#please don’t come at me for this joke post I’m begging you
mediacircuspod · 3 months
Louis and Armand run into each other at the “wanting to fuck that old man” convention and then proceed to yell at one another for showing up like the complete hypocrites they both are.
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baptismbaby · 1 year
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mean!ellie williams x innocent!reader a/n: i also posted this on my ao3: baptismsbaby warnings: reader is an extremely innocent christian girl, blaspheming, corruption, drug dealer!ellie, petnames (pup is used in case anyone doesn't like that), fingering (r! receiving), belittling, toxic!ellie, oral (r!receiving), virgin!reader
creds to elliesgalaxy on pinterest for the picture of ellie.
wc: 5.2k<3 part two here
You breathed a sigh of relief as you entered the gates of Jackson on your horse. You had just finished up patrol and was ready to collapse in your bed. You looked over at Dina and smiled. “Man, I’m happy to be home.”
“Me too,” Dina agreed with a laugh. “Things got too intense out there.”
“Yeah, luckily I was there to save your life.”
Dina scoffed. “Oh, shut up. I had it but of course, you had to show off.”
You hopped off your horse and led it to the stables, passing it off to the man on duty. “Here she is,” you said. “Get your rest, Ginger!”
Dina said goodbye to Japan, running to catch up with you. “Hey, I forgot to mention but Jesse said he wanted to throw a party tonight. It’ll be small, not too many people at all.”
You raised an eyebrow. “A party? Really?”
“Yeah, it’ll be fun! Jesse and his friends got some liquor and cups from Seth. Perfect timing too since everyone has the weekend off.”
“Dina,” you began. But before you could continue, Dina cut you off.
“I’m not saying you have to drink with us! I know you’re a good little Christian girl,” she joked.
You frowned. “Hey, that’s not nice.”
“Please come,” she begged. “It wouldn’t be fun without you.”
“What exactly do I bring to the table? It’s not like I can do anything,” you said. 
Dina stepped in front of you and placed her hands on your arms to stop you. “Listen, just please come and stay for at least half an hour. If you want to leave, you can. I won’t stop you or try to convince you to stay. I wanna have a good time with my friends and you’re one of my favorites. Please don’t let me suffer with all of Jesse’s friends. They’re… too male, almost.”
You sighed in defeat. “Ugh, fine! I’ll go if you really want me to.”
Dina clapped her hands in excitement. “Good! Come, I have some clothes you can borrow that’ll look real nice on you.”
You groaned as Dina pulled you by your hand, taking you to her place. She couldn’t contain how happy she felt. You never came to parties with her. They were rare and usually happened once every couple of months. Usually, you wouldn’t give in to Dina’s begging. You would just go home, curl up with a book and fall asleep before the party even began. Dina would come over the next day to tell you all the “sinful” things that went on. You didn’t understand what half of the things she said even meant, you were far too sheltered growing up and focused on reading the Bible most of the time.
“Who’s all gonna be there?” you asked as you walked inside her house.
“Well, I know Jesse’s whole group of friends are coming. Then there’s you, me, and…” she trailed off, looking away. You tilted your head to try and catch her attention. She fought hard not to look your way but you still kept trying to make eye contact until she finally looked at you. “Ellie,” she almost whispered. You sneered at the mention of the Williams girl.
“Ugh, I should’ve known,” you murmured. “Of course Ellie would be there.”
“Seriously, why do you two bicker so much?” Dina asked. “It’s like watching two kids fight over a toy. Or… really, more so like watching someone yell at a puppy for no reason.”
Your face fell. “Oh no… am I the puppy Dina? Please, don’t say I’m the puppy.”
Dina bit her lip and shrugged. “I mean… your comebacks are… something else.”
“What? Are you saying I can’t be mean?”
Dina couldn’t hide the smile growing on her face as she tried not to laugh. “You once said ‘bless your heart’ and that you’d pray for her.”
You scoffed as she broke into fits of laughter. “Hey, ‘bless your heart’ is the worst insult to receive where I come from! Sorry I felt bad afterwards and told her I’d pray for her!”
“Oh, I’m just messing. It’ll be alright. I’ll tell Ellie to cool it. I honestly don’t think she means anything by it. You’re just easy to tease,” Dina said as she made way to her closet. She pulled out a black longsleeve and extremely short shorts. “Here, wear this.”
You made a face at the outfit. “Is that not a bit… much?”
“Loosen up a bit! I think it’ll look real nice on your figure. Make the girlies pop out a little,” she said with a wink. 
You undressed and put the outfit Dina gave you on. She was right but left out the fact that the shorts revealed too much, your ass practically hanging out. The shirt fell just above your belly button. Dina gawked at the sight of you. “Hey, you should dress slutty more often.”
You couldn’t help but to admire yourself in the mirror. You were big on dressing as modest and comfortable as possible. You didn’t realize you had curves until now. “Wow… I think I kinda like this?”
“What can I say, I’m a genius,” bragged Dina.
You and Dina arrived at the party an hour later. Jesse opened the door and stopped in his tracks. Dina grinned. “I know right?”
Jesse looked you up and down then back at Dina. “Wow, I’m impressed,” he said, complimenting the both of you. “Come in.”
As you walked in, everyone stopped and stared. “Holy shit, you clean up nice!” one of the boys exclaimed. You shifted and looked down at the ground, too anxious to look at anyone. You were way out of your comfort zone but a part of you sort of enjoyed it. Your eyes wandered over to the couch where Ellie sat. She was rolling a joint, paying no mind to you. 
Dina walked over to her and leaned to whisper something in her ear. You stood there, watching Ellie’s face twist in disgust. You tried reading her lips, it looked like she said your name followed by the word “sensitive.” Dina smacked Ellie’s shoulder. Ellie began searching around the room until her eyes landed on you. Her eyebrows went up before turning to Dina. You couldn’t see her lips anymore but saw a smirk grow on Dina’s face.
Everyone took a shot and headed towards the couch. You followed, sitting on the ground next to Dina. You were kinda mad that to your right was Ellie, who now sat on the edge of the couch so the guys could sit next to her. She was so close that you could smell the soap she used. Ellie looked down at you, holding the joint out. Before you could decline, she passed it to the guy sitting next to her instead. “Shit, I forgot,” she said. “You’re too good to smoke.”
You glared at her smug face. “I don’t think I’m too good to smoke.”
“Well, you’re too good to drink.”
She reached over to grab an unopened bottle from the table. She grabbed two glasses and poured the liquor into each one. “I’m not too good to drink either!” you exclaimed, defending yourself.
Ellie chuckled. “Right,” she muttered. She went to grab the shot but you grabbed it first, downing it quickly. You coughed as it burned your throat.
“Woah,” Ellie blurted out sarcastically. “You took one shot, cool.”
You grabbed the other glass angrily and downed it too, slamming it back down on the table. 
“Jesus!” said Dina, grabbing your shoulder. “Take it slow, you don’t wanna get sick.”
At this point, the joint had reached Dina. She passed it to you to pass over to Ellie but you took a hit instead. You inhaled the smoke deeply and blew it out without coughing. You handed it to Ellie who had a playful smirk on her face. “Wow, I think I’m actually impressed.”
“Whatever,” you uttered, standing up to leave the circle. You went into the kitchen to take another shot. For some reason, you felt you had to prove to Ellie that you weren’t just a goody two shoes and that you could have fun. You knew that in order for the Jackson dealer to take you seriously, you would have to commit. 
After a couple shots, you slightly stumbled back to the circle. Dina looked concerned until you giggled. “Oh, boy. This is great,” you slurred, your eyes heavy from the weed. Dina laughed and wrapped an arm around you. “Finally! I’ve been waiting for you to let loose!”
You looked up at Ellie, who was looking further down than your face with furrowed brows. She looked back up and quickly turned away. “Lightweight,” she said.
“Oh, shut it, Ellie,” you snapped. “Just for a second could you please just shut up!”
Ellie laughed. “Good Christian girl suddenly thinks she’s the shit all cause she took a hit off a blunt and a couple shots.”
Everyone groaned, tired of the constant arguing between the two. Every time they were in a room with them, Ellie would make fun of you until you couldn’t take anymore and left. They knew Ellie wasn’t fully serious, she liked picking on you because she thought it was hilarious that you couldn’t take a joke. But part of her started to despise you without her knowledge. Everyone loved you. You were sweet and would pray with anyone who wanted to pray. You would give back to the community and greet everyone who walked past you. Ellie thought it was all an act and grew tired of it.
You, on the other hand, never liked Ellie. She was a dealer who spent all of her free time smoking pot and sleeping around. You didn’t think that was any way to live. You hated the influence Ellie had on your friends. Everyone thought she was funny. You couldn’t understand why.
“Let’s play never have I ever!” Dina suggested, an attempt to break the silence and to lessen the tension that built up in the room. Everyone agreed and put all ten of their fingers up. You followed along, waiting for someone to start.
“Okay,” Dina started. “Loser has to go streaking.”
Everyone cheered. You frowned, unsure if you still wanted to play. “But!” said Dina, causing everyone to be quiet. “Usually, you’re out if you put all your fingers down. But… whoever is left with the most fingers up is the loser.”
You nudged Dina, giving her a look. “You know I’m gonna lose,” you whispered. Dina shook her head. “Don’t worry about it. Just lie.” 
“I’ll start,” said Jesse. “Never have I ever… made out with someone on patrol.”
Everyone put their fingers down except you.
“Never have I ever… had sex during patrol,” Dina said. Almost everyone put their finger down. They looked at you, waiting for you to say something. You decided to take Dina’s advice and start lying to avoid being the loser.
“Never have I ever snuck out.”
You put a finger down along with everyone else. Ellie scoffed. “Yeah sure,” she muttered. “Never have I ever had sex.”
You put a finger down, knowing that wasn’t true. Ellie kicked your knee lightly. “Wow, you’re getting some? Tell me, who?”
You looked over at Dina, your eyes wide as you tried to come up with a lie. Some girl who passed through Jackson? Some girl you met before Jackson? Your head started to hurt trying to come up with an excuse.
“Who?” Ellie asked again. “Who’s the lucky guy?”
“Girl,” Dina corrected. “She’s not attracted to men.”
You nodded, not really caring that Dina had outed you. You knew that you were surrounded by people who wouldn’t judge. Except for Ellie, even though she wasn’t straight herself.
Ellie looked genuinely shocked. “Really? Who’s the girl?”
You shrugged. “I’m not gonna name drop.”
“Because this girl isn’t real,” said Ellie. “Lying is a sin. You would know. You just don’t want to be the loser.” 
“Hey, it’s not fair to lie,” one of Jesse’s friends complained. Suddenly, everyone started whining about how it was against the rules. Either you say who it was or admit that you’re lying. You felt heat rise to your cheeks in embarrassment. Ellie was grinning but it went away when she saw tears in your eyes.
“I’m teasing, man. Chill… don’t be a crybaby about it.”
“Fuck you, Ellie,” you spat out. A few people gasped, including Dina. She turned to Jesse, resting her head on his shoulder. She felt guilty for suggesting to play the game and for telling Ellie to be nice. Dina realized it just made her pick on you even more. 
Ellie wasn’t sure what to say. She wasn’t mad but she wasn’t feeling good about the situation either.
“You’re a real piece of shit,” you continued. “Always throwing religion in my face, being mean, just… why? Why target me? I’ve always been nice to you even though I have never, ever liked you! So, fuck you, Ellie!” You sighed, running a hand through your hair. “I knew better. I shouldn’t have come here when I found out you were gonna be here too. Just give it a rest, Ellie. Grow up!”
You stood up and brushed your shorts off. You faced your friends who all sat back quietly, avoiding your gaze. “Sorry for ruining your fun, guys.”
You stormed up the stairs and into one of the spare bedrooms. You collapsed on the bed, your head spinning. You felt awful for how you reacted but felt she deserved it. You were worried you ruined the party until you heard music along with everyone singing loudly. 
You heard a knock on the door. You got up, cracking it open. You were expecting Dina but felt your stomach drop when you saw Ellie. You tried to shut the door but Ellie stopped it with her hand, shoving her way inside and slamming the door shut and locking it. “I’m not here to bitch at you, I want to talk to you.”
“You really want to make things worse?”
“You’re right. I am a piece of shit,” Ellie hissed. “I know I go too far teasing you but you take everything seriously!”
“You don’t know me, Ellie,” you mumbled, too afraid to speak up in case your voice cracked. “I won’t lie and say that I ever cared for you. I don’t like the way you choose to live your life but I still was kind to you. You never gave me a chance.”
“Because you act like you’re better than everyone!”
“How?” you shouted. “All I want is to make friends with everyone, spread a little peace and love in this shitty world! It’s comforting to me, Ellie! I don’t think I’m better than you or anybody. I enjoy making others happy and you enjoy making people miserable. Actually, just me. Because I have never seen you do this to others. You hate me and I wish you didn’t! I hear how Dina talks about you and I see how you laugh with your friends and I’m jealous. I know I could’ve liked you had you been friendly with me. Because I was angry at myself for judging you so quickly. It was wrong of me. But of course, I was right!”
You turned away from Ellie and sat down on the bed, your arms crossed over your chest. “I felt I had to prove that I’m cool,” you continued. “I thought you would stop for just one night if you saw how cool I can be.”
“You want the truth?” Ellie asked.
“You’re always truthful. So, I might as well say yes even if I don’t really give a shit.”
“I meant it when I said I was impressed earlier.”
You scoffed. “Sure.”
“I can’t even take two shots back to back like that.”
“Stop teasing, Ellie. I am convinced that being torn apart by infected is less stressful than dealing with you.”
“Just shut the fuck up and let me talk, okay? I’m leading into something.”
You flinched at her raised voice, slowly looking up to see her facial expression harden. 
“I’m jealous of you,” she admitted. “I’m jealous that you can still believe in something and that you still care when everything is so fucked!”
You stood up, walking towards Ellie as she spoke. “I’d give anything, anything, to be that way. I had bitter feelings towards you. I think I wanted to tear you down so you wouldn’t be so… sweet. Giving, caring, everything I never could be.”
You watched her face closely, trying to figure out if she was telling the truth. 
“I fuck girls like you and ignore them so they can hurt. Maybe I want the world to suffer with me,” said Ellie. “But I couldn’t do that to you. You’re too… good. I had to find another way.”
You paused as you connected what she said together. “Wait, you wanna…?” you trailed off, too shy to say it.
Ellie scratched her neck awkwardly. “Well, I did… but you’d never do that.”
“I might have,” you said, almost feeling ashamed of how bold you were being. You never would have thought this sober but Ellie was really pretty. If the circumstances were different, you knew that she would be your type. 
Ellie was taken aback by your statement.
“What?” Ellie questioned.
“Not now, since I know you would’ve ignored me.”
Ellie stepped closer to you, eyeing your body up and down. She thought you looked good tonight and couldn’t help but to peek at your tits when you weren’t paying attention, or your ass when you were turned away. 
“I… know I would’ve back then,” Ellie whispered, getting even closer to you. She stood above you, watching as your face turned red. Your heart sped up. You wondered why your panties started to feel a bit wet at the sight of Ellie looking down at you. You usually never got turned on. Ellie was right, you were just a good Christian girl who didn’t do anything. You never even tried touching yourself. Since you were breaking the rules now, you thought maybe you could break some more and pray for forgiveness later.
“I’m not so sure now,” Ellie continued, reaching out to brush a strand of hair behind your ear. “I never knew you were hiding that under all those baggy clothes.”
“A-Are you saying that in a bad way?”
Ellie shook her head. “When I first saw you earlier, I told Dina I kinda wanted to fuck you.”
Your breath hitched. “What did… Dina say?”
“That if I was nicer,” she said, stepping closer so there was almost no space left between your bodies. “I just might get to.”
Ellie caressed your cheek slowly. “Am I nice enough now, pretty girl?”
Your panties were soaked at this point. Your body trembled, afraid that you wouldn’t know what to do since it was your first time. Even though ten minutes ago you didn’t like the girl, you suddenly wanted nothing more than to be underneath her.
“I really… was lying earlier,” you mumbled.
“I know you were.”
“You don’t care that I’ve never… had sex before?”
Ellie smirked. “I’m glad you’ve never been fucked before. I want to be the one who corrupts you. I want everybody who fucks you after me to be a disappointment so you come crawling back. You’ll never find better than me, not even your own hand.”
Ellie leaned down, her lips brushing against yours. You pulled away to speak. “I don’t even do that…”
Ellie chuckled. “Really? Little church girl don’t know how to please herself?”
Usually, you would get mad at Ellie for saying stuff like that. Now, her insults just made you throb even more. 
“Have you even kissed before?”
You bit your lip shyly and shrugged. “Not… really. When I was 13, a boy tried kissing me and I didn’t kiss back.”
“Aw, poor pup,” Ellie teased, running her fingers on the exposed skin of your tummy. “I get to teach you everything.”
Finally, Ellie collided her lips with yours. She was super gentle, placing her hand on your cheek and brushing it with her thumb. You melted in the kiss, pressing your thighs together to ease your aching cunt. The friction made it feel even better, causing you to release a soft moan into her mouth. Ellie pulled away, smirking at the noise you made. “I wanna hear more of that.”
“I don’t know what I’m doing,” you admitted. “I don’t know if I can do anything to make you feel good.”
“You want me to fuck you, don’t you?”
You hesitated a bit before nodding. Of course you wanted that. You were just scared that you’d be bad at it since you had zero experience.
“Then let me fuck you. I get off to getting you off, understand?” asked Ellie. 
“Good girl,” Ellie praised. “Lay down, baby.”
You obeyed and laid down onto the bed. You watched as Ellie slowly took your boots off and dropped them onto the ground. “Lift your hips up for me?”
You lifted your hips and let Ellie pull your shorts off. Ellie bit her lip at the sight of your white cotton panties. She could see how soaked they were. “Look at that,” she breathed. You closed your legs to hide yourself but Ellie pulled them back open, holding your thighs down so you couldn’t move. “Filthy little girl,” she cooed. “What would God say about this?”
Your breathing started to grow heavier. “I-I don’t care what He would say,” you whined.
Ellie held back a moan that threatened to escape her lips. She pulled your panties off and threw them behind her.
“Fuck,” she groaned. “Your pussy is so pretty.”
She tugged at your shirt until you got the hint to raise up. She lifted the fabric over your head and dropped it on the floor. You were completely naked while Ellie was fully dressed. She rolled her sleeves up, her eyes never leaving yours. She crawled on top of you and started making out with you passionately. Without pulling away, she started to unbutton her jeans and took them off swiftly. She shoved her knee against your dripping cunt, eliciting a squeal from you. She placed her hands on your hips and guided them up and down so you were grinding on her.
“Just like that, baby. Good girl.”
You started to moan louder, Ellie covering your mouth and shushing you. “As much as I want to make you scream, you don’t want anyone to hear and interrupt us, do you?”
You shook your head no. “Will you be quiet for me?”
“Yes,” you whimper. 
Ellie pressed her knee harder on your pussy. You started to go faster, mewling and biting your lip to keep quiet.
“Such a good girl. You listen so well,” Ellie complimented. She took her knee away and brushed a finger up your slit. Your body jolted at the feeling. “You want me to taste you baby?”
“Please,” you almost cried out, desperate for whatever Ellie planned on doing to you. Ellie moaned at the sight of you squirming. She loved watching you unfold beneath her. To think she ever hated you was beyond her at this point. She wished she had done this sooner as she admired how beautiful you were. 
“Say it,” Ellie demanded. “Use your words, pup.”
“E-Ellie, please” you begged. “F-Fuck me.”
Ellie tutted, shaking her head no. “I plan on fucking you anyway. I want you to beg me to eat you out.”
You were confused. You’ve heard Dina say that Jesse would ‘eat her out’ but you weren’t sure what it really meant. Ellie saw the confusion on your face and laughed. “Wow, you’re too innocent.” 
You started to sit up but Ellie pushed you back down softly. “I know what you’re thinking. I didn’t mean it that way,” she apologized. “It’s okay that you don’t know what that means. I’ll show you baby. You want that?”
You nodded. “Yes, please show me.”
Ellie leaned down between your thighs and started peppering kisses all over them. You reached down to grip her hair as her lips got closer to your pussy. She flicked her tongue across your clit once and looked up at you. “Do you understand now, pup?”
“Mm, yes Ellie.”
She smirked. “You want me to continue?”
Ellie chuckled as she went back down to your dripping cunt, licking it all up and swallowing. She savored the taste of you, going back down for more. You grabbed the pillow beneath your head to put over your face in an attempt to muffle your moans.
Ellie stopped and yanked the pillow out of your hands. “They turned the music all the way up finally. You don’t have to be quiet anymore. I wanna hear how good I make you feel.”
Ellie pressed her tongue against your clit and went back and forth between a circular motion and flicking it. You nearly screamed from the pleasure, your hands grabbing Ellie’s hair to pull her closer. She moaned against you, speeding her tongue up. She brought a hand up to play with your nipple, squeezing and pulling on it. Ellie used her free hand to gently push one finger in. You yelped, yanking Ellie’s hair harder. She pulled away and licked her lips. “Too much baby?” she asked, out of breath. You shook your head no and pulled her back to keep going.
Ellie loved how tight you felt. The feeling of you gripping around her finger made her want to bend you over and fuck you with a strap. She wished the party was at her place so she could have used all the toys she had on you.
A feeling began to build up in your stomach as you trembled harder. “E-Ellie!” you moaned, bucking your hips upward as you got closer and closer to cumming.
“Come on, baby. That’s it. Be a good girl and cum for me.”
All of the sudden, your body began to convulse as your orgasm hit you hard. Ellie slowly fingered you, riding it out until you pulled away from her. She brought her finger up to your mouth, forcing it open and shoving it down your throat. You sucked on her finger with a moan.
“Such a good girl,” Ellie praised, elated with how quickly you catch on.
“Wow,” you mumbled, out of breath from all the noises you made. “Never in a million years did I think I’d lose my virginity to you.”
Ellie sent you a sly smile. “I never knew I’d take it.”
You raised up slightly, leaning against Ellie’s shoulder. “Are you still going to be mean to me?”
Ellie sighed. “No, baby. That’s all over now.” 
“Good. Do I put my clothes on now?”
“Why do you have to ask for my permission?” Ellie questioned with a laugh.
You giggled. “Well, I like… asking you.”
“Well, then no. I think I want to fingerfuck you some more. Can you take that?”
You froze, looking up at her with a fucked out expression. You were exhausted but didn’t want your time with Ellie to end. “Mhm, I think so.”
Ellie leaned back a bit and grabbed you. “Come lay in my lap, baby. Ass up.”
You complied and laid down, arching your back in excitement. Ellie rubbed her hand over your ass, squeezing tightly as you moaned. “Tell me, did you pray for me?”
Before you could ask what she meant by that, she shoved two fingers into your dripping cunt. You yelped as she fucked you with them slow and hard. “That one time when you got mad at me for making fun of you, you said you’d pray for me. Did you?”
Ellie sped her movements up as she went deeper inside you.
“Fuck!” you yelled out, trembling and kicking your feet at the feeling.
“Answer me, pup, or I’ll stop,” Ellie threatened.
“Yes what, baby?”
“Yes! God, yes, I prayed for you!”
Ellie went even faster as you got closer to cumming again. “Atta girl, such a sweet pup. Praying for a sinner like me.”
“Ellie! Fuck! I-I prayed for you everyday!” you babbled, unable to speak without getting interrupted by your own sounds of pleasure.
“Yeah? Told God how bad you wanted me? Told Him all your dirty thoughts, you filthy slut?”
You moaned louder, bucking your hips up towards Ellie . “Yes!”
“You’re gonna ask for forgiveness, aren’t you? Like the good Christian girl you are.”
“Mm, yes, Ellie,” you whined, your orgasm about to take over you.
“Then ask, baby, ask.”
“God, forgive me please,” you said in between moans as you finally came undone for her. The force of you cumming shook your entire body and made your eyes roll to the back of your head. You couldn’t help but to repeat Ellie’s name until you started to come down, your body almost collapsing onto her lap. 
“Good girl.”
Ellie helped you up onto your feet, your legs shaking. “Let me help you get dressed,” she offered.
As Ellie helped you into your clothes, you couldn’t help but feel awful. “Ellie? Did I… make God mad at me?”
Ellie stopped, placing her hands on your shoulders and staring deep into your eyes. “Who could be mad at an angel like you?”
You blushed, removing yourself from her grip and tugging your shirt over your head. You put your shoes on next and sighed, looking up at Ellie with a tired smile. “Do we say anything?”
Ellie shook her head no, quickly fixing your hair so it wasn’t obvious what happened. “Just say we talked and you forgave me. I had one hell of an apology,” she uttered with a goofy grin. You laughed softly.
“So, you’re not gonna ignore me, right?”
Ellie wrapped her arms around you for a second before stepping back, eyeing you up and down while heading towards the door. Your heart stung, wondering if maybe Ellie didn’t mean what she said before. 
“Come by tomorrow night,” said Ellie as she turned the knob. “I’ll fuck you so good that you won’t question me again.”
Ellie left you standing there, your mouth open in shock. You waited a couple minutes before heading downstairs to the party.
“Hey,” you heard Dina call out to you. She grabbed your hand and looked at you with concern. “I shouldn’t have said anything to Ellie. It just made her worse. I begged her not to talk to you but-”
“Dina,” you interrupted. “She explained herself and I explained myself. We’re all good.”
Dina looked surprised. “What? Really? You forgave her?”
You looked behind Dina to see Ellie back on the couch, staring at you with a grin as she puffed on her joint. You smiled at Dina and nodded. “Of course I forgave her. Her apology was genuine and…”
“What did she say?” Dina pressed on.
You shrugged. “I can’t remember everything she said but it was one hell of an apology.”
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leclercsainzz · 11 months
could you please do a jude bellingham where him and reader claim to be friends but eveyone assumes they’re together??? like they leave flirty comments on each other or stuff like that??
PAIRINGS: jude bellingham x fem!reader
TYPE: social media au
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liked by judebellingham, gioareyna and 585,947 others
yourusername: if you like this, then you like me 😉
view 6,846 comments
judebellingham: let me unlike this real quick
↳ yourusername: boy, yk damn well you like me 😌
↳ judebellingham: i mean, i guess
↳ yourusername: do you like me, like me? or just like me?
↳ judebellingham: 🤫
↳ user: are they flirting or???
↳ user: for two ppl who claim to be “friends” this sure don’t look like “just friends”
user: i swear, it’s so hard to decipher whether they’re flirting or just playing around … like?!?!??
user: how do i like this multiple times??!????!? 😩😩
gioareyna: damn okay, let me unlike this
↳ user: LMAO, PLEASE 😭
user: soooo are you and jude together or?????
user: my fingers hurt from double clicking too much
user: you’re so beautiful, i swear 😍😍😍😍
jobebellingham: when you say, “like” do you mean actually like? like like? or? because i know a little thing or two
↳ jobebellingham: as jose mourinho once said, “i prefer not to speak … if i speak, i am in big trouble”
comment has been deleted
user: stunnin’ 😍
user: can i stop liking this post now?
user: girl are you and jude dating?!???? i need to know
user: 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
user: ugh, she’s soo pretty wtf 😫
user: YN!!! where’d you get that sweatshirt?!!??
emmachamberlain: pretty girl 😍
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liked by yourusername, fedevalverde and 784,930 others
judebellingham: a place like no other .. mi casa! 🤍 #halamadrid
tagged: @realmadrid
view 9,937 comments
realmadrid: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
user: let him cook!!!
adidaslondon: from birmingham to the bernabéu 💫
user: our starboy 🤩
vinijr: hey, judeeeee
yourusername: you’re that guy, huh?
yourusername: that’s my #5 🔥
↳ user: notice how she said “my” and not “our” 👀
↳ judebellingham: #5 on the field but #1 in your heart 😉 @yourusername
↳ user: “just friends” they say
user: unbelievable player! 👏🏼
user: ya’ll see yn’s comment?!!? she said, “MY”
↳ user: i’m telling you, these two are dating
england: 🤩
user: what a guy!! 🔥
user: @yourusername this yo man?
user: my man is currently thriving rn
user: cr7 would be proud
↳ user: missing my goat 😓
user: jude > that one barca dude (i said what i said)
↳ user: “said what i said” who mf?!!??
↳ user: i know who you’re referring to, i agree 🫣
jobebellingham: 🤩🤍
erling.haaland: hi cutie
user: #halamadrid 🤍🤍🤍
user: madrid > barca
↳ user: you mean barca > madrid
📍mykonos, greece
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liked by trentarnold66, yourusername and 710,104 others
judebellingham: what a place 🇬🇷
view 7,831 comments
jobebellingham: wow, you’re cool
↳ yourusername: or so he thinks …
yourusername: hey judeeee 🤭
↳ judebellingham: hey pretty girl 👋🏾
↳ user: uMmmm??!?!?
↳ user: “just friends” my ass
user: welcome to madrid 🤍
user: finest player ever, i swear 😍
user: does anyone know if he’s alone on the trip or??
↳ user: why do you care???
user: this mf calling yn “pretty girl” was my last straw 😩
gioareyna: i miss u, cutie 😘
↳ judebellingham: i miss you too 😘
user: harry kane >>>> jude
↳ user: thIs must be a joke, wtf 😭😭
↳ user: did jude miss a penalty shot?!? i don’t think so! harry kane >> jude 🤩 CASE CLOSED! (yes, it’s a joke)
user: jude, the kids miss you, come back home
↳ user: me being delusional like 💀
trentarnold66: 🤩🤩🤩
user: live, laugh, love jude ❤️
user: sirrrr 😍😍
user: dude just stole my girl’s attention from me
↳ user: does your gf happened to be yn?!?
↳ user: nah, i wish tbh 😩
user: he’s so damn fine 😮‍💨
user: i told my mom about us
↳ user: ya’ll delusional, damn 🤣
user: is yn with you or???
user: he wants me 🤭
↳ user: yn, is that you?
📍oía, santorini, greece
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liked by judebellingham, jobebellingham and 601,101 others
yourusername: a lil vacay photo dump:) 😜
view 5,837 comments
user: jUde’s in greece??!? yn’s in greece?!?? does this mean?!?? they’re in greece together or???!?
gioareyna: 👀 oooohhh
↳ user: oohh?? wdym ohhh??
user: they posted different locations but im pretty sure they’re together!! jude posted a pic in a boat?? now yn?
judebellingham: hey ynnnn 👋🏾
↳ yourusername: heyyy bestie!!!
user: they HAVE to be together
judebellingham: are you following me? 🤔
↳ yourusername: pretty sure, you’re the one following me?
↳ judebellingham: mom did tell me to follow my dreams so;)
↳ yourusername: ooohh is that so??
↳ judebellingham: absolutely, pretty girl 😙
user: ^ iS he flirting ?????
user: don’t flirt with your “friend” challenge: level impossible
user: he can try to be a little less obvious
↳ user: who?
↳ user: jude lmao
user: pretty girl 😍😍😍
user: one chance is all im asking for, yn!!!!!
user: beauty!
jobebellingham: what takes you to greece, young lady?
↳ yourusername: simply lost in the blue and white charm of the greek islands 😌
↳ jobebellingham: and jude???
comment has been deleted
sasha__rebecca: hi, you’re hot! 😍
sasha__rebecca: that’s my girlfriend, ya’ll 😩
↳ yourusername: 😘😘😘
↳ jackgrealish: excuse me???
↳ yourusername: you’re excused, grealo
↳ sasha__rebecca: sorry, jack! my heart belongs to yn
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liked by sasha__rebecca, masonmount and 585,937 others
yourusername: 🤎🤎🤎
view 5,027 comments
user: how can someone be so pretty?!?? 😩
judebellingham: yo bro who got you smiling like that? 🤔
↳ yourusername: not you that’s for sure(:
↳ judebellingham: and here i thought i was the reason behind that beautiful smile but oh well 🤷🏽‍♂️ …..
↳ user: um????!??? hello??? does anyone else see this??
user: can we all talk about jude’s comment???!???
↳ user: im CONVINCED these two are together
user: i just know jude took these pic
user: gorggg 😍😍😍😍
user: your smile is everything 😩
user: “just friends” they say
user: nah frrr, who got you smiling like that??!?
user: jude, i get it, she’s gorgeous! i’d be obsessed too 😌
user: i pray they’re together ✨✨✨✨🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
erling.haaland: coffee 👍🏼
↳ yourusername: oh, hey there
↳ user: why is he so random??? 😭😭💀
mikkykiemeney: 😍😍😍
↳ yourusername: ❤️❤️
user: were you and jude in greece together?
user: idc if she’s not a wag but she’s my fav wag 😌
user: her smile broooo 😩😩😩😩😩
user: jude’s real lucky, huh?
sasha__rebecca: let me take you out for dinner 😉
↳ yourusername: anything for you, my love 😘
user: she fine asff 😗
jobebellingham: 🤩
↳ user: watch out for jude 🤣 that’s his girl
user: jude, huh? 😏
📍south of france
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liked by gioareyna, yourusername and 701,016 others
judebellingham: recharging with my bro! 🇫🇷🫶🏽
tagged: @jobebellingham
view 7,937 comments
user: you’re telling me that last post is you and jobe?? 🤔
↳ user: LMAOO FRRR 💀
↳ user: i guess yn is “bro” now
↳ user: like bffr, mate 🙄
johnstonesofficial: nice you!
yourusername: cute!
yourusername: bro 😊
↳ user: 😏😏😏😏
↳ user: just say ya’ll dating
yourusername: my fav!!!
↳ judebellingham: 💁🏽‍♂️ i know i am
↳ yourusername: sorry??? i was talking about jobe??
↳ jobebellingham: so inconsiderate, damn 🙄
↳ yourusername: tell me about it
↳ judebellingham: 🙄🙄 i hate you guys
↳ yourusername: we love you tooooo 😘😘
↳ jobebellingham: speak for yourself, yn
gioareyna: good people 🙌🏼
user: jobe is starting to look like jude, i swear
user: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
user: we all agree that’s yn in the last post right?
user: don’t you mean recharging with bro AND girl?
user: they look like twins in that second post
user: my boyfriend and brother in law 😩
user: bellingoal 🤩
user: the genes are STRONG STRONG
user: my favorite brothers ❤️❤️
user: mom and dad bellingham really said, “copy and paste”
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liked by trentarnold66, erling.haaland and 711,034 others 
judebellingham: she’s not so bad 🤷🏽‍♂️
tagged: @yourusername
view 6,857 comments
user: i had a feeling they were together but i was NOT prepared for the hard launch, wtf alssnsodbf
↳ user: you and me both, sister
jobebellingham: about damn time! 👏🏽
gioreyna: it’s official now, i gotta share the loml 😟
↳ judebellingham: sharing is caring after all 😉
↳ yourusername: um????
yourusername: you’re not so bad yourself, mate
yourusername: ❤️❤️
user: uhhh, hello?????
user: am i dreaming or??????!!?!
user: so this confirms they’ve been together for a while, right?
trentarnold66: have i been replaced, now that it’s official?
↳ judebellingham: never that
erling.haaland: i feel a bit heartbroken 💔
↳ judebellingham: just to clarify, you left first 🙁
↳ gioareyna: and then there was one left ….
↳ user: well damn 😟 thanks for reminding me 😭😭😭😭
user: my favs, omg!!!!
user: ngl i’m a bit heartbroken, but also happy for them
user: we’ve officially lost him, girlies 😩😩😩
user: i’m 💔💔😭😭 but also 🙌🏼🤩😏😉🤩🤩
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liked sophiaamelia, erling.haaland and 647,750 others
yourusername: i guess the secrets out, huh? 😝❤️
tagged: @judebellingham
view 5,047 comments
user: the first pic literally confirms they were together in greece!! bapsjdndkdjorgbpsndl
user: yn, babe, the secrets been out for ages 🙄 bffr
↳ yourusername: were we THAT obvious?
↳ user: yes, girl 😭😭😭 ya’ll weren’t the best at hiding it tbh
gioareyna: ahhh my man 😍😍😍
↳ yourusername: my*
↳ gioareyna: he was MINE first tho
user: the real madrid jersey 😩😩
judebellingham: 😘😘
judebellingham: i love you, pretty girl ❤️❤️
↳ user: cRying 😭😭😭😭
jobebellingham: 🙌🏽🤩
user: you’re cheating on me, huh??? 😒😒😒
user: “secrets out” as if nobody knew 💀
↳ user: nahh frrr 🤣
user: screaming and crying 💔💔😭 yn, you broke my heart
user: FINALLY!!!!!!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
trentarnold66: this cute or whatever 🙄 preferably the latter
↳ user: please, trent 😂😂😂
user: they cute!! 🥰
user: favs
user: I CALLED IT, OMG!!! 😏
user: it was about time, girl!!!
1K notes · View notes
iamtired10 · 5 days
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can't get enough
pairing - (girlfriend) kim minji x female reader
synopsis - your girlfriend minji is obsessed with kissing you—seriously, it's on another level. she'll do anything just to steal a kiss or two (or ten).
genre - fluff, suggestive, nothing explicit
warnings - kisses, more kisses, and even more kisses. minji is incredibly needy. and yes, it might be a little cringy, but also cute (ig?). oh and did i mention more kisses?
word count - 564 ( very short): )
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living with minji had its perks, but there were also challenges—most of which revolved around her being, well, clingy. not the annoying kind, though. she wasn’t smothering you 24/7; no, she just really, really liked being close to you.
especially when it came to kisses.
and this morning was no different.
you were still half-asleep, struggling to open your eyes when you felt the bed shift beside you. a soft weight settled against your side, and you could feel her—kim minji, your overly affectionate girlfriend—scooting closer.
“morning, my sweetest jagi,” her voice was soft, barely a whisper, as her lips found your cheek.
she pecked it once, then again, and then for a third time, as if just one wasn’t enough.
“minji,” you groaned, your voice thick with sleep, “it’s too early for this.”
“no, it’s not,” she mumbled against your skin, moving her kisses from your cheek to your jawline. “you haven’t kissed me back yet.”
“that’s because i’m still sleeping.”
“you can sleep and kiss me at the same time. multitask, babe,” she joked, pulling back only to press a lingering kiss to your lips.
you couldn’t help but smile despite yourself, eyes still closed.
this was minji in the mornings—needy, clingy, and relentless in her pursuit of affection.
she didn’t mind if you were tired, grumpy, or even annoyed. she’d get her kisses one way or another.
“come on, babe,” she nudged, poking your side gently. “just one proper kiss, and i’ll let you go back to sleep.”
you peeked an eye open, sighing dramatically. “you said that last time, and then i got five more kisses after the 'just one.'”
minji pouted, her bottom lip sticking out adorably. “okay, but this time i promise. just one. please?"
her pleading eyes and pouty face were impossible to resist.
with a groan, you shifted to face her properly, pulling her closer by the waist. she smiled triumphantly as you pressed your lips to hers, a soft, slow kiss that had her melting into your embrace.
but as expected, the kiss lasted longer than it should have.
before you could pull away, she cupped your face, deepening it, and you could feel her smiling against your lips.
“minji," you managed to murmur between kisses, “you said one.”
she giggled softly. “i lied. sue me.”
you couldn’t even pretend to be mad. it was always like this with her—minji loved kissing you like it was her life’s purpose, and you, though often playing the grumpy one, secretly enjoyed it just as much.
you’d never admit that, of course, but she probably already knew.
pulling back, minji gave you a satisfied grin, her forehead resting against yours. “there. now you can sleep.”
“finally,” you muttered, though you made no effort to move away from her. instead, you stayed exactly where you were, arms loosely wrapped around her waist, as she snuggled closer.
it was peaceful for about five minutes. you were just beginning to drift off again when you felt her shift against you.
“what now?” you asked, keeping your eyes closed.
she was quiet for a moment before whispering,
“I think I need one more.”
sighs... classic minji, always begging for one more kiss. you wouldn’t have it any other way. she’s your minji, and if she needs a hundred kisses a day, you’re all in.
a hundred more? no problem.
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a/n: sorry for being inactive, y'all. this was one of my drafts, so i decided to post it even though it’s cringe. don’t mind me, i thought it might be a little distraction from everything going on rn. sigh* stay strong, bunnies! we can do it! (pray for me i feel like i’m dying rn.)
179 notes · View notes
outro-jo · 1 year
kissing skz goodbye
pairing: skz x reader
type: reaction
warnings: none
a/n: please read info before requesting update: if you saw that pic of felix before, no you didn’t. upon further investigation that was not even felix and pinterest has done me dirty. this is why we don’t look for photos and post at like 1am 🙃
masterlist | info
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chan- it’s amazing chis was even asleep but he was and you know that if you left before him and didn’t kiss him that he’d pout about it all day. did he jump a little? yes but he melted right into your lips in no time. he let out a groan, his voice still raspy with sleep. his arms wrapped around your waist and because he was so much stronger than you, your body fell right into his.
“i’m not gonna let you go just yet.”
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lee know- this was purely to annoy him. he HATES being woken up but nonetheless you had to do your job as a partner. you gave several pecks in a row, lingering longer on the last one. to your surprise a hand came up to the back of your head and the kiss was deepened. 
“do this again and i’ll kill you.”
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changbin- will also pout if he doesn’t get a kiss before you go to work. you’ll get texts throughout the day teasing that you don’t love him and how could he possibly be with someone so cruel. so to save yourself the headache on such a busy day, you leaned down and gave him a gentle kiss on his cheek. as you turned to walk out, a hand caught yours at the last second and you heard him whine.
“nooo, kiss me properly, baby.”
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hyunjin- kisses were spread all throughout your morning routine. when you first opened your eyes and rolled over, you brushed his hair back to admire his beautiful features in sleep before softly kissing them. then a quick peck after your shower on your way to change. lastly, a long kiss to his lips that finally causes him to stir and then return the kiss.
“have a good day, my love.”
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han- you know better than to leave a room let alone the house without kissing your boyfriend goodbye. your kisses are like a drug to him and he can’t go more than a few hours without begging for them. you give him a kiss to each cheek to wake him slightly, gently letting him know what’s coming next. his lips poke out while his eyes are still closed. letting you know he’s ready for you and you lean down once more, giving him a final kiss before you have to go.
“i love you, baby.”
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felix- lix is so stunning when he sleeps. his bare face littered with freckles and relaxed features looking younger in sleep. you almost hate to wake him up even a little but you can’t help but to kiss him before you leave. not only would he be upset if you didn’t but your heart would ache without one last kiss. your hand rests on his cheek, stroking it with your thumb as you lean down. felix isn’t scared or even fazed by your affections. instead he kisses you right back and reaches up to keep you in place for a little longer. 
“such a perfect way to wake up.”
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seungmin- sleep is such a precious thing to seungmin but if he was honest, you’re even more precious. the first time you left for work before he was up, you got to hear about it when you got home that evening. he wasn’t really sulking or anything, but was just talking about your absence like it was fact. you got the idea. from then on you remembered to kiss him goodbye. the room was still dark as the curtains were drawn and you leaned over him, pushing his hair off his forehead before kissing his lips. you felt him smile before kissing you back.
“bye, darling.”
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jeongin- though he can sleep though anything, jeongin still knows when you leave without kissing him. you joke that it’s like kissing a mannequin but he insist you do it anyways. this morning was a little different because he had just returned home from tour and wanted to savor every moment he could with you. it surprised you when his lips moved against yours and his hand came up to caress your cheek. his nose nuzzling yours as your lips parted to still keep you close to him. 
“i’ve missed this.”
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rebelliousstories · 1 month
Relationship: Wade Wilson/ Deadpool x Reader
Fandom: X-Men
Request: Yes by Anon
Warnings: Fluff, Innuendos, Brief Adult Content, Mentions of Drug Use
Word Count: 1,013
Main Masterlist: Here
X-Men Masterlist: Here
Summary: A simple night with some good food and better music.
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“Baby, is that the takeout for tonight?”
“Yes ma’am. I’ve got the goods. It’s gonna cost you though.”
Wade rounded the corner and set the bags down on the counter, before spinning his girlfriend around by the hips. They had the apartment all to themselves that evening, thanks to Logan taking Blind Al to his apartment for the night. And the couple was going to make the most of it.
“What’s it going to cost me, Mr. Pool?” She teased, wrapping her arms around his neck. They began to sway gently to invisible music that only drifted in their touch.
“I think a kiss to start,” came his request. Looking to be deep in thought about it, he took it upon himself to surge forward and press his lips against hers. Both of them began to sink into the embrace that took over their bodies. However, the microwave beeped and brought them back into the world.
“Move, mister. Gotta get the popcorn out.” As she did, her boyfriend let out a loud gasp as she dumped the contents of the bag into a bowl.
“Is that the limited edition salt and vinegar popcorn? And are you going to put the caramel on the side so we can enjoy that as a post dinner snack with the movie?” He rattled off, clapping his hands together while watching like a parrot over her shoulder.
“Yes it is. And it will be perfectly cooled down for your preference by the time we’re done eating.” She moved on from the popcorn, and grabbed some forks and spoons for the takeout.
The couple moved to the table in the dining room, and began their meal. A usual takeout night was pizza or wings, but tonight was special. Wade had gotten the favorite pasta from that Italian joint down the road that they always went to. Light conversation flowed through the air as they continued to eat. Even with all of his wrinkly, dimpled, bold headedness, she still loved to look at him. It had been a challenging few years, but they made it work.
“You know what this needs?” Wade suddenly stood, and went over to the boom box that was tucked away into the corner of the room.
“No, no, Wade. Please don’t,” her begging did nothing but encourage him. He stuck a tape in and turned dramatically.
“Oh, yes baby, come on.” His hands grabbed hers, and placed them on top of his shoulders, while his went to her waist. The music flowed through the apartment, and wrapped around them as they not quite danced, but rather swayed together.
“Is that Wham?”
“Gotta say it right. It’s ’WHAM!’,” Wade dropped his voice to a near whisper, “the album gave them their exclamation point.”
“Whatever you say, honey.” She stood on her toes, and pressed a kiss to his lips. It was certainly different than kissing someone without a mutation like his. But there was no one else in the world she would rather kiss. The rough outline of his lips, that were constantly slathered in chapstick to make it more pleasing for her, molded so perfectly with hers. Firm muscles under her hands, and dimpled skin underneath the tips of her fingers. He was the first one to pull away as the song trailed off.
“Movie time?” His voice was excited at the prospect of continuing their night.
“Are you saying that because you want to spend time with me in a horizontal position, or because you want the popcorn?” She teased.
“Oh I always love spending time with you horizontally. But I actually really want to watch the film.” Wade’s flirting was nothing new for her. In fact, it was a welcome part of her day and dialogue with him. She could automatically tell if something was wrong depending on if he did not make an innuendo or adult joke to her.
“Whatever you say big man. I’m bringing my spaghetti though. That stuff is so good.”
They grabbed their respect foods, and made their way to the couch. Plopping down, she watched as her lover set up the film on their brand new blu-ray player that was a gift from the TVA. Wade could have asked for anything, but he was a simple man at heart. He just wanted to be able to watch Golden Girls in perfect imaging for years to come. However, a new film filled the slot as the man made his way to the couch to sit next to his girlfriend.
“Really,” came her deadpan delivery; complete with expression to match.
“Don’t knock it till you try it.” However, whether Wade was saying that about his popcorn that was now being dipped in caramel or the movie he had selected, she was not sure.
“It’s a ‘My Little Pony’ film.” All the different characters made themselves right at home on the screen before them while he turned to face her.
“Okay, Grouchy Bear. Just watch it, will you? They really teach you a lot about magic, friendship, and how to recognize red flags in the people in your life.” Wade went on to defend, but she dropped her face into her hands. She laughed lightly while peaking at him through her fingers.
“Alright. Just hit play.”
At her defeat, Wilson happily followed the order and tucked himself in. She put her food to the side after a couple more bites because she would much rather be doing things other than eating. While the food found a place on their coffee table, she found her spot tucked underneath her boyfriend’s arm so that she was snuggled into his side.
“It is a pretty good movie so far.” She whispered, not too sure if he had heard what she said.
“I know.” Wade responded, pressing a kiss to her hair. This was right where the both of them wanted to be. Just them two alone for some quality time. And paying absolutely no attention to the fact that Logan was yelling at Blind Al downstairs for offering to do cocaine with Laura.
153 notes · View notes
lovebugism · 1 year
Hi I am begging on my knees for more of your steddie x reader it’s so good I’m crying
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summary: steve's got a bad case of baby fever. it's not so bad until you start getting sick with it too. eddie has to come up with a solution before all of you fall ill.
pairing: steve harrington / f!reader / eddie munson
a/n: i just realized i haven't posted anything steddie related in almost three months. i am so sorry. this is a total travesty. please enjoy this 3k blurb and find it in your heart to forgive me <3
You squint at the grocery list scribbled on a bright blue sticky note. It’s a mish-mash of all your different handwritings. Some are certainly neater than others. “This just says crabs… I think...”
“It doesn’t say crabs, you loon,” Eddie laughs from where he mans the shopping cart beside you. He’s steering the thing about as well as his van. “It says cereals.”
“No, it says a bunch of gibberish that no one can read but you,” you retort with a giggle of your own as you follow him down the breakfast aisle. “And we just need one box of cereal, alright? Singular.”
He turns to you with a cartoonish pout on his lips. “But why?”
“Because you’re like a kid, Eds. You eat the entire thing in one sitting, and then you’re absolutely haywire for the rest of the day.”
And, just like a child, the boy stands in front of the vibrantly colored boxes of cereal with a wide grin on his face.
The local grocery store was smaller compared to the others in town, but they had every brand of the breakfast food known to man, stacked in neat rows from the floor to ceiling. 
Eddie’s got a twinkle in his eye as his gaze runs over them all. And even though you think it’s all boyish and hilarious, you let him have his fun. 
He grew up unable to enjoy all the goodness of overly sweet cereal because bills and food with actual sustenance were always more important. Now, he’s got a halfway stable job with Wayne at the car shop, and he’s living at his own place with his boyfriend and girlfriend, and he can buy whatever the hell kind of cereal he wants. 
So, as far as he’s concerned, everyone who said he’d never amount to much can suck it. 
And you know you’ll let him buy the whole damn grocery store out of their cereal if that’s what he wants. It’s the least you can do for the world’s best boyfriend — a title he begrudgingly shares with Steve The Hair Harrington.
You’d give him the world if you could, but for now you’ll have to settle for a couple of boxes of Lucky Charms.
“Okay, so the OJ’s we got last time tasted like absolute shit,” Eddie mutters, mostly to himself as he crouches to peer at the lower shelves. “I saw a commercial for Waffle-O’s this morning, and they looked pretty good. But I know you like Breakfast With Barbie and Steve ate a bowl of C3PO’s every day for, like, two weeks, so…”
You stand by the cart and laugh at his rambling. You turn to look behind you with a lighthearted joke sitting on the edge of your tongue. It dissipates when you realize Steve isn’t next to you. 
Instead, he’s still standing at the end of the aisle with his back to you and Eddie — like his feet forgot how to work when he caught sight of the family across the store. It’s a mother and a father, dressed in their mid-weekday finest, with a baby swaddled at their chest and a toddler bouncing in the seat of the shopping cart. 
And you know it’s got the boy totally lost in his own head. You know he's picturing you and him and Eddie as that happy family — the one fills every store you walk into with baby babbles and bubbly laughter. 
Steve told you his senior year of high school he wanted a baby, that he wanted six of them, and that he wanted them all with you. And you were just a stupid seventeen-year-old girl who would’ve done anything he asked you to, though you definitely drew the line at babies. 
But you’re older now, and far more settled than you had been all that time ago. Steve’s ready for a family, but you don’t think you’re anywhere close.
“How about we just compromise and get all three?” Eddie finally concludes with the boxes already in his arms. He dumps them into the cart and notices that your attention is elsewhere. He realizes then that Steve’s gone too because his attention is stuck on a nice family minding their own business. 
“Not again…” he murmurs to himself while you go rescue the boy.
“I’ve never seen someone so sick with baby fever in my life,” you laugh as you drag Steve back to the cart by his wrist.
“I can’t help it!” he defends weakly. “They were so cute! They were all matching and I couldn’t stop thinking about how I can’t wait to coordinate outfits with our baby. Doesn’t that sound like the cutest fucking thing ever?”
“It sounds very adorable, Stevie,” you nod understandingly and try to ignore the way your stomach twists at the thought of him and his baby girl wearing matching pastels every time they step out of the house. “And we can be just like them in five years—”
“Five years?” he gapes.
“Maybe even ten,” Eddie shrugs and nonchalantly tosses a box of Count Chocula into the cart.
“Ten years— You guys are insane if you think I’m waiting ten years to have a kid!” Steve protests with a pair of buff arms crossed boyishly over his chest. “I’m not getting any younger over here, you know that, right?”
“You’re twenty-five, Steve, stop being so dramatic. We’re just now trying to get settled. I’m still in school, you’re still working at Family Video, Eddie’s still… Eddie. Don’t you think we should have actual careers before we have a kid?”
Steve huffs and rolls his eyes, feigning annoyance even though he knows you’re right.
It’s not like he wants to keep working at the stupid store on Main Street. He keeps putting off the conversation with his dad about another job, because he puts off every conversation with his dad. He’s scared of what asking for a position at his firm will do to his pride.
“She’s right, and you know it, Steven,” Eddie tells him, then scoffs. “I mean, can you really imagine me with a baby strapped to my chest on tour?”
You and Steve both pause and tilt your heads to the side as you picture the sight, terribly in sync as always. You can imagine it, quite perfectly actually, tangible enough to touch.
“That’s the cutest thing I think I’ve ever heard,” Steve finishes your thought for you.
Eddie cowers at the sudden attention. “Okay, stop looking at me like I’m a piece of meat, alright? We are not having a kid right now. There’s no fucking way.”
Steve all but deflates at the rejection as Eddie pushes the cart down the aisle, desperate to escape the bubble of tension the conversation had created in the cereal section.
You smile sheepishly over at Steve and wrap your arms through the crook of his elbow, standing on the tips of your toes to press a kiss to his cheek. “He’s being grumpy about it, but he’s right… It’s just not a good idea right now— but it will be, okay? One day. Just not… to-day.”
The day, for you, comes exactly seven of them later. 
You accompany Steve on his morning run and his routine stop for coffee. You’re not quite sure how he’s still mobile because your muscles are screaming, even after the warm shower you took to soothe them.
You left him alone for all of half a second to use the bathroom while he ordered drinks for him and you, and something extra for Eddie for when the boy decides to roll out of bed.
When you return, you find him bouncing a baby on his hip — a young thing, maybe three if you had to guess, with two buns in her hair like bunny ears and a sparkly pink dress to match the bows she wears in them.
Steve smiles down at her, talking to her in a baby voice and saying something you can’t hear because you’re frozen in place. You resemble him at the grocery store a week ago, when he was thrown into a daydream so suddenly that his body all but shut down. 
You look at him now, tickling the baby’s sides just to hear her giggle, and you see him with your firstborn — sleep deprived, covered in spit-up, and still the most beautiful human you’d ever seen.
You have to shake your head to remove the thought before it ruins you entirely. 
Freshly jostled from your stupor, you walk over to him. “Steve… Please tell me you didn’t steal someone’s baby.”
He laughs. “What? No! She was just a little fussy, and I offered to take her while her mom looked for something,” the boy explains. You look just behind him to see the woman bent over at one of the smaller tables, sifting vigorously through a large baby bag.
“She doesn’t seem very fussy now,” you observe, eyes flitting between his and the child's and noticing they’ve both got matching grins.
“She doesn’t, does she?” he smiles, softly scratching at her sides again to make her laugh. And she does, most enthusiastically so, tilting her head back and letting the giggles spill from an open mouth.
He turns back to you, with wide eyes and raised brows and a bemused grin. “I like she likes me.”
“Of course, she does,” you scoff. “Babies always like you.”
The mom returns with a snack in hand and a relieved smile. Steve passes the baby back to her with little effort. She whines at the loss of him, though the brightly packaged treat is quick to quell her sorrow. 
“Thanks for taking her,” the mother's grateful smile falters with exhaustion. “If I don’t give her the same snack at exactly the same time every day, she tends to go a little nuts.” 
Steve tells her that it’s no problem, that he was a part-time babysitter at one point in his life, and that her kid was better than those little shits combined. He censors himself before the swear slips out, though.
You go your separate ways when the barista calls out your drink orders and walk hand in hand back to your place.
“Did you get their names?” you ask him before taking a sip of your latte.
“The mom’s name was Maeve and the kid’s name was Harper—”
“Holy shit,” you mutter.
Steve snaps his head over to you because he thinks you’ve burnt your mouth. Instead, he finds you with a distant smile on your face.
“Those are the cutest names I’ve ever heard. It sounds like something out of a fucking cartoon or something.”
“Yeah…” is all he can say because his mind is preoccupied with a million other thoughts. He doesn’t tell you them, obviously, but you know they’re there. The sly smile pulling at his lips makes it obvious.
“…Why are you looking at me like that.”
“Because I’m totally gonna wear you down,” he grins and brings his coffee to his mouth, sipping through his smirk.
You only scoff in response. “Never.”
It doesn’t take you very long to realize that Steve was right.
You spend the rest of the day thinking about it — about him with a baby and how perfect he'd be as a dad. The thoughts plague you far more than they usually do. They take up the entire frontal cortex of your brain and make it nearly impossible to think about anything else.
You’re self-aware enough to beat yourself up about it. 
You were just telling him that it wasn’t time yet, and you knew you were right. As far as you’re concerned, you still have another few good years before you’re ready to even start seriously considering it. 
But here you are, having to calm yourself down every time the thought of Steve Harrington with a baby, your baby, crosses your mind.
You wait until the boy heads to bed to talk to Eddie about it. You find him in the kitchen, eating handfuls of Breakfast with Barbie like a maniac. You’re too preoccupied to make a snarky comment about it.
“Steve wasn’t lying,” you warn him.
“..About what?” he wonders through the mouthful.
“About him not waiting ten years to have a baby! He wants one now!” you explain through a yell-whisper hybrid. “And he told me he was going to wear me down, and he was right.”
Eddie’s eyes go wide too, like he’s just learned you caught some sort of plague. You have. It’s called baby fever, and it’s only a matter of time before the entire house is afflicted. “Shit…”
“So you have to be the strong one, Eddie.”
“Oh, god,” he whines with pinched brows. “Why does it have to be me?”
“Because I saw him hold a baby today.”
“…And this is a bad thing?”
“Of course, it’s a bad thing! My hormones went crazy, okay? It’s like my brain stopped functioning, and I started thinking with my ovaries or something! All human instinct told me to lay down and procreate the second we got home!”
Eddie laughs to himself. “Are you sure it was human instinct, or was it just you on a normal Wednesday?”
“I’m being serious, Eddie,” you tell him, a sudden solemnity to your features. “You have to put your foot down whenever Steve talks about it because I will cave.”
“Alright, alright, have some Barbie cereal and settle down,” he tells you with a playful grin.
He offers you the box and you pout for a moment before sticking your hand into it and pulling out several red and purple butterfly pieces.
The boy wraps an arm around you with his free hand. He pulls you closer and noses at the crown of your head. You sigh as you relax into him. 
“I’ll take care of it, okay? I actually have the perfect idea.”
“I don’t like the sound of that,” you waver through a mouthful of cereal.
“Don’t worry about it,” he lilts with a grin, smacking a kiss to your forehead. “Let me take care of it.”
You and Steve are tangled in bedsheets, both slowly rousing but trying desperately to go back to sleep. 
You’re laying on your stomach, face smushed into the pillow you clutch to your head. Steve lays halfway on top of you — his legs knotted with yours, arm splayed over your back, and softly snoring in your ear. 
Both of you noticed the lack of Eddie’s presence, but chose not to linger on it too much, figuring he must’ve gone for a breakfast run. 
He returns hardly a moment after the thought of him crosses your mind. You hear the door open and shut again, then the shouts of your names entwined with a muffled barking.
You groan at the intrusion on your sleep.
Steve huffs and shifts against you, voice gruff with fatigue as he wonders: “Why do I hear a dog?”
The mixture of confusion and subtle knowing has you both shuffling out of the bedroom and trudging into the living room.
You round the corner and find Eddie standing by the door with a rowdy goldendoodle bouncing at his feet. He’s trying hopelessly to undo its leash when the thing starts to squirm at the sight of you and Steve.
Eddie’s eyes flit to the both of you when he notices you standing across the room. A smile bursts like early morning sunshine on his face. “Surprise!” he beams.
The metal of the leash clicks when he finally gets it unbuckled. The dog dashes your way, all but jumping into Steve and then spinning in circles with excitement as it tries to figure out who to accept attention from. 
“You got us a dog?” the boy wonders, head cocked back to dodge the thing as it licks at his chin.
“You said you wanted a baby,” Eddie shrugs. “So, I got you a baby.”
“This is so not what a meant,” the boy grouses in response, though he’s got his arms wrapped around the dog like he’s hugging it. “I mean, it’s not even a baby— it’s huge.”
“The woman at the shelter said he was eight months old. And he is a he, so stop calling him it.”
You crouch beside Steve, scratching the dog behind his ear. He pants with his tongue sticking out, almost looking like he’s smiling. It makes you smile too. 
“We don’t even have dog food. Or toys. Or a bed,” you stress. “What are we even gonna name it?”
“Well, I took care of exactly one of those things,” Eddie lilts with a grin. “They only had that gross artificial shit at the grocery store, but they did have some badass collars and an engraving machine, so…”
You and Steve peek through the dog’s golden curls and find a black band with silver spikes dotted around the neck. “Super metal, huh?” you hear himEdiejoke as you reach for the dangled heart pendant handing around the collar.
“…Ozzy?” you recite.
“See what I mean?” he beams. “Metal.”
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2baabbies · 6 months
🖤 Knee Socks (Changbin x Reader) 🖤
Crossposted under 2Babbies on Ao3 <3
(decided to crosspost this today for all the changbin fuckers, I hope you like it 🫶🏻)
Pairings: established frenemies changbin x reader, to lovers
Words: 4100
Summary: Changbin stops by uninvited to pick up the jacket you borrowed from him. You are annoyed that he has interrupted your down time on your day off, but maybe he’ll find a way to make it up to you?
(inspired by the Arctic Monkeys song!!)
Humour + Fluff + Smut
afab + fem!reader
CWs: reader and binnie are mean and they swear at each other but they actually looove each other, playful insults are thrown around, picking on your crush to hide your real feelings??, jokes about murderers/getting murdered, gamer girl!reader, changbin projects on reader based on how she’s dressed (but they’re both down bad so it’s fine)
Smut Tags: taunting/teasing, explicit consent because consent is sexy, big dick changbin, changbin sock fetish, slight dom dynamics but reader and bin are both kind of switches in this one, changbin going down on reader, some edging, vaginal fingering, begging, praise, slight degradation, handjob, mutual/guided masturbation, dirty talk, confessions during sex
Reposting this fic to other platforms, including as a translation, is expressly prohibited. Do not copy, alter, or claim this fic as your own. Absolutely no permission is given to anyone to post my works, even with credit, and this fic should only appear on Ao3 or Tumblr under my accounts. Reposting is not only plagiarism, but a direct violation of my wishes as the original writer and owner. Please respect writers and don’t steal!
Likes, reblogs, asks and comments are very welcome and appreciated <3
The fourth phone call in three minutes prompts some concern, so you forfeit your competitive match to give the caller your full attention.
“What’s wrong?”
“What are you doing?” Changbin responds casually.
“I’m trying to rank. Is something wrong?”
“Rank? Christ, are you playing that stupid game again?”
“Felix is two whole levels above me!”
“… So?”
“Felix isn’t even good, he’s not allowed to be two levels higher than me!”
There is a pause on the other end and you think he may have hung up before he speaks.
“So that’s what you’re doing? Wasting your day away on your computer?”
“Why are you complaining? I went out with you and Chan last night. And I don’t have another day off for two weeks, so I have to grind as much as I can today. And fyi, you’re putting me at a disadvantage. I just left a match to answer your stupid call because I thought you were getting murdered or something. That could’ve been a win.”
“You think I would call you if I was getting murdered?”
“Yeah, I think you would. You know why? Because you’re stupid.”
“Hey hey hey, be nice.”
“What do you want? You’re wasting my precious time.”
“You stole my jacket last night, e-girl, I’m here to get it back.”
“I’m not an e-girl- wait, you’re here? Right now?”
“Wasting away in the lobby. Waiting for someone to come and murder me.”
You stand up from your chair and pad out of your room to your intercom. You hang up your phone and shout into the speaker.
“Quit loitering, shithead!”
“Fuck you!” Changbin shouts back.
You unlock your apartment door then buzz him in.
“Doors are unlocked. Your jacket is on the couch. Get your shit and get out.”
You hear him giggle maniacally as he opens the now unlocked lobby door and roll your eyes before returning to your bedroom. You quickly queue for a new match and put your headphones on. You join in immediately and the sound of Changbin entering your apartment is drowned out by the sounds of the game. You think you hear him say something from the other room but you opt to ignore him to maintain your kill streak. The match ends with a win and Changbin startles you as he speaks up beside you.
“You have an addiction, you know that right?”
You pull your headphones down and glare at him.
“Dude! What are you still doing here?”
“Look at this,” He picks up one of the many empty energy drink cans scattered across your desk, “You’re going to have a goddamn heart attack. I told you to lay off these. And your desk is a mess!”
“Shut up! Why are you in here?”
“You left your door unlocked. Not safe. That’s how murderers get in.”
You groan.
“Stop lecturing me! You were two minutes coming up, at most.”
“Yeah, but what if I wasn’t? And what if there was a murderer who was waiting just outside your door? Did you think of that, Ms. Noise-Cancelling-Headphones?”
“But there wasn’t a murderer! You’re just an idiot!”
You spin your chair towards him, clenching your fists in exasperation. He huffs and crosses his arms, his blue jacket slung over his broad shoulders. Suddenly, his eyes widen and he swallows before looking away.
“What the Hell are you wearing?”
You look down at your attire as you sit cross-legged in your gaming chair. You had expected to spend the whole day inside, so your outfit was not exactly guest appropriate but it suited your personal comfort level just fine. You are wearing a thick oversized sweater that drapes over your lap, no pants, topped off with fluffy socks that cover your legs and end just above your knees. The sweater hangs low, doing little to cover your chest and cleavage, and the socks squeeze the plush insides of your thighs. Normally you would have been more embarrassed dressing this way in front of your friend, but Changbin had not been invited into your room and you were still annoyed at him for taking up your personal time.
“What’s wrong? They’re just my pajamas.”
“You sleep in that? Fuck, you really are an e-girl.”
You roll your eyes.
“It’s comfy. And look, the socks have beans.”
You lift your leg to show the bottom of your foot, where cat paws are printed on the socks. He slaps your leg down firmly.
“Don’t do that.”
“Why? There’s beans!”
“I can see that.”
You notice a dark blush dusting his cheeks as you go to lift your leg again. This time he holds your leg down by your thigh to prevent you from lifting it.
“Would you stop that? Have some modesty will you?”
“Modesty? They’re cat socks.”
“And you’re wearing them like some sort of pervert.”
You curl up in your chair and turn back to your pc.
“Lee Know would appreciate them.”
“Yeah, he probably has a catgirl fetish. He’s your target audience.”
You glare softly at him.
“I’m telling him you said that. And there’s no audience. This is just how I dress when I’m alone.”
“Because there’s not supposed to be weird men in my room!”
He blinks in surprise then gapes, offended, at your words.
“I am not a weird man. Take that back.”
“You just called me a pervert. Because of cat socks.”
“I’m sorry! But don’t flash me!”
“Flash you?”
He points at your lap, and this makes you blush. All you see is the gap of bare flesh not covered by your sweater or your socks. You throw your hands up in defeat as he gestures impatiently, and his attention on your thighs suddenly makes you self-conscious. You slap your hands down to cover them.
“There! Happy?”
“Not that! You were- your legs- just don’t spread your legs open when you’re not wearing any clothes, yeah?”
“These are clothes.”
“You’re not wearing pants, and you might not be wearing underwear either.”
You scoff.
“You think I’m not wearing underwear? Seriously?”
“I wouldn’t put it past you.”
“I’m not a freak.”
“Prove it.”
You peer at him.
“That I’m not a freak?”
“That you’re wearing underwear.”
“You’re weird as fuck man.”
You kick your legs up on the desk, knocking a few cans to the floor in the process. Changbin grumbles about your slobbish habits and picks the cans up, then storms out of your room. You wait a moment for him to return and when he does not, curiously get up from your chair to check on him. You spot him in the kitchen from your doorway and pause to watch him. He has his hands braced against the counter and his head lowered as he takes measured breaths. He notices you out of the corner of his eye and looks at you, his jacket is still slung over his shoulder.
“Are you okay?”
Your eyes flit over his arms, flexing as he grips the counter. Then they roam over his black shirt, tightly fitted over his biceps and abs, then down until they land on the unmistakable bulge in his slacks. You look back up to meet his gaze. He looks wrecked, watching you with heavy eyes as his cheeks burn with shame.
You jump as something falls in your room and hits the floor, bringing you both out of the silent trance you had been in for who knows how long.
“What was that?”
You shrug.
“Murderer. Ghost.”
“My apartment’s haunted. That’s why I never have anyone over.”
He laughs with a hint of strain.
“You’re funny.”
“I’m sorry, I’ll go, just give me a second,” He rasps.
You do not give him a second. You clear your throat and tug your sweater off in one quick swoop. He stares, wide-eyed, as you toss it to the floor and cross your arms. You stare back at him, wearing nothing but a comfy sports bra, your underwear, and your knee socks. The underwear are lame, not even a cute pair. They are the kind with a little satin bow, pink with faded prints of flowers and bunnies, and a small rip in the frilly waistband. There is nothing sexy or enticing about them.
Changbin’s cock strains against the zipper of his pants, no doubt aching to be released. He exhales slowly as his eyes skim over your body. He audibly swallows then looks away.
“What’s wrong? You’re acting like you’ve never seen a naked woman before. You’re not embarrassed, are you?”
He groans and throws his jacket to the floor then begins crossing the room, tearing his shirt off next in the process. You back up into your room, tripping over another discarded can then falling back on your bed. You sit up just as he enters the doorway. Suddenly, he pauses. He grips the top of the doorframe, giving you a clear view of his muscles at work. You nonchalantly check him out as he pants softly. Then, he points at you.
“You’re the devil, you know that right?”
You laugh and roll your eyes.
“I wasn’t trying to seduce you.”
“Are you trying now?”
You gnaw on your lip and eye his crotch again lazily. Then you shrug.
“Not particularly.”
“I’m not lying.”
“Look at how you’re dressed.”
“I didn’t dress to impress anyone today, Binnie. Who would even see it? Look at me, why would I wear ratty underwear and a sweaty sports bra if I was trying to look sexy? I’ve been a good girl, you’ve been the bad boy thinking dirty thoughts.”
You emphasize your statement by propping your legs up and spreading them open. He shivers and takes in the clear view of your scantily clad figure.
“y/n,” He says seriously, “I need to know before we go any further if you want this? I’ll stop the moment you ask, I promise, but I want to know before I do something stupid if you even want to keep this going or if you’re just teasing me. Because I… really want you, and I think I’m gonna lose it if we keep this up for much longer.”
You smile and respond softly.
“I trust you, Binnie. I know you would never hurt me. So whatever you want to do, you can do it to me.”
“Right now?”
“Right now.”
“Take your panties off, please.”
You smirk at his hesitant order but obey it. You hook your thumbs into the elastic of your panties and slide them off, taking your time and keeping your legs spread as you complete the process. He watches you greedily, drinking in the sight of you as you pull your bra off next. You discard both garments to the floor carelessly, then dip your thumb in the cuff of your sock and begin pulling it down.
“No. Leave those on.”
You pull your hand away, fluttering your fingers playfully and tilting your head. He finally enters the room, crossing slowly and kicking the can away when he meets it. He stops at the end of the bed. You hold your breath as he stares down at you, and watch as he reaches down to caress your ankle then gently grasps your calf. You let out a shaky breath right before he drags you to the end of the bed by one leg. You gasp as the bottoms of your thighs come flush to his knees.
He meanders fixing your knee socks one at a time. He tugs them up to hug your thighs and runs his thumbs just under the bands to touch the soft skin beneath. You shudder when he looks at you, then grabs your other thigh and squeezes both of them. Your legs quiver as he holds them open and massages underneath your thighs.
“You’ll tell me if you want me to stop, yeah?”
You nod and he shakes his head.
“Say it.”
“I’ll tell you. But I don’t want you to stop. I really don’t want you to stop.”
Changbin falls to the floor on his knees and grips the tops of your socks, he then hikes your legs over his shoulders. You gasp and clench your fingers in the bedsheets when he dives in to lap at your pussy.  You throw your head back and release a pitchy moan as he slowly mouths at you. His fingers curl to stretch the fabric of your socks and your thighs hug his face as he prods you open with his tongue. 
Despite how ruined he looked and how wired he said he felt, he eats you out with an astounding amount of restraint. He rolls his tongue inside between filthy open-mouth kisses, eyes boring into yours as he makes obscenely wet noises. You are not sure if they come from his saliva or your arousal, but it makes your core ache nonetheless. You throw one hand against your forehead and slap the other down on the bed as he continues his tortuous pace.
“Changbin,” You whine, the last part of his name fading off in a squealing moan.
“Mhm,” He peppers a few kisses on the insides of your thighs and nuzzles his cheeks there gently, “What is it, baby?”
“Stop teasing…”
He punctuates his response with a long, deep, kiss right on your clit. You cry out in frustration as he smirks down at you.
“You teased me, it’s my turn, honey.”
You huff and mewl as he resumes eating you out.
“But I… I didn’t…”
He groans, rumbling your heat as he does so. You buck your hips and moan as he begins picking up the pace, then breaks away. You whimper and glare at him as he licks his lips clean.
“Do you want me to stop?” He asks breathlessly, “Or do you want me to give in to you?”
“Will you please just fuck me?”
His breath hitches at how soft and desperate your voice sounds. He shakes his head and brings his lips to your heat again.
“Why?” You cry, tears pricking as you feel yourself teetering on the edge of release.
“Shhh, patience, baby. Patience.”
You run your fingers through your hair and arch your back as you grind against his face. He finally grants you relief when he props his elbows on the bed, your thighs still straddle his face, and he pushes three of his fingers between your folds. He buries his face in your heat and fingerfucks you, continuing to do so until you climax. You can only make mindless, breathy, sounds as he stimulates you through your high. You grip the bed sheets and squeeze your thighs together on instinct, mind going blank as pleasure pulses endlessly through your core. He holds your thighs open and continues suckling at your clit, watching you fall apart from his tongue. 
Slowly, he stops and lowers you on the bed. He lets your legs fall to his sides and presses chaste kisses over your thighs and abdomen. Your legs twitch and you let out a wrecked moan as your pussy throbs. His hands roam sweetly over your thighs, petting and soothing you to relax.
“There you go. Good girl. Wasn’t that worth waiting for?”
You make a short, annoyed, sound.
“You’re such a fucking tease.”
He chuckles and stands up, unzipping his slacks and pulling them down. You let your head loll to the side as you watch him. His cock pitches a tent in his boxers, standing proudly as he shucks his pants off. He takes his time rolling the band of his boxers over his length, no doubt enjoying your attention. You bite your lip as he strips himself down then kneels beside you on the bed. You run your hand over his thigh and give a teasing squeeze, then look up for his reaction.
“Well?” He murmurs.
“You’re big.”
He snorts, his cock stands proud and drips precum as he moves over you.
“Yeah. It’s a pain.”
“Not for me.”
“Oh? You can take a big dick right now?”
He taps his fingers against your pussy and chuckles when you whine and roll away. You glare over your shoulder as he rubs your hip.
“You’re still too sensitive, baby.”
“And whose fault is that?”
He rolls his eyes.
“My fault for giving you an amazing orgasm, I guess.”
“Yeah, how are you going to get your dick wet now? Stupid.”
His cock jumps and he groans softly at your chiding.
“I’m not.”
“You don’t want to fuck me?”
Your tone is more insecure than you wanted it to be, but there is no way to take it back now. Changbin’s eyes soften and he rolls you over to face him. His hand comes to cup your cheek as you avoid looking at him.
“Is that what I said?”
“Right. Do you need to hear me say it?”
You nod shyly and he shoots you a soft smirk.
“I want you. I need you. You’re so beautiful.”
You laugh softly.
“I want to make you feel loved. I want to take care of you.”
“Oh, so now you want to be romantic? What happened to the teasing and manhandling?”
He rolls his eyes.
“Well, that was when I was hungry, baby. I’m not thinking straight until I’ve had my fill.”
He leans down, hovering his lips over yours.
“Are you thinking straight now?” You murmur.
“No. You’re still making me crazy.”
You giggle and brush your nose against his.
“What are you gonna do about it?”
“Kiss you?”
You nod timidly. He chuckles as you both close the space between you and share a slow, sweet kiss. You sigh into his mouth as he pets your cheek with his thumb.
“What about now? What do you want me to do?” He asks.
“Fuck me?” 
“Hah… I don’t think you’re ready for that yet, baby.”
“Pretty big talk for a guy that got hard over socks.”
“Well. They are on you.”
“Shut up.”
You kiss again, a bit more heated. Changbin melts into your arms as you pull him closer and he grinds against the crease of your hip. You giggle as he moans and chases the friction a second time.
“Can’t fit your big dick in my pussy? Just gonna hump me like a dog instead?”
He groans and raises his hips up, his cock still hangs and drags over your abdomen.
“You’re so rude. I’m being so sweet to you.”
“Gonna cry about it?”
“Would that turn you on?”
You shrug and give a teasing grind against his thigh. He curses softly and drops his head.
“Don’t make me beg, I might really cry then,” You laugh and he whimpers, “Please?”
“Please what?”
“Touch me.”
You giggle and roll away for a moment to grab lotion from your bedside drawer. When you turn back he shoves his face into the crook of your neck and lets out a shuddery breath onto your chest. You clutch his head close and kiss his forehead as he props his leg over yours. You lube your fingers then slip them between your bodies and around his length. He jerks his hips impatiently as you stroke him slowly.
“Yes, baby?”
“You like that?”
He pants and pulls you closer as you work your hand around him. He curses and throws his head back to gaze up at you. Your touch slows as you watch his lips part in a small whimper.
“Please,” He breathes, “I’m so close.”
“You’ve been such a good boy.”
He nods and cries out in frustration as you slide your hand up his abdomen. You scratch your nails over his chest and gently direct him.
“Wanna come? Go ahead, Binnie. I want to see you touch yourself.”
He makes a choked noise and leans up to brace himself over you.
“That’s not fair,” He takes a shuddery breath, “I helped you.”
“I am helping,” You pout, “What? Are you saying you can’t get off? This isn’t enough for you?”
He looks down as you dip your fingers between your legs and play with your clit. He curses at the soft sounds that escape your lips. He steals another kiss and slowly begins stroking himself over you. You giggle and murmur quiet encouragement against his lips as you lazily pleasure yourself.
“Wanna come, Binnie? Wanna come on my pussy?”
He kisses you again, hard, as his movements become faster and uncoordinated. You cup his cheek and allow the fingers between your legs to graze absentmindedly over your sex. He slowly breaks away and gazes into your eyes as he works himself to release. His eyes fall shut and he groans your name.
“Come on, baby. You’re almost there.”
“Fuck,” He gasps.
He jerks himself through his climax, moaning desperately as he spills his cum over you. You watch his expression intently as milky streaks fall over your abdomen and crotch. You glance down and spread the sticky substance between your fingers, then look back at him. He watches you through fluttering lashes and pants into the shared air. Then, he smirks and leans down to share a wet kiss. When you part he kisses your cheek then collapses on top of you, nuzzling your neck.
“I love you.”
You scoff.
“I make you jerk off to me once and that’s all it takes for you to fall in love? You’re pathetic.”
He whines in protest.
“I loved you before that, bitch. And, I’ve jerked off to you many times-”
“Ugh, you freak…” You respond with no animosity.
He laughs breathlessly and heaves a tired sigh. “I mean it. And not just the masturbating part.”
You snort and listen to his labored breath slow then settle into a tranquil rhythm before breaking the silence.
“I know. I love you too. Even if you get turned on by socks.”
Changbin laughs and squishes his face against your cheek. You turn your head and press a loving kiss to the bridge of his nose.
“Shut up.”
“Make me,” You mumble before granting him another kiss.
“Mhm… I will… later.”
You gasp as he goes to pull you closer and gently keep him at an arm’s length.
“Ah, I’m dirty.”
“Yeah, you are.”
You laugh then make a disgusted noise as he pulls your hips together and kisses your neck. You melt into his arms and let him cradle your head to his chest. You sigh and nose sleepily at his shoulder.
“You better clean me up.”
You relax and doze off embracing each other.
You wake again hours later. No light peeks in from the window, the only thing illuminating your room is your desktop screen. The red numbers of the 24-hour clock beside your bed tell you that it is midnight. You fight your way out from where you are tightly tucked into bed. Changbin’s shirt covers your figure as you sit up then slip out of bed. The shirt falls just above the top of your knee socks, leaving a sliver of skin peeking out. You finally notice Changbin, seated in your gaming chair and just wearing your headphones and his boxers, focused on the game playing in front of him. He has cleaned up the desk and his jacket is folded neatly over the back of the chair. You watch in silence then tiptoe over as the match finishes.
“What are you doing?”
He jumps and throws his hand over his chest as he looks at you.
“Why are you playing my game?”
“... No reason.”
You take the mouse from him before he can queue and open your profile. He smiles sheepishly when you gape at your stats.
“You brought me up five levels?”
“Did I?”
“I didn’t know you could play.”
“What, you really think Felix leveled up all by himself?”
You blink as you process his words then grin and fall into his lap. You wrap your arms around his shoulders and kiss his cheek.
“Thank youuu.”
“Don’t thank me, just get better so you don’t have to play so much.”
“Hey! It’s not my fault! All my teammates suck.”
“Mhm, that’s what they all say.”
You roll your eyes and rest your head on his chest.
“Still, I appreciate it.”
“Do you?”
“Wanna show me how much you appreciate it?”
You smirk.
“Yeah. What do you want me to do?”
His thumb glides down your clothed leg then back up again.
“You don’t have to do anything, baby.”
“I don’t?”
“I’ll just let you have this seat and then I’ll take care of the rest.”
You stand and watch him rise then turn to fall to his knees as you fall back in the chair. He smirks and pushes his shirt up out of the way, then draws your legs over his shoulders.
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KINKTOBER (reuploaded)
Pegging (Matt)
Request: none but yall begged for me to bring it back lmao
Warnings: pegging obviously, sub!matt, best friends, bi reader, fingering(male), dual pleasure strap on, use of vibrator, slight edging, use of matty, mommy kink, whiny!matt, 0.2 seconds of matt sucking the strap, i think that’s all, lmk if i missed anything!
A/N: sorry this is a few days late, i’ve been super busy. tomorrow will be posted on time
Y/n’s pov
I was in the kitchen working on my MacBook when my best friend Matt came in and sat across from me. “Hey Matt.” I greeted him without looking up from my computer screen. “Um hi Y/n/n. Can I uh ask you like a really weird and personal question?” he asked. I was a bit confused but nonetheless nodded in agreement, “Sure I guess…” I said while clicking save and closed my laptop to give him my full attention. “I uh- I can’t ask you here, can we go to my room?” he stated nervously, only adding to my confusion.
We got into his room and Matt closed the door behind him, “So you know how you’re bi?” “Oh really, I am? I had no idea!” I replied sarcastically. “Not funny, but like you’re bi, obviously. I um, uh I-I know you have a strap-on…” he stuttered and trailed off. “If your question is why do I have it, I’m going to hit you for being dumb.” I joked, making Matt squirm uncomfortably, “Have you ever, you know, used it on a guy before?” he inquired nervously. “No… Why do you want to know about my sex life you weirdo?” I was suddenly getting a bit flustered because how the hell does Matt know I have a strap-on in the first place and why is he asking me about what I do with it?
“I- uh- I really like y-you and I have um- a fantasy involving you a-and I really want you to do it. Please don’t get mad.” he stated in a rushed tone, stuttering over a few words. I was beyond confused and a bit shocked, “That’s not how I expected this conversation to go. Um, okay, wow- what’s um… what’s this fantasy?” I asked curiously. Matt started to nervously pick at his nails and chew on his lip, avoiding eye contact with me as his cheeks turned pink. “Would you please dom me?” he asked, “And peg me…” he added, saying it so quietly that I almost didn’t hear him.
“What!? Matt are you sure? It’s probably gonna hurt, I’ve-I’ve never done that before. I’ve only ever used it to fuck a girls pussy.” I replied flustered and just as nervous as Matt. He finally looked at me with pleading eyes, “Please? I have lube and I’ve fingered myself before. I’ll be a good boy and listen, I promise!” he begged me. Looking at his face, I reluctantly agreed “I uh- okay, we can try it. I’m just scared I’m going to hurt you.” I told him softly. “You won’t hurt me, it’ll just be uncomfortable at first. I really want this, I’ve thought about it since we were 17. Can we do it tonight? Chris and Nick are going over to a friend’s house.” Matt said quickly, clearly excited that I agreed.
“Sure I guess, but I’m gonna want foreplay beforehand. And I’m probably gonna want to kiss you, like a lot.” I laughed as Matt’s cheeks turned a deep shade of pink again. He started looking down again nervously “Can I kiss you right now?” he asked softly, instead of answering I just tilted his head up and captured his lips in a short but sweet kiss. “Mhm, thank you.” he blurted out after, as I got up and made my way to the door. I sent him a wink before going to my own room where I pulled out my strap-on, which happened to be one for dual pleasure, meaning there was a vibrating dildo that went into me as well.
Even though it had already been cleaned after the last time I used it, I decided to clean it again anyway. I also decided I needed to ask Matt another question so I texted him to come to my room. I laid out a few sets of lingerie, that basically cover nothing, on my bed, but I wanted Matt to pick one anyway. “Um what did you need my help with?” he asked as he stepped into my room, closing the door. “I want you to pick which one you want me to wear tonight.” I said while pulling him over to my bed to look at what I had picked out. I stopped when I noticed Matt kept trying to cover his crotch with his hands, instantly knowing he was hard. “Are you hard right now Matty?” I teased, causing him to blush deeply.
“Only a little bit. I didn’t touch myself, I promise! I-I do have a vibrator in m-my ass though but it’s not on. I just wanted to edge myself so I could cum more later, ‘m sorry I didn’t a-ask.” he stuttered out, extremely flustered. “Do you have the remote?” I questioned as he was eyeing this one black set, which was mostly just straps. “Yes, and I want this one it’s really sexy.” he blurted out before blushing heavily. The one he picked out was a black leather bra and panties set with a grater belt, the bra was basically just an outline of one as it had nothing covering my tits. It did hold my them up nicely though, just like the panties, which were crotchless, and the garter made my ass look good.
“Can I have control of the vibrator until tonight? You think you can handle that without cumming?” I inquired, wanting to know how far I could take things with him. Matt dug into his pocket before pulling out the remote and handed it to me with an embarrassed smile. “I think I can as long as it’s not on 24/7.” he told me as he grabbed my hand and started nervously playing with the few rings I had on my fingers. “Can I ask you a serious question?” I asked Matt, resulting in him nodding. “I’m not judging you, I just want to know, but you don’t have to answer if you feel uncomfortable. Why do you want to be pegged so badly and like having things up your ass? I don’t care if you are, but are you like gay or bi?” I questioned, causing him to drop my hand.
Matt’s face turned a bright red and he had to clear his throat a couple of times before speaking. “N-No, I’m not gay or bi, I don’t find men attractive. I was just young and experimenting one day and figured out how to stimulate my prostate. I wanna get pegged because I’ve seen it on pornhub and it looks really hot.” he said softly. “Plus you’re someone I trust and if I’m being honest, you’re really attractive and you domming me would be the hottest fucking thing in the world to me.” he added, blushing heavily. “Noted. Thanks Matty, that’s all I needed.” I smiled at him before Nick conveniently called for him. This was the perfect time to start teasing him with the vibrator.
After putting the other two lingerie sets away, I walked out to the kitchen, pretending to go back to working on my laptop. I watched as Matt sat down next to Nick on the couch, pulling the small remote out of my pocket I pressed the + button, turning it on to 1, making Matt’s breath hitch a little. He looked up at me with pleading eyes to stop as he was talking to Nick but I turned it up again to 3, making him squirm a bit. “Matt, are you okay? You look uncomfortable and you’re not paying attention.” Nick asked, genuinely concerned.
Matt’s pov
I regret giving Y/n the remote to the vibrator now because I didn’t think she’d turn it on when I was talking to my fucking brother. I was fine when it was on level 1 but when she turned it up to 3 my brain went a bit foggy, I zoned out a little bit until Nick put his hand on my shoulder. “Matt, are you okay? You look uncomfortable and you’re not paying attention.” he asked, I quickly came up with an excuse. “Yeah I’m fine, my head just hurts a bit.” I lied, looking at Y/n and silently asking her to turn it off, which luckily for me, she did. After talking to Nick, I walked over to her, “Please don’t turn it on when I’m talking to my brother!” I pleaded, but that just made her turn it up to 5 while smirking.
“But doesn’t it feel good Matty?” she asked, I let out a whimper and nodded before walking back to the living room. This went on for the next two hours or so until Nick and Chris left, my boxers were soaked with precum and my dick was so hard. I was laying on my bed and I swear I almost came in my pants when Y/n walked in. She was wearing the lingerie set I picked out along with the strap-on, which was black and matched the set perfectly. The strap-on was definitely smaller than my dick, maybe 5 or 6 inches max, but that was good because I don’t think I could take one that’s upwards of 7 inches.
I started squirming as Y/n stood above me, looking down at me and telling me to get undressed. She already had me take the vibrator out like 15 minutes ago, not that it really mattered. “You’re already being such a good boy for me Matty.” she praised, making me whine a bit as her eyes raked over my body. “I’m ready for you to dom me.” I confessed, causing her to stop staring at my body and smile at me. “Where’s your lube at?” she asked me but I just got it for her instead, “Thank you handsome, can you lay on the bed for me?” she asked sweetly, knowing I was a bit nervous to get pegged and have sex with her in general.
Y/n’s pov
I know Matt said he wanted me to dom him, but I could visibly tell he was anxious and nervous so I was trying to be as gentle as I could with him. “Matty, if it’s too much or it hurts too bad let me know and we’ll stop and cuddle okay?” I said while moving some hair out of his eyes. “I promise I’ll say something.” he replied, “What do you wanna start with first babe?” I asked him, wanting to do things his way. “I want to makeout with you.” he giggled, I hovered over Matt and we started kissing slowly at first, then we started full-on making out. I was sucking on Matt’s tongue and he was letting out the prettiest whiny moans as I ran my hands up and down his sides.
Experimentally, I started ghosting my hands across his nipples, loving the whimper it pulled from him. I pulled back for just a second, “Does that feel good baby?” I questioned while rubbing my thumbs over his nipples before rolling them between my thumb and index finger. “Yeah but please more!” he whined, not making too much sense, “Please what baby? What do you want me to do?” I asked as I kissed all over his chest. “Want you to just peg me already. I’m ready mommy.” Matt squirmed. His eyes opened widely when he realized what he just said, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mea-“ he started before I cut him off with a kiss.
“Don’t be impatient baby, mommy will fuck you when she’s ready.” I said sternly as I moved towards his aching cock. I discreetly turned my vibrator onto 2, not high enough to make me cum but just enough to get me more wet. His cock was already covered and dripping with precum, “This really gets you worked up, doesn’t it?” I teased as I grabbed the lube. I squeezed some onto my fingers and circled his puckered hole before slowly slipping one in. “Two fingers please, I can take it.” he whined, I added a second finger and Matt was right, he could indeed take it.
I started scissoring his hole opened before adding some more lube and a third finger causing Matt to whimper. “Too much?” I asked, not wanting to hurt him, “N-No just so full.” he panted out in response. I fingered Matt for a few more minutes until he grabbed my wrist and stopped me. “I-I think I’m ready mommy.” he said, looking up at me with those innocent blue eyes. “Are you sure?” I asked as I pulled my fingers out, wiping the rest of the lube off on my thigh. “Really sure, can- can I get it wet with my mouth and control your vibrator, please?” Matt asked nervously.
I handed him the remote and stood up, Matt quickly turned my toy up to 5 which caused me to squirm before he got on his knees. “You look good on your knees baby.” I complimented, making him blush heavily. “How do I um you know, suck dick?” Matt asked, his last two words barely above a whisper. “Well I’m not going to feel anything so you can just do whatever.” I explained, Matt nodded and started to suck on it lightly for a minute as I looked down at him.
He whined and stopped sucking, “I can’t wait, just use lube because I need it now!” he complained, desperately trying not to touch himself. “Okay, get back on the bed for me then.” I said while stroking the side of his face. Once Matt got back on the bed, I put some lube around his hole and onto the strap. “It might hurt baby, so tell me if you need to stop.” “Okay Y/n, please I need you so bad!” he whined. I placed the tip at Matt’s entrance and slowly pushed it in about half way.
Matt let out a choked sob as his hands tightly clenched the sheets and his face held a look of discomfort. “It’s okay Matty, you’re okay.” I soothed him, “P-Put the rest in.” he whimpered. I pushed in the rest of the way before stilling my movements again, not wanting to go too fast. Matt being the sneaky little shit he is, decided to turn my vibrator up to 7, I let out a loud moan as he did so. “Please move.” he groaned quietly, I started pumping at a slow pace as he started to groan a bit.
Even though I was feeling so much pleasure from the vibrator and I wanted nothing more than to start pounding into Matt, I stopped myself because I didn’t want to hurt him. “F-Faster mommy!” he loudly whined, I sped up my movements just a little bit, loving Matt’s whimpers and moans, “Feel good baby?” I panted out. “More! Need more!” he cried out, grabbing onto my shoulders, “Want me to go faster or harder?” I asked, wanting to clarify what he wanted.
“Both, please! Feels so goo—“ he cut himself off with an extremely loud moan as I started fucking into him rougher. “RIGHT THERE! FUCK MOMMY, D-DO THAT AGAIN!” he begged, bending his knees and putting his feet flat on the bed to arch his back more. Even with all the pleasure Matt was experiencing, he was still thinking about me, he turned up my vibrator to 10 which caused me to also join in on his loud moaning.
“Right here Matty? Is that where it feels good?” I asked breathlessly, “Yes! Yes! Please touch my cock, please! Please!” he needily moaned. I started rubbing his cock in rhythm with my thrust as we were both getting closer to the edge. “A-Are you close mommy?” “Very close baby, I just want you to cum first.” I told Matt, speeding up all my movements. “Choke me! Choke me tightly so I can please cum!” he whimpered.
I used my left hand to choke him and a couple seconds later, Matt was painting both our stomachs white with copious amounts of cum, cause me to cum as well and pulled out a him. “M-Matt, vibrator!” I cried for him to turn it off as I was getting overstimulated, “Sorry, sorry.” he apologized out of breath and turned it off my vibrator as I collapsed next to him on my back as we caught our breath.
I took off the strap and I was honestly just going to put it on the floor because I was too tired to clean it right now but Matt took it from me. He licked all my cum off the vibrating side before he put it on the floor and scooped his cum off of me. Matt stuck his fingers in his mouth to taste himself and moaned when I moved to lick the rest of his cum off his body. “You were such a good boy Matty, you did so well.” I praised him as I kissed his neck, sucking a minimal amount of hickies into the skin.
“Thank you Y/n/n, felt so good.” Matt blushed as I stood up to go take another shower “C’mon let’s go get cleaned up real quick.” I said while helping Matt up. I grabbed my clothes and strap-on as well as a pair of socks, boxers and a tshirt for Matt before we went to my room to take a quick shower. When we got out and got dressed we looked at the time to see Nick and Chris would be home soon. As to not be sus, we sat in the living to watch a movie and Matt was now extra clingy.
I’m not complaining, I think it’s cute, I enjoyed it. Matt had his head on my shoulder and I had an arm wrapped around his shoulders. I was playing with his hair when Nick and Chris walked back in and thankfully neither of them said anything. They probably just chalked it up to Matt feeling anxious about something and I comforted him. Both boys simply just plopped down on the couch to watch the movie with us until we all called it a night, Matt ended up sleeping in my room.
All work is subject to copyright
©Daddyschickenfingers 2024
Do not steal, use, or reupload my work
Taglist: @angelic-sturniolos111 @biimpanicking @blahbel668 @christinarowie332 @chr1sgirl4life @creamoncreamoncream2 @delimeats-000 @ermdontmindthisaccount @fionaheartswomen @gilbertscurls @heartsforchrisandmatt @iheartchrissturniolo @ilovemattsturn @justaslvttygirl @kvtie444 @lovingmattysposts @lovingmattysposts @lustfulslxt @m6ttsturniolo @mangosrar @mangoposts @mattsbabytomato @mattsnutsack @meerkatzthings @patscorner @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @recklesssturniolo @slut4mattsturn @solarsturniolo @soursturniolo @strniohoeee @sturnsdoll @strawberrysturniolo @sturniolocoded @sturniolohoe @sturniolopepsi @sturniolo-rat @sturniolo0ntop @sturnsdoll @tillies33ssss @thecynthh @worldlxvlys
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vampwritesstuff · 8 months
🤍 𝐒𝐊𝐙 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 (hyung line)
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overprotective!little brother!ot8(separate) x older sister!reader
Request: Hello, I was excited to see you’re opening requests. I've had this idea brewing in my head but I cannot write to save my life. Am thinking of a version for each SKZ member - overprotective younger brother SKZ who's proud of your success in the corporate world (you're all he talks about and hes got them intrigued), but refuses to introduce his noona to the member because he's wary of their flirtatious ways or even crush on you. And then you turn up at an event to surprise your brother and then... I'll leave the rest to your talented imagination because I don't know what kinda ending I'd want for each SKZ member.
cw: none really, just me trying to be funny, the short scenarios are lowkey bad but it was so difficult to come up with different situations and not reuse the same one over and over 😭
Ngl, I giggled and squealed when I saw this request, thank you for being my first request for Stray Kids and I’d be happy to make this for you! Buckle up buttercup, this one’s a long one! This was taking so long to post, and I feel so terrible about that, so I’m going to make two parts for this, the next part being the Maknae line and hopefully that will be done soon! If you guys do enjoy my writing, please consider checking out my masterlist !
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Bang Chan
You’re not much older than Chan, but you’re so successful at your corporate job back in Australia that Chan often talks about you to his members and sometimes his fans.
He has for sure mentioned you on his lives, and everyone can see that he really cares about his older sister.
Definitely doesn’t take kindly to fans asking if you’re single or attractive, he’s never given out your name or shown what you look like just because of that.
With the members, it’s not that he thinks they’ll purposely flirt with you, but his protective brother side just gets the better of him and he’d rather not take the chance. The boys are very interested in meeting you but even they don’t know your name or what you look like, and they love their lives enough that they don’t push Chan.
The boys are so confused when you first show up at the concert in Sydney, confused as to who you are until Chan calls you Noona, then they’re all over you once Chan (reluctantly) introduces you to them.
Personally, I don’t think they would be able to flirt with you knowing you’re their hyung’s older sister, which makes you older than them obviously.
I.N and Felix absolutely would ask if they could call you their Noona too 🥹 Seungmin would totally have to hold back on his ‘Chan is so old’ jokes just cause he doesn’t want to make you feel old.
You were waiting backstage for Chan with Hannah, your little sister had practically begged you to come with her to the Stray Kids concert. You hadn’t been to any of your little brother’s concerts before as your job always kept you busy, and you felt a little guilty that you hadn’t been able to attend before now. So when the concert date coincided with your vacation days, you knew you had to jump on the opportunity.
The cheers from the stadium arena were so loud that you wondered how Chris and his members were able to handle it. You kept yourself occupied with Hannah by talking about Chris and his friends, Hannah claimed that they were a rowdy bunch and from what you had seen online while trying to be a little involved in Chan’s idol career, you didn’t think for a second that she was wrong.
You heard him before you saw him, his voice unmistakable to you. He was laughing and joking with his members, whom you regrettably couldn’t name off the top of your head. What can you say? Chan never talks about them with you, and you don’t see much about them often enough in order to memorize them.
“Christopher Bang Chan, what do you think you’re doing to that poor boy. Put him down.” You chided your brother as you saw him walking backstage with one of the boys thrown over his shoulder. The sound of your voice made Chan stop dead in his tracks, making a few of the members behind him bump into him. “Y/n? Noona, what are you doing here?” He asked in surprise, ignoring the looks from his members, as he set down the fox looking boy and walked over to you to engulf you in one of his infamous hugs, he also pulled Hannah in for a hug too despite her protests.
“Decided to surprise you, my vacation days lined up with the concert and Hannah begged me to bring her so.. surprise?” You hummed once he let go, “Chan hyung, are you going to introduce us or are we gonna be left in the dark over here?” Seungmin pipes up. Chan definitely tenses, realizing he needed to introduce you to his friends but you beat him to it, already walking over to them. “Hi, I’m Y/n, Chris’s older sister.”
That’s all it takes for the younger ones to start asking you more questions, and your heart swells when Felix and Jeongin ask to call you Noona as well. “Yes, of course you can!”
Lee Minho
I actually don’t think Minho would talk about you much to anyone but the other members, like yeah, the fans know he has an older sister but any more information they have runs dry after that.
The boys are definitely curious though, cause Minho actually talks about you a lot with them, saying how you’re the co-CEO of a company that raises and donates money for charitable causes.
Even though he shares a lot about you to his friends, he gets weirdly protective over his calls with you cause he doesn’t get to speak with you often.
Literally locked the boys out of the dorm once cause they would not shut up while attempting to say hi to you during one of your rare phone calls.
“I am going to stuff your mouths with tissues and air fry all of you.”
Minho and the rest of Stray Kids were at a fansign event, they were all exhausted. They loved getting to interact with Stay and everything, but it always took a lot of energy from them to keep up with their fans’ excitement. Minho was the last seat, the line of fans seemingly unending to him.
You were at the fansign, unbeknownst to your poor little brother, who had tried so hard to keep you from meeting his rowdy group mates. You had introduced yourself to each member by just your name, and conversation was smooth. Weirdly enough, each boy had felt like they had heard your name and voice before, but they passed it off on being tired. You were the last in line anyway.
Minho hadn’t noticed you until you were literally standing right in front of him, had to hold himself back from leaping over the table towards you. The boys have never seen him talk so animatedly with a fan before. Then they heard him call you noona and they immediately realized who you were.
Chan may or may not have asked staff to keep you afterwards, or it might’ve been Lee Know. You won’t be finding out any time soon.
When the fansign event was over, all of the boys found themselves rushing to properly greet you. But Minho had picked you up and kept you away from them.
“Hyung! Let the pretty lady down!” Changbin whined, but that just spurred Minho to keep you to himself. “Nuh uh! My noona, you guys can’t have her!”
Seo Changbin
You’re his older sister by 5 minutes, yes you’re his twin.
You could’ve easily followed him into the idol industry, Changbin tells you all the time that your visuals would kill. But you just didn’t want that life for yourself, and he respected that.
He’s actually very proud to call you his noona, and doesn’t let anyone forget that he has a successful sister.
“My twin sister is an ambassador for a corporation, and is one of the most reputable women in her position.”
Has told the members how you were his biggest supporter during his predebut days. They secretly admire you very much for that.
Very thankful for you cause they otherwise wouldn’t have Binnie as a member and friend if not for you.
Fans know he has a twin, and you’re actually very active on his socials so fans actually know who you are, they love you. I think the boys at one point looked up your socials and got shy because of how pretty you look, definitely felt a little guilty for thinking like that, but they couldn’t help but agree with Changbin about your visuals.
Tbh, I really don’t think he would try to keep you from meeting them on purpose, they’ve definitely asked but Changbin just never had the chance to set anything up with you since both of you have extremely busy schedules.
“Binnie!” A familiar feminine pitched voice shouted from the front row, Changbin turned around quickly on stage, surprised to have even been able to hear you apart from the crowd.
Changbin excitedly moved over to the other side of the stage where you were standing in the front row, a huge smile on his face as he waved at you. The cameras caught this moment, showing you on the large projection screens in the stadium. The crowd cheered loudly at seeing the Seo siblings in the same place. Obviously, this caused the other members to noticed as well.
For the rest of the concert, each of the boys had, at some point, come around to you and interacted with you a little bit. Changbin made sure to put on a show of shooing them away from you. The rest of the concert was fun, you occasionally appearing on the screen when Changbin would start rapping as you hyped him up, cheering the loudest from your section of seats.
After the concert, some staff had corralled you backstage and a loud, excited Changbin came running up to you and picked you up in a bear hug that made you laugh loudly. Once he set you down on your feet, all the other boys had gathered around to meet you officially. You bowed respectfully as you introduced yourself and the boys couldn’t help but think you were the cutest person to bless their eyes.
Hwang Hyunjin
You’re a famous model that also owns your own clothing line, it’s also very well known that you’re Hyunjin’s older sister.
Hyunjin is always wearing something from your brand, and Stay has made a game out of finding what piece of his outfit is from your brand, it’s even got its own hashtag on social media.
Hyunjin will even model for you when he has the chance to do so, but let’s be fair, he does it everyday anyway.
He’s so proud of you, and always talks about you with anyone who will listen.
Felix is the only member who has met you because you had been at a Louis Vuitton fashion event that Felix had been invited to attend.
Hyunjin definitely wasn’t happy about not being there to introduce you himself. (And maybe worried that Felix had charmed you)
You were sat at a table, enjoying a flute of champagne and eating fancy food that you couldn’t pronounce the name of. These kinds of fashion events had always bored you, sitting at an assigned table with designers and models that you knew nothing about and having to listen to the event host drone on and on about what a privilege it is to have so many guests attending.
But your interest was suddenly piqued when the host announced that they had a few special guest models, all the way from South Korea. Your eyes widened greatly and you nearly spat out your champagne when you watched Hyunjin and seven other males step onto the the runway, modeling random designs. Your brother and his bandmates had come to this event as well and you hadn’t even known.
When the event was over, the guests were left to mingle. You immediately stood from your seat and made your way towards the table you had seen your brother sit down at. When you got there, Hyunjin had his back facing you as he spoke with Felix, who smiled when he noticed you. “This is treason, Hwang Hyunjin.”
Your sudden voice behind him made the poor boy jump in surprise and nearly spill his drink on Felix who just laughed. Hyunjin quickly turned and met your eyes with surprise. “Noona? I didn’t know you’d be here? And what’s this about treason?” He asked, still recovering from the shock.
“Modeling for someone else, I see how it is, your noona’s designs aren’t good enough anymore.” You feigned your sadness dramatically, which had Felix pitching in, “Ah, no worries, I can always replace him as your model!” Which had Hyunjin raising his hands in defense and attempting to sputter out an argument. “I may have to take you up on that offer, Jinnie doesn’t seem to love his noona anymore.” You jokingly pout, jutting out your bottom lip and looking away from your little brother with exaggerated movements.
“I see where Hyunjin gets his dramatic personality from,” Felix says, finally able to see the resemblance now that you and your little brother were standing side by side. Laughs erupted from around the three of you as the other members watched the exchange and saw both you and Hyunjin give Felix the same side eye.
“Oh yeah, I can see a resemblance, right down to their attractive looks too.” Han commented, immediately gaining a scowl from Hyunjin who very much disliked that his friends may think you were attractive, it was already apparent that Felix thought so.
Consequently, this cause Hyunjin to spend the rest of the evening corralling you away from his friends at every chance he got.
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b4tasquad · 1 year
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Authors note: the lack of beta squad related stuff on here makes me sick every time i open this app. therefor i’ve made it my mission to not only revive the beta squad # but also find others that love them as much as i do. please hmu if you like them, i beg 🙏
Warnings: eh nothing really. just language, lmk tho.
“I still don’t get why we couldn’t have someone else in her place.” Niko stares intently on the flat screen facing him, eyes set on you getting placed in position in the other room.
When the YouTuber got told that they’d be filming a blind date video like this, he was excited. Not only would he see two people spend a long amount of time with a complete stranger, but he’d laugh and joke about it while getting paid. It was a win- win situation. What he hadn’t seen coming was the special guest on today’s episode being you, his girlfriend.
Now, he had to watch guys try to flirt and win you over, and had to fake being happy about it too.
“The people wanted her.” Kenny shrugs from his seat next to him on the comfortable sofa, eyes on his phone but still knowing who his best friend was talking about. He was referring to the post they made on their official account, asking people to comment who they wanted featured more in videos. Majority of the comments asked for you, another famous influencer in the Uk, who had been spotted around the guys before.
“My girlfriend, really?” He still feels uneasy. Not in a million years would he think you would ever leave him for another guy, but ideas that the internet would start shipping you with someone else were entering his head. It made him feel sick.
“That’s what you get for having a secret relationship.” AJ replies making the rest of them break out into mocking laughter. The group knows the internet would break your relationship into bits, overanalysing and picking on everything but they still found humour in how mad their friend seemed to be at the thought of his girl being on fake dates
“So funny.” The tall boy rolles his eyes. When AJ, Chunkz and Sharky sat behind him doesn’t stop laughing, he makes a move to hit every single one of them. “Shut up.”
Fortunately, they’re told to get into position, making them ultimately shut up. The camera got set up and the person behind them giving them a signal to start.
“Today we have a special guest!” Kenny introduces.
“It’s me.” You speak flatly, hearing his words through the mic in your ear. “I’m the special guest.”
You can hear the guys groan hating the lack of happiness in your voice. Keeping up his role and hiding the fact that you were in a committed relationship, he clears his throat. “You gotta be more enthusiastic than that. You’re on beta squad, we’re giving you a chance to make a name for yourself.”
If you hadn’t been on camera, you would threaten to break up with Niko, but since you were you tried a different approach. “You’re almost speaking like I don’t have more followers than you. Bitch I’m making your career.”
“A round of applause.” Sharky tells at your bite back, and Niko side eyes him knowing of the small crush he had on you. It wasn’t hard to tell really, the guy took your side on literally anything and smiled stupidly at the things you said.
“Niko could you zip it, we’re paying her for the minute don’t drag it out.” You can’t help but laugh in your seat at Chunkz’ words, nodding in approval at his humour.
“Anyways.” You continue, eyes set on the camera as you cross your legs. “Let’s get into the video.”
The boys introduce the idea for the video and that’s when you remember this is the first time they’ve done it on their channel. Basically, you’re going to be going on an arranged date with a guy, and the group have certain stages you had to go through to help you find ‘your perfect match’.
As Kenny concludes the whole thing, you can’t help but roll your eyes and sigh. “ I’m not even looking for a guy. I’m all good.” You tell, a little smile on your face as you think of your lover. As if catching on to it, Niko also stupidly smiles in his seat, feeling much better about it now.
“Contestant one.” They call out and the next second, a blonde walks into the little setup. From across the table you thin your lips a little as you look over him.
“She hates him!” Chunkz cackles, pointing at the scene on the screen. “Did y’all see that little lip thing? This gyal is crazy for that one.”
Niko grins to himself.
“Hey.” The guy greets, and to be polite you get up and hug him, muttering pleasantries. You’re going for a friendly and comfortable hug, your arms loosely wrapping around his middle. The guy on the other hand tightened his hold on your waist, hands creeping down.
“Hell no.” You push away, a disgusted laugh rippling out of you at this actions. “D’you not have shame? Mans tried to grab my bunda before introducing himself. Get him out. Can I vote people out?”
The four other members, slowly look towards Niko, watching almost fearfully as he gets up from his seat, not caring wether the camera was still on. He wasn’t thinking logically, only feeling anger as someone got handsy with his girl. You’re laughing at the guy, not even giving him a chance to explain himself when Niko storms in, eyes set on the unknown guy.
“You, get the fuck out.” He points towards the exit. Behind him, the rest of the guys run after him, calling for their friend to stop.
“Niko, chill.” Sharky tells him, coming up to him and stopping him from doing something stupid. You’ve completely frozen near the table, never seen your boyfriend so mad.
“I’m not going to stop, what the fuck? This lad is proper mad, trynna grab her.” At his words you finally snap out of your shock.
“Let it go.” You plead with him, coming to stand besides him. Still wary of the countless eyes of contestants and others, you make a note to not touch him and plead with your eyes instead.
He silently nods, but he’s not done. “He’s out. Or me and y/n aren’t doing the video.” To someone who only know you two as influencers, they must think Niko is crazy. Not only raging, but threatening to leave the video for a girl he didn’t know that well must’ve seemed crazy.
“Why are you so mad?” The guy who minutes before tried to touch you questions, standing a good distance away from you guys.
“Don’t fucking speak, you little shit.” You tell him, sick of him. Because of him, your boyfriend not only got uncharacteristically mad, but the guy you didn’t know had managed to make the whole thing weird.
It wasn’t a question for the rest of the beta squad, without even a second of thinking they got the guy removed of set, him cussing him out as they do so.
“You good? Can we continue?” AJ asks, his question directed to the two of you. Niko’s chest was heaving, and with the lack of eyes on you now, you take a hold of his hand, kissing the back. It seems to relax him a great deal.
He nods. “Yeah.” Letting go of your hand, he leans down to hug you close to him, secretly kissing your covered neck, whispering a little “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay baby.” You tell him, nodding to give him even more reassurance. “Don’t worry about these guys, I don’t want anyone but you. This is just a video.”
Even though he doesn’t seem completely content with the idea of it, he seems to feel much lighter than a few minutes ago. Now, seemingly in the joking mood again, he huffs a laugh. “I should’ve smoked his jaw.”
Kenny is the first one to break as he hears the words, imagining Niko in a fight. After that, the rest of the guys fall into heavy laughter, and you can’t help but let out small giggles yourself at the thought of your funny and problem solving boyfriend getting into a physical fight.
As if you’ve betrayed him, he looks at you with widened eyes and an open mouth, before addressing his friends behind you. “Stop laughing!”
They laugh even more at that.
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nofingjustaninchident · 6 months
i saw ur requests are open and i got excited 😵
would u be willing to write a jason grace x apollo!reader one shot? specifically one that’s kinda angsty but has a happy ending?? maybe the reader gets really hurt on a quest with Jason and he’s genuinely scared but she ends up being okay in the end? i’m not sure what other details but i’d love to see what you do with this (if you want!!!)
we’ll be a fine line, we’ll be alright.
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content: jason grace x apollo!reader
warning: bad BAD writing, angst but then it’s fluff, blood, almost dying experience, octavian’s still alive, cursing, post Blood of Olympus
a/n: hello! this is my first request and i wanted to post it before the other stuff i’m working on (especially cause i can’t finish any of the shit i’m working on). this is kind of fast paced but don’t blame me, it’s 12am in brazil right now so.. yea. also, i kinda diverted from the whole hurt in quest thing, i’m sorry! i didn’t have enough ideas for a whole quest. but i hope you enjoy! oh and this is placed after the first book of TOA
⛧° 。 ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆༺♱༻⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ 。°⛧
Sure, a heartbreak did hurt. But have you been stabbed by Imperial Gold? Dude. Brotha.
Sure, it was a normal thing for you to argue with Octavian. Hell, it was. normal thing for everyone who’s sane to do. This scrawny boy was just… a piece of shit. Yeah. And the worst part? You’re related. He’s one of the “legacies”, whatever that is. That stupid roman dipshit.
And today was no different. You two were arguing about some trivial shit, as always, but things escalated quickly. Soon you two were sparring (how was a mystery, since you didn’t even know that thing knew how to hold a sword) and it was quite fun.
You see, you got to camp Half-Blood when you were just seven. Since then you’ve been trained all year, since you didn’t have any other family - besides the godly side of it, duh - and Octavian was… well, Octavian. You were much better than him.
The whole problem is that Octavian likes to play dirty. So eventually he makes you trip and fall and he leaves gashes around your arms and legs. But with imperial gold it was sort of painful.
Till one of those times came again, but this time he didn’t leave a gash or a scratch. He stabbed you right in your stomach.
“Oh, gods!” He said, with fake concern. “I’m so sorry, cousin! My bad. I should go looking for your boyfriend, right? But… i didn’t see nothing. Bye!” The blond said with a devilish grin and left.
You knew you needed help. You were applying pressure to the wound, trying to use your healing powers to at least slow down the bleeding.
You tried to get up to look for help, but it was almost impossible. Even with that, you had to. ‘Oh, come on,’ you thought, ‘i’ve faced Kronos, Gaea and Annabeth mad at me. I’m not gonna die for a stupid legacy.’
And that’s exactly what made you move your body towards the via principalis, where you knew someone was gonna help you.
When you got there, the first person you saw was - thanks the gods -, Reyna. When the praetor looked at you, her face was horrified.
“y/n? What-“ She began, but you cut her off.
“I-i’ll explain later. Just… medical cabin. Please.” You begged, your words barely above a whisper.
Reyna nodded and helped you lean on her for support, as she walked you towards the medical cabin. You didn’t know the name of the boy who was currently there, but he looked as horrified as Reyna.
“Oh gods. Oh, my gods.” The boy said and you smiled, trying to fight back the urge to pass out.
“Ha, thanks. I thought it was bad.” You half joked as Reyna and the unkown boy put you on a vacant stretcher. When you were laid down, you looked up at Reyna with pleading eyes. “Bring Jason here, please?”
“Of course. I’ll go find him. The brunette said and left the medical cabin.
“Ok. uh… care to tell what happened with you?” The boy asked and you turned your gaze back to him.
“Got stabbed by imperial gold. What’s your name?” She asked, but the look in the boy’s face didn’t seemed to register the question.
“My gods… i’ll do my best to help you.” He said and grabbed a bottle of nectar, pouring it to your mouth. “Ok, i need to-“
Before he could finish, a certain blonde boy barges past the doors, looking around the medical cabin, desperately trying to find you.
When his gaze fell into you, he rushed to your side, grabbing your hand. His eyes were glossy behind his glasses and she knew he already wanted to cry.
“Y/n, what…? What happened? Are you okay? Who did this?” He asked, and she tried to laugh, but the pain was becoming unbearable. You couldn’t even talk anymore, as the only thing that came out of your mouth was a whiny breath. “It’s okay, i’m here with you, hm? I won’t leave.”
He kissed your forehead and you squeezed his hand softly just before you felt a tear fall in your cheek. That was the last thing you heard or saw before passing out.
⛧° 。 ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆༺♱༻⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ 。°⛧
Jason is desperate. He’s beyond worried about you.
He knows what imperial gold does to someone. Gods, he was stabbed by imperial gold before. And if she wasn’t treated in the right way… he didn’t even want to think about it.
But other than that, he needed to know who did this. He was going to kill this person with his bare hands.
It had been two days since you blacked out and you hadn’t woken up yet. He was starting to get even more worried, but he hadn’t left your side for one second. You couldn’t even go back to Camp Half-Blood (obvi), so your closest friends and family came to visit.
Will had cried his eyes out when he saw her there. Nico had to comfort him as his pupils leaked salty water. Lester/Apollo was back from his quest with Meg, and he also came to visit his daughter. The man was very… emotional, let’s say that.
But on the third day you were finally beginning to wake up. Of course, Jason was there.
“Hey, honey… you’re back, hm?” He asked, caressing you hair as you smiled, trying to reassure him. It still hurt as hell, but it could be worse. You could be dead.
“Hey…” She mumbled, her voice a little smudgy. “How long was it out?”
“A few days. But you’re back now, that’s what matters the most.” He said as he gave you a soft kiss on the lips. It was no tongue, just affection. He was showing you he was there for you.
“I feel fine. Like, not fine, but definitely better.” She said, as she pulled away from him.
“Yeah, i imagined. But, baby, i need you to tell me something.” Jason said, still holding your hand softly.
You nodded, waiting for him to elaborate.
“Who did this to you?” He asked, and you felt him squeezing your hand tighter. His voice was also harsher, as if he was restraining himself from killing someone.
“It was… it was Octavian.” She said, in a whisper-like tone. His face hardened immediately as he got up and went to the boy that was standing at the door.
“I need you to call Reyna and Frank. Tell them it’s an emergency.” He said and the boy quickly left.
Jason rushed back to your side. “I swear i’m gonna kill that son of a bitch.” He muttered.
When you were about to answer, Reyna and Frank rushed past the door, both looking worried. Behind Frank, there were a few other people - Will, Nico, Hazel, Annabeth, Piper, Leo and Percy -, all looking worried.
“You’re alive!” Will shouted and rushed to your side, tears welling up his eyes again.
“What, you thought that a little stab was going to kill me? Please.” She scoffed and Will laughed.
“So, who did this?” Reyna asked, also going to your side and stroking your shoulder softly.
“The most stupid, idiotic, son of a bitch augur that we ever had.” Jason said through gritted teeth.
“Octavian did that? I knew he was annoying, but at this level?” Percy asked, his face contorted in a mix of anger and disbelief.
“Mhm. We were sparring but… he likes to play dirty, i guess.”
“I’m gonna murder him.” Will groaned.
“Get in line.” Jason, Percy and Nico said at the same time.
You chuckled a bit, even if it hurt. Cause you knew, with that family right there, everything was gonna be fine.
a/n pt2: so… i like it but i don’t but i do. u get that? yea. i don’t know, i think i could do better, but i kinda liked it. I was going to make octavian’s trial and all but it would be too fucking long, so i gave up. that’s it for today, sorry that it took so long!
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bxeckersz · 2 months
Let You Go | Caitlin Clark x Ex gf!reader
Summary: Y/n just can’t seem to let Caitlin go.
Warnings: language
A/n: hey guys, i’m locking in and posting all my drafts today 💪🏽.
I don’t understand. You said you’d never leave. You told me that you’d be there but you lied again to me.
It’s been 2 months since me and Caitlin broke up. Our relationship spiraled to shit after 3 years. I pick up my phone, scrolling through the photo album of her titled “Cait 💍🤍”
“I can’t do this anymore Y/n.” Caitlin yells, pinching the bridge of her nose. “What- What do you mean.” My heart drops to my stomach.
“This. Us! I can’t do this anymore. All we do is argue!” She screams, motioning between us. “Cait- please don’t say that. I- We could talk this out. Please.” I plead, grabbing a hold of her arm. Caitlin shakes her head, moving her arm.
“Cait-“ I say, tears falling. “I- i’m sorry. Please.” I beg, watching as she packs her bag. “I’m done, y/n. this shit is miserable.” She mutters, walking towards the door.
“Caitlin, please don’t walk away from me.” I cry. “I’m sorry, Y/n.” Is all she mutters before walking out and slamming the door. I notice she takes the ring and necklace off that i bought her.
All I can do is cry.
You’re always on my mind, and when it’s late at night I think of what you’re doing. Do you think of me sometimes?
Tears fall from my face as I scroll through the photo album that seems endless. I wipe my tears with the sleeve of her hoodie that i’m wearing.
I throw my phone down, sobbing louder and harder. I pull out a box from underneath my bed. It’s not just any box. It’s a box full of things that Caitlin has bought me.
I cry pulling out the items.
And when i’m feeling down, I lose all control. Emotions keep coming and i’m trying to let you go.
A teddy bear she won me at our first date to the fair.
So if you wanna talk to me again
Endless polaroid pictures of the two of us.
Don’t try to act like we were always friends
A candle she bought me because it reminded her of me.
When i’m all alone, I try to clear my mind
A charm bracelet she bought me for our one year anniversary.
But you’ll be coming back and you’ll be saying that all night
A bracelet she bought me with a ‘C’ and a basketball bead on it.
I never did you wrong. I’ve always had your side.
A matching necklace she bought me.
And you just took it all away, and make me wanna cry
A hoodie she bought me simply because it was my favorite color
And when i’m feeling down, I lose all control.
Everything in this apartment reminds me of her. I can still smell her in the air. Everyday I wait for her to arrive home from Practice.
Emotions keep coming and i’m trying to let you go
Everyday I wait for her to get home and ramble about her day.
So if you wanna talk to me again
She was my first love. and she threw it down the drain like i was nothing.
Don’t try to act like we were always friends
Sometimes I find myself doing our morning and night routine. Preparing things for her like I have the past three years.
And when i’m feeling down, I lose all control.
I even find myself buying her favorite foods and snacks when I go grocery shopping.
Emotions keep coming and i’m trying to let you go
I can’t get her off my mind. I can’t let her go. Her laugh. Her corny jokes. Her cheesy smile. The way she used to wrap her arms around me. Her touch. Her voice.
And when i’m feeling down, I lose all control.
I miss her so much. I spent three years of my life loving the same person. Catering for the same person. Just for her to turn away and throw it all away like I don’t matter.
Emotions keep coming and i’m trying to let you go.
I find myself Calling for her to open things for me. Or grab things off the top shelf. Or help me pick something you wear.
It hurts to remember she’s not with me to help anymore.
And when i’m feeling down I lose all control
I cry pulling all of the things out the box. I’ve never been this heart broken over someone. Never.
Emotions keep coming
“Please, come home.” I cry, hugging onto the stuffed teddy bear she bought me.
And i’m trying to let you go.
Thanks for reading all the way through!
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chairofchaos · 2 months
You Deserve Better, and Other Points for Reflection
Hey friends, listen up. Real talk for a second, because nobody deserves this. And, in case anybody cares, I want you to know I come with 12 years of learning on this exact debate we have been having, because I had some very excellent fandom mentors in my communities and in the form of my uncles, who to this day support me writing and reading whatever hell I please, even in the face of protest from my immediate family. There was a lot of learning I had to do to be here with you now, and I am thankful for those people who were willing to tell me so.
If you want to post memes and think pieces and jokes and poems about a fandom debate, go ahead! You create the experience you want to see on your dash, and you will find your people.
If you want to discuss a fandom debate (a little or a lot), go ahead! I’m all for thinking through how we live and act and exist as a fan community.
If you feel that you need to take those things and turn them into vitriol to pour into the DMs and Anons of people who are running a fan week, that is not okay. Not in the slightest.
There is a big difference between debate, discussion, creative protest, and joking around, and intentionally using your words to create harm in someone’s life.
“But, Chaos, this [thing not directly sent to you/not specifically intended for you] hurt my feelings!”
Okay. Get burned once? Great! You learned something: don’t touch the hot iron again. (To translate: block the tag, block the person, whatever you need, and move on. If it isn’t for you that’s ok.) Hurt feelings are to tell you what you can and/or are willing to handle. If you don’t want to see it, block. (I love blocking tags it’s one of my little joys in life lol)
“Chaos, somebody said something really rude to me to my (virtual) face! What do I do?”
Well, you can either respond or you can block. Either way, it will probably help you to move on.
If you are responding, I beg you to keep one thing in mind. I want you to picture 7 year old you at the other end of that message. Or 13 year old you. What kind of words did they deserve to hear in a moment when maybe they weren’t getting something? Use those. Use them kindly, not in a condescending way, but in a “I want to explain this as gently as I would to my younger self” kind of way. If somebody keeps being mean, it isn’t worth it. Please use the block feature and move on. They are not worth your time.
Additionally, I would encourage you to do this: the “touch grass” mentality is something I only direct at myself. (I literally told myself to go touch grass yesterday, and there is at least one person who can corroborate that.) I stand by that decision every single day. It’s kept me out of a lot of trouble. Directing it at others does not end well, but directing it at yourself can be a good way to reflect and to consider sensible actions in the face of overwhelming situations or emotions (of which I experience many).
“Chaos, people are coming into anon and being hateful. Or just rude. Or they’re dumping triggering material into my anons.”
That is on them. That is not on you. They should not do that. And I am so sorry you are dealing with that. I’m going to be honest, I don’t know if you can block from anons (I’ve never even needed to look and so help you all if this is the post that makes me) but if you can, do. I will do what I can to help, if you need it. Regardless of where you stand on any of these issues, because I will not stand for hatred.
“I’m mad about [redacted] and I am going to be rude/mean/intentionally putting triggering material in people’s inboxes and activity feeds!”
You do that and you will be in a world of hurt, my friend. A world of hurt from yourself.
Because we create the experience we think we deserve. If you create an internet experience where it is acceptable to be hateful, vengeful, and downright cruel to other people, that is the experience you will receive in return. You deserve better than that. And if you believe that you deserve better than that but the people you’re directing cruelty towards don’t, then I want you to hear me: you will quickly find that you are not welcome anywhere. There will always be someone to disagree with. There will always be (at least) minute discrepancies in the way two or more people think, even people who are deeply similar.
Hurt the hand that reaches to help you- one day it will be raised against you in hurt as well.
As for me? Well, for that, I leave you with thoughts from George Washington’s Farewell address as paraphrased in Hamilton’s ‘One Last Time’:
“Though, in reviewing the incidents of my administration, I am unconscious of intentional error, I am nevertheless too sensible of my defects not to think it probable that I may have committed many errors.”
I am not a president (and thank god for that because who wants Chaos in charge of a country?). I am simply a fandom member. A writer. A little chaos gremlin lurking behind trees in the forest.
But like Mr. Washington, I am aware that I often fail to live up to my standards and principles. And I hope, truly, though it is wildly uncomfortable for me, that you would call me out for ways I have failed to uphold them, either in the past or in the future. (It would be super great if you like… called me out in DMs and didn’t put me on blast but oh well.)
I am in at least four other major (international, GIANT) fandoms. I am not hopeful enough to think that the ACOTAR fandom will learn from the fandoms of yore. We will have to weather these storms on our own, even with the knowledge and experiences already there. I think that’s okay. Disappointing, perhaps, but okay.
Since this post was much longer than it was intended to be, I will summarize:
If you are intentionally putting hateful materials in the inboxes, DMs, and activity feeds of people you disagree with, you will hurt yourself.
You create the experience you think you deserve, and in doing so, create that experience for others. Good or bad.
Block tags, block blogs, block what you need to enjoy the space. You will find your people.
Being intentionally cruel to other human persons is how you end up finding that nobody is “your people” because you created an environment where no one wants to be. You will be lonely and sad. Don’t make yourself lonely and sad.
I am certain I fail to uphold these principles at times. Feel free to call me out if you see me failing at these. DM appreciated, but I’m the one who invited you to do so so I’m not going to say “don’t blast me on main.” My funeral, I know.
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abbys-wifey · 1 year
this is why we bully you
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request linked here :)
pairing: mikey madison x female reader
warnings: melissa and jenna being bullies.
a/n: please send in requests because for Jenna and Mikey characters because I have zero ideas :(
I was unaware. Like always. But Jenna wasn’t. Neither was Melissa.
Mikeys gaze on my side profile isn’t exactly subtle, not to the people sitting beside me anyway. But I was oblivious, simply smiling and nodding at the interviewer who asks me yet another question.
“Hmm I would have to say Mikeys my favourite person ever. Sorry Jenna, sorry Melissa.” I tease turning to my right to grab Mikeys arm and link my fingers with hers for a second not noticing how her usually pale face turns a bright red.
Jenna’s snort catches my attention, my head snapping to my left to see Melissa and Jenna doubling over in laughter. Their eyes drift to Mikey as their eyebrows raise teasingly causing the brown haired woman to roll her eyes. “I’m so confused.” I laugh as I flick my eyes from the people beside me.
“I love you Y/N but your always confused.” Melissa’s hand pats my knee gently. The interviewer laughs rather awkwardly before clapping his hands trying to gather our attention.
“Sorry, as I was saying-“ I send a playful glare to the two women beside me. “Mikey is obviously my favourite person on set. She managed to win me over.” My eyes catch Mikeys and I send her a smirk. The interviewer laughs and nods along. “Is there anything that you struggle with working with your girlfriend and also going home to the same living space? Do you find yourselves spending too much time together?”
I swallow away the ignorance of the question, I mean this is stupid right, and turn to face Mikey letting her answer first.
Her eyes are already on me as I turn to face her, a blush forcing itself into my cheeks as Jenna snorts once again. “I would say that it has its moments. Both good and bad. Bad being I’m being constantly shown up by her talent.” Mikey cheeses, her lips pulling up in a large grin. I shake my head, silently arguing against her statement secretly satisfied she had answered the question without really answering the question.
“Oh yeah Jenna and I are in the same boat.” Melissa jokes moving to hold Jenna’s hand tightly, the two making stupid kissy faces towards one another. Biting back words that could not be posted onto the internet I settle for laughing and shoving Jenna’s shoulder lightly.
“Well thank you for your time ladies, I’ll see you another time.” And with that the interviewer stands up with a wave and disappears off set.
Slowly the cameras shut off and the four of us stretch as we stand up for the first time in at least half an hour.
“My back.” Jenna groans raising her arms above her head. “Baby help me.” She pouts playfully towards Melissa who chuckles and holds Jenna’s face. “I’ll do anything for you my pookie wookie baby bear.” She uses a baby voice that sends me cringing internally.
“Shut up.” I shove the two away from one another and stick out my tongue. “This.” Melissa gestures between herself and Jenna. “Is that.” She then points between Mikey and I.
“Uh I beg to differ.” Mikey scoffs coming up from behind me to but in. Jenna raises an eyebrow.
“Ok Mikey, can you tell me what colour pants the interviewer was wearing?” She asks tilting her head.
The four of us slowly begin heading to the empty break room as Jenna continues to question my girlfriend.
I tug Mikey towards the couch as we all arrive, wrapping my arms around her waist as I pull her into my chest ignoring Melissa’s teasing gag.
“Your insufferable, you know this right?” Mikey glares playfully at the Jenna who sticks her tongue out at the two of us as she opens the fridge. “At least I didn’t dry out my contacts by having a staring competition with the side of Y/N’s face.”
This causes my eyebrows to raise, my chin coming to rest on Mikeys shoulder as I glance at her teasingly. “Don’t you start.” Mikey sighs, wriggling on my lap as I tighten my grip. Melissa snickers before shoving my legs off the end of the couch so she can sit down. “Mikeys just in love.” She sing songs with a smirk.
I chuckle and place my feet atop Melissa’s lap, Mikeys body still in my own lap as I lay across the couch. “Tell me something I don’t know. At least the feelings mutual.” I shrug and kiss Mikeys cheek earning a blush from my girlfriend.
“Why is it everyone gang up on Mikey day?” Mikey groans laying her head back against my shoulder. My chest rises as I chuckle through my nose at her whining. A small scream then escapes Mikeys lips and Jenna’s own lips press a wet kiss to her cheek, Jenna’s body flailing over the back of the couch in order to reach Mikeys face.
“Better?” Jenna bats her eyelashes, a smirk lingering on her lips. Mikey scrunches her nose in disgust and wipes at the wet spot on her cheek. “Definitely not.” She gags trying to stifle a smile as Jenna pretends to pout.
Melissa and I burst out laughing in sync, her body doubling over my feet, hands wrapped around her stomach as I place my forehead on Mikey’s shoulder blade trying to calm myself down.
“Just so you know I hate you all.” Mikey announces faux anger in her tone. Wiping the tears from my eyes, I rest my chin on her shoulder, centimetres from her ear. “You don’t hate me.” I whisper breathily before leaning in to plant a lingering kiss on her cheek.
“See this.” Melissa points to the two of us, Mikey’s face flushed bright red.
“This is why we bully you.”
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waywardangel-wilds · 4 months
Inspired by this post by @littlemarianah and this post by @mellarked-katnisseverdeen :
Katniss propped up her father’s frameless shaving mirror, watching herself in the setting sunlight as she anxiously rearranged her hair. She brushed her fingers down the front of her dress. It was ironed, clean, and never before mended. It was the nicest piece of clothing she owned. Was it alright? She turned herself to profile in the mirror. Would he like it?
“Birdie, what are you puttering around in there for?” Her father hobbled towards the bathrooms doorway. His bad leg usually gave him a harder time on rainy evenings, like the one they were having. “My,” he paused to smile, “aren’t you a pretty picture?”
She smiled. “Oh daddy, don’t tell me you forgot already.” She reached over to put the mirror away. “You promised you’d be on your best behaviour.”
“For what?” He asked, but his slight smile gave him away. Katniss rolled her eyes while she straightened the collar of his shirt. “I’m just joking, ‘course I didn’t forget. What are you messing with my shirt for? He's not coming to see me!” He laughed.
“This is important to me,” She met her father’s smiling eyes with her own nervous gaze. “I want him to like it here. I want you to like him.”
“We’ll see about that,” he chuckled at his daughter’s stricken expression. “Don’t give me that pout! I just want to know if he’s good enough to be on your arm, is all.”
“Daddy,” Katniss shook her head. She glanced out the window at the sun. He’d be by soon. “I need to finish getting ready!”
“You’re beautiful already, birdie. I don’t see what all the fuss is about.” He was laughing as she pushed him out of the bathroom. “Alright! Alright! I know when I’m not wanted.”
“Please don’t let mama say anything embarrassing!” She begged before she shut the door in his face.
“You heard that? Your daughter thinks we’ve no self control,” he snickered into the kitchen where his wife offered him an amused tweak of the brow. “You’d think the boy was the prince of Panem or something.”
“Hm, I think it’s sweet.” His wife replied, lifting the lid of the stew she’d been working on for the better part of the evening. “Young love, remember it?”
“You’re calling me old?” He pulled her into the circle of his arms. “These Everdeen women sure are difficult to impress.”
“Spruce,” she shook her head. “Why don’t you make yourself useful and help me with this food, huh? Your daughter put a lot of work into tonight.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He walked over to their makeshift ice box. “I promise to keep the commentary to a minimum.”
“Mama! If Katniss marries the baker do we get free cakes forever?” Prim little head stuck into the house from where she sat on the front steps. “Cause that’d be really neat!”
“Primrose Everdeen!” She said around a laugh. “Don’t you have to get dressed for dinner?”
“He’s not marrying me,” the girl replied sullenly as she shuffled towards the bedroom.
“No one’s marrying anyone!” Spruce called out. “In fact, what does anyone need boys for?”
“You’re a boy daddy,” Prim replied.
“Now that’s an entirely different thing,” he replied. “I’m your father. That makes me better than the rest.”
“Mmhm,” his wife replied sarcastically. “Taste this?” She placed the spoon before his lips.
“Sour,” he coughed. “What have you been doing over there?”
“Well you could fix it if you know so much,” she handed him the spoon. “I could use a rest, you know. It takes a lot to look like this.” She fluffed her hair.
“Yes, I noticed. You look lovely, dear.” She smacked his shoulder. “I mean it!”
“Uh huh,” she replied.
“Mama! Could I borrow your lipstick?” Katniss’s voice came from the bathroom still. “Is it in your room?”
“Yes, darling.” His wife replied, shooting him an amused look. “In the drawer!”
They didn't hear anything else before they saw her zoom by to the bedroom, her hair trailing behind her like a river of molasses.
“Don’t sprain something now!” He called after her. “This kid better be the best thing since sliced bread. I don’t remember you putting this much work into making me happy.”
“Hush,” his wife tried to peek into the bedroom before the door shut behind their daughter’s back. “She’s nervous enough as it is.”
A thudding noise from beyond the closed door caught their attention. “Hey!” Prim yelled.
“Oh no, now they’re fighting.” She patted his arm. “I’m going in there.”
“You have my thoughts and prayers,” he replied sarcastically. She didn’t spare that a response, but she smiled, so that was a win.
He set about fixing the stew, adding some extra water to try and counteract the excess vinegar. He was cutting up some wild onion when a tentative knock befell the open door.
"Ah, there he is," He glanced towards the doorway with a friendly expression. "The man of the hour."
At the threshold, a shy-looking eighteen-year-old boy peeked halfway into the house. He smiled self-consciously. "Good evening, Mr. Everdeen."
"Mr. Everdeen? That was my father. You’ll call me Spruce. Come in! What are you doing hanging out in the rain?" He waved him over. "Do you know much about cooking?"
"The basics, I think." He shrugged good-naturedly, taking a moment to wipe his feet on the cheerful mat his wife had laid out there ages ago. He walked in strangling some unfortunate daisies. "These are for Katniss."
"We've got a vase somewhere," He ducked to check the cupboard, his back protesting the whole time. "Here we are. One chipped jug, close enough." He smiled over his shoulder. "It's Peeta, correct?"
"Yes, sir." Peeta accepted the old milk jug and went to fill it at the sink. He quirked a brow at that. "Uh, Mr. Spruce, sorry."
"Whatever floats your boat." He accepted, "Is that for us?" He looked at the covered dish in the boy's other hand.
"Yes, of course!" He awkwardly set it down on the counter as his hands were full. Spruce was starting to feel bad for the kid, he'd never seen anyone so nervous. "Katniss loves the bakery's cheese buns so I figured it might be nice to bring some."
"That she does. Do you think she'd mind if I took one?" He asked cheekily, removing the dish's lid.
Peeta smiled. "Maybe a little."
"I think I'll risk it," He took a big bite out of a nice warm bun. He nodded in approval, "This is good."
Peeta's smile widened, "thank you, Mr. Spruce."
"You're here!" They turned towards the sound of his daughter's voice. She stood in the doorway to the bedroom, looking as lovely as she'd been since the day she was born, but this time she had a light touch of lipstick on her cheeks. "You met my dad."
Peeta nodded, "I did." He started blushing. "I-uh, brought you these." He extended the flowers in her direction, which she leaped across the room to accept. "You look beautiful."
Katniss glanced over her shoulder self-consciously. Spruce averted his eyes to give her some privacy. "Thank you," she said with a voice as sweet as honey. "You look nice too."
Peeta's face took on a love-dazed look and Spruce shook his head. Oh man, that's why his mother had constantly made fun of him back in the day.
He turned his back on the kids. Might as well spare them the extra embarrassment. "We're having a big dinner tonight. Katniss caught all this game all by herself." He returned to the stew, "Right, birdie?"
"Yep," the awkwardness seemed to be a common denominator. "You brought me cheese buns?"
"Yeah, I know how much you like them," Peeta replied with an awkward little chuckle.
"Thank you, I do-- like them, I mean. Yeah." Katniss spoke haltingly. "Thank you."
"You're welcome."
"Oh!” His wife finally made it out of the bedroom. “Prim, come say hello!" She called back into the bedroom. "Peeta! How are you? Did the rain give you a hard time?"
"No, no, not at all, I'm great" Peeta replied. "Thank you for inviting me over tonight. You have a lovely home, Mrs. Everdeen."
"Thank you, and it's no trouble at all. We've been curious about you." She walked towards the table with Prim following close behind, a curious look to her. "And please, you don't have to call me that, Lily is fine."
"Lily," Peeta repeated with a smile.
"So since you're the baker and all, do we get freebies when you marry my sister?" Prim challenged.
"Prim!" Katniss chastised. “You don’t have to answer that. We’re not even engaged Prim.”
"And I'm not the baker. I just work there." Peeta answered with an amused smile. "My dad's the baker but I can still make you anything you'd like."
"You don't have to," Katniss said.
"Great! My birthday's coming up." Prim went on shamelessly. She pulled out one of the dining chairs and sat down. "Could you make it a heart-shaped cake? Oh! And cover it in pink frosting?"
Lily put a hand to her mouth to stifle her laughter, meanwhile, Katniss looked mortified. Spruce tsked, joining his youngest daughter at the table. “Don’t scare him off, you’ll cost us our in at the bakery!”
“Daddy,” Katniss complained. She picked up her boyfriend’s hand and tugged him towards the table. “They’re just joking. They do that a lot.”
“I really wouldn’t mind making it though,” Peeta smiled gregariously. “It’s not every day you get an order for a pink and heart-shaped cake. It sounds like fun.”
“In that case, could it be tiered too?” Prim interjected.
“That’s enough, Prim. Don’t disrespect.” Lily said. To Peeta she added, “has Katniss offered you something to drink?”
“Oh wow, I’m sorry I forgot. Do you want some water?” Katniss smiled her embarrassment.
“No, I’m okay, thanks.” Peeta and her seemed to have some sort of secret conversation which resulted in Katniss laughing.
“Should we eat?” Spruce stood. “I can serve the stew.”
“I’ll get the bowls,” Lily readily added. Once they were a sufficiently far away from the children she stage-whispered, “what do you think?”
“I think we’ve got ourselves a problem.”
“A problem? What do you mean? He seems perfectly nice to me.”
“No, he is. Problem is we’re gonna lose our kid.” He peaked over his shoulder. The kids were all seated at the table and having a normal conversation. “This looks permanent.”
Lily’s face grew sentimental. “We weren’t that much older when we got married.” She bit her lip. “ironic, huh?”
“How’d you mean?”
“You and me, town and seam. I chose the coal miner over the baker. Now, our daughter and her boyfriend, still town and seam, but she’s choosing the baker. It’s almost by design.”
“You’re reading too much into it,” he said. “What we should be worried about is how this affects me and the actual baker. First his girl and now his son? I can't go back there.”
“Spruce,” Lily laughed. "You and your jokes. Would it kill you to take this seriously?"
"Yes, it would." He grinned shamelessly. "But you knew that when you married me."
"You're terrible." She handed him a bowl. "Hurry up."
"So demanding," he shook his head. "This is cripple abuse."
"Cripple," Lily snorted.
"Thank you," Peeta smiled winningly as Lily deposited his bowl in front of him.
"So Peeta," Spruce interlaced his fingers. Time to look serious. "If you're not going to be the baker, what will you do? I'm assuming one of your brothers is the next baker, right?"
"Dad," Katniss complained.
"It's an important question." Spruce leaned forward slightly on his forearms. "Peeta?"
"That's right, Mr., Uh, Spruce, I'm not the next baker." Peeta managed to maintain eye contact with him. Good. "I'm apprenticing at the justice building for the rest of the year. My mother's side of the family has connections there."
"Interesting. What will you be doing?" Spruce cocked his head. "It pays?"
"Dad," Katniss groaned. "You know I'm sitting right here right?"
He put up a placating hand, "Peeta?"
"It pays," the boy nodded. "It should be enough, for um, multiple people." He blushed then.
"Please, I could probably provide enough for all of us." Katniss rolled her eyes and muttered. "Talking about me like a goat up for auction."
Spruce stared hard at them both for a long moment. Peeta looked like he was sweating. Katniss looked like she wanted him to keel over. He nodded. "Alright."
"Alright?" Katniss asked derisively.
"I'm giving you my blessing, birdie. Don't spend it all in one place." He smiled as Katniss gave in and softened. "That's my girl."
Part 2
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