lets-steal-an-archive · 7 months
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(source) (full ruling and dissents)
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ofide · 1 year
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discless steelbook? discless steelbook?? literally an empty case with a logo on it??
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harriertail · 7 months
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past lives
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theexorcistiii · 1 year
You guys could never anticipate what the clown I bought at an estate sale today looks like
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chocosnowflake0 · 5 months
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practicing sum pose to try motivate myself down here, failed terrible equisdé cw suggeeeeestive ig
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jiiniix · 1 month
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quick doodle b4 bed, I love the new issue !
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hyolks · 1 year
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references!! subject to change bc character design is my death sentence. also some sillies bc is it really fma if ed doesnt get called short/kid at least once
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wombywoo · 2 months
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ID 🪪
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arrivemedi · 2 months
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Tried to color again after a long while
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flakops · 4 months
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careful, it bites!
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graveyardrabbit · 1 year
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my new son from the woods (Portola Redwoods State Park gift shop)
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anopuff · 1 year
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the gentle spring sunlight warms your body
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god works fast but i work faster, back in business with another sticker from today’s game changer ep — now sold by the newest revolutionary company BIGSHIRTCO, patent pending.
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dreemurr-skelememer · 6 months
headcanon i JUST thought of about idol ink au
error hates pictures but ink and blue absolutely have secret pictures of him just. on the job. because he's SO hot.
they have literally only one photo of him looking at the camera but that's only because he agreed to ONE. ONE PHOTO. and he looks deadpan in it (he thinks his smile is ugly :[ )
also. when error is blushing around them he uses his cap to cover his face. like full on takes it off his head and covers his entire face. im not taking other opinions.
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i took so many breaks in between drawing each of these LMAO anyway here u go, these r all canon to me
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sauce-cat · 11 months
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ohh nooo the dragons are fighting
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zillychu · 5 months
Finding out the Danny Phantom pitch bible originally included more creatures other than ghosts really makes me want to just (DUMPS TRANSCENDENCE AU ALL OVER IT)
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