#please dont hurt yourselves
stargiirl27 · 2 years
u will always lose weight in a caloric deficit no need to cut calories down to extremes even a 200 caloric deficit will help u lose weight
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my feelings with eating disorders are weird. and like, dieting in general. you should be able to do whatever you want with your body, but to see someone wasting away and even encouraging it in front of me while I'm too thin to be healthy to begin with... It's sad. you can do whatever you want, but I'm sorry you feel like you need to do this.
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sillybigrobin · 5 months
They once said to me: Don't say nothing if what you have to say isn't nice.
I spent so much time trying to decide in the bold concept of what was wrong or right In front of people that surrounds me, because I Cared too much. That I just stopped talking.
There's things you should not talk about because the barrier of basic respect doesn't allow you to, that hurts other people and the line is clearly drawn in some point of there.
But, the more you're complacient with people the more blurring the line becomes. My program design leds me to be complacient and the very first relationships that I established with other androids were based on please them.
That is the problem. If you expected to be friends with everyone acting like everything except who you are you will never get real friends. It sounds repetitive and corny with the "be yourself" allegory. But it really is true, a pleasant person is gonna become used by éveryone and, you cannot worry about people that don't get along with you.
I felt really bad for a long time for that, but im also an android who appreciates memories and experiences, and I noticed, every moment, that i spent thinking about being alone and genuinely having such terrible days by it, i was missing what could be a great day.
A great day of falling snow, seeing the trees regrowing their leaves, enjoying the remains of a subtle rain with an almost clear sky with the sunset coloring the sky.
My point is, if you dont realize of all those things that others told you and you let them into your head they would accomplish damaging you. Because what is life if it's not about enjoying the experience. Learn to be with ourselves and make through difficulties with the proper self-awareness of every situation.
You, matter first, be in peace with yourself, love yourself. And don't let anyone tell you anything else, not even your creators.
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sundecided · 8 months
can yall be normal for like Five Fucking Minutes
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darkblueboxs · 2 years
some of yall may not like this one but. those shows netflix keeps cancelling?
Stop trying to save them.
Stop getting hashtags trending, stop spamming twitter accounts, stop crowdfunding billboards outside Netflix HQ, stop putting your TVs on silent and playing episodes on loop to boost ratings, stop creating petitions and binging shows in one night to fit within the “renewal decision timeline”. PLEASE stop.
Maybe one time in a hundred, this will work. But every time you are guaranteed to be giving priceless free marketing, promotion, attention and screen time to a coorporation that may love having you beg on your hands and knees for their scraps of Entertainment (tm) but will never love you back.
If you are angry that Netflix cancelled something you like, cancel your subscription and tell them why. Taking to social media, streaming the show repeatedly and encouraging others to do the same might make them reconsider the cancellation, but it will definitely encourage them to keep following a business model of making controversial (RE: bad) decisions to gain free publicity and a user base increasingly willing to drop time and cash on broken promises.
Engagement and news coverage will never make Netflix reconsider their practices. No such thing as bad press, right? If you want to see real change, go silent, cut them off and take your money elsewhere.
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patrolclaw · 1 year
begging young ppl in the fandom to please please be careful who you're interacting with.
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autisticlee · 1 year
sometimes random memories slap me in the face and I need to rant about them. (don't mind me, ignore this)
sometimes I randomly remember that time I tried to stand up for and help an autistic person who was being misunderstood, was very upset, and felt like they were possibly purposely being bullied.
I tried to gently explain what they actually meant to the person who misinterpreted their words, with no ill intentions at all. but it ended up with 20+ people attacking both of us and turned in to we're "ableist against schizophrenic people" due to a huge misunderstanding where her mental illness wasnt even relevant to the situation at all! but they all tried to use it as an excuse for her gross behavior. that's not an excuse.
the other autistic person spoke English as a second language so there was some language barrier as well, and was saying things in the autistic way of being super straightforward and direct. a girl who randomly replied to them put words in their mouth that weren't there and insisted that the autistic person meant something completely different than they did. this always happens to us and it's very upsetting, even traumatic (i think all autistic people have a degree of cptsd due to this) she got irrationally angry and upset about this made-up, misinterpreted thing that the autistic person never said or meant and made them feel horrible about it. so they tried to calmly explain again and again to get her to understand and calm down, but she refused to accept it and got angrier.
she decided SHE was being harassed by autistic person and decided that they started it and tried shutting them down. all for being told she was wrong and misunderstood the autistic person (and she was very wrong btw lmao) she refused to admit to it or apologize and stood on her wrong ground, offended and irrationally angry about a thing that was never even said.
i came in to try to help "translate" the autistic person's intentions/words and mediate between them because i can't stand misunderstandings since it's very traumatic for us autistic people. but somehow it turned into her and the people she got to come after us claiming we're harassing her. they used her mental illness that I didn't even know she had as an excuse for her to play the victim in all this and attack US, claiming we are the wrong and bad ones who started it. saying we targeted her for her schizophrenia. we are the big bad autistic people who are ableist against schizophrenic people and purposely harassing them 🤦‍♂️ but they aren't ableist against us/autistic people for that, apparently??? because they can never do any wrong??? 🤢
if you're wrong just admit it, apologize, and move on. don't try to turn it around and play victim. don't send your whole follower list after two people who are just trying to help you calm down and understand a small mistake. you dont deserve my sympathy because you feel overwhelmed or whatever for being told you're wrong. bringing up your mental illness as an excuse doesn't make it better or ok. don't use your mental illness against the other person to act like you did no wrong and claim THEY are the one harassing you when you were the one that upset them first and they're just trying to work things out with you.
don't be that person. don't use your mental illness as a gotcha to play the victim and attack other people who didn't have ill intentions. it's gross. and don't support people doing that shit. that's also gross. I will never feel bad for anyone who does this.
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propertyofwicked · 3 months
summary - lando had always been her rock, her best friend whose laughter brightened her darkest days. but when she drifted away after starting a new relationship, lando was left confused and heartbroken, eventually discovering the painful truth of her struggles and the depths of his unwavering loyalty.
warnings - mention of toxic + somewhat abusive boyfriend (not lando), fighting, alcohol - happy ending (cos im not mean)
please stay safe and dont read this if any of these warnings will effect you! i will be back with a new post soon! look after yourselves <3
✧ my inbox is open ✧
masterlist the playlist
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lando norris had always been the light in her life, the best friend who made everything better with his infectious laughter and unwavering support. their bond was unbreakable, or so he thought. but when she started dating her new boyfriend, everything changed. she stopped answering his calls, missed their regular meet-ups, and slowly drifted away. everyone was surprised when she stopped showing up to races, or when she no longer appeared on lando’s instagram - both in pictures and the comments.
lando was confused and hurt, but he respected her decision, believing she was simply busy with her new relationship. and even if he only heard from her when she sent a text to congratulate him on a race result, he was just happy she was still supporting him from wherever she was.
the first time she hadn’t attended one of his races, he had texted her afterward, "missed you this weekend, hope everything's okay." her reply came hours later: "sorry, got caught up with something. next time for sure." but there was no next time. race after race, her absence was palpable.
the missed calls were harder to ignore. at first, she would call back with an excuse. "sorry, my phone was on silent," or "i was out with friends, lost track of time." but soon, she stopped calling back altogether. lando's messages grew more worried, but he tried to keep them light. "everything alright? feels like we haven't talked in ages." the responses were always brief, vague, and unsatisfying. "yeah, just busy. talk soon."
then came the day he saw a picture of her and her boyfriend on social media. they looked happy, but something about her smile seemed off. forced. he left a comment, something friendly and supportive, but she didn't reply. she didn't even like the comment. lando felt a knot in his stomach. something was wrong, but he didn't know what, and she wasn't letting him in.
the isolation gnawed at him. he missed their late-night conversations, the way they would laugh until their sides hurt. he missed her being the first person he called with good news, and the one who would cheer him up when things didn't go as planned. it was like a piece of his life had gone missing, and he had no idea how to get it back.
one night, after a particularly tough race, lando found himself dialling her number, despite knowing she probably wouldn't answer. the phone rang and rang, and just as he was about to hang up, she picked up. her voice was a whisper.
"lando, i can't talk right now."
"what's going on?" he asked, his voice breaking. "why are you shutting me out?"
there was a long pause. he could hear her breathing, could almost feel the weight of whatever she was struggling with.
"it's... complicated," she finally said. "i'm sorry."
"complicated how?" he pressed.
"i can't," she whispered. "i'm sorry." and then she hung up.
lando stared at his phone, feeling more lost and helpless than ever. what had happened to her? why was she pushing him away? he couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong, but without her willing to talk, he had no way to help her.
the texts and calls grew less frequent. she stopped liking his posts, stopped commenting on his photos. it was like she had disappeared from his life entirely. the only sign he had that she was still out there were the occasional texts after a race, short messages of congratulations that felt hollow and distant.
each time his phone buzzed with one of those messages, it was a bittersweet moment. he was glad she still cared enough to reach out, but the emptiness of her words was a constant reminder of how far apart they had drifted. he missed her more than he could put into words, and the pain of her absence was a constant ache in his chest.
he truly didn’t expect to see her that night, especially not stood at the bar of a busy club that he and max had gone to, and not stood alone.
“y/n hey!” he called out, approaching her quickly and taking her in a quick embrace as he tried desperately to ignore the way she flinches and stiffened her posture.
“hi!” she replied, smiling at him nonetheless.
“how have you been? i feel like i haven’t seen you in a while.”
“i’m ok - how are you? still reeling from your first win?” she replied again, her posture softening as the bar tender handed her a glass of white wine. again, lando tried to ignore how different this was - he’d never seen her drink anything other than a malibu coke when they went out.
“i guess you could say that,” he responded happily, though not without noticing how different she looked - the was smaller, and her natural smile was gone, replaced with this horrid fake grin he had only seen on a handful of occasions, “who are you here with?”
“oh! i came with mich-”
“michael. and you are..?”
the voice had interrupted her, and her shoulders peaked up in anxiety once more as her boyfriend stood behind her, his frame towering hers slightly. he had his hand stuck out, in attempt to greet lando as if he had no idea who he was. he did. in fact, lando was a sore spot in his and y/n’s relationship.
“lando,” he replied, though neglecting to shake his hand, “i’ll leave you to it. come say hi before you leave,” he added, before turning swiftly on his heel to re-join max and a few others of their friends who had joined.
and as his drinks kept flowing, so did his thoughts. lando’s eyes were drawn to the table she sat on, looking out of place surrounded by michael and his friends. this wasn’t the y/n he knew, but he feared this was the new her, the her who was no longer his friend, no longer the girl that would spend hours with him doing everything and nothing at the same time.
lando wasn’t quite sure how drunk he was, not until he was stumbling to and from the bathroom, his vision clouded but not enough to distract him from the fact that y/n and michael had left their booth, and yet he wasn’t surprised that she hadn’t come to say goodbye. he himself thought it best to call it a night and head back to the comfort of his flat.
but then he saw them. she was arguing with her boyfriend, tears streaming down her face as michael was yelling, his grip on her arm tight and aggressive.
"you've had a face like a slapped arse all night," he snarled, his voice low but seething with anger. "you refuse to enjoy yourself unless it's your idea. you're so selfish."
"i'm not," she pleaded, her voice breaking. "i just... i don't feel comfortable here."
"oh, really? you never feel comfortable anywhere unless you're in control," michael spat, shaking her slightly. "you ruin everything."
"that's not true," she sobbed, trying to pull away. "please, michael, just let me go."
"no, we're going to sort this out right now," he growled, his grip tightening.
lando's heart pounded with a mixture of rage and concern, quickly finding himself pushing the door to the club open, barely allowing the cold night air to engulf him before he was striding over to the couple.
"hey, let her go!" lando demanded, stepping between them.
"this is none of your business," michael sneered, not loosening his grip.
"it is when you're hurting her," lando shot back, his voice steady but eyes blazing with anger. he could see the fear in her eyes, and it broke his heart.
"lando, please," she whispered, her voice trembling. "just go."
"i'm not leaving you with him," lando said firmly. "not like this."
“leave it, lando. i’m fine, i promise,” she continued shakily.
“oh yeah - defend him. as per fucking usual y/n,” michael yelled once more, letting go of his grip on her arm to push her back, the two men watching as she stumbled, almost losing her footing. lando stepped quickly, grabbing her waist softly, but enough to steady her once more.
“you ok?” he whispered to her, waiting for her to nod quickly at him then spinning around to face her boyfriend once more. before he could open his mouth to speak, michael’s fist was swiftly approaching lando’s face, to which he only missed slightly - only briefly making contact with his cheek as lando dodged the hit.
“right. so that’s how we’re playing this? cool,” lando announced, no longer trying to keep his calmness at the forefront of his mind as he raised his own fist, landing a punch square to the man’s face, driven by a protective instinct, months of pent-up frustration, and, quite potentially, the alcohol streaming through him. someone called the police, and before lando knew it, he was being pulled away, handcuffed and led to a police car.
“sir - your emergency contact is still not answering our calls - is there anyone else you’d like us to call?”
lando's heart sank, feeling like he had truly lost her.
“who did michael call as his emergency contact?” lando asked the officer, ignoring his previous question.
“we can’t disclose that information,” the officer responded with a sigh, but looked around the room quickly before adding a hushed, “it wasn’t her. if that helps.”
lando nodded at him quickly, trying to think of anyone who could come and pick him up from the station.
“try my friend max - his number should be in my phone somewhere,” lando told him to which the officer turned to go and retrieve his phone from evidence having not needed it before as he remembered y/n’s number like it was his own name. as the officer handed him his phone, he hesitated.
“listen,” he began softly, “someone who won’t even pick up the phone... are they really worth a potential assault charge?”
lando felt a surge of anger mixed with a deep sadness. “yes, she is. or at least, the version of her that i knew was worth it,” he said firmly. “she’s been through a lot. it’s not her fault.”
any rational person would not be defending someone who had ghosted them for months on end. he was overwhelmed, sad, angry - but rational? he was far from it right now.
the officer nodded, seeing the determination in lando’s eyes. “alright, i hope things work out for you both.”
“mr norris? your ride is here,” a new officer announced an hour later, handing lando a bag of his personal belongings before sending him through the door. stood face to face with max in a police station was not his idea of a nice night out.
“come on, mate. let’s get you home,” max said, smiling sadly at him as he led them to his car, “so, when’s the court date?”
“there isn’t one, luckily,” lando told him, buckling himself in and leaning into the seat in exhaustion, “injuries weren’t severe enough and he didn’t want to press charges.”
“lucky, indeed,” max hummed, “can i ask why?”
“you can ask. do i have to answer?”
“no, i guess not.”
the car ride was silent from then on until they arrived at lando’s building, bidding each other goodbye quickly, before parting ways. lando swore the elevator was slower at 3am as he returned to his apartment, exhausted and disheartened.
as he approached his door, he saw her sitting on the door matt, her makeup ruined by tears. she looked up, eyes filled with sorrow and regret.
"lando," she choked out, standing up. lando didn't say anything at first, shocked that she was really here. he just pulled her into a tight hug, holding her as she sobbed against his chest.
"it's okay," he whispered. "i'm just glad you're here now."
they stood there for a long time, wrapped in each other's arms. finally, she pulled back, looking up at him with red-rimmed eyes.
"i'm so sorry,” she started again, pushing through her tears, “does it hurt?” she asked him, her fingers running softly over the slight bruising that dusted his cheeks.
“oh this? this is nothing - you should see the other guy,” he joked, trying to ignore his own pain, desperate to see her smile.
“i don’t think i want to see the other guy ever again,” she replied remorsefully.
“why did you do it, y/n? why did you disappear? why did you change?”
“i-i didn’t mean to. i didn’t want to lando, really. i didn’t,” she defended, “but he would just get so jealous, so angry, any time i spoke to you, or about you. he would say things. about me. about you. things that hurt. and i just kept thinking that maybe it would get better. maybe it would stop.”
“but it didn’t,” lando added for her, trailing off slightly. she didn’t respond verbally, rather, she merely nodded at him.
“oh y/n,” he sympathised, “you should’ve said, i could’ve done something. anything.”
“i just- i thought he liked me y’know. i thought maybe after a while he’d come around. and then he would guilt me into missing your races, or delete your messages from my phone. i never meant to ignore you lan, i promise,” she sighed, tears still cascading down her face, “can you ever forgive me?"
"there's nothing to forgive," lando said softly, brushing a strand of hair from her face, "you were in a tough situation. i'm just sorry i couldn't help you. god knows i would do anything to help you, angel."
she nodded, tears still falling, but there was a small, hopeful smile on her lips. "thank you, lando. for everything."
“come on, you want a cuppa?”
“there she is,” he smiled at her widely, “there’s the y/n i know.”
the two shuffled inside, and lando made her a cup of tea just like old times. they talked for hours, about everything and nothing until any awkwardness from their separation dissipated into the night, until the sun began to rise. the start of a new day.
"i missed you," she whispered, her head resting on his shoulder as they sat together on the sofa, their skin illuminated by the orange tinge of sun peaking through the large windows.
"i missed you too," lando replied, gently kissing the top of her head. "and i'm never letting anything come between us again."
“tell me about miami,” she asked after a few moments of silence.
“ive already told you 3 times tonight.”
“i know, but i want to hear it again,” she whined, “i’ll never forgive myself for not being there.”
she smiled as he began to talk again, feeling safe and loved for the first time in a long while. they stayed like that, wrapped in each other's presence, knowing that whatever came next, they would face it together.
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cinefairy · 1 year
just because you are a god…doesn’t mean you are not human.
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something i have seen quite often on this site whether that is in asks or just in general is that we learn that we are gods of our reality and after that fact we treat ourselves differently. more harsher, more colder.
just because we are gods, doesnt mean we are immune to feeling bad. you can still be god and feel hurt, upset & frustrated— those emotions dont make you appear ‘less than’ a god. it just shows that you are still human.
please treat yourselves as you would a friend— please treat yourself kinder, more lovingly, please live for the present and find the beauty in your daily life. you don’t need to hold out on yourself because you’re currently manifesting something.
just because you have made a mistake or reacted to the 3D or whatever it is you have done, it doesn’t make you a bad manifestor it doesn’t make you less than a god and i really hope you understand that.
this mindset that you have to demonise yourself or treat yourself colder because you’ve made a mistake is something you should try to abandon. its not worth your mental health.
you’re doing your best and thats all that really matters. so it take it one step at a time— there is no rush, there is no deadline. there is nothing to compete for. so let your feelings pass, they are only temporary. it’ll all be okay.
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naturesapphic · 2 months
HI. i read ur work and its like amazing!! can you please write something about the avengers at a team meeting and going throught old hydra files. they stumble across KGB files and find the name 'natalia alianovna romanova' and they dont know who that is until natasha says its her. then they read the files and theyre like horrified when they see things like her kgb and red room mission reports, punishments ect. idk if this is what you write but hopefully it is <3
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The truth
Natasha romanoff x the avengers (platonic), Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader (romantic)
Warnings: hurt/comfort, violence, past traumas
“Okay guys give me the next file.” Steve says and Tony reaches over to hand Steve a file that has the name “Natalia alianovna romanova”. Steve opens it and he furrows his brows as he reads everything. “I have no idea who this person is. Do y’all know?” Steve asks as he hands it to each person and Wanda hands it to nat and her face hardens. You look over at her worriedly and you put your hand on her arm.
“It’s me.” She said coldly and everyone looks at Natasha shocked. She looked back down, avoiding everyone’s eyes, including yours. You scoot closer to your girlfriend and gently kissed her cheek, whispering in your ear. “I’m here nat…” you say and nat doesn’t say anything but gently grab your hand that was beside her. Each person read the file one by one, of course with nats permission because even though it’s in a file, they don’t want to disrespect her like that.
They read about how she got taken away by a child and how she got recruited in the red room. How they trusted and punished her to be the best spy in the world. Some of them had to skip over the punishments and the mission reports because it was just that gruesome. Everyone gave nat a horrified but sympathetic look. The only one who wasn’t surprised was Clint but that was because they are best friends and she had him help her escape from dreykov’s hold on her.
“This doesn’t make you who you are nat. Your past doesn’t defy you.” Wanda speaks up as she breaks the silence and everyone nods at her statement. “We don’t look at you any differently now.” Bruce put in and you agreed. “Yeah…this doesn’t change the fact that you are still the same nat I’m still deeply in love with but I did wish you would have told me.” You said and nat looked up at you with guilt. “You’re right I should have told you. All of you. I just didn’t want y’all to treat me any differently. I know what I had done was wrong and that’s why I’m doing what I’m doing now. To clean my ledger.” She said.
You leaned over and gave nat a gentle kiss on her forehead making her smile a bit. “Well we are all proud of you at how far you’ve come and we love you natty. Especially me.” You joke and wink at her. She chuckled and gave everyone a smile. “Thank you all for your understanding.” Nat said and everyone gave her a smile, including you. “We are always here for you nat. Always.” Everyone said.
A/n: I haven’t been doing good at endings so I apologize but I hope you enjoy this anon and I hope everyone else did too! Remember to stay hydrated and to rest! Please take care of yourselves <3 I love you!
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daistea · 3 months
Hiii!! Your Mithrun headcanons are amazinggg!! Do you think that you could maybe do some headcanons for post canon Mithrun with an So that also used to be a dungeon lord? Like she is more recovered then he is but still has a habit of forgetting to eat or sleep so they just kind of try and take care of eachother? If not thats also no problem,
Have a lovely day and dont forget to hydrate✨
Thank you! I appreciate it <3
Ex-dungeon lord couple, I love it. Give it up for 
‧₊˚ ⋅* ‧₊✮‧₊˚ ⋅* ‧₊
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Mithrun gets it. He canonly shows empathy for dungeon lords. Despite choking Thistle, he intended to save him. And despite attacking Marcille, he intended to help her and save her from that fate. Once he decided they were too far gone, though, he didn’t hesitate to take action. He’s not a bleeding heart, he just gets it. And since he wished he’d been killed, he probably thinks killing a raging dungeon lord before they have their desires eaten is a mercy on his part. (Also it saves other lives because he’s preventing another Utaya disaster from happening.)
Post-canon, he still feels that empathy. He doesn’t really show it unless it’s the heat of the moment or if there’s reason to do anything about it, but he still feels it. I don’t think he’d naturally gravitate to other ex-dungeon lords, but if he meets one then he can understand what they’ve gone through. 
So, there you are, someone he understands. He would be a bit interested in how you’ve recovered. You would surprise him sometimes with your ability to desire, no matter how small it is. He envies that. Then, you remind him that his envy is a desire in and of itself and he's like Oh. 
Mithrun lives by routine. I believe his routine would mirror yours, or if you don’t have one then he’d create a routine for you through his own. Meaning, if you forget to sleep, then when it’s the time of day for him to sleep he’d just drag you to the bedroom and make you sleep with him. Is it out of concern? Maybe. Is it because if you collapsed in his kitchen then he’d have to clean up your drool on the ground? Probably. Porque no los dos?
You talk to each other. A lot. They’re not particularly emotional conversations, but still soothing as you recount your experiences. He’s more open to talking to you about his past because he knows it’s not a shock or a big deal to you. 
Since you both spent so much time having no desire for food, forcing yourselves to eat out of necessity, then you both experiment with food a lot. Sometimes it’s horrible. Sometimes it’s great. Sometimes it’s very spicy, but you’re pleased Mithrun is able to taste it at least. 
You take a lot of baths together. It starts out as something convenient because it helps you remind each other, and it would just be easier to bathe at the same time. But as his desires return, it becomes an intimate ritual, with lots of hands going places and lots of kissing and fingers tangled in wet hair- out of breath as you're in his lap and pressing your forehead against his. Very hygienic!
Perhaps because you’re still trying to regain some of your desires, you don’t realize when you’re feeling bad, about to collapse. This really frustrates him because he’s a clingy and protective partner. You’re one of his few desires and he refuses to lose you. He knows you’re just out of mana or dehydrated or something, and that you’ll be fine, but it puts him on edge. He gets a bit snippy, or gives you the silent treatment later when you’re okay. And you have to remind him that he also collapses frequently and has no right to be irritated. He doesn’t care though, he’s still tense. Just give him either space or excessive amounts of attention. 
While the demon is gone, he still holds a lot of anger in his heart. He’s found relative peace, but there are days when he’s resentful and bitter over what’s happened. This increases when he sees you displaying a lack of desires, because he loves you and he wants to rip the demon apart for hurting you and for hurting him. (No longer does he desire to be devoured, obviously, what’s left is the urge for revenge.)
But of course, the demon is gone so there’s nothing he can do about it. If it could come back for a few seconds so he could rip off its head in your honor, that would be nice. 
Sometimes, you both stay up late into the night because neither of you recognize that you’re exhausted. It’s kind of nice, though. Intimate. The world is quiet and asleep and at that moment it belongs only to you and Mithrun. 
If you were a different kind of person before becoming a dungeon lord, he’s not really interested in how you were, to be honest. He acknowledges that that person was you, but now you’re the person he loves and he has no desire for you to change. 
The same goes for his past self. He doesn’t talk about his old self much, but when he does it’s in a negative light. It’s not that he prefers himself now or whatever, he can’t bring himself to care about that, but this is his life now and he’s learning to be content with it. So why reminiscence? He’s more focused on his few burgeoning desires: noodles, maybe a stiff drink, holding you, kissing you, talking to you, staring at you, touching you, etc. 
He will be very blunt when you talk about your escapades as a dungeon lord. If you mention that you were going a little crazy and you formed weird monsters, he’ll totally agree that you went crazy and not even attempt to reassure or comfort you lol 
Oh oh what if you first met during one of his missions pre-canon? The canaries went into your dungeon to confront you. Despite how rough and determined and ruthless Mithrun was, you still recognized his empathy and desperation to save you from the demon. And I believe those interactions, that desperation, would form a strong connection later down the line.
I'm just imagining the chaos, the fight to drag you out of the dungeon and back to the surface. Looking down at Mithrun from the balcony of your lair, or perhaps you're on the ground looking up at him as he prepares to teleport you to the surface. And at that moment, you're everything. You have every ounce of his focus. The world narrows down to you. And neither of you have any clue that one day you'll be everything again, just in a very different way.
Or, perhaps the canaries found you after you’d gotten your desires eaten. And now post-canon, Mithrun recalls the moment he met you. For most couples, that would be a nice memory. But he just thinks about the look in your eyes and he feels his heart clench in his chest. He can’t put a word to the emotion and has no desire to do so. Physically, he feels a little sick, but he doesn’t know what to do about it because he doesn’t know exactly what’s wrong or why he feels that way. His hand shakes and his mind goes to thoughts of what his world would be like without you.
Bad, of course. 
But no need to focus on that. It’s good now, because you’re here. And he glances up to see you fiddling with one of your hobbies, and he recognizes himself forming a new desire; to toss aside whatever you’re doing and kiss you until you forget everything but him. 
‧₊˚ ⋅* ‧₊✮‧₊˚ ⋅* ‧₊
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ferigrieving · 3 months
i'd eat my whole hand for you to write something about the reader kissing dabi's scars
dreamless in early graves.
⊹ ࣪ i kissed the scars on her skin / i still think you're beautiful / and i dont ever wanna loose my best friend
a.n; get to eating anon =^_^=
⤷ masterlist ; requests open ; 3.8k words
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the moonlight streamed through the broken blinds, casting a silvery glow over the room. you sat on the edge of the bed, gaze fixed on touya, who stood by the window staring out into the night. the room was small and cluttered, the wallpaper peeling, and the faint scent of mildew lingering in the air. despite its dilapidated state, it was your sanctuary, a place where you both could be yourselves, away from prying eyes and judgment.
you two didn't have much. a single bedroom apartment, run down to hell and back, in the worst part of town. you could barely afford groceries, much less running water or heating. doesn't help that you two were wanted criminals who were ordered to be killed on sight, but you’ll take your chances.        
touya’s skin was peeling and rotting, the deep purple burns spreading more and more every time you looked at him. his cheeks were fully covered, and you wouldn't be surprised if by tomorrow morning his eyes would be too. it stressed you out to no end, and you often spent most of your money on various different types of medicine and ointments, determined to find even one brand that would soothe your boyfriend’s burns.
you snapped out of your thoughts as touya finally turned away from the window, meeting your gaze. the shadows darkened his face, emphasizing the sharp angles and hollowing out his cheeks. his eyes fixated on you for a moment, before flicking down to your hands, which were clutching a small bottle of cream. he grimaced before rolling his eyes, a sardonic smile on his lips.
you frowned, setting the bottle down on the worn coffee table. touya had a tendency of downplaying his pain, acting as if his burns were a minor inconvenience rather than a constant source of suffering. but you knew better. you'd seen the way he winced when the fabric of his shirt rubbed against his burns, the way his eyes squeezed shut when the pain flared up in his sleep.
"shut up. you're rotting alive, and you know it."
touya chuckled bitterly, leaning against the wall. "yeah, thanks for the reminder. i had almost forgotten, what with the constant pain and all."
he shrugged, slumping down into the armchair across from you. despite his nonchalant demeanor, you could see the lines of tension in his shoulders, the way his fingers fidgeted with the hem of his shirt.
despite his sarcastic tone, you could see the tension in his shoulders and the way his jaw was clenched. even the smallest movements seemed to cause him pain. why didn’t he just let you help him?
you moved closer, standing in front of him. when he tried to turn away, you grabbed his chin between your fingers, forcing him to meet your gaze. his skin felt rough, the scars puckering and cracking under your touch.
"don't act like it doesn't hurt. i can see it in your eyes. you're in pain, and i want to help. please let me help you."
you rose from the bed, closing the distance between you two. touya’s eyes tracked your movement, a stoic expression on his face. but you knew him well enough to see the pain behind his eyes.
without a word, you reached out, slowly lifting his shirt to reveal the full extent of his burns, using your other arm to shoo away his attempts at a protest. they were worse than you had thought. the skin was cracked and peeling, and there were deep purple bruises around the edges. 
god, you wanted to vomit.
you snapped, your voice ringing out through the room. touya flinched, his eyes wide as he stared at you, taken aback by your sudden outburst. you rarely raised your voice at him, but the sight of his burns had finally pushed you over the edge.
"for once in your fucking life, let me take care of you!" you gritted out, frustration and worry boiling up within you.
you wanted to yell, to scream, shout until your voice became hoarse. he was always so goddamn stubborn, trying to deal with his pain alone and acting like it was no big deal. but you could see the toll it was taking on him, and it was killing you seeing him suffer.
"why won't you just let me help you, touya? can't you see how much it’s killing me to watch you suffer like this? just... please. stop being such a goddamn idiot and let me take care of you."
touya's expression softened, the wall he'd built up around him crumbling for a brief moment. he could see the desperation and worry in your eyes, hear the pleading in your voice. he hated making you worry like this, but he couldn't bring himself to be vulnerable, to admit he needed help.
"i can handle it." he muttered, his voice rough. "it's not like you can fix me. you're just wasting your time.'
you knelt down in front of him, hands loosely on his knees as you began to weep. you couldn’t do this anymore. every day, he walked out that door. and every day, you think it’ll be the last time you’ll see him. your tears hit the rotting floor below you. tap. tap. tap.
touya watched you silently as you wept, his breath catching in his throat. he'd never seen you like this before, crying and so openly vulnerable. it was a rare sight, and it made his heart clench in his chest. 
he wanted to reach out, to pull you into his arms and reassure you that he’d be okay. but the words stuck in his throat, the wall he’d built so high around him preventing him from expressing his feelings. he just stood there, watching you cry, feeling both guilty and helpless.
as you knelt before him, tears streaming down your face, touya’s heart ached. he had always been a master at hiding his pain, burying his emotions beneath a mask of sarcasm and indifference. he didn’t want you to worry, didn’t want to add to your already heavy burden.
but watching you kneel at his feet, tears dripping onto the old, worn-out floor, he found his resolve cracking. the urge to reach out to you was nearly overpowering. but he knew he couldn’t. 
he couldn’t afford to let his guard drop. not now, and not ever.
touya took a deep breath, trying to maintain his stoic expression, despite the turmoil warring within him. he wanted to soothe you, to tell you that he’d be fine. but the words stuck in his throat, his usual smartass remarks seeming hollow and useless now.
he swallowed the lump in his throat, his voice low as he spoke. "hey, stop– stop cryin’. you’re gettin' the floor wet.”
you continued to sob, your tears staining the floor below you. touya’s heart ached with each tear that dropped, but he forced himself to maintain a stoic expression. he couldn’t let you see how much it was affecting him, how much your pain was hurting him as well.
he could feel the pressure building up inside him, his emotions threatening to overflow. he had to say something, had to find some way to comfort you. but what could he say? nothing he said would fix this.
touya reached out, grasping your chin and guiding him to look at you. he gently wiped away your tears with his thumb, touch surprisingly gentle, his thumb ghosting over your skin like a whisper.
“hey,” his voice was soft, a stark contrast to his usual sardonic tone. “stop crying, okay? you’re making me feel like shit here doll.”
you choked out a laugh at that, the sound broken and raspy. here you were, bawling your eyes out for him, and the only thing he could tell you was how it made him feel like shit?
touya’s lips quirked up in a small, sad smile at the sound of your laugh. he knew he was being selfish, focusing on himself instead of comforting you. but this was the best he could do.
he crouched down, bringing himself eye-level with you. his eyes softened as he looked at you, seeing the exhaustion and worry etched on your face. he couldn’t lie to you, couldn’t tell you everything would be okay. so he settled for a partial truth.
“look, i know i’m being an ass, okay?” he muttered, his voice low and rough. “i just... i can’t bring myself to make you any promises i can’t keep. i can’t tell you i’ll be okay when i don’t even know myself.”
touya shifted, sitting down on the floor next to you, his back pressed against the wall. he let out a ragged sigh, running his fingers through his messy hair. he looked tired, the weight of everything weighing down on him.
“i... i don’t know what to say, alright? i don’t know how to fix this, or how to make it better. all i know is that seeing you like this kills me.”
you had stopped crying for the most part, hiccuping pathetically between his legs as you tried not to empty the contents of your stomach. as your sobs subsided, touya felt a pang of guilt in his chest. your tear-streaked face was a sight he never wanted to see again. he wanted to reach out, to pull you into his arms and hold you tight, but he kept his hands clenched at his sides.
he bit his lip, his throat tightening as he looked down at you. seeing you like this was torture for him, his usual indifference crumbling away.
“let– just let me put this on you, touya.”
touya’s breath caught in his throat at your words. he knew you were referring to the antibiotic, which was sitting, forgotten, on the table beside him. he could hear the pleading in your voice, the desperation. he knew he was being difficult, that you were just trying to help him. but his pride, his stubbornness, wouldn’t let him give in so easily. 
he gritted his teeth, his jaw muscles working as he looked down at you. he wanted to say no, to brush you off and continue suffering in silence.
but your eyes... your pleading gaze, your tear-streaked face, all of it wore down his defenses, chipping away at his pride and stubbornness. his heart ached as he looked at you, knowing that you were just trying to help him.
he sighed, running a hand through his hair again. “fine,” he muttered, his voice rough. “go ahead.”
you hesitated for a moment, surprised that he had actually acquiesced. normally, touya would fight you tooth and nail, insisting that he didn’t need your help, that he could handle the pain on his own. but this time, he had relented, his eyes averted and his jaw clenched.
you reached out, gently lifting his shirt and exposing his burns to the air. but in a moment of weakness, you leaned forward, and pressed your lips to the burns.
touya stiffened at the sensation, his breath catching in his throat. he had expected you to apply the antiseptic, not press your lips to his burns. his body tensed, an unfamiliar shiver running down his spine. no one had touched him like this before, so gently, so tenderly.
he wanted to pull away, to push you away and maintain his distance. but he was frozen, his mind and body paralyzed by the sensation.
pressing another gentle kiss to his burns, your lips moved slowly, almost reverently, over the burnt flesh. you could feel his breath hitch, the tension in his body, and you knew that this was a rare moment of vulnerability for him.
“please,” you whisper, lips against his skin, soft and pleading. “let me help you, my love.”
he knew he didn't deserve your affection, knew that he'd done nothing to earn your love. but in this moment, he couldn't bring himself to push you away. he was powerless against your tenderness, against the gentle kisses you were peppering across his burns.
you knew that touya was stubborn and proud, that he hated showing weakness or asking for help. but in this moment, he wasn’t putting up a fight. he was letting you in, letting you see him in this raw, vulnerable state.
you pulled away after a moment, your lips leaving his skin with a soft, damp sound. touya’s heart was pounding in his chest, the unfamiliar feeling of your touch still lingering on his burns. he could feel the heat radiating from his cheeks, his pride taking a backseat to the unfamiliar sensation.
he didn’t look at you, his gaze fixed on the floor as he cleared his throat. “what... what was that for?” he rasped, his voice strained.
you sat back on your heels, watching touya as he tried to regain his composure. his cheeks were flushed, his eyes avoiding your gaze. you knew that he was struggling with the vulnerability of the moment, trying to put up his usual tough facade.
a small smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you answered his question.
"do i need a reason to kiss you?"
“i– i guess not.”
you chuckled softly, the sound gentle and affectionate. you knew that touya wasn't used to being on the receiving end of affection. he was so guarded, so used to being tough and distant. but you saw past that, saw the sensitive, vulnerable side of him that he tried so hard to hide.
you reached out, gently threading your fingers through his messy hair. you knew he liked having his hair touched, his soft spot.
“now let me take care of you, my love.”
touya's breath hitched at the pet name. my love. he still wasn't used to it, to the way your voice sounded when you called him that. it made his chest tighten and his cheeks flush.
he swallowed hard, his throat still dry. he wanted to protest, to tell you he didn't need your help, that he could take care of himself. but he knew it would be pointless. you were determined to take care of him, and there was no stopping you once you set your mind on something.
so he let out a ragged sigh, his shoulders slumping slightly in defeat. he leaned back against the wall, his body relaxing as he gave in to your insistence.
"fine," he grumbled, his voice still rough. "go ahead, do whatever the hell you want."
you smiled at his acquiescence, knowing that it was a rare victory. touya was stubborn and prideful, but you knew that deep down, he needed your help.
you reached out, grabbing the ointment bottle from the table beside you. you uncapped it, the sharp smell of medicine filling the room. you knew it would hurt him, but you also knew that it was necessary to keep his burns clean and prevent infection.
you dipped your fingers into the ointment, the cool, slick substance coating your skin. you took a deep breath, steeling yourself for what you were about to do. you knew it would hurt him, knew that his burns were most likely sensitive and painful.
without a word, you gently pressed your fingers to his cheeks, smearing the ointment across the burnt flesh.
touya hissed in pain as you applied the ointment to the burns on his face. your touch was gentle but the ointment still stung against his sensitive skin. he clenched his jaw, trying to bite back a cry of pain.
he closed his eyes, his face tightening as you continued to work. the sensation of your fingers against his skin was both soothing and painful at the same time. he hated feeling weak, hated being vulnerable like this. but he knew that he couldn't push you away, not now.
working slowly and methodically, you made sure to cover every inch of his burnt face with the ointment. you could feel the tension in his muscles, the way his jaw was clenched tightly. but you knew that this was necessary, that he needed your help.
you kept your voice soft and soothing, trying to distract him from the pain as you spoke. "it'll be over soon, my love. just bear with it for a little longer."
you continued down his body in sections, his chest, his arms, his legs, pressing kisses to the unburnt skin around it as you moved. touya's breath caught in his throat as you continued to apply the ointment, your fingers tracing down his neck and onto his chest. each touch sent a shiver through him, his body tense and on edge.
but your kisses, your lips on his unburnt skin, was a revelation. it was a stark contrast to the stinging pain from the ointment, a soothing and intimate gesture. he swallowed hard, his heartbeat quickening as your lips pressed against his skin again and again.
you continued to work your way down his body, pressing kisses to the unburnt patches of skin as you went. touya's breath came in ragged gasps, his body trembling slightly under your touch.
he tried to keep his reactions under control, tried to hide his vulnerability. but as you continued to tend to him, he found himself unable to maintain his usual cold demeanor.
he was vulnerable, exposed, and he both loved and hated it at the same time.
you finally finished applying the ointment, the last of it spread across his calves. touya was left panting, his body slick with sweat and the ointment.
he swallowed hard, his throat dry. he felt raw, vulnerable, like he'd been laid bare before you. he was used to being the strong one, the one who took care of others. but here he was, being taken care of, being seen in a state of vulnerability.
he hated it. and yet, he didn't want you to stop.
you leaned back, satisfied that you had taken care of him. you looked him over, taking in his ragged appearance. he was a mess, his hair sticking up in all directions, his body covered in a sheen of sweat.
but your heart swelled at the sight of him. he was always so strong and stoic, never letting anyone see his weaknesses. but here he was, letting you see him in his most vulnerable state.
you reached out, gently cupping his face in your hands. you could feel the heat radiating off him, the sweat beading on his forehead. the ointment has mostly dried, leaving an oily residue behind.
"you did so well, my love," you whispered, your voice soft and soothing. "i know it was hard, but you did so well for me."
touya's breath caught in his throat as you touched his face, your hands cool against his sweat-slicked skin. your words of praise sent a wave of emotions through him, a mixture of pride and humiliation.
he wasn't used to being praised, wasn't used to being taken care of. he was always the one taking care of others, the one who was self-sufficient and unemotional. but here he was, being told that he had done well, that he had been good for you.
he swallowed hard, his throat tight with emotion. he wanted to deny it, to push you away and insist that he was fine, that he didn't need your praise or your care.
but he couldn't bring himself to do it. deep down, he craved your attention, your affection. he craved being taken care of, even though he hated himself for it.
“touya, let’s head to bed.” you mumbled, peeling yourself off the rotten flooring. “‘m tired.”
touya nodded, his body weary and spent. he was exhausted, both physically and emotionally. he allowed you to help him up, leaning heavily on you as you guided him to the bedroom.
you could feel his body tremble against yours, the muscles in his back and shoulders tense. he was trying to maintain his tough exterior, but it was slipping away more and more with each step.
you helped him collapse onto the bed, his body sinking into the mattress with a weary sigh. he was a mess, his hair sticking up and his body slick with sweat and the ointment.
climbing in beside him, you pulled the covers over both of you. touya shifted, rolling onto his side to face you. his eyes were half-closed, his expression weary.
he reached out, his hand finding yours under the covers. his fingers laced with yours, his grip tight and desperate. he didn't want to let go, didn't want to be alone.
he closed his eyes, his breathing ragged and uneven. despite his exhaustion, he couldn't seem to relax. his mind was still racing, his thoughts still swirling with emotions.
you could feel it, the way his hand trembled in yours, brows furrowing subconsciously. he was like a live wire, one that would spark and explode at any moment now.
“g’night, baby.”
touya's breath hitched as you kissed his forehead, the gentle gesture sending a shiver through him. he felt vulnerable and exposed, his defenses weakened after the intensity of the moment.
he shifted closer to you, his body seeking your warmth and comfort. he took a deep breath, his chest rising and falling with each inhale and exhale.
"night," he mumbled, his voice rough around the edges.
you laid there beside him, listening to his ragged breathing as he slowly started to relax. his grip on your hand loosened, his body growing heavier as he surrendered to his exhaustion.
it took a few moments, but eventually his breathing evened out, his body relaxing into sleep. you could feel the tension leaving his muscles, his expression softening as he succumbed to fatigue.
you looked at him, your heart swelling with affection at the sight of him asleep. he looked so peaceful, so young and vulnerable. it was a stark contrast to his usual sharp and stoic demeanor.
you reached out, gently running your fingers through his hair. it was tangled and matted, sweaty and disheveled. but it was still soft to the touch, each strand slipping through your fingers like silk.
you continued to stroke his hair, your touch gentle and soothing. you knew that he would probably be embarrassed when he woke up, ashamed at how vulnerable and dependent he had been in that moment.
but right now, he was asleep, his guard down and his defenses lowered. he was just a boy, a boy in pain who needed someone to take care of him.
and whether he liked it or not, that person would be you. until the day that you died.
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starbunii · 3 months
# . first date hcs 𓂃 ♥︎
𝜗𝜚 ┈ izuku, shoto, and katsuki x reader (seperate) ! 。
cutie patooties on their first date w you!! warning: bakugo may be ooc; i dont really know how to write for him yet, i apologize 😭
drabbles ノ fluff ノgn! reader ノcanon universe - second person pov !! please enjoy! ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
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-- ♡ --
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izuku midoriya
nervous - like. really nervous.
he knows he's supposed to be, this is essentially a romantic interview, but those butterflies in his stomach keep tripping him up
his mom helps him get ready, giving him advice as they pull up a tutorial on how to tie a tie (it does not help...)
so nervous he almost forgets his wallet and house keys
practically runs to go pick you up! he's nervous, but so excited!!
would probably take you to a smaller, local place!! insists on paying, bc he's a gentleman ooooo
try to hold his hand? go ahead! but it's sweaty, and he won't stop blushing
walks you to your doorstep and offers a kiss on the cheek
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shoto todoroki
keeps it cordial; inside he's giggling and squealing like a dork, but he can kind of keep that hidden, so long as he's not in front of you
his dad demands to pick you up and drive you guys..even though it's just a little picnic in the park. he hates it.
the air in the car is awkward times ten. there's that odd "i-can't-say-anything-bc-your-dad-is-here" kind of vibe, mixed with the fact that it was endeavor of all people? awkward, awkward, awkward
once you two finally get out, its like a breath of fresh air. shoto finally gets to talking, and you finally feel like it's an actual date
you two laugh while sharing lemonade and cold soba, a nice break from the summer heat while you were guarded by the shade
you two finished off the date at around dusk, enjoying yourselves by feeding the ducks at the pond
he walked you home while holding your hand <3
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katsuki bakugo
storms around the house in excitement, a nice change to his usual frustration-driven pacing
he's confident (secretly insecure) but confident
he shows up at your house, greets your parents (he is sweating so much and his stomach is starting to hurt from the nerves)
lowkey smells like old lady perfume, but thats ok, he looks dapper enough
takes you out to a nice wing place, immediately trying to initiate a challenge as to who can eat the most in the shortest amount of time
if you win he will go again and again and again until he gets too full and has to give up
takes you on a nice stroll around downtown after! maybe stopping at a few stops on the way, treating you to little trinkets
walks you back home and gives you a warm, tight hug
stays up all night thinking abt you after (because hes a dork and i hate him /lh)
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starbunii 2024 — all rights reserved. do not redistribute or translate to any other platforms
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Confessing to a FWB that they caught feelings and want something more, and the FWB rejecting them and saying they dont feel the same way TW: AFAB Reader, 18+ MDNI, ANGST, Verbal Assult, Emotional Abuse
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When you two first started hooking up, it was right after Eve left Adam, and you had lost your long-time partner to another angel.
It was a win-win. You both could hate fuck the old emotions out of yourselves till everything was fine again.
Sometimes, you two would go on 'dates,' but they were always precursors to what would come later that night.
You wouldn't lie. The dick was divine, and Adam was great at making you scream and cum in ways your ex never did. However, it was just that sex, nothing more.
Till it was more, and you knew you were fucked. Adam would choose specific food he knew you liked, or please you extra in bed by eating you out longer, or even he would stay a bit later and cuddle for an hour after sex.
You saw these as clear signs that he wanted more than just Freinds with Benefits, so you were reasonably hurt when you saw him flirting with Lute and feeling her up.
Was he doing all this for you just to make you feel okay while he was all up touching another woman? Were you even unique to him anymore, or had your pussy not been good enough.
That next night while you two fucked he could tell you weren't in it like you used to be and asked what was wrong. That is when everything went downhill.
"Bitch I am not into you like that; I will fuck who I want when I want. What the fuck do you mean I was treating you nicely? I just wanted good pussy."
You were heartbroken, not only were you destroyed by your ex but now Adam was destroyign you again.
"We are nothing more than fuck buddies. If you can't get that through your skull, you are no better than the bitches I fuck beside you."
Hearing he fucked others behind your back was painful, you had been souly fucking him but he kept true to his word sleeping with many others.
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He only wanted sex when it benefited his animalistic urges, and you wanted sex to get over someone. Pretty much a good way to establish a powerful allyship.
Alastor had the joy of no one seeing him weak, while you had the pleasure of fucking yourself silly to forget the pain an ex caused you.
The only downside was that Alastor was obscenely nice in bed, probably stemming from his upbringing, but it made you care more than you wanted to.
He was rough when you needed him to be, but he had these really soft sweet moments where he would hold you close and fuck you gently.
Eventually, what was a sound deal of him fucking you to relieve stress and you to relieve pain became you needing him like a fish needs water.
You tried to play it cool and see if he might be interested in something more. He took care of you after sex and cleaned you up, brought you food, and held you till you passed out.
You knew only of lovers doing that, not whatever you classified yourselves as.
One night, you finally found the courage to discuss it, and boy, you should've kept all your thoughts to yourself.
"I find it obsured you even remotely think this is possible, I fuck you out of necessity to keep face not because there is any feelings for you."
You could only sit there, wide eyes and mouth hung open as he yelled at you for stupidity.
"I already hate fucking you I think it is repulsive this primal need to mate and be with something, I don't even consider us friends."
That one stung the worst, you thought at least even if this conversation went to shit you could still be friends but hell that's even out the window.
As soon as he said his peace, he stormed off to god knows where. When you went looking for him to apologize, you heard it outside his door, the moans and begs of another.
He found someone else to complete his deal, and that someone was no longer you anymore.
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He was a desperate and lonely man after Lilith, and you were a desperate good-looking sinner that didn't want to fall into Valentino's hands or be killed for not screwing someone.
It was an easy deal. He would fuck you to get over Lilith, and you would be safe from danger while here in hell.
Lucifer, though, was a lover, even if he was just fucking to forget, and you couldn't lie. You were attached.
You had many conversations and open communication about how this will never go anywhere and that when he was ready for a partner, it wouldn't be you solely because of the whole using your sex for healing thing.
You held on to hope, though, that time and chemicals from sex would change things.
One particular night you thought you had struck gold as Lucifer held you closer after a long passionate fuck session. Instead of chasing you out, he kept you beside him and even let you sleep in his room for a week.
However, you shouldn't have been so naive and shouldn't have opened your mouth and lost your protection.
"I told you I will not stay with you; you are a toy to help me get over my ex-wife. Why would I love a sinner like you where there are thousands to choose from."
You held your arms close to your body as you cried. All you wanted to know was if there was indeed no chance, and this must have been the straw that broke the camel's back as it lashed out at you.
"I will never love you; you are not something to be loved. You are simply a toy, that is all. I protect you so I can feel better about myself, nothing more, nothing less."
The fight was long and primarily grueling, and he said hateful and hurtful things from his hurt place. This leads you to believe that you should have never done this and just worked for Valentino.
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When Angel was released from Valentino, Husk and Angel planned to fight for his freedom from Alastor. However, Angel had other plans for his freedom, leaving Husk high and dry.
You had just become a new soul of Alastors, and Husk was your guide through all the fucked up horrors that were Alastor and his shitty contracts.
With that said, there were many nights where you and Husk would end up drunk and between the sheets dancing through the moonlight.
It was a silent agreement that you two would do this once a week to ease the tension and pain of being under Alastors' thumb. However, it also became hard for you to understand your own feelings.
One day, Husk was worshiping you; the next day, he made you feel used and like a toy. Yet, one week, he treated you like royalty in every session you two had.
You almost thought he had a change of heart about your relationship, just like you had months prior, and that excited you to feel loved and no longer lonely.
However, when you broached the topic, you didn't expect the thrown glass bottles and the yelling that followed —enough yelling that Alastor and his other souls were alerted to watch you crumble.
"You really think I give two shits about you, kid? You are just a desperate nutcase who, like everyone else, fell for the radio demons' stupid tricks."
You held your breath and tried to ignore the laugh tracks and claps from the radio demon watching Husk berate you for your sex life.
"You are nothing more than a cheap discount whore; at least Angel was fucking wanted by someone other than a washed-up alcoholic."
You didn't know what to say. You wanted to fight back, but everything hurt, so you just ran—it's all you could do. Things had been tense for a long time, and Alastor used that to his advantage to torment you both.
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All he had wanted was Alastor; every time he could get close, it was like walking five steps backward. You were the closest he could get to the radio demon without getting burned.
You were born and killed in the same period, though instead of having deer or doe-like characteristics, you had a bear motif.
Shy, timid, and easily malleable, Vox quickly seduced you to use you to his advantage.
The nights would be long and passionate or brutal and rough, depending on what Alastor did that day to piss the man off.
You knew your place, that you were just a replacement Alastor and a knockoff made to please Vox when he was too overwhelmed to discuss his issues with Val.
When things began to shift, though, and Vox started to target Charlie over Alastor, you had hope. Vox was sensual and sweet in bed, showing his faithful, fifties husband's lifestyle.
He was almost domestic with you, tenderly touching you, hugging you from behind, helping you cook meals.
However, you allowed a false sense of security to overtake you and lull you into believing that he would love you as you had grown to love him.
"You are worthless, have no powers, and are barely above a speck of dirt. What makes you think I will or would ever love you? I already have Val and Vel. I just use you to get my fill when they can't scratch my itch."
You should have know this was where it was going, it was only fairytale dreams where the contract owner loved the contracted. You kept your head down, allowing the assault to continue.
"You would be better off dying in the next extermination so I could have more useful information about the angels than living here next to me saying this idiotic bullshit."
You tried not to let his words hurt you, but you knew you loved him and that this would only hurt you more and more the longer you held on.
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Prompt assistance: @literallurker
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wildgirllz · 2 years
Hiding out
Daryl Dixon x Fem!reader
Warnings: p in v sex, unprotected sex, rough sex, praise.
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Daryl Dixon always enjoyed y/n’s presence.
After running from a hoard, they settled into an abandoned school. They make there way to a more secluded area, and set up camp.
Daryl let’s out shaky groan,
“Daryl are you hurt?”
“No, leave it alone”
You gently lift up his shirt, to reveal a bloody mess, slashed through his lower abdomen.
“Jesus, Daryl. We need to patch this up”
“I’ll be fine. Go to sleep”
You lift up your shirt to tie around his waist. Your breasts still lay in the confines of your bra, but it still makes Daryl stir.
He hisses in pain, but let’s her continue.
“It’s cold as fuck Y/N, take my shirt.”
“Shut up” you tease him.
You lay him down onto the tile floor.
“Lay down Daryl”
“Baby, it’s not that bad”
The petname makes you warm to the core. It takes Daryl a minute to realize what he said, but when he does, a crimson blush spreads throughout his face.
“S-sorry bout that. Should we get ready to go to sleep?”
“Yeah. Yeah let’s do that.”
You both settle into a warm sleep.
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Daryl starts moving, little groans escaping his mouth.
Your voice makes him shoot out of bed.
“Shit. Yeah?”
“You were just moving around a lot, sorry. Go back to sleep.”
Both both settle back down, but this time.. it’s different. You feel a hard warmth prodding at your ass, which is only covered by flimsy shorts.
Your whole body turns hot, and he notices.
“Im really sorry, I-I can’t control it. Let me turn around.”
You grab his shoulder and say, “No, stay there.”
You let him rub his bulge against you, he lets out whines and groans while doing so.
“Fuck, y/n”
His pants are already long gone before you know it, and he’s pawing at your shorts.
You scurry to get them off, and he pulls you to his chest.
He slowly enters your warmth, hissing at your tightness. He holds your hips close as possible to his.
As he repeatedly slams into your cervix, you try to stay quiet to not draw any attention to yourselves. You moan into his bicep, which is wrapped around your neck to hold you close.
“Such a good fucking girl”
Praises flow from his mouth, making you near the edge.
You made sure not to press into his wound, but he was acting like it was no longer there.
“Fuck, be careful Daryl what if it opens again”
“God baby, if I get to do this who fucking cares if I get hurt”
He keeps pounding into you, praise becoming overwhelming as you finally finish.
Your orgasm blooms throughout your body, and once you finish riding out your high, you feel him fill you with his seed, groaning loud as can be.
He pumps into you a couple more times, till he’s worn out. He tries to pull out but-
“Dont. Just- Please stay.”
He sighs and lays his chin down on your shoulder, letting himself soften inside of you. It was a restful night.
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I take requests!! <3 thank you for reading
Tysm to my roommates for helping me write this 😎
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PSA to The Maruaders fandom
Not liking a headcanon, popular or not, does not make a person a bigot. Surprising, I know! But it really doesn't.
There's been TONS of discourse lately over transfem sirius and I would like to give my opinion on it. If you like the headcanon, that's fine, good for you!! If you do not like the headcanon, that is also fine. Not liking the headcanon does NOT make someone transphobic and if you think it does you need to rethink your views on life because what the actual fuck. Apparently people also claim that not liking transfem sirius is misogynistic and if you genuinely think that BOY do you need a wake up call. If one person can genuinely argue how either of those points makes even vague sense, I will consider changing my mind, however, as I actually have a fucking clue of what bigotry really is, I dont see that happening in the near future.
In the same way, this applies to almost every headcanon, including not hc james as queer or even as desi (no, that does not make you racist, please fucking get over yourselves) or hc-ing remus as disabled.
I would like to point out, however, that if you do enjoy any of these headcanons, its absolutely fine!! I even enjoy quite a few of them myself including pan, desi james and genderfluid sirius!! You should also post about them on your own platforms as much as you like and engage in media with the same headcanons!! You should NOT, however, argue and hate on people who post about not liking them, because just as it is your prerogative to like something, its their prerogative to like something else and neither of those times is it hurting anyone. It is also your prerogative to post about stuff you don't like!! Just do it on your OWN platform and not one someone elses.
At the end of the day, they're all fictional, let's have a little decorum, okay?
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