#please note that the tupperware is ROUND
eruptedinlight · 8 months
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don’t you hate it when you spill your leftovers fuckin everywhere
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songsformonkeys · 11 months
Saying I love you through an accidental kiss (Joel Miller x reader Pre outbreak)
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Month: July
Word count: ~1100
Warnings: None
Notes: I think the title is pretty self-explanatory. Unbeta'd.
The rest of the Year of Creation stories
It's a little after six when you hear the screech of tire trucks pulling onto your driveway. He's late. You're not surprised in the slightest. If there's one thing you can count on regarding the Miller family, it's that they're never on time. The second thing you've learned - which has probably come about as a result of the first - is that they're always in a rush. And in the eight years you've spent living across the road from them, you have learned to adjust accordingly.
”Sarah!” you call up the stairs as you hear the car door slam shut outside, and you move to open the door before Joel can assault it with his impatient knocking. It swings open, revealing his perpetually frowny face. He looks tired, the way he usually does when he comes to pick Sarah up after a long day of work. Still, you have to admit there's something ruggedly handsome about the slight sheen of sweat mixed with construction dust on his skin and the patchy beard he never seems to have time to properly shave.
”Evening, Miller,” you greet him, cocking your hip and leaning against the wall. ”Driving like that, you better not have run over my lavender bushes.”
Joel looks over his shoulder and pretends to check. ”It's the purple ones right?... Nah, they're good.”
”In that case, please come inside.”
He steps past you into your home. You follow him into the kitchen, grateful for the dry weather since he's made no move to remove his work boots.
”Where's my kid hidin'?” he asks, looking around as if Sarah is gonna jump out of a kitchen cabinet.
”Last time I checked, she was rifling through my closet, looking for something to wear.”
”What?” Joel looks you up and down as if noticing your clothes for the first time in eight years.
”You're gonna stare like that, at least buy me dinner first,” you tell him, and he has the courtesy to look a little embarrassed. ”Speaking of, have you eaten yet?” You ask, even if you already know the answer. Between you and Sarah, you're lucky if you can bully Joel into eating anything for breakfast and lunch, other than hardboiled eggs and coffee.
”I'll make something when we get back from the meeting.” he says.
”I wasn't born yesterday, Miller,” you tell him, rounding the kitchen island to pick up a Tupperware container from the counter. ”For later,” you say pointedly. ”It's even in accordance with that stupid diet of yours.” You clap him on the shoulder as you hand the container over. Then you lean out of the kitchen to shout up the stairs.
”Sarah! Your dad's here!”
”Can you come and help me?” you hear her shout back. Turning to Joel, you shrug before heading upstairs.
”Tell her to hurry! We're late!” he calls after you and you give him a thumbs up over your shoulder.
You find Sarah in your bedroom, standing in front of the full-length mirror. She's wearing one of your dresses, light purple and a bit too big on her small frame.
”Well look at you!”
”It doesn't look good on me,” Sarah says with a sigh.
”It looks great on you. Just a little big. Here...” You pull a jean jacket from the closet and hold it out to her. ”Put this on.”
Sarah shrugs the jacket on and does a slow spin in front of the mirror. She seems pleased with what she's seeing.
”Stunning!” you tell her ”Now come downstairs before your dad has an aneurysm.”
As if on cue, Joel calls from downstairs to hurry up.
”Not my fault he's late,” Sarah mumbles but she follows you out of the bedroom.
”Come on, chop chop!” Joel snaps his fingers as you descend the stairs. Then his phone rings.
”Tommy! ...Yeah no, we've got the meeting at the school tonight... Have you heard back from your concrete guys yet?” He waves goodbye at you as he talks, motioning Sarah out the door towards the truck. ”No? Would you give it another try, we need... yeah, I know!”
Sarah turns to wave at you as well.
”See you at Dad's party this weekend!” she calls.
”Absolutely!” you promise.
You notice Sarah's bag not even two minutes later when you enter the kitchen. At the same time, you hear the car pull into your driveway again, which means Joel and Sarah must have noticed too.
Joel is hopping out of the car as you open the door to hold the bag out.
He jogs up to you.
”She'd forget her damn head if it weren't screwed on,” he complains.
”A trait that runs in the family,” you counter, holding out the food container that he also forgot, with a teasing grin.
”Yeah yeah, laugh it up.” He looks down at his wrist, as always, forgetting that the watch isn't there. When he remembers, he reaches for your wrist instead, tilting your hand to look at the display.
”Fuck, her teachers will murder me!” He tries to sling the bag over his shoulder but it keeps snagging on the seam of his jacket. ”Thanks again for looking after her today. You're a lifesaver, as always!” He gives the bag another frustrated tug.
Recognizing a stressed-out Miller temper tantrum rapidly approaching, you step forward to help him. You're reaching for his shoulder, and before you've even fully registered it happening, Joel suddenly pauses his bag struggles to lean in and oh my god, he's kissing you!
It's a soft press of lips against yours, casual but intimate, like this is something you've done a thousand times before. Like kissing your neighbor on the mouth is the most normal thing in the world.
The kiss only lasts a second or two before Joel's brain seems to catch up with what he's doing and his entire body freezes before he pulls back.
He stares at you. You stare back.
”Did I just..?” he asks, sounding just as shocked as you feel over what his body decided to do with autopilot engaged.
”I think you did,” you reply.
He looks around, eyes a little wild and panicky. You wonder if he's going to bolt.
”You reached for me first!” he suddenly accuses.
”To help you with the bag!” you say, incredulously. ”Not to smooch you!”
”I got confused. I- I...” The rest of the sentence is lost in unintelligible mumbling before Joel turns and stomps back towards the car where Sarah is watching you two with eyes wide as plates.
As he peels out of your driveway, he definitely runs over some of your lavender bushes but you can't bring yourself to care right now.
Because Joel Miller just fucking kissed you!
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Rei x reader (reader request)
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You’re an idiot. An oblivious fool. How did it get this far before you’d put two and two together? Scratch that, you hadn’t even put it all together! You thought they were just being nice, neighbourly, friendly… But you’d mentioned the latest sweet thing the two had done for you over dinner with your friend and they’d given you a look - absolutely baffled at your naivety.
You’d been moving in across the hall. The removals company you’d hired had been great, dropping the boxes exactly where directed, but of course you still had to unpack the dang things. You’d been back and forth to the recycling facilities a few times that morning when there was a knock at the door. If you’d had a mirror up on the wall, you would’ve seen exactly how much of a hot mess you looked and probably have ignored the door. However, there were a few things you were expecting to be delivered today, so you opened the door and were surprised to see two handsome men - one cheerful blonde and one sullen-looking dark-haired – neither holding a package for delivery, but a pile of Tupperware and a bottle of lemonade.
You hurriedly wipe the glean of sweat you’re positive is across your forehead, wishing all the sudden you weren’t in your sweatpants and looked a little more put together in front of the two extremely handsome men in your doorway. “Hi!” It sounds a little squeaky.
“Hi – sorry, we know we’re disturbing you, but we just wanted to introduce ourselves. I’m Kazuki and this is Rei, we live just across the hall.” He tilts his head up to signal the door behind him in lieu of pointing due to his full hands. “I know how hectic moving day can be and it’s important to remember to eat, so we thought we’d bring over a ‘welcome to the building’ gift of some lunch.” He holds up the pile of Tupperware. “All hand-made by yours truly.” A wink.
“Oh, thank you. That’s… incredibly kind.” You step back and open the door wider, introducing yourself. “Erm, probably easier if you come in and pop those down. Excuse the chaos…”
It wasn’t long after they offered to give you a hand with unpacking – Kazuki said he was a master at all things flat-pack and quake-proofing heavy furniture, and Rei had been eyeing up your games consoles and TV before hooking it all up masterfully, even tidying away the wires so they weren’t even in sight. With their help across the next couple of days, your apartment was soon finished, everything in its rightful place.
You’d invited the two over for dinner as a thank you – nothing fancy, pizza and beers – watching a terrible action movie before playing some games. The friendship had only progressed from there. They had an odd work schedule, you noted, sometimes they were gone for a few days at a time, some weeks they didn’t seem to work at all. You’d water the plants, take the mail in, keep an eye on the place when they were away. It’s neighbourly, after all.
Kazuki would invite you round for dinner almost weekly – he said it was nice to have someone appreciate his cooking, a pointed glare at Rei. You and Rei were making multiplayer on a new quest-based game, staying up far too late trying to reach the next save point, whilst Kazuki sat snoring behind you.
When you were sick one time, Kazuki brought over soup and medicine. When you had any issues technology-wise, Rei was always on hand to sort it out - even replacing lightbulbs. You felt incredibly blessed to have such wonderful neighbours, and that’s how the topic of conversation had come up over dinner with a friend. They were complaining about their neighbours – noisy, inconsiderate – and you’d explained how Kazuki and Rei just couldn’t seem to do enough for you.
“Okay,” they lean forward and grab your hand, “please tell me you know these men are just trying to woo you.”
You laugh at that, but the look on their face says they’re not joking.
You shake you head, pulling your hand back. “No, they’re just being nice. Kazuki’s a flirt with everyone and Rei’s… Rei. They’re my friends, that’s all.”
“We’re friends and have I ever done half of that stuff for you?”
“No, but…”
“We were room-mates, I sure wasn’t going to look after your sick ass. I slept across the hall for the week, remember?”
“Well, maybe you were just a bad friend.” You retaliate.
“Maybe I was, but that doesn’t change the fact those two are flirting with you.”
You go to make a retort but, slowly, the pieces are falling into place. They were pretty interested whenever you mentioned going out for drinks or dinner with someone other than them, asking if it was a date. If it was, they then wanted to know exactly where you were going and to text when you were safely home, even if they were away. That was just friendly concern, being alone in a big city and meeting up with a friend of a friend or just strangers off the internet. After all, there could be some complete creeps out there and it felt reassuring to know the two were looking out for you.
There were lingering touches from the both of them. Kazuki loved to hug on hello and goodbye, often draping an arm around your shoulder and squeezing whenever you were stood near each other. Rei always sat deliberately close to you, his arm pressed up against yours, even though their sofa could fit around four adults comfortably. When you’d had to fly home for the weekend, they’d given you a lift to the airport at an unearthly hour, seeing you all the way up to the security gate, and then they were there at arrivals again on your return. When there’d be a small earthquake, they’d forced their way into your apartment, checking you were okay – insisting you came over to theirs for any aftershocks. Even Rei had hugged you that day on seeing you unhurt, Kazuki pressing a kiss against your forehead…
“I am an idiot.”
It’s a little after nine when you knock on the door. You’d been up all night, debating what to do, though there was still a niggle of doubt that they didn’t like you that way and your friend had just jumped to a ridiculous conclusion. But, a larger part of your brain argued, it wouldn’t be so bad if they did, would it? Well, one of them more than the other. You’d be a liar if you hadn’t thought or dreamt about one of the men in a certain way before…
Rei answers, looking a little tired – you’re not sure if you’ve woken him up or if he hasn’t been to bed yet either.
“Sorry, did I wake you up?”
“No. You okay?” He frowns, looking you up and down.
“Yeah, just a little tired. Erm, is Kazuki in?”
“Ah”, he nods, still frowning. “No, he…” He pauses, debating whether he should be honest or not, but decides against it. “He should be back later though. Can I help?”
“I was just hoping to speak to you both – together. It’s all right, I’ll come back later…” You turn to go when his hand catches your sleeve.
“I’m making some coffee, if you’d like some? That is, if you don’t mind waiting with me.”
“Coffee sounds great, actually.”
It’s a nice morning – warm enough that Rei suggests sitting out on the balcony. You’re a little envious of their set-up, your one-bedroom apartment is a lot smaller than theirs and the fact they have outdoor space, but there is two of them and their job seems to keep them comfortable enough.
You’re sat in a comfortable silence, watching the river below – every so often a boat sailing past. Maybe you should take a boat ride, it might be fun to be a tourist in your own city…
“It’s okay.”
You turn to Rei, confused, had you said one of your thoughts out loud?
“What’s okay?”
“You and Kazuki. I’m happy for the two of you.” He takes a sip of his coffee, wincing, though you’re not convinced it’s from the bitter caffeine.
“That’s what you’ve come to talk to us about, right? You’ve decided.”
Your eyes widen, “No. Not at all. I’m an idiot. I only found out that you were two were interested in me last night.”
He raises an eyebrow. “You found out? Kazuki assured me our intentions were perfectly clear and you just needed time.”
“Well, maybe you want to rethink your intentions because it turns out I’m entirely clueless. I thought you were just being friendly, but I was talking to my friend last night and they pointed it out. I was up all night thinking back and it’s all so painfully obvious.” You take a gulp of your own coffee.
“So, you’ve not decided?”
You put down the coffee cup slowly. “If… If I have decided, I wouldn’t want it to ruin your friendship with each other. That’s the last thing I’d want to do, I’d much rather we all remain friends than risk that.”
“No. We agreed from the start that, whatever the outcome, we wouldn’t let it get between us. Just…” he hesitates. “..maybe don’t make out in front of me.”
“That…” you swallow, your mouth suddenly dry. “That might be difficult.”
“Can’t you just take it to his bedroom at least?” Rei scowls, taking another sip of his coffee as you reply.
“I’m not sure how much Kazuki would like me making out with you in his bedroom.”
That catches him off guard and he inhales the liquid, coughing and spluttering in surprise. You wait for him to catch his breath, though his cheeks are now flushed red.
“You… you want me?”
You nod. “Yes.”
“You don’t sound thrilled. Were you hoping it would be Kazuki?”
“Just everyone loves him, he’s handsome and cheerful and good at cooking and I’m… I’m me.”
“Kazuki is all of those things, but you’re also handsome and fun and sweet and… I like you.”
The door opens within the apartment then, interrupting the conversation. “I’m home! You up?”
“We’re on the balcony,” Rei calls back, face entirely red.
Kazuki appears, in the clothes you saw him leave the apartment yesterday. Did he spend the night elsewhere? He’s surprised to see the two of you on the balcony at this early hour.
“And to what do I owe this pleasure?” He grins, sweetly, approaching the sliding doors. He takes in Rei’s and yours flushed expressions. “Wait, am I interrupting something?”
You stand up, taking a step towards the blonde. “Kind of. Erm, Kazuki, you’re a great guy and all, but…”
“Ah!” Kazuki looks again between the two of you before he grins, genuinely, “At last! Well, I won’t lie – I’m a little heartbroken, but I’ll pick myself back up. If it were anyone but Rei…” He shrugs. “He’s a good man, and the better man won. Not that you’re a trophy or anything!” He rubs the back of his head, nervously.
“But we’ll still be friends, right? I don’t want to do anything to risk our friendship.” You look between the two of them. “It’s really important to me.”
“Of course we will!” Kazuki pulls you into a brief hug. “You won’t get rid of me that easily. Now, tell me, what’s the plan for the first date?” He looks between the two of you, eagerly.
“Date…?” Rei questions.
“We hadn’t…” you hold back a yawn. “..got that far.”
“Jeez, have the two of you even slept? Off to bed – separately – please.” He stresses. “Get your beauty rest whilst I find the two of you the most perfect restaurant for dinner. Go.” Kazuki pushes you gently back into the apartment, leaving Rei on the balcony.
“Thanks, Kazuki. Erm, see you later, Rei.” You smile timidly, before turning and heading towards the door, already thinking of the warm embrace of your bed…
“Yeah. Thanks, Kazuki.” Rei gets to his feet, slinging an arm around the blonde’s shoulders. “I promise we won’t make out in your bed.”
“..what?!” -- Masterlist. Requests welcome. Ko-fi.
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sarifinasnightmare · 11 months
The Pancake Conundrum
August 12-18: Sam Wilson
Rating: For Everyone
Pairing: Sarah Wilson X Bucky Barnes
Author's Note: Inspired by my mother who woke me up with a ridiculous craving. 😊
Summary: Bucky needs Sam to help him make Sarah happy again.
“Sam wake up.”
“No.” Came the muffled reply.
“Sam please, I need you.”
“No.” He buried himself under his blanket for emphasis.
“Sam!” Bucky grabbed the blanket and yanked it off him.
“You need to learn a thing or two about consent.” Sam whined as he glared at him with one sleepy eye opened. “I said no, meaning I do not consent to whatever fuckery you want me to participate in.”
“Sarah’s crying.”
“So you’re her husband, make her stop crying.”
“I am trying but only you can solve the problem.”
“That is…?”
“She wants your banana pancakes because mine aren’t the same.”
Sam sat up. “Are you kidding me?”
“It’s her hormones, she’s all over the place. Come on man, please. Help a brother-in-law out!”
“You know you could’ve avoided all of this by not dating her when I told you not to.” Sam groaned, glaring at him.
“Sam, I love her, I married her, get over it. Now come on!” He pulled on Sam’s arm.
“Gah! Alright, alright!” He finally gave up and got out of bed.
The men quietly bickered on their way down to the kitchen where Sarah, in shorts and tank top with a smooth, round belly poking out was sniffling into her napkin.
“Bucky I’m sorry. I know you meant well.” She cried a little.
He quickly sat in front of her and gave her a kiss on her cheek. “It’s okay, don’t cry. I brought Sam. He’ll make better pancakes.”
“You diva.” Sam retorted as he looked over the batter and pancakes that Bucky had made for her. “Crying over pancakes like a brat. Mom would’ve made you eat those.”
“Oh shut up, Sam.” Sarah snapped. “I know they’re fine, but they didn’t taste like yours and I just started crying. This baby’s got me all messed up. I hate it!”
“I’m sorry.” Bucky apologized, offering her another napkin to cry into.
“Oh no, it’s not your fault. I love our baby, I do, I’m just so tired of being fat, and hot.” She tugged on her tank top. “It’s so hot in here.”
“It’s August. What do you expect, sis?” Sam said. “In fact, the house has been the coldest it’s ever been in years. What temp do you have it on?”
“Sixty degrees.” Bucky replied. “I bought a separate unit for our bedroom. It’s fifty in there.”
“Jesus, I hope your World War II pension has enough for the electric bill!”
“Sam please fix the pancakes!” He begged.
“Fine, fine!” He tasted the batter. “It tastes like mine.” He looks at the pan. “There’s your problem.”
“Which is…?”
“You got to use bacon grease, man!”
“Bacon grease? She can’t even eat bacon right now; it makes her sick!”
“No one said she had to eat the bacon!” Sam said as he went into the fridge. “Aha, always have some on reserve.” He said, pulling out a small Tupperware containing congealed yellow grease.
Soon Sam had the pan hot with the bacon grease going and ladled in the batter. Making three of them he added more bananas and drizzled it with maple syrup before setting it in front of his sister with a flourish.
“There we go. The original and still the best banana pancakes.” he said proudly.
Bucky rolled his eyes.
Sarah said nothing as she tentatively dug in, then proceeded to clean the plate and once she finished, she leaned back with a sigh of relief. “Bucky, can we go back to bed now?”
“Gladly.” He said as he easily scooped her up. “I’ll clean everything up in the morning.” He promised.
Sam shook his head before turning off the stovetop and setting the pan aside, then covered the remaining batter and put it in the fridge to use in the morning. “Think I’m going to soundproof my room. You two are ridiculous. I can only imagine how much crazier it’s gonna get with the baby.”
“Stop playing. You love this baby too, Sam.” Sarah mumbled, resting against her husband’s shoulder.
“I do, but yall are too much. I mean it’s freezing up in here!” He turned to Bucky. “How do you even sleep in that room?”
“I got two words for you, Sam. Cryogenically frozen.”
“Oops, my bad.”
“I hate you,” Bucky carefully laid Sarah on her mounds of pillows before returning to Sam, “And thanks.”
Sam yawned but waved it off. “It’s nothing. Good night.” He went back to his bed and buried himself under his blanket.
“G’night.” Bucky mumbled before closing the door and sliding down onto his small slice of the bed, Sarah fast asleep, minor crisis averted.
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jiminrings · 3 years
ok liSTEN how about for drabble nights stem major jungkook n he's cute or whuteva
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ft. cold senior!y/n having a crush on shy stem major!koo :D neither can initiate nor maintain eye contact lmao
cold senior!y/n x stem major!koo masterlist
never in a million years did you think that you’d be stressing over and shopping lunchboxes at a saturday night
“you’re insane. you must be insane for doing this.”
yoongi deadpans because never did he think that HE’D be the one to accompany you to a 24/7 supermarket to look for lunchboxes
to look.... for lunchboxes
it’s an uncanny friendship really bUT it’s functional
you’re on the soccer team and yoongi’s a varsity chess player :D
the two of you shared an equivalent of one (1) bagel on field day and that’s when the matching-friendship-bracelets friendship began
you wear the red string as an anklet though because it’s a charm when you kick the ball right through the goal
yoongi will not hesitate to give you his kidney but he wILL complain the whole time when you coax him into helping you pick out a lunchbox
“it’s just a tiny simple crush. it’s not like i’m asking for his hand in marriage.”
fuck it
you mIGHT like jeon jungkook :((
he’s your junior and you only see him in like two classes but there’s just something in him that makes you want to pinch his cheeks
you barely see him anyways because you’re a student athlete and he just had to be a goddamn stem student that’s almost always cooped up in the classrooms
uhhh the two of you actually nEVER really had a proper interaction but that’s besides the point
jungkook always sits upfront and you could see his fluffy round hair all the way to your row!!!
and the way he giggles is just so heavenly!!! at a dorky joke your teacher just said that you don’t even give a pity laugh to :O
“not the ‘making lunches for your crush’ thing. it’s just that you’re doing the first move and practically everyone knows that you dON’T do the first move!!!”
yeah that
uh that may or may not be true
when someone is about to walk right into you in the hallways, you keep walking and they’d just have to be the one who dodges your path
you could literally stare down at your opponent in soccer the whole time until they make the first move and that would eventually set them up
in group projects????? you aren’t a bad groupmate of course but you for sure are nOT the one who makes the groupchat nor make the initiative on what to do first
do you have anything to say?? absolutely not
yoongi’s caught you speechless at 1 in the morning, between the aisles of tupperware and trash bags then plungers
“shut up. just help me pick one out,” you mumble under your breath as you raise up four lunchboxes 
“an electric one or a matte baby blue one?” 
ok to be fair those are tWO really good ones
the electric’s perfect so the meals would still be warm and your efforts at cooking would be maximized
the baby blue’s actually cute and it matches one of jungkook’s sweaters
“oR do we get the one with the tiny little dna strands, or the one you could doodle on?”
right that’s settled
you’ve ended up buying FIVE lunchboxes for every day of the week :D
all is entirely good, really
it’s fallen into a routine and almost the entire floor knows that jungkook from stem has an admirer!!! :D
a very persistent yet sneaky admirer that puts lunchboxes on his desk, with whatever doodle on a sticky note with his name on top, for the past two weeks
he always leaves his lunchbox by his desk and no one dares to steal it because he’s a wholesome guy ya know
it’s like the equivalent of stealing a painting from bob ross and eVERYONE likes bob ross enough that they wouldn’t hurt a single hair on him
you would actually evaporate if someone knew of your identity.,.
you would pass oUT on the spot like literally
sometimes you think that this is a bad idea because what are you doing!!!!! jungkook’s a stem student slash heartthrob that everyone likes!!!!! and he’s been getting lunchboxes for two weeks and it’s quite publicized!!!!!!
the school paper should nOT have a slow news day to the extent that they’d cover jungkook and his mystery admirer
rip you
“you know, we talked about jungkook in chess practice today.”
yoongi opens up the topic while the both of you are peeling up tangerines just after your workout at the shared gym, a completely casual look on his face
you don’t question why cHESS players are also entitled to the school gym but uh that’s okay
“and how does this concern me?”
yoongi snorts because he seems like he’s just been dYING for you to ask him that, taking his sweet time at eating his fruit
“because jungkook doesn’t actually eat your lunches, dummy.”
...... what now
“but they’re always so clean when he returns them on his desk!” you straighten up from your position on the floor, half-confused and half-nervous to what yoongi is entailing
“that’s because he gives them to his friends. or shares them? maybe most of the time? i’m not sure. jimin told me that your tonkatsu was really delicious.”
jimin, one of the guys in chess club, may have slipped and let everyone know that he just had the best lunch in his lifetime
that was coincidentally from jungkook’s meal... from his lunchbox.... from your cooking
so does that mean that all this time
oh my god why are your eyes damp
“h-he hasn’t been eating them?”
yoongi expected you to be bummed (and you deserved to know the truth anyways) but he didn’t expect for you to tEAR up so that’s why he’s a little shocked rn
he’s awkwardly hugging you on the floor and he doesn’t know what to do
but you do 
this week, your mornings start much later than it has been for the past two weeks because you only have one meal to prepare and it’s yours
your evenings end earlier too because you’re not searching up, planning, then watching recipes in advance for the next days
your afternoons end abruptly too because you don’t have to stay behind to collect a damn lunchbox 
it’s better.
this is better.
“you must be fucking shitting me right now!”
[ it is apparently not better ]
no one expected that there would be a day in which they get to hear jeon jungkook, shy and most-prized stem-student, yELLING in frustration and mumbling expletives while pacing back and forth
but uh it’s here!!!!!! it’s here!!!!
“who the fuck keeps stealing my lunchboxes?!”
he’s tugging at his hair and pointing to his clearly empty desk
his friends are all a little ???? right now because the professor’s about to come in any second now and their friend, and now their group by extension, is garnering qUITE the attention right now
jungkook is grumpy and sad and god he is tearing up right now because his week hasn’t been the best and it’s now friday and the only thing that’s been keeping him sane are lunchboxes
lunchboxes that haven’t been given to him for a wEEK and now he’s just so frustrated
he may have taken them for granted at first but now he realizes that it was a part of his day he looked forward to :((( a-and even the meals were top-notch and he’d realize that if he just didn’t dismiss them to his friends like no big deal :(((
“give it back, please.”
oh my god
you are seated frozen at your ass as you watch jungkook have a meltdown over his situation 
you never really expected this reaction, honestly
......... literally what now :O
drabble nights: open!!
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httpoiks · 3 years
the one
pairing: ushijima wakatoshi x gn!reader
tags: post timeskip, past relationship, hurt/no comfort
warnings: past relationship, neglect, unrequited love (?)
word count: 0.7k
author’s note: im not dead! this is crazy! i write for haikyuu one (1) time and drop off the face of the earth lol! anyway this was based off of “the 1″ by taylor swift because i felt it was quite appropriate considering ushijima’s very,,, singular,,,, character
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He’s on the television again. His face in blinding gymnasium lights, all sweat and seriousness. You scoff as you always do and turn to face your roommate. 
“Hey, Satsuki? Can we change the channel?” You hope she doesn’t notice the quiver in your voice or the desperation behind your eyes. Your fingers drum a familiar beat on your thigh subconsciously and once you realize, you make fists from your hands.
She turns to pout at you from the opposite end of the couch. “Y/n, come on! He’s the hottest guy on the national team! Don’t you want to watch his interview? Be a little patriotic!” She gestures wildly towards the television, but you refuse to spare him another look.
“You know how I feel about volleyball-” You start, but she scoffs loudly in return. 
“All because of some ex-boyfriend? It’s not like he’s a pro now--so what are the chances of you seeing him again! Just chill and ogle this hunk with me, please?”
It takes everything in you not to tell her that the chances of you seeing him again were much higher than she thought and, in fact, you’re seeing him right now. 
Ushijima Wakatoshi, the cannon of Japan. He stands alone in the frame, the interviewer just behind the camera. He’s much bigger now, bulkier, you notice. His hair is shorter--he must have taken your advice and gotten a haircut--and his eyes gleam with a light you only see anymore in your dreams. He’s happy there, in love with his new life, with his new ambitions.
Maybe if you’d been different he would still be in love with you, your mind whispers, ever your greatest foe. Maybe if you were enough he would’ve taken you with him.
Satsuki stares at the television, clearly enthralled with your ex-boyfriend. You relax your hands, straightening your fingers out of a tight fist, and push yourself off the couch. She looks up, startled. “Where are you going?”
“I’m headed to bed.” You state, rounding the couch and heading into the kitchen. 
“But it’s like, super early-”
“I’m just really tired and work was a bitch today, y’know?” She simply nods sagely in understanding before returning her attention to his pixelated picture, eyes fixated upon his figure. “Night, ‘suki.”
You stumble into your room with a glass full of tap water from the sink, closing the door behind you to block out the fiendish sound of his familiar voice. Oh, how you wish you could tell her--how your wish you could tell anyone! Certainly she’d rush to turn off the program and coddle you for hours, profusely apologizing for shoving your ex in your face. Certainly she’d shelter you from any news regarding professional volleyball and the national team, squealing and covering your eyes at every promotional curry ad. Surely, she would do all of these things to keep you safe if you could tell her, but you can’t.
Even now, you still haven’t broken a single promise you made to him.
You remember that night, the low-burning candles and a dinner too cold to bear. Anniversaries forgotten had gone by, and this was just another to add to the list. A dinner you’d cooked, a movie you’d recorded, a smile you’d painted on your face for his seventh chance to make things right, all forgotten for an extra hour of practice. 
Beloved volleyball, beloved victory, beloved sweat and seriousness and stretching out to reach your goals, each one more important than you. Maybe if you were a better partner, better at romance, better at affection, better at love, he would have shown up. But you weren’t and he didn’t, so what was the point? 
Your nice dinner goes into tupperware for his lunch tomorrow. The candles are blown out and the recording is deleted. Pretty smiles and clothes are shed and you crawl into a cold, lonely bed one more time. 
You’re not sure how much longer you can handle it.
He crawls into bed that night, stoic and silent, unaware of the night’s fragile awakenings. The knowledge you gained, knowing that you would never be enough--that nothing would ever be enough, if it were not his beloved volleyball. 
As his breathing slows and he drifts off into sleep, you make up your mind to leave. 
The break-up is hard, the dependence you had in that longstanding relationship shattering down around you. Even now, empty promises you made to him, promising to never discloses the details of your “fleeting” relationship (as if any love you ever had for him could be fleeting). You never broke that promise.
Just like the night you made up your mind to leave, you go to sleep, cold, lonely, and by yourself. 
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ofstarsandvibranium · 3 years
Bad Reputation
Fandom: Marvel (High School AU)
Pairing: Chubby!Bucky x GN!Reader
Summary: For some reason, your high school’s resident bad boy, Bucky Barnes, seemed to have made it your personal mission to be a thorn in your side.
A/N: inspired by this gif set.
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Your eyes glance up every so often to make sure your notes are correct as you scribble into your notebook. Mr. Coulson continues to talk about history and you're adamant to jot down every single thing he says.
You feel something hit the back of your head, but you ignore it. A minute goes by and you feel it again, along with a "pssst!"
You shake your head and try to keep your focus. Something something 1894-
"Hey," you jolt when you hear a whisper and a tap on your shoulder.
You look over your shoulder and see James "Bucky" Barnes now sitting the seat behind you that was previously occupied by Brunnihilde, "What, James?" you hiss.
James, or Bucky as he likes to be called, smirked at his first name. Not many got away with calling him that, but you did.
"Wanna hang out after school?"
You turn back around to continue taking notes, "Don't you have detention...again?"
He scoffs, "Yeah, but I'll skip it for you."
"Pass," you mumble.
You hear him sigh and lean back, "Suit yourself." Minutes pass and you turn back around and Brunnhilde is back in her seat.
When you walk out of class, Bucky is waiting for you by the door. You ignore him as you walk down the hall to your next class. He follows closely behind, you hear the creaking of his leather jacket that he usually wears.
"Leave me alone, James."
Bucky rushes around to stand in front of you, stopping you in your path, "Y/N, why do you hate me so much?"
"Because you're annoying, you're a troublemaker, you never know when to shut up you, you-"
"Jeez. Alright. Damn."
"I have to go to class, James," you walk around him and continue your journey.
He catches up to you again, "I'll walk you!"
"No, thanks."
You continue to head to class, but Bucky doesn't follow this time. He stops in the hall sighing and pushing his hands into his distressed jeans. He looks down dejectedly and heads in the other direction to his class.
The bell already rang by the time he steps into class. Ms. Hill writes him off and he, to no one's surprise, get detention yet again for having three tardies in a row.
He slumps into his seat behind his best friend, Steve, and sighs. As Steve is writing notes, he murmurs only low enough for Bucky to hear, "No luck?"
"Nope," Bucky murmurs back. He looks down and looks how his black t-shirt clings to his round belly. He pats it and sighs, "Do you think they'd like me if maybe I wasn't so chubby?"
"Y/N may not like you, but they're not shallow, Buck."
"I just don't get it. Why don't they like me?"
"Probably because you annoy them so much," Steve answers with a smirk, which earns him a flick to the ear.
"Steve, is there something you'd like to share with the class?"
He shakes his head, "No, ma'am."
Ms. Hill goes back to giving her lecture and Steve hisses, "Quick being a jerk."
"I'll quit being a jerk if you quit being a punk, you punk," Bucky retorts with an amused grin.
You head to your usual table where Scott, Hope, Luis, Carol, Brunnhilde, and yourself usually eat.
You sit in between Scott and Carol with a sigh. It's Tuesday, but you already want the week to be over. Carol leans in and whispers to you, "Don't be alarmed, but Bucky's been looking at you since you walked over here."
You groan and let your head fall onto the lunch table, "Why can't he just leave me alone?"
"Because he likes you," Hope answers.
You snort, "More like he likes to annoy me. I don't want anything to do with him. Bad guys like that are up to know good. I don't have time for that."
"I like Bucky," Scott speaks up with a smile, "He's cool."
"You just like him because he gave you a nickname," Hope replies with knowing smirk.
"He's a cool guy!"
You hear a burst of laughter and you look up to see Bucky throwing food at Clint and Sam two tables down.
You roll your eyes and pull out your own lunch. As soon as you're about to take a bite, you hear "WATCH OUT!" and you're hit in the face with a piece of pizza.
Everyone suddenly goes silent. You look up and see Bucky's look of horror. He's immediately rushing over to you, "Y/N! I am SO sorry! I didn't mean to-"
"It's okay, James." you say calmly.
He looks at you in surprise, "Wait, really?"
You take Scott's cupcake that he got from Gamora and said, "NOPE!" and smashed it onto his face.
He wipes away the frosting and smushed cake, and smirked, "That's how it's gonna be? Fine." he grabs your tupperware of pasta and dumps it over your head, "FOOD FIGHT!"
Everyone begins to scatter and starts throwing their food left and right. You grab your food, Scott's food, Luis' food, any food you can get your hands on and throwing them to Bucky.
"YOU'RE SUCH AN ASS!" you yell at him.
The doors to the cafeteria burst open and the principal, Mr. Fury, yells, "EVERYONE FREEZE." And you all do.
You're seething, glaring at Bucky, chest heaving.
"Who's responsible for this, huh?"
Everyone points to you and Bucky who are in a more isolated area of the cafeteria. Fury, watching where he stepped, marched over to you. He points to Bucky, "Barnes." and then you, "L/N, my office. Now."
Two weeks. Detention for a whole two weeks. You couldn't believe this! Because of Bucky, your record was no longer clean. Your dislikeness towards Bucky just grew after that.
After school, you marched into the cafeteria where you'd be helping the lunch faculty.
"Alright James and Y/N, you'll help with dishes. You can discuss who will wash and who will dry."
Without looking at Bucky you head to the sink, "I'll wash."
Bucky cautiously follows you and stands by your side waiting for you hand him washed dishes.
"Don't talk to me, James."
"I'm sorry," he murmurs in a painted tone, "I really didn't mean to throw that pizza at you."
"Why are you like this?!" you drop the dishes back into the sink, "Why must you annoy me and bother me every chance you get?!"
"I-I don't mean to-"
"Bullshit, Barnes!"
"I like you, okay?! I like you and I-I don't know what to do! The only time you look at me or talk to me is when I bother you and I just-I just want you to talk to me, Y/N. To see me."
"Why me? There's plenty other people who'd rather have your attention!"
"I don't know. There's just something about you. You're sweet and smart. You're caring. I know-I know something like me doesn't deserve the attention from someone like you, but I can't help it."
You snort, "You don't know me though. Not really."
"Well, maybe I can get to know you now? Ya know, since you and I will spending a lot of time together here?"
"We'll see," you answer before heading back to doing dishes.
After a week of detention, you and Bucky were more civilized. You got to know each other a little bit more. You found out that he wanted to take over his dad's construction company, that he wanted to help Steve get into NYU with the money he's been earning from working with his dad.
Bucky learned that you wanted to go to school for journalism and that you have a pet bunny named Floppy.
You found out that Bucky knows Celine Dion's music very well because his mom loves her.
He found out that you wanted to be on Broadway when you were younger, but realized you had bad stage fright.
Whenever you two saw each other in class or in the halls, you didn't turn in the other direction. You gave each other a nod and a polite smile.
Then...the flowers started happening.
You walked into Mr. Coulson's classroom and found a daisy with a note next to it. You picked up the note and it read:
I saw this cute flower and thought of you. Have a good day.
You looked at the back of the classroom to where Bucky usually sat, but he wasn't there. You snort to yourself and roll your eyes. He's probably going to late, per usual.
A few minutes before class started, Bucky waltzed in and sat in the empty seat beside you. He pulls out a notebook and pencil. He writes the date at the top and looks up at the front of the class to see if there was anything on the whiteboard.
He then turns to you and smirks, "Hi."
"Hi. Thanks for the flower."
"You're welcome," he looks down at his notebook and then looks up to see you still staring at him. He chuckles, "What?"
"You're early to class and prepared....are you feeling okay?" you lean in, feeling his head with the back of his hand.
You swats your hand away, "Quit it! I'm fine! Just turning over a new leaf. I'm gonna be a changed man, Y/N."
Your school day went by fast. One moment you were in your first class and the next you're in the cafeteria helping clean the kitchen.
"So...what's the real reason you're suddenly trying to be a good student?"
"Does there have to be a reason?" Bucky asks as he wipes down the counters.
"There's a reason for everything, Bucky." you freeze and so does Bucky. You look up and he's looking way too smug for your liking, "It was a slip of the tongue."
"You called me, Bucky."
"It won't happen again."
"Can I hear it again?"
"Hell no."
"Okay...I do like it when you call me James, though. Just so you know." he looks at you with a soft stare and an equally soft smile.
You cleared your throat and went back to refilling the fridge with milk, "Anyway, the reason?"
Bucky sighs and walks over to you, resting against a counter as you work, "Had a meeting with Fury. Said if I don't improve on my grades, I'm gonna get held back. Means I can't pursue my goals with taking over my dad's business, can't help Stevie with school. I gotta be better."
You pause and then ask, "Do you....want some help?"
"Um...I'd like some, but you don't have to. I can't ask-"
"You're not asking, James. I'm offering."
So after school, while you and Bucky served your detention, you helped him study.
Eventually, your detention was over, but that didn't stop you from helping Bucky. During lunch, you two would be in the library. You two would study at the park near your house. You soon began to show you his grades and they were definitely improving.
When Bucky got his first A in a long time, you took him out to lunch to celebrate.
You guys went to the local café in your neighborhood, getting burger, fries, and shakes.
You lifted up your shake, "Congrats, James, to your first A in a logn time!"
Bucky held up his own and clinked it to yours, "And to you, Y/N, because I wouldn't have done it without you."
"Guess we make a great team, huh?"
Bucky smiles that smile that you've noticed he only does with you, "Yeah...we do."
"You've been spending a lot of time with Bucky for someone who hates him," Carol states as you join them at the lunch table after what seemed like forever.
You rolled your eyes as you sat down, "I don't hate him. I never did, honestly. Just strongly disliked! But anyway, we're good now. Bonded a lot during detention and then I was tutoring him. We're....friends now."
"Just friends?" Brunnhilde asked.
"Yup. Just friends!"
After school, Bucky is waiting for you by your car.
He nervously wipes his sweaty palms down his round belly and runs a hand through his hair, "Um, hey."
"Hey, what's up?"
"I just wanted to let you know something. You know my feelings for you and, honestly, they haven't changed. In fact, they've only grown since we've been spending so much time together. And, there's another reason why I wanted to do better in school...and that's you."
"I wanted to be better for you, so I can show you that I'm not just that punk ass kid that doesn't care about anything and anyone. That I'm more than just my bad reputation. And, I think this past month, I've done a pretty good job at showing that. But anyway, I was wondering, if you feel the same? And if you wanna go on a date sometime?"
His confession floored you. You didn't expect him to say any of this, "James, I-I won't lie, that I have some feelings for you, but it-it takes a lot more than this for me to like someone. I mean, we just became friends. And while I do like how you've changed, I just-there's more to it than just that."
He nods and clears his throat, "Right. Got it. I'm sorry-"
"Don't be," you grab hold of his arm, "Maybe...we can just be friends for now and see how it goes?"
He nods, "Yeah. Okay. You set the pace and I'll follow, Y/N. I'd rather have you as a friend than not at all."
"I can't promise anything would come from this."
"I know. I'm just....glad you finally see me."
You smile at him with softness in your eyes, "I'm glad I finally see you too."
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kisses and cuddles
wooooooooo time for some more fluffy shit yall i loved making this so much this sorta relted to my weed garden fic but you dont need to read it (be cool tho)
Ruby was sitting in the cafeteria with Oscar and penny she was too tired to pay attention to what the two were talking about penny sitting across from her and Oscar was excitedly talking about something while Oscar liens looking interested she’s unsure how he’s so put together they were both up late hanging out dreading comics and it’s only 7 am she leaned on Oscar and closed her eyes hoping to get a little more sleep before She had to do missions she had a relatively short one today only a search and destroy so maybe she could get home fast and take a nap Oscar nudged her shoulder and she lifted her head “hey don’t fall asleep if you don’t eat you’ll be grumpy” he says she fakes a pout and starts eating the gross cafeteria food she assumed that atlas food would be good sense it’s so many rich folks but no she’s actually had  better tasting mres or maybe she was just getting spoiled eating Oscar and rens cooking “ruby why are you so tired did you have trouble sleeping” penny says drawing circles on the table with her finger “no me and Oscar were up late last night and I only slept like three hours“ penny frowns “while I am happy you and Oscar are spending time together you require at least 6 hours of sleep for maximum field efficiency” ruby just nods “so why don’t you seem tired Oscar you couldn’t of slept anymore than I did” she says with a yawn he shrugs and says  “I guess I’m used to it I had to wake up early back home so I always didn’t get a bunch of sleep” penny raises a finger “actually according to my scans  Oscars brain is only running at 89% efficiency and his hear rate is faster from his normal 48 beats per minute to to 51 it is likely that he simply better at hiding his tiredness” Oscar slumps “penny do have everyone’s heart rates memorized” he says exasperated “yes I also have all of your medical charts on file and criminal records why” he raises a brow “criminal record?” Penny nods “yes several of your team have criminal records qrow having the longest with 22 counts of public intoxication as well as 3 of public indecency and” ruby raises her hands “trust me you don’t wanna know the rest they had to make a new law for one of the things he did but who else has charges?” she tries to wake herself with conversation and it sorta works she also learns some new and unsettling things about her friends but eventually breakfast ends and she starts to get her gear ready she’s loading rounds into one of crescent roses magazine when someone knocks on the door to her locker room “it’s open” she calls out and incomes  Oscar he’s holding a small Tupperware box and a small metal tumbler “hey I wanted to give this to you before you go” he says with a sheepish grin he sets the box next to her and hands her the tumbler it’s warm and smells good “it’s coffee, don’t worry I added way too much sugar for you and the other thing is a surprise you said you don’t eat a lot on missions so I made it for you it’s a bit of an experiment so tell me if it’s bad” she’s grinning ear to ear and stands up from her weapon bench and hugs him “you are the best and I’m sure it’ll be great” she gives him a kiss on the cheek she’s been slowly trying to work her way up to kissing him on the lips but nose and cheek kisses were enough for her he smiles and his cheeks get all rosey  and he hugs her back and says “be careful ok sorry I know you can take care of yourself but just you know“ she squeezes him a little “yeah don’t worry I know  I’ll be careful and when I get back we are so taking a nap mister I’m not that tired” he giggles and looks up at her with a smile  “you won’t hear me complain and uh before you go could I uh kiss you like um on the lips” he says nervously she leans down pressing her forehead to his and smiles she smells his breath it smells like chocolate and coffee she feels her cheeks heat up to match his and says “I’ve been wanting to do that for a while now are you sure you want to ” he nods his head wordlessly she takes his hand and gently presses her lips to his its short and maybe a little clumsy but it makes her heart soar when she breaks the kiss Oscars breath shakes slightly  and a little panic starts to fill her did she mess it up did he hate it and then he smiles and it all fades away “that was really nice” he says rubbing her knuckle with his thumb then there’s a knock on the door frame she looks up and weiss and Blake are standing there weiss looks annoyed and Blake is grinning “time to go ruby morning Oscar” wiess says already turning to walk away ruby quickly gathers crescent rose and Oscars gifts and says “bye Oscar I’ll be careful byeee” and dashed out the door behind the others Blake nudges her shoulder “your lucky I made weiss wait  ,god you two are adorable” ruby squeaks “will you stop spying on us”  “we weren’t spying you two dolts left the door open” weiss says annoyed 
 The mission was boring as she thought it was gonna be how normal soldiers couldn’t handle this she’ll never know on the airship ride home she opens   the box Oscar gave to her a note on top says “have a great day and stay safe” she smiles at the note and sticks it in her ammo pocket  it looks like a brownie is some kind and yang leans over and says “where did you get that”
“Oscar made it for me” she says taking it out of the container it smells like a peanut butter protein bar “ooo come on share with me pleassss” yang says putting her hands together “ugh your lucky I’m a good sister” she breaks off a small piece and hands it to yang and takes a bite of her own and it’s amazing it Taste like a peanut butter brownie but somehow better it’s somehow not dried out or crumbly yang seems to have a similar opinion “god if you don’t marry Oscar i will his food is too good”yang says with a laugh  she kicks yang in the leg “I know right I can barely eat the cafeteria food anymore” her and yang chat a bit about food until they finally land Oscar is standing on the landing pad waiting for her she bounce on her heels excitedly despite how tired she is when the door finally opens she rushes out to hug him “how did it go” he asks wrapping his arms around her shoulders “oh it was easy but soooo boring I don’t know why they asked us to do it” she says leaning into him he chuckles “well I’m glad it wasn’t dangerous at least did you like it” he asks sheepishly she puts her head on his “yeees brothers it was great what was it” he unwraps his arms and looks at her “there’s no name for it yet but it’s kinda like a protein brownie was it too grainy or anything what about the after taste” he asks “I didn't even realize it was supposed to be healthy” she puts her hands on his shoulders “Oscar I’m gonna need more of that” he smiles “happy to make some more tonight” he says proudly yang walks past and ruffles his hair “make sure to make enough for me too kiddo” and walks off “how about that nap ruby my teams still on mission so we should have some time” he says taking her hand “yes please” 
They walk back to team alpns dorm room after ruby changes into something more casual Oscar was already wearing his normal clothing he sits on his bed and smiles “I’m gonna get to have two naps today” she sits down next to him and throws her arm around him "you and your team  sure like your naps huh" he smiles as they lie back on his bed "honestly who doesn't like naps I never use to be a huge cuddler but it’s nice to have someone close to you, you know” they lie back Oscar resting his head on rubies shoulder “well I do  wish my team took naps together sometimes yang is a big cuddler too but Weiss  doesn’t like being warm and Blake can’t sit still even so less than you” he snorts as he takes her hand running his thumbs along her knuckles  “well I’m sure the others wouldn’t mind you joining our naps if have to ask but i'll warn you ren sits up in his sleep  Jaune snores and i talk in my sleep” she raises an eyebrow “you didn't last time” she says “that's cause we were smoking  but if i take a nap or if im really tired you can actually talk and I'll talk back” she grins “well what do you talk about”  he rests his head on her chest “usually about my aunt or all yall but Nora has told me i say lots of stuff about you if i'm asked” he says his cheeks getting just a tiny bit rosy she grins and plants a kiss on his nose “well i hope i get the chance to ask but i'll probably fall asleep first im super tired” she rolls over and wraps herself around him oscar adjusting to lay on her arm pulling a blanket over them "well if you can get me to talk I'll answer any question just nothing to embarrassing please" he says  “i would like to know what you have to say tho so maybe i'll try to hold out just a bit longer” she says closing her eyes as oscar lets out his relaxed sigh about half of Oscars communication was nonverbal she liked to mentally catalog the things he does when he relaxes he lets out a long almost high pitched sigh it makes her happy to hear that and it helps her relax her thoughts starts to get fuzzy as sleep takes her she wakes up a few hours later laying on her back oscar laying on top of her them both having wrapped around each other she hears quiet murmurs  coming from him to quiet to understand "Oscar are you still asleep" she whispers no response "Oscar are you comfy" he nods his head "of course I'm comfy I'm cuddling with ruby" she snickers he was definitely still asleep "who's the coolest person you know" she she's "ruby for sure she's so good at fighting and everyone trusts her I wish I was more like her" she runs her hand through his hair "how do you feel about ruby " she asked "I'm in love with her she makes me feel strong and weak at the same time when she's with me I feel like I'm safe and that we could do anything together i want to be with her forever" she's crying now "oh shit I didn't expect him to be that honest" she thinks as tears run down her face "I love you too Oscar"     she kisses the top of his head “you know i never used to want like romantic stuff and all the fluffy garbage i just wanted to be a huntress and fight grim stuff like that but you  make me want that stuff i wanna take you on dates and like hold your hand and stuff there are a bunch of things i wanna do like” she pauses resting her head on his “i forgot you were asleep for a second i'm starting to embarrass myself i do love you tho i dont know when your supposed to say that we've only been i guess dating for what 2 and a half weeks my dad always joked that huntsmen relationships move really fast nothing like holy shit we might die to move a relationship forward right but you make me feel like i don't know amazing and I love being with you you make all my worries disappear even if it's only for a little bit and i'm rambling and your not talking back” oscar lifts his head “its cause im awake and i love it when you ramble” she feels her face light on fire “w-what when did you wake up” he hums happily “around we might die  i think it was nice that stuff you said you can ramble longer if you want what that new gun you saw in that magazine” she smiles “it's a roller delayed blowback sniper rifle its a smaller caliber than crescent rose but it has a longer effective range because of the way the bore is shaped i prefer bolt actions to semi automatics for a long range rifle semi autos have there merits and stuff it's a lot lighter than crescent rose as well on account of it not also being a giant scythe you know i was thinking about carrying a pistol too crescent rose is great but shes heavy and she's also really hard to conceal  even when shes folded speaking of i need to clean her gears a bunch of dust got in them today you said you wanted to learn weapon maintenance i could teach you today if you want” “sure i can learn there's a lot of things oz knows but it's like a big library without a librarian its all jumbled up” she scratches the back of his neck “well i do not understand the dewey decimal system but i'm happy to help” they both giggle at her joke ruby keeps rambling until the rest of team alpn return 
Oscar is walking ruby back to her dorm they come to her door and they turn to face each other and oscar rubs his hands together “so ruby uh I got permission with ironwood to leave school grounds as long as someone's with me so I was wondering if you’d like to maybe go out like on a date” she smiles and puts her arms around his shoulders “sounds amazing sweetie I’m free this weekend where do you want to go” he blushes and says “well I actually have something in mind but I wanna keep it a surprise if that’s ok” she kisses him on the cheek “of course casual clothes or should i dress nice” he shakes his head “i mean it's really up to you but were not going somewhere fancy just a place I think you'll like" she smiles and kisses his nose and he leans up a little so there lips are level "can i kiss you again" he asks just above a whisper her pressing her lips gently against his is her answer they  hold the kiss for a few moments Oscars hands drifting to ruby's waist when they separate  she says "i think we're getting pretty good at that" Oscar smiles avoiding her eyes "yeah um It's certainly enjoyable" they break the hug "I'll see you in the morning I'll make that stuff you like ok" he says "yes awesome you're the best Oscar good night" she says as she slips into her from her teammates giving her knowing smirks 
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mymoonagedaydream · 4 years
Domestic Bliss (Part 3)
Summary: No word from Stark, so you and Bucky are left to your own devices playing husband and wife for a while
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x y/n
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: Language
Author’s Note: I’m really enjoying writing this story :) hope it isn’t too slow burn
'What are you doing?'
You jumped out of your skin- for a metal unit of a man he somehow managed to move without making a sound. He was leaning against the kitchen door frame wearing a tattered t-shirt, with his hands in the pockets of his low-riding sweatpants.
'What does it look like? Making breakfast.' He furrowed his brows, seemingly astonished at the idea of you cooking. 'You want some bacon?'
'Hell yeah.’ He waltzed into the living room, adding sarcastically over his shoulder ‘you keep this up I might even marry you for real.' 
To be honest, breakfast was intended as a sort of peace offering. You'd thought about it some more and he was right, you were being an asshole yesterday. You even decided to give him more bacon than you. Now that’s an apology.
'Have you heard from Stark?' He shook his head, not looking up from the pile of meat he was shovelling into his mouth. 'Me neither. I just figured it would help if we actually knew which house we were monitoring.' 
'Must be one of the other three in this dead end bit, I'll head up and check out all the gear he's left us after breakfast.' 
Not a bad idea, but you'd had one of your own too. 
‘Cookies!’ You said excitedly, piling three Tupperware containers into your bag.
‘Yeah I’m not blind, just confused.’
‘This happy husband and wife are going to introduce themselves to the neighbours and these’ you shook the last box of cookies at him ‘will win us favour.’ You ignored his derisive nod.
The first house was next to yours on the left, similar looking on the outside but with two pretty expensive vintage cars parked outside. You pressed the bell and heard movement approaching. Just as the lock clicked on the other side of the door, Bucky quickly snaked his arm around your waist and pulled you into his side.
'Oh, hello.' Standing in front of you was an old lady with a British accent and warm smile.
'Hi- um...' Bucky had completely knocked you for six and, judging by the smug smirk on his face, he knew it.
'We've just moved in next door.' He piped in. 'Thought we'd come by to introduce ourselves. My wife made you some cookies too, you won’t believe how good she is at baking.' 
Well shit, you'd never heard him sound so much like a normal person. He even punctuated his sentence with a polite chuckle. 
'Well aren't you two just lovely.’
You smiled sweetly at her, finally back on your game, and handed over one of the Tupperware boxes. 'I'm Jo and this is Tom- it’s great to meet you.’
You made small talk with your neighbour for a couple minutes, ending with a promise to be back round for tea at your earliest convenience. As soon as the door closed, Bucky's hand dropped from your waist and he headed towards the next house.
'Maybe warn me next time Barnes? Freaked me right out.' You complained, as if that wasn't his intention. 'And if that hand goes any lower I'm taking it off.' 
He stopped and saluted at you sarcastically as you passed him to go towards the next door. 
The other two houses seemed completely inconspicuous too- a middle aged lady with fiery red hair who insisted the two of you join her and her husband (the lawyer) for drinks one night this week, and a couple not much older looking than you and Bucky with two young children and a new-born baby. 
'Well that got us a big fat nothing.' He complained, plonking himself down on the armchair in the living room. 
'You're joking, right?' He looked at you, one eyebrow raised. 'It's our first day here and we can already clearly identify the supposed residents of each house, we've convincingly consolidated our cover with each of them and two of them even invited us over.' 
'Huh, suppose when you put it like that… We can probably just take the rest of the day off then.' 
And he did. You spent hours in the surveillance room typing up a mission report, he watched TV for two hours then slinked off to the mini-gym for the rest of the day. 
Seems he was settling into married life quite well too.
The next night, you and Bucky were leaving for drinks with Kate the redhead and her lawyer husband. 
‘I don’t see why we’re doing this.’ He was fidgeting in the shirt that was far too tight over his shoulders. ‘That redhead hardly seems like the boss of an international crime gang.’
‘If criminals seemed like criminals they wouldn’t be very good fucking criminals would they, Barnes. And since Stark has been all-but-ignoring us since we arrived, we’ve got to explore all avenues.’
You were greeted by Kate at the door and she led you through to their house. It was decorated like a hunter’s log cabin, all brown leather and dark wood. In the living room, the lawyer was waiting with two expensive-looking bottles of scotch. Bucky was invited to join him for ‘man time’ while you and Kate were sequestered to the kitchen with a cheap bottle of wine. 
You wouldn’t be coming here again. 
Kate was nice enough but you had very little in common, and you could sense years of simmering resentment between her and her husband. She glared at the door after every obnoxiously loud chortle from the living room, even though you recognised some of them as Bucky, and she kept asking you whether your husband was starting to become emotionally distant yet. The evening didn’t pass nearly fast enough and you actually found yourself wishing that you had listened to your reluctant partner. 
Hours later, when you finally felt you’d got as much as you could out of Kate, you made your excuses and headed to grab Bucky. He was leaning back in the leather armchair, looking different somehow. He gazed at you with a carefree grin, no tension in his shoulders and a look in his eyes you didn’t recognise. 
Was he tipsy? One of the whiskey bottles was empty and they were making good progress on the second. 
‘You ready to go honey?’
‘We’ve got half a bottle of Macallan scotch to drink yet sweetheart, you’re welcome to run along home if you please’ the lawyer piped up. You never bothered asking his real name, didn’t seem worth your time. 
‘Nah, I’m good,' Bucky cut in, 'I think it’s time to take my beautiful wife to bed.’ 
He launched himself off the armchair with great effort and stumbled towards you. You were taken aback by his sudden familiarity but careful not to blow your cover, so you let him pull you in by the waist and plant a few soft kisses on the top of your head. You may even have enjoyed that part, just a bit. That was probably the wine talking though. 
You didn’t enjoy, however, having to all-but-carry him for the short walk back to your house. He weighed a fuck-tonne. 
The two of you spilled through the front door and into the living room, Bucky collapsing onto the armchair with all the grace of a newborn horse. 
'That guy was an asshole, man.' He had his head back and his eyes closed, so you had a bit of difficulty deciding whether he was speaking to you or himself. 
'Yeah? How so?'
'Just a stuck up rich guy y'know, plus the way he spoke to you was out of order. Give me the word next time and I'll bust his ass.'
'I appreciate the sentiment Barnes' you chuckled,  'but I can look after myself just fine.'
Content that he'd survive the night with nothing more than a throbbing headache, you started walking past him towards the stairs. As you got to his side he reached out, grabbing you by the wrist softly, but with enough force that you stopped dead and looked over at him. His eyes were open now, he was staring at you earnestly. 
'I'm serious y/n. No-one speaks to my wife like that.' 
‘What the HELL?’ 
You jolted awake. Turning your head, you looked at the time. 3am? What in Christ's name is he shouting for? 
Oh fuck, you’d forgotten. 
You were pissed off at Bucky earlier for leaving all his dirty plates in the sink, so you’d put them in his bed. Petty, yes. But your point was a fair one. 
You’d left him on the armchair, he must’ve slept there for a few hours then woken up and decided to go to bed. He stormed into your room. 
‘Why the FUCK are there plates in my bed?’
‘Oh gosh, I’m not sure. Maybe the dish fairy, you know the one who puts your dishes in the washer after you leave them all over the place, put them there?’
Swaying slightly and clenching his teeth, you guessed he was probably too drunk and sleepy for a proper argument. 
‘Right.’ He pulled his shirt off.
‘Whoa Barnes, the fuck are you playing at?’ Bucky was undoing his belt and in a matter of seconds was standing in your room in just his underwear. 
‘Move over.’
‘Instinct says... no.’
With a slightly jarring look of determination, Bucky clambered over you to the far side of the bed and pulled the covers over himself. For a second you were silent with shock. You and Bucky were in bed together, both just wearing underwear.
His thigh brushed against yours and sent an electric sensation up your side. 
Granted, it would be a hell of a lot easier to just accept this and go to sleep, but you had to be seen to make some kind of protest. You half-heartedly grabbed his arm, trying to yank him towards the edge of the bed- a pointless endeavour. 
‘This is not happening.’
‘Go sleep in the ketchup bed then.’
‘You’re an ass.’
He let out a deep chuckle before turning his back to you and getting comfortable. After firing an irritated groan at the back of his neck, you flicked the lamp off and turned your back in kind. 
Before falling asleep, you and Bucky shared a thought. You tried not to over-analyse it, but it made Bucky grin to himself.
You could easily have gone to sleep on the sofa. 
Part Four
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ketchup-monthly · 3 years
Night Talks - Chapter 2
@anxious-ace Chapter 2!
Loceit (pre-relationship)
Tws: alcohol mention, flower mention
It wasn’t until a month later that Logan found himself alone with Janus again. It wasn’t that they were deliberately avoiding each other, they just never seemed to be in the same place at the same time without Remus or another side around. The month had gone surprisingly well, especially with Virgil moving from the Dark Side to the Light Side, and any problems that could have arisen from that. As Virgil spent most of his time in his room—no longer a crypt, but a dark room with purple accents and fairy lights strung up near the ceiling—to get used to one thing at a time, the misunderstandings were few and far between. That’s not to say that there weren’t disagreements and accidents from those under his watchful eye, but the blame for most of them was to be placed on Patton and Roman.
As it was the last time he had run into Janus, it was late at night, though this time, Patton and Roman were asleep and Virgil was either asleep or enjoying quiet time in his room, free from an overly energetic prince. Logan was doing his final checks of the commons before checking the tenets of the Light Side, making sure that lights were turned off, countertop appliances were turned off, and there wasn’t anything left out on the counter that would attract pests or go bad. Logan was so focused on getting into the kitchen, on making sure there was nothing in the toaster or blender and that they were turned off and unplugged that he missed the dim light from a lamp in the corner of the seating area.
Logan shuffled around the kitchen, messing with appliances, and taking something green with a strange metallic sheen to it but a sticky texture and a strange smell out of the toaster before putting it in a tupperware container and placing it on the portion of the counter where he always left Remus’ experiments or pranks when he found them. After checking the rest of the kitchen, Logan sighed and walked back out into the sitting area, where he noticed a lamp on, light directed at a side curbed up in one of the armchairs. Upon closer inspection, he realized it was Janus, staring forlornly at the pages of a book, eyes unmoving aside from the occasional sluggish blink.
His head didn’t move, but his shoulders jumped up towards his ears before lowering to where they were prior.
“Why are you still up, is Remus setting off the fire alarms again?” Logan perched on the edge of the other armchair far as he could get from the other, not wanting to invade his personal space.
“I don’t miss him. I don’t miss the ambient sounds of another person in the room. I definitely don’t miss the sarcastic comments, or the secret smiles, or the way he used to look at Remus and I as if we meant the world to him. The days long past, when he was but a child, I don’t wish we had them back.”
“Virgil, I’m assuming. Wait one moment please.” Logan stood up, heading back into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of red wine from the fridge and two wine glasses. He set the glasses on the table between their chairs and uncorked the bottle, pouring it into the two glasses. He held a glass out to Janus.
“Here. Would you like me to tell you about what’s been going on on my side? With Virgil and the others? And in return, you could tell me about Remus?”
The other side took the glass and sat up, book closing and falling to his side. “Of course not. Care to converse over a game?”
He snapped his fingers, producing a deck of cards adorned with a black rose design on the back. He twisted, sitting cross-legged, sideways in the chair, facing Logan.
At the unexpectedly sharp noise, Logan looked closer, noting that Janus wasn’t wearing his gloves, for once. His scales didn’t just cover the side of his face, it seemed, as there were lighter scales creeping up the back of his hands. They looked to be in better condition than the ones on Janus’ face. Logan wondered what they felt like, if they were cool to the touch, if they were rough or smooth, if they felt like a real snake’s scales or like something else entirely.
He shook his head and looked back into Janus’ mismatched eyes, focusing again. “What game?” Logan pushed the wine glasses to one side of the table and put the wine bottle on the table behind him.
“Not Gin, that’s for certain. You must be aware of the rules, yes?” He carefully removed the cards from the box and methodically shuffled them after removing the jokers, eyes straying to look back at them.
Logan nodded. “I have played Gin before, Virgil taught me a few weeks ago, though I admit I have not played it very much since.”
At the mention of Virgil, Logan noticed a slight twitch on Janus’ face, as if it fell for a second before a mask was put back in place, resulting in a small hollow smirk resting across his lips.
“Very well.” He dealt the cards, giving them both ten cards and the extra card to Logan to start.
Logan looked at his hand, noticing familiar faces on a couple of his cards. “Janus, what theme is this deck of cards?”
Without looking up at him, moving his cards around his hand instead, the other answered. “Thomas. Look at the jokers.” He pushed them across the table into Logan’s line of sight.
On each of the cards was an image of Roman and Remus, the first a mostly black and green one where they rested back to back, each holding a flower, Roman gazing down at a wilted amaryllis forlornly and Remus smiling nicely, a vibrant handful of angelica clutched in his grasp. The other was mostly red and white, Roman, flushed and smiling, looking off into the distance with a bouquet of red roses held gently to his chest. Behind him is Remus, a single overgrown rhododendron losing petals from the tight grip Remus had on it, a manic grin on his face.
Logan’s eyebrows rose at the beautifully detailed images. “You designed these? They’re incredible.”
Janus nodded, peering up through his fringe at Logan, gauging his sincerity. “Thank you.” He gestured towards the table. “Shall we play?”
“Of course, allow me to take a minute to look at my hand before discarding.”
Logan looked closer at the cards in his hand. A five of clubs, a seven of clubs, a five of hearts, a seven of hearts, a jack of spades, an ace of spades, a four of spades, a six of spades, a jack of hearts, a kind of hearts, and a six of diamonds. He placed the six of diamonds into the center of the table and looked closer at the ace and the face cards.
The ace had Patton on it, a white camellia tucked behind his ear, holding a blue hydrangea with white jasmine flowers placed around it. The figure on the card is smiling, eyes crinkling at the corners, form haloed by forget-me-nots.
Virgil was the side placed on the jacks. He was sitting down on a patch of clover, white flowers poking up above the green mass, hood down but still bunched around his neck, playing with a single red columbine. A crown of edelweiss and what looked to be coriander woven in sat atop his purple locks, the white and green making the color stand out more.
Before he could look further at the king, a throat was cleared, causing him to look up.
“Are you going to play a card, Logan? Or simply sit there all night.” He was smirking, no hint of malice in his words.
“Apologies, I was admiring the craftsmanship.” The logical side looked down at the pile, seeing that his six had been taken and replaced by the two of clubs. He drew a card from the draw pile, picking up and putting back down the king of diamonds.
While Janus was taking his turn, Logan looked at the king. Since it wasn’t Roman, or even Remus, it had to have been Janus. He wouldn’t put Logan on the king on the deck of cards he had created, would he?
He had. The king card had Logan on it, gazing off to the side, a small smile on his face, a book gently pressed against his chin, a blue hyacinth bound to the front with twine. A laurel of violet and clematis adorned his head, and there were a couple herbs that Logan didn’t recognize laying at the bottom corner of the image. It could be rosemary, but he wasn’t as sure as he was about the identity of the other flowers.
He looked back up from his hand to see Janus glancing at him expectantly before turning back to the discard pile, where a five of spades now lay. Logan picked up the five of spades, exchanging it for the jack of spades. He watched carefully as Janus drew a card from the draw pile and placed it into his hand, face betraying nothing. He took another card from his hand and placed it in the discard pile, the nine of hearts.
As Logan had no need for it. He drew the queen of clubs from the pile and held it carefully, looking at the new design, that was of Janus, as he was the only side not yet included.
His eyes and mouth were closed, and his head was tilted down slightly, facing directly out from the card. In his ungloved hands he held a snapdragon, an anemone plant, and a belladonna. Pinned to his collar was a black-eyed susan, and tucked into the band of his hat lay a single sprig of lavender and a bittersweet blossom. It was a very beautiful card, but it didn’t sit right that Janus looked so sad in the image.
Logan placed the queen onto the discard pile, for it to be snatched up immediately by Janus who put a card face down and laid out his winning hand: the king, queen, and jack of clubs, the king, queen, jack, and ten of diamonds, and the sixes of diamonds, hearts, and clubs.
“A good game. I suppose you weren’t going to tell me about the others. A shame, for I so wanted to talk about Remus.” He sighed and took a sip of his wine.
“Hm. I must know less about this game than I thought. Another round? I’ll speak as we play, and this time I will not lose so fast.” Logan handed his cards back to Janus, who shuffled them expertly, the bridge making a satisfying sound.
He smirked, dealing out the cards again. “Tell me, then.”
Logan placed down the first card. “Patton almost burned the kitchen down again while trying to make cookies in the toaster. I’ve told him several times that he cannot do that, and even put a sign up on the toaster in the Light Side kitchen, but I believe he ignores it and Roman encourages it.”
Janus nodded and took his turn. “Delightful. Remus flooded our space with sewer water. Luckily, he claims that there was nothing actually in it, at least in the dark common area, but it still smelled horrible and left my shoes and pants with a wonderfully unique texture.”
“I would love to assist with one of his experiments sometime.”
“He’d be delighted if you did. Perhaps our commons would finally be clean. It must be your turn.”
“Thank you. While Roman is a, granted, very good singer, as one of the creativities, I would very much appreciate it if he could cease for a while so I could work in peace and quiet.”
“I don’t understand at all how you feel. Remus never does that, ever. Though his singing is closer to screeching. Used to drive Virgil nuts. He’d hide himself and refuse to come down or out.” Janus’ face fell again.
“He still does that, usually when Roman is being overbearing. Patton tries in vain to lure him down with cookies, but given that Patton tries to cook them in the toaster, I believe Virgil is within reason to refuse them. It’s unfortunate that it comes to it, but I have to take his headphones hostage.” Logan smiled.
The other side smiled back at him, a bit sad. “His foundation and eyeliner were always safe from me when he would do that with Remus and I. Even then, when he came down, it was straight for the snakeskin jacket and the shoes. I assume he still wears them around the three of you?”
He shook his head. “No, we haven’t seen him wear them yet. Must be just for you.”
Janus placed a card face down and laid out the cards in his hand, frowning. “Surely we don’t have time for another game?”
“We do, if you’d care to.” He handed the cards back to Janus, who pushed them back to him.
“You shuffle this time, and I’ll deal them.”
Logan clumsily tried to mimic the smooth motions that Janus had when he shuffled the cards. It wasn’t working quite right, the cards not all doing what he was having them do. Getting a bit frustrated, he handed them back. “How do you get them to do that?” he asked, a small pout on his face that he would deny being there.
“It came naturally to me.”
Logan had noticed a particular lilt to Janus’ voice that appeared only when he lied, and knowing the fact that he had to practice to be able to shuffle cards the way he could set Logan more at ease.
Janus dealt the cards and the game began. “I wonder what went wrong.”
“The two of you are very different individuals, but you are also very much the same. The space between you now may help you in the future, allow you to see past yourselves and see the other properly.”
“I suppose.”
“I’d suggest giving Virgil space until he feels like he can come to you and start a conversation. Don’t force him, but make sure he can tell that you are genuine about your intentions with him. One thing I’ve learned about Virgil is that he likes knowing that people are genuinely interested in talking with him or being around him.”
Janus smiled up at Logan. “Thank you.”
The two finished their game quietly, sipping their wine until their glasses were emptied and Logan placed the final card upon the discard pile face down, signifying a win for him.
Janus’ smile grew, the fangs on the left side of his mouth becoming visible. “An excellent game. May we play again soon.”
He took the cards from Logan and put them back in the box as Logan took the wine bottle and empty wine glasses back to the commons kitchen. Janus followed him after stowing the cards back wherever he had procured them from.
“The cards really are beautiful, you know.”
The human appearing side of Janus’ face flushed. “Thanksss.”
Logan turned to look at him. “I must ask though, why do you look so sad on your card? Aside from the twins, everyone else appears happy or content.”
“I am a mystery, Logan. If Logic himself cannot investigate, I fear Thomas is done for.” A small, self-deprecating smile painted his lips. “Goodnight, Logan.”
He walked away to the door that led to the Dark Side.
“Goodnight, Janus.” Logan retreated to the Light Side after having checked the lights and doors again, stopping in front of Virgil, Patton, and Roman’s rooms to make sure they were asleep before heading to his own room and drifting off.
Flower Meanings:
Roman- Amaryllis (pride), Red Rose (romance)
Remus- Angelica (inspiration), Rhododendron (danger, beware)
Patton- White Camellia (you’re adorable), Blue Hydrangea (gratitude for being understood, frigidity and apology), White Jasmine (Sweet love, Amiability), Forget-me-nots (true love memories, do not forget me)
Virgil- White Clover (think of me), Red Columbine (anxious, trembling), Edelweiss (courage, devotion), Coriander (hidden worth/merit)
Logan- Blue Hyacinth (constancy), Violet (watchfulness, modesty, faithfulness), Clematis (mental beauty), Savory (spice, interest), Rosemary (remembrance)
Janus- Snapdragon (deception, graciousness), Anemone (forsaken), Belladonna (silence), Black-eyed Susan (justice), Lavender (distrust), Bittersweet (truth)
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sweet-lemon · 4 years
Intruder pt.2
Tumblr media
Diego x Reader
Summary: Reader gets to see the mysterious superhero again.
y/e/c= eye color
y/h/c= hair color
It's been a week since your apartment was almost robbed. You hadn't seen Diego since, and you began wondering if you'd ever see your tupperware again. You were starting to run out of the plastic containers. Maybe you should stop giving them to people, they never returned them. Maybe you could give baked goods in plastic baggies?
You were too busy thinking about alternatives to plastic baggies that you didn't notice your shift was over until the other waitress walked up to you.
"Hey y/n, are you heading home or what?" She asked pulling on your apron strings.
"Y-yeah, sorry I got distracted for a minute there." You said untying your apron and taking it off.
"You've been doing that a lot lately. Are you okay?" She asked looking worried. You really liked Kathy she almost left like an aunt the way she looked after you.
"Still a little shaken up about the break-in last week, but I'm fine really." You replied getting your purse from under the counter and getting ready to leave.
"Alright, but please let me know if you need anything. I'm always here for you." Kathy said as she started walking towards a waiting customer. 
"Thanks Kathy. I'll see you later." You said heading out the door.
You had to get some groceries before you went home. The grocery store was just a block away so the drive there was only a couple of minutes. 
You quickly grabbed the groceries you needed the next week and were now deciding on what you wanted for dinner tonight. You were kind of in the mood for some garlic bread, so spaghetti it is. You rounded up the noodles and sauce then headed towards the bread aisle. Homemade garlic bread always tasted amazing.
By the time you got out of the grocery store it was starting to sprinkle. You walked faster to your car knowing it was going to be a heavy rain. You had gotten a flood warning on your phone about an hour ago. 
You loved driving in the rain. The sound of the rain drops hitting the roof of your car and your favorite song playing softly made the ride home so relaxing. 
Pulling out your umbrella, you tried balancing all the grocery bags and racing towards the apartment building. Sometimes you really hated living on the third floor. Once inside your apartment you piled the groceries on the table and took a moment to catch your breath. You must have been distracted again because you didn't notice the person standing in your living room.
__________ "So when are you going to see that girl again? Those brownies were really good." Klaus asked walking into the kitchen. He was rummaging through the pantry looking for something to snack on. 
"Why would I see y/n again? I stopped a robbery from happening, it's not like I was invited into her place." Diego said. He was cleaning some of his knives that he currently had spread out on the kitchen table.
"Well you can at least return her tupperware, and while you're there ask her for some more brownies." Klaus managed to find a box of cinnamon toast crunch and was eating it straight out of the box. 
"Well if she wanted it back she wouldn't have given it to a complete stranger." Diego said without looking up from the knife he was polishing. 
Klaus propped himself up onto the kitchen counter and watched his brother. He popped another handful of cereal into. "Or she does want it back and y/n gave it to you because she wants to see you again."
"Why would she want to see me again?" Diego said as he froze in place and tightened his grip on the knife. 
"I don't know, maybe she likes you." Klaus noticed the blush on his brother's cheeks. Well shit, Ben was right. He saw Ben smirking at him from the other side of the kitchen. "Or she's just nice and wants her stuff back." He added.
Diego nodded seeming to agree that she was nice. "Where is the container by the way?" He asked looking around the kitchen. 
Klaus opened the cabinet next to him and took out the container. He was excited at the prospect of getting some more of those brownies that he didn't want his brother to change his mind. So he grabbed another handful of cereal and left Diego alone in the kitchen. 
He kept cleaning the rest of his knives, thinking about what he might say to y/n. Diego didn't like getting close to people because of his line of work, but he couldn't stop thinking about her. Her y/e/c eyes and y/h/c hair and how soft her lips looked as she smiled. He also couldn't get the image of her jumping out of the hallway with that big metal rod. It made him smile every time. 
By the time he was done cleaning his knives it was 4pm. He figured she must be home by now and he could stop by for a quick visit. He grabbed the tupperware from the counter and headed out. 
Making his way downtown Diego noticed the rain clouds gathering in the sky. Hopefully he'll be able to see her and get back home before the rain starts coming down. 
Staring up at the familiar gray apartment building he tried guessing her apartment number. He remembers she lived up on the third floor and looking at the buzzers near the door there were only four apartments on that floor. 
After apologizing to two elderly women and a college kid Diego came to the conclusion that y/n wasn't home. The clouds had gotten darker and started to release a light sprinkle. He looked down at the plastic container in his hands and decided he should just leave it for her since he was already here. 
Diego already knew his way into her apartment. He would leave the container on her kitchen counter with a note for her. At the moment he thought it was a pretty smooth plan. Girls like mysterious guys, right? 
Heading towards the back alley and climbing up the fire escape the rain started coming down harder and faster. He made sure to watch his footing on the slick metal stairs. Reaching her window he noticed y/n had replaced the broken one from last week. 
Taking out his thinnest knife he began picking the window lock. He was careful sliding it open, not wanting her to have to replace another window. Once inside his quickly closed it before the rain started coming inside. 
The place looked a lot better than the last time he was here. The guys really trashed it when they tried robbing the apartment. He took a look around, confirming that y/n wasn't home yet. Setting the container on the kitchen counter he found a notepad nearby and a pencil. After thinking about what to write he quickly scribbled on the paper:
'Hey, it's Diego. We met the other night. Anyways, I just wanted to make sure you were okay and return the tupperware you gave me. The brownies were really good, my brother really liked them.' 
Looking down at the note he wasn't sure what if he should throw it away and start over. Maybe he could write down his name and leave his number. 
While he was contemplating what kind of note to leave he heard the unmistakable sound of keys opening the door. Shit this was going to look weird. He needed to get out of here before you found him in your apartment.
Diego rushed into the living room, but by then you were already walking towards the kitchen. There was no way he could open the window and sneak out without you noticing. He felt like such a creep just standing in your living room looking at you sitting down to take a rest. He couldn't take how weird this was.
"Mh-hmm." He cleared his throat to get your attention. 
You quickly jerked out of the chair looking towards the living room. You stepped back reaching for anything on the kitchen table to defend yourself with. Grabbing a hold of something you watched as they walked towards you. 
"Hey-hey it's okay. Just me." Diego said putting his hands up. 
"What are you doing here?" You asked relaxing a little.
"About to be attacked by a can of tomato paste by the looks of it." He joked pointing at your hand. 
Looking down you noticed the can in your hand. You huffed out a small laugh putting the can back on the table. 
"I was actually returning your container. I was going to leave you a note and get out of here before you showed up." Diego motioned to the counter with his head.  
You saw the note on top and made your way towards it. You quickly read the note before turning back to Diego.
"So your brother liked the brownies." You said beginning to unpack your groceries.
"Yeah, he actually wanted me to ask you for more." He replied walking over to help you.
"Did you like them?" You asked.
"I actually didn't get to try them. My siblings ate them before I got any." Diego scratched the back of his neck looking shy.
You smiled at how cute he was. After meeting him last week you had researched him and knew about his siblings. You thought it was sweet that he was reconnecting with them.
"Well, I should get going." He said heading towards the front door. 
"The rain outside is getting worse. Why don't you stay for dinner? The storm should be over by then." You said chasing after him.
Diego's hand was on the doorknob ready to head out. He looked unsure but after a few seconds he put his hand down. 
"Sure, but you have to let me help cook." He said. You beamed up at him and nodded. 
"So what are we making?" He asked as you both walked back into the kitchen.
"Spaghetti and meatballs!"
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mulletcal · 4 years
words with friends - ashton irwin blurb.
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a/n: okay so i got this dumb idea when i saw lau ( @sexgodashton​ )’s tags on this post pls forgive me 
word count: ~1.8k
warnings: none
At first, Ashton thought that the lockdown with his 14-year-old niece wouldn’t be so bad - he’d have someone to talk to, crack jokes with, and binge Netflix with.  But about a week into them being told they couldn’t leave the house at all is when things started to get a little rocky.
“Uncle Ash, your WiFi is the absolute worst.  This is the 10th time it’s buffered for this episode of Peaky Blinders.  It’s too much,” she sighed, pausing the TV so that she could turn to him, “You need to look into getting a better service provider.”
Ashton frowned, glancing up from the game he had just lost on his phone, “Is that why I just lost this game of Words with Friends against Calum?”
“Probably! You both have terrible WiFi - so it was one of you,” On her screen, Ashton could see her looking up potential service providers that could be newly set up without them having to enter your home.
“I think it’s his, I’d put my money on it.  My internet’s been fine all this time,” Ashton typed up a message to Calum that said ‘bro your wifi is shit get it fixed’. 
“Fine, or were you just never home long enough for it to become a problem?” 
“Wow, hard hitting facts for a 14 year old.” Ashton’s phone pinged, a simple middle finger emoji as a response from Calum.
“Look, I found one that has contactless set up, and their reviews are great.  Just think about it - you don’t know how long this is going to last, and you don’t want to be in the middle of kicking Calum’s ass--”
“Language!” He laughed, placing a hand to his forehead, “Alright, alright. I hear you.  Send me the number so I can contact them about it.”
Within a few hours, everything had been arranged - Ashton realized he had a weird sense of attachment to his internet service provider, feeling guilty that he was cancelling on them, especially during a hard time like this.  Some reassurance from his niece helped though, and he accepted that his life would likely be better if when he was home he could watch a movie straight through without needing to pause it, go make a snack or two, and come back to see if it had loaded enough.
The next day, the new router arrived on his doorstep, and the man who delivered it was outside in his van, phone at the ready so he could walk Ashton through the setup.  Overall it was easier than expected, everything ready to go in less than an hour - he had expected some type of all day event; but much to his delight he was back settled into his couch, underneath a cozy blanket as he opened Words with Friends once again.
He was eager to be able to call his friend out on his poor WiFi, now knowing (hoping) that it would go rather seamlessly.  Unfortunately though, Calum was busy at the moment, so Ashton was left to select playing against a stranger the game suggested was his match of the day.  It wasn’t often he did that, trying to keep it to just the people he knew - but just this once couldn’t hurt.  What did hurt was the fact that this person was absolutely kicking his ass, making his jaw drop with every word they made.
At the end of their game, Ashton frowned when he realized he lost by almost 100 points - how was that even possible? His phone notified that this person wanted to go again, and he wondered for a moment if they wanted to face him again because he seemed like an easy person to win against.  His competitive side came out tenfold for this round though, trying his best to think of words that would give him the most bang for his buck, as it were.  He almost had them, a few points ahead - but then they put down a word that completely obliterated him.
Ashton almost threw his phone, he did, not used to losing so easily against someone.  He liked to think of himself as a wordsmith, he was a songwriter after all, he should be able to be better at this. Tapping the ‘chat’ option, his fingers hesitated over the keys before typing out ‘HOW?’.  Aggressive? Maybe, but he needed to know what their secret was.
Their reply was quick, a casual ‘😇’ and somehow that frustrated Ashton more.  Maybe he needed to go for a walk.  There was no reason why he should be such a sore loser about a game, maybe being on lockdown was driving him slowly stir crazy. His phone buzzes with another notification and the person asked ‘Another round, or are you too scared to lose again?’.  Oh, now it was on.
A couple hours, and many rounds later with some occasional banter back and forth between the two of them, Ashton finally needed to stop - his eyes felt like they had gone dry from staring at his phone for hours on end.  His niece came into the living room, her head cocking to the side.
“You’re in the same position that you were when I last came down here - have you finally turned into a couch potato? Should I call mom that I’m gonna have to start using you as our produce?” she asked, a grin on her lips.  His niece was a mirror image of his sister, and it made him frown - missing her more and more every day. “Why is your face so red? You feeling okay?”
Ashton hadn’t even realized that his face was warm - was he getting sick? Or was it the witty banter back and forth with the person from the game that had gotten to him? He hoped it was the latter, he’d feel incredibly guilty if his niece was stuck in his house with him while he was fighting what was likely the common cold, but the times were uncertain.
“D’know, doesn’t matter.  What do you want for dinner?” He asked, brushing off her questions as he followed her into the kitchen.
Days later, Ashton had kept up the banter with this stranger.  Their conversations were more frequent, and their games less so.  It was kind of nice to talk to someone new, someone who didn’t already know what to expect from him, or things to say.  His stranger friend seemed off today, and it made him frown slightly, thinking that maybe they were growing tired of talking to him.
‘Your wittiness is off today, friend, you doing alright?’ He typed out, pausing for a second before he pressed send - was it weird to ask that of someone? 
It wasn’t long before his phone lit up with a response, ‘Sorry, just tired. My neighbour likes to stay up until ungodly hours playing music, or drums.  Sometimes both at the same time.’
Ashton was mid-yawn as he read the words, a small laugh falling from his lips as he recalled his night; staying up until 3 am in his studio playing drums.  ‘Wow. Sounds like me and your neighbour could be buds, you should put in a good word for me.’
‘Would if I knew them, I moved in not long before all of this started.  Didn’t get a chance to be the weird neighbour that pops by with cookies.’ 
Ashton bit his tongue at that, a grin tugging at the corners of his lips, ‘Do it anyways, be even weirder and leave them on the doorstep, give em a scare and a treat.’
‘Should I leave a nice note saying ‘please keep any and all banging prior to midnight’?’
‘I’d leave out the banging part, but that sounds like an amusing idea.’
Ashton left their conversation at that, figuring he could continue with his day.  Not that his day would consist of much, just attempting to write songs, and test out new recipes with his niece that she always ultimately hated, but it was worth a try.  She decided they should go for a walk around their neighbourhood in the afternoon, and after some contemplation he agreed.  He never ended up going for a walk the other day like he had meant to.
The sun was warm on their skin as they walked, and his nose picked up the faint smell of apples, making him smile.  He thought of his Words with Friends friend, hoping their baking was going well too if they had decided to bake a treat for their new neighbour. 
Ashton hadn’t realized how long he and his niece had been gone until his phone buzzed with a new notification from his RING app, alerting of someone at the door as well as making him aware of the time.  Wasn’t uncommon, he was waiting on a couple packages - but when he opened the app, he saw someone set something down on his doorstep before walking away.  They didn’t appear to be dressed in any type of mail carrier uniform, and Ashton grew a bit distressed by the idea of a foreign item being left on his doorstep.
In an attempt not to worry his niece, he didn’t voice his concerns, instead voicing they should head back.  It wasn’t much of a ways away, them already on their way back - but when they arrived Ashton saw a small red tupperware container sitting there with a note on top.
“What’s that?” His niece asked, leaning down to pick up the note - a smirk spread across her lips, eyes flickering towards Ashton, “Seems like your neighbour doesn’t appreciate your late night drum covers,” she spoke, handing him the note.
Reading over the note, Ashton made the connection almost instantly, his heart racing.  
“What’s wrong? You look as if you’ve seen a ghost.”
“That person that’s been annihilating me in Words with Friends, apparently they are our neighbour.  We were talking earlier and they mentioned making cookies for their neighbour since they’d just moved to the area.”
His niece nodded, a knowing smile on her lips, “Seems like you guys talk about more than just what is basically Scrabble.”
Swatting at her arm gently, he shooed her inside, picking up the container and opening it - he realized then that the smell of apples that had invaded his senses earlier was them, and it made his heart warm at the thought they were so close.
Taking out his phone, he snapped a quick picture of the container to send to them, simply adding a ‘Thanks for the cookies, I’ll try and keep it down.’ Below it before tucking his phone into his pocket to enjoy one of the cookies they had made.
That’s one way to socially distance meet new people, he supposed.
tag list: @haikucal​ @talkfastromance4​ @softbabiestan​ @boyfriend-cal​ @calum-uncrowned​ @wildflowerirwin​ @irwindoll​ @gosh-im-short​ @atlcalm​ @thesubtweeter​ @heavenisapeach​ @ridingcthood​ @loveroflrh​ @wokeupinjapanisabop​ @mantlereid​ @inlovehoodx​
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gallickingun · 4 years
reality-is-often-disappointing x denki || gallickingun matchups
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@reality-is-often-disappointing : I, have shamelessly came here on note for a first tier matchup. MHA, my hobbies are a wild variety that includes mainly singing -as i have an ' amazing' alto voice- writing, drawing -in pencil mainly but also acrylics on canvas- I'm good at cooking -better thank baku if I do say so myself- reading fanfics obv, fangirling/gushing over hot guys with the girls yk? my dress code is ultimate modesty as i dont like showing skin, yet it's classy chic, very picky while shopping yes. my favorite colors are blank and vintage pink. aesthetic is more cutsie unicorn colors -my rooms main colors- but i actually only ever like wearing black. i do know how to swim but cant because *da-dun* i have dry eyes/also wear glasses. my favorite food is dark chocolate w/ those bits of cherries or oranges. as a first date i'm open to anything from a movie in or out, to walks on the beach or even just the arcade. i'm a she/her, and currently feeling like i'm going for a guy as a match triggers: only degradation or backtalking, it makes me anxious, a paranoid mess and i'll most definitely end up crying without even noticing. 165cm or 5'5 dark natural black hair (the 80s lion cut up to collarbone & a fringe) eye color, theyre black/brown when in sunlight. im white with a med and warmish olive undertones, natrually rosy cheeks -holy dark circles- full brows and what i've been called as "doll-like-eyes" or "cat-eyes" since theyre big and long naturally curled lashes. My birthday is on 31st of october, scorpio, INFP personality to cut short for you! I'm a child-free spirited but also am like-mature at maximum effort. I either sleep 3 or 16 hours there is no inbetween (once slept for 24 hrs but I'm not going to talk about how that freaked everyone out) I've been singing since I was three or since I've remembered. Secretly wanted to go on those x-factor shows but bleh, no. Fame is not really for me. Anywho, love you! Have fun with this and drink water! 🎵
Thank you so much for sending in the request for this! You’re such a gem, I really appreciate every time I get the pleasure of interacting with you, darling 🧡
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― Denki would love the fact that you sing! He thinks you have a beautiful voice, and even if you’re across the house, if he hears you start to pick up a tune, he’ll join in! ― I think the two of you would pull all nighters together some nights, and other days sleep until you’ve passed the whole weekend by without doing much of anything. Denki can stay up until the sunrise, or he can sleep until noon, whatever you want to do! ― He loves your free spirit, it makes it easy to take you on adventures and experience the world with you. 
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⁂ Denki will randomly offer to pick you up from work, and the two of you will drive a couple of hours to the countryside or the beach - windows down, music blaring, singing until your throats are numb - and you’ll spend a night or a weekend away from the world, just wrapped up in each other. 
⁂ He’s a horrible cook, absolutely terrible. Kaminari loves that you cook dinner most nights, because not only does he get to eat your delicious food, he also gets to praise the heck out of you for preparing a wonderful meal. He really adores it when you make too much and he gets to take the leftovers to work the next day. Of course he brags about you to all of the other heroes, and he really loves the note you leave on top of the tupperware. 
⁂ Even if the two of you aren’t actively together, you’ll still stay up late. Sometimes you watch Kaminari while he plays video games, laying on the couch with your legs over his lap while he mashes the controller buttons and speaks to whoever is on the other side of the headset. In between each match or round, he’ll slip the headphones off his ears and run his palm along your calf, massaging your leg, “Whatcha doin’, babe?” And he’ll listen to you drone on about whatever YouTube video you were watching, whatever thing you’re reading, or whatever social media event has gotten your attention. 
⁂ He learns how to harmonize in order to compliment your voice better. He shows it off one night when you’re singing along while cooking dinner - Denki sidles up behind you, arms around your waist, and starts to harmonize in your ear along with the song you’ve been captivated by for the last few weeks. You feel warm at the sound of his voice, and even more so due to the effort he’s put in to prove to you that your interests are his interests. And boy, is he interested in you. 
⁂ Kaminari will be down to try all kinds of fruit chocolates with you - you guys even play a roulette style game where you have to guess what kind of fruit is hidden within the chocolate. You win, mostly, because Denki just wants to stuff his face with sugar so fast that he doesn’t recognize the fruit chunks. But he still plays and is in awe of you getting every single one right because you never fail to amaze him. 
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Denki slips in through the doorway, sliding off his shoes in favor of his house slippers as quietly as possible. He notices that the television is still flickering on and off, images bouncing off the glass of the window panes scattered throughout the living room walls. A chuckle parts his lips when he sees you curled up in one of his old hero merch designs - a hoodie that is too large for you, so big that it would seem it has swallowed you whole. Your legs are curled into your chest and your head rests on the arm of the couch, gentle snores making your nostrils shudder.
He tries to pick you up, slipping his arms carefully beneath your frame. But somehow you stir, your eyes peeling open lazily as you smack your lips, slowly sinking away from the realm of slumber. A gentle smile tugs on your lips and you frame his face with your hands, “Another late night?”
“Duty calls,” his voice does not sound as excited as it once did to get those midnight rings from the agency. Now, he just aches to be at home with you at the decent hours of the night, where he can hold you and fall asleep with you and remember why he fell in love with you all over again, every time he gets the faintest of whiffs of your perfume or your shampoo. 
“Dinner is in the oven,” you are murmuring, your head lolling against his chest as he settles you into his hold, “I waited for you to start the next season.”
Kaminari is laughing, but the sound of it sobers you up and you grab him by the collar of his jacket with the one arm that is listening to you tell it how to move, the other pinned between your bodies, “H-Hey, don’t laugh at me! I waited for you to start it, now we’re gonna start it.”
Somehow you’re settled back into the couch, hands desperate for him as you search his torso for somewhere to find purchase. Kaminari leans down and kisses your forehead and then the tip of your nose, his lips hovering just above the bow of your mouth as he whispers, “Whatever you want, honey.”
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Matchups Original Post | Ko-Fi | Patreon | Commissions | AO3 | Writing Tag
Please check HERE to see if I’ve done your matchup already. Remember, I will also post your matchup with the tag: “#emoji-matchup”, using your emoji in place of the word, so if you can remember your emoji, you can search my blog for that tag to see if I have completed it already!
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centuryofdean · 4 years
Of Food and Comfort - Part 10
Author Note:: SMUT Alert. Like... I got carried away.. again. Now that I am rereading it before posting, like damn. I’m wondering what the hell got into me and what I can do to write something like this better next time. Criticism is always welcome! *As long as it isn’t left in a degrading / hurtful way.*
Author Disclaimer:: Marvel and its characters are not mine. I take no credit. Instead I claim the maybe not so great plot, writing and characteristics of the reader insert character. I am not a die hard Marvel fan, I haven’t read all the comics, but have watched the movies. I may get some things wrong, so please don’t hate me. I also have been incorporating Old Norse as terms of endearment.
Summary:: You worked for Tony Stark as a…mechanic of sorts. Anything around the Avengers compound that needed a technicians touch, you handled. With working and living there, you had grown to be friendly with the super heroes. Of course you had grown to have feelings for one of them. The muscled Thunder God to be exact.
Rated:: M for Mature. Please do not read this story unless you are 18+. Smut. NSFW
Pairing:: Thor x Reader
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Before you knew it, January and February came and left. It was a little saddening that time seemed to be flying, but every day was just as beautiful and magical as Christmas.
The Avengers weren’t called away on any missions, and Thor hadn’t been called back to Asgard. This left you with a month of bliss with him. Just like before, Thor followed you around the base as you worked, he helped while you cooked dinners. Only now there was kisses.
A lot of kisses.
A while ago when you were making dinner, Thor entered the kitchen and zeroed in on you. Before you could even utter a ‘hello’ he had grasped you by the hips and lifted you up and onto the counter top of the island. Thankfully there wasn’t anything on the island, because surely it would have been pushed to the floor with the force of his actions. In seconds he descended on your lips.
Every kiss you both shared was enough to make you lift off the ground with the amount of butterflies in your stomach. This one on the other hand was—it was hot. He wasn’t frantic, but each movement of his lips and tongue was precise. Warm hands worked up under your shirt to trace the skin of your sides, ghosting over your bra cups slightly before dipping back down.
Unconsciously you worked your legs open and had the heels of your feet digging into Thor’s thighs while you tried to pull him closer. A fire ignited in your core, and the friction only made it burn hotter and warm you from the inside out.
“What has gotten into you,” you gasped for breath while he kissed your neck and rutted into your center. Each movement worked you up more and more.
He didn’t respond at first, just nibble at your collar bone and pulling your body tightly into his grasp.
“I was blessed with a very nice dream,” he murmured.
Your hand reached down towards the button of his jeans, fiddling with the button for a second before popping it open.
“Come on guys!”
Thor immediately pulled away, facing away from you and the entrance of the kitchen. Clint was standing there with one hand plastered across his eyes and the other on his hips, foot tapping fast in frustration. “Could you at least do this kind of thing somewhere like in your rooms, or in the movie room or something? Somewhere that no one will be likely to interrupt, like me,” he muttered.
When Valentine’s Day rolled around, you made a little dinner for the both of you and ate it in his rooms. There wasn’t a lot romantic about it, you had a feeling Thor wasn’t aware of the holiday for couples and that was fine by you. It truly felt like a made up holiday just for cards and candy sales. Romantic gestures should be made year round, not just on one day.
Instead the both of you ate, then cuddled and watched a few movies.
Well, you tried to watch movies, but Thor’s wandering hands kept distracting you with the small images he traced on your stomach and thighs. Eventually you both ended up wrapped in one another, yanking at each other’s clothes between frantic kisses.
Even though you were determined to finally have sex with him that night, Thor pleased you with his mouth and silver tongue instead. When you asked him later why he still hasn’t taken the next step, he simply said it wasn’t the right time.
It was now rounding on the third month of being wrapped up in the life of Thor, when the team finally had a mission to do. Everyone was either running or walking with purpose through the base either collecting their gear or looking for something that was out of place. Thor simply grabbed the hammer and strode towards the doors out to the grounds. The quinjet that was used for missions was kept out on a helipad out behind the building.
Since the moment FRIDAY sent the message out through the intercoms, you were trailing behind Thor. It was just a mission, he had been on dozens of them with the team. Still you couldn’t help but feel a little off kilter at the idea of him—and everyone else—going out to fight again. Everything had been so nice and calm for the past few months and you enjoyed it too much.
Soon the rest of the team were filing out of the building towards you both and the quinjet. Thor turned and walked a few yards out away from you before thrusting Mjölnir in the air. In return lightning shattered down from the sky and struck the sleek Asgardian metal and flowed through Thor. Before your eyes, his clothes changed from the relaxed jeans and t-shirt he adorned, to the dense Asgardian leather and metal you had only seen him wear and handful of times. His hair even erupted into braids leading from his forehead down to a low pony tail at the base of his neck.
Was it possible you could get Mjölnir to do a cool costume and hair change on you? Maybe when he got back you could ask him to show you how.
Thor rushed forward and wrapped you in his arms for a bruising kiss. When he finally pulled away you couldn’t help but smile. His bright blue eyes twinkled when he glanced down at you.
“Be careful,” you patted his shoulder. “I’ll have some chilli ready for you all when you get back.”
“Is chilli a soup,” he questioned.
“Depends who you ask,” you laughed. The others were boarding the ship, calling for Thor to join them. You quickly hugged him closer to you and kissed his neck softly. “I love you big guy.”
Thor finally pulled away from your embrace, holding you at arms length while his now steel grey eyes looked between yours. A slow smile worked its way onto his face before he kissed you quickly, “And I love you as well drotting.”
Then he was gone, jogging towards the ship that had already started and was hovering a few feet off of the ground.
You watched the jet take off, still wrapped up in the thought that you both just said you loved each other.
One Week Later
Worrying wasn’t something you resorted to usually, but oddly when it came to the God of Thunder all you seemed to do was worry. You tried to tell yourself he was a God, and had the rest of the team with him. Everything was fine and the mission was just taking longer than normal. So you tried to keep yourself busy.
FRIDAY had compiled a list of things for you to work on to keep your mind busy. There were numerous tasks around base that needed an installation, tune up or a complete repair. This started around day four, from the moment you woke up until the moment you went to sleep you were tinkering on things. It worked all too well. One time while trying to replace the brakes on one of Tony’s Roadsters you fell asleep underneath it between brakes.
You had just showered and was thinking about ordering in a pizza when FRIDAY came to life on the intercoms. “The Team is on their way back Miss L/N. Estimated time of arrival is five hours from now,” the AI stated.
Five hours was a little short for you to make chilli, but if you cooked it on high in the crockpots you should be able to get it done just as they arrived.
The hours flew by. You had prepared the chilli shortly after hearing FRIDAY’s message and it was almost ready. Everyone would want to shower and change before eating anyway you would think. Smiling to yourself, you waited by the door eagerly to greet everyone when the reached the living room.
Tony was the first to get through the door, he didn’t look injured but just extremely tired. Soon everyone was piling in the living room, some a little roughed up but all tired. Thor was the last to get in the door, and you started to stampede to him with excitement of seeing him.
Just as you were about to throw your arms around him, you noticed that blood coated his left shoulder.
“What happened,” you gasped, lightly using a finger to lift at his shredded armor to see the shallow wound.
He didn’t answer but pulled you to him and kissed you soundly. After he pulled away, he smiled through a hiss of pain as he shrugged, “The enemy got in a few good blows.”
“Chilli is in the kitchen,” you called out as everyone started to disperse, “help yourselves!”
Thor started towards the hall towards his room. “Schat,” he said. Accustomed to the nickname—though you didn’t know what it meant still—you turned back to him. “I am going to bathe myself. Will you bring food for us both to my rooms? I would like to take a nap after we eat.”
Wanting to give him enough time to shower, you grabbed a few Tupperware bowls and lids to carry the chilli in. After filling both bowls up, you sprinkled in some bacon and cheese and put the top back on. A few slices of sourdough bread and some drinks later, you were making your way to Thor’s room with a small picnic of sorts. The shower was still running when you dropped off the food and left to your own room to change into something to sleep in. If Thor was going to take a nap, you might end up taking one as well.
Just as you settled yourself against his dozen or so pillows, Thor emerged from the bathroom with steam covered in just basketball shorts. The way he smiled when he saw you caused you to smile. One week away made you yearn for his touch and affection. You missed the way he smiled at you, or the way his eyes would almost twinkle when he looked into your own. The gash on his shoulder didn’t look as bad as before, though it should probably still get bandaged.
Thor settled himself down on the bed just as you got up. “Where are you going,” he asked confused, reaching out for you when you slid past him towards the bathroom.
“To get something for your war wound,” you replied as you riffled through his medicine cabinet. Tony kept everything stocked here, bless his soul.
On your knees, you leaned over Thor’s side and carefully used some topical ointments, gauze and tape to cover his gash. He hissed once or twice while you rubbed in the ointment but did not complain.
After he was bandaged, you settled in and passed him his food. Each of you ate in relative silence, but quickly. Your mind stopped racing and calmed its worry the moment he walked through the living room door. Even with blood on him, your worry reduced significantly. Surprisingly you had forgotten your small conversation about loving one another before he left. Now—well now it was all you could think about now that he was here and settled.
He must have meant it, Thor doesn’t typically say things he doesn’t mean. That being said, you felt ecstatic at the fact that he did feel the same as you; that he loved you.
“Ah,” he smiled after taking in his last spoonful, “this is chilli. I like this one.”
You laughed softly, using the bread to scoop up the last of the tomato sauce in your bowl. Thor collected the empty dishes and set them aside on one of his nightstands. You mentioned you were going to put them away, but he grunted, pushing you back into the pillows and curling up against your side with his head on your chest. “Not now schat,” he grumbled, “now it is time for napping, we can clean the dirty dishware later.”
He snuggled up against you, arms around your waist and legs curling up towards yours.
That is where you laid for a few hours, your hand tangled in his hair while the other rubbed up and down his arms. The TV was flashing some show, sound turned down low. You had tried to sleep yourself, but you couldn’t bring yourself to, because you were enjoying him being draped around you too much. At one point, his one of his deep snores cut off, throwing him into a coughing fit. You couldn’t help but giggle softly, running your hand down his back in an act of comfort so that he settled back into normal breathing.
One of his hands slipped under your shirt and slid up to cup your rib cage, thumb rubbing back and forth over your skin softly. You sighed in content, letting your eyes drift from the television to him again. Lazy blue eyes were twinkling back at you, sleepily awake it seemed. “Hey big guy,” you murmured, not wanting to completely rouse him from being asleep. Everything was nice and peaceful for the time being.
“Hello drotting,” he whispered back, leaning forward to press a soft kiss to your neck where he could reach. “I missed you.”
A smile worked its way on your face between giggles as his mustache tickled your flesh.
“I missed you too,” you replied, threading fingers through his hair as his lips started to build pressure in kisses. They started soft and low on your neck, lazy, and then built up to harsh and sucking at the spots you were most sensitive.
A soft moan left your lips when his teeth nipped at your earlobe, toes curling. In just a few moments he had easily slid from your side to straddling your thighs and leaning over you while he lavished your neck and collarbone with kisses. Hot hands were rubbing the skin of your hips and stomach, working your shirt up inch by inch.
This wasn’t new to the both of you. From the time you returned from Asgard, there were plenty of times the both of you were completely naked to one another. Those times of fooling around were amazing, but you still wanted to take the final step. Determined to make those wants come true, you helped him pull off the t-shirt you were wearing before gluing your mouth to his.
Heat consumed you fast and hard. A small patch of sweat started on your forehead as the kiss you shared grew—as did the ache in your core.
One of Thor’s hands sought out your breast, softly rubbing a thumb across the pert peak of it in between soft squeezes. The other was slowly inching your underwear down to your thighs. You honestly only noticed when the cool air of the room was brushing against your warm heat when he gently urged your legs apart.
“I must make it up to you for every day I have been gone,” he said, voice deep and husky as he pulled you by the hips to the edge of the bed. “Seven days. Seven orgasms? Does that sound fair to you schat?”
The fire in your core blazed to life and left a nice red blush from the tops of your thighs all the way up your stomach to your neck and face. Thor did like to say things to get you worked up, this wasn’t an exception. Just the idea alone of being pushed to explosive pleasure seven times seemed like it would break you almost. Was that even possible for one day of fooling around?
Your thoughts were cut short as a hot moist heat lapped at your opening for a second before swiping up to your bundle of nerves.
A ragged moan left you as Thor repeated the action. Debilitating pleasure coursed through your veins as you grabbed a hand full of his hair to yank him up and away. His brows furrowed in confusion as you panted and gazed down at him. “I’m not sure if I can take seven, but I want one to be with you inside of me,” you blushed even as the words left your lips.
One of the most wicked grins you had ever seen erupted across his face. “Yes Y/N, those are my intentions,” he murmured before diving back between your legs.
At a loss for words you fell back into the bed with both hands on his head, urging him to continue while your hips shamelessly thrust against his lips and tongue. You were thrilled at the thought of finally experiencing sex with Thor. Just trying to imagine what it would be like sent tingles down your spine and into your core. Another whimpering moan left you as you continued to think about it, letting Thor pleasure you while your mind ran wild. The soft thrust of two fingers into your opening, caused you to twitch with ecstasy, you were close.  
The inner fantasy you conjured changed drastically to envision Thor thrusting into you, in tandem with his fingers thrusting into you, and his soft moans of pleasure, and the simulation to your clit by him sucking softly at it. This pushed you over the edge, crying out softly as your hips jerked out of control and riding out the waves of pleasure that were consuming you. Through it all, he lapped at you more erotically, fingers twisting and turning inside of you while you cried out.
When the last dregs of pleasure left you, you laid limp on his bed panting for breath and smiling softly at the euphoria that settled in you. “I love you,” you murmured softly.
Thor’s hands ran up and down your sides softly, pressing soft kisses to your thighs as he climbed back onto the bed with you. “I love you as well schat,” he replied, lips coming back to your neck before gently pulling you back into the pillows. You got to enjoy a moment of bliss before he had coaxed your legs open once more and trailed his fingers softly over your dripping sex.
“We have all night to enjoy one another,” he laughed, “but I don’t ever remember being such an impatient man as much as I am now.”
Your hand reached down and started to yank at his shorts, trying to pull them off of him. The task wasn’t too easy as he was kneeling on them between your legs, but you managed to get them to his knees. Reaching up with your neck, you pressed a gentle kiss to his chin while a hand grasped him and squeezed affectionately. “I am impatient too,” you murmured, “I think we waited long enough. I just want you already.”
He laughed loudly at this, slipping a finger back into your relaxed sex, pumping slowly. “I have wanted this for a long time, but told myself we couldn’t until I knew you felt the same,” he smiled. His hand expertly played you like a musical instrument while he kissed you thoroughly. The noises he got you to produce was enough to be embarrassed about, but you stopped caring a long time ago.
“Wait,” you pushed him away softly with the soft-spoken word. “You have been waiting for me to tell you I love you before we could sleep together?”
Thor looked so relaxed on his knees between your legs. One of his hands actually was stroking himself slowly while the other was between your thighs. All the while he was smiling happily. “Of course,” he said simply. “As I said, you are too good for simple pleasures. Loving one another is far greater than simple pleasures when it comes to sexual relations.”
You were at a loss for words. It was a little hard to try and focus with him pleasuring you still, and your mind was racing. How long has he loved you? How did he even know he loved you? As a God, he had to have lived many lifetimes. You weren’t young exactly, but you lived long enough to know that this feeling you had for him was truly love. Starting to become overwhelmed with all the thoughts and feelings, you were breathing harder as you felt your body start to build for another climax.
All at once Thor impaled himself in you, causing yourself to climax again and cry out in pleasure while tears streaked down your cheeks. What was this emotional state you were in? The bliss from another orgasm was there, but you couldn’t help the tears that were coming quickly now as you moved your hips against his.
It was a tight fit, but you felt so complete and whole with him stretching you around himself, riding out the orgasm with small thrusts against him.
Thor pressed his lips to your cheeks, tongue trailing all the tears that you created before kissing you soundly while he thrust into you. This pleasure was better than anything else he had done to you. Every time he retreated and pushed back into you, he stimulated your bundle of nerves and had you crying out for more. You almost couldn’t breathe it was so good. Suddenly Thor thrust deep and hard, causing you to scream out in surprise with another climax and loss of warmth as he quickly pulled out of you and held himself above you.
How in the hell could he bring you to bliss so quickly like that?
Trying to gain your barrings, you looked up at him confused as he had his eyes closed and held himself in his hand tightly. His hand didn’t move, but he took a few deep breaths before opening his eyes to you once more. Confused, you touched his shoulder lightly, feeling yourself still throbbing in beat with your heart after another onslaught of pleasure.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured, leaning forward he kissed you thoroughly for a moment. “I didn’t want it to end just yet.”
He pounced on you again, kissing you back into the pillows and taking your legs to wrap around his hips while he ground his pelvis into yours. You could feel his member between your legs, pushing between your cheeks and into the sheets. “Before I get lost in you again,” he smirked, “where would you like me to spill myself?”
You had been prepared for this. Just when you started seeing Liam all those months ago, you decided you needed to be prepared and get on birth control. Granted you were determined to still use a condom until you knew of his sexual history, but with Thor you weren’t really worried. Gods didn’t really get STDs from what you could gather. A long time ago you had asked Thor if he ever got sick and he replied that human aliments didn’t affect him, Asgardians never fell ill.
You crushed your lips to his chest, kissing and sucking on his neck as you worked yourself over his pelvis. “You finish with me,” you whispered. “I take a shot to prevent pregnancy.”
Reconnecting your lips with his, he guided you back to the bed, gently cupping himself and sliding into your center slowly. A soft grunt left you as he became fully seated. It was a little less tight than just moments ago, but it still felt amazing. He worked himself slowly in and out while kissing you hungrily. The pleasure soon built up again and you were moaning uncontrollably into his mouth or neck when you needed air to breath. His hips snapped at just the right angles, but the slow steady pace was maddening. More than once you tried to urge him faster by moaning in his ear, “Faster, please—oh Thor please.”
He moaned into your neck, but paid no mind to your wishes. Instead you clawed at his back, crying out as you edged closer and closer to another blissful orgasm.
“If you won’t go faster,” you pleased, “harder?”
Thor grunted and obliged, snapping his hips a little harder than the last time and grinding his pelvis into you for more stimulation. You screamed happily, enjoying the ease of ache. Still it wasn’t enough, but you were content for the moment.
One of his hands reached down from by your head and cupped a breast, tweaking your peaks almost painfully. In turn your hips twisted in the action and sought out more pleasure from his aching pace. A loud whimper came from him before he kissed you harshly. Your lip got pinched and you could taste blood slightly when his tongue invaded your month you tangle with your own. It brought on another moan, but suddenly he increased his speed.
Even when you needed breath, he didn’t tear his face away, you both just panted into each other’s lips. In seconds you were crying out again, falling into blinding oblivion as pleasure racked your body once more. Thor’s thrusts had grown erratic, and his own moans grew in volume. Your pleasure only seemed to peak and tumble over even more when you felt him grow and explode inside of you, more heat filling you from the inside out.
Every motion between the both of you seemed to slow, breath lost as you settled onto the bed and felt Thor’s weight press against you softly. Not enough to suffocate you but enough to feel comforting.
Suddenly Thor started to laugh, causing you to open your eyes and take him in. You were shocked to see wetness on his cheeks. Your thumbs wiped it away, and in turn he did the same. Not realizing it, you had cried again, and for some reason so did he.
“Why are you crying,” you asked. You had only seen a handful of men cry before.
“The same reason you were,” he said smiling before pressing a quick kiss to your lips. “I told you loving one another would make joining greater than simple pleasures.”
Laughs left your chest at his words because he was right. You had had sex with men before, but this was the most beautiful and pleasurable time it had ever happened. Before you thought you loved one man, but that was nothing compared to this. Both of you were still panting and wiping at each others faces, trying to catch breath. His skin was molded perfectly with yours as he was still nestled inside of you.
“We should take a shower,” you murmured, kissing his shoulder. “I still need to clean up the kitchen.”
When Thor slowly pulled out of you, you whimpered at the loss. Suddenly you felt completely empty, as if you were missing something that belonged. “Sh,” he whispered, “we will come together again soon.”
Did he feel it too? As if something was missing? You didn’t get a chance to ask before he kissed you again and lifted you into his arms.
“I love you,” he murmured into your hair. A smile that threatened to break your cheeks came over your face.
“I know, I believe you already told me,” you cheeked back to him, enjoying the closeness between you both.
“I have seven days worth of telling you to make up for,” he said as a matter of fact. “And more pleasure to bestow on you too, but that can wait for later.”
You closed your eyes in the shower as you felt Thor’s fingers work shampoo into your hair. The warmth that encased you from his body pressed against yours, the water from the shower and the feeling of a mild scalp massage was amazing.
This, this was love.
Previous Chapter << Part 9: Popcorn
Next Chapter >> Part 11: French Toast
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@jumpingmanatee @thorfanficwriter​ @lancsnerd​ @captainamericasbeard​ @jennie22feona​ @alyssatjuhhh
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sweet-lil-psycho · 5 years
Tupperware Party- Part 2 - Jimmy Darling Oneshot - AHS
Authors note: Here it is! Finally! Five months after part 1!! Tupperware Party - Part 2. Thank you all for being patient and supportive during the break. I haven't edited or proofread this because I've been busy and i wanted to get this up asap. Sorry in advance. (Once again I am posting from a mobile device and cannot make this post 'read more' until I have access to a computer.)
Since this part is NSFW and contains detailed sex scenes, I would like to ask that it be viewed by readers who are 18+ only, thank you.
Word count : 3618
Warning: Detailed sex scenes, oral (female recieving), fingering, multiple orgasms, sex, female mastrabation
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You and Jimmy lay there for a while without so much as a whisper. Simply holding eachother. Your breathing had synced and the rise and fall of your chests were the only movement in the room.
However, this couldn't go on all day. The occasional laugh or loud remark from the other Jupiter ladies could be heard through the walls. A constant reminder for both you and Jimmy that time hadn't stopped moving. Eventually you would have to walk back down that hallway and bear the cheers and knowing grins of women who would presume to know what happened during these very moments. And Jimmy...poor Jimmy, would have to welcome the next Betty or Sue who walked through the door with the same rehearsed charm as he had welcomed you.
Sometime during these thoughts, your grip on the warm body next to you had tightened. Hugging into Jimmy like you were afraid he would slip away, as you knew he eventually must.
"Are you alright, doll?" He asked carefully, his dark eyes brushing over your face for any hint of discontent.
Doll, the 4-letter word touched a place inside you that rarely awoke. It was not the first time you had been called by it, but the way he said it had sparked something inside you.
"What was that?" You asked, locking eyes with him
"Are you alright, doll?" He repeated himself, shifting closer to you and once again setting fire to that spark
"Jimmy..." you trailed off shyly, your face inches from his
"Yes?" He answered quickly, hanging off your every word
"Would you mind if...I mean, may I..." you couldn't bring yourself to ask
Instead you simply moved closer. Slowly bringing your lips closer to his. It was almost unconsciously done, as if he had put you in some sort of trance.
He didn't turn away or speak. He just watched in awe as the woman in front of him brushed her lips against his.
"Please do, doll. By all means" he said softly through a shaky breath. Answering the question that you couldn't find the courage to ask out loud
You placed a hand on his cheek and kissed him again. This time lingering for a moment. You wanted far more than these short brushes against his pink lips. You wanted him in the way that cheerleaders sit behind the bleachers with jocks while they both disregard their classes. With heavy kisses and a tight grips.
His hand moved toward you, then froze mid-air. Paralyzed by the fear of his deformity. After a moment, it began to retreat back to the place on your cardigan where it had sat. It left you robbed of the feeling that would have come with his hand settled on your cheek. And brought a rush of anger at everyone who had ever made him feel shame over his condition.
You pulled him into a deeper kiss, your hand leaving his face for a moment and guiding his own onto your cheek.
"I want to feel your touch." You whispered into his ear once you broke the kiss.
There was a slight nudge against your leg which sent a fire down your whole body. The words you had spoken had sparked a bulge in Jimmy's worn out denim jeans.
The moment of pause it caused you was enough for him to pull away. Shuffling his hips backwards so that you weren't being touched by his arousal.
You caught him though. Your hand darting for the curve of his waist and tugging him back towards you.
"No need to shy away from me, Jimmy Darling." You cooed softly
Your hand trailed down from his waist to his hips and from his hips to his thigh. His breath hitched and his eyes rolled back. He leaned into you ever so slightly and you brushed your thumb over the quaking zipper which jolted with the constriction.
"Ma'am...err...Miss?" He uttered between two shudders
"Doll?" You hummed back to him, sliding your hand further down his thigh so he could think clearly
"Doll" he repeated, sounding more relaxed "you're a sweetheart, truly, but you need to see me for what I am"
He held his hands up as if they were proving his point. The two, oddly shaped appendages waving at you. Waiting for you to realize that they were the hands of a freak and come to your proper senses.
"I see you, Jimmy Darling. I see your kind eyes and your dashing smile. I see the way you let me hold you, kiss you even. And yes, Darling, I see your hands too. But only the way they clutched me tighter and didn't want to let me go." You said gently
Jimmy's face was unreadable. As if he were replaying your words on repeat for some hidden meaning or motive. But while he did so, you traced your lips over his neck. Showering his with kisses on every available inch of his body and pulling at his shirt collar to reveal more.
"You're really something, doll" he said finally and unbuttoned the rest of his shirt, discarding it to the nightstand and knocking over the decorative picture that sat there.
Jimmy had let go of his previous trepidation and was now fast in returning affections. His sweet, lips tasted like honey as they covered yours in hot kisses. His hands, rough and uneven, pryed away my petticoats with gentleness of a morning breeze. His shoes hit the floor in two heavy clunks as he kicked them off.
His mouth began to trail down your neck. It pulled passionately at the skin in a way you have never experienced before. His warm breath sent a rush down your core as he continued across your collarbone and crept closer to the neckline of your dress.
"Turn over, if you'd please, y/n" he directed you and you did not hesitate to comply
He fumbled with the zip in a way that made your heart ache. There was so much determination in his eyes, as if he was trying to prove to himself that he could do this.
"Jimmy..." You whispered, wondering how long you should wait before you intervened.
"Hush, doll, I'll get it, don't you worry" he replied with a charming confidence.
Suddenly you felt both his hands pull the fabric taught of your hips and before you could ask what he was up to, the zip began to come down. You could feel the brush of the tip of his nose and his curls tickle their way down your back along with the zipper and all at once you understood what he was doing.
The thought of Jimmy pulling down your dress zipper with his teeth drove you wild. It was difficult not to squirm as a rush of lewd thoughts began to fill your mind. Wondering where else that mouth would be once your dress was discarded.
Once the zipper reached its end, Jimmy made quick work of the fabric and before you knew it the dress was on the other side of the room in a heap.
"Are you sure this is okay, doll?" Jimmy asked carefully, eyeing your body with a lot of restraint.
You smiled as you realised how much of a kind soul Jimmy Darling really was. This was far more than okay by you. You wriggled off your underskirt and lay on your back wearing just your bra and panties.
"This is the most okay I've been in a very long time, Jimmy" you assured him
What a sight you were to him. Practically naked on a plush bed, surrounded by pillows. Whenever he thought about this day in years to come, he was sure he would swear up and down that he was in the presence of an angel. A beautiful, compassionate angel.
Jimmy stood at the end of the bed and unbuckled his jeans. Unable to hold back the sigh of relief as the pants dropped to the floor. You eyed the bulge in his underwear with a wave of lust and anticipation. You finally realized that this was actually happening.
When he removed his undershirt, your core lit up like the forth of July. He was...magnificent. He wasn't particularly sculpted, in fact he held a bit of weight in his stomach which you hadn't expected. The musles were gently outlined in places and covered in others by a small layer of fat. It suited him. It matched the youthful roundness of his cheeks.
Jimmy began to crawl up the bed, his eyes locked with yours. His lips trailed up your leg and over your thigh, making you whine desperately, then continued up your stomach and torso until he reached your covered breasts.
"You are gorgeous" he whispered, his teeth tugging slightly at the fabric of your bra
Reaching behind yourself, you unclipped the bra and allowed it to be pulled off by Jimmy's tight grip between his teeth. When he finally gazed upon you without it, he paused in absolute admiration
"I've never seen a more beautiful woman in my life" he said
You shyed away immediately, unsure how to accept such a compliment, but a hand on your cheek forced you not to look away. His touch meant so much more to you when you thought about how he had been the one to shy away only minutes ago. Now he was touching you without flinching or pulling back, and it made your heart burst with affection.
He began to kiss all over your chest. Softly, and then passionately, and returning to soft, butterfly kisses. He neared your breasts and began to nibble and suck at the skin. A moan escaped your mouth and it spurred him on with a determination you had never seen. He grew more and more passionate with his kisses until his lips found yours once again.
"Let me make you moan" he breathed against your lips
"I don't think I could stop myself if I tried" you giggled as you spoke
Your laughter caught in your throat when you felt his hand brush over the fabric of your panties
"Jimmy..." you breathed as he continued to ghost over the inside of your thighs "Oh, Jimmy..."
"You don't have to be quiet, doll." He reminded you, causing you to briefly remember all the other women who had been in this very bed only hours ago.
"Jimmy?" you asked him with a seriousness that made him pause
"Yes, doll? Are you okay? I can stop if you'd like" he offered
"No, please...I just...I want to know...is this..." you tried to think of a decent way to ask the question that was burning in your mind "...like the others? Like what you've been doing with the other women today?"
"Y/n..." he seemed almost alarmed, "is that what you want?"
"Heveans no. I want you, Jimmy. Not just your hands, or whatever else women here pay you for. And I want you to want this. I don't want to be another customer paying for a cheap thrill in the back room of a suburban home." You gushed, cupping his cheek with your hand
His lips brushed against yours for a moment and his hand returned to teasing over your covered womanhood.
"Well then, doll. Let me show you how much I want you." He smirked and slowly decended down your body until he came face to face with the fabric he had been toying with.
It was damp with your neediness and you whimpered as he pulled the elastic down from your hips. His eyes flickered up to yours, checking for the hundredth time that you were okay with his movements. You squirmed as his breath his your exposed privates. You felt an intense need for something, anything, to happen. That's when you felt it. A strong, wet line right between the two folds. And then another. And another.
"Jimmy! Oh my..." you exclaimed, never having felt anything like it
His hands gripped your hips tighter and he began to draw all sorts of shapes with his tongue that made your body curve into his touch. You moaned loudly. Not caring if the other women heard. In fact, knowing that they could hear you made you even more excited. They would soon hear just how Jimmy was making you feel, and that no matter who stepped in here afterwards, he was yours.
Jimmy discovered the spot that made your moans louder and he began to flick and tease it with his tongue. It made your hips buck wilding and he held you firmer into the mattress.
"Nearly there, doll. Hold still" You could feel his smile against you
You weren't entirely sure what he meant until his mouth returned to your most sensitive spot and just when you thought you had reached the peak of your pleasure, he slid a long, thick finger into you.
You screamed out a moan so loudly that Jimmy moaned at the sound of it. Some coil inside you that Jimmy had wound tighter and tighter had suddenly snapped and you could feel the pulsating throb inside you as your entire lower half became the most sensitive you had ever known it to be.
"That's it. Relax, doll. Don't try to control it." Jimmy cooed, his finger still pumping in and out of you at a gentle pace, while his tongue began to lap up every inch of your pleasure.
Every so often he would brush up against an especially sensitive area and your body would jolt, causing him to hold you down tighter.
Your head fell back onto the pillow and you moaned. Eyes closing in absolute bliss as he continued to gently explore the area with his tongue. Every so often he would plant soft kisses on the inside of your thighs or against your hip bones, thrusting his fingers deeper inside you.
"Oh, Jimmy..." you moaned, having no words to describe how you were feeling
"I love the way you moan my name." He said, cheekily flicking his tongue over the most sensitive part of you once again
"Jimmy..." you moaned again, this time with a small laugh
"Y/n" he replied back with a grin, repeating the action
You moaned again and he began thrusting his finger faster into you. His tongue running small circles around your sensitivity.
"Oh my...Jimmy...Jimmy...I'm going to..." you gasped as you realised what he was doing and braced your body as that familiar coil began to tighten a second time
"Please, Jimmy...enough" you whimpered softly between moans "I don't know...if I can..."
He tightened his grip with his free hand and continued to pound the other one into you.
And then it happened again. And he grinned against you. Feeling you shake and arch against him a second time
"Jimmy!!" You moaned
"Relax, angel. Enjoy it. It won't hurt you" he cooed gently
You were out of breath and panting as your eyes went from him to the ceiling. But quickly closed when his tongue returned to softly prying open your soaking wet entrance.
You really were a moaning mess underneath him. He returned to his cycle of kisses and tongue, savouring each sound you made and each movement your body involuntarily gave.
"You are gorgeous" he smiled against your wetness, "and you are the most delicious dessert I have ever tasted"
"Jimmy!" You snapped indignantly
"Yes, angel?" He asked innocently and slid another finger deeply inside you
Whatever you were going to say was interrupted by a moan and a shudder. Jimmy seemed satisfied with that and put his mouth back on you for a final time. Clearing any complaints of his words from your mind.
"How do you feel, angel?" He asked
You simply moaned, unable to string words together into even the simplest sentance.
"Good." He grinned from ear to ear
As unbelievably satisfied as you were, you wanted one more thing. You motioned for him to come closer and he removed himself from between your thighs, his fingers slipping out of you and leaving an emptiness which made you whine.
"Yes, doll?" He asked
You reached out and palmed the solid bulge in his underwear. He breathed in sharply and reached over to lean his hand on the wall for support.
"Jimmy, please...I want..." whether it was from modesty or the explosions that had gone off in your brain with each orgasm, you couldn't find the words to ask
"Are you sure, angel? You don't need ..." his strained words were interrupted by a full-body shudder and moan as you squeezed the outline of his bulge in your hand
"Oh doll, you're driving me crazy" He said and dropped his underwear to the floor
His lips kissed your neck as he positioned himself on top of you. You bucked your hips helplessly in hopes of closing the distance.
"Jimmy..." you moaned, "please, I need to feel..." you started, but he tightened his grip on your hip and plunged himself into your slick wetness.
"Oh, Jimmy!" You cried out
His body tightened for a moment and he took a moment to simply relish being inside you. You could tell this meant a lot to him, just as it did to you. There was no faking the expression of raw bliss that overtook his face.
Once you bucked your hips a few times, he began to slide in and out of you. It felt so different to his fingers. It was as solid as a rock and filled you perfectly.
You moaned and he leaned away from your neck so that he was towering over you.
"You feel incredible" you said to him
"I was about to tell you the same, doll" he replied
He threw his head back and grunted as he thrusted deeper into you. Which was just about the hottest thing you had ever witnessed.
You began to raise your hips to meet each thrust. Allowing him to reach just a bit further inside you. His head dropped and a few beads of sweat fell onto your breasts.
He took one of your hands, which you only just realised was clutching the sheets of the bed as if for dear life, and brought it up to his shoulder. Encouraging you to grip it just as tightly as you gripped the fabric of the bed.
"Oh yes..." he groaned at the feeling
He then took your other hand, which had been clutching the pillow, and brought it far down until it lingered over the sensitive area of your womanhood which still throbbed from his touch.
"Go on, don't be shy, angel. I want to feel you tighten around me" he said is a husky voice which made you clench and he moaned at the feeling
You were timid at first. The idea of playing with yourself in front of a man was daunting, but after everything that had happened since you entered this room, you didn't feel uncomfortable for long. Soon your gentle touches turned into a search for the same pleasure that he had brought you. All the while he continued to thrust into you
"That's a girl, doll" he smiled his cheeky smile as he watched you from above.
"Oh, Jimmy..." you moaned
"I know, angel, I know. Just relax" he said, panting
That was it. Your coil couldn't take it anymore and whatever it was inside of you that controlled the uncontrollable sensation released yet another body-shaking orgasm from you.
"Oh, angel! Y/n...ugh" he groaned and slammed his entire length into you once more. His grip tightening and his eyes closing.
You could feel a throbbing deep inside you as he pumped his warm cum into your womanhood, which was shaking from its own orgasm. You wrapped your legs around his bare behind and forcefully pulled him deeper into you. Jimmy moaned and repeated the motion, slowly but forcefully thrusting into you while he continued to expel hot streams of cum into you.
"Oh god, doll." He moaned
"Jimmy..." you moaned for a final time
It took a while before he pulled away and collapsed on the mattress beside you.
You both lay there breathlessly. Chests heaving and occasionally making content noises to yourselves. Both just enjoying the natural high which followed such a passionate act.
There was a heavy knocking on the door.
"Y/n! The rest of us girls are waiting! Two more minutes!"
It made you feel sick to think that after something as real and mind-blowingly intimate as that, Jimmy would simply put on his clothes and greet the next woman with his rehearsed charm.
"Let me take you out, doll" Jimmy spoke suddenly, "I want to take you out on a proper date."
"Jimmy-" you started to reply, but he interrupted you
"I won't take no for an answer. Come on, angel. Just let me take you on one date. I know I'm not a regular guy and that makes a lot of folk wary, but I promise I'm a good person." He said, sounding as if he was getting ready to continue.
"Jimmy! Jimmy, it would be my pleasure. Honestly I would've been disappointed if you hadn't asked at all." You replied
"I know but I...wait, seriously? You mean it?"
"Of course I mean it, silly. I said I wanted you, didn't I?"
"You did, but I wasn't sure if maybe...you know...you only meant..."
"I meant it. I want you Jimmy. Not just now in the back room of some suburban home. Jimmy Darling you are an extraordinary person. Now come here, we've only got two minutes!" You pulled Jimmy closer to you and cuddled into his bare chest, your legs intertwined with his.
Tagged : @slightlyvicked @thedongthong @fredisneverdead @ruruka-chan-blog @bustanut4billyhargrove
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exhausted-joy · 5 years
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SYNOPSIS: Jeon Jungkook is a high school delinquent who also happens to be your awful new next door neighbor. Every night at three am, you jolt awake to the bangs and screams that leak through the thin walls of your apartment. Eventually, you can’t stand it anymore and decide to confront your problematic neighbor. But as it turns out, Jeon Jungkook is no ordinary high school student, and the screams are not that of his own.
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NOTE: Let me know what you thought! ((: (I loved writing this chapter omg) Please excuse any grammatical or spelling errors!
Jungkook awakes with an awful pain in his stomach.
It’s the kind of stomachache you get when you move around too quickly after you have just eaten yourself full, and it’s incredibly unpleasant in every sense of the word. But, honestly, he’s used it. A handful of painkillers and he’s good to go - he will be able to remain competent throughout the day, for the most part. It’s usually around lunchtime when he crashes and it’s also usually the time where his urges are most content in laying themselves to rest, at least for a little bit.
Jungkook finds himself most at peace when he’s with you. He knows, it’s weird. He can’t seem to figure it out, either. Ever since the incident on the third floor stairwell last week, every couple days you meet him there for whatever reason. He thinks he recalls you saying something about that stupid class president being occupied on certain days or something. He believes it’s a load of crap.
Jungkook supposes that he does congest the way up to the rooftop when he takes his midday snoozes, and you have just given up trying to get past him. He lets you sit with him, fair and square. Now, don’t get him wrong, he actually doesn’t particularly want you around, nor did he ask - he finds you annoying, too happy and, despite it being mostly silent when you are in his presence, you just talk too much. But you insist on sitting on the stairs with him, babbling away endlessly about something he couldn’t care less about.
It’s a simple theory. He doesn’t want to be your friend. He doesn’t care about you. He doesn’t even remotely like you. But it’s the thing inside of him that does. At night, the urges and contortions get so extremely unbearable that he can hardly stand it. He goes crying and wailing in his pillow like a helpless baby whose turned over too far on his back, unable to bear the pressure of it all. And, in a snap, it all goes away when he’s with you.
Jungkook remembers a sensation similar to this, but almost backwards. He felt the pull with his old friends and he now feels it with you. How careless could he get? It’s your fault for confronting him that one dreadful night; if not for that, he could have been living in this new life free of worry, without losing control, without getting too close to people.
He’s fighting down his murderous thoughts because as much as he doesn’t like you, he doesn’t want to hurt you. It’s this conflicted feeling, one he’s never felt before, that is the only thing he simply doesn’t understand.
TODAY IS the day Jungkook is being released from his isolated prison in Director Shiwoo’s office to another prison, which is filled with other more obnoxious and irritating prisoners. Basically speaking, he’s getting nudged back into the general population as his in-school suspension duration has run its course. And he is not excited in the least.
It’s because Jungkook knows he will have to see you. And the dumb face of that class prez, but mostly you. He doesn’t want to feel confused. He doesn’t like having the thing inside him repressed just to feel it crashing into him tenfold come midnight. He doesn’t get you or why you try so hard to be nice to him, or go out of your way to try and befriend him. It’s stupid. You’re stupid.
Jungkook shuffles down the hallway with his hands stuffed in the pockets of his uniform slacks, slowly making his way towards his class with half-lidded eyes. He would give anything to skip right now - anything to not be stuck in a room with people who probably think he’s some kind of monster. Like he’s off his rockers or belongs in remedial classes or something.
Scoffing at the thought, Jungkook shakes his fringe out of his eyes and exhales deeply, rounding a corner and watching as the classroom comes into view. He’s not nervous, no, he’s just simply not used to being around so many people at once. All his other schools were pretty small, so he didn’t feel overwhelmed with an influx of too much socializing. Since this was an international school, it was bigger - much bigger than what Jungkook was comfortable with.
Reaching the door, the dark haired boy stops in front of it, hand hovering over the knob. He thinks about knocking first, but decides against it. It wouldn’t matter, would it? All mannerisms were thrown out the window when he decided to throw hands with that kid. The door swings open with a creak, drawing the attention of practically every single person in the room, save for the ones who had already dozed off during the lecture.
A woman with cat-eye glasses, the teacher, he assumes, pauses mid-sentence to look over at the newcomer, raising a paper thin eyebrow at the sudden intrusion. Jungkook stares back in disinterest, eyes flickering towards the class who all quickly avoid eye contact at the shift in attention. It takes a second for the woman’s eyes to light up in recognition and a warm smile spreads across her face when they do.
“Ah, you must be Jungkook! Come in, come in,” she ushers him in towards the front of the room, the door slamming shut behind him with a deafening thud. “Class, this is Jeon Jungkook. He will be joining us as of today, and I expect he is treated with the utmost respect and kindness.” Her voice is stern with warning undertones, as if he were a ticking time bomb that could be set off at the slightest prod. Perhaps it was true.
“Your assigned seat is there,” she points to an empty seat beside a painstakingly familiar girl and Jungkook thinks he can hear his stomach dropping to the floor. “[Name]-ah, please raise your hand.”
Upon hearing your name, you force yourself out of your daydream stupor, biting back a yawn as you timidly hold up a hand to make your presence known. You watch with jaded eyes as Jungkook makes his way over his new desk, his features hardened in a way that makes him look, for lack of a better word, scary.
He doesn’t look at you as he sinks down in his chair, carelessly dropping his black backpack on the floor and facing forwards with a steely gaze. You sleepily peer at him, taking note of the way he disregards your whole existence. You aren’t surprised.
“[Name]-ah, I trust that you will take very good care of Jungkook-ah, hm?” The older woman sends you a sharp look and you gulp, quickly nodding with a shaky smile. She then turns around to resume whatever she had been teaching, the occasional squeak of her dry erase markers and click of her too-high heels making you feel sick.
You glance at Jungkook who already looks bored with his cheek resting in the palm of his hand. With clammy hands, you reach into your bag to grab the extra Tupperware of food you had prepared. Your heart is racing at a million miles a second - you think it might explode if you don’t calm yourself down. You just can’t believe you are actually doing this. Seriously, what is up with you and being a good person? Did you get struck over the head with a ‘good spirits’ stick or something?
“Jungkook-ah.” You whisper his name quietly. He doesn’t move.
Making a face, you whisper his name again, this time finally capturing his attention. Jungkook slowly turns his head to look at you and you can’t deny that you are a little bit intimidated at the cold glare he regards you with. Usually he just glared at you without any heat behind it, but this one was different; it was detached and unfamiliar, almost burning with some kind of fire.
“I-I, uh, made you this,” you slide the container of fresh bulgogi and seasoned rice towards him, watching as his expression softens slightly. “I hope you like it.”
It’s not abnormal, but it suddenly kind of feels like Jungkook can’t breathe. There’s a constricting feeling in his throat that cripples his airflow like there’s a vice around his neck, cruelly squeezing tighter and tighter. His hands drop into his lap and they lay there, shaking beneath the desk - he hopes you can’t see it.
His dark eyes glower intensely at the container of food. Jungkook can feel it stirring within, practically purring at your selfless gesture. Why couldn’t you just leave him alone? Shut up, he hisses at it, shut the hell up. It only grows louder and before he can say ‘don’t want it’ like he usually does, he’s already reaching out to accept it, spurring on the purrs that rumble through his chest.
You study the boy in the seat next to you as he seems to be going through an existential crisis. Pushing aside his strange, constipated expressions, you can’t control the grin that splits from ear-to-ear, watching joyously as he shoves the receptacle in his bag. The feeling you get is indescribable; maybe he was finally warming up to you.
As juvenile as it may seem, you really did want to be Jungkook’s friend. Or at least give it a shot. You didn’t know what it was that brought you to up to the third floor stairwell time and time again. There’s a sort of pull, a connection of some sort. Maybe it was how he was always alone that reminded you of yourself in a way. He looked like he needed a friend. Or maybe you were just being delusional. Either way, you were too committed now, so there was no use in backing out.
The rest of the class period consists of you glancing at Jungkook with shy smiles when you think he isn’t looking, and him knocking his knee into yours when you begin to doze off.
At the end of the class period, though, it’s you who has to tap him awake, for he was the one who had fallen asleep.
“NO WAY, you got assigned cleaning duty with that psycho?!”
You huff in annoyance as Jimin dramatically throws his head back to let out an obnoxiously loud laugh at your misfortune. If he weren’t so handsome, you’d give him another bruise next to the one still slightly visible on his left cheek.
“He’s not a psycho, Jimin-ah. And it’s only temporary. Haneul-ssaemnim said she would even give me extra credit if I let him help out.” You defend yourself, trying to make it seem not as bad as he is making it out to be. Jimin shoots you a look, almost surprised at your willingness to expend Jungkook for the sake of not failing a class.
“You know you can always come to me if you need help,” He leans forward, drawing in close to your face and watching in amusement as you flush red. “I’m pretty good at chemistry.”
You playfully shove him away, shaking your head. “I can tell. Your fanclub won’t stop looking over here.” You jerk your head in the direction of the group of girls that sit across the outside courtyard, creepily staring over at their class prez in timed intervals. Jimin frowns at your comment as he looks back at them, quick to replace it with a charming smile and a small wave.
You watch as the girls erupt into a fit of flustered giggles and googly eyes due to Jimin’s small gestures. A sullen look crosses your face. It’s moments like these that remind you that your new friend could be with literally anyone else right now, but instead chooses to sit with you. He could literally get anything and anyone he desired, yet being your friend was something he apparently wanted, too. In another dimension this could have made a lick of sense but, right now, you weren’t quite understanding.
“Hey, Jimin.”
The brown haired boy turns back around to face you once again, his face settled in question. Letting out a deep breath, you hope you don’t regret asking what you are about to ask.
“Why do you hang around me? I-I mean, not that I’m being ungrateful, I enjoy talking to you and all, but I’m kind of a loser an-“ Jimin cuts you off before you can ramble the both of you into the next century.
Having averted your gaze down to your lap, you see the older boy reach for your hand and you feel the warmth of his much larger one enveloping yours. You reluctantly look up through your lashes, ears hot from the skinship. He was really touchy when he wanted to be, you notice.
“[Name]-ah,” Jimin starts softly. “Let’s go to the arcade after school. I’ll wait for you.”
There’s a mushy, gooey feeling coursing through your chest all of a sudden. Your heartbeat speeds up slightly, the heat in your ears spreading to your cheeks as you look into his innocently slanted eyes. With a large grin, you eagerly accept his offer, watching him return your smile with just as much vigor as he gives your hand a reassuring squeeze.
You don’t need much more of an answer than that.
THE REST of the day goes by slowly, but eventually.
Before Jungkook knows it, the last dismissal bell rings, officially marking the end of yet another painstakingly boring, exhausting school day. He almost thought it would never end; the day seemed to go by more leisurely when he wasn’t allowed to kick his feet up on Director Shiwoo’s desk and mess around on his phone.
His train of thought is cut short by an angry growl of his stomach, the pangs of hunger gnawing uncomfortably at his gut. Ah, that’s right. He was actually able to nap today due to your absence and as much of a relief as that was, he was unable to emotionally feed off the tranquility you offered when you were around.
When you didn’t hang around him, Jungkook experienced a different kind of peaceful. It was the kind that was too quiet and rather lonesome, if he had to describe it realistically. The silence was annoying but so were you, and he didn’t know why he would ever prefer to be around you than have some actual peace and quiet for once. Shaking his head, he clears his mind of those intrusive thoughts. If only he could rid himself of the monstrous cravings, none of this would even be a problem.
Maybe in another life you two could have actually got along. Become friends, even. Jungkook snorts mockingly at the thought, unable to imagine such a thing. He could be friends with no one - it was his curse to bear until the day he died.
His stomach growls again. Rolling his eyes, he suddenly remembers the container of food you had graciously gave him. Having caught a brief look at it before throwing it into the black hole that is his bag, it was one of Jungkook’s favorites; a simple dish of bulgogi and rice. He hadn’t had a home cooked meal in such a long time that he couldn’t resist allowing himself to indulge just a bit. Besides, who was he to turn a blind eye to free food?
Jungkook halts in the middle of the semi-deserted second floor hallway to reach into his bag and retrieve the desired treat. As he’s digging, he’s stopped short when he hears his name being called from down the hallway.
A knot of dread sinks heavily in his stomach as he slowly looks up, his big brown eyes clashing with your own. You approach with a dustpan in one hand and a large broom in the other, and Jungkook can feel the knot growing larger and larger with each of your steps that close the distance.
“I’m sorry I forgot to tell you earlier, but you’re on cleaning duty with me.” You say as you stop in front of him, a polite smile plastered on your face. Jungkook raises an eyebrow and clicks his tongue in annoyance. Cleaning duty? What is this, child slave labor?
He makes a move to leave but a desperate tug on his backpack pulls him back.
“Please!” Comes your plea, your grip on his bag tightening. A moment passes and you clear your throat, appearing slightly embarrassed at the sudden raise in your own voice.
“I, uh, wouldn’t want you to get in trouble with Haneul-ssaemnim..” you trail off, averting your eyes. “It won’t take long, I promise.”
Jungkook sighs, ultimately giving in. He really didn’t want to get into any more trouble than he’s already gotten himself into; not that getting in trouble really mattered to him, but he didn’t want to once again relocate and put more stress on his already sickly mother. He couldn’t be reckless anymore - it would catch up to him sooner or later.
“Fine. Let’s go.” The taller boy snatches the broom from your hand and makes his way down the hallway and back to the classroom. Sliding open the door, he breathes in relief to see its already empty despite the fact that class was dismissed just a few minutes ago. The state of the room, however, summoned another sigh, though for a different reason.
To be frank, the room was a complete mess. Jungkook hadn’t noticed before - having been asleep the whole time he was in class - but the place looked like an absolute pigsty. Crumpled up sheets of loose leaf paper pile beneath the desks, snack wrappers decorate the linoleum tiles in colorful streaks, and discarded pencils and spent pens are strewn idly amongst it all.
You enter the room moments later, your shorter form having a bit of trouble catching up in comparison to his longer strides. Huffing, you set your sights upon the garbage dump that is both of your guys’ classroom. A disgusted look warps your features and Jungkook can’t help but agree with it; it was truly shameful to see.
Wordlessly, the dark haired boy gets to work with you hovering over him closely. He sweeps articles of garbage into one big pile before scooping it into your dustpan, where you then take it to the trashcan nearby to empty it out. It’s rinse and repeat from then on until about only half of the room is fully clean. You both decide to take a break - it’s hard work.
Jungkook props the broom up against one of the desks and leans against it, uncharacteristically out of breath. You peer at him in concern, watching as he runs a hand through his hair to expose a sweaty forehead. His breathing grows heavier and he turns to face the desk completely, planting both of his palms on the surface of it to keep himself steady. You had never taken the tall, lean boy as one to be out of shape, so this was certainly a sight to behold.
Not now, Jungkook pleads, please don’t be like this right now! He can feel those pangs of hunger ruthlessly tearing away in his gut and he knows it’s not because he’s hungry. No, this is the feeling he gets when he wants more than food. He can feel his head begin to swim with lightheadedness, his body tipping to one side but quickly correcting himself in attempt to keep upright.
“Jungkook-ah…? Are you okay?” Your voice sounds so far away. But his dark eyes glance up to see you standing right before him in such crowded proximity, a hand slowly reaching out to touch him.
“Maybe you should sit down.. y-you don’t look so good. Should I get the nurse?” Your hand lands on his shoulder and all the muscles in his body instantaneously tense obscenely. A chord in his brain snaps.
As if possessed, Jungkook violently swipes at your unfamiliar touch, his inhumanely sharp nails raking across the easily broken skin of your wrist.
“DON’T TOUCH ME!” He roars, stumbling back from you as if he had just been burned.
You let out a startled squeal at the attack, shock filtering out any other emotion despite the blood that spurts from your newly attained wound. Burning tears well up in your eyes at the sight of the scarlet that runs down your arm and drips from your fingers, the wound pulsing across the length of your wrist. A wave of stinging hits you all at once and you look up at Jungkook with fear. In all the few times he’s snapped at you, this is the first time he’s ever seriously laid a finger on you. And it’s absolutely terrifying.
“Stay the hell away from me. We are not friends and we never will be. Get that through your thick skull, you useless nobody,” The words he spits at you hurt, much more than the cut, as the arrows of heartbreak pierce through your chest. Lip quivering, you take a couple tentative steps towards the door, and the next thing that comes out of his mouth sends you in a full sprint towards it.
“I hate you.”
It only takes a choked sob and the gust of wind from you sprinting past and blowing him back a bit to make him realize what he’s done.
“[Name], wai-“ The slam of the door cuts him off, leaving him in a lonely, jarring silence that slices through him like a knife.
What did he just do? Slamming a fist down on a nearby desk, the plastic cracks beneath the pressure but he’s too angry to care. Jungkook looks down at his shaking hands just in time to see his sharp nails retracting back to their original state. You had looked at him with those eyes.
Scared and helpless and hurt. Usually the gnawing feeling went away when he smelt the sweet waves of fear and emotional pain, but it only seems to have grown tenfold. Jungkook doubles over on top of the desk, gripping the edge in an iron hold as he lets out a guttural groan at the way the pain slams into his abdomen like a brick. Something wasn’t right. It was supposed to help him feel better. Your terrorized expression briefly flashes in his mind and another blow of pain flexes in his gut. Panting, he rests his sweaty forehead against the desk top, mind swarming with muddled confusion as the strings of his heart are twinged taut.
Why, then, was he so unsatisfied?
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