#please anticipate more lolololol
jiminglers-blog · 8 years
Double Meaning | Pt. 1
Pairing: 2Jae
Genre: Comedy, fluff??
Word Count: 1,299
Description: Jaebum finds the most beautiful man in his life. Youngjae finds something completely different.
A/N: I wanted to make this, I have no regrets, expect more lol.
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His one day off this week has been a terrible experience thus far for Jaebum, and he could only think of going to his favorite little cafe that he always went to clear his thoughts.
Jaebum walked into the cafe one fateful afternoon, and he did not expect to see what he saw. Eyes widening, breath shortening, he took a step forward...many steps forward to the most beautiful person he’d ever met. Basically in front of him, Jaebum realized he’d look creepy if he just sat down without any sort of coffee or something, so he turned around and proceeded to order an iced americano.
Jaebum needed a game plan to talk for the beautiful being. “I don’t want to be a creep,” Jaebum thought as he glanced around the cafe, seeing all of the empty tables. He couldn’t let this man...his possible soulmate...maybe even an actual angel with looks like that...run away. Jaebum was pretty suave when it came to those he liked. People always told him he was chic and sexy, so maybe sitting with this magical human-wait no-this magical ethereal being wouldn’t be off putting.
“I can’t let him go,” Jaebum decided as he took a seat right across from this angel (Jaebum decided he had to be an angel), and smiled ever so slightly. It wasn’t a calculated smile at all.
The angel who happened to be at this cafe, looked up from his phone and gave a subtle but telling look. “He already loves me,” Jaebum thought before the angel spoke. “Uh, h-hi.” Jaebum loved how shy he was being, was Jaebum really that handsome? He mentally patted himself on the back.
“Hello, so what’s your name?” Jaebum continued.
The angel blushed before replying. “Youngjae.”
The voice of Youngjae saying “Youngjae” repeated in Jaebum’s ears. It was the most heavenly music, the most heavenly wine as well, making him elegantly drunk, or so he thought. Youngjae was the thought forever etched in his brain. The first thing he thought about when he woke up, the last thing he thought about before he went to sleep. At least that’s what Jaebum planned on doing because he had only known him for a collected five minutes, five minutes which were nowhere near the time he woke up or fell asleep.
“I’m Jaebum.” He awaited Youngjae’s reaction to his name, and was very pleased. Youngjae definitely thought about his name, Jaebum could see it in his face. “I can’t believe we are in love already this is the best thing I’ve experienced in my life ever I didn’t expect to fall in love I need to call my mom and tell her the news-”
“Cool, I guess…that since we exchanged names that now is the time you make your move. Please treat me well, soulmate.”
Jaebum choked. Choked on air. Choked on Youngjae’s aroma (of surrounding cafe). Choked on this response he couldn’t believe was real. But what does he do now? He can’t actually make a move...Or should he? Such things require deep thought that Jaebum can only do in complete darkness at three in the morning. This explains why he can’t wake up in the mornings.
“So what do you do?” Jaebum inquired, trying to take things slow despite Youngjae’s demand, plus he needs to know more about his soulmate, obviously.
“I’m a singer…and your soulmate.”
Jaebum couldn’t believe his ears, maybe because the sound of Youngjae saying his name was still blaring in his head.
“No way, I’m a singer too! This has to be fate.” Jaebum attempted a soft smile sure to make Youngjae’s heart melt. It definitely worked. Youngjae’s face turned red! Jaebum was on a roll today. Maybe his terrible day was to even out for this heavenly moment.
The moment ended early. “That’s interesting... well I’ve got to go, it was nice meeting you.” Youngjae smiled shyly as he got up and began to walk towards the door.
Jaebum was shocked. What did he do wrong? His chance? Gone. He didn’t make a move fast enough. “Damn it,” He watched Youngjae’s skinny figure and flowing oversized clothes walk out the door and out of view. His backside was as beautiful as his front. Jaebum couldn’t let this opportunity go. He ran out of the lonely cafe and chased his angel with a beautiful name of “Youngjae.”
Youngjae sat in the cafe for way too long that day. It was a bad decision on his part to download this new game on his phone while waiting for his coffee, and he realized that as he lifted his eyes to see a peculiar guy staring at him for a good minute. Youngjae pretended that he didn’t see him, maybe then he’d go away? He definitely did, and Youngjae sighed in relief and continued his game.
Relief lasted no more than five minutes. The same guy came up to him and sat at his table. “What do you want from me?!” Youngjae thought as he paused his game and looked up. Taking a glance with a confused and scared look, he noticed that the cafe was basically empty. Why this guy sat next to Youngjae, he didn’t know, but he could only be nice and slowly back out of this strange situation.
“Uh h-hi,” Youngjae said awkwardly. This weird guy smiled weirdly, almost like he knew Youngjae...but Youngjae knew nothing of this stranger. There was a weird pause and Youngjae wondered if the guy was going to say something or if he was just going to continue to stare at him like they had an eventful night together that Youngjae forgot about but the stranger clearly remembered.
Just as Youngjae was about to leave, the guy finally responded.
“Hello, what’s your name?”
The man’s tone was a strange one, one that Youngjae didn’t particularly want to hear in this type of environment. As uncomfortable as he was, he couldn’t not reply.
“Youngjae,” he said without tone, to give the guy the hint that he wasn’t interested. That is not what happened at all. The guy looked like he was having a mini-seizure. “As if this couldn’t get more weird,” Youngjae thought.
The stranger enjoyed awkward silences apparently, because he always waited until the atmosphere was stiff and Youngjae was ready to bolt before he spoke again, forcing Youngjae to stay a while longer.
“I’m Jaebum.”
“So Jaebum is the name of this weirdo, huh,” Youngjae thought. At second glance he realized that Jaebum didn’t look like your average creep, but Youngjae was definitely still wary of the situation. He didn’t hesitate to reply, still attempting to get him to leave.
“Cool, I guess…” Youngjae knew his response was kind of rude, but at this point he didn’t want to continue conversation with Jaebum. Jaebum however, looked like Youngjae offered him a hundred dollars with his ecstatic expression. “What is wrong with him?”
“So what do you do?”
“I’m a singer,” Youngjae didn’t know why he was giving Jaebum this information. He needed to escape, the conversation was going nowhere.
Suddenly Jaebum’s weird but slight smile turned into a smirk. “I’m a singer too! This has to be fate.” Youngjae could’ve sworn he winked.
Youngjae was out of there in an instant. Whoever that Jaebum was, he gave off weird vibes and that last statement and that last smirk and that last wink was the last straw. Youngjae shuddered and said his final word to Jaebum before dashing out.
“That’s interesting...well I’ve got to go. It was nice meeting you.”
Youngjae didn’t even wait for a response before scurrying off back to his studio, his face completely red. He hoped that was the last time he saw Jaebum.
But Youngjae is an unlucky man.
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thatbadadvice · 3 years
Good Advice Interlude: How Do I Tell My Parents I'm in a Queer Relationship?
Readers sometimes send Bad Advisor their real-ass questions to answer, so the Bad Advisor is periodically going to try her hand at answering them. If you’d like to submit a question for a Good Advice Interlude, use the “ask” form!
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A reader asks:
I'm not sure if you're still doing the 'Good Advice Interlude', but if you are, I'd like some advice. I'm queer, and I'm currently in a relationship with my partner (whom I love very much). We've been dating for a while now, but I haven't told my parents yet. My parents are both somewhat aware that I'm queer, but they haven't really acknowledged my gender/sexuality since I came out. My partner is supportive of me telling them about our relationship, but I don't know how. Any words of wisdom?
Hello, reader! Hooray for your happy and supportive relationship!
In the absence of any bright red flags that you didn't mention here — such as your parents being actively hostile to you/your identity, or to queer folks in general — rather than "somewhat aware," (perhaps also avoidant and awkward about your identity and sexuality? ask me how I know lolololol) I think you have a high likelihood of a good outcome here by just being matter-of-fact about your relationship's existence, enthusiastic about your partner, and unavailable for debates or interrogations.
Is it possible this is one of the first serious relationships you've told your family about, in addition to being one of the first relationships that you think they're going to read as queer? If so, we're probably talking about a couple shifts happening at once in your family dynamic:
Parents shifting from "aware my child is queer, mostly avoiding whatever I think that means" to "accepting my child is queer, and embracing what my child says that means."
Parents shifting from "child is fundamentally an extension of me, needs constant parenting" to "child is their own person, can do what they want" (please note that depending on your family dynamic and history, this transition can happen literally any time, not just to young adults and their parents. the bad advisor's parents did not make this transition until she was a grown-ass woman many times over.)
And you're navigating this too, right? So you might be tempted to (re?)occupy your child-role and over-explain and justify and contextualize and try to find the One Perfect Right Way to give them All The Information At Once to minimize conflict and awkwardness and maybe even minimize anticipated harm. But in the Bad Advisor's experience, justifying-and-contextualizing is usually preemptive permission-seeking behavior; you do not need permission to be queer, or to love and appreciate your partner, or to be in a relationship with them. And besides, your parents are literally unable to give you permission for this! It is not possible! They do not hold this power, and they could not do so, even if you wanted them to or they wanted to.
Bring this big no-permission-needed energy into introducing your partner and your relationship to your parents. You are going to be the person you are, and have the relationships you have (or don't!) irrespective of what they think about you or your partner or their own parenting or literally any of it. They can accept and embrace you, or they can get weird about it.
You can minimize opportunities for them to get weird, and give them a million thousand opportunities to be cool. This is more about attitude and approach, and less about literally what you say. If you're confident, self-assured, and chill about this thing, it's probably going to go fine. Imagine the best-case scenario (which might genuinely just be "I don't get interrogated about my gender, my parents retain my partner's name and pronouns from this conversation") and assume that's what you're going to get, and have some escape hatches ready if shit gets weird.
But if you're looking for scripts, I'm a big fan of saying the thing you feel awkward about in tandem with a big bright segue into talking about something else.
"Can't wait to see y'all at Grandma's birthday Zoom this weekend. Just FYI, I'm planning to bring my partner Kerpuffin to the party — we've been seeing each other for a while now and they are really excited to meet you all. I've been telling them all about Dad's epic pandemic beard."
"Y'all, I am so excited! I met somebody! I want you [get to know them/know about them]. Their name is [Kerpuffin] [plus whatever else Kerpuffin wants your parents to know] and we met [where?]. I think it would be nice if we [came over for dinner/treated y'all to an ice cream/joined together for family game night] sometime soon, what works for you?"
Alternately, if your family is anything like mine, they might actually ask you first about your relationship; this is a curse and a gift. "Yes, Auntie, I actually am seeing someone! We met [wherever/doing what] and their name is [Kerpuffin]. I actually have a picture of us [in our beginners' curling league, or whatever] — let me find it!"
Your parents will probably want to know more! That's great, as long as the conversation is a conversation or maybe even an enthusiastic ass-kissing press conference and not a debate/interrogation. There's regular shit people ask when they first hear about a loved one's new relationship (Where did you meet? What do you like to do together? Where do they work or go to school, or where are they from?). There's maybe the shit you might need to explain more than you should or than you want to — "Mom, you know that Kerpuffin and I both use they/them pronouns, please don't make me remind you again!" — which you might want to loop in some friendly family supporters to help out with, because that shit is exhausting. And then there's the weird shit people ask queer folks — I bet I don't need to list any of that out for you here — and any of the weird shit questions get polite deflections — "What a weird question, Mom! Let's not go there! Anyway, I wanted to show you this funny cross-stitch that Kerpuffin did ...." — until, if they persist, they get "Well, that's all the time we have for today, gotta go."
And remember, this is just the first part of a journey. You don't have to do everything all at once first thing to introduce and establish and solidify your relationship vis a vis your family. It doesn't have to be perfect from the get-go; you have time to teach each other and learn from each other and figure out what it means for you to be who you are in your family, who you are as a queer person, and who you are as a queer family member in or out of relationships. In all likelihood, this is going to be a process that extends through of the rest of your lives as you all grow and change together.
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Blood in the Water (Sequel to Such a Softer Sin)
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The sequel is hereeeeeee.
So, a quick reminder, it will be very canon divergent, some things might seem AU, but that's just the way its gotta be.
Its set 5 months after the prequel and the first chapter might seem fillerish? But it's just cause I need to fill in some gaps before the real shit starts in the next chapter. What happens in this chapter was unexpected to say the least and not where I thought this thing was heading, but it happened so...
I have no idea where the fuck I’m going with this and I’ll probably struggle since I can’t free write completely with the movie plotline to follow, but there we fucking go.
No...We are not. lolololol.
It was a Tuesday, the weather was a little drab but it didn't affect the three bodies tangled together in bed. Lila had the night off, it was St Patrick's day the day after, her first one working at McGinty's, and she had been given the night off to enjoy herself, preparing herself for the next night almost. She had been told McGinty's was quite a fucking night on St Patty's day. It had been 5 months since the boys proposed to her, 10 months in total since she’d met the little shits, and not much had changed. They weren’t married yet. None of them quite anticipated the level of planning that a wedding seemed to take, and much to Lilas amusement, Connor was in his fucking element. Murphy was glad Connor had taken over the planning, he didn't want to have to deal with what fucking flowers they wanted or the colour scheme. Fuck that shite. Connor loved it though, focusing all his energy on planning the wedding. He had chosen Christmas eve as the date, spoke to the priest and had it all booked. They had selected the priest from the hospital, the one that had watched over them when Murphy was comatose. The man was all too happy to bless their seemingly strange union. He had seen first hand what love these three had for each other, and learning they were twins, hearing their explanation of how they were one soul divided in two bodies, even he agreed it was fitting for their soulmate to be one person. He had seen them all together, seen how they worked, and he knew in his heart it was God's work. The weird little hang-up Murphy kept coming back to, about them both being in love with her and marrying her, it had eased tremendously with the priests backing, and also the fact she was to officially marry him.
Connor was right, Murphy was the more sentimental one, and whereas Connor was happy with just the blessing, what was deemed as the real marriage in their eyes, linking the girl to the pair of them, the fact she would be his wife legally meant all the world to him. He would never hold it over his brother, it wasn't like that made him more special in her eyes in the slightest, and he knew that. But he was aware of the tremendous gift his brother had bestowed on him with this and he didn't take it for granted for one fucking second. The plan was the day before the wedding, the three of them and Rocco would go to the courthouse to sign the papers with Connor and Rocco as the witnesses, and then she would officially be a MacManus, ready for the wedding. They weren't going to make a fuss out of it or celebrate it, because the real celebration was the wedding.
Now being engaged, it hadn't really changed anything with the three of them. They still had their own little routine going, but they did feel closer. No longer feeling the need to fight the urge to tell her they loved her, it was all there, open for all of them to see. They were currently laying in bed, just having a lazy day after the boys had been working hard. They enjoyed their time like this, apart from weekends it seemed few and far between since not long after the boys got home from work, Lila herself would start her shift. So when they got a moment to just lay there and soak each other in, they fucking took it.
“I think I missed my period…” Lila blurted out in a moment of silence. She felt Connors hand reflexively tighten around her, and she felt Murphy tense under her as she lay with her head on his chest. There was a tense moment of silence and Lila could swear crickets were fucking chirping. She slid off the bed and stood up, cheeks flushed as she turned to look at the pair. They looked like blinking statues and she felt the anxiety weighing on her. She had been wanting to say something for a few days and she couldn't seem to find the right moment. The boys looked to each other before standing up too, looking at her warily.
“Ye...Ye think or ye know?” Connor asked hesitantly, she didn't fail to miss how their eyes kept darting to her stomach like they were expecting a bump to magically form from nowhere. She shifted where she stood, this conversation was mighty fucking uncomfortable for her. Murphy's eyes were almost glazed over like he was somewhere else completely and it made her nervous he hadn't spoken, always the twin that found it hard to hold back.
“Well...I know I’ve missed it but I’m not sure what it means...my periods can be a little...irregular.” She admitted, her face still burning bright. She didn't want to be talking about her fucking menstrual cycle with her very attractive boyfriends.
“I mean… I doubt I’m...I doubt it means...you know. It’s probably nothing, it's not the first time it’s happened, but I thought you two should know, ‘cause I need to take a test just to be sure.” She rambled, clearly nervous about the whole thing.
Connor nodded slowly, licking his lower lip like the words were trying to digest in his brain as he sat on the edge of the bed and Murphy just stood still as a rock.
“Murphy, for fuck sake say something.” Lila pleaded, having a moment of desperation at his silence, it was never a good thing when Murphy was silent. She couldn't even get a read from the pair of them. His eyes snapped up to hers and he blinked at her, he was swaying slightly on his feet and he looked paler than usual, his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat as he swallowed thickly.
“I uh...Ye might be...We could be...Fuckin’ Christ...” His eyes rolled back into his head and he hit the floor with a thud. Lilas' eyes widened and she crouched down next to him, taking his clammy face in her hands. Connor looked at him still in shock, not even moving to fucking help him like his brain still hadn’t caught up with him yet.
“Connor!” Lila chided with a frown, making him snap out of it as he quickly got up, hauling Murphy up and back onto the bed carefully.
She stood next to the bed looking worried and Connor was yet to speak and it was making her want to peel her skin off.
“I told you, I might not be…” It was like she was scared to say the word pregnant because it might fucking happen somehow. The three hadn’t ever spoken about having kids, she was on the pill for fuck sake, but of course shit happens. She was unaware the boys had spoken of it previously, how they both wanted that with her one day. They just hadn’t expected it so fucking soon and before they had wed her, or as close to that as they could get. Lila wasn't sure how she felt about it, she hadn't really thought about it before, she didn't think she was ready, that they were ready. But if it happened they would see it through and she had no doubt the twins would take care of both her and the baby.
Connor moved to sit in front of her, his hands touching her belly hesitantly and it made her throat close up.
“Ye might not be...but ye might be.” He whispered, his voice thick with emotion. His hands were trembling and it made her heart flutter.
“And if I am?” She asked warily, looking down at him nervously. His eyes met hers then, a steely determination in them that almost floored her.
“Then we’d be fuckin’ blessed te have a child wit’ ye.” He stated firmly, making her breathing hitch a little. She licked her lower lip and nodded, her hands coming to rest on top of his.
“I’m probably not, I just...I wanted you guys to know just in case, when I take the test.” She whispered softly, not knowing how she felt about Connor touching her belly reverently like this, about his words, like he wanted a baby with her so soon.
He cleared his throat and stood up, she could see on his face the second he got control of himself once more, shelving all emotions as he took charge of the situation, she couldn't say she was surprised.
“Right, ye watch over Murph and I’ll grab a test, I’ll be back in a few.” She didn't have a chance to reply because he was gone in an instant. Lila sighed and sat next to Murphy, brushing his hair from his face. It would have been comical how he reacted, how he fainted at the news, if it wasn't so fucking scary that she might be carrying their child. It reminded her of how she herself fainted when they asked her to marry them, she idly wondered when Connor would faint, bring the whole thing full fucking circle. Murphy's eyes fluttered open and when they settled on her they widened, making him sit up fast. He grimaced and held his head.
“Careful, you fainted.” Lila said softly, looking at him concerned. He eyed her warily for a moment and it just made her even more stressed.
“Murph please, I can't get a read on you.” She whispered pleadingly, looking down with a frown at her hands. He was always the easier twin to read, so open and raw with her, and now she couldn't get a sense of anything and she wasn't sure if he was purposely blocking her or just so overwhelmed his brain had short-circuited.
He took her hand slowly, making her look at him and she could see it then, the unshed tears in his eyes, the emotion behind them like a storm about to be released.
“I just…” He took a shaky breath and squeezed his eyes shut. She could see his clenched jaw and how he was fighting with himself.
“Would it really be that bad?” She asked, her voice a mere whisper as she looked at him almost forlornly, mistaking his emotional state for something negative. He looked at her incredulously, just blinking for a moment.
“It’s not a bad thing m’girl in the slightest, we’d be blessed te have a child wit’ ye.” He said sincerely, echoing his brother's exact words. The very fact they had said the same thing made her stomach flip around on her. The pair were so intense sometimes.
“You don't think it's too soon?” She asked warily, not wanting to upset him. He frowned at her then, looking almost pained at her words and it sent a pang of guilt through her.
“If it's God's will, it’ll happen when it happens.” Was all he supplied, giving her such an intense look it made the hairs on the back of her neck prickle up.
The door opened then and the lighter haired twin came in, bag in hand. He resisted the urge to make a quip about his brother fainting on them as he did, it didn't feel quite the time to make jokes. He took the box from the bag and handed it to her, both boys looking at her expectantly. Her cheeks flushed as she took it and started walking to the toilet behind the screen. She was mortified when she heard two pairs of feet following her. She turned around only to see the twins right behind her, looking anxious and fidgety.
“No. Fucking not a chance in hell. I get you’re nervous, so am I, but I’ll be fucked if I’m pissing in front of you.” She snorted incredulously. The boys looked to each other and back at her, almost sheepishly and they moved to sit on the bed. She noticed Connors' arm go around the darker haired boy just before she disappeared behind the screen.
She came back to the bed, test in hand, waiting for the results. Connor was reading over the instructions, reading them aloud for Murphy who was fidgeting restlessly.
“So we wait? Two minutes?” She asked softly as she placed the test on the dining room table and sat down. The boys followed suit, sitting either side of her, Connor grabbing the timer and setting it.
“Aye.” Connor replied tensely. It was the longest two minutes of their fucking lives and Murphy was fidgeting so much Lila was surprised he hadn't set fire to himself. The timer went off and the three jumped visibly. There was a moment of silence where they were all still and then Lila snatched the test before Murphy did. She felt her heart sink a little, almost like she could feel a tiny fracture forming on it and she knew she was being ridiculous.
“Negative.” She stated emotionlessly. She was glaring at the test in her hands like it might change the outcome. A few minutes ago she hadn't felt ready, she hadn't felt like this would be a good thing. But now, with the results glaring at her, she couldn't ignore the deep ache that was residing inside of her ribcage.
She swallowed thickly and set the test down, Connor taking it to double check. Lila glanced to Murphy and he was glaring at the table, his chest heaving slightly and she just knew he was trying not to cry. It only made the sting that much worse. Connor placed the test down, his own hands shaking as he took a breath. The silence was deafening for the three of them and they could feel the sadness settle over the loft like a dark cloud.
“How could ye miss somethin’ that was never there?” Connor asked aloud sounding almost incredulous, his voice cracking with slight emotion that betrayed the usually stoic brother. It was all it took for Murphy and he stood so fast the chair tipped over, tears streaming down his face as he grabbed his coat, needing to get the fuck out of here before he tore the place apart. His heart was burning in his chest, setting the whole of him alight.
Lila watched him about to leave and panicked and she couldn't even help the words that left her lips, the raw honesty at that moment.
“I want a baby with you.” She blurted out, making Murphy still completely just before the door and Connor turned to look at her with wide eyes. She glanced between the pair before standing, wringing her hands nervously.
“I thought...I thought it was too soon...but this...I don’t...It hurts, why does it hurt?” She asked brokenly with so much confusion, tears stinging her eyes as the pain in her heart increased. Connor looked at her, feeling her anguish and he took her hand and squeezed it, watching as his twin discarded his coat and came over. Murphy wrapped his arms around her tightly, Lila still holding Connors' hand and using the other to embrace Murphy, sobbing softly into his chest. Connor stood, holding her hand tightly and gripping the back of his brother's neck affectionately, his own tears threatening to fall.
“Hurts because o’ the hope m’girl. Ye hoped ye would be, just like we did.” Murphy whispered tensely through his tears, burying his face into her hair. He felt her nodding against him, accepting his answer. She moved away, untangling herself from the pair of them and wiping her eyes.
“Are we crazy? If we...If we try? So soon?” She asked as she sniffled, shaky hands wiping at her tears. Connor still had a hold of his brother and they took strength from each other, the fact she was asking this, that she had been so upset, it made them feel all sorts of shit. She wanted a fucking baby with them.
“Crazy maybe...feels right though doesn't it?” Connor asked softly, looking at her earnestly. She smiled at him through her tears and nodded, it did feel right. The thought of carrying their child, being a real family.
“But we aren't married yet.” She protested weakly with a furrowed brow, her eyes instinctively going to the boys' rosaries on the wall.
“Special circumstances lass? I mean, there's three o’ us. Won’t exactly be a proper marriage anyway, but God understands that aye?” Connor stated confidently, giving her an affectionate smile.
“God wills if it happens love, like I said.” Murphy added softly, looking at her through his lashes.
She was quiet for a moment before looking at them.
“Fuck, so I guess we’re actually doing this. We’re gonna try for a baby.” She laughed incredulously, making the boys grin widely at her.
“Aye, gonna have a proper little family.” Murphy beamed, wiping his eyes again because he was a sensitive little soul and he started crying once again.
“Expandin’ the MacManus clan eh Murph?” Connor grinned and grabbed them both, pulling them in for a hug, letting the weight of this moment settle in on them all. Getting married was one thing, but having a baby together, well that was a whole other thing altogether and a turning point for the three of them. But the negative result had made them all see clearly, made them all feel it, the deep want for a baby, to start a real family together. This was it now, they were all in, all cards on the fucking table and they all knew where they stood.
(If you want adding on the taglist, let me know!)
Taglist; @risingphoenix761 @arlaina28 @daryldixonandfrogs @divadinag
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