sylvyspritii · 1 month
Do you know any tips for better usage of Virtual Guitarist VST? I know that it doesn't play notes at the 1st bar and some presets require shifting notes to the left a bit, but is there more stuff like that?
Okay i'm sorry for waiting so long with answering this ask, but that's because this is a question that requires a very VERY long answer, and i didn't have the motivation to type it all out until now, because i want to help you, so hopefully you will still read this, and if not, then i hope i can still help others Let's begin! 1. "Notes do not play on the 1st bar" This is an issue with a lot of different VST's and MIDI hardware, i highly reccomend always starting your compositions at the second bar, so, like this screenshot:
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2. "Some presets require shifting notes to the left a bit" This is actually a problem on your end, this is because you might have (unknowingly) set your ASIO drivers to something that does not sync properly to some of your VST's, this can create inconsistents timings, but thankfully there are multiple solutions, there is "the easy one" and "oh no, this one sucks, it's hard", i will explain both THE EASY WAY The easy version is to just set your ASIO driver to FL Studio ASIO and put your playback tracking to Hybrid like in this screenshot:
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But let's be real, we all have our own setups, and this simple solution doesn't always work, so it's time for a deep delve! THE HARD WAY Go hard or go home, it's time to suffer with weird FL Studio bits and bobbles, but i will try my best to guide you through this
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Okay so this is the mixer panel ^
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Assign your Steinberg Virtual Guitarist 2 VST channel thing to one of the funny little numbers (we use 1 in this example)
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Select the corresponding number in the mixing panel (1 in this example), it will be green-ish now, that means it's selected
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Now on the right side of the mixer panel, look down
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Look for this, this weird little greyed out clock with the (none), that's the chaos magic that makes time travel possible in FL Studio and it will take some time getting used to Basically, this thing can make your entire channel time travel to the past or future DURING LIVE PLAYBACK That's right, multi-timeline playblack, strap in, we're in for a ride
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Click on that thingy, and you will see this menu There's multiple options for deciding your "time", personally, i prefer using miliseconds (ms), because it allows you to be the most precise (Note: the miliseconds option is NOT the best when you are composing a song that has shifting BPM's, if you are using BPM change events, then it is better to fiddle with the samples or beats settings, but this can be very annoying, good luck if this is the case!)
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So here's the fun part, you will see this menu when you have clicked on the "Set in ms" thingy So, this will start with 0 of course, that means that it's synced with the main playback timeline
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So, because you are "shifting your notes a bit to the left", it means that you are accounting for a delay issue, right? But what if you didn't have to do that? What if you could simply fix the delay by making the sound that the note plays /before/ the note plays? That's what this does! By using a negative value (such as -100), you are instructing the channel to play the note -100 miliseconds /before/ the note is triggered in the piano roll Of course, you will have to fiddle with the precise number, but this will make it so that you don't have to shift the note slightly to the left anymore, you can just place the note like you normally would in a normal synced piano roll, but you can do that! You know what to do now, the rest is up to you, use your feelings to find the right spot! 3. Other Tricks Okay so here's some other cool tricks with Virtual Guitarist 2
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Do you see this? Usually, when you play a note in Virtual Guitarist 2, the note will keep "playing", like, it will keep "going", like a reverb tail But, if you place a note with 0 velocity after that, the long previous note will end automatically! To do this, you have to drag the little line in the velocity section of the piano roll (it's at the bottom) all the way down, all the way to the bottom Here's another cool trick:
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Okay so remember the previous trick? That won't work if you place the notes close together like this BUT
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Go to this stupid little magnet thing on the top left of the piano roll, and change "1/4 beat" to something smaller (much smaller) like "1/6 step"
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Now select all the notes
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Now do this with your mouse Now, the notes WILL actually stop! Because there's a little small distance between them, this small change makes it so that the first note doesn't "go over" the second note, which makes the zero velocity data of the second note that you gave it trigger properly Okay there's one more cool secret trick
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In the preset "Heavy Chords", starting from the 5th octave and going up from there, every note that is F#, G, or G# (and even more shit when you get to the 10th octave) gives you weird little effect sounds Soooooooo, if you wanna use this presets without automatically getting these effects, then shift down the octaves by using CTRL + down on your keyboard But these effects can be cool sometimes though of course!
For example, at 1:32 in Wonderful Heaven, you can hear one of those weird effects from the Heavy Chords preset used in the background (maybe it's difficult to hear, it's not that loud, but in my opinion it's a really cool detail in the song and it's part of what makes the song sound so iconic)
Anyways thank you for giving me an excuse to talk about Tenshi's theme again And yes, i found that Tenshi guitar sample simply by accident because i kept getting annoyed by accidentally triggering that effect until i discovered "wait a fucking second, is that the Tenshi guitar sample thing???" Anyways, i hope that was enough? If you have any other questions like these, feel free to send another ask, but please keep in mind it can take me a while to respond, because i prefer giving detailed answers when it comes to things i'm passionate about Have fun casually time travelling your music!
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
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xiao zhan - where dreams begin playblack volume
In the last month of Q2, new works on each platform continue to compete fierce.
In the 2023 full-device playback volume list in June, Xiao Zhan and Li Qin leading the starring role in the youth inspirational emotional drama "Where Dreams Begin" topped the list with 1.628 billion full-device views.
Since its inception, it has ranked first in Kuyun's full-end broadcast volume. It won the championship every day, and won the weekly championship of the full-device playback volume for two consecutive weeks.
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killiandestroy · 2 years
tom morello primo ospite internazionale che non sia è dovuto esibire in playblack nella storia del festival
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broodpeas · 1 year
on pop music and coachella.
In the old tumblr times, Coachella was a cool festival. It had an indie ineup and most of us discovered music or listened to bands we liked if we couldn't afford to go. It was great. I still think it's great, except now I wouldn't go to a festival. Coachella has changed a lot since 2010: from rarely seeing women, POC, or LGTBQ+, now it has more diversity. It was time. It also has more pop music, which for me is also fun, because pop music will always be great.
I'm not sure when did pop music crept back for me in music festivals, but I can tell you not a single show will ever top Beyonce's homecoming. I will not be discussing this with anyone who argues against this. It's the reality of pop music: there are pop artists, and then there's Beyoncé. She is her own category. The idea of this post is not to discuss this -again: not opening for discussion-, is more to put some random thoughts in order about pop music, back when I was growing up and now that I am well into my 30's. Coachella somehow works to try to put some order into the thoughts. Let me dig in.
I remember the first time I saw a Britney Spears video. I was, like so many of us, enthralled. Then I saw Christina Aguilera, Mandy Moore, Destiny's Child, Aliyah. They were all....so perfect. So beyond cool, so comfortable in their bodies and their sexuality. They were all the type of peopleI thought it'd be great to be.
But, like many of us, I couldn't confess this. We grew up in a world that censored our love and devotion for pop music, especially for pop female performers- they were everything that everyone wanted, aspired or desired, which for some reason led to people to hate it. The looks you'd get when you admitted that you liked pop music, it haunts me. Of course, now I understand that behind this contradictory train of ideas was patriarchy and a big dosis of misoginy. Pop music in the early 2000's and very well into the late 2010's was understood as dumb music, and behind it, racism, clasism, imperialism and all the baddy -isms you can think of would thrive. And still, most of us secretely enjoyed pop music, and some who were braver than me, admitted and were quite happy to enjoy it sans guilt.
In 2023, pop music still has the same issues that had 30 years ago, but now it's easier to be critical and recognize when it's a valid critic and when it's the shitty system acting up. This has allowed many of us to enjoy pop music more freely, not just the "old" pop music, but the contemporary music. The fact pop music is now diverse and that some artists work to make sure they are not just producing bops, but also producing political comentary, will never cease to amaze me. They don't do it perfectly, but then again, who can make it? After all, they already make perfect bops, to demand more is not wrong but it's also ridiculous.
And yet, on sunday, while I was organizing stuff, I decided to watch a replay of Blackpink's coachella set. I don't know if they are the first kpop to headline a western festival, a fact we can google, but I was amazed by how annoyed I was: too much playblack, too much dancing and not so much talent. Then I realized I was displaying a classic pattern of thinking, where we judge these female artists of not beoing good enough artists because they're not what we expect them to be, even though they are. I certainly couldn't sing and dance in front of thousands of people. I can barely put one feet ahead of me, so me taking this position was not only surprising, but revealing- no matter how much time it goes by, we always have residues of thinking patterns that are harming and dangerous.
But...I still think it's important to put order into my ideas about Blackpink and the uncomfortable feelings they gave me. Mainly because it confronts a part of my feminism I always sit, which is the idea of hyper-feminity, and how it's demanded that some bodies are allowed and demanded to perform in a certain way. Performance in pop music is a necessity, pop requieres it so it can be relevant. The performance manages to attach some moral values, and there will always be the discussion of whether the performers can actually own their autonomy on their genders, sexualities and bodies if they fulfill the patterns that patriarchy forces on them. Because, whether we agree or not, their performers reinforces that pattern, and there seems to be a contradiction. Can they/we be free of those frameworks of thoughts if we decide to own them? to make them our sign of identity? Feminisms have taught us to not be critical of other people's bodies and ways to live- we don't know how those bodies live in the world, how they inhabit it. And yet, those apparently fragile bodies, abled bodies, they reinforce a way of being I, deep inside, know it's too similar of what people taught me to hate on pop performers.
And this way of thinking, it's not complex- it's toxic. The way it creeps into our understanding and enjoyment of pop music, it's insidous and subtle. You don't slam it, you drop the thoughts slowly- by being annoyed at how much playback, and how little singing they do on stage. By how much they reinforce what bodies are considered desirable and loved, and which ones are rejected. When you judge them by how they perform.
I don't know how to change this. It's just there. Whenever I feel it's there, I acknowledge it, and stay silent. I realize I'm not being fair nor just, that I'm letting the hate come out freely. I don't judge myself too hard, I am after all, a bad feminist and it's something I've come to be okay with it. I am critical of myself, but sometimes I do let the jealousy mixes with the admiration I feel- I'll never be that tall, that thin, I will never experience that objectification, commodification or exploitation. I will never experience that judgement in that massive way- it's not the same to exist when you're a regular person than when you're a celebrity. It is expected that you allowed certain things, because you're a celebrity. Everybody has an opinion about what you do, who you are, how you exist. It's....something to keep in mind.
Coachella, like I said, it's not what it was when I was 19. It has super stars that are vocal and brass, like Charlie XCX, whose set was so, so good, she's such good performer and she enjoys it. It has atists who perform knowing what they have to deliver and are also aware of the limits and boundaries and do not give in into the old ways, the ways we grew up accepting tacitly -rosalia, boygenius, kali uchis willow...-. It's our generation and the ones after us. It is also people that are located in places where they know the way they can be it's okay because they know it will not have serious consequence, or if it does, at least some justice might happen. I don't think many colombian people for example were kind with Shakira when she dropped her bops, even if feminists defended her and tried to change the discourse. many argued things that are relevant, but the world will never stop hating on people who decide to break off from the old ways, and find their own ways to be- that comfort, that freedom.
Like I said, pop music has changed, but at the same time, it's the same chew on and spit off to discard machine that it has always been.
The older I get, the easier it is for me to trust my gut when something doesn't add up. sometimes it's a fleeting thought, or something someone said or wrote. other times, is by reading and learning about how to identify when things don't add up. We are thankfully now in a time where it seems it's okay to enjoy whatever we want, without needing permission, but this I think is a big and dangerous façade. Our existence, interconnected with gender, race/ethnicity, social and economical class, culture and geography, history and memory....everything inflicts on us, it profoundly affects who we are now. To be aware of this has also helped me to understand the complexity, the ambivalence, the contradictions on what it all lies in.
Coachella is great and like most music festivals, I always find ways to enjoy it. I still think it's a cool way to find new artists to listen to, or to watch shows from artists you love. To see how much it has changed, to know it used to be something and now it's another, it's great.
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bigtinytoys · 10 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Build Frost King Series Black Adam Action Figure.
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ddc-nightshots · 1 year
•Fake-Radioshow• We play Black! In der Playblack Radio Show treffen die deutschen Stimmen Schwarzer Hollywoodstars auf weiße Schwarze Musik, (Pseudo-)Wissenschaft und die Polizei der Political Correctness. // Von Joana Tischkau und Jan Gehmlich / WDR 2023 // www.wdr.de/k/hoerspiel-newsletter Von Joana Tischkau und Jan Gehmlich.
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girlboyburger · 3 years
you may have noticed my spontenous 4 am name change, but if you didn't, i've changed my username ! from taffyteeth ---> vhsanimal !
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iamjemeni · 3 years
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Today at 4pm 📻 👊🏾 #TalkDiTingz👌🏾 . Repost from @advancemusicca • We are so thrilled to announce that we’ve partnered with @canadianmusicweek to facilitate two very important panels at this year’s virtual conference. Swipe to find out more about the panelists 👉🏽 • Today, #PlayBlack: The Value of Radio will take place at 4pm EST and will be moderated by ADVANCE’S very own @big_c1 . He’ll be joined by @breclarke, @oscarfurtado, @missjemeni, and @pawad. They’ll be talking about the value and necessity of radio when it comes to fostering discovery and playing black artists on air. • 
Tap in! 🙏🏾🏆 RSVP & register at CMW.net now in order to catch these informative discussions! https://www.instagram.com/p/CPBPwbklkVN/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ioltash · 7 years
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dawndcollins · 4 years
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Reposted from @blackoutloudbr This year has thrown us all for a loop and though we were not able to host the annual Black Out Loud conference, we would like to close out the year with the cultural and musical offering we have provided digitally over the past few months. #playBLACK “Spiked Egg Nog Holiday Soul” edition. Black holiday soul classics spun by @solelab_br. Hosted by @donney_rose. Vibes by YOU. Thursday, December 17 on Zoom. ***reposted by @DawnChanetCollins 🤗 https://www.instagram.com/p/CIDyQDJnuDk/?igshid=gwufmr4jwdx
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blmasterlist · 3 years
Pornographer: Playblack
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"2020 playblack? Uh, no thanks soundcloud, all it was was heavy metal and sad rap."
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sayamirupost · 5 years
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Yamamoto Sayaka【WebCM 】#PLAYBLACK~adidas BLACK collection~
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resilientbella · 4 years
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Curso de flauta Transversal
Você acabou de encontrar uma ótima opção para aulas de flauta. Aqui, mostrarei todo o conteúdo do curso Flauta Express. Também analisarei em detalhes a satisfação dos alunos que se inscreveram no curso. Curso para iniciantes em flauta! O treinamento 100% on-line é dividido em módulos para o curso Fife. Um curso muito prático, composto pelos resultados acadêmicos do PDF e PlayBlacks Audios, para acompanhar esses estudos
Aulas de Flauta Transversal veja todo conteúdo.
Módulo 01
Neste primeiro módulo o assunto principal é a respiração, técnicas que farão você tocar com eficiência para tocar mais tempo sem respirar. Tem duas etapas fundamental da respiração. Também aulas de como montar a flauta e como segurar sem danificar-lo. Posições da nota DÓ,SI,LA e SOL. Teoria Musical: – Notação Musical – Pentagrama – Compasso – Linhas suplementares – Nome das figuras
 A partir da 6ª aula, você aprenderá a sentir a pulsação das notas, com os playblacks de cada aula. Iniciará com notas longos como as Mínimas. As posições na Flauta será as notas RÉ, MI, FÁ, SOL, LÁ, SI e DÓ. Teoria Musical: – Propriedades do som – Valores das figuras – Fórmulas de Compasso – O que significa o número de cima e de baixo – Compassos Binários, Ternários e Quartenários – Exercícios de revisão
Módulo 03
A partir da aula 11ª, você irá realizar exercícios com mínimas e semínimas com acompanhamento dos áudios. Exercícios com notas graves e articuladas. Posições das notas: FA#, SOLb, DÓ#,RÉb. Teoria Musical: – Exercícios de ponto de aumento – Tom, semitom, cromatismo – Notas enarmônicas – Regras dos enarmônicos – Dobrado bemol e sustenido – Exercícios de revisão
Módulo 04
Posições SOL#,LÁB, RÉ#,MIB dedo da mão esquerda. Início de estudos com repertórios com notas naturais. Notas agudas com bemóis e sustenidos. Exercícios com mínimas, semínimas e colcheias. Escalas maiores e exercícios de aquecimentos. Teoria musical: – Armadura de clave – Acidentes – O que é escala – Montagens das escalas – Tempo e contra tempo – Escalas maiores com tetracordes Módulo 05
 Módulo final do curso. Exercícios com semicolcheias.Repertório “Eu sei que vou te amar”, “Yesterday”, “Você é linda”. Exercícios com tercinas. Teoria musical: – Montando escalas usando sustenidos – Montando escalas usando Bemois – Acidentes ocorrentes
Siga o caminho e vá direto a fonte visite o site https://ciadosopro.com siga os passos de centenas de pessoas que encontraram o que procuravam. Um Curso de Flauta Transversal de extrema Qualidade.
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grandemestre13-blog · 7 years
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Uma pitada de urbanismo não faz mal a ninguém #bruxotv #glamour #paris6 #gostosinho #playblack #coffee #blackcoffee #hadocklobo #luxury #world #paris🇫🇷 (em PARIS 6)
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roastedeel · 3 years
disco dialogue anon the site is called the FAYDE on air playblack experiment !!
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