#play y.akuza!!
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silverselfshippingchaos · 15 days ago
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I got to that one scene that he has and I am. So fucked up over it
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wayfinderships · 6 months ago
Good afternoon gamers!!! I miss F.inal F.antasy. I miss it a lot-
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sepheroth · 2 years ago
what’s your phone wallpaper : Leon Kennedy because once again, I’m obsessed with him. last song you listened to: Radiohead - Creep currently reading : I want to read The Call of Cthulhu. I was playing a game by the same title but I’ve yet finish it. It seems really interesting though. I was curious about what happens so I did a little research and I’m trying not to spoil things for myself right now. last movie : I want to watch M3GAN. last show: HBO’s The Last Of Us. I still need to get to that last episode btw. what are you wearing right now :Black sweater and blue pants because believe it or not it’s cold because I’m using the air conditioner it’s hot as fuck over here. piercings / tattoos: My ears are pierced and I don��t have any tattoos. glasses ? contacts? : Neither. Sometimes I feel like I might really need glasses. last thing you ate? : Some generic brand cereal bar. Lmfao. favorite color(s): I have many but black’s at the top of the list. current obsession : Y.akuza and Re.sident E.vil ( mostly RE4 at the moment) hit me all the way over again, so those two. do you have a crush right now? :I can’t think of any unless celebrities count but I don’t know. favourite fictional character : Besides who I’m writing, K.iryu K.azuma and Leon Kennedy, Albert Wesker is making his way up there too. Gonna throw Kratos in there too. Tagged by: @poeticphoenixTagging:
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necroyasha · 6 years ago
*watches/plays a game for about 2 hours*
*becomes fully invested in the series and scrolls through the tag*
*doesn't understand or know most of what is going on because I have only watched the first two hours of gameplay of one game out of, like, five whole games*
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getitfrenchship · 4 years ago
So. Possible Y.akuza crush but I don't know since I need to play his game/watch a let's play
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bloodfcst-a · 5 years ago
given the revival of the vii fandom with all of the hullabaloo surrounding remake, i can think of no better time to do this meme. i also suggest you check out my updated nav page if you haven’t already! i worked really hard on it okay sobs.
things a new rp partner should know about me !
write 3-5 things a new rp partner (or those who want to be) should know about you and tag 3-5 people! it should be related to rp and not to other interests. 
tagged by: no one, but it’s a shame bc... i got thoughts. you were warned.
tagging: @angereve​ @enshijou​ @breselin​ @serophs​ @strfe​ @fractempyreal​ @extremepath​ @localmagicalboi​ @shimmerseas​ @duplikiss​ @verumking​ @asterites​ + if it strikes your fancy.
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i. i am not your mother’s/father’s yu.ffie blog. while i do have a verse reserved for compilation content, that’s not the main premise of this blog. if you came here for oversexualized underage ninjas.... i’m going to have to direct you elsewhere. out here we’re primarily an adult modern interpretation... who does not daylight as a ninja constantly. she can, however, be a y.akuza or a sheltered member of high society who enjoys kicking ass for justice so if you’re interested in that, y’know. c’mon down.
ii. the typical ‘ yu.ffie is a kleptomaniac ’ / ‘ stop stealing my stuff ’ trope is like. one that grates my very existence. i have talked about this many times, but for those of you who are new: yufi has only stolen out of necessity to her cause. the only time i’ll refer to petty theft on this blog is if she like steals a fry or something. if we’re joking around, okay, but... please don’t consider that to be the sole core of her characterization. i’m begging. i’m on my knees. i’m warning you, i’ll cry and then i’ll probably ignore whatever post you’ve mentioned it in if you’re serious. just. don’t be that person if you’re following me.
if we’re going into it, the only times she’s stolen anything were: > in crisis core, as the ‘ treasure princess. ’  but this is arguable, as the treasure is truly up for grabs to start with & zack repeatedly goes after these locations she’s sent to him ( which, by the way, were sent to her from rufus to attempt to retaliate against + destroy shinra hq ). zack already knew what was up when: 1) she showed up in his spam folder; 2) she literally said she’s on the hunt for treasure; and 3) he knew at least after the second time that he was gon’ get goinked ( please see definition #2 ) so... can’t help him there. > in vanilla vii, when the party is foolish enough to meet her and not recruit her off the bat ( it be ya own self ). to be fair, 99% of her interactions with easterners / non-wutai prior to that moment had been people who either wanted to kill her or exploit her, so... it’s only self-preservation to use them before they use her or worse, leave her for dead. a sad reality for a 16 year old. > in vanilla vii, only after the party arrives to wutai & she thinks she can successfully finish her mission of “ getting all the strongest materia. ” after she’s captured, she does apologize, and then afterward makes cloud sign it in writing. so. y’know, she did learn from her mistake & said “ ugh, guess i gotta put that diplomacy training to use. ”
y’all could argue that she’s a thief class and that’s what they do, but note that it’s NOT one of her core skills-- it’s a MATERIA. which means everyone out there with a steal materia could be out here being a kleptomaniac. cloud? barret? tifa? red xiii? none of your favs are safe. her skills in the game, however, are shit called “ blood festival ” ( oh? see the username’s relevance all of a sudden? aha! ) and “ doom of the living. ”  she’s out here summoning ghosts and reigning otherworldly power on ur ass but... fandom wasn’t ready for that conversation !!  some folks were too BASIC and couldn’t handle her true strength... so i will gladly champion that for you.
iii. i like to emphasize that yufi is an emotionally strong yet traumatized figure, which stems from her origins and that i just put that in the forefront. we have a character who is haunted by her mother who died after childbirth, seemingly rejected from her father yet held to the highest of his standards, has attachment issues because she’s the “ black sheep ” and doesn’t just accept defeat or dejection even if it comes from her core community, survived multiple wars, has led in post-war rescue efforts on multiple occasions, was wrongfully imprisoned, was on the forefront of pandemic outbreaks as a first-responder, joins and rises to the top of an organization created to restore world order, is one of the two top operatives in said organization ( and the one out on the field longer--sorry vin.cent, but u only got involved at lu.cretia and when the actual gunshots disturbed your brooding and wine session filled isolation sessions. but like, mood tho ), pretends to be cheery despite clearly remembering all the hauntings and death and other bullshit she’s been facing since she was a toddler.... oh, and she disarmed bombs when her country was wrongfully targeted + used as political bait for terrorists...when she was a child. that’s canon, if we’re talking about  “ accuracy. ” even in vanilla vii, she had no outlets, no one to turn to, ‘cause everyone was cloud vc: “ not interested. ”  
so if you’re on this blog, it’s not like you won’t see happy  yufi... but realize that i recognize that she is multifaceted and has a lot of baggage. emotional issues which unfortunately i bring to every verse gfdohfofh but u know, it’s core to her character + y’all gon have to deal, or... idk, go find another yufi. i’m not forcing you to be here.
iv. in my opinion, the best plotting comes with ooc conversations/interactions. i’m not saying if we plot that we’re required to be friends, ‘cause i don’t wanna force anyone into friendship, but i truly believe that if you want super deep plots with frequent interactions, we should... probably talk more than once. pretty simple, imo !  sometimes people claim i play favorites, but i really don’t... if you never talk to me and you don’t respond to my attempts to interact, then how am i supposed to know you’re interested? 
as a general rule, i’ll put in as much effort as i receive. if i see you’re interested in me, if we’re really vibing when it comes to plotting, if you’re sending asks & liking posts, we’ve got some threads going, rad !  if i like starter calls and send you asks and message you and you never respond to me... ?  i’ll take that as a sign you don’t wanna talk + i should move on to someone else. if i’m wrong, well... do something to change my mind.
v. i know i went hard as fuck on this meme, but that’s bc I’M REALLY PASSIONATE ABOUT ABOUT THIS MUSE.  in reality i’m actually quite soft + a weenie babie. if you ask.......... most people, i think they’d say i try really hard to be approachable and adaptable. i think everyone who talks to me on discord laughs at me because i’m scared of the stupidest things + i love to make jokes and just be funny and relatable. so please be nice and love me and my sassy fighty extremely tough deprived child. we both need hugs. 
kthx i’m finally done.
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lightlorn · 5 years ago
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honestly at this point w all my friends getting into y.akuza im awaiting my government assigned kin canons to add bc my friends can get me to play anyone w the promise of shipping of any sort and good good worldbuilding.
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gigabombed · 6 years ago
7-10 !
ask lulu. // @slingerscng.
7. Is there something you wish you can change about your rp style?
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i honestly wish i could keep consistent with my formatting, because i always change it up. also, my describing ability could be better…and my attentiveness. because it’s been a problem with me recently. like i can’t focus or actually get motivated to write, and i hate it.
8. Which Harry Potter house do you and your muse belong to?
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lena’s a heavy ravenclaw, while i’m just a mere slytherin. 
9. Is there someone you believe who deserves more love? If so, tag them and say something positive about them.
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i can’t tag everyone, unfortunately. but that’s who i believe deserves more love. literally everyone i interact with. can’t get any more detailed without sounding like i have favorites.
10. Favorite video game right now?
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i’ve been playing a lot of F.inal F.antasy XIV for a while. And y.akuza ( R.yu G.a G.otoku ). those are my favorites to date. o.verwatch has been sitting on the burner for a bit, because the game’s community is literally a whole dumpster fire of bullshit now. it’s honestly been draining to even play the game so i’ve lowered my time on it overtime.
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silverselfshippingchaos · 17 days ago
sorry for not doing anything for valentine's day this year, but happy valentine's day! hope everyone had a good one!
#ash rambles 💚#it's just been a long day for me adhqjdhw i wish i could do more but I'm exhausted and tired and not the best I could be#wanted to send out some f/o letters but unfortunately i dont have it in me today 😔 I'm sorry#i only just got home#buuut#that means it's time to play y.akuza- because what else does ash do on valentine's day LMAAAOO#i havent put too much thought into what I'm doing with my f/os today and we don't have any big plans#but j.oongi and I both ended up buying each other the same bouquet of roses- which is just funny as hell ajdhqjdhs#methinks that ash and j.oongi went out for a bit but then went home and cuddled and talked. it's nothing special but they're so happy!#the weather is very gloomy today so it's nice to stay inside and cuddle and keep warm!#i think k.enzo and ash went out for a nice dinner too#but yeah i think all my ships just took it easy#I'm very exhausted from my life as of late and honestly i don't even care for valentine's day like that#so we're all just chilling#and making out but dw about that part#ok#back to y.akuza 7#I've got priorities#oh right I'll play the demo for the new game later today too! my ex texted and was like 'ASH YOU'VE GOTTA PLAY THE DEMO IT'S SO PEAK-'#and he's my friend and i trust his judgment#and also i wanna play dress up with m.ajima LMAO#maji love love love~!#not my favorite y.akuza character but i do very much like him! it's gonna be a while till i play the game though bcs I'm still on 7#okay back to y.akuza and cuddling some f/os ajdkahd been a little insecure about some of my ships as of late but rn I'm honestly too sleepy#to be sad about them#y.akuza will wake me up! I'm at that point where you give the money for the election in chapter 12#time to leave ijincho!!!!!#oh#right#like a flowing wind 🔳
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silverselfshippingchaos · 2 months ago
if i had a nickel for every time i liked a young cool y.akuza dude that had dyed hair...
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i'd have three nickels.
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silverselfshippingchaos · 2 months ago
that moment when you're trying not to develop a crush on a guy but his boss theme is really good so you keep listening to it, meaning you're always thinking about him
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silverselfshippingchaos · 2 months ago
why does l.axus wear that big ass coat... is it so his girl can steal it and nap in it? i think so.
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wayfinderships · 4 months ago
Good morning gamers! Hope you all have a good day! <3
As for me...😔 I've perhaps developed. A 4th Yakuza crush...I gotta stop! I can't keep developing more!!
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wayfinderships · 3 months ago
Good afternoon gamers!! Hope you're all doing well!! <3
As for me, I got the chance to play some f.e3h so Dimitri is rotating around in my head like this
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wayfinderships · 4 months ago
Good evening gamers! Hope you've all been well <3 Just wanted to see how y'all are doing and apologize fir not being online often ^^" Life has been pretty busy
Also the fact I've been rereading one of my favorite manga (N.aoki U.rasawa's M.onster) means my Brain has been there instead of Self Shipping-akfsnkfnsk
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wayfinderships · 6 months ago
Good morning gamers! Hope you all have an amazing day today!! As for me, I'm excited because I think I'll have some time to game once I'm home from class! :D
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