#platonic yandere Peter Parker
remotepixel · 6 months
headcanons for platonic peter parker who wants to be your brother sooo bad
AAAA ok i want to say thank you so much for requesting !!!!!! i was literally so excited when i saw it lol.
I set this around Homecoming but didn't specify too much.
TW: yandere themes!
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I imagine Peter always wanted a sibling.
-As a bullied, ‘weird’ kid, he grew up wishing he could have someone to hang out with when no one else wanted to.
-Of course, his parents always said no (since it obviously isn’t as simple as young him thought) and he never pestered May and Ben about it, too busy grieving and learning the struggles of money, but the idea lingered well into his teens.
-And, when he met you, he couldn’t help but think maybe God was granting him his wish.
He would be very clingy (to put it simply).
-If you’re in the same school, he’ll make you sit with him and his friends at lunch, walk you to and from lessons, anything to keep himself glued to your side.
-If not, he’ll be constantly checking his phone, texting you 24/7 (or calling you if he can), to the point I wouldn’t be surprised if he got a couple detentions for it.
-He acts like being away from you is the worst thing to ever happen to him.
-Like if doesn’t get a constant reminder that you’re not ignoring him and you’re just busy he’s gonna drop dead.
Outside of school, he would normally invite you around his house to build lego Star Wars or binge old movies no one else your age knows.
-I think he’d really like having things only between you two - like an inside joke or a project you work on together - both because he has an excuse to talk to you, and because it makes it seem like you’ve know each other your whole lives (something he wishes desperately was true).
I imagine Aunt May seeing you two hanging out one day, squabbling about how to properly ensemble the last piece (he’d probably go with your judgement no matter what though), and tells him something along the lines of ‘stop fighting with your sibling’ as a joke.
-The way Peter’s face would just be 😯 before breaking into a massive smile that permanently stays on his face for the next month.
-Like, even Aunt May agrees that he’s your brother, that's basically the same as her adopting you, yeah? no-
Peter is a bit delusional if you couldn't tell.
-Like, the way he constantly called Happy because he convinced himself that it was gonna go through eventually? Yeah, you’re getting the same treatment.
-He assumes you feel the same even if you so much as look at him (I bet he’ll think it’s some ‘sibling secret code’ and look at you in the same way so it looks like he understood).
That isn’t to say he’s ignorant to your emotions though.
-He copies your feelings in a way - like, if you’re sad, he’ll be as well, if you’re angry at something, he’ll be angry, etc.
-He isn’t one for violence but I don’t think he would care if Spiderman webbed/roughed up a few people who were annoying you (I don’t think he’d do much more unless you were in serious danger or he got too caught up into his feelings like in no way home).
I can’t believe I didn’t mention this before but he would be so jealous if you actually had (a) sibling(s).
-Like, he’s supposed to be your brother, but now he has to compete with people who know you so much better than he does? People who get to live with you and say you’re related without getting funny looks?
-(He lied to MJ once and it immediately backfired- he just wanted someone to actually think you and him were siblings, ok? Is that really a crime?)
-I don’t think he would have it in him to be outright mean to them, but he wouldn’t be overly nice either, just neutral enough to hide any jealously and not get banned from seeing you.
He tries not to come across as pathetic (don’t tell him he lowkey is-) but he’s never had much of a family before. Sure, he has Aunt May but everyone else? Dead, just like that.
Siblings is a whole new world for him and he just wants to be there for you, be your role model like Stark is for him, and prove that he can be the best brother ever.
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I have re-read this but my tenses might be messed up </3
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floatyflowers · 5 months
Dark Platonic Father! Spiderman x reader
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Peter Parker never imagined ending up as a single young father.
But it happened, and he doesn't regret it at all, even though it is hard to take care of a child while being a superhero.
Adding to that, he is keeping his identity a secret from you.
Why? because you have phobias from spiders
He always makes sure you get to school on time and helps you with your homework.
Spiderman is incredibly protective of you, always making sure you're safe and sound, even if it means breaking a few bones while saving the world.
Peter is your biggest fan, cheering you on from the sidelines at every performance you do.
And if a parent or a student makes fun of you, he doesn't mind paying them a visit and 'putting them in their places'
And by that, I mean he scares the living hell out of them.
Even if he is always busy, but all his free time is spent with you, because he believes his life should revolve around him.
So imagine his shock when he discovered that you have friends.
He felt betrayed
Yes, he flew to their houses dressed as Spiderman and made them swear to stay away from you or he will eat them alive.
Maybe it's Venom who is starting to effect his behaviour.
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
do you think yandere platonic miguel prefers to sedate his kid with his venom when attempting to cuddle/bond with them or is manhandling them into submission his preferred method?
I just- I just can't stop imagining Peter B stumbling upon you guys and going "😳😳😳Miguel??? My man??? Why is your child lying paralysed in your lap????🥺🥺🥺 What do you mean its because you want to bond with her??? As what- her paralysis demon?😭 Miguel, stop this is not parenting, this is traumatising your child 101- LOOK AT HER, SHES CRYING!😭😭😭😭😭"
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yandere-kokeshi · 1 year
Could i please request a Platonic Yandere Peter B. Parker with a reader from a different universe (maybe in their original universe, he's their biodad?)
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Warnings: platonic-yandere behavior
A/N: we love Peter b. Parker. Ty for requesting! Hope you enjoy :]
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He’s shocked, to say the least. He already has his daughter tangled around him as he works with Miguel and the other Spidermen. Plus, taking care of miles is another job. But when Miguel told him about a new Spider-Person, he was intrigued.
But, when he saw you appear at the quarters all sad and lit up when you saw him, though getting disappointed a second later when you saw him holding Mayday, it shattered his heart. Of course, having spider senses and the ability to be understanding, he approached you; feeling bad about your reaction. Furthermore researching and begging Miguel to see what happened in your universe, it made him sad to see you now-distant.
Regardless of what happened in your universe, he’s now always ‘bothering’ you; acting like the dad he once was in your universe. He’s taking you under his wing as he did with Miles. Whatever happened, he’s hoping he can fix it with you, wanting to get to know you better as you did with him in your universe.
You’re welcome into his home at any time, he always makes sure to make extra plates during breakfast and dinner, even if you said the day before you weren’t coming/or had plans.
Peter constantly asks if you have the designed bracelets to let you travel through universes; making you promise you’ll use them safely and appropriately.
And if you don’t? Well, he won’t be mad. Sure, he’s disappointed. But he’s proud that you did something you are also proud of. He’ll even state that he will take the blame if Miguel shows up at the front door.
The whole family adores you. Mayday loves you just as much as her dad. She loves clinging onto you, planting herself onto your head, and playing with your hair (if you’re fine with it!) and sometimes cries whenever she doesn’t see you. MJ always welcomes you with wide and loving arms whenever you come to visit; hugging you tightly when you come through the portal.
Seeing Peter and Mayday happy to see you warms her heart, which escalates to her opening up to you - treating you like one of her own.
Peter always goes out of his way to get things you enjoy, regardless of your whining of ‘I don’t need more things’. If he sees something in a shop, even in the window, he sprints out with more gifts he was supposed to buy and gives them to you the next time he sees you - making sure to add the Mayday participated in the wrapping paper!
He’s quite a chill parent considering he’s taking care of a baby and a teenager. While he’s gonna be watching out for you, making sure you don’t overdo your strength and aren’t damaging stuff; he would hate to get yelled at Miguel for things that are broken.
Peter always makes sure you feel loved, often giving you hugs and affection that you may feel uncertain about. He always reaches out, asking if he can do anything to help you and that you know he’s here to support you.
Though, Peter is quite a touchy person and if you prefer not to be touched and rather be shown affection through gifts, acts of service, or words, he’s happier to do that as his goal is to make sure you feel comfortable and safe in his presence.
Masterlist || Please consider reblogging and commenting instead of liking, it helps me as a creator!! Stay well!!
© yandere-kokeshi 2023 — Do not copy, modify, edit, repost, or use my works for ASMR readings, tiktoks, or other content.
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the-broken-truth · 1 year
Red Eyes [Part 1] - Platonic Yandere Miguel O'Hara w/ Male Spider Teen Reader
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Summary: Hello, my name is [Name] [Surname]. I am known as the Crimson Spider from Earth-865. Peter B. Parker recruited me to join the Spider-Society where I was introduced to its leader, Miguel O'Hara. However, since the moment our eyes met, Miguel has developed a dangerous obsession with me. I am unsure if I can handle this situation or if I will end up like others who have been chased away by him.
[Spider-Society Headquarters]
I strolled down the hallway with my hands tucked into the pockets of my Spider-Man suit. Peter B. Parker, the older Spider-Man, guided me to the main hub of their headquarters. The leader of this operation was overseeing the containment of Anomalies and monitoring the Spiderverse, which Miles affectionately referred to as his preferred term over the Multiverse. I personally agree; the Multiverse sounds too mundane.
Oh, I'm getting ahead of myself, allow me to introduce myself: My name is [Name] [Surname], also known as the Crimson Spider of Earth-865; I was bitten by a radioactive spider on my 15th Birthday and y life was never the same again. Being the Crimson Spider was one of the best decisions I had ever made but it take a lot of my time. I try to be a good son to my parents and keep my grades up in school but the world needs saving and i'm going to do what I need to do to keep it safe. I met Peter B. Parker when a strange version of the Vulture came into my world when I was sure that the Vulture was still in prison. I managed to stop him when a portal opened up and another Spider-Man came out of the hole and introduced himself as Peter B. Parker and told me to follow him to come to a place where there were more people like me. I did, i had questions and I needed answers.
"Just a heads up, Miguel is a rather irritated person - he gets mad easily and it's easy to get on his bad side, just ask Miles and Gwen. Now, when we see him, just let me do all the talking." Peter said as he and I entered the main hub and I saw him - Miguel O'Hara - standing before a holographic tablet while watching a video of some kind before he pushed it away and turned to face Peter and me - the first thing I noticed about him was his Red Eyes - just like mine. That's right - I was born with Crimson Red Eyes, I got it from my father's father, who also had red eyes. I was rather popular at school because of my eyes; it's rare to see someone with red eyes.
"Did you catch the Anolmany?" Miguel asked Peter but his eyes were still glaring at me.
"Actually, this kid caught him; had him wrapped like a present by the time I got there." Peter said as he moved out of the way to gesture towards me, I waved at Miguel and he narrowed his eyes before he jumped down and landed right in front of me.
"Who are you?" Miguel asked.
"I'm the Crimson-Spider of Earth-865; at least, that's what Peter tells me." I said as I gestured towards Peter who nodded and smiled.
"You defeated the Anolmany? Interested. Take off your mask and show me your face and tell me your real name.; if you want to work here, I need to know who you really are." Miguel said, I looked over at Peter, who nodded and I looked at Miguel before removing my mask and looking at him with my red eyes; his eyes widened when he saw me.
"My name is [Name] [Surname]." I introduced myself.
"Your eyes...they're red." Miguel said.
"Yes, I got them from my Grandfather; surprisingly, his name is also Miguel." I smiled but Miguel just stood there, looking at my eyes before he turned and jumped back to his platform.
"Give him a bracelet, Peter; he's one of us now and he'll be going on missions with me from now on." Miguel said as he started working again. Peter smiled and gave me a bracelet that kept me from glitching but there was something about the way he said that I would be working with him from now on. Why was he so insistent that i work with him?
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imagine-silk · 7 months
if okay if you feel uncomfortable doing this or you just don’t want to, I couldn’t find any rules in your profile, but will you either do a platonic yandere miguel o’hara or platonic yandere parker family finding out that the reader self harms? I hope you have a good day/night!
》¿Por qué no los dos? This brand of ask isn't my favorite but I do my best to do it justice. It's a serious topic.
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The Parker's (using the babysitter background x)
Absolutely not. They found out after you were half living at their house and they are speechless. Nothing could have prepared them for this.
Your family either doesn't know or overlook it. Either way they hate your family, your parents especially. None of your siblings snitched on you? Not even once? That disdain is set in stone and there is nothing you could do about it.
You always wear some sort of long sleeve and they're cool with that but they wrapped your arm underneath with bandages. Lord knows they have a ton of them. Don't even think about taking them off because they check everyday.
As impossible as it sounds, they spend more time with you.
MJ gets off of work the second her shift is over. "Sorry. My son/daughter is waiting for me to get home." She doesn't get into it ever. If someone asks, you're having homework trouble.
Peter makes sure Mayday is with you all the times. You can't have anything sharp around a baby. Especially a baby that climbs everywhere. Plus that means they can get more pictures. Win-win.
They make sure you know you can talk to them if you have anything to say. They will always listen. Peter is always willing to stop everything for it. He knows how hard things can hit you.
He reacts with aggression at first. He freaks out, asking about who did it to you and what their names are. When you say it was you he doesn't believe it. You might be covering for someone or you didn't know who did it. He's even willing to believe you did it on accident. It takes a few minutes to convince him you did it.
After that he pulls you into a hug and says he's proud of you for telling him instead of waiting until he found out. He shushes you while you cry on his shoulder.
He says he trusts you to keep away from doing it or making any plans to hurt yourself but that's not true. Dude has inter-dimensional cameras he watches at work and checks when you're sleeping. He makes an effort to grab your arm every so often. Nothing to tip you off.
He doesn't press you to talk about it. He asks if you want to talk about it once and then let's you come to him on your terms. Any time you do he holds your hand.
As a single dad he can't always be there or have someone to keep you company so he tries to keep you busy. He'll get you into any hobby you want. If it's basketball he'll never miss a game. If it's ballet he will buy as many shoes as you go through. If you like cooking he'll leave every meal in your hands and stock the fridge. Anything.
Now that all that fluff is out of the way let's get down to business. Everyone around you is a suspect. All your classmates or co-workers. Every Spider who comes into contact with you. Any villain that seems to know about you in the slightest, even if they don't know he's your father, is maimed. You need to feel safe and loved and he doesn't need any unwanted stress in your life. Every single one of them is one the chopping block and his axe is very heavy.
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mango-bango-bby · 1 year
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Spiderverse ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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Hobie Brown ➸ ♡
Miguel O’Hara ➸ ♡
Peter B. Parker ➸ ♡
(I’m only writing for a few characters at the moment, but I might add more!!)
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lobelia-peregrina · 9 months
Peter and Aaron adopting Miles... just without his consent.
Peter became an anti-hero called the Black Spider (because his costume is black) and Aaron is still the Prowler – Jefferson died when he was a teenager and never met Rio, so Miles is not Aaron's nephew – They have both been friends since they were teenagers and live together, platonically.
They both know Miles first as Black Spider and Prowler, then as civilians and are like "damn, do we want a son? Okay, let's adopt him!", the detail is that Miles has a stable adoptive family and certainly doesn't want to be adopted by two scary figures, but it's not like he had a choice.
Peter and Aaron are new parents and Miles is very stressed about being kept in confinement with these two crazy people who won't leave him alone. For the first few weeks Miles goes on a hunger strike, but Aaron ends this when he threatens him with a feeding tube. Miles screams, swears, cries, attacks and doesn't let his new parents have a moment to rest.
Peter and Aaron are stressed and don't know what to do to calm their new son – drugging him is tempting, but they want his trust. – They know they must be patient during the adjustment period, but nine weeks of screaming and crying are killing their senses. Fortunately, there are parents in their social circles, so they give in and ask for advice. His friends advise him that instead of talking, show Miles that his place is now with them. Let him run away, let him think he has a way out, only to understand and accept that he can never run away, no matter how far he runs, how far he goes, no matter who helps him, his place is with Peter and Aaron now , forever.
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honeymelonpm · 1 year
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Head Rush
Characters: (mcu) platonic Peter Parker X reader
Warning: Mild Violence, implied kidnapping, Yandere Themes
Set After No Way Home!
Drabble/Oneshot I guess?
The strands of webbing tugged tightly around your wrists, keeping your hands bound behind your back as your fragile body swayed ever so slightly, the weight of your body being dangled from the ceiling by a rope of web gripped firmly around your ankles.
You struggled to keep your vision focused as all the blood rushing to your head kept you in a loop of constant dizziness, the haunting feeling that your eyes would pop out of your head any second is what kept you so still and compliant.
The tears that welled up in your eyes had severely blurred your vision, however you were still able to make out his silhouette when he walked into view of the doorway.
"I lost everything, everyone. Tony, "He took a sudden, harsh breath before he whispered with a weak voice, "May."
A hot tear ran cold as it rolled from your eye and across your forehead, before disappearing when it met your scalp.
"My girlfriend, my best friend, every time I thought I had someone left, they slipped through my fingers, one way or another." The grainy floorboards groaned beneath his feet as he took a step closer to you, his face perfectly aligned with yours.
"We've been together forever, it's always been us against the world." His face twisted into a look of genuine confusion and misunderstanding. "I just don't understand why you would want to not only move away, but move in with some guy you've known for what, two months?"
His hand caressed the back of your head, before gently pulling your head closer to his, "What were you thinking?" He whispered.
It took a couple of attempts to inhale a proper breath before you could reply, whispering a breathy "I-i'm s-sorry."
The tears that he had kept unshed melted as he stared at you in wonder, his eyes becoming just that bit glassier when a lump swelled in his throat, "I know, but-"
He cut himself off, his eyes leaving yours as if to stare in thought for a moment, before clamping a silk gloved hand firmly around your mouth, turning his slim waist and holding out his hand towards the door, his fingers almost brushing against the trigger of his web shooter.
"One peep out of you and I'll drag you to Stark Tower and stuff you in a suit, do you hear me?"
His sudden threat not only terrified you, but confused you, until a beat later when three dull thuds pounded against the front door of the apartment.
A muffled "Parker?" resounded against the thin yellowing walls of the flat.
Peter's grasp on you became tighter, his fingers slowly beginning to crush your jaw.
"Parker?" Another three knocks rapped against the door.
Five breaths passed, silence filling the air before Peter slowly lowered his hand and turned to you, a subtle look of relief washing over his face when your presence was proved to him.
A/N: wow it's been a while since I've written something :/ This is just something very brief and random. It's unedited but I just wanted to post it and see how people thought about it.
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nastyavolk-cp · 2 years
Yandere!Dad Tony Stark to Peter Parker
Anonymous requested: Hi~ Could I get some general head cannons for a platonic Yandere!Tony who's like an obsessive murderous father figure to Peter?
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As a father figure Tony is too overbearing and paranoid.
Peter was very unlucky to get Tony Stark as a mentor/father figure.
He wants to know everything that happens to Peter’s life, especially his social one.
Let’s just say that he’s pretty unhappy with knowing that Peter suffers bullying.
He makes sure that no one will ever bother him again.
Obviously Peter starts to suspect that something is going on but Tony always managed to dismiss his thoughts.
If the idea of stepping away from his relationship with Tony ever crossed his mind, Tony gets desperate.
And it requires desperate ways to keep Peter close to him.
So, bye school, bye social life, bye freedom and welcome home, child 💕
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hermesserpent-stuff · 11 months
hello friends. Guess what updated~~ Got some platonic yandere tombstone right here inside of Of Tombstones and Timetravel. ^-^ as always thank you to @kzele for making the au. I do a lot of the writing and they do a lot of the ideas and together we make a fic and world I'm obsessed with. Give them some love too (cause they're a lovely person.
Tombstone snorts as Peter balances on the top of a nearby trashlid.
“Sure, I'll do another charity thing with you. I don't know why you keep asking me though.”
“One! Deep down you do care about this city. Two! You're my best friend, who else would I be asking to join the latest gossip escapades, I mean charity drives?”
“You just go for the gossip.”
“Hey, it's not my fault old ladies know everything about everyone. It's free spying. Wait. That sounds bad.”
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madschiavelique · 1 year
➯ 𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫-𝐦𝐚𝐧 : 𝐀𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 - 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
here you might find content such as : ★ - miguel o'hara x reader drabbles & headcanons ★ - miguel o'hara x reader x peter b. parker drabbles & headcanons ★ - hobie brown x reader drabbles & headcanons (upcoming)
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— 𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐎’𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐞 (𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐨'𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
summary : a 4 shot miguel x reader where tension grows in each parts, he teases you, you tease him and it ends up in a glorious smut content warnings : blood, bullet, biting (literal), no use of Y/N, smut on the 3rd and 4th part (if there are others please do tell so that i can add them !)
----- chapters : ★ 1 — love bite ★ 2 — late night training ★ 3 — unexpected mission (nsfw) ★ 4 — shameless (nsfw)
𝐨𝐱𝐲𝐭𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 (𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫!𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐨’𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐱 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
summary : in which you start your new life as a Biology student, and have to live with the fact that your hot neighbour is also your hot teacher. content warnings : collegeteacher!miguel o’hara x student!reader, smut, praise kink, degradation kink, pnv sex, fingering, spanking, sir kink, size kink, no use of Y/N, fem!reader.
Restraint (Miguel O'Hara x fem!reader) NSFW
summary : you convinced Miguel to wear a muzzle to fuck you, and let's just say it drives him insane. content warning : SMUT (18+) minors dni, pnv sex, unprotected safe (be safe kids), miguel becoming a tiny bit angry because he can't kiss you nor bite you, possessive miguel, no use of Y/N word count : 1,1k
𝐅𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐫 (𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐎'𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫) — 𝑼𝒑𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒈
summary : you got a new lip balm set, with a bunch of different flavours, and miguel wants to try them all by kissing you content warning : none, absolute fluff
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✿ when you get one of these pheromone perfumes
✿ when miguel gets jealous because a random spiderperson flirts with you
✿ miguel nearly dies on a mission and now wants you by his side at all times
✿ headcanons (platonically and romantically) with an asexual reader
✿ headcanon : why vanilla ice cream with occasional sprinkles is miguel's favourite flavour
✿ miguel takes care on you on your periods
✿ reassuring miguel about his scars
✿ headcanon : miguel's type
✿ miguel reassuring a self conscious reader about their body
✿ miguel takes care of you when you're sick
✿ you tease miguel by using his last name
✿ headcanon : how miguel sleeps
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✿ when you say miguel is too big and he won't fit, but he does
✿ you ride miguel's face until it fixes his neck
✿ when you wear a sundress and miguel can't contain himself
✿ when you ask miguel to teach you how to suck his dick
✿ when miguel discovers he likes being the little spoon
✿ miguel humps you when he's stressed
✿ miguel discovers you want lots of kids, so he breeds you
✿ riding miguel for the first time
✿ headcanon : miguel's favourite sex positions
✿ pegging miguel for the first time
✿ riding miguel to overstimulation... so he fingers you and gives you oral instead
✿ miguel discovers you're a stripper
✿ reader's first time with softdom!miguel
✿ reader rambling about how down bad they are for miguel, and him hearing it
✿ headcanon : miguel's dick
✿ miguel said he didn't want kids after gabriella... but sectrely tries to breed you
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—𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐎’𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐁. 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫
✿ miguel made you cry because he was mean as you were eiffel towered by him and Peter B (nsfw)
✿ after tying you down and fucking you senseless, Miguel and Peter take care of you
✿ miguel and peter overstimulating you
✿ miguel and peter railing you from possessiveness
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✿ yandere headcanons : yandere!miguel o'hara x reader x yandere!peter b parker
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✿ how spider people feel orgasms (nsfw)
✿ how miguel's voice sounded before all the trauma
✿ thoughts on sub!reader with miguel and peter (nsfw)
✿ anon take on yandere miguel overstimulating you (nsfw)
✿ reader taking selfies after giving miguel head (nsfw)
✿ miguel fucking you and whispering 'iloveyouiloveyouiloveyou' (nsfw)
✿ why i picked nena as main pet-name from miguel
✿ anon developping on yandere!miguel and yandere!peter b parker (dead dove)
✿ anxious reader playing with miguel o'hara's hand (nsfw bonus at the end)
✿ miguel celebrating the holidays
✿ would miguel neglect his partner because of the multiverse work
✿ realistic scenario of miguel loving someone
✿ greek soldier miguel au idea
✿ anon and i expanding on the greek soldier miguel au idea
✿ cursed vampire miguel o'hara au idea
✿ miguel anxiety blanket
✿ miguel's favourite songs
✿ "i'll kill you if you don't shut up" girlfriend with "that's so hot, i love u" miguel
✿ miguel's insecurities
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please, before sending me a request, make sure you read the request rules
thank you <;33
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
So is Peter b Parker and mayday yans aswell? And what kind of figure do they take? Like uncle and niece? Dad and sibling?
Yesss obv everyone is a yandere for reader (its your world and u are everyone's fav okay???). As for the roles they take, well it kinda depends on how yan papa Miguel reacts. I think he's more likely to allow Peter B to be an uncle than a dad to you because Miguel really really hates competing and he wants to be the only father figure in your life. As for Mayday, Miguel views u two as siblings, if anything, he views you two as the same age (his two babies, tho Mayday is more stronger than you in his eyes. You're just a fragile kitten).
Yandere uncle Peter tho, views you as a kid but not as helpless as Miguel deems you to be. No, no, Peter actually treats you like a teen/adult and he bonds greatly with you. The thing is though... whatever age you may be, Peter thinks that you still need to be protected from the harsh world. While Miguel wouldn't ever let you go be spiderman, Peter actually would accompany on your hero adventures, keeping a watchful eye on you.
As for Mayday, you're just her fav person ever and she absolutely hates it when anyone else tries to have you attention, especially if its a girl, my beautiful baby will just shoot webs at you until you're pinned to the bed and then crawl up to your neck and cuddle you, sometimes shooting a web to your mouth so that you cant yell for help.
And it doesn't help that Miguel rewards this behaviour by giving chocolates and spider merch to Mayday.
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yandereaffections · 1 year
Marvel Masterlist
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looking for spiderman/peter parker? He has his own Masterlist ❤
Steve Rogers
Delusional Steve
Pregnant S/o
Single Parent S/o
Tony Stark vs Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes vs Steve Rogers
Touchy with friends S/o
How Steve spoils S/o
Amnesiac S/o
Nuclear Apocalypse
Killer Steve
Werewolf Steve
Avenger S/o
Rebellious S/o
Steve finding S/o after running away with another man
Hearing S/o sing
S/os friend helping them Escape
Trying to break up with him
S/o goes missing
Steve protecting Villain S/o
Famous S/o
Delusional 50s Fantasy
Clinging onto S/o who doesn’t like being touched
Hospitalized S/o
S/o Framed into Execution
Living in the 40s with S/o
S/o who can die from pregnancy
Bucky/Steve sharing S/o
S/o who is already dating
Insecure S/o
Professor Steve dating College student S/o
necromancer S/o
Haunted House w/ Steve and Bucky
Werewolf Vampire Hybrid Steve
Alien S/o hiding parts of themselves
Ghost Steve communicating through Ouija Board
Figuring out S/os a Lizard human hybrid
S/o suffering from constant headaches
Someone attempting to drug S/o
Model S/o
At a BLM Protest
House spouse S/o
Easily scared S/o who loves horror movies
Doing his makeup when hes asleep
Platonic relationship with his daughter
S/o spending more time with bucky and sam
Magical girl hero S/o
S/o being on team Iron man during civil war
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Bucky Barnes
Winning you over
Bucky Barnes vs Natasha Romanoff
S/o that loves their Stalker
Bucky Barnes vs Steve Rogers
Winter Solider Falling for a Civilian
Gore + Torture TW
Hunted Down
Trick or Treating w/ Bucky
Perusing Dating after Hydra
S/o who is affectionate towards friends
Bucky as a Parent
Prioritizing your child over him
Bucky being in college while S/os still in HS
Bucky w/ Daughter, platonic
S/o w/ cystic fibrosis
S/o who is scared of Bucky
Shoving Buckys head into your chest when angry
King Bucky
Soulmate AU
Crush with a shit boyfriend
S/o that loves pampering Bucky
Running away cause Someone broke in
Running away to the Police
Steve/Bucky sharing S/o
Recently freed Bucky taking refuge with you
Cuddlebug S/o
Pro baker S/o
kpop fan Dancer S/o
Halloween Date
Yandere Letter
Haunted House w/ Steve and Bucky
Shy S/o
Werewolf S/o
Witch S/o accidentally turning herself into a cat
Oblivious S/o
Darlings scared of bugs
Petite S/o
Artistic s/o
Getting a handmade blanket from S/o
S/o insecure about their high pitched voice
S/o whos always tired
Treating his wounds
Touch starved S/o that doesnt know how to show affection
S/o drools in their sleep
Air head S/o
Darling who enjoys being taken care of
S/o whos kidnapped by random people
Fluff Headcannons
“it feels like home when im with you”
S/o who was verbally abused as a kid, made to believe youll never be loved
Darling who has shit friends
Hydra S/o who tries to brainwash him again
S/o who jokes around when nervous
S/o that likes to be carried by his metal arm
S/o with a regular prosthetic arm
S/o got injured trying to escape
General protective HC
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Stephen Strange
Using his powers to get his S/o
Chasing S/o down
Insecure S/o  
Single Parent S/o
Apprentice S/o
Jealous of his Cloak
Using his powers on his Dead S/o
Kidnapping S/o
Yandere Cloak
“Be good for me this time. I don’t want to see you cry again.”
Patient S/o
Tony Stark vs Stephen Strange
Taking their S/o away from their abusive family
S/o with a flat chest
Red string of fate AU
S/o with PTSD
Oblivious S/o
Apprentice S/o getting hurt
Poly Naga Stephen + Tony
Cannibal S/o
Accident Prone S/o
Comforting Anxious S/o
Watching S/o sleep
S/o getting hurt during a city attack
Healer S/o distrusting him cause they think hes using them
S/o favoring his cape as a coping mechanism
Asexual S/o
Darling with narcolepsy and chronic pain
S/o is as good and talented as him
Sneaking out only to come back with puppies
S/o who has bad anxiety attacks
Using his cape to find S/o who sleeps in odd places
Chaotic s/o
Quiet s/o playing ACNH
S/os first time seeing snow
S/o whose ok with being kidnapped as long as they can go to amusement parks
Kidnapped S/o keeps passing out due to fear
S/o wanting to dance in the rain
S/o has the power to teleport
Demon S/o
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Thor Odison
NS FW headcannons
Loki vs Thor
Loki vs Thor Preference
Stronger than Thor thinks S/o
Teaching Thor about Halloween
Finding Puppies
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Loki Odison
Loki vs Thor
Loki vs Thor Preference
S/o in arranged marriage
Using a Love Potion on his S/o
Naga Loki
Affectionate S/o
Teasing his S/o
Valentines Day
S/o who can sing
Insecure S/o who keeps rejecting him
S/os Suicide TW
Brutally taking his Soul mate
Supportive S/o
Harassed S/o
Possessive S/o
Liking his Hair touched by S/o
Halloween Date
Someone cat calling his Darling
Drunk S/o
Asexual s/o
S/o whos best friends with Tony
Depressed S/o
Magica girl S/o
Vampire loki hunting down a s/o whos having fun with it
Platonic yandere  HC
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T’challa Vs Erik
S/o getting Married to someone else after he gets Snapped
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Tony Stark
“I sent you more gifts! do you like them?!
NS FW headcannons
Sugar Daddy
S/o getting attention to the constant attention he attracts
Tony Stark vs Steve Rogers
Cold in Public yet Cuddly in Private
Pushover S/o
Tsundere S/o
Jealous of the amount of attention Steves giving S/o
The Purge
Plus size Lingerie model S/o
“How else would they know you belonged to me?”
“its like you were made for me”
S/o who doesnt mind his Yandere tendencies
Jealous Tony
Finding a kitten
Shy/Book-wormy S/o
Valentines Day
Stephen Strange vs Tony Stark
S/os first relationship
Nerdy S/o
Poor yet incredibly Sweet S/o
S/o not wanting anything to do with Tony
Touchy S/o Hiding behind him
Zombie Apocalypse
Sugar Daddy to a Male College student S/o
Single Parent S/o
Learning S/o has Terminal Heart Cancer
S/o with a Prosthetic Leg
Cute S/o that listens to Death Metal
Drawing Tony in a maid outfit
Blind S/o
Vampire S/o
S/o who shuts down after kidnapping
Yandere S/o protecting their Love interest
Punishing S/o who tried to escape
Artist S/o
S/o who can see ghosts
Suicidal S/o TW
“Hey demons its ya boy”
Making Halloween costumes
Poly Naga Stephen+Tony
Tonys Type
Hunted Down
S/o having a delayed reaction to being Kidnapped
Injured S/o
S/o being hit on by Quentin Beck
Cyber stalking
S/os in the military
Crush thinking his Flirts are only jokes
Losing S/o to the Snap
Comforting S/o after a bad day
Strong Kick ass S/o
Not knowing S/o immortal, watching them get stabbed
S/o loving DIY stuff
Finding out S/o been begging to Jarvis to help them escape
S/o secretly making robo stuff
S/o having inhuman strength
terrorist S/o
S/o calling ptsd “spicy nostalgia”
Tonys s/o phasing through security after being kidnapped
Life Threatening Situation
Male S/o is a single parent
Modest S/o wont let him spoil them
S/o in a depressive episode
What kind of gifts does he buy his darling
How he shows affection
dealing with competing suitors
Proposal HC
Vampire Tony Hunted down
Incubus Tony
Assassin S/o
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Natasha Romanoff
Dealing with competition
Wanda vs Natasha
Bucky vs Natasha
S/o whos not into girls
Hunted Down
S/o Disobeying
Avenger S/o
Choosing S/os Clothes
Shy s/o
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Wanda Maximoff
Wanda vs Natasha
Bisexual S/o
Vampire Wanda
ADHD & Autistic S/o
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S/o who runs away
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Nick Fury
Shy and Quiet S/o
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Bruce Banner
Being able to control his emotions
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Hela Odison
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Carol Danvers-
Powerful S/o
Single parent s/o
Oblivious S/o
Oblivious S/o is getting flirted with
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Hunted down
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Doc Oc
Parental/Platonic HC
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Steve Rodgers 
Vocal Steve 
Turned on during a mission 
College Virgin S/o slightly 
Breeding HC 
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Bucky Barnes
Stealing S/os underwear 
Another Underwear Stealing 
NS FW alphabet
NS FW Headcannons
Sexually frustrated Bucky 
Getting Caught 
Dominate Bucky 
Sitting on his face 
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Stephen Strange
NS FW headcannons
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Werewolf Thors Heat 
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NS FW headcannons
NS FW alphabet
Orgasm denial + Aphrodisiac
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Tony Stark
NS FW Alphabet
S/o has a high Sex Drive 
S/os First Time 
Submissive tony 
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“You’re such a pretty little thing tied up like that” 
NS FW headcannons
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NS FW headcannons
794 notes · View notes
the-broken-truth · 1 year
Leaving The Web [Part 6 - Epilogue] - Platonic Yandere Miguel O'Hara w/ Daughter Symbiote Spider Reader
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Broken Truth: Someone in the comments asked me for a Part 6 to this storyline so I decided to make an Epilogue. Please enjoy this final part of Leaving The Web.
[Earth-928 / Spider-Society / Infirmary]
"Broken Ribs. Fractured Leg, Bruised Ego." Lyla said as she went over Miguel's Medical Chart while the Leader of the Spider-Society was laying in a bed with his body bandaged and his red eyes looking at the ceiling with his traditional frown on his face while he slowed his breathing to relieve the pain on his ribs. It had been a week since he was thrown back into the portal by Venom & his daughter, [Name], and he was just now gaining consciousness. Miles and Gwen with the help of Peter B. Parker got him into the infirmary so that he could get his wounds looked at and bandaged but he passed out from the pain and the stress
"Just tell me how the operations are doing, Lyla." Miguel said in his nonchalant voice.
"All the operations are going smoothly, most of the Anomalies have been captured and returned to their proper Earth...but Peter has not sent anyone to Capture Venom and [Name]," Lyla explained.
"Why? I flagged that as a top priority. I need them back home as soon as possible." Miguel said as he looked at Lyla but she just shook her head and looked at her creator through her heart glasses.
"Miguel, you know that I normally joke about these things but you need to let [Name] go, she doesn't want anything to do with us, mainly you, so it's time to let them go and leave them to have their own life," Lyla said.
"But, I need her..." Miguel said ut Lyla shook her head.
"No. You had her and she tried to get your love and attention - you abandoned her to raise another daughter when your other version was killed in that robbery. You called her a burden and looked at her with disgust whenever she tried to get your attention. Think - do you really want her or do you just want to replace what you lost?" Lyla said as she disappeared. Miguel looked at the ceiling and thought about what Lyla said - it was a serious question and he didn't know the answer to it.
[Name's] Earth]
[Name] walked down the street with her hands in the pockets of her leather jacket - which was actually Venom - as she was heading to her job to collect her paycheck for the week.
"Do you think Madame Kristen will give us the Chocolate Sculpture of us?" Venom asked.
'I'm not sure, that's the most sought-after creation she has and I think she promised it to her niece for her birthday.' [Name] thought as she walked into the store and out after getting her money with her weekly bonus only to see the Vulture flying over her head as Cop Cars chased after him.
"Do we really have to?" Venom asked.
"You know the answer to that, V." [Name] said as she walked into the alley and let the Symbiote consume her into her Spider-Woman Suit, and swung after the cop cars. After attacking the Vulture and defeating him, allowing the cops to take him away, Spider-Woman swung away to reach her apartment and found a note attached to her door in familiar writing.
Mija and Venom,
I know that you didn't want to hear from me again after you both beat the crap out of me and tossed me back into my portal to send me back to the Spider-Society but I wanted to tell you both that I am sorry for everything that I have done to you. I ignored you. I neglected you. I failed you. I shall leave you alone and never return to your Earth again so long as there are no anomalies there, but I won't bother you and make you come back home with me. If you decide to come home, I shall accept and love you. Love you and live your best life.
Signed, Your Father, Miguel O'Hara.
[Name] and Venom looked at the note before going into their apartment for dinner and chocolate.
Just another day in New York for Spider-Woman and Venom.
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imagine-silk · 1 year
Cld I req platonic!yan!Peter b Parker with a teenage civilian reader? Maybe they babysit mayday 4 him and he starts seeing the kid as one of his own and kinda kidnaps them
Define kidnap
You are a high school senior trying to save up for life. Not even college because it's not something that would work out for you given housing, time, and direction. So living with your family and throwing money on the table with everyone else was the way to go.
Peter has the dual job of being Spiderman across universes and as much as MJ doesn't really worry for Mayday's safety overall she would like her to have an understanding of normal civilian life. So he can't take her around all the time.
MJ has a job, she is not a stay at home mom and there is no take your kid to work option. Mayday is too young for any kind of school and before all of that Mayday has the toddlers separation anxiety.
They need to have her taken care of while making sure she doesn't have a breakdown. Hence, you.
They go through a few people before landing on you. Because you are such a good fit for times and Mayday you make a place for yourself pretty quickly.
The point of no return was the day you spent the night. The first of many. Peter got stuck cleaning up a multidimensional mess and MJ got stuck at work. Because you didn't call either of them they assumed the other was home. When they got home they asked why you were still there and you simply said you knew they were busy so you didn't want to bother. It was two in the morning so they let you stay and even dropped you off at the station.
After, you assured that your parents weren't concerned. To you you were saying they trusted you to be safe and responsible. What they heard was your parents didn't pay attention to you, something that was half true.
It was a soft change.
They started asking you more questions about your life to the point you just told them anything they asked with no reservations. About the girl who sat behind you that you thought was super cute. About your general distaste for corporate jobs. About your brother's disrespectful attitude with no consequences.
You started staying longer, long enough to stay after dinner. Something you questioned at first but it was brushed off by saying it was to make putting Mayday down easier. It became harder and harder to leave before dark and it would be bad if something happened to you on your way home.
Their manipulation has no malice, they genuinely want what's best for you.
Peter brings up the idea first. "What if they just don't go home?" MJ wasn't onboard. Until you came a few days later with a bruise and a split lip. It was a stupid accident of you literally running into a pole but no one ever took that explanation.
MJ is the one to ask you to basically be a live in help after you graduate and gives you a soft smile after you politely decline. The guest room is always there if you need to stay for any reason. And the day you graduate they have a little party for you, give you a crown and everything.
You're not locked in, you're just not given much chance to leave.
The only time you will be locked in is if Peter deems it's not safe for you to go home. A little dark outside? That's fine, he'll walk you to the station. Family stressing you out? He'll trust you'll tough it out. Real danger is Scorpion on the loose or a new tech company hiring interns fresh from high school.
As time goes on Mayday is starting to expect you there to the point if you're gone too long she'll drop in mood and when you come back she won't leave you alone.
As far as the Spiderman stuff goes, you find out when there's a villain on the street he doesn't know how to deal with yet so he plucks you off the street and takes you to his house. He asks MJ to keep you there and she does. You have already become an important part of the family to them and to you so it's something you just take in stride.
All in all they won't force you to stay. But sometimes there is melatonin in your drink. Sometimes they come home late. Sometimes the weather is shit. Sometimes Mayday won't stop crying. Sometimes you can't find your bag.
How long have you stayed?
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