#please for the love of god ask me questions
robo-writing · 2 days
Logan with a virgin reader, expecting her to be this shy nervous little thing only to be met with a woman who’s spent too much of her life with only her imagination to keep her company. Suddenly he’s the one nervous because you’re so eager to fuck him and you’re begging him so nicely that it’s hard for him to remember you’ve never actually done this and he has to be responsible. You whine the entire time he’s stretching you out with his fingers, hands grabbing at him and pleading with him to replace his fingers with his cock and god damn it, you’re making it really fucking hard for him to focus.
You’re both bare, losing your clothes somewhere between the living room and the kitchen. The feeling of skin against skin drives you wild, makes you plead for the cock that’s throbbing against your thigh. You know he wants this just as bad as you do, you can feel how bad he wants this, but he settles for spreading you apart on his fingers.
You know you’re testing his patience but you don’t care; not when you grind against him, not when his cock glides against your bare pussy, not when he pins you to the bed as your back arches off it.
“Stop moving,” he begs, over and over. “Stop it, stop—stop fucking moving.”
You’re killing him; every time you look at him with those darling little doe eyes he can feel what little self-restraint he has left crumbling apart, every whine and moan and please Logan, gimme more testing his resolve.
“You need to stop,” he begs, head falling forward as your cunt wets his dick, sliding against his length but refusing to push forward and take you. You shake your head, pull him in for a kiss that’s anything but demure, lust pouring from your tongue as you lick at his mouth.
“Don’t wanna,” you gasp, pulling him closer by his shoulders. Between each kiss you see his control waning, feel his hands bruised your skin, taste the depravity between his teeth. Slowly but surely you see his mask slipping away, a beast in disguise of a man, one that desperately wants to claim you as his.
A sick part of you wants that; to submit yourself, bare your neck against its fangs and beg for more when its teeth pierce your skin. You want to give yourself to Logan—all of him, even the parts that he himself doesn’t want to show you. You want your first time to be just as enjoyable for him as it is for you—which is why you bring his hand to your stomach, to where his dick would leave an outline. You hold his hand firm as he stares with lust-blown eyes just imagining how full of him you’d be, in awe at just how willing you are to submit.
“I can handle it, you whimper, voice sweet like sin. “Fuck me, please.”
And like that, you’re no longer faced with your loving boyfriend. You’re now face to face with the Wolverine.
He pushes inside your velvet walls, still conscious enough to give you a moment to adjust. The feeling is new, full. Your voice wobbles when his thumb reaches down to circle your clit, just enough to get you to relax as he feeds your greedy pussy inch after inch.
“Y’gotta breathe for me baby,” he rasps into the side of your neck, releasing a breath you never knew you were holding. He rewards your obedience with more of his dick, slowly rocking against you as you start to adjust to the feeling.
“Feels good,” you whisper, stroking his hair. Your eyes are locked with his, lost in his pretty emerald eyes. “You can move.”
“Are you sure?” He asks. “Not sure I’ll be able to stop once I do.”
You know he’s telling the truth, it’s written all over his face. A need to possess you in body and soul, his eyes glued to where you’re both connected with a sickening fascination. You know the actual question he's asking, even if he can't bring himself to say it. Are you sure you want me? You realize he's just as vulnerable as you are, unsure of himself. It's a rarity that Logan ever talks about himself, always focused on you above all. You want to give him a break, want to make him feel as good as he makes you feel, want him to finally stop holding back and let go. So you kiss him, long and deep, and hope that gets the message across. His answer comes in the form of hands on your hips, the deep timbre of his voice radiating from his broad chest. "Don't say I didn't warn you."
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pitchsidestories · 3 days
cat lovers II Mapi León x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 1565
a/n: hi readers, the oneshot is inspired by this request, enjoy. 🤍🖤
You and your cat Boo were inseparable.
You had gotten her when she was still a kitten and you had just moved into your own apartment in Barcelona.
You named her Boo because she liked to follow you around like a small ghost, leaving her white fur on all your clothes. She was a curious little thing with blue eyes whose favourite spot was the backrest of your sofa. You learned quickly that just like you, she had a mind of her own and liked to wander around. So far she had always found her way back home.
Only this time, she had been gone for longer than usual. Worry turned into panic as the evening threatened to approach and there was still no sign of her.
Unsure about what to do, you decided to ask your neighbours if anyone had seen her around.
You knocked on doors and rang doorbells but to no avail.
On the third floor of your apartment building, a young woman with a neck tattoo and a septum piercing opened the door. Her hand were buried in the pockets of her sweatpants.
She looked only threatening for the first few seconds. Then her eyes widened in surprise and she greeted you politely: “Hola?”
“Hi, I’m uhm… looking for my cat. The neighbours said you might have an idea where she is.“, you explained, way too fast and filled with nervousness.
The woman narrowed her eyes as if in thought: “Uh… is your cat all white by any chance?”
Your heart started to race in your chest, filling with hope. You nodded quickly: “Yes, she is!”
“Well, then I know exactly where she is. Come on in.“, she smiled and took a step to the side to let you in.
You followed her through her surprisingly clean and tastefully decorated apartment. You immediately felt a little self-conscious thinking about the pile of laundry sitting in your bedroom.
The woman stopped in front of a plushy cat bed in the corner of her living room. Boo was cuddled up against a jet black cat, purring quietly.
“She’s here, cozying up with Bagheera.“
You could feel a smile forming on your face as you watched the two cats, the previous stress slowly shrinking into nothingness.
“Oh my god. There you are!” You kneeled down to pet Boos head.
“Yeah, you need to be careful… the streets around here aren’t very safe but your cat is always welcome at my place.“, the woman said from behind you.
You said nothing and slowly got up again.
“Oh, I forgot to ask. What’s your and her name?”, she suddenly added.
You froze. You had totally forgotten to introduce yourself a few minutes ago. How embarrassing.
“Oh, sorry. I’m y/n and this is Boo.“, you replied, heat rising in your cheeks.
“Beautiful. Do you want a cup of coffee?”, the woman who introduced herself as Mapi offered.
You politely shook your head: “No, don’t trouble yourself. I will just get her and leave again.“
“Alright.”, she nodded.
“But thank you. And thank you for taking care of her.”, you smiled gratefully at her.
“You’re welcome.”, Mapi returned the smile. She paused before adding. “I hope I’ll see you and Boo again soon.”
“I live on the second floor, feel free to come for a visit.”, you suggested boldly.
Her beautiful brown eyes lit up when you made that offer. “I’ll come back to it.”
“Uhm y/n, do you like football?”, she ran her fingers nervously through her open hair.  
“Football? I’m not a fan, don’t ask me for any players but I do enjoy watch the occasional game. Why?”, you frowned confused.
“Well, I might leave some tickets at your door if that’s okay?”, Mapi asked all flustered.
The woman who intimidated you at first was seemingly nervous which you found equally amusing and heart-warming.
“I .. But I owe you something for finding my cat.”, you protested.
“I’d love for you to see the game and afterwards you could do me the favour of drinking a coffee with me which would be on you.”, she grinned innocently.
“How can I say no to that?”, you questioned smirking.
“Please say yes.”, the woman requested charmingly.
“Yes.”, you agreed.  
“Amazing.”, Mapi commented satisfied.
“I guess.. I’ll see you at the game then?”
“Yes, I can’t wait.”, she replied matching your high excitement.
Unseen by you once you had left with Boo Mapi started to dance around the living room with Bagheera in her arms. Now the defender anticipated the upcoming match day even more than usual knowing that you’d come to the game too.
You meant what you said you really didn’t have a clue about football teams despite it being such a big thing in the city you moved to. So, you were caught off guard when you realized that your neighbour played for Barcelona’s women team.
“Mapi!”, you yelled her name after the game has ended with a glorious victory for her side.
“Y/n!”, the football player’s eyes searched for you in the stands, when she found you, her face started to light up.
“You didn’t tell me that you’d play for Barca! I thought you played just for fun!”, you shook your head.
“Well, I play for fun and for Barca. Did you enjoy the game?”, Mapi wanted to know.
“I did.”, you confirmed happily.
“Great. I’ll quickly shower and when we can go to the coffee shop.”, your neighbour responded.
“Take your time. I don’t mind waiting for you.”, you declared. There was something about the way the defender looked in her jersey that made your heartbeat faster and felt you incredibly distracted by you hoped the effect would lessen when she was in her casual clothes.
Mapi really didn’t keep you waiting for long. She appeared within minutes, baggy jeans and a plain white shirt on. Her hair was still dripping wet. She looked absolutely gorgeous.
To keep yourself from staring at her, you asked: “Ready?”
“Yes, I’m ready.“, she confirmed with a smile.
“I guess I’ll just follow you?” It was half statement, half question.
Mapi nodded: “Yeah, let’s go.“
She took you to little coffee shop close by. The brick walls were covered in hanging plants, vintage leather sofas lined up against it. It was nice but it gave you the impression that you had been here before.
Mapi ordered coffee and cake for the two of you and you immediately began talking. Yes, you were still captivated by how incredibly cool she looked but you felt more than comfortable talking about her love for football, when she had adopted Bagheera and what you did for a living.
In fact, the two of you kept chatting away while you paid and walked back home. The sight of your apartment door suddenly felt you with unexpected dread. It was the first time since the end of the game that you went quiet.
“I really enjoyed tonight.“, Mapi said. She looked happy, content with everything right now.
You weren’t ready to say goodbye yet, still you smiled at her: “Me too, Mapi.“
“Maybe we can do it again soon…?”, the football player suggested carefully.
“I would like that.“, you nodded with happily, relived that this wasn’t over yet.
Mapis smile brightened even more: “Me too.“
You casually turned the key into the lock of your door, expecting Mapi to say goodbye and take the stairs to her own apartment. But when you opened the door slightly, Boo slipped out through the gap and darted towards Mapi. Purring, she rubbed her head against Mapis legs.
“Oh shit. Sorry. Looks like Boo wanted to say hi to you.“, you laughed apologetically.
The defender didn’t seem to mind. Without hesitation, she kneeled down and petted your cat: “It’s fine. Hi, I’m supposed to tell you from Bagheera that she misses you.“
You chuckled: “Aw, she does?”
“Yes, I think she fell a bit in love with her like…“, Mapi paused her explanation and looked up at you.
“Like?”, you asked, your breath catching in your throat.
She got up from the floor, her eyes fixed on you.
“Like I fell for you.“
“You… you did?” Your heart suddenly felt too big for your chest, you tried to calm your breathing.
Mapis cheeks turned red. She grimaced, part regret, part shame. “Y-yes, sorry if… You can forget that if it makes you uncomfortable.“
You felt yourself essentially melting into a puddle. How could someone so hot be so sweet?
“Mapi… don’t apologize. I like you too.“, you assured her softly.
“Wait. You do?” There it was. That perfect little smile that made her whole face light up. It was infectious.
“I do.“
“Breakfast at mine tomorrow? With the cats?“
You nodded: “I’ll bring Boo and some fresh croissants.“
As promised you showed up with the pastries the next morning. Mapis apartment already smelled like freshly brewed coffee and on the table were glasses of orange juice and bowls of cut up fruit. If she wanted to impress you, you had to admit it did work.
Boo and Bagheera nestled up next to each other in Bagheeras cat bed again. The white and the black cat fitting into each other like missing puzzle pieces. You smiled to yourself as you sat down with Mapi and secretly thanked Boo that she had the same type as you.
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cressidagrey · 3 days
Stars all aligned - Chapter 4
If there was one thing that both Azriel and Zahra Archeron had in common, it was that they were both very good at blending into the background.
They just never thought that their family were going to be the ones who never saw them at all.
THIS IS BAD! I have updated the tags on AO3, but I'll add it on here too:
Bashing of like...every IC member? Especially the Archeron Sisters, discussion of chronic pain, discussion of Infertility, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Underage Prostitution, Underage Rape/Non-con, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault
If any of this triggers you or makes you uncomfortable, please, take care of your own mental health and don't read it.
(Lovely dividers thanks to @sweetmelodygraphics)
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Master. Master, you need to wake up! The shadows were the ones that woke him. Azriel blinked open his eyes… and a moment later the thick cloying scent of blood hit him.
It woke him up immediately. He shot upright on the couch, shadows rushing around him. The scent of blood came from Zahra’s room. 
Nobody else was in the cottage. He knew that. The shadows would have alerted him if there was. 
Which meant that…
He was up before he could think twice about it, hurrying to the door of her room, heart beating furiously, already dreading what might have happened. What she might have done to herself.  “Zahra?” Azriel asked loudly. “Zahra, are you alright?”
A choked gasp, a pitiful moan…all he needed to hear. “I am coming in.“ he warned her. Azriel pushed open the door…and he froze at the threshold of the doorway, staring at the sight awaiting him. 
This couldn’t all be her blood. 
Zahra lay in the middle of the bed, curled on her side. Her body shook through painful shivers and her skin had already taken on a worrying grey colour, near lifeless. 
And the bed…the sheets…they were a mess of crimson. 
Blood had soaked through the sheets, staining the mattress…It was…it was horrific.
“Go away.” She whispered, her voice weak. “Please.”
Yeah. That was so not happening. 
His heart was pounding, his chest nearly painfully tight as his eyes focused on her. On Zahra’s shaking body, on her pale face. 
“I’m not going anywhere,” Azriel said softly, his voice strained. Gods. What had she done to herself?  “Where are you hurt? What did you do?” He demanded, coming closer, reaching out to touch her arms. Her throat and wrists were unblemished, if one ignored the cold sweat…just as she whimpered again, nearly violently flinching, doubling over.
Between one breath and the next…suddenly it snapped.
The golden bond unfurled to the smell of his mate’s blood, to the sound of her pain.
“I…” she tried to speak, but her words became caught in her throat, choked off by another gasp of pain. By the Mother…
Azriel could feel the bond between them. It seemed to hum in his very bones, demanding that he fix this, that he find the cause of her pain and make it stop.
He knelt on the bed, his knees sinking into the pool of blood, hands hovering above her.
“Where does it hurt?” He asked her desperately.
She just whimpered, her whole body shivering. “Can’t you just….leave me alone?” She asked brokenly, her voice cracking. “Please. It’s just…”
Azriel ignored her, carefully shifting her body until she was lying on her back. But in doing so, he accidentally brushed against her stomach, and all he could think was that he had literally never heard a scream so painful.
Her nightgown was drenched with sweat and blood…dark red right by…
„Have you had your cycle yet as a fae?“ Azriel asked sharply. But that shouldn’t…this was too much blood for that…wasn’t it?
Her eyes were scrunched shut, her face a twisted rictus of agony. She shook her head at his question, teeth clenching. “No…” she said through clenched teeth, her voice high with pain. “No, I haven’t gotten one..”
Which made no sense either because she had…because she had been a fae for nearly three years at this point. Zahra should have gone through multiple cycles by now. 
And while fae cycles were vicious, they weren’t…
They didn’t involve this much blood. Usually. 
Another whimper of pain, another tremble of that bond in his chest…and Azriel was done. 
Madja. He needed Madja.
“I’ll get Madja,” he told Zahra tightly, hands gently cupping her face. “I just need to go get her, and then I’ll be right back,” he promised her desperately, just as another choked-off moan came from her. 
The shadows came flowing out of the corners of the room, pressing against Zahra's face. Go, Master! they demanded.
Azriel’s throat closed up. He hated the thought of leaving her, even for a moment. But he gave a sharp, resolute nod. “Okay..okay, I will be right back.”
He gave her one last look, her pale face and dark hair soaked with sweat and blood, and then he was gone. 
“Madja!! Madja!” He bellowed. He wasn’t normally one to be panicked, he was an Illyrian trained from birth to be calm under stress, to keep his head. But this…Gods, this had his heart in his throat and his mind racing.
This was his mate. 
He had waited half a millennia for her and she had been right in front of his nose for three years and he hadn’t fucking seen it. 
If he had seen it earlier, maybe then it would have never gotten this bad, maybe then it wouldn’t have…
He was quite sure that he gave Madja half a heart attack, but quite frankly, Madja was used to worse from him and his family. 
And so, Madja only took one look at his panicked, wild expression and her own went serious. “What happened?” She asked as she rose from her chair.
“It’s Zahra,” Azriel said, his voice thick. He swallowed, trying to get a grip. “She’s…bleeding. So much…blood. It’s everywhere, it’s all over her bed and clothes and…gods, I don’t know what happened, but I need you to come, now.”
Madja’s eyes widened, her hands going to the satchel at the table. “Take me to her.” She said simply, shoving a few jars into her bag. 
Zahra was where he had left her, shadows worriedly swirling around her. And the sigh that greeted them made even Madja’s breath hitch. 
“Zahra, can you hear me?” Madja asked immediately. “I am going to help you, alright?”
Zahra’s eyes flickered but didn’t open. Her breaths were uneven and pained, her face twisted. “Y-yeah…” she panted, voice quavering.
Azriel knelt by the bed, one hand coming down to hers and lacing their fingers together. He could feel the damp and icy cold skin against his…her heartbeat skittering underneath her skin…Azriel was practically shaking himself with how worried he was, his whole body trembling with fear.
“You’re going to be just fine,” he murmured softly. “Madja is here, she will figure out what’s wrong.”
Zahra groaned, her fingers giving a weak twitch in his before gripping onto his hand like a lifeline.
“Hurts..” she whimpered, her voice cracking.
“I know,“ Madja said soothingly. “I’ll need to lift your nightgown, alright? Just to see where we are at.“
Zahra gave a low whine, her eyes scrunching up tighter, but she made no protest or move to stop the healer. Azriel didn’t know if she did that because she trusted Madja or because she was far too far gone to even care. Madja carefully peeled back the blood-soaked fabric, carefully lifting it up over her stomach.
Azriel kept his eyes on Zahra's face, pressing a kiss against the back of her hand.  “Squeeze as tight as you need to,” he told her softly. 
“What if I hurt you?” she forced out, but he just shook his head. 
“You won’t,” Azriel promised her simply. And even if she did…he wouldn’t care. He would have given everything in that moment to make sure that she was comforted even a tiny little bit. 
Her face was drenched in sweat, her body quivering, and she looked far too young, too fragile at that moment. 
He forgot sometimes, how young she really was. Not even a century yet. Not even…
But she still squeezed his hand tighter. Her eyes clenched closed, her breaths laboured and quick. “Hurts…it hurts so badly…” she whimpered brokenly.
Whatever Madja was doing to her…Zahra’s breathing was becoming panicked and even more pained, her whole body shaking. 
Azriel was having to restrain the urge to pull her into his arms, to tug her up against his chest and try to soothe her. To drag her away from Madja, who he knew was only trying to help and instead comfort his mate. 
So instead, he pressed another kiss to her sweat-slick skin even as she cried out sharply. The sound made him flinch. 
“Gods,” Madja cursed sharply and Azriel’s head snapped towards her. She was looking far more upset than Azriel had ever seen her. 
“What is it? “ he asked shakily, Zahra whimpering and he turned back towards her, unable to tear his gaze away from the anguished, pain-filled face of his mate. “What’s happening?
“You should have been brought to me immediately, Zahra” Madja said softly. “I could have lessened the pain, dear.”
Zahra didn’t say a word, biting her lips, her face still pulled up into a pain-filled grimace. 
“How often?” Madja asked, her voice softening.  
Zahra’s breaths were hitching, coming in shallow pants as her trembling increased. She shook her head softly, her words coming out between gasps. “Often,” she’d whimpered.
Zahra gave another moan, and her hand clenched even harder around Azriel’s. Every one of her shudders and flinches was like a knife straight into his heart.
He had no idea what they were talking about, but it couldn’t be good, he knew that much. 
“How old were you the first time?” Madja asked gently.
“15,” Zahra whispered, wetting her lips. Every single word seemed to be forced out of her chest.  “I was 15.“
15…so young. Gods, so damn young.
Madja’s face was grim, “And the last?” The healer questioned.
“It went on for 6 years,” Zahra whispered. “Until 4 years ago.”
Madja nodded tightly. “You were still human,” Madja said softly. “The scarring is…extensive. Humans heal slower don’t they?”
“Yes,” Zahra whispered.
Azriel’s heart was hammering in his chest, his mind racing to try to catch up to the conversation that was happening. He felt so goddamn useless. There was something wrong, so wrong, and he couldn’t do a thing to try and help. The feeling of helplessness was killing him.
And this…this sounded like they were implying something so awful that he daren’t voice it. 
“What’s wrong with her?” He demanded. “What do you mean by scarring?”
Madja’s hands were moving across the skin of Zahra’s abdomen, pressing down gently, something that resulted in Zahra’s whole body flinching “There is extensive scarring in her reproductive system.” The healer told him bluntly. “Like she has been injured for an extended period. Over and Over.”
Zahra let out a shuddering gasp, her head tilting to press into the pillows and away from the healer’s hands.
“Cauldron, sunshine, what happened to you?” Azriel whispered.
He hadn’t actually expected an answer. He got one nonetheless.
“I did what I had to. I always did what I had to,” Zahra whispered, green eyes begging him to understand. “We had no money and Feyre was sick and… Was I supposed to let my little sister die?” Azriel went utterly still at her words
She had…she had done something to her own body to save her sister. Something bad enough to give her scars on her internal organs. What the hell had she ever done to cause this much damage?
“What did you do?” He forced out.
Her breath was shaky. “I gave the only thing that was mine to give up. The only thing that…the only thing that that apothecary would want,” she recounted with a shudder. Azriel’s blood went cold, freezing in his veins.
He didn’t…he couldn’t possibly mean…
“He raped you.” He whispered.
He wished she would disagree…would tell him that that hadn’t happened…but what she did say…it was even worse. 
“I went to him willingly. I let him do this to me. I didn’t fight him,” Zahra corrected him, her voice weak. 
Like that made it any better. Like that…
“You were so young,” he said softly. “Gods…Zahra..” his voice broke, and he couldn’t speak anymore.
He didn’t even have the words…didn’t even have the thoughts…didn’t…
“He hurt you,” he choked out.  It wasn’t a question.
A shuddering breath from her. 
“Yes,” Zahra answered weakly. “It…I did it once for medicine. But after that…I did it for money. I came back and I let him do it to me again. And again. And when he got bored, he thought of something new, something worse and…He did things to me…I didn’t even know you could do that to another person.” 
His entire body was shaking with rage. The shadows wreathing around him darkened almost into black. 
He had never wanted to rip another person into pieces with his bare hands as much as he wanted to right now. 
Madja stilled next to them, her hands still on Zahra’s skin…trying to heal the worst of it, Azriel could feel that. 
The healer’s face was carefully blank, but Azriel had known her long enough to see the subtle signs of anger. Madja had an incredibly good mask, but Azriel was able to read people when they didn’t want to be read.
And…there was another thing…
“Do your sisters know?” he asked weakly. Did they know and still treated Zahra like they did? Ignored her outright at some points and wished she didn’t exist at others? 
The dynamic had been fucked up from the start…the first time they had met Zahra she had been in her maid uniform…clearly treated not as a member of their family but as staff. 
But they had believed…they all had believed that maybe the change from human to fae was good for one thing and that would fall away…that this could heal…that all 4 of them could be sisters, properly, now. Maybe something that went well for once. 
Now Azriel wondered how naive he had been in particular. 
He was a bastard just as she was. Azriel would never be accepted by his half-brothers either. His half-brothers had ruined his hands. And her sisters…
“Nesta…Nesta thinks I had an affair with a married man,” Zahra choked out. “Which I did. Kind of.” 
A horrible, bitter laugh tore itself out of the Azriel’s chest. “An affair…” he repeated, disbelieving. “You didn’t have an affair. You were raped.”
“I let him do it. I did it willingly,” Zahra disagreed, her voice weak. 
She had agreed, because otherwise they would have starved. 
“You were fifteen!” Azriel whispered, anger flaring up with his grief. “You were a child! You were nothing but a goddamn child. And you did what you had to to survive. You sacrificed yourself for your family’s survival!” He took a deep, shuddering breath, trying to get a grip on his own emotions.
Madja’s hands were still moving over the skin of her stomach, her face set in a heavy grimace.
Zahra’s eyes were fixed on his face, her breaths still shallow and pained. “I am sorry.”
He couldn’t stand it. Couldn’t stand her apologies. Not right now. Not for this.
“You have nothing to apologize for,” he whispered, pressing another kiss to the back of her hand.
“You were just a child,” Azriel repeated, voice choked. “None of this is your damn fault.” For once… she didn’t protest. 
Zahra just closed her eyes, a few tears trickling out from between her lashes.
Madja’s hands stilled, and then the healer carefully pulled away. She didn’t say anything, and Azriel felt a new fear fill his chest. “What is it?” He asked her. “What’s wrong?”
“The scarring is…extensive,” Madja said carefully. “I am…I am sorry, but I think you may be barren.”
Zahra didn’t even flinch.
“I know,” Zahra answered, her voice flat. “I haven’t bled in years until now.” The words were like someone driving an ice-cold knife between his ribs and into his heart.
He didn’t care that she couldn’t carry his children. He didn’t fucking care. 
He only needed to know that she was safe and healthy…But to know she had been hurting for so many years…to know that she had sacrificed herself for her family…it broke his heart. 
And they didn’t even know that she had done that. 
Madja’s expression darkened further. Perhaps at the thought of what Zahra had been forced to endure, or perhaps because this new information opened up a whole other level of complication.
“That…does explain why the bleeding has been so severe,” the healer said. “Gods, child.”
There was silence in the room, Azriel still gripping Zahra’s hand in his. 
He didn’t care that she couldn’t give him children, not unless she wanted to. But the fact that she would never have a choice in the matter. That she had sacrificed not just her innocence, but the future she could have had, for her family’s sake…
He clenched his jaw so tightly he was surprised it didn’t crack.
Zahra was staring up at the ceiling, her emotions carefully schooled and hidden away. So cold and indifferent…so numb. Numb. 
He could recognise the signs because he often felt like that as well. 
Azriel wanted to hold her. He wanted to pull her up to his chest and into his arms and hide her from the entire world. From all the horrors and nightmares that she had been forced to endure.
Protecting and keeping her and making sure she never hurt again…
“I have some potions for you to take…I’ll ask Violet to make you some specially tailored for you…” Madja said softly. 
Violet was the apothecary they used for most of their potions. And also the one that Zahra did the accounts for. 
Azriel forced himself to nod. Zahra made some vague murmur of understanding, as Madja put said potions on the bedside table. 
Madja turned her gaze to Azriel, dark eyes searching his face. “You should stay with her tonight,” she said quietly. “Make sure the bleeding doesn’t get worse and call me immediately if it does.”
Azriel nodded again. He wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon, not unless Zahra asked him to leave.
The healer rose, giving another glance at the two of them. She made a sound in the back of her throat, as though she wanted to say something, but she just gave a single nod before turning and leaving the room.
And then it was just the two of them in the room. Azriel sat crouched next to her on the bed, his hand still clamped around hers.
He didn’t know what the damn hell he was supposed to say.
“I’m sorry.” And there she was, apologizing yet again for something that wasn’t her fault in the least. 
His eyes widened at her voice, the unexpectedness of it breaking the silence in the room.
“What?” He asked, his voice cracking. “What could you possibly be sorry for?”
She didn’t open her eyes, but he saw her expression flicker slightly. “For…for this.” She said hoarsely. “For making you deal with this.”
His heart felt like it was collapsing in on itself again. “You didn’t make me do anything,” he said quietly. “And you have nothing to apologise for.”
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clare-875 · 3 days
His Answer (Law x Reader)
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_____ Pairing: Law x Reader Summary: Having faced countless rejections in the past, you don't know what to do when you fall for your Captain, but little do you know he's hopelessly in love with you Warnings: Angst/Fluff, unusually soft Law, slightly suggestive Notes: The above image does NOT belong to me, Female Reader [One Piece Masterlist] _____
You cannot believe you have let yourself get in so deep once again. You cannot believe that you have let your guard down so much so that you subconsciously twisted barricades you were sure to have kept around yourself; he had made his way into your heart. You cannot believe that you have allowed yourself to hope so much; to allow your mind to wonder about the notion of you and him. Not again, please not again. Your mind is frantic but your heart still pounds when your gaze wanders through the room to the man it had devoted itself to. You have tried and failed to stop the burning and falling feeling in your chest whenever you saw him, but you were terrified that you have once again fallen for someone who does not return your affections. The past had shown you countless times, that you were scarcely anyone's one. Your feelings had been toyed with, your devotion slandered and you have met betrayal and rejection all the same. And yet, despite your history portraying, that love was possibly impossible for you, you have found yourself entrapped once again by that feeling. But somehow it was worse this time; you have allowed yourself to fall for the Surgeon of Death, your Captain, Trafalgar Law.
Your heart constricts when you feel his keen eyes meet yours and you find yourself turning away instantly, feeling the flush of your face he so easily pulls from you. You had fallen for love's lures once again. You have found yourself so deep within your feelings that you hadn't even realised until it was too late. But you prayed to God it wasn't too late to somehow reverse it. You cannot remember the number of times you have felt this way, only to find yourself so... disappointed. It was torturous, the feeling of loving someone you could never have or loving someone who clearly did not feel the same way. It was exhausting, offering your love to those who would not take it, or worse, those who would end up toying with it. How many times have you fallen for the wrong "one"? How many times have you let them pull the strings on your heart for their satisfaction, but not yours? You don't think you could live through another rejection, another turmoil, another grievance of a love that never even began; especially if it was him.
So, despite feeling his questioning gaze at your sudden movements, you find yourself quickly walking out of the room and to yours. Despite feeling the eyes of the crew, or hearing Shachi’s voice as he calls to you, you simply needed to leave. You needed air free of the room he was in, to just think and to possibly help to precede the inevitable feeling of dejection you would feel when you find your affections rejected once again. No. You would never confess, you promised that to yourself. But you would see the signs of rejection anyway as you did: his attention on another, his passive words to you, his distancing. But would that really be how Law would react to your blatant affections? He was so different to the ones you found yourself devoted to before. Law, the man who had asked you to join him as you found yourself alone on an island he passed by. Law, the man that patched you up of injuries no matter how small or big they were. Law, who granted you the slight upturn of lips whenever it was just the two of you. Law, your Captain; your friend.
You simply adored him.
You loved the way the low light would capture flickers in his gaze. You adored the care he so intricately hid behind a nonchalant facade. You loved the way he was so devoted to the crew, to their health, to their missions and their goals. You could find yourself daydreaming about his toned form, his nimble hands, his raven locks. Stop. The word would resonate deep in your mind, but you couldn't help yourself. Your adoration was so profound it terrified you. He could never feel the same. Disappointment and rejection have seeped too far within you to think otherwise. You expect love to be strenuous and dissatisfying, torturous and hard. You could never think that he could ever feel the same. The mere thought of your unworthy self makes tears of frustration build in your eyes, but you prevent them from falling. I'm so stupid, how have I let myself fall for him so deeply?
He will never see me the same way.
Unbeknownst to you, the very man your thoughts linger around stares blankly at the spot you have abruptly moved from. His gaze lingers in your absence but his mind is shrouded by events of the past weeks. His head is awhirl with memories of you adverting your gaze and seeking distance from his side. He remembers how when usually comfortable silence would envelop the air between the two of you, it had become tainted with apprehension and your obvious unease. He thinks of how the light-hearted conversations you would pull from him so easily were now blended into nothingness, and instead of your sweet voice, he was met with silence whenever you were near. Even in the unlikely event where he tempted conversation or the sound of your soothing voice or the sight of your joyful smile, he was merely gifted short and nervous answers, or worse a lingering frown. He had barely seen your eyes meet his recently, but whenever they did they seemed troubled and almost sad. Even by the mere memory, Law wonders why his heart clenches against his chest, or why he despised the instability of your usual sure presence beside him.
Deep down, however, he knew.
As a doctor, he showed no symptoms of illness or injury, and he recognised the simple fact that somehow you had won his affections. Somehow you had what he thought was his dead heart, thrumming to life whenever you were near. Somehow you have him missing your glistening eyes and your light laughter. Somehow you have his gaze, lingering on your lips in wonderment at how they might feel against his. Somehow you have the flush of tenderness reach his face whenever you are near. Somehow... you have the Surgeon of Death wrapped around your finger, and you don't even know it. However, if there was something Law was sure of, it was that you were not yourself around him anymore and that he hated it. He wondered if he had upset you, or worse, hurt you somehow. But despite his thoughts beating erratically around his head, he could find no answer; he didn't know why you were suddenly avoiding him.
Well, luckily for him, the crew was not as oblivious as you or him.
"Oi Shachi, what's up with [y/n]-ya recently?" Law calls his crewmate after he hears him calling after you, but to his surprise, a knowing look is placed in his irises. "You really don't know Captain?" More crewmates linger around him, and Law finds swift irritation brim as he sees more grins reach his crew's faces. "They're both so hopeless honestly." It is Penguin who now speaks up rolling his eyes at his oblivious Captain, and the painfully obvious crush you harboured. Even Bepo joins in with a shake of his head and a heavy sigh. "Tch, what is it?" Law's voice is sharp as more members of the crew add in on their laughter or disbelief that he had not realised yet what your strange behaviour had been about. Just what was he not aware of? "You men really are hopeless." Law turns to Ikkaku's voice that cuts off his words and sees her frown and sigh. "She obviously likes you, Captain." Ikkaku looks to Law, hoping you might forgive her for her interference, just to put the both of you out of your endless misery.
"And it's obvious, you like her too."
"What?" Law is stunned, to say the least, and he finds himself rooted to his spot. You... you like him? He feels his heart pounding just at the thought of it, but suddenly it all makes sense. Your strange behaviour and adverted eyes, the lingering embarrassment on your face whenever he caught you looking at him. You liked him. "Well, maybe like is an understatement..." He hears Ikkaku mutter once again as she turns to her Captain, but the frown has yet to leave her face. She remembers how you had finally told her what troubled you after she witnessed your gloomy state for too long. As the only women of the crew, the two of you were close, but that meant she also knew of what men and love had done to you in the past. She knew her Captain might be different, but she never wanted to see that look on your face again. "You better go to her Captain, just don't hurt her." With that she leaves, continuing on her duties and ignoring the wide gapes of her crewmembers that stare at her in astonishment.
She had actually said the truth aloud.
When Law finally finds himself back to reality he turns to his crew members who quickly advert their gaze at his sharp eyes. They pick their jaws off the ground and continue about their duties, but to Law, only one thing mattered; he needed to talk to you. And so, despite the sudden silence of the crew, they looked to their Captain in wonderment as he walked slowly out of the room in search of you. His footsteps echoed the quiet of the polar tang, and when he reached your door he hesitated but found himself knocking gently anyway. You on the other hand had finally collected your thoughts and resigned yourself to the inevitable truth, that he would not feel the same. So, imagine your surprise when you hear his voice coming from beyond your door. "[y/n]-ya." You hear a knock and Law's hesitant call of your name, and you are nervous but find no reason not to open your door, and so you do. When you look up, however, you are shocked to bear witness to the softness of his usually sharp eyes.
Your voice mirrors his hesitancy but his gaze does not move from yours as he steps into your room and turns to you at his side, you barely have enough time to hear the click of the door as Law closes it shut. "You've been avoiding me." Your heart pounds but even Law is surprised at the bluntness in his low words, but his movements don't falter and his sharp grey eyes still look to you. You see the frown on his face and his calculating gaze, and you find yourself reaching for words you can't find. "I- Law I-" He moves closer to you now so that he is almost hovering, and your heart beats faster at the proximity you have tried to avoid for the past few weeks. "Law what- what are you doing?" Your voice shakes as your mind churns with his sudden movements, at a loss for his sudden actions. "Do you like me [y/n]-ya?" He turns down to meet your gaze and he sees the way your eyes enlarge at his uttered words, but he feels himself stop his boldness when he witnesses the tremble of your lips.
"[y/n]-ya?" His keen eyes suddenly soften of their intensity as they turn to confusion to you, who seems to have a fierce internal battle occurring beyond your eyes. There is silence and Law does not know what to say, but you fill the silence with your words in his stead. "Who told you?" Your voice is small, but you continue anyway after a short laugh "You know what, it doesn't matter." Law is confused at the dejected tone in your words and suddenly wonders if he has done something wrong, but he is stunned to silence at your next sentiment. "You don't have to pretend you know." Your briefly adverted gaze meets his again in strange determination. "You don't have to do this, you don't have to pity me, I- I know you won't feel the same, I-" Your voice hitches and you curse your emotions for getting the best of you. "I'll get over it... so please don't do this." Law feels his heart clench at your low words, your sadness, your lack of even believing he might feel the same way. He even feels anger, just what had you gone through to think this way.
How could you not see your beauty, your talent, your strength? How could you not see your utter perfection, or how he had dreamed that just maybe he would be enough for you? How could you think the opposite, how could you think you were not worthy? "[y/n]-ya..." You ready yourself for the rejection, you are ready for the inevitable apology and the friendship lost to your stupid devotions once again. You are ready for the lowly uttered "no" and for his regretful gaze. You feel your heart break despite you chanting that it will be okay endlessly in your head. You would get over it again, somehow. But instead of the words you so denied to utterly dread, you feel a hand guiding your lowered gaze upward.
Your eyes snap open and you meet his gaze that was full of a sort of emotion you never thought you would see from your Captain. You had never heard your name uttered from him in that way. But his voice and gaze are sure. You see the intensity of his eyes now veering into yours. You feel his hot breath against your skin. He is so close. So close you can almost- He moves then, leaning down to capture your lips and you let him. You meet him in the middle, and it was better than you imagined; it was better than he dreamed. Your lips were so soft, so sweet and he felt your hands move to him as he deepened the kiss. You felt the heat of him rise against your touch and felt his own hold wander to your waist where he pulled you to him. You were in shock, but there was undeniability in his movements and in his gaze. The both of you parted after several long moments and stood heads leant against each other as you breathed in.
"[y/n]-ya, I'm in love with you."
Your heart constricts and tears brim your eyes as you nod slowly against him, and you can't help but let out a laugh that has the corners of Law's lips lifting too. "I love you too, Law." It was hard to describe the utter joy and relief you felt, or the trust that you chose to put in your Captain, but how could you not? You had never seen eyes gleam the way his did when they looked to you; full of love returned. Nevertheless, your crew members did not see the both of you for several long hours after Law's sudden absence to seek you out. But they also didn't fail to tease the both of you when you joined them for supper; hands lingering against the other, a flush to your faces, your subtle smiles etched with contentment. He was who you had waited for, and he was the person meant for you. You never thought you would be grateful for the rejections you faced in the past, but when you turned to him you were full of the feeling.
His answer was all that you needed.
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sturniolosangel · 1 day
save a horse ride a?
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warnings: best friend dynamic, innocent bambi!reader, experienced!matt, flirting, kissing, thigh riding, corruption in a way, not proof read as always
a/n: first day of kinktober baby! i really hope you guys enjoy the whole month of fics! this is just a small of what big things are coming all puns intended. as always i🤍u
summary: reader is starting to obsessed over the farm life especially cowboys. what happens when matt takes her to the country and dresses the part?
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i sat happy in front of matt as he showed me an air bnb he rented for the two of us on the country side. “matt i didn’t think you would actually book the trip” i spoke softly. “of course anything for you but go pack your bags we leave tomorrow morning” he replied back. i sat up almost skipping to my bedroom to pack up my stuff.
once i was done grabbing all of my things it was around 8pm and matt said he had ordered food so i walked downstairs to meet him. “love hurry the foods gonna get cold” he slightly raised his voice. “i’m here calm down” i giggled. i sat with him as i put on a show while matt go the food ready.
as soon as we were done eating i was wiped out an ready for bed. “matt come onn im tired” i grabbed his hand dragging him up the steps.
the next morning..
me and matt are sitting in the car his hand on my thigh as he drove. “we’re here i’ll help you get your stuff just go unlock the door the code is 5555” matt spoke lightly as he got up. “on it” i smiled as i got up to the door.
all of our stuff was now unpacked and matt had planned horse riding for us so i started to get ready. i chose a red and white plaid dress and some brown cowgirl boots. “love! are you almost ready we have to leave soon” matt yelled from down the steps. “yeah i’m about to be done” i yelled back.
i walked down the steps to meet a very hot matt with a red and black plaid button up with a black cowboy hat. i felt a werid feeling in my body as a wet patch started to grow in my underwear. “so how do i look?” matt ask softy. “really good you know i gotta thing for cowboys” i whispered back. matt smirked as he grabbed his keys and waved his hand to follow him outside.
we arrived to farm as i saw all the pretty horses. “i want that one” i said as i pointed to white one. “i want this one” matt replied to the black one ironically standing next to the white one. i giggled as the instructor helped us get each of the horses.
i already knew how to ride a horse but seeing matt struggle was the best part. as the horse picked up the saddle rubbed in the right spot as i gasped out. matt came next to me on his horse “you okay” he asked “yeah just fine” i replied as i blushed.
matt was now infront of me and god did he look good. this unfamiliar feeling rose in my body again and i felt like i had an itch that i couldn’t scratch. when we were done i make sure to get a picture of matt and us with the horses.
as we got back to the air bnb i had to ask matt about what i was feeling was bothering me so bad i felt like i was gonna burst. “matt.. can you please come here” i called out from the bedroom. i could hear footsteps getting closer. “yeah what’s wrong love?” he said coming into the room.
“i feel something very weird and i think you might need help” i spoke softly. “what’s it that you’re feeling” he questioned. “it’s like an urge down there and i have no idea what to do like it almost hurts” i said embarrassed. matt seem to understand and wasn’t confused at all “come here baby” he patted his thigh.
i got up and sat up on his thigh and wrapped my hands around his neck. “can you help me?” i questioned desperately. “i got you, just be patient” he whispered. he grabbed my waist as he slowly rocked my hip back and forth on his jeans. i threw my head back as i felt some relief.
“feels really good matt” he took my face in his palm an connected our lips. i groaned into his mouth as my hips started to move on their own. he disconnected our lips to lift me up to my feet to reach his hands under my dress to slide off my panties.
“sit back down baby” he spoke a little more demanding. i sat back down on his thigh as i felt a new type of feeling. he pushed on my waist to add pressure as i rocked my now bare pussy against him. “fuck..” i moaned out.
matt took his flannel off and threw it on the floor leaving him with a black tank on. his lips started to leave kisses along my neck and his hands started to kneed my boobs through my dress. my hips bucked onto his thigh not knowing how this could feel so good. “matt i need to feel your touch.. please” i whined out.
“like this baby” his thumb started to rub my clit as my eyes rolled back and my back arched. “yes! fuck that feels amazing” i almost screamed out.
i felt the pressure build up in my stomach as i put my head in his neck as my hand slide up to his cowboy head and gripped my fingers around it. “that’s it love keep going you’re doing so good” matt spoke into my ear.
i picked up my paste as i felt the wetness spread onto his pants. “matt i think im gonna!…” before i could finished i was cumming all over matt’s leg as i gripped on his shirt and my legs started to shake. “good girl you feel better now?” matt said rubbing my back.
“so much better matt but i’m so tired” i spoke cuddling my head into his neck. “it’s okay baby we’ll go get a bath” he picked me up and took me to the bathroom as he sat me on the counter and started the bath. he started to take my clothes off and his and he picked me up once again and sitting us in the bathtub.
“if you ever have the feeling when you’re with me tell me you know i’ll always help my baby” he whispered. i rolled my head back onto his chest. “of course who else would i be so comfortable with asking” i said slowly closing my eyes to relax.
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liked by matthew.sturniolo, christophersturniolo, madisonbeer and 1,275,529 others.
yn.yln: how does it go.. save a horse ride a? @/ matthew.sturniolo
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liked by yn.yln, christophersturniolo, nicolassturniolo, and 1,100.637 others.
mathewsturniolo: maybe the farm life isn’t that bad @/ yn.yln
view all 230,826 comments
a/n: i’m sorry this took me forever to get out today but trust everything will be posted everyday just takes time. i hope you enjoyed the little insta post at the end as well trying some new things! also some tags aren’t working so bare with me! i🤍u
taglist! @mattsbitchh @st7rnioioss @sweetlikesug4rvenom @ivysturnss @lormyaaa @slut4m4tt @sarahlovesyoualot @ilovemattsturniolo35 @melspam @daisy011 @matts-myloverboy @tsturniolo4 @mattsturnswife
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bamfkeeper · 2 days
Sweet Iced Tea.
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RQ: 'Could I give you a penny for your thoughts on nightcrawler with a southern s/o. I’m from the deep south and He Is So Dear To Me. I just wanna feed him and make him go horseback riding with me.' - @leon-de-la-vega
Pairing: Kurt Wagner x GN!reader | Warnings: None
A/N: Half my family comes from the south, so I get this hard. Written as headcannons because this idea can be so versatile. Please ignore mistakes it's 4am ;; Dankeee
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Kurt is very interested in your lifestyle. He grew up in a circus where the animals were kept in poor conditions and abused, so when he hears about you taking care of animals he is very intrigued.
He's a little nervous, not sure what to expect, but upon seeing your horses and how you treat them, he's pleasantly surprised.
"Mein Gott, they are so shiny," Kurt pets one of their manes, grinning at the horse.
He would adore horseback riding, he'd be a little skeptical at first. He'd be afraid to make the horse uncomfortable, or doing something wrong, but you promise him everything is fine and you both end up having a lovely ride.
There is a joke to be made here...
He helps with the animals if you need it, and he gladly lends a hand around the farm if you have one. Helping clean, feed the animals, collecting tools or following you around like a puppy to aid in anything you ask.
He'd love the food. He eagerly asks questions about the foods you eat. He loves corn and potatoes, since German meals are often hardy, it's not much different.
Brisket?? God he loves it. Sometimes he helps you cook too, but he mostly likes to watch while holding your hips.
You have a game where you hold up ingredients and he says their name in German. You try to repeat it, often mispronouncing, but he doesn't have the heart to correct you.
He tries on your hats and clothes, which are too big on him, but he's absolutely adorable in them.
He has a hard time learning the lingo.
You have to explain to him the terms since English isn't his first language anyway, and some terms in English confuse him. Now hearing Southern ones further makes it difficult for him to understand.
"Liebling...what does druthers mean? I cannot find it anywhere..." Kurt frowned, looking to you with confusion. "Und dog won't hunt? Dogs do not hunt, they eat inside? They are not wolves anymore."
His first time trying sweet iced tea, his eyes about bug out. Especially when you made it fresh. "Ach, das ist wunderbar!" Kurt practically downs the glass, looking expectantly for a refill.
He loves when you fuss over him. It can be over anything, a wound, what he's wearing for the weather, how much he's eating, etc. You fuss over him so lovingly, it's how you show your care and he is more than happy to sit and be the center of your attention.
Kurt gets used to the unique scents of your lifestyle too, and eventually he seeks out smells of your home and you to feel comforted when he's at the mansion.
You're kind and respectful as you were raised, and he is drawn in by your warmth and generous hospitality. You are so hard working and loyal, you never expect anything back for kindness.
You had so many traits he adored, and it only made him love you even more.
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Thanks for reading.
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Dividers by @/adornedbylight
Forgot which comic this image is from, please let me know! Other photos from pinterest.
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bxttxrflybxddie · 2 days
Kinktober Day 1: Dirty Talk - Rolan
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a/n: yippee first time actually doing a kinktober!! this kinda turned into praise but f it we ball
pairing: rolan x gn! reader
word count: 0.8k
warnings: MINORS/AGELESS DNI I BLOCK ON SIGHT!!!!!! unedited, a hint of breeding towards the end, unprotected, not specific genitalia for reader, dom reader, rolan cries but it doesn't hurt, bites, someone tell this tiefling I'm obsessed with him, reader calls rolan baby btw
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One of Rolan’s favorite aspects about you is your voice. 
Ever since meeting you at the grove, your voice has been playing in his head- repeating a constant harmonious tune. The way words rolled off your tongue was enchanting, he was sure you must’ve permanently charmed him. Despite his hurtful beratement in the shadowlands, you’ve continued to be a friend to him and his family. Including saving his siblings and helping defeat his previous master. When you approached him shortly after saving Baldur’s Gate asking for a place to stay, he was thrilled to welcome you as the newest addition to the tower. Not only was he excited for your presence but also to hear your music daily.
Some of his prized memories of your voice have been your first meeting where you cut into his and his siblings’ argument conversation, questioning his plans for the tower, and agreeing to have him be yours.
However, His most beloved melody from your voice is here and now. “You like it when I fuck you like that, Master?”
The wizard would answer obediently whilst on his knees, feeling you up from below and thanking you for indulging him tonight. Alas, you’ve ridden him so long to the point of overstimulation that he can say little but moan in response. 
Suddenly, you grip his jaw and force him to look at you, minding the bruises and bites littered around his neck. He’s pulled into a kiss while you shift your weight for support. He can feel your teeth pulling at his lip, and he’d almost feel worthy of an apology if his nails weren’t digging into the plush of your thighs. You pull away with a thin string of spit.
“This is what you’ve needed, right baby? To be taken care of?” You ask him between your groans. A particularly hard thrust against him knocks a sense of clarity into your Rolan, if only for a second.
“G-Gods, yes!” He manages to reply. It’s been stressful as of late, dealing with the intricacies of the tower. There’s no where else he’d want to be, especially with you, but it’s been a heavy weight to carry nonetheless. When you agreed to let him do nothing but lay back and listen to you, he just about came then and there. Thank the Gods he didn’t, this moment is perfection.
Your hands snake their way back against his chest, helping you push yourself off and on against him.
“You are so handsome, you know that? I love it when you look like this, debauched.” His ears burn until they’re numb, on nights when you bed him you’ve made it clear how attractive you find him. He didn’t think that tonight would’ve been one of those nights as well. Obviously, he was mistaken.
“Answer me.” You purr, slowing your pace to a stop, his throbbing cock nestled deep inside you.
“Y-yes, yes gods- please!” He sputters out, tears threatening to spill from the sudden lack of vigorous movement. You lean down again and kiss the cusp of his ear, biting gently as your speed returns, but not to the same as before. He moans as chills spread against his skin; bringing his nipples to a peak.
“Say it. Say you’re handsome. I’ve seen how you’ve looked at yourself today, looked at what’s mine.” You roll your hips against him with the last word falling from your lips, drawing emphasis. You were not going to accept your love thinking of himself however low he was today, not with the beautiful sight under you currently. His hair stuck to his forehead and horns from sweat, purple blooming on his neck and collarbone, and golden eyes that can barely hold your loving stare.
“I’m handsome..” “Louder.”
“I-I’m,” the tears from earlier have began to fall.”I’m handsome.”
You move your hips to the pace matching his volume. Rolan’s jaw drops with a whine as he realizes what you’re up to.
“You’re what, baby?” “Handsome! Zurgan- I’m handsome just p-please..” 
“That’s right, and all mine.” With your grace, you return to your previous pace- if not more unrelenting. 
Rolan shakes, and you know exactly what it means. A sob from his lips confirm your suspicions.
“Are you going to cum in me, Master? Fill me, claim me as yours?” Rolan can only whimper in agreement, his hands moving to rest on your waist as you brutally fuck yourself on him- chasing after his orgasm. 
The wizard shakes, a degenerate moan filling the room as well as skin slapping skin. Warmth floods your senses as you ride out the last few twitches of his cock, your own pleasured noises accompaning his. 
“That’s it, there you go, baby.” You mutter. His head falls back on the pillows, his throat stretched as he cries throughout the rest of his orgasm. 
After plenty of deep breaths from you both, you shift your weight off of your love and curl up next to him. You invite him into a conversation about his current state of mind before sharing “I love yous” and falling into a satisfying sleep.
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h4untedgrl · 14 hours
My Doll | k.ys
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-♡ genre/au: established relationship, boyfriend!yeosang x girlfriend!reader, softdom!yeosang x sub!reader
-♡ warnings: bondage/shibari, oral (f rec), pet names (sangie,baby,doll/dolly)
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Yeosang has always been quite the gentle lover. Treating your body like art. A masterpiece in his eyes. He loved to adorn your body, buying you clothes, lingerie, jewelry. You are his doll. His oh so precious doll.
“Y/N baby, where are you” Yeosang spoke from the front door. “Coming, Sangieee~” You respond from the room you shared, getting out of bed and heading to the door to greet him properly.
You approach him with open arms, “I missed you Sangie” His arms wrap around your waist, his grip slightly weak. “Can I try something new with you tonight?” He whispered in your ear. A cold shiver runs down your spine. “Like what?” Your head tilts giving Yeosang a slightly confused look. “Do you trust me..?” He looks down at your frame. “Yes..” you smile at him.
“Would you let me tie you up doll?” His gaze darkens. A rush of blood floods your cheeks, “I would.” He smirks at you, leading him to grab your hand leading you to your bedroom. “Sit on your knees for me baby” You nod at his command, as he heads to the closet. “How long have you been waiting to ask me this for?” You question him softly. “Quite awhile, I just wasn’t sure on your answer baby” He answers with a pink rope in his hands.
He starts to unravel it as he approaches you another smile appears on his face. “You’re gonna look so beautiful doll” He sits behind you starting to wrap the rope above your bust. “I’m doing a box tie on you baby, it’s going to restrict your arms” He says as he places a kiss along your jaw. Your cunt can’t help but to tingle at the sensation of the slightly rough rope against your skin.
Yeosang finally finishes the box tie, getting off the bed to admire his work but most importantly…you. “You look so beautiful like this doll” His words lingers in your mind for a second. “My perfect doll” You bite your lip, “Just kiss me already Sangie”
He wastes no time placing his lips to yours, closing the space. His hands finally finding your waist before laying you down softly. “I can’t wait anymore” Yeosang blurts out before he swiftly puts your legs on his shoulders, placing small kisses around your pussy. “Please Sangie…” you whine, before you can even think another thought he’s sucking on your bud.
Your back arching up at the pleasure, how you wished to tug at his hair. “Taste so good” he spoke against your pussy, the vibration of his words made you go insane. “Please Sangie, wan’ you to fuck me” And as much as he would love to keep teasing you he couldn’t bring himself to not do as you wanted.
He unbuckled his jeans, pulling down to the floor before turning you around. "Ass up dolly" Yeosang helps you adjust to the position. You wiggle your hips against him "Oh baby you're so eager for me" He says as he align his dick with your folds. "Mmph~ fuck Sangie" You moan as he starts to fll you up. His hands find security on your hips, forcing you to take more of him. "Feels so good baby" Yeosang whines as he finally bottoms out his pelvis meeting yours.
The pace speeds up, the sound of skin slapping fills the room. Yeosang's nails dig into your skin before he moves his right hand to play with your swollen clit. "Fuck! Sangie you feel so good!" He throws his head back at you comment, feeling your tight pussy clench against his cock. "Love this pussy, so wet for me" His thrusts only going faster as he proceeds hold onto the rope thats binding you.
You feel yourself starting to get dumb around his cock. Only stupid little babbles escaping your lips. "My dolly going cock drunk already?" He teases lightly "Sangie~ 'm gonna cum~" Your pussy sucking his cock. "Keep doing that baby and I'm gonna cum too" His voice cracks.
You unravel around his cock, your legs trembling at the band in you stomach snaps. "Oh my god Sangie' 'm cumming" Leading Yeosangs' thrusts to become messy as his release nears. Quickly exiting your pussy to paint your ass with his milky white seed. "Fuckkk~" Yeosang prolongs his moan before quickly moving to find a towel to clean you up.
"Dolly... that was... amazing." He says out of breathe. You can only hum in response. "Let's untie you now"
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-♡ taglist: @vampzity @scarfac3 @dvrktvnnel @dollywoo @planetjaeyun @yyaurii @cypher-03 @desirehorizon
79 notes · View notes
doctorbitchcrxft · 16 hours
Bedtime Stories | Supernatural Series Rewrite | Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Warnings: healing from a sexual assault, some tasteful smut (MDNI 18+ ONLY), canon violence, canon gore
Word Count: 5344
Mobile Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Playlist
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Now that you and the brothers had a working Colt thanks to Bobby and, as much as you hated to admit it, Ruby, the brothers were debating what to do with it. 
“I don't understand, Dean. Why not?” Sam questioned angrily. 
“Because I said so.”
“We got the Colt now!”
“Sam…” Dean warned. 
“We can summon the Crossroads Demon—”
Dean shouted over Sam, “We're not summoning anything—!”
“—pull the gun on her, and force her to let you out of the deal!” Sam finished, getting louder.
You rubbed your temples, head pounding with each shout.
“We don't even know if that'll work!” Dean roared. 
“Well, then we'll just shoot her! If she dies, then the deal goes away!” Sam yelled. 
“Boys!” You finally shouted, silencing them. “Both of you are going to get a grip, or so help me god, I will do this one on my own; you understand?!”
Neither man responded to you, both staring wordlessly at the road ahead. 
“Sam, the crossroads demons don’t hold the contracts—” you began.
Sam cut you off. “How do you—?!”
“Let me finish!” you snapped. 
Sam quieted again. 
“And Dean has already said that if we fuck with this deal at all, you die.”
“And if we don't fuck with it, Dean dies!”
Dean broke back in. “Sam, enough! I am not going to have this conversation.”
The brunet scoffed. “Why, because you said so?”
“Yes, because I fucking said so!” Dean asserted. 
“Well, you’re not Dad!”
The two men stared silently at each other. 
“No, but I am the oldest,” Dean finally said fiercely. “And I'm doing what's best. And you're going to let this go, you understand me?”
Sam turned away and looked angrily out the window. 
“Tell me about the psychotic killer,” Dean ordered calmly. “C'mon, Sam, tell me about the psychotic killer.”
Sam grabbed a paper from his lap and read monotonously. “Psychotic killer… rips victims apart with brute-like ferocity.”
“Any razor sharp teeth or four-inch claws?” you asked. 
“No. But the lunar cycle's right. Look,” Sam sighed, “if it is a werewolf, we don't have long; moon's full this Friday and that's the last time it changes for a month.”
Dean shrugged. “Two days, no sweat.”
That night, when you arrived at the motel in the town you’d be hunting in, you and Dean got a room separate from Sam. The two boys decided they needed some time apart after their argument. 
“How do you know that killing the crossroads demon won’t get rid of my deal?” Dean asked, breaking the silence that had settled over you as the two of you got ready for bed.
“(Y/N),” he said sternly, turning to face you. “Answer me.”
You sighed, running a hand through your hair as you finished pulling on your— well, Dean’s— t-shirt. 
“Sweetheart, please,” he begged you. “Tell me the truth.”
“I’m not gonna mince my words,” you began. “I was trying to get you out of your deal while I was gone. Y’know, before the Seven Deadlies? I tried to make a deal to get you out of yours. No one would bite.”
“(Y/N), why the fuck would you—”
“Because I love you,” you cut him off. You headed over to him and cupped his cheek in your hand. “And if I could stop you from dying without hurting Sam, I would. I’d trade my life for yours in a heartbeat.”
He kissed your palm, but you could tell he was still upset at the thought of you doing that for him. “Are you still trying?”
You shook your head and removed your hand from his face. “No. I knew you’d never forgive me if I was.”
“Damn right,” Dean replied. He stared down at you intensely, and you couldn’t quite read his expression. 
You searched his eyes desperately. “What am I gonna do without you,” you breathed out before you could think about it. 
Dean leaned down and rested his forehead against yours. You closed your eyes, reveling in the feeling of him against you. 
You nuzzled your nose against his and slowly leaned in to kiss him. As soon as your lips connected, Dean wrapped his arms around you and held you against him firmly while you threaded your fingers through his hair.
You could feel Dean encouraging you to jump, and you wound your legs around his waist. He caught you easily and walked you over to the bed. Dean gently laid you back on the pillow, and you kept your ankles crossed behind his back. You tugged greedily on his shirt until he tore it off himself, and he then began pushing your shirt up your body. 
You allowed Dean to remove your shirt and then your bra. He looked to you, eyes hungry but pleading and respectful. “Can I—?” He paused. “Can I touch you?”
You nodded, feeling slightly proud of yourself that you were making Dean Winchester get flustered. 
“Words, sweetheart,” he said. 
“Yes. Please touch me,” you begged, arching into him.
He breathed out, almost in relief, and goosebumps formed under his touch as he trailed his fingers down your stomach. Searching your eyes for any sign of hesitation all the way down, he stopped his fingers at your panties. 
“Dean, it’s okay,” you told him. 
“I don’t wanna hurt you,” he said, staring at you intensely. 
“Dee,” you told him, grabbing his wrist, “it’s okay. I’m okay.” You guided his hand into the waistband of your underwear and allowed him to slip his fingers between your folds.
You took in a sharp breath as he did so, and Dean leaned in to kiss you passionately. He gently bit your lip every once in a while, and you began to palm him through his boxers. He groaned into your mouth, and you couldn’t wait to feel him against you. 
“Dean,” you said between kisses, “Dee, I need you.”
“God, yes,” he groaned, “I need you, too.”
You kissed him feverishly, hands making quick work of his and your underwear while he played with your breasts. Dean sat back on his knees and stroked his cock. 
You looked up at him, somehow both doe-eyed and wantonly, and spread your legs to expose yourself to him. 
“God, (Y/N),” he breathed out. “You are so… beautiful.”
You smiled warmly, instantly reaching out to pull him back down to you. He happily accepted your touch and lined himself up with your vagina.
“Are you sure you want this?” he asked. 
“Yes. God, yes,” you moaned. 
Dean didn’t need to be told twice. Within seconds, he was inside you. He rolled his hips against yours smoothly, kissing you gently as his thrusts stretched you out deliciously. His thrusts soon became sloppy, and he broke the kiss to reach down to your clit.
“Cum for me,” he commanded gently. 
“Need you to first,” you whined. 
“Nuh-uh,” he replied, quickening the circles he made around your clit. “Now.”
“Dean—!” you moaned, suddenly convulsing with your orgasm. You reached out to him and scratched at his back, begging the orgasm to slow down. It hit you suddenly and rolled in in waves that you couldn’t escape from. You couldn’t tell whether or not you wanted Dean to get off you or hold you through it, and your spasming around him sent Dean into his own orgasm. Ropes of his cum shot into you, causing your own orgasm to intensify. You whined and writhed around, feeling the ecstasy would never end. It became almost painful, and Dean did his best to soothe you through it. He let you guide him to where you needed him to touch you or not touch you, and you were grateful for this rare moment of gentleness from him. 
Still inside you, Dean held you against his chest as your orgasm finally subsided. 
“How was that?��� he smirked down at you. 
You playfully shoved him away. 
Later that night, still in that same position with Dean— you against his chest with his semi-hard cock inside you— your breathing became so deep that you thought Dean assumed you’d gone to sleep. 
“I love you,” Dean admitted. 
Your heart nearly stopped. You looked up to him, a flurry of emotions swirling inside you. “You do?” 
He nodded. “Thought you were sleeping, honestly, but I’m glad you heard it anyway—”
You cut him off with a deep kiss, hugging him to you. You kissed all over his face, and his boyish giggle was what finally made you stop kissing him. “I love you,” you told him. 
“I know.”
“Oh, my god, you did not just Star Wars me,” you scoffed playfully. 
“Oh, c’mon, you had to know I would,” Dean replied, nudging his nose with yours. 
The next day, you and the brothers headed to meet the man who’d barely survived the scuff with the werewolf. When you arrived, the man was apparently expecting you to be the sketch artist. 
Much to the brothers relief, your skill with a pen came in quite handy. However, the person who’d killed his brothers was just… human. Interestingly enough, he also had a Wile E. Coyote tattoo. Quite comically, the situation reminded you of the Three Little Pigs story. 
You said as much to the brothers when you left the hospital.
“(Y/N), that’s fucked up,” Sam remarked. 
“I’m sorry! I know it is! But think about it,” you replied, wincing, “three brothers who work at a construction site? Mauled by a guy with a Wile E. Coyote tattoo?”
“I don’t remember the wolf having a fuckin’ cartoon tattoo, sweetheart,” Dean snorted. 
“Whatever. Just thought it was funny,” you shrugged, shoving Dean’s shoulder. “Anyway, what’d you find out from the doc?”
“Not much,” Dean responded, “they were D.O.A. at the scene. He did give me the lowdown on the coroner's report.”
“Lemme guess,” Sam cut him off, “their hearts were missing.”
Dean sighed. “Nope. But chunks of their kidneys, lungs, and intestines.”
“Oh, ew,” you grimaced. 
“Yeah; definitely not werewolf behavior.”
“So, what? Demon? Attacker could've been possessed,” the brunet suggested. 
“Yeah, but that guy said the dude stopped halfway through the attack. Why would a demon do that?” you challenged. 
“I think that, uh…” Sam trailed off. “Could've... Yeah, I got nothing.”
“Me, neither,” said Dean. 
That night, you and the brothers had gone your separate way for the evening. Dean, of course, was still sharing a room with you. 
“Hey, I meant to ask you,” Dean began, “were you… okay with last night?”
You smiled lopsidedly at him. “Yeah, I was.” You appreciated his concern with hurting you or retraumatizing you. You supposed that was one of the reasons he was so helpful to you through all this, and he was likely the reason you were able to be intimate with someone a little under five months after the attack. Had that atrocity happened to you prior to meeting Dean, you were sure your situation would’ve had a vastly different outcome. 
You snapped yourself out of your thoughts and began to apply lotion to your legs sitting on the edge of the bed. “Are you and Sam ever gonna talk about your seriously unfinished business?”
“I told him not to bring it up again. So no. And I’d prefer if we didn’t, either,” Dean said sharply. 
“Well, frankly, I don’t give a fuck what you’d prefer. You need to apologize to him,” you told him. 
“Why?” he scoffed. 
“Because I said so,” you stated, throwing the phrase he’d used in his fight with Sam back at him. 
He half-chuckled but was still clearly annoyed.
“See? Not so good of a reason, is it?”
Dean barely gave you time to finish your remark before he was speaking up again. “Why do you even care?” 
“Because I care about you and Sam. And I have to share a car with you two for the foreseeable future. I’d rather you not wanna kill each other until the end of the line,” you jested, putting the jar of lotion on the nightstand next to you. 
Dean lounged against the pillow with his head propped up on the crook of his elbow on the headboard. You shifted yourself to where you were sitting cross-legged next to his hips, facing him. 
“Hey, I don’t wanna keep talking about this every day of our lives till you get dragged to Hell—”
“Good,” he cut you off gruffly, “me neither.”
“—but I’m also not gonna pretend like these discussions aren’t important. I need you to be honest with me and yourself. You are scared of going, and that’s okay—”
“Oh, god—” Dean rolled his eyes.
“Hey,” you said, pushing his chin back towards you. “I wasn’t done. But I need you to be honest with me, or this doesn’t work.” You gestured between the two of you as you spoke. “I don’t need you to be tough all the time. I just need you to keep it real with me.”
“What difference does it make? I still go to Hell when this is over anyway,” Dean replied. 
“But maybe you’d be able to enjoy living a little bit more if you’d just let me in,” you said, cupping his cheek. 
Dean thought for a moment before he kissed the inside of your palm. “You’re right,” was all he could say. 
“I know I am,” you smirked. 
He rolled his eyes at you, but there was genuine amusement behind them. 
That night, you didn’t get much sleep. You stayed awake listening to the police scanner and stroking Dean’s hair as he slept soundly beside you. The police scanner held the least of your attention between the two, though. This was another one of those memories you’d hold near and dear to your heart when Dean was gone. 
Around five in the morning, the scanner finally caught your attention. Static, frantic ramblings exchanged discussing a woman that had been found staggering around coming from the woods. When deputies went with her back to the scene, they found a house where the woman’s former hiking partner and their attacker, an old woman, lay dead in the kitchen. 
You hated to wake up the man with his arms wrapped around your hips, but you knew you needed to get to the hospital the victim was being rushed to and interview her. 
“Dean,” you said softly, running your hand through his hair. “Dean.”
He hummed against your hip, tightening his hold of you. You smiled but continued to try and wake him. 
“Dean, c’mon.”
“Hmm,” he grumbled, “what time is it?”
“I’m not even gonna tell you, ‘cause you’ll kill me,” you joked, ruffling his hair. 
He lightly shoved your hand away from his head and returned his strong arms to their original positioning around you. 
“Dean! C’mon; we gotta get to the hospital. Somethin’ came in on the scanner,” you told him. 
“Can it wait till seven?” he asked you. 
“No.” You tried to wiggle out of his arms to move to the bathroom. He refused to let go of you, though, despite your protests through giggles. “C’mon, dude. We gotta get goin’. I gotta go get Sammy.”
“Ugh, fine,” he grumbled, pressing a kiss to your bare hip. 
Goosebumps formed under his lips, and you took in a sharp breath. “Okay, okay, get off me,” you said, gently pushing his arms away from you. 
When you arrived at the hospital, you talked to the witness who said she and her hiking partner had been drugged by an old woman who poisoned a pie she fed them. 
Interestingly enough, she also mentioned seeing a little girl with dark hair and pale skin in the window outside the home. 
Naturally, you and the Winchesters went to investigate the house. 
You took in your wooded surroundings and the strange house sitting in the middle of nowhere. You went into the house with Sam and noted the EMF meter in his hand beeping frantically. 
“(Y/N), I’m thinking you may be right about the whole fairytale thing,” Sam said. 
“Dude, I was kidding—”
“Yeah, but I’m not,” he replied. “A guy and a girl? Hiking through the woods, an old lady tries to eat 'em? That's Hansel and Gretel. And, like you said, those three brothers arguing over how to build houses, attacked by the Big Bad Wolf.”
“Like the Grimm Brothers,” you realized. “Sex, violence, cannibalism; a child’s guide to fucked-up folklore.”
“Right,” Sam nodded. “Now, it got sanitized over the years; turned into Disney flicks and bedtime stories.”
“So, why would the ghost be doing a reenactment?” you wondered aloud. “The creepy girl? Pale skin and dark hair sounds like Snow White.”
“You’re right, it does,” Sam said. “But it’s weird that she’s in the middle of another fairytale. But I’m willing to bet you top dollar she was at the construction site too.”
“Dean’s gonna be thrilled. It’s research time,” you snickered.
Sam grinned at you, and the two of you went outside to inform the other brother of your musings. 
However, your research came up empty. There had been very few violent childhood deaths in the area, and none of them involved a girl with black hair and pale skin. 
Dean led you and his brother across the street from the library into the park. 
“You wanna know how many little girls with black hair and pale skin that have gone missing?” Dean didn’t give you a chance to respond. “Right again. Zip. zilch, nada. Tell me you've got something good 'cause I've totally wasted the last six hours.”
Sam snorted. “Well, you ever hear of Lillian Bailey? She was a British medium from the 1930s.”
“She got a thing for fairy tales?” Dean questioned.
“Nah, trances. See she'd go into these unconscious states where, uhm, get this, her thoughts and actions were completely controlled by spirits,” the younger brother explained.
“A ghost puppet master,” Dean nodded. 
You rolled your eyes. “In layman’s terms, sure.”
“Think that's what this kid is doing? Sending wolfboy and grandma into trances, making them go kill-crazy?” Dean’s brow furrowed. 
The brunet shrugged. “Could be. You know, kinda like uh, uh, spirit hypnosis or somethin'.”
“Trances I get, but fairytale trances? That's bizarre even for us,” Dean sighed. 
You quickly grabbed Dean’s arm to keep him from stepping on a bullfrog sitting in your path, croaking. 
“Yeah, you're right. That's completely normal,” Sam remarked, looking down at the frog.
“Alright, maybe it is fairytales. Totally messed-up fairytales. Wanna kiss the frog, princess?” Dean looked over at you smirking.
“Fuck no,” you grimaced. You turned to see a pumpkin sitting on the porch of a home. “Huh,” you said. 
“Yeah? It's close to Halloween,” Dean shrugged. 
“No, dude, Cinderella,” you continued. “Pumpkin turns into a coach, and the mice become horses.”
Dean chuckled. 
“What?” you asked.
“I dunno, just never pegged you for the fairytale type. You’re a little rough around the edges compared to the Disney princesses.”
“I’ll try not to take offense to that,” you joked, “but I was a little girl once; y’know that, right?” You picked the lock on the house and led the brothers inside. 
It was completely quiet, and you and the Winchesters wordlessly decided to split up. 
You moved toward the kitchen, and someone inside apparently heard you. 
“Help! I'm in here!” a voice called. 
“Shh, shh, hey!” you said, rushing into the kitchen. There was a teenage girl handcuffed to the oven. You immediately set to work picking the lock on the cuffs. “It’s okay, I got you,” you told her. 
The girl was crying, and her blonde hair was a complete mess. “You have to help me. She's a lunatic.”
“What happened?” you asked quietly.
“My step mom, she just freaked out, screamed at me, beat me. Chained me up,” she explained, sniffling.
“Where is she now?” you asked. 
“I don't know.”
You looked up at a shadow behind you to see the little girl with dark hair peeking out from behind the kitchen door. When she noticed you saw her, she turned and left. 
You turned back to the teenager and told her you’d be right back, and she nodded. 
You walked into the living room, and the little girl was gone. 
Discouraged, you turned around to go back to the kitchen. Surprisingly, the girl was standing just behind you. 
“Who are you?” you asked. 
She said nothing, simply looking at you with sad eyes, and then she disappeared again. You looked down where she stood to find a red apple. “Hi, Snow.”
You sat on the hood of the Impala next to Dean, who played with the apple. Sam headed up to you with his hands in his pockets. “Paramedics picked up Cinderella,” he said. 
“That's good,” Dean said. He tossed the apple to Sam. 
“So, looks like my Snow White theory checks out,” you noted. 
“Snow White? Ah, I saw that movie. Or the porn version anyway; 'cause there was this wicked stepmother? Woo, she was wicked,” Dean grinned. 
You lightly slapped his shoulder and gave a warning glare. “There is an evil stepmother. And she tries to kill Snow White with a poison apple. But the apple doesn’t kill her; she just falls into a deep sleep. So it’s like she’s dead.”
Sam tossed the apple to you, and you took out your knife. You sliced a piece of the apple off, and the apple began to ooze an acid-like fluid into your hand. You threw it to the ground, mumbling, “Gross.”
Once back at the hospital, the nurse informed you there were no comatose little girls. All of their comatose patients were either old men or Callie, who was around sixteen years old. 
“Yeah, it's so sad,” the nurse explained. “And poor Dr. Garrison, he just… won't give up on her.”
“Is Callie one of his patients?” Sam asked. 
She shook her head. “No. His daughter.”
Exchanging a brief glance with Sam, you and the Winchesters politely thanked the nurse before heading to Callie’s room. Sadly, you looked on as Dr. Garrison read a book to his daughter. 
Squinting at the book, you were able to make out the book he was reading to her was Little Red Riding Hood.
Dr. Garrison then noticed you were there and stepped outside the room to talk to you. “Detectives. Can I help you?”
“We just... heard that Callie is your daughter,” Dean said.
“And we wanted to say how very sorry we are,” Sam finished. 
Dr. Garrison cleared his throat. “Well, uh. Thank you. If you'll excuse me.”
“Oh, heading this way?” Dean quirked a brow. “We'll walk with you. How long's Callie been like that?”
“We don't mean to intrude,” you clarified. 
“We can't possibly understand how hard it must be for you seeing her like this,” Sam added. 
The doctor sighed. “It's not easy. She's uh, been here since she was eight years old.”
“That's when she was poisoned?” Sam asked. 
“Yeah. Swallowed, uh, bleach,” he explained. “Never figured out how she got her hands on the bottle. My wife found her, uh, brought her to the ER here and I was on call.”
“Your wife was uh, was that Callie's stepmother?” Dean asked. 
Dr. Garrison stopped walking and looked at Dean strangely. “Actually, yes. How'd you know that?”
The older brother shrugged. “Lucky guess.”
“Well, Julie was the only mother that uh, Callie ever knew. My wife passed away last year and, uh… it's just my daughter and me now.” He paused for a moment, becoming quite choked up. “She's all I've got left. Um, excuse me. I've gotta get back to work.”
You watched as the doctor moved down the hall, wiping his eyes with the back of his sleeve. 
Sam tapped you to turn you around and led you and Dean back down the hall. 
“Well, you're right. It's Snow White in spades,” Dean said to you. “Yep. Step-mom poisons the girl, puts her into a deep sleep. What's the motive, you think?” 
“Could be like Mischa Barton. Sixth Sense, not the O.C.,” Dean corrected himself.
Sam seemed confused. “What?”
“Hey, you know fairy tales, I know movies,” Dean commented. “She played the pasty ghost. You know the, uh, remember the mom had that thing you know, where you keep the kid sick so you get all the attention?”
“Oh, yeah, yeah, uh, Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. Huh, could be.”
“So, say all these years, Callie's been suffering silently because nobody knows the truth about what mommy dearest did?”
“And after all this time her spirit just gets angrier and angrier, until it finally just starts lashing out.”
“I’d be pretty pissed to if I was sixteen and still having to listen to my dad read me fuckin’ fairytales,” you added. “It's enough to drive anybody nuts.”
“Okay, but how are we gonna stop her?” Sam questioned. “I mean, Callie's stuck here; her father's keeping her body alive.”
“It does make it a bit hard to burn the bones,” Dean mumbled.
“Ya think?” you deadpanned. 
“Coming in!” Someone called from the double doors across the hall from you. You watched as EMTs rushed an old woman in on a stretcher. “Seventy-two year old female, sustained multiple lacerations and puncture wounds. BP is eighty over forty and falling. Sinus tachycardia.”
“Is that a bite?” a doctor asked. 
“Looks like she was mauled by a mad dog or, maybe a wolf?”
“What was the last story Dr. Garrison was reading Callie?” Dean asked rhetorically. 
You answered anyway. “Good ole Little Red.”
The three of you hung around asking the EMTs and policemen that had responded to the scene questions after the grandmother had been pronounced dead. You found out from the policemen that the woman had a granddaughter. 
“I’ll stay here,” you told the boys in a hushed voice. “You two go stop the Big Bad Wolf.” You handed the paper with the address of the granddaughter’s home on it over to Dean, who nodded. 
“What about you?” Sam asked. 
“I’m gonna try to stop Callie,” you said. 
Both boys seemed to understand what you meant, even though you weren’t quite sure how to handle this properly yourself. 
You immediately set to work searching the corridors for Dr. Garrison. Finally, you found him. “Hi! I need to speak with you,” you announced, approaching him. 
“Detective. What can I do for you?” he asked. 
“There’s no easy way to say this, but it’s about Callie,” you said sheepishly. 
“My daughter? What about her?” The doctor furrowed his brows at you. 
“What happened to Callie wasn’t an accident,” you explained. “And Callie’s been trying to tell you that.”
“I don’t have time for this. Stay the hell away from me and my daughter.” Dr. Garrison stormed away from you and toward Callie’s room. 
You followed, hot on his heels. “Think about it, man, how’d she get her hands on the bleach? Why would she drink so much of something like that?” You slipped into the room behind the doctor as he reached for the phone on the wall. 
“I’m calling security.”
You clamped your hand over the phone to stop him. “Nope. You’re smart. Think about it. If you don’t listen to me, Callie’s gonna hurt somebody else.”
“What the hell are you talking about?!” the doctor cried. 
“You're gonna think I'm crazy,” you sighed, “but just understand me. Your daughter Callie is still here. She's a spirit.”
Dr. Garrison’s panic suddenly calmed, and he turned to his daughter’s bed sadly. “So you've seen her too.”
You were shocked. “Wait, you called me a lunatic, and you’ve been seeing her, too?”
“I sensed her,” Dr. Garrison sniffed, sitting on the edge of the bed. “Callie. Her presence, her scent. I even saw her standing at the foot of my bed but I never believed it, I thought I was dreaming, I—” 
You shook your head. “Not a dream. She looks like she did when she was eight, right? She’s been trying to talk to you.” Dr. Garrison sighed. “You're not a cop are you?”
You shook your head again, pursing your lips together. 
“Then, who are you?”
“Meh, I know a thing or two about this stuff,” you shrugged. “And I also know that your wife was the one to do this to Callie.”
“And how the hell would you know that?!”
“Because Callie told me,” you replied simply. “What?!” Dr. Garrison exclaimed. “My wife loved Callie. So how is— how is that possible?”
“I don’t know. But it is,” you said. 
He got up from the bed and began to pace. “No. No I— I don't believe you.”
“Look, dude, believe whatever you want. But your daughter’s pissed. And rightfully so. Nobody’s listening to her. Listen to your damn daughter.”
Dr. Garrison took a deep breath, then nodded. “Callie? Callie, it's Daddy,” he called into the room. “It's me, Daddy. Is it true? Mommy did that to you? I–I know I wasn't listening before, but I'm listening now. Daddy's here. Please honey, is– is there any way that you can tell me?” 
The doctor looked back at you, and you nodded to the space beside him where Callie’s spirit stood.
Dr. Garrison turned, and tears immediately flooded his eyes at the sight of his child. “Is it true?”
Callie’s spirit nodded.
“Oh— I'm so sorry, baby. But listen to me,” Dr. Garrison begged through his tears. “You gotta stop what you're doing, okay? You're hurting people. I know everything now. I know the truth. It's time for you to let go. It's time for me to let you go.” He turned back to the body in the hospital bed. The doctor leaned down to the girl and caressed her face, pressing a kiss to her forehead as he cried. 
Callie’s monitor flatlined. 
That night, as Dean slept soundly in your shared bed, you were sat at the table by the window; the journal in front of you only illuminated by the moonlight. 
You paperclipped the sketch you’d done for the surviving construction worker of the man who’d attacked him and his brothers into your journal next to the spot where you wrote your latest excerpt. 
“As much as I hate to admit it,” you inked, “some part of me believes everything happens for a reason. I’m not big on the whole ‘faith’ thing, but I’ve always thought that. And I can’t help but wonder if Callie’s case is, like, some sort of astral allegory to my situation with Dean. Maybe I’m supposed to let him go. Maybe he was just supposed to be with me for a short time, and I’m supposed to just move on.
“And that fucking sucks. And I can’t accept that. It’s weird; a lot of the cases I work parallel my actual life. And I frequently try to ignore that fact. But this one is really just beating me over the head with possible ‘hidden meaning.’ 
“But then, I think, if everything happens for a reason, and nothing is coincidence, then somebody’s gotta be pulling the strings here, right? Some sort of fucked-up cosmic being is using my life for his twisted entertainment. It’s using Dean going to hell for the sake of a good fucking storyline or something stupid like that. I don’t understand. I thought ‘god’s plan’ was supposed to be good? I thought he had ‘intentions to prosper us, never to harm us’?
“Anyway. I feel like I’ve thoroughly hashed out my feelings on religion too many times before. At this point, I’m completely over the concept of god. If he is real, I hope he fucking chokes.”
You put your pen down when a blinding light abruptly hit the corner of your eye. You opened the curtains a little more to see the Impala beginning to move out of the parking lot. 
Sam had driven you and Dean back from the hospital, and he brought the keys with him to his room. You assumed that was no accident. 
“What are you doing, Samuel,” you muttered, staring after the car.
Series Rewrite Taglist: @polireader @brightlilith @atcamillanorrman @jrizzelle @insomnia-bookworm @procrastination20 @mrs-liebgott @djs8891 @tiggytaylor @staple-your-mouth @jesstherebel @rach5ive @strawberrykiwisdogog @bruhidkjustwannaread @mxltifxnd0m @sunshine-on-marz @big-ol-boat @mgchaser @capncrankle @chervbs @simpingdeadcharacters @nesnejwritings @stillhere197 @tearsforhan @take-it-on-the-run @iloveyou2mia @maxinehufflepuffprincess @ohgeehowdigethere @seninjakitey @berarenado @s0urw00lf @princessleahorgana @quarterhorse19 @isla-finke-blog @silverdoragon @karacaroldanvers @gayandfairycore @examishbookwyrm @star-yawnznn @real-sharena-h @fandomloverrr @metalmonki @onlyangel-444 @yu-winchester @benniwiththefanni @daisychaingirl @immagods @missmieux @yoongi-holland @littledebbieinabigworld
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throneofsapphics · 8 hours
one more for the party
Aelins Court x f!Reader (mostly fenrys, rowan, aelin, and a bit of Lysandra)
Summary: you're invited to one of Aelin and Rowan's special parties
Warnings: smut, dvp, orgy
Word Count: 1332
A/N: happy kinktober everyone! here's the first of my kinktober shorts. if anyone would like to be added to the kinktober taglist, please let me know!
kinktober masterlist
How in the Gods did you end up here? 
That really was the question of the age. As a friend of Aedion’s, the King and Queen had taken a special interest in you, for months, unknown to you. You’d just assumed they were being friendly. 
Of course, their friendship was a given and if you’d desired nothing past that they would have accepted it, but you were glad there was even an option for something past that. This was something you never could’ve imagined. 
“Is it your first time at one of these?” Lysandra purred, running her hand down your arm. You turned to fix your eyes on the beauty, biting down on your bottom lip and nodding. She pried your lip away from your teeth with her thumb, running her finger across your bottom lip. “You’re quite the catch,” she winked and stood, extending her hand towards you. “Let me help,” she offered. 
Help? Perhaps help smooth things over, make it a tad less awkward for you. 
You took her hand, one of the easiest decisions of the night. 
The room quieted as you stood, as Lysandra’s hands tugged at the thin straps on your shoulders, slowly lowering the fabric to expose you to the room, inch by inch. 
As all of their attention slowly fixed on you, you felt yourself grow bolder inside, more sure and certain that you could do this. The attention, especially from such an attractive room of individuals, was captivating. 
Aelin beckoned you forward, a Queen summoning a subject, when your dress hit the floor, soft fabric pooling around your feet. There was a slightly impatient lilt to her eyes that thrilled you. 
“Go on,” Lysandra encouraged you. You sent a sheepish and thankful smile over your shoulder, you hadn’t realized you’d been stuck standing still. She gently pressed between your shoulder blades and you began moving. 
Soft carpet caressed your feet, cushioning every step to be as light as any Fae warriors. It was ages and eternity before you finally arrived in front of Aelin, who stood as you approached. 
“Hello lovely,” she murmured, sweeping your hair away from your face, “we’ve been hoping you’d show up at one of these for a while.” 
“I don’t know why I waited.” 
Your answer earned you a grin of approval, and she gripped your chin between her thumb and forefinger, tilting head slightly as she brushed her lips against yours, the barest hint of a kiss, before trailing across your skin, leaving burning embers and flushed flesh in her wake. 
Her lips hovered what must be a hairsbreadth from your ear, “I’d like to see you with Rowan and Fenrys. If you’re agreeable.” Oh you were agreeable. You nodded. She tutted. “I need to hear you say yes,” 
“Yes,” you said, right on beat. 
Aelin drew back and let out a low whistle. 
You bit back a chuckle, especially as Fenrys grumbled, “I’m not a dog.” 
You caught Rowan sending him a side-ways are you sure about that glance, and dodging the other male’s elbow. 
Not giving you too much time to overthink, they each bracketed you, hands running up and down your abdomen, thighs, sides of your breasts, shoulders, touching each bit of you they could reasonably reach with a painful gentleness. Touches grew firmer, longer, rougher, breaths grew shorter, turned into pants. 
“Can you take both of us, beautiful?” Rowan asked, kissing the space below your ear. 
You nodded eagerly, adding a breath ‘yes’.
From the corner of your eye, you spotted Lysandra and Lorcan, Elide and Aedion coupled off, side by side. 
“Focus on us, I know they’re very pretty,” Fenrys chided, his mouth turned up at the corners, the beginning of a smirk. Aedion caught your eye and winked before refocusing on the small female on her knees in front of him. 
Fenrys walked backwards, tugging you with him until his knees hit the edge of the bed, letting you crawl on top of him, bodies sharing heat, skin lighting on fire where it met. Your lips gently sucked and nipped their way down his neck, small groans leaving his lips. The sound was music to your ears. 
He ran his hands up and down your sides, as if he was drinking in the feel of you, soaking up every bit of you he could get. 
You felt... fuck, Rowan was big, bigger than you expected against your back. 
“We’ll make it fit,” you heard him behind you, a hint of amusement in his tone. You hadn’t meant to say that out loud. You told him as much. 
“You didn’t, he’s just arrogant,” Fenrys said, before recapturing your attention with his mouth, lips wrapped around your nipple, sucking and scraping lightly with his teeth. 
He was good. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. You were sandwiched between two people who knew exactly what they were doing. You arched away from him as Rowan’s fingers grazed over the bundle of nerves between your thighs, hitting another pleasure center. 
Fenrys’s hands gently but firmly gripped your hips, sliding you up far enough to hover over him, pressing against your entrance.
Too slowly, he lowered you onto himself, eyes daring you to complain. You took it as a challenge, using the muscles in your legs to slow it even further, squeezing in a way you knew would drive him wild. Sure enough, a hiss left his lips and you hid your smirk. 
“Clever witch,” he groaned, before tangling one hand in the back of your hair, the other braced against your hip as he slammed himself home. 
You gasped, breath catching, trying to imagine fitting another inside of you. It wasn’t possible. Couldn’t be. 
But ... as Fenrys began to move, as you gave yourself over to the feeling you felt a greedy little thing inside of you rise, wanting more, knowing more was available. 
“Hold,” you heard the command in Aelin’s tone and Fenrys paused. Practiced almost. They’d had a plan, you realized. 
The Queen, your Queen approached you from the side, her eyes darting frequently to your lips. You imagined how hers would feel. Would they be soft? Would she be firm or gentle? Full of passion or caution? 
You didn’t have to imagine for long. 
Pure passion. 
As she was captivating you, you felt another pressure between your legs. A hand, fingers sliding inside of you, stretching you. You winced. 
Aelin didn’t miss a thing and pulled back slightly. “You’re doing wonderful, beautiful,” the praise lit something inside of you, soothed a bit of the pain you were feeling down there. If your Queen was telling you that, surely you had to believe it, it had to be the truth. 
Another finger was pressed inside of you. Discomfort, but not quite pain. 
Aelin caught your attention again. You felt Fenrys’s hair brush against your shoulder, his teeth nipping at your neck. 
Someone else was running fingers through your hair. Lysandra. Purring words of comfort into your ear, telling you how fucking incredible you looked right now. 
Confidence filled you with her words, with all of their words. 
When Rowan's cock finally notched against your entrance, he murmured, “the first bit is the worst,” and didn’t give you more time to think. 
Mouth parted in a silent scream, your head dropped forward against Fenrys’s shoulder. 
Their arms tightened around you holding you perfectly still. 
“Can I move?” You heard the barely controlled restraint in Rowan’s voice. 
“Yes,” you managed to say. 
“Deep breaths,” Fenrys said as the other male pushed. 
It burnt. It stung. Gods, it fucking hurt more than his fingers possibly could. But with the pain came that beautiful edge of pleasure you were able to ride. 
That pain slowly ebbed away as he inched inside of you, as Fenrys moved, as Aelin’s fingers toyed with your nipples while they could, before the two males really started moving in unison and she retreated to watch. 
The three of you certainly put on a show that night. 
kin ktobertaglist: @fourthwing4ever @rowaelinsdaughter @bookishbroadwaybish @lilah-asteria @nestaismommy @erencvlt @daycourtofficial @emidpsandia @thelov3lybookworm @hannzoaks @callsigns-haze
general taglist: @rowaelinsdaughter @bookishbroadwaybish @nestaismommy @erencvlt @book-obsessed124 @callsigns-haze @littlest-w01f
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kamisatomay018 · 1 day
Thorns Under The Moon (My theories and interpretations) - Major Spoilers Ahead!!
Okay holy shit you guys I needed hours to gather my thoughts and theories for this one because my god was this main story quest a rollercoaster of emotions!😭
Where do I even start OMFG, there’s so much to unpack here so please bear with me if my thoughts are a little scattered! Also this will be a long rant so please feel free to ask questions or share your opinions too!!
Firstly can we please just appreciate how husband coded Zayne really is? Like him and MC have the most canonly romantic relationship in the main story quest till now! With the other boys, MC isn’t as romantically involved as she is with Zayne imo and I absolutely adore that!
ALSO JEALOUS ZADDY? Yes please I had so much fun🤤🤤 (more on that in another post!)
All in all I loved just how much trust Zayne and mc put in each other and their abilities. Like Zayne knew that MC would be able to control the metaflux with her evol, and MC knew that Zayne would absolutely finish the surgery in 5 minutes. I really admire how they’re so trusting of one another🥹🥹
Now let’s get to the serious part shall we?
I swear I felt my heart stop for a moment when I saw Zayne in dawnbreaker’s clothes. For literally a solid 10 minutes while the story progressed I thought that the wanderer had teleported MC in dawnbreaker’s world and doctor Zayne got left behind. The way he gave her a chocolate and his fridge was full of those energy drinks, the jasmine on the table and the eerie vibe of the scene gave me chills.
However. I can very confidently say that it was NOT dawnbreaker, and I know there’s a lot of confusion about the same so let me break it down for you guys here:
1. We all know that MC has the ability of distinguishing her Zayne from Dawnbreaker, because it has happened in a 4 star memory before (I’m so sorry I can’t remember which one) where for a brief moment Dawnbreaker entered Zayne’s consciousness and MC immediately recognised it was not him just by looking into his eyes, even though the physical form was literally the Same. Here, we see the way MC was puzzled by his clothing and made sure to thoroughly examine Zayne by touching his face and looking into his eyes. Once she realised that it really was her Zayne, we saw how she visibly relaxed.
2. Had it truly been dawnbreaker, he would’ve been CONFUSION! Because how is it that the girl of his dreams is in his world? But Zayne had his familiar humour, making jokes about carrots and even knowing all about the wanderer situation that him and MC were facing. Had it truly been Dawnbreaker, it would’ve been impossible for him to understand anything at all.
3. And of course there is the most important fact that we know now that the wanderer had transported the two of them into Zayne’s dreams to trap them there, as it had the ability of traversing through space and time. And since Dawnbreaker and Zayne dream of each other all the time, we got transported to the ‘nightmare’ that always plagues Zayne. There was no reality as such in this case, they were in a Dream, and the even though the two had gone missing for 3 days in real life, they were never in Dawnbreaker’s world. It was simply an illusion of Zayne’s nightmares.
Now that we have established all of this, I just want to take a moment to emphasise on just how broken dawnbreaker’s world really is. The darkness, the loneliness the must face on a daily basis hurt my soul. Like if Zayne is so fucking troubled just by DREAMING about what Dawnbreaker has been through, I do not even want to imagine how Dawnbreaker Zayne is able to live in his broken world every single day after dreaming about how Doctor Zayne in another life is happier than him. Like please don’t hurt my poor baby Dawnbreaker like this😭😭
Then of course comes the climax of the story, when Zayne and MC split up to destroy the protocore cluster. When I tell you I SOBBED seeing Zayne in so much pain you guys😭 I just wanna hug him and put him in my pocket🥺 However all this aside, there’s so much we need to focus on from that one scene alone!
Firstly we get to see glimpses of Doctor Zayne’s trauma with how he struggles to save every patient that comes to him, with voices of people begging him to save him and accusing him. We also see how William had begged him to kill him because it was too late when they were in the arctic, which deeply traumatised Zayne.
However, the more interesting part is that of Dawnbreaker’s trauma. We see how he had to kill the little child and his mother, and how they were so surprised and kind of betrayed by the fact that he had to kill them, but at the same time they also begged to be killed when they realised that their time was up. BUT! Who is this girl that was featured again and again? Who was afraid of being killed next but all the same begged Dawnbreaker to kill her?
I believe it is MC, his MC. Because we see how Doctor Zayne is visibly pained when she gets injured or well killed. This is where shit gets real dark: I think we now finally know what happened to dawnbreaker’s MC. I believe that she either got turned into a wanderer, or her protocore syndrome went out of control and so she begged Dawnbreaker to kill her off.
Of course there is no confirmation of her being MC but it is the closest possible theory because we know that the girl held a great deal of importance for him. And my god this SUCKS because just how much pain will you give to that poor guy😭
Nowwww here comes another very interesting part: we potentially heard Astra’s voice. And I HATE HIM UGH- IF it really is him, He said two lines: “you shouldn’t throw yourself in danger just for her.” “Seek your destiny, only then can you be redeemed.”
Of course again there is no confirmation that it was Astra but with what the male voice said, him being Astra makes the most sense. What absolutely pains me about this is that Zayne potentially knows that he can break himself free from this cycle of death and trauma that he puts himself in by loving MC, that he STILL has a chance to be redeemed by seeking his “destiny” despite disobeying his god. But he doesn’t want to do it at all because it would involve living in a world where he cannot be with her and that to him is unacceptable. He is ready to die and be in all this pain just so that he can get to love MC😭😭 Tell me a love purer than zayne’s🥺
This also leads me to speculate that Doctor Zayne is already also aware about Foreseer Zayne. We know that Foreseer knew of a “Zayne”. But now I think that Zayne has either regained his memories of that lifetime or through research has found something about the Foreseer. That would explain his frequent trips to the arctic which he doesn’t even explain to MC in full detail, as well as him hearing Astra’s voice.
And while we are at foreseer’s topic
Once MC started healing Zayne’s injuries, she saw a fragment of her past life with Foreseer who also begged her to leave him. That gave me absolute chills you guys because we have been able to see her get flashbacks twice now- one with Sylus and now one with Zayne. Could this mean that she will soon start spiralling because of all these unknown memories of her past? And how exactly would she be able to accept just how much she’s hurt the boys (unintentionally ofc)?
But my goodness Zayne really needs to stop putting his life on the line to save us, I mean come on he somehow froze MC’s wound or something like that and absorbed it in his heart???😭😭 MY BABY IS SOMETHING HAPPENS TO YOU HOW WILL I SURVIVE😭
Towards the ending we get to learn a very important piece of information- that Ever is creating monsters and are basically saving people or extending their lifetime who are nearly dying. And who do we know had basically gone Kaboom?? CALEB. I am so fucking sure that Caleb is going to be a part of Ever in some way or the other and it will NOT be pleasant.
What also bothers me is that Xavier and Rafayel are also somehow linked to Ever- Rafayel through the deal he made before he sent MC into the N109 zone, and Xavier through the red collar type situation that he is forced to have on which restricts his freedom. Just how powerful is this group??
The last thing that was on my mind was the ending of the main story. Zayne’s dream. He apparently finally catches up with “the girl” and just as they are happy together, they end back into the doomed hospital corridor where she seems to be dying/heavily injured. So what bothers me is that is this dawnbreaker’s past or is it a hint of what MC and Zayne’s doomed fate holds for them? Right now they’re so happy together, but with how their love is cursed, is the ending supposed to be some twisted way of telling us that no matter what, Zayne cannot truly be with us and will have to watch us die?
I swear if this is what it is I will sob and cry and quit the game because I WANT A HAPPY ENDING WITH ZAYNE😭😭
Anyways this is the end of my long rant with some theories I had!! I would love for you guys to tell me what y’all think in the comments and let me know if I missed something!🩷
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foldingfittedsheets · 21 hours
I hope it is alright to ask you a bed question please? I checked your FAQ and I’m curious about metal bed frames with slats, not meant to hold a box spring. Are they purely a “make money” thing for companies since they tend to be cheapish or are they a functional/good option for bed frames when under bed storage is desired?
I just got a new one (god they squeak, this one isn’t much better) and I think the slats may be further apart than my last, because I really notice the bar running down the middle now (I sleep in the middle of my queen bed). It has me wondering if I should be using a bed frame with a box spring instead, especially given the amount of chronic pain I have.
I like the metal frames because I can get a lot of storage space underneath. But this vertical bar down the middle is weird after a couple months and now I’m worried I shouldn’t be sleeping just on slats like I have been for about 6-7 years. It’s a decent mattress but I have worried the weird bars underneath may be wrecking it somehow and this new frame is making me more paranoid.
If I get a box spring, does that need to be raised off the floor like mattresses to prevent mold, or can box springs go directly on the floor? I have a headboard I love and don’t know how to find a frame to fit/go with it so I might need to move the storage stuff and get me a box spring rather than spend any more money on cheap slat-frames, even before solving the frame problem. I was hoping you might have advice that more directly answers this than googling is providing my confused brain, and I’ve noted your ko-fi link! Thank you in advance if you answer, you have been so helpful to us strangers on the internet and an answer isn’t expected if you don’t feel like it!
A bunkie board is basically a flat surface that rests over the slats to give your bed even support. No boxspring needed if you don’t want the extra height. Should solve your problem!
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gracemain919 · 2 days
The Liar (oc) short story:
(The Fungus universe)
Tw: Yandere, non-con, non-human uncaring smut.
(might rewrite it in the future)
Are You Done?
You would think that the mold would make people fall in ‘love’, but no one really knows the true meaning of love. In the same way, no one can define the meaning of life.
The corrupt have no pre-set desires. Some wanted to be seen by you 24/7, some wanted you to talk to them, touch them, fuck them, etc. Yet, no one made you question what the fungus even was as much as the Liar…
“Stop panicking. Neither of us wants to be here right now,” Finn stated—pale skin, oddly white hair, and the whole bottom of his face was an unssetling black. Your body was held by a river of ‘tendrils’. Hand trapped in a makeshift shackles as the black substance engulfed your lower body while simultaneously pricking and prodding your sensitive bundle of nerves. Leaving you a sweaty mess as an unknown strength in the liquid held you still.
“Can’t you be quicker?”
This wasn't the time for him to be the one complaining. Especially since your legs were in between the stages of numbness and pain. “Don’t- hurry me… up,” you practically groaned clinging to the few spikes of pleasure you were able to find in the unfocused mess that settled on your cunt. Pressure concentrated on all the wrong places. Fuck.
Your response didn't seem to please Finn as he watched you struggle. Raising an eyebrow he sighed, “God, why do you always have to be so difficult” he complained before dropping down into the small pond that filled his room floor. The motions, that this substance somehow created, appeared to slow down as his presence got closer, letting you take a small breather. Before the hold on your torso tightened; stealing your breath once more.
“I try, can’t you see, you fucking bastard? Why scream into my head?” he muttered to himself, his hands going beneath the water. You felt your stomach stir with a soothing sensation as his hands disappeared into the pond as if something was caressing you so softly.
It felt good. Better than the pure torture, disguised as pleasure, you experienced a few moments ago. Maybe you should relax; the faster you are done the faster you can leave… Maybe chill with the cannibals after.
Oh… Your eyes widened not realizing you had instinctively closed them, a cold little needle nudged at your entrance forcing you to shiver in response. It was so fucking cold.
“Stay still, it will warm up soon,” Finn responded to the un-revealed question that was displayed quite obviously on your face. “Please, calm down”.
A lot of talk, and a lot of requests, but the glare you sent him easily shut him up. His impatience and unwillingness for this whole thing aren't helping you reach your peak. Yet he needed this to go over quickly. It had to.
More ‘needles’ prodded at your privates, some teasing your clit while others joined the one slowly digging at your entrance. You could only guess what was happening as you fought tooth and nail to not fall over and drown. Everything happened under the very thick liquid that seemed to be listening to one person and it wasn't you. Since if it was listening to you, you would have been out of there already. Although this time it did start feeling better. Especially with the way your body tingled with each swipe those pesky tendrils had on your nub.
You felt your face flush a bit as you sheepishly looked down at the opaque water that hid your abused limbs. However, it couldn't hide the never-breaking gaze the Liar had on you. His reflection showed clear as day on the liquid’s surface. He was waiting and god you wished you could also hurry.
“Is this better?” he asked breaking the silence that was the only comfort you held on to until this instant. His comments and ‘worries’ were not needed, especially when your body was slowly being pushed up and down an invisible prick that rubbed you in all the right places…
“Better… god,” you said, a whimper infringing with your words.
Finn retracted his grasp from the water before folding his arms over his chest in annoyance. His eyes left yours before letting out a loud sigh. “You see what I do for you? Why must you torture me?”.
Another mutter, but this one you could actually hear between your own growing pleasure. Who was he saying that too? Was he talking about you?
An answer was something you didn't expect. The Liar was a locked, uncaring coffin, but soon his eyes returned back to your form. Bare chest exposed while your lower half was being toyed by his own requests. Your face now a noticeable red causing his own pale skin to show a hint of color. No.
“Are you done?”
You shook your head and a loud groan could be heard in front of you. Finn rubbed his face in pure annoyance like a teacher being forced to explain a subject once more. Yet his eyes were no longer a greyish color, they took a more abnormal tone.
“You complain about being in everyone's interest, but then you torture the ones that just want to be quick. Is that what you like?! To be yearned for?” he whined the ‘water’ turning thicker by the second. “I tried to get you out of here but you can't even do that huh? You just want to have all our attention, is that what you want?!” he ridiculed, as the once semi-calm atmosphere got more hazardous. You probably looked pathetic as you practically let your body fall deeper into the substance as if that would protect you.
“Fine”. Finn smirked while a few tough appendages lifted you back up in a stiff cage. Your aching cunt and flesh all on display for a man you didn't believe cared enough to salivate. “Then let’s indulge each other. You have already wasted enough of my time. What is a few more hours?” he teased his eyes now showing a hunger you didn't think he could ever possibly have.
The mold really was an unpredictable thing, something that demanded so much of him and he always despised giving in to such humiliation.
( also might make a part 2)
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fuzzyautumninmetal · 13 hours
Orc!Roommate x ChubbyFem!Reader
I know I've been neglecting you all I'm sorry Life has just been shit for me at the moment.
But here's a lil something to keep you all going
"Why don't you like the way you look?" Your roommate, Nash, asked, his brow furrowed in confusion. "In my eyes, you're perfect just the way you are."
You looked up at Nash, surprised by his question. It wasn't something you had expected him to notice, let alone comment on. For a moment, you considered brushing it off, making some flippant remark about not being able to please everyone. But there was something in Nash's expression, a genuine concern and curiosity, that made you hesitate. "It's not that I don't like the way I look," you admitted, your voice small and uncertain. "I just sometimes wish I was a bit thinner, y'know?" You shrugged as if it was nothing, a fleeting insecurity you weren't entirely comfortable voicing.
He frowned, his brow furrowing as he listened to your words. He couldn't fathom why anyone would want to change such a beautiful, alluring figure. To him, your curves were a work of art, each dip and swell a testament to the natural splendour of your form. "Why would you want to be thinner?" he asked, his voice tinged with genuine bewilderment. "To me, your body is a work of art, a masterpiece crafted by the gods themselves. Every dip and swell, every soft curve and rounded plane, it all comes together to create a vision of pure, unadulterated splendour."
He leaned closer, his eyes locked on yours, his gaze intense and unwavering. "Don't ever let anyone make you feel like you need to change who you are," he said softly, his hand reaching out to gently brush a stray lock of hair from your face.
You felt your heart skip a beat as Nash leaned in closer, his words washing over you like a soothing balm. His touch was electric, sending a shiver down your spine as his fingers brushed against your cheek.
"Nobody makes me feel like I need to change the way I look," you chuckled slightly as you rose from the sofa. "It's just... When I was a child, I watched movies where the prince would scoop the princess up and walk towards the sunset," you explained, heading into the kitchen to retrieve a drink. Nash followed close behind, his large frame somehow fitting effortlessly in the small space. "I just wish I was thinner so I could be picked up like that, y'know. Live out every little girl's dream of being scooped up and carried away."
Nash followed you into the kitchen, his eyes never leaving your form. He leaned against the counter, his arms crossed over his broad chest as he listened to your explanation. At your words, however, his expression softened, a flicker of understanding passing over his features. "Ah, I see," he murmured, nodding slowly. "But you know, those fairy tales are just stories. In real life, love comes in all shapes and sizes."
He stepped closer, his hand coming to rest on your hip, his thumb tracing slow circles over the curve of your waist. "And as for being picked up..." He leaned in, his lips brushing against the shell of your ear as he spoke. "I think we both know that's not a problem for someone of my strength."
Your breath hitched as Nash's hand came to rest on your hip, his touch igniting a fire within you. You could feel the heat of his body, the solid muscle beneath his skin, and it took all of your willpower not to lean into him, to press yourself against his strong form and lose yourself in his embrace. "That's real sweet of you," you half huffed, half laughed, the sound a little breathless. You knew Nash was only saying these things to cheer you up, to distract you from the anxieties that gnawed at you. "But I'm too heavy to be picked up. Always have been."
Nash's eyes darkened with lust at your words, a low growl rumbling in his chest. Without warning, he grabbed you by the hips and lifted you effortlessly onto the kitchen counter, his hands gripping your thighs as he pushed them apart. "You underestimate me, little one," he purred, his voice a deep, seductive purr. "I am stronger than I look."
His lips crashed against yours in a bruising kiss, his tongue delving into your mouth to claim you, to possess you. One hand slid up your thigh, pushing aside your clothing to cup your breast, his calloused palm rasping against your sensitive flesh. He tore his mouth away from yours, trailing hot, open-mouthed kisses down the column of your throat. "Let me show you what this big, strong orc can do."
With a swift tug, Nash ripped your shorts clean off your body, exposing your glistening folds to his hungry gaze. A feral grin spread across his face as he took in the sight of you, splayed out before him like a feast waiting to be devoured. "Fuck, you're so wet already," he growled, his fingers teasing your slick entrance. "So ready for me."
In one fluid motion, he hoisted you up, pinning you against the wall with his powerful body. Your legs instinctively wrapped around his waist, your heels digging into his muscular ass as you clung to him. Nash's thick, throbbing cock sprang free as he pulled his sweatpants down, the swollen head already glistening with pre-cum. With a single, powerful thrust, he buried himself to the hilt inside your tight, dripping cunt, stretching you deliciously around his impressive girth.
"Oh, fuck yes," he groaned, his head falling back as your walls clenched around him. "You take me so well, baby. Like you were made for my cock." He began to move, his hips snapping against yours with brutal force, driving into you again and again. The wet sounds of your coupling filled the room, mingling with your moans and cries of ecstasy.
Your nails dug into Nash's shoulders as he pounded into you, each thrust sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through your body. Your breasts bounced with the force of his movements, the cool air of the kitchen contrasting deliciously with the heat of your skin. "Fuck!" you cried out, your head thrown back against the wall.
He captured your lips in a searing kiss, swallowing your cries of passion as he continued his relentless assault on your senses. His tongue danced with yours, the taste of you mingling with the flavour of his own desire, creating a heady cocktail that left you dizzy with need. One hand reached between your bodies, his skilled fingers finding your clit and rubbing tight circles over the sensitive nub. The added stimulation sent you hurtling towards the edge, your inner muscles fluttering around his pistoning cock as your climax approached.
"I can feel you tightening," Nash panted against your lips, "Gonna come all over my fat orc cock, aren't you baby?"
"Yes! Yes! Fuck, don't stop!" you moaned wantonly, your hips bucking to meet his thrusts. The coil of tension in your lower belly wound tighter and tighter, your impending orgasm building to a crescendo. Nash's fingers on your clit, combined with the delicious stretch of his massive cock splitting you open, proved to be your undoing. With a keening cry, you shattered in his arms, your release crashing over you in wave after wave of mind-numbing ecstasy.
"Nash! Oh, gods, Nash!" you sobbed, your vision whiting out as your pussy spasmed almost violently around him.
As your orgasm washed over you, Nash held you close, his strong arms supporting your quivering form as he rode out the waves of your pleasure. He continued to thrust into you, prolonging your high until you were boneless and spent in his embrace. "There's my good girl," he purred, pressing tender kisses to your damp forehead. "Didn't I tell you? Nothing about you is too much for me to handle."
He carried you over to the kitchen table, gently laying you down on the smooth surface. With a wicked grin, he hooked your knees over his shoulders, folding you nearly in half as he loomed over you.
"And we're far from done, sweetheart," he promised, his voice a dark, sensual growl.
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Hello! I'm trying to write a very simple, easy to follow, not-overwhelming bullet point outline for a story I'm writing, but as I was outlining a bit of the set-up I was just like, "Oh god, this is SO boring." I was starting to wonder if it's just me (this is my first time actually trying to outline something, I've never made it past the brain dumps stage before) so maybe it's something I'm missing/lack of experience or if it's a sign that I'm lacking goals in my intro or if my characters are dry/not fleshed out enough? Like if I'm already bored, then readers will most likely be bored, too, right? Also, if it is a characters issue, how do you make readers care about your characters in the exposition of your story? I've read so many articles and posts about making your character relatable so readers like them/connect to them, but I just feel like I'm struggling to accomplish this in the introduction. Anyways, thanks for your time and help! Signed, Chronic Overthinker.
Struggling with Outlining Beginning of Story
Yes... if you're bored, the reader will be bored, too. However, that's not something you can really determine from an outline. You can be outlining the most engaging story in the world and still be bored, because outlines aren't the story... they're just the blueprint. And, not only that, but some writers are "discovery writers," meaning that the story fleshes itself as they actually write it. Outlines can still be helpful in that they give you a structure to aim for, but the really thrilling details that make the story engaging might be things that develop organically as you write. So, don't worry about that at this point. If you're bored as you're actually writing the story, that's another issue--and even then, a rough draft can be a little boring and have more excitement added in later.
As far as struggling with making readers care about your characters in the exposition part of the story, remember the goal is to do three things:
-- Show the character in their "normal world," including establishing who and what is most important to them, so the reader can understand what's at stake when the inciting incident turns their world upside down, and so they have a reference point for "right side up."
-- Establish the character's internal conflict. What is the problem inside their heart or mind that will need to be resolved in order for them to eventually resolve the external conflict brought on later by the inciting incident? Remember, they may not be fully aware of this problem--or they may be aware of the feeling/situation but not understand that it is a problem.
-- Establish important elements of the character's personality so that when the inciting incident occurs, the reader can understand why they respond the way they do.
Be sure to have a look at my Character Development master list of posts if you need additional help, and my Plot & Story Structure master list has posts about structure and outlining if those would help.
Happy writing!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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cyberwhumper · 2 days
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The following transcript is excerpted from a classified report to the Board of Directors, Watchtower Security, LLC, by Dr. G. Mal, Head of Special Operations Research and Development, October 1, 20XX.
DR. MAL: After over a decade of preliminary development and rigorous testing, I am pleased to report that the successful V.09-P hybrid, working call sign “Dog,” demonstrates exceptional promise. The V.09 is unique in that it is analog. Previous models employed digital teratek in order to maximize efficiency and limit weight, but Dog here…Dog came to us, shall we say, equipped to handle the demands of an analog reactor. And the reward we reap from that exchange is truly…unprecedented…power.
The footage you are about to see was recovered by a Watchtower SAR team deployed to exfiltrate the asset after a supervised preliminary deployment in the [REDACTED] sector, in which the asset proved incredibly…effective.
(Body camera footage of [REDACTED] Sector Demilitarized Zone. 3-5 operatives present in possession of unauthorized weaponry. The V.09 “Dog” Asset is visible at range, in offensive mode.)
SPEAKER 1: [inaudible] …fuck, what the fuck is that? [gunfire]
SPEAKER 2: Jesus Christ… [inaudible] …backdraft, we got a bogey, do you have visual?
SPEAKER 1: fuck.
SPEAKER 3: steady. it’s not… [gunfire]
SPEAKER 2 (overlapping): is that a fucking—
(Camera damaged. Corrupted recording continues from prone position.)
SPEAKER 2: cover! take cov— [inaudible]
(E/N: V.09 “Dog” initiates threat scanning protocol.)
SPEAKER 1: fuck. fuck, God, no, no—
(E/N: V.09 “Dog” initiates target lock and approaches assessed threat at speed.)
SPEAKER (?): [inaudible] [gunfire]
(Camera destroyed.)
DR. MAL: …clearly demonstrates limitless potential for our shareholders. Imagine…the artillery capacity of an armored vehicle, the mobility of infantry units, the lethality of a god, and the blind dedication of a well-trained animal…well, you just can’t simulate that, can you.
[Fic by the exceptionally talented @bxtterflystxtches , who I have the honor of collaborating with for this event. Please show him some love!]
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