#Harry Lyman
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zedreh · 18 days ago
Ok, something I've been thinking about. So one of the reasons Peter Parker isn't allowed to be married in the main canon is because it supposedly ages his character...
But his best friend from college can be a father as if, by that logic, that wouldn't also age Peter?
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Also, as a sidenote, I've posted this a few other places, and it dawned on me, I don't think Normie Osborn has ever appeared outside of the comics. Like, I don't even remember if there's a mention of him in a video game from a bio or loading screen trivia. I'm also pretty sure the only thing to ever have even one of his parents express interest in the other was Spider-Man: TAS, where Liz (who was barely a character on the show) tells Harry she loves him when her and Peter talk him down when he attacks Peter and MJ's wedding. They never even interacted on the show before that.
And obviously, Stanley hasn't. He was created after One More Day, and most adaptations since then have only focused on High School Spider-Man, or have a Harry Osborn, who clearly has never had any children. Also, as far as I know, Stanley's mother, Lilly Hollister/Menace/Queen Cat, has never appeared outside the comics either. Does anyone remember her? I just learned today that she goes by Queen Cat now because this whole thing has sent me down a rabbit hole. I never knew much about her, I just saw a few comic covers with her on it at the library when I was a kid.
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marvel-sitcom-au · 18 days ago
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Trying to draw the young avengers….drew this little Cassian and Harry based off my recent morbius rewatch instead
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kitausuret · 2 years ago
I know that in retrospect the time that Harry changed his surname to "Lyman" ended up not being like... such a great thing (since All That Stuff came out about Emily during Go Down Swinging) but like
it actually brings me so much joy to call him Harry Lyman. It makes me grin my face off. Adding that "Harry's Last Name is Lyman" tag is everything to me. He's separating himself from the Osborn legacy. He's trying to find his own identity. He's a dad, he's a failed CFO, he's trying to figure himself out again in his late 20s/early 30s but he's in a place where he actually seems to feel pretty good about himself. And for Harry, that's really cool.
I understand why he dropped the Lyman name and reverted back to Osborn, but the era was nice to me while it lasted.
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(Amazing Spider-Man [2015] #3; Slott, Camuncoli)
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punkrockgrantaire · 2 months ago
When did the Josh Lymans and the Hawkeye Pierces and the Harry Burnses and hell the Captain Kirks stop being hearthrobs!! Why are they trying to make my lust after shrink wrapped 26 year olds with no chest hair!! Recede that mans hairline NOW!
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lensinski · 8 months ago
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doomed to live in the age of hair transplants, knowing what we lost (male leads with thinning hair)
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theopolis · 11 months ago
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We're finally doing this? WE'RE FINALLY DOING THIS???
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devoutlywished · 8 months ago
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photographs in the background of the osborn penthouse
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apple-spider-vinegar · 9 months ago
Please feel free to explain your reasoning! Bonus points: specify which version of the Spider-Man you're most familiar with (Raimi, TASM, comics, cartoons, Insomniac games) and if that influences your answer. I'm dying to know what people think.
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the-liberal-lion · 4 months ago
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imawkwardlysoc · 4 months ago
rip the characters of the west wing
you would've loved the 2024 presidential election 😪🤚
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Y’all, I played my entire Firstprince playlist specifically to channel positive energy about tonight, but it just cycled all the way back around to the end, and it was over five hours long😭like, guess I’ll play my Josh Lyman playlist now, but that has way more depressing songs ahhhh
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marvel-sitcom-au · 2 months ago
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“I am spider-man”
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montanashocker · 11 months ago
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spider-xan · 1 year ago
I was thinking about the recent ret-con in the 616 continuity where Emily Osborn has been alive the entire time and how if TSSM had continued, then Emily was going to be revealed as being just as bad, if not even worse, than Norman, and how by comparison, the Emily of the Insomniac games is portrayed as a saint - but at the same time, we mostly only know of her through Harry and Norman, both of whom idolize her, and that idolatry is undoubtedly reinforced by her tragic death, as people are wont to do after their loved ones die.
However, I think she would be more interesting and complex as a character if there was more to her than just being the perfect angelic dead wife, mother, and activist - she did, after all, love and marry and stay with Norman the entire time, despite him being a horrible person, and I don't doubt she knew what was going on about his true nature, and even if she somehow didn't, this guy is a shady corporate CEO billionaire, so no way would he be an ethical person; it's interesting that 'environmental lawyer' is also an effective short-hand for 'lawyer who is a good person' even though in real life, a lot of environmental lawyers actually end up defending corporations and their right to pollute and exploit, and even a lot of Harry's well-intentioned environmental projects are very eco-capitalist techbro start up rather that solving the systemic root causes of climate change, like capitalism.
Anyway, not sure where I was going with this, but I guess I feel like there is a lot of potential for Emily to be a more complex character than simply the perfect dead woman defined by her relationships to her husband and son, and there absolutely could be more layers to the symbiote using her voice to manipulate Harry in the graveyard scene.
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theopolis · 1 year ago
My problem with Emily Osborn/Lyman being revealed to have been alive all along is not so much the fact that she abandoned her baby son in the custody of an abuser whilst letting him believe she'd died. Yay for toxic female characters.
It's more that this was not remotely treated with the weight it deserved when it could have been the perfect opportunity to explore her personality and relationship with Norman as well as delve deeper into Harry's pre-established abandonment issues. Emily's reintroduction should have added new fuel to the ever so compelling fire of Osborn Family Drama but alas, it did not and Harry shrugged off learning one of the most fucked up facts about his already deeply fucked up little life.
Congratulations! You brought this character who was practically just a concept into the story and you did it with a bang by establishing glaring faults counter to the bland saintlike perception everyone previously had of her while also granting her added complexity by having her try to iron out her previous wrongs! Now actually commit to giving her depth and let her impact things, please.
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hawkp · 9 months ago
WIP Ask Game 🎈
Nobody tagged me, I just took it upon myself because these ideas keep bouncing around my head like a ping pong ball.
Prompt: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
stolen from @onekisstotakewithme 😁
Three Weddings and a Funeral (TWW): You already know.
Prose and Cons (TWW): Abbey Bartlet takes care of a sick Senior Advisor at 30,000 feet. This is so fluffy ONG sickening.
Tilting at Windmills (TWW): He’d make it through this the same way he’d made it through everything else: grinning and bearing it. If there’s one thing everyone knows about Will Bailey it’s that he won’t ever ask for help.
The Moon Is Not Blue (TWW): During preparation for the State of the Union, Sam develops an addiction to stimulants.
This Is Where I Leave You (TWW): Nothing like a tragedy to bring a broken family back together or the everybody talks it out after the finale at Jed’s funeral fic.
Period of Adjustment (DS9): After receiving a message from Earth, Julian starts to sink deeper into himself. His friends try to figure out why. (Post-Canon)
Sequentia (Voyager): Tom hadn’t realized how much Harry’s friendship meant to him until his life almost slips through their fingers. (An alternate ending to “Non Sequitur”)
Aftershocks (SNW): He’s supposed to be the big brother. (A Sam & Jim SNW fic because we are seriously lacking in fic there people)
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