#planning on a crossover au one once I kick that into gear
marvel-fxckery-au · 3 days
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shadowsong26fic · 2 years
Coming Attractions
I feel like it’s been A While since I did one of these, haha...
As always, along with the Coming Attractions, we’ll do an Open Question Night! My askbox is always open, but tonight I’ll be keeping at least a semi-active eye on it, answering questions. Any fandom I’ve posted about here or on AO3 is fair game; questions about writing in general; etc.
Also, my writing discord does exist! It’s a pretty quiet place, but it’s at least intended to be a slightly more interactive extension of this blog.
A fairly short update this month; I don’t have all that much to report, unfortunately...
Star Wars:
Big bang has been completed and posted at last! I don’t know that it’s my best work, but I am proud of how the fight scenes turned out, at least.
It was kind of like pulling teeth all season to get this one done, though. Hopefully next year will be easier! I don’t really have a solid plan, other than vague notions of doing a BSG crossover, since that’s where a lot of my brain is now, lol.
Protectors and Preludes updates are coming, I swear, it’s just been slow. Hoping the Obi-Wan show will kick my butt into gear, even though I’m well past that point in my timeline!
I finally actually started posting Incinctus! It’s a fun piece, and while I do have at least one other plot thread floating in my mind for future writing, we’ll see how this one goes first. My plan is to update weekly, on Mondays. This plan will probably hold up until I run out of steam and pre-written material XD ((There’s a little bit of an Easter Egg in this week’s chapter that I found amusing; we’ll see if anyone actually picks up on it.))
Battlestar Galactica:
I have started my rewatch at last! I’ve powered through S1 (and put my notes, apart from the fic-related stuff, up on my personal tumblr if you’re curious XD); I may skip around after the Pegasus arc and get Razor in then. I’ve been note-taking both for my personal delight and for plot purposes for The Other Battlestar (which does need a better name...the only thing I’ve come up with so far, though, is a play on Bellerophon which I like even less, lol). The biggest plotholes I have so far are outing Doral and the tylium mine episode; I think I have a workaround for the mine, but I’m still playing with it. I’d forgotten how much Outright BSing was involved in flagging Doral as a Cylon...
((If y’all haven’t been following these, The Other Battlestar is an AU where Baltar ends up on Pegasus instead of Galactica; in order for the main fleet to be in roughly the same position when things reconnect after six months, I have two OCs filling in for his canon role. The politics stuff is easy, I just need to finish building the character in question. Some of the science stuff is...a little shakier, lol. I’m also having fun fleshing out a few additional Pegasus crew members to talk to, and considering where to line up Key Events for Maximum Impact, but that might change depending on how much of a concrete timeline Razor gives me.))
Anyway, I’ll probably start posting that this summer, once I have a decent amount of text prepped and also have figured out how I want to structure it (there’s miniseries stuff I do need to cover, but how much time do I want to spend on that; how do I balance between the Galactica and Pegasus threads, etc.)
Other Fandom Stuff:
I signed up for pod_together again! I had a lot of fun last year, and I’m hoping I get a good partner again this year! We’ll see how that goes--matches are sent out this weekend, I think.
Original Stuff:
Nothing really to report on this end other than I really do need to get back to actual Writing again...and also I keep buying miscellaneous Arthuriana things at library booksales but not actually sitting down to read them to plot out that one Arthuriana story I want to tell. And there’s a couple historical fiction pieces, one of which has been in the works for a solid fifteen years but I keep wandering away from the research for it, lol...
Anyway, Hopefully I’ll have a more “I Did Stuff!” update next month! But that’s about where things stand for me now.
What about you guys? What are you working on? And, again, Open Question Night--I’d love to hear from you! What’s on your mind?
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engagemachine · 4 years
I’m super stoked to hear that you’re revamping the old chapters of black out . I feel your writing has grown and blossomed so much (which I thought was impossible because your writing was already good in your old works too)So I can’t wait to see the writing style and attention to detail you have for burn being applied to black out. I’m sooooo excited. Are you planning to delete the story and repost is chap by chap or are you going to edit it all at once and keep it up?
Oh nooooo. Anon, that was actually an old ask I had reblogged. The revamp of Blackout has already been completed. :( 
The old story was a MESS... I rewrote, I think, the first six or seven chapters of Blackout? I will NOT be going back to do that again. It was so taxing (but so worth it -- anybody who read the original version of Blackout can confirm this). 
Honestly, what I’ve discovered is that my writing is so much better when it’s done in the present tense verses the past tense. For whatever reason, it just flows easier for me, and I think that’s why Blackout and JK/Burn read so differently. That being said, it’s been almost exactly a year since I last updated Blackout, so you might find that my writing has improved with this new chapter of Blackout when compared to the last one. 
I’m so sorry if this is a huge disappointment! It’s really interesting to see the following I have for JK/Burn (which are both AUs) and the following I have for Blackout. There’s some crossover between the two, but I know a lot of these newer readers I’ve gained recently have not read Blackout and I’m like... it is the original sequel to Clockwork, YOU MUST READ IT. But it’s a story that is told much differently than JK/Burn, and that just doesn’t appeal to a lot of readers. I know it is very much a slow burn with a LOT of backstory elements/heavy plot/etc. 
I hope I can kick Blackout into higher gear with this new chapter. I know things have been progressing a bit slowly and Taylor has basically been tortured the past several chapters (WHICH PAINS ME) but it’s necessary to get her to where I need her to be in the story... 
Thank you for your ask! Again, I hope this isn’t a huge letdown. 
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choiceslife · 6 years
When Worlds Collide: Part Eight (Limited Series)
Disclaimer: Based upon characters in Choices - Endless Summer, It Lives in the Woods, The Royal Romance, #LoveHacks, Home for the Holidays, and The Elementalists series. All characters presented are the property of Pixelberry Studios. I claim no ownership. This story is purely the work of the poster as fanfiction.
Overall Series Rating: 18+
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Content, Sexual Discussions. Future chapters may contain SMUT and Gratuitous Sexual Descriptions
Overall Series Summary: The sisters are together again and Ava Cunningham believes only they can help her.
Author’s Note: This Limited Series is a companion/sequel to Divided By Circumstance. I suggest you at least read that series in order to understand this one. As with most of my stories, this is a crossover and is part of my interconnected Chromatic AU. My MC’s are as follows: Carrissa Monroe (TRR), Abby Bennett (#LH), Scarlett Joy (HFTH), and Taylor Reed (ES). Previous Chapters can be found in my Master List located in my header.
Tag List: @ladynonsense @cinnamonroll-duffy @darley1101 @brightpinkpeppercorn @debramcg1106 @regrettingnathan @katurrade @teamtomsato @luxurylives @akrenich @riseandshinelittleblossom @jlouise88 @thehonorarybeaumont @eileendannie @marshmallow-ortega @littlecrookedheart @i-choose-liam @tmarie82 @bobasheebaby @boneandfur @europeanguy @walkerismychoice @pixieferry @sstee1 @endlessly-searching-for-you
La Huerta
“I’m worried about him, Aleister,” Grace said as she stepped beside her boyfriend. The two looked over to see Lucas meticulously pouring over data in an effort to verify his calculations for the Power Core alterations. “He’s been so focused the past three days and has barely spent any time with his friends.”
Aleister respected the drive. He didn’t understand Grace’s concern at all. Seeing Lucas’ determination reminded Aleister of himself. “I don’t see a problem Grace. He’s a hard worker and on a mission.”
“And he’s completely suppressing that he’s hurting inside. How can you not see it?” Grace watched Aleister stare at her blankly with a shrug. Her boyfriend may be intelligent, but when it came to picking up emotional cues, he was severely lacking in knowledge. “I’m gonna go talk to him.”
“Okay love.” Aleister knew better than to protest Grace when it came to these things. She had much more emotional depth than him.
Grace pulled up the stool beside Lucas as he ran his fingers through his uncharacteriscally unkempt hair. She was sure the frustration of the task before him felt insurmountable because of his unexpressed feelings. “You should take a break Lucas.”
“I can’t Grace. I’ve gotta figure this out.”
Her heart went out to him. Lucas was hurting and Grace could see it plain as day. Sure, he could try to bury himself in work and solving this problem to get the Power Core to calibrate properly, but she knew that until Lucas actually dealt with his pain that progress would come to a grinding halt. “Lucas?” Grace placed a comforting hand over the young man’s own hand. His eyes met hers. “Talk to me.”
Everything about Grace Hall was trustworthy and Lucas knew it with every fiber of his being. That’s all it took for him to let the flood gates open. “He doesn’t love me,” Lucas sobbed as he wrapped his arms around Grace and buried his head into her shoulder. Despite not having any children yet, Grace’s maternal instincts kicked into gear. She pat Lucas’ shoulder and gently caressed the back of his head as he sobbed into the softness of her orange sweater. “I waited too long to tell him how I felt.”
Grace gently rubbed Lucas’ back in soothing circles. “I’m sorry. I know it’s hard when you have such intense feelings for someone, but they don’t feel the same way.” She really did. Grace instantly recalled the one summer in college that she spent in London visiting her mom, when she developed a crush on the one intern in her mom’s office. Paolo was cute beyond her wildest imagination, but his ambitions left little room for him to have feelings for anyone other than himself. It took some time for Grace to deal with her pain, but eventually she began to heal. “You might not think it now, but it will get better. One day you will find someone that loves everything about the man you are inside and out.”
Lucas stepped back from the woman comforting him and nodded his appreciation for her assurances. “Thank you Grace. You’re right. I know you’re right. I just wish I had actually told Dan my feelings instead of making up a lie, but I saw how he looks at your friend and I knew I didn’t have a chance. Dan looks at Jake with the same passion and desire that I have when I look at him. And I think Jake might see that too.”
While Grace had a feeling that Lucas was crushing hard on Dan, the revelation that Dan had feelings for Jake came as quite a surprise. At some point, Grace knew she would have to have a conversation with her friend. Everyone was here for Jake so they could help bring Taylor home and Grace needed to know that his heart was all there. If what Jake had told them upon arriving back to the island was true; that everyone’s love is what kept Taylor from fading from existence, then Grace needed to know if he was having any doubts whatsoever. “Go rest up for a little Lucas. It’ll help you clear your head. You can come back fresh later to tackle the Power Core calibration.”
As soon as Lucas left for his room, Grace excused herself from the lab, intent on finding her pilot friend.
Jake stretched his arms in the air before folding them behind his head as he sat on one of the elongated poolside lounge chairs. He never imagined that he’d be relaxing at The Celestial once again, soaking up the sun’s warm rays, but that’s exactly what he’d been doing for the last few days while the brain trust toiled away in the laboratory. He certainly preferred being poolside compared to being stuck indoors. Jake enjoyed the energy soaking into his skin, hoping it would give him a much needed tan. He watched the others, in various groups, frolicking in the water or conversing at the tiki-style bar, while he just sat back enjoying some alone time.
“He’s quite fetching, isn’t he?” An all too familiar voice asked.
The shaggy haired pilot turned his haze, arms still folded behind his head, to see the most unexpected sight. “B-B-Boy Scout?” He stammered.
Taylor looked at Jake with a playful smile before nodding his head in the direction of the pool towards the subject of his question. Jake’s gaze shifted from his long lost love to the muscular figure extracting himself from the distant side of the pool. Dan’s back muscles flexed as he hoisted himself up. The water rolled down his body, highlighting every definition Sexy Mop Top earned from hard work in the gym. Jake’s eyes instantly traveled to Dan’s tapered waist and, once again, fixated on the lower back dimples situated just above his round bottom.
Forcing himself to break his objectification, Jake turned back to Taylor. “How are you here? We haven’t performed...”
“I’m always here Jake. With you. I’ve never left.”
“But you did Taylor,” Jake challenged. He dropped his hands to his lap and turned to face his husband. Sure, it was an unofficial hand-fasting, but that didn’t make it any less real to Jake. Taylor was his soulmate. The first person to capture his heart and make him want to be a better man. Jake blinked several times fighting back the tears he felt forming. “You left me alone. You made the decision to sacrifice yourself to save us all, but we never really got to talk about it first. One minute you’re with me and the next...” Jake’s voice cracked and he trailed off unable to finish his thought. He lost the battle with the tears as a steady stream rolled down his cheeks.
Taylor reached over and cupped Jake’s face in his hands. He gently ran his thumb across his sobbing husband’s cheek while turning Jake’s face up to look into the pilot’s blue eyes. “If I did Hotness, I never would’ve had the courage to go through with it. I couldn’t stay and let the world burn around us. Rourke had to be stopped. In time, I knew you’d find room in your heart to love again.” Taylor softly turned Jake’s face towards where Dan was sitting and laughing with his friends. “I know you’re feeling something for him Jake. It’s okay. If for some reason this plan with The Sisters doesn’t work; I want you to be happy.”
For a few moments, all Jake could do was look at Dan while pressing his face to Taylor’s palm. “How can I...” Jake began to say turning to face his love, but he was no longer there. “Taylor?” Jake looked around the pool area frantically, but Taylor was nowhere in sight.
Jake opened his eyes to find himself still outstretched and lounging poolside. His hands were still laced behind his head and he realized that he must have dozed off. Jake saw that the others were still enjoying themselves in the pool area. Stacy sat atop Ava’s shoulders in the pool, battling Cade who was perched upon Varyn’s shoulders. Dan sat on the pool’s edge with his feet in the water beside Sean and Craig, the latter of which was animatedly miming football moves during conversation. Michelle sat under a canopied table sipping drinks with Carissa, Abby, and Scarlett, while Raj stood behind a nearby grill, no doubt whipping up something delicious. Meanwhile, Estella and Zahra practiced grappling moves on the nearby beach.
It must have been a dream, but it felt so real, so vivid. Jake turned his head and was immediately startled to see Diego sitting on the lounger beside him just staring. “Jesus Short Stuff. You scared me. How long have you been sitting there?”
“Long enough to see that something bothered you in your sleep. Wanna talk about it?” Diego placed a comforting hand on Jake’s leg.
“It’s nothing Diego. Just... just go back and have fun with the others.” Jake quickly got up from his seat, not wanting to discuss his feelings. He appreciated Diego’s concern, but Jake just needed some alone time. “I’ll catch you later,” he said before walking off towards The Celestial lobby.
From across the pool area, Dan noticed Jake depart, appearing to be upset. He excused himself from Craig and Sean and the football conversation they were having; quickly jogging toward the hotel.
The lobby was empty, as was the bar. Jake wasn’t in The Celestial’s massive fitness center either. Rounding a corner into another long corridor, Dan finally spotted his friend through the windows of the grand hotel’s large game room. He watched as Jake’s shirtless form stretched while rolling billiard balls by hand across the velvet table rather forcefully. Dan couldn’t help involuntarily hitching his breath as his eyes roamed over the pilot’s attractive body. Dan leaned his strong frame against the doorway as he folded his arms across his bare chest. “Hey,” he said lowly, finally exhaling that held breath.
“Hey Dan,” Jake replied without looking up from the pool table. He rolled another billiard ball across the table, sinking it into a corner pocket. “You didn’t have to come find me. I’ll be fine. You can go back and have fun with the others.”
“You’re not fine now though Jake. You didn’t even call me by my nickname.”
Jake glanced up to see his new friend smiling from ear-to-ear. He wanted to be angry, but how could he be when Dan was standing right there looking so damn adorable? Although he tried to fight it, Jake felt the corners of his mouth curl upwards ever so slightly. And he was pretty sure Dan noticed. “Why’d you come looking for me?”
“I can’t sit back and watch someone I care about struggle to cope,” Dan replied. He ran a hand through his slightly damp hair; still wet from his earlier dip in the outdoor pool.
Jake slowly made his way towards where Dan was standing. He got within inches of the younger, taller man who made him have conflicting feelings inside. “Why do you care about me? We barely know each other,” Jake whispered, his hot breath rippling across Dan’s neck causing goose bumps.
“I... uh... I...” Dan swallowed hard causing his Adam’s apple to bob in his throat. He was unable to find the words to express how he felt, but that didn’t stop his body from giving away his lust for the pilot. Dan felt his manhood grow, pressing tightly against the waterproof fabric of his swim trunks as it yearned to be set free. He could practically feel the almost invisible tiny hairs on Jake’s pecs tickling his own smooth, bare chest as he finally found words. “I don’t know why exactly. Something inside me just feels drawn to you. I know it’s wrong. We’re here to get Taylor back, but I don’t know how to make a feeling stop.”
“I’m confused too,” Jake replied. He gently brushed a stray lock of hair from Dan’s forehead before drawing the back of his fingers down the young man’s cheek. Jake brought his lips dangerously close to Dan’s, desperately wanting a taste. “If this were any other time, I’d be bending you over that pool table Sexy Mop Top.” Jake’s finger traveled slowly down Dan’s neck to the muscular divide of his chest eliciting a slight gasp. And then he took a small step back. “But Taylor has my heart. I’m a different man because of him. I’ve waited for him to come back to me and I have to believe he will return.” Jake pulled Dan’s forehead to his own. “I’m sorry.”
The two men stood together, forehead-to-forehead, for a few moments before Dan finally retreated. “You have nothing to be sorry about Jake. I completely understand.” Dan ran his palms down the front of his swim trunks and took a deep breath to regain his composure. While he was disappointed, he also knew chances with Jake were a long shot. “Taylor is a lucky guy and we’re gonna get him back Jake.” Dan gave Jake’s shoulder a comforting squeeze before he exchanged one final nod with the shaggy haired pilot and turned on his heel back towards the pool area.
Standing around the corner, Grace had heard everything. “So Lucas was right. Dan does have feelings for you.” Grace said as she made her presence known after Dan’s departure and approached Jake in the game room doorway. “And you have some feelings for him too?”
Jake was stunned to see Grace appear. “It’s not like that...”
“Just listen Jake,” Grace said raising her hand and cutting him off. “I heard what you said. You really need to be sure, without a scintilla of doubt that Taylor is the one. Everyone is here because we know what losing him meant to you, but if you’re not sure...”
The pilot placed both of his hands onto his friend’s shoulders. “Grace. I’m sure. For a moment my mind tried to tell me that Taylor would want me to find happiness with someone else, but when I saw Dan up here, I realized that it was just my fear that this plan might not work causing me to have doubts. In that moment, I knew I had to stop thinking that way. You all came here and had faith in me and supported me. It’s time that I have that same faith. I love Taylor and I know he will be back.”
Grace wiped the single tear from her cheek, content that Jake’s words were true. She wrapped her arms around his bare torso. “Good cuz if you said something else I would have hurt you.”
The two friends shared a laugh as Grace linked an arm into Jake’s elbow, about to walk towards the lobby when Aleister came running down the hallway.
“Oh good! I found you both,” Aleister panted breathlessly. “I’ve got it. I found the error that Lucas mentioned. I’ll have the Power Core fully recalibrated tonight and we can finally perform the ritual tomorrow.”
(To Be Continued)
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millicent231-watt · 5 years
(AoT) Colossal Amour
Anime / Crossover: Attack on Titan
Songs: None
Request: No
Modern AU or just AU: None
NSFW/R-18: No
"Another day of rain..." I mumble to myself as I sit in the dining hall on my own table. "Y/N!" I hear a voice yell and I sigh, grabbing my tray of food and holding it out to my left, keeping my eyes on the window. "Morning Sasha." I say plainly as she grabs it before I stand up and get a glass of water, sitting back down with her. "So, how'd you sleep?" She asks with a mouthful of food. "Fine. How about you?" I ask and she shrugs. "Same as you. So are you gonna confess to-" "Morning guys!" I hear another voice say and I sigh. "Morning Eren, Mikasa and Armin." I say before I yawn. "Tired?" Mikasa asks and I nod. "A lot of the other cadets we've talked to are tired as well." She says before Sasha speaks up. "Guess the Captain's new training regiment is really taking its toll." She says and we all nod.
"Cadet Jaeger and L/N, come to my office once you're done with your breakfast." The Captain says and we nod. "Yessir." We say tiredly before he walks out. "We aren't in trouble are we?" Eren asks and I flick my hand. "Nah. Knowing him, we probably left a speck of dust on our uniform." I say, causing Mikasa to chuckle. "Yeah, you've got nothing to worry about!" Connie says before sitting next to Sasha. "Having a good morning guys?" Reiner and Bert sit with us and I glare at them. "It was good 'till you showed up." I spit before standing up and cleaning my cup. "What's got you so mad so early?" Reiner asks and I scoff. "Are you done, Eren? We should go see Corporal Levi before he gets mad." I say and he nods, standing up and leaving a shocked audience behind us. "What was that comment for?"Eren asks and I shrug. "I just don't like them. No other reason." I say as we walk. "I still can't believe you ignored Reiner. No one has ever done that!" He says and I turn to him. "I don't give a damn if everyone ignored that prick. He's a poor excuse for a soldier and I couldn't care less about him." I growl before knocking on the door of the Captain's office. "Name and business." He says from the other side of the door. "Cadet L/N and Cadet Jaeger. You wanted us to talk to us." I say and he allows us in. I close the door behind the both of us and stand in front of his desk.
"Do either of you know what this is about?" He asks sternly. "No Si-" "I don't seem to recall giving you permission to talk Cadet." He barks at me and I look down. I shake my head instead and he sighs. "Well, we still have yet to figure out where you are from L/N." He says and I look up. He nods, allowing me to talk. "With all due respect sir, I don't think something like that matters for someone like me. I've told you before that my home was destroyed, along with my family." I say and he scowls even more than usual. "I didn't ask if you thought it was important. I am ordering you to tell me." He says and I turn my head to the side quickly, annoyed with the shorty. "Eren, I called you in here hoping you could convince her. You two are close, right?" Captain asks and we both nod. I hear him sigh before standing up. "I'm giving you one more week L/N. If it's not given to me by then, you're out of the Scouts." He says and I whip my head up. "No, you can’t threaten me with that!" I yell and he rise an eyebrow. "I'll do whatever I like. You are a subordinate, so you will listen. Now, both of you, out. I'm counting on you Eren." He says and I huff before storming out and ahead of Eren. I storm to my room, causing a sea of cadets to part down the middle.
I slam the door behind me and lean on in. He can't do this! I scream in my head before a knock was heard on my bed. "What?" I growl, swinging the door open. "So the talk with Captain went great then?" Sasha asks and I sigh, letting her in and locking the door behind her. "It's bullshit." I growl, sitting on the bed. "What? What's bullshit?" She asks and I take a deep breathe. "He wants me to tell him where I'm from. He's given me a week and if I don't do it, I out of the Scouts." I say sadly and she gasps. "Oh no! Y...You can't tell him tha-" "I can't leave the Scouts either Sasha! I would be made a fool of. I can just imagine it now. 'One of the strongest soldiers in the military, Y/N, kicked out of the Scouts.' What a great story that'll make." I sigh, hanging my head. "Sasha, you're the only one that I've told...and even you took time to get used to it. If I tell the Commander and Captains, I'll be killed." I say sadly before crying softly. I feel her pat my back softly. "I'm sure it'll be fine Y/N. We'll figure it out." She says quietly before another knock was heard. "Sasha? Y/N? Can I come in?" Ymir asks and I sigh, letting her in. She already knew anyway, along with Annie, Reiner and Bert.
"Hey Ymir, Christa." I say with a sniffle before Ymir sighs. "The day finally came, huh? The day you have to tell him where you're from?" She asks and I nod. "If I don't tell him by next week, I'm out of the Scouts." I say and she growls. "He can't do that!" I shrug. "He'll figure out a way. Commander Erwin will probably agree with kicking me out anyway." I sigh. "Why don't you just tell him?" Christa asks and I chuckle. "I'm from the same village as Annie, and now that she's been proven as a traitor, they won't hesitate to point fingers again." I say and she smiles. "I'm sure they won't! I mean, it's not like you're a titan too, right?" She jokes, but no one laughs. "Wait...you..." I nod my head and slouch down in shame. "No...we've gotta tell the Captain, Ymir!" she says and I sigh. "It's all coming down anyway, why not just push the knife deeper into the wound?" I ask. "We can't Christa. Not all shifters are bad. Look at Eren, he helps us a lot. If we told the Captain about Y/N, then she'd be killed without hesitation." Ymir reasons with her before Christa gasps and apologises. "I don't blame you. I can't even stand the thought. It's makes me sick to think that I'm....one of them." I say with a shiver before I think of something. "I got it." I say telling them about my plan. "Are you sure Y/N? I mean about Reiner and Bert." Christ asks and I nod. "I grew up in the same village as them, remember? That's why I don't like them." I say and she nods. "Alright, I'll trust you, but I can't be a part of this. I'm sorry. I wish you the best of luck, but I can't tarnish my family name." I nod with a smile. "I understand. Could you at least let the others know? You know, Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Connie, Jean etc. I'll need help."
Time Skip
I sit down in my regular spot, next to my friends and opposite Reiner and Bert. "So, are you finally going to apologise for how you treated me this morning?" Reiner asks with a smirk and I look up from my plate. "Excuse me?" I ask and he smiles. "Apologise? Why would I apologise to you?" I ask angrily. "Because no one ignores me." I roll my eyes. "Yeah? Well, they should probably start." I spit back as I drop my fork into my food. "I'm probably the best solider here." He boasts and I push my food to Sasha. "I am not apologising to someone like you." I say calmly. "Someone like me?" He asks in shock. "That's right. You are a poor excuse for a man and an even poorer excuse for a solider. You should not be here!" I bark and everyone goes silent. I feel everyone staring at us in shock. He growls at me and stands up. "Why not?" He asks and I stand up as well. "You don't need to get so defensive with all the armour you've got." I say with a smirk as he stares at me in shock. "You and your friend Berthold really have a real colossal attitude, you know that?" I ask before getting cut off by Captain. "What's going on here?" He asks and I look over to Ymir, who nods with Historia next to her. "Well, I was just discussing with Reiner and Bert if I should tell you I'm from the same village as them and Annie." I say before some of my friends fall for the high beams in the ceiling with their 3DM Gear.
"What is the meaning of this?" Captain yells as I smile at the two traitors. "These two are the Colossal and Armoured titans." I say and everyone gasps. "Why would you say something like that Y/N? You know that's not true." Reiner asks and I smile. "Oh? You wouldn't mind if we cut one of your legs then, would you? Nothing to severe, just a scratch. If my 'accusations' are wrong then it won't hinder you from fighting. But if it heals, then you've got nowhere to go." I say with a smile before Mikasa cuts his leg a little, just a slash. He screams out and Hange runs over to us, ripping his pant leg out of the way as one of the cadets hands Captain Levi his equipment. "I'm telling you right now Captain, in front of all these people that I, Y/N, am from the same town as these traitors and I am also a titan, but I have never tried to hurt humanity. You may do whatever you must, all I ask is that they get punished and killed." I say, pointing to Reine and Bert. "He....he's healing!" Hange says before Bert was cut and they were both grabbed to make sure they don't turn. "So, mankind's true enemy tried to go under my nose, huh?" Captain asks as he looks over at the with a deadly glare. "I suppose I can't kick you out of the Scouts for revealing this to us, but you will have to be contained for a few days." He says and I nod. "Be careful with these two. They're deceivers and cheats." I say, glaring at the two tied up men. I smile and walk over to Reiner. "What? Never thought I would do it? I'll give you 3 reasons why I did this. 1: I like being in the Scouts. 2: I like humanity and being alive. Do you know what the 3rd reason is?" I ask and he growls. "I don't like you." I say quietly and slowly, making sure he heard every single word. I wave and smirk at him before turning to get put in confinement, thanking Ymir, Sasha and my other friends on the way for their help.
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theroyalweisme · 6 years
Duties of a Prince - Chapter 17 - Leo x Liam x MC
A little AU of what would have happened at Leo’s fling before the social season to determine his bride kicks off.
Rating: For mature audiences… language and themes as the story continues.
(A RoE and TRR Crossover)
Two brothers who couldn’t be more different if they tried. One out to be the life of the party. The other understanding both of they’re roles and determined to fulfill them all. But what happens when they fall for the same girl?
tagging: @youwontlikewherewewillgo @captainkingliam @chrstbll @pens-girl-87 @xxrainbowprincessxx @queencatherynerhys @syltti78 @boneandfur @ranishajay @blackcatkita @trianiasti @bobasheebaby @pbchoicesobsessed @madaraism @umccall71 @hamulau @drakelover78 @crookedslimecreatorpasta @jlouise88
Permatags: @mfackenthal @enmchoices @alwaysthebestchoice
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The gardens were quiet as Sabrina slowly meandered her way through the shrubbery. Left on her own again, in a situation that seemed to be more common than she wanted to admit over the three weeks since she came to Cordonia. Her hand grazed the cool water of the fountain in the center of the circular driveway as the loud rumble of a motor caught her attention.
A motorcycle ripped around the driveway, stopping directly in front of her. The driver turned to look at her, light brown leather jacket pulling over broad shoulders. Slowly he pulled off the helmet to reveal a roguish smile and those damned piercing green eyes.
“Off for a ride, Pretty Boy?” She nodded at the bike.
“Headed into town to clear my head... have you had the chance to explore Cordonia yet, Beautiful?” His head tilted slightly at her, studying her closely.
“Not yet,” she frowned looking back at the palace. “Every time we plan to go, your brother gets pulled into a meeting.”
Leo glanced around surreptitiously before turning back to her.
“Well,” he grinned, pulling out a second helmet for her “Let’s go!”
Sabrina chewed her lip gently for a moment, her mind trying to work out exactly how insane this was.
“Fuck it,” she muttered under her breath as she took the helmet from his outstretched hand. She pulled the heavy thing over her head before climbing on the back of his bike. His grin grew as he settled in front of her, pulling his own helmet on. “Do your worst, Pretty Boy.”
“Hang on, Beautiful,” he called over his shoulder as he kicked the bike into gear. The motor running loudly in her ears as she slid her arms around his waist. “This could get bumpy.”
She squealed lightly as he kicked up gravel with the back wheel as it grabbed the road, flinging them forward.
An hour later Sabrina found herself staring out at the vast expanse of the ocean, her lithe legs dangling over a small stone retaining wall as Leo pressed a cold bottle in her hands.
“Thanks,” she smiled over at him before taking a drag of the cold liquid.
“So…” Leo started, leaning back onto his hands behind him. “What do you think of our little country, Beautiful?”
“This is the first I’ve seen of it…” she shrugged, picking at the label on the bottle. “But from what I’ve seen I like it.”
His voice caught in his throat as she turned and flashed a giant smile at him, her ice blue eyes dancing in the sunlight. He cleared his throat roughly before pulling his own eyes away from hers.
“How’s your suitor search going, Pretty Boy?” She gently nudged his leg with her own. “Anyone catch your attention?”
“Well…” he sighed, staring out at the deep blue sea. “There’s this one girl… but I’m pretty sure she’s out of my league.”
“You’re a prince, Leo,” the use of his actual name made him whip his face around to meet her gaze. “If anything she’s not worthy of your time.”
“Not this girl,” he mused, his green eyes softening at her. “I don’t think she gets just how outstanding she is. She’s got this way of walking into a room and commanding the attention of every single person. But if you get her attention… it’s like you’re the only one with her.”
“Wow…” Sabrina breathed softly as she watched him describe this woman, almost wishing it was her. “She sounds pretty awesome.”
“She is…” Leo shrugged, turning back to the sea. “But, like I said… way out of my league. Plus, she’s kind of into someone else. He’s better for her.”
“Hey!” She called, turning his face to hers. “Don’t sell yourself so short. I’m serious! You’re a catch, Leo. Take away the whole ‘I’m royalty’ thing and you’re still amazing. You’ve got this way about you that makes everyone around you relax. Nothing is an issue if you’re around. You make people laugh. You move through life with your whole heart. And you don’t give up on people, at least not that I’ve seen.”
She shrugged before looking back down at the label on her bottle.
“Those are pretty amazing qualities if you ask me.” Her lips scrunched up in a conflicted scowl before a sad smile painted her lips. “Besides, you took time out to show me this.”
“Yah…” he grinned. “I probably shouldn’t have… According to my father, I should be prepping for the Regatta tomorrow. You are coming to that, right?”
Her lips pursed in thought for a moment before turning to the older brother.
“Liam mentioned we were going somewhere tomorrow. I’m assuming it’s this Regatta thing?” She shrugged, taking the last drink from her bottle. “Why? Need my opinion on your women?”
Leo chuckled deeply, taking a long drink from his own bottle. “Something like that, Beautiful.”
The conversation naturally fell into a comfortable silence as the pair watched the soft waves come up onto the sandy beach. Sabrina pulled her legs up onto the wall, hugging her knees to her chest as she let the peacefulness of the ocean take over her.
“How is my dear brother?” Leo flinched even thinking about his brother, but he knew he couldn’t let himself think the woman beside him would ever look at him like she did Liam. He was the screwup, while Liam sat on his pedestal as the golden boy.
“Liam?” She shrugged softly, resting her chin on her knees. “He’s ok, I guess… I don’t get to see a lot of him… Usually, it’s just me and Killer wondering the grounds, or watching a movie.”
“Sorry…” he mumbled into his bottle. “That’s probably a bit of my fault… It should be me in those meetings…”
“Why don’t you go to the meetings, Pretty Boy?” He shrugged his shoulders easily, the bottle resting on his full lips as he thought about his answer.
“My entire life,” he started, staring out over the water. “I’ve been expected to be the perfect son, the perfect child, the perfect prince. Not once was I asked if that was what I wanted.”
He paused, sipping his drink.
“My life always felt a little bit like a prison. I resented my mother for leaving me, for understanding that trapped feeling and leaving me in it.” He shook thoughts gently from his head before turning to her. “Then Liam came along. You know, most people resent their younger siblings. I loved having a brother.”
His smile grew, as thoughts filled his head.
“I had someone to play with. Someone to tease… And even better, he loved hanging out with our father. The meetings I hated, he relished in them. The dinners that killed me with boredom, he sat attentively at. So… I let him run things. He could play the perfect prince and I could live.” He chuckled softly, scratching at the shadow dusting his chin. “My father always drilled into me what my role was from a publicity standpoint. When I would be able to choose a wife and until then to ensure at all costs that there were no ‘mistakes’ running around. He much preferred having Liam by his side. He was always the smart one.”
“You’re smart, Pretty Boy… You read people like books. That’s an intelligence your brother sometimes lacks,” she smiled, resting her hand on his forearm. “We’ve never had a deep conversation like this. Besides he does some really stupid things.”
Her eyes rolled as she leaned back on her elbows, letting her feet dangle over the wall again.
“You mean Olivia?” She shrugged, glancing up at the bright blue sky.
“Among others...” she laughed as he nudged her lightly with his arm.
“C’mon, Brina,” he cajoled, her eyes widening at the use of that nickname. A name she hadn’t heard since she was a girl. “I had to bare my soul... your turn.”
“Are you sure you want to know, Pretty Boy?” She quirked her eyebrow at him, earning a wide grin.
“You can’t embarrass me, Brina,” he challenged, his green eyes flashing.
“You asked for it...” she muttered under her breath. “He’s insufferable when it comes to safe sex. Like did no one ever talk to him about STIs or unwanted pregnancies?”
Leo flinched as she dove right into the heart of her issues.
“Actually, no...” he shrugged, turning back to the sky. “That was drilled into me before I was old enough to think of girls. I’m the heir. Heirs cannot afford to have illegitimate children running around. Liam’s the spare. As long as he is discrete in his transgressions, no one really cares what he gets into.”
“That’s a little harsh...” she sighed, sliding off the wall and dusting off the back of her pants. “As beautiful as this beach is, I’d really like to see the rest of the town. Are you going to escort me...? Or am I on my own?”
Leo quickly finished the dregs of his bottle before pushing himself from the wall. He gallantly bowed towards Sabrina, her laugh appearing warm and light at his antics.
“M’lady,” he grinned offering her his arm. She curtsied deeply at him before accepting the offered arm.
“Your Highness,” she chuckled as he started to lead her down the street, casually pointing out all of his favourite places.
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millicent231-watt · 6 years
AoT - Erwin X Reader
Anime / Crossover: Attack on Titan
Songs: None
Request: @mikonikoackerman
Modern AU or just AU: None
NSFW/R-18: No
Spoiler Warning:
"A red smoke signal." One of the scouts says to the Commander as the four of us rode towards the forest of Giant Trees. It was me, Commander Erwin and two other scouts. Erwin fires a green flare to the left, away from the previously mentioned red smoke signal. "Erwin!" I say as two red smoke signals go up on the left. "What?" Then three more in front of us. "There is a way around, should we take it?" One of the scouts say and I speed up my horse, trying to get to the forest quicker. "Erwin, we can't. You know that if we detour, we'll never make it to Eren in time." I say and he nods. "I know. We'll force our way through. All soldiers prepare for battle." He says and we all try going as fast as we can. "Y/N, be on your toes. I don't want anything happening to you." He says and I smile. "Don't worry about me Erwin. You said it yourself, I'm one of the strongest in the military. Just make sure we get this job done. I'll do whatever I need to to get Eren back." I say and he sighs before nodding. "Alright, be safe." he says and I nod before he orders me to go ahead. "You too, Commander." I say before speeding off towards the forest. We were getting closer. I fire a flare, letting everyone know when I saw a titan or when it was safe. I kept sharp. This entire operation depended on me being at my best. I was the eyes and ears for the Commander, letting him know what was waiting ahead, and I'd sooner die than fail and let everyone down. As I get closer, I see a whole bunch of titans lining up at the forest entrance. I fire three red flares into the air, a signal for Erwin that there were a lot of titans ahead. I pull my hood over my head and steadily stand on my horses back, ready to use my 3DM gear and get into the forest. I jump and launch myself over the Titans and into the forest. I had to catch them. I didn't care what their reason for taking them was. They could say that everyone in their 'hometown' will die without Ymir and Eren, it wouldn't matter to me. The killed thousands of people when they broke the wall, including my parents.
"Or would you rather stay here and kill each other?" I swiftly change direction and go towards Ymir's voice. "Do you want me to prove how crazy I am?!" She screams, holding Berthold's face with a crazed look in her eyes. "Just a little closer and I can kill Reiner at least." Once he was gone I knew it would be easy to convince Ymir to come back with us. Reiner was persuasive, but Berthold isn't. I see Reiner look towards me and gasp before nodding. "Fine, go get her and catch up with us." He says and my eyes widen as Ymir drops from Berthold and transforms into her titan form. "Reiner!" I scream angrily before taking a swing at him with my blades. He was lucky to get out of the way. I land on the tree and see them flying off. "I'll kill you!" I say before launching my wires to chase after them, but Ymir's titan grabbed the wires and brought me to the ground. Didn't kill me, but it hurt like crazy. I stood as she hung onto the tree in front and kept me from going after them. "Get out of my way Ymir. I know you want Christa...but you won't see her if you side with them and fight me. I'll kill anyone who gets in my way, no matter who it is. So come with us and help us stop Reiner and Berthold!" I say and she stares at me for a while, seemingly considering my offer, before I hear people behind me. "Wait, don't kill her! It's Ymir's Titan! Ymir, where's Eren?" Conny asks as I see the 104th cadets around me. "Conny, get away from-" "Ymir!" I say before getting cut off by Christa. I watch in horror as Ymir launches herself and Christa and swallows her whole. I growl as she runs after Reiner and Berthold. I launch myself up to Mikasa and Armin. "Ymir's with Reiner and Berthold. Reiner has Eren knocked out and tied to his back. I need you guys to back me up while Erwin and the others have a chance to catch up." I say and Mikasa nods. "What are they gonna do once they catch up?" Sasha asks. "Erwin will have a plan, but we can't let them get away, no matter what." I say as we all chase after them.
"She's too fast! We're losing her!" Jean says and I click my tongue before pushing my speed to its limit, catching up to her slightly. "We can't let-" I was cut off by a bright light and a blast of air, pushing me back before I catch myself on a tree. I look up and gasp as I see the Armored Titan in front of me. Ymir grabs onto the back on Reiner and Berthold soon follows suit with Eren. "Oh no...Eren's being taken away..." Armin says and I growl before dropping from the trees and jumping on my horse that had followed me. I kick her into high gear and she goes at her top speed. I was soon followed by Eren's friends and Hannes. "Erwin!" I yell as I see him not far from where we were, he quickly turns and orders that all soldiers let the Titans chase them. Eventually, we caught up to them and Mikasa cut up one of Ymir's eyes but was stopped by Christa. I launch myself up to Reiner's shoulder and launch my hooks into him to keep myself stable. The others join me. I heard thumping from underneath the hands that Reiner used to protect his neck, Berthold and Eren. "Give it a rest Eren!" I hear Berthold complain before Jean starts laughing. "Good luck with that, Berthold." He says and I lean closer to Berthold, glaring at him through a gap in the fingers. "You spent three years training with us, you know you can't keep him down...and you know that we're stronger than both you and Reiner." I say, hearing him whimper. He was breaking. "Was everything a lie Berthold? the promises of growing old and going for drinks together...it was just a lie?" Conny says and I kick Reiner's hand. "Forget it, Conny. They're monsters...the enemies of humanity." Mikasa says and everyone goes quiet out of shock, but not Mikasa and I. We were seething and waiting for our chance. "T...Tell me who! Who the hell would want to kill people by their own choice?! Who the hell would like doing this sort of thing?!" Berthold screams in anger and I raise an eyebrow. "I don't know, why don't you tell us why you killed those people? I'm sure you and Reiner hold the answer to that question." I say.
"Do you think I wanted to do this?! People hate and despise us...we've done such terrible things, we deserve to die. Things we'll never be able to take back...But we just couldn't come to terms with our sins..." I roll my eyes and wait for him to finish his speech. "The only time we had some respite...was when we pretended to be soldiers. That's not a lie! Conny! Jean! It's true we may have deceived everyone, but not all of it was a lie! We really considered you comrades-" "Enough!" I yell cutting him off, causing Conny to look at me in worry. "No more of your bullshit, Berthold...give Eren back." I say threateningly. "It's no use...I can't. Someone has to do it...someone has to stain their hands with blood!" He says, making Mikasa flinch in anger before I lift up my blade. "Then die." I say simply before plunging the blade through the unarmored part Reiners hand. I hear him gasp and I knew I had missed. "You guys! Get away from there!" Hannes yells out and I tighten my grip on my blade. "Berthold...I won't miss again. And if I do, I'll keep going until I plunge this blade straight into your heart...so give him back." I say, hearing him whimper again as I remove my blade and hold it above my head. "He's leading a horde of Titans this way..." I hear Jean say and I turn my head, seeing Erwin at the front of the soldiers, leading the Titans for Reiner. "Come on, let's go. Eren will be safe soon enough." I say to Mikasa and we all leave, jumping to our horses and following Erwin's orders. "He'll either be overwhelmed or move his hands to fight off the Titans, exposing Eren...smart move Erwin." I say to him before looking towards the roar at seeing Reiner fighting off the Titans, his neck exposed. "Advanc-" I feel my heart drop as I see a titan grab Erwin by his arm, dangling him in the air. Everyone stops. "Er-" "ADVANCE! Eren is just ahead! ADVANCE!" He yells and I avert my eyes before going after Reiner. "Come on! Our chance won't last forever!" I yell and everyone begins following our Commander's orders.
Mikasa flies towards Berthold, but he jumps out of the way...causing her to fall into a titan's hands and scream as it's grip tightened. Jean dealt with that one and the rest of the 104th cadets dealt with the surrounding so Armin and I could get in close. "You won't be able to persuade them Armin. Do whatever it takes to get Eren back. If that means threatening them, then do it. What was it you said? Those who can't abandon everything can change nothing." I say and he nods before we fly up to them. "Berthold!" Armin says as he lands on the side of Reiner's head, while I land on his shoulder in front of Eren. Suddenly Armin gets this crazed look on his face. "Are you two okay with this? Leaving behind your comrade and returning home? You're abandoning Annie?" He asks and I fight off a smirk. Bribery and threats will work. I hear Berthold gasp, he always did have a thing for her. "You know where she's at? Far north, deep underground in the Utopia district...and being tortured." Berthold looked like he was about to pass out. "It was her screams that taught us something. That even with her body healing, you can never get rid of the pain." I saw Eren look up at his friend in horror. It was a drastic change in Armin, that's for sure, but as long as it works. "Their taking special care to ensure she doesn't die. And as we speak, they're not giving her body any rest." *Just a little more...* "They're torturing her every way they know how." Armin says before Berthold snaps. "You monsters!" He yells, turning to attack Armin, but Commander Erwin slashed his chest...setting Eren free. I quickly grab Eren and Jean grabs Mikasa before we all retreat on Erwin's orders.
Time Skip
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I sigh and knock on the door. "Come in." I hear Captian Levi say before I entered and saluted. "I...I just wanted to see how you were doing." I say, still a little shaken up. The full severity of the situation hit me once we got home. His arm was gone... "Pyxis, Levi, may I have a moment alone please?" Erwin says and they nod before leaving. "Come here." He says, patting the bed and signalling me to sit. I sit and look to the ground. I couldn't bear to look at his in this state. "Y/N? Are you alright?" He asks, grabbing onto my hands and pulling me around to face him. "I'm sorry...I should've done something, kept my eyes sharp and spotted the titan. If I had done my job, then you..." I look up and sigh as I see where his arm once was. "Y/N, look at me." He says softly and I look up at him. "This isn't your fault. As much as I hate being like this now...no one could've predicted this. Not Levi, not Armin, not Eren, not Mikasa and not you. Do you understand? Don't punish yourself because of something you couldn't control." He says and I nod before putting my hand on his, that had moved to my cheek, and give his palm a kiss. "Ok...I'm here to talk if you need anything, alright?" I say and he smiles sadly. "I'm glad. It'll take some getting used to...and I won't be able to do the things I used to-" "That doesn't matter to me." I say, cutting him off. "I'll get stronger so you don't have to worry about me during expeditions and I'll be by your side whenever I've got free time. You don't have to be alone in this, Erwin. Everyone cares about you. Either because you're the commander or because you're a friend. I care about you and your wellbeing because I love you. So please don't feel like you're going to have to deal with this new life alone...because I'll always be by your side." I say as he stares and me in shock. Tears slowly make their way down his cheeks and hit the bedsheet. "Thank you...really, I mean it. I love you." He says and I hug him softly. "I love you too. And nothing will change that Erwin."
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