joint for another puff. 
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dozing-marshmallow · 1 year
Im so sorry for all the Chris’ nibling stuff but I absolutely love family type fics so could you please continue the thing into maybe World Tour?
Maybe Alejandro being like a big brother type thingy? You know since his big brother is kinda a bootyhole
NO DON’T APOLOGISE IT’S OKAY!! It’s a sign that you really enjoy this instalment and that makes me proud of my ability as a writer to engage yall so much. :’)
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It’s been a year, and Total Drama was coming back with its third season: a no-holds-barred race around the world in a jet! 
It wasn’t surprising that it took a lot more conversation out of Chris to convince your parents to let you on this one- the suspicious measure of his jet’s safety, what you’d be exposed to this time around, your passport, visa, if the whole process was even legal.
In the end, they allowed it, primarily because it was Chris’ burden to bear the responsibilities and they trusted him enough to keep you safe.
This time, you didn’t need to pack; everything you’d need was at Chris’ place already.
That’s right! You started staying with him a lot more without your parents being around.
You were one year older, and so was everyone else.
Chris decided to invite two new contestants on the show. Potential friends?
“Eee! OMG! It’s Chris Junior! Hi! Hi! Hi!” One of them, the super fan Sierra wildly shakes your hand,“I always daydreamed about the day I’d get to meet my step-cousin, and now I’m finally here!”
“Step-cousin...?” you didn’t get it.
“(Y/N) your majesty, why don’t you go sit at the front with Chef while uncle Chris explains a few rules to the passengers?” Chris interrupts sweetly.
“Aww. Okay.” After you whispered to him,“Will I need to sing too?”
The plane took off, and you were flying into the sky!
“I think I can see my house from here!” You exclaim, peering out one of the holes in the wall modified as windows in the “economy” section. The wind taps your face. Canada looked like little rectangles!
“It’s a long way down! Don’t lean out too much, you don’t wanna fall!” Leshawna advised, beaming at you.
“I won’t fall! This is the Chris plane!” You declared, jumping off the bench and spinning around in circles.
The Chris plane broke out free in aggressive blue.
“Huuu...” you whimpered, cutting your dancing short,“Is that normal?... Is...this meant to happen?”
“Are you frightened?” An answer in the form of a question slid into your ears by Alejandro, the other new contestant.
“Y-Yeah...” you nod, clutching onto the window,“I’ve never been on a plane before... If this is what it’s like, I don’t think I like planes very much...”
“You don’t need to feel frightened.” A tanned arm of his surrounds you, seeming sincere, like a scared half to death boy who didn’t get this shield long ago,“I may not have much history with you, but it’s not in my morals to ignore a child in distress.”
You could see why your uncle wanted him on the show. His face was perfect, alright. And the hair on his chin really got you curious,“Can I...?”
“By all means.” He directs your hand to his goatee.
You stroke it. Soft...like silk,“My uncle told me about you. Don’t worry, I don’t snitch, but are you fake being nice to me?”
He shakes his head, his long dark hair similar to Chris’ elands with it,“I haven’t any intention to deceive you, little one.”
“You can say that, but not mean it...” you mumble, not happy with his nature, but happy enough to accept it the way it was.
“This is separate. I swear.” His fingers weren’t crossed,“I wonder, (Y/N)...you don’t happen to have siblings, do you?”
“Mm mm. My parents are busy so there’s only me.” You quiet your voice, now stroking his necklace,“If I did, I probably wouldn’t be on the show, and I’d be jealous that I’d have to share...”
“I see... It sounds like a life of luxury.”
“Ale-jandro!” your uncle appears down the hall,“Strategising already, are you?”
“What? Of course not! To use a child like this? I could never!” The Hispanic man quickly jumped to defend himself.
“Yeah yeah, the turbulence is over in case you missed it.” His odium of the sight sharpened his face, which was very new.
“What’s the problem here?” You’d like to know too. What gives, uncle?,“Please forgive me if I act in ignorance, for I did not see anything about-“
“You done? I’m uh, kinda waiting on you to get up and go.” much to your baffled expression, Chris’ impatience squished Alejandro’s right to speak, leaving him no other choice, but to bid an end to your moment together.
Nobody could look smart challenging the host. Not at the start as a newbie at least.
Understandable, though. Chris loses control over his contestants sometimes and didn’t want you to get in the middle of it.
Shortly, you arrive to Egypt, the first country, and watched the contestants take their mark to race across a pyramid. While you were so excited to visit new cultures and be in different countries, Egypt itself was unbearably dry.
“Ughhh uncle! How are you not hot?” You groan, flapping your hand in front of your face. Too hot... So hot...!
“Look what I’m wearing.” he answered, ironic since the most he wore was a nemes and loincloth- not even a shirt.
Seeing how relaxed he was nagged you to groan further,“I’m melllting!”
“Intern!” He yelled at a poor unpaid worker to rush and raise-low a palm leaf to you,“Better?”
“Ahh..” you groan, falling into the sand on your knees,“I could use some icy lemonade right now...”
This was going to be a loooooong season.
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zephyrstargame · 8 months
well here's something I can do!
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this is a little spin on an idea i've been seeing around that i think is wonderful... I personally, am not in the best financial place to be donating, but i can use my platform as a game developer to help out and do something cool at the same time :3
In exchange for donating esims to gaza, I'm gonna populate the world of Zephyr Star with your characters as NPCs! currently: OPEN!!
Here's the deal-- scurry on over to gazaesims.com to figure out how to buy and donate an esim to the people who need em-- any plan works for me, as long as you're gettin something out there!
then slip into my DMs (or anywhere else you can contact me directly) and show me a screenshot of the email, preferably with timestamps for proof that it's from after this post was posted... or really, any proof that you did do the thing-- also show me:
a reference image for what character you want me put in the game
what this character should say as an NPC (just a few lines at most) (optional; if you'd like i can just write some general dialogue instead)
how you would like to be credited in the in-game credits (ie what name i should put)
below the cut are some submission guidelines and extra notes, please also read that if you're interested :>
here are some general submission guidelines:
nothing too lewd, please!
or racist
or otherwise offensive
fandom ocs MIGHT be fine if they're Legally Distinct enough from the source material, but try not to get me sued here
In general, this game's world has No Humans, but that's not a strict requirement-- just a general suggestion
and keep in mind that characters with super intricate details might have to be simplified in order to work as pixel art
otherwise, anything works! furries, robots, sentient objects, your cat, whatever
and here's some notes, so you know what to expect:
i'll take anywhere between a few hours to a few days to finish, depends on how i'm feeling... either way, i'll tag you in a new post when i'm done!
the character will be done in small pixel art, with maybe some additional effects if i feel it works for the design
i will adjust the sprite size depending on the character-- an average sized character is drawn on a 32x32 canvas but if it's like a giant or really tall or something, i'd make it bigger so that the scale is accurate
everyone also gets a zoomed in headshot for the dialogue portrait
no secret bosses, shopkeepers, or other special story purpose for now, sorry! these are just some guys that stand around and say 1 or 2 lines as you go about your adventure
im putting the characters in various places at random, but if you want your guy to be in a certain type of location in-game let me know
this game is STILL in relatively early development-- but i do promise that each and every submission will be in there by the end! it might take yeaaaars for the full game to finally be out, but i'll be posting screenshots as I put em in the game so you know im not slacking around :>
and alongside the screenshot, i'll also post the sprites on their own if you'd like to save them for yourself
legal stuff uhhhhh im not good at legal stuff-- by participating, you are giving me permission to use your submitted character in the final game-- credit will be given in-game where you would expect to see it (the credits) and i will not claim ownership of any of your guys
(cartoon mafia boss voice) if at any point you want your character scrubbed out of the game, or you want anything changed, let me know in my DMs or anywhere else you can contact me and *click* *sinister laugh* we'll make it happen
no money goes to me ever, im not even gonna be the middlesnake between you and the esims-- i just think its less of a hassle to work this way -w-
did i get everything? i think that's everything... if i forgot something important sorry i'm a scatterbrain failgirl who has never done anything like this before im trying my best okay
may the rift be filled with your cool little guys! but more importantly, let's keep gaza connected! free palestine! 🍉
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suzukiblu · 8 months
Zero's inner monolog has me rolling. He's constantly two seconds away from ending everyone and the only thing currently stopping him is he kinda wants to see what these idiots try next (and needling the JL is fun even if they do half the work for him)
Then please allow me to gift you with more, friend, lol, 'cuz I love ALL his inner monologue.
“Ask your father,” Black Zero says dryly, folding his arms. Superboy scowls at him. 
“He’s not my fucking dad, Jesus,” he says in exasperation. “I don’t even have a dad, okay? My literal only ‘family’ member is my brother from another cloning tube who fucking hates me.” 
“. . . how do you not have any parents?” Black Zero asks, staring down at the idiot kid in absolute bafflement at the idea. “You’re half my physiological age. You’re half my size.” 
“I don’t need parents,” Superboy snaps defensively, folding his own arms. The gesture looks much more tense than Black Zero knows it did when he did it. “I have a job and royalties and shit. I pay fucking taxes. When was the last time you paid your taxes?” 
“I just collect them,” Black Zero replies, raising an eyebrow at him. “Can’t run a reality without the proper funding, you know how it is.” 
Then he pauses, and . . . wait. 
“‘Royalties’?” he repeats with a frown. 
“Oh–yeah, I guess you wouldn’t have done that,” Superboy says, then shrugs. “I used to do endorsements and stuff. Have some video games, comics, shit like that. I still get royalties from some of it. Which–not relevant here, okay, it’s–” 
“I’m sorry, did you just tell me you were a damn child star superhero?” Black Zero asks incredulously, and Superboy looks offended. 
“Teen idol superhero, fucking thank you,” he snipes. 
Forget that brat who stole the jacket to begin with. Black Zero has officially met the worst possible version of himself. 
“That is the stupidest fucking thing I have ever heard,” he says. “Stupider than the one of us who worked for Batman. Stupider than having to pronounce ‘Supergrrrl’ with all three ‘r’s in it.” 
“Sorry I had to pay fucking rent, asshole,” Superboy snaps. “We didn’t all take over the world, okay?” 
“I’m going to set this entire reality on fire,” Black Zero mutters under his breath, pushing his glasses up so he can pinch the bridge of his nose. “You don’t have the sense to avoid getting strapped to an atomic bomb, and someone let you sign legally binding paperwork and contracts?” 
“That was your fault!” Superboy protests. “I had to do that because of you!” 
Black Zero dismisses that argument as obviously irrelevant and just rolls his eyes. 
“You’re not even old enough to sign legally binding paperwork,” he says in exasperation. “Who’s your legal guardian?” 
“Uh,” Superboy says, then pauses with a considering frown. “I don’t think I have one? I mean, clones are legally classified as IP, man, not peop–I did that thing where I told you something I shouldn’t again, didn’t I.” 
Black Zero idly considers reality-immolation again. 
Also, what the fuck. Clones are "intellectual property", but Superboy still has to pay taxes? 
Fucking bullshit.
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mjrtaurus · 3 months
I'm confused, is he trans or no? Because you say he had Luffy but also refer to him as male in the childhood posts. I'm sorry if i seem disrespectful, i'm still learning about trans stuff.
No problem! It's good to learn!
So the whole Sir Crocodile is Trans thing isn't canon, but it's a very common theory with quite a bit if evidence to back it up. The Crocomom/Crocodad Theory typically goes hand in hand with the Trans Crocodile theory, too. It also isn't canon.
So, officially, as far as we know, canon Crocodile is a cisgender man- meaning he identifies with the gender he was assigned at birth- until further notice.
I headcanon Crocodile as a trans man and as the one who gave birth to Luffy. It's safe to assume that whenever I am talking about Crocodile in a post, he is trans and Luffy's parent.
Now as for referring to him as male in his childhood, I headcanon that he knew he was a boy by the time he was four, which is not outside the realm of possibility in the real world. Kids have a sense of identity all their own, and not all identify as the gender they were assigned at birth. What they do with that information is between them and their parents/guardians. A trans child is not put on HRT- hormone replacement therapy. A trans child is not given sex reassignment surgery. A trans child- if they are fortunate enough to recieve any treatment at all- is put on puberty blockers. This has no detrimental longterm effects, and allows the child to feel at least a bit more comfortable in their body until they are old enough to actually recieve HRT. Again IF they are fortunate enough.
As for the pregnancy. Trans men can get pregnant. They can get pregnant even when undergoing HRT. The only time a trans man 100% can't get pregnant is if they were infertile to begin with, have been totally abstinent, or have had a hysterectomy.
Crocodile was out as a trans man by the time he got pregnant, but he still had a functioning uterus and ovaries. Typically the chances for pregnancy during HRT are pretty low, but they aren't impossible. And typically HRT is put on hold if the recipient is pregnant. Crocodile did not know he was, due to Luffy being a cryptic pregnancy. Iva not following medical protocol to test for pregnancy beforehand is a testament to the broken system in One Piece that mirrors our own in the real world. Trans folks often can't get the help they need safely and legally due to a lot of fearmongering against them from people in power who want to demonize them simply for being "different". Iva is not a medically licensed doctor, therefore protocol isn't exactly a thing to stand on. However, if they knew Crocodile was pregnant, they would not have gone through with the HRT until further notice.
But back to one of the original talking points, being pregnant doesn't mean a trans man is no longer a man. Pregnancy does not effect the identity of a trans man. There are trans men out there right now, many even on this site, who have given birth and still are men.
It can all seem a little confusing when you're still learning, so be gentle with yourself. And most of all, thank you so much for being willing to learn.
I would also like to be clear that I am not trans myself, so if anyone reading this is, and I have failed to relay certain information in a respectful way, or have left some crucial information out entirely, please correct me on that in a reblog, an ask, or a reply. I am still learning, too, and I want to treat this topic with the respect it's due.
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gacha-incels · 2 months
I'm seeing a new wave of people going "well the PMUA was a fraud", is this about anything new?
In regards to why it’s happening - I think it’s probably because KGCS is helping monggeu and Mimi in their legal cases against project moon which, again, has literally nothing to do with people who play their gacha game. but because these kids have made liking this media a core part of their personality they’ve now become personal unpaid PR agents for project moon. they feel like they need to defend this company and KGCS is seen as the “attacking” entity in this us vs them, so they will do anything to slander them and smear their name regardless of the actual help they have provided victims of feminist ideological verification. this doesn’t matter, these fans don’t care and typically don’t live in South Korea so this doesn’t affect them, it’s a service they will never have to use so they don’t mind slandering this group. In regards to what is happening - It’s very telling that these people still refer to KGCS as “PMUA” - to them this entire thing revolves around Project Moon. It starts and stops with Project Moon. If anyone is trying to tell you “info” and using this acronym I would be skeptical about where they’re getting this information. The one I saw recently about how they “raised money for vellmori and didn’t give it to her” was particularly bold. I’m guessing it’s from some posts in english going around with the typical hearsay because these fans are pissed off about this legal battle which has literally nothing to do with them. If someone knows it’s from some new video essay please don’t even tell me I don’t want to live in a world where people are blasting out videos for the end goal of defending a gacha game LOL. again I’m not the KGCS PR agent or anything, I’m not here to blow smoke up their ass, this is just extremely basic stuff you would know if you had been following these cases for a full year now. after a while it’s pointless to keep replying to some of these people engaging in trivial back and forth arguments “well what about this? (wrong info)” “well what about this? (out of context)” - you go back and forth like a tennis match and end up essentially nowhere. it’s a waste of time imo so I try to avoid it. None of these groups are going to be infallible, that’s how everyone works, so I’m not sure how these fans see this slander as a slam dunk gotcha. anyway that’s how I see it at least
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