#platonc soulmates
dwobbitfromtheshire · 1 month
Eddie: I think I'm getting migraines like you.
Steve: No, I think you're dehydrated.
Eddie: Didn't realize you became a doctor.
Steve: I didn't. I have just never seen you drink water in our entire friendship.
Eddie: It's because water is the enemy, Steven.
Steve: Since when?
Eddie: Since we almost drowned in Lover's Lake!!
Steve: You got to drink water, man. Your lips look gross. What the hell do you do when you need to shower?
Eddie: I don't. . .why the hell do you think I'm sitting all the way over here for?
Steve: Dude. . .You have to take a shower and you have to drink water!
Eddie: If my uncle can't make me do it, then I don't see how you can!
Much later. . .
Robin: *bursting in* Okay, look, I lied and said I had other plans, but I just didn't want to hang out with Munson's stinky ass. He smells like he's dying. Shit, maybe he is dying. Maybe he's slowly decomposing - Steve, where the hell are you?
He wasn't in the living room. Robin growled and began searching the house. Eventually, she heard the sound of running water and figured out that he was taking a shower. She burst into the bathroom.
Robin: Okay, like I said downstairs, I lied -
Steve: I'm just now realizing that you lied because Eddie smells like ass! He hasn't been drinking water or taking a shower!
Eddie: Hey, Robin!
Robin: Steve. . .are you showering with another man?
Eddie: Speaking of that. . .why did you offering to shower naked with me work?
Steve: Shit, I don't know! I don't even know why I offered it.
Eddie: Steve. . .are we not straight?
Steve: Yeah, I don't think so.
Robin: What the fuck?
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midnineties · 6 years
Bob Dylan and George Harrison are the definition of platonic soulmates
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sometimesrosy · 5 years
Me and my friends went nuts after the CPR scene, and I just smiled really wide and was just like "Suck on that Erin!" I mean I didn't believe her to begin with, but if it wasn't obvious before it should be now. This episode specifically really took the ship even further down the romantic road, like CPR scenes like that always happen with romantic ships. I just don't see a not-romantic explanation for what took place this episode, or even this season. I really can't. They're freakin in love!!
In all this, I think it should be obvious that we bellarkers were NEVER the delusional ones.
Whatever anti version they took, CL, B/E, Blorke or Erin all up there in her “i’m a podcaster” rarified superiority, they were wrong. It’s not platonc (jason never sad it was platonic that’s fandom lying about what he said.)
Bellarke is a love story that s the central relationship of The 100. It has ALWAYS been about Clarke and her relationship to Bellamy. They are soulmates. They are endgame. 
You don’t spend two years getting two characters together without it being endgame and the POINT of the whole narrative.
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