#please do not bother sending another ask as i will not be as chill about responding to a second message about this
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Keeping things simple to understand:
Some migrants that come to the UK (a big percent of them tend to be Muslim) and think they can continue to do the stuff they did in their home country, and that includes hurting vulnerable people
This ofc upsets the local British people and they start fighting back, some riots are violent but most have are starting to become more peaceful
They blocked the way to the Immigration Centre because too many migrants screw up people's lives and then leave facing no consequences, and these protesters want something to be done about that
I'm not actually from England, I'm actually Scottish, but I'm sending hugs to you and all of your friends, because this situation sucks
i cant tell if this is meant to be condescending but let me address some of the points you've made.
first, muslims make up 6.5% of the uk population, so they are by no means a majority of the country. second of all, i do not appreciate this very blatant insinuation that muslims, or migrants, are inherently violent and cause harm to people. i think you well know that non white people are more likely to be victims to violent crime than white people.
if you're referring to the horrific riots that are going on around the uk right now then the british people you are referring to are violently rioting against an attack done by a british person born in cardiff. these riots are only becoming "peaceful" as you say because of the brave people showing up for anti-racism and anti-fascist rallys all around the country, and they are helping to protect the immigration centres and the high streets and cities and shops that are being attacked by racists.
if your "local British people" are so intent on protecting this country then they shouldn't be attacking british police, british corner shops and looting (which is just stealing) from these shops.
by definition, i am certain that immigrants are people who come to live permanently in a new country. your arguement about them coming, "screwing up peoples lives" and then leaving is completely baseless and ridiculous. the people you are talking about would not be migrants, and therefore would not be an immigration issue.
these people that are causing these far right riots are not helping this country. they are causing a strain on uk based resources, like the police, and they are taking away time that these officers could be using to battle actual issues around the different counties.
i dont know what you wanted to get out of sending this message to me. but i do not need your hugs as i am not someone who is being targeted by these vicious rioters.
#please do not bother sending another ask as i will not be as chill about responding to a second message about this#i do not want anyone sympathy to the ideas of the rioters coming onto my blog#as it is something i do not agree with at all#all this is coming from baseless (and false) rumours about the identity of the 17 yr old that attacked those poor young girls#this is absolutely horrific and i cannot imagine what those parents are going through right now#i am not a political blog and i do not pretend to have all the answers#i have answered this to the best of my ability#asks#anon
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I’m a paul girly can u please do one where Paul is grumpy because everyone is coupled up with their imprint and his is away for college but at the bonfire the girls surprise Paul with his imprint and he goes from a mean grumpy to a clingy sweetheart make it long pls I love u💕
I love you!!!!! ❤️
Paul kicks the log that's below him. Everyone that's lined up on the cliff turns to him. "Paul, lighten up." Embry says. "Shut up." Paul growls and charges at him, pushing him into the water. "Really?" Jared looks at him. "Fuck off, Jared." Paul rolls his eyes. Paul misses you so bad. He hates when you're away.
Everyone is at Emily's. She made the pack lunch. They're all eating inside the house. Paul is quiet, eating his sandwhich. "Dude! Imagine what'd it'd be like if Jacob and Renesmee had babies? I sense new drama." Embry laughs. Paul grumbles and rolls his eyes. "Hey, me and Kim are planning. Just saying." Jared raises his hands. "Nuh, uh! You're just stupid horny." Quil shoves him. They burst into laughter. Paul just sits there. "Paul Lahote. Don't be so rude. I know it sucks, but she's coming back soon!" Emily pats his back. He moves his shoulders around, wiggling her hand off of him. "Yeah. I know." He says.
Back outside, everyone is training. Even the Black pack. Leah is laughing, and just her laughter pisses off Paul. He's keeping his cool. "Bro, if I phase right now, I'm biting your ankle." Embry playfully pushes Quil. "Kinky." Quil smirks and then phases. He didn't even bother to take off his shorts. When he phases, he accidently bumps into Paul. Paul growls, loses his cool, and phases. Quil's wolf slowly backs away. Sam is calling out to Paul to chill out. Paul disregards Sam and starts attacking Quil.
It's been like this for weeks. Leah, Kim, and Emily are the only ones that know you are coming back tonight at the bonfire tonight. Right now, you're at the airport heading back home. Being away from Paul has been hard for you. You're getting excited at the fact that when you go home, the last two years of your schooling are online! Paul knows nothing! This is going to be the best surprise. "Forks!" The lady at the desk, taking tickets for the plane entry, calls out your destination. Only two other people follow suit. They don't look familiar, so obviously, it's just their layovers.
Emily looks at Sam because Paul just snapped at Seth for no reason. "Paul. I'm about to just send your ass home if you don't stop." Paul sighs and leans back in the chair, looking at the sun as it sets. The fire is warm on his legs, but all he can think about is you. Seth, being Seth, offers Paul a plate and a drink. "Yeah. Thanks." Paul said dryly. Seth feels so bad. He's the only one willing to deal with Paul's anger. Everyone else is over it but at the same time, feel bad. "You know she'll come back." Emily says. "I've got that. But when? I don't know. And she has to go right back. And it'll be like this for another two years." Paul growls. "You know it's hard for her too. You have to support her." Leah butt's in. "Jesus, Leah. You know I support her. She's at school, right?" He looks at her. She nods her head and walks away, going to talk to Kim. It's getting unbearable for Paul. Being away from an imprint is the toughest thing for a shifter. It's been two months of texting, phone calls, and video calls. You're gone for two months, back for two weeks. It's been like that for a year now. Every time you leave, Paul gets angrier and angrier.
Kim and Leah get in the truck and drive to the airport to wait for you. You'll be back in an hour or so. Paul sees Emily smirking at him and then Sam. "What is it?" Paul asks. "Nothing." She shakes her head. Paul just sighs, and Seth comes back with a plate of steak, potatoes, and muffins. In his other hand is a glass of coke. Paul takes it and nods at Seth. Paul starts scarfing it down.
You leave the terminal and go out to the open space. People are walking around you and you're trying to catch Leah and Kim.
You: girls! I'm near the entrance.
You text them. Not even a few minutes later, Kim in the distance spots you. The two women run to you. You run to them, too. Your fully packed backpack and duffle bag on your arm are heavy and bouncing. You tackle both of the women who hold their arms open. You three laugh and just about fall over. "Let me take this!" Leah smiles, grabbing your bag. "UGH! Thank you, life saver." You gush at Leah. "God, I've missed you guys." You sigh. "Paul has been a dick, as usual. I'm literally about to snap his neck." Leah laughs. You nod your head in agreement. "I can only imagine." You reply.
You girls get to Leah's truck. You sit in the back seat while Leah drives. "Nobody questioned why we left. Not even Jared!" Kim says offended. "Them rowdy boys wouldn't notice if the sun fell on them while they're together." Leah laughs. "True!" You call out. "How's Billy?" You ask. "He's doing good. Old man can't fall over. I swear he's invincible." Leah laughs. "Yes! I try to help him do stuff around the house, but he just shooes me and Emily off." Kim says. "So, typical Billy. What about Jake and Nessie?" You ask. Leah rolls her eyes. "The guy is barely even with us. Ever since they got their house, them two have been loners. He only comes out during get-togethers, wolf shit, and bonfires." Leah replies. As she says this, a car pulls out in front of you guys. She swerves to the side, making you hit your head on the window. "Shit! Asshole!" Leah honks her horn. Kim flips them off. You lean back up in your seat. "Geez." You laugh awkwardly. "We're stopping at Paul's so you can drop off your stuff and then going to the fire." Leah says, totally disregarding that you almost died.
You guys finally make it. You can see the smoke from the fire and orange in the distance in the yard. You can see the guys running around. You squint toward the fire and see Paul sitting in a chair by himself. You giggle at his sulking. "Wait, I didn't think this far." Kim laughs. "How do we surprise him?" She turns to Leah. "I have an idea!" You lift a finger. They turn to you. "I sneak up behind him, putting my hands in front of his eyes and pull a 'guess who'." They nod together and then clap their hands. "UGH! Finally, I can breathe!" Leah breathes out. You laugh at her dramatic self. You step out of the truck. You slowly walk your way behind Paul. "I can hear you creeping, and I'm not in the mood." Paul growls. You quickly put your hands in front of his eyes. "Fuck." He growls but then stops instantly as he smells your scent. "Guess who." You whisper. He doesn't hesitate to stand up, throw the chair that's in between you, and wrap his arms around you. You hold him back and breathe in what you've missed. Paul Lahote. He's back in your arms. "Oh my fucking god, my baby." He mumbles in your hair. "I fucking love you." He says. "I love you too, Paul." You reply. Then, there's loud clapping all around. You two pull away from each other and see everyone clapping. "How'd you even get here?!" He smiles at you. Before you can even answer, he grabs your face and kisses you roughly. You kiss him back and wrap your fingers around his wrists. His lips are soft, and the kiss is longing. You fall into it, moving your lips with his. You pull away and look into your man's eyes. "Leah and Kim picked me up. All of the girls knew." You reply, your thumbs running over his knuckles. "Damn it." He smiles, chuckling. He lifts you up and spins you around. "My girl." He laughs. You laugh along with him, and he sets you down. "Alright, we get it! Now, time to share her." Emily laughs, hugging you. Paul smiles, not giving any more attitude.
You hug everyone, and Paul refuses to leave your side. You love it! Considering, you refuse to leave his, too. Now you guys are sitting around the fire. Jake and Nessie showed up. You're sitting on his lap. His arms are around your waist. He leaves random kisses on your back and arm. He randomly squeezes and presses his cheek against your back as if you could disappear any moment. Once the fire talk is over, you turn to Paul. "I don't want you to go again." He frowns. "Baby, I have good news." You smile. "What?" His eyes widen and sparkle with hope. "My physical classes are over. I'm home now. They're online." You watch as his lips part, and he slowly begins to smile. "Oh my God. YES!" He holds you. You pull his face off of your chest and kiss him softly. He doesn't instantly kiss you back. Pulling away and going back in, over and over. Everyone is leaving you two at it.
After holding onto you for a hot while, Paul decides to apologize to his pack and play around with them. You sit down on the chair, chatting with Emily. "God, Paul is back." She sighs in relief. "I know! Even on the phone, he seemed off." You giggle. Paul grabs your shoulders suddenly and then kisses your head. "Alright, back off with the boys." He does this a few more times. He runs off to play with the guys and then runs to you to give you a quick kiss before running back.
You're typing away on your laptop while Paul is still in bed sleeping. You're on the couch with your legs crossed doing some work. You open the highlighter cap and swipe it across words on the thick ass book that sits next to you. The bedroom door opens, and there stands a quiet Paul. His sleep shorts are hanging low. He yawns and scratches the back of his neck. "Good morning, my baby girl." He says in his scratchy and low morning voice. He walks over to you and presses a kiss to your forehead. "Good morning, my love." You scrunch up your nose with a smile. He looks over your neck and chuckles. "You didn't leave hickeys last night, did you?" You sighed in annoyance. "Eh, maybe I got carried away." He clicks his tongue before walking into the kitchen. "Damn it, Paul." You turn on the camera on your phone and see three big purple bruises. "Emily asked me to come over today when you go over there." You say. "Good because you were coming with anyways." He smirks, pouring his milk into his cereal. You blush and then bite your lip. "AWE, no, don't do that. You'll get what you got last night again." He winks. You roll your eyes playfully. "And don't do that either." He warns, taking a bite of his cereal.
You're mixing the batter to Emily's cake. She licks some chocolate off her finger and flips through her recipe. "Girl, this will take hours!" She sighs. "Are you nervous? I mean, it's a wedding cake! That's a lot of pressure." You continue to mix. "Nah! It's a small wedding." She shrugs it off. "Woowoo!" You hear Embry and Quil. In walks everyone, including Jacob. "Surprised you're here." Emily smirks at him. "Hey, I had to see y/n again." He laughs. You smile at him. "Well, I'm here permanently." You say. Paul walks behind the counter and puts his arm around your waist, kissing your cheek. "Normally, I'd say get the hell out of my kitchen, but I'm giving you an exception today." Emily says to Paul. "Thank you, Emily!" He smiles. "Oh wow! A thank you!" Jared jokes. Paul flips him off with a smirk. "Don't hate the love." You laugh. You place the bowl down on the counter to finish up your assignment Emily gave you for the cake. Paul huffs and pulls you back into him. "Hey!" You giggle. "Alright, lover boy, let the girl bake." Emily pats his shoulder. Paul groans and nods his head, walking toward the group of guys. "Yes, ma'am." He says. "I could really get used to this." Emily laughs. Sam nods his head, crossing his arms. "Yes, much better." He laughs. "Paul, I have to show you this new trick I can do while jumping off the cliff!" Embry says. "I saw you do that shit, dude. You looked dumb." Jacob teases. "Aye now." Quil warns and wraps an arm around Embry. "Don't be mean to my boyfriend." He glares. "WOAHHHH WOOOAHHH WOKKAHHG." Embry shoves him off. "Emily! Can I give y/n one more kiss?" He begs. "Quickly." She says, putting one of the cake pieces into the oven. He jumps up and gets behind you while you put icing on the base of the cake. He kisses your head over and over before you turn your head and kiss him softly. He smiles and then sits back down. "Alright, alright. I'm done." He says. "Lover boy!" Jacob sings. "Oh, loverboy!" Jared follows Jacob. Paul glares at them. "I'll kick your asses. I'm not joking." He growls. They start laughing. "There's the hothead!" Jared ruffles his hair. Paul grabs his hand tightly. "Ow, ow, ow." Jared laughs.
#twilight#embry call#jared cameron#jacob black#paul lahote#seth clearwater#twilight wolfpack#leah clearwater#sam uley#quil ateara#paul lahote x reader
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𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬
Pairing: Megumi Fushiguro x fem! reader
Summary: Female reader gets desperate when she sits on Megumi's lap, leading one thing to another.
Request: May I request dry humping for the first time with Megumi fushiguro? 🤗💖🙏
A/n: You def can!! I love Megumiiii <3 <3 Please enjoy <3
Content: NSFW, fem! reader. Aged up characters.
A movie plays in the background, a red screen lighting up Megumi's face as the two of you sit beside each other on the soft, plushy couch.
Megumi's arm is slung over your shoulder as his eyes are focused on the movie playing the screen. You're leaning into his side underneath his shoulder, his warmth radiating onto you.
He lets out a tiny sigh, shoulders slumping as he gazes down at you.
"Too boring?" you ask and Megumi bites on his bottom lip, pondering for a moment.
"I mean...there's a million different things I'd rather do than watch this movie," he explains smoothly, inching his face closer to yours.
You hum with amusement and cock an eyebrow. "Hm, like what?" you ask, a mischievous grin forming along your face as you climb into his lap, straddling him.
Megumi's eyes glisten with pure lust as his hands grip onto your waist, steadying you.
"Something like this..." his voice trails off as you lean down, nosing touching his and lips so closer. You ever so lightly brush your lips against Megumi's soft ones.
Megumi's cock grows hard in his pants as you tease him with rubbing your lips against his. He presses his fingertips harder into your waist as you feel his hard cock pressing up against your clothed cunt.
You let out a flirty chuckle that has Megumi's attention all on you. The way you slightly throw your head back and the way your white teeth smile at him.
"I've got you all hot and bothered, huh?" you ask, hand gripping onto his jaw. Megumi's lips are slightly parted open as his eyes are lost in yours and your words send a chill down his spine.
"We'll see who's all hot and bothered at the end," Megumi speaks sternly, hands pushing your waist down and then up. Your cunt rolls down to the tip of his cock and back up to the base.
You chuckle and bite on your bottom lip as your clit tingles from the movement against it.
It feels good, you've never dry humped anyone before. You cannot deny how your clit buzzes each time it's rubbed against Megumi's cock.
You move your hands underneath Megumi's shirt, feeling his abs as they flex.
Goosebumps form along Megumi's arms as your fingers explore every fold and crevice of his abs. Your hips glide back and forth, rubbing cunt along the curve of his length.
"How about you tell me how good it feels?" Megumi suggests.
"Shut up," you scoff out, cheeks becoming hot. Megumi's hand latches around your throat and squeezes lightly.
"You mean to tell me it doesn't feel good as you're rubbing your clit on my dick?" Megumi asks, his husky, raspy voice sending a wave of electricity through your body.
"It does," you moan out, eyes rolling into the back of your head.
"Yeah, that's what I thought. So keep going," he demands, eyes glistening. You lift your hand out from his shirt and run your fingers through his hair, tugging on it slightly, earning a low groan from him.
Megumi loves the way your cunt glides along his ridges of his cock. It twitches ever so lightly when you glide over the base of his tip. You start breathing heavier as your hips roll back and forth faster and faster, building up the pressure inside of your stomach.
As you go faster and faster, your clit feels even better than it did with each roll of your hips. You throw back your head, opening your mouth and letting out a loud moan.
Megumi squeezes your waist firmly, a struggling breath escaping his throat.
"P-please don't stop," his voice stutters for a moment, leaning his head as his adam's apple bobs. The inside of your thighs shake as you grind against his cock, desperately clinging onto him as your clit buzzes with pleasure.
"Megumi," you whine out, feeling close. Megumi runs his tongue over his bottom lip and pushes your hips down, guiding you over his cock.
Your fingernails dig into his skin as pleasure rips through your body, loud moans and whines leaving your body. Megumi watches your climax with wide eyes, getting turned on ever more.
His whole body tingles as you pant heavily, a layer of sweat covering your forehead. Cum fills your panties as your head hangs low, trying to catch your breath as your body is rattled.
Megumi grips onto your wrists, flipping you onto your back onto the couch. He climbs on top of you, in between your opened legs. His cock throbs, aching for more.
"I don't think we're gonna be finish that movie," Megumi pants out, raven hair hanging down in front of face. You chuckle and nod your head.
"I'm not complaining," you speak and he eagerly presses his lips to yours.

#jjk#megumi fushiguro#jujustsu kaisen#jujustsu kaisen x reader#jujustsu kaisen smut#jjk megumi#megumi smut#megumi x reader#jujutsu megumi#jujutsu kaisen megumi#jjk fushiguro
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did someone ask for... XIAO REQUESTS??
*manifests in a purple glowy glittery cloud from a magic circle on the floor*
I have been summoned.
What about a scenario where Xiao is trying to get a gift for his s/o? have him not only maybe trying to craft something, maybe he wants the gift to be so perfect he goes around Liyue and the harbor to find the best wrappings, the best ribbons and the best snacks to go along with his gift?
Xiao SOOOO needs more fics these days 😩
"For You."

Xiao x gn!reader, 4k words.
Just a bunch of fluff, Xiao might be a liiiitle bit ooc but I tried my best <3. I had way too much writing this lmao, it's vv self indulgent. It did diverge a teensy bit from how exactly you wanted, anon, but I hope you still like it <3 Feel free to send more Xiao asks!

Xiao remembers the first time he got you a present.
It was nothing, really. You mentioned needing violetgrass to finish a commission one day. It'd made Xiao wonder why exactly an adventurer would need a medicinal herb in such large quantities, but he hadn't known you for long, so he didn't bother to figure out why.
You didn't talk to him much back then- only really knowing him because you were forced (yes, you!) to cohabitate with him while you found a residence in the harbor.
You were impetuous- not of faith and certainly not respectful, and it irked you massively when he'd step away whenever you greeted him, or silently turn his back on you and vanish. He didn't quite know how to articulate why without venting his frustrations to a stranger, so he never did.
He remembers you being violently sick during the colder months and still stubbornly trying to yank your bags out of a friend's arms, furiously sniffing and telling them you needed to do this.
Xiao knew for a fact you were diligent with your commissions- you liked Mora and you liked being comfortable. It couldn't be rent. He couldn't help but puzzle about it for hours, tucked away in the soft, cool damp trees on Wuwang hill until your shriek broke him out of his reverie.
After abruptly appearing before you (and scaring you more than half to death), as well as many hours of hunting the elusive herb made even more elusive by the chill, you had a nice basketful by evening.
“I wanted two,” he remembers you saying ruefully. He can't remember what you wore or even what you'd sounded like. Or if that was even what you'd said. But he remembers knowing you needed two basketfuls somehow, and you only had one, and your eyelids weighed down by disappointment, and the press of your lips.
He remembers putting a second basket in your balcony by dawn, and he remembers feeling a sudden rush of fondness when he found out you did it unexpectedly for a sick Baizhu, without his knowledge, expecting no fee. He remembers talking to you more when you lunged out of the shadows at Wangshu inn, to grab his arm and beam and thank him. He remembers the first time he touched you on his own- fingers gingerly reaching forward to pluck a piece of thread off your face. He remembers you disappearing for months on a long mission, only to return home and run straight into his arms, your newest glider fluttering on your back. Right there in his arms. He doesn't remember breathing. He remembers the way your fingers felt when they brushed against his in that moment, for the very first time. He remembers you asking if you could hug him, “just for a moment please,” and he remembers scoffing in surprise, then quickly saying yes.
But for the love of- god? Which god? He was a god and he didn't love himself too much. Morax? For the love of Morax, then, why couldn't he remember the things you liked?
He remembers everything you like and nothing all at once. Books? You have them. Brushes? Clothes? Would you even wear what he bought you? What if it wasn't your style? What if- maybe a bag? No, you never used bags you didn't buy. Something about the quality of the fabric. A handbag? Would you use it often? Probably not. Another glider? A glider made of his feathers, perhaps? Dear god no, that would be. Alarming. Snacks? You'd eat them. They're an addition, not the present itself. Furniture? A body pillow? You mentioned wanting a Ningguang body pillow. What the fuck is a body pillow?
He bites back the urge to throw his almond tofu at the wall. A gift for someone so precious must be one of equal value– but really, what could compare to your smiles, or the way you veered into him on walks, or the way you’d stumble to the bathroom in the middle of the night? Or your adorably frustrated expression when your cooking turned out not quite right? Every minute spent with you was spent carefully watching, memorising. He couldn’t bear the thought of forgetting even the smallest details.
He remembers his first gift to you- a silver hairpin, laden with heavy flowers of jade and quartz that chinked against one another at the slightest movement. He remembers the the way your eyes widened when you unwrapped it.
It frustrated him.
You were pleased with all his presents- you never seemed to prefer one over the other. The amulet he brought to protect you? With you in a pouch on every commission. The hairpin? You wore it on special occasions. The crystalflies he caught you on a whim were kept in a pretty glass container on your bedside table. You kept the flowers he brought you for months until even their potpourri turned to dust. What did you like better?
He swears by the skies he’s never been more frustrated- or desperate.
Your birthday draws closer by the minute and he’s determined to be the first to give you a present, even if it means… talking to people.
He wishes Verr Goldet would stop looking so… Astonished. He knows he should be working! He’ll get to it right after he acquires your present… which would be?
“Perhaps- perhaps perfume?” she suggests, finally regaining composure. “They mentioned being fond of perfumes, although they usually don’t quite use it. Also…” She hesitates, then shakes her head with a smile. “It is good to see you home.”
He’s startled- he can’t help being so, not when she’s giving him such a sincere smile (that he unknowingly softly returns.) Strange mortal. Thanking her, he leaps off the balcony rails, unfurling wings of teal and gold. Perfume. Not the most inspired gift, but perhaps he’d come across something at the harbour?
He does, unfortunately, come across something at the harbour. It’s an annoying little something (endearing on the days he feels more patient), slightly tall, vaguely maniacal. In a fun way.
Hu Tao has dragged him across every stupid stall on the northern side of the harbour. They’ve seen all sorts of absurd fish (even ones he thought were long extinct, good for them- or perhaps not, since they were soon to be a meal), clothes, china, children’s toys (he’s pretty sure you’d like the fat finch carving actually, so he gets it) and… perfume?
Hu Tao beams as she gestures to the man lounging in a corner of the harbour, asleep with an arm thrown over his wares. The wares happen to be several exquisite (regrettably empty) bottles.
He blinks. “Where is the perfume?”
“Huh? You want me to get you that, too?” A fly lands on her face and she swats it away. “I don’t really know where to get one you’d like. What sort of smells do you like? Can you even smell? I thought birds couldn’t smell?”
He sighs at the cascade of questions. “Some can’t, some ca- you digress.”
“Fine, but listen- aren’t the bottles so pretty?” She reaches for one and he’s forced to admit they are. The one in her hand is fashioned to mimic a gently sloped, round rock, with qingxin flowers acting as the lid. A bit unorthodox, but charming. “You can put whatever you want inside! Plus you told me you wanted a bottle of perfume, not a bottle with perfume-“
That’s two gifts and neither is as he wants, nor perhaps as you’d want. He thinks back to the gifts you’ve given him- so intricate, so thoughtful. The best gift is still you, though, and the time he spends with you is enough to wash away years of anguish. When you fall asleep in his arms, the tension within him comes undone. This world has never treated him well, but its one benefaction was the vision hanging at your hip. He can’t help but trace it gently with his fingers, running his hands up and down your waist, so, so lightly. He’s grateful.
He wishes he could gift you even a fraction of the joy you bring him.
A whistle snaps him out of his thoughts. Yelan lowers herself to sit next to him on the cool stone steps going down to the harbour. Where did she come from? Was that blood-
“Soup. Tomato soup.” She pops the ‘p’ as she speaks. He can smell the blood. “No worries.” He does worry. She laughs when she sees his face. “It’s not mine, relax. What brings our hermit adeptus to the harbour?”
She reaches for the bag of purchases in his hands as he explains. “I’m here to get (Name) a present.” She turns the finch around in her hands, amused, and he continues. “I’m yet to come across anything significant. Do you have any… recommendations?”
Yelan tsks and stares at the hubbub below, deliberating. Xiao glances at the luxurious fur on her jacket rustle gently in the breeze and wonders how they ever became friends. His advent into the Chasm… well, he truly did think he would die, but he instead returned with closure and absurd company.
More or less anyway- Yelan is too busy to come visit frequently, but she’ll sometimes call him for no reason. To sample some dessert she bought, or to tell him a mundane story. He suspects it’s so she can keep an eye on his health. Sometimes, in his nightmares, he sees her stricken face when he teleported her out the Chasm, when she thought he’d never return.
“What are you thinking?” She raises an eyebrow. “It had better be something productive, not daydreams of (Name).”
“Those are productive,” he counters. “But forget it… suggestions?”
“Maybe jewellery?” She stands up and dusts herself off. “It’s a little cliché, but never a fail. And probably some perfume to put into that bottle… which I will go get, because… no. Actually, you should come too.” She grins.
He’s never talking to Yelan again. The shop she suggested had some lovely ear cuffs, shaped like wings and flowers, clouds and daggers. Pretty. He got you a few pairs, which the shopkeeper seemed delighted about. Were they expensive, by mortal standards?
He peeks into the bag and watches them glitter through the glass case. Probably.
The thought of you wearing them makes him feel a bit lightheaded. You’re always at the very zenith of loveliness, so it always astounds him to see you turn more and more beautiful by the day. The ear cuffs would accentuate your charm wonderfully. He grins at the thought, then painedly coughs, recalling Ying’er. By Morax, she made him profoundly uncomfortable, then compounded that discomfort with every passing minute. Yelan found it hilarious and he admits, only to himself, he’d find it equally amusing if it was someone else in his place.
In any case, he now has a rather large bag of presents. A fat finch, jewellery, a pretty bottle containing gentle perfume extracted from the flowers of your hometown (he’s so proud of expertly dodging Ying’er’s questions on how he got them) and-? A coffin keychain?
He sighs and keeps it.
While he has all these offerings present for the god that reigns supreme in his heart… there is no centrepiece, no special present. When he asks Yanfei and Ping, they glance at one another and gleefully suggest a wedding ring, to which he gives a forceful no. He’d never want to make you celebrate two things in one day- after all, that’s one less day of merrymaking.
Liyue Harbour looks so pretty in the night.
You remember a friend of yours telling you something once. Liyue Harbour makes you feel melancholy on the bad days, and warm on the good. She was right.
Sometimes, you have trouble deciphering what exactly it is that you’re feeling. And sometimes, you have trouble facing your feelings altogether.
As you trod through the gates facing Mt. Tianheng, you feel a pit softly open through in your chest. Inside of you, something stays deathly still, trying to ignore it, even as soft, powdery tendrils attempt to coax you inside.
It’s two in the morning, and it is also your birthday.
The shops and stalls are nearly all closed, with only some taverns open late into the night. They’ll close soon enough too, though. If you crane your neck enough, you know you’ll catch a view of the Pearl Galley, radiant and luxurious, a warm spot on the cool waves.
Sometimes Xiao walks you home after a long day. He’ll pause on the road while you receive your commission Mora from Katheryne, and you go take a walk along the harbour, buying groceries for dinner, him sighing as you find and inhale the unhealthiest snacks you can contrive, and scoffing when you offer them to him- even though there’s no force behind it.
And sometimes you sit on the edge of the port, watching the Pearl Galley take gentle laps around the port. Amusedly trying (and failing) to take a peek inside, wondering which socialite paid the lovely maidens aboard a visit.
But there’s no Xiao here today. He hasn’t visited in a while, and it’s your birthday.
You blink rapidly, eyes stinging. It’s okay. Birthdays happen every year and you’re not a child, you’re just tired after a long day.
“And besides.” You pat a stray dog as you walk past it to your home. “It’s so late. He’ll hopefully remember and wish me tomorrow?”
She answers with a whine and a wag of her tail. You chuckle.
“Stay right here. I’ll get you something.” You blow it a kiss, your temper buoyant once more. It’s so late, you can’t expect Xiao to-
“I already fed her.”
You nearly stumble (curse those mountains, your muscles are so goddamn sore) with how fast you whirl to face him. He’s right there, in soft, loose clothes. The lights inside the house come on as he gives your baffled face the smallest, softest of smiles. “Happy birthday, (Name).”
You bark a laugh as you rush into his arms.
You’re not sure what exactly you did for this world to give you Xiao, the most beautiful of creatures, kindest of people, gentlest of hearts. You used to think his distance and clipped sentences were an armour worn to protect his jaded heart from the world. You were heartbroken yet skeptical when Wang Ping’an told you of it being the opposite- that he cares deeply for his people and is devoted to his duty. That he has much love to give, but never could on account of his karmic debt.
You don’t know what you’d do if not for your vision.
Xiao’s firm, calloused fingers softly massage your scalp. He offered to help you wash your hair when you mentioned being too tired and sore to do it on your own, so you’re now in your bathroom seated on a stool as he does it for you. One hand reaches down gently to prevent the foam from entering your eye as you ramble on about the day you’ve had. He frowns when you tell him you got nearly killed by a treasure hoarder, then looks almost impressed when he hears you befriended the schmuck.
“And he’s not a bad guy, really.” You boop his nose gently with a wet finger and it scrunches slightly. “He just didn’t have a choice, y’know? Anyway, I told him I’d help him get a job. He’s gonna stay over until he gets back on his feet, so be nice when you see him, okay?”
Xiao blinks rapidly. His eyelashes are so pretty. “Wait- are you certain you can trust him? Tilt your head back.”
You tip your head back and explain as he rinses your hair. “He’s just a kid, really. He’s new to this treasure hoarder schtick. And it should be fine, right? I’ll keep the valuables locked and let him have the guest room. Poor kid, do you think he’ll be able to wait on people? Maybe I could convince Chef Mao?
“He has his hands full with Shenhe.” Xiao snorts. “I don’t think he can take any more. Although if you want… I could take the child to Wangshu Inn with me. Perhaps he could assist Huai’an.”
You gasp in delight and beam at him. You swear you see his pupils dilate. “You’d do that for him?”
“For you.”
Dinner was pleasant- all you could focus was inhaling anything and everything remotely edible present on the table. You were ravenous.
Even so, you couldn’t help but notice the anticipatory looks Xiao gave you, the little taps of his clawed fingers on the table. He didn’t say a word as you finished your meal. Just looked at you gently with those luminous golden eyes.
Stamping down your excitement was difficult despite your exhaustion. There was something Xiao was keeping under wraps, you could tell- he was just a bit unravelled, just the tiniest bit. Lips parted in slight anticipation, pupils dilated like a parakeets.
You look at one another across the table and he abruptly blinks and rises up, taking the dishes with him. Putting them in the sink, he turns to you slowly. You hear the dog bark at something outside, the clatter of her claws across the pavement but it feels as though she’s on land, with you underwater. When did Xiao get so close?
Your breath leaves you as his talon tipped fingers gently cradle your face, stroke your cheek. He laces his fingers with yours and brings them to his mouth for a kiss.
“Do you wish to rest?” He asks gently. As if he didn’t just rob you of your ability to form coherent sentences. “I had some presents prepared for you, but it’ll be morning soon. You ought to rest.”
Aha. So that was what he wanted to show you. He looks so shy at the mention of gifts- long eyelashes lowered, lips pressed together that you can’t resist beaming and landing a soft kiss on his cheek. He exhales.
“I want to see them now.”
He sighs, but he’s smiling, too. “Very well.”
He gestures for you to walk on ahead to your room and you do, sprinting across the hallway, invigorated at the prospect of- what.
Your bed is laden with presents.
It looks almost like an offering table- there are flowers interspersed among the gifts- an exquisite bottle of perfume is the first to catch your eye and you excitedly hold it to your nose. It smells like your favourite flowers. You turn to beam at him and he turns away, pink eared, and gestures to the rest.
There’s a coffin keychain (huh?), a fat finch carving the size of your face (you’ll cherish and protect that thing with your life), multiple small, velvety boxes with glass covers (you nearly scream. Is that the Mingxing jewellery crest? How expensive was this?) and something covered by a soft square of fabric, right in the centre.
It’s a feast for the eyes, you giddily think, taking everything in. You’ll definitely need to have a talk with Xiao about the expense- good lord, that ear cuff is embedded with three different jewels- but for now, you heart is so full you feel it’ll burst at the seems. And as you lift up the cloth to uncover what’s beneath, you’re very certain you’ll weep if you’re not too careful.
It's a box, made perhaps of wood, standing on elegant coral legs. With gems or resin or more coral, you can’t tell- there's a picture composed upon it, with you clinging to the side of a mountain before it, and Xiao right behind, holding out his fingers to receive what you hand to him. There’s the sunset too, behind both of you- a gorgeous mess of pink, white and scarlet, gold rays streaking across it, from the setting sun into the lavender dusk beyond.
It’s a bit roughly hewn, but it’s beautiful, and it’s yours.
It’s the day you really talked to one another for the first time, the start of something so precious to you that even the mere thought of losing it makes your heart physically ache.
You really are going to cry.
Turning to Xiao, you see the soft, anxious look in his eyes as he tries to gauge your reaction. He parts his lips to say something, but stops to let you go first. You shake your head and ask him to speak.
“I… am aware of it not being the best of presents.” (You wonder if he smacked his head into something today.) “It is… a box.” He coughs, glancing away, then faces you again and now you truly are in danger of bawling, with the way he’s looking at you. You bite your tongue and blink rapidly. Xiao gives you a rueful smile as he continues.
“I thought for a long time, but couldn’t fathom what you’d want most. I did not know what would constitute as a good present- but I remembered… when we first talked for length. Your unpaid commission. I’m grateful to Baizhu, for falling ill… I could never have dreamed myself capable of feeling such joy. Because of you.
“I just…” he trails off, eyes widening as the tears slip past your lashes, down your cheeks (traitors, they’re making such a fuss). He’s before you in an instant, cupping your face, drawing you closer, forehead pressed to yours. “I wanted to give you something to put your treasures in, where they could be safe. And I wanted to remind you… I will appear, no matter the circumstances, the moment you call for me.”
Your chest hurts.
“And,” he whispers, “if your burdens grow too heavy, simply turn around. Place them in my hands. I will carry them until you can once more. Just as you have done for me.”
And all you can do, really, is tell him you love him, clinging to his shoulders, wrapping him in a giant embrace. He jumps, then laugh, large wings and slender arms wrapping around you.
It’s morning by the time you finally fall asleep, presents on one side of your bed and you on the other, after listening to Xiao recount his day at the harbour. You snicker at his conversation with the Boss, laugh when you hear of Hu Tao’s shenanigans, cackle hysterically when he shakes his head in embarrassment and tells you of his time spent with Ying’er and Yelan.
But when he tells you of his conversation with Ping and Yanfei, eyes softening, wings tightening around you- of the time he spent bringing the box into being, with their help and his very own hands- you can’t help but get teary eyed once more. Wrapping your fingers around his, you bring them to your mouth to kiss every fingertip, each kiss interspersed with a whispered “I love you,” that he returns with a quiet, fervent murmur of his own.
As you both begin to doze off in one another’s arms, you hear finches in the distance, awakening before even the dawn. You trace your fingers over his face, gently, gently and kiss his cheek.
You wish you could articulate what he means to you- and what his efforts meant to you.
His presents were nothing in the face of his company, and his company nothing in the face of his happiness.
More than anything, your heart is full at the thought of Xiao- free of his duties for even just a day, meeting with friends to contrive a present for you. That he spent time with them, amused himself with their shenanigans, fell prey to their mischief. That he had a mundane day at the harbour.
By Morax, you love him. Perhaps next week you’ll clear out your schedule, and ask him to take you with him on another.
#xiao x reader#genshin xiao x reader#x reader#xiao x gn reader#gn reader#xiao#for you#fluff#xiao fluff#iratempestatis#other characters mentioned as well#i love writing xiao w his friends sm lmao#genshin x reader
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Paramour 💜
SX Seoul series | Tae's entry
PAIRING: idol!Taehyung x (f) reader (you can also read it on AO3)
SUMMARY: You were born for the quick and glamorous life surrounding celebrities — they had their little dramas and breakdowns, and you were there to clean up the mess. But you have your own secret, and doing your job might get you in trouble with your paramour.
GENRE: secret relationship, smut
RATING: R (explicit)
WARNINGS: jealousy, drunk driving (❗), dirty talking, teasing, edging, fingering, slight degradation, brattiness, Sub/Dom (Tae), semi-public, exhibitionism, almost caught, unprotected rough sex, nipple play, hickeys and bruises, post-orgasmic crying 👀
A.N. Sorry guys, busy birthday yesterday💜 NCT members make a cameo just because I thought it'd be fun 😋 The paramour stands for the illicit/forbidden aspect of the relationship, not cheating. This oneshot is also part of the upcoming @bangtanwritershq 'Got A Secret, Can You Keep It?' quarterly event!
Masterlist | Masterpost | Scroll my stories on Tumblr | Schedule and WIPs
You showed the badge hanging on your neck to the bouncer and waited quietly for him to cross-check your name. You glanced at the glacial blue striped lines above the club entrance while you waited. SX — the letters were so hot, that vapor was visibly emanating from them. You pursed your lips — you preferred them in red.
You rubbed your arms with a chill; it wasn’t snowing too hard yet, but you wanted to go inside where it was warm. He nodded and let you pass, and you smiled, hurrying inside.
Fortunately, despite having the day off, you were supposed to come to this label party, so they had your name. Of course, you were supposed to have leisurely done your makeup and hair, not rushed when called with a bawling demand, but you sighed.
You didn't bother hanging your coat and just crossed the dance floor to one of the private rooms where the sound was muffled enough for people to lounge, have a drink and talk. Yet instead you recognized the team circling a single armchair, and they moved to let you through with worry and relief in their faces. They were your team.
“Hey,” you called out, and as soon as Una saw you from where she was sitting on that armchair, she threw her arms around your waist, bawling convulsively. You eyed the stylists and makeup artists, holding her back while you mouthed, “Eunbi?”
Everyone shook their heads, and you sighed, giving up on it. She was supposed to accompany Una tonight so you could enjoy yourself for a change, but you were there now.
“Alright,” you said firmly, kneeling so you could look at Una clearly. She was easily overly dramatic, but there was usually a reason for it. “Tell me what's wrong. You know I can fix it for you, just tell me what it is.”
Una didn't hesitate, sniffling and smudging her makeup away as though a firefighter had come to rescue her. “He— He was— all giggly and close to her!!”
She hid again, crying on your shoulder next to your dress strap, that fortunately was black, and you sighed. You petted her head as you mused on how to fix this. He — Winwin, Una’s boyfriend. Her — another girl, inconsequential, anyone, it didn't matter. Una was a star, but she got insecure about their relationship way too easily.
You were musing on how to diffuse her breakdown when she pulled away to speak through sobs, “Unnie— Unnie—”
“Tell me,” you allowed gently, despite the way she was crying. Even her eyelashes were gluing together, but she was still like your younger sister.
“I want— to giggle— and be close to another man too!”
You did your best effort not to roll your eyes, and before you could get up and direct your team, she gripped your arms.
“Please! I'll behave! Don't send me away, just— I'll ask for only that.”
As if to convince you, she started to compose herself, reeling in her cry and wiping her face.
You sighed, “It's not nice to draw someone into this.”
“Pick someone from the label, someone nice. I'm friends with all of them, it's just pretend, please—”
She was going to start crying again, and you heaved a deep breath, holding her strongly in your arms for a beat. The senior manager would kill you and Eunbi if Una, the exceeds-expectations rising star, was caught upset and leaving the label party, but you weren't sure this option was better.
You pulled away when you felt her calm in your arms, then tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, “Are you sure? You can't ruin someone's night just to make him jealous.”
“I'll behave, I promise,” she sniffled, and to her credit, you did believe her. “Choose someone nice, unnie. Maybe Jungwoo if you find him.”
Your eyebrow quirked at the name, and you nodded, getting up and instructing everyone to make her look like the star she was. You turned to her, “I’ll see to it. No more crying, okay?”
“Thank you, unnie.”
Her smile was angelical, and you only sucked in a deep breath before leaving the room to the main dance floor. The loud house music reverberated along your rib cage while you scanned the room. You saw the managers, the staff, the artists; you knew almost everyone and smiled whenever they greeted you. Your eyes kept searching and stumbled on Winwin, leaning on the wall, talking to a woman. His blonde hair stood out as he played with the straw of his drink, and you rolled your eyes. He was just talking to the woman. If you reacted like that every time your man whispered secrets into another woman’s ear, you—
A hand on your arm almost startled you, but it was Eunbi, and you squinted, “Where the hell were you?”
“Una’s dog swallowed a toy, I had to rush her to the vet!”
Poor Eunbi. She was sweating, with her dark bangs gluing to her forehead despite the snowy cold outside, which told you she had raced here. This was turning out to be an even shittier night for her.
“Una texted me, saying she called you! I’m sorry, unnie!”
She bowed frantically, and you placed your hands on her shoulders, “It’s okay, calm down. I was coming here, anyway. Just make sure she doesn’t leave the backroom without calming down first.”
Eunbi nodded and was gone before you knew it, making your eyebrows twitch. Was it because you had managed to sleep a proper eight hours tonight that it seemed to you like everyone was out of it?
Your eyes pinpointed Winwin in the same position, with the same girl, before you kept looking for who you were truly searching for. Your heart skipped a beat when you noticed Taehyung with his friends, chatting casually. His jewelry was sparkling under the club’s lights, with his newly bleached hair in that warm color you liked so much. It fell like waves over his eyes, and you couldn’t help your smile. He looked good no matter what, but that was a favorite of yours.
Finally, you found Jungwoo a bit further ahead. He was hanging out with his close circle in a corner of the room, and you nodded, agreeing with Una. He was gentle and quiet, almost shy for an idol — he’d listen to her story and respectfully help Una through this.
So you made your way to him, smiling up to him when his eyes fell on you. His mouth stayed open, as if he had forgotten what he was about to say, and you smirked, “Long time no see! Can I join you for a moment?”
Taehyung almost did a double take when he saw you pass without even noticing him. His friends were casual enough to not notice and to allow him to train his eyes on you; where were you going?
He saw you sit next to Jungwoo with a huge smile, and his guts twisted. Why were the other people around you leaving you two alone? Why were you sitting so close to him, talking into each other's ears? Surely it was to hear each other above the noise, but it still made him close his fists. Jungwoo could surely take a whiff of your perfume every time he leaned in like that, so close to your luscious hair, and it just wasn’t sitting well with him.
Taehyung was about to walk over, do something he wasn’t exactly sure what, when you got up and walked away. That was enough for him to just go for it, ignoring his friends calls. All he could see was you, standing on your long smooth legs barely covered by a black tight dress, leaning on the bar counter to ask for the bartender’s attention.
“What are you doing?”
You turned, your eyes finding his on sheer magnetism. The corners of your lips raised, “Ordering drinks.”
You knew your mischievousness was slipping through, you just didn’t care. He leaned in a bit more, glancing around before speaking closely to you, “Are you having fun?”
You didn’t hide a grin, your teasing tongue peeking through before you chuckled, “My night was almost ruined, but it’s sure getting better.”
Whatever he was about to say got interrupted when the bartender reached you.
“One whiskey sour, one porn star martini, and one vesper.”
The bartender left and Taehyung didn't waste a second, leaning close to you, “I didn’t know you managed Jungwoo now.”
“I don’t. I don’t manage male stars anymore,” your eyes trailed over his silhouette from top to bottom before settling on his dark eyes.
Your head tilted to the side, inviting him to say something more, but you could see his hesitation. His eyes were low, not just thinking about what to say, but actually apologetic.
He looked around at the bar, lips twitching before he voiced quietly, “You’re going to drink?”
“I’ll take a taxi.”
You felt his body press closer to yours, if pushed by the other people wanting a drink or just to touch you, you didn’t know. Either way, your eyes fixed on his, acknowledging that the world didn’t exist when he looked at you like that.
But then the bartender placed your drinks in front of you, and Taehyung moved away, pursing his lips. You smiled at the bartender with a thanks, and grabbed the whiskey sour, “Here.”
Taehyung looked down at the drink in your hand pressed to his chest, then at you.
“For your mood,” you winked, before grabbing the other two drinks and walking away.
You handed Jungwoo his drink and left to get Una, and were expecting to leave them together and go on your merry way. Instead, Una insisted you stay with them, and to your surprise, there was no wailing about Winwin. On the contrary, the conversation was pleasant, and you finally had one drink comfortably. It was not the networking you were expecting to get done that night, but at least it was calm and interesting.
At first, you thought Una needed her unnie’s support, then that it would be best you stayed so things wouldn’t get awkward or controversial. However, right about when you wanted to question Una’s decision, she got up and confronted Winwin. Or so it seemed, and you sipped on your drink as she jumped on him to kiss him, barely letting the man breathe. You saw Eunbi race to deal with it and chuckled; fortunately, that was not your job tonight.
Jungwoo shifted in his seat next to you, and you finally turned to him with a smile, about to thank him for his help with Una when he smiled, “Would you like to dance?”
Taehyung’s whiskey sour didn’t last long, but his sourness did. How could it not, when you stayed with Jungwoo after Una left? A part of him stayed rational; you were hanging out with people, and you were around idols all the time. But you weren’t talking to him professionally, not anymore, since Una left to make out with her boyfriend in one of the backrooms. No, you were quietly chatting just the two of you, and Jungwoo was leaning into you again, touching your beautiful hair.
He thought he could hold himself back by looking away and turning a purposeful back on you, but then he saw it. Your hand settled on Jungwoo’s leg and his blood boiled.
The water bottle he was holding cracked as he closed his fist, grinding his teeth with all the things he wanted to do and say, but couldn’t. You got up with a small head bow and Taehyung smiled, ready to open his mouth and say goodbye to his friends, but then Jungwoo followed you. And Taehyung saw just red.
He shoved the bottle to the chest of whoever was trying to stop him, pushing them all aside to get to you. He gritted his teeth, growling in annoyance; all those people in the way, some trying to grab onto him and talk to him, and meanwhile you and Jungwoo were further and further away across the club.
A familiar voice tried to hold him back with an arm around his shoulders, and he shoved them back. He didn’t care where he was, who he was, or when. He gave no fucks about appearances, no fucks about staying quiet. All he cared about was you, and you were walking out of there with him.
He kept pushing people aside to get outside until he finally managed. His thoughts were incoherent, only getting to you mattered. You’d have questions, you’d tease him, but he didn’t care. He was justified, he—
He stopped right outside the club, noticing you standing with Jungwoo on the curbside. Taehyung opened his mouth, ready to call out for you, when a taxi stopped in front of you, and he staggered. He stopped breathing when you smiled mischievously at Jungwoo and stepped inside the vehicle.
For a second, his heart stopped.
Then you closed the door and waved goodbye, and Jungwoo waved back before bowing. And Taehyung took a breath, but growled all the same, and ran to get to the label's parking lot where his car was. He drank, so he shouldn’t drive, but he had to confront you about this. He was about to explode and it was all your fault.
As soon as he parked, he had no recollection of driving, only of gripping the steering wheel and shaking as he raced there. The tall apartment complex where you lived stood right before him, and he fought the seatbelt to get free and out of the car. He ignored the snow falling and rushed to your doorstep, fortunately without slipping, only to stumble.
You were there, outside, leaning on the wall and absentmindedly scrolling through your phone. Your eyes raised to his, then put your phone away, turning to the side to dial your code instead. He saw you push the door open, but when you turned to him, he didn’t move. He was so mad before, but seeing you like this made him realize that was not all he felt — he was hurt.
You held out your hand to him with a welcoming smile and when he took it, you dragged him to the elevator. After selecting your floor, you wrapped your arms around his waist and sighed into his chest.
“Una wanted to make Winwin jealous with Jungwoo,” you revealed, safely tucked now that he was holding you back.
He took a second to press his lips to your head, “Yeah, and Jungwoo was totally into you.”
You almost chuckled, but had the sense not to, “Nah, he’s just kind, and took Una’s drama. He was just thankful I was there to help.”
You could feel Taehyung nuzzling the top of your head, inhaling your scent, and you just melted. You thought he’d be mad about the whiskey sour tease, but having him hold you like this told you this was about more than a silly cocktail.
He sighed, “Una is making things difficult.”
You pulled back and grinned, “Well, it happens when I can’t manage my superstar anymore.”
You booped his nose playfully and he searched for sadness or disappointment in your eyes, which he didn’t find, to his relief. “True, but… Maybe…”
When his voice disappeared, you incentivized, “Maybe…?”
“Maybe you should tell her about us.”
Your eyebrows jumped, “Why?”
“Because—” He held back for a second, but your wide eyes were enough to unravel him, “Because Jungwoo looked more than just thankful and if she had stayed with you, he wouldn’t have tried anything.”
You smirked, “How do you know he tried something?”
“He did?”
You couldn’t hold a poker face and laughed, even as Taehyung’s expression was turning from surprise to annoyance.
“Una can't keep a secret and I like my privacy,” you explained, knowing he knew this. You were cautious about the fact, not just who your SO was. You knew how the media and your coworkers worked — you didn’t want to plant the subconscious idea that it was possible. The less suspicion, the better. “Besides… if I did that, then how would I make you jealous?”
Your smile turned sly, and he had no qualms pushing you against the wall, “Is that what you were doing?”
You grinned, “Let’s say I didn’t shy away from the opportunity.”
Despite the irritation in his eyes, it was hard to resist smirking and teasing him. You could barely contain a giggle when he leaned into your neck to bite you in what to him constituted a punishment. But to you, it was far from it. You raised your hand to grab and intertwine your fingers with his hair, and closed your eyes, letting the tingling run down your spine. You bit your lip; it was a matter of time until he noticed that the marks he had left a few days ago were gone, and—
He snorted and bit harder, sucking hard to create new marks, and your grin widened. Even when he squeezed you impossibly, pressing you to the elevator wall and nibbled over a sensitive spot, you didn’t stifle your moans, though you remained quiet. You were melting between your legs with each bite and groan, knowing he couldn’t let you go because he wanted you so much. Your attention was so focused that the elevator doors opened and closed, and you didn’t even notice.
His lips trailed down to your cleavage, and your nails sank deeper into his scalp. You bucked your hips against him, blood running hot in your veins, far beyond the point of teasing. Making him jealous was the least of your concerns; rather, having him kissing and touching you was everything you always wanted, and you’d ask for nothing else.
He squeezed your waist to his, knowing well what your restless hips wanted when they bucked into him, but he had other thoughts. He licked and nibbled across your chest and nuzzled to get under the fabric of your bra, reaching with his tongue for one nipple. You shuddered from head to toe, losing the strength on your legs. He held you and the wall behind you supported you, but you were beyond waiting.
“Tae,” you cooed, torn between pressing him to your chest or pulling him to kiss you.
It didn’t matter what you wanted, because he offered resistance, more aggressively suckling and nuzzling your skin on your other tit. You moaned, sure that you’d be bruised at that point, and it only made you gush more between your legs. You didn’t want him to stop, but if he could do that while fucking you into the wall, that would be great.
Since pulling on his hair didn’t work, you let go of one hand to scratch down the back of his head and nape. His groan gave you shivers, and you licked your lips; you were so ready to consume him in any way he wanted, but he was still stubbornly away.
His coat was heavy, but he only had a silk shirt underneath, so instead of trying to strip him, you let him ravish your chest while one of your hands sneaked underneath his shirt.
His breath shook against your wet skin, and you grinned, knowing that goosebumps covered you both — you, from his licks trying to reach your underboob, and him, from your nails grazing his lower stomach.
“Baby,” you called again, continuing your torture. “Let me touch you,” your voice was sweet, yet he ignored you. He wasn’t able to hide his groans, though, or how you made him shake, so you continued, “I want to touch you, you’ll feel so good…”
Your tone was a playful promise, yet all he did was sink his fingers and teeth more into you. You were sure your chest would be covered in hickeys, and despite your smile, you were getting restless.
So you moved your hand expertly down, squeezing it past his belt, pants, and underwear to find what you were looking for.
You squeezed his hard cock in your hand, and he crumbled a little, groaning louder against your skin. You let him rut into your hand for a moment before continuing, mercilessly, “Feel that, baby? You’re so ready for me,” your voice was sweet, but your smile was sly. Your poor baby was groaning and leaking into your hand, unable to shy away, and you knew you’d win. “To make me yours, right?” He bit harder on your clavicle, and you chuckled, amused by his annoyance. “Look at you pretending to be mad…” You leaned to whisper into his ear, “But you can’t stop fucking my hand—”
He suddenly moved away from your chest and wrapped a hand around your neck. He faced you so closely, your noses touched, but the dynamics weren’t necessarily inverted yet. Despite his hand on your neck or your vulnerability, his hard cock was still in your hand, and you knew how to make him kneel.
And you made that point by jerking him off a bit more, squeezing so hard, you knew it could have hurt anyone else, but not him. All he could do was fight back the pleasure with a mask of indifference, but you saw right through him.
“You’re dying to bury yourself inside me, aren’t you?” Your tone was taunting, and his dark eyes only riled you up more. “Come on, give yourself what you want most.”
He chuckled, and moved to whisper into your ear, “You think that’s you?”
You smirked, “I know it’s me.”
He was already biting down your earlobe; he hummed, “Maybe I should teach you a lesson.”
You let your head fall back to the wall with a laugh, “You’re welcome to try.”
Your laugh didn’t last long; with a hand around your neck, firmly pinning you, Taehyung took the other to raise your dress and reach your throbbing core. You bit your lip while you waited, defiance mixed with anticipation in your glistening eyes. He saw this too, and despite his harshness to pull aside your clothes and underwear and shove two fingers inside you, you could only crumble and pray not to unravel too soon. You moaned desperately, turned on by absolutely everything: his harsh fingers inside you, the sloppy sounds from your cunt, his firm hand around your neck keeping you vulnerable to him, your tits half out of your bra and dress, covered in hickeys, and his stone-hard leaking cock in your hand inside his pants.
His dark eyes on yours were unsurmountable walls, dead set on teaching you a lesson, and you smirked yet again. Despite his rough handling, he knew you loved it, and with just a few bucks of your hips, you’d unravel so fast—
“No,” he pulled his hand away. “Didn’t think I’d let you, hm? Not so fast.”
You didn’t answer; you were ready to beg and coo for more, but his fingers were inside you again in a second, making you keen. Your moans were desperate, and your face didn’t hide all the ways you were falling apart for him.
“You talk so big,” he whispered to your red cheeks. “But you fall so quickly. Look at you,” he whispered, and you couldn’t seem to open your eyes, so close you could pop any second if only he let you. “So close already, how pathetic.”
You only groaned, with your cheeks and chest burning at the insinuation, but as he added his thumb over your clit, you let go. You let your head fall back; you wouldn’t fight him anymore, you wanted him to take care of you in every way, take away every thought and responsibility, and to exist only to feel good in his hands, and make him feel good.
Your moans echoed in the elevator along with your obvious wetness, squishing around his fingers. You opened your eyes to see him, thinking how pitiful you must have looked, basically begging him with every eyelash bat to consume your very existence, but he didn’t budge.
Maybe he thought there was still defiance left in you.
“Think anyone else can do this to you?”
He bit his words between teeth, and you could only melt more, shaking with a wave that could start your rapture, if only he didn’t purposefully keep it at bay. You moaned, and let your free hand caress his cheek gently.
“Think anyone else can make you feel this way?”
Your eyes filled with tears, but you were so overwhelmed you couldn’t reply. His jealousy gripped your heart firmly, reaching a deep part of you that needed to feel wanted and desired unconditionally, irrationally. On the other hand, he was still rutting into your fist, edging himself just as he edged you, as though that torture was shared between you both. That was your Tae, your man, fulfilling you in ways you couldn’t even voice.
“Please,” you tried, but it was weak. You were trembling, melting, overheating, functioning at a primal level that could only feel him, nothing else.
You saw in his glistening eyes that he would crack too, especially as he nuzzled your hot cheek, “Think you’ll ever beg for anyone else like you do for me?”
“No, baby, please,” you stammered, supporting your hand on the back of his neck to keep him close.
The corners of his lips curved in the hint of a smile, but then he shook his head, nuzzling you, “No, baby.” He kissed the corner of your mouth, rubbing his thumb over your clit deliciously slowly just to make you keen unashamedly. “You told me to teach you a lesson.”
“I got it,” you breathed.
“Yeah?” He waited, seeing in your concentrated expression how you thought you would come, and he licked his lips. He knew you all too well, he’d keep edging you until he got what he wanted. “Tell me,” he insisted, drawing your attention again. “What have you learned?”
“I love you.”
You opened your eyes to tell him this, and his eyes flickered with a spark. He couldn’t tell if you were teasing him, pulling at his heartstrings, or genuinely crumbled and succumbed to anything that wasn’t your love for him. You smiled at his hesitation, knowing he had good reasons to think twice, and that was your undoing.
His fingers relented inside you, and he squeezed around your neck firmly, “You only learned that right now?” His tone was sharp, and you smirked, unable to stop yourself. Teasing him was too fun, even when you didn’t intend to do it, and having him all over you was the sweetest of rewards. He leaned over your lips, brushing them, “Such a smart ass you are.”
“You love it,” you bit back when he didn’t let you finally kiss him.
Your heart was confused between submitting to him or taunting him again, especially seeing how shaky and overheated you were, but then the world plunged. The elevator started going down and the sweats down your spine went from molting hot to freezing cold. You glanced at the panel, same as him — the elevator had been called back to zero from the fourteenth floor, where you lived.
You looked at him, ready to rationally deal with the situation, but all you found was a challenge in those dark eyes. Your eyebrow quirked quizzically, and his fingers restarted moving ruthlessly, making you jolt against the wall in surprise.
“I guess you have to convince me you’ve learned your lesson fast.”
You widened your eyes, the hot and cold shivers clashing on your lower belly, confusing you, “What?”
“You heard me.”
His eyes were dark and intent, and you almost cursed a cry. That was the serious Taehyung eyeing you intently. He wouldn’t forgive you if you failed, and you were totally adrift. The pleasure was undeniable, but so were the chills down your spine.
He bit down your neck, pushing his fingers so hard at your core, the contrast almost gave you whiplash. You wanted to scream; everything was mixing inside you in a storm. A minute ago you would have jumped and came hard, but now, with every inch the elevator went down, fear was gripping your heart.
“Baby, wait— stop— we’ll get caught,” you pleaded.
“I don’t care,” he pulled away to look into your eyes, and you fluttered around his fingers. “Tell me what I want to hear.”
His voice was softer now, as if he felt the same torment as you, and you were sure he did. He was still hard in your hand, reacting to your core around his fingers as though it was inevitable. So you sighed into his cheek, his scent bringing tears to your eyes still locked with his, sparkling the same as his. You belonged to him, always had, always would. You knew that, and he knew that, no matter how much you teased him about it. But you had never felt it so intensely, in your spirit, in your soul, in your bones. So owned, both in pleasure and otherwise. And safe. Even if that elevator reached zero and the doors opened, he would love you unconditionally always. Your love was undeniable, even when faced with the possibility of getting caught. Even if it would ruin your life, your career, or affect his. There was only the truth, and you wouldn’t keep it from him.
“I love you,” you said, and for a moment he thought you were still being defiant. “I love you, I belong to you, I’m yours. I want you to hold me for the rest of my life. No one but you will ever touch me, I love you so much—” Your voice wavered, and he instantly pressed his lips to yours for a sweet kiss that had a tear running down your cheek. As soon as he moved away, you still managed, “I don’t care about anything else.” His hand moved from your neck to your hair, holding your head up, so your glistening eyes didn’t hide. “I just want to be with you forever—”
His lips smashed yours while his hand darted from your hair to the stop button, making the elevator shake to a halt. Then he pressed your floor again, and as the elevator went up, so did you. His tongue was inside your mouth, showing as much desire and desperation as yours, while his hand restarted fingering you roughly. Only this time, it seemed like you were a firework ready to blast once the fuse ended, and you wanted it. You fisted him harshly too, your hand so wet you doubted if he hadn’t come already, but by his ruts, you knew he hadn’t.
You thought you were set to come with him when the elevator stopped, but as it stilled, so did Taehyung. He gave you a last kiss, took his hand out of you, and pulled your hand from inside his pants. The doors opened, so you thought you’d make your way to your apartment and finish things there, but he stopped you.
Right as you were passing the doors, he grabbed your arm and pushed you against the frame where the elevator doors had retracted into. He spread your legs with his so that one was outside, on your floor, while the other stayed in.
You sighed, “Tae?”
He pulled your hair to the side and kissed your neck, then glued your ass to his crotch. You both groaned with his hard cock rubbing at you teasingly, and he pressed himself fully to you, groping your tits harshly, “We’re not done yet.”
He sounded frantic as he kissed down your neck, squeezing and rutting into you so hard, you wondered why he wasn’t inside you already.
You raised your head to tell him that when you saw him out of the corner of your eye, through the elevator mirror. He had his eyes closed, lost in kissing every inch of your skin he could, while he used one hand to release himself. You moaned just at the sight of his juicy hard cock, and closed your eyes in anticipation while you felt him fumbling with your dress and underwear until the tip was pressed to your folds.
“Fuck, you’re so wet,” he groaned, teasing you both while he got coated, and you only ground back into him.
He sounded desperate, but so were you, and nothing would stand in the way of feeling him again, of being part of him, loved by him, and used by him.
Your nails scratched the metal door frame, and you almost cursed and begged for him, but soon he was pushing himself inside you, and you groaned. He pushed further and further, giving you time to clench and feel the sting, adjusting to his girth, before finally tucking himself fully in, raw in your wet, soothing embrace. He tried bucking his hips, and you instantly keened, letting the stretch reminding you of how amazingly fulfilling it was to have your love inside you.
He didn’t wait a second to start fucking you in a demanding rhythm, grasping you by your hips, then waist, then chest, shoulders, neck, and even hair. His hips were ruthless, smacking into yours to fill you up every time, and you could feel yourself dripping down your thighs. You couldn’t stop moaning, and you didn’t stifle those down either, so drunk on him that someone could have showed and found you, and you wouldn’t have even noticed. All you wanted was the smack of his hips against your ass, the blunt shove of his cock inside you, pushing and dragging against your walls, poking you inside, turning your body into nothing but pleasure.
He leaned closer, changing the angle to hit your g-spot in a way that stole your breath, but not more than the words he grunted into your ear, “I love you so much. I fucking want you, you’re mine.”
You were ready to cry your love too, but then your eyes met through the mirror and the hint of anxiety in his hurt you deeply. His eyes quickly softened with his affection for you, but your heart couldn’t forget it. Teasing him was one thing, another was to actually hurt him or make him insecure about you.
“I’m yours,” you tried, though your voice was hardly your own with each moan. “Tae— I’m—”
His fingers had gone around your waist to rub your clit, and talking became nearly impossible. “I’m here, baby. I got you,” his voice was a groan. He was tucked so deep inside you that you knew he was holding his orgasm back. “I’m waiting for you,” he nuzzled your neck, and your eyes rolled back. “From the moment I met you, I’ll never stop— Never give up—”
Something in your lower stomach was about to explode, overheating you to the point you couldn’t breathe, until you snapped. You bucked your hips deeper, feeling the burst of your orgasm imminent, and you screamed. His fingers were the perfect push, and your core throbbed, sucking and pumping his pleasure out of him. He groaned into your neck, pressing you by your mound to sink on his cock as deeply as possible, and your nails scrapped the metal frame. His cock twitching deep inside you increased your sensitivity to the point that tears fell down your cheeks, despite the absolute bliss lighting up your body. The way he swayed his hips to jerk the last drops inside you, then pressed you closer to stay inside you and all around you, made you shake with a sob. That was how he loved you, attentively, completely, unconditionally. And you had stupidly hurt him.
“I love you,” he whispered incessantly as he held you and pecked your salty skin. “You’re everything to me, I never loved anyone like this.” You shook with a sob and his tone changed to worry, “Did I hurt you? Are you nervous?” He rubbed your hands and let you come further back into his protective embrace, “I’m sorry, baby. I wouldn’t ever let them catch us, I’d never risk your safety like that.”
You knew that, and it somehow hurt you more — that he’d do everything to protect you while you so childishly hurt him.
“I— I’m sorry,” you tried your best to stop your bawling. “I didn’t mean to hurt you or suggest that I’d ever want anyone else, I— I love you!”
He held you even harder, knowing you need that, “I know, I’m not mad. I was… worried he’d impose himself or something.”
“Jungwoo… He wouldn’t,” you sniffled, and before Taehyung had time to let his jealousy resurface, you continued, “I told him— I told Jungwoo I have someone. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize,” he said instantly, nuzzling your cheek with a half hidden smile. “I don’t mind.”
You nodded, still sniffling and cleaning your face, but relieved with his kisses and snuggles. Then you pulled your hair away from your face, and brushed the back of your knuckles to his cheeky smile, “Let’s go home.”
#bts fanfic#bts imagines#bts smut#bangtan sonyeondan#bts#ao3 fanfic#SX Seoul#taehyung#bts v#kim taehyung#SX Seoul Series#taehyung imagine#taehyung smut#bts taehyung#taehyung x reader#taehyung x you#bts fanfic paramour#posessive taehyung#bts x fem!reader#bts x reader#bts x you#bts angst#update#bangtanwhq#lo1k-diamonds writes 💎#taehyung fanfic#bts scenarios#bts fic
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❦summary; the experience of warmth is so precious in somewhere always so cold ♪the characters in this story; gn!reader, malleus draconia ✎word count; 784 ❀what do the ghosts say?; romantic, reader and malleus are maried, he wants his cuddles after a long day, more of me pushing my cat malleus agenda, very fluff ☛the author's notes; nothing to note... ☪look at the catalogue?
The castle that Malleus resided in always seemed to be cold.
It gave a chill down the spine of anyone who visited for the first time and only continues to do so for many. The ones used to one have learned to ignore the cold, Malleus especially. The feeling of the cold never disappeared either, it was something that residents within the castle got used to.
For most, people thought it was fitting. The King of Briar Valley with a stare that could send fear down anyone’s body, living somewhere that fit the exact atmosphere that he exuded. He was supposed to strike fear into the hearts of those who dare to cross him.
Though such things couldn’t be further from the truth, for Malleus yearned for warmth as much as one could.
He wished he could fill the castle with the warmth and joy that he yearned for when he was younger. But, for now, Malleus was able to get that warmth from you.
Everyday, without fail, Malleus would leave his duties at the same time every night. It didn’t matter if something else came up, he would always return back to his chambers where you would always await, arms open to the fae.
Tonight was just the same, Malleus’ imposing figure striding through the halls of the castle, his face that same neutral expression on his face. He passed by many servants who bowed to him in respect, yet he didn’t pay much mind to them, one intent in his mind. He finally approaches his chambers, opening the door and closing it behind him with a resounding thunk.
When Malleus was finally in his room, his safe place, Malleus’ eyes landed on you, sitting on the bed, covered already by the plush blankets. You looked up at him from what you were doing and, already, Malleus could feel his heart swell with affection for you.
He didn’t even bother to change out of his royal attire, instead heading straight to the bed. Malleus all but threw himself onto you, head resting on your lap and curled up against you. It makes gentle laughter slip past you, the type of laugh that Malleus adores hearing from you.
“Oh, I missed you...”
“Was your day that bad?” Your hand went to run through his hair, finger toying with the ends of his locks. Your other hand was already in Malleus’ grasp, being held tightly in his left hand. The ring on his ring finger brushed lightly against your skin, the ring Malleus declared he would never take off unless someone ripped it from his cold, dead hands. The declaration made you laugh, at first, though as time went on it was pretty clear he was serious.
And you weren’t even sure if fae wore rings to show they were wed either. You’re pretty sure that one of the only reasons he insisted on rings was to integrate a bit of your own culture into his life, perhaps to feel more connected to you. It’s an undeniably sweet gesture that Lilia would always coo and tease the king about it.
Malleus let out another heavy sigh and shook his head, nuzzling further into your body. You exuded a heat that Malleus could find in no one else, a familiar warmth that was like sitting next to the hearth of a fire, yet one that seeped further than his skin and into his heart.
“Everything is well today. Perhaps I just missed more than usual, my treasure.” Your hand ran through Malleus’ hair, earning a pleased rumble from Malleus in return. His head pushed further into your hand, silently asking for more of the affection that only you can give him.
His response makes you chuckle in response, twirling a lock of hair between two fingers before continuing to run your hand through his hair. “You always miss me.”
Malleus looked up at you, a light smile spread across his lips. The look in his eyes could only be described as adoring, a softness that was reserved only when he looks at you present. “Indeed I do. That doesn’t stop how I feel.” His left hand squeezed yours and you returned the gesture, smiling back at Malleus.
Oh, how he loved to see you smile, specifically to see you smile because of him. It made him feel so soft, so warm in his chest he felt like he was going to be engulfed in flames and reduced to nothing, yet he would gladly welcome being burned if it meant it was because of you.
You were his warmth among the cold castle that Malleus lived in and he couldn’t ask for it to be anyone else.
#✎haunted books✎#briarvalleyarchives#twisted wonderland#twst#disney twisted wonderland#disney twst#twisted wonderland writing#twst writing#my writing#malleus draconia#twst malleus#twst malleus draconia#malleus twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland x reader#twst x reader#malleus draconia x reader#malleus x reader
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hi i cant tell u how excited i am everytime i get your notifications 😭😭 also i know if i send a rec you'll do an amazing job so i'm requesting one rn i hope u like it!
barista y/n and ethan landry who are coworkers after class, they're always teasing eachother and there is some (light) flirting
y/n hasn't realized yet how attractive he is, until he passes behind her grabbing her waist to get on the other side of the counter to get an order.
it's not rlly a plot but GOD i'm imagining ethan in his tight little polo shirt and the apron around his waist, his front curls w a little bit of sweat onto them while he makes coffee..... i'm so weak 😭
thank you so much😭🥺 i was so excited to write this! love the concept so so much. hope you like it 🫶🏻
glitch — ethan landry



word count: 1,747
pairing: barista!ethan landry x barista!fem!reader
summary: ethan has a crush on his co-worker, and she doesn’t reciprocate that crush until one touch changes everything.
warnings: a bit suggestive, but no smut
TRUTH WAS, ETHAN HAD BEEN SIMPING HARD FOR Y/N SINCE HIS VERY FIRST DAY OF WORK. How could he not when she had that graceful smile on her face that made every customer weak in the knees? Ethan clearly wasn’t not the exception, he could work-ship the ground she walked on. But the attraction was very much one-sided.
It wasn’t that he was invisible to her, but she just didn’t see him the way he wanted to. They did flirt a bit, but while he did it with the intention of making her notice him in a romantic way, she only did it for fun, there weren’t any second intentions involved. Besides, Ethan had to watch every day the way boys would hit on her and asked for her number and how she wrote it in the palm of their hands. It broke his heart knowing she would never see him in another light.
“How many times did you have to write your number in someone’s hands today?” Ethan asked faking a laugh as they closed the cafe.
Y/N rolled her eyes playfully “Today was a chill one, so not much.”
“Have you ever gone on a date with any those guys?” he asked curiously. She never talked about going on dates, or never mentioned she was seeing or texting someone.
Y/N looked at him with surprise eyes. “Eth, please tell me you don’t believe I actually hand in my number that easily.”
“Wait what?”
The girl laughed, and punch him in the arm lightly. “You do think that! God, Ethan. I give them fake numbers. I don’t want random people texting me.”
“Can’t you just say no?” Ethan asked confused.
“I don’t want them to feel bad.” she shrugged.
“So you give them fake numbers and make some strangers let them know the pretty barista gave them a fake number?” Ethan asked incredulously.
Y/N grimaced “Okay, that sounds bad too, but I least I don’t have to see their rejected faces and they don’t get turned down in public.”
Ethan laughed, and the pressure on his chest evaporated. Was it crazy that he felt relieved by this new information? A bit. “So that means that I shouldn’t bother to ask for your number?” he acted disappointed.
Y/N chuckled. “Econ geniuses are my weakness, so I would never give you a fake number.”
Ethan blushed and shoved her “Shut up! I’m not an Econ genius.”
“Anyone who passes that dreadful class is a genius in my eyes” she said, shoving him back. “Let me give you my number, but don’t ghost me, okay?”
“I would never.”
“Good, cause you’d break my heart.” she joked, writing down her real number on his palm. Her hand felt so good on his, Ethan wished she would never let go. “There you go. Text me, we should hang out outside of work.”
“Really?” Ethan’s eyes shone and his heart started doing cartwheels.
“Of course, Eth. I actually like being around you” she smiled softly. Ethan would definitely mark that day as the best day of his life. “I can set you up with someone and we can go on a double date!” his face fell. So much for hoping. “Or, we can do something just the two of us. Now that I think about it, we don’t actually know much about the other. What a fake friendship we have.”
Friendship. That’s all he was ever going to have with her, and he needed to come in terms with it. Y/N was amazing, and he should be lucky to have her around, even if it was just as a friend.
Although, on a wednesday morning, the turning point happened. The university’s cafe was completely packed, and so they had to work ten times faster than usual. Stress filled the air of the small shop.
“Ugh, stupid machine! You had to choose this day to work like shit?” Y/N groaned, hitting the coffee machine. The coffee poured down slowly, and knowing it was going to take ages for the cup to be filled, she took one step backwards in frustration.
Ethan, who was trying to get to the other side to deliver a drink, bumped into her. Being in a rush, he almost made her lose her balance when they collided, but he grabbed her by the waist just in time to steady her. “Sorry! Are you okay?”
Y/N wanted to say yes, but she was not okay. Not because he had hurt her, but because the feeling of his big hand on her waist left her speechless. It produced a glitch on her body, a malfunction that caused her brain to not be able to utter a single syllable. She only managed to nod before setting her eyes on the coffee machine as if it were the most interesting thing on the planet.
For the rest of the stressful shift, Y/N found herself sneaking glances towards the tall boy every time she could. She couldn’t help it, her eyes diverted on their own and every time Ethan would pass by her, her whole body tensed and yearned for one more touch.
Ethan’s electric touch had been like a bug that altered her whole system. How in the world did she not notice him like that before? The way his cute polo shirt hung to him like a second skin—giving him the look of a hot nerd that Y/N was now a complete sucker for—, the way he adorably frowned in concentration as he prepared a drink, or the way his beautiful curls sticked to his forehead because of the sweat—honestly, she had no idea sweaty men could be that attractive. That’s what Ethan Landry was. He was so fucking attractive, and now that Y/N saw it, it took her lots of self-control not to push him against the counter and kiss the hell out of him.
“Tough shift, right?” Ethan said as they cleaned the now empty cafe.
Her gaze dropped down to his arms, his biceps flexed as he cleaned the counter. He was so hot. “Yeah.”
“What’s wrong with you today? You seemed off the entire day.” he asked confused.
“Nothing, I’m just really tired.” she said casually, forcing herself to look away from him.
“God, yes. My body is about to collapse.” he groaned as he stretched his arms. The action cause his shirt to ride up, showing a bit of his lower stomach.
Y/N’s grip on the cloth tightened as she felt the heat growing between her legs. I get it, I’m an idiot for not noticing how hot he is! Stop torturing me, she said to her hormones. “Same.”
Ethan laughed. “Seriously, what’s going on? Do you feel sick? You’re flushed, your face is really red. Do you have a fever? I can finish cleaning, you can go home, or wait for me and I’ll drive you.”
And he was so fucking sweet too. She wanted to rip her heart out and give it to him. “No, I’m okay.”
But Ethan didn’t believe her, so he walked towards her and cup her cheeks, making her breath hitch. “You’re not. What are you not telling me?”
Y/N sighed, he was not going to let go. “Trust me, you don’t wanna know.”
“I wanted to know, now I need to know. Tell me.”
“I’m horny, okay?” she blurted out in an exasperated tone. “And it’s your fault!”
“W-what?” he took one step back, eyes widened.
“Yes, you put your hand on me today and I can’t just stop thinking about your long fingers on the curve of my waist. And you won’t believe half the things I’ve seen inside my head since. You have been driving me crazy the whole day”
Ethan’s mouth was dry. At first, he thought she was messing with him, but her shiny glossy doe eyes were telling him a different story. She wanted him. “Try me. No, actually, show me.”
And it was then when the cafe’s temperature raised, when lust filled the air and their bodies turned warm with need. Five seconds later, Y/N fastened herself to him with a stitch—she grabbed Ethan by the collar of his polo, and tugged him down to met her lips in one ferocious kiss. She walked him backwards until his lower back hit the edge of the counter. He moaned both in pain and excitement.
The girl sneaked her hand down his shirt and felt his toned abs, groaning in delight against his lips. “So fucking hot. I need you.”
Ethan grabbed her by the forearms to change positions and then turned Y/N around so that her back was against his front and her stomach pressed against the marble counter.
He bit her earlobe and then started dragging his wet lips down the skin of her neck, sucking on her sweet spot. His veiny rough hands slipped inside her shirt, exploring the skin of her stomach and then they settled on her waist, giving them a squeeze. “You liked this, didn’t you?”
“Yes.” she replied breathlessly, resting the back of her head on his chest.
“Isn’t this better though?” he asked huskily on her ear as he trailed his fingers upwards, cupping her breasts. “No bra? Lucky me.”
“Eth…” she moaned, clenching her thighs, desperate have him inside her.
Noticing that, Ethan used his right leg to spread her thighs apart. “Bend over the counter, love.” he commanded, raising her skirt up to her hips and unbuckling his belt. “Be a good girl and moan my name.”
When they left the cafe, they were both still flushed by the dirty and hot encounter they had. Ethan still couldn’t comprehend how the day ended—he had walked inside the cafe that morning, the idea of fucking Y/N didn’t even cross his mind because he knew he had no chance. And now he was leaving with his hand intertwined in hers.
Y/N, on the other hand, didn’t even want to think about her life before that shift, when she wasn’t at Ethan’s mercy, when she didn’t know he kissed slowly and with passion, that he was a very dirty talker, that his touch felt like heaven, that he loved being praised as much as he loved praising, that he made the hottest sounds and that even though he had been attractively rough during sex, he was a fucking sweetheart after it, making sure she wasn’t in pain and had a good time. Now, Y/N was all about Ethan Landry.
#ethan landry#ethan landry fluff#ethanlandry#ethan landry fic#ethan landry smut#ethan landry x reader#ethan landry angst#ethan landry x you#ethan landry oneshot#ethan landry x y/n#ethan landry drabble#jack champion#jack champion x reader#jack champion x y/n#jack champion oneshot#jackchampion#jack champion imagine#jack champion fluff#jack champion fanfic
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Low effort scenarios with my favorite fictional man. Bakugou.
an -> low effort is what I do best lmao, I hope you enjoy this. I have alresdy done these with more effort put in them 😭 I’ll list some below.
here and here.
another an -> requests currently open, or if you want to send ideas, thirsts or suggestions feel free to do that too. Comments and rblogs r appreciated!
paring -> k.Bakugou x f!reader
warnings -> language, idk tell me if there is any other.
“Babe please just one bite” you said as the blond was slurping on his noodles. “Fuck off, get your own.”
“You made the last pack! I am not heading to the store for a packet of noodles!” You said in defense but he didn’t seem to care as he continued chewing.
“Babe please!” You held him by the shoulders as you whined further. “I said no.” He said taking another bite.
“Fine.” You huffed and sat your ass back down on the couch. after Bakugou had finished slurping and munching on his noodles he came and sat with you on the couch.
At first you didn’t pay him any mind until he made a mistake and placed his arm around your waist.
You quickly slapped his arm away. “I’m mad at you.” You said leaving the living room and heading to your shared bedroom.
On your way you heard him scoff but you didn’t care.
A few minutes later he came in to apologize but it wasn’t successful.
“Why do I have to apologize after eating something I ate, and paid for? Do I have to share everything with you.” He asked in annoyance.
“Well you could’ve gave me one singular bite!” You said in defense and he scoffed and left the room annoyed at your behavior.
About half an hour later he came in, this time you didn’t bother to look at him. He didn’t say anything either, he came in and picked you off of the bed.
“W-what? Hey, what are you doing??” You asked surprised, no answer. “Put me down!” Still no answer.
He walked downstairs and headed to the kitchen placing you on one of the island chairs.
“What are-“ you words were swallowed up as you saw what was in front of you.
“Stop being mad at me now okay?”
He had bought you more noodles, made them for you, cut you fresh vegetables to have with, seasoned it, and put chopsticks on the side for you to eat.
You didn’t replay, only offering him a little hidden smile as you began munching.
The man still sat across from you on the island. “Thank you. Best boyfriend ever.”
“Huge mood swing.”
It was a Sunday afternoon and you were both chilling on the couch.
Tomorrow was your day off so you were in a good mood, scrolling on whatever expensive brands site, checking out their latest drops and most hottest items.
Also Bakugou told you he will be taking you out after his shift, by 7pm. So you were trying to see if you could make a steal for the date.
Currently, Bakugou’s eyes were glued on the tv and your eyes were glued on your phone.
The guy in the show Bakugou is watching had made a pretty funny joke and Bakugou looked down at you to see if you had catched that.
Instead he finds you eyeing a dark red pair of high pump heels. He saw you like it and add it to your list and he thought that was it.
He continued watching the series like nothing happened and you closed your phone and now focusing on the tv.
The next day you woke up to an empty bed like always when it is your day off, currently 9am and you headed down to make yourself breakfast.
After you had eaten you clean up a bit and chatted with your friends for a little. Until the doorbell rang and there was a mailman, delivering you a package and asking for your autograph.
You had told him that you didn’t purchase anything but he kept on insisting that this was the right address.
You took a look on the address and it was correct then you saw that it was bought with your boyfriends name. So you gave the mailman your autograph.
After you closed and locked your door you took the box into the living room. Wondering what your boyfriend could’ve possibly purchased. He always asks for your opinion before he purchases anything.
Curiosity got the best out of you and you opened the brown box, the box revealing another box inside. A more expensive looking one. Matt black box with golden letters from the expensive brand you were looking at earlier.
You opened the black box, now this time the box revealed a white stretchy bag, you opened the box and your jaw dropped at the sight.
The dark red pumps you were looking at yesterday. Before you could properly make up your thoughts your boyfriend messaged you.
[ wear em today ]
Is all he sent to you, you wondered how he knew that you had gotten them, then you remembered he gets a notification when a package is delivered.
Your heart was filled with warmth.
By 17:30 you started getting ready, quick shower, blowing your hair, picking your outfit. A long black silky dress and gold jewelry everywhere from your ears, wrists to your neck and fingers. Elegant makeup and your hair out up in a golden butterfly claw clip. Along with of course the new heels.
By 18:50 you received a text. Which meant to head outside. And so you did.
When you stepped outside you were met with your boyfriend dressed in black suit pants and a white dress shirt with a dark red tie to match his eyes and your new bought heels.
He greeted you with a hug and a kiss on your temple. “Thank you.” You said and pecked his lips.
“Nothing but the best for you.”
#bakugou katsuki#bnha x reader#bnha bakugou#bnha fanfiction#mha#anime#manga#bnha headcannons#bnha bakugo katsuki#bnha#katsuki bakugou#bakugou x reader#katsuki bakugo mha#bakugou headcanons#mha bakugou#baku#bakugo katuski#bakugou mitsuki#katsuki bakugo x reader#bakugou bnha#bakugou imagine#katsuki bakugo my hero academia#katsuki bakugo imagine#katsuki bakugō#bakugou katsuki x female reader#katsukibakugou#katsuki x y/n#katsuki fluff#katsuki x you#bakugou fluff
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Yo I'm actually obsessed with your writing😭 I'm going crazy send help. Anyways can you please do a yandere Dg with like a broken reader? I just love the thought of him pampering us🥹 Thank you and feel free the decline 🫶
Hello and thank you for liking my work, I really appreciate it :) And sure

You didn't know when your life went all wrong and took the wrong tangential turn, you were supposed to get good grades, make your parents proud, make a good name for yourself in society and follow your passion and dream of becoming a writer someday. Yet there were days when you felt like you were a burden to people, not withstanding the fact that even your own parents kept yelling that at you whenever you didn't get good grades and didn't live up to their expectation of being the perfect golden child for them. No matter how many accomplishments you had, you felt empty inside. You feel like you've forgotten how to live the essence of life itself, you forgot how to feel happiness since a long time. You felt like there was an empty void in your heart and you just...stopped feeling one day and became completely indifferent to everything around you
You thought you'd die alone and there were times when you felt like you were better off gone when a certain pink haired idol ended up kidnapping you and made you live with him. You regretted the day you met DG at the PTJ company and you mentally cursed yourself for falling for his tricks and manipulations that led you here in the first place. When you woke up on his bed confused and bewildered of what happened, he kept rambling something about how much he was going to love you and how he'd take care of you from now on and you laughed at him when he said those words. "Don't bother...please... I don't deserve it...'' you said as he frowned. "Now why would you say that?" he asked you, as his eyes narrowed but spoke in a gentle tone. He had to know what exactly made you feel like this, why were you so...indifferent and what made you develop a sense of apathy towards your surroundings
He wasn't considered a 'genius' for nothing. He could tell you were bothered by something, you were silent most of the time but your eyes spoke tales of sadness, which frankly hurt him. It hurt him to see your beautiful lotus like eyes carry the burden of sadness. "When are you going to kill me?" you asked him one day during dinner as the two of you were at the dining table. "What?" he asked you slowly as his voice was laced with concern and his heart pounded at your words. Why on earth would you say something like that? Your words sent a chill down his spine, he despised and hated the thought of being away from you for even a second and here you were asking him to kill you?
"Why would you say that? Tell me...talk to me'' he said as he set down his chopsticks and held your hands in his and rubbed gentle comforting circles on the back of your hand. You opened your mouth but no words came out, as usual. It was like they were stuck at the back of your throat as you tried to swallow the lump forming in your throat but your trembling lips and eyes conveyed another story. "Because I'm useless....'' you mumbled as you looked at the table and avoided his gaze. DG looked at you with his soul piercing gaze but his eyes softened and he could tell your life before you met him was harsh. You didn't hear his move as he pulled you to the couch with him and he wrapped his arms around your waist. "You're NOT useless. You hear me? I adore everything about you. I'll tell you this as many number of times as I have to, I love you'' he said as he caressed your cheek lovingly
"But why me? I'm no one...I'm...I'm nothing special'' you mumbled as he gently placed a finger on your lips and shushed you. "Shhh....sweetheart. No more self doubt. It pains me to see you so critical of yourself. I adore your beautiful mesmerizing eyes, every time I look into them, I feel like I get lost in them. I love your lips, they're so soft like the petals of a rose..'' he trailed off as he gently placed a kiss on your lips which made you squirm and you looked at him with a vulnerable expression for the first time. Deep down, he was glad he was getting closer to breaking down your walls of self doubt and self hatred. "Your mind is the one playing tricks on you sweetheart, just listen to me and only me...nothing else matters. No one else matters. I love you...and I'll never leave you. As for why I chose you, it's simple really. You managed to enter my heart and when I want something, I take it. As simple as that'' he said with a soft amused chuckle
The both of you just sat there for a while on the couch together as the dim lights and the jazz music playing in the background made you feel slightly at ease. Your bubbling self hatred didn't exactly disappear but it decreased slightly at his words. "Come on my love, it's time for you to sleep'' he said as he carried you bridal style to your room and held you close as you drifted off to sleep. You might have entered the land of your dreams but he was still wide awake, thinking about the words you've said and how your words sent a cold chill down his spine. The thought of losing you made him...enraged in such a way that not even words or numbers could do justice for
He slowly got down from the bed and caressed your cheek lovingly before he headed out into the living room and started doing his research of what exactly led you to such a state in the first place. He found out about how your parents always demanded you be the perfect golden child for them, how everyone always expected you to help them and yet when you needed help the most there was no one for you to depend on, how you always shouldered your own burdens and how people around you looked down on you just because you had the passion and dream of becoming a writer, calling your passion 'useless' because they were too narrow minded. He could feel red hot anger coursing through his veins as he thought of the number of times you could have cried to yourself alone, with no one to help you as his heart stung from the mere thought of imagining your cries for help getting ignored by the vast sea of people who just used you for their own personal gains
You were burned out. You needed a break. You needed someone to tell you that they were proud of you for once and that was just what he was going to do for you. He immediately developed a strong sense of hatred against those who ridiculed you so much to bring you to such a state, judging you for every single little thing. Who the HELL were they to judge HIS sweetheart like this? His mind flashed back to the number of times you looked at yourself in the mirror, your eyes filled with insecurities. He was going to get rid of every single insecurity of yourself you've ever had. He was going to spoil you with his love and you were just going to have to accept it. He thought of paying a little visit to those hypocritical pests later at some point in the future, to make them pay for every single time they made you cry or feel bad about yourself. It's not like such scumbags would be missed in society anyway so don't feel too bad when they land on the news the next day showing that they were brutally tortured before they were killed
He was going to make sure to spend more time with you, you really needed someone to keep an eye on you since he had the paranoia of you doing something drastic at some point which he couldn't allow to happen. He mentally reminded himself to get rid of the knives and switch off the gas in the kitchen so you wouldn't be able to hurt yourself. He'd encourage your passion for writing, you could have all the books you heart could ever desire and he'd love to read every word you've written. His intention was to never shoot down your dreams but for him to create a future for the two of you together. He was used to superficial people being with him only for the sake of his status or influence but he admired the way you were genuine at whatever you said and did. You could deny it all you wanted but despite your broken personality, he could see you had a heart of gold. A beautiful gentle heart and a soft soul that plenty of scumbags took advantage of that just made him mad to the core
DG sighed as he placed his file containing information regarding you back in his drawer and locked it, something you didn't need to find out just yet as he made his way back towards you and got on the bed as he held you in his arms and stroked your hair and placed a gentle and soft kiss on your cheek before he drifted off to sleep, you being by his side, right where you belonged...
#yandere dg#yandere dg x reader#yandere james lee x reader#yandere james lee scenarios#yandere james lee oneshots#yandere dg headcanons#yandere dg oneshots#yandere dg imagines#yandere dg scenarios#yandere lookism characters x reader#yandere lookism characters#yandere lookism x reader#yandere lookism#lookism headcanons#lookism x reader#lookism#dark lookism characters x reader#dark lookism characters#dark lookism x reader#dark lookism
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I NEED. another part of that achilles x sadistic make reader thing PLEASEEEE
cw;; nsft language, misunderstandings, hurt/comfort, suffocation
ok i wanna write this idea i had so im putting it here bc im attaching the actual part 2 to another ask.
this was supposed to be filthy femboy achilles sending you sexy videos. it got away from me bad.
your lovely partner is a hard worker even with his proclivity for perversion he very rarely ignores work to get off. usually you two maintain a healthy balance, work and play and on weekends you get him for the more extreme play, but he's out of town. his father needed him to go take care of somethings in another city a plane ride away leaving you without your lovely boyfriend's company for the time being.
the first few days coming home without him being there was strange. it was strange to not have him on his knees at your feet, or curled up in your arms, or tied to your metal slab. you hadn't even realized how much your life had become entangled with his until he was gone. you still texted him every day but you were really starting to get lonely. i mean... his texts leave something to be desired.
'good morning.'
'good night'
'i had an avocado and banana smoothie for breakfast.'
'im working'
'please don't call me at this time.'
it's bad enough that in person he looks like a lifeless robot sometimes, why does he text like one too? you could get more emotion from an alexa. you've been trying to be understanding because you know he's just that kind of person but it didn't help your loneliness. you were trying to call him at night before he went to bed just to hear his voice.
'please don't call me at this time.'
that message was really starting to piss you off. you couldn't be nice anymore.
'answer your fucking phone or im going to bleed you.'
it took a few minutes, about 10 to be exact, for your phone to ring. you immediately picked it up about to scold him for his lack of communication when you heard his harsh breathing on the other side. you could recognize it as how he usually sounded after something intense.
"chilles? are you ok?" your brow furrowed in worry.
"m okay" his words slurred slightly which usually meant he was fucked out.
"... you wanna try again? maybe this time tell me what bitch you're fucking?" your eye twitched in anger.
"m not-"
"im not stupid. you've been barely talking to me this whole week, you won't answer my calls, and now you sound like you just got your ass pounded. so you wanna try again? one more chance before i start sharpening my knife."
you heard him struggle to take a breath before finally letting out a pathetic little whimper. "m sorry, sir."
you let out a heavy sigh and ran a hand through your hair, gripping a handful of it as your anger became overwhelming. here you were being lonely and worried and missing him! and this stupid whore was out in another city running around with some bitch.
".... so. is this another attempt to get your throat slit or do you just.. not... care?" fuck you hated how your voice started to crack at the end.
"i.. i would gladly accept your punishment. i tried to resist for as long as I could."
"you fuckin-! yeah! you poor thing must have been so fucking hard for you to resist that!" you were messing up your hair as you rubbed at your head like you were trying to scrub him from your mind.
"im sorry sir. i know im a disappointment."
"disappointment?! that doesn't even begin to describe it!"
"im... im sorry... i didn't realize you would be so angry." you heard him make a hesitant sound before he spoke again. "we'll be here another week and I'll try to behave until we return."
you dropped your hand from your hair instead rubbing the bridge of your nose. tears were starting to gather in your eyes.
"don't bother coming back here. next time i see you you'd be lucky if i don't actually kill you."
you heard a strangled noise on the other side of the phone.
"no... please please, i know im bad. im the trash beneath your shoes. im disgusting and vile. but please please please" you could hear his voice cracking as he started to quietly cry.
you hated how it pulled at your heart.
"you should have thought about that before you 'couldn't resist'." you heard your own voice sounding rough and raw.
"i... i didn't think a toy would make you this angry i-"
"a what."
"a -a toy? the-the toy i bought..."
".... im gonna fucking murder you. you bought a sex toy??"
"yes-! im sorry. im sorry i knew i shouldn't have. i should have just waited. im sorry."
"you..." you couldn't help but laugh as tears fell down your cheeks. "fuck you're stupid."
"im sorry i know. im sorry."
"shut up. jesus... i thought you were cheating on me moron."
"i would never?? i-??" he sounded so genuinely confused.
"you've been avoiding me all week, chilles. you won't take my calls, you text me like a robot, and when I finally hear your voice you're all... horny."
"ive been very busy... every night ive had to go to different nightclubs for meetings... you always manage to call when im trying to be intimidating and I know i wouldn't be able to compose myself if I heard your voice."
"and tonight? you did it again."
"i... i should have answered but i knew i was misbehaving. .....and it would have been hard to speak."
"what were you doing? don't spare the details. i don't want room for more misunderstanding."
you heard him swallow hard.
"i bought the largest... silicone penis... they had at the store. i used some spare rope to tie a noose to the closet and then i put a chair with the toy in it underneath the noose. you called right when i started..."
"you're such a freak. jesus..." you wiped the last of the tears from your face. you let out a sigh of relief and relaxed into the couch. "you shoulda just answered i would have talked you through it."
"i was embarrassed and ashamed of myself... i knew you would be angry"
"yeah i think being convinced you were cheating on me is much better."
"i would never cheat on you. you're the only thing that holds meaning to me. you are my god, i only continue to exist by your will."
"there you go saying weird shit again."
"i mean it... my whole being is only for you. you're not my soulmate you're the owner of my soul. i wish you would carve me open and live inside my skin only then would i be close enough to you." you heard him whine softly.
"freak. ...i miss you. so much. i guess it's getting to my head not being able to hear you say your weird shit and worship me every day."
"i miss you so deeply... i feel empty and purposeless without you. even sexual gratification was empty..."
"did you finish?"
"yes... im.. im still sitting on it. i just removed the noose so i could talk to you."
"perv. c'mon baby boy drag yourself off that thing. it's bath time."
you heard him shift slightly most likely shivering.
"will you... guide me through bath time?"
"yeah. it'll help me relax too."
"thank you, sir. i love you."
you let out another sigh. you could feel your heart swell at his words spoken so softly with only the slightest of warmth. it was like you were freezing because his slight warmth seeped into your heart and spread through every inch of your body.
"i love you too."
achilles: i don't really sound like a robot do i?
sadist darling: sorry babe. you're super roboty.
achilles: ive been trying to be sweet and text you everyday....
sadist darling: .... just add 1 emoji babe. it'll do you wonders.
achilles: like this..? ⛓️ good morning ⛓️
sadist darling: .because you're chained to me? is that right?
achilles: yes. 🧎
sadist darling: i take it back no more emojis.
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If you’re low-key obsessed then I am a gone😍 what about sunshine being awol the morning of a race 🤷🏼♀️
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
“Have you seen Sunshine today?”
“No, sorry.”
“Hey, have you seen Sunshine this morning?”
“I haven’t, no.”
“Have you—”
“Daniel, I don’t think she’s here, mate,” Max muttered, placing a hand on his teammate’s shoulder in hopes that it would stop him from pacing around the garage, and it did. But it didn’t stop his mind from wandering and spinning on where the hell you could be.
Despite the separate hotel rooms booked by the team every race weekend, you would always find each other using one room. In fact, it became rarer for the two of you to not share a hotel room when you were in another country for the race weekend, and it just so happened that it was one of those weekends.
You had been out late the night before, out with some of the others in the engineering team as you perfected a few faults you had found in the cars during qualifying. You had messaged him not to wait up for you, to not stay up and risk his own sleep just for the sake of falling asleep with you. And as wrong as it felt, he had managed to fall asleep.
However, when he woke up in the morning, you weren’t there.
And when he arrived at the paddock, you weren’t there either.
Now, it was a few hours until lights out, you were nowhere to be seen and Daniel was losing his mind.
“Where is she?” Daniel muttered, his brows furrowed in concern as he tried sending you another message, only for it to come up as undelivered once again. “She should’ve been here by now.”
“Daniel—” Max started but his teammate was already pacing again.
“What if something happened to her?” he whispered, a sense of chilling dread washing over him as he looked up at Max. “What if something happened to her and she needs my help?”
Before Max could even reply, Daniel was jumping up to grab his keys for the car he drove to the paddock. He was ignoring all logic and rationality that was telling him he should stay in the paddock, that he needed to start getting ready for the race with the rest of the team. His only thought was you.
Max, despite knowing better, knew that Daniel was in no state to be alone right now. WIth the rest of the engineering team also clueless on your whereabouts, the Aussie’s concern only shot through the roof, and his friend didn’t think it would be the best idea for him to be behind the wheel just yet.
They ignored all the warnings other team members gave them and did their best to ignore the cameras following them towards the exit. Daniel had one track mind and it was completely focused on finding you and making sure you were safe. His fingers were itching to hold you close again and it was starting to consume him.
However, neither boy expected their search to end as close to the exit as it did.
“I am telling you, I am a part of the Red Bull team! Just go get someone and you’ll see.”
“Ma’am, we have to ask you to leave—”
“Oh my god!”
Daniel’s head whirled around at the familiar sound of your voice, his eyes eagerly seeking you. And he spotted you, on the other side of the turnstiles, a frown on your face as you argued back and forth with a few of the security guards at the entrance.
“You need a paddock pass—”
“And I usually have one,” you interrupted, already angsty and on edge, and feeling like a broken record wasn’t helping your mood. “Except for today. Now can you please let me in because they need me—”
“We can’t do that, ma’am.”
“Fuck off,” you groaned, running a hand over your face.
Your eyes instantly found his and he couldn’t bite back the smile that spread across his face. His feet were moving before he could even think to move, his body too eager to be beside you that he didn’t even bother swiping his pass to get through the turnstiles, instead just jumping over the bars.
“Danny,” you almost sagged in relief the second his arms were around you.
“Is there a problem here?” Daniel asked, his eyes now on the security guards as he placed a hand protectively on the back of your head.
“Mr Ricciardo,” the security guard blanched. “No, it’s just she needs—”
“She’s with our team,” Max interrupted this time, giving the guard a pointed look. “A very important part of the team. So, the sooner you let her through, the more appreciative we will be.”
“Of course, sir.”
Daniel had yet to let you go as the three of you made your way through the paddock, heading straight towards the Red Bull garage before Christian or anyone else could notice you were gone. You didn’t mind though, the weight of his arm over your shoulder was something you found comfort in these days.
“Where were you?” Daniel asked eventually, his brows furrowed together in questioning. “I was worried sick.”
“It’s embarrassing,” you muttered, a scowl on your face which only amused the Dutchman.
“Well, now you have to tell us,” Max grinned, poking your side and only laughing when you batted his hand away.
“I forgot my keycard last night,” you told them with a heavy sigh. “I couldn’t get into the hotel room so I had to bunk with one of the other engineers. I tried to get a new card at reception this morning but they thought I was some crazy fan trying to get into Daniel Ricciardo’s hotel room. And I couldn’t even get an extra key to my room because I had no ID with me.”
Daniel snorted. “Why didn’t you just call me?”
“My phone died,” you replied sheepishly. “I had to borrow an extra polo from a colleague before trying to get to the paddock with no phone, no money and no paddock pass.”
“I’m surprised they didn’t arrest you on the spot,” Max teased.
You rolled your eyes. “Funny.”
“Well, if I have to find any crazed fan in my room, I’d be pretty chuffed if it was you,” Daniel joked as his arm around you tightened.
“Whatever,” you grumbled but there was a smile on your face. “I gotta take you everywhere with me, Ricciardo. Might even say you’re my crazy fan.”
“That wouldn’t be a lie,” he grinned down at you.
#daniel ricciardo#formula one#f1#daniel ricciardo x reader#daniel ricciardo x you#daniel ricciardo x y/n#daniel ricciardo fic#daniel ricciardo one shot#formula one x reader#formula one x you#formula one x y/n#formula one fic#formula one one shot#f1 x reader#f1 x you#f1 x y/n#f1 fic#f1 one shot
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Can you write a smutty story with Ethan Landry maybe giving your bf a blowjob while he’s playing video games with his friends…
Request: Ethan with “stop distracting me” and turns into something more 🤭
Please forgive my lack of video game knowledge. All I’ve ever played is animal crossing, pokemon and some crash (the orange fox) car race…when I was 9 to 12
Warnings: smut, blowjob
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
‘’Are you done soon?’’ you asked for the seventh time, waiting for Ethan to be done with his game.
He’s been playing video games for what seemed like hours now, turning your netflix and chill plans into a gaming night with Chad. You had nothing against the guy, but since Tara broke up with him a few weeks ago, he’s been interfering with your and Ethan’s plans and it was starting to really get on your nerves.
You get that he’s sad about Tara and needs a friend, but he’s got plenty. Why doesn’t he bother someone else?
‘’Yeah. Just a little longer, babe.’’ His eyes were fixed on his computer screen, fingers moving on his controller while Chad talked to him through the headset.
You were tempted to unplug his computer and abruptly end their game, but you didn’t want to be that girlfriend. So you sat patiently on Ethan’s bed behind him, playing with a plushie toy you found on his shelf. It was likely a collectible of some anime he liked, but you were careful with it.
Another hour passed and you had enough.
You stood and wrapped your arms around Ethan’s neck from behind and kissed his face, trying to distract him enough so he would abandon Chad and spend time with you. It was childish, but sometimes you had to play that card.
‘’Stop distracting me.’’ Ethan leaned into your touch, but didn’t tear his eyes from his screen, focused solely on the game before him. ‘’Go, I’ll cover you,’’ he said into the mic of his headset, then began jamming the buttons on his controller and shooting at the people.
You thought of flashing him. He could never resist your boobs, but the last time did so while he was gaming, Ethan clumsily hit his knee against his table and almost spilled his drink all over his expensive gaming set.
You needed to think of something else.
Ah! A mischievous grin curled on your lips as an idea sprung into your mind. It was more dirty than any stunt you’ve pulled before, but you knew this would win Ethan's attention.
As quietly as possible, you crawled and slid under the desk, trying to not accidentally unplug any chords and sabotage your own plan. The space was cramped under there, but you made it work and found a way to situate yourself comfortably enough.
You reached for the button of Ethan’s pants, your unexpected touch startling him in the process.
‘’What the fu—’’ He looked down underneath his desk and saw you at his feet. Ethan drew his eyebrows confusedly. ‘’What are you doing?’’ he asked in a hushed voice, covering his mic so Chad would not hear.
You ignored his question and undid his pants, holding your smirk when you brushed his sensitive cock and heard Ethan bite a moan. His eyes shifted between his screen and you, his heartbeat starting to pick up from the panic and excitement. This was every gamer’s fantasy and he couldn’t believe it was happening to him.
You pulled out his cock from his boxers as gently as possible, soft but heavy in your hand. His hips pushed up instinctively and you kissed his tip just to tease him further, causing Ethan’s breathing to falter for a split second. He was so sensitive to your touch.
At first, you jerked him to get him hard, spitting into your palm. You spread it over his growing shaft and stroked slowly.
He was keeping it together surprisingly well.
But when you gave his leaking head a little squeeze, that’s when he slipped, grunting softly as his abdomen tightened, his cock twitching in your hand. Panic flashed through Ethan’s eyes, praying Chad had not heard that. It would be so embarrassing.
You giggled amusedly, going back to pumping him. You kept your strokes slow, taking revenge for all the hours he made you wait. Next time, he’ll tell Chad to find another gaming buddy.
The thing about Ethan was that he was very sensitive and whiny. So the more you stroked him, the more sensitive he got and soon enough, he was shifting restlessly in his chair and having to bite his hoodie’s sleeve cuff to muffle a few needy whines.
Then, you push the level of difficulty to the next step, leaning forward and taking him into your mouth. You sucked gently and started to bob up and down his cock.
Ethan’s brain short-circuited and he almost dropped his controller. ‘’Fuck.’’ He quickly caught it and ran after Chad like a small child running after his mommy.
You pushed your teasing further, relaxing your throat and taking him all the way. Ethan took a deep breath, fighting the moan coming up his throat. He wanted to drop his controller and grab your hair into a ponytail to push you over his cock until you gagged on his length, but other duties were calling him.
‘’You there, dude?’’
‘’Y-yeah!’’ Ethan stuttered, gripping the controller so hard as his tip hit the back of your throat. ‘’I’m having issues with my internet connection,’’ he explained, making up a lie.
You stayed there for a few seconds and moaned, sending vibrations to his cock. ‘’Mmh, you taste so good, baby.’’
Ethan hummed, leaning back into his chair and closing his eyes for a brief second, jumping when Chad screamed through the mic — again. ‘’Shit. Sorry, I— Sorry,’’ he apologized, his face burning in embarrassment. ‘’Yeah, yeah. I’ll cover you.’’ His fingers jammed the buttons of his controller, returning his attention to the screen.
You continued your work until you felt Ethan close to his release, getting him exactly where you wanted him….and stopped. With a smirk, you pulled back cold turkey and he nearly groaned in agony at the loss of your warm mouth around him.
‘’I was about to cum. Why did you fucking stop?!’’ Ethan said out loud, looking down at you and forgetting about Chad on the other end.
Scream taglist: @misfityanii @beautybyfire @iluvscream191 @mariposa555 @bella7866 @o638 @lulubelle14 @luvvtxinityy @frasersgf @Eddiefrickenmunson @jasperr-the-friendly-ghost @ghostf4cee @thesebitcheslovesosadotcom @wandaswigglywoos @xjennyx2 @jennasslut @thatonesblog @mikaelsonsstuff @icarly23 @tcddszn @bt.oliana
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs @gillybear17 @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713 @marzipaanz
#ethan landry#ethan landry imagine#ethan landry x reader#ethan landry x you#ethan landry smut#scream 6#scream 6 imagines
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Sweets ⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅

The coat
(Credits to @azriel.kk on tiktok! She convinced me to finally feed you guys another chapter after a month!!! Luv ya! Please draw nanami tied up and naked for me <33)
Pairing: Soft Yandere Nanami x fem! Bakery owner! Reader
Summary: Nanami just wanted to see what all the popularity about that one bakery in town was. He didn’t know he’d fall so hard for the girl who looks just as sweet as the cakes she bakes.
Tags: Yandere Nanami, Kind of coquette reader, no-filter reader, Kidnapping, Stalking, Obsessive/Toxic Nanami, Manipulation, Stockholm Syndrome, murder.
Wc: 2.3k
For the past few weeks Nanami walked you to your shop. Then he picked you up at night to walk you home. You looked forward to seeing Nanami every day. His majestic face, his eyes, and most importantly the small things he does. He’s such a gentleman. From giving you his coat, to gently moving the hair out of your face. He was every girl’s dream. The wary feeling you got from somebody watching you disappeared when Nanami was there. But when he wasn’t you could sometimes still feel eyes watching you. It gave you chills and made you freeze up. Nanami always comforted you, telling you it might just be nothing.
Sometimes on weekends if he was free, he would help you bake. Helping around the shop, like opening doors for people or serving tables. You put him outside to get more customers. Seeing how girls go inside after seeing him. You know that he knows what you’re doing. But you just give him a grin. But you’re thankful for him, not just for helping out but keeping you safe. Those men who would stare at you or send you terrifying smirks with intent all go away because of him. Just seeing his glare, they would look away cowardly.
You would text him in the middle of the day too. Either just asking how work is going or telling him something interesting about your day. He would reply so quickly, unlike the men you were with before. But something that always bothered you is his job. He would say he’s a salaryman, but it never seemed like him. Or maybe you’re just assuming! I mean its Nanami. He’s all that you could ever want.
Your day went on like normal. Baking cakes, serving customers, and helping your employees overall. You also went outside, greeting the tabby cat. It always comes over at this exact time in the afternoon. You and Nanami even baked catnip treats for it. A thought occurred in your head as you mumbled feeding the cat, "Am I making you a druggie with this much catnip?" You sighed, rubbing its head softly. You and Nanami will have to come up with a name for it soon.
You snapped a picture of your hand petting the cat. You sent it to Nanami with a video of you feeding the cat. “Wish I could take you home.” You mumbled. After giving the cat its drugs- Snacks you walked back inside helping serve your customers. A few minutes later your phone buzzed, someone texted you. Thinking its Nanami, you opened the text message. Your frowned seeing it was from an unknown number. The text read; “You look so pretty…” and a picture of you petting the cat.
You shivered immediately blocking the number. You were definitely telling Nanami about this later. As the day passed, you were able to block what just happened and busied yourself. As you closed the bakery Nanami stood outside waiting for you with a smile. You walked up to him hugging him.
He spoke up, “Y/n, how was your day?” he asked as he carried your bag for you. You talked about the normal, from helping customers to baking more cakes. He listened intently nodding along. That was until you started talking about the text message. “What’s even creepier Nanami, is he sent a picture of me!” you complained your hands doing weird gestures. You looked at him as his face didn’t hold any expression. You waved your hands around his face getting his attention. “Nanami? Hello?” he looked at you for a few seconds before speaking. “You should stay with me. For your own safety.” He said flatly.
Your eyes widen. “Wait! I-I would love too but I can’t just move out like that Nanami!” he looked at you, brows furrowed. “You’d rather just stay in danger huh.” He says with somewhat an annoyed tone. You shook your head with a sigh, as you saw your house in the distance. “I would love to Nanami, but are we even dating yet? Plus, we haven’t known each other that long!” As you arrived in front of your house, you looked at Nanami giving him a hug. “Let’s talk about it in the morning.” He says hugging you back, burying his face in your hair. As you broke the hug, Nanami gave you a cat stuff toy. “It reminded me of you.” he says smiling softly. You kissed him on the cheek giving him another hug. “Thank you! Thank you! I’ll put it in bed with me!” you say grinning as you went inside, waving him goodbye.
As Nanami walked back home, he sat on his desk. His hands rubbing his temples tiredly. He grew frustrated with the thought that creepy text of his would work. Maybe he just needed to be more persistent and send you more texts? He sighed opening his laptop. A smile grew on his face as he opened the camera in the stuff toy. In his perspective you were putting in down on the desk. He drank his whiskey watching as you undressed.
You were driving him crazy. He wanted you all to himself. The world didn’t deserve you! the world filled with curses and horrible people. He would keep you safe. No matter what it takes. Even if its by the methods you don’t like. You’re his girl. He continued watching you through the camera, as you didn’t sleep but continued to stay awake on your phone. He wished he was there to stop you.
He wondered about your comment earlier, “Are we even dating?” it was such a silly thing to ask. “I’ll ask her tomorrow…” He said as he continued sipping his whiskey while watching you.
As morning came, Nanami picked you up like always. But this time, he was holding flowers. The ones that you love. “Nanami, these are beautiful. What’s the occasion?” you ask looking at it happily. “You asked me yesterday if we were even dating. And I want to ask you, would you like to be mine?” You smiled grinning. “I would love too.” You say walking over to him and kissing him.
Nanami swears at that moment his heart stopped. The world slowed down for him. He hated how short that kiss was. “I should put these flowers inside.” You say holding his hand. “Come in with me?” you ask smiling happily. A tint of red on your cheeks.
Nanami nodded a small smile on his face. A smile for the kiss, and a smile at the opportunity. His other hand went into his pocket as he held a small black camera. He stuck it at your doorframe, as it blended in like a speck of dirt. Quickly and swiftly he smiled. You let go of his hand as you went to get a vase. He stood on the doorway watching you. “Can I use the bathroom?” he asked. You nodded pointing and saying the directions.
He nodded walking in your hallways, adding the cameras around wherever he could. Your hallways, your, bathroom, your guest bedroom. But he wasn’t doing anything wrong, he was just keeping you safe. As he walked back to your kitchen, the flowers were already in a vase. It decorated your counter really well. You grinned at Nanami happily. “You know, we have to go or else I’ll be late in opening the bakery.” You say holding his hand. He nodded, “Lets go.” He said helping you lock up your house.
The routine with Nanami continued for the next few weeks. But he made Friday night the date night you guys have. The only thing that was driving you crazy was the constant text messages you were getting from an unknown number. It scared you so much to the point that you were always near someone in your staff or serving tables. But still, someone would take pictures of you from outside your bakery window or whenever you were alone. But this time, the stalker sent a picture of you with your employee. It scared you for their safety. So much so that you called Nanami crying.
He picked up immediately, being there by your side in less than 5 minutes. Which was weird since he always took at least 15 minutes to get to you. Maybe he was near, or maybe he ran. You hugged him tightly crying into his arms. “Why is this happening to me Nanami!” you say sniffling. He wiped away your tears, hugging you again. “Stay with me. It’s not safe for you y/n. I’ll keep you safe, it’ll be just us. I’ll always protect you.”
You wiped away your tears, shaking your head. “I don’t know… I’ll think about it.” You say sighing. Nanami watched you intently. He was getting through you, but not fast enough. His lips purse into a thin line as he handed you a water bottle. “Thank you. Thank you for everything Nanami, staying by my side and not leaving me.” You say hugging him tightly. He put his coat on your shoulders and kissed your forehead.
He checked his watch before sighing. “I need to go back to work, I might not pick you up tonight. I need to do something overtime at work. Don’t sleep around 3am again. ” He said walking you back inside your bakery first before he left. How did he know you slept around 3am? Red flags and alarm bells rang in your mind. You should really talk to him about it. It’s bad to ignore red flags like that.
“Life sucks ass.” You mumbled sighing. The time passed and before you knew it, it was already night. You wore Nanami’s coat the whole day, not wanting to let it go. Checking the time, it was already around 7:30 PM. As you locked up, you had a thought.
“Why not go to Nanami’s house and hand him his coat as well as see where he lives? Since he wants you to move in so badly.”
You grinned at the thought. Two birds with one stone. Getting to see Nanami and seeing where he lives. You picked up your phone calling him. It rang for a few seconds before someone picked up, but it wasn’t Nanami. The person sounded somewhat cheery.
“Hello? Who’s this? Is it Nanamins girlfriend?!” he said excitedly. “Uhm, who’s this?” you asked warily.
“Well, it’s just the one and only Gojo Satoru! Nanamin’s co-worker!” he said as he… giggled? What kind of grown man giggles like that. “Oh. Well can I please talk to Nanami?” you say voice clearly blank and bored of him.
He let out a choked-up sound before responding, “he already went home, he left his phone by accident. Say! How about we meet up-“ you cut him off. “Can I have his home address?” you ask wanting the conversation to end.
He let out an offended gasp, before giving up and saying Nanami’s address. But not before mumbling, ‘maybe its because she can’t see my face…” you sighed in relief as you had his address, and the conversation with Gojo finally ended. With some strawberry shortcake in hand, you proceeded to walk to Nanami’s place.
It was fairly far from your bakery. At least a 20-minute walk. Nevertheless, more cardio for you. As you arrived, you nervously rang the doorbell. Nobody answered. You looked at the door seeing it was partially cracked open. Why didn’t you see that before? You shook your head hell no before turning back. You weren’t about to be killed like some what girl in a horror movie.
As you turned around you flinched seeing Nanami. “Oh my God! You almost gave me a heart attack.” You say hand on your chest. “Why are you here? Especially at this hour.” He asked softly. “I wanted to bring you your coat, and to see you.” you say smiling. “Can’t last a day without me huh?” He asked chuckling. You shook your head laughing. “Your door was open, but it was dark and you didn’t answer the doorbell. So, I was about to leave.” You say pointing at the door.
“Yeah, I left my phone at my office. I had to come back and get it, seems like I forgot to lock my door.” He answered. “Let’s talk inside?” He asked holding your hand as you let him pull you along. “How did you get my address?” he asked pulling out a chair for you in his kitchen. “Oh! I called you and this guy named Gojo picked up!” you say unwrapping the cake. “I bought you strawberry shortcake by the way.”
Nanami stared at you for a few seconds, before speaking. “What else did Gojo say to you?” he asked his voice monotone. Your brows furrowed. “Something about him being your co-worker, and other than that I spaced out. He seems cocky and hyper.”
You swallowed feeling nervous for some reason. Nanami nods before sighing looking out the window. It was raining heavily. “How about some tea?” He asked. “ooo that paired with strawberry shortcake sounds heavenly.” You say grinning.
“May I use your bathroom first though?” you ask. Nanami nodded pointing down a hallway and telling you to take a right. You nodded following as he instructed. As you arrived at that hallway there was two doors. You opened the first one you saw thinking nothing of it.
Your eyes widen as your breath hitched. It was an office. An office with a huge board behind the desk, full of pictures of you. The laptop on the desk was open. With shaky strides you went behind the desk and looked at the laptop screen. It was your house. Your bedroom, your hallway, your bathroom. Your eyes narrowed seeing the perspective of one of the cameras. It was the exact same place you put the stuff toy Nanami gave you.
Your hands were shaking at this point. This was how he knew details of your life you never told him. You looked at the board behind you. Your mind raced as you tried to control your breathing. Panicking won’t do you any good. Your eyes narrowed at the pictures stuck on the board. It was the same ones your stalker sent you.
Everything clicked at that moment. Everything was Nanami’s doing.
#nanami x reader#nanami x y/n#jjk#jjk nanami#kento nanami#nanami fluff#nanami angst#yandere x darling#yandere nanami#yancore#gojo satoru#kento x reader#nanamin#yandere jujutsu kaisen#jujutsu nanami#tw stalking
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Why Don't You Do Right?
Summary: Going about another normal day until you bump into Villain! Daemon who chooses to finally have his way with you.
Warnings: Dub-Con, Face slapping and spanking, Marking, Public exhibition, Fem Reader, Dom/Sub, Pain kink,
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon/Fire & Blood characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
Word count: 4.6k
You never noticed how the most powerful and notorious super villain Daemon ever seemed nice to only you, normally taking control over the city without much cause and letting his name send chills down any and every spine that was brave enough to whisper it unless you were around with your doe wide innocent eyes and perky attitude toward the blonde male who always seemed to find time out of his busy evil schedule to flirt with you. Daemon is surprised at the casual greeting. "Hello, little one." Daemon looks down on the half-ling, he's still not used to people who aren't intimidated by his very presence. He looks around before leaning down toward you. "I am surprised to see you here, I'd expect you to have run off along with everyone else. It's been a trying day, but I am sure it is going better than the others… what about you?"
You started walking beside him still unaware of what was going on but were happy since Daemon seemed to be having a good day, feeling shy because of the smile he sent you as you shrugged your shoulders glancing up at him "Pretty busy actually, just been running errands now I'm going to the bank before heading home." Not knowing what he had planned for the bank. "What a coincidence, I was actually about to go rob a bank myself," He said to you, not bothering to hide it in the slightest. "Mind if I tag along?" Looking up at him as you laughed at his words thinking he was only kidding but nodded your head, gently taking a hold of his hand as you walked beside him "You're a funny one today" You kept walking with him talking about little things until finally at the bank as you looked at Daemon innocently motioning toward the teller "Did you want to go first?". He chuckled, not having expected how easily his request would be accepted. "Of course, my lady. Please, after you," He offered, gesturing for you to take the lead. He silently hoped you make it to the teller before he has to step in.
Nodding your head with a smile before you walked up to the teller asking for what you needed, tapping your fingers against the counter before pouting at hearing you couldn't be helped but didn't know it was just because Daemon was right there which caused you to look upset as you stood there looking like a kicked puppy. As you were turned away, Daemon stepped up and simply told the teller to put all the money in the bag while he kept an eye on everyone in the building, including you who is still looking at him dejectedly. "Alright darlin', time to move," he said to you while grabbing you by the wrist to pull you out with him. "We can use that money to buy you an ice cream or something"
You sighed as you started walking away but were still curious since normally everything fell into place for you even if it was because Daemon was there, following Daemon outside as you started to smile at his words but did blush thinking it was an offer, not a demand as you nodded your head "Sure sounds like fun" As if nothing just happened. "Then let's go get you some ice cream sweetheart," he said to you in that same charming tone, guiding you into an alley. He stopped to face you, running his hand up your thigh until he gently started holding your chin. "Now, would you be a good girl and do something for me?". You smiled happily as you no longer thought about what just happened and simply followed him, feeling your breath hitch in your throat at his touch as you looked up at him with wide innocent eyes before slowly nodding your head leaning into his touch "O-okay I'll try too."
"Good girl," He said as he leaned in and gently kiss your neck, letting his lips brush against your ear. "I know you like being praised don't you?" He quietly asked, kissing your neck again, before gently biting down on your earlobe, still with that same charming smile. You felt your eyes flutter shut as your hands tightly gripped his clothes in between your fingers, biting down on your lower lip with a soft sigh before slowly opening your eyes and looking up at him still feeling shy as you tried to shake your head at his words before looking down at the ground using a soft and quiet voice ".....No" "Don't be so modest," He spoke in your ear teasing you, biting your earlobe again. "Maybe a punishment is in order?" He asked, giving you a sly wink as he pulled away from you slightly. "I know just the thing." You continued to tightly hold his clothes in your small fists before pouting up at him as you heard his words, shaking your head again only for different reasons as you met his eyes using the same quiet tone as before "No I don't want to be punished, I've done nothing wrong."
"Yes you have darling," He said in a voice that's now serious rather than charming. "You were not truthful just then. Perhaps a few more kisses on your neck will set you straight," he added, leaning in slowly towards you as he smiled at you again, knowing you are getting flustered. 'We'll see if you're still not being honest after I've had my fun with you' He thought to himself. You pouted as you looked back down at the ground only to slowly nod your head in understanding at his words, biting down on your lower lip again as you felt your heart pound wildly in your chest before nodding your head again at his words once more trying to talk only for the words to die on your tongue not knowing what to say.
Once again slowly kissing your neck, this time on the other side, nibbling on your skin to leave hickeys all over you. He looked down at you, running a hand through your hair, and asked in a softer tone. "Are you ready to be honest now?" You closed your eyes once more as your breathing started to pick up due to the affection he was showing you, leaning yourself against him as you took several minutes to process his words before looking up again and nodding your head "Yes." "Good girl," he said once more, leaning in to kiss your neck once more as his hand moves further up. "I knew you had it inside you." He continued to flirt with you, waiting to hear the words he knew will come next. "Now, I just need you to continue being a good girl"
Your body shivers at the sensation of his kisses and nibbling, your eyes closed and lips parted as your hands go to his shoulders and gently pulled him closer. With your head tilted back, you let your eyes close as you felt his touch and your breath become quick and heavy as he kissed and nibbled your neck. You moaned softly and placed your hands in his hair, clutching his hair as you let yourself be lost. “And what if I don’t?” You whispered. He continued to kiss your neck and run his hands through your hair. "Then I have no choice but to punish you for it…" He told you, smiling at you playfully. "I want you to say you're my naughty little girl," He whispered into your ear with a chuckle. "And that you deserve to be punished."
"I-I am your naughty little girl," You whispered without hesitation, your eyes still closed. You felt like you were losing control for him and that was both strange and exciting. You bit your lower lip nervously, and your eyes opened again. You waited to hear his response. "Good girl, I knew there was a naughty girl inside you." He chuckled and continued to kiss your throat, nibbling your skin. "And you know as well what happens to naughty girls, don't you?" He whispered with a smirk. You looked at him with pleading eyes. "Show me what happens." You feel your heart beating faster as you look at him, waiting for his answer. You bit your lower lip again as your body tensed up from his teasing. When he whispered the question about naughty girls, looking away feeling more shy about this part. "...I do." You said with a quiet voice.
"Such an eager little girl," He says as his hands start to wander down your body, caressing your hips and thighs before finally making their way to your waist. "Do you really know what happens to naughty girls, or do you need to be taught a lesson?" He smiled at you as he gently guided you toward a wall behind you, pulling you closer to him. "Maybe a few light slaps to your face first? To get you warmed up for what happens next." You stood still as he guided you to the wall. When he mentioned the light slaps, it made you nervous and when you heard what he said next, you knew what he going to say. "I think I need a lesson, please," You said quietly but your voice was trembling. For some reason, the words about the lessons turn you on and your fingers gripped on his jacket. Your body begins to tremble and your body is rushed with need, as your thoughts go wild. You are nervous, confused, and excited at the same time. “You’re really going through with this,” You whispered as he pulled you close. “Just- please... be gentle with me.”
"I'm sorry, darling, but 'gentle' isn't really my middle name," He told you in that same charming tone that had you hooked. He put both his hands on your face, gently grasping it by the cheeks, as he looked into your eyes. "This first part is just to get you warmed up. I only want what's best for you, so trust me." He lightly slapped your face twice. "Do you still think you need that lesson?" You let out a small gasp when Daemon slapped your face for the first time. By now, tears are beginning to swell up, but still, you remain standing up and don’t try to resist him. “Y-Yes,” You said as his second slap hit your face. His voice is gentle and calm even when hitting you, as something in you found that soothing. And then suddenly you feel like you are losing control again.
He continued to look at you with a sly smile on his face. "Good girl," he told you. He moved his fingers around your face and cup your cheek as he kissed you softly on the neck, letting the tip of his tongue run up to your ear. "Now, you know what's next," he whispered in that seductive tone. He pulled back slightly so that he can look you in the eyes again. "You really are just begging for a good time, aren't you?" “Y-Yes.” Your voice is barely a whisper anymore, your eyes are half closed, and you let your body rest against him. You are panting. It is hard for you to breathe. The only thing your mind is seeking now is pleasure and to calm down. “Please... I need you.” You close your eyes, your head tilted back. Waiting for what is next with your body trembling as if no longer caring about being in an alleyway.
"And a good time is what you'll get, my darling." He kissed your neck again, this time sucking the skin on your neck as his other hand slowly moved toward your lower body. He whispered into your ear again as his mouth is still on your neck. "Now you must be as still as possible for me." You moan when he started marking your neck as if claiming you, your body began to tense up again, and your voice had lost its power. One part of your mind is telling you to resist him, it is telling you that this is wrong, and the other part is telling your body to follow his orders. And for the first time in your life, you find that your own body is against your mind. When he whispered to your ear again, you can hear your body begging to obey him. "Good girl," He said once again. His lips move slowly down your neck until it reaches the hollow of it above your chest. "Now you must not move an inch, okay darlin'?" He pressed his lips firmly against that spot on your skin and moved lower tugging at your clothes. Your response to his previous actions has left him satisfied, and it shows as his voice becomes even more sultry, as if it were dripping with pleasure. You hold your breath as he continued kissing and marking your body trying to get your clothes off, you wanted to cry out in pleasure and pain at the same time. But your voice is still stuck inside your throat as he kissed sensitive areas of your body, and you start shaking uncontrollably. Your body leans completely against his own, your limbs tangled together with one another.
He chuckled as he felt the shivers running down your body as he continued kissing your sensitive spots. His voice is barely audible now, as his breathing starts to get heavier. "Are you enjoying this, my dear?" He whispered into your ear, his lips finally leaving your body. He looked at your face, wanting to see how you were reacting to all of this. You moan again when his lips trail across your body, leaving tiny marks of his bites all over your skin. You can feel the marks on your skin, but they don’t hurt you. It is a feeling that is pleasant, yet painful at the same time. You look at him with tear-filled eyes, your mind is a mess and your breath is shaky. You can feel your body responding to his actions with pleasure as your hands clutch his shirt. It is as if your mind and body are two different entities entirely.
Daemon smiled at you, and gently brush away the tears that had formed on your cheeks again. "I really should be going easy on you. This is your first time after all." He says in a soothing tone, despite his words being anything but soothing. "But I just love to see how much you're enjoying this so far." He spoke with a smirk "I have never felt like this before.” You answered as you continued to let your body be held by his, your breath's mixing together as you look into each other's eyes. “I can’t help myself. Please, I want more.” You whispered to him again. "I'd never stop now, darlin'. I'm just getting started with you." He tells you, with a grin. He gave you a few moments to catch your breath and wipe away your tears before leaning in to kiss you deeply, running a hand through your hair as he does so. "I've got all the time in the world for you my darling," he said into your ear, whispering into it as he continued kissing you.
His whole body trembled at the thought of what you were proposing. He had no words to describe his feelings. He wasn't sure what to do, but he couldn't deny his attraction to you, so he leaned in close and kissed you again, his hand traveling down to your waist and pulling you close, while the other caressed your cheek and neck. You gasped and looked up at him, your body flushed with heat and need. As your tongue slipped out to meet his, exploring each other lips. You pulled him even closer to you, while your hands roam to his back. You held him tight, pressing your body close to his. He roughly kissed you back, letting himself get lost in the moment. As your hands roamed his back and he could hear your heavy breathing, he knew he had to act. His lips moved down to your neck, kissing you the way he had dreamt of doing for so long, and letting his hands explore the curves of your body in the process. He returned your kiss with a passion and an intensity that surprised even himself. He kept the kiss going, exploring your tongue with his until he felt your hands on his belt. He was so lost in the moment that he didn't even know what you were doing, he was just wrapped up in your lips and your body.
As his lips found your neck, you moaned slightly, leaning into him. You were lost in the moment and wanted to explore this new feeling. Letting his hands roam freely on your body, you started to explore his too. He ran his hands up your shirt, your chest, and then up to your head. You gasped as you felt his hand on your neck, the other moving to his trousers. It felt like he'd entered a dream, where he was both completely in control of the situation, and yet he felt powerless to resist you. He knew there was no time to think, and so he kissed you back and let his hands explore your body as you explored his, and let his hands find their way beneath your clothes and up your legs. You were moaning softly, as his fingers touch your in ways you didn’t think possible. You bit your lip hard, as you felt your body responding to his. You started to breath heavily, as he found your vulnerable spots. Your body quivered, you let your fingers explored his body under the pants, while your other hand roamed on his shoulder feeling the tone muscles. You look up to him with a hungry look on your face, your heart beating hard. His breath was ragged and quick, every inch of his body felt hot and burning with passion, it felt as if he might spontaneously combust. He pulled his hands back from your body, and took off his shirt, revealing his chest, covered with thick scars and calloused hands. Then he pushed you against the wall once more as his mouth found its way back to yours, and he tried to rip your clothes away so that he could explore every inch of your soft, supple skin.
You softly gasped at his action, his chest and the scars, that he tried to hide, aroused you even more. You let him do everything he wanted to you, wanting him to be rough and use you without care. You couldn’t wait and help him to rip the your clothes apart and you couldn’t wait to feel his hand on your warm body, exploring every little inch you had. You moaned loudly into his mouth, holding his waist tightly. His kisses grew more frantic, biting and nipping at your lips, your neck, your breasts as he moved his lips lower. He pushed you to the ground, falling down on top of you, his mouth finding yours over and over. He wanted more of you, all of you, and he couldn't wait to taste every inch of your body. He ripped away what remained of your clothes, revealing your beautiful smooth skin that he would mark up. He could feel how warm it was to the touch, it made his own scars look even worse by comparison. He kissed your neck and shoulders eagerly, feeling you shiver with pleasure as his harsh calloused hands gently rubbed in circles on your skin. He was eager to have you, but he realized that he should take things at your pace. You both had time, there was no need to waste it.
As he took his time to admire your bare skin, you were in heaven. You had never felt better in your whole life. His touch, his lips, his hands.. it was a pleasure you never experienced before. You were shaking and trembling, your heart beating so fast that it feels like it want to beat out of your chest. Your eyes locked with his, watching him with a look of desire and need. Your legs wrapped around his waist and you kissed him in a way not even he had never been kissed before, wanting more and wanting to be his. He felt his resolve disappear as you locked your legs around him, he had never known a person could be this passionate, and he could feel himself losing control. He kissed you back with equal passion, his heart beating in his chest as he felt your hands run through his hair. He lifted you up so that you were wrapped around him fully now, and his hands moved down your back again, this time running his fingers along the curve of your rear, and exploring further.
You moaned with pleasure, as you could feel his hand wandering along your body. You were so sensitive and you couldn’t wait for his hand to find the spot that make you moan and tremble for him. Your hands trailed on his slowly, as they were sliding along his skin, feeling the roughness of his body, muscles, and his scars. You couldn’t hide the need he was making you feel, you needed him and you couldn’t wait to have him anymore. Your breaths were getting heavier and deeper, craving for more. He moved his hands back to your hips, and lifted you up in his arms so that you could hang your legs around his body. You could feel the strength in his arms, He slowly thrusted inside of you and started moving against you, his mouth seeking out one of your nipples, "I claimed you just now, darlin" he felt your back arch, your breath coming. The two of you were locked in a dance of desire, and the more you moaned, the thirstier he got for you. You were both burning with a passion that neither had never felt before, a feeling like nothing else in the world could matter.
He kissed you eagerly again, his hands roaming over every inch of your body, seeking out every sensitive point before finally focusing on a spot that caused you to gasp so loudly it echoed off the walls as he slowed his thrusts down to a teasing pace. You shudder with pleasure, letting out the loudest moan you had ever let out before. While it was loud, it was full of pleasures and desire. You let yourself go with your feelings, letting him do whatever with your body. Your body was trembling, you could barely hold onto him, but in that same moment, the pleasure that you felt was indescribable, you felt connected to him, your mind just went blank and all you did was moan and look at him with lust and passion. “Do I look good enough for you to use?” He gasped as he felt your body pussy around him, in what is perhaps the most beautiful moment of his life before muttering out his words in your ear. "Like the cutest plaything ever" He could feel your every breath, and the sound of your soft and gentle moans sent shivers down his spine. When your eyes met, you had the look of a person who had found your soul mate, and he was so caught up in the moment, that even he could barely comprehend what was happening. It was as if time itself had stopped, and he was in a world with no one else but you. You couldn’t catch your breath as you were so sensitive. You felt like you wanted to release all the stress away from all the tension that you built up. While all you could do was kiss him and let him hear the sweetest sounds you've ever made.
He kissed you back more eagerly than ever, feeling your body writhing. The more the two of you moved against each other, the more intense the pleasure was. He felt an urge to keep kissing you and to never stop, he felt like you could stay like this for the entire night as if he didn't want to stop fucking into you. His own body trembled with each moan that came out of you, his head swimming with pleasure. He knew he was about to lose control, and he wanted to take you with him. You couldn’t wait anymore. It was too much for you now, your body craving for him and the touch of his lips, it was unbearable. You kissed him more passionately than ever before, his body trembling when his body touched yours. You wanted it all to be over so the pleasure doesn’t stop. While he was feeling closer to losing control, your body couldn’t wait any longer. You were close to your climax and you wanted to take him too. You two were in sync with everything.
His heartbeat was out of control, he had never felt such pleasure before, never felt so close to a person, he wanted to feel your skin against his in every way possible. All he could do was kiss her, passionately as his hips snapped against yours quicker, with all the passion and desire he had in him. He could feel his own climax building, and he wanted nothing more than to make you cum with him. It was too much for you now, you knew it was coming for you soon. You were feeling so much pleasure now with his touch and it was driving you crazy. You held him tight dragging your nails down his back, you were shaking and trembling more than before, your body was about to explode from all the sensations. You kissed him again, feeling his start to slow even as he grunted, your breaths short and fast now. neither of you couldn’t wait.
He wanted to feel everything for the first time too, and he knew that you were the perfect partner. His hand ran through your hair, holding the back of your neck as your lips met, with all the passion he had. You were in a similar mood, and he knew it was coming to an end as your body shuddered, and you kissed him back eagerly, and let out the most passionate and sweetest sound he had ever heard. You were riding it with him. Your body was shaking from pleasure, you looked at him with hunger in your eyes and let yourself be taken under it. You wanted it to last, you wanted to let yourself fall completely into the passion he's making you feel. You kept your grip tight on him. And finally… With one loud moan and body shaking, you hit your climax as you felt the sudden warmth shoot inside of you from Daemon. You let your body be carried away. You couldn’t help yourself and just let it happen.
After it was done and over with you sighed after catching your breath before resting your head against his shoulder now feeling tired but letting a small smile grace your lips "Daemon..." You spoke softly "Yes, my darling?" He responded, stroking your hair as he took in the sight of you in the afterglow before him. His hand still resting on your thighs, and he let you rest your head against his body. "How do you feel, my beautiful darling?" Trying your best not to laugh before looking up at him with a teasing smile, tilting your head playfully even knowing what you both did was a more serious matter you couldn't help yourself as the words poured out of your mouth with a hopeful look in your eye
"Can we still go get ice cream?".
#daemon targaryen x reader#daemon targaryen smut#daemon x reader#daemon targeryan#daemon targaryen#daemon targeryen x reader#prince daemon targaryen#daemon smut#hotd daemon#hotd daemon targaryen#house of the dragon#house of the dragon smut
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hiiiiiii same taco loving girly girl as before. previous request was my first time sending a request to a blog like this and i do really like the post!!!!!!! super cute :3 romantic headcanons for taco regarding each of the five love languages? same concept for reader as before. please and thank you ueeeehhhhhhh
love languages.
taco x reader

authors note:
aghh i love writing about love languages, there's so much i could ramble about here. ty ty for another request !!! i'm glad you liked the other one – keep the good ideas coming!! /lh

words of affirmation
- this ones' first up!! i feel is very important to her.
- some days, she gets in stuck in her own head, and starts to convince herself that you aren't going to stick around forever. she gets scared that you'll decide that, no, you don't forgive her for her past actions; and that she'll lose you like mic, and pickle –
- taco definitely needs to hear your reassurance, reminding her that you wouldn't leave her willingly for any reason.
- let her know that you don't hold anything against her for her past actions, and nothing will change your current relationship with her <3
- taco also understands how other peoples' words/opinions may affect you.
- as previously mentioned, she knows how it feels to be scared of possible abandonment – she isn't afraid to talk you through it, and to let you know how much she loves you.
- reminds you constantly that she couldn't imagine being with anyone else, not that she'd want to be, either.
quality time
- taco has stated before, that she thinks better when she has another person to talk to.
- so, please PLS just sit down next to her, while she's working on a project, or even just playing a game like sudoku (she's such a nerd, did u see her calculating her fall into the water in s1?? & i mean that with pure affection LOL).
- it may even help her figure things out along the way if you ask her what she's making/planning/how to play, so she can explain it.
- you may end up sitting there having no clue what half the words she's saying are, but its the thought that counts!! just nod and smile, she's too buried in her own work to notice that you're completely lost.
- leaning against her on the couch while you watch television, or read a book, or literally anything!! just relax by chilling around with her.
physical touch
- you're looking at the most touch-starved object in existence here (mephones a close second, i won't lie).
- especially after s1, where she was alone for so long before making a series of even worse decisions, barely anyone even bothered to LOOK in her direction, much less interact with her.
- the first time you hold her hand, she's almost forgotten what it was like to feel the touch of someone that actually cared for her.
- taco is surprised by your touch, and you almost go to retract your hand out of fear that she isn't comfortable with it – she's quick to reach back for it though, quietly asking you to not let go.
- (now she won't ever let go of you, good luck! she's super glued your hands together.)
- jk jk. but she's so shy about any affection for a while, that you almost think she won't ever get used to it.
- but OH BOY. when she does get more comfortable with initiating it? taco becomes quite the flirtacious menace.
- she's learnt of the affect she has on you, originally with just her voice (don't lie, she could say 'hello' to me, and i'd swoon), but now her touch? she loves seeing you flustered.
acts of service
- one of taco's greatest skills is her problem solving abilities, so she won't hold back when trying to come up with solutions to any of the issues you confide in her.
- especially after all you've done for her, trusting her, staying with her, and loving her, despite everything she's done?
- will do anything just to see a smile on your face (if not because she loves you, then to make herself feel more confident in believing that you do love her, but she won't admit that to you – she knows you'll scold her for it).
- she does really appreciate if you try to do the same to her, whether its trying to help her with an issue she's having, or if its just making a cup of tea for her.
- taco isn't used to it, as she doesn't usually get any sort of help from others unless they're getting something out of it. she almost expects you to want something in return, but is happily surprised when she is told otherwise.
- she already finds joy in inventing things, so its even better when she's able to to make something for you!!
- always tries to make it something you'll find useful, like... ..
- if you get overwhelmed by sounds easily? she's made you a pair of noise cancelling earbuds that can be easily hidden from view!
- or, she'll take apart and analyse the bowtie she took from test tubes lab, just to make a second one for you to match with her! except, depending on your style, it may be a hair accessory, jewellery, etc. instead!
- (i can imagine you convincing her to pull harmless pranks on the others with the invisibility ability – it reminds her of how silly she used to act in s1... and how much fun she used to have with pickle.)
- in turn, taco cherishes literally ANYTHING you give to her. whether its an expensive item you bought, or a hand-made gift.
- she totally keeps all of it too, including holiday cards, somewhere safe, and she likes to pull them out and look through everything if she's ever missing you :(
- but she would be so devastated if any of it ever got lost or ruined, depending on how much it matters to her, she may even end up crying.
- in general, i think taco's main love languages are for sure words of affirmation & acts of service.
- she's not quite used to showing her love to others, but she'll do anything she can to make sure you know how she feels about you <3

#inanimate insanity#ii taco#inanimate insanity taco#inanimate insanity taco x reader#inanimate insanity x reader#taco x reader#ii taco x reader
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Hi! If your requests are open, I have one I’d like to see (but if you’re uncomfy with this request please feel free to ignore!!)- I’d love a little smutty reader x Jet Black, where the reader teases him until he snaps and rough sex ensues. Thanks!! ❤️❤️
Want it Now (Jet Black x Reader)
𝗔/𝗡: 𝗶𝘁'𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗮 𝗳𝘂𝗹𝗹 𝘀𝗺𝘂𝘁 𝗼𝗿 𝗮𝗻𝘆𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗰𝗼𝗼𝗹 𝘁𝗼 𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝘀𝗼 𝗶 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗲𝗻𝗷𝗼𝘆 𝗶𝘁!
𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚: 𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝘀𝗲𝘅𝘂𝗮𝗹 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁, 𝗽𝘂𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗰 𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗰𝘆 (𝗶𝘁'𝘀 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗳𝗲𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝘂𝗽 𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗮 𝗯𝗮𝗿 𝘀𝗼 𝗶𝘁'𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗰𝗿𝗮𝘇𝘆 𝗟𝗢𝗟
𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚? ⇒ 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙟𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧?
𝙗𝙪𝙮 𝙢𝙚 𝙖 𝙘𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙚?
Jet’s a big guy.
A big guy that you don’t get to see that often. So you know he means well whenever he tells you how he wants to take it nice and slow with you. Doesn’t want to hurt you. Doesn’t want to break you. Just wants to love on you. Take care of you. Make you feel all sorts of good to make up for all the missed moments in between. Those sorts of things.
But you don’t want nice and slow. You want him. So you let him know that.
“What can I get you both tonight?”
But it’s hard. You’re out in public. And he’s distracted. You don’t like that he’s distracted. You don’t like the fact that the bartender is still coming by and asking about new orders instead of telling you to make room for new customers. You don’t like the fact that Jet is the decent type of man who still insists on taking you out and boozing you up- even if you both know exactly how things are going to end.
He’s been talking you up all night when the two of you met at the bar. Saying all the things he wants to do you in between all his stories about the misadventures of his crew. And you want to listen to him- you really, really do, you swear! But It’s been so long since you’ve seen him, but that smile and that voice of his is still the same. It still does the same things to your body too. It still sends shivers down your spine and has you stumbling over your words. Even when he’s doing something as simple as slipping a hand around your waist as he orders you a refill.
“I’ll take another bourbon.” He says it so effortlessly. A polite smile on his face. A charm to his voice. Like he hasn’t even noticed you shifting in your seat and crossing your legs nice and tight this entire time. Does he know how badly you want it right now? Does he know how bad you want him right now? You’re not sure. Because the smile he gives you is so genuine- so sweet when he gestures to the empty glass in front of you. Fully intent on filling you up in another way before the night grows older. “And another Firecracker for the little lady right next to me.”
“Coming right up sir.”
The bartender steps away at that, and your eyes follow their back as they go. At this point, you’re about ready to make some bad decisions and blame it on a little pre-gaming you did before meeting with him. You’re about ready to take what’s yours. Take what you want since he seems too slow to do it for you.
So you don’t even bother waiting until you’re both good and drunk and back in the love hotel he booked for the night. No, you don’t. You couldn’t. You’re far too needy tonight. Far too brave too. Because even without the liquid courage in your system, you still find that you’re all too eager to reach underneath the covered bar and to place your hand on Jet’s clothed cock.
Exactly where it needs to be.
Now, of course, Jet’s a big guy. The type of guy who can keep his chill. He’s been around the sun more than you have. He knows what he’s doing. But even he can’t help but let the corners of his twitch further upwards while he’s making some small talk with the bartender about something you really couldn’t care less about. But you don’t let out a peep the entire time. In fact, now you’re all pretty smiles and light laughter, even if your hands are busy feeling the outline of Jet’s hard-on through his pants. A full turn around to the almost rabid feeling inside of you that existed mere seconds earlier. Now you’re squeezing, feeling, and fondling him in a way that you know for sure is going to get you in trouble tomorrow. And yet…
“Someone must be excited, huh?”
You’re far too busy to care.
“Hmm,” You let out an absent-sounding hum, as your date turns to you after finishing up with the bartender. He doesn’t try to move your hand or anything. In fact, you swear that he shifted into you- leaning over to better conceal what’s happening between the two of you. The action makes you smile just a little wider. And you know you must be looking like the cat that just caught the canary as you meet his gaze and bat your eyes with a purr. “Maybe~”
“Maybe, huh?” He laughs good naturally. Almost as if you had just told him a good joke. Almost as if you weren’t leaning over and feeling up his hard cock through the fabric of his pants- familiarizing yourself with the shape once more. Your cheeks warm in slight embarrassment, but Jet is subtly moving his hips in time with your hand. You don’t even know if he realizes it. You don’t even know if he realizes just how much more excited this makes you feel either. So you grow a little bolder. A little more purposeful with your touches. Firmer squeezes. Exploring hands, the whole works. And that only serves to rile the two of you up even more than before. So much so that you’re not even surprised when Jet decides to lean in even closer than before and drop his voice all low before saying to you: “Does maybe this mean I need to order your liquor to-go and take you back to the hotel ASAP, huh?”
“Nah…” The hand he has slung around your waist lowers itself in a way that’s dangerous. But you’re the one who started the fire. You’re not about to be the one who is going to start complaining about burns either. After all, you liked the heat. The heat you feel on your cheeks. The heat you feel running through your body and all throughout your blood. The heat you feel from Jet as he sits close to you and lets you be as shameless as you want to be. You like the heat. No, you thrive in it. So you’ll turn the notch up. Just a little bit. “This maybe means something else.”
Vaguely, you hear the bartender announce your Firecracker as the soft clinking of class sounds in front of you. The call of a bourbon is quick to follow. But you don’t even pay the bartender or your drink any mind as it’s placed in front of you. Instead, you’re a little occupied giving your date a half-lidded stare, beckoning him to challenge you. To give in to you. To let you be needy. To let you be a tease. And you’re lucky- because he’s Jet. He’s into you as much as you’re into him. He’s willing to put up with you and your ways. Your boldness. Your fire. Because he likes it. Because he wants it. Because he wants you.
So you’ll show him…
“Like…I better be bent over outside in the next five minutes or I’m going home with someone else tonight.”
…that you’re not going to wait for him to decide on his terms.
And at that, you’re smiling extra-wide and nice and pretty and moving your hand out of his lap. Because your date’s jaw just clenched all tight and a gruff sound just escaped his throat. Telling you that he heard you. Showing you that he heard you loud and clear. But that wasn’t enough for you. Not nearly enough for you. So you stood up from your stool ready to step outside and wait for him if you had to. Ah, but that’s the thing.
You don’t have to.
Because the second you’re on your feet and taking your first step, Jet is up and behind you. Yelling at the bartender to put the bill on his tab as he places his metal hand on the small of your back. It’s hard and heavy against your backside, but you that it works in all the ways you need it to so you don’t mind. You don’t mind one bit.
Especially now that you’re a little busy being led out the door by your date as he whispers in your ear just how hard and fast he’s going to take you in this alleyway the second the two of you are out of sight. But that’s fine with you. Jet was the one who originally wanted things to go nice and slow. So it’s only right that he makes up for his mistakes now. It’s only right that he gives himself to you in the way that you want. Because what can you say?
You like it hard. You like it fast. You like it big. And you like it hot. But most of all?
“You better put your money where your mouth is, baby.”
You want it now.
“Because I expect not to be able to walk home tonight.”
So you’ll get it now.
#jet black x reader#jet black cowboy bebop#jet black#jet cowboy bebop#cowboy bebop#cowboy bebop x reader#cowboy bebop fanfic#cowboy bebop fanfiction#x reader#xreader#fanfic#fanfiction
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