#please feel free to ask for some complete fics anon. i would love to share
wooly-nooly · 3 months
Hi! Do you read Sleep Token fics? If so, can you rec some current ones you enjoy, please?
Hi!!! I do, and yes i would love to give my current fav fics some recognition :) LONG POST
Some of these are explicit, they’re all vessel/ii/iii/iv, and most of these (if not all) are incomplete as these are only the ones im currently reading.
If u want i can make a separate post with (complete) sleep token fics i have read and loved! (This lost is already alot)
Edit, said separate post- https://www.tumblr.com/wooly-nooly/753891811949510656/not-the-same-anon-but-would-love-to-know-your-fav
Some of these are by familiar faces(usernames but u get the idea) the moots are lovely writers :)
These are series-
Alot of the ones im reading right now are incomplete but theyre sooooo good
Also i just noticed one of them requires an account so in case it doesn’t work by link because of that and you do have an account, that one is- The Love You (Do) Want by Venice_1148
Edit: i added a fic also locked- i don’t want to dance, i want to be the music
Edit 2: added another fic- turning divine by swissieoo
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Hi Squiggly! It's the bish anon who requested the Kokushibo x reader for tickletober! I saw your mini-vacation post. I hope you're doing better...If you feel up to it, can you please consider writing a 'cuddle' fic with soft lee! Kokushibo x Ler! Reader? I'm sorry, the six-eyed terrorist makes me melt more than he should😭. Get well soon!
Koku my beloved! I've gotcha covered, anon! :D It's time we give our six-eyed demon some much needed love, shall we? :3
Cloud 9 (Taglist)
@cupcake-spice13, @thatbigbisexual29, @duckymcdoorknob @wolfyeatstacos @gladdygirl18 @baby-tickles2022, @backy-san @t-wordiiish, @sarahmaystock5578
“Good evening.”
Kokushibou froze, the sheath holding his sword halfway towards its destined spot. Slowly, he peered at you, finding you standing by with a furious glare. “Good evening, (Y/N)...did you sleep well?”
“Not at all. I was too busy worrying about my husband. See- he hadn’t come to bed yesterday morning. Or the previous morning. Or the mornings before that.” You kept your voice low, but your temper sharpened each statement until you were practically biting them out. “From what I’ve gathered- he’s been out training from dawn till dusk.”
“That…certainly is an issue.” Kokushibou placed the sword against the wall, turning so he was facing you. An outsider would likely find this comical- the highest rank moon being scolded by a lesser demon. Of course- Kokushibou would have had their head for even thinking of you as anything less than his equal. Regardless of hierarchy and Lord Muzan’s blood; to Kokushibou, you were just as strong as he.
And in a game of wills; even stronger.
“Yes, it is. Tell me, my dear husband- have you already forgotten what you promised me?” You tried to keep your anger, but the longer you looked at him the more soft you felt. He was clearly ragged, the visible skin along his arms bruised and scratched. His clothes were dirty, and his hair was a wild mess of twigs and leaves. It was his own fault, sure, but that didn’t mean you were completely shut off from the visible aches.
“...That I’d return when the sun began to rise so I could rest and in turn spend time with you.” Guilt touched his eyes, and he bowed his head in apology. “Forgive me, (Y/N).”
Your anger melted away as you shook your head, walking to your husband. “I always do. But my forgiveness isn’t going to help you in the long run. If you overwork yourself, you’ll be sloppy. Isn’t that what you told me when you were training me the first time?” You reached out, tracing his face with your hands. “Come on- let’s get you out of these clothes and into something comfortable. I’ve already got a bath running.”
“I can do this myself, (Y/N)...”
Despite the words, Koku’s voice lacked any real argument. You sat behind him in the bath, combing through his mangled hair gently as you removed the various twigs within. It took some mild persuasion to get him to let you help.  “You’re my husband; don’t be so modest,” You teased, even though you knew why he hesitated on you seeing him nude. The water reflected the scars along his skin, old and fading- full of stories. You didn’t pry about them; instead choosing to wait for the day he was comfortable sharing.
“Nope. I haven’t seen you in days. This is our time.” You smiled as you pulled the last tangle free, watching his hair pool around him in soft waves. “Besides- for all that patience of yours, you’d give up not even halfway with your hair.”
“Hm.” Was all he said in response. You grinned as you picked up a washcloth. Victory was yours.
After he was bathed, dressed and clean, you pulled him along to your bed, pushing him gently into his side before sitting behind him once more, tugging at his robe. “Take this off- I have something for you.”
“Didn’t you just insist I put this on?” He asked as he did as told, shedding the upper half of the robe. “So indecisive.”
“Hush.” You pinched his bicep before reaching over, gathering up a bottle of oil. Daki snagged it on her last mission but hated the smell, giving it to you because “It seems like something you’d like.” Sure enough- you found it pleasant. “I’m gonna give you a massage.”
“Oh?” Kokushibou blinked, looking at the bottle curiously. “(Y/N)...You do know we regenerate. Muscle aches are no longer a thing for any of us.”
“There’s more to massage than just ache relief, love.” You told him after he investigated the bottle, returning it to you with suspicious eyes. “You’ll see what I mean.”
Kokushibou didn’t argue as you gathered his hair up, tossing it over his shoulder and out of the way. Nor did he complain when you pressed your now oil bearing hands into his upper back, gliding them across his skin. If anything- he seemed to have suddenly lost the will to fight, his tense shoulders easing almost immediately.
“Feels good?” You asked, grinning when he groaned in response. Another victory for you.
By the end of your massage, Kokushibou was puddy in your hands.
Lying beside you, he didn’t argue as you scooted closer, pressing his head against your chest as you stroked his hair, humming a song you remembered from your time being human. There was a twinge of sadness with it, but it was nothing compared to the sight you got to witness.
Kokushibou felt so sturdy yet so vulnerable in your arms. You didn’t say anything when tears dripped against your chest, only wiped them away as they came. Just how long had it been since someone held him? The thought made your soul hurt far worse.
As if sensing this, you felt your husband squeeze you tighter, his way to reassure you. He always seemed to know when your mind began to wonder. No words were exchanged, you just leaned down and kissed his crown.
Eventually, his tears dried and the ache you felt had eased. The two of you were just lying there, entrapped in each other's arms. You were happy- it felt so good to finally have him back with you.
At the same time however, all the petty revenge schemes you made when he was gone came to mind. You were no longer angry, yes- but that didn’t mean you were completely over it. Feeling sneaky, you let the hand stroking his hair drift down to his back, keeping your touch feather light as you traced along the back of his ribs.
“Hm!” Kokushibou made a noise resembling a muffled laugh. Then another. Eventually, you felt him shake against you, muffled giggles creeping out his throat as you carried on tracing his ribs up and down. He didn’t pull away and you didn’t press in- neither of you wanted to break the serenity of this moment. “(Y/N), pleahhahahahse.”
“This is what you get for overworking yourself.” You told him simply, kissing his crown once more as you danced your fingers over his lower back. Again- you earned a round of muffled giggles, the sound deep and rich that vibrated your bones in the best way. “I missed you- and I missed your laugh. Don’t leave me alone like that again.”
“I prohooohohmise! I prohooohohmise, my mohoohoohohon, now stahahhhap thathahhahat!” He laughed out, relaxing once more when you stopped, returning to his hair. “Heh…you are a devil, (Y/N).”
“I’m your devil.” You smiled, feeling him take your chin in his hands before his lips found yours, kissing you deeply.
“And I love you for that. I’ll…be more aware. Of my limits going forward.” He traced your face with his thumb, taking it in like it was the only sight in the world worth looking at. “I’m sorry for making you worry.”
“It’s okay…as long as you come home, that’s what matters.” You pulled him into you, returning to your serene state. “I love you, my great swordsman.”
“As do I, my beloved moon.”
Thanks for reading!
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silverbladexyz · 2 years
Helloo! It is i, the same anon who requested the night and morning routines with the hunting dogs, and first of all i just wanted to say that i really love your writing and how detailed it is!! Everytime i read one of your fics i am literally so amazed at how you write the characters, no matter who it is. So when i saw that you’re requests were open i got so happy, and this time i would like to ask for the hunting dogs (YES THEM AGAIN, I JUST LOVE THEM SO MUCH) and how they would spend the holidays with their s/o, how they would prepare for christmas, etc. (and of course just platonic with Teruko, like a best friend reader. And also no Fukuchi lol) And once again, feel free to remove whoever you want to because i completely understand if this is too much. Anyways, i hope you have a great day/night!!
Omg helloooo anon!!! Welcome back!! Thank you, I'm honoured to know that you like my writing >.< and I love the Hunting Dogs too, so of course I'll write for them :)
The images do not belong to me. They belong to their original owners.
TW: Slight mentions of death
Hunting Dogs spending holidays with their S/O (best friend for Teruko)
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-I feel like the Hunting Dogs don’t get a lot of holidays, however, for the sake of this post let’s say that they do ^-^
-Tecchou wouldn’t really mind spending the holidays in any way really, as long as he gets to spend time with you. You could literally drag him out to do a day-long hike or go shopping at the mall until it was 11PM and he would not complain. In fact, he likes it and always looks forward to going out to a new place everyday
-However, he also wouldn’t mind just spending time at home with you. Do some fun couples activities together! Like baking, playing video games, couples yoga, reading books, working out, anything really! Although please keep an eye on Tecchou when he bakes, because not only might he add some sus stuff into the mixture, he might set the house on fire
-Would probably wake up early just to exercise. I’m so sorry if you’re not a morning person, because Tecchou would drag you to exercise with him everyday at 7AM in the morning, even when it was the holidays. But sometimes, he also likes a good sleep in that includes a long cuddling session
-Holidays with him are either chill or quite adventure-filled. There is never a dull moment that goes by
-Now I feel like Tecchou doesn’t really celebrate Christmas; at the most he’ll bid everyone a ‘Merry Christmas’ and accept gifts from people. But he is more than happy to decorate a Christmas tree with you and just spend a great Christmas with you in general
-Oh but please tell Tecchou that the pine trees that are put up for Christmas are normally fake and could be bought in stores... because Tecchou is going to actually drag a pine tree all the way home to use as decoration. Yes, you heard me. A literal. Pine. Tree
-Even though it’s sweet that the thought’s there, I’m pretty sure that you wouldn’t want to be sharing your home with tons of bugs and whatever else lives in pine trees, am I right? Not to mention it probably is illegal to do that
-But other than that, Tecchou is absolutely down to celebrating Christmas the way you celebrate it. He’d help decorate the house, put Christmas lights everywhere, even put on some Christmas songs. Even when his taste in food is questionable, his taste in decoration is impeccable. Because all he wants for Christmas is to have a good time with you :)))
-Buy presents for him!!! He would be a bit clueless on why people give presents on Christmas, but he’ll catch on quickly, and even buy presents for you!! But beware, he’ll buy you a lot of presents, and they are the most random presents you have ever seen. Please educate him on this whole Christmas-gifts thing, because he’s trying :(
-Teach him everything about Christmas, because he would love to learn about it. Tecchou might even dress up as Santa Claus and volunteer at the local mall to talk to the kids, and he answers questions so seriously that the kids are lowkey scared of him lol. Please teach him before Jouno murders him
-Christmas nights are normally spent cuddling in front of the fireplace. It’s dark, the candles give a cosy atmosphere, and cuddling with Tecchou is the absolute best thing to do 💗
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-Jouno isn’t really fussed on how he spends the holidays; so long as he isn’t exhausted by the end of the day or has to go to really loud places, then he’s perfectly fine with anything
-He strikes me more of the type to stay at home with you and spend quality time with you. You’ll find that cuddling sessions have increased by at least two times, and the amount of kisses too
-Slow dancing with him in the kitchen at nighttime!!! Even though Jouno’s blind, his other sharp senses and great reflexes make him a really good slow dancer. If you don’t know anything about slow dancing, he will teach you, but beware he might tease you a bit for how cute you looked as you were struggling to learn it. Step on his feet please
-Now that it’s the holidays, Jouno definitely is going to sleep in with you. If you wake him up early to work out with him, he’s going to be a bit annoyed, but he won’t object to working out with you. It might help him be stronger than Tecchou, afterall
-If you wanted to go out somewhere to spend time with him, Jouno doesn’t mind, as long as his senses don’t get overwhelmed. But he would prefer taking nice, long walks in the evening where the sunset is beautiful and there is just the two of you on the stroll
-In the rare moments, he might even link his fingers with yours. Hold his hand back and stroke it! It might catch him by surprise at first, but if you’re observant, you might just notice his thumb lightly stroking the back of your hand. It’s very soft though... so pay extra attention
-Honestly just wants to spend his holidays by being with you as much as he can. I feel like his love language is mostly quality time, so Jouno is going to spend as much time as possible with you
-Now for celebrating Christmas... Jouno isn’t really the type to celebrate Christmas. However, convince him and he will eventually join in with your Christmas celebration. He wouldn’t want the house to be decorated too much though, because he just doesn’t want to spend a lot of time packing them up :/
-But he will go gift shopping with you! I headcanon that Jouno has great tastes when it comes to presents, it’s just that sometimes he’s a troll and gets you something to tease you. However he will be serious and buy you some extra nice gifts for Christmas
-I feel like Jouno would be a bit more romantic on Christmas. Playful kisses, fleeting touches, and just being more romantic in general. If you tease him for being all lovey-dovey and soft, he’s going to tease you extra hard 10x back
-Would definitely whisper to you a merry Christmas on Christmas Eve, probably accompanied by a kiss
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-Tachihara definitely wants to get out of the house and spend the holidays with you
-I feel like he’s more of the hiking and beach type, but if you wanted to go shopping with him he’d gladly accompany you. Just please don’t buy too much stuff because he’s going to trip and fall while carrying them
-Sleeping in and cuddles is a must. Now that Tachihara has more time to spend with you, he’s not losing a second of it, so expect lots and lotsss of affection. He won’t do it every single second, but when he does, you’ll be covered in hugs and kisses
-Also loves taking walks with you. He would take you to actual 5km walks where the scenery is beautiful, and you wouldn’t feel so tired because Tachihara would keep you company. But if you were absolutely exhausted, Tachihara will definitely give you a piggyback ride, maybe even carry you bridal style when nobody’s around xD
-Video games and movie nights!!! I headcanon that Tachihara loves playing Mario-Kart and Fortnite, as well as anything you play. Most of the time you two end up trolling little kids on Roblox, and it’s mighty fun. Even then, it’s very amusing watching Tachihara play, because he always manages to make the gameplay interesting
-Now for Christmas... Tachihara secretly wants to celebrate Christmas with you so bad, because when he was younger his family unfortunately did not celebrate it with him. So go all out and celebrate Christmas in the most fun way possible! Buy heaps of gifts, decorate the entire house with Christmas lights, hang up Christmas stockings, just do everything with him! He’ll love it, and he’ll also fall in love with you more
-Definitely lights up a fire in the fireplace and watches good Christmas movies with you, alongside a nice hot cup of cocoa or hot chocolate. Also cuddles with you wrapped in blankets on the couch, and it’s just really nice and cosy
-Also sings a lot of Christmas karaoke with you. I feel like he would be great at singing if he removed the roughness in his voice. I headcanon he likes singing ‘All I Want For Christmas Is You’, because it’s such a nostalgic song
-Christmas is his favourite celebration now, because he can spend it with you 💗
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-Having Teruko as a best friend means that she’s dragging you to a lot of places to hang out in the holidays
-Most of the time she would go shopping or swimming at the beach. Teruko would definitely swim out to the farthest distance she could, and she will throw a tantrum if people tell her that she couldn’t. If you tell her that the sea could easily sweep her away or if there’s dangerous marine life out there, it just makes her more adamant to swim out. She’ll even wrestle a shark if that meant she could swim as far as she wanted lmao Teruko please don’t
-Teruko is going to buy whatever is on discount. And when I say whatever, I mean whatever. Mostly she’ll buy stuff that she thinks Fukuchi likes, but she’ll also be happy to buy stuff that you like too! Teruko will mostly judge stuff and be picky, but the stuff that she thinks are good are actually the best quality. So always trust Teruko’s gut on which items are good or not
-Working out in the gym together! Don’t underestimate Teruko’s small stature, because she can just use her ability and suddenly turn into a very strong woman. She might even have competitions with you to see who can lift the heaviest weights and who could run the fastest on the treadmill she always wins lmao
-But sometimes even extraverts need to recharge. On those times Teruko is just perfectly happy to chill with you, talking about whatever comes to mind. Or you two would watch a tv show or a movie, sometimes judging the film if it was bad
-Also don’t be surprised if Teruko rocks up to your house and announces that she’s booked a trip to a nearby island for a day. She loves planning surprises, and frankly speaking those islands that she drags you to are pretty nice, with lots of activities to do on them. And she will cover the cost, but it would be nice if you treated her to some food and stuff (dw being a Hunting Dog means you’re rich)
-Amusement parks!!! Teruko loves going on rides, especially the ones that are super tall and big and with a lot of twists and turns. But prepare yourself for a lot of her tantrums, because she’s always too short for the ride lol. Teruko ends up using her ability in the end, but she is very vocal at expressing her annoyance
-And just because it’s the holidays, doesn’t mean that she’ll stop asking for piggyback rides. In fact, her requests for piggyback rides will double. Teruko won��t force you to give her a piggyback ride if you were really tired, but be prepared to give her a lot of piggyback rides the next day
-Now onto Christmas! Teruko would love celebrating Christmas with you, and she normally would go to a restaurant with you to have a Christmas dinner. She might even invite Fukuchi and the rest of the Hunting Dogs, and by the end of it Fukuchi is so drunk, Tecchou mixes a lot of suspicious food combinations, Jouno is ready to murder everyone, Tachihara is close to crying, and Teruko is also drinking with Fukuchi. Good luck dealing with them, but don’t worry because Jouno and Tachihara are surprisingly good at dealing with these stuff
-Teruko definitely invites you over to her house on Christmas. She sets up a pine tree, decorates it nicely, hangs flashy Christmas lights and stockings everywhere, basically just going all out with decorations. If you pay close attention, you might even catch her singing some Christmas songs when she thinks she is alone. Don’t tell her you saw though, because Teruko will threaten to punch you
-You two would also spend Christmas singing Christmas songs and watching Christmas movies. Teruko is definitely in a much more energetic mood, and she will be wishing everybody a ‘Merry Christmas’ before you two go to sleep (Jouno was so confused lmao)
@pixyys @pianotross @yuugen-benni @the-mourning-stars @xxelfmamaxx @nekokinax @catzlivedforbsd @i-just-like-goats
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asteria7fics · 7 months
Can we have some of your personal style headcanons?
Why yes, dear anon, you absolutely can!
I'll only share SFW ones here, but if you're interested in NSFW ones please let me know d(・∀・○)
This also contains some mild spoilers for the fic I'm currently working on - NOT The Song of Broflovski. If you'd rather go into that totally blind, then maybe skip this answer. Otherwise, read on!
Alright, so let's start from the beginning. I personally write Kyle as figuring out his feelings first, while Stan acts on them first. Neither one is stoked on the idea of coming out (Stan for Randy-trauma related reasons, Kyle for Cartman-trauma related ones) so they don't publicly come out/start actually dating until late high school when they know they're about to skip town and move away to college.
That doesn't stop them from messing around of course, but I'll save that info for a NSFW drop. (¬‿¬)
I also really like the idea of their relationship not changing massively even after they've become an official couple. They still fight, they still do a lot of the same activities together, and they never really adopt any pet names outside of still calling one another 'dude' all the damn time. Just two straight dudes in love, honestly.
Kyle is Stan's #1 defender, and will go to war with douchebags in the comments of Stan's social media posts (hard headcanon him as still being a musician/leaning really hard into his passion for music. Crimson Dawn is definitely still a thing in the Asteriaverse). You dare to talk shit about Stanley Marsh on the internet?? In front of God and everyone?? Baby you're getting doxed. Bye.
He also just unironically loves the music Stan makes, with Crimson Dawn and otherwise. Like, shitty phone recording from a performance as his ringtone kinda love. I think Kyle would have pretty eclectic music taste in general, but I like the idea of them bonding over the kind of stuff Stan would want to make.
I like to think Stan is more of a bad/freeing influence on Kyle. My Kyle has a little bit of a stick up his ass, especially as he gets older and there's more pressure on him to excel in school. Stan really becomes the person that wraps him up in a blanket after a long day of studying, passes him a drink and puts on Monty Python so they both can just relax and have fun together.
And they're absolutely the guys at the party standing in the corner by the drinks, cracking jokes to one another while they watch everyone else make complete asses of themselves. Just in their own little world, until they get properly drunk and end up making out in a bathroom or some shit. Just messy bitches.
They simultaneously communicate extremely well and absolutely horribly. They have the kind of connection where one look says it all, but when it comes down to deeper issues and arguments they're both trash at communicating their feelings. Kyle gets too heated and just starts RANTING while Stan can barely articulate a singular feeling. Eventually Stan figures out that he kinda just has to let Kyle get his shit off his chest and eventually he'll calm down enough to help Stan sort out his feelings too, but those first couple years? Rough haha no smooth sailing for my boys I'm afraid.
Alright, I'm gonna stop here because I could probably sit here and talk about these losers all day. These are pretty surface level, both because I don't want to spoil too much and because I'm always forming new headcanons for them! Really specific ones usually come to me in the moment while I'm writing, so I'll definitely come up with more before this next project is finished!
Thank you very much for the ask!! ( ´⌣`ʃƪ)
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belit0 · 1 year
Thank you so much for doing my request! I absolutely loved it! It probably made my day too haha! Your writing is so fun and nice to read, you're just so talented!
I'm honestly very shy about requesting things from people, because I don't want to bother them, but this definitely motivated me to share another idea of mine, which I hope you don't mind!
I'm really into the Yandere x secret Yandere trope, which I honestly don't see enough of and it's a shame! I also really loved the dynamic between Yandere Shisui and Itachi in your fic, which made me have an idea.
So basically, the reader, Shisui and Itachi all growing up together. Shisui and Itachi were always super obsessed with the reader, unaware that the reader fully knew of this and enjoyed the attention. And they were also a Yandere for the two, who just waited for the moment they finally confessed to them, so they can unapologetically keep the boys to themselves. The clan kept them away from eachother maybe as well, but nothing can really stop the two boys once they want something, haha... You can gladly make this nsfw, if you'd like, too!
I'm sorry that this is a long one and hope you don't mind me asking for a request for them again! Thank you once more for doing my previous one too! I love it!<33
(Excuse my English btw! I'm not a native speaker.♡)
- bunni anon
I really appreciate your love and interest, genuinely!
I completely understand the feeling of being a nuisance, but this blog is a safe space for everyone, and you are more than welcome anytime you want to chat or send me a request! Please don't be shy, and make yourself comfortable here!
I would have loved to make this request sooner, but life and work sucked me in. It took longer than usual, but here it is and I hope you like it!
TW: Yandere! Itachi - Yandere! Shisui - Yandere! reader Pairing: Uchiha Itachi / Uchiha Shisui / reader NSFW
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You see, the Uchiha are not very good when it comes to demonstrating affection with words, yet they are great with actions. Sometimes, they have a hard time pronouncing an “I love you", but they won't hesitate to burn down cities for their loved ones, to kill as many people as necessary, to destroy lives just to prove their feelings.
They lose their head and minds for the one who dominates their heart, making it their priority for them to be happy, to have everything they need, and to lack nothing. They may not be able to verbalize it or find it difficult to formulate words to explain emotions, but in their behavior, there is no hesitation.
They know what they are doing.
Just as (Y/N) knows what she does.
In this girl's case, she has not one crazy Uchiha, but two. Both ninjas decided to take and share her as the object of their passion, to give her all their sentiments and affection, undivided attention.
The beginning of the end comes when Shisui saves her from some thieves one rainy night. The Uchiha was on guard duty, patrolling dark streets looking for suspicious activity. Police life is much simpler than working fighting ninjas from other nations, and he appreciates the solitude of the evening. Suddenly, he sees a woman walking alone, presumably trying to get home. She tries to shelter from the rain by walking under roofs, and doesn't notice when she is accosted halfway. Two thieves tried to steal her belongings and assault her, but the ninja intervenes quickly, coming out of hiding and reducing the threat in seconds.
The woman thanks him in tears, hugging him and hanging onto his neck as if it were a matter of life and death. Shisui takes a moment to appreciate her closely, and gets fascinated by her beauty. Even soaking wet and with a face swollen with tears, the girl is beautiful. He can feel the shape of her body beneath his hands as he holds her, how her curves mold to his fingers, and then, it hits him.
This girl has to be his.
He took her to the Uchiha police station where Itachi sat, waiting for his best friend to return and continue chatting. His free time between missions became a moment to spend with his cousin, unpressured by schedules, making a habit of visiting him on his night watches and keeping him company.
When Shisui enters with the attacked woman, the two share an immediate look of understanding, and realize they have found their next object of obsession. Used to not being argued with and always getting what they want, both friends worked countless times to achieve their goals.
With (Y/N), however, it was different. The girl seemed uninterested in their advances yet somehow managed to keep them wrapped around her finger.  They tried to approach and conquer her countless times, to win her heart and finally be able to possess her, but she seemed to enjoy seeing them struggle, working for it.
Soon, it became a challenge.
Such became the fixation of both Uchiha, Shisui began to miss his nightly patrols, and Itachi to skip his ANBU missions. Undeterred by their sense of responsibility, their superiors questioned them, not understanding how two shinobi of such caliber could be acting so strangely.
The two would get together to plan, try to understand, and brainstorm ways to obtain her without having to make a fuss. Sure, they could resort to kidnapping, taking and making her disappear forever, but that meant dealing with a lot of cumbersome details. Investigations, explanations to the family, tracing, covering up fingerprints, annoying things they had dealt with countless times in the past.
The puzzle lay in how she always sought them out and needed them, but never accepted their moves.
She would call and ask them to escort her home for the night, but never allowed them to come in and stay with her.
She would call and ask them to keep her company at work, but never agreed to stay with them for a drink later.
She would call them if she heard a strange noise in her place, but never let them stick around to secure the perimeter.
The girl would play with them, and it drove the two ninjas crazy. They had never met anyone who would make things so difficult, who would complicate their strategies and maneuvers, who would resist their advances like that. It made them even more desperate and obsessed, falling into the trap of needing her.
Eventually, their respective bosses had to intervene. Itachi was temporarily suspended from the ANBU for neglecting his responsibilities, and Fugaku forbade them both from approaching the woman if they wanted to continue holding their positions within the clan. Shisui was closely watched by his police colleagues, obeying direct orders from the chief.
Things got annoying and cumbersome, which only gave them more determination to achieve their goal. If people wanted to take her away from them, to get her out of their hands, there would be trouble.
Something (Y/N) enjoyed in a big way.
Knowing the two most powerful Uchiha were eating out of her hands, trying to get under her skirt, to get something from her, made her feel like the most powerful woman in the world. She could whistle, and the two would be at her feet obeying her needs, doing whatever she wanted them to do.
She abused and used this ability to the fullest, enjoying the looks of desire from both men every time she called them for something. They always hoped she would allow them to stay, to come into her bed, to be part of her life in a stable way, but (Y/N) never would.
She loved the frustration on their faces when she asked them to leave, when she told them she didn't need them anymore, and how helpless they were every single time. The girl learned to manage and have them at her beck and call, so much so they would abandon their responsibilities for her.
Yet, at some point, the Uchiha had enough, and decided to put a stop to (Y/N)'s demand. She had gained the upper hand, and it was time to turn it all around.
When she called them again, they were determined to act.
It was late, and (Y/N) was moving her chakra with the signal the three had agreed to use as a call. Both Uchiha were together, and they rushed simultaneously to the scene. The girl was in the middle of the forest and desperately called for them.
When they reached her, they were met with a heartbreaking sight.
She was on the ground, her clothes torn and crying. Anyone who analyzed the situation at first glance would say she had been attacked by someone, but something wasn't right.
Shisui rushed over to her, asking if she was all right, what had happened, demanding answers. As he pulled off his shirt to cover her, Itachi detected the lie.
There were no footsteps in the perimeter other than hers, no sign of other people. No chakra seemed to be nearby, and there were no traces of anyone, either in the trees or on the ground. (Y/N) had no scratches, no cuts, no blood on her skin, and if someone had genuinely ripped her clothes off, they would at least have marked her with their fingernails.
The other Uchiha continued to worry, hugging and holding her as if something had really happened. Itachi merely watched, and when (Y/N) stopped her theatre of lies, he spoke seriously.
"If we're going to keep suffering, you'll have to give us something in return, you know?" The man leaned his back against a tree, serenely crossing his arms over his chest. He narrowed his eyes and glared at her, waiting for a reaction.
"What the fuck, Itachi! How could you say such a thing in this situation?!" Shisui exclaimed in true anger, so mowed down by his feelings he didn't even pause to observe the staged scene.
Some seconds of silence were by, the forest completely calm, while she decided what would be her next move.
(Y/N) began to laugh, and clutched her stomach as a fit of giggles knocked the wind out of her. Itachi looked apprehensive, having caught on to her deception from the beginning, while Shisui watches her in disbelief, not understanding the scenario.
"You genuinely think someone did this to her and didn't leave a single mark on her body or the place? Look around, it's another one of her lies."
"Busted!" she continued to laugh, as if she didn't care one bit about doing such a thing. "Tachi, relax, be a little funnier next time, it's not amusing if you ruin my show from the start. All right! we're done, back to your normal activities, boys!"
Normally, both would listen to her and let her be, but this time she had gone too far. By faking a scene like that, she seemed to be asking them to execute it themselves.
"I'm fucking sick of this (Y/N)!" Shisui pounced on her, trapping her under his body while holding her wrists above her head. "You want to play with us, treat us like your faithful dogs, yet I'm fed up! If you don't give me something in return, I won't continue with this!"
"Yes, you will, even if I don't give you anything, because you love me, don't you? Both of you do. You're as much mine as I am yours, there's no way around it!" She exclaimed with a smirk, laughing in both their faces.
"All right then, time for you to prove it." Itachi moved towards her, quickly working his pants. Shisui caught the hint and readied himself likewise.
If (Y/N) didn't want to cooperate, they would have to do it the hard way.
The long-haired Uchiha knelt at her head, with each of his knees at one side of her face, facing Shisui. He pulled his cock out of his clothes and held it in front of her face.
"You're going to take it all, and let us do what we want with you, just like you've been doing what you want with us." The short-haired man exclaimed as he finished ripping the remaining clothes off of her.
"Well (Y/N), let's see what you've got." Before she could say anything else, Itachi shoved his member into her mouth, reaching the back of her throat without warning. Shisui soon followed in step, spitting his hand and rubbing it over his dick before thrusting it into her.
(Y/N) moaned as best she could from the initial pain, until her pussy produced enough lubrication to accompany the Uchiha. They both worked her holes with abandon and ferocity, drawing out their pent-up need for her.
"Shit (Y/N), if I'd known you felt this way, we would have done it sooner."
"Eat it all, you fucking slut, don't leave anything out."
They destroyed her entrances with heavy thrusts, not letting her catch her breath. Her hands remained restrained above her head, and she could do nothing but take them both at once.
"Come on little slut, bear it like the good little girl you are, show us what you're made of."
"So good baby, it feels so good, shit."
Itachi works her mouth, making her gag with each thrust, leaving a trail of fluids around her lips. His balls crashed against her nose and knocked her out of breath for long seconds. Her eyes lost focus, and she could do no more than endure it.
Shisui was tearing apart her cunt with abandon, pumping in and out over and over again without caring how red her skin got or how much it hurt.
They both finished almost in unison, followed by the difference of a couple of seconds, filling her with their seed.
"This just became your new routine, (Y/N). I hope you enjoy it."
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crystallizsch · 8 months
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HI HI!! Welcome to my TWST side blog! My name is Ian 💖 (or I don't mind "crystal" from my user if you prefer it!)
NOT SPOILER-FREE please filter out #twst jp / #twst jp spoilers if you do not want to see those posts from me specifically!!
ASKS/DMS are always OPEN!! all I ask is to be patient with me and be respectful/mindful 🙏 otherwise I would always love to interact with people!
[ masterlists ] |✧| blog tag navigation |✧| ocs + their tags |✧| my art + writing |✧| the fridge™
(other info + more detailed intro below!)
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[ main blog: @scint1llat3 ] |✧| mainly just reblogs |✧| i also follow and interact from here!
[ credits ] |✧| twst intro template by ruggiegucci on twitter |✧| used game assets by alchemivich for dividers/deco |✧| yuu name dividers by 0honeybones0 <3
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🌺 - I am 18+ years old, however, this blog is SFW 💖 🌺 - Please keep in mind though, I can still choose to post things that might be mildly more mature. That will be very rare though, rest assured, but for anything that might be too sensitive/suggestive, I will tag accordingly! 🌺 - (And on that note, if anything else just rubs you the wrong way or makes you feel uncomfortable, it's okay to suddenly block/unfollow I will not take it personally. Please prioritize your health/safety/comfort!)
🌺 - This is entirely a TWST blog (with a clear fixation on Jamil Viper for the most part afhdsljf though I do still love the rest of the game!) 🌺 - I may have occasional fandom crossover when i feel like it! 🌺 - I just do art here and there + the very rare fics and oc ramblings. And also just yelling about TWST in general.
🌺 - I am mainly based on EN because that's what I play, but I also catch up with JP stuff. So my knowledge and preferences about TWST are very mix-and-match. 🌺 - This blog is not spoiler-free. And I tend to post things as soon as they come out whether they're in EN or JP. 🌺 - I will still tag JP content with #twst jp / #twst jp spoilers, so please filter those out if you do not want to see those posts! 🌺 - I also don't care about being spoiled in general unless I explicitly state so.
🌺 - This is an OC x canon blog too!! 🌺 - I don't mind others who ship their ocs/mcs/yuus with the same canon characters as me! I genuinely enjoy seeing them actually!! 🌺 - (But if sharing is not your thing, I completely understand that as well, so feel free to block accordingly 🫶) 🌺 - The previous points go for canon x canon characters as well! I'm just a multishipper at heart.
🌺 - Tagging me and spam is absolutely fine!! 🌺 - I read all reblogs and replies even if I don't respond to all of them! 🌺 - I also appreciate even you silent lurkers, likers, and rebloggers. You are all hella valid too 🫶 🌺 - Also also, I can be incredibly slow at responding (and sometimes I forget or just miss notifs), so please forgive me on that 🙏 (if it's important, I don't mind nudges if I haven't got to it in a while!)
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asks ~☆
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Here are some things about chatting with in general! Also, please don't be discouraged by this looking long. I swear I'm very lenient, I enjoy talking to y'all :,3
💌: Asks are always open! Feel free to send anything my way! (anon is always available if you prefer!) 💌: I welcome thoughts, questions, ideas, etc, and I'm always looking to chat or just gush about TWST! (I'm also okay with things that aren't TWST-related like just silly random asks :3) (<- sometimes I may randomly turn it TWST-related though if I can) 💌: (Requests/suggestions can be selective as my motivation has been varying lately ;;;) 💌: AND!!! If I haven't got to your ask yet, don't worry I'm not ignoring them! I'm usually taking time to give it the response it deserves (especially if I plan to draw for it!) so I apologize if sometimes it takes a long while. (You'll know if I decide not to answer!!) 💌: (And if I ever say I've answered all asks and you think I haven't gotten to yours, I might not have gotten the ask in the first place because tumblr may have ate it 😔 and if so, please feel free to resend!)
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ryuichirou · 6 months
A couple of Kuroshitsuji questions today, wow! Plus, some twst ones.
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
GODS YOUR GREENVIOLET COMIC!! FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCKKKK It's so good!! I love the idea Violet is somehow a lil kinky that Greenhill but Violet would somehow blame him for a mess in his sheets lol
Hehehe thank youuuuu!!!
I really like to think that Violet has a kinky side, but maybe it’s just because he is the artistic “weird” type and therefore more “in touch” with this hidden side of himself; compared to Greenhill, who is a proper polite boy, but also quite horny when the situation gets even a little bit spicy lol He’ll learn a lot of things about himself when he and Gregory start sleeping together.
Anonymous asked:
I see you like Black Butler. Let me ask you, do you have any art of the Undertaker of Grell? The way I simp is hard but if you don't, that is fine. Please remember to take care of yourself and drink water. Love your art <3
We don’t have any relatively new art with Grell, which is ironic, considering that Grell is the character that I always drew thorough the years whenever we rewatched Kuroshitsuji; I just love the design very much…
We do have some stuff with the Undertaker though! He is one of our favourites actually, even though compared to some other guys I haven’t drawn him much. Which is honestly a shame…
Thank you for loving our stuff! <3
Anonymous asked:
recently I read a fanfic where idia was a cat beastfolk and got absolutely gang banged by octavinelle and I feel the need to share this thought with everyone because cat idia being fucked by octotrio lives rent-free in my head and I can successfully say that gregory violet art did not help
Oh god, a fic about Idia’s absolute true form lol And what a company for him to be in, of course he would get gangbanged by Octavinelle. Thank you for sharing, Anon… Now I’ll think about this concept too…
Gregory is such a kitty cat boy! This is insane, I always forget that technically when it comes to their animal symbols he is supposed to be a wolf. And even in the yesterday’s comic where he is supposed to be a wolf, he still has cat vibes. I guess this is just his and Idia’s genetics lol
Anonymous asked:
I love love love your jackvil art! I hope you receive nothing but blessings
This is so incredibly sweet, thank you so much, Anon! <3
Anonymous asked:
What does Idia think about cosplay in general?Personally I love it and I’m even going as Idia sometime this year.
Anon! This is cool, enjoy your time cosplaying Idia.
If I remember correctly, Idia does like cosplay to some extent – he did cosplay as Pumpkin Knight for Halloween, and definitely had a lot of fun designing, creating and wearing this costume. The only thing is that for Idia to actually want to cosplay a character it needs to be someone who has his head completely covered, because he isn’t comfortable showing either his face or his hair: even if you don’t know that his hair mean that he is a Shroud, it still attracts unnecessary attention… not to mention, ruins the cosplay :( So he isn’t really a cosplayer, but if he is in the mood? He’ll create anything from scratch in like 3 hours and do the most perfect cosplay imaginable.
But! He has a lot of opinions about others’ cosplay. About how they did the hair, the clothes, the swords, the details, every single thing. He appreciates the artistry and creativity, but he is also a bit of a snob.
Anonymous asked:
Referring to the headcanons about Ortho putting things in Idia’s food and drink, I suddenly see why he pees in a bottle 😔
(the hc is from this post)
Yeah, this is also a reason lol but honestly he doesn’t need Ortho’s “help” with this… he really is the type to go “I finish this one level and THEN I’ll go” and basically sits there until it becomes unbearable. A very bad habit!
Anonymous asked:
Bold of you to assume that I wouldn’t eat Lilia’s hand too if it came anywhere near my spaghetti.
Don’t leave this man handless, he needs it to smack butts lol
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
I dont know if its just me but i hate seeing people age minors up to write nsfw stuff about them. Like if u do this your weird and stay away 🔥🔥🔥 —-🐉 anon… (again😭💔)
(this became a long rant, so you can read that under the cut)
For me, I HATE when it's the MHA fandom. When it is the students, it is very uncomfortable for me to see that kinda stuff ESPECIALLY when the account is like a 26 year old or something, it's hella uncomfy
For JJK, one of my first requests was to age up Megumi to have him be a father and reluctantly, I did it. I would probably never do it again honestly because again, he's like my little dude. Like when I see people writing for Yuji I'm like WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! We have nanami and gojo and you chose the 15 year old?!?!?!
Now for the kinda other side here. When it comes to Jojo, we all love Jotaro, but he ages up in the show, so you can talk about 17-40 year old jotaro, so that's when it's okay. You can do that with any character in jojo because of the timeline and we actually see them age
so in that case... can't we just do that with other stuff?
now here's the answer
no. we cant
you are showing that you are attracted to the really young version and wanting to age them up. Seeing a 26 year old with a bio that says "in love with bakugo" please stop omfg
Spiderpunk (aka Hobie Brown) from Across the Spiderverse hasn't had a confirmed age, but goddamn is he fine af. But in that case, what do people do? I have seen people say his age is up for interpretation and that he can't be like 15 because look at him???? So in this case, sometimes that can be okay if that makes sense
And again, I love Haikyuu and it actually reveals what they do in the future, so I think it's alright to age them up
I think for me it's fandom based. If you want to give me some examples that you wanna call out, please let me know because I would love to chat about this more
Also, another thing I'm not super into is x child!reader. I used to get those requests A LOT and my account was for romance based fics mostly. A lot of the requests I were getting were 13 or younger children asking to be platonically with characters from MHA, which wasn't a huge problem, I just would rather not write it. But when it really got me was when someone asked for a child!reader with characters from HAZBIN HOTEL AND HELLUVA BOSS?!?! Literally no. That is not for children. I dont care if they have access to it, they should not be in my inbox asking for that. I stopped writing for the fandom completely and a lot of those people left. But x child!reader should be for them if they're on this app. I don't like writing it at all and only did it for a short period because I felt like I had to. I was too scared to change my rules at the time until I finally did and then people actually respected them. But it was weird to hear kids wanting to "be with Aizawa" as a more dad character, but that's just for me
Sorry for turning this a whole other direction, but those are some other things that I just wanted to add since we were in this convo
Thanks for sending this as always and feel free to share more of what you think on the topic because you have honestly given me the courage I need to say no to a lot of things more lol
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aihoshiino · 9 months
okay so no idea how i should refer to myself as so: hi!! im the person who had way too much fun writing ai/nino toxic yuri on ao3! i was gonna just lurk (me, tumblr account with privated likes, reblogs and follows) BUT how could i with the promise of people being normal about fictional unhealthy gay women. idk if this is the optimal way to communicate i use tumblr with the sole purpose of following 4 people and digging up ai content
i am honestly so flattered (but also kinda upset at the lack of content on them aside from my own 1k word long oneshot please keep recommending if you find more stuff on them) that you enjoyed and recommended my fics considering i just straight up had no clue where i was going: okay so top priority i want them to kiss —> but also with how things are nino would probably lash out (read: bite) —> ai would be hesitant but also is so desperate that she’d still accept it happily —> this will fuel ninos idea of ai being the perfect, invincible idol —> and then i ran and tried not to trip with the rest
your translations of the side stories and blog was probably what helped me get in to oshi no ko again because even though i am still not over ai being dead i can now listen to someone talk about how great and tragic and sad and miserable she was along with all the other characters so thank you again!
also that ask for ai/nino toxic yuri visions was me lol, thanks for talking about my fic despite how short it was <3, i might de-anon myself at some point but rn im too shy for that
woof, this got a bit long. anyways love wins fr, if there was ever a day where i participate in an onk shipping war it’ll be on the side of them
that said it does make me so happy every time I hear people saying my relentless oshi no posting stands out to them to the degree that it does lol. I guess I'm in a similar place as you where, as happy as I am for it, it does make me a little sad that it feels like there's such little fan interest in lengthy meta and discussion on Ai herself outside of some really banal, surface level stuff. To a degree, I get that with other characters having so much more time on the page and having ongoing arcs to speculate about, but Ai is sooooooooo fascinating to me and it really drives me insane how often I see people make zero effort to engage with her arc beyond her utilitarian function in the story. It also really bums me out how often I see her get reduced to just a stepping stone in the arcs of other characters — even though the manga is literally shaking you right now and begging you to understand and empathize with her more than ever, I straight up see people cheering and crowing about Ruby 'surpassing' her or 'becoming the true Ai' as if this is a good thing and they are not completely fucking missing the point lmao.
ANYWAY!!!! That's enough grumping because the actual point of this response was to say: the Ai posting will continue until I am physically forced to stop!!!! I have so many thoughts about my wife constantly and if I do not share them I will explode!!!
(ps anon pspspspsp if you are ever feeling brave enough to unanon pls feel free to just send me your discord or your socmeds off tumblr if that is less intimidating for u.... honestly that goes for all my oshi no moots in general Please Talk With Me In DMs About My Wife)
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romirola · 1 year
how do you plan out each chapter for your fics?
Hi, Anon! Thanks for reaching out! I love the chance to talk about writing.
In general, I find that the story itself dictates the chapter breaks somehow, which I'll detail under the but because, as always, I am very long-winded!
My goal for chapter breaks is often to tell a chunk of story that somehow moves the plot along in a satisfying way. I think that's why, if you take a look at my multi-chapter stories, my chapter lengths are different from story to story. I tend to stay away from cliffhangers because as a reader, I never enjoy feeling like I took the time to read a story, only to have everything withheld as a means to get me to read the next chapter. It feels manipulative, so unless the cliffhanger actually serves the story (and every now and again, it does), I like to find some sense of completeness in each chapter, even if there's lots more story to tell! I also find that chapter breaks help with pacing, and allow for more organic time-jumps.
Please feel free to ask any follow-ups, share any thoughts, or pose any other questions, Anon! I'm so happy to have the opportunity to discuss this stuff and to help!
The organizational style I choose for the narrative might align with specific chapter breaks. For instance, in fics such as Trust, Belief, and Sweet Dreams and (It Was the First Time) Things Felt Normal Again, the fact that I wanted to include multiple first-person POVs meant that it would make sense for one chapter to encapsulate each POV change. That way, it would always be clear to the reader from which perspective the story was taking place.
Likewise, sometimes the action automatically gets broken into chunks that show story progression. One example of this in my work is Stronger Together, where each chapter represents a different alternate-version of a person close to Asher.
Other types of fics don't have such a structure built into the narrative, such as Secrets Between Friends, Lucky in Love, Bound Together, and others. In that case, I always finish drafting the entire fic before adding chapter breaks. That way, I can take a look at the full narrative picture and decide how to break up a story that will make sense and make for a pleasant reading experience. About how long would I want the chapters to be, given the length of the full story? How much information does a reader need to feel like the story has progressed in a meaningful way since the last chapter? Where are there time-skips, and could those time-skips be presented as a chapter break to help imply time has passed?
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youngeditor1999 · 1 year
Hi, I’m the “Draft dodgers for Rodgers” anon, and I just wanted to say I’m sorry if my asks caused any stress while you were dealing with real life issues. They were just silly questions and observations/ideas I just wanted to share with someone. Please don’t feel obligated to respond to any of them. Sending you a virtual hug (if you’re accepting them)!
Draft Dodgers for Rodgers anon, I really do love you and appreciate how considerate you are!! 🥰
You didn't have to apologize but it's nice that you did. 🥹🤧💞
I still love getting asks!!! The silly, funny ones are the best and I truly do like hearing from everybody overall, no matter the topic. 🤩
My real life stuff isn't that deep, all things considered. 😝
For the most part, I am happy, healthy and generally doing well. Everybody in my life is also doing good! I really don't have anything to complain about and feel lucky overall to be living a reasonably calm and simple life. 🙂💕
I do have some free time at work to answer these, but also my boss of course gives me actual work to do and so that takes precedent over virtually talking about all the NFL things, no matter how much I would rather answer all of y'all instead!!
The other thing with my real life stuff is that I've been working on this fic that I really wanna finish in all of my available free time!!!!!!
So I definitely could have been answering asks, but have instead chosen to write a story that means a lot to me. 😊💗🌟💯🔥
I can't wait to share it with all of you whenever I do finally complete it!!
It's NFL RPF because of course it is (😅), so I know that it won't be for everybody.
That being said, I am really proud of it and love it so SO much!!!!
Anyway, thanks again, Draft Dodgers for Rodgers nonny!!!!! I fully accept your hug and again, appreciate you reaching out to me. ☺️💓
I will eventually find time to answer everything, I really will!!
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⬆️ Me making promises with all of you to answer all of the asks 🥰💯❤️🤍💙
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mysicklove · 1 year
hi mello! i hope you are well! i have a thirst to put out there, but please do state your boundaries if it makes you uncomfortable and feel free not to post or reply to this ask.
I’ve re-read it hwurts practically every night for the past month - the way you write is just absolutely divine both on here and on your main (thank you so much for putting your writing out there for us to enjoy as well as keeping anon asks despite potential harassment). i’m particularly obsessed with this concept of bully!reader & tanjiro. would bully reader from it hwurts be into marking, and if so taking it further beyond the temporary? i love typical marking (and how you write it) but I think putting your name on a sub is just too cute. if we’re talking permanently, a carving (this is my favourite) or a tattoo (but if either of those is too much for anyone, maybe just with a marker!) of reader’s name / initials.
I’d love to know your thoughts on this if you’re willing to share them
hi lovely!!! thank u for the sweet message ily and ppl like u really motivate me to write <3
ive had multiple ppl ask about bully! reader x nerdy! tanjiro and how they want pt 2, and I def gotta make some more bc it hwurts was so poorly written LOL. I'm glad u enjoyed it, but I just reread it and I kinda wanna die. i wrote it on my phone, while talking to my friend so I didn't write it super well. ill prob make a full fic soon to redeem it.
tbh anon, im not too into marking. the farthest I would go is leaving temporary marks like hickies and bite marks. or maybe a cute collar with my initals.
but ooh i think he would love permanent markings. would hide it from everyone, with a blush, but gets home and stares at it for hours. makes him feel wanted, and needed, and even after the day of you being mean to him, he is still yours completely. the thought would make his head spin, and want to see you again (just so you can bully him again <3)
also gotta shoutout ashi because SHE sent in the thirst, and made the idea. i just carried out her genius plan.
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lucithornz · 2 years
Fic Masterpost
Hey everyone! Here is my fic masterpost. Below you can find all of my completed and ongoing works. Additional links and posts about me, my writing and projects also linked at the bottom.
I try to keep this as up to date as possible with current chapter count progress etc.
Thank you for reading, and comments on my fics seriously make my day! I don't bite :]
My AO3
Meet the author post
Keep reading below for a Detailed List of my Fics, Updates, Boundaries, Collabs, and Beta Reading ↓
My Fics!
A list of my ongoing and completed fics, please feel free to talk to me about them and writing in general <3
Formula 1 Fics:
Red Horse (6/16) | Lestappen | a/b/o, rivals to lovers, rivals with benefits, Alpha Max, Omega Charles | Rated E
Just One Question? (6/6) | Lestappen | exes to lovers, padelgate, angst | Rated M
Losers Love Company (one-shot) | Lestappen | padel date, sexual tension | Rated M
Spa Fever (one-shot) | Lestappen | omegaverse, smut | Rated E
Burn Darker (4/4) | Lestappen | vampire AU, angst, happy ending | Rated E
By the Book (one-shot) | Lestappen | omegaverse, smut | Rated E
Top Two (one-shot) | Lestappez | omegaverse, humor, threesome | Rated M
Because You Can (one-shot) | Gax | Implied lestappen, emotional cheating, angst | Rated M
A Comedy of "Accidents" (1/6) | Lestappen | omegaverse, hurt/comfort | Rated M
Aurelian Cycle fics
Brilliant Disguise(12/12) No Surrender(15/?) The Sacrifice That Mattered(1/1)
Other Fandoms
Black Company fic: Winter Burns(1/1)
Anon fics
Fics I have on anon due to the darker nature of the work. Most carry a Dead Dove warning so please be sure to read the tags
I Call That A Bargain (one-shot) | Lestappen | omegaverse, Dead Dove, breeding program, dub-con | Rated E
Best I Ever Had (one-shot) | Loscar + Landoscar | omegaverse, dub-con, breeding program, mpreg | Rated M
If you want to know about updates to a specific project I leave my anticipated upload schedule in fic notes(usually on ch 1).
For the most recent updates follow me on Twitter, that is where I post about when new chapters go up, and will say if chapters are delayed etc.
I am not opposed to you politely asking about updates in my comments sections, so long as you keep it respectful(or funny) and don't overdo it. I totally understand the worry over fics updating, and I take it as a compliment that you're that worried about my silly little story :]
Minors - If you're a minor do not message me, and do not interact with any NSFW content I create. I am an adult, and I do write some stuff rated T, but a vast majority of my work is rated M or E and intended for an adult audience only.
Critique - Critiques of my work are fine, though I'd prefer to not see it(don't tag me etc). Tip - Compliment sandwiches are your friend. Anything that is overly negative/harassment in comments will be deleted. Keep things civil and within reason and we'll be fine. I have thick skin, but I do this for fun and don't have time for this type of thing. If there is a serious error in a fic feel free to dm me about it. I'd rather you dm if there is a factual error or a glaring typo, rather than pointing that out in a public comment.
Inspired works - if for some reason one of my works inspires you to create your own thing(art, fic, headcanon, etc), awesome! Please tag me and stuff, I wanna see it. I don't really care about credit or anything(we're all here to have fun). But if you make something based off something I create I seriously will probably cry(in a good way). Please tag me in anything you create <3
Sharing - Feel free to share my works on Twitter(for non-rpf works) or with your friends, fic clubs etc. However please do not share my RPF works on twitter or Tiktok. I'd appreciate them not being broadcast on platforms where they could be easily seen by the subjects.
And please let me know what you think, I love interacting. However do not repost my works to any other platforms(like Wattpad). I only post on AO3 and would like to keep it that way.
Interacting - I seriously just love being in fandom communities. It's why I love comments so much. I just wanna chat about blorbos, ships, writing, fandom culture, and everything in between. Go nuts, comment away, tag me on Twitter, send asks on Tumblr, I promise you aren't bothering me.
More About Me as a Writer
Here are some posts to get a better sense of where I am as a writer, and what my tastes are with regards to storytelling. Just so you can get a taste of my specific brand of crazy ;)
My favorite fanfiction trope post
Weirdest places I've written fanfiction post
Beta and Collabs
Beta requests - If you are looking for a beta reader(in my fandoms) then reach out, I might very well be interested(if it's for the Aurelian Cycle the answer is a preemptive YES). Just let me know the project you're working on and the type of feedback you're looking for and I'll get back to you.
I have a pretty quick turnaround time, but I am an adult with a full time job, so it depends on how busy I am.
Writing Collabs - if you are a fellow fic writer and want to collab and write something together, yeah I'd like to talk. I've never done it before, but it sounds fun :) I am picky about ships though. Other Works These are previous fandom works that I am no longer active in. I am always happy to talk about them so don't be afraid to send asks or comment <3
DNF/MCYT fics: The Hounds of Love(11/11) Unsought is Better(9/9), Suffer Love(UIB sequel)(9/9) February 15th(5/5) I'd Lie(24/24) Hecate's Little Demon(5/7) One Fated Thread(3/3) Haunted Deep(3/3)
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onyourowndaisymae · 2 years
requests, asks, + what i will and won't write
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wanna shoot the shit and get to know me a little better? want my thoughts about a certain idea/event in a fandom of your choosing? feel free to send in asks! i will obviously keep some information private, but i'd also love to make some friends around here. i'll answer questions about a lot of things-- my ocs, shit i'm interested in, hell, even off topic questions like my music taste! don't be shy :)
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i will try my my hardest to be super clear about when requests are open or closed. in terms of requesting:
follow the rules for what i will/won't write
feel free to send anon or with your blog name! i know requesting can be nerve-wracking so feel free to ask anon
please try to specify that this is an ask... i'm a lil dumb sometimes! if you just send a general thought and don't ask for specific writing stuff, i probably will just assume it's not an ask
please be clear about which fandom you're requesting for
be specific... but not too specific. convoluted prompts are going to be hard to get invested in. i'm really not a fan of writing prompts like "can you write an mc that has these very specific powers like x and is related to y character and looks like z?" -- there's not any problem with these asks, i just know i won't do them justice! on the other hand, if you just give a prompt like "characters react to mc with dark hair", i won't really have anything to build off of. obviously, this is a hard line to walk sometimes. just try your best!
if you have a preference, please specify gender in your requests! i am afab, so if i am writing gender i will usually default to female if gender is an important part of the piece for some reason. however, i mainly try to write gender neutral so everyone can enjoy. if you have a preference, please mention it!
when requesting, please limit the number of characters you request for. what does this look like? if you're requesting a prompt for obey me, as an example, please choose the demon brothers OR the dateables/side characters. with collar x malice, choose the detective agency OR side characters. if not, i will deadass take FOREVER to get the request out. you are absolutely welcome to request both groups in separate asks, though!! this looks like: you send in two separate requests for the prompt "obey me characters on a first date", one requesting the demon brothers and the other requesting the side characters. that way i can get content out faster AND cover all the characters.
i'm a busy gal! sometimes it will take me a minute to get through asks. i want to make sure each idea gets all the love and attention they deserve. know that if you're going to submit a request, i will complete requests on my own time. obviously, i will aim to get them in a timely manner, but be aware that sometimes it might be a hot minute until i finish with them. (update: after taking requests for a while, i can safely say it takes me FOREVER to get through them. my apologies. i am just slow. if this bothers you, i am probably not the best person to request from. sorry!)
i have the right to ignore or turn down asks/requests. at the end of the day, this is my blog. if you send me something that's triggering or against my rules, i will not respond.
i will be posting regularly, even if it's not your ask. i learned the hard way that my engagement drops to the gutter if i don't, so i will continue to have things queued up to post. sit tight! i haven't forgotten about you, i'm probably just working on it still!
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thirsting about characters i write for and wanna drop those delicious thoughts in my ask box? sudden thought of a very fluffy scenario and felt like sharing? go right ahead! i would love to respond to your thoughts and i love hearing what other people think about these characters/universes! i probably won't respond to these general thoughts with full fics or headcanons, but i would love to through around some ideas with you!
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sfw - fluff, angst, hurt comfort, you name it!
full spectrum of characters in a fandom as long as i have seen them enough in canon to feel comfortable enough to do so. examples for characters i don't write (yet!) are mephisto, thirteen, and raphael from obey me.
character x reader/character x mc
on occasion, character x character (as long as it follows my other rules!)
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heavy kink material - i'm a bit more vanilla myself, so hardcore kinks are really not my thing. i don't exactly know where that line is writing-wise tbh, but i'm sure i will find it as my blog ages. for now, if it seems abusive if you squint, i would probably not send it in
pedophilia and/or (n)sfw between underage and adult characters
self-harm content (including cutting, eating disorders, alcoholism, etc)
{these lists are subject to change over time! if you're unsure, please check!}
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please use some common sense. i love writing for and interacting with fandom spaces, but i am not going to continue to engage with things that make me miserable. please do not send intentionally triggering content to my asks or i will be forced to shut down requests.
when in doubt about what i will or will not write-- ask! i promise i won't bite! if you come to me respectfully, even if i ultimately won't write what you're requesting, i have no interest in being hostile. however, if you're intentionally trying to piss me off in my asks, you are welcome to fuck right off.
remember -- there is a human on the other side of this blog. please respect my boundaries and be understanding of my limits as a person. don't be a dick on purpose.
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[back to directory]
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elytrafemme · 2 years
i’m gonna be real with you, i’ve saw like maybe two or three origins streams ;-; ooo, i would like to hear about them whenever if you’d like!! and if you don’t want them to to public or anything, you can always dm if you want to! gosh, i love headcanons, feel free to come to me and tell me about them anytime you wanna :D
poetry is so nice. i used to write poetry sometimes when i was in really bad moments of mental health stuff, so most of my poetry is really triggering probably. i totally understand you with feeling like characters are living and breathing people, i feel that so much. i had an oc who i adored some years ago and haven’t touched on her since those years ago. unfortunate, i miss her so much (her name is june btw). i miss writing, it’s one of the only things i’ve ever truly shared and created because i used to be good at it, but now i think i’ve lost a lot of that. the last thing i wrote was a short c!ranboo poem that i posted a few months ago (i think). and i completely get you, makes total sense. i think writing in that way is really nice
oh? that’s cool then! i don’t know if you remember, but someone asked you a bit ago what names you’d pick for cs!tubbo if his name wasn’t tubbo, and i can’t remember if that was on anon or not (i think it was, and that was me actually. so we have cs!tubbo and cs!ranboo, haha. mhm, i get you, but i wanted to! because the fic is genuinely so fucking incredible and i wanted to add to the lovely community for it, but turns out it was a guy in my brain. i haven’t seen her in a while…. she’s incredibly mentally ill so she’s weary of being around. but if i see them anytime soon, i’ll let him know you said that. i’m sure they would appreciate that. oh no, she’s fine with it. one of the names he goes by actually is mare, because of you, so i’m very positive they’re comfortable with being associated with you and everything? also please let me know if her using a name of yours makes you uncomfortable, he wouldn’t like to make you uncomfortable :]
i don't have all the energy atm to explain my full headcanons but basically i had a fic AU set in a modern, non-fantastical universe where the osmp cast lived in this smaller quaint town and eventually o!Ranboo left to move into the city after a natural disaster event happened in the other town and caused her some trauma. her relationships are generally strained but are better with some people than others but inevitably she is able to find her way home. there's more to it than that but that was my idea hehe
poetry is so so so fucking healing seriously, and honestly like! any kind of writing is so important to keep regardless of whether it fits on this metric of "good/bad", like. it's coming from the heart and your experiences and these characters that you connect to (june sounds lovely by the way, <3) and that's what's most important. i've had to give myself a lot of grace with cough syrup about whether or not i was writing it perfectly because, yeah, the first couple of chapters are objectively on the shittier end compared to the rest of the fic. but what matters is that it conveyed what i wanted it to, and it gave me a way to spend that summer, and it meant a lot to me.
i hope this isn't uncomfortable to say but the fact that your csranboo uses the name mare because of me makes me like, tear up a little. and yes, i remember that anon! i find it so interesting how many people have asked me about alternate names i'd give the characters for purposes of fictives because to be entirely honest i am so ungodly shitty with names that every time i flounder LMAO, but it's very sweet that people ask me haha . also tell your cstubbo i say hello as well , there are many brain guys in this community too and i think that's realy neat honestly
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
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about me: My name is CC! Anyone is free to call me this, including anons or if we've never spoken before. You can also call me misc if you prefer!
I'm in my thirties and prefer they/them pronouns, but any pronouns and gendered terms are okay! I like to think that all the genders are belong to me lol. Similarly, I will use terms like man, dude, and girl as gender neutral.
about the blog: This is my Obey Me! sideblog where I post all my fanfiction and general thoughts! My favorite character is obviously Barbatos, though Solomon is a close second. Next in line is Mammon and Thirteen. Everybody else is about equal in my eyes and I love them all! I enjoy writing for all the characters, every single one of them are fun for me to write about.
I also enjoy writing lesson recap posts and sometimes character analysis and theory posts. This can result in essays because I often have a lot to say about stuff lol.
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asks: I love getting asks, so please feel free to send me one if you want to! You can ask me about anything Obey Me related, whether it's questions about how to play the game or if you've had a thought about a character and you want to share it, pretty much anything you want! I don't mind talking about things that aren't Obey Me related as well. Whether it's about me personally, my OCs or MC, or something else completely unrelated lol. I'm happy to chat about anything and this will always be a judgement free safe space.
PLEASE NOTE. I get a lot of asks. I'm not drowning in them like some huge blogs lol, but I do usually get five or more per day. Which means I can't always keep up with them. I do have a full time day job, so I can only get online for a few hours in the evening during the week. And this is also my writing time lol. I try to answer all of them eventually but it might take some time. If you need a quick response from me about something, please feel free to DM me.
anons: If you'd like to claim an anon emoji or sign off, you can do that! If you sign your ask with an emoji, I'll usually just automatically add that to the list. But I might ask for clarification if I'm not sure. You can always just let me know in your ask that you're claiming that sign off as yours, too!
anon list: 🦁, 🪱, grey Asmo, Michael anon, 🍵, 🧬, 💚🌻, 🐚🦀, 🐈‍⬛, 🍁, 🎠, 🧼, ^^, 🥐, ✨, bows for Barb, angsty anon, 🐌, 🪿, 🦊, Solomon🤍, 🍄, 🐆, 🎧, <3, 📻, ☄️, 🎹, 🍀, 🦋, 🤡, 🪷, 🫖o( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ ), 🍓, 🐀, z anon, 👁‍🗨, 👾
nsfw: This blog does have nsfw content. I will reblog nsfw stuff and I will post nsfw fics. There's a bit less of it in general than my other stuff, but it definitely exists. I will always put nsfw fics under a read more. I will also label every answered ask with potentially nsfw content as NSFW at the top. I also tag every reblog and original post that has suggestive content "misc naughty times" because nsfw applies an automatic community label. I try to label everything I can to give people as much of a chance to avoid those things as possible.
minors: I don’t have the time to monitor you, but I would prefer it if you didn’t follow me.
discourse: I don't talk about discourse unless someone asks me about something directly. Otherwise, I avoid it as much as possible and I will almost never make my own post addressing it. This is because of the unfortunate physical reaction I tend to have when it comes to doing this. The stress of it actually makes me sick. I wish this wasn't the case because it's annoying to not be able to talk about things, but I've learned my lesson about it lol. That being said, I will suffer the weird reactions if someone asks me about something directly. I do have thoughts and opinions on some of this stuff and I will give them if asked.
tags: Please see this post for a full list of tags and what they mean. Some of the main ones are also on my pinned post (such as "misc rambles" and "misc writes" as well as a few others).
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Thank you for stopping by! I hope you enjoy your time on my blog! And as always, I love you and thank you for reading!
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