#plant tumblr if u out there 😔😔😔
ash-and-starlight · 1 year
throwing this into the void but who knows. tumblr knowledge is vast and mysterious. is anyone here good with plants?? i have a little monstera deliciosa in a vase with water, it was thriving before but a couple of weeks ago its leaves started yellowing and dying and idk what to do, light and temperature conditions haven’t changed and i change the water + clean the vase once a week blease my son…. he’s very sick.,,,
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stevebabey · 8 months
a piece that alas, will never get finished 😔 the bath fic that was once discussed, half written, and left to rot in my tumblr drafts. i hope u can read the seeds i was planting and see the vision i had even if i never could write it <3
Hot water is, indisputably, a luxury in the Munson household.
Far as Eddie knows, the same goes for the whole damn world.
Hot water is something sacred. Something to be used scarcely, lest you drain the tank and have only cold water to wash your plates and yourself in for the rest of the week.
It's not the worst, but, well, then again Eddie can think of few things worst than needing a shower during the colder winter months when the water splutters out lukewarm and the cold trickles in right when he's in the middle of washing his hair. It sucks. Always sends him to bed with the shivers.
Hell, sometimes he'd even do the mile at school just for a chance to get in the showers first — dashing in for the free hot water that only lasted a good couple minutes.
It was worth it though, Eddie thought.
Both the exercise and the sneers, in exchange for getting to be truly warm for the first time since he'd gotten out of bed that day. Warm showers will do that to you though.
Eddie's heard stories of places, of faraway like Hawaii or somewhere, where it gets so warm that when it rains, the water sometimes rains down already warm. Like a great big shower for the whole place.
He reckons if that ever happened here in the middle of nowhere Indiana, he'd be out dancing in the streets in the warm rain. Soaking it all in. Taking not a single drop for granted.
Steve's house, as Eddie has discovered, has more than one shower — because it's got multiple bathrooms.
In the time he's been hunkered down there, his sides patched up roughly and healing at what feels like a snails pace, Eddie has taken to exploring the empty halls of the Harrington House.
It's... enormous. Gargantuan. Fucking massive.
There's rooms with doors that never open. Rooms that Eddie's never even seen Steve go near. Endless doors and cupboards and an upstairs and downstairs, and far too many garages for one just couple and their son.
Eddie explores them all.
It stems from his boredom, of course, because patient isn’t one of the words used to describe Eddie Munson but restless certainly is.
He wanders aimlessly, under the guise that he needs to keep using the muscles in his legs while he heals up but truthfully, he loves a good snoop.
Soon enough, the driving force of his wandering transforms from boredom to… curiosity.
Steve Harrington has always been an enigma to Eddie.
Upholder of conventional standards and the heterosexual gaze turned, well, loser, in the manner of a couple months- it was jarring to say the least.
Especially to the likes of people like Eddie, for whom he had represented everything wrong with small town Hawkins. Rich meathead jocks who pay their way through school.
Eddie always figured he’d had a fucking mansion of a house but this place… it’s unsettling, seeing so much space, so unlived in.
It’s even more unnerving how Steve just… doesn’t take up space.
Even in his own home. Steve’s bedroom doesn’t sprawl out, it’s not packed with possessions and hobbies like Eddie knows his own is. His wallpaper matches his sheets, picked out by someone who clearly doesn’t know Steve.
Everything is tidy because Steve seems to have this neatness ingrained deep within him. He putters around, on auto pilot sometimes, to keep the space clean for parents who don’t seem to come home.
When Steve's out at work and it's just Eddie, wandering aimlessly to keep the strength in his legs, the loneliness of the place yawns down the halls. Consuming. Suffocating.
He’s found himself eagerly awaiting Steve's arrival home from work, if only to hear someone else's voice other than his own.
Today, Eddie's searching has lead him here— into the master bedroom’s ensuite and they have a goddamn fuckin’ bathtub.
It’s a proper fancy type one with clawed bronze feet and a wide lip, made of sparkling clean marble. The type he might describe for that is a King in a campaign, just to be on the nose about how wealthy and greedy this character was.
He’s so transfixed on it that he doesn’t even hear Steve jimmying his keys into the lock, coming home.
It isn’t until— “Eddie?”
Eddie jumps, startled, as Steve’s hand touches on his shoulder lightly. His goal to not scare the other boy doesn’t go as intended, considering how much Eddie flinches but the moment he turns his head, his face is relaxing.
“Fuck, dude,” He breathes a sigh of relief, lips quirking into a smile. “Didn’t hear you come up.”
Steve shrugs a bit and scratches behind his ear, a bit awkwardly. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”
Eddie nods, but his gaze has already shifted back to the tub before them. Steve follows his gaze easily, an easy chuckle passing his lips.
“I see you found the bath.”
“Yeah…” Eddie says, sounding a bit breathless, his voice distant. Steve glances over, trying to understand the strange emotion toying on Eddie’s features. It’s just a bath. Steve hasn’t even been allowed to use it before, sure, but he likes his own shower just fine.
“It was such a bitch to get it in when they first got it,” Steve explains, folding his arms across his chest as he recalls the memory.
He points his finger behind him to the doorway without moving his arm. “Knocked down a whole wall ‘cos they couldn’t get it to through the doorway. To be honest, I’ve always thought it was kind of ugly.”
He’s waiting for Eddie to say something. For the joke, for the sneering comment on his parent’s fortune, for any lippy spiel that usually gets under Steve’s skin in the best way. The longer Eddie stays quiet, the more it begins to worry Steve.
It’s as though Eddie hasn’t even heard him.
Steve clears his throat and tries again, his tone light and delivered with a chuckle. “Man, you’d think you’ve never seen a bath before.”
Eddie’s head snaps toward Steve. He finally breaks his trance, regrettably just to snap at Steve. “I have, thank you very much.”
Steve feels a bit of embarrassment bloom over his cheeks, wanting to backtrack on his poor joke instantly but before he can open his mouth Eddie is already softening, hackles falling. His eyes are back on the bath.
“Just… haven’t even taken one.” He admits softly.
Steve doesn’t know what to say, doesn’t know what’s going through Eddie’s mind — can’t come close to understanding what forlorn nostalgia is tugging at Eddie’s gut.
“Not really, I don’t think.” He continues. He pauses to think, head tilting back just a bit. “When I was really little, maybe. Little enough to fit in the sink or— or something.”
Eddie seems to realise he’s letting whatever thoughts he’s having drift out of his mouth and promptly snaps his jaw shut, teeth clacking as he does. He doesn’t look at Steve, doesn’t want to see the pity or the sympathy or the—
“Anyways,” Eddie huffs a breath, turning to leave his newfound discovery on the exploration of the Harrington House.
“Do you want to?” Steve asks suddenly. His voice is sincere. “Take one?”
Eddie blinks. Wonders if it’s a joke, that it’s being offered out just so it can snatched away and Steve can laugh at how desperate Eddie is to actually be given this. He has to hastily remind himself that Steve wouldn’t do that to him.
There’s no containing the excitement rushing in his voice when Eddie spits out, “Can I?”
Steve chuckles, an easy smile at the other’s eagerness.
It’s easy to overrun the instinct that’s ingrained deep, not to cross the little rules his parents have scattered through the house — easy because he’s doing it more and more with Eddie here.
They’d eaten off his mom’s expensive and untouched china on the first night Eddie had managed to get up and about to eat downstairs, instead of tucked in bed.
He’d been so keen to help, proclaiming that he’d set the table for the both of them— too excited to be up and moving to remember that he and Steve weren’t usually as buddy-buddy as they were acting.
Steve had soaked in it greedily. Warm brown eyes, saccharine smile, he’s found that Eddie sort of glows when he’s happy. And that giving him good food is one of the ways to stir up that happiness.
But even then, Steve had paused seeing the plates in Eddie’s hands, an instant stone in his throat because he isn’t allowed to use those ones.
Sputtering through a sentence, Steve swallowed the stone and skipped over the rule he’d never broken before. It was worth it for the smile on Eddie’s face.
Just like it’s worth it now. Seeing the awed smile on his face, already a little jittery at the thought of a bath… Steve’s embarrassed to find he can’t really say no to him.
He keeps that to himself though, because if Eddie knew that he’d be batting his eyelashes and making every demand known to Earth. But then again, that didn’t sound so bad either.
Christ, Steve thinks to himself. He’s so screwed.
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pixels1utz · 11 months
hate myself<3  I honestly do
I hope you enjoy this
Also this is a smut so please be warned
it was also rushed
I originally made this on Wattpad but reposted it on Tumblr, In case I lost my account again 😔
You first wake up near some random people you didn't know but you only knew one of them, Childe
He laughed at you trying to get up realising that you where tied up to a pole, you didn't show any sort of interest in that since this wasn't your first time being tied up to something
Until you noticed that everyones eyes where on you,you now seemed nervous since you didn't really like when people would just stare you down
But one person caught your attention a tall dark haired man , he saw you looking at him as you quickly turned your gase to Childe in front of you
Childe was still laughing at you "what a jerk you are" you spat out at the ginger
He looked at you after you said that as if he wasn't paying attention before he lifted your head and and started making jokes about your facial expressions that you made when he lifted your head to look at him
But when he did that something someone stoped him from doing something else it was the same tall man that you had seen before
But other than that you where confused on why you where tied up there to a pole freezing with the land you where in
But you where feeling hot on the inside for some reason, a woman walked up to you the woman had white and black hair not to lie she was attractive
She told you or so reminded you of why you where there she said something about you trying to ruin the fatui's plans with getting what they want, she said in a rough tone
She then went on the tell you her name and the others in case you had forgotten she said her name was Arlecchino and the tall man you where looking at was Pantalone ,pulcinella,Childe,
Sandrone,capitano,dottore and Pierro
Nothing really came to mind when hearing these names since you didn't know any of them only Childe since you met him once in your travels to liyue
But now you knew the name of the tall handsome man you where looking at before Pantalone...
Pantalone seemed to notice you looking at him and something in him clicked now admiring your facial expressions and your body , you looked at him and he saw you he wasn't bothered to look away only moving his glasses to get a better look
You started blushing in a way , after a while Childe noticed you he looked at you wondering if you where cold he did see that you where in a reveling  outfit he decided to find something to cover you up
whiles leaving the room trying to look for something to cover you up with Mr pantalone took of his coat and put it on you he was wearing something under it that kept him warm for the moment he just looked down at you
With his stare on your body in his coat , as childe got back he saw you with a coat already he just said "well thats good because I couldn't find anything" putting his arms up just trying to be sarcastic like usual
But his face was now flushed with that pink tone because of seeing you in his coat in such a reveling underneath now he was wondering what you would look like without that outfit and just his coat on nothing else and just that, and now he was imagining you on his lap without anything on
He quickly left the room going to somewhere else, and leaving you alone with this ginger whom started telling you some random stories about plants that he found out
After a while of childes talking,they untied you from the pole and left you with a warning if you ever mess with their plans again they'll kill you
After that you woke up in your house now feeling safe you got out of your bed because they had drugged you to bring you back
As you got out of your bed you didn't feel like you alone it felt like someone was there in your room with you, but you just got up and walked to the bathroom getting ready to shower but before you got in the shower you heard something fall in your room which was strange you left the bathroom to your bed room and saw something on your bed it was a coat not just any kind it was 'his' coat you wondered who brought it there since it wasn't there before but you just shook it off
You got into the shower and started showering and when you got out someone picked you up and threw you on your bed , now you where scared but looking up you saw pantalone over your body
He started moving the hair out of your face with a soft touch he was strange untill he spoke up asking if you where okay with him ... Kissing you
You where blushing and shook your head in response,but he wouldn't just take that he then spoke up
"I want to hear you beg for me"
He said
You started begging him to kiss you
And so he did pinning you down on the bed and taking your breath away  when he removed his lips from yours you let out a soft gasp for air before he started kissing your neck and then going down yourself body but before he asked for consent (consent is good) you said yes to that and he removed the towel from your body now leaving you completely naked under him he was now just staring at you admiring your beautiful features and then he started with his kissing again
Those kiss's that left you breathless for a moment because this was a new feeling for you and then he started biting on your skin making your yelp in pain since you didn't expect that
He then took off some of his clothes taking off his pants since you where already looking you saw how big he was you started blushing and wondering how you where supposed to take all of that in
As you get up from your position you started teasing him making him grab your hands and looking straight in your eyes but you just pressed a kiss on his lips making him let go of your hands and then you made him sit as you sat on his lap and started playing with his member and he let out small moans covering his mouth
But you stopped and he let out a small whine as you move his hands from his mouth and kissed him again and now he was completely hard
You felt his arms go to your waist and he grabbed your waist as he whispered something in your ear
He said "if you really want me then I want to hear you call my name and beg" because then he grabbed a pillow and put it behind your back and got down to your part and started playing with you, you gasp in pleasure with his mouth on you and with the fact you where sensitive you came almost as quickly as he began
Now that you where a little pleased with him he bend you over the pillow and got a condom and aligned himself with you, you where a little scared with the fact that this was your first time doing something like this
As he slowly pushed his tip in you maoned out but slowly but surely he started pushing the rest in with your face in the pillow and him trying to fit himself in you you both where now moaning
Once he had gotten his full member inside of you, he looked and saw that his member was bulging in your tummy he didn't realize how big he really was I guess
Then he started moving his hips as he did so you started moaning his name because of his size you grabbed on to the bed for support as he grabbed your waist but he wasted no time at all Letting you get used to him he already started pounding you , making you scream and soon little tears started going down from your eyes from both the pleasure and pain you where feeling
And them you came all over his dick making your breaths very steady but he still continued on you the sound of skin clapping together filled the air along with both of your moans
He soon came aswell but still continued going more rough this time as he picked you off the pillow and made you start jumping on his lap your body was completely numb with pleasure so he had to help you with that, making you look like a doll that he was playing with
You came again, putting your head on his shoulder he kissed you many times trying to cover up the pain but nothing worked but you didn't mind since all you where feeling was purely bliss and pleasure, you had grabbed his hair as you came another time which surprised him
He whispered again asking of you couldn't handle him and saying little complements that you could bearly hear since he was still going so rough with you, then he slowed down pulling out his cock from you he took  off the condom and came over your stomach
After that he picked up your pleasure-ful body and cleaned you off once he was done cleaning you off he sat you on the bed asking if you where okay
he layed near you cupping your face with his hands as you where still a bit out of breath you kissed him and reassured him that you where okay
She laughed slightly putting his coat over you again now he was pleased seeing your body trying to get a breather after that he kissed you good night and as you fell right to sleep he could only admir your body
He was happy he could please you
Knowing that he would do that again and again only to see you and hear your moans as you scream his name and grab his hair
A U T H O R S N O T E (10/21/2023)
BTW THIS ORIGINALLY WAS MY FIRST WRITING EVER, and since then I'm no longer posting about genshin smut cause I'm no longer in the "fandom"
So I will continue writing different stuff but might no longer post genshin content for a while/never unless it's a repost of the rest of these stories I made a year ago
The original was made (7/11/2022)
Sorry I know it was bad I'm sorry:/ and I also apologize for any spelling mistakes I'm not the best at spelling
Also this could be gender neutral just read it how you want to read it, but thank you!💗 For reading it ,this is my first time wright smut in a way
And if you want me to make more of these I can even though they have better ones out there I'm glad you stayed 💗
Also have a wonderful day or night!💗
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journey-to-the-attic · 7 months
i just finished reading chapter 50 of jtta and oh my gosh. i don’t even know where to start.
jtta is SUCH an amazing work of art that my words fall short.. it’s rlly the best fanfiction i have EVER read and i’m sure it’ll continue to be my Number One forever. your writing style is absolutely beautiful and your choice of words is IMMACULATE. the way you describe certain scenes truly baffles me everytime like,, there’s people out there who are really able to write like this?? they can magically plant a mental imagine w colors and all in my head from??? Words only??? u r so amazing omf
i also have to say that ur work has rlly helped me with expanding my own vocabulary — i had to look up a A LOT of words (though i’m sure i forgot them all by now..) but it was always so fun to learn new stuff!
your mind fascinates me sm bc?? when i was reading some scenes from jtta i rlly thought ‘man.. if i was the author i’d have no idea how to solve this..’ but u managed to surprise me every. single. time. u outdid urself each time and my jaw legit dropped at some scenes bc i could’ve NEVER EVER thought of that,,,
i only discovered jtta last summer bc i was looking for a platonic obey me ff (i can’t see the boys romantically to save my life 😔) and ur writing was rlly the best thing that ever happened to me.
i swear everytime i read another chapter i dived into this World bc ur writing is so????? Perfect??? i cant put it into words
idk how many times i repeated myself by now but i just wanna give u this BIG word of appreciation (even if im struggling w it LOL) for everything. your characterisation of all the characters was always SO on point and the pacing of the chapters always elevated the reading experience and and and i’m just so overwhelmed by the quality of your work 😭🫶
and when i found ur tumblr??? oh i was FLOORED. like. not only r u absolutely GIFTED at writing, ure also good at drawing???11!?1? the writer & illustrator combo is INSANEEEEE
jtta got me all wrapped up in this universe that whenever i went back to read other obey me work or play obey me itself, i got sad bc the newspaper club and ik weren’t there 😭
normally i’m sad about things ending, esp when i indulged in it over a course of time but with jtta all i felt was a warmth (oh and the tears…..) in my body, it rlly couldn’t have ended better!! jtta made me elict all sorts of emotions while reading and it was just such a wonderful experience!
i feel like i just want to say more to u and sing more praises for u and jtta but i’m just at a loss for words,, my mind is COMPLETELY blank :c
writing is definitely your superpower and i’m forever grateful that i found your work!!!!!! T__T <3 can’t wait to see more of your work in the future 🥹💝
i need you to know that i had to look away multiple times consecutively just to compose myself because aAAAggkj
from the bottom of my heart, thank you!! i don't know what else i can say, everything you've said means so much to me! messages like this make everything about creating so worth it, all i can do is thank you twice <33333
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vintagelacerosette · 10 months
Tag game Tuesday/picrew catch up!
Oh how I've missed doing these! Thank you so much to these sweetpeas who tagged me to do these tag games/picrew. Lyle @milkovetti Michelle @michellemisfit Bri @y0itsbri Evie @energievie Julia @juliakayyy Georgia @iansw0rld Kat @mybrainismelted Nosho @creepkinginc Cross @crossmydna Willow @ian-galagher Lyds @ardent-fox Vey @look-i-love-u Molly @deathclassic Jay @surviving-maybe 💕
💟Name: Myn/Shermyn
#️⃣Age: 27
🗺️Location: Sydney
🧥Do you own a robe? Describe it. Yeah a pink silky with lace trim one my older sister gifted me as my maid of honour gift 🥰
☕️Do you have a favorite mug? Describe it. Why yes! It's one of my prized possessions! My Gallacrafts mug I made art with the darling & talented Ling @lingy910y
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🧣Do you have a favorite blanket? Describe it. You know I don't think I do & that's tragic 😔
🍵Coffee or Tea? Tea
↳🔥🧊Hot or Cold? Cold it's been so damn humid & dry in Sydney rn 😓
🧦Fuzzy socks or Wool socks? Wool
🧤Gloves or Mittens? Gloves but the fingerless kind so I can scroll/read fics on my phone lol
🔥Fireplace or Campfire? Fireplace
🌞🌜Sun or Moon? Both baby! They work in tandem to give us life ☀️🌙
🍬Chocolate candy or Sugar candy? Sugar 🍭
🥐Sweet Pastry or Savory Pastry? Sweet
🎃Peppermint or Pumpkin Spice? Peppermint. I haven't had pumpkin spice before
🛏️Go to bed early or Wake up early? Wake up early but i don't sleep early to make the happen 🥲
🥣Cold cereal in milk or Hot oatmeal? Cold cereal in milk I especially love the sweet ones. American cereal certainly hit the spot with their cinnamon toast crunch or lucky charms 🤤
🍞Potatoes or Bread? 🥔
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And Finally…
🚬 Gallagher or Milkovich? It'll have to be MIlkovich even tho objectively the are more terrible ones than good. But to be fair the great stole my fucking heart 💖
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Which character from any media would you like to have as a father? 
I think Johnny Rose from Schitt's Creek would be a funny dad plus loaded 🤣
If money, laws, time, and effort were no object, what animal would you want to have?
I'd love an otter omfg they're so damn cute 😭
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What is your Chinese takeout order? 
Sweet & sour pork & spinch noodle with wild mushrooms.
What's your favorite emoji?
🥹 I'm particularly fond of this one bc it's the marvelling of beauty for me
Would you rather have a library, greenhouse, or home theater in your house?
I think greenhouse. I think would be so soothing & I feel like I need more plants in my life hahaha
What childhood tv show do you think of the most fondly?
Cardcaptor Sakura 🌸
What was your tumblr like when you first joined?
I joined 2012 it was so aesthetic & I wished be one of those vintage aesthetic blogs hence my tumblr name lmao. I kinda got confused & scared how to use it so i stopped for 2 years. So i missed out all the fun drama i guess lol. Then I started using it as like a scrapbook of things I liked hahah
What clothing style do you love but don't feel compelled to replicate yourself?
50s but I feel that would be such an effort to pull off
If you were plopped into a fictional world, which one would you know the layout of the best?
Pokemon but like in the switch games. I've been playing too much instead of sleeping lmao
What is your favourite piece of art? 
Idk if I have a favourite but one that impacted me in high school was a piece called 'Atomic: full of love, full of wonder' by Nike Savvas. Funny thing is that I got to see it in person may 2 or 3 years after seeing it in a high school text book & having to do essays on it. It was by complete accident & I had no idea see was displaying her work in our national art gallery. It was magic to see a piece irl after studying it 🥰
Do you have a water bottle? what does it look like?
My bestie jusr got me this steel pink hello kitty tumblr that was a collab with a bubble tea shop! I love it I take it to work 💖
What fanfic trope is a quiet fave?
I think time travel with younger selves meeting their older selve & seeing how they fot their happy ending 🥰
Do you carry a daily bag? what does it look like? what's the weirdest thing in it?
Yeah a carry bag for work. It's this tote bag another bestie got me for my last birthday. It's really cute. It's pink & mint green with a cluster of cute things like teddy bear.
If you had to ship Mickey with another Gallagher, who would it be?
Respectfully no ❤️
What is a fanfic trope you didn't expect to like and then very much did?
I'd say mafia au especially bc of the amazing fic by Kay/Shamelessquestions, The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Ian Gallagher.
Do you think s11 Mickey can still carry s11 Ian?
He sure could! He's our swol lil man
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Look at them guns!!
Who got custody of the killing bat when they sold the house?
I kind have this tie between Fiona getting it or it being passed to Liam & Franny to keep the legacy going
Not tagging any bc I'm late but if you see this & you want to go ahead starlight 🩷
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splatterofdepression · 9 months
Naughty kind of fun~ (Miguel O'hara x reader)
(。・ω・。)つ━☆・*°。+ *🎀
warning: +18 (so if ur not, get outa here, buddy), thigh fucking, penetrative, blowjob, cumming in the mouth, finger fucking, etc... 🤨🤨😔
(I wrote it, haha but credits to jaex0x0smikle anyways.) also to note: wrote this a while ago, used some posts on tumblr for inspiration (paraphrased for the vibrator and thigh parts!)... pls comment if u can find who's it is cause i wanna give them full credits :(
btw i was like half dead because i wanted to die from the amount of hw i had and needed a writing break :(
dunno how to write the captions, my bad :(
type a comment if you want some more 😉
[Dom Miguel, Sub (ish) reader]  
(。・ω・。)つ━☆・*°。+ *🎀
"Hey, baby..." Miguel leaned against the door frame, his eyes sliding over your new dress. He licked his lips and smiled. "You certainly look delicious..."
"Not so bad yourself..." You say, trying to not squirm under Miguel's unwavering gaze. You look at his handsome face, the chiseled features and broad shoulders made him look strong. Matched with the black and white suit he was wearing, Miguel was handsome. Extremely so. You coughed and looked away, trying to not seem like you were ready to pounce on him. You could already feel the heat rushing to my face. "You look... very handsome tonight..."
"Hmm... but have you tried yourself in a mirror lately, sweetheart?" Miguel smirked, his eyes sparkling with mischief. He moved closer, placing his hand on the small of your back. "I'm dying to see what's underneath, babe..."
"Come on, we don't have time for this. Pavitr's party is going to start at 8:00!" You push him away playfully, but he huffs impatiently. 
"We still have more than two hours- that's plenty of time." 
"We both know that if we start now, we'll end up spending the entire night instead of just two hours." You quickly clapped a hand over your mouth. You blush, embarrassed. 
"Oh really~?" His husky voice made me shiver, his hot breath blowing against your ear. The way Miguel towered over you was scary- but also thrilling.
"Y-yeah." You avoided his eyes, but he lifted your chin up to his face. Miguel's gaze bore into you as his jaw tightened. 
"Please? I'm begging you..." He stepped forward, pushing you against the wall with one arm. He leaned forward, planting a kiss on your neck. His body pushed against you, his body heat slowly rising as he stared hungrily. You could feel your breath quicken too, eager to keep on going, but you couldn't just ditch Pavitr's without a notice.
"Fine. I'll send a message to Pavitr." You start to head for your phone, but Miguel stops you.
"What do you think you're doing when the fun already started?" Miguel's eyes were piercing, trapping you in place. He shoved a hand against the wall and bent down to be eye level with you. Suddenly, his voice becomes gentle, "Do you want me to keep going? I'll stop if you don't... there's no rush."
"a-ah... no. You can um- continue..." Your heart beat so fast it felt like it was going to leap out of your chest. It was only the third time you guys ever had intimacy, and it still felt so alien to you. Without knowing what to do, you say, "Let's have some fun."
"Oh really?" Miguel asked, licking his lips as he looked at you with a mischievous grin. "And what kind of fun did you have in mind, sweetheart?..." Miguel moved a piece of hair behind your ear, lightly tracing a trail down to your shoulder.
"A naughty kind of fun..." You smirked at him. This side of you never showed except for moments like these. 
"Oh?" Miguel purred, his eyes glittering. "How naughty?..." He leaned down to gently nibble and tug at your ear, his lips brushing against your neck. "Do you want me to make a good girl out of you, sweetheart?"
You shiver at the closeness of Miguel. "Yes, please~"
"Mhm..." Miguel pressed himself against you, his voice husky as he spoke. "Are you a naughty girl, baby?" Miguel's teeth flashed, his body trembling with desire. He reached out and ran his hand along your waist.
You move closer to him, "Only for you~" As his hand trailed along your curves, you decided to be more bold. "I'll keep you up all night long..." your whisper shocked Miguel, but in a good way.
"Oooh~" Miguel purred, his voice going lower. "How long will you even be able to keep me up, sweetheart?..." He chuckled. "Hmm... maybe you want me to... push... your... buttons?..." Miguel paused to let his words sink in. He leaned forward, nibbling gently on your ear.
You whine softly, burying your head into Miguel's chest. "Yes please... daddy~" Instantly, you regret saying that. He was going to tease you to death after tonight.
"Hmm?..." Miguel chuckled, his eyes sparkling. "Oh did you say something, sweetheart?..." A small smirk danced on his lips, a hand traveling across your thigh. "You're such a tease~"
He brought his hand down from the wall, gently grabbing your hips and tossing you onto the couch. "Hmm... I'll teach you a lesson..." Miguel crawled over and pinned you down to the sofa, looking at you with a small smirk. You start to undress, lifting up your skirt slowly. 
Miguel's eyes widened as he glanced at your legs. His tongue ran across his bottom lip, a hand moving to caress your thigh. His voice sounded husky, his gaze traveling up your leg.
"I wore your favourite lingerie- just in case this would happen..."
"Oh really~?" Miguel purred, his eyes glistening. He leaned forward to nibble along your shoulder, his fingers digging into the soft skin. "Hmm, I don't believe you, babe... I'm gonna have to take a look for myself, sweetheart..." 
"Go ahead~" You say, before he suddenly yanks off your underskirt. You squeak, surprised. Instinctively, you squeeze your legs together, face flushed red from the unexpectedness. Miguel chuckled, moving his leg between your thighs. 
"Are you ready, sweetheart?" He said, his voice low and husky as he looked down at you.
You gasped softly, wrapping your legs around his waist. "Yes~"
Miguel smiled, his eyes glimmering with desire as he looked down at you. His arms surrounded your waist, holding you firmly in place. One of his hands moved to caress your hair, while the other went down to untie your lace dress. "You just have to let go... let me take charge, baby..." His gaze looked hungry, his eyes staring at you as if you were a feast. His eyes wandered over your body. 
Miguel's arms supported your weight as you straddled him. His hands traced the curves of your hips and thighs, teasing you. Miguel purred, his lips traveling over your neck. His teeth lightly scraped against your skin as he ran his tongue along your neck. "I need you to tell me what you want, baby..." He paused, nipping gently at your throat. His breath went against you, his lips grazing your ear. "Tell me... what... do you want?"
You've been warned 😨
"I guess I need to loosen you up first..." Miguel opens one of the cabinets next to the TV, taking out a pink vibrator and lube. You could already feel you were wet enough to not use lube, but Miguel always stood by the phrase, "The wetter, the better." 
He placed the vibrator between your legs, rubbing it against your thigh. "Spread your legs." Miguel says, and you immediately sit up a little more, leaning against the cushion and widening your legs. He rubbed your clit softly, blowing against it. You squirm, letting out a small moan. The lube was cold as Miguel massaged it into you. His fingers were long, pressing against all the sensitive areas he knew you loved. He slowly drew his fingers in and out of your pussy, quickening the pace. Starting with 2 fingers, then adding another. 
"A-ah~ Miguel~" You panted, grasping at Miguel's arm. You could see his ears go red, and the bulge in his pants get even bigger. 
"Ready?" Miguel tapped the tip of the wand against your clit, and your hips squirm a bit, a squeak leaving your mouth. As Miguel pushes the vibrator in, he turns up the intensity of vibration- making you jerk your head back. Every moan that escaped your mouth made Miguel's bulge grow larger and harder. 
"You should see yourself right now..." he was panting quietly, eyes looking eager to thrust into you. "I'm not sure how much longer I can wait."
He took fun in seeing how long you could last before coming, raising the intensity of the vibrator, eating up the expressions you made. Your core tightened around the vibrator, and an electric shock passed through your body. 
"a-Augnh~ M-miguel! stop~ I-I just-" You couldn't finish your sentence, though, because Miguel was raising the vibrations even higher. You had just came, the sticky juice slowly seeping out of your hole, coating the vibrator. When you realised you were close AGAIN (omg how), you let out a raw moan, "m-more! a-aAh~ faster!" Miguel responded by taking out the vibrator, and switching it off. 
When you finally came back to your senses, you pouted, "Why did you stop? I was about to-" Miguel flipped you over so that you were on your knees, and he unbuckled his belt. His massive dick came into view, and you weren't sure if you could handle it. "Wha-?"
"You can't be the only one having fun, sweetheart." He stroked your hair, leading your face towards his shaft. "Suck it." His voice was so commanding, so you started to lick the tip of his dick, pleasuring in the groans Miguel let out. You swirled your tongue on the head, massaging his balls with your fingers. You looked up at him as he tilted his head backwards, breaths becoming laboured. His pre-cum dripped from the sides of your mouth, tasting slightly salty.
"Your dick is delicious... I'll make sure to savour it~" You say, stroking Miguel's dick with your hand. It didn't even fit in one hand, so you used both, squeezing as you brought your hands up and down his shaft. You placed your tongue on his cock, getting ready to deep throat it. "You're such a-" You bring your mouth down onto Miguel's dick, feeling it hit the back of your throat. Thank god you don't have a gag reflex- cause if you did, you'd be throwing up because of his size. Miguel whipped his head back, letting out a load and high pitched moan. (Not as high as yours, of course...) His eyes widened, and yours did too. You guys looked at each other, both shocked. "I-I didn't mean to-" 
You take Miguel's cock out of your mouth, and smile. "It's okay- I think it was kind of cute." You continued to blow him, loving the whimpers, moans, and sounds that came from him. 
"I th-think I'm close~" Miguel whispered, his hands grabbing at your hair. He brought your head down even further, making your eyes water. But you kept going, bobbing up and down faster and faster until he shoved your face almost all the way to his balls. He groaned loudly, and you could feel him release his white cum inside of your throat. He kept you in that position for a few more seconds, until he let you go, exhausted. 
"Don't tell me you're already done~?" You laugh, placing your hips so he could see your pussy drip. 
"h-hugh... N-no..." Miguel's chest had a faint sheen from the sweat. "I can keep going..."
Miguel looked at your pussy, and he can't control himself anymore. You feel his rough hands grip your hips, harshly pushing him back into you. The plumpness of your ass hits the girthy shaft of his cock, but before you can look for the lost balance with your hands in front of you, he thrusts his erection up against you cunt. You can feel it begin to become rock solid again. 
"Ay, mi amor-" His voice is rugged and laboured, laced with a deep groan. His broad palm hits your butt-cheek, making you gasp. "Te necesito así de mal ahora mismo." (I need you so badly right now.) Miguel slammed inside you, thrusting at a quick pace.
"So tight..." Miguel grunted, his jaw gritted. "...it feels so good..."
You arch your back, the noises coming out of your mouth were low-key embarrassing. It was too big for you to handle, his shaft stretching your pussy so wide as it slammed in and out. The "plap" sounds from him slapping against your pussy was loud in your ears. The vibrator was big, but Miguel's dick was huge compared to it. 
"S-slower... please~" You mewl, eyes watering from the overstimulation. "I-I can't..."
Miguel started thrusting gently, but it still felt like you were being eaten up from the inside. You clench around him, noticing him shudder inside you as you tighten up.
"Tell P-pavitr that w-we aren't coming t-to the party~ a-Ah~" I signal for Miguel to give me my phone so I can text him a message. 
Miguel picks up the phone, ringing Pavitr's phone. 
"What are you doing?!" You hiss, WHY WAS MIGUEL CALLING PAVITR? WHEN YOU'RE HAVING SEX? "Miguel Ohara! S-stop!" 
But Miguel doesn't stop the call with Pavitr, only quickening his hips. Your eyes roll back, arching your back so he could hit your gspot.
"Huh? y/n? Why're you calling?" You could hear Pavitr's voice loud and clear through the speaker. "Miguel? Is that you?"
"Yes. y/n and I can't come to the party tonight..." Miguel clamped a hand over your mouth to prevent you from moaning so loudly. "She'll tell you why."
Your head was spinning from the pleasure, and you couldn't think of a decent excuse. Should you say that you family has an emergency? Or maybe that you got sick? In any case, you know Pavitr is too smart than to believe it. Miguel lowered the phone next to your mouth as he kept on thrusting.
"U-um, we f-forgot that o-our... uaHGh~!" A moan had accidentally escaped from your lips. You cleared your throat. "S-sorry, I-I mmHMm~ I hurt my foot..." 
You turn red from the stupid lie. "H-hope we c-can see y-you soon... nnNGh~!"
"Woah. I know what you're doing, and it doesn't sound like you hurt your foot." Pavitr chuckled, "I understand. Have fun, Miguel. Tell me about it tomorrow."
BEEP. Pavitr had ended the call.
"Miguel! Why did you embarrass me like that!" You bury your face into the coach's cushions, hearing Miguel's deep laugh. 
"Why, you said you wanted to have 'fun', sweetheart." Miguel grinned, slicking his hair back to get a better view of your ass. He took off the condom he had on, tapping his raw cock against your clit. "This is what you asked for~" 
Smiling mischievously, e delivers a rough spank to your plump ass before pushing two fingers over the lips of your pussy, running them over your slit.
"You can't do it raw... I'm not on birth control." You warned, and Miguel's eyes twinkled.
"Let me fuck your thighs then." It took you by surprise, because you thought he would suggest anal or something. 
With caution, he pushed his dick between your thighs while navigating his way to feel your wet folds and making sure he pressed the tip against your clit. Miguel began thrusting himself, keeping a steady rhythm— pre-cum smearing between your legs with each thrust. 
not doneee :)
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magicandmaybe · 2 years
I'm back and I'm sad 😔 dire times for us out there I've barely been getting by without my mutuals and Tumblr. lord why are you testing me. and my exams got postponed 😭 and my friend who was gonna get a dog said that she's not getting a dog. i haven't met my best friend in months. my plant almost died. and now THIS. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO ASTER. DID I EVEN ANSWER YOUR "IRISES FOR U" ASK IDEK and my tummy hurts too. this is really a rant now. I'm gonna go lie on the floor maybe that'll make me feel better. and all the best with all your exams<333 you'll slay them all!! especially maths 😤
dont be sad im going to annoy @staff and @support till you get your account back. YO STAFF GIVE IRIS THEIR BLOG BACK.
nooo i hope you get to meet your best friend soon i know how hard that can be:(( do you want to see pictures of my cat it may help you feel better about the dog T-T
you did Not reply to my ask now its lost forever why must this happen to the best of us.
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cybertranny · 3 years
ummm so in an attempt to like. lessen my internet use. im going 2 be disappearing off Tumblr for a bit possibly an indefinite amount of time if i like it. mutuals i will miss u. rainyaheysoe i never answered your ask im sorry 😔 i can't imagine anyone would desperately need to contact me but if you do then sorrie
planet-in-a-trenchcoat -> mx-fish
hello i use they/them or zie/hir pronouns and the names isaac neptune and sock. trans of gender (obviously). nicknames very welcome
autistic :) special interests in math, tma, and (brand new addition!) txf
i love getting asks and being tagged in posts please don't hesitate
my original posts r tagged with #neptune's thoughts
things that I vibe with extremely are tagged #neptunegender but it's an incomplete list
I don't usually investigate blogs before I follow them, so if I reblog off a TERF or otherwise horrible person, please do let me know.
sometimes I tag things but mostly i do not. apologies for this if u have a specific trigger let me know and ill try and tag it
blog may sometimes be slightly nsfw but only if it's like, funny
i (mostly) avoid reblogging mutual aid or news posts, not because they're unimportant but because if i don't reblog every single one i feel guilty and horrible, and i needed to set a boundary
for similar reasons i avoid discourse-y posts
oh! my header was drawn by me :) an ms paint sketch of Scully bc I love her :)) pfp is a photo of my plant carlos who is a peperomia
think that's about it :)) neptune out 🪐🏳️‍⚧️
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shesasupergeek · 3 years
Tumblr media
I posted 16,987 times in 2021
18 posts created (0%)
16969 posts reblogged (100%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 942.7 posts.
I added 1,556 tags in 2021
#video - 856 posts
#mash - 265 posts
#leverage - 102 posts
#history - 73 posts
#ref - 69 posts
#lgbtq history - 63 posts
#halloween - 54 posts
#aesthetic - 29 posts
#reminders - 23 posts
#history memes - 22 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#but many other departments (while not nursing at. all. i work it) follow the guidelines of the nurse's union for total company requirements
My Top Posts in 2021
Tagged by @invisiblesocks literally,,,,,,,,, SO long ago, tysm sorry it took me forever!
rules : spell out your name and url using only song titles and tag 10(ish) people.
E: Eleanor Rigby - the Beatles
M: The Man Who Sold the World - Nirvana
M: My Lover - Birdtalker
A: Alexandra - Allie X
S: September - Earth, Wind & Fire
H: Here's A Health - Cara Dillon
E: Edge of Seventeen - Stevie Nicks
S: She Bop - Cyndi Lauper
A: Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene - Hozier
S: Stand By Me - Ben E. King
U: Under the Milky Way - The Church
P: Perfect Day - Lou Reed
E: Enigma - Lady Gaga
R: Real Love Baby - Father John Misty
G: Good Kisser - Lake Street Drive
E: everything i wanted - Billie Eilish
E: End of the Line - Traveling Wilburys
K: Kocaine Karolina - Elle King
Tagging @flower-mando (new url!!!) and that is probably it just bc I know your url is new other than that anyone who feels like it!
3 notes • Posted 2021-01-14 03:28:36 GMT
Tagged by @trentfredethicc !!! Tysm 💕
Five things that make me happy:
1. My bestie!
2. Cooking and eating delicious food and sharing it with people!
3. My family and pets!
4. Reading for fun!
5. My little garden!
Tagging @highly-koalafied @oya-vode @angryunicorn02 no pressure though 💕
4 notes • Posted 2021-04-22 19:04:35 GMT
Tagged by @itsjuliak5 tysm!!! 💕
Favorite color: I don't know right now omg that's so awkward
Currently reading: well my bookmark is in "Brothers at War: the Unending Conflict in Korea" but tbh I'm gonna set it aside and start "Witchmark"
Last song: "Here, There, and Everywhere" by the Beatles
Last series: M*A*S*H
Last movie: I don't remember, I haven't seen one for a few months
Sweet savory or spicy: I have such a bad sweet tooth AND I love savory. Spicy only sometimes
Tea or coffee: tea
Currently working on: grad school application materials 😔
Tagging: @tr0ubl-e @angryunicorn02 @matbaerzal @sirringostarkey no pressure though!
4 notes • Posted 2021-07-26 23:44:03 GMT
Tagged by @abbylabardown 💕💕💕
Rules: list three facts about your self then tag a few people
1. I really want to write a book someday but all I can ever think of are character concepts, not a remotely cohesive plot
2. I'm gonna be a history teacher when I grow up!
3. I need to be stopped from overflowing my back deck with plants. I want to be a garden lady and grow veggies n stuff in addition to my tiny butterfly garden. Someday
Tagging @churchofrileytanev @sirringostarkey and @tr0ubl-e 💐
5 notes • Posted 2021-02-10 04:47:56 GMT
Tagged by @churchofrileytanev Simonne ily I'm sorry I've been off the radar lately 💕
Tumblr media
I legitimately have no idea who has or hasn't done this one yet so I'll blindly tag @tr0ubl-e @abbylabardown @sirringostarkey @disney-prince-quinn-hughes no pressure though!!!
5 notes • Posted 2021-03-14 08:19:41 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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deamaia · 5 years
Hello hcs about claiabelle go ✌️😔🌈🏳️‍🌈
that was so sexy of u let's go lesbians!! honestly why don't i just lay out the au we created where claiabelle are married mysterious witches
they move to a small village, where they have their own little cottage with a backyard that looks like a tiny forest, full of plants and flowers and sometimes random forest animals. when they get engaged, instead of rings they have daggers, all three have custom daggers, once they get married they do get wedding bands but like the daggers are so cool. they wear those dresses that are like for faes and fairies to their wedding. maia has a bakery that everyone loves, her wives love hanging out there. the villagers start to notice the women that just moved to the cottage and they all think of them as witches, why? they all have their own little stories about them, how the dark haired one sometimes has jewelry that if you aren't intensely looking at will move, their tattoos are exactly the same and they are covered in them, but the red haired one sometimes makes hers glow, then you have the curly haired one, her eyes are brown but tons of villagers have said how sometimes they change to green when one of her wives makes her laugh. ever since they arrived everything bad that seemed to happen in the village suddenly stops, needless to say people don't really mind the weird shit the three possible witches have going on, since they aren't harming anyone and they are actually extremely kind and lovely, yes there are rumors about the type of magic they perform or what exactly they are but nothing that seems to bother them and everyone loves they (they have just been killing demons that dare to disturb their peaceful lives it's not that deep). they get visited by all kinds of equally mysterious people too, a couple that has the same tattoos as two of the girls, everyone notices the blonde girl's ears but honestly at this point they are used to the weird shit, they get visited by a mysterious man and his asshole friend? partner? bodyguard? who cares! he is hot! and they also notice group of people that sometimes visit maia, and everyone swears they also have glowy green eyes...
honestly because tumblr deletes chats after 24 hours i don't remember most of it but credit goes out to all these people because we all collectively lost our minds and dropped this sick au (lowkey can't remember who exactly contributed to the au but hey we are all in this together) : @luxxmagnus @isabellelghtwoods @werewolfmaiafray @nothingbutthegayest @keepthekettleon @illegalchandler @certifiedbisexualdisaster @acequinz @jaylesbian69 @feathers-n-silk @nomorewideeyes @heronstairslover @crystal-jack-asripines
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