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6okuto-moved ¡ 7 months ago
heads up :p
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hello. archiving my blog soon. like in the next month or so. not shocking. i still have a lot to queue but i needed to say this so i can't back out for the gazillionth time 😭 i don't have a new blog and i'm not sure if or when i'll be back. as for 6okuto, i probably won't delete it! probably.
thanks for being here for almost 3 years!! it was really nice writing for the first time and getting to know you guys. please take care of yourselves, and i hope you have a good end to 2024! ^^
and just a final request to tell creators you enjoy their work. i can't tell you how many times one kind person stopped me from doing this a lot earlier. please help make tumblr a kinder and stronger community !!
regular pinned - masterlists
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the-kr8tor ¡ 2 years ago
okay so hear me out for fluffy friday: guitar lessons with hobie?
(also love reading your work! 💖)
Thank you for requesting ❤️ ly 😘 sorry this was so short, I don't know how to play the guitar 😔
Pairing: Hobie Brown x gn! Reader/ Spider-punk x gn! Reader
Tags: No use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, FLUFF.
EDIT: I THOUGHT IT WAS FRIDAY 😔 Let's pretend it is 🫣
It's Fluffy Friday!
You sit on his ruffled bed, sheets messy on top of the mattress, pillows thrown haphazardly near the headboard to give you two some room.
Hobie's arm wrapped over your shoulder, legs around your form, his other hand right on the chords, teaching you the basics. You lean on his chest fully, distracted by how his slim fingers caress the neck of his guitar.
"There, you got 'em?" He finishes showing you the various chords. "Love?" Hobie shakes you using his shoulder, you giggle, bobbing up and down.
"Mm-hmm, I'm listening" Moving your head up to reach his jaw, you leave a chaste kiss over the soft skin. "But just in case, can you repeat that?"
"Which part?" He knows you're distracted, noticing how your eyes ogle his hands.
"The um– start?" You look at him apologetically, you clearly just want to listen to him explain, and just watch as he expertly moves his hands to strum the strings.
You expect Hobie to get annoyed or click his tongue in frustration, instead he hugs you tighter with one arm around your abdomen, chin resting on your shoulder.
"Maybe we should try again next time, yeah?" He places his guitar on the bed. "When you're not too…" he tries to find the word without offending you, "tired"
"I'm not tired" you roll your eyes, making air quotations around the last word. "I just really like listening to you when you talk about something you like"
Hobie raises a quirked brow.
"Yeah, okay your hands are very distracting" you snuggle closer to his chest.
"Knew it" he rubs his chin on your shoulder blade teasingly. You laugh, ticklish.
"Okay, let's try again. I'll listen this time, I won't get distracted" grabbing the guitar by its neck, you place it back on your lap. "Please?" You bat your lashes for added effect.
Hobie sighs but the giddy smile on his lips betrays his true emotions. "Only because you asked so nicely" he places a lengthy (not long enough for you though) kiss on your temple, making a loud smacking sound from his lips when he pulls away. The entire thing leaves you all smiley and giggling.
"Watch closely, yeah?" Hobie starts his explanation again.
"Mm-hmm" you hum, eyes fixated on his hand.
Thank you for reading! Please consider reblogging if you enjoyed it ❤️
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whatyadrawin ¡ 5 months ago
The Fruit After The Flesh 18+ -Chapter 17
Minors DNI!
Approximately 5,002 words
Pairing: Thomas Hewitt (Headcanon) x AFAB reader
This chapters Warnings:  Sexual language, foul language, mention of violent acts and cannibalism. This is Slasher smut, be mindful of that and use your discretion.
A/n: My course work has slowed down for the next two semesters so I have a bit more time to figure out the last few chapters. There is the possibility of short form bonus material added after the final chapter so it doesn't have to be a stump of a story. Let me know if you want to be in the tag list. I update chapter progress on the masterlist whenever something changes.
Please enjoy this chapter! I worked very hard on it so reblogs, comments, and likes are appreciated very much.
Tag List: @fan-goddess , @artxasa , @baybaybear1 , @amour-tae , @dij-ology , @jillian-mill , @littlelovebug98 , @hrefna-the-raven
Chapter 17
An entire month had passed since Tommy had enhanced the pond area for you, it was now a sanctuary for your mind and body, and you visited it frequently. Luda Mae kept pestering you to come back to the house to live with them, and often times you would sleepover in your old room to placate her requests.
Tommy spent a lot of time with you in that month, as you joined him in his chores while the agriculture techs worked on upgrading your orchards current system. Fortunately for you the work was quick and moderately affordable considering the old system already had above-ground sprinklers set up. The fruit trees were a dream to care for now, only requiring pruning when needed and the harvests had been more abundant than ever thanks to the fancy new technology.
Today was as warm as to be expected for the beginning of August, the wheat field at the Hewitt house was late this year due to unusual spans of damp weather and cool temperatures in June causing a delay in the crop maturity. Charlie and Tommy were extremely busy with the harvest so you took to caring for the animals with Luda Mae while they washed and stored the crops.
You were just about finished filling the feeder and water trough in the chicken coop when you hear Luda Mae call out to you.
“Hi hun, didja get all these little hellraisers sorted?” she says.
You nod and exit through the gate, quickly closing it behind you before a very energetic hen could bolt out. She takes one of the buckets from your hands and helps you put it all away, she wipes her hands on her apron and gives you a smile,
“Welp, the cow stalls are all ready for the night, and the feed is restored. What say we go on n’ get some lemonade before we have to bring ‘em in hm?”
You smile back and agree, the both of you look out towards the wheat field where you can hear Charlie cursing out Tommy like he was a teenager reluctantly holding a flashlight for his dad. Luda Mae sighs,
“No matter how many times I warn him to be nice to my baby, he doesn’t listen and keeps carryin’ on. One day Thomas is gonna have had enough, and then Charlie will find Jesus… so to speak.”
You chuckle, and continue walking toward the house,
“Was he always like that to Tommy? And also, why does Tommy allow him to be mean like that?” you ask. Luda Mae takes some time to think, squishing her lips up as she digs in her memory.
“Hmm, it’s been so long I almost feel like it’s never been different. Charlie started being cruel when Thomas was going through puberty, but he really ain’t never been all that kind to Thomas.”
She opened the front door and led the way to the kitchen where she took out the lemonade and poured two cups, handing you one.
“Thomas ain’t the kind of boy to use his strength against the ones he loves. In fact, he tries to stay as docile as a lamb. He got real good at it too what with gettin’ used to the children in town bullyin’ him.”
You take a sip of lemonade and purse your lips at the sour taste, Luda Mae see’s your reaction and quickly looks concerned,
“Oh! I’m so sorry hun, I should have asked how you like your lemonade first. Let me water it down for you and add some sugar!” she reaches for your glass but you put your hand up and shake your head while giggling,
“I like it sour, I was just surprised by the intensity of the lemon is all. It’s good, thank you.”
She relaxes her stance and leans back on the counter taking a long sip from her glass. You drink again and savor the tart flavor, you pull out a seat from the small table and Luda Mae joins you.
“So, is that why Tommy became so primitive after he got rid of Dover?” you wanted to start digging into their past to better understand the man you intended to marry.
Luda Mae stares at her drink with a worried look on her face, you lean in to press the question,
“It’s just that… I… well, I know what happened here with you all back then, and I know it was a complex issue and things were becoming desperate so, I don’t want to-well what I mean to ask is… I…”
You suddenly felt very ill-equipped to handle such a deeply unsettling topic, but you burned with intrigue to learn more about the situation. -If I can’t get past their crimes then maybe I shouldn’t be a part of this family- you were now arguing in your head about the morality of their actions and how you looked past it for so long.
Luda Mae hangs her head and shakes it from side to side, she looks up at you with tears forming in her eyes and starts fiddling with a handkerchief she pulled from her pocket.
“I know you want to know more about our despicable past, but I just can’t bring myself to speak on it dear I’m so very sorry.” She quietly whimpered and turned her face away from you to hide her anguish. You didn’t intend to hurt her by asking, you place your hand on her knee,
“I really didn’t mean to upset you Mae, I think I just really need to know what I am getting myself into with marrying your son. I won’t ask you about it again, I’m sorry.”
She looked back at you and pushed out a crooked, strained smile as tears ran down her cheek. Seeing her so upset broke your heart and made you feel guilty for asking the question. -If she is so broken about the past then maybe I have my answer on where she stands with their heinous actions- you think to yourself about how you are basically stuck with them regardless, since you were complicit in the murder of Dover and vowed to keep quiet about it. -maybe I should just let sleeping dogs lie- You stand up and begin to leave the room until you hear Luda Mae say something you couldn’t hear properly, you turn back and ask what she said,
“If you need to find out about our past, I reckon Thomas might just be the best person to ask. Charlie is… well, I love my brother like the lord asks of us, but he’s got an evil deep in him that broke out his body back then. It must have been ‘cus of the starvation, he’s different now mind you, but he still has that darkness lingering in his soul.” She let out a wavering breath and drank more from her lemonade.
You thank her and leave her alone to allow her some recovery. You waited in your room until the sun began to sink in the sky, you could hear Charlie and Tommy putting away the harvest vehicles and closing up the main barn doors. You get up and leave toward the meadow where the cows were wandering and see Luda Mae waiting at the meadow gate, she sees you coming up and waves you over.
“Alright hun, let’s get these heifers in the barn for bed.” Her voice had a sad tone to it, and you gently grabbed her forearm to turn her to face you,
“I’m sorry for upsetting you earlier, you know I care about you. I stupidly asked something personal and should have been more mindful with my words and I hope you can forgive that fumbling.” You tilt your head to the side waiting for her response. She gives you an earnest smile and places her soft, warm hand on your cheek,
“Oh hun, don’t be apologizing for wantin’ to know more. I know it’s weighin’ on your mind and you have every right to find out about your new family, it’s only fair you get all the information you ask for.” She removes her hand from your cheek and you drop her forearm from your hand,
“It’s a painful thing to remember for me, I regret everything that happened and there ain’t no good excuse for what we did but, I’m sorry, I just can’t speak about it. You understand hm?” she looks at you and waits for your response,
You smile and nod, “I understand. Are we good?” you ask.
“Of course we are dear, you just get your questions to Tommy, but know that there’s a chance he may not be so open about it.”
She places her hand on your shoulder as you both walk towards the cows who are already trotting towards the open gate.
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You head towards the far end of the meadow to call out to the other cows who straggled behind, they slowly make their way to the gate and you follow behind them at a safe distance. Luda Mae gives you a proud smile as the last cow exited the meadow,
“You learn quick dear, I love a smart woman.”
You felt quite proud yourself with how quickly you took to the caretaking of the animals; farms are hard work even on small ones like the Hewitts have, but you felt a sense of self-worth every time you completed a task, the work gave you a new meaning to living and felt therapeutic.
When you and Luda Mae closed up the barn and got back inside the house, you immediately went to your room to shower off all the dirt of the day. You collected some toiletries that you had left at the house from whenever you slept over, and grabbed some spare clothes but when you went to open the door to the bathroom, you saw it was locked. Someone was already showering in there, you went around to the parlor to wait for whoever it was when Luda Mae stopped in the doorway holding towels,
“Charlie’s in there dear, take a towel and go to the basement shower, Tommy doesn’t take as long as Charlie to clean up and you’ll be guaranteed hot water after he’s done, unlike some people” she nods in the direction of Charlie and rolls her eyes, you laugh and take a towel before heading to the basement floor.
The basement was dark, the lights were even more dim than usual and you had trouble seeing. You carefully lowered your foot before each step, testing the length and height to be sure, until you reached the bottom where your eyes adjusted to the dark. You look up and see a few of the wall lights were burnt out, you look to the end of the hall and see the red glow of Tommy’s room light casting a menacing look on the already creepy basement.
You turn into the bathroom and switch on the lights, the fluorescent bulb flickers before it wakes and reveals the bathroom to be littered with wet towels next to dirty laundry on the floor. -Well I guess it makes sense that he might be a little messy, being such a mommas boy- you smirk from the thought and turn on the bathtub tap, you clean your body off and don’t plug the drain so the tub doesn’t fill up with dirty water. You rub the soap over your body and turn to check if you locked the door, it was open slightly ajar and you had a salacious thought cross your mind -I wonder if Tommy would hide and watch me bathe if I left it open- You blush to yourself and rinse off the suds.
You liked the idea of Tommy getting hot under the collar from simply seeing you with no clothes on, but he was not in the doorway. He was extra careful to make sure he would never see you naked without you knowing, he told you how Luda Mae always taught him to be respectful of women, especially when he liked them, and he was still embarrassed by the first time you caught him.
You got out of the tub and felt relaxed from the wash, you dried off and began to change into fresh clothes until you noticed you forgot a shirt -For fucks sake, of course I forget a shirt- You didn’t want to walk upstairs with no shirt on in front of Charlie, and you didn’t want to put your old shirt on since it was dirty with sweat and now damp from water splashing onto it from the tub. You stand in silence trying to figure out how to possibly sneak into your room from the basement. -Wait! I can just go get a shirt from Tommy!-
You step out of the bathroom with your flip flops on, holding a towel to your chest to cover yourself. You stop when you get to his door and bite your lip thinking of the first time you saw him tower over you with a red rim of light lining his intimidating silhouette. You shake your head to snap out of it and knock on the door,
“Tommy? It’s Y/N*. I need to borrow a shirt. Can I come in?” you wait for a response.
You hear some shuffling and then the door opens. You see Tommy staring down at you with a confused look, his face hidden by the leather mask, he has a tight black t-shirt on and those loose grey sweats you like. He moves to the side and lets you pass, he looks over your half naked body as you get by and hums to himself like he was trying to figure out a puzzle,
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“Can I borrow a shirt or what?” you ask playfully.
He closes the door behind him and leans back on it, looking you up and down with his arms crossed, letting out a satisfied huff of air through his nose. You bite your lip and blush, knowing the sight of you is causing him torment,
“You going to keep me locked in here and stare at me all night?” you ask with a coy tone.
“That ain’t a bad idea.” He jokes.
You smile at him and hold your towel a little looser, he walks over to a small closet and grabs a tank top, keeping his eyes on you the whole time.
He says, “I should be givin’ you some privacy but, y’ain’t easy t’look away from.”
You let out a laugh and blush from the pleasing words,
“I guess it doesn’t make sense to be modest in front of you since you have already seen all of me by now”
He hands you a nice-looking maroon tank top and crosses his arms again after you grab it, you could tell he had a smug look on his face from under his mask,
“You are still wearing the mask?” you ask
He tilts his head, retaining his expression, “Some habits ain’t easy t’break.” His tone was flirtatious and only made you more aroused than you already were.
You turn around and drop the towel,
“Yer killin’ me, y’vixen”
You giggle and put the shirt on, it was grossly oversized on you and felt more like a long dress. You tie it up at the waist to accommodate the size difference but the arm holes were so big your breasts could be exposed out the side at any moment. You turn back around and ask,
“Well? How does it look?”
Tommy gives a deep chuckle,
“I think y’make it sexier ‘n I e’er could.” He gives you a wink that sends a pleasing tingle down to your underside.
He stood there towering over you, it felt impossible to get used to how tall he was compared to you and it was enough to make you feral with lust sometimes. You walked up to him and gently trailed your hand up his thigh, you could see there was already a certain body part beginning to slowly swell.
“Are you trying to have restraint tonight?” you whisper
Tommy uncrosses his arms and lets out a sigh,
“Y’love tormentin’ me dontcha?”
You give him a sly look, “Wanna punish me then?”
“Can’t get enough o’me huh.” He tilts his head to the side and watches you through half lidded eyes heavy with desire.
You abruptly stop touching him and laugh to yourself, he grunts in confusion,
“What’s goin’ on in that pretty li’l head o’ yours.”
You turn towards the door and start walking, Tommy reaches out and grabs your hand and pulls you back in to face him,
“Where ya runnin’ off to y’little devil?” he says through a laugh.
Your smile fades as you speak, “I just realized how silly I was being when I actually need to talk to you about something serious. I’m scared of how you will respond.”
Tommy sits on his bed and puts his hands together as his arms rested on his thighs,
“Why would y’be scared?” he asks concernedly
You stare at the floor and aimlessly play with the knot you made to tie your shirt,
He asks again, “Baby y’can ask me anythin’… y’know that right? Don’t be scared, I ain’t never gon’ hurt ya.”
You shake your head, “I’m not worried about you hurting me, I’m worried you might get upset and shut me out, or not say anything at all… or both.” You slowly look up at him through your lashes, your brow wrinkled with worry.
“Well hell, now I really need t’know what you gon’ ask.” He stares at you and notices how worried you look, he makes his voice calmer and follows, “I promise I ain’t gon’ do nothin’ like that. Y’wanna come sit next t’me?” he pats the spot to his left, but you shake your head again,
“I think I should stand, just for now.” You say.
Tommy didn’t like the fact that you would think he would get mad at you and ice you out, he worked so hard to be more open and communicative to break his old ways of keeping quiet and to himself. He nodded and sat up straight,
“Alright then, go ‘head n’ talk.”
You purse your lips, you felt anxious at the possibility of a negative reaction so you chose your words carefully,
“I wanted to know the truth, from your mouth directly, about the time in the past none of you want to talk about. I know it’s none of my business, but I figured since we want to get married it is something I should know about.” You felt your core tense up as you finished your question and waited for a response.
Tommy looked away from you and stared at the floor, “Oh…”
You didn’t say a word, and as Tommy was quietly thinking, you could see his brow furrow which made you worry more. He remained in thought for what felt like ages, so you took a step closer,
“Well?” your voice trembled.
Tommy looked up at you and nodded, “Ok, I think yer right, y’should know, it makes sense.” He let out a big sigh and took off his mask and set it on the side table next to his bed, “If I do this, I don’t wanna hide behind no mask.”
You felt some relief at his mature response, but now you had to think of the questions. He gets off the bed and takes your hand in his, bending low to give the top of your palm a kiss, “Come” he says softly.
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You walk with him out of his room and in front of the steel doors that he aggressively slammed shut when you first tried to enter a while back. He is stopped at the entrance and sighs,
“I s’pose I oughtta let y’into this room now.”
You watch him slowly open the heavy factory style door with little effort, the room is dark and Tommy guides you inside. A wave of nervous energy fills your stomach causing the hairs on your arm to lift, the room smells like fresh dirt and damp stone. Tommy leaves you and walks off somewhere in the room and asks,
“Y-yes” You respond.
An orange hued light shines down in the room from hanging factory lights that came from a long-gone era. The room is strangely very minimal, you see the floor is old cracked tile with multiple spots for drainage, to your left is a slab table that’s rusted and damaged, next to the table against the wall is a long counter-top area. You look around and see the walls are built up using random stone, and moss has begun to slowly grow between the cracked grout.
You ask, “I thought I saw… hanging hooks when I opened the door the first time?”
Tommy nodded, “Got rid of ‘em n’ cleaned this here room out a while back.”
“How come?”
He walked around and looked up at the ceiling, “When y’said y’wanted t’be with me forever… I figured I better get rid o’ the last bits o’ evil left so y’feel safe.”
You hug yourself with your arms, you were glad he wasn’t hiding anything but you needed the full truth from him, even if it makes you sick, “Ok then, tell me what you all did during those hard times before Tilly.”
Tommy leaned against the wall in front of you and crossed his arms, “Things got real bad out here. The town got poor n’ the people all up n’ left. We was the last few folks who stayed, couldn’t afford t’leave. When the food ran out, things started goin’ south.”
He looked down at the floor, “Y’ever been so hungry ‘at y’start seein’ things?”
You shake your head, your upbringing was not great and many nights you ate sleep for dinner but you never got so starved that you would hallucinate.
He continues, “Well, when y’get that hungry, y’become somethin’ else, like you was losin’ yer humanity. Desperate.” He lets out a sigh, “Momma tried her best t’find anythin’ to eat, she picked the town clean until nothin’ was left not even wild animals to hunt, was like god turned on us or somethin’. It got so bad we was eatin’ grass n’ it made us sick.” He paused and you looked at him and lowered your arms,
“Why didn’t you guys travel to the next town?” you inquire
He shakes his head, “Back then there wasn’t no town for a days drive n’ we had no gas for the one truck we kept.”
“Oh” you mumble
He continues, “One day, uncle Charlie came home with an ice bucket full o’ meat, looked like ham hocks or somethin’, was all skinned n’ fresh. Momma asked him where he got it from, n’ what it was. Charlie told us he stole it from a passerby n’ scared ‘em off. Momma didn’t wanna ask more, she was dyin’ from starvation, she trusted him.” Tommy looked angry, “She trusted him, n’ so did I!” He turned to face the wall and slammed his fist on it, “Got-dammit!” you could see his face grimace with emotional pain. You walk up to him and rub his back, he lets out a few long breaths and turns to you and slinks down to the floor putting his head in his hands.
“I’m ok, I’m ok” he says in an assured tone.
He drops his hands and looks up at you, his blue eyes now shimmering with the promise of tears. You could begin to see what he may have looked like as a little boy, trembling and lonely from the bullying he went through. The sight of him like that tugged at your heart and made it ache,
“It’s ok if you need to stop. I don’t want you to push yourself.”
He waved his hand and sat forward with his legs raised up and his arms resting on his knees,
“No I’m gon’ get through it, I need to.” He continues, “We ate that meat, was the best meal we had in a long time, we stored the rest so it’d last us. Felt like we were alive again, don’t know how else to s’plain it.” Tommy paused for a minute, staring off into nothing, then continued, “We found out the truth a few days later when the last pieces were ate up. Momma pushed uncle Charlie too far with questions, he cracked and told us it was people.” Tommy muttered under his breath and spoke more, “Momma lost her mind n’ I felt sick as a dog. I started wretchin’ but I was so starved ‘at nothin’ came out, big guy like me gets hungry faster then smaller folk.”
“It must have been hell for you.” You felt your stomach drop from the admittance, you follow up with a question, “What made you all keep eating people though? Why not just leave in search of a new home?”
He huffs, “This family was livin’ on this land fer decades, there was too much pride. I woulda up n’ left but I didn’t wanna leave momma out here alone t’die.”
You sit on the ground next to him and ask, “What made Charlie kill a person?”
Tommy rubbed the back of his head as it hung between his arms, “He said some guy rolled up askin’ fer gas, uncle Charlie said we ain’t got none and asked if the guy had any food on him. He told us the guy pulled out a gun on uncle Charlie n’ he had to do it. He told us the blood comin’ out the mans cuts made him crazy, he only saw meat and not a man, so he did what he did.”
You felt sick, the scenario was dire and it all made sense but it was hard to hear, it didn’t seem like a real thing that could happen. Tommy looked at you with the saddest eyes you had ever seen, he looked defeated,
You hesitantly ask the last question that came to mind, “How did you guys…what made you keep doing it?”
Tommy kept his eye contact with you and spoke quietly, “When y’eat a person, somethin’ inside you changes n’ makes you different then y’ever were before. Makes y’do things you ain’t never thought you’d be capable of… we started cravin’ it somethin’ fierce, like wild animals.” He shakes his head slowly, “The next town was bein’ built, the one y’visited a few months back.”
You nod, remembering the old man who warned you about Fuller.
Tommy continued, “More n’ more people would pass through, we stole gas, filled up the station, we stole cars n’ y’see ‘em near the forest out back, we took whatever people showed up n’ no lawman seemed to bat an eye, never saw one come ‘round, like we was forgotten. We shoulda just died n’ stayed human.” Tommy crossed his arms and tilted his head to the ceiling with closed eyes.
He keeps going, “We did it for a long while ‘til Tilly came n’ saved us all, delivered us from evil as momma likes sayin’. And that’s all of it, that’s what we did n’ why.”
You let out a long sigh, this was a lot of information to take in and it still didn’t feel real. You felt a few questions come up, and you asked,
“Were you the one to kill any of the people you ate?”
Tommy sighed, “Yes”
“How many?” you were very firm in your tone.
Tommy slunk, “Too many”
You nod and he adds, “I wasn’t there in my mind, it left my body when I did it n’ I cant remember a lot of it no more. It’s like when y’saw me after Dover, I went out my head n’ only came back when I heard y’call out fer me.”
You remembered that time, how he looked like another creature, how he behaved like an animal, you saw him dissociate from his reality. You ask,
“Did you do all the killing?”
He shook his head, “Momma saw how uncle Charlie was usin’ me fer easy kills, she whooped him hard, she whooped him so bad he was bleedin’ was almost dead. I never saw her so mad in my life. After that beatin’ uncle Charlie told me I ain’t gotta kill no one s’long as I butcher the meat, he said I better do it ‘cus I know how it was done on them cows n’ pigs all proper… Butcherin’ pigs n’ cows is already somethin’ awful… but butcherin’ people.” Tommy trailed off and had the color drain from his face. He looked at you and asked softly “I hope you ain’t got no more questions, I think I had about all I can handle. I’m sorry.”
You rub his arm, “I think I know enough. Thank you for being honest, I know this was hard.”
Tommy stands up and offers his hand to help you up, you take the help and he pulls you up from the floor. He holds your hands in his and looks into your eyes,
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“I need you to know, I ain’t that person no more, s’far as the past goes, it was someone else who ain’t never comin’ back. Never ever.”
You conjure up a weak smile, you nod and say “I think I need to be alone to process this. I’m going to go home and get some rest. I’ll come back tomorrow and tell you what I think.” Tommy nodded and walked you out of the room after shutting the light, he watched you go up the stairs and he suddenly felt sick with anxiety. All he could think was that this would be the last time he saw you, he felt it coming. After all, who could love a monster like him?
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fizzyxcustard ¡ 2 years ago
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Fandom: Robin Hood (BBC)
Pairings: Guy of Gisborne x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Pining, angst, insecurity, vague smut mention, attempted ghosting
Word count: 1880
Summary: From the imagine, "You are in love with Guy and he is still pining for Marian. You cannot carry all the pain."
Comments/notes: Takes place around season 2, despite the above GIF being from season 3. This fic was requested by @sazzlep
As always, if you enjoy, please consider a reblog. If you wish to be added to my tag list for any character, fandom, or fic series, let me know.
Marian had disappeared, leaving you with the shattered pieces of Guy’s broken heart. While trying to mend your own heart, you were busy tending to Guy’s. And that pain was becoming unbearable. Shifting the weight of two broken hearts was crippling you. 
Guy had left your home again at nightfall, having borne his heart to you. The woman he loved and had lived in high hopes of wooing, had run off into the forest with her outlaw lover. In the time you had known Marian, you had been on fairly friendly terms with her. But you had always been aware of her manipulative tactics, taking advantage of Guy’s feelings for her. For all those months and he had been completely blind to it, only seeing her sweet smiles as a hope for something more than just friendship. 
You stood at your front door and watched his dark shape, atop a black horse, disappear into the gathering dusk. You and Guy had been close friends for years, being each other’s rock, and this has been the case since he came to Nottingham as a young man. He had been swept up into duty for the Sheriff, but the two of you had still remained close. Guy had been the one who comforted you when your mother died, and had even brought you food when you fell upon tough times. Potential suitors had come to your door, and if they had not been to your liking, it was Guy who had told them to leave. 
How long could you continue this for? Every day you saw him and you felt more of your heart become warped from the inside, like a disease spreading outward. The only cure would be to take yourself out of the situation completely and sever yourself from him. 
The moon was high in the sky and you remained in that spot for some time, feeling the red hot tears fall down your cheeks. All of your pain was invisible to him; in his own anguish, he had completely overlooked you. 
Guy woke the next morning, light bursting through the window. 
Realisation hit him hard that he had overslept. 
He shot out of bed and began dressing quickly, only to see a piece of parchment on the stone floor at the foot of his door. Guy reached down and took the parchment, noting that there was no envelope. The parchment had just been folded. Upon opening it, he instantly recognised your beautiful handwriting. It brought a smile to his face. 
While I know that you are in the midst of deep pain, I must leave Nottingham. I plan to move back to my father’s home and search for work. I cannot carry the weight of both our broken hearts on my shoulders. 
May God watch over you and keep you safe. 
Leaving? But why? 
Guy raced from his chambers, heading down towards the courtyard where he slipped out to the stables and collected his horse. 
Once he had rode to your home, he jumped from the horse and banged on your door. No answer. Your own horse, a brown and white mare, had disappeared from the small field behind your house. 
Your father’s home was a two-day ride, and within seconds, Guy’s horse was galloping through the small patch of woodland which was to the north, leading out onto the main road. Surely you could not have gotten far. Guy was a far more experienced rider than you so would easily be able to catch up to you, despite your head start. 
The ride that morning had been pleasant. The sun was shining amidst a cloudless sky. A gentle breeze took the edge off the early summer heat. A simple breakfast was still sitting in your stomach quite nicely; bacon, eggs and freshly baked bread. There was an inn about half way, at the perfect place for you to stop, before continuing on the next day for the second part of your journey. 
All morning and you had imagined Guy’s face upon opening your letter. Would he even care at all? It seemed that he didn’t. Normally Guy was up around dawn, ready for his duties. He should have caught you just before you left, but you had not seen him. And you had given your letter to Abe, one of the guards, at the castle gate, two hours after sunset. Surely Guy would have received it by daybreak. 
You stopped for a quick break, taking a sip of water from a skin in your leather satchel. You sat down on a fallen tree trunk and took a deep breath, looking up at the rays of sunlight piercing through the bright green leaves. 
Suddenly you heard galloping hooves coming from behind. A figure emerged from the edge of the curving path, and got larger, moving towards you quickly. 
“Guy?” you whispered, feeling relief wash over you, but also fear. 
Guy stopped his horse a few feet from yours and jumped from the saddle, storming over to you. He stood in front of you, his arms crossed. “What is going on?” he asked, his voice tinged with frustration. His silver blue eyes were wide in irritation. 
“I told you in my letter. I can’t carry both of us anymore.” 
Guy sighed and sat down beside you. “Maybe you could start with telling me what you’re carrying and stop being so stubborn in carrying it yourself.” 
You looked at him, narrowing your eyes. “Are you sure you really wish to know? Because after I tell you, you won’t want to know me anymore.” 
Guy scoffed and rolled his eyes in annoyance. 
You looked at him, seeing that all too familiar smirk begin to form on his face. It made your heart flutter. 
“If you really believe that then you know me less than I thought you did. In fact, you don’t know me at all.” His tone was accusing and full of irritation.
You could see the offense written on Guy’s face, and you reached out to take his hand. “I didn’t mean it like that, Guy.” 
“Then how did you mean it?” he snapped. “You’re all I have in my life, yet you seem to think that I’ll walk away from you. Despite you being the one who was ready to walk away from me…” The words trailed off into a whisper and loud sigh. 
“Do you want to know the real reason I’m leaving?” you asked. “And if you do choose to turn your back on me then that is your choice.” 
Guy hissed. “I will never turn my back on you.” He pointed his finger at you in anger as he spoke. 
You got to your feet and took a deep breath. “All these years we’ve known each other and I’ve been invisible to you. You’ve never noticed all the times I’ve had to smile at you but wanted to weep. You’ve never seen how I feel about you. Instead all you’ve ever seen is a woman who has taken advantage of you and used your feelings for her to get what she needed. It’s crippled me.” Tears fell down your cheeks. “I love you, Guy. I love you so much and never once did you ever see it. I know you don’t feel the same way and I’m not expecting you to.” 
Guy got up from the tree trunk, and without a word, curled his hand around your cheek and kissed you. The kiss immediately became wanting, needing and hot. 
Reluctantly you shifted your head away and looked up at him, your tears blurring your vision. “I told you that I’m not expecting anything from you...” 
He smiled. “I’ve loved you from since the first moment we met. I was always invisible to you. I valued and respected you far too much to ever overstep any boundary. I was terrified you would think I was dishonouring you. Marian became my way of letting you go, but under it all, I never could. She was the hope of something I could never have with you.” 
“All I ever wanted was for you to be happy, and because of me, you tried to gain love in a place where you would never find it.” 
“It wasn’t because of you. It was my own cowardice. I would look at her and see you, in everything she did. Then with each man who attempted to court you, I could see how impossible it was for me to ever think you’d be mine. A lot of those men were honourable and so much more than what I could ever wish to be.” 
“I know you, Guy, and all you’ve ever wanted is to be loved and needed by someone. I’m offering that to you if you’ll take it.” 
Guy kissed you again, and then let his lips trail down your neck. “And I will give that back to you tenfold, my love.” 
The two of you rode your horses back to your home, watching as thick clouds began to swarm in, threatening rain. 
By the time your house was visible, spots of rain began to fall. 
You pulled on the reins of your horse, bringing it to a stop in the pen behind your house. Guy had already dismounted his horse, his hand reaching out to take yours. You couldn’t help but smile and giggle as he helped you down, his ice blue gaze never unlocking from you. 
The two of you kissed again, the rain starting to pour all around you. The horses by now had wondered away into the small wooden shelter which was situated at the back of the paddock. 
“Let’s get inside,” you told Guy. 
He smiled in response and wound his arm around your waist as the two of you walked to the door of your home. 
Once inside, you started a fire and put a large pot of water to boil. “I need to head into the market for food shortly. I hope the rain stops,” you told Guy, glancing out of the window. “Is there anything in particular you would like for dinner? I can cook us a meal.” 
Guy never answered, but instead kissed you again. 
A short time later and the two of you were idly tangled together in your bed, having just made love. You noticed that Guy seemed the most content he had done for quite some time; he had a faint smile on his face as you rested in the crook of his arm. The only sound was the tapping of rain on the roof, and it soothed you. The heavy weight in your heart had now lifted. 
“Was that how you imagined our first time to be?” you asked. 
Guy grinned and kissed you again. “It was so much better than any of my expectations.” He gripped your hand tight in his and then kissed your head. 
“I suspect the Sheriff will be looking for you.” 
“He can wait.” 
You looked across at Guy as you began to slip from the bedclothes and pull your dress back on. “You’re taking a big risk thinking that. You know what he’s like.” 
“I don’t care anymore. I’ve got you, and that’s all that matters to me now.” 
Follow Forever tag list: @lathalea @middleearthpixie @xxbyimm @meganlpie @linasofia @knittastically @guardianofrivendell @asgardianhobbit98 @rachel1959 @luna-xial @mrsdurin @quiall321 @missihart23 @lemond57 @evenstaredits @catthefearless @the-fragile-heart-of-a-lady @glassgulls @sazzlep @solairewisteria @aliasauthor @littlebird-99 @albionscastle @heilith @court-jobi @absentmindeduniverse @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms @for-fuck-sake-im-alive @bookworm-with-coffee @danzalladaggers @ourlonelymountain @phantomessangel @estethell @windb3ll
Guy of Gisborne tag list: @puggledy-huggledy-is-not-a-pig @emmyspov @whoooooisthis @dumbassunderthemountain
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thehighfiveproject ¡ 2 years ago
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Friends, rev your high fives.
Here's the card we'll be using for this month's edition of our bingo! Grab it up and get going. Remember, zero need to sign up, but if you want to share it with us so we can reblog and share the love, make sure you do so by next Wednesday, November 2.
Below the cut: a list of definitions for each of the squares in case you need help or ideas (don't worry, those will be added to the FAQs post for easy reference), and a black & white version of the card, in case you just really don't like yellow.
☆ How do I fill my card? How is each square defined?
Here’s the way we’re defining the activities associated with each card. If any of this is confusing after you read it over, send us a message and we’ll help!
- ‘leave kudos on a fic’
This is the easiest one! Just go out and find a fic you like and leave a kudos on it, if you haven’t already. It’s a small gesture but it makes an author know that someone actually read their story!
- ‘reblog/retweet an art post’
Find any art post you like and share it! Here’s the catch: you need to interact with it a little. When you reblog/retweet, please tell the creator what you thought about the piece – you can add some tags, or reply to the post, or quote-retweet or add a comment, or anything! A simple “I love this!” is nice but some details are even better (“your linework is so good!” or “that shade of blue is perfect”). One thing to think about: a lot of art on Tumblr is reposted (like when a user posts another artist’s work from Pixiv, say), so it’s nice if you make an effort to interact with posts that are actually from the creator if you can. That way the artist will see your comment!
- ‘reblog/retweet a fic post’
Same as the above, but for fic! Again, tags/replies/comments are needed, preferably with a little detail. You don’t need to be super eloquent or leave a detailed review (although if you have time/energy, that would be appreciated!); a tag as simple as “that was really cute” or “great characterization!” will do. Like with the art posts, it’s nice if you reblog directly from the writer (if you can) – some fics are posted by AO3 feed bots and the like, so the author may not even know a reblog has happened.
- ‘reblog/retweet an edit’
Same as the above, but for edits! Edits can include a gif set, or a set of screencaps, or even a fanvid. And, again, some simple tags/replies are needed. “I love that song choice!” for a vid or “great coloring!” on a gifset can let people know their work is being appreciated.
- ‘comment on a fic’
Find a fic, on any fic-hosting site you like, and leave a comment. That’s it! Again, no need to leave a novel-length comment (unless you’re inspired!) – a sentence or two is all we’re asking for this square to be considered complete. This is a great opportunity to let a writer know how their piece made you feel, or what section you particularly liked.
- ‘message a creator’
‘Creator’ here can mean anyone who makes *anything* to do with fandom: art, edits, fic, meta, knitted sweaters with character faces on them – if they’ve made anything, they’re a creator, and now’s your chance to let them know they’re appreciated. Send a message (anonymous or not!) letting them know that you enjoyed their work!
- ‘make a rec post’
This is a chance to tell your fandom friends about something they need to see. You can rec a fic, a blog, a fan event, an artist, an author, that person who knits sweaters with character faces – any kind of fandom thing that you want to make sure people see. This doesn’t have to be long or complicated, but feel free to go into as much detail as you want! Just make your own post, on Tumblr or Twitter or wherever else seems best to you, and give that thing you loved a little fanfare.
- ‘interact with a meta post’
A little love for our analytical friends! Here, you can reblog/retweet any kind of meta post for your fandom, whether it’s a three sentence headcanon or an essay-length dissection of why Character X is the absolute best character in Fandom Y. It’s even better if you respond to the meta, whether that’s agreeing or (respectfully!) adding your own thoughts, but sharing it is the main thing here.
And here's the non-decorated version, in case you feel like making it your own. Get creative, if you want!
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storyofmychoices ¡ 2 years ago
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All I Want
[Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley Masterlist]
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley (F!OC) Book: Open Heart Word Count: ~550 Rating/Warning: General; brief allusion to sick child
Prompts: @choicesficwriterscreations : best holiday present ; @choicesdecember2022 heart ; @choicesholidays I’m so glad we found each other; @choicesflashfics “I made you some hot chocolate.”
Synopsis: Bryce has a little surprise for Olivia.
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"Elisa in Room 413 needs a CT". Olivia handed the girl's file to the nurse. "Hopefully, we'll have some good news to give her parents for Christmas."
Nurse Katie placed her hand on Olivia's shoulder, accepting the file. "I have a good feeling."
Olivia's gaze shifted toward the girl's room. Elisa sat in the hospital bed, holding her younger brother in her arms, both wearing antlers as their eyes lit up with the possibilities of the season of what awaited them if she were allowed to go home. "Me too. It's about time for a Christmas miracle."
"I'll send you the results as soon as I have them."
"Thank you."
Olivia grabbed the next chart on her roster, looking over her patient's most recent lab results. 
"How's my favorite pediatrician?" Bryce pressed a kiss to her cheek as he leaned back against the nurses' station, concealing something beside him. 
Her smile grew despite trying to remain focused on the file.
"I come bearing gifts," he teased, trying to get her attention.
"What are these gifts?"
"I made you some hot chocolate." He slid a cardboard cup down the counter to her. "And, I have a very special file for you." His brow rose as a smirk drew across his face. "Take a look."
Olivia's head tilted as she studied his gaze. She took a sip of her cocoa and hummed her approval. Bryce could make even hospital hot chocolate taste delicious. "Okay, let's see this special file." She held out her hand, accepting the thin folder, opening it curiously.
Her eager anticipation fell quickly. She dropped the folder on the counter. "It's blank."
"Underneath." He gestured toward the file.
Olivia sighed and elaborately flipped the page. Her fingers pressed against her lip, hiding her growing smile. She gazed down at the hand-drawn note that read, "All I want for Christmas is you!" complete with hearts and stick figure pairs kissing, dancing, and holding hands surrounding the large message. 
Olivia composed herself. "It's very sweet, but—" she took a pen from her coat. "You made a mistake."  
"What?" Bryce pulled the file back, examining it, worry filling his face. "I don't see it."
"Allow me!" She pressed the top of the pen with a satisfying click and turned the page back toward her. She scribbled over the words "for Christmas", crossing them out. "There! I think it's more accurate now."
His arms wrapped around her as he read the updated message "All I want is you".  
Her face warmed, knowing others were now watching. "Well?"
He brushed a kiss on her temple. "I couldn't agree more." 
"I think this is the best Christmas present." She held it up, admiring his work. "Do you think we should get it framed?"
"Most definitely!" He held her tighter. "I worked very hard on those stick figures. I thought it'd look nice in your office."
"Alongside the art from the children?" She questioned with reservation.
"You don't like it?" His dark eyes widened into a pout.
"You're a dork." 
"No one has ever accused me of that before," he feigned disbelief.
"But, you're my dork," she clarified, running her fingers softly through his hair.
"I think I could be okay with that."
"Good. Because I don't plan on letting you go anytime soon." 
"So, about that spot on the wall..."
"I'll consider it... if you're a good boy!"
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Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this silly drabble. These two are such adorable idiots in love.
Tags in a reblog. If you are interested in being added or removed from the list please let me know. I appreciate all of your support.
For those wondering, yes, Olivia does frame and hang up Bryce's art and it makes it into her wall of fame. And Elisa's CT shows enough improvement that she is allowed to go home for the holidays!
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krispytidalwavesheep ¡ 4 years ago
Hopes and Dreams II
First of all: HOW AMAZING ARE YOU PEOPLE?! You gave me so much serotonin. All the reblogs with added tags, all the comments and favs and all the new followers, you are amazing. I will add a taglist for future chapters, so if you wanna get tagged, hit me up, and you will be added to that list. Seriously, I love you guys. ***
“Will you be able to walk?” Alcina asked and you just shrugged and motioned for her to lead the way. You walked in companionable silence for a while, which gave her the chance to take a longer look at you. You were pretty tall, even though you were still rather small compared to Alcina. She was pretty sure that you were taller than Heisenberg though, and that made her feel odd. You held yourself with a confidence she wouldn’t have expected after everything that happened in the last few minutes, reminding her again that you were not unfamiliar with the supernatural. It unnerved her to no end, and she found herself wanting to solve the mystery that surrounded you. Where did you come from? Exactly what is it what you were doing here? Would you turn into a threat or into an ally? Alcina wasn’t stupid, far from it. She knew that Mother Miranda’s hold on the Lords was slipping, Heisenberg’s silent plotting was proof enough. Did Mother Miranda know that you were here? Alcina sure didn’t, and the other Lords didn’t mention a stranger roaming the village and the surrounding woods. Although Heisenberg mentioned that an unusual amount of Lycans had disappeared. 
Her eyes roamed your figure again. Your hair was kept in a neat undercut, colored in a hideous blue that still looked good on you. You were clad in a black Hoodie and equally black Cargo pants, as if the cold didn’t bother you at all. It was the middle of the winter and yet you strolled through the cold as if it was springtime. Which made her wonder if you were really just a mere human. Everything she experienced with you implied that you weren’t ordinary and that intrigued Alcina greatly.
“You could just ask me about myself, you know?” you said and smiled up at her knowingly. Alcina flustered and wiped some non-existent lint from her long dress. So, you were aware that she was watching you.
“We usually don’t see strangers in these parts, especially ones who seem to know more than they should. Which raises the question why exactly you are here?”
“Considering that we just met, my lady, it wouldn’t be wise to reveal my whole tragic backstory. And further considering that I don’t know if I’ll see the light of day ever again if I were to enter your castle, forgive me if I won’t trust you with my motives yet. All you need to know for know is, that I am a traveler and have been for my whole life. I search for artifacts, among other things, that my benefactor can sell for good money. He took me in when I was just a child and took great care in training me. He is the closest thing I have to a father figure, although most people think me insane for the trust, I have in him. And as for why I am in Romania, I don’t really know to be honest, or wasn’t when I first got here. It was a gut feeling telling me to come here, and I find that I can trust those feelings, whenever they arise.” You said and stretched.
“I won’t keep you locked in the castle if you don’t give me a reason to mistrust you. There is a reason why no one come to these parts, so I am very wary of strangers. I have daughters to protect after all.” Alcina said, musing about what you said. If you were a traveler looking for artifacts, it would explain why you look at the supernatural as if it was a normal occurrence.
“You will have to see for yourself then, but I can assure you, that I am not here to hurt you or your daughters. My last mission… Didn’t go well and I originally came here recharge a bit, if you know what I mean. Again, forgive me if I am being too careful, but I have more enemies than I have friends, and I really like living.” You said carefully and Alcina kept staring at you. You didn’t seem dangerous to her, how could you, looking like you did, but she was still wary. She felt the sudden urge to protect you from whatever enemies you were talking about, but you were strangers. That realization hurt her more than it should, but with your past lives, it was so different. She always knew who was in front of her, whenever she met you, but this time around was just so complicated.
She felt drawn to you, even with your boyish looks you were still immensely attractive to her, and the way your blood sang to her made you all the more alluring. More than ever before if she was honest. But that is the problem, you were still familiar to her, but not as much as before and it scared her. You still had the potential to destroy her, even if you didn’t know about that.
You could practically smell the curiosity rolling of Lady Dimitrescu. She was wary of you and yet there was something in her eyes that you couldn’t quite place, even though it made your heart soar to new heights. She was as much a mystery to you as you were to her, and you felt so drawn to her. Like a moth to the flame. You briefly wondered if it had something to do with her nature. She seemed like a careful person, but considering from what you heard in the village, you totally got that. Which is why her next question caught you quite a bit off-guard: “Do you actually have a place to stay or are you just roaming around the forest, picking fights with Lycans?”
“Are you offering, my lady?” you said, wearing a Cheshire grin and wiggling your eyebrows. The blush that colored the Lady’s cheeks was worth every punishment you could possibly get from that comment. You still valued your life though, so you said: “I don’t mean you any harm. I just enjoy some friendly banter and it has been ages since I felt comfortable enough to do so. To answer your question, no, I don’t really have a place to stay. I’m helping someone with their housework every now and then though, so as a thanks they let me sleep on their couch whenever possible.”
“What kind of housework?”
“Nothing much, some cooking and general repairs.” You shrug and the smile she gave you was positively sinful when she asked, “What else are you able to do with your hands?”
It was your turn to blush and blushing you did; you even felt the tips of your ears go warm and it didn’t help at all that Lady Dimitrescu started chuckling. Still, you weren’t one to miss an opportunity so you said “Well that’s for you to find out, my lady” with a smaller voice you would have liked. How had one woman such a power over you?
“Hmmm, maybe I will, my dear,” she said and winked, making your brain short circuit. You stumbled in your steps and her hand steadying you didn`t help one bit. Sparks shot through your arm when she touched you and you felt something niggling at the back of your mind. No one ever had such an effect on you, no matter how stunningly beautiful they were. Suddenly, shivers ran down your spine, and not the good ones, so you took a protective stand in front of Lady Dimitrescu and said “Careful. Someone is watching.”
And just as you spoke the words, a shadow descended upon you and your instinct started to kick in. Your knife was out in seconds, a voice in your head urging you to protect your Lady. So, when the shadow descended upon you, you had it pinned down, snarling furiously. You felt your fangs elongating and your sense grew ever sharper. Well, seems like the cat was out of the bag now.
“Let go of me!” the girl you had pinned to the ground snarled, but her attempts to flee were futile. 
“Give me one good reason to not kill you on the spot. How long have you been stalking us?” You snarl, feeling your blood start to boil.
“Let go of her, dear. She had no ill intentions.” Lady Dimitrescu said, and against all odds, you calmed. Huh. That had never happened before.
“Is this a new plaything, mother?” the girl asked, and you started snarling again, but a hand at the back of your neck made you freeze.
“Don’t be rude, Daniela. She is our guest, and she needs some medical attention. So be nice.” Lady Dimitrescu said and the girl, Daniela started pouting and muttering something under her breath. You were still on edge, bare containing the snarl that wanted to leave your throat. The hand around your neck tightened in warning and another shiver ran down your spine. One of the good ones.
“So, I was right about you. You are not entirely human.” Lady Dimitrescu purred, and you had the sudden urge to bolt and hide away. You noticed how much she must have hold back until now, the danger rolling of on her in waves was something you never once encountered.
“I told you that something happened to me. If you promise not to harm me, I will tell you what happened. But I can promise you that I am no danger to you or anyone else, if not properly provoked.” You said and dusted of your knees. She let go of you and turned to Daniela, conversing with her in Romanian. Daniela looked at you with sudden intrigue and a nasty smile. She practically screamed trouble, and you weren’t sure if you could handle it.
“Come now, it isn’t far anymore. Daniela will alert the castle of our arrival, to avoid any nasty surprises.” Lady Dimitrescu said and led you away. And sure enough, a few minutes later you reached the castle gate, three figures awaiting you. One you recognized as Daniela, so the other two must be her sisters. One of them looked at you with mild interest, while the other one looked at you with a spark of recognition in her eyes. Had you met before on one of your travels? You were pretty sure that wasn’t the case, but let it slide anyway, since you had bigger problems right now.
“Bela, would you please prepare the sitting room in the west wing? I will need some antiseptic and bandages, warm water would be wonderful too. When you are finished with that, prepare the guest room next to mine. We will talk later.”
The one who seemed to recognize you from somewhere left in a flurry of… bugs? What the fuck? 
“Cassandra, Daniela, please prepare a light super. I will talk to you two later two. Just bring the food into the sitting room when you are finished, yes?” The order was given gently and in another flurry of bugs, you were alone again.
“You can explain yourself when I am cleaning and dressing your wounds. Come now.” She said and led you into the castle. You were still processing the abilities of her daughter, so you followed her silently into the dimly lit entryway. *** Taglist: @imdreamingblo
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lordabovehelpme ¡ 4 years ago
Grounded- Javier PeĂąa x Reader
Summary: After a long tiring day at work, Javier comes back home to you. 
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You can hear the door open and close as you stir from your sleep. A deep long sigh echoes through the apartment and you can hear various clothing fall onto the floor.
Peeking one eye open, the harsh red numbers of 3:23 stare back at you. The blanket lifts and a strong body slides in next to yours. Warm hands instantly wrap around you and pull you as close as they can. Like the last piece to a puzzle, your back fits against his chest. Your hand moves to rest over his and idly scratch the golden skin.
“Javi?” Your eyes stay closed as his name falls from your lips.
A kiss is pressed to the back of your head. “Hermosa…”
His voice breaks, overfilled with sadness. His arms squeeze you and once again that deep sigh graces the world. The tone he holds is something you’ve only heard a few times.
“I just need to hold you.”
And so he does.
The harsh smell of smoke from too many cigarettes lingers on his skin. It floods and mixes with the whiskey on his breath. It’s the scent that you’ve come to love. To crave. To need.
Slowly, you turn around in his arms to face him, bringing your hand to reach up and scratch at his scalp. He groans and his hands flex on your back.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
His eyes peel open and stare down at you, sadness swirling and yet they soften at the sight of you. He leans down and presses a kiss to your forehead, his lips lingering on your skin.
You pull him into a firm hug and mutter, “ok.”
The two of you stay like that for a while, him just holding you and you rubbing various muscles of his. A frown works its way onto your face when you feel how tight his back is. He nearly whines when you dig particularly hard into one of the many knots.
“Baby… this can’t feel good.”
A small chuckle falls from his lips. “It doesn’t.”
Your frown only deepens and you can feel your eyebrows furrow. But then an idea strikes you and you feel like the brightest person in the world. “How about a bath?”
He considers this for a great amount of time, or he could just be ignoring you.
“You can sit in the warm water and I’ll rub your back and give you all the head scratches you could ever dream of.”
“Aren’t you tired? I woke you up.”
“I won’t sleep knowing you’re in pain. Come on, it’ll be nice.”
He sighs and allows you to pull him from the security of the comforter. You gleam when he sits on the toilet lid and starts to slowly take his clothes off. Reaching over, you turn the hot water on and raid the cabinets for the nice smelling oils he bought you.
His stare is heavy on your butt as you bend down to reach the back of the cabinet. You know exactly what will cheer him up a little. With a hidden smile, you wiggle your hips in a hopefully enticing way.
You nearly hit your head on the wood as your behind screams out in agony. A gasp leaves your lips as you jump.
But a warm chuckle floods the bathroom and it almost makes the string go away. Almost.
Finally when you find the vial of lavender and camomile oil, you lean back and send a jokingly glare his way.
He only shrugs, his way of telling you that you were asking for it. But you’re rather distracted by his now naked tummy. So you lean forward and press a kiss to it. He looks down at you with an eyebrow raised.
Before he can make a vulgar comment, you turn the water off and add the oil. “Okay, it’s ready. Get in please.”
He rises from the toilet lid, slides his jeans down, you’re no longer surprised at the lack of underwear, and a large golden foot lifts up and sinks into the warm water. Then, the rest of his body follows.
He lets out a groan and his back falls against the edge of the tub. You can’t help but to kiss him. It’s as if he’s got you under a spell, because you can never go too long without pressing your lips against his own.
Your hands find the bar of soap you usually use, and lather it up in your hands. Then you start to work out the muscles in his shoulders. His head falls back and he groans for what seems the millionth time.
A smile breaks onto your face as you notice him starting to relax. His shoulders drop, his jaw unclenches, and his eyebrows fall to their natural state.
As your fingers dig into his overworked muscles, your eyes trail over his face, admiring his beauty. From the scruff on his chin to the faint lines in his forehead, you love it all.
“Hermosa, I can feel your eyes on me.”
“Mmm, is that a sin?”
His eyelashes flutter and his eyes open. “No, but you should get in with me.”
Weighing the pros and cons, you can’t deny how good it would feel to cuddle up to him under the water. “Alright.” You rinse your hands in the water before peeling your shirt and underwear off.
He happily offers you a hand as you bring one foot up to step into the tub. You take his hand and marvel at how small yours look in his grasp.
A content sigh falls from your lips as the water envelops your torso. His legs encompass your own as you lean back against his chest. Hands find purchase at your stomach and you place your own over them.
You can’t help but lean your head back, perfectly slotted on his shoulder and tilted just enough where you breathe in the strong scent of his neck. Your eyes fall closed and it’s now that 3:23 has started to catch up to you.
His hands start to stroke up and down your thigh, soothing you even further.
“Wait,” You sit up and rub your eyes, “I’ll fall asleep.”
He just smiles as he pulls you back against his chest, his strong hand resuming it’s pattern. “It’s okay, I’ll be fine. Just as long as you are here.”
You meant to nod, you meant to continue talking, you truly did. But the heat from the water, the heat from his body against yours, and his soft touch has you drifting off.
His heart swells with love as he holds your sleeping form. He knows you’re going to yell at him later for not waking you up so you can comfort him, but if only he was able to tell you how much you naturally do. How even a picture of you can bring him so much happiness and joy.
You don’t know it, but tucked away in his wallet is a small polaroid of you. Your eyes squint in the sun as you offer him a wide smile. He carries that polaroid everywhere. Only leaving it when he has to go undercover. But whenever the paperwork seems to pile too high, or his mind seems to shut off, he’ll pull that photo out and just hold it.
It calms him more than any cigarette or any glass of whiskey could ever imagine. It grounds him.
You ground him.
He presses a kiss to the top of your head and faint smiles at your rhythmic breathing. Slowly, he moves you and rises from the water, carefully laying you to rest in his spot. Two fluffy towels rest on the counter and he happily claims one and dries himself.
Then he picks you up and wraps you up all snug. Kicking the drain, he flips the light off and walks the two of you to the bed.
He makes sure you’re all nice and snug before climbing in next to you. His strong arms wrap around you and once again pull you into his hold.
“Te amo hermosa. Te amo mucho mi corazón.”
So yeah, I hope you all liked it! This is my first Javi fic, so if it sucked, feel free to reach out and go “Hey Lordy, that sucked, write better.” I will completely understand! 
Please consider reblogging or leaving a comment. I literally love what you all have to say. It makes my day. 
Love, Lordy :) 
Taglist: @ficthots @along-the-lines-of-space @jedi-jesi @coldlilheart @t3a-bag @all-along-the-resolute @impala1967666 @rosiefridayrogersunday​ @over300books @donnaa 
So with the taglist, I just added y’all who are currently on my mando one. But if Javi isn’t your person please reach out and I won’t tag you in the future. 
Now, If you want to be added to my taglist, just give me a holler and I’ll happily do it! 
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theharrowing ¡ 3 years ago
Boy Blue 💙 20: Pretty sus
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While going through a painful but necessary breakup, you meet someone who is patient, kind, and understanding; everything your last ex was not.
Or is he?
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💙 Taehyung x Female Reader x Original Female Character
💙 word count: 520 + images of text conversations
💙 college au, text message au, strangers to lovers, yandere, hurt/comfort, smut, fluff, angst, slow burn, slash, poly, major character injury & death, graphic violence, nsfw, 21+
💙 warnings: mention of vaginal & oral sex
💙 written parts beta read by @neoneunnajimin​
💙 posted nov. 2021 | read on ao3
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You wake up sore and hot, wedged between two sweaty, sleeping bodies. Hana's arm and leg are draped over your left side, and she may or may not be drooling on your shoulder. Meanwhile, Taehyung's on his back, snoring softly with his arm laid across your right side.
The events of last night flood back. Hana's moan as Taehyung entered her for the first time, and the perfect fucked out look on her face when he was done with her. The taste of Hana as she rode your face while Taehyung had your legs slung over his shoulders. Her squeaky, raspy voice rang out like music to your ears.
You were nervous at first to lick her pussy, but quickly learned what she liked, alternating lapping at her bud, sucking gently, and laying your tongue flat for her to grind herself against. You feel yourself getting wet just thinking about doing it again, this time with her pinned down on her back while you spread her legs wide. 
After a while, you decide you can't stay like this, trapped under two sleeping bodies while getting yourself worked up, and you slowly start to wiggle your way out from under them, pushing Taehyung's arm, which causes him to grumble and roll over. Hana wakes with a start, slurping drool into her mouth, which makes you giggle.
"Fuck, what time is it?" Hana asks while sitting up.
You realize just then that it's Monday and that you all have school, but luckily it is only 7 AM, giving you plenty of time to go home and get ready. 
"I'll drive you both," Taehyung mumbles, stretching before slowly sitting up.
You begin to say, "You don't need to do that," but Hana says, "Perfect, thanks, Tae!" while she looks around the room, remembering that her clothes are still out in the living room. 
"We'll grab a coffee on our way," Taehyung continues. 
Coffee sounds perfect.
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The morning goes smoothly. You stop first at your house and then at Hana's. Once you are both ready, you have just enough time to grab coffees and head into class. When the three of you enter the room together, Jungkook's mouth drops. At that moment, Hana laughs at something Taehyung says while grabbing onto his bicep, which makes Jungkook's eyes squint. You try to ignore him but you remember what he sent you the night before, which has made an uncomfortable pit bloom in your stomach. 
After class, you all part ways, all going to different classrooms. Taehyung kisses you goodbye, saying he has to work after class so you will not be seeing him later. After your final class, you make your way home, and plop yourself onto your couch, trying to calm your mind and focus on your schoolwork. 
Instead, you read over Jungkook's messages again and consider asking Taehyung about it, but you don't want to bring up his past traumas or admit to why you're asking him in the first place, so you opt to let it go for now. Of course, as soon as you open your laptop to a fresh word doc, your phone starts to buzz.
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tag list: ​ @dasexydevitt13​, @girl8890​, @illnevertrustmyselfagain​, @mwitsmejk & @starlight-night0​
comment or dm to be added!​ 💜
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please don’t be a silent reader! comments & reblogs help so much (and likes are nice, too.)
Boy Blue is copyright 2021 theharrowing, all rights reserved.
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foenixs ¡ 4 years ago
Third Time’s a Charm
note: I don’t even know what to add to this, it’s just pure filth, hope you like it. I decided to colour-code the dialog of the boys for this one, since there are multiple.
if you like my fics please reblog them with a nice comment or tag
word count: 1.43k
includes- gosh, what does this not include... sub!Hyunjin x dom!reader x sub!Felix, (f) reader, poly relationship, mutual masturbation, handcuffs, dirty talk, degradation (slut shaming Felix), multiple rounds, oral (m & f receiving), slight dacryphilia, vaginal penetration, anal penetration (m receiving), biting, unprotected sex (pls protect irl, this is purely fiction), rough sex
summary: Your two boyfriends walk in on you pleasuring yourself and you decide to teach them a lesson.
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You were just about to work the vibrator in your hand on your clit, when the door to your bedroom swung open, revealing your two boyfriends, who now dumbfoundedly stood in the doorframe. You sighed, turning off the device.
“Didn’t anyone teach you guys that it’s impolite to not knock?”
You threw an annoyed glance over to the boys, but they didn’t answer.
“Hello? Did someone cut your tongues out or what?”
“No-”, Hyunjin started and Felix finished, “we just... we wanted to surprise you, because we were done with our practice early.”
“And that excuses you to just burst in here like you own the place? Because you don’t, this is still my apartment.”
“I-... we know.”; “We’re sorry.”
They were starring holes into the ground, too ashamed to look up at you.
“Clothes off. Now.”
As they quickly stripped themselves down you went to put the vibrator back into your closet. Your eyes fell upon the handcuffs that were placed inside your special box and you took them out, smirking to yourself.
“Get on the bed, both of you.”
You walked up to the headboard and looked at your boys, your eyes wandering up and down their bodies as you considered all the possibilities of ruining them. Taking Hyunjin’s right and Felix’s left hand you quickly snap on the handcuffs, leaving them tied to each other with their arms above their heads.
“Now… since each of you only has one free hand, why don’t you use that to jerk each other off.”
The boys looked at you with big eyes and flushed cheeks, their cocks already half hard from seeing you please yourself and your dirty talk. Felix was the first to follow your commands, wrapping his hand around the older boys’ dick. He had always been the most eager one, so you weren’t too surprised. Not wanting to get punished Hyunjin was quick to follow, Felix length fitting perfectly into his big hand.  
They chased each other’s rhythms, speeding up if the other boy did and vice versa. They looked so cute, getting high on the pleasure. Hyunjin suddenly closed his hand, squeezing Felix’s dick as if he wanted to choke it out. Felix’s hips jolted forward as he moaned in surprise, his orgasm suddenly rushing over him without him even realizing it, coating the big boy’s hand in his white semen.
Knowing that he won, Hyunjin smiled to himself, relaxing into Felix’s touch and letting himself cum soon after as the younger boy’s hand was shaking around his cock from his post orgasm ecstasy.
“That was unfair”, Felix pouted, “his hands are way bigger than mine!”
“You know, I wasn’t gonna give him a reward, but now that you’re complaining I think you deserve a punishment.”, you tsked at the small figure and he looked even more ashamed now, “What do you think Hyunjin-baby? Do you think Felix deserves a punishment?”
“I-... I don’t know, that’s up to you to decide.”
“Gosh, you guys are no fun.”, you groan, throwing your head back annoyed, “Felix, move down in between Hyunjin’s legs.”
“Okay”, Felix sighed in defeat as he held out his left arm for you to untie them.
You chuckle a little, “Nah baby, those stay on.”
Now they both looked at you surprised, but Felix still moved down the bigger boy’s body reluctantly. As he seated himself between Hyunjin’s thighs, you crawled on top of him. Without further explanation you sat on Hyunjin’s face, your body turned towards Felix kneeling figure.
The older boy got your que and started poking out his tongue to lick along your slit, eager to savour every piece of his reward.
“Go ahead, take him in your mouth.”
You grabbed Hyunjin’s hair with one hand, janking on it to guide him along your pussy, while your other hand brushed through the smaller boy’s hair, pushing his head further down onto Jinnie’s cock.
You were in total control of both of their motions as you felt the heat rise in yourself and you could sense that your high was close. “Faster baby”, you demanded, and both of them listened. Hyunjin’s staggered hip thrusts into the poor boy’s throat signalled you that he was close as well. Felix noticed this and put his right hand up to the bigger boys’ balls to massage them lightly. This drove Hyunjin over the edge and while he came down Felix’s throat, he pushed his tongue upwards in to you so deep, that it made you cum all over his face.
He licked you clean, and you gently moved the younger boys head upwards, so the dick in his mouth left him with a plop. There were half dried tears on Felix’s face, but he still managed to strike a proud smile, knowing he did a good job at making his hyung cum.
“Well, you certainly worked off your debt… what do you want as a reward? And don’t give me that ‘I don’t know bullshit’ or I won’t let you cum for two weeks!”
“Uhm”, Felix stammered, fiddling with his fingers, “I really want to be inside of you, but I also want you to be inside of me…”
“I can only do one of the two”, you started but when you saw the young boys disappointed face you quickly added, “but, I know someone who could help.”
Throwing a glance over to Hyunjin you silently ask him if he can handle another round and he nods, not needing to hear it in words.
“You think you can handle the both of us? I already fucked you last night.”
“Yes, please, I want you both so bad, please.”
“Gosh, you’re such a cockslut, you’re already crying, and you still want more.”
You motion for the two of them to stand up, sitting yourself down on the edge of the bed, leaning back, with your legs spread wide.
“Well come here then, slut.”
Felix face was completely red, and his cock was leaking with new precum. He shuffled towards you, Hyunjin trailing right behind him, as their wrists were still connected through the cuffs. You pull the short boys head towards you to kiss him, while your hands come down to his ass to push him into you. He moans into your mouth and then a second time, louder, as Hyunjin spit on his cock for lubricant and then pushed it into the boys’ tight hole. Was he too rough for not prepping him? No, Felix had asked for this, so he was going to have to endure it now.
Your body was moving up and down the bed with every thrust that Hyunjin made. Felix was biting down on your shoulder and you could feel more tears dripping onto your skin. You brushed his hair out of his face and stroked his back as he was being fucked to shreds from behind. He started moaning a mixture of yours and Hyunjin’s names, fisting the sheets with his right and interlocking the fingers of his left hand with the tall boys’ fingers, in search for a little comfort and stability. You didn’t care if you came again, focusing all of your energy on making sure the boy laying on top of you felt good. And oh god did he feel good, twitching deep inside of you.
“Are you gonna cum, slut? Are you gonna cum inside of me?”
You could feel his hot answer shoot up into you as his last strength left him and he collapsed into your arms. His anus clenched around Hyunjin’s cock and his third orgasm of the night washed over him.
The two boys laid on top of you, panting heavily and you reached down to undo the handcuffs. The pink marks on their wrists almost looked like couple bracelets and you grinned, thinking of the comments the other boys would leave upon seeing them like this the next day.
Hyunjin was the first to come to his senses again, pulling out of Felix and helping him pull out of you. After cleaning up the remnants of your fuck session, you helped Felix to properly lay on the bed, as he was still too fucked out to really move by himself. You laid down in between them and pulled them closer to you, the blanket keeping your boys warm and giving them a feeling of safety. They moved into your chest.
“I love you Felix”, you gave the small boy a kiss on his head, “and I love you too Hyunjin”, another kiss following.
“We love you more.”
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mooshs-crack-headcanons ¡ 4 years ago
Gn!reader comforting dante after a nightmare please?
Can you say: 'angst?' 😅 I hope you enjoy
(Cw just in case: angst, emotional distress, dmc 1 trauma)
Things have been...uneasy for Dante since his last job. 
He wouldn't talk about it, which wasn't exactly new to you, but ever since you and Lady returned to Capulet after a job that yourselves took that had you out of the area for a few weeks and you came back to the shop to find evidence the the place had been sacked and everything from the dusty busted up couch to the old desk that had been sitting in the same spot for a decade tossed around and broken, pieces scattered across the shop also not to mention there looked to be a fire at some point with how there were now charred marks on the floor and walls. When asked by Lady what the hell had happened his answer was simple, cold and dead: "Job." 
After you guys worked to clean the place up, as if you could physically feel the tension growing and growing from the man as he sat there on the only unbroken piece of furniture in the whole office, his chair, staring dead silent at the picture of his mother nicely propped next to him on the ground. The subject was quickly dropped.
It wasn't long before Dante's attitude came back to him, with his shiny new desk he could prop his feet onto and new array of furniture that you convinced Lady to go help you buy with your cut of the money from your job together filled his shop, things felt like they went back to how they were before. You and Lady were taking in the jobs that came in while Dante declared himself on 'vacation' that mainly consisted of him sitting at his desk with a magazine over his eyes - not that you minded, you just appreciated he was actually taking time to rest, but it wasn't long before what truly happened on that last job needed to be addressed again. 
You were in the kitchen making a cup of coffee while looking through the mail, going through all the normal things you expect to see when getting the mail; bills, sales ads, and even more bills. However one important thing you do see and one you've been seeing for quite some time now was postcards addressing Dante. Now in all your time you've known the son of Sparda you have never once gotten postcards from anyone and they were all signed with a woman's name you did not recognize; Trish. Now you never really read what neatly scrawled onto the back out of respect for privacy, but you trusted your boyfriend and every time they came in you politely gave them to him for he looked them over and put them in a drawer in his desk. 
You take a sip of your might of coffee before gathering up the postcard and bills into your hand and aim to drop them off at Dante's desk so he can look them over when he wakes up from his scheduled magazine nap of the day. A loud hellish crackle throughout the air and slam onto wooden flooring makes you drop the papers in your hands instead of the relative easy pace you usually take to come out from the kitchen and into the office you're quickly up to arms grabbing your gun from the kitchen table and ready to fire at any demonic threat the moment you bash through the door but instead your met with Dante in devil trigger on the floor fallen out of his chair, desperately clutching at his face. You waste no time running over and dropping to the ground next to him. 
"You alright?" 
You go in to touch him only for clawed fingers to push you away, taking you back a little but you shake off and apologize. He shakes his head as he finally does speak, his voice distorted but you can still hear the human shakiness in it. 
"No, I'm good. Just a dream - just a dream." The way he spoke sounded more like he was telling himself that more than he was reassuring you. 
He closes his eyes and quickly fazes out of his demon form, the human one flashing before you. Now you can see the sweat drenching his face that causes his hair to stick to his forehead. 
Now you've had deal with Dante having nightmares before, the ones about his mother and brother and how he blames himself for...everything that happened to them, main one you've heard from him is if he had just let Vergil read that damn book instead of bugging him to play that they might still all be together today. 
Words swell in your throat as you watch him go get himself back up, white hair slipping over to curtain your view of his eyes as he stood to his feet and plumped onto his desk. Your eyes sadden as you watch him as he wipes a gloved hand over his face to clean off of the sweat clinging to his flesh until it's all visibly gone but soon he stills and keeps his face covered leather clad talons digging into his own temples until there's a point you swear you can see blood - his whole then body seems to just…lax. In such a still stone fashion as it becomes unnerving to watch. 
It's a few moments of heavy tension filled silence before either of you speak again but when it does it's actually Dante to be the one to speak, the statue unstones as he just seems to light with life with the exact moment the mask of facade slips on. 
"You hungry? Because I'm starving and you know what they say? You're not you when you're hungry or some bullshit right? I'll get us a pizza." 
How he turns and picks up the phone like it was just like it was any other conversation and nothing even happened is heartbreaking. He goes to press in Fredi's number that he knows by heart but is immediately stopped by you as you jump up and slam your hand on top of his and crash the phone back into the receiver, your voice cuts out any bullshit that the son of Sparda could have possibly pull out of his ass as you look him directly into his eyes and call him out by his name, your tone soft yet abrupt and bluntly straightforward. He wasn't going to bluff out and run away from this, no matter how much he wanted to you wouldn't let him. 
You stand right in front of him, in between his legs and making direct eye contact with him, Dante shutters out a breath as his churning gut begins to shake his core less and less as he focuses on the touch on his hand, how warm yours is as it comfortably squeezes his and makes him more aware of himself. Had he really been shaking this entire time? 
Your expression softens the more and more that you look at him until eventually he lets you snake an arm that isn't holding his hand around him and just feel as he seems to just melt against you. 
The two of you say that way for a while, he buries his face into your neck/chest and lets you comb and pet your fingers through his hair. You collect your thoughts before pushing him back slightly and raise his chin up to meet your gaze. 
"You don't have to talk about it, Dante. But I'm not letting you just pretend like everything's fine when both you and I know clearly that isn't the case. Bottling in all those complex feelings isn't good for anyone, even, and especially for someone as strong as you who's been through so damn much for far too long. Just...hold onto me, okay? For as long as you want, anything you need. And if you do want to talk about it-" Your voice carries off. "-I'll always be here to listen."
He takes in your word, conflicted. His eyes flickered over to stare at the wooden flooring and you can actually see him go through and argue with his own thoughts before he looks back to you, opening his mouth with an airy pause before letting out a sigh. 
He tells you everything, in full detail, everything about his last job. 
From Mundus' resurrection plan on Mallet Island, to answering a few of your earlier questions about that woman from the postcards - Trish a demon Mundus made in identical image of Dante's mother, the trails he faced all over the island leading him into hell itself to defeat Mundus, and most notably, his reunion with his brother after almost ten years - who from what you understood was barely a shadow of his former arrogant self; corrupt, brainwashed, broken. How he fought him, he killed him with his own hands. How maybe none of this would've happened if he just let him read that damn book or if he just had grabbed and yanked his ass and stopped his descent into the further depths of hell, what turned him into...who he fought. 
It's hard to listen to him as he spills out every single unheld back dark thought of his, but you let him finish no matter how much it hurts or terrifies you, you let him finish until he's out of words and practically sobbing into your arms, then you only hold onto him tighter. 
He looks visibly tired by the time he recollects himself, he apologizes for it but you shake your head and hold the sides of his face and remain quiet only pressing a soft kiss to his lips before telling him how much you love him and how proud you are that he managed to tell you what he did. Talking through it is the first step to healing and all. He hums as he rests his head onto you and holds you close, succumbing to the feeling in his chest and closing his eyes for just for a little while, even though he knows he shouldn't sleep just sitting at his desk with you just standing there with how long you've been like this your feet are most like tired, but he absorbs every little touch you make as he slowly lulls away.
This was was from over, both he and you knew that, wounds and events are still fresh in his mind and it would still be a few years until he goes through the worst of it (*cough cough* there's still dmc 2 era to go through *cough cough*) but even when he's through his worse - but Dante's glad that he can feel at least a small bit of solace in the comfort in your arms. 
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animedaddymilkers ¡ 4 years ago
Kinkmas 2020: Day Four
Prompt: Rope Play w/ Neji
Genre: Smut/18+ || Tags: Rope Play, Praise, Soft Dom, Sex || Characters: Neji Hyuuga, Female Reader || read it on ao3 here
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"Don't move, (Y/N). I've already told you twice." Neji's irritated voice sounded from above you, followed by a sigh, "It will only make it hurt."
"But what if I want that~?" You teased with a smirk on your face and even though you couldn't see your boyfriend through the blindfold, you could feel his steely gaze.
He scoffed, "and how many times must I remind you, if you move while I'm tying, it will only result in your limbs going numb. Is that really the pain you want? You're well aware how long it takes to get you out of my rope. Now just hush and keep still, beloved."
No matter how annoyed Neji was with your antics, he always reminded you that his words weren't out of ire. The pet name tacked on to the end of his mini lecture was proof enough of that. So, you heed his warning and tried to stay as still as possible while the velvety rope was wound around your body expertly. Truly, he wasn't kidding when he said it took a while to get you out of his ropes, but it took even longer to get in them. Neji was an expert ropes master by now and you were his prized canvas. The shapes he created on your body were his masterpieces, each created with the utmost love. His fingers led the rope deftly around you, going even as far as undoing parts just to redo them. Everything had to be perfect, it's what you deserve after all.
As his hands deftly wound around your wrists, he pressed soft kisses into your neck. The kisses were light and barely there, until he made it to the one spot he knew you were most sensitive. When he reaches it, he licked your neck before sucking on the skin. You moaned much to his approval and the hand that wasn't holding the rope brushed up your arm, tracing over the material already wound around it. Ever the secret artist, Neji left an array of hickies along the back of your neck and shoulders. Those were definitely going to be a problem for future you. Right now though, you chose to focus on the rope that was finally being finished off after what seemed like an eternity.
"You're gorgeous," his tone was so much softer than before, every word dripping in adoration for you to the point where it made your face heat up, "Are you ready to see, my love?"
"Yes please."
With your answer, he untied your blindfold, light returning to your vision as you took in the sight of yourself in the mirror. His rope work was never something to laugh at. Hell, he never did anything short of perfection and this was clear when you took in every carefully planned knot and twist. Neji brushed his fingers against your hair, just barely touching you. In scenes like this he was always nearly afraid to touch you, as if you were made of glass. The heart shape left in the middle of your chest was a nice touch, usually he only did shapes with sharp edges and right corners. Meaning, he went out of his comfort zone this time and the thought was endearing. Another kiss was left on the unabused side of your neck, his hands wandering over his handiwork and lingering on the places where your flesh bulged in between the ropes.
After an inhale of breath Neji spoke again, his voice deeper now, "You look absolutely intoxicating."
His hands met yours and intertwined your fingers together. Next, your lips met, first in gentle embrace which quickly became more feverish and desperate. Sitting still and waiting as the material was wound around you, only moving when he asked, it was downright torture on a horny bitch. And so when you finally met his lips it was hard to hold back, you just wanted to show him how much you appreciated him making you this pretty. Though if you would voice it out loud with words he'd be quick to assure you that it was you who made the rope pretty, not the other way around. His hands wandered down to your tied together legs and gently pushed you to lean on your side. The new angle gave him access to your wetness from behind and he took advantage of it. He fingers moved up and down, smirking slightly at just how soaked you were from his tying.
A heavy sigh left your lips and you embraced the position more, fully laying down on your side. Neji's free hand continued to run over your skin while the other slowly slipped inside of your heat. He slowly fucked his finger into you before adding another. The rope on your thighs dug in as you tried to separate them to no avail. Another finger invaded you, this time curling and you moaned into the bedsheets.
"Let me hear you, my love. Your sounds are too delectable to hide."
His words alone had you moaning again, this time giving in and lifting your head. Your hips moved back onto his fingers before they completely left you altogether. Not evening giving you enough time to voice your contempt, Neji was helping you position yourself face down ass up on the bed. Or, at least, as ass up as you could get considering you couldn't bend your knees. Still, the sight was intoxicating to him and he attentively put pillows under your hips to help. Your tied arms outstretched in front of you gripped the sheets as Neji slowly slid into you. He bottomed out and groaned, hands running up and down the ropes along your hips. The feeling of him was always breathtaking, stretching you so pleasantly and thrusting solely to pleasure you. His first pace was always agonizingly slow, leaving you breathing heavily and nearly begging for more.
But Neji would never make you beg, no, he was far too infatuated with you to force you to beg on nights like these. Instead, he would whisper more sweet nothings into your ear, playing with your tightly tied breasts. It was good for distracting you for a while until he picked up the pace a bit. His hips kept moving, always trying to find that special spot of yours. And when he did he wouldn't leave it alone. You gasped and pushed your hips back into his and he knew he found it. That's when the show really began. His pace quickened and Neji's grip on your hips tightened, lifting you up to meet his cock. Both of your moans and pants mixed in the air between curses and prayers. The obscene sound of your hips meeting only makes you feel hotter as he kept abusing your g spot, practically daring you to go ahead and cum. Finally, you gave in to the suggestion, yelling out his name as you clenched around him.
Your orgasm shook your whole body, toes curling and pussy clenching. Neji was lucky to be able to fuck you through your orgasm but before you come down he's spiraling down his own climax. He grunts and holds your hips flush to his as his cock twitches inside of you. The aftermath is blissful as you two pant almost in unison, Neji slumped against your back. After regaining the willpower in his legs he slowly pulls out of you, admiring how his cum looks dripping out of you, contrasting the dark color of the rope. It doesn't last long though as he knows you need to be untied. With that he sets about the task, unraveling the rope at only a slightly faster pace than before.
"You were heavenly. I wish I could replay it on command. You're a work of art, beloved. You took it so well too."
His words barely stopped giving you praises as he untied and unwound your body from its aesthetic cage. To add to the praise, with every inch of skin he released, he'd kiss it tenderly. Most nights you found yourself lost in the hazy after sex thoughts about how he could kiss you constantly yet still talk so much. Not like you minded, having Neji talk was something you rarely were able to experience much in public. Given his quiet, stoic nature it was a stark contrast, a very welcome one. Especially given the topic his words were about. Your legs finally free, you stretched them out while Neji rubbed them, savoring in the indents the rope left. His hands slid up your legs and continued the process on your torso, deftly untying the knots.
Once you were finally free of the restraints you cupped your hand around Neji's cheek and pulled him in for a kiss. Now that you were basking in your post orgasm, sleep began to hit you. It felt so pleasant to be so satisfied and sleepy. As if all was right with the world and really, if Neji was by your side it was alright. His hands cleaned you up with a warm washcloth that you weren't exactly sure when he got. Still, the action was endearing, because heaven knows you did not want to get out of bed now. While he returned the washcloth you snuggled underneath the covers, reveling in his reappearance. As if he'd be able to resist coming back to you. Neji climbed into your waiting embrace and returned it happily as his arms wrapped around you. Sweet kisses were pressed to the top of your head as sleep quickly overtook the both of you. If every night you could fall asleep like this, that would truly be the best life.
hope you enjoyed! remember likes & reblogs help me reach more people! :)
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thehighfiveproject ¡ 2 years ago
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Round two: ready to go!
Here’s the card we’ll be using for this month’s edition of our bingo! Grab it up and get going. Remember, zero need to sign up, but if you want to share it with us so we can reblog and share the love, make sure you do so by next Wednesday, December 7.
Below the cut: a list of definitions for each of the squares in case you need help or ideas (don’t worry, those will be added to the FAQs post for easy reference), and a black & white version of the card, in case you want to get creative with it.
☆ How do I fill my card? How is each square defined?
Here’s the way we’re defining the activities associated with each card. If any of this is confusing after you read it over, send us a message and we’ll help!
- ‘leave kudos on a fic’
This is the easiest one! Just go out and find a fic you like and leave a kudos on it, if you haven’t already. It’s a small gesture but it makes an author know that someone actually read their story!
- ‘reblog/retweet an art post’
Find any art post you like and share it! Here’s the catch: you need to interact with it a little. When you reblog/retweet, please tell the creator what you thought about the piece – you can add some tags, or reply to the post, or quote-retweet or add a comment, or anything! A simple “I love this!” is nice but some details are even better (“your linework is so good!” or “that shade of blue is perfect”). One thing to think about: a lot of art on Tumblr is reposted (like when a user posts another artist’s work from Pixiv, say), so it’s nice if you make an effort to interact with posts that are actually from the creator if you can. That way the artist will see your comment!
- ‘reblog/retweet a fic post’
Same as the above, but for fic! Again, tags/replies/comments are needed, preferably with a little detail. You don’t need to be super eloquent or leave a detailed review (although if you have time/energy, that would be appreciated!); a tag as simple as “that was really cute” or “great characterization!” will do. Like with the art posts, it’s nice if you reblog directly from the writer (if you can) – some fics are posted by AO3 feed bots and the like, so the author may not even know a reblog has happened.
- ‘reblog/retweet an edit’
Same as the above, but for edits! Edits can include a gif set, or a set of screencaps, or even a fanvid. And, again, some simple tags/replies are needed. “I love that song choice!” for a vid or “great coloring!” on a gifset can let people know their work is being appreciated.
- ‘comment on a fic’
Find a fic, on any fic-hosting site you like, and leave a comment. That’s it! Again, no need to leave a novel-length comment (unless you’re inspired!) – a sentence or two is all we’re asking for this square to be considered complete. This is a great opportunity to let a writer know how their piece made you feel, or what section you particularly liked.
- ‘message a creator’
‘Creator’ here can mean anyone who makes *anything* to do with fandom: art, edits, fic, meta, knitted sweaters with character faces on them – if they’ve made anything, they’re a creator, and now’s your chance to let them know they’re appreciated. Send a message (anonymous or not!) letting them know that you enjoyed their work!
- ‘rec a curator’
You know that one blog that's just a joy to follow? They find and post all the stuff you love, whether that's art or fic or screencaps or really elaborate fan theories that just make you want to applaud. Maybe they write great tags that help you understand the fandom you're in a little better, or maybe they're in the know about what's happening in your fandom, or maybe they're just fun to see on your dashboard. This is your chance to rec a great fandom curator -- one of those people who put in the effort on tumblr to make your scroll a better place. Please make a little rec post, tag the blog and explain why they're a great follow, and show them that their work is appreciated, too!
- ‘promo a fan project’
Here's where you get to help boost the boosters. Fan projects are great: they encourage creators to get together and make more of the stuff that makes fandom fun to be in. Find any fan project you love -- this can be a brand new big bang, a kinkbingo that runs every year, an old art exchange that you loved and wish could happen again -- and then help people see it! Reblog their announcement post, their fic/art masterlist, make a little rec post for it and link to their blog/AO3 collection/Livejournal -- anything that lets people know that the project exists. Maybe you'll get more people to join in, or more people to admire the work, or maybe if it's an old or abandoned event you'll get people excited about running it again! Can't hurt to try.
And here’s the non-decorated version of the card, in case you feel like making it your own. Go hog wild! (Seriously, put hogs on it if you want.)
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barnesandrogersfanfics ¡ 4 years ago
Ocean Eyes - Part 12
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A/N - Finally an update!! i promise to not leave it as long for the next part.
Please like/comment/reblog, it gives me incentive to write quicker if i know people are actually enjoying my madness 💕
"You okay?" Chris asked suddenly making me jump, i thought he was asleep! He was currently wrapped around me acting as the big spoon.
"Jesus christ! You scared the crap outta me!" I chuckled quietly feeling stupid that he made me jump so bad.
"Sorry dahlin" he chuckled close to my ear "but are you okay?".
"Yeah just can't sleep, I've got so much going through my head i can't switch off"
"Its not because you're in here with me is it?"
"No of course not, this is actually just what i needed. I've missed laying in your arms...." I had caved and agreed to stay in Chris's room tonight, no funny business just sleeping. I felt Chris smile before pressing a kiss to my neck.
"I've missed this too. So what exactly is it keeping you awake beautiful? Talk to me..."
"Honestly? The whole thing with Brian.... how did he find me here??".
"I have no idea, but its very creepy!.... then again we shouldn't really be surprised, he had a habit of always knowing where you were. I got bad vibes off that guy the second i saw him".
We had called the police to report Brian but they couldn't do much about it as he technically hadn't done anything wrong, they said to call them again if we saw him around anymore.
"I don't understand why he's doing this! Its not like i led him on or anything, I've never shown that man any interest. I barely even talk to the guy!"
"He's clearly unstable"
"It scares me Chris...."
"Hey, i won't let him hurt you.... i already warned him to stay away...." Chris said through gritted teeth.
"It doesn't matter...."
I turned in his arms so i was now facing him "yes it does, what do you mean you warned him to stay away?"
"The day Scott and I came to get you and Mason to bring you here, you remember how he kept going on about where you were going and when you were coming back....then he asked you to dinner?"
"Oh yeah, you kinda snapped"
"Yeah.....I told him nicely to stay away from my family, that you were unavailable and uninterested.... that he should move on. I said if i found out he was harassing you still id make his life hell" he looked a little sheepish as he confessed to what had been said between the two of them.
"Well I'm guessing he didn't like to be told to stay away huh?"
"Apparently not. But lets not worry about  him right now, you need to sleep"
"Ive been trying...."
"Come here" Chris said and rolled onto his back pulling me close until i was laying with my head on his chest, his hand stroking up and down my back. Back strokes were my weakness and he knew it! "You'll be asleep in no time" he mumbled pressing a kiss to the top of my head. And he was right, with the steady thumping of his heart and his fingers stroking my back i was a goner.
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I woke up alone, the bed already cold meaning Chris had been gone for a while. I reached for my phone on the bedside cabinet, it was nearly 10am!! I quickly got up and headed to the bathroom to pee and check how bad i looked. Once i was done i headed downstairs to find Chris, Mason and Scott.
"Hey" Chris smiled at me as i entered the kitchen, he was sat at the dining room table in front of his laptop.
"Hey, why didn't you wake me up?"
"You looked too peaceful, besides you didn't get to sleep til late"
I nodded walking over to kiss him "thank you" i smiled running my hand over his bearded jaw "you're the best".
Chris pulled me down into his lap and deepened the kiss until i had to pull back enough to catch my breath and we both laughed.
"Where's Mason?"
"Walking Dodger with Scott, i gave him breakfast and helped him get dressed before they left"
"He wasn't any trouble was he?"
"Not at all. He's like the best behaved kid I've ever met"
"He has his moments don't be fooled" i chuckled thinking back to some tantrums id witnessed over the years.
"I don't believe you, that kid is an angel"
"You just wait and see Evans" i laughed before getting up and walking into the kitchen so i could get a coffee and some toast.
"So um, I've got to do an online interview tonight with Jimmy Fallon" Chris followed me into the kitchen.
"Okay" i nodded.
"I just thought id let you know i'll have to disappear for a while"
"Thats fine, Mason will probably be in bed by then and i'll just stay in the living room watching a movie with Scott"
"Now i feel left out" he pouted.
Later that day we all went outback and played some Wiffle Ball to pass the time, Chris and Scott getting competitive again.
"Mom I'm tired" Mason said wrapping his arms around my waist and cuddling up against me.
"You wanna go take a nap before dinner buddy?"
"Come on then" i picked him up and he rested his head on my shoulder "guys Mason needs a nap, i think you've worn him out"
"I think i need a nap too!" Scott laughed.
"Well I'm gonna make a start on dinner, you have time for a nap if you wanna"
Walking back up to the house i started struggling with Mason, he was getting too big for me to carry around now! My baby was growing up too fast!
"You want me to take him?" Chris suddenly asked, i nodded and come to a stop before passing a sleeping Mason over to Chris.
"Thanks, he's getting heavy" i said sadly.
"No problem"
"I hate that he's getting too big for me to carry him when he's tired"
"I know but its okay, I'm here to help now"
"Who's gonna carry me? Im exhausted!" Scott added making us laugh quietly so we didn't wake Mason.
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The evening flew by, we all had dinner then sat and watched Toy Story with Mason. When it came to bedtime Mason insisted that Chris read him a story and of course he couldn't say no. Once he was asleep Chris headed to his office to get ready for his interview while Scott and I headed to the living room to find a movie to watch.
"Sooooo....." Scott said dragging it out to sound scandalous as he wiggled his eyebrows at me.
"What?.... don't you what me Missy! I know you spent the night with Chris! So come on spill the tea sister!"
"You're ridiculous you know that?" I rolled my eyes at him and laughed at how comical he looked right now.
"Like i care" he shrugged "come on! Tell me what happened"
"Sorry to disappoint but nothing happened we just slept"
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah, we're taking things slow"
"And who's decision was that?"
"We both said we don't wanna rush it"
"But you suggested it right?..... hey I'm not judging you for that" he quickly added when he saw me look away sadly.
"You're scared you're gonna get hurt again aren't you?"
"Wouldn't you be? I just wanna make sure we're gonna be okay, that its more than just sex. We were always good at that, the emotional stuff.... not so much"
We were halfway through the movie when Chris rushed in asking Scott to join him for a game that Jimmy Fallon wanted them to do.
"Really? I can't just leave Y/N on her own....."
"Go i'll be fine" i chuckled.
"Sorry dahlin, i hate leaving you on your own.... we wont be long though 15/20 minutes tops.
"Go do what you gotta do, I'm fine here watching this" i nodded to the TV.
While they were off doing the interview
I texted my mom and Hannah to check in, they were doing good all things considered. I quickly settled back in to watch the rest of the movie but was interrupted again by multiple message alerts on my phone. I looked to see it was Hannah blowing up my phone.
When i opened the thread i gasped, my heart was racing so fast.... i felt sick as my eyes landed on one thing in particular....... the headline!
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit @rynabarnesrogers-reading @rainbowkisses31 @rororo06 @supernaturalwintersoldier @fairlightswiftly @hiddelstannerbarnes @bellamy-barnes @buchanansebba @rosalynshields
Ocean eyes: @supraveng @michelehansel @melissaglenn5 @denisemarieangelina
@mrsjeffwittek @mery-be @marvelfansworld @cmalass @capstopavenger @fallenoutofrose @kelbabyblue @biebsmylife95 @loser-alert @traceyaudette @w3lissax @jennmurawski13 @ford66steal @saiyanprincessswanie @christocrave @jakiki94 @torntaltos @my-dearest-agent @ms-betsy-fangirl
If your name is crossed out i couldnt tag you.
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hartro-owns-my-heart-ro ¡ 3 years ago
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I posted 389 times in 2021
246 posts created (63%)
143 posts reblogged (37%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.6 posts.
I added 1,109 tags in 2021
#stellar firma - 171 posts
#art - 145 posts
#rusty quill - 128 posts
#my art - 122 posts
#image description - 108 posts
#art id - 103 posts
#stella firma - 97 posts
#accessible fanart - 95 posts
#david 7 - 77 posts
#character design - 63 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#for ref azzie is a genetically altered axolotl who wishes she was human cause they're the only ones that get treated well on her station
My Top Posts in 2021
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who would win, some frail old brit i could snap over my leg or a girlboss approaching at high speeds oh god oh fuck-
[ID: A digital doodle of Elias Bouchard, colored in green, and Hartro Piltz, colored in purple. Elias is a thin man in a suit surrounded by several floating eyes, smiling smugly with his hands clasped, saying “hello jon”. Hartro is a thin woman in a shoulder-padded jacket, T-posing with glowing eyes and a motion blur behind her, saying “hello boys” in all caps with sparkly pink text. There is a small “vs.” between them and the background is grey. End ID]
if you like my work, please consider reblogging! 
188 notes • Posted 2021-08-07 15:26:58 GMT
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See the full post
200 notes • Posted 2021-03-14 18:58:11 GMT
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breaks my podcast-only streak with a noelle except shes got the full deer experience goin on
[ID: Two digital doodles of Noelle Holiday, a deer girl with a long muzzle, loose fluffy hair with one braid on either side, twig-like antlers and a long neck. One doodle is a head shot of her looking worried, and the other is a waist length of her smiling in a thick sweater, tapping her hoof hands together. They are both coloured in light blue, light pink and white, and there is pale blue writing next to them that says “what if her face was deer shaped”. End ID]
if you like my work, please consider reblogging! (i love getting nice tags!)
210 notes • Posted 2021-09-25 18:30:24 GMT
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See the full post
211 notes • Posted 2021-08-23 18:43:33 GMT
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See the full post
329 notes • Posted 2021-06-03 11:40:34 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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stardustdiaries ¡ 3 years ago
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I posted 759 times in 2021
171 posts created (23%)
588 posts reblogged (77%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 3.4 posts.
I added 715 tags in 2021
#the mandalorian - 123 posts
#din djarin - 117 posts
#star wars - 90 posts
#friends😌 - 78 posts
#the bad batch - 69 posts
#nikki!!! - 58 posts
#paula talks - 57 posts
#din djarin x reader - 47 posts
#grogu - 41 posts
#nat♡ - 35 posts
Longest Tag: 98 characters
#i would literally be so grateful over the fact that someone would consider making something for me
My Top Posts in 2021
Soft Hunter and s/o thoughts♡:
He avoids wearing cologne at all costs because of his senses, but any soft hint of your perfume/soap/shampoo will make him weak in the knees. Any little smell that is so distinctly you makes his heart soar and his lips will instinctively curl into a smile.
When his senses are overloaded, Hunter immediately searches for you. You're his safe haven— he doesn't know how or why, but hiding away from the world in your arms always soothes his spiked senses.
Adding to the previous point, your heartbeat is his favorite sound. It's his safety net. If he can hear the rythm of your heart keeping pace, he knows everything will be okay. If your heart is racing because of anxiety, fear or any other situation that is affecting you negatively, he will gently pull you away from the others and comfort you the same way you do him. He won't leave you until your heart has returned to that soft rhythm he loves so much.
Hunter loses sleep whenever you're sick or injured. He knows it's probably not as serious as he's making it out to be, but his heightened senses detect everything and it puts him on edge. Any cough, wheeze or sign of discomfort will have him shooting out of his seat and kneeling by your side in an instant. He doesn't calm down until you pull him down to lie next you and he focuses on your heartbeat.
This man will probably cry if you ask him to brush your hair. He's absolutely terrified of brushing too hard and accidentally hurting you, but the request seems so intimate to him that he doesn't have the heart to say no. He's constantly asking if he's hurting you and sighs in relief when he successfully brushes the entirety of your hair. In return, you ask him to turn around and you silently begin to brush his own strands of hair. This becomes a little routine reserved only for the two of you— Hunter loves it. He especially enjoys it after a rather rough mission where you both need to unwind for the rest of the day.
The day that he realized that you've picked up on his little quirks and likes was the day he realized how gentle you've been with his heart. His caff order? You knew it by heart. That fruit he tried one time and really liked? It kept appearing on the ship, stored away with the rest of the Batch's food supply. That weighed blanket that he always kept on his bunk? It was washed every single week with odorless detergent. But he knew it was you— the faint smell that purely belonged to you was all he needed to confirm his suspicions.
251 notes • Posted 2021-05-18 19:05:00 GMT
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259 notes • Posted 2021-04-17 17:53:59 GMT
Random Prompts because I'm bored:
"Your smile, oh God, you don't understand what your smile does to me."
"No star in the galaxy shines as bright as you, trust me."
"I don't know if you like these, but, uh, they reminded me of you."
"You got these for me?"
"I just— You have a nice laugh."
"Are you kidding? I've been star-struck since the moment I first laid eyes on you!"
"It's lovely— you're lovely."
"You...you make me feel nice and special and things I still don't have the words for— good things I don't fully understand yet."
"You, my dear, are worthy of being loved."
"You're beautiful to me. Always have been, always will be."
"You have a pretty voice."
"God, if only you knew what you do to me."
"Could you stop being so damn attractive?!"
"I love the way you say my name."
"Wow, you...you look like an angel."
"You said you'd never leave! You promised!"
"I'm not worth all of this..."
"Where were you when they took everything from me?! You. Weren't. There."
"Hey, hey, hey, look at me! Don't you dare close your eyes!"
"Please, don't leave."
"Was it easy? Forgetting about me, was it easy?"
"So, when did you fall out of love with me?"
"I'm so tired..."
"Please stop this. I don't want to be in a position in which I have to fight you again."
"I don't want to hurt you!"
"Did you really think you could undo everything you've put me through!? Just like that?!"
"We'll both die if you don't let go!"
"Don't you dare let go! We can still make it out!"
"You, uh, you don't have to be nice to me. I know what the others think of me."
"Stay? I...I don't want to be alone right now."
"On a scale from 'ouch' to 'oh shit', how bad is it, doc?"
"Babe? You don't look so good..."
"Hey, hey, look at me! You're gonna be okay— I got you."
"How does my leg look?"
"I... I can't feel my legs. Why can't I feel my legs?"
"Stop moving! You'll make it worse if you don't stay still!"
"Is that your blood?"
"I can't... I can't breathe."
"Panicking? I'm not panicking— are you panicking?! No, no, it's just that... your arm is in a very....interesting angle— Oh shit."
"I don't feel so good..."
"Wait— is that a knife in your stomach?!"
"You're okay, you'll be fine. Stay with me, please."
"I thought...I thought that would hurt more."
"Stop being a smartass and let me help you before you bleed out!"
"I think it's worse than you're letting on..."
318 notes • Posted 2021-07-09 02:33:14 GMT
Clone Fic Recs
Just because the Clones deserve the world and these pieces are amazing🤚🏼🤍
(@dindja come get your men👀)
Rest by @triptuckers
Summary:  touching prompt 22: falling asleep on the other’s shoulder
Warnings: none
2. Butterfly Kisses by @damerondala
Warnings: FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF!!! there is literally nothing saucy about this at all. no y/n used and gender neutral reader! :D 
3. As long as I live by @ratwrites
Summary: Rex's Jedi General is severely injured during battle and he refuses to leave her side
Warnings: Major injury, angst, lots of fighting, lil bit of fluff
4. Clone Wars- Captain Rex x Reader: Meeting at the Gym by @rainydaydream-gal18
5. Battle Scars by @wecallhimbrowneyess
Summary: Everything has been tense after the events of Umbara. Rex does everything to return to normal, despite the weight he carries on his shoulders of his lost brothers. Not being able to sleep, Rex goes to the training room where he finds you and the new scars on your back.
6. December Prompts- Day 24: Rex x reader by @starwarschicken
Warnings: None
7. FRIENDLY FIRE ──── i. and ii. by @vizslasaber
summary: after landing on the umbaran surface, you butt heads with your fellow general—but get along swimmingly with the captain.
warnings: combat/action, mentions of injury + death, krell being a bitch, and gender neutral use of the term “sir.” 
summary: the mission continues, and with it, your growing suspicion of krell’s methods. the ever-calming presence of the captain, however, might pose as an unwelcome distraction.
warnings: combat/action, mentions of injury + death, krell being a bitch as usual, gender neutral use of the term “sir,” gratuitous use of mando’a, and one shakespeare reference because i couldn’t help myself.
8. overworked by @wxnderlustfandoms
pairing: 501st x jedi!reader (platonic), captain rex x jedi! reader (romantic)
description: After injuring yourself in battle, you’re not allowed to go back on the field until you’re completely better. However, you still have a lot of things that need done around the ship to help the clones out and fulfill your duties. The 501st are concerned that you’re pushing yourself past your limits, especially a certain clone that feels a certain way about you.
warnings: angst-ish, mention of blood
9. Untitled by @kill-the-feels
Prompts: 13. “How long ago did this happen?” 30. “No, you’re not fine. You need help.”
Warnings: mentions of injuries and blood
10. Keep Your Captains Close by @the-lady-of-stars
Prompts: “Have you ever kissed someone before?”     *Touch-starved*    “I had a nightmare about you and wanted to make sure you were okay”
11. Night Out by @clone-rambles
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol, cat calling, and a big ol punch
12. Tonight by @din-damn-djarin
Summary- At the end of a long, busy day all you want is to relax. Of course, your plans are put on hold when Echo barges in with an injured Rex in tow.
Warnings- Injuries including a blaster shot wound, hurt/comfort, Medic!reader, pining
13. The Prank by @din-damn-djarin
Summary- Rex has no idea how you manage to talk him into these things, they never end well, yet he always ends up going along with it anyway.
Warnings- None that I’m aware of, it’s fluffy and a little bit silly!
Untitled (Mechanic!Reader) by @ahsokasleftbicep
Warnings: none
2. Untitled by @starwarschicken
Prompt 53: “I have a hole…in my side.” - “I’m sorry, what?” - “I was shot.”
Warnings: Reader in so much pain that they are laughing (is that a thing? Well too bad, I just made it a thing) Angst Angst Angst Angst !!! Character Death! Injuries (not too graphic I think)
3. Injury by @minchai
Warnings - descriptions of a battle, reader is wounded but the description isn't graphic, suM ANGST
1. Reckless by @din-damn-djarin
Summary- Fives’ visits are always welcomed, you just wish he’d stop being so stubborn whenever he turns up with a new injury.
Warnings- Hurt/comfort, minor injury, Fives is a stubborn little shit.
1. Untilted by @ahsokasleftbicep
2. Untitled by @ahsokasleftbicep
Prompt: “Well? Yell, scream, say something. Anything!”
3. An Eye for an Eye by @vizslasaber
summary: you wonder, on the bad days, if the war will cause too much hurt for you to heal. commander wolffe proves you wrong.
warnings: graphic descriptions (don’t read this if you’re squeamish), fluff.
4. Fake Boyfriend by @the-and-sign-anon
Untilted by @echos-newlegs
Prompt: Kix x Reader: "you can't just bottle everything up forever, talk to me.." and "I had another nightmare... this time you were there.."
Warnings: none, it does get angst though. Kix basically 0aving a panic attack over his dream is all.
2. Stitched Together by @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life
Prompts: “Can you shut up for once in your life?” and “I think I’m in love with you.”
Warnings: Blood. Mentions of injury and the treatment of that injury. Mentions of death.
3. Kix providing medical comfort (gn!jedi!reader) by @koskareevesismyqueen
Warning: Discussion of medical-based topics including needles and dislocation.
378 notes • Posted 2021-04-14 20:21:16 GMT
You know why I'm so excited for Disney's Encanto?
Growing up, every Latino character I saw was the 'snarky, rude, and exotic ' character. No character depth. No growth. No sense of culture. Always the character with a sketchy past and even sketchier connections.
With Encanto, I see my people. I see my brothers and sisters from the Caribbean and Latin America. I see their beauty, their strength, their sense of family.
It makes me want to cry like a baby.
Even if I myself am not Colombian, as a Latina, seeing this kind of representation fills me with a sense of pride that has my heart doing flips. There's one thing you need to understand about the Latino community: we may always joke around about who's 'superior', but at the end of the day, we're family. If one of us wins, we all win. If one of us loses, we all lose.
When one of us gets the representation we deserve, we all celebrate.
I mean, let's not forget about the character designs— oh my goodness.
This was the first time I ever had a friend say that an animated character looked like me. It was like a kick in the face. I've grown up watching Disney movies and NEVER had I been able to identify with any of the princesses or any other leading character. DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW HUGE THIS IS???
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This makes me feel at home. It makes me feel seen. It makes me proud of who I am and my culture.
I could keep going on why I'm ecstatic for Encanto, but let me keep it simple: I see my family. I see my friends from the Caribbean and Latin America. I see US— shameless and proud of our roots.
Amigos, este es solo el principio♡
947 notes • Posted 2021-07-09 04:34:15 GMT
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