#please don't reblog this post btw
the-black-bulls · 3 months
Blog update
Well, I (Cyrooo) will be going through a semi-hiatus. I'll be inactive on social media for a while because I want to focus more on myself both in real life and online. I may be more active on my OG account, which I may share later. Moderating this blog is actually pretty easy, so the daily quotes will not stop and I still plan to drop more weekly polls. My Inbox and messages will remain open for now, but I'll likely turn them off later.
Below is an apology and a bit of clarification about myself.
Well first I want to apologize to everyone from here, discord or twitter who messaged me, chatted with me, or tagged me. Especially during the last two months. I ended up making you guys deal with my slow responses or straight up left you hanged. I feel a bit shitty saying this because I'm luckier than plenty of people in the world, but I've been going through a low phase in my life that started years ago and just kept on going unfixed, to the point that I started going through low-term depression episodes every other week now. I'm definitely better than before, but I wish I've realized much earlier that this is where I'm supposed to stop, take a break, and work on recovering rather than pushing forward, but I guess it's better late than never.
I like this blog, I like talking to people, I like being involved in fandom spaces even when I'm not really THAT involved to begin with, so the idea of dropping all of this for a break don't sit well with me. I wish it did, because it became clear to me that I'm dragging a lot of friends and moots into my problems. You guys are awesome. I'm sorry it has taking me too long to clear myself, and I'm grateful for your patience and consideration.
I appreciate you all. I appreciate my followers, too. Please stay safe, take care, and keep supporting Palestine 🤍
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lambentplume · 1 year
Maui Fires & How to Support Relief Efforts
(Posted on 8/10/23) Hi, I'm Jae and my family is from Lāhainā. I watched my hometown burn down this week. The fires caused immeasurable loss in my community so I'd like to spread awareness of the situation as well as provide links to support local organizations directly assisting survivors. I'm pretty sure most of my following is Not local so I'm writing with intent to inform people outside the situation, but if you're reading this and happen to have family in the affected area that isn't accounted for, message me and I can send you the links to the missing persons tracking docs + more localized info!! If you'd like to skip down to how to help and follow community organizations, scroll to the bottom of the post after the image.
Earlier this week, Hurricane Dora passed south of the Hawaiian Islands, bringing strong wind gusts that caused property damage across the islands. On Tuesday August 8, high winds caused sparks to fly in the middle of Lāhainā town, knocking out power lines and immediately igniting drought-ridden grasses. The fire spread quickly and destroyed the entire center of town, the harbor, and multiple neighborhoods including Hawaiian Homes (housing specifically for Native Hawaiians), parts of Lahainaluna, basically all of Front Street, and low-income housing units. There is only one public road in and out of town, and after a very hectic evacuation period that road has been mostly closed off except to emergency responders, thus it is extremely difficult for anyone to leave town to get help. The nearest hospital is 20 miles away in Wailuku, and most grocery stores in town have burnt down.
As of Thursday, August 10, over 1,000 acres have been burned and 271 structures (including homes, schools, and other community gathering places) have been destroyed. Cell service is still extremely spotty, many of the surrounding neighborhoods deemed safe for evacuees are still without utilities. There are currently confirmed 53 deaths but that number is expected to increase as search-and-rescue efforts continue. Countless families have been displaced and many have lost the homes they lived in for generations. Places of deep historical significance have been reduced to ash, including the gravesites of Hawaiian royalty, the old Lāhainā courthouse where items of cultural significance were stored, and Na ‘Aikane o Maui Cultural Center. To add further context: Lāhainā has a population of about 13,000 residents. EVERYONE I know has been impacted in some way--at best forced to evacuate, at worst their house was burnt to the foundation, they cannot find a loved one, etc. I'm still trying to track down family members and it's been over two days. My neighbors down the street had homes last week and now many don't have ANYTHING. The hotels are taking in residents (tourists are also being STRONGLY urged to leave so that locals can recover). Without open access to the rest of the island, Lāhainā residents are now dependent on whatever people had in their homes already as well as disaster relief efforts coming in, but it's been difficult to organize and mobilize due to the location + conditions. People who have made it out are in shelters where no blankets or medicine were provided. Friends and acquaintances from neighbor islands are preparing aid to send over. Community response has been incredible, but the toll on the town has been immeasurable. My parents were desperately walking through town yesterday, my mom sounded absolutely hollow talking about it on the phone with me. It's horrifying. Below is a satellite map with data from the NASA Fire Information for Resource Management System showing the impacted areas from the past week; all of the red blotches were on fire at some point in the last three days.
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Here are ways you can help:
If you have the means to donate:
Here are three donation sites verified by Maui Rapid Response, which also lists FAQs for people who are wondering about next steps.
Hawaiʻi Community Foundation - Maui Strong Fund accepts international credit cards. Maui United Way
Maui Mutual Aid Non-monetary ways to support:
If you know anyone who is planning to travel to ANY Hawaiian island, not just Maui, tell them to cancel their trip. Resources are extremely limited as is. Advocate for climate change mitigation efforts locally, wherever that is for you. The fire was exacerbated by drought conditions that have worsened due to climate change.
Lastly, remember that these are people's HOMES that burned, and Native Hawaiian cultural artifacts that have been lost. Stop thinking of Hawaiʻi (or any "tourist destination" location, really) as an "escape" or a "paradise." If that's the only way you recognized my home... I'm glad I got your attention somehow, but I would ask that you challenge that perspective and prioritize local and native voices. For transparency, I don't currently live in Lāhainā, I've been following efforts from Honolulu. My parents and brother have been updating me and I've been following friends and family who are doing immediate response work. I'm doing my best to find reliable and current sources, but if I need to update something, please let me know. If you're going to try to convince me that tourism is necessary for our recovery, news flash ***IT'S NOT***!
Thanks for reading.
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vurelly · 1 year
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Well, I'm back and the shop's re-opened! All stickers are up, all keychains are for sale again, and the watercolor prints are available for sale again!
This blog's certainly gone way past just my artwork and i certainly advertise more for my shop now than I post art, but running my shop leaves me with the same feeling of satisfaction now that posting art does, so I'm having fun with it.
Per usual, everything is up for pre-order in my shop here!
Btw, my manufacturer did accidentally send me three extra Sun keychains on accident so if you manage to snag one of them your order should be sent out this month rather than next!
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dribs-and-drabbles · 11 months
The Great Thai Communal Wardrobe Advent Giveaway!
I've currently collected/documented 45 items of clothing (and accessories) that have reappeared in various Thai series over the past four years - these are only the ones that have been discovered, I'm sure there are more.
These 45 items are spread over 38 shows and are worn by 78 different characters (mains, sides, and random extras).
At the most, one item has been worn by 8 different people in 6 series, several have been used 3-5 times, but the majority have only appeared in two different shows (so far!).
There has been one recent show which has featured 15 items of clothing which have been worn in other series! The next highest number is 11 in a show which aired last year. And then the 3rd and 4th spot go to a show from two years ago (with 10 items) and one from this year (with 6).
I have currently ordered all the items by the number of times used and then by air date (with the highest and earliest first), but once I start posting them I will add any new discoveries to the end of the list (from 46 onwards).
And I'd like your involvement to post them!
Between now and Nov 15th send me an ask or a DM with one of the following requests to either have the item dedicated to yourself or you can gift it to another blog. (Anon is also fine but I'd suggest using an obscure emoji so you can identify yourself).
You can request:
A random number in the list (1-45)
The name of a particular show
A specific character or actor
Something funny or stylish or that I think you might like
A specific item (if you have a pretty confident idea of one that exists)
And a specific date you would like your post published if you have one (I'm mainly trying to decide what order to publish them all in)
A point to note: I've already published number 3 and number 6 (although the latter is now wrongly-numbered 😥 so I might consider editing the original post...again).
My plan is to post two a day from Dec 1st in the run up to Christmas, like an advent calendar, so I've set the deadline for requests early enough to give me time to organise the posts (since work does get in the way sometimes).
And if you do spot any more shared clothing across series, do let me know!
Tagging some people in case you're interested and to help me spread the word: @grapejuicegay @celestial-sapphicss @twig-tea @rocketturtle4 @waitmyturtles @respectthepetty @chickenstrangers @ranchthoughts @slayerkitty @colourme-feral @blmpff @telomeke @nothingsbetterthancoffee @lurkingshan @ephemeral-hiraeth @thegalwhorants @hughungrybear @i-got-the-feels @icouldhyperfixatehim @dragonsareawesome123 @sparklyeyedhimbo @first-kanaphan @italianpersonwithashippersheart @shouldiusemyname @gabrielokun @ghoststookournightmares @morathicain @nongnaopat @lamonnaie @natalias-pierogi @mysterygrl20 @nahaluk @callipigio @multifanofmultifandom @dramarec @cangse-sanren @williamrikers @justafriend-ql @heretherebedork @forcebook @non-binarypal7 @aprilblossomgirl @morkofday @brazilian-whalien52
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queen-mihai · 1 month
I was putting some toothpaste back in the tube when I found a banana that had gone bad.
You may ask how I knew the banana had gone bad, (could be the pickles) but take one look at it's face and it'll be pretty obvious
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rejaytionships · 5 months
we're over halfway through the week already, but happy passover to jewish selfshippers! you're a super important part of the community and deserve to be uplifted and supported during this time (and always of course!)
best wishes to you all, and i know your f/os would also want to be there and celebrate this special time with you as well ^^ chag pesach sameach! / zissen pesach!
(also if you're a jewish selfshipper plz feel free to reblog and promo ur blog or anything else under this post! <3 let's get some love and attention going for y'all)
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lulu-draws-stuff · 2 years
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Karaoke night!
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hephaestuscrew · 1 year
Thoughts on the patterns of who speaks the episode title phrases in Wolf 359
This analysis is based on the data I gathered in this spreadsheet and summarised with graphs in this post. Basically I've been looking at which character first says the episode title phrase (i.e. the exact words which form the name of that particular episode) in every episode of Wolf 359. Go and look at the spreadsheet if you want more context.
I think we can view the episode title phrases as often expressing the key problem or question of that episode. (I might talk about this in relation to individual examples another time.) Through this lens, the consideration of who speaks the title phrase is about which character gets to frame the key issue of the episode for the listener. This doesn't necessarily mean we are meant to share that character's view of the issue, but it's why I think there is some potentially significant analysis to be done on this topic. (See below the cut...)
The proportion of title phrases said by Eiffel reduces with each season. 69.2% of the Season 1 title phrases are (first) spoken by Eiffel, compared to 46.6% in Season 2, 22.2% in Season 3, and 20% in Season 4.
This is perhaps unsurprising. Eiffel is very much the main perspective character and the primary narrative voice at the start of the series. And, as someone with unusual speech patterns, he is excellent at coining a good memorable title phrase. However, while I'd argue that he never stops being the main protagonist, over the course of the series, the narrative focus broadens away from a singular emphasis on Eiffel's perspective. This perspective shift is reflected in episode titles being spoken by a greater range of characters.
I think the decreasing proportion of Eiffel title phrases also reflects the podcast's shift towards a generally more dramatic rather than comedic tone. While Eiffel is capable of being serious at times, I'd argue that his mode of speech is particularly well suited to generating amusing unusual turns of phrase that work well within a more comedic context (e.g. Succulent Rat-Killing Tar, What's Up Doc?, Bach to the Future). As the stakes become higher and the tone becomes less humorous, characters other than Eiffel, who are more often inclined to take things very seriously, are more likely to speak the title phrases.
There's also just the fact that as we get more characters involved in the action on the Hephaestus, the opportunity to speak the title phrase is spread between more characters.
Although Eiffel is by far and away the most common speaker of title phrases in Season 1, in the first three episodes of the whole show, we get all the characters of that season represented in the title phrases. Minkowski speaks the title phrase in the second episode and Hera does in the third episode - but probably quoting a phrase from Hilbert. This gives us a good early indication that, while Eiffel may be the focal point particularly in this season, this is going to be an ensemble show and all of these characters are going to be significant.
Hilbert's only title phrase is in Ep12 Deep Breaths, in the first stage of his mutiny, arguably the only point in the show where he appears to clearly have the upper hand while acting alone.
After the SI-5 are introduced at the beginning of Season 3, we get five Kepler or Jacobi title phrases in a row, which solidifies the SI-5's presence in the show. It also highlights the fact that the SI-5 have taken over the Hephaestus and are now (at least ostensibly) the ones determining the aims of the Hephaestus mission.
In addition, these patterns might be seen to reflect the shift in the show towards a more conflict-focused tone (related but not identical to the movement away from comedy). While Wolf 359 has always been a show full of conflict, the balance of this conflict shifts with the arrival of the SI-5. For the first team, our protagonists are facing a unified team of antagonists. The potential for violence feels higher, as do the stakes. This might explain why, while we only had one antagonist-spoken title phrase across Seasons 1 and 2 (Hilbert in Ep12 - Lovelace doesn't get a title phrase while she's serving as an antagonist), 44.4% of our Season 3 title phrases are first spoken by antagonists.
The only title phrase spoken by Maxwell is spoken by her in a recording that we hear after her death. This isn't even the only posthumous title phrase spoken from the past in Season 4 - we've got one from Commander Zhang of the Tiamat as well. It's an interesting kind of legacy, an interesting way to emphasize the questions characters leave behind after death, recalling similar themes to those explored in Ep46 Boléro.
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rainofthetwilight · 4 months
just unblocked a ninjago person who was 'pro palestine' and yet said that they are 'keeping away from all the political stuff' to check if they had atleast rbed one thing, and guess what's the first thing that popped up? them bragging about how somehow races don't matter in ninjago because they're all yellow 💀💀💀 never blocked again so fast in my life
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2bu · 10 months
Who's Getting the Aux?! (Sillay OC Poll)
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In case you have trouble viewing titles or don't know these albums:
Pacifica - Sayonara Wild Hearts, SAWAYAMA, Desire, I Want to Turn Into You, ARDIPITHECUS, Singles
Cupid - Future Nostalgia, E·MO·TION, OIL OF EVERY PEARL'S UN-INSIDES, Dreaming of You, Fever
Electra - Pony, Life Itself, Electra Heart, Arrival, Born to Die [Paradise Edition]
Jess - I Disagree, Final Girl [Single], La Roux, She / Her / Black Bitch, stranger danger! [Single]
Sunshine - Nightmare Vacation, Odd One Out, Whack World, Walking With Strangers, Under Construction
Wick - Mexico [Single], Baby Gravy 2, Please Excuse Me for Being Antisocial, tobi lou and the Loop, 1000 gecs
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pa-pa-plasma · 6 months
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heyitsthatonesmolgay · 11 months
i thought y'all might be interested in some things i've come to a conclusion on (for now) in terms of who i am after integrating with connie:
i am aromantic (possibly aro spec but with how much romance stresses me OUT probably not)
i am. SO bisexual. kristen schaal and ryan hurst both have my "hall pass" so to speak. despite being single and aromantic
i am actually starting to be less suicidal, and even directly after integration it was a passive desire. now it's just. it's an option, i guess, but not really something i'm interested in???
i am (most likely) a demifluid genderqueer demiboy. this one i'm still ironing out but "original nick" was very much a man and connie was very much genderqueerfluid so like. there's always "sir" as an acceptable option but there are days where "ma'am" also rocks so presentations and preferences might change and genderqueer is easier shorthand but. presenting masc outwardly doesn't hurt like presenting strictly conservative fem in our childhood did
i am definitely the host of this bag of bones now. like. i can barely hear the others anymore and they don't advertise when they're nearby unless something is dire and while i miss them, i also understand this is kinda. important. for functioning. like, if i heard everyone all the time i would probably be much worse off in the sanity and verbal filter department
this last one is kinda awkward to admit but uh. connie knew and i'm tired of tiptoeing around it. even with the addition of connie in "my" psyche i am very much a fictive of nicholas benedict. there were. actually pieces of what i can only assume are an older constance contraire and my (source) brother in connie as well, which would probably have sent her into an identity crisis but. none of those identities are as strong as my ties to him
anyway. i don't know if i'd add any of this information to my blog bio, i don't know if i'd even advertise it in a pinned post. my name, adult bodily confirmation, and pronouns are all i really feel necessary to share right now. but if you scroll through my blog long enough to find this post, i applaud you and know that i, nicholas benedict, am proud of you. just like kaslyn said in that post a couple weeks ago :)
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tackyvillain · 9 months
hiii X3 me and my bffl from teh forums collabbed on this amv for our epic drow oc emrys and lord astarion <33 he is soooo smexy o///o credit 4 da bases: [link] [link] [link]
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miladysatsuki · 4 months
guys I am being so real when I ask is it normal if your mid 20s fucking blow asshole penis suck so bad like not quite as bad mentally as your early 20s but like every horrible outside force that could ever happen keeps happening forever and ever is that normal
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normystical · 9 months
the unbearable agony of wanting to view fandom content or interact with fellow fans but your fandom has like five people and maybe three fanart drawings since 2017 ♡♡♡
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wowbright · 8 months
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