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Dvojno jezero in Triglav National Park, Slovenia
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Otvoren 44. Međunarodni sajam turizma u Beogradu
Večeras je na Beogradskom sajmu svečano otvoren 44. Međunarodni sajam turizma, koji će za posetioce biti otvoren od 23. do 26. februara. Sajam je otvorenim proglasio predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić. “Za nas je Sajam turizma važna manifestacija, kao i sam sektor turizma gde pravimo značajne pomake poslednjih godina. Mnogo je posla još pred nama, ali bih iskoristio i ovu priliku da pozovem sve ljude otvorenog srca da posete Srbiju gde ćemo ih dočekati domaćinski i raširenih ruku”, kazao ej predsednik dodajući da nam je posebna čast što je zemlja partner ovogodišnjeg sajma Republika Kina. Kako kaže, broj kineskih turista od 2012. do 2019. pre pandemije je povećan 30 puta, ali mi nismo zadovoljni, hoćemo da to bude mnogo više. “Otvaranje avio linije sa Pekingom, uskoro i sa Šangajem, povećaće broj ljudi iz Kine koji dolaze kod nas. Trgovinska razmena za poslednjih deset godina povećana je za 342 posto, povećan je i srpski izvoz, tri od četiri kompanije koje su najveći izvoznici iz Srbije su kineske kompanije. Od Kineza učimo strpljenje, marljivost i rad”, istakao je Vučić. On je izjavio i da ćemo se boriti da Beograd bude domaćin specijalizovane Ekspo izložbe 2027. godine, koja bi značila turistički bum za našu zemlju.
Ambasadorka Kine u Srbiji Čen Bo obratila se okupljenima i iskazala posebnu čast što je Kina ove godine zemlja partner na sajmu. “Želim da se zahvalim predsedniku Vučiću, Vladi Srbije i Ministarstvu što pridaju veliki značaj saradnji Kine i Srbije. Poseban značaj ima lično prisustvo predsednika Vučića na ovom otvaranju, što daje dodatan značaj”, rekla je ambasadorka Bo. “Kina i Srbija su geografski udaljene zemlje, a potrebno nam je samo da uzmemo pasoš i kupimo kartu da bismo se posetili”, dodala je ambasadorka Kine.
Na Međunarodnom sajmu turizma i Međunarodnom sajmu hotelsko-ugostiteljske opreme Horeca - Oprema, koji se održavaju pod sloganom "Kad je odmor nije teško", učestvovaće oko 350 izlagača iz 33 države, među kojima je i osam novih država sa afričkog kontinenta. Radno vreme sajma je prva tri dana od 10 do 19 časova,a u nedelju, 26. februara, od 10 do 18 časova. Cena pojedinačne ulaznice je 450 RSD. Grupna ulaznica (minimum osam osoba) košta 350 RSD, a poslovna ulaznica sa paketom pogodnosti: 3.000 RSD. Parking za automobile košta 200 RSD po satu.
#sajam turizma#sajam#turizam#aleksandar vucic#belgrade#srbija#kina#zemlja partner#turistička ponuda#turističke agencije#aranžmani#odmor#leto#more#planine#banje
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Troje mrtvih u lavinama u Austriji
Najmanje troje ljudi poginulo je od petka u nizu lavina na zapadu Austrije, objavila je policija. Glasnogovornik policije Tirola rekao je da je jedan zaljubljenik u zimske sportove poginuo u subotu u lavini u Kaltenbachu. Po APA-i, riječ je o 17-godišnjem državljaninu Novog Zelanda. U petak je poginuo 32-godišnji Kinez u skijalištu Soelden. Obojica su bili izvan skijaških staza. U subotu ujutro pronađen je mrtav skijaš u susjednoj regiji Vorarlbergu. Riječ je o 50-godišnjaku, a poginuo je u lavini u dolini Kleinwalsertal, koja graniči s Njemačkom, po APA-i. Tportal.hr Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger Read the full article
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- shit happens - what if au - welcome home -
#what if au#welcome home#wally darling#frank frankly#got rough animator workin! the creator saw my twtt abt it and helped me out- i didnt expect em to see it ToT but glad they did#was planin on postin this last night but i was tired lol
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prolly callin her gf or smth 👩❤️💋👩 (og unda the cuto ^^)
#aya tsuji#tsuji aya#jjba#jojo bizarre adventure#jojo’s bizarre adventure#jjba part 4#jjba diamond is unbreakable#jjba edit#blacktober#*falls from the sky n youd think id plumbeth but nay i start dancin* BUT ITS MARCH#but yeye#im like … not in the mood to be on the socails rn?!?#but im drawin#n editin#im planin on doin the shinobu n tomoko too#happy birthmonth to women pfft#BUT YE YALL TAKE THIS#N RUN#RUN FAST N FAR‼️‼️#call me back
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Idk when I made this- all ik is that this lil death magnet is onto smthin
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Local School Idol Remembers Previous Life As CEO , Starts Planning A Wedding
Look Kyoko as Rin has tried for literal DECADES to get either one of her brothers or cousins to finally get Komatsu to marry their idiotic asses . She loves her family but they are idiots .
So when she got her memory back she immediately started making preparations for Komatsu's wedding . Because she will have him in the family even if it's the last thing she does ! And the adoption papers are gonna be more troublesome here than home so wedding it is !
And while it looks like 2 of her brothers aren't here she still has Zebra and Coco here and Starjun as he is now also technically her brother .
Either way she is starting the matchmaking and no one can stop her come the depths of the Black Triangle or the highs of Vegetables Sky .
And while Komatsu is being seduced into the family she will be taking over the world on her rightfully place as its ruler . So that even if they get in jail again she can get them out just as fast .
For now however matchmaking and watching the drama is priority !
Also Komatsu is so fluffy in this life ! It's adorable !
#toriko#khr#khr x toriko#khr au#toriko au#kyoko sasagawa#local news of namimori & world au#kyoko/rin is planin a wdding and it will happen mark her worlds!!!#Tsuna is confused why kyoko is trying to set her up with her brother or hibari-san or yamato-kun
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Jezero Hopfensee - Jezero s romantičnim pogledom na Alpe
Jezero Hopfensee, smješteno u blizini grada Füssen u Bavarskoj, popularno je jezero poznato po svom pogledu na Alpe i kraljevske dvorce Neuschwanstein i Hohenschwangau. Ovo jezero pruža raznolike mogućnosti za aktivnosti na otvorenom, uključujući plivanje, vožnju čamcem i pedaline, ribolov i surfanje. Zbog toplih voda tijekom ljeta, Hopfensee je popularno mjesto za kupanje već od kasnog proljeća.…
#Allgäu planine#biciklizam oko Hopfensee#ekoturizam Bavarska#Füssen atrakcije#Hopfensee Bavarska#Izleti na jezera u Bavarskoj#Jezera u Bavarskoj#kampiranje uz jezero Bavarska#kupanje u Hopfensee#najljepša jezera Njemačka#Neuschwanstein dvorac#obiteljski izleti Allgäu#prirodne ljepote Bavarska#romantična putovanja Njemačka#Therme Schwangau#tradicionalna bavarska kuhinja#vožnja čamcem Bavarska jezera
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12 Proven Strategies to Stick to Your Plan: A Comprehensive Guide
1. Set Clear, Specific Goals
What to do: Define your goals using the SMART criteria — Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. For instance, instead of saying “I want to lose weight,” aim for “I will lose 10 pounds in 3 months by exercising 30 minutes daily and reducing my calorie intake by 300 calories daily.”
What to avoid: Steer clear of vague or overly ambitious goals that lack a clear endpoint or measurable progress markers.
2. Break It Down
What to do: Divide your main goal into smaller, actionable steps. If you’re writing a book, break it down into chapters, then into scenes or sections.
What to avoid: Don’t attempt to tackle the entire goal at once or skip essential steps in the process.
3. Create a Schedule
What to do: Assign specific times or dates to each task in your plan. Use a calendar or planner to map out when you’ll work on each part of your goal.
What to avoid: Don’t create an inflexible schedule that doesn’t allow for unexpected events or changes.
4. Track Progress
What to do: Regularly record your advancements, no matter how small. Use a method that works for you, such as a journal, spreadsheet, or goal-tracking app.
What to avoid: Don’t neglect to track your progress or focus only on significant milestones.
5. Build in Accountability
What to do: Share your goals with a trusted friend, family member, or mentor who can check in on your progress. Consider joining a group or finding an accountability partner with similar goals.
What to avoid: Don’t choose someone who might be unsupportive or overly critical.
6. Celebrate Small Wins
What to do: Acknowledge and reward yourself for completing tasks, no matter how minor they may seem. This could be as simple as taking a short break or treating yourself to something you enjoy.
What to avoid: Don’t wait until you’ve achieved your final goal to feel a sense of accomplishment.
7. Anticipate Obstacles
What to do: Think ahead about potential challenges and devise strategies to overcome them. Create contingency plans for common setbacks.
What to avoid: Don’t assume everything will go smoothly. View obstacles as expected parts of the journey rather than reasons to quit.
8. Make It a Habit
What to do: Integrate activities related to your goal into your daily routine. Try to perform these activities at the same time each day to build consistency.
What to avoid: Don’t rely on motivation alone — habits are more sustainable.
9. Stay Flexible
What to do: Be open to adjusting your plan as circumstances change or as you learn more about what works for you. Regularly assess whether your current approach is effective.
What to avoid: Don’t cling rigidly to your original plan if it’s clearly not working.
10. Visualize Success
What to do: Regularly take time to imagine yourself achieving your goal in vivid detail. Visualize not just the end result, but the process of getting there.
What to avoid: Don’t focus solely on the end result without considering the journey.
11. Remove Distractions
What to do: Identify things that commonly distract you from your goals and take steps to minimize them. This might involve creating a dedicated workspace or using website blockers.
What to avoid: Don’t try to rely solely on willpower to ignore distractions.
12. Review Regularly
What to do: Set aside time periodically to review your progress, celebrate successes, and identify areas for improvement. Use these reviews to adjust your plan as needed.
What to avoid: Don’t skip these review sessions or treat them as unimportant.
Sticking to a plan requires dedication, self-awareness, and the right strategies. By implementing these 12 Proven Strategies to Stick to Your Plan: A Comprehensive Guide, you’ll be better equipped to stay on track and achieve your goals. Remember, progress is rarely linear, so be patient with yourself and celebrate every step forward, no matter how small. With persistence and the right approach, you can turn your plans into reality.
The Motivation Trap: When Your Drive Becomes Your Downfall
#encouragement#inspiration#motivation#self care#self help#keep up the good work#plan#planin#to do list#stratigic#plants
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Konačni bilans turističkog prometa u Republici Srbiji u 2022. godini
Dolazaka više za 52, a noćenja za 36 odsto
Prema podacima Republičkog zavoda za statistiku, u 2022. godini u Republici Srbiji boravilo je ukupno 3.869.235 turista, što je za 52 odsto više u odnosu na 2021. godinu, od čega je domaćih bilo 2.096.472 (32% više u odnosu na 2021.), a inostranih 1.772.763 (više za 86 odsto).
U 2022. godini ostvareno je ukupno 12.245.613 noćenja (što je za 36% više u odnosu na 2021. godinu), od čega su domaći turisti ostvarili 7.306.219 noćenja (28% više nego u 2021.), a inostrani 4.939.394 (rast od 49%).
Mereno brojem ostvarenih noćenja, domaći turisti u 2022. godini najviše su boravili u Sokobanji (749.430 noćenja, što je 53% više u odnosu na prethodnu godinu), zatim slede Vrnjačka Banja (676.052, više za 34 odsto), Zlatibor (521.129, rast od 36 odsto), Beograd (499.125), Kopaonik (464.013), Kuršumlija (202.785), Lukovska banja, Čačak, Novi Sad, itd. Inostrani turisti su u 2022. godini najviše noćenja ostvarili u Beogradu (2.681.852 noćenja ili 58% više u odnosu na 2021. godinu), zatim slede Novi Sad (390.150, više za 44 odsto), Subotica (247.236), Zlatibor (152.732), Niš (133.184), Kopaonik, Vrnjačka banja, Banja Koviljača, itd.
Gledajući po državama iz kojih su dolazili turisti, najveći broj noćenja u 2022. godini ostvarili su gosti iz Rusije sa 594.194 noćenja, što je 151% više u poređenju sa 2021. godinom, zatim slede turisti iz Turske (442.591, više za 6 odsto), Bosne i Hercegovine (342.30, rast od 14 odsto), Nemačke (242.481, ra od 72 odsto), Severne Makedonije, Crne Gore, Hrvatske, Kine, Rumunije, itd.
#turizam#srbija#serbiaexperience#serbia#dolasci#noćenja#turisti#gosti#stranci#turističkipromet#destinacije#planine#banje#beograd#belgrade#zlatibor#kopaonik#novi sad
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thinkin too much
#about when you were planin to come over n you wer gona come when on a new moon an finally see the stars#how we wer gona go to my favorite coffee shop and my shitty littl theater#an i was gona take you to my favorite pub to get a horseshoe an im just too far away for alla that now#caus you were planin#and now it wont happen#UGH this is guilt tripy isnt it#sry thats like not my intention at all uh yeag
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The Fiscal Times: Report: Eric Planin: President Obama Looks to Tax Reform to Save America's Highways
The Fiscal Times: Report: Eric Planin: President Obama Looks to Tax Reform to Save America’s Highways Kire Schneider on Google+ The New Democrat on Facebook The New Democrat on Twitter This would be an interesting way to raise the much needed revenue to rebuild America’s infrastructure system but, as I’ve argued in the past, we wouldn’t need to go to this length if we created a National…
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#American Economy#Eric Planin#Infrastructure Investment#National Infrastructure Bank#National Infrastructure System#President Barack Obama#Senator John Kerry#Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson
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Omi: Stop staring.
Atsu: Just admit that ya like it whenever I do.
Omi: ...
Atsu: Ya really want me to stop, omi?
Omi: N-no...
Atsu: Well, yer in luck omi-omi! Cuz I aint planin to till death do us apart.
Omi: S-shut up, Miya.
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