#platonic Kokushibo
xjulixred45x · 3 months
I'm suddenly inspired thanks to the new season of KNY and the announcement of the trilogy for the infinite castle arc, so this idea came to me while listening to, what a surprise, Epic The Musical.
Kokushibo and Son reader
Did you see that Kokushibo when he was human had an entire family? wife and two children.
I like to imagine that he really loved them, it's just that his desire for power far exceeded his love for his family.
that + being turned into a demon caused his paternal instinct to drop considerably from "decent" to "sea turtle"...something like that.
Imagine that Kokushibo, watching over his family from afar, especially his eldest son, ends up...missing that feeling.
He won't admit it, obviously, but he's strong enough that he ends up watching and "taking care" of his children from a distance. but with a special emphasis on his eldest son. who, because he is his next heir, has to learn martial arts and weapons handling...
and he is GOOD with them..
I don't think the Son/reader is a Yorichi-level prodigy, but he's definitely cunning and intelligent enough to pass the average age and compensate for his lack of muscle mass (for being so young).
and Kokushibo feels INTERESTED in this.
He sees the opportunity to, in a way, "save" his son, "help" him get better.
although in reality it is a way of saying that he misses his son and that he does not want him to die as a human. but he would never admit it.
Then, when the child is old enough to go on expeditions on his own, Kokushibo gives him certain "tests", some that require strategy, brute force or intellect, but indifferently the child/reader manages to pass them.
The interesting thing is that at first, the son/reader doesn't really know why such strange creatures or obstacles appear out of nowhere 😅 but little by little he begins to suspect that a demon could have something to do with it...
What the boy did not expect was that that demon was his father!
The same father who abandoned him, his brother and mother...was he taking care of him?
Let's just say that when Kokushibo finally decides to appear before his son, he doesn't really give concrete answers, and it's not a good idea to try to force him. so son/reader simply settles for this strange new dynamic.
They're like Omniman and Mark but less extreme in a way. Or more like Athena and Odysseus. They act like Friends, but the GIANT difference on power/mortalilty and authority make them not actually be.
Kokushibo wants his son to improve as a swordsman as he grows up and proves to be a great fighter both with and without weapons, but at the same time he wouldn't act in a paternal way per se.
because, after all, Kokushibo is no longer the father of son/reader, he knows it. And deep down the reader also knows it, as much as he wanted to have a relationship with his father again, because he knows that if his father takes care of him it is because he loves him, but if he loves him, why does he push him away?
It's a dynamic in which the son/reader wants to have hope that his father is still out there somewhere, while what Kokushibo wants by being a demon is to leave what stopped him once being human, so he wants to drag his own son on the side of the demons.
Probably in the years in which Kokushibo meets his son and trains him (either in the Moon Breath or a variant) he also tries to teach him how to be the closest thing to a human demon, that is, to only look out for his interests. and HIS power, since after all, what good is everything he has achieved if it is not for him?
son/reader is a good boy, but thanks to these years of basically grooming he ends up being a ruthless and socially very inept warrior. being somewhat isolated from others.
However, when son/reader officially enters the demon hunting guild (by order to cover Michikatsu's place), he begins to be more exposed to people in general, people who do not feel particularly intimidated by him... who see him like a companion.
It would be especially interesting (especially for a yandere scenario) if the son/reader found a new father figure in the group of pillars (to which he ascended very young, to Kokushibo's satisfaction) who precisely tries to teach him that power and techniques are not everything, you do not have the guarantee that something precedes you, so you should focus more on living happily.
(It would add insult to injury if that father figure turned out to be Yorichi taking care of his nephew from his demonic father figure).
However, the more son/reader begins to doubt and falter in his ideology, the more pressure he receives from Kokushibo not to "disappoint" him, not after everything he has progressed, everything he has taught him, son/reader is a special warrior, he can't afford this.
especially not when Kokushibo is going to give him a very important test, in which it will be decided whether or not he is worthy of becoming a demon.
Let's say that the son/reader is sent on a mission, in which, together with a group of hunters, they must go after a high-ranking demon.
That's not the part Kokushibo is interested in.
He knows that his son/reader's companions are not going to survive this, they are very weak compared to his son, but if he uses them as decoys, he can easily kill the demon.
easy right? well, not for son/reader.
At first everything went well, as they had planned in case they ran into a high-ranking demon, attack from behind, keep their distance, be in the blind spot--
but in a moment, almost without realizing it, one of his companions was already dead, crushed to the ground...
and then another...
and other..
son/reader realized that he could handle this demon, but his companions couldn't, at this rate they would all die. and he DIDN'T WANT THAT.
So he did something he had never done before.
son/reader took his few remaining companions and RUN AWAY. as fast as he could. away from the devil. where the sun would rise shortly.
and oh god, Kokushibo was FURIOUS.
and practically right there they have their Epic My Goodbye moment.
Kokushibo is disappointed, his son not only ended up being reckless, but sentimental at best, SOFT. something that even his dead companions would be ashamed of. He's supposed to suppress any nagging feelings for the victory, and not only does he ignore this, he fails every stage of his final test.
So, Kokushibo leaves.
Maybe that's how he learns his place, maybe that's how he learns not to cross it, not to waste his time, NOT TO DISAPPOINT HIM.
but this time, son/reader has SOMETHING TO SAY.
...he's not surprised...
It is something very in character for his father, selfish, pridefull and VAINE, because after all, what does he know now about BEING HUMAN? What is it like to have blood on your hands and feel bad about it?
All the respect that the son/reader had for his father has disappeared, replaced by great bitterness. ENCOURAGES him to leave, he already did it once, he will no longer run after him, he will no longer cry for his attention, because he will no longer be plaguing his life to begin with.
He will get what he wants and he doesn't care in the slightest.
and that makes Kokushibo EVEN more angry, how could he think that such a disrespectful CHILD could become a good acquisition? what a waste of time.
but at least the son/reader knows why he did things, he knows why he is fighting now, WHAT HE WANTS, if his father were so powerful and he felt better now as a demon...then why is he there with him, in that moment?
As the son/reader goes towards where the sun begins to rise, he can still hear his "father" speaking to him from behind.
-"...someday...you will understand what I tell you....someday...you may listen to me...someday...but not today, after all...you are just a man "-
a mortal man, who would die like the rest.
-"everything you worked for...will be lost...you have condemned...yourself...you have lost ...EVERYTHING"-
_"..... Goodbye father..."-
as he slowly walks towards the sunlight, with the rest of his group, but not before watching as the silhouette in the shadows blinks briefly before simply. disappear.
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It's kind of weird how the characters of the family of Kokushibo are barely used on fanfic, so i Made My two cents i Guess.
The songs i used of refference:
Hope You all enjoy!
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reticent-writer · 1 year
back to the half demon half human reader thing: this time, upper moons? i think it would be cute
Demon slayer masterlist
Baby demon - hashira
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Muzan walked into your room. You haven't made a noise since he put you down for a nap.
He found you staring at the flower themed mobile. He cooed at you as he picked you up.
He had you in his hip while he took a walk around the castle letting you see each demons domains.
You babbled as you played with the buttons on his best.
"My Lord I didn't know you had a kid." Douma commented, seeing him walk by.
"I Don't."
"Please stop pulling my hair." Kokushibo said while grabbing your hands that were tangled in his long locs. You were standing on one of his legs while he was sitting.
Once he got a hold of both of your hands you started to dance
"Da Da Da" You babbled.
"Yeah, that's right dada. Can you say it?"
"Da da... Dadaa."
"Yeah, I'm dada." His blew raspberries into your cheeks.
You giggled and squirmed.
He knew you were a half demon from the start.
You were presented to Douma as a present from one of his followers, you're unique like him. Visually different (I was thinking something like an albino or vitiligo) but still adorable to look at.
"Aww you look so cute Y/n!" He exclaimed as he took you from his follower's arms. You had on an outfit identical to his with a matching hat.
You giggled as he tickled your stomach before sitting you on a soft pillow next to his own.
You always sat next to him and his followers came and visited.
"Do you want your binkie?" Akaza tried to calm you down but nothing was working.
He tried feeding you, cradling you, swaddling you, putting you down for a nap and more.
You would not stop crying.
There was one thing they he hadn't tried yet but he was too embarrassed to do it. Your screams were enough to drive him to do it.
He sung to calm you down.
It worked.
"Ready or not here I come." Daki took of running to find you.
You giggled, not so quietly, as you watched her run around while you were hiding behind Gyotaro.
"Gyotaro where did they go?" Daki whispered as if she didn't know you were behind him. He shrugged cause you to giggle harder.
"GOTCHA" She exclaimed and tried to reach around her brother. You screeched and tried to run but she caught you and threw you in the air.
Guess who's my favorite
Who was your favorite
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animekpopsimp · 2 years
The Upper Moons With A Demon Child Reader (Platonic)
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Kokushibo often doesn't interact with any other demons, as long as they're useful to Muzan
But when it comes to you, he does take a slight interest in you
He tells himself it's just because you're so young, even younger than Daki
But deep down, he starts to have a weird feeling inside of him
He finds himself spending more time with you, and the other upper moons start to notice as well
Kokushibo doesn't say much, but he silently grows fond of you, no that he would ever admit that out loud
He'll offer to train with you on occasion, which he secretly enjoys
You grow fond of him, seeing him as a father figure
He even believes that you could become an upper moon someday
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When he first meets you, Douma is very enthusiastic
He acts very childishly most of the time, but around you, it's ten times worse
He quickly befriends you, often taking you to his domain
He'll even share food with you, saying you're so cute that you deserve it
He kind of treats you as a younger sibling, and though you're weary of him at first you slowly grow close to him
He encourages you to get stronger, excited to see you become an upper moon like him
Douma keeps a close eye on you when he can, and though he won't say it out loud, he is worried about your safety
He's even killed demon slayers who had been targeting you once without you noticing
He may be eccentric, but Dauma genuinely wants to see you excel
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Akaza is surprised to meet you
He knew Daki was young when she became a demon, but you were even younger
You instantly take a liking to him, and he does as well
He likes to fight, and you love sparing with him as well
He kind of adopts you as his younger sister
He and Douma often fight over who gets to spend time with you, which only makes Akaza like him less
He tries to get you to stay away from Douma, but can't really stop you most of the time
Akaza always encourages you to grow stronger
He's very sweet around you
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Daki finds you adorable
She finds herself wanting to protect you like her brother does for her
She'll sit with you and do your hair and makeup, she just loves spending time with you
Gyutaro is hesitant at first, but he grows close to you with encouragement from his sister
They both feel the need to protect you since you remind them of themselves when they were younger
You often visit the entertainment district to spend time with them
Daki will even share food with you
They basically adopt you as part of their family
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trancylovecraft · 1 year
YSIK Masterlist // Next chapter
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A Cherry Blossom is a pretty flower, Blooming in the spring and representing renewal and joy. However it is quick to die out in the winter, Shrivelling up with it's beautiful colour following with it. Leaving the memory of it gone yet never forgotten.
The moon shun bright in the obsidian black sky.
The light that came down illuminated a small, yet well kept gravestone.
It was old, Ancient probably, Cracks were illustrated boldly into the corners and wrapped around the granite like spider webs. it seemed it was about to fall apart at the seams, yet held strong.
Flowers of all colour bustled around the bottom, Fresh, Newly planted.
A man sat on his knees in front of the stone, the only motion he made was the light breeze running through his hair, making his ponytail sway in the wind.
This was no man but instead a demon.
All six of his eyes lay transfixed on the carving written dead-centre on the tombstone, Carved with great care and precision to get it just right.
'[F/N] Tsugikuni'
The mans face was stoic and unreadable, but his eyes were filled with great sorrow and regret.
Kokushibo's arm reached out to the stone, Clawed hands tracing over the lettering carved out.
He asked himself
'How did it come to this?'
A young girl in a blue dragon-patterned haori called out from a distance, She could of only been about four or five yet her little legs were fast and let her catch up to her older brother.
Michikatsu turned around, Mildly surprised at his sister's sudden appearance he stopped in his tracks letting her finally reach him.
"[F/N]. I thought I told you to stay at home and help mother today, You know she needs someone to help her out." Michikatsu said, A little white lie.
His mother, While she wasn't in the best condition, Didn't currently need any help and even if she did little [F/N] would not of been able to do much about it. After all, She was still very young.
[F/N] heaved trying to catch her breath from all that running.
"I know Michi-Nii! but I wanted to come watch you fight!" [F/N] said excitedly, A big expecting smile on her face.
Michikatsu looked into [F/N]'s big puppy dog eyes and sighed. He just couldn't resist.
"..Well alright.. But for the record it's not 'fighting' it's sword training, I'm not fighting anyone, Just preparing for the day when I do, When I become a samurai!" Michikatsu said triumphantly.
[F/N] squealed.
"That's so cool! When I'm a big kid I wanna fight with swords and become a sam-u-mai!" She exclaimed.
"Samurai" Michikatsu corrected.
"Samai!" She responded.
"Samurai" Michikatsu said, Extra slowly so [F/N] could pick up the syllables.
"Samrai!" She said with complete confidence.
Michikatsu snorted and ruffled the girls hair, Who laughed in return.
"Nevermind, Let's get a move on then."
The sun was high in the sky naming afternoon.
[F/N] sat on the grassy hill next to her brother, Yorichii.
They sat together watching Michikatsu over yonder train his sword swings by hitting dummies out in the field. She watched in wonder at his determination and focus to his craft
Yorichii was the middle child of the family, Michikatsu the oldest and [F/N] the youngest.
Yorichii was a mute. Never spoke or made any motion to communicate, However that never stopped [F/N]'s undying attempts of trying to.
This mostly just consisted of [F/N] following him around, Sleeping in his futon when she had a nightmare or just simply talking her little heart out to him, To which he'd always respond with a little smile and a nod, Showing that he was listening.
He was usually a daydreamer, But today he seemed just as transfixed as she was at their older brother's training.
"Yor-Nii, Where are you going?" [F/N] asked as she watched Yorichii wander down the hill towards Michikatsu.
As usual she got no answer, So she got up and followed him down.
Michikatsu was so fixated on his sword swings that he never noticed Yorichii standing behind him.
So when the physics of one of his sword slashes brought him back stumbling into Yorichii that snapped him out of his training fever.
"Yorichii? What is it?" Michikatsu said surprised. His brother had never interfered while he was training
Yorichii stood still and took in a deep breath, He clenched his fists as if bracing for impact. He opened his mouth.
"...I want to be a samurai like you!" Yorichii stammered not only in his speech but also in his stance.
Michikatsu's sword dropped to the ground with a clang!
A shockwave went through both Michikatsu and [F/N], Their brothers first words to them leaving them speechless.
[F/N] however was the first to speak up.
"Yor-Nii! You can speak! Now we can really talk to each other!" She proclaimed excitedly, Making Yorichii wobble when she jumped to hug him.
Michikatsu stood there, It was hard to tell whether he was shocked at Yorichii's sudden speech or the proclamation of his goal which happened to coincide with both his and [F/N]'s.
"Yorichii.." Michikatsu said just above a whisper.
Yorichii looked back at him with a shaky determination, it shook and swayed but despite the odds it stood strong.
Michikatsu's form deflated, Going back to his calm and stoic demeanour.
"Yorichii. You know what will happen when you're ten, Right?" He said quietly, Only hinting at Yorichii's fate as [F/N] had no idea.
Yorichii nodded. Only taking a glance down at [F/N].
"I know. But I still want to be a samurai, I want to be like you." Yorichii said, Still not given up.
[F/N] perked up.
"Me too! I wanna be a.. samurai too! Like Michi-Nii!" She said, Making sure to pronounce 'Samurai' slowly to pronounce the syllables.
"Hey, You got it right" Michikatsu pointed out, Mildly proud.
Yorichii looked down at [F/N] who still was hugging his waist, He smiled.
"Really? All of us want to be swordsmen?" Yorichii asked now a bit more reserved. He scratched the back of his head.
"Swordgirl!" [F/N] said confidently.
"Swordswoman" Both Yorichii and Michikatsu corrected at the same time.
This will take a while.
A good few years have passed since then.
The five-year old little girl [F/N] had grown into a blossoming young woman and is now a little younger than her big brothers were back then.
She still wore a resized version of her blue dragon-patterned haori, The only thing that really stayed the same and came with her through her walk of life.
"You know [F/N], I could convince your father to buy you a new haori" Akeno Tsugikuni, Her mother said to her while running a needle through her haori, resizing the fabric to fit [F/N]'s bigger self.
"This is about the fifth time I've had to refit this old thing. I'm sure your dad would prefer you to have a new one, You are coming up on marriage age after all" She softly spoke to [F/N], But her eyes were fixed on the fabric, Stitching with care.
[F/N] shook her head nonchalantly.
"No, Mom. This was a gift from you, It was homemade. You can't just buy that kind of thing from a tailor." She huffed.
[F/N] sat on the edge of her mothers sick-bed, Her mother laid propped up so she could
Akeno smiled.
"Besides, I don't even think I'd want to get married. I like how my life is right now and you know I still want to be an onna-musha, right?" [F/N] said.
True, Even after all these years [F/N] still held onto the goal of becoming a Female samurai, An onna-musha.
However it seemed like a pipe-dream. With her father's influence and strength she had never picked up a sword, No matter how hard or surreptitiously tried to steal or borrow one of her brothers swords she was always caught in the end and given a right punishment for it.
Still, This never changed her mind on the matter.
"I see... Still haven't given up on that dream, have you?" She hummed.
"Well anyways, If you're so invested into my own sowing then maybe-" Akeno broke out into a fit of coughs, She dropped the needle in favour of covering her mouth.
[F/N] quickly rushed over to her side.
"Mom? Mom, Are you alright" She said, Lightly patting her mothers back.
Akeno stopped sputtering out coughs but still softly wheezed during breaths.
"I'm.. Fine, Sweetheart" She spoke, However her hoarse throat said otherwise.
"No, You're not! You don't need to fix my haori, We can continue later but right now you should lay down." [F/N] worried.
Akeno shook her head.
"I said I'm alright but.. could you go fetch me.. Some water?" She breathed heavily as if all the air around her had thinned.
[F/N] quickly nodded and rushed out the room to complete the task.
She swiftly opened the shoji doors to her house and made her way over to the water-well sat upon the hill. She hoped to the gods above that the well hadn't dried up in the early summer heat.
She reached the small little well and peered inside, The water in the well was plentiful. [F/N] sighed in relief and proceeded to wheel the bucket on the rope down the stony passageway.
[F/N] jumped at the sound, Letting the rope slip from her grasp she watched the bucket fall from its steady pace and hit the water with a loud splash!
"No!" [F/N] yelled. The well was too far down for her to reach the bucket. She cried out in frustration and looked over at the source of noise that dominoed the bucket falling.
Over in the valley beyond the hill was Michikatsu, Still out training with his sword. It was fairly early in the morning and judging by the sweat-beads on his face and the mess of his clothes [F/N] could tell he's been up training since six at least.
That's right, Along with her, Michikatsu had changed as well.
From the strong yet stoic young man that [F/N] had grown up with he had festered into a more strength obsessed yet quiet young man than what he had been before.
[F/N] knew the catalyst well, He was her brother after all.
Yorichii from that day he proclaimed his want to be a samurai, Had demonstrated an inhuman talent for the skill. A man who was working with their father had humoured Yorichii and decided to teach him a basic stance.
However to everyone's surprise, Yorichii had landed four blows on the man and swiftly defeated him. Which is something that Michikatsu never could.
From then on Michikatsu grew a bit darker, Maybe not noticeably. Not noticeable from her father, mother or even Yorichii. But [F/N] could tell.
She barely saw him anymore, Well it was more of she never talked to him anymore. She still watched him train, at least from afar.
An idea clicked in her head.
The bucket in the well was too far down for her to reach, Yes. However it wasn't too far for Michikatsu who was a foot taller than her.
She walked down the hill, Calling out for him.
"Michi-Nii!" She called out to him.
Michikatsu stopped swinging his sword and turned around to look at his little sister with an annoyed scowl on his face.
"What? Can't you see I'm a bit busy at the moment" Michikatsu hissed.
[F/N] froze for a moment.
"I just need a little help, the bucket in the well fell into the water" She explained softly, Scared to entice her brothers wrath.
Michikatsu groaned.
"Alright." He said simply and quickly headed over to the well. [F/N] followed after, Smiling.
"Thank you, Michi-Nii!" She said thankfully.
[F/N] grabbed onto his hand to hold it, But she was shaken off by Michikatsu.
"I told you to stop calling me that, It's stupid and childish" He said, grimacing.
[F/N]'s smile was put out like a light, But she nodded. Trying to respect his wishes.
They got to the well and Michikatsu fished out the bucket with ease and handed it over to [F/N] who bowed down in thanks but with much less emotion put into it.
With that, Michikatsu walked away without a goodbye. Off to go and continue training for the rest of the day and coming back home in the dead of night, Just to go to sleep and repeat the process over and over again.
[F/N] frowned but took the bucket of water back to the house.
Sliding open the Shoji doors she entered the house, remarkably more downtrodden than before.
As she walked the halls towards her mothers room she heard two voices arguing in a hushed tone.
"She doesn't want to get married."
"Too bad. She's coming upon marriage age and if she doesn't want to disrespect this family she will do as she's told and marry the man we've picked out for her"
The two voices, Her mother and father.
She slipped quietly behind the half-open shoji door, Intently listening in on their conversation
"She want's to be an onna-musha, You know." Her mother admitted.
"An onna-musha. Really." Her father responded, A tone full of disgusted shock ran through his voice.
"That girl is too weak to even tend to the horses. Not to mention the girl's only worth will be to marry her off to a nobleman. Her being a samurai along with the men would just be wrong" He said.
There was a silence not just between [F/N]'s parents, But her too.
She's known her father hadn't particularly paid attention to her nor did he show any affection but to think he thought this lowly of her was a gut punch to the stomach.
"Don't say that, Akuhei. She could be listening" Her mother said in a whisper.
"I hope she is. She needs to learn the truth sooner or later or she'll grow up and be delusional to the real world."
[F/N] let tears flow from her cheeks, Dripping down onto the floor.
If she couldn't even get a bucket out from a well, Could she really be a swordswoman?
Something wasn't right.
It had been a good few hours after [F/N] had eavesdropped on her parents conversation and it had fallen into night-time.
[F/N] had long gone to bed but she wasn't able to fallen asleep easy. It was strange, No matter the situation she had always had no issue with falling into unconciousness.
She rolled and scuffled around on her futon uncomfortably. Could it of been the conversation earlier? No. Couldn't be that, It was something else.
[F/N] rubbed her eyes and got up from her futon. She shuffled on her sandals and quickly draped her newly-sized blue dragon haori around her figure for warmth.
She decided to go for a walk to clear her head.
[F/N] walked softly in the darkened hallways of her home, The soft moonlight illuminated her pathway through the house. She was lost in her own thoughts from the events of the day.
Her father's words, Michikatsu's attitude, Her mother's illness. It all swirled in her mind like a hurricane.
"..I like my life how it is right now"
The words she had told her mother. A lie.
She hated how everything was right now. Her dad saw her as an object to be bid on. Michikatsu acted like she was nothing but a burden to him and Yorichii was nowhere to be found.
Besides, Even if Yorichii and Michikatsu weren't talking either they were obviously the more important in the family.
They were the Sun and the Moon, Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi.
[F/N] wasn't a celestial deity or a celestial body, She was just the terrestrial afterthought. Yorichii and Michikatsu were both skilled and talented in their own rights, They were fawned over by the girls and even some of the boys in the village. They were praised and respected.
[F/N] wasn't even allowed to leave the house.
Now that she thought about it, There was only was her and her mother.
Her mother.
While walking she had stopped in her tracks. Light shone in through the hallway from an open door.
Her mother's door.
[F/N]'s brow quirked. Was her mother up this late as well? She should be asleep, She was very ill after all.
[F/N] peeked through the doorway, Her eyes widened.
Yorichii stood over the bed, Her mother layed motionlessly on the bed.
"Yor-Nii?" [F/N] asked.
Yorichii turned around, A strained look in his eyes. His jaw stood locked tight as if there was something painful he had to say.
"Mother has passed on" Yorichii whispered.
No, No. No no no no no. That couldn't be right, No. It couldn't be right.
[F/N] stumbled over to her mother, Shoving Yorichii out of the way to whom backed off.
"Mum, Mum. Wake up, Hey. Hey, Do you hear me?" [F/N] cried, She grasped onto her mother's limp hand, She shook it in futile attempt to wake her.
"Mum you can't, Mum please." Tears started rolling down her cheeks now, Her breathing laboured.
"Yorichii, Please did you try-"
She turned around, Yorichii was nowhere to be seen.
He had left.
He had left and hadn't even bothered to try and comfort her.
She stared in shock, Not believing her situation
She was brought back by a hand squeezing her own.
She snapped her head back down to her mother, Whose eyes lain weakly on [F/N]'s. A soft yet painful smile appeared on her face.
"Mum!" [F/N] choked.
"[F/N]..." Akeno whispered. "Come closer.."
[F/N] Nodded and leant down closer to her mother, Kneeling down now to listen closely. Her eyes never leaving her mothers
"I never wanted to be married... My father had sold me off at a young age as well." Akeno started.
"I had a chance.. Once.. To leave this place, To get out of my marriage but do you know what happened?" She asked, Looking mournfully into the eyes of her youngest, Who was now choking on her sobs and tears rushing out from her eyes.
Akeno didn't wait for an answer
"I didn't take it.. I was too afraid." A sad smile came upon her.
"My life had ended right there since I never took that chance.. And the only good thing to ever happen after that... were you three."
"[F/N].. Yorichii.. Michikatsu. My beautiful children" Akeno let tears roll down her face now, Reminiscing on her life that was flashing before her now.
"Please.. You now have a chance. Get away while you still can.." Her other hand wiped the tears off of [F/N]'s face weakly, However her hand started to fall.
"Run.. and I promise I will see you again, The kami will reunite us... I love you, [F/N]" She whispered, Her hand falling to her side and the others grip becoming limp. The light in her eyes fading.
"Mum... Mum! No! no no!" [F/N] sobbed, Shaking her mothers now lifeless corpse she collapsed to the floor and cried out for her mum to come back, to speak to her.
"Run, You still have your chance"
Her mothers voice rang in her head, It echoed throughout her entire being.
And with love and tears, She kissed her mother on the forehead and closed her dead eyes. Akeno's face displayed rest, peace.
She said her final goodbye's to her mother and left the room to go back to her own.
And with a heavy heart and a rucksack full of essentials, She climbed out her rooms window and left in the dead of night.
[F/N] trudged through the woodlands.
It was now daybreak, The sun rose upon the distance and shown through cracks in the tree's.
Through all that time [F/N] never stopped walking, Never took a break. The only thing on her mind was escape to a better place.
It was only once she appeared upon a clearing did she stop walking.
In front of her was a rundown Shinto shrine placed upon the mountainy and rocky terrain of the woods.
It had obvious that people hadn't been here in decades by the dust, cobwebs and poor conditions of all the archways and cracked stone lanterns lining the pathway up to the shrine entrance.
Back in it's heyday it would of been grand. A massive shrine that could of held a good few hundred people, As there was a large amount of corridors and a second floor.
Not to mention the vast courtyard [F/N] now found herself standing in.
She breathed in the highland forest air, Took in the birds chirping and the warm light of the sun on her skin.
She looked upon the sign hanging from the archway.
"Inari Ōkami"
The kami of Foxes, Agriculture, Fertility, Tea, Sake and Swordsmiths.
[F/N] frowned at the state of the shrine, Thinking of it as a great disrespect to Inari.
Another thought ran through her mind.
Home. A rundown one for sure, But nothing she couldn't fix.
And that's what she did.
For the next ten years that's what [F/N] did. She fixed the Archways, Refilled the stone lamps, Rebuilt the structuring, Cleaned up the cobwebs and dust all until it looked newly built.
Everyday since she came across it she would give offerings to Inari Ōkami. Ranging from nuts and fruit she would pick up while scavenging to Flowers and pieces of jewellery.
She'd light candles in their honour, Pray to them not for good fortune but for the reformation of the shrine.
She'd grown attached to the shrine, So much so that she had completely forgotten her goal of becoming a swordswoman in favour of being the sole shrine-maiden.
And in that time she had finally bloomed into a beautiful young woman and if anyone should come across her they would describe her as such.
Not that anyone came along though, The shrine was in the middle of nowhere and [F/N] had seen no one in the past decade.
As [F/N] got up for another day to tend to the shrine she wondered what her brothers were doing now.
[F/N] carried her basket full of fruits, Satisfied from a successful scavenge.
She headed back up towards the large archway that was there to greet people into the temple. It use to be covered in splintered wood but thanks to the efforts of [F/N] the archway was restored with a fresh coat of paint and smoothing of the wood.
When she got up there she stopped, Her eyes widened.
The massive wooden doors to the thick stone wall gate were left wide open.
She was sure she had closed them when she had left.
Her body stiffened and her palms became sweaty.
Who could be in her shrine? Nobody came up the mountains and the nearest village was a good few dozen kilometres away on the far other side of the forest. No one who was just wandering could come across the temple.
[F/N] slowly put the basket of fruit onto the ground, Making sure not to make a sound.
She unsheated her Kaiken from her obi and slowly made her way inside to the courtyard, Which seemed empty.
But she looked upon the main building and just like the gate doors the shoji to the main building were left wide open.
[F/N] confirmed her suspicions. Someone was definetly here.
She made her way inside, Checking the main hallways she found no one around however that never made [F/N] let down her guard.
[F/N] flinched. The sound of an object knocking over came from just down the hall she was facing. Gripping her Kaiken tighter she moved forward towards the sounds
As she got closer, She heard a duo of voices arguing.
"Stop moving, Brother."
"Argh, If you'd let me do it by myself this would go much faster."
"No. You're injured, let me do it."
"I'm told you I'm fine. It's just a cut."
Those voices..
[F/N] lowered her Kaiken. She stood, legs shaking. Heart pounding as she slowly called out.
"Michi-Nii? Yori-Nii?"
A sudden shuffling was heard in the room across from her.
The semi-shut shoji doors slammed open and out first came Michikatsu, Who had a semi-wrapped bandage around his arm with Yorichii following close after.
They were in their twenties now and were much older and their faces had changed a lot. But no matter how much they had physically changed [F/N] recognised her brothers, Who both now had surprised yet unrecognisable expressions in their face.
[F/N]'s mouth was open, Her eyes wide and sparkling with recognition.
"[F/N]..." Yorichii said.
"Yori-Nii! Michi-Ni-" She was cut off by the sudden arms pulling her into a tight hug. Michikatsu had moved so fast that she didn't see him move.
"[F/N].." He stuttered, Swaying back and forth while hugging her.
"Nii-san.." [F/N] cried, Gripping the back of his purple hexagonal hakama tightly as she buried her head into the side of his neck.
"You've grown so much.. And look at that" [F/N] grazed the hilt of of his sword, taking in the craftsmenship.
"You've both become swordsmen. I'm so proud, I wish I could've been there to see your ceremony" She whispered.
Michikatsu never responded to her words, instead going into a speech of his own.
"[F/N].. I lost you. You disappeared out of nowhere.. I searched for you for years.." Michikatsu was lost for words. If [F/N] didn't know better she could of sworn he was crying.
"I'm sorry, Michi-Nii. I'm sorry I didn't tell you where I went" [F/N] whispered.
The bear hug grip on her got tighter.
"Never. And I mean never leave me again. You have no idea what you put me through... You better promise" He scolded. [F/N] nodded vigorously.
"I promise."
"So this is where you've been living for the past ten years?" Michikatsu asked, Looking around the haiden.
The place was a massive hall dedicated to worship of Inari. at the very end was the main worship shrine, Which was bustling with hand-woven straw baskets filled with offerings and lit candles in Inari's honour.
"Yeah.. When I ran away ten years I came across this place and made it my home. Been like that ever since." [F/N] smiled, Proud of the hall.
It was indeed very pretty, The new refurbished decorations of flowers, candles and banner-work created a grandiose appearance. The wooden pillars supported the tall height of the room and had beams at the top connecting them all with baskets filled with flowers hanging from them.
The entire room looked like it was built and cared for by an entire team of shrine maidens, Not a single dust spot to be seen.
Yorichii and Michikatsu stared in awe at the work.
"And you maintained this place all by yourself?" Yorichii asked, Genuinely in wonder at the décor.
"Well.. Apart from the occasional seller I meet when I'm scavenging for food nearest the road.. They sell me candles, Banners and other things needed for maintenance.. It's all done by me." [F/N] explained.
"It's.. Impressive. To think how you learned all this.." Michikatsu said.
"I get all my information from the shrine's library, From then on you figure it out on the way." [F/N] responded, Completely humble to the praise she received.
She turned around to her brothers with a smile.
"What about you two? Tell me what's been happening, And how'd you get that cut?" She asked innocently, Pointing to Michikatsu's bandaged arms
The two twins looked at each other, Having a silent conversation with each other. Contemplating what they should tell. Both of them very apprehensive, they shared a knowing look between them.
[F/N] frowned.
"..Is it not something you want to tell me?" She asked.
"Well.. It's hard to believe but-" Yorichii started.
"It’s just a mistake from sword training. Don't you worry about it." Michikatsu finished.
Yorichii looked over at him, Surprised at his sudden interruption.
[F/N]'s eyes narrowed. She felt curious but decided to drop the subject.
"Well anyways.. I need to go retrieve my fruit basket from outside and do my morning rounds around the shrine. Feel free to have a look around, Just please don't touch anything " [F/N] said, bowing her head low and heading towards the exit.
"Hold on, I'll come with you" Michikatsu said, He went to follow after his sister but was stopped when a hand pulled him back.
"Go on ahead, [F/N]. Michikatsu-Nii will catch up." Yorichii said. [F/N] nodded.
She said goodbye in the form of a hug, Michikatsu then Yorichii.
Michikatsu shot Yorichii a scorning look.
"What do you want?" Michikatsu hissed, The usual irritation of his brother turned up a notch.
"We need to tell her, Nii-san. So we can help her set up wisteria around the place." Yorichii argued.
Michikatsu gritted his teeth.
"Wisteria would be a good idea. But we don't need to tell her about demons, I mean look at her! She's still young" Michikatsu said, exasperated.
"She's eighteen, Nii-san. More than old enough to know about demons, about how to protect herself." Yorichii countered.
"She won't need to learn how to protect herself If I'm there to do it for her" Michikatsu hissed.
Yorichii's face scrunched up. He took a step forward towards Michikatsu and stood steady.
"Nii-san, I know you and [F/N] were attached by the hip when she was young but you can't always be there for her, She's strong enough to survive on her own but not strong enough to survive a possible demon attack, So we need to inform her. She won't let us plant wisteria around the shrine without a very good reason " Yorichii argued, His point stood stronger than he did.
Michikatsu's teeth gritted and his face was a visage of concealed anger like they were standing in the eye of the storm waiting for the inevitable onslaught.
"You always need to know better, Don't you Yorichii?" Michikatsu spat in a low tone.
Yorichii was surprised at Michikatsu's sudden animosity towards him, He was confused. This had never happened before.
"What do you mean to imply by that, Nii-san?" Yorichii asked, Slight worry coming over him for his brother who seemed restless.
Michikatsu suddenly became aware of his sudden outburst, His shoulders dropped from their previously stiff position. He sighed.
"Nothing... I shouldn't of spoke out like that." Michikatsu said, Quickly bowing his head to Yorichii he began to leave the shrine hall.
"Where are you going?" Yorichii called after him.
"To go find [F/N]. And make sure she's alright" He responded, Leaving the hall in search of his little sister.
Michikatsu looked around the shrine for [F/N].
He walked the halls, checked the empty rooms, searched the courtyard, looked around the perimeter of the shrine and scoured through the shrine's impressively large and overflowing gardens but turned up empty.
He was frustrated. Where could she be? The forest surrounding the temple was fairly thick and shading and who knows? A demon might of been able to cover itself in the foliage and maybe she had left the shrine to pick up her basket only to come face to face with the monster and-
Michikatsu couldn't think anymore about it.
Sweat beads started forming on his head, What if she ran away? She couldn't, she sworn to him that she'd never leave him again. She couldn't of done that to him! What if she wasn't happy to see him and took the chance to leave while he was being lectured by Yorichii?
Did she favour him over Michikatsu? When you were hugging him to say goodbye he could of sworn you had hugged Yorichii just a little bit tighter than him, Smiled a little bigger, Looked a little happier.
As he searched the halls for a second time he felt another burst of envy rise up in him, Something that had been occurring more and more lately.
His thoughts stopped when he stepped on an uneven dip in the ground. He felt around with his foot and outlined a frame of sorts.
He looked down to see he was standing on a rug. He then looked up realising that he was at the end of the hallway.
He reached down and pulled away the rug revealing a trapdoor, Assumedly leading down to the basement of the shrine.
A basement? Shrines don't usually have basements, He thought to himself.
He noticed the padlock on the handle was unlocked It was also spotless without a trace of dust, Indicating that it was used often.
He opened the door with a small creak of the wood. It revealed a short stone staircase which lead down to a low-ceiling hallway.
Michikatsu raised an eyebrow. He looked left and right before going down the stairs slowly. One step at a time.
He got down to the bottom of the stairs. The ceiling was certainly low as it grazed the top of Michikatsu's head making him feel uncomfortable in the small passageway.
He walked along the tunnel, each of his footsteps producing a faint echo as he went along. The tunnel was comparably cold to the early summer heat from up top.
At the end of the passageway was a wooden door, It looked old and rigid. Looking at the rest of the shrine this was a surprise for Michikatsu as the rest of it was pristine and in perfect shape compared to the derelict looking door.
He reached the door which he now realised was opened just a slight amount.
He pressed his ear to the door, Listening intently.
The sound of cloth on metal sounded on the other side. It was a sound he recognised well, It was polishing of a sword.
He pushed the door open to find [F/N] sitting on her knees with a strange looking sword in hand, a dry cloth in the other.
"Michi-Nii!" [F/N] jumped in surprise and dropped the cloth.
She sat in a much wider room than the hallway. The stone walls were filled with holding frames and shelves, The majority of them empty but still a good few holding rather precious looking trinkets.
At the end of the room which was facing the door and [F/N] held a sort of table harbouring a headpiece stand, Which was obviously suppose to hold the sword in her hands. It was also home to a kitsune mask hanging above it with eyes that looked like it was staring right through him.
"How'd you find the room?" [F/N] said rather surprised.
"Never mind how I found it. Why are you here?" He asked sternly, As if he was scorning a misbehaving child.
"Why am I in a room inside my own shrine?" [F/N] scoffed lightly.
"More of why didn't you tell me where you were, I was worried and I couldn't find you anywhere." He asked more forceful in tone.
[F/N] seemed confused at his reasoning but chalked it up to him still being a little shaken by their reunion.
"...I'm sorry... Coming in here to tend to the artefacts here is apart of my weekly rounds." She explained. A meek look appearing on her face.
Michikatsu sighed.
"Alright then. But please, Tell me next time you wander off into some hidden basement." He said in a softer voice leading to [F/N] calming down.
"What is this room anyways?" Michikatsu asked, Examining the room.
[F/N] peaked up, A sparkle of excitement in her eyes.
"Oh! Well according to the blueprints and builders logs I've found in the library this room was specially built to hold the shrine's treasures. Oh! Wait, hold on!" [F/N] exclaimed.
She reached over to the table in front of her and pulled out a fairly tiny roll of parchment paper, Unfolding it she displayed it to Michikatsu who looked down reading it.
"Apparently one of the noble-clanswoman paying for the building of the shrine here had a really steamy affair with some hot-shot samurai who use to gift her a TON of gifts" [F/N] explained with a passion, Her eyes held a glint of story.
"So to hide them away from her husband she built this little hidey-hole so he wouldn't discover them" She finished.
"What happened to her?" Michikatsu asked, Entertaining her passion.
She only shrugged though.
"No clue, The rest of the parchment was torn and I haven't found the other half..." She said, Disappointment filling her voice.
Michikatsu nodded and looked towards the sword in [F/N]'s lap.
"I can understand the other little objects around here but a sword?" Michikatsu said dumfounded.
[F/N] shook her head.
"No! No. The only two items in the room that weren't a gift was this sword and the kitsune mask hanging over there" She said, Pointing towards the kitsune mask hung by rope.
"Then what are they doing here?"
"They're the shintai that were suppose to be worshipped here at the shrine." [F/N] stretched over and tugged the hanging mask off the rope and presented both it and the sword to Michikatsu, Signalling him to take it.
As he did she told him to be careful while holding them.
The sword was nothing similar to any Katana he's wielded, Nor was it like anything he'd seen in the country. Instead it was built like a very large medieval English sword with the only hint of Japanese influence being the blue hilt which resembled the typical katana.
One side of the sharpened blade was covered in a sort of second sharper metal which glimmered azure in the dim light of the room.
The mask however was oddly designed compared to the usual festival mask. It was made of porcelain and its eyes were carved in a sort of wide eyed stare, The whites of it being a dark black and the pupils sapphire.
Thick cerulean marks adorned the mask, Swirling around the mask and centring at the bullseye of the mask. Except for the ears which were deeply patterned with swirls and flower-esque designs culminating at the covered tips.
The two items radiated a sort of energy from both which Michikatsu couldn't place.
"They're twin artefacts. It's said in the shrines folklore that they belonged to Inari Okami themselves gifted to them by their father, Izanagi. And from the heavens above they dropped them on accident and both the sword and the mask fell to here, The mortal realm" She explained with low wonder.
"The sword is named very bluntly as "The Soul Sword". It's called that because it's said by the previous shrine maidens that when a person is killed by the blade the soul of the person is absorbed into it and prevented from passing onto the afterlife. An eternity in the blade." She told as if it was rehearsed, It probably was.
She pointed to the Mask
"The mask however isn't named but it's said to warp the body of the user to their desire, Disguising themselves completely." She said.
"And does it work?" Michikatsu asked, Studying the mask.
"Haven't tried. It's a sacred artefact of the shrine. It would be a disrespect to Inari if I did." She stated.
Michikatsu examined both of the artefacts as [F/N] rambled away on the tale of the two, They were very well kept.
"You really know a lot about this stuff. Don't you?" He said more of to himself.
[F/N] nodded.
"Yeah. I guess it's just something I'm passionate about" She muttered.
Suddenly, Their conversation was interrupted by a voice upstairs calling out.
"Nii-San! [F/N]!" Yorichii called out from up above them, Voice faint and muffled from the thick stone walls.
Michikatsu groaned being mildly annoyed at being interrupted by Yorichii. [F/N] perked up however.
"That's Yorichii. Better go see what he needs!" She said. [F/N] grabbed both the sword and the mask from Michikatsu's grasp and settling them back with care onto their designed positions, As well as rolling up the parchment paper and putting it under the table
She dusted off her beryl coloured haori and got up from the tatami mat she was sitting on.
"Come on, Better not keep him waiting!" [F/N] said making her way out without waiting for Michikatsu, Who quickly followed after.
They made their way back up the stairs to find Yorichii a few metre's down the hall. He was standing there watching them come up with an arm stretched out, A crow perched neatly on it with a small roll of parchment paper tied to its neck by a string.
"What is it, Yorichii?" Michikatsu asked eyeing the crow.
"Oyataka-sama has summoned us to the headquarters, Urgent meeting." Yorichii said, a tint of unhappiness in his voice.
Michikatsu's face scrunched up in resentment, Obviously not excited by the news.
[F/N] frowned.
"..You've got to leave?" She asked looking up at Michikatsu who looked back with her with an expression saying that he didn't want to. But Yorichii's voice maintained importance.
"..I suppose so.." He said reluctantly. Not wanting to leave his sister alone. His eyes expanded with an idea formed in his head.
"Why don't you come with us, [F/N]?" Michikatsu asked going to stand next to Yorichii. The crow once perched on his arm squawked once. And with a flap of its wings it took off out an ajar window.
[F/N]'s palms suddenly got sweaty at the thought. Her shoulders felt heavy and slumped down with her face portraying one of heavy adversion
She shook her head, Michikatsu's face fell.
"It's not a long trip if that's what you're worried about, If you get tired we can get a horse or I could carry you-" Michikatsu was cut off by [F/N]'s hum of disapproval.
"It's not the trip. It's just I really don't want to leave the shrine unattended y'know?" She asserted. Evidently after spending an entire decade in it's walls she had grown dependant and attached so much to the point she couldn't journey far out of it.
"You can leave the shrine for a few days. Just please come with us, It'll be fine." Michikatsu reasoned, a small ounce of anxiety rising up into his chest at the thought of her being left.
[F/N] shook her head again.
"No, I'm sorry. But it's not forever, You can still come visit!" She spouted in an asking tone, Waiting for him to confirm.
Michikatsu shared a look with Yorichii. Yorichii's look told him he agreed with their sister while Michikatsu's only told of aversion.
However feeling outnumbered in the situation he reluctantly sighed and agreed to [F/N]'s proposal.
With a heavy heart and bag of food [F/N] prepared for their journey, Michikatsu spared one last look to see her before heading out into the forest.
In the five months that passed from that day forward were probably the happiest days of [F/N]'s life.
Every few days her brothers would come and visit her at the shrine after a mission and they'd stay for around two days before the crow came along and the process started all over again.
She'd even arranged them their own little rooms and the crow would come in advance to announce their arrival so she could prepare them food.
It was nice to be reunited with her family after a decade of solitude. The routine they got into was nice and became sort of domestic.
Though, Over the months [F/N] couldn't help but notice a sort of tension between Michikatsu and Yorichii however it was one-sided. Only Michikatsu initiated it while Yorichii was none the wiser.
It seemed more aggressive as the months went on. Michikatsu focused more on his training similar to what he did when they were younger. He'd have more hostility towards Yorichii and weirdest of all he seemed much more clingy and possessive towards her.
However [F/N] didn't like to think of it. While she knew it was there and she knew they'd have to talk about it at some point, She decided that it'd be better to wait for the right time to bring it up.
Everyday [F/N] would get up at around seven in the morning to do her rounds, Collect food and pray to Inari for an hour or two before going out to the main wooden shrine steps to sit and wait for her brothers to return.
When they did they would eat together, They'd tell stories of their mission no matter how surface level and vague they described it. They'd train outside in the courtyard while [F/N] watched from the steps in awe at their skill.
She recalled back to her childhood and her dream of becoming a samurai like her brothers, While it was true she now favoured the shrine over that old fairy-tale it didn't mean that she still didn't ponder over it often, Daydream while she brushed the floors, Envision the swing of a sword when she spun the brush around.
However of course, It was just a pipe dream. Just a silly pipe dream. But often she asked herself: Why not both?
[F/N] watched Michikatsu from the steps as he practiced sword swings in the shrine courtyard, Taking occasional glances at his sister to make sure she was watching him. The thought ran throughout her head. While she hadn't picked up a sword before other than The Soul Sword (Which at times, She lightly swung it around before setting it down. Then right after feeling ashamed for using a sacred artefact she proceeded to pray for forgiveness at the altar)
She was sure she could try.
While Michikatsu was swinging his sword she had got up from the step with a stumble. She wobbled a little and grabbed the handle bars to steady herself.
She took a deep breath and slowly walked down the stairs which suddenly seemed like a herculean task.
She set her sandal-covered feet onto the courtyard with an unnecessary effort and started walking towards Michikatsu who was only a few metre's ahead of her.
With every step she took her body seemed to get heavier. It felt like weights were being tied to her ankles every time she lifted her foot.
The distance seemed to widen between her and her brother. Her eyelids seemed to get heavier too.
And with another single undignified step her knees collapsed on her. She fell down to the floor with a thump! as her body relaxed and crumpled over on the ground.
Her eyes got blurry as she saw Michikatsu rush over to her tired body and listened to him shout out something she couldn't hear
She closed her eyes and untensed her body. Falling into the pitch black void of unconciousness.
[F/N] lay motionless in her bed.
A wet cloth lay over her forehead and a light blanket was lain on top of her.
It was two months since that day she collapsed. She was carried by Michikatsu and was rushed to the nearest village where she was seen by a doctor who gave her the diagnosis.
It was her mothers illness, Turning out to be hereditary and passed down onto [F/N]. However this seemed to be more severe and had developed into later stages quickly.
The doctor had said that she should be put in bedrest but despite Michikatsu's yelling and paranoid yelling there was no cure.
The first few days consisted of Michikatsu being hunched over her bed refusing to leave her side. Over the two months he had grown even worse than he did before.
He was angry before. Competitive, Hostile, Aggressive you name it. But now?
Now he was paranoid, Jumpy, Clingy piled on with all of those traits before.
Yorichii couldn't get through to him, He didn't hide his ire towards Yorichii now and hissed insults at him whenever he tried to speak to Michikatsu.
The first month was Michikatsu searching for a cure. He'd travel from village to village trying to find a doctor who could cure [F/N]. He scoured the Shrine's libraries and had gone mad trying.
Four days ago he had told [F/N] that he was going out again and that she was not to leave her bed unless she was going to get food or do her prayers, Which [F/N] had begged to be allowed.
He had stocked up enough food and water in the pantry for his trip when he left.
He told her that he would be back in two days, It was four now. Yorichii had been with her the first month but after he was called out on a very important mission he never came back.
When she asked Michikatsu what happened to him, He wouldn't tell her.
To say [F/N] was worried was an understatement. Michikatsu was never late, He'd always sent his crow to let her know even if he was.
Suddenly she was aware of a loud creaking. The main shrine gates.
Michikatsu must be back, [F/N] thought. A rush of excitement ran through her and overpowered the cold sweat of her sickness.
She'd gotten up from her futon and wrapped herself in her blanket to prevent the cold winter air from bothering her too much.
It was snowing outside. A blizzard had grown strong while she had slept earlier. Before when she was well in the health department she had prepared well for the winter and could survive during it, Making the inside of the shrine warm all throughout the season.
Now however that she depended on her brothers who were nowhere to be found the cold permeated the hallways and stung the tips of her fingers and nose.
She shivered and slid open the shoji doors to hobble through the hallways towards the courtyard, Ready to greet Michikatsu.
However when she quietly opened the door she wasn't greeted by Michikatsu. But instead two strange men with swords standing in the snowstorm. who hadn't seem to notice her yet
"This is it? Seems rundown." One of the men said
"According to his crow this is where he has been staying for the past few months. He must be here, Someone must pay for what he did and hiding here won't prevent what's coming to him." The other growled, Anger etched onto his features.
[F/N], A little insulted at her shrine being called run down, Made herself known by letting out a loud cough.
"Who are you? And what are you doing at my shrine?" The girl asked
The two looked up at the source. Their hands jumped to their sheathed swords as they looked up at her in antagonism.
They slowly approached her, So much so that they were now standing under the wooden porch roof.
[F/N] stumbled back in a way of getting distance between her and the men.
The one that called her shrine rundown stepped forward. He bowed down in respect to her.
"Greetings there. We're sorry to trouble you but we're looking for a man. His name is Yorichii Tsugikuni. He wears hanafuda earing's and his hair in a ponytail. Have you seen him anywhere?" He said.
Swords. Right. These must be Yorichii's colleagues. [F/N] relaxed slightly.
"Oh, You two must be his co-workers!" She exclaimed, Relief flooding her system.
She curtsied in respect.
"My name is [F/N] Tsugikuni. I am his younger sister, Unfortunately I haven't seen him for a month or two and I don't know where he's been. Apologies." I sighed.
The two men looked at each other.
"Sister? You're his sister?" The angrier one said, A hint of hostility in his voice.
Suddenly a chill ran up her spine, Something was wrong.
"Uhm.. Yes." [F/N] said with caution. Though she was tempted to lie, It just wasn't in her nature.
The angrier man now referred to as Man A gripped the hilt of his sheathed sword tighter.
"Well. I don't know if you know this but two months ago your brother... Messed up, Per se. Causing a great loss towards the demon corps..." He said. His words implied something unknown to [F/N]. The corners of her lips twitched. Demon corps? Messed up? The meaning eluding her.
"A lot of people got hurt. Including our father." Man A sneered. His face the exact visage of vengeance.
Man B behind him wasn't as such but still held a face of stone.
The realisation of what was happening hit [F/N] like a freight train. Her hands grew sweaty as they quickly rushed the shoji doors.
"I... I am so sorry to hear that. B-But unfortunately my brother isn't here right now... I've got to go tend to the haiden. Please, Come back later." Her voice trembled and shook despite how much she tried to keep her tone steady and confident.
As her hands tried to quickly shut the shoji doors the metal of a sword stopped the doors from opening fully.
[F/N] yelped and stumbled back from the door. The two men forced their way into the shrine hallway. [F/N] felt her back hit the wall.
"I'm sorry about what is to happen. But Yorichii Tsugikuni needs to pay for what he did and the death of his sister will bring about our revenge. Please forgive us." Man B said finally unsheathing his sword.
[F/N]'s feet grew light as she took off down the shrine hall, The two men hot on her tail as she careened round the corners and throughout the shrine.
She felt her heart pound heavy in her chest. Both from the almost paralysing fear and the illness coursing throughout her system.
Her legs felt weak but carried on. Her pace just a little bit faster than the men behind her despite all odds, She unconsciously thanked the hours she spent out in the woods running around for resources.
Tears burst like a dam from her eyes and flew from her eyes as she sprinted. Choked sobs periodically interrupted the heavy breaths she took from running.
The faster she ran, The more corners she turned the more thoughts ran rampant throughout her head.
Exits? Only the main gate which she was currently running away from and were closed on the way in, It takes too much time to open those doors and the men would catch up to her in no time. Convince them to stop? Impossible. The men seemed determined in their goal and no amount of talking would change anything. The hidden room? On the other side of the shrine and she didn't have the key on her
[F/N] had gained a bit of distance from the men at this point, Having shook them off her trail for a very short amount of time.
She ran to where her heart took her, To the place she felt safest.
The offering hall which use to look bright and full of flowers, baskets of food and was spotless now was empty and cold. The candles went long unlit and a bit of dust built up and went into the air when she slammed open the doors, Making her cough.
[F/N] ran to the altar with her legs trembling. She fell to her knees in front of it crying her eyes out. Her body positioned into its usual prayer formation as she choked out her sobs.
"Please! Inari. I-I'm going to die... I haven't asked for anything from the day I've got here... Please spare my life.. L-Let me live! I don't want to die, Inari. Please.. Please.." [F/N] broke down in front of the altar as she chanted please over and over again like a sacred sutra.
She wailed quietly in front of the shrine letting all her emotions out from her eyes.
She never noticed the men standing behind her as she prayed. Their expressions serious and unaffected by the girl's unheard prayers.
Man A raised his katana. Holding it in his grasp he raised it high above his head.
And with a yell he swiftly brought it down.
Blood splattered the offerings room. Drenching the two men and the girl below, The blade going straight through her back.
It was so cold.
The men had left her there bleeding, How long ago she didn't know.
She had made her way out of the shrine. Past the main doors, Past the entrance gate and the pathway and out into the main part of the forest.
The blade had went right through her chest out the other side, She gripped it tightly while the blood stained her dragon-patterned haori colouring it crimson.
It was a miracle she had got this far out into the blizzard. The tip of her nose had frozen and her jaw chattered letting out cold air.
She weakly turtled into her haori for warmth however it proved futile.
The white snow behind her left a red trail as she walked.
Soon enough it was too much.
Soon enough, She collapsed.
Quickly throughout the forest, Kokushibo ran quickly up the mountain through the unrelenting blizzard, Which never stung him in the slightest.
It had only been a few hours since he woke up from consuming that man's blood. His appearance now changed from the transformation which took three days to complete.
He carried a vial of that mans blood in one of his hands. He remembered the deal vividly in his mind.
Strength for him, A way to become stronger. Stronger than his brother. A way to avoid the eventual fate of all those who bore the demon slayer mark.
And a vial of that man's blood to save his dying sister.
He ran like hell. Snow crunching from the rapid footsteps behind him.
He stopped however, When the faintest scent of blood invaded his senses.
All three sets of his eyes widened.
He picked up his pace again. Now heading toward the smell.
His heartrate picked up. It couldn't be. It can't. [F/N] was alright. She was okay. Even now after becoming a demon, He still felt possessiveness affection towards his sister.
He came to a halt.
His heart dropped to his stomach as he tried to comprehend the sight in front of him. His eyes widened and his jaw slack open.
There in the snow, Lay a body curled up in a fetal position.
Snow had built up on it. It lay motionless buried in the snow.
He recognised it as [F/N].
"[F/N]!!" He yelled, running over to the body.
He fell to his knees in front of her and shoved off all the built up snow.
He pulled her body so her head was laying down on his lap. He shook her gently.
"...[F/N].. Wake up. Come on." He whispered. His shaking now growing more frantic to her lack of response.
He looked at the vial in his right hand.
Opening her mouth he popped open the seal and poured the red liquid into her mouth.
He watched it pour onto her tongue and down her throat. He waited for the reaction.
However, Nothing came.
He waited and waited. Nothing.
He felt his eyes water and flow out from them as the dawning realisation hit him.
He was holding his little sister's corpse in his arms.
He couldn't protect her. She had died and he wasn't there to protect her.
He yelled, Screamed and cried. In anger, Frustration, Sorrow, Guilt and mourning for his loss. He couldn't do anything.
However when he finally noticed the stab wound he realised this was murder. He could do something.
He carried his sister's body in his arms and pulled her close to his chest as he quietly grieved for her.
He brought her body back to her beloved shrine and set her down at the head of the shrine where she loved the most.
He'd deal with her body later. But for now he had to get revenge for the death of his little sister.
Using his blood demon art to make a sword he gripped it tight.
He set off into the blizzard already with a scent on the targets.
He looked back once at the shrine. The last remaining parts of his humanity dying in there with his sister
And with that he left. Never to look back again.
It was five hundred years ago.
Kokushibo began reminiscing when he sat in front of her gravestone. What he did that night.
He had gotten his revenge, The two slayers slowly tortured and then eaten by him. Their screams and their pleads for mercy when they showed [F/N] none.
He had started with the fingers and toes, Then he moved up to the lower limbs, Slowly he ate them alive. He made one of them watch him while he ate, All before he moved onto them.
He made them confess who killed her to which after a little persuasion they admitted easily.
They got the worst of it, He didn't even eat him after the torture. Just left him pinned to a tree bleeding out. He had put him up high only giving him the options of freezing to death, bleeding out or dying from the fall.
The memories rewound in his head like a film. Flashing memories of when she was born and he got to cradle her in his arms. All the way up until he only held her lifeless corpse, Killed too soon.
He had mourned for a long time after that, Never really getting over her death, Not even now as he set down the new flowers on her grave built near the house they grew up in.
He couldn't bring himself to consume her body, He could never. It was too much.
He got up and dusted himself off, Just like she use to do.
He turned away and walked into the night, Melding into the shadows as he went off to find his next meal.
The morning rays shun down on the Ubuyashiki Estate. Flowers in full bloom with wisteria ripe in the air.
Birds chirped and grasshoppers hummed in the bushes. The neatly trimmed and well kept garden a fit home for them
The Hashira had gathered and stood in front of the porch awaiting the arrival of their master. They talked amongst themselves in the meantime.
Mitsuri, The Love Hashira tugged on the hand of another. A soft smile gracing her face.
"Fujimori-san! You should really come out with me sometime, It's been ages since we've done something together!" Mitsuri teased lightly.
Fujimori laughed lightly from behind the kitsune mask with cerulean markings he (he?) wore. The medival english looking sword positioned in front of him pointing downward, His two hands gripping the katana-like hilt.
He was tall and muscular but had more of an athletic build. He had tattoo's from his neck to his lower arms describing pictures typically seen in shrine art.
His blue dragon-patterned haori that was draped around his lower arms lightly wove in the wind along with his [H/C] locks tied into a ponytail.
"What do you mean? We went on a mission together last week!" He chuckled.
Mitsuri huffed and lightly gripped his hand
"When I mean spend time together I mean like we should go to a hot spring or go out to eat together or-" Mitsuri continued rambling on as she listed off possible activities they could do together.
Fujimori, [F/N] listened intently onto her as she talked.
She (She? She.) however was only thinking of his visions: A sick woman, A woman with fox markings and a man in a purple hakama.
She'd need to figure it out later.
Next chapter
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komoboko · 6 months
okie hihi its me again, I'll resending the request plantonic with teen-reader and (fatherfigure)kokupuffs
It will be simple same sitution with tanjiro and nezuko, but differeny dymanic, kokupuffs trained reader with his moon breathing(as a spy in the corps), and he continues teaching them until somewhere along the year, he grow attach to them so he discards the die of the spy in the corps and continues to train and raise reader, and reader grow wonderfully, time skip- reader hearing about what happened to tanjiro in hashira meeting, and just have a blow oit panic attack, what if someone found out their teacher(father) is a demon? a upper rank one? and just kokushibo comforting them quietly, pat pat the head of smt.
just fatherly love.
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Platonic kokushibo tsugikuni x teen!reader
I wrote this three different times to get to the same ending the writing block is killing me
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Your method of training was much more unconditional compared to any other slayer to say the least.
You still learned all the basic, excelled well in them to. Techniques came much easier to you and you had a great mentor, it was only the little things that made it different. Maybe the small part that you started to adapt moon breathing into your skills, a breathing style not picked up or used by slayers for a long time. That’s fine, maybe you were just ahead of your game.
Maybe it was the fact that you mentor just happened to be a demon, an upper moon. Which demons are obviously prohibited in the corps, but upperanks specifically? If they even find out about it they’ll be hunt down and hopefully executed immediately. That’s not to good is it..
Kokushibo was an interesting man. His way of going about things is different, this thought process is different, his entire body structure is different. Everything about him was strange. Some ways it still surprises you that he even decided to help you in the first place.
He never planned keeping you around for this long in the first place. It was only so he could blend in with the rest of the slayers nearby, making him less suspicious in case anything happened. He trained you for a while, he was more surprised by how quickly you grown. He didn’t expect himself to grow attached to you. He tried to fight it off for a while he really did but it just wouldn’t work.
So reluctantly he persisted, trained you much longer than a spy mission would require. As much as he denies it he can’t say he doesn’t look out for you. He’ll tell you it’s nothing and you’ll just need to repay him for doing this but you know he doesn’t want anything from you in return. He’s surprised at how far you’ve grown in moon breathing. He’s proud of your growth and he doesn’t regret taking you in while he could.
You’ve been practicing for awhile with kokushibo and with others in the corps. You wouldn’t ever tell them how you learned it, you’d just tell them it came natural to you. That’s all the information they need to know, especially after what you seen today.
You didn’t mean to eavesdrop you just happen to be in the area at the same moment and the same time. The new boy you seen at the corps was outed for smuggling a demon, having been protecting his little sister in the giant box he carried around. You could sympathize for him as you had your own situation with handling a demon. You couldn’t blame him for his actions, but you’d never say this out loud. You wouldn’t dare.
It surprised you how harsh the boy was treated, even more so at how his little sister was treated. It brought you even more fear at realize the repercussions of anybody finding out how you’ve even trained. Seeing how bad this boy was treated despise being here for such little time, it would be devastating if they figured out how long this “scandal” has been going on.
Panic soon began to consume you as your breathing picked up and your eyes widen more as you darted off. Running into the woods in no particular direction as your breathing soon became much more intense as fear only seemed to control your actions even more. Your body leans up against a tree as you slowly shuffle down. Your knees pressed to your chest as you stare at the leaves on the grassy floor.
You were unaware of kokushibo presence who awkwardly stood behind the tree. He was aware of the demon child and its slayer brother as muzan had informed him. Your mumbling only confirmed his suspicions on what he believed happened. He walks to stand beside you unsure if the first way to approach this, he never needed to really comfort you in this manor. The only time he did so was to motivate you to train more, nothing like this.
His hands finds it way to the top of your head as he stiffly attempts to pat your head to comfort you. You only stare up at him as your distress is still present, “what if they find out? Especially if they realize hiw long this has been going on?!” You mumble as the fear in your voice is evident. Kokushibo only shakes his head at you to stop yourself from continuing on.
“Nonsense child, mortals like you are easy to deceive. If they ever do I..” he stops himself he can’t tell you he would kill them, it would only cause you to fall deeper into despair than you already are. “I will personally come to defend your honor.” He finishes his sentence before looking down at you again, hoping to bring you so firm of closure.
You couldn’t help but still fear some fear, no matter how calming the demon’s words were meant to be. “I know I know, but if they even find out for a second I’d be cursed. Banished from the corps, I’d be persecuted by every slayer around. It would be an unforgivable action possibly.” You ramble out as kokushibo only kneels down to get closer to your eye level. Before you can continue he only stops you before you can say more.”
“Being a child like yourself should not be some sort a sin.” He states staring back at you with all six of his eyes. “If they even have any theory of you working under me I shall take the weight and th blame. A child like yourself shouldn’t and won’t feel any remorse nor any pain. I will make sure of this myself.” His words are meaningful in deep despite the strange way he puts it.
Your eyes only drift back to the ground as silence falls between the two of you. Your knees shift before your head turns to look at kokushibo. Who can tell hopes you understand what he was trying to tell you. He shifts as he stares out into the distance becoming stiff when he feels a pair of arms around him. He blinks when you hug him not very sure on how to react quickly.
He sits still for a moment before slowly just letting you hug him. One of his arms wrap around you in hopes to comfort you a little bit more. He feels you calming down more and it eases him to know your original state of panic washes away. Even to this day despite how long he’s been strolling the earth he does not get why he feels any attachment towards you in the first place. Never the less he embraces it.
You on the other hand are grateful for his presence just being here with you in the first place. You know he’s gonna go on with his “mortals are insignificant” and his “humans are so stubborn and so weak at the same time” rambles later on. You can appreciate him being here to give you his piece of mind now and to really tell you he’s here for you even if he can’t express it right.
Your mentor still is pretty weird, immoral to others. You can’t say you don’t appreciate him being him whether others will like it or not.
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5cookiekitty · 1 year
Could you do a fanfic with you demon slayer fanfic idea with reader having the same personality as daki but worst and visiting them and was attacked by a hashira and had to call one of her siblings
Yandere uppermoon {kokushibo} × little sister reader
Fanfic idea
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'This is to easy.' The hashira avoided the array of pin like crystal that came flying towards him with a slash of his breathing. 'Somthing isn't right here.' He could feel it in his bones a she watched uppermoon zero send out more crystal's from the ground in which he weaved and dodge once more. The crystal's on her face that formed in the middle of head in the shape of a butterfly glowed allowing for crystal like butterfly to fly through the air.
"I can you feel you getting weaker and slower! Your a hashira right! If I kill you here I will certainly expect some praise!" The demons voice was sickenly gleeful on such a beautiful face. Her Kimono , that split open to show a leg that wore geta sandals and a ankle long white sock , fluttered in the wind like falling angel wings. Maybe she was one.
The hashira stared at the demon who was taunting him much like how a child would. ‘Something isn't right here.’ he thought as he easily deflected away another array of crystals coming his way. ‘There's no way it should be this easy right.’ this was an uppermoon of course but even he was getting bored with this battle. ‘Doesn't matter anyway…’ he activated his breathing as he slashed forward in an instant and behind the demon. “Cause your through” 
The demon was quick to try to snap her head around with the anger on her beautiful face clear as day. “What did you just say to me you li-” and then suddenly the world was upside down and spinning as she collapsed like a marionette without its strings attached as her head gently rolled on the ground as her body slumped to the ground on its side. “Huh?”
“Do you mind telling me where your little demon friend is hiding.” he watched those e/c eyes glare at him from the floor. “Since you're too weak to be the one who killed all those slayers.” he got an angry screech in response. “What is that supposed to mean! I really am an uppermoon ,I am! I'll kill you for your insolence!” he looked down at the demon on the floor with confused eyes. “Can't kill me if you're dead.” His voice was flat and deadpanned.
“It's not over yet , You just caught me off guard! If I put my head back on, I'll show you! You wont get me a second time”
“You're right I won't get you a second time cause there isnt going to be a second time.”
“Stop it , it's over. You're over so why don't you just go ahead and die already. Your reign of terror is over.” he was about ready to stop entertaining this soon-to-be-dead demon when suddenly he felt something. ‘What the-’ all the hairs on his body stood to attention as he narrowly avoided a thin crystal needle coming at him. ‘Hold on, wait a minute, why isn't she disintegrating.’
“How dare you!How dare you! How dare you!” the shrill voice on the angry demon renovated throughout the forest as she sat up onto her hands and knees, head forgotten in favor of slamming the ground down in anger. “DIE! DIE! DIE! all of you slayers can die!” the demon continued her babbling angry rant as the hashira stared on in growing confusion. “I'm an upper moon!i'm strong and i'm getting stronger everyday! I'm better than you!I'm better than you, you hear me!” The woman now had angry frustrated tears streaming down her face looking and acting too much like a child in dire need of comfort.
“My head got cut off! It got cut off! He cut it off!”
‘Wait hold on , who is she complaining to-’
And suddenly with a hand raised in the air that once more slammed onto the ground she released what felt like death itself.
And before the hashira could comprehend what was happening there was a sudden burst of unimaginable bloodlust throughout the area as something started to emerge from the female demon's back. Suddenly he was swinging forward as every instinct in his body since becoming a demon slayer activated in a sudden urge and need to kill the literal death-bringing-thing coming out from where it was hidden with his katana. And yet as soon as he neared the thing , inches away , his katana cut through nothing.
And then he heard sniffling and a whine and his head quickly snapped behind him to see the demoness , crying softly into a hand that cupped the side of her face gently as she tried in vain to whip away her rapidly falling tears. Head now attached to her body with a person crouched in front of her. “Y-you saw what he did right.” Her voice was soft and shaky , reminding the slayer of a crying child and not of a heartless demon that he knew she was. “I wasn't doing anything and yet-” she sounded like another slot of tears was going to come out as the last of her sentence wobbled out.
The slayer stood to the back , uncertain of what to do. Even for someone like him the back to back abnormalities were coming quickly and he felt as though he needed some time to rest.readying himself he quickly zipped across the room only to jump back when his face came too close to being sliced in half by a sword. ‘Shit.’ He could feel blood begin to dribble down from his head as his eyes finally found the new occupant in the room. ‘Double shit.’ cause staring back at him were six eyes , the middle pair having kanji written in it.
Uppermoon 1 
“I knew something was off.” the slayer mumbled as he looked the upper moon up and down. ‘This is bad. I can feel it in my bones.’ He watched as the girl, not a woman , never to grow up and be one continued to cry to herself in the background. ‘Not to mention that one aint exited from the land of the living yet. What the absolute hell is going on here.’ he stepped back , a bit nervously , when uppermoon took a stance that blocked most of his view of the woman.
“You must be a hashira.” The demon talked slowly, giving his tone that of a gravitas one. ‘His whole aura screams unnerving tranquility.as if he's in control of everything.’ The hashira got into a stance , hands on the handle of his katana ready to strike at a moment's notice. “Yes I am.” he watched as the demon brought down his katana also into a stance ready to fight. “Good.” he said. “Maybe you'll last longer…than the others.” and with a swing of the katanas and the swirl of crystals the fight was on.
hours later y/n would give kokushibo her gift she meant to give him before she attacked in the midst of a bloody massacre. A hand carved comb with little dragons painted onto it to with white crystals. It would the next night when y/n had combined herself with him that he would genly touched the comb hidden away in his kimono as he stared up at the moon.
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koridoru · 2 years
Might I ask for more of the upper moons interacting with a child! I’ve gotten a craving for it
(this is super old but im really trying to cut down on asks!)
"This child... won't go away... why?" Kokushibo asked himself, although he had sort of grown to like this child. The small child they once encountered had stuck around for quite a while now.
None of them were really sure why this child wasn't afraid of them.
Innocence perhaps.
The tiny tot no older than 5 trotted around Kokushibo's section of the infinity palace.
It was just then when Akaza, begrudgingly followed by Doma, entered the room.
"We came for the kid, Koku."
Akaza said with a serious look on his face.
"Yes indeed! It's our turn to play with it!" Doma chimed in, all cheery and bubbly, contrast to Akaza.
"Why so serious, Akaza?" Kokushibo asked, picking up the child like you would a football.
"Because you need to learn to share, six eyes!" He said.
So that's what the attitude was about, he was jealous.
"May we have the yummy little tyke pleeeease!" Doma begged.
Akaza smacked him over the head for his comment of the childs taste.
Kokushibo handed the kid over, holding them by the back of their little kimono.
Akaza darted out of the room, not wanting to deal with Doma any longer.
He didn't get to be alone, however.
He was caught by Daki and Gyutaro, who had also taken a liking to the child.
Akaza had to negotiate with Daki that she can dress the child up but he still gets to be with them.
Daki started squealing with glee as the child's hair was now riddled with bows, and they were wearing a furisode that was much too large for them.
Gyutaro wanted to play with them next.
Let's just say he isn't the best influence.
"Say shit." Gyutaro ushered.
"Sit!" The child squealed.
"No, say shit."
Daki came out to investigate the commotion, and berated Gyutaro for what he was doing, much to his annoyance.
It was getting bright out, and the child had actually developed the demons habit of being nocturnal, so they took Gyokko's pot to Nakime's room and slept in the little hammock she set up in the tree for them.
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hi i dont know if you take requests im so sorry if you dont but can you do like immagine if kokushibo adopts a 16 year old and they try to take her away cause they think he kidnapped them and they try to jump cause she just cant stay away from him (can be any gender sorry if this sounds dump or idk)
*happy feral Italian noises*
Platonic Kokushibo with Teen! Fem Reader.
C-Warnings: Mentions of Kidnapping, Running away, Fem reader, I don't have a lot of Koku images so bare with me, shitty home life, language, etc.
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You came from a shitty house, and I mean shitty. (Talking about constant fighting and shit)
So you ran away from home, not being able to take the nagging and guilt-tripping anymore.
You stumbled upon Kokushibo, and immediately realized you were going to die.
You were just about to embrace the bittersweet feelings of death when
Long story short, Kokushibo couldn't bring himself to kill you, and he didn't know why. (He still doesn't.)
Kokushibo offered to take you in, and lets just say that you made a good choice saying yes.
He managed to find an abandoned house nearby, where he provided essentials and a warm home, something you barely remember having.
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Kokushibo is actually a very good dad, being able to cook and teach you things.
He refrained from eating people in front of you, not wanting to scare you away.
You obviously knew he was a demon, but he still refused.
You genuinely cared for him, and he cared for you.
Unfortunately, the shitty family from before didn't realize that you ran away, and assumed you were kidnapped.
So they searched for you, aka paid someone else to search.
I told you they were shitty.
Now Kokushibo, being the Chad he is, didn't want to traumatize you by killing the hired searchers. (is that a word? Idk)
Instead, he took you and ran down to another abandoned house, and managed to keep the same warm household you and him shared.
Now remember, this is fem reader, so you have a thing called a POOSAY, and a period.
And he kinda freaked out inside, not really understanding what to do-
Bros face was just 🗿
But he grew his balls back and figured it out, thank God.
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When Muzan found out about you, it made Koku melon panic, but the smooth criminal himself was just like:
"Just do your job, and nothing will happen to her."
Aka, Muzan favs him, and probably trusts him enough to do his job.
Bro is very suspicious of Douma being around you.
He's genuinely afraid that Douma might hurt you, or worse.
Same thing with the Mutated Baby, Gyokko.
(Kokushibo was cracking up inside when you called Gyokko that.)
He trusts Akaza, knowing he won't lay a hand on you due to his own morals.
He maybe lets him and Nakime babysit you when he's not around.
(dunno about the others)
in the end, Kokushibo's an excellent dad. I don't think you wanna know what happened to your shitty family.
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mxzan · 2 years
ρ𝖾α𝖼𝖾𝗄𝖾𝖾ρ𝖾𝗋 — 𝗒α𐓣ᑯ𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝗄o𝗄υ𝗌ɦ𝗂ᑲo α𐓣ᑯ 𝗒o𝗋𝗂𝗂𝖼ɦ𝗂  
yandere brothers kokushibo and yoriichi (platonic):
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(y/n) was the middle child of the triplets, like Michikatsu and Yoriichi quiet. At a young age, his appearance charmed others into trying to talk to him.
However, he quickly shyed away, only ever talking to his mother and brothers. The two boys didn't mind this of course, it was comforting to think that (y/n) had relied on them.
But their mother was worried, often trying to engage the middle child into conversation. So, the young (h/c) boy was often forced to talk to other children his age.
As the three boys aged, Michikatsu and Yoriichi further isolated the young man. The chained jingled loudly echoing across the estate of trapping the (e/c) orbed man.
He couldn't complain, (y/n) had a lack of energy after fighting Yoriichi. The two brothers had to wrestle their triplet for a quarter of an hour before he was too exhausted to continue.
"(y/n/n)...", The burgundy haired male spoke calmly,"I understand that you are angry but—"
Yoriichi was penetrated with a cold glare,"Of course I am, you and Michikatsu took me!"
The other demon slayer turned frustratedly,"Don't be selfish, we are protecting you and this is how you are now acting?"
(y/n) chuckled before retorting,"Protecting me — From what? The only think I need to be protected from is the two of you."
A harsh blow swung against his cheek, Yoriichi attempting to pull the oldest brother off the victim.
"Oh, so now you're acting up?", Michikatsu taunted whilst tugging at his own mauve coloured kimino,"You were well behaved before, so what happened?"
The (h/c) man shivered, backing into a corner, his wrists had become painful due to the increasing pressure.
His older brother continued,"Your attitude better change quickly, you're not going anywhere."
Black hair sprawled over, locks bouncing before Michikatsu shoved Yoriichi away furiously.
"I will spend every living moment fighting you two..."
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xjulixred45x · 3 months
okay, I think I'll focus on making a few requests before doing the final work on HADES....BUT FIRST ONE LAST WORK ON KNY.
in this case from Kimetsu Gakuen/Kimetsu Academy.
mainly to make up for the Angst of Kokushibo and his son, so here we go (I'll just refer to reader as "son" because it's easier).
We already know that Kokushibo is dedicated to being Muzan's "bodyguard", and probably thanks to this no one entertains the idea that this man has children or a family in general.
but no, he does have them.
He and his wife (Haruhime seems to be a popular name for Michikatsu's wife so I will use it here) taking into account their work they do everything possible to keep their children's lives anonymous, whether teaching them at home or in high-level private institutions. They will not settle for less for their children.
and I can imagine His oldest child (reader) being especially gifted in those types of areas, the type of child who has the best grades as a child, and has a higher than average IQ level. which makes his parents very proud. that's for(due to recommendations) they decide to put him in various activities to "stimulate" him and have many possibilities in the future.
This causes son to unintentionally become an Overarchiver, that is, he goes to MANY activities at the same time, some he likes, others not so much, but he doesn't dare to tell his parents (especially his father) for fear of disappointing them. .
When he is very Burnout, he does REALLY innocuous and intricate things to miss his activities and his father doesn't notice, it is literally easier to do a stunt.
Kokushibo is not a bad father here, if he comes from the same background as in the original manga, he himself does not know how to have a normal upbringing for any of his children, so he tries to be the opposite in every way of his father, encouraging his child and not discourage him. apart from the fact that he personally fears that his son will be afraid of him (which ironically in a sense is already happening...)
Probably despite being so talented and deadly, he doesn't even realize how negatively this affects his son, his high expectations of him come more from ignorance (of not being very emotionally intelligent) than from a real urgency for his son to stand out in everything.
Other than that, he's a pretty decent father. when he gets the chance, he brags about his son and how smart he is to "trusted" people, tries to go to his son's sports/debate shows, supports him when he gets in trouble (even if he gets in trouble at home ), etc.
I imagine that being an Overarchiver, Kokushibo's son receives many MANY comparisons from both teachers and parents of other students, so he is not very popular so to speak...
You can see Kokushibo even forcing Kaigaku to give him certain reports about his son😅 and ironically they both end up becoming friends (Kokushibo doesn't know whether to be happy or worried, on the one hand his son finally has a friend, but it turns out to be the worst influence possible) .
Kaigaku even ends up helping Kokushibo's son get away with his escapades and relax a little, which would be nice in a way.
(he also tried to convince him to vandalize the bike of a boy who was especially mean to him, but son ran away).
the meetings at the Tsugikuni house when Kaigaku and Kokushibo are there at the same time must be VERY awkward.
some extra information about this:
*I think Kokushibo's other daughter (the youngest, I'll call her Mitsuki) is also an overarchiver, but more inclined to art, things like theater, ballet, choir, etc.
*I can't decide if Haruhime and Kokushibo would be separated. But let's say yes because I enjoy an intimidating woman who is soft on her family(same with Koku).
*Kokushibo's eldest son takes martial arts, debate classes, history, mathematics and probably knows how to play at least one instrument.
*as I said, Koku doesn't usually talk about his kids to many people, but his desk probably has several hidden photos of his kids (as children or at certain important events, he's that kind of dad).
*Koku is the overprotective father, Haruhime is the loving but strict mother.
*Muzan has probably tried to infiltrate his son or Mitsuki into Kimetsu Academy, but Haruhime (and lowkey Koku) WILL DIE before their children set foot in a public school.
*(what none of them know is that Kaigaku already put his son in school several times, just because).
*Haruhime definitely doesn't like Kaigaku, Mitsuki tolerates him. Kaigaku is afraid of Haruhime.
*Jigoro adores Son, thinks he's a good influence and probably threatens Kaigaku not to do anything to the poor boy🤣Zenitsu can't believe Son is so nice and at the same time is Kaigaku's friend ("blink if he's holding you against your will")
*Yoriichi probably knows about his nephews and they know about him. but they try to see each other without Koku being there (since he gets angry with their mere presence). They think it's funny.
Overall, just a weird family with communication problems, but who love each other.
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
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zen1dol · 1 year
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i dont care if its ooc . i dont care if i drew their hair wrong . comfort doodle
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shytastemakerthing · 7 months
Can I request when Kokushibo energetic adult demon son gift his father a rock cause he see's his father as strong as a rock?
A/N: You certainly can! I did not specify whether or not that the reader is his biological child or not so I will leave that up for all of you to decide. Also, the reader is more gender neutral for this.
I hope that you enjoy!
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In the time that Upper moon 1 has known you, in all of those years, watching you grow older, eventually becoming a demon yourself, he had known of your more energetic personality as opposed to his more calm demeanor, but, he will find it rather endearing.
Not that he has ever told you that tho-
Everyone who saw both of you knew, you were family. Though, it hasn't been confirmed by Kokushibo whether or not both of you are blood related or not.
The votes are split down the middle between the yes and no's/ Not even Muzan knows (though he is in favor of thinking that you both are related to one another, the resemblance is uncanny)
Back to the topic at hand
Kokushibo is well aware of how you see him
And this is strength that did not just happen over night
He has been training for well over 400 years now, so the fact that you share the same drive certainly has his utmost respect.
But then came your gift
It really wasn't much, just a rock
Nothing special, it wasn't shiny or held a myriad of colors that reflected any sort of light
It was just that, a simple rock
One that you would see just laying around on the road
But it was the expression on your face, the excitement in your eyes.
That's what prompted his question
"A.... rock?"
Followed by your reasoning
As strong and as solid as a rock, unbending to the throes of nature and time. Sure, the rock gets cut up and chipped, and worn down, but never destroyed. It stands firm, just like Kokushibo
Don't let your father's words trick you, yes that was the tiniest hint of a smile that came to his face
It wasn't such a feeling of pride that came over Upper Moon 1, no, this felt much better than something as simple as one's pride
His hand came to your shoulder in thanks, the most reaction you had ever seen from him, but it meant more to you than he could possibly ever know.
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trancylovecraft · 4 months
Previous Chapter ☆♡☆ Masterlist ☆♡☆ Next Chapter
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CHAPTER EIGHTEEN: "Where you go, I'm going."
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Daimyo are feudal lords or magnates from ancient Japan. They ruled the majority of Japan through their hereditary land ownings, Being only subordinate to the Shogun and the Emperor.
The moon was held high in the sky, The lunar signalling midnight amongst the dark sea it hung on.
It filtered through the estate, Cracks in the pristine wood and the miniscule gaps in the windows. It was soft and sublime, A kind of light that chilled the skin in such a comforting way, A way where you just had to take a moment to take it all in.
It danced across his skin, Michikatsu's eyes shut gently as he slept quietly within his futon. The sliding window above him let the light through, Shining down onto his face as he breathed in and out.
It was the only thing illuminating the darkness of his room, The luminescence rolling off the silhouettes of what grandiose furniture was in his chambers. Mirrors, Storage units, Plants regularly watered by the servants. All of it was shrouded within darkness yet illuminated by the light just enough to make out the shape.
His eyes strained, Eyelids clenching together, However it was not due to the light.
A strange rocking sensation stirred him in his sleep, A gentle pressure on his side as he groaned softly in his sleep. He tried to shake it off as his mind was still enraptured within the thrall of his sleep, His breath only hitched for a moment before going back to its rhythm.
"Michi-nii..! Michi-nii..!"
A sort of shaky, Familiar voice called out to him in a hushed whisper. Michikatsu murmured something unintelligible through his sleep, The dark hair sprawled across his pillow and face only muddled his eyesight just a bit as he took a groggy peek.
His vision blurry, But he could make out the figure of his little sister shifting uncomfortably through the muddled darkness. He lazily lifted his head from the comfort of his pillow, Slightly shaking the hair out of his eyes.
"[F/N]..?" Michikatsu asked as he looked up at her, His vision dazed as he saw her look down at him with skittish eyes. She shifted in her oversized kimono robe she had most definetly just thrown on, Grasping onto the hems of her sleeves as she spoke.
"Michi-nii..! I'm sorry- Uhm.." She babbled slightly, Stumbling over her whispered words as she strayed her gaze away from him.
Michikatsu groaned as he propped himself up with one hand, The other moving to rub the sleep out of his eyes.
"[F/N]..? What's wrong, You know father wouldn't like it if he knew you were out here at night.." Michikatsu warned softly as he watched her try to gather her words, Remembering how their father was rather.. Adverse to his offspring wandering at night.
"I-I.. Uhm.. I had a nightmare." [F/N] admitted as she finally looked down at him, Almost expecting a sort of negative reaction from him. Like how their father often did. "It was scary.. I don't wanna be alone right now.."
"A nightmare..? What do you mean?" Michikatsu asked, Still half-asleep.
"I was being chased by a monster!" [F/N] hush whispered to him, Meek eyes staring down at him. "It was so big, It had so many eyes- I was running through a town with bright lights- I could hear it running behind me! It chased me for hours before it caught me- It hurt me- It dragged me away!"
Michikatsu listened onto her rather paranoid voice, Watch as her eyes darted back and forth for any sign of the monster throughout the darkness. He could tell she was terrified, Especially as she nudged closer towards him, Gripping onto the hems of her kimono sleeves.
"..I wanna sleep in here tonight, I don't wanna be alone." [F/N] begged quietly, Almost pleading as he looked into her eyes.
Michikatsu's lips thinned as he looked at her. In any other scenario he would have no problem saying yes to her, It was difficult to say no to begin with. But recalling the time she had been caught running around the garden late at night.
Their father called it unlady-like, Especially once he found her rather fancy kimono dirtied with muck. If her future suitors knew about her unfavourable behaviour..
It didn't end good, That was the understatement. Michikatsu couldn't tell if it was bravery or audacity that she was still okay with asking him again now. But it didn't matter. Michikatsu shook his head, Pushing himself up to a sitting position.
"[F/N].. You remember what happened last time father caught you in the garden? Who knows what he'll do if he finds you here.." Michikatsu sighed as he shook his head, Giving her a rather apologetic look.
[F/N]'s eyes widened, Stepping forward towards him.
"Please.. I'm scared, What if the monster in my nightmare comes back again?" [F/N] blurted out, Stamping her little foot slightly on the floor. "I couldn't help it, I don't wanna. It's so dark and quiet- I don't like it!"
Michikatsu opened his mouth to speak once more, However [F/N] beat him to it.
"Please, Michi-nii! I don't wanna be alone.." She begged, Her voice as quiet as mouse.
Michikatsu watched as her eyes pleaded with his, Feeling like his heart was being squeezed within his chest. There it was, The difficulty to say no. Michikatsu watched her lip tremble, The shake almost extending to the rest of her body as she feared leaving the room.
He knew it was for the best if he said no..
But he sighed, Almost in defeat.
"..Alright, Come here." Michikatsu said as he beckoned her forward, Pushing the sheets off off of his body as he shimmied to the side.
[F/N] beamed, Wide and bright in contrast the the dark of his room.
"Yay! Thank you, Michi-nii!" [F/N] cheered quietly as she excitedly lowered and sat herself down next to him on the futon. Michikatsu sighed as he pulled her closer, Watching her kick off her sandals to the side of the room as she happily rested her head down on the pillow.
Michikatsu breathed out a discontented sigh, But the small smile creeping up on his face couldn't be concealed.
"But you gotta leave in the morning, Okay? Father will be coming to collect me for training and he can't find you here." Michikatsu said as he laid back down onto his futon, [F/N] by his side who eagerly cuddled up to him when Michikatsu wrapped his arms around her.
She nodded before resting her head on his shoulder.
"That's fine.. As long as the monster doesn't get me, I'll be okay." [F/N] mumbled as Michikatsu pulled over the covers to get at ease himself, Nesting herself into the blankets comfortably.
"The monster isn't real, Don't worry.. And if it is- I promise I'll protect you, Okay? That's my job as the next head of this clan.. And as your brother." He assured as he rested his head on top of hers, Shutting his eyes.
[F/N] smiled quietly as her eyes shut as well, Getting comfortable as he held her closer to him. The night terror that had haunted her before became only an afterthought as she already felt at ease under the covers, Knowing that his words would be true.
She breathed out, Nesting further under the covers.
Obanai Iguro had no idea why he was here.
He strode through the passage of some hallway in an admittedly cosy Inn, One in the middle of absolutely nowhere he recognised. It was safe to say he was irked, The slight narrow of his mismatched eyes shown that fact rather clearly.
Kaburamaru slithered loosely around his neck, Sensing his discomfort as he flicked his lounge in and out. Obanai sighed out through the bandages making up his mask, A slight scowl still on his face as he folded his arms.
He had been called by the crow to the village of Hiyohara, A small yet beautiful little township located near Fukushima. The scroll kept within the talons of the bird had detailed little as to why he was here, Only outlining that it was important and sent by the Insect Hashira of all people.
Kaburamaru would be pleased at least.
Obanai rolled his eyes as he remembered the little crush his beloved snake had on her, Nodding to a local as they passed him by on the hallway. The number listed should've been at the end of the hallway, Where he absentmindedly strode to.
As he drew nearer and nearer to the end, He could see the final oaken door within the rather quaint hall. Though as he stepped forward once more on the floorboards, Obanai listened closer.
Noises could be heard behind it, Chatter from several different voices to be precise. Some were soft and delicate, Others were rough and steady. Male and female, Obanai furrowed his brow as he had recognised a majority of the voices.
He stopped, Pausing in front of the door. Kaburamaru coiled just a bit tighter as they stilled to listen on.
His stomach churned as he raised a fist to greet the door.
Obanai eyes widened as the door was swung open before his knuckles could knock against the wood, His arm swiftly lunged back to his side as his body grew rigid. Once his eyes focused, Obanai felt his heart skip a beat.
Mitsuri Kanroji stood there, Her candy coloured kimono loose-fitting and draped around her body. Beautifully vivid hair was done up in a bun decorated with jewelled pins, And she was looking at him with her signature smile.
Obanai found himself shy, Eyes darting away from her.
"I didn't know you would be here.. It's nice to see you again, Kanroji-san." He muttered.
Though he gasped once he felt her arms throw themselves around him, Pulling him closer until his head was resting upon Mitsuri's shoulder. Obanai hitched a breath, Mitsuri grinning ear to ear as she felt his warmth against hers.
"It's amazing to see you too, Iguro-san! You know, I thought you wouldn't show up! You came pretty late compared to everyone else and I assumed you might not make it!" Mitsuri squealed as she hugged him tighter, Her head resting on his shoulder and vice versa.
"Uhm.. There were a few detours I had to take to get here, I got rather lost- I apologise"
It had only taken him a day to get here, Detours taken because the directions provided were rather vague. Hiyohara was a town he hadn't visited, Fukushima being a city where he barely tread in the first place as he usually operated in the south.
"Kyah~! Don't worry about it, You're here now!" Mitsuri assured as she pulled away from him, Leaving a sort of warmth that Obanai tried to burn into his memory. "Come in, Come in! Shinobu-chan can fill you in."
Mitsuri beckoned him forward with a call of her hand, Stepping back to allow him into the neat little room they were situated in. Obanai took her invitation as he wandered inside, The view of the room finally made available to him.
It was warm, Warm enough to feel through the fabric of his slayer uniform and striped black haori. It was also a rather homely set up with a few simple futons set off to the side and minimal furniture decorating the place.
There were several people he recognised here, Shinobu and Gyomei who sat conversing off to the side who called out a greeting once he walked in. And for some reason, There was a blonde haired girl who had her hands bound to her feet with bandages, Looking rather terrified with another bandage covering her mouth.
Before he could question the bizarre sight however, His eyes caught onto something else entirely. Obanai scowled, His eyes landing on a single group in particular.
"What is he doing here." Obanai hissed as he threw out an accusing finger towards a specific spot of the room, An instant jeer taking him over as he glared hot at the group across him.
Sat at the little table in the middle of the room was Tanjiro Kamado and his sister, Followed by Shinobu Kocho's Tsuguko, Kanao and Gyomei Himejima's Tsuguko, Shizuko sitting next to some Boar-headed kid. They seemed to be drinking some blend of tea they must've acquired from the village merchants, Their cups still mildly warm.
"Oh, Hello Iguro-sama!" Tanjiro waved as he saw Obanai enter inside, Nezuko followed suit, Eagerly waving her own silent greeting as she hummed through her bamboo muzzle. Obanai only shot daggers at him, His hand itching for his blade at the sight of the girl.
"Aha.. How about we move on?" Mitsuri giggled awkwardly as she urged Obanai along, Who continued to glare at the boy and his demon sister. Guiding him past the group, They made their way towards the other two Hashira in the room.
"Iguro-san! It's great to see that you've finally arrived, I assume there was some trouble getting here?" Shinobu asked with a smile as they approached, Kaburamaru perking up at the sight of the woman, Slithering just a bit further around Obanai's neck.
Ignoring his beloved snake, His eyes narrowed on Shinobu.
"Yes.. " Obanai drawled as he eyed her up and down. "Your directions were quite vague. And you failed to mention the prescence of that boy and his demon sister. What exactly is the meaning of this?"
Shinobu hummed, A rather small and placid smile appearing on her face as he asked his question. Tilting her head to the side, She spoke.
"Aha.. I see you're still sour about a demon being in the corps, Iguro-sama." Shinobu observed as she saw his scowl. "The reason why your here on vague directions is for a mission, No need to worry!"
Obanai's face scrunched up for a second, Almost wanting to say something but instead rolled his eyes.
"..Whatever, And the girl over there? What is that about?" Obanai asked as he motioned towards the girl still tied up in the corner, Who this entire time had been making muffled pleas for help from behind the bandage covering her mouth.
"Maika Heihachiro.. One of our shrine maidens that somehow made her way here." Gyomei spoke up from beside Shinobu, Beads rattling in his hands. " An eavesdropper from what we can assume.. We caught this one listening outside the door."
"A shrine maiden, All the way out here?" Obanai 'hmphed' as he continued to look at her. Maika felt like a mouse once Kaburamaru took a rather distasteful interest in her, Hissing lowly under his breath.
Kaburamaru flaunted his fangs, Maika yelped once he near lunged towards her.
"Oh, How could I forget about you, Kaburamaru?" Shinobu giggled as her hand reached into the inside of her haori, Mitsuri and Obanai had to double take when she slipped out a little mouse from inside. Tail pinched carefully between her fingers.
"Do.. Do you keep them on you at all times?" Mitsuri gawked as she watched Kaburamaru's eyes light up, His attention drawn to the dead little mouse being lowered towards him eagerly.
"Oh, No! I just assumed my favourite serpent would want a snack after such a long journey, Doesn't he?" Shinobu cooed as she teased the mouse in front of Kaburamaru's jaw, Lowering so he could get a better grasp on the rodent.
Obanai groaned. His shoulders drooping once Kaburamaru excitedly latched onto the mouse, Shinobu letting go of the rodent to let him scarf it down almost ravenously.
"Can you stop feeding my snake, Kocho-san?" He groaned as Kaburamaru happily choked down the mouse, Shinobu not even turning to look at him as she focused her efforts on Kaburamaru.
"Aha.. Yes, I suppose we really should get down to business, Shouldn't we!" She giggled once Kaburamaru was done, Slithering back around Obanai's neck while affectionately looking at Shinobu.
She raised back up, Finally turning to look at Obanai.
"Now, Let's get to talking!"
[F/N] breathed out, Feeling herself come into consciousness.
Her eyelids were heavy and she could feel the weight of her blanket cover her body. A pillow under her head, Another she hugged within her arms. [F/N] took a moment to gather herself, To bring herself back to reality.
Another sleep, Another vision.
This one was one of the unfamiliar ones, Not from her past. [F/N] could only assume that it would've been from her past life, No matter how ridiculous that sounded to anyone out of the loop.
[F/N] sighed.
Fuck, It still sounded ridiculous to her anyways.
It was still nothing, It was just another one out of the blue that meant nothing to her current situation. Apparently she had some nightmare as a child and had tried to find comfort in Kokushibo, Or perhaps it was more accurate to call him Michikatsu.
Michikatsu Tsugikuni, That was his name.
Tsugikuni, A neuron connecting in her brain.
Akeno Tsugikuni.
[F/N] had put down the journal once she had read that name yesterday. It was like a jolt to the heart once it came to her, Needing to fully put the diary down and gather her thoughts as to what she was reading.
Tsugikuni, That was the clan name that Kokushibo had provided on her very first day here. Proclaiming that Tsugikuni was her clan name too.
But who was Akeno?
Could she be a wife to another clansmen? Another sibling perhaps? A Mother maybe. [F/N] figured it was best that she'd find out during her next read, The read she was bound to get in once she finally pried herself out of bed.
[F/N] scrunched up her face. To be honest, She hadn't a clue about whatever family could've been in the Tsugikuni clan. She really didn't know anything about her so-called past life, And why Akeno's journal had suddenly appeared out of nowhere for her to read.
Currently it was lying amongst the cutlery on her bedside, [F/N] being too lazy to put it in with her rope and nails that Akaza had provided for her, Currently lying underneath her mattress. [F/N] deeming that it would be a good enough hiding place for her contraband to stay.
[F/N] stilled for a second.
She noticed something strange, Something weird in the room.
The frigid draft that usually flooded the room was so much more present than it was before, So much so that she could feel it even under the warmth of her covers. The ultramarine light that was usually outside seemed to enter in. Though she couldn't see, [F/N] could tell it was.. Much brighter than it was suppose to be.
Her breath hitched, Just for a moment.
Though it stilled just as fast, Returning back to a forced rhythm of pretend sleep. Up and down, She tried not to react to the depressing of the floorboards only a few feet away from her.
A sudden aura came to her, One that removed any remaining grogginess in her mind. It took everything in [F/N] to not reveal that she was awake, Not to gag or jolt at the mere presence.
He was here.
From what [F/N] could tell, He was only a few feet away from her at the other end of the room. She could already feel the burning pricks of his eyes look over her sleeping body, [F/N] trying not to shiver under that bloodcurdling gaze.
Calm yourself, [F/N].
She could feel his weight move forward, Another board creaked, A footstep placed in front of the previous.
How long had he been here? Had he just came in? [F/N] chided herself for being so caught up in her own head to ignore his presence entering the room. That foul aura, Toxic and rotten like spoiled milk and vulture chow.
It moved forward towards her, Even closer.
[F/N] listened as he began to draw near, Moving closer towards where she slept. She intently listened to every little creak of the floor, Felt that aura draw closer, Pungent and rotten.
All until that light was blocked out from what she could perceive through her eyelids.
Kokushibo standing right in front of her, Eclipsing the light.
The silence was so loud, So loud that it almost made [F/N] break the rhythm of her breath. [F/N] tried to keep up her sleeping façade, Pleading, Almost begging for him to do something to break that silence.
He was probably just here to drop off her breakfast- That was all- Everything would be-
[F/N] stilled.
She almost needed to take a moment to process what was happening, Almost opened her eyes to confirm that what she was feeling.
A hand was touching her hair.
[F/N] felt Kokushibo cup his palm around her hair, His fingers somehow making their way into the strands of her hair to almost cradle the back of her head. [F/N] felt his icy cold grip like ice on her skin, So cold that the gelid ocean outside couldn't compete.
She heard him lower and a plate clatter settle down on her side table. His hand stroked her hair, Almost fondly, As if stroking the coat of a dog. She felt his clawed thumb rub circles into her skin, Gently and featherlight as if not to wake her.
She wanted to puke, Wanted to scream and shy away from his touch. [F/N] almost felt disgusted when she remembered she had to get closer to him.
Thankfully it was over in a minute, Feeling his hand leave the hair on her scalp and retract back to his side. He breathed out, Stepping back away from her only slightly as she continued to stare at her. Closer to him.
Kokushibo looked over her, Watching the sheets rise up and down in tandem with [F/N]'s breath. The platter of assorted Sashimi still laying within the cluster of bowls and plates piling up together.
He turned on his heel, Ready to exit the room like he had done everyday-
In a moment, A hand gripped onto arm.
A palm wrapping around his wrist made him still in place.
Kokushibo turned around, Eyes near bulging out of their sockets.
"Master.. May I speak with you for a minute?"
Shizuko turned his head to look up at Gyomei, His master, Who overtime had made his way out of the group of other Hashira. Shinobu and Iguro seemed to be in rapt debate, Mitsuri scrambling with a nervous smile to try and calm the both of them down.
Gyomei had long abandoned trying to quell the situation, As it had proven fruitless. Obanai had grown rather understandably alarmed at the prospect of going behind Oyataka-sama's back, Decidingly getting mad about it.
Shinobu tried to calm him down along with Mitsuri, Their chatter going loud in the background as Shizuko and Gyomei stood off to the side. The other non-Hashira still conversing around the side table.
Gyomei rattled the beads snaked around his hand, Trying to shut out the differing conversations.
"I already am aware of what you wish to ask.. But please, Go ahead." Gyomei said as he heard Shizuko fold his arms next to him, Sensing his eyes narrow, A abased confusion dawning on him.
Shizuko sighed.
"Are we just not going to talk about a few days ago? You promised you would speak with me once we met again and here I am." He said, Gesturing to the whole of himself as he looked up at Gyomei. "So please, Master, Can you tell me what you know..?"
Gyomei's brows furrowed. Even though he already expected it, It was still a rather sour topic to him. When Shizuko came to him and had deduced that he, Gyomei, Had known something about the As much as he would like to tell him, It was not his story to say.
Gyomei sighed, Sad expression broadening further across his face. "No.. I cannot." He finalised as he turned towards his Tsuguko, His sorrowful expression sincere as he spoke.
Shizuko near scoffed, Almost in disbelief as he shook his head.
"Please.. Let me finish, Shizuko. I have my reasons for staying silent on this topic." Gyomei cut in with an assuring tone, A surprised expression flashing across Shizuko's face at his interruption.
"It is why I wished for you to be here instead of Genya, Or any other slayer.. I believe that going on this mission will do well for you"
"I still don't get it, Master." Shizuko exasperated, Shaking his head impatiently. "I've been wanting to know for years of my life who it was that held my hand, Why can't you just tell me..?"
Gyomei sighed as he listened to Shizuko's words, Knowing full well that this wasn't fair on him. Shizuko looked up at him and even though Gyomei was unable to see, He could feel the desperation within his eyes.
Gyomei's lips thinned, Brows knitting together as he tried to find the right words to say.
"Shizuko.. The reason I put our conversation off in the first place was because.. I am not the right person to have it with you." He explained slowly. "If I told you what I knew.. You would have much more questions than you would answers.. It would not be right."
"Then who is the right person?" Shizuko urged, Desperation in his voice as he stepped forward.
"Someone who will be able to explain it entirely to you." Gyomei, Unknowingly tuning into arguments only a bit away from the two of him. The higher pitched voice of Mitsuri Kanroji becoming much more prominent than it did before.
Gyomei sighed, Hearing as they continued to bicker.
Shizuko just stared at Gyomei, Desperation almost burning within his eyes. Without thought his hand trails up to his head, Fingers itching as they moved under his hair to graze over his scar, Almost begging to remember what he wanted to know.
His hand burned, The scar even more so.
"..I need to know." He whispered, More to himself now as his sight went unfocused. It was almost if he wasn't seeing what was in front of him now, Instead just a muddled memory kept locked inside his mind.
He was snapped out of it however. The wretched feeling of a hand rested on his shoulder, A horrid sensation yet more comforting than the others as he looked up.
Gyomei stared down at him, A small smile spread on his lips.
"I promise you, Shizuko.. You will know in time. Just please, Promise me you will be patient." He assured, His voice though mournful was warm enough to bring Shizuko back to reality if just for a moment.
Shizuko smiled back, Though it seemed awkward, Almost unfamiliar on his face.
"I promise. Thank you, Master." Shizuko replied, His body visibly relaxing as Gyomei's hand rested on his shoulder. Even though his touch repelled him just like the others, Shizuko could take comfort in the silence they shared, No more words needing to be spoken.
They shared a moment together, Simply like that. The sounds of argument in the background
"Mmph! Mmph!"
Both heads snapped down, Looking towards the blonde girl still restrained in the corner. It appeared that she had been here the entire time, A terrified expression still on her face as she pleaded with them to let her go through the bandage covering her mouth.
"Ah.. I had forgotten that she was there." Gyomei remarked as Maika struggled in the ropes, Trying but failing to get out.
Almost on cue, Inosuke kicked up at the other table. Yelling something with his voice sounding like pig-latin, Tanjiro and the others moving to pull him back into a more. Most definetly causing a disturbance throughout the entire inn.
Shizuko rolled his eyes.
"I should probably go deal with that.. Thank you anyways, Master." Shizuko shrugged as he pushed himself up from the wall, Smile dropping and returning to his signature Shooting Maika a glare that made a shiver run down her spine.
With that, He stalked off towards the table. Barking out a 'What are you idiots doing' as heads turned to look at him.
Gyomei shook his head as he watched Shizuko walk off, Forgetting his rather harsh tone when dealing with people.
"Hello, Gyomei-san!"
A voice called out from beside him, Happy and cheerful as he noticed it was Mitsuri. He realised that the bickering could no longer be heard in the background, With good reason hopefully, Mitsuri deciding to check-up on him afterwards.
He nodded, Turning towards her.
"Ah.. Kanroji-san. I hope Iguro-san has came around to the idea of infiltrating the cult.." Gyomei asked as she looked up at him with a rather relieved expression, Her smile widened, Just a little bit more awkwardly.
"Aha.. Took some convincing and some appealing to Kaburamaru, But he agreed to keep everything quiet eventually!" Mitsuri laughed as she scratched the back of her head, Recalling the efforts both her and Shinobu had to take to get Obanai on their side.
"And how are you doing?" Gyomei asked in return.
"Amazing now, Thanks! We finally got our business in order, So.. What's happening?" Mitsuri asked with a peppy smile as she looked up at the older man, An unknowing shine in her eyes as she looked up at him.
"Mmph! Mmph!"
Gyomei sighed as he heard Maika struggling once more.
Time to deal with this..
[F/N] felt nervous.
She felt like a mouse in a trap, Caged within walls bigger than her with no way out. Or perhaps it was more accurate to say that she felt like a mouse in a laboratory, Under dissection or observation from a scientist.
It would account for the staring, After all.
[F/N] sat upon her bed, Legs folded in a basket with a plate of sashimi nestled on her lap. Her eyes were focused entirely on the seafood, Smelling the saltwater still fresh on the fish and the soy sauce it was drenched in.
Within the darkness, Were three pairs of eyes staring dead at her.
[F/N] tried not to bring attention to it as she picked up another salmon slice from her platter, Bringing it up to her lips and half-heartedly nibbling on the salinic meat. The golden eyes like stars in the night burning into her skin.
She couldn't even see him from within the darkness, His body entirely consumed by the shadow. Only the spotlights of his eyes staring dead at her, Never leaving for a moment as he sat on his knees, Watching her eat the food he had prepared for her.
[F/N] placed the salmon slice into her mouth, Slowly chewing so the taste would ruminate on her tongue. Why she asked him to stay in the first place- She regretted even asking, Believing it to be a stupid move.
To get closer to him, That was her plan. The word 'Stay' just came out of her mouth without thought. It was almost as if second nature, Even though being around him was the last thing [F/N] wanted in the first place.
[F/N] wasn't quite sure where it came from, But didn't have any basis to find out either.
So she ate her meal, Quietly and without sound as Kokushibo sat knelt in the corner, Watching [F/N] like an insect on a dissecting table. All while she tried to come up with a game plan, To try and worm her way out of this situation.
That- Or try to make the most of it.
Get closer to him like she was suppose to, Take advantage of the situation and like she was suppose to.
Either way, This was a chance to try and get him to trust her more. Even though the words were caught in her throat, Even though she wanted to shrivel up into a corner and never come out- [F/N] needed to try.
Her lips thinned.
"..The journal, Did you put it on my nightstand?"
[F/N]'s voice rang out louder than it was spoken, Her eyes still focused on her food as she blurted out her words.
Kokushibo didn't stutter, Continuing to stare at her from within the shadows of the room. It was again silent, No word spoken. [F/N] swallowed, Almost expecting him to not answer at all.
"..Yes." Kokushibo rasped, His voice that same deep drone as it always was. [F/N] tried not to release a sigh from her lips, Instead keeping them thinned and pressed together as to not reveal her discomfort.
"I see.." She mumbled as she selected another slice of sashimi, A vibrant red tuna slice bound to make mouths water, That of which was proven once [F/N] placed it onto her tongue. "I was just wondering, That's all.."
Kokushibo hummed in acknowledgement as he watched her consume the meal he made. [F/N] didn't know why she felt the need to explain herself to him, Perhaps to confirm she was in his good graces?
She swallowed the tuna, The explanation more sour than her stomach right now.
"..No offense, Kokushibo-sama but.. Why?" [F/N] asked with a cautious tone. Eyes daring to take a peak at him before catching those angler eyes in her vision, Sight quickly moving back down to her food.
"A few months ago.. You had mentioned that your breathing style requires a calm mind.. I assumed that it might assist in that perspective. Reading and meditation were two activities you mentioned.." Kokushibo explained lowly.
[F/N] hummed as she bit into another tuna chunk.
"A diary is a strange choice for reading material.." She spoke through her chews, Poking at the rest of the fish.
Kokushibo didn't answer for a while after that, Letting the silence seep back in from the absense of conversation. [F/N] began to feel the cold of her sweat build up on her back once more, Breathing much more shallow.
Kokushibo's eyes narrowed on her, Watching as she shied her gaze away from him once more.
"..Instead of questioning me, How about you tell me why you asked me to be here..?" He asked slowly, Eyes focused much hotter on her before.
[F/N] froze slightly, Her movements paused just for a second.
There was the million dollar question, The one that she had dreaded coming out of his mouth. Even though she had been expecting it, It still made a pit form in her stomach like stones.
Though her mouth was dry, She began to speak.
"I.. I don't know, I guess I just wanted to have a conversation with someone. I haven't really been able to talk with anyone in months so.." [F/N] shrugged, Shaking her head as it was the best she could come up with.
"You have that boy, Kaigaku.. Despite his rather obvious shortcomings, He should provide enough social interaction for you.." Kokushibo countered, Recalling giving Kaigaku permission to speak with her, No matter how much he detested otherwise.
[F/N] could've almost laughed at how out of touch he was. Despite being a rather solidary person, Even she needed a bit of small talk from time to time and most definetly not with one person and one person alone.
It was almost funny how deluded he was.
Despite her cold humour in the situation, She kept her face still, Though she shook her head.
"I don't like Kaigaku.. It's nothing personal, He's just not good at holding a worthwhile conversation." [F/N] sighed, More in relief as it seems that Kaigaku didn't tell Kokushibo of what happened only yesterday.
Kokushibo's face sharpened at her words.
"And you assumed that I would want to speak with you instead..?" He asked with an apathetic yet brutal expression, Eyes digging into her skin. [F/N] felt herself supress a rather nasty scowl.
What the hell was his deal?
She was trying her best to be polite with him. Despite it all, How much she despised him to the very bone, How his presence even metres away made her want to puke. His aura was rotten, But she was trying her very best to endure it.
Even he, Kokushibo had specifically told her that he would be 'withholding affection' until she got out of her 'rebellious phase'. And she was doing just as he said, She wasn't throwing passive aggressive remarks. She even made the effort to talk to him like she was doing now, Even though it made bile rise in her throat.
So why the hell did he sound so unhappy to be here right now? In fact, [F/N] felt like he was acting much more opposed to her than he usually seemed to be. Could he be suspicious? Perhaps it was because it was still a very new change in her attitude, Maybe that was it..
But it didn't add up, Not at all.
"..You can just go, I don't mind being alone" [F/N] mumbled as she turned back towards her food, Gesturing towards the door with a shake of her head. "..Sorry for keeping you from whatever you do."
She was probably gonna go back to sleep again once he left anyways, At least until Akaza returned. She'd probably just have another vision. A nightmare, Perhaps. At least that would be able to take her mind off the one that she was currently living through.
Kokushibo breathed out, Once more.
Through the silence she could her the faint patter of his hand placing onto the ground. [F/N] listened as she heard the floorboards croak, Kokushibo pushing himself up to his full staggering height.
[F/N] sighed as she heard him stand up, Waiting for him to leave as she ate the remains of her sashimi. At least he wouldn't be bothering her anymore, Expecting the ultramarine shine of the light outside to hit her face any moment now.
[F/N] chewed on her salmon slice.
Her eyebrows furrowed.
She swallowed it, The taste lasting on her tongue.
She blinked, A few moments passing as she looked up to see what was wrong. That turquoise light didn't hit her face after the usual time it took to-
[F/N] felt her heart stop entirely.
He was standing right in front of her, Not even moving an inch as he imposed over her from where she sat. They were only a feet apart, His face steeled in that omnipresent scowl that looked [F/N] felt her sweat drop, Her heart stop entirely in her chest. His eyes narrowed.
"The diary.. Have you been reading it?" He asked in a gravelly pitch, Eyes not departing from hers as his hand reached over to pluck the book from her bedside. [F/N]'s throat felt dry, Feeling herself almost shrivel up inside.
She double-taked however, Shaking off her shock.
"Erm.. Yes." [F/N] breathed out as she watched him flick open the book, Flipping through the pages at a rapid rate until it reached the page where she dog-eared to mark her place. Eyes snapped over to the letters, Beginning to read.
She watched as he scanned the lines with a quick pace, Almost jumping out of her skin once his eyes snapped back over to her.
"You have gotten a fair bit into the journal.. A fast reader, I see.." What would sound like a compliment from any other lips sounded like an observation from him, The kind that would be noted down for a scientific thesis.
[F/N] nodded along, Not daring to speak.
"You are, However.. Only a fraction of the way through.." He continued as his eyes drew back to the book, Reading from where she had left off yesterday. [F/N] felt a question burn on the tip of her tongue. Her mouth opened.
"W-Who is Akeno..? The woman in the book?" [F/N] blurted out, Her eyes still shied away from his as he looked back at her. The words just flooded out of her mouth, Almost like a dam finally breaking down.
Kokushibo breathed out.
"Our mother." He spoke simply, Face not changing a single bit.
[F/N] took a moment to process before she nodded slowly. Strangely enough, Learning that the woman she had been reading about was her supposed mother was not something that brought out a reaction out of her.
Not a big one anyways. But [F/N] couldn't deny that she felt a bit.. Intrigued.
I mean, [F/N] didn't even like her actual mother. A bitter and foul woman. It was a celebration once she died, [F/N] might as well have played beer pong with the bucket that woman kicked.
So [F/N] felt curiosity build up in her.
Would Akeno be like that?
Kokushibo slammed the book shut with a single hand, Bringing [F/N] back to the current situation she was in as she jolted in surprise. His hand moved over, Setting the journal down on the bedside.
His eyes narrowed.
"You are.. Different." Kokushibo stated, Eyes running over her like she was nothing but a frog to be cut open. It was uncomfortable, Skin itching even as he seemed to examine every little blemish on her.
[F/N] averted her gaze back down to her tightly curled fists.
"What..?" She asked slowly, Puzzled by his words.
"It is strange, You do not act like you did before.. There is a rather stark difference, Much more.." Kokushibo trailed off, Eyes still trained intently on her as he paused in his speech. The room suddenly fell quiet once more-
Deathly so.
It felt like forever, As if time had decided to slow down just in this single moment. Her skin burned and blistered under his sight, And Kokushibo never strayed his vision away from her. [F/N] silently begged him to just finish what he wanted to say, To get it over with.
But his lips thinned, And [F/N] could feel the irritated tinge in his aura from miles away.
Kokushibo turned to leave, Not bothering to finish his sentence.
"Continue reading.. I will come back tomorrow to make sure you are.." He spoke as he began to leave, Slowly stalking off towards the door in the room. [F/N]'s lips thinned before they opened.
"Uhm.. What about training?" She asked, Gripping the platter between her hands just a little too tightly.
Kokushibo paused in his walk, But he didn't turn to look at her.
"Until you are confident you will be able to wield Soul Breathing.. You will spend your time focused on literature and other remedial activities.. " Kokushibo explained as [F/N] nodded slowly to his words.
"Kind of a lack of 'remedial activities' to do.. Maybe if the library was a bit more stocked up, I'd have at least something to occupy my time." She muttered more to herself than to him, Under her breath as her eyes wandered off somewhere else.
Kokushibo hummed, Acknowledging her remark before he turned on his heel once more and left. This time, [F/N] didn't stop him as he marched towards the door within the blinding darkness, Her eyes kept on his back at all times.
Pulling it open, He didn't look back at her as the light hit her face. Then it disappeared entirely, Along with Kokushibo's presence.
[F/N] gasped before she took the biggest breath of her entire life, The air finally ripening around her as his suffocating presence left her. That rotten aura like decaying cow carcasses in a field-
It was finally gone.
"This is still a stupid plan, You should have told Oyataka-sama- You should've provided the information you got from your crow instead of going rogue and deciding to go on some death mission..!" Obanai hissed, Eyes hawked in on Shinobu with a rather menacing glare.
Shinobu didn't feel it a bit however, Not even bothering to shake it off as she smiled.
"No matter now, I suppose. You already agreed to go through with this 'stupid plan' and I don't take any second thoughts!" She hummed, Looking at them from the side as they stood off a bit away from the other groups.
"I'm only doing this because of her, You know my history associated with cults.." Obanai mumbled, His head tossed to the side with a rather sour expression on his face.
Shinobu smiled, Much more sly and knowing than it should've been as she looked Obanai up and down. There was a perfectly good reason why Shinobu had asked him here in particular, Her reasoning seemingly paying off as she watched Obanai almost ogle at Mitsuri who was currently chatting with Gyomei.
"Of course.. I didn't expect anything more." Shinobu remarked as she watched the two converse idly with each other, Both glancing down at the shrine maiden they had caught hours earlier, Still restrained. Shinobu sighed, Shaking her head.
"Ah.. I suppose we shouldn't keep everyone waiting any longer, Let's head off to the convent, Hm?" Shinobu proposed, Not waiting for his response as she stepped forward towards Gyomei and Mitsuri.
Obanai nodded, Following after her as they approached the other Hashira in conversation.
"The issue is.. I'm not quite sure what do to with her."
"Keeping her here sounds horrible though.. My heart hurts thinking about it!"
"Ah, I see that you're discussing what to do with the eavesdropper!" Shinobu chirped in as she peered in behind Gyomei's back, Glossy eyes resting upon the terrified shrine maiden who squeaked once Shinobu revealed herself.
"Ah.. Shinobu-san. We're not in agreement as what to do.." Gyomei states. "I suggest that we leave her here for the inns keeper to find while we leave.. Though on the other hand, Kanroji-san believes that would be inhumane.."
"Cause it is! Who knows how long she'd be here, What if the innkeeper doesn't even find her?" Mitsuri butted in as she gestured to Maika, A puzzled frown across her face.
Shinobu nodded.
"I see.. Well I was thinking of heading out soon, Since everyone's here now. So I would like it if you came to a decision soon enough!" She hummed with a smile as Obanai appeared from the other side of Gyomei.
He huffed.
"Though I dislike this plan altogether.. I would rather it go smoothly if I am meant to do it so.. I say we toss her in the near river with her hands and legs still tied."
"Mmph! Mmph!" Maika muffled out what sounded like hearty disagreement, Eyes bulging out of her sockets as she stared at Obanai like he was some kind of demon, Even more so when Kaburamaru began to hiss.
Shinobu sighed as she stepped forward, Kaburamaru snapping his jaw shut once he watched her approach Maika. Knees bending as she lowered before her.
With a smile, Shinobu ripped off the bandage covering Maika's mouth.
"Ah-!" Maika gasped for what seemed like the biggest breath she had ever taken. "P-Please don't kill me! I can explain why I was listening to you're conversation, I swear!"
"Then explain.." Gyomei said, Looking rather imposing to where the girl was sat on the floor.
"O-Okay.. Erm- Give me a second I.." Maika blinked, Trying to recompose herself. "I didn't come here to tell anyone about what you were doing.. I.. I actually came because I wanted to help."
"How can we tell that you're not lying to get out of a bad situation?" Obanai asked as his eyes narrowed on her.
Maika gulped.
"B-Because I wanna help [F/N]-sama. I overheard your conversation back at the butterfly mansion, About the plan to find out where she was. I.. I wanna help, [F/N]-sama was really kind to me and I feel bad.." She said, Her eyes shying away from the group and she stared to the floor, Still shaking.
She inhaled.
"I.. I feel like it's my fault that [F/N]-sama was kidnapped. She saw me during her fight with that demon and she held back so I wouldn't get hurt.. She made sure he wouldn't find me, Even after I was injured and I just don't think I could live with myself if she stayed missing.. "
"Even though I'm a shrine-maiden.. I'm also a licensed slayer.. S-So please! If it's not a bother.. Could I please go on this mission?" Maika asked just a little bit higher than before, Sweat rolling down her brow, The fear of being rejected burning through her body.
Her lip shook.
Ever since that day in the shrine, Ever since she had woken from that coma, Maika had felt horrible about herself. To think that it was she that got [F/N] in such a bad situation, The guilt Maika felt was indescribable.
No one spoke, Not for a good long while. Their eyes darted back, Trading looks speaking their own thoughts about the situation. Iguro and Shinobu seemed rather cautious and Gyomei seemed to wait for the opinions of the others before he weighed in his own.
It was Mitsuri whoever who decided to take action, Stepping forward towards Maika before kneeling down towards her. A smile brighter than the sun outside as she grasped onto her hands.
She squealed.
"Kyah~! Of course you can come along, Anyone who wants to help, Should help!" Mitsuri grinned as she held Maika's hands within her own, Grasping them warmly as the girl looked up at the woman with a rather shocked blush burning on her face.
"K-Kanroji-sama!" She stammered.
Gyomei stepped forward.
"Are you sure about this, Kanroji-san..?" He asked as he heard their interaction, Hands still in prayer.
"Yes, One hundred percent! Let's go now, Get everyone ready. Heihachiro-san can come with us!" Mitsuri said as sure as she had ever been as she looked back at him, A massive smile on her face. Shinobu stepped forward.
"Well.. If Mitsuri-chan trusts her, Then I suppose I do too!" She cheered, Smiling slightly as she turned towards the rest of the Hashira. "Get ready and discard your slayer uniforms! We'll head for the convent in half an hour."
"Ah.. I suppose I shall be making my leave then.." Gyomei remarked as he wandered past the group, Assumedly to grab his luggage and make his goodbyes before he heads back to his estate.
Shinobu followed him off, Going to tell the group of younger slayers at the table the same news. Mitsuri quickly untied the ropes around Maika's wrists and ankles, To whom thanked her and stretched her tired limbs.
Mitsuri gave a 'no problem' in reply and raised from her position, Turning back to look at Obanai.
"Isn't this great, Iguro-san? I know we're all going off to fight an Upper Moon, But I'm still happy to be able to spend it with all of you!" She cheered with a smile, Looking at Obanai.
He swallowed, Feeling exposed all of a sudden.
"I.. Suppose." Obanai said as he tossed his head to the side, Choppy black bangs covering his red hot face as he turned away from Mitsuri.
Her brow raised.
"Ehh..? Are you okay, Iguro-san? Are you feeling alright, Your face is pretty red!" Mitsuri observed, Stumbling forward as she spotted a hint of burning blush on his face. Obanai huffed, Stumbling back from her.
"I feel fine, Thank you for your concern. We should get going soon." Obanai blurted out as he began to walk away, Leaving a confused Mitsuri watch him go. Mitsuri hummed, Acknowledging the situation.
Mitsuri turned her head, As soon as Obanai left, She heard the voice of Gyomei Himejima beckon her over from the other side of the room. He was stood tall, Seemingly preparing the luggage for his departure.
"Oh.. Himejima-san!" Mitsuri called back with her smile reappearing on her face, Not wasting any time to skip over to where Gyomei stood with a . "I guess you'll be leaving now, It's a shame that you won't be able to come along with us!"
Gyomei nodded slightly,
"Yes, It is.. However I just wish to speak with you for a slight second before I leave.." He asked cordially, Stepping closer towards Mitsuri. "It is about my Tsuguko, Himejima Shizuko."
"Shizuko..?" Mitsuri mumbled under her breath, A bell ringing in her head. It wasn't long before her eyes widened however, Shoulders tensing up. "You mean [F/N]'s brother..?! He's here..?!"
Mitsuri's head instantly shot back and forth, Eyes scanning everyone in the room.
"Correct, He was the one I decided to summon after all.." Gyomei replied, Fairly confused as to how Mitsuri hadn't noticed the boy beforehand.
Mitsuri quickly spun around towards the table where everyone sat, Eyes darting through the little crowd. It seemed like they were all getting ready to head off, But from amongst the group Mitsuri could spot a certain mess of hair.
Wide eyes, Scars, Rough braided hair.
Her breath caught in her throat.
"Oh my gods, That's where I recognise him from-! How did I not see it before..?!" Mitsuri gasped as she watched Shizuko put away his things, Barely held back from rushing over to greet him.
"Kanroji-san." The rumble of Gyomei's voice made Mitsuri double take, Turning her head back around to meet his solemn face.
"I came to ask that you do me a favour, By telling Shizuko about [F/N] and his past during this mission.."
"What..?!" Mitsuri gasped, Her eyes growing wide as saucers.
"He has not forgotten her entirely, It seems.. Only a few days ago he had admitted there were some surviving memories from his accident." Gyomei explained.
She shook her head slightly, Almost unbelieving.
"No way.. He actually.." Mitsuri mumbled under her breath, Seemingly collecting her thoughts before speaking once more. "I told this to you, I don't know the full story.. I.. I couldn't give him all the answers even if he did know."
Gyomei shook his head.
"But you know the most out of us all.. And it is right that he knows what you do, At the very least.. I am not the right person, You are." He said, Nodding in her direction.
Mitsuri just looked at him, Mind racing.
Mitsuri couldn't believe what she was hearing, What she thought was just going to be a farewell turned out to be much more than she was bargaining for. It was shocking enough to hear that Shizuko actually remembered something.
But for Mitsuri to also be given the duty of explaining said something? Even more unexpected. Her face turned into a rather apprehensive frown, Lips pressed tightly together.
"Himejima-san.. I understand what you mean but- You can't just leave me with this I mean.. I've never even spoken to him before.. And [F/N].. She herself said it was for the best if they were kept apart!" Mitsuri hushed under her breath, Pleading with him both in her tone and her eyes.
Gyomei nodded slowly, His brows knitting together in a sorrowful expression.
"You are right, I am deeply sorry for leaving you with this.. But he has the right to know, Just not from me." He explained, Hearing the rough voice of his Tsuguko in the background. "For whatever reason [F/N] wished to stay apart.. I believe that is not truly what she wants."
"I.." Mitsuri thought over his words, Ones that struck a cord within her. Mitsuri knew she didn't know the full story, But she knew [F/N] down to the atom, And her wanting to stay away from Shizuko?
Yeah, That wasn't like her at all.
"You're right. [F/N].." Mitsuri stumbled over her words, Shaking her head. "Just.. All I want is some time, Okay? I'll tell him but.. I'll need to put a few things together first, Just make sure everything is understandable."
Gyomei nodded, The expression on his face lightening ever so slightly as he turned around towards his luggage laid out in a satchel. Picking it up and tying the knot.
"Thank you, Kanroji-san.. This means a lot, Both to me and I leave him in your care.. I trust you will keep him safe." Gyomei said, Slinging his satchel over his shoulder before bowing towards the woman. Mitsuri copied his actions, Lowering down herself.
"You can trust me, I promise Shizuko will be safe.." Mitsuri said, Politely yet quietly so that no one could hear them. Gyomei raised from his bow, Settling his yukata over his chest once more before grasping onto his satchel.
They said their goodbyes, And the rest of the group did the same. As Gyomei was walking out, None of the crowd noticed the new air around him and Mitsuri, Some mutual feeling like understanding shared between the two.
Mitsuri sighed once he left, Another task put on her roster along with finding out what was wrong with Shinobu. She couldn't argue however, It was much better to deal with this than let it go untouched.
Mitsuri had learnt that the hard way.
So she turned, Prancing back towards the group to help the rest of them pack their stuff for the journey ahead. She had a smile on her face, No matter how terrifying the situation was about to be.
[F/N] was left sitting on her bedside, Head dropped, Hands in lap as she tried to mull over what happened.
A sort of disgusting shiver wormed through her system as she remembered his aura, Not to mention their conversation. His behaviour too was particularly unpinnable, [F/N] having no idea why he's acting repulsed to her attempts to talk to him.
It was Kokushibo after all who encouraged this behaviour in the first place, And she was trying her best to play into it best she could. Yet he seemed so opposed to it, Perhaps even a bit aggressive when she admitted she wanted to speak to him.
There was no point in trying to unravel his behaviour, [F/N] supposed. She hadn't been able to do it before so there was no way she'd ever be able to, Not right now at least.
All [F/N] knew was that she hated him. That he was a centuries old demon with violent instincts, That he had siphoned her away to some mockery of her now defunct shrine. [F/N] knew that he was a horrible person.
Her teeth gritted.
She couldn't stay here, She couldn't bare to be in this decrepit shrine any longer.
[F/N] pushed herself off of the bed, Pins and needles in her legs not bothering her as she turned back and kneeled down so far, Face peeking under the bed.
The ropes.
[F/N] needed to get to work, Right away. Hands lunged under the bed, Snatching the thick spool of unassorted ropes in a single palm as she pulled them out. She needed to start making her way through the infinity castle if she wanted to find the exit door.
A voice called out from somewhere down the hallway, It was Akaza's, About time that he'd show up since Kokushibo had left a good few hours ago. [F/N] paid no heed however as she lugged herself back up onto her bed, Spools of rope in hand.
She set them down on her lap as the door slid open.
"[F/N], You awake?" Akaza called out into the room, Though his question was instantly answered as he watched her begin to play with the ropes in her hand from within the darkness.
"Yep, Wide awake. Had a rather eye-opening conversation with you-know-who earlier and I haven't been able to get them closed since." [F/N] replied but she didn't look at him, Instead beginning to find the ends of two rope to tie.
Akaza's face scrunched up, Golden eyes glowing in the dark.
"Seriously? You actually had a conversation with him?" He scoffed slightly.
"I'll tell you about it if you lend me a hand, We're gonna work on the rope."
"Deal. Though I'm relieved you finally decided to start working on your escape, It was starting to get annoying.." Akaza muttered as he walked forward towards her in the dark, Lunchbox in hand. "Good timing though, Was able to bring you in a few tools for the nails or whatever."
Akaza held up the lunchbox in hand, Presenting it as something more that cutlery rattled around inside. A hammer, By the sounds of it. The spare nails laying around under her bed would finally be put to use.
[F/N] didn't smile, But a glint in her eyes spoke more than she could ever say. Looking up towards Akaza, She spoke.
They were high up, Thousands of feet above the air.
Clouds were below them now, Like a ring surrounding the horizon. The sky fading from a desaturated baby blue to a vibrant burst of yellow now that the clock was ticking. Winds were high, Not as much as to cause resistance, But enough so that fabrics and hair would dance violently in the gales.
It was chill too. Snow dusted the glaciated landscape like sand across a desert. From towering pine trees and bustling ferns and sprigs, Slush ice lain in the nooks and crannies' of every single one.
They trudged through the pebblish pathway up the mountain, Mitsuri often gazing out into the expanse of the valley like ants below. The air flourishing up here, So fresh that she couldn't help but take it all in.
Her eyes shone, The blinding sun reflecting in her irises.
"Come on now! We're almost there!" Shinobu called out, Her voice echoing slightly as they neared the grassy top of the mountains. It had been a few hours, If they weren't trained swordswomen, They would've taken much longer in accountancy of breaks.
Mitsuri turned to her, Guiding her hair out of the way as she smiled.
"Right! Let's get a move on, Girls!" Mitsuri called out to the two girls behind her, Kanao and Maika who had issues with keeping their hair out of their faces as well. They nodded, Picking up the pace as they pushed themselves up the slope.
They had decided to split up, The men approaching where the convent should be in a different direction. They had figured that going in one big group would be rather suspicious, And according to Shinobu's plan mixed with Gyomei's information, It was best split by gender.
Kanao had Nezuko's box resting on her back, Kanao's hands resting on the straps to makes sure it stayed steady on her back. Apparently the cult had some rather interesting gender dynamics, Having the women rest and leisure while the men were put to work.
It was strange, Shinobu could tell.
"U-Um-! Can we take a break, Please?" Maika called out to the two women in front of her who had already reached the rather dense woodland atop it all. Shinobu looked at her for a second, Smiling before Maika reached the top.
"Ah.. I suppose A break would be fine. Though not for long as we need to stay vigilant, Being in one spot for too long would be dangerous, I deem." Shinobu deduced as she turned to look at the breath-taking sight beside her, Barely batting an eye as she stared out into the expanse.
Mitsuri huffed as she stopped to stretch her numb legs, Feeling the cold air soak into her skin. She stood next to Shinobu, Taking in the sight together. Something rewarding after the trek up her.
She smiled, Remembering how much times she had to pop her ears.
"Beautiful, It's a pretty nice change from the village scenery, Eh? Not saying that it was bad but.. Come on, Look at that sky~!" Mitsuri wondered with a smile.
"Yes, I agree. Almost makes it worth the journey.." Shinobu spoke with a smile.
They took a moment to breathe it all in, Gaze off onto the horizon of bursting hues, A good reward for their trek up here. They didn't speak for a while, Letting the wind chill their sweat and cool them off.
Mitsuri smiled.
"This reminds me of the golden days, You know?" She spoke softly, Eyes finally peering over to Shinobu.
"Hm?" Shinobu hummed, Turning to look at Mitsuri.
"Oh come on. Me, You and [F/N]?" Mitsuri giggled slightly, Memories coming back to her. "Remember when we travelled around slaying demons together when we were younger? It's just kind of been a while since we've been on a mission together.."
Shinobu's smile, Mitsuri never noticed but it changed, Just a little bit more.. Real.
"Remember when we had to disguise ourselves as men to sneak into that nobleman's dinner? Ah.. I remember you had to put on that masculine voice. You know, I'm pretty sure you scared some of the poor Geisha serving us." Shinobu asked, A hand covering her teasing smile.
"Ah-! Don't remind me, That was so embarrassing!" Mitsuri laughed as she fanned her cheeks. Shinobu giggled. "I guess it was pretty fun, Though! Honestly I think about it more than I should.. I guess I miss it, You know?"
Shinobu nodded, Agreeing with her statement. Her smile dimmed just a little bit, However the genuinity never died.
"If only [F/N] didn't fall into that coma.." Shinobu mumbled, Eyes looking somewhere far off.
"If only we didn't go to that festival." Mitsuri corrected, The smile dimming on her face until it darkened into a frown.
The silence afterwards was much more dense than before, Neither of the girls feeling it was right to speak. Mitsuri felt awkward under the weight of the silence, Her hands coming together to fiddle with her fingers.
Looking at Shinobu, Mitsuri could see her mind work through her eyes. It was obvious from the meeting back at the butterfly mansion that this mission meant a bit more to Shinobu than she was letting on.
And they were about to go fight Upper Moon Two, Well, They weren't quite sure how long it would take to get to that point. But Mitsuri could tell something was wrong with her, And she needed to know what.
She sighed, Air turning to vapour.
Mitsuri finally broke the silence, Shattering like glass.
Shinobu turned her head back to look at her, Small frown still on her face.
"You know I've been meaning to talk to you for a while now, And.. I feel like it's best to bring this up before we leave, You know?" Mitsuri spoke as soft and caring as she could muster, Her eyes shining as she turned to look at her peer.
Shinobu's lips turned back up into a tight smile, A twitch in her eyebrow, Glancing back towards Mitsuri.
"Mitsuri-chan, Whatever this is about, I think it's best if we save it for later." Shinobu responded, Her voice sounding like it had been practiced. "We've spent too much time in one place, We better get movi-"
"No-!" Mitsuri cut in, Realising her tone she shook her head. "I'm sorry, Shinobu-chan. But I know you've been avoiding this conversation for a while now, I want to talk, You need to tell me what's wrong."
Shinobu's smile widened as she fully turned to meet Mitsuri, A noticeable strain on her lips as she beamed at her.
"..There's nothing to speak about, Mitsuri-chan! I'm completely alright, Perhaps a bit stressed.. Maybe that's what you're worried about?" Shinobu proposed, An eyebrow raised as she tilted her head.
"No, It's- It's more than that, I can tell!" Mitsuri exasperated, Her face turning more concerned by the second. "You need to say what's going on, You've not been yourself recently.. Please, You can talk to me!"
Shinobu's stare burned into Mitsuri like the sun glaring into vision. Mitsuri watched as Shinobu just stopped entirely, Her smile still plastered on her face, Making no move to speak.
Fingers curling, A vein in her forehead. Like a porcelain doll, It was if she needed time to process Mitsuri's words.
It was disturbing, Seriously distur-
"Greetings, Is anyone there?"
Heads jerked towards the source of the new voice, Belonging to none within the designated group.
By the edge of the forest-line stood a woman accompanied by a child, Both adorned in white robes. The women cradled a wicker basket in her hand, Half full with what seemed to be the fruit that grew here.
The child held one too, Both looking at the group of girls before them.
The smell of Lotus Flowers burned in the air, Noticeably so.
"Ah..! Greetings, Ma'am! We didn't think anyone would be out here!" Shinobu giggled, Readily stepping away from Mitsuri and towards the woman and child duo instead. "My name is Fujimori Hina, I apologise if we startled you!"
The woman watched as Shinobu lowered down into a respectful bow, Her eyes seemed apprehensive as they darted amongst the newcomers before her. Shinobu could spot the child shifting behind the woman, His eyes wide as he stared.
The woman's lips turned into a smile, Though it was very much faked.
"Ah.. No, I had just heard voices and thought it was best to come check it out." The woman explained, Examining Shinobu from head to toe. "What are you all doing up here..? This is rather far from the nearest village.."
Shinobu raised from her bow to see the woman, Suspicious already even with that kind smile, Shinobu could tell. The child behind her seemed rather hesitant towards them, Almost as if they were an oddity.
Shinobu nodded, Shooting a look towards Mitsuri that spoke plenty.
"We got lost, You see.. We've been meaning to head to Fukushima however our ride broke down and left us stranded!" Shinobu frowned and shook her head, An unfortunate expression on her face. "We figured we could find a village from this vantage point.. However it seems the one down there is a rather long journey.."
"Y-Yeah! It's been a while since we've ate is all.. " Maika piped up from where her and Kanao sat on the floor, Voice shaking, Eyes trained on the woman and her rather odd appearance.
The woman nodded slowly.
"Ah.. I understand. And you all are.."
"-They're my sisters." Shinobu finished. "And yes, Adopted before you ask. I realise we do not look similar, We get that question a lot." She laughed airliy, A smile reappearing upon her face.
"Umeko." Mitsuri said, Raising her hand to greet her.
"Asuna..!" Maika chimed in.
"Kariya." Kanao spoke.
"Right.. I see." The woman drawled, Eyes narrowing. For some reason she was suspicious, Rather apprehensive to the women she came across. "I suppose that you better start moving, It is a rather long journey to the village.."
The woman spoke, A sort of politeness in her voice that was. She almost looked like she was ready to leave, Prepared to grab the child by the wrist and beckon him off into the forest.
Acting quickly, Mitsuri stepped forward.
"Please, Ma'am. We don't mean to trouble you.. But is there anywhere we could stay for tonight?" She begged, Both in voice and her eyes. "We promise to repay you..! We just want somewhere to rest for a while, A bit of food and someplace to pray."
Mitsuri's tone pleaded with the woman, Who still looked rather apprehensive towards the group. Mitsuri, Though a little annoyed that she was cut off from reaching Shinobu, Still grasped the situation. Seeing how the woman appeared aloof.
Though her eyes shifted once the word prayer came from Mitsuri's tongue, A glint like stars in her irises.
They all waited on baited breath, One's they didn't know they were holding. Both Mitsuri and Shinobu both knew that this was no ordinary woman, Both by looks and by her actions. What reason she had to be suspicious, A dead give away.
Would she respond in kind or in aggression? Did she know they were slayers?
The woman breathed out.
"..Well, I suppose that it is only right if I help out my fellow women of faith." The woman smiled, Much more genuine this time. Shinobu's ears twitched at the word 'faith', Her eyes narrowing as the woman stepped towards them.
A wave of relief flooded amongst the group, Shoulders slumping, Held breaths released from lungs. The woman stepped to the side, Child following after her as she beckoned the group to follow her.
"You can follow me, I'm sure I can get you all fed and cared for. You're lucky..! Fortunately around here, We always make sure to tend to our fellow faithful." The woman smiled as she turned, Basket in hand as she began to wander off into the woods.
"Of course, Thank you so much, Ma'am! We appreciate it so much..!" Shinobu thanked her, Bowing her head lightly before taking the first skip to follow the woman. Mitsuri following after, The girls coming last.
They followed her, Trailing along her pathway through the tall forest she came from. The child skipping ahead, Seemingly not wanting to be near the group of girls.
Looks shared between them spoke more than what they could say. Looks of suspicion and fear, While Mitsuri and Shinobu's seemed much more steady as they walked. They both knew that this woman had to be associated with the cult.
Especially with the way she said 'faith'.
Some woman with some pungent scent. It wasn't bad, Per se, But it was strong. It was like freshwater and flowers, So freezingly refreshing yet bitter all the same. Her clothes were pure, No blemish to be found upon the dove white of her kimono.
It was like wedding attire, Was she going to be wed?
It looked so, Everything about her seemed perfectly done. Her hair was midnight yet glistened under the mountain sun, Her makeup could put the most gorgeous Oiran to shame..
It was strange, So beautifully strange.
So they followed along, Both hesitant and eager at the same time. Forest growing darker as they walked, More dense, Deeper and deeper they went.
And the smell of Lotus Flowers grew so much more potent.
Next Chapter
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fourtyfourcatss · 10 months
you can find my husbands when yiu go to my pinned page but who are yours?
i got none
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but all main protagonists in media i have claimed as my younger siblings 🫡
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vrystalius · 1 month
💕 Love Languages of the Upper Moons + Muzan
How the Upper Moons and Muzan express their love language for you!
Here is my masterlist for the hashira.
Here is my masterlist for the demons.
Note: I added Daki as a platonic bonus. Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Brief mention of being parents in Douma’s part. It’s right at the end and just one sentence <3
Pairing: Muzan, Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza, Gyutaro, Daki x gn!reader
❤️ Muzan Kibutsuji ❤️
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Quality Time (intensity: 9/10)
Muzan would call himself a busy man, but he likes having you around while doing his experiments. Just having your presence near him just makes him calm and able to concentrate on his experiments. But besides that, Muzan likes to spend time with you. Over his thousands of years of living, he’s spend a lot of time doing many things, and yet spending his valuable time with you made him the happiest and content he’s ever been. Even if he won’t admit.
Also, Muzan enjoys holding you in bed. He himself doesn’t need sleep, not that he can sleep, but he will hold you and caress you until you fall asleep. He will remain the whole night, just silently laying there watch your chest go up and down, brushing your hair out of your face.
Giving/receiving gifts (intensity: 8/10)
Gifts don’t mean anything to Muzan, but you giving him little trinkets you found on the market, or a new article of clothing you thought would suit him makes him feel happy. Those things have a meaning to him, unlike the other meaningless garbage. Muzan will make sure to wear the clothes or keep the trinkets close to show how much he appreciates him.
But what Muzan loves even more is to shower you in gifts. Thanks to Gyokko and the pot selling business, Muzan is very wealthy. That means he can buy you all the food you like, all the clothes you want, and all the little trinkets your heart desires. That man will spoil you, and he will do it until the end of time.
“Would you like to go to a new restaurant that just opened in the southern district, my light? I heard your favourite dish is server there.”
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Words of affirmation (intensity: 9/10)
Kokushibo doesn’t talk a lot, but he likes listening to you. You talking about your day makes him content, almost a little envying your simple life. No matter how simple or boring something may seem to you, he’d want to hear it. Not being able to go outside with you during the day kind of kills him.
Also, you complimenting him boasts his confidence and pride, especially when you compliment his skill. He has trained for centuries and always envied his brother for being more talented and stronger, so you admiring something he worked so hard for makes him beam of pride.
Kokushibo also likes praising you for your skill in whatever you’re doing right now. Sketching, writing, training or whatever. Kokushibo likes to admire you and express his affections with compliments.
Receiving/Giving gifts (intensity: 6/10)
Kokushibo used to work with wood, carving small things like animals out of wood. He lost interest in that little hobby shortly after becoming a demon, but picked it back up after starting a relationship with you. You once found a very, very old wooden figure he carved and told him you liked it, so he started carving those things again. It relaxes him, but also he likes seeing you happy and appreciate his art.
He showed you everything he carved, almost childishly begging for you to praise his artwork
“My moon, would you like to see the new project I’m working on? … Yes, it’s a little statue of you…. Do you like it?”
🩵 Douma 🩵
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Physical affection (intensity: 10/10)
Douma wants to be near you, preferably on you, on all times. His hand has to be somewhere on your body, may it be on your shoulder, around your waist, on your thigh or just holding your hand. You’re near him during sermons, near him during his free time, and in his arms when you sleep. He doesn’t need sleep, just like the other demons, but he likes cuddling you while you do so. It kind of gives him a power trip, you being all trusting and vulnerable while he, a man-eating demon, cuddles and watches over you.
Just to test your limits, he likes teasing you as well. Pinching and squeezing your skin on all kinds of areas, watching your reactions and laughing at them. You’re so adorable, do you know that? He could eat you right up!
Acts of service (intensity: 8/10)
People serve Douma every day and night, giving gifts from all kinds of people, poor or rich. It’s boring and meaningless to him, because he probably got every gift in the world at least twice or trice (expect the blue spider lily of course). What Douma does like to do, is to “serve” you., instead of being served for once. Massages, kisses, cooking (he’s trying) or just doing little chores for you. The only thing he wants in return is the appropriate amount of kisses, cuddles and praises!
Quality time (intensity: 6/10)
Douma adores spending time with you doing whatever! Sometimes it’s just you sitting with him during the sermons, or sitting together in the bathhouse, or you watching him make his little Douma ice sculptures. He likes making little you’s out of ice and play house with you. His little Douma’s are the papa, and the little you’s the mama. It sounds silly, but it’s adorable and he loves it
“My dear lotus! Where are you going, hmm? I’m not finished kissing and coddling you yet! And don’t give me any excuses this time!”
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Receiving/Gifting gifts (intensity: 6/10)
Akaza would occasionally steal things for you from people’s homes, dressing you in nice clothes and beautiful hairpins. He picks up everything he believes would suit you. He also likes stealing sweets and food for you, making sure to grab all your favourite foods. He can’t eat them himself, but he likes sitting beside you while you eat, and it makes him very proud when you wear the things he stole for you.
Akaza also melts when you gift him things, whatever it is. He likes handmade things the most. Whimsy flower-crowns or handmade bracelets make him all giddy and warm inside, and he will wear them with pride (enduring all the side eyes and teasing he will receive from the other Upper Moons).
Quality Time (intensity: 8/10)
Akaza likes being around you. That’s when he feels the safest and most welcome. Something he enjoys doing the most is watching fireworks with you, when another festival comes around. The moment between you two as he holds you close, sitting together on a rooftop just makes him feel… human. It remind him of something he once had once but then lost, and you keep reminding him of it. Akaza can’t quite put the finger on it what exactly it is you remind him off, but he doesn’t really mind. He just wants to savour the moment with you and hold you a little longer, just until the fireworks are finished and the sun starts coming up.
“My, my Akaza-dono!~ What’s this? A bracelet? It looks so colourful!”
“Take your damn eyes of it and then kill yourself.”
💚 Gyutaro Shabana 💚
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Words of affirmations (intensity: 10/10)
At the start of your relationship, Gyutaro hated it when you called him handsome or pretty, or compliment anything on his appearance. It makes him feel itchy and dirty, as if you’re just lying straight to his face.
But after a while, he warmed up to them more and more. Now, Gyutaro out right craves your words and compliments. It boosts his pride and confidence, and it makes him feel wanted and cherished for. Just one nice word makes his complete day, maybe even week. It’s like he’s addicted to your praise.
He’ll try to return the favour, but he just can’t out into words how MUCH he really loves you. Gyutaro can’t decide what he should praise you on. There are just so many things about you that are beautiful to him, he just can’t decide and starts stuttering, sometimes accidentally throwing an insult your way.
Physical touch (intensity: 8/10)
Just like praises, physical touch was something Gyutaro resented at the beginning of the relationship. Why do you want to touch him anyway? He’ll just end up ruining your clothes, or worse, make you hate him even more than you probably do!
After a while, a very long time, he starts getting used to it. Now, he’s very addicted to that as well. Gyutaro is very similar to a feral cat that needs to learn how to love and get loved, and when you show him enough patience, he’ll be a cuddle bug. He wants to hold you, cuddle you and be wrapped in your arms as well.
“A-Are you done talking w-with your pretty lips? I-I wanna be h-held now. I-I’m clean, I swe-swear!”
🩷Daki Shabana🩷
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Receiving/Giving gifts (intensity: 9/0)
Daki is used to being spoiled, and she likes giving you gifts as much as you give her some. In her eyes, it’s some sort of competition. You gift her a golden hairpin, she’ll give you a diamond-golden-hand made hairpin. You give her a new kimono, she’ll give you the most high quality silken kimono on the market.
Daki will appreciate your gifts though. She’ll boast it to her brother about it, priding herself in the fact that you gifted her something. You thought about her while you choose the gift! It just makes her very happy.
Quality Time (intensity 10/10)
Daki likes spending time with you. Gyutaro barely comes out of her anymore, so she really appreciates you hanging out with her. You two gossip about the other oirans from the other brothels while Daki paints your nails, or she does your hair while she rants about Muzan and the other Upper Moons. Sometimes Gyutaro joins in, and you two do his make up. He doesn’t like it, put he puts up with it. Since Daki likes you so much, he will tolerate you.
“Those nails look so pretty on you! Not as pretty as on me, but you get it. Oh, oh! How about we do onii-chan’s next?”
I added Daki as a platonic bonus. Hope you guys enjoyed!
Anyways, make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough!
Take care of yourselves <3
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akazzzaa · 10 months
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A/N- I saw this on Pinterest and thought it was so cute so I wanna try and write about child! reader x demons (platonic obvs) Credit goes to the artist @lll_123_lll
Summary- Short story for each demon interacting with a human child- Kokushibo, Akaza, Douma, Hantengu, Gyokko, Daki
Genre- Fluff
Warnings- None
As Kokushibo walks through a peaceful village, he notices a small child playing with a wooden sword. Intrigued by the child's innocence, he decides to approach and kneels down to the child's level. The child stopped and looked at him wide eyed, '' Are you a samurai, mister?'' Kokushibo expression softened, ''Indeed, little one.''
The child jumped up in excitement, ''Wow, Can you show me some cool moves? Pretty please!?''
For a moment, Kokushibo, contemplates the request. Surprisingly, he decides to humour the child. With grace and precision, he performs a series of fluid sword movements, creating an intricate display of swordsmanship.
The child clapped in glee, '' That was amazing! Can I try too?''Kokushibo hands the child a small, wooden practice sword, showing them a basic stance. The child mimics his movements, albeit with less finesse. ''Excellent effort, young one... With dedication, you may become a skilled warrior.''
''Why do you have fangs? Are you a scary monster?"
Douma was taken aback but then chuckled softly, amused by the innocence of the child. "These fangs are a part of what I am, I need them to eat!''
The child, not completely satisfied with the answer, pointed to Douma's mouth and said, "Can I see them up close? I want to look!!''
Douma hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to allow the child to get so close. However, he had no ill intentions and decided to humour her curiosity. With a nod, he opened his mouth wide, revealing his sharp fangs. Unfazed by the intimidating sight, The child leaned in closer to inspect the fangs. She reached out tentatively and touched one of them with her small fingers.
"They're sharp," she observed with wide-eyed wonder.
Douma, surprised by the child's boldness, couldn't help but smile. "Indeed, they are. But remember, appearances can be deceiving. It's essential to look beyond what you see on the surface."
The moment the girl spotted Akaza, her eyes widened with excitement. She approached him fearlessly, her curiosity overcoming any apprehension she might have had. "Wow! Your hair is so pink! It's like cherry blossoms! Can I touch it?" she exclaimed, her enthusiasm contagious.
Akaza, taken aback by the girl's boldness, hesitated for a moment. Demons were not accustomed to such innocent interactions. However, something about the child's pure fascination touched a chord within him. "Uh, well, it's not something people usually ask," he replied, unsure of how to respond to such an unusual request.
The little girl beamed, undeterred by Akaza's initial uncertainty. "Please? I promise I won't pull it or anything. I just want to feel it! It looks so soft and pretty!"
Akaza couldn't help but crack a small smile at the girl's sincerity. Slowly, he nodded, allowing her to approach. Gently, she reached out and delicately ran her fingers through the strands of his pink hair. The texture surprised her, and a giggle escaped her lips. "It's softer than I imagined! Your hair is really nice, mister demon!"
Akaza found himself chuckling. Emboldened by the positive response, the girl continued to play with Akaza's hair, creating impromptu hairstyles and sharing her infectious laughter.
Hantengu (Main body)
The child's eyes fixated on the peculiar lump on Hantengu's head. "What's that big lump on your head?" she inquired, her concern evident in her voice.
Hantengu's faces displayed a mix of embarrassment and discomfort.'' I- I dont know, I've always had it! I'm not lying this time either!''
The child, being a compassionate soul, couldn't bear to see anyone in distress. Without a second thought, she took a step forward and planted a small, innocent kiss on the lump. Hantengu's face immediately transformed into expressions of surprise and gratitude.
"There, now it's better," The child said with a smile, her eyes sparkling with kindness.
Hantengu, touched by the child's pure heart, felt a warmth spreading through his body. "Thank you, little one. You possess a kindness that is rare even among humans."
Gyokko observed the child doodle in the dirt with a small stick, a display of untapped creativity. Intrigued, Gyokko decided to share his passion for painting with the young artist.
Gyokko teleported beside the child. In his hands, he conjured a set of vibrant paints and brushes, as if summoning colours from the very air. The child's eyes widened in amazement as Gyokko presented the tools of creation.
"Art is like the dance of a butterfly," Gyokko spoke, his voice gentle like a breeze. "Let the colors flow, and your heart guide the brush."
Gyokko dipped his brush into a pool of blue paint and began to demonstrate fluid strokes on a blank canvas. the child, fascinated, mimicked the motions with a mixture of excitement and concentration.
Gyokko and the child painted side by side, creating a masterpiece that mirrored the beauty of their newfound friendship.
In the quiet of the night, Gyokko spoke words of encouragement to the child. "Every stroke tells a story, and every colour holds an emotion. Let your imagination soar like a bird in the sky, young one."
Under Gyokko's guidance, the child discovered not only the art of painting but also the power of expression and self-discovery.
Daki's beauty was enhanced by the intricate layers of silk, vibrant colours, and elegant accessories. She moved through the crowd gracefully, her presence drawing both admiration and whispers. Unknown to her, a wide-eyed human had been trailing behind, mesmerized by the ethereal vision.
With her innocent curiosity, tugged on the hem of Daki's exquisite kimono, her eyes filled with admiration. Daki, though known for her short temper, couldn't help but soften at the sight of the little girl.
"Wow, you look so pretty!" The child exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with wonder.
Daki turned her attention to the child, a small smile playing on her lips. "Thank you, little one. You seem to have an eye for beauty," she replied, her voice as silky as her attire.
Undeterred by the imposing aura of a demon, asked, "Can I look pretty like you too? I want to wear such beautiful clothes!"
Daki crouched down to the child eye level, her long, silky hair cascading around her. "Of course, you can, little one. Beauty is not just in the clothes we wear but in the kindness of our hearts.''
As Daki spoke, she noticed the simple charm bracelet on the child's wrist. She reached into the folds of her kimono and took a delicate flower hairpin. "Here, take this. It will make you look even more beautiful."
The child's eyes widened as she accepted the gift, a radiant smile spreading across her face. Daki, for a moment, found herself enchanted by the purity of the child's joy.
"Thank you, miss!" The child exclaimed, twirling around with newfound delight.
Daki watched as she skipped away, her heart touched by the innocence of a child who saw beyond the dangers of the world. As the festival continued, Daki couldn't help but feel a warmth in her heart, a reminder that beauty, in its truest form, transcends appearances and lies within the bonds that connect people.
A/N=Added Gyokko and Daki
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