#jiminglers wrtitings
jiminglers-blog · 8 years
Double Meaning | Pt. 1
Pairing: 2Jae
Genre: Comedy, fluff??
Word Count: 1,299
Description: Jaebum finds the most beautiful man in his life. Youngjae finds something completely different.
A/N: I wanted to make this, I have no regrets, expect more lol.
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His one day off this week has been a terrible experience thus far for Jaebum, and he could only think of going to his favorite little cafe that he always went to clear his thoughts.
Jaebum walked into the cafe one fateful afternoon, and he did not expect to see what he saw. Eyes widening, breath shortening, he took a step forward...many steps forward to the most beautiful person he’d ever met. Basically in front of him, Jaebum realized he’d look creepy if he just sat down without any sort of coffee or something, so he turned around and proceeded to order an iced americano.
Jaebum needed a game plan to talk for the beautiful being. “I don’t want to be a creep,” Jaebum thought as he glanced around the cafe, seeing all of the empty tables. He couldn’t let this man...his possible soulmate...maybe even an actual angel with looks like that...run away. Jaebum was pretty suave when it came to those he liked. People always told him he was chic and sexy, so maybe sitting with this magical human-wait no-this magical ethereal being wouldn’t be off putting.
“I can’t let him go,” Jaebum decided as he took a seat right across from this angel (Jaebum decided he had to be an angel), and smiled ever so slightly. It wasn’t a calculated smile at all.
The angel who happened to be at this cafe, looked up from his phone and gave a subtle but telling look. “He already loves me,” Jaebum thought before the angel spoke. “Uh, h-hi.” Jaebum loved how shy he was being, was Jaebum really that handsome? He mentally patted himself on the back.
“Hello, so what’s your name?” Jaebum continued.
The angel blushed before replying. “Youngjae.”
The voice of Youngjae saying “Youngjae” repeated in Jaebum’s ears. It was the most heavenly music, the most heavenly wine as well, making him elegantly drunk, or so he thought. Youngjae was the thought forever etched in his brain. The first thing he thought about when he woke up, the last thing he thought about before he went to sleep. At least that’s what Jaebum planned on doing because he had only known him for a collected five minutes, five minutes which were nowhere near the time he woke up or fell asleep.
“I’m Jaebum.” He awaited Youngjae’s reaction to his name, and was very pleased. Youngjae definitely thought about his name, Jaebum could see it in his face. “I can’t believe we are in love already this is the best thing I’ve experienced in my life ever I didn’t expect to fall in love I need to call my mom and tell her the news-”
“Cool, I guess…that since we exchanged names that now is the time you make your move. Please treat me well, soulmate.”
Jaebum choked. Choked on air. Choked on Youngjae’s aroma (of surrounding cafe). Choked on this response he couldn’t believe was real. But what does he do now? He can’t actually make a move...Or should he? Such things require deep thought that Jaebum can only do in complete darkness at three in the morning. This explains why he can’t wake up in the mornings.
“So what do you do?” Jaebum inquired, trying to take things slow despite Youngjae’s demand, plus he needs to know more about his soulmate, obviously.
“I’m a singer…and your soulmate.”
Jaebum couldn’t believe his ears, maybe because the sound of Youngjae saying his name was still blaring in his head.
“No way, I’m a singer too! This has to be fate.” Jaebum attempted a soft smile sure to make Youngjae’s heart melt. It definitely worked. Youngjae’s face turned red! Jaebum was on a roll today. Maybe his terrible day was to even out for this heavenly moment.
The moment ended early. “That’s interesting... well I’ve got to go, it was nice meeting you.” Youngjae smiled shyly as he got up and began to walk towards the door.
Jaebum was shocked. What did he do wrong? His chance? Gone. He didn’t make a move fast enough. “Damn it,” He watched Youngjae’s skinny figure and flowing oversized clothes walk out the door and out of view. His backside was as beautiful as his front. Jaebum couldn’t let this opportunity go. He ran out of the lonely cafe and chased his angel with a beautiful name of “Youngjae.”
Youngjae sat in the cafe for way too long that day. It was a bad decision on his part to download this new game on his phone while waiting for his coffee, and he realized that as he lifted his eyes to see a peculiar guy staring at him for a good minute. Youngjae pretended that he didn’t see him, maybe then he’d go away? He definitely did, and Youngjae sighed in relief and continued his game.
Relief lasted no more than five minutes. The same guy came up to him and sat at his table. “What do you want from me?!” Youngjae thought as he paused his game and looked up. Taking a glance with a confused and scared look, he noticed that the cafe was basically empty. Why this guy sat next to Youngjae, he didn’t know, but he could only be nice and slowly back out of this strange situation.
“Uh h-hi,” Youngjae said awkwardly. This weird guy smiled weirdly, almost like he knew Youngjae...but Youngjae knew nothing of this stranger. There was a weird pause and Youngjae wondered if the guy was going to say something or if he was just going to continue to stare at him like they had an eventful night together that Youngjae forgot about but the stranger clearly remembered.
Just as Youngjae was about to leave, the guy finally responded.
“Hello, what’s your name?”
The man’s tone was a strange one, one that Youngjae didn’t particularly want to hear in this type of environment. As uncomfortable as he was, he couldn’t not reply.
“Youngjae,” he said without tone, to give the guy the hint that he wasn’t interested. That is not what happened at all. The guy looked like he was having a mini-seizure. “As if this couldn’t get more weird,” Youngjae thought.
The stranger enjoyed awkward silences apparently, because he always waited until the atmosphere was stiff and Youngjae was ready to bolt before he spoke again, forcing Youngjae to stay a while longer.
“I’m Jaebum.”
“So Jaebum is the name of this weirdo, huh,” Youngjae thought. At second glance he realized that Jaebum didn’t look like your average creep, but Youngjae was definitely still wary of the situation. He didn’t hesitate to reply, still attempting to get him to leave.
“Cool, I guess…” Youngjae knew his response was kind of rude, but at this point he didn’t want to continue conversation with Jaebum. Jaebum however, looked like Youngjae offered him a hundred dollars with his ecstatic expression. “What is wrong with him?”
“So what do you do?”
“I’m a singer,” Youngjae didn’t know why he was giving Jaebum this information. He needed to escape, the conversation was going nowhere.
Suddenly Jaebum’s weird but slight smile turned into a smirk. “I’m a singer too! This has to be fate.” Youngjae could’ve sworn he winked.
Youngjae was out of there in an instant. Whoever that Jaebum was, he gave off weird vibes and that last statement and that last smirk and that last wink was the last straw. Youngjae shuddered and said his final word to Jaebum before dashing out.
“That’s interesting...well I’ve got to go. It was nice meeting you.”
Youngjae didn’t even wait for a response before scurrying off back to his studio, his face completely red. He hoped that was the last time he saw Jaebum.
But Youngjae is an unlucky man.
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