#please criticize
yanzinator · 6 months
“Please don’t do this! If you just stop being so cruel, we could get along. Just be friendly and we’ll all be happy!” “This has always been inevitable, I knew so from the start. I didn’t want to believe it. I tried to do what you’re suggesting, which is ironic because it’s you that proved it impossible. Fate dictates, we die.”
“And then she blows up the castle killing everyone!” Emily said excitedly, “Isn’t that an amazing ending? Isn’t that something you want to play!” “Well,” Sammy nonchalantly responded “now that I know the ending, why would I play it?” Emily was shocked “What!? You said you wouldn’t play it if you didn’t know much about it, and now you say you know too much? You were never gonna consider playing anything I suggest were you!” “Listen” Sammy said tiredly “I don’t like rpgs, I rarely play any games at all. Why would I play yours?” “Because we’re friends” Emily pleaded “Yeah? And when's the last time you did something I wanted to do?” Sammy shot back “well everything you ever want to do is so boring” Emily said “friendship is a two-way street. If you’re not willing to go out of your comfort zone and ours don’t overlap then I think it’s time we find different friends. Goodbye” Sammy declared.
This shocked Emily. They had been best friends since they were 4, and now Sammy decided to stop being her friend because she was too pushy over a game??? Her first thought was that Sammy was being ridiculous, but she knew that train of thought wouldn’t lead anywhere, so she decided to put reflecting on what went wrong on hold for now, because she really wasn’t up for that right now. She knew she would have to later, if she wanted this to not happen again, not that there would be an again, she just lost her best friend. She wondered how she could get her back, or if she even should. That night she replayed all of TK despite it taking 6 hours even with the faster playing she managed by already knowing everything about the game. 
She didn’t know why she loved the game so much. It had received heavy backlash for having a trans person, the only queer person, as the villainess, and portraying that transness as a villainous trait, but even despite the transphobia in it, story wise, she felt it was amazing. It revolved around a princess who had to live up to her expectations, and despite a lot of difficulty and disruptions, many of which were caused by the jealous “man-woman”, assuming the player doesn’t fuck up, manages to accomplish everything she set out to do, but in the final scene which is a graduation party, the villainess blows everything up killing everyone. When she played the game the first time she thought it was totally sudden, but every time she replays the game she saw more and more clues to that final scene, how it happens, throughout the rest of the game. 
By the time she completed the game for the umpteenth time, it was 12:30, which considering she had class that morning at 6 was kinda bad. She rushed to bed, in her everyday clothes, not brushing her teeth or showering, and despite that she tossed and turned in her bed for what felt like an hour before she finally fell asleep.
When she woke up, her first thought was “damn I woke before the alarm”, but looking to her left she saw through the window that it was bright and sunny out, which means she’s late to class! “Why didn’t my alarm go off?!” she immediately jumped off her bed and realized this wasn’t her room, she looked back to the window and realized it’s not her window. She wasn’t wearing her own clothes either. This wasn’t even her own body! She immediately looked into the sky and prepared for a meteor to hit, because that’s how she checked for being in a dream… no meteor, this is not a dream. She pinched herself also just in case. The next thing she noticed was that she was a he now. This also scared her.
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luckthebard · 1 month
The crossover my baseball girl side never expected
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bonkykog · 3 months
Got a problem? Donkey Kong's got a solution!
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shrek2fan1 · 3 months
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i think its sweet that he lovesd her even when she looked like this. not something a lot of men
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lilithism1848 · 28 days
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goldenjuniper · 2 months
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back on tumblr to say that i am obsessed with Zagreus Hadesgame . here is him sitting down for once
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gunk----pumper · 1 month
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coinswallower39 · 2 months
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garfieldmoviequotes · 3 months
"Spaghetti can be eaten most successfully if you inhale it like a vacuum cleaner." - Sophia Loren
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shellem15 · 1 month
Can I just say, I really appreciate how Critical Role plays the Devil trope straight. There's been this phenomena in a lot of modern media (I'm not going to mention specifics but I'm sure a few examples pop up in people's minds) where Hell and the Devil aren't scary or malevolent forces. Hell is portrayed as being basically the same as our world just "edgier", and the Devil is a pretty decent guy actually. Heaven are secretly the real bad guys!
But Critical Role doesn't do that. In Exandria, Asmodeus *feels* like the Devil. He's malevolent and manipulative and terrifyingly powerful and he hates you, personally. We never see that type of portrayal anymore! And it's amazing! And he still manages to be sympathetic and tragic without losing his edge!
And the "Good Gods" are portrayed as flawed without being secretly evil or something! Like, actual nuance? In my Heaven/Hell dichotomy? What!?
It's just such a breath of fresh air after so many "The Devil was right, actually" stories. So props to Matt and Brennan and the cast.
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skaiind · 2 months
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pookie ....
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batfamfucker · 1 year
What About The Kens?
I'm already seeing guys complain about the Barbie movie end, how they wanted Kens to be equal in Barbieland but were only given a small part on the Cabinet.
That's the point.
You're meant to feel bad for the Kens. Believe me, women aren't partying over the 'Returns to Matriarch' ending. Some will be, but the ones who also clocked the meaning behind it won't. Most women will also feel bad for Kens. Because it's an exact parallel to how women are treated in reality.
Men, you're meant to be upset. You're meant to question it. Because you're meant to feel it, and feel what that is like, so you can finally understand women. You're upset at seeing it in a movie, now imagine living it in reality. That's being a woman.
Kens were shit on so you could feel what it was like for women this entire time. Kens were being used as a placement so you could see yourself in a woman's shoes. A world dominated by the opposite sex. When Ken leaves, and sees male presidents (All men) for the first time, men being doctors and lawyers, etc, realising he is more than just a prop for Barbie, that was on purpose. Because that is the feeling that Barbie gave to women. It's why you cheer for him at first before he goes a little overboard.
It's exactly why the real world was an exaggerated Partriarchy and Barbieland an exaggerated Matriarchy. Neither wins. Neither is equal. None of them change for the better. It's why you should want women in the real world to be respected, and Kens in Barbieland to be respected.
The thing is, women also didn't win. Not in the real world. In Barbieland, yes, but not anywhere else. The real world didn't change. But you didn't notice, did you? That Gloria (The mother that helped Barbie) also didn't get a position on the Mattel board? It was still all men? Her idea was ignored until it made a profit, and the men will likely get the credit? She'll still just be the receptionist? The women representing the real world didn't get anymore opportunities, neither did the men in Barbieland.
I was hoping that Gloria would be offered a position on the board, and that the Barbie Cabinet would introduce another entire Cabinet to represent the Kens, but neither happened. They're complete mirrors.
But which one did you actually notice? Which did you actually care about? Now tell me again the ending was unfair. Because it was. For both parties. That's the point.
The difference is, Barbieland is fictional. You will walk out of the theatre with the reassurance that at least it's not real. Women won't. Women can't. Companies not giving women equal opportunities or voices isn't fictional, and that was just one example. There are no women presidents (USA at least) for us to go look at in the real world. We don't have somewhere to go to realise it could be different for us like Ken did. Barbie and make believe is all we had when we were kids, or even now.
You're supposed to be mad, just not at the movie.
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the clues were all there
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yudol-skorbi · 11 months
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i am at the point where if i dont finish now i'll newer finish so yeah the rest of the gaaaaaang
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lilithism1848 · 29 days
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ravenpureforever · 2 months
On one hand, Young Justice is kind of neglected by the actual superheroes that should be looking out for them in a lot of crucial ways and very much failed by the adults around them
But on the other hand Red Tornado straight up hosts a parent-teacher conference where their respective legal guardians all show up, barring Batman who’s in traffic so Nightwing fills in instead because Robin’s dad does not know he’s a vigilante which is objectively hilarious
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