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alien-god · 2 years ago
i miss home. but guess what alien race this is🤍✌🏿
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flowerofliving · 2 years ago
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ooo-protean-ooo · 2 years ago
I’m not sure if anyone who follows me has interests in QHHT (quantum healing hypnosis) or cosmic consciousness. But if you do, this is a wonderful session, and Allison Coe is a joy to listen to💚
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74ellebelle · 2 years ago
I had no *earthly* idea that using the word StarSeed was a white supremacy thing. I never really resonated with Lightworker*. The reason I resonated with the word StarSeed was because in 2008 I found a YouTube video that described me to a T. I had like all -however many traits. It was twenty something traits. I literally started crying my eyeballs out. I will definitely find a different word. It won’t be LightWorker though. I used to talk quietly about it in therapy….. not wanting anyone to find out and for the longest time I didn’t tell anyone, but my therapist. Now - everyone who knows me knows my origins are intergalactic.
Another way I knew for sure was because I’ve done several journeys with a shaman practitioner. The main animal in my totem is a black jaguar. She has galactic origins. Her eyes are almost yellow. I know her name, but she told me a long time ago it was a secret. So I won’t be putting it on blast. Anyway- I am her and she is me.
I honestly really do believe we originated in the cosmos. I don’t think I am special anymore. Honestly being on the net and TikTok and well- in general I know that we are all special. I follow this person on Facebook and on tumblr called YOU are ANOTHER me….. and it’s totally true. IMHO There’s really just one source. There are Parallel and multiverses- but honestly we are all just one singular. I, the splinter, sliver or spark that is me from source believes that wholeheartedly. No duality. Just sayin. Also I never ever thought I was here to enlighten anyone. I do feel that part of my journey is to help raise the vibration on earth. I’m an asshole too, but I identify as a humanitarian mostly. My soul is NOT OF THIS EARTH even though I love Gaia and will most likely feel homesick for her when I go back to the other side.
I need to really remember that I came to earth to be an earthling and to learn earth stuff. It’s hard to stay grounded when you are a seriously spacey person. My daughter used a different word to describe me the other day, but I don’t remember what it was. One of the words she used was *Whimsical* when describing me which I thought that was sweet. Made my heart sing.
I want to be a better human. I am in pursuit of growth. So seeing this post made me really THINK. I don’t want to be some ignorant person with their head in the sand. I wholeheartedly believe we are all special.
I want to make it clear, I'm not here to oppose the possibility of people being incarnated souls from other planets. However, if you identify yourself specifically as a starseed - IE, an allegedly advanced spiritual being come here to spread supposed enlightenment - I will have to oppose you on the grounds of you choosing to become a missionary to preach spiritual eugenics and promote cultural genocide. If you aren't a space missionary here to preach spiritual eugenics and promote cultural genocide, then please call yourself literally anything other than "starseed." (No, this term cannot be "reclaimed," as literal white supremacists proudly call themselves "starseeds" right now, and the starseed movement has always been tied in with various racist pseudoscientific crap like ancient alien theory and linear evolution.)
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miriamrose1212 · 2 years ago
Pleiadian Tunia: The importance of being Authentic
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collapsedsquid · 2 months ago
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madamlaydebug · 4 months ago
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Suddenly you've passed the marker. You've come to a place where the pleadians knew you would be, you have the ability for the first time where you don't need to die in order to capture the ideas that you are being given now of an advanced spiritual thought. You don't need to die, you don't need to reincarnate, you have it in your DNA it's starting to increase.
And now as you start to touch the higher self, you can bring it into your current lifetime.
There are those who have stopped aging. The key to stopping the aging process as you know it today is by communicating to the innate (DNA) and saying you don't have to die to have a spiritual growth.
And you can do that anyway you want. Get in touch with the body with whatever process starts to come your way where you can communicate to the smart body (DNA) you don't have to convince it. As soon as it sees the progress that you have made in your consciousness, it's a done deal. It wants to cooperate as soon as it sees a new avenue of spiritual evolution.
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papirouge · 1 year ago
You don't act like a Christian women. A Christian woman is always gentle, obedient, softspoken, and retains their childlike innocence. You behave more like a man
I'm an actual grown woman, why would I want to act like a child...? are you a pedophile?
Also, what's peak male behavior is invading people's space to tell them what to do, as well as that patronizing tone of yours... Very authoritative and masculine, eww.
Ps/ Amanda/Pleadian Babydoll I know it's you btw. I'd recognize your "a Christian woman must be like child uwu" pedobait from miles away, now. Weren't you supposed to be in a mental institution? or maybe you escaped... Spooky.
Your "friend" (your alter persona) said you were trying to get better away from the internet. Sad to see you're still mentally ill and dedicated to terrorize Christian women on that platform SMH. Get well soon.
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wizaldfuzzbucket · 21 hours ago
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Loool your vibe gets real sexy after spending sufficient time under night in the dark dimention coz your focused in the Gooch chakra and the conjugal area of the world ahahaha darkness is made of sex, sexual energy is creative god energy. Undergoing sutch a process is how the pleadians gathered there notorious sensuality reflected in there facial features and shit. They Intoxicatingly sexy in all possible manner. Not to mention the tangible thrumming inner peace gathered from being in stillness and not running anyway from the negative.
Doin this shit like a hooded figure of the fogs
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creature-wizard · 2 years ago
The elites and the pleadians are our greatest allies. Why do you speak against our spiriuality as foes rather than the friends we try to be with you? We spread out our New Faith to enlighten and encourage people, not to harm others or make others feel afraid. That is a misconception about the New Age. We are not like Christian, nor Abrahamic, aka Judeo-Christian religions.
Why? Because of the white supremacy and general Nazi bullshit. That's why.
The Pleiadians (AKA space fash/space Nazis) can go fuck themselves.
Also, you clearly don't know anything substantial about Abrahamic religions; otherwise you'd know that "Judeo-Christian" isn't a meaningful term or even a real thing, because Judaism is nothing like Christianity.
Meanwhile, your spirituality is exactly like a lot of Christianity in that your goal is converting everyone and eradicating all other forms of religion. There's people in your spiritual movement cheering on death by climate change and salivating over the thought of the mass execution of your perceived enemies.
Your crowd is full of genocidal wackos, and they can all go fuck themselves.
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miriamrose1212 · 2 years ago
Hakann the Pleiadian: Patriarchy & The Atlantis
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Pleadian Lightlock
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jujurose222 · 2 months ago
Starseed Movement
“The sun and all planetary spheres and stars are interconnected in some way. In modern times this would be like ‘Stargates.’ These are just soul gates, you can’t just create whatever pathways you want. There is a pathway, circuitry in the solar system and in the larger Cosmos that is a kind of magnetic electrical etheric system, that is an exact embodiment of the formation and destruction of worlds. This is nothing new… You can see it Gnosticism, you can see it in Theosophy… the solar system is really a school and souls take different lives on different planetary spheres as part of their spiritual initiation process… we have all of these teachings, the problem is that in our society we’ve become obsessed with novelty, terrified of religion. And a lot of people don’t realize that these ‘starseed teachings’ have existed for thousands of years and it is this drive for novelty, that is making people just want to constantly create something new and in that way kind of glorify themselves as the creator of the new thing and it’s sort of this bizarre situation that’s not ideal for teaching. Because, if something is a true esoteric concept you’re going to see it repeated over and over again, in every civilization that rises and falls… we don’t enter into these teachings from a modern, new age standpoint or ufology standpoint, as though we’re reinventing the wheel. That’s not how you actually understand these things. That’s arrogance.
So in other words, this idea ‘I’m a Starseed I come from another world’ well yeah, because when you pass, your soul passes through every single planetary sphere in the system and the planet itself when it goes through its changes. It’s night and days. It is imbued with cosmic streams from every single planet in the solar system. And there’s a transmigration of souls that occurs. Where souls from certain planetary spheres will begin incarnating in waves, at certain times. That is the key of the Starseed movement. But whenever you look into these Starseed teachers, you never get the classical, esoteric explanation. You just get these fragments and it’s very difficult for you to actually get a working system, that you can use. Which is required for you to understand the concept.
So in other words, the modern thing to do is fragment every teaching into these little pieces on like TikTok and Facebook. And that’s not a good way to learn. If you want to understand a concept, you have to understand the entire spiritual science behind the thing…
The Starseed movement now, it’s like you see this where you don’t even identify as a human being anymore. You’re like identifying as a reptilian, or pleadian, or octurion… this is escapism.”
Gigi Young
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crystal-wind · 5 months ago
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terrifickid · 6 months ago
Well that is the situation and what happened. That's certainly beyond polite conversation and it isn't exactly a political anthem to a new territorial identity.
It's hardly ingestible.
Well, and so I'm probably back from Hawaii. It would almost seem more real if I just started working at a doughnut shop wouldn't it?
You know 'carpe diem' - in what way is anybody still dogging on that? Like urgency isn't a tool of coercion? It's topical, continuously and relevant.
No urgency is a tool of deception used by a master to instruct?
And so this creates what I seem to think of as a 'magic square'. I looked into this. There's a mythos that demons can be drawn into looped lines or unending patterns. Like the Borg virus that made hue.
Huh, should I act by this or that rationale with an unstated but implicit notion of self interest.
That 2pac lyric was weird, 'only thing left'.
I mean, I don't like the idea of zombie but I already lived through 'covid'.
However, ok
According to that Maui Bible study group and etc. we saw the maghrig language was the same as the kahuna used. The Hawaiians supposedly from tahiti? But the instant I landed I met that Hawaiian mystic and both mentioning the island chain is the same mountain range of Japan?! + Stealthy shit all day with that palpable mystical energy radiating from the mountain top?
That's higher than Everest, but submerged.
Don't forget we also suddenly realized polygonal megaliths are now identical worldwide? Doesn't a similar architectural method denote a common lineage? And the Montana one, ok is correlated with wat neolithic migrational trends?
Eh, but oh there was probably a flood / younger dryas. And these people vanished? Yet there's a pleadian connection between the stealth woman and these so called Nordic peoples who are inter-related with the myth of the nephilim -
My perception of tengu was forest goblins. They were earth spirits.
Are nephilim, tengu, ghosts, aliens, lights, spirits of the dead different things?
Why not?
There's also this idea of relationship through action, being. Or being with.
Well that was the result of going to Hawaii.
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creature-wizard · 2 years ago
The Judeo-Kaedostrain order shall fall. We pray for mass peace and decent globalization. The Pleadians perform mass miracles. Do not deny us.
The Pleiadians are sniffing glue and reading comic books.
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