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planetwaynez · 10 months ago
bad ideia right?
Jason x Roy x Fem!Reader
Notes: I've been cooking this JayRoy x Fem!Reader for some time now, the only thing is... I got excited and ended up writing waaaay too much so this will be separeted in two parts. This is part one, if you guys like it lemme know if you want part two, pls!!!
PART 2!!!!
WARNINGS: Talks about stalking, nearly death experince, violence, murderer, being socialy secluded, a lot of complicated feelings. This is part 1!
Words: 4,7k
Synopsis: It never crossed Roy's mind that his cute civilian ex would be knocking at his apartmant door asking for help. Jason never tought that he would've to help his boyfriend with his ex, but he is, especially because she might die if they don't help her out.
Things are not so great at the moment. And she knows it, that's why she stands in front of her ex boyfriend's apartment door, picking at her nails and looking everywhere but the door. She knows she shouldn't be looking for him, but in the situation that she finds herself, Roy may be the only person that can help her out. Rationality, she knows it's no biggie, showing up and asking for her ex boyfriend, who is a very known vigilante, to save her skin. However, emotionally, she knows it's fucked up. 
Taking a deep breath, she knows it's a bad idea, but she reaches for the door and knocks. Taking a step back, y/n can feel her muscles starting to shake in a nervous fit.
It's been two years since she saw Roy for the last time, and she wonders how much has changed since then. 
The door is open and y/n looks up, to find a tall brunette looking at her with an arched eyebrow. She smiles, trying to be polite. He doesn't smile back.
“Hi! Is this Roy Harper's apartment?” She asks, still picking at her nails and the man in front of her notices.
“Yes” he answers, his voice deep and intimidating and for the first time she knows for a fact that this is more than a bad idea, it's a terrible one. But then again, it's better than dying. 
“Is he home?” The man crosses his big arms over his chest, taking in a more intimidating stance than before.
He is not the most polite ever, and it's starting to make y/n panic turn into frustration very quickly. 
“Can I talk to him?” the man clicks his tongue, obviously not liking her request. Well, what can she do, a girl needs to try her shot.
“Who is at the door, love?” a familiar voice asks and now she understands. The huge guy in front of her is acting up in a jealous fit. Does he know who she is? Probably. 
“Your ex” he says, and yeah, he knows who she is. 
They can hear steps coming in the direction of the door and a very confused Roy shows up, wearing only a pair of gray sweatpants and his hair is longer, long enough to be put up in a man bun. Cute.
“Y/n?” He is pale and it seems like he just saw a ghost in front of him. She smiles and gives a tiny wave, not knowing how to act. When she decided to ask Roy for help, she knew that there was the chance for this to happen. A chance to find out about his new partner, a chance that he would look terrified, a chance that he would say no and let her die. Simple stuff.
“Hi, Roy” things are awkward, the three of them looking at each other like idiots.
“What are you doing here?” Roy seems offended that she ever had the guts to show up like this and honestly, she understands him and would deal with this situation in a more aggressive way if it was her in his place. 
“I need your help” she can feel her cheeks burning and her heart rate increase, she feels the sting of a broken nail and her palms are sweating. 
“With what?” Who asks the question is the brunette man, and y/n finally looks at him. He is wearing the same attire as Roy, paired up with a long sleeve black compression shirt, and she realizes how big he actually is. If he wanted to, he could throw her through the stairs of the building with ease. He is scary. 
Instead of actually answering the brunette, she started rambling all of her thoughts to them, feeling her chest tight. 
“I know you told me not to go, I know you said my brain would put me in danger one day and that my smart mouth would kill me and honestly I never believed you, but I fucked up. I fucked up real bad, Roy.” Desperation seeps through her voice, making her look ridiculous but the amount of panic in the woman in front of Roy only sparks his worry. 
“What the fuck did you do?” He asks, taking her wrist and pulling her inside the apartment, practically throwing her in their living room.
“I stumbled across files I should have not stumbled across.” Roy Harper is not a man to worry, unless it's his daughter, Jason or Dinah. Or Y/n.
She was always one to worry about. Always too smart for her own good, always too clever to her own safety, always too curious. She found out way too easily his identity as Arsenal when they were dating. He knew that one day she would have a price over her head.
“What does that mean, y/n?” He is basically yelling at her now, frustrated that she doesn't give him the information he needs. She pouts, hating the fact that Roy is yelling at her.
“It means you were right, ok? I am too curious for my own good and now some rich people want me dead.” 
Fuck it.
Jason didn't see this one coming, not even a thousand miles away. When he woke up this morning, sore from their last mission, he wouldn't have guessed that Roy's most recent ex and only civilian ex, would show up at their doorstep asking for Roy to save her skin from rich people. 
Jason sighs, drawing the attention to him. He closes his eyes, hoping this is some weird dream, but when he opens them again, two pairs of eyes are staring at him. He thanks the gods that Lian is with Alfred. 
“And how could Roy help you?” Jason asks, wondering what is going through this stranger woman's head. 
“As Arsenal, obviously” she says, as if Jason is one dumb fucker, and he can't believe that this is happening. 
“She knows?” Roy shrugs, as if saying ‘I have no control over that’. 
“She found out when we were three months into the relationship” Jason looks at her again, shocked with this new piece of information. He knew they dated for over a year, and also knew how heartbroken Roy was when she left to live in Ireland because of a job opportunity. He didn't know she knew about Arsenal, though. 
“It was actually quite easy to figure it out” she says, her eyes roaming over him, not in a ‘I am attracted to you’ way but in ‘who are you?’ type of way, and that made an uneasy feeling set in Jason's stomach.
“How?” He needs to know how she found out, how her brain works. Jason knows a lot of people, for fucks sake, he knows Tim and Tim found out Robin's identity at the age of nine, not many things shook him, but it's eight in the morning and this woman is definitely weird. 
“I noticed they have the same scar on the left arm” 
Jason's eyes bulge just a little and he looks at his boyfriend, who is looking at the floor, probably embarrassed with how easily a civilian found out his identity. 
“I know” the read head says, clicking his tongue “she is a freak with that brain of hers” 
It's y/n's turn to sigh, rolling her eyes. She looks at Jason again and says, very calmly.
“I knew I could say Roy is Arsenal near you because I firmly believe you already knew. Not because he told you, but because you are like him” the nervous and anxious girl from before is gone and she looks more confident and comfortable, and that uneasy feeling of having someone with a bigger brain than yours in the room comes back to Jason's stomach. 
“And why's that?” Roy chuckles, and Jason looks at him with a quizzical look but the redhead says nothing, just smiles.
“You keep analyzing me, noticing every single move I make. For a guy your size you are very quiet and silent” she point out, numbering everything she says in her manicured fingers “Also, you keep reaching for your thigh, as if you keep looking for a gun in a holster” Y/n points to his hand, resting in his left thigh, and he wants to curse himself. 
“I will make an educated guess and say you are Red Hood, the guy that is always with Arsenal” She says and smiles, tilting her head to the side, exposing her neck that has a hand imprint on it. “You are him, aren't you?” 
Jason nods, not verbally answering her, but he knows there is no use lying since she knows about Roy's identity. What actually sparks his interest is the marks in her neck. She notices him looking and she once again hides her skin from them. Jason looks at Roy, to see if he saw the same as him, and his boyfriend's gaze is focused on y/n neck as well. There is more to this story than she is truly telling, and they know.
“She found out about Dinah in forty minutes in the same room as her.” Roy says, instead of saying something about the purple marks, walking to the kitchen to get a water bottle for himself. 
Jason looks at her, doing exactly what she said he was doing before, but now he takes his time. Analyzing her. Meanwhile, she keeps an eye on Roy, who is not caring at all about the exchange behind him.
Roy turns around, holding his water bottle and looks at the two of them. He drinks all the water with a few gulps, feeling the cold water calm him down to the conversation he will soon have. He really wants to know who is the fucker that tried to choke her to death and left those marks on her smooth skin.
“Come with me” he says, pointing at a very shocked Jason and a very smug y/n to follow him. 
The three of them get in a room decorated to be a study, Roy sits on a couch in the corner of the room and Jason sits next to him, his big arm going around Roy's shoulders.
“Explain yourself, pookie” Roy says and y/n takes a deep breath, collecting her thoughts to start explaining herself to the two vigilantes in front of her.
“It all started a few months ago when Campbell Enterprises, the place I worked at, developed a new project. One that was secretive and only a few would participate, the HR did a whole campaign to encourage us to participate in the selective process to choose the ones that would be a part of this new project. I was hoping I was not chosen, honestly, I was fine with the workload I already had at my lab at the time, but it was mandatory to participate” she pauses, taking a deep breath and looking at the window, watching the sun come through. 
“They chose me and a few others to be a part of it, but it was all too secretive, even for us that were working on it. It was tiring, since my regular workload kept coming” she clicks her tongue and blinks, as if she was transported back to the moment that she is telling them about. “One night I stayed later than usual, it was just me in the laboratory, I was tired and annoyed with a few things so I started digging around, just so see if I could see the development of the others that I worked with.”
She blinks again, swallowing tears and looks at them. Roy and Jason are looking at her very attentively, waiting patiently for her to continue. There is no pressure, no tension in the room, just two men looking at her as if she was made of glass and that, for some reason, soothed the pain inside. Y/N is too used to not allowing herself to be fragile, but right now, with Jason and Roy, she feels that she can allow herself to be a little bit vulnerable. 
“That's how I ended up coming across the real motivation of the project. They told us that we were developing a new medicine for kids with cancer, when in fact, we were developing a new drug so they could kidnap children and teenagers with more ease.” There is silence in the room and inevitably, they all thought about Lian, that is safely with Alfred, but she could not be, like many others are not. 
“And they found out you came across those files and that's how you got five fingers in your neck?” Roy asks, arms crossed and a frown between his eyebrows, looking irritated. 
“Not exactly” she says, her right hand going instinctively to her neck, gulping just to remember the touch of that man on her skin. “They found out I knew, but they didn't make it obvious. I knew they would find out eventually and come after me, but until then I thought I could keep living my life.”
Silence reigns the room, the three of them knowing she was just living an illusion until reality came knocking on her door.
“I went out on a date” she says, and that sparks even more their interest. Jason scoffs, not believing what he just heard.
“You knew you had a target on your back and you went on a date?” He asks sarcasm in every word that he says. She nods and Roy looks at her with disbelief in his green eyes.
“I was needy” she simply states, shrugging as if it was not a big of a deal, except it was. “He was a hitman” 
Jason and Roy look at each other, not knowing how to actually react to her words. It all seems so out of this world, especially with the way she tells things, so calmly.
“We were kissing, he grabbed my neck and said that I was too curious, he had a good grip but I had a pocket knife” she is smiling and Jason knows for a fact now that she is crazy.
“So you stabbed him” Roy says, a smirk forming in the corner of his red lips. She nods.
“Didn't kill though, just enough to run away” she looks again at the window and takes a deep breath, “that's how I ended up in an airplane to Gotham. I called Dinah and asked where you lived, she told me you moved to Gotham, gave me your address and that's how I ended up here.”
She looks at them again and they can see in her eyes that she is lost. Desperate. In panic and disbelief of herself. What Jason can't see but Roy can is that Y/n truly believes she is going to die if they don't help her out.
Roy is not happy to have his ex, who broke his heart even if their break up was mutual and mature, standing in front of him. Roy is not happy that Dinah just gave information on him so easily. But he is less happy with the idea of y/n dying. No, he gets angry just with the idea of her not existing anymore. 
And Jason may not know y/n, but he knows his boyfriend. He knows Roy just as well he knows himself and Jason can see it in the redhead's eyes that they will help her out, even if it fails, they will try their best. Jason can also see the care and admiration in Roy's eyes every time he looks at her, it's the same way Roy looks at him. 
Jason will have to swallow his pride and jealousy, because he is going to help his boyfriend's ex to not die.
“We will help you” Roy says, looking at Jason for support and he finds everything he needs in his lover's eyes.
“But with a few conditions” Jason says, now looking at the younger woman. He knows she is younger than them, but now she truly looks like it. The sun is bathing her from her side, making her eyes shine and seem bigger, her lips are painted a glossy red and her cheekbones are chubby and pink. He can't deny, she is adorable and pretty.
“Anything” she says, her lips quivering just slightly. Jason smirks, he knows he is an asshole, but he also gets the job done.
“You will be staying at one of your monitored safe houses, and you won't leave the house, unless one of us is with you.” Roy nods, his gaze focused on her. The redhead forgot how beautiful she looks with her hair down and a turtleneck and he can't stop staring at her now that he noticed. 
“We will make the groceries for you, just give a list. Also only burner phones and not social media” Roy says, and y/n was expecting nothing less than that. She is asking for them to keep her alive and she knows they will do it, even if it means keeping her away from society for a while. 
“And we need all the information that you have” Jason finishes, reclining himself against the couch, relaxing his muscles. 
Y/n stares. She was always curious and when she thinks something - or someone - is pretty, she stares. She didn't look at Jason until she did, and now that she sees what Roy sees, she can't stop looking. 
They are both attractive men, she can't decide which she will take a look at longer, her brain working faster than normal to keep up with everything that she is thinking, from the information that they need to Jason's muscles and Roy's pretty lips.
She knows it's going to be a long ride with those two around her.
It  was comfortable to stay hidden from society while Roy and Jason were dealing with the issue she put herself in. It is comfortable to stay in and watch movies, read books and cook whatever she feels like cooking. It is comfortable not having to go out to do her own grocery shopping, since Jason did that for her in the last four months, and he never forgot anything from the list. It is comfortable to have them around all the time, it is comfortable to have Lian over on the weekends to play with dolls and paint ceramics with her.
However she knows it's not going to last any longer. Actually, all this comfortable scenario is over as she stares at Roy and listens to him talk.
“It’s all over, we fixed everything up, you can go back to living your life, pookie” he says, his green eyes shining with something she can’t quite comprehend, but she knows the feeling that is attached to her chest. He is sitting in a chair in front of her, only a table stopping Y/N to reach out and hug him until her heart stops growing with pain.
She got comfortable, she created an illusion for herself once again. They were there almost everyday, talking, making jokes and eating homemade food made by her, she even got to befriend Jason in the first month, just to develop feelings for him in the third. In the second month she already knew she still loved Roy with her whole soul, and seeing him so dedicated to see her safe again only intensified that. 
She can’t explain, really, how she feels. She just knows its different but she loves them both. Roy is like a ray of sunshine that comes through the window, always warm and welcoming, always making her feel important and cared about. He was always good at making her feel like she is the only girl in the world, like she is actually important and easy to love. It's hard to let those feelings for him go, since she can’t get enough of his smile, his green eyes and his stupid jokes. She thinks that deep down, she never stopped loving him. It was like coming home from a long trip, the feeling of having Roy around again was that. His hugs became frequent again and she thinks she can’t let him go, the warmth and the intimacy are just too good and keeps her sane in the difficult days. 
Jason was a surprise. Y/N never thought it was possible to love two people at the same time and in the same intensity, but so differently from each other. At first, she thought she was going crazy with guilt because she still loves Roy, and Jason is his boyfriend. But then, slowly, she realized she fell for him just as hard as she had fallen for Roy. Jason is attentive, caring and even though he is more introverted, he understands her on a deep level. He knows when she is upset before she even acknowledges herself, he always has a good book recommendation and he always helped her in the kitchen when he could.  Lian loves him and he is good with kids just as much as Roy is. He is calm and collected and somehow, he soothes her mind. 
She loves them.
But she is sure they don’t love her back.
“Really?” she questions it, not believing that she can once again live in society without risking herself. 
“Yes” Jason says, he is behind Roy, his arms crossed and he doesn't look at her for longer than what's enough.
“Everything is clean, then?” She questions it once again, fear creeping inside her head, telling that they couldn’t do anything and that she will die if she leaves their embrace.
“Yes, pookie, everything is clean” Y/N nods, pressing her lips together and looking away from them, not knowing how to actually feel. She is happy that she is once again safe, that she can walk around without risking being murdered, that she can talk longer to her parents. But she can feel that pain in her chest, the one telling her this is the last time she will ever talk to them, see them and feel their presence. She is free to go anywhere, but the only place that she wants is not available for her. 
While she sits in sorrow, she doesn’t realize that both men are devastated as well as she is. Roy knew it was possible to love two people at the same time, to want to be romantically with two people at the same time, but it never crossed his mind that he would be living this feeling so intensely. He loves Jason with his soul, he would die for his boyfriend and kill just anyone Jason asked him to kill. But he can’t deny that he also loves Y/N, she is everything he could possibly want and not deserving to have. Her smile, her scent, her eyes, her lips, her body, her hair, everything in her was an invitation to his heart. Roy loves her with his heart, he would do anything for her too, he just did. He killed for her last night just to be sure she would be fine. He doesn’t want to let go, but if that's what she wants, he will do it. 
Jason was always skeptical about feelings until he fell for Roy, and he fell hard. He loves Roy more than he could ever be possible, he would take Roy in his worst days just as much as he would take Roy in his good days, and he would go against the world to see his boyfriend happy and calm. Jason stopped drug dealing because he thought it was disrespectful with Roy since he is clean and healthy after a long period of darkness. He takes care of all the things Roy doesn’t want to and he is nice to people that once hurt him because he wants to be good for his boyfriend and to Lian. It never occurred to him that he could possibly fall for Y/N during this time working for her safety. But he did.  And it was embarrassing. He could not look at her longer than a few minutes or his mind would drift to scenarios they would never live, and then he would feel guilt eating him up. Jason was going crazy over his feelings for this woman, she was diabolical with the way she made him feel. The way she would make him blush with a brush of fingers while cooking, the way she would make his chest warm with happiness when she smiled at him and the way she would make him feel euphoric when she complimented something about him. She was diabolical, and that's why in the last month he told Roy about his feelings.
Jason remembers how long the talk was, and he was not shocked to know that Roy still loves her and he truly understands the readhad, it's easy to love Y/N. Her ramblings about things she likes, the way she walks on the tip of her toes when happy, the way her hair falls over her eyes when she is focused. Jason feels like he is not some monster around her, she makes him feel light and makes him forget about all the vigilante stuff, he feels normal around her and good, he feels good. She makes it seem it's easy to be around him. 
They agreed to let her go if it was truly what she wanted, but if she decided to stay, they already talked about asking her out on a date, with both of them. If she didn’t want them both, they agreed that they would move on. It was the three of them together or nothing.
“What are you going to do now?” Roy asks, voice hoarse trying to keep the tears away. The young woman shrugs, her gaze on the wall next to her, deep in thoughts Roy couldn’t imagine what is about.
“A penny for your thoughts, sweets” Jason says, once again looking at her, he can feel the dread polling at his stomach and he just wants to hold her until she gets tired of him and Roy. 
“Thinking about my mom and my dad” she says, finally looking at them with tears stuck in her bottom lashes, making her look like a crying angel in the dim light of the kitchen. 
“Are you going to stay with them until you find another job?” the redhead questions, his fingers tapping lightly at the table, a clear sign of anxiety. 
“Yeah, I think I will,” she says softly, her shoulders drooping and her head falling, somehow hiding her face from the vigilantes in front of her. 
“Nice” Jason says, his voice thick with something not even him can say what it is, but he knows it’s not a good feeling. He feels like he is losing her without trying to actually have her in the first place. “They must miss you”
“They do,” she answers Jason quickly, trying to stop the conversation in its tracks, but it looks like he won’t bite the bullet.
“Where do they live, again?” the brunette asks, not wanting to stop because if they stop talking he won’t be listening to her voice. 
“New York City” 
Jason clicks his tongue not knowing what to say anymore so he looks at Roy, expecting to see the redhead formulating a plan to keep her around longer, but there is only acceptance in this eyes and Jason knows he lost the battle, he knows she would be leaving soon to NYC and if he tries to stop her, Roy wouldn’t help. Not because he doesn’t love her, but because he isn’t the type to hold people where they don’t want to be. 
Roy gets up and smiles fondly at Y/N, hiding his true feelings behind a mask. “If you need anything, just call us.”
She smiles, a tiny one, and nods again understanding that she is not wanted around when in fact what they wanted more is for her to stay with them.
“See you around, boys” she says, leaving for the bedroom that will no longer be hers in the morning.
585 notes · View notes
planetwaynez · 10 months ago
Jason x Roy x Fem!Reader
Notes: This is part 2 to bad ideia right? !!! So like I said on part one I got exicited and wrote too much, but this is a very special universe to me and I hope you guys enjoy the part two!
WARNINGS: kidnapping, tourture, aggression, complicated feelings, talks about death and guilt, murder, SMUT! cunnalingus, DP, edging.
Words: 7,2k
TAGLIST: @ilyyuuji @witchymomfrien @makiplsfkme @parttimeshadowhunter @fandxmslxt69 @27drunkdeer @solarrexplosion @mariam12344
Synopsis: She is safe once again after Roy and Jason's help, now she can live her life fully - or at least that's what they think.
It's been two weeks since she left the safe house that turned her home for four months. 
Even though she knows she is safe, Y/N can’t shake the feeling of being watched away, maybe she is being paranoid or just finding ways to reach out to Roy and Jason again but deep down, she is scared that they didn't eliminated all of the threats, that one got away and is in hidden, waiting the right moment to strike her.
Y/N walks down the busy street of New York, always looking over her shoulder, even though she knows nothing will happen, she needs to relax and live her life again. 
She takes a deep breath and enters the bookshop, feeling the warmth of the place envelop her and inducing her to forget all of her worries; She will relax more from now on, if they said there is no danger, then there is no danger.
At least, that's what they want her to believe; 
Y/N is finally comfortable in her own skin again, finally comfortable in walking around the city without keeping an eye out, finally comfortable to go out at night with her friends and she even applied to her masters degree. And that's exactly what they wanted from her.
You see, it’s not because you killed a few snakes in a nest that you managed to kill them all. 
Arsenal and Red Hood may have killed a bunch of the mafia but they didn’t kill all of it, and that’s why Victor Zsaz watches her right now. He was hired by a very angry heir to kill her and boy, was he enjoying watching her become comfortable in herself again. It was like watching a child learn how to walk, except that he was watching a grown woman learn how to be functional again. 
Victor takes a deep breath and smiles as Y/N gets in the busy pub, she is smiling and is dressed in a short black dress, looking adorable and oh so dumb to her surroundings. 
He made sure that tonight none of the boys would be around, since from time to time they come to see how she is doing on her own. It's cute, but totally ineffective since they never caught a glimpse of him. He enters the pub and follows her from a distance, keeping an eye on her movement around the crowded space, his instructions are very clear. Kidnap her, take her to the heir that he didn’t bother learning the name, torture her  a bit and then kill her off. An easy job, especially now that she is drinking again and it looks like the six shots of tequila she just took are hitting hard. 
Victor sits at the bar and waits;
And waits; and waits and waits;
Until it is around three in the morning and she looks wasted. He smiles and decides it's time;
He walks to her with a soft smile on his lips, getting mentally ready to deal with her drunkness. 
“Hello, lovely” he says, touching her waist lightly; She turns around and tilts her head to the side, but she smiles nonetheless. 
“Hello!” she screams, her eyes are glossy and they can’t focus on much at the same time; He smiles even more.
“You are so pretty” Victor says, getting closer to her and she giggles like the stupid brainless thing that she is; “How about we go to a more secluded place?” he shoots his shot and waits for her answer;
He knows he is not the hottest guy but he is fairly confident in his skills, and when she nods biting her lips, he knows he got her; 
Victor drags her out of the pub, listening to her talk about how she is not one for casual sex, but it's making an exception because ‘it's been too long’ and he is kinda cute. He is getting tired of her voice so when they reach his car and she is seated at the passenger's seat, he drugs her so she blacks out. It doesn't take much for her to pass out and look miserable. Victor chuckles and walks around the car, sitting at the driver's seat and taking off to the location he has to take her to..
She knew she shouldn’t have gone comfortable, she knew should’ve listened to her gut and called Roy and Jason but now it is too late. When she finally wakes up, she is in an empty room with a cold light on top of her head, her eyes hurt and her stomach is making her sick. Y/N looks around and sees no one, being alone is not a good thing, it’s a way to toy with her head and she can feel panic rising. 
She takes a deep breath and touches the ring in her ring finger, pushing just lightly the panic button that is disguised as a ruby. It’s going to be ok, soon they will be here to rescue her and she won’t have to be waiting for death to collect her.
“Look who just woke up” a voice says as the door is open, revealing a bald man with one scar in his eyebrow, he has a big smile on his lips and she remembers him. It’s the guy from the pub. 
She is so fucked.
“Who are you?” she asks, feeling bile rise in her throat, nausea hitting her like a train.
“Me? I am no one, lovely” he walks closer, until his nose is touching hers. “However you must know my boss, Mr. Campbell” 
Y/N feels her blood getting cold, her head gets empty and her heart is racing faster than its recommended. Roy said they killed the man, unless it’s someone else.
The door opens again and a young tall man enters the room, his eyes are focused on her and he has a mean quiver to his lips, making her nausea even stronger. This is not the Mr. Campbell that she meets, but he looks an awful lot like him. Probably a son that many didn’t know about. 
“Y/N” he says, his voice is pure venom as he crosses the room, coming in her direction “I am going to have so much fun with you”
She takes a deep breath, getting ready for anything that these two throw her way. Even death.
When Jason and Roy got the call from Y/N’s panic button they were kissing. Hard. Kissing to the point where they were shirtless and Roy was sitting in Jason’s lap. But everything stopped when their own rings in their ring fingers started to beep like a siren, very loudly; They looked at each other and started to move as fast as they could. 
Roy is calling Dinah and asking for a private plane while he puts on his combat boots and Jason is cursing himself for ever letting Roy convince him that taking a trip to Los Angeles was a good idea for their anniversary. 
They are out of the motel in less than twenty minutes and driving as fast as possible to the airport, the localization of Y/N is the outskirts of New York City, and they need to get there fast before something awful happens to her.  They don’t say it but they know they will never live a full life again if she dies. She was not theirs but knowing that she was alive and healthy was enough for them to move on as much as they could, if she dies, they won’t have anything from her ever again, not even a text asking how Lian is doing.
So they rush as much as they can.
Her head feels heavy and her body is in pain. She can’t think or even move, it's like she is in a state of numbness. Nothing seems right and she is just so tired. Y/N wants a nap, or two, or maybe not wake up again.
She is not sure how long it’s been since she pushed the button to call Jason and Roy but she knows what she’s been through in the meantime. Henry Campbell, the son and heir of her ex boss - who’s dead, is having his fun with her mind and body.  Henry and Victor punched, kicked, cutted and pushed her hair in their fists until they got bored. They said horrible things and they made mind games with her. She is tired and starting to lose hope.
They won’t come. They don’t care. They knew this was going to happen.
The intrusive and cruel thoughts won’t stop coming, making her dizzy and her throat tight with sadness, her eyes blurry with tears. 
She closes her eyes and let her breathing get even, maybe a little nap won’t do any harm, not more than she’s been through already.
But before she drifts into unconsciousness, there is a loud sound outside, screams and gunfire. Her heart beats faster and that spark of hope comes back stronger than ever; The door is kicked out of its hinges and she can see Roy standing there, his lips are tight and his breathing is heavy.
“There you are, pookie” he says, running to get her in his arms; When is in front of her, kneeling to see her state better, Roy feels a mixture of things. First, he feels guilty for not being there for her when she needed and not coming faster to her rescue; Second, he feels relief that she is actually alive. “Look at me, pookie” Roy asks but he sees right out that her eyes are glazing and she can’t seem to understand what is happening - not fully.
“Red Hood!” Roy screams for his boyfriend, hoping that he is already done with Szaz and Henry Campbell, the lost son of the Mr. Campbell they killed a few months prior. 
Roy holds Y/N's face, trying to keep her awake, since she has a concussion if he sleeps, he won’t ever again see her eyes or hear her voice. Jason sprints into the room, his breathing heavy even through  the voice modulator of his helmet. 
“Don’t tell me that she has a concussion” the brunette kneels next to the redhead, moving Y/N hair out of her eyes and looking for her gaze, but he only finds confusion and fear there. His heart is being crushed inside his chest. 
“You know she does, but she is not responsive” Roy’s voice is full of panic and he is starting to spiral, and Jason knows that he will have to think hard for everyone so they can’t get out of this labyrinth. 
“Take her, I will lead us out” he says, getting up and a plan starts to create itself in his mind. Szaz is unconscious and Henry Campbell and all his men are dead, and if there are more people out there wanting revenge against his and Roy’s girl, he will take them down. He promised he wouldn’t kill without a reason anymore, and now he has a really good one to kill every single person that harms who he loves. 
Jason looks behind him, watching as Roy takes Y/N in his arms in a delicate way, so she won’t feel more pain or get scared. They nod at each other and Jason starts to lead the way out of the horrible place, the only thing in his mind is Roys and Y/N’s safety, then getting her to Alfred so he can patch her up. He won’t let anyone with bad intentions near her ever again.
While Jason is focused, Roy is sparling. And he is spariling really hard. His mind is full of bad thoughts. All the possibilities of what could've happened to her if they didn't get there in time.  All the physical and mental torture that she gone through because they were careless and were more around her. All the punches, kicks, slaps, cuts because he didn’t feel to his knees in front of her when she was leaving their safe house and begged her to stay with them. 
He holds her closer to his chest, holding her bridal style but wanting to lay down, hug her and sob all his tears in her hair, he is scared, so scared that he won’t ever again see her, smell her perfume or hear her laugh. He doesn’t understand how they let Szaz slide, but they did, and now they are paying the price.   
Jason paces around the bedroom, looking at Y/N in the bed. She’s been out for a week now and Leslie said that she would wake up any moment. Neither him or Roy left this bedroom in their apartment since she got here. The only people allowed are Leslie and Alfred, not even Lian can get inside - they are trying to prevent her from more trauma. 
Roy opens the door, walking inside; He looks miserable, dark bags under his eyes and his hair is a mess, but Jason is sure he is not much better than him. 
“Nothing yet?” he asks, giving Jason a mug full of black coffee. Jason sighs, holding the ceramic close to his face, letting the warm vapor soothe his headache. 
“No” they look at each other,  scared that she may not wake up soon or ever. 
“She will wake up” Roy says, trying to hold that last string of hope in him. To not give up;
“She will,” Jason nods, his shoulders getting tense with the idea of not having her ever again to cook with, or to talk about classic books while Roy smiles at them. 
Roy offers his hand to Jason, and he takes, intertwining their fingers together, hoping and waiting for her to wake up.
It’s night time and things are calm, there is no movement in the streets and there is no sound coming from Lian’s room - indicating that she is asleep. 
But they wake up with grunts and gasps coming from the bed. Y/N is moving, and she seems scared, nervous. They get closer, each one holding her hand and their eyes full of hope when she gasps again and opens her eyes, her gaze franict, looking at everything and nothing at the same time.
“Calm down, sweets”, Jason says, his voice soft and low, trying to not startle her. Y/N looks at him and frowns, then smiles and her shoulders drop, feelings her mind rest, feeling safe once again. 
“Where am I?” she asks, looking around and not recognizing the bedroom that she is in; Roy enters her field vision and smiles lightly at her, caressing the back of her hand with his thumb.
“In our bedroom” he says and she nods, her head is still heavy and she feels her whole body scream at her, sore as a consequence of what happened. 
Y/N feels like she is invading Roy and Jason’s private space by being in their bedroom, but little does she know they've been hoping that she stays with them this time, preferably in this bedroom cuddling at night for the rest of their lives. 
“How do you feel?” Jason asks, worry evident in his blue eyes, she takes a good look at him and tilts her head to the side trying to understand that the worry he is feeling is directed to her healthiness. His hair is tossed, mixing the white strake with the rest of his black hair, making him look a little silly. But the dark bags under Jason’s eyes are obvious and he looks beyond tired. 
She smiles and they feel like the sun is finally shining again - even though it is the middle of the night. 
“I am fine” the tears are pooling at her bottom lashes but she swallows them, not wanting to cry right now, not having the mental energy for that. First, she needs to process what happened to her and process Jason and Roy’s actions. Y/N looks at Roy and he looks tired beyond himself, just like Jason. His red hair is greasy and full of knots, the dark bags under his eyes make him seem sick and his freckles seem to lose color without a smile on his lips. 
“We were so worried, pookie” Roys says, squeezing her hand in his hand when he truly wanted to squeeze her in his arms and not let go, unless it was to let Jason squeeze her in his. 
“Really?” disbelief colors her voice, making her feel more fragile than she already is. Jason moves next to her and clears his throat, clearly wanting to say something.
Since Jasonn died and came back, understanding his emotions was a very difficult task for him, but expressing them? Even worse. His throat dries and his heart beats way too fast, it was very confusing and hard for him to tell Roy his feelings, and now he is going through the same dilemma because of Y/N. Like when he expressed his feelings to Roy, he feels like he needs to assure her that they were both, in fact, worried with her. 
“You have no idea how much” that's all that he says, but she always had a easiness
 understanding him, so she smiles and nods, swallowing more tears. 
Roy reaches for Jason’s free hand and they meet halfway, touching each other with softness, their way to tell one another they are together in this, that it's all going to be okay. 
“Could I please be alone for some time? I know it's late but I need to process what just happened” both men exchange looks and their lips contorts into something she can’t quite describe. 
“If you need to go to the bathroom, please call for us… you were unconscious for a week.” she nods, looking at the machines attached to her body. They modified their room for her, so she didn’t have to endure staying at a hospital during this time. More tears pool at her bottom and she wants to scream until she loses her voice. 
Eventually, they leave the room and she looks at the window, wondering what could've happened if they didn’t rush to her rescue, if she didn’t have the ring in her finger. What was going to be? All the possibilities and different scenarios of tragedy involve her mind and she can feel herself fall in a rabbit hole very fast. 
She feels somewhat numb, remembering all the torture and aggression against her. And in the back of her mind she can’t stop thinking that she was a idiot for ever getting herself into this situation at all.
Only if she had been more careful and less curious. 
Looking at the moonlight entering the bedroom, she finally cries. 
The coffee machine is making that annoying sound again, which means Roy didn’t fill it with water until it reached the minimum required by it. Y/N sighs and gets up from her spot on the table, to fill the rest of the machine with the water that it needs to work.
It’s been two months since the biggest trauma of her life happened and she can admit that she processed quite well. Way better than she thought she would. But a lot of the healthy way that she dealt with it is thanks to Roy, Jason and Lian. The man practically forced her to stay at their apartment with them after she woke up and recovered.  Now their guest bedroom is her bedroom, filled with all of her stuff and smelling like her perfume. 
Moving to Gotham was not easy to get adapted to, because it is well, Gotham. 
But they make it worth it.
However in the last month they have been weird, as if they are tiptoeing around about something they want to tell her but don’t have the courage to. 
“Sorry!” Roy screams from Lian’s room and she can hear the girls laugh from the kitchen, saying something about him always doing the same thing, everyday. Roy tells her she always forgets the minimum required by the machine.
Jason chuckles from her side, he is at the stove, cooking pancakes, since it’s friday and its tradition to eat them on friday mornings. Lian’s words, not hers.
She looks at him and he is focused at his task, looking truly beautiful, so much that it’s almost unfair. His hair is falling a little at his eyes and he is shirtless, exposing his muscles and scarred skin to the sunlight of the morning, making Y/N’s mouth dry and heat pool at her belly; In the last two months she had to process her big, complicated feelings towards Jason and Roy. How they make her giggle and how they make her feel safe. How they make her feel hot and bothered. How they are doesn't belong to her but belong  to each other. 
“It’s always the same” she says, rolling her eyes and Jason nods, a smile on his lips. 
“Honestly at this point I think he is doin’ it to piss you off” Jason flips the pancake and watches the other side cook, never looking at her. He never does, not in the mornings at least. Y/N believes he avoids looking at her in the morning because she looks ugly. Jason doesn’t look at her in the mornings because he knows he won’t be able to control himself when she is wearing short pajamas and her hair looks so soft. He would break and kiss her until their lips got swollen. 
“You think so? Because I am sure of it” she turns the coffee machine on again and this time, it doesn’t make a weird sound and the coffee is poured into the jar. 
“Good Morning!” Lian screams and runs towards Y/N, hugging her legs and looking up at the young woman.
“Good Morning, Lili” Y/N says, bending down to kiss Lian’s forehead. Once the girl is sitified she turns to Jason and hugs his legs, wishing good morning to him as well;
“Are we eating strawberries with pancakes today, daddy?” the girl asks, her shining eyes on the fruit next to the pancake plate. Y/n smiles softly at the scene, wanting to hug Lian again.
“Yes, baby” Jason answers her, since she talked directly to him; It took a while for Y/N get used to the fact that Lian calls Roy dad and Jason she calls daddy, but once she did, they very easily fall into routine. 
The little girl sits at her chair at the table and waits for her breakfast, murmuring a song to herself. Roy gets in the kitchen, wearing a dark green shirt and jeans, his bare feet not making a sound on the floor as he walks. His hair is not in a manbun today, falling to his shoulders softly. 
“Good morning” he says, getting to Jason first, holding the brunette's waist and giving him a pack on the lips. Y/N looks away, never getting used to them being physical next to her, even if they never do extravagant things in her presence. She always feels like she is invading their moment. Roy walks to her, his hand going to her cheek and turning her head to him, he already noticed that she looks away everytime he gives Jason a pack or when Jason gives him one, as if she is trying to not stare. They think it’s cute, she always ends up with her cheeks red; Very softly Roy kisses her forehead, as a greeting, when he actually wanted to give her a pack on the lips as well.
But he doesn’t, so he just moves on as always.
“I will be taking Lian to class today, please wait for me to go grocery shopping” Y/N knows he is not asking Jason to wait, since he only leaves on the afternoon to go to his book club down the street, although she has to leave for work at one pm sharp, or she gets late at the hospital lap for her shift. 
“You won’t take the long way, right?” she questions, arching her eyebrow to the redhead and he smiles; His hand still holding her face and compelling her to hold his gaze.
“I promise I won’t” and she believes him, not needing more than just those few words from his lips. If he takes the long way, he gets home at eleven am, but if he takes the short way to and back from Lian’s school, he gets home at eight in the morning. 
They fall apart, going to the table to take their seats and wait for Jason. He hates when they help him in the morning, saying it’s his duty to Lian and not theirs, so they wait patiently for him to finish breakfast.
While waiting, Y/N and Lian talk about how the girl’s day it’s going to be at school. Y/N listens to the little girls rambles attentively, asking questions at the right time and agreeing when it’s needed to. Roy watches them, his hands itching to reach out to the other side of the table and hold Y/N hand on his, he is getting miserable by the day not being able to treat her as she deserves and Roy knows Jason is already miserable.
She is more than just pretty, she is divine. And it’s not just her looks, it’s her brains and her personality and her soul, it’s everything that makes Y/N that turns her into this being made of light. And Roy wants to devour her every time she laughs at one of his jokes or when she gets his favorite ice cream at the grocery shop before him, because she is just that thoughtful. 
He looks at Jason, who is filling another plate with pancakes and they share a look full of meanings. But the main one is: I can’t wait anymore.
They can’t wait anymore, they need to have her to themselves or they are going to slowly turn into mad mans. 
Jason walks to the table and leaves the pancake plates, to go back and return with one full of strawberries. Y/N smiles widely and before she starts to eat, she fills Lian’s plate with pancakes and strawberries. They sit next to each other and Jason sits next to Roy, watching the woman and the girl of his life smile at one another and talk in loud voices about Barbie.
They eat, conversation flows easily, especially with Lian at the table and once they are done, Roy leaves with the little girl to take her to school.
“Till later” she screams and holds Roy’s hands, leaving for another day of education.
Y/N smiles and looks at Jason, that is very much to avoid looking at her again.
“I will get ready, soon Roy is back” Jason only nods and starts cleaning, leaving a confusion on Y/N head. He is acting weird, almost robotically but she says nothing, going to her room to get ready for the day.
While Jason cleans, his mind wonders. When she turned around and her back was to him, he looked. He took a really good look at her in those flimsy pajama shorts and that oversized shirt that once belonged to him. He can’t control his mind, not anymore, fantasizing all the things he would do to her if she only looked at them, if she only saw how much they both burn and agonize for her. 
He finishes cleaning and goes to his and Roy’s room to get ready, sporting a raging hard on that it’s starting to turn painful.
He sighs and thinks about disgusting things to get calm, to not lose all his senses and jump on her when he sees her again.
Twenty minutes later, Roy is home, calling for them from the living room. Jason is the first to answer, showing up to Roy’s encounter and kissing his boyfriend, hard enough to bruise.
‘Wow, what happened?” Roy asks when they break apart and Jason rests his forehead against Roys.
“She was wearing one of my t-shirts today” Jason answers in a hushed voice, low enough to only Roy hear it and the redhead chuckles and caresses Jason back with one hand, leaving the other in his waist. 
“Yeah, yesterday she was wearing one of mine” they both groan lowly, not knowing what to do anymore. They need her just as much as they need each other.
“We have to do something about it” Jason says, his hands playing with Roy’s shirt and wanting to throw a tantrum over not having Y/N.
“Do something about what?” her voice is the one to answer Jason’s and they both stiffen lightly, worried that she hears something she shouldn't, not just yet.
They break apart and turn to her, just to be stunned by her beauty. Y/N was wearing a red suit, paired up with a white satin blouse and white high heels, making her look gorgeous.
Roy never really had a filter and he admits that when he was younger, it was worse. But now, looking at her, he feels like he is twenty again and can’t control his mouth.
“You” he says, not actually thinking anything coerent,  all his thoughts were gone and the only thing in his mind, in a loop, was Y/N on all fours sucking his cock while Jason fucked her from behind.
“What?” she asks, walking towards them. Wrong move, Roy thinks. The closer that she gets, the thinner their control becomes. 
“Do something about you” Roy repeats himself, this time crossing his arms over his chest, to contain his urges to just grab her like a man cave. 
“Oh” she says, and Jason can see in her eyes how oblivious she is. Its evident in her expression that she thinks they are going to kick her out of her apartment. “I will arrange a new place for me, don’t worry, Roy…” she smacks her glossy lips together, avoiding their gaze, “I know it must be weird to live with the ex girlfriend that you had to safe from death, so I will be moving out by the end of the next week” she guarantees and Roy gets angry. 
Really angry.
And it’s not easy to get Roy angry. It’s actually quite hard but with a few words, she managed to make him almost furious. 
And Jason smiles to himself, stepping back and enjoying the scene that is about to happen. He’s been waiting for the moment that Roy loses his mind, loses his control, loses all his composure because if Roy is the first to move, she won’t think that Jason is cheating. Or that he is out of his mind.
He is, but for a different reason. 
“What the fuck did you just said to me?” He doesn't call her pookie and he doesn’t relax his muscles, his jaw is tense. If Jason didn’t know his boyfriend he would have swore that Roy was going to punch Y/N in the face by the way he stood in front of her. But he knows better, he knows he is about to kiss the life out of her, she just has to make the wrong move, again. 
And she does; She moves closer to Roy, looking him dead in the eyes, her lips drawn in a mean scowl. “I said that by the end of the next week, I am moving out”
She truly doesn't know how this happened. How the easy going, soft vibe that was going on earlier turned into something heavy, angry and complicated in a few minutes.
“You are a fucking minx” Roy growls, grabbing her neck in one swift motion and collading his lips against hers. Y/N gasps and tries to move from his grip, her eyes open and wide and Jason smiles, a wicked one. The type of smile she never saw on his pretty face and she knows she is in trouble. 
Jason moves fast and stands behind her, holding her waist and leaning down to whisper at her ear, “Kiss him, sweets” 
And that is all she needs to melt into their hands and kiss Roy back, her hands tangling in his long red hair. Roy moans and pushes his tongue inside her mouth, his body and soul remembering all the things that made her swoon in a tidal wave, making him almost feral. 
He twists his tongue on hers and shivers when she whimpers softly. Fuck, he missed her.
Jason draws lazy circles in her waist, making her mind dizzy, not being able to process all at once, but she leans into his touch, wanting more from him. And he gives, pressing his body against hers and kissing down her neck, making her mewl and letting Roy swallow every sound that she makes.
Roy breaks the kiss, his lips red and swollen, looking down at her with a fire burning in his green eyes; “Turn around, pookie, and Kiss Jay” with his hand around her neck he turns her around, making her face a very horny Jason. No, he is actually going insane. If she doesn’t kiss him, he might never recover from the rejection. 
“Yes” she whispers, her hands going to his hair and bringing his mouth to hers, whimpering when his lips touch hers. Jason relaxes and grips her waist tightly, his tongue twisting around hers in a erotic way, making him hard and wanting.
They break apart and she says, in a rushed voice: “You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting this, wanting you, wanting Roy” she kisses his cheek and Jason feels warth at this chest, his heart at ease. She turns around and kisses Roy’s cheek and he smiles, some of his anger disappearing. 
“We need you, sweets” Jason says, his voice hoarse with want and his hands are shaking a little bit when he grips her hair and pulls, eliciting a choked sound from her, Y/N’s eyes rolling to the back of her head and her breathing heavy. Roy kisses down her neck and she feels so good with them lavishig her. Jason kisses her face and makes her giggle and Roy pinches her side. 
“Don’t you dare fucking leave” he moves up and Jason lets go of her hair, letting Roy grab her neck once more, “Not letting you go again, ever, you belong to us now, pookie” 
Jason can be possessive, he is aware of his own actions but when Roy gets in a mood, he can be so much worse and right now, he can see in Roy’s eyes that the red head is feeling really possessive. 
“Okay” she whispers, her voice low with desire. 
“Now, we are going grocery shopping” And as he moved towards her like a hurricane, Roy was at the door, leaving her and Jason dumbfounded. 
“Now?” Jason asks, not believing his boyfriend, “I have a hard on, Roy” 
“I know, I do too” and they stare at each other, and neither of them moves, Jason’s hands are resting in Y/N hips and he sighs when his conversation with Roy over looks is done. “She needs to learn to not run away from us, Jay”
Y/N huffs, leaning against Jason's chest and crossing her arms in something very kin to a tantrum. “I don’t run away!”
“You do, actually” that’s all Jason says before he goes to the door and waits for her, Y/N can’t believe they are going grocery shopping when they just made her wet but they are, and she has to go too because they never get the right brand of shampoo and conditioner. 
“That's cruel” she grabs her purse and walks to the door, feeling like an idiot and Roy giggles like a schoolgirl.
“Promise we will fuck you stupid tonight” and he kisses her cheek. Jason agrees with him and kisses her other cheek.
Y/N walks out of the apartment, with a little bit of hope to get what she wants at night, since Lian is going to spend the weekend with Dick and his daughter Mary. 
She truly hopes they fulfill their promise. 
Grocery shopping was torture and work was a full session of desperation. Y/N can’t wait to get home, she feels restless and she wishes that the bus moves faster. They are home waiting for her and all she wants is to kiss them and touch their skin.
When she gets out  of the bus, she sprints to their building and gets into the elevator, pushing the button to their floor.
The door opens and, as usual, Roy is waiting for her at the door with a smile. She once again sprints and throws her arms around him, kissing him hard.
“Missed you” she says softly, tangling her hands on his hair and making him laugh. 
“Fuck, this is good” he holds her by her hips and kisses her back “Is soo good to have you”
They smile to eche other and get inside, were Jason waits for them on the couch, cleaning his guns. When he looks up, automatically he drops his things on the table and waits for her next move. Y/N doesn’t think at all, throws herself at his lap and kisses him with the same want that she kissed Roy.
“Missed you” she tells him and smiles. Jason finally feels complete.
They walk around the promise from earlier. They’ve showered and are in pajamas, just waiting to see who makes the first move. They are in the main bedroom watching a movie and Jason can’t wait anymore.
He kisses her, pressing her body against the mattress and enjoying her little surprised sound. His hands roam her body and he feels like a teenager that never had sex before; He needs her, he needs Roy.
When he feels Roys hands on him, he completely melts; Roy grabs him by the back of his neck and breaks their kiss, just to turn Jason’s head towards his and kiss the brunette with want. This time, Y/N doesn’t look away, she stares and whimpers, loving the view. 
Roy turns to her and kisses her as well, loving the contrast between kissing her pliant mouth and kissing Jason’s demanding one. 
They kiss and touch each other, moaning and whispering praises to each other. Y/N feels her skin on fire every time they kiss her or when she touches them. Jason practically reaps her shirt off and he leans, kissing her right breast with want. He kisses, licks and bites softly, adoring the feeling of her on his mouth. Roy moans and goes for her other breast, making her scream with pleasure, her body not used to having so much attention at the same time. 
They meet in the middle of her skin and kiss, making wet sounds that drives her crazy. 
They move around and undress, kissing more and more. Wandering hands exploring new places.
Roy’s fingers find her clit and he smiles, playing with the bundle of nerves with expertise. Against Jason's lips, she moans, stopping her movements on his cock. Jason twists her hair in his fingers and clicks his tongue at her, and she can’t stop thinking how hot he looks right now.
“Don’t stop, sweets, or Roy won’t let you come” she whines but moves her hand again, eliciting a broken moan from Jason. He closes his eyes, lost in the feeling.
Roy kisses him and he feels like he could die again and this time he would die happy.
Jason moves away from them, making both whine in reprimand. But he pushes Y/N back into the mattress and grabs Roy to go down with him. Laying in their bellies, they settle between her legs and smile to each other, eating her out together. 
She moans loudly, not expecting this but loving it anyway. She feels like her soul might just leave her body when Jason puts a finger inside her, his tongue on her clit alongside Roy’s. 
Her vision blurs and she can’t hear anything when her orgasm hits her, making her body spasm. Both men smile, eating her out with more vigor and Jason’s finger moving faster. She grabs their hairs and tries to move them out, eventually they do, kissing her body and taking turns kissing her.
“I want to feel you” she says, mind in a haze, “both of you”
“At the same time, pookie?” She agrees, not thinking much about Roy’s question but she knows she wants them.
They move around until she is sitting on Jason’s lap, kissing his neck and caressing his skin, “Fuck me, Jace, please” she bags and he groans, not being able to deny her. So he moves his cock until he is pushing inside of her, their bodies connecting perfectly. 
He fucks her in a slow pace, letting her get used to and when she starts to moan more Roy moves, grabbing her asscheeks and moving them from his line of vision, opening more of her legs, showing all of her to him. He growls, watching Jason’s cock move in and out of their girl. 
“Ready, sweets? Roy is going to push inside” Jason says and she nods, wanting to feel full, full of them, of her men. Roy fists his cock and Jason stops his movements, letting Roy push inside her pussy.
She whines, hides her face on Jason’s chest and wiggles a little. “Fuck, pookie, don’t move yet” Roy groans and pushes inside more, until they are both inside of her pussy, feeling her and each other.
“Fuck” Jason growls, leaving marks of his hand on her thighs. Roy nods, agreeing with the feeling but not being able to form coherent words.
“Move, please” she bags in a broken voice, trying to move her hips up and down but not being able to.
They start moving, when one pushes inside the other pushes out and they fall into a delicious rhythm, where soon they are coming. Panting and moaning, Y/N comes and gets jelly, Jason comes soon after and so does Roy.
They move around again, but this time to cuddle. 
After a while, Roy says: “I hope this means you are our girlfriend now”
Y/N laughs, not believing his audacity; “Not even going to ask me out?”
Jason kisses the crown of her hair and smiles, just to ask in a sarcastic voice “want to go out on a date with us?”
“Yes” she doesn’t even need to think, and she only asked for the date to pick on them.
“Good but you must know that after the date, you are our girlfriend” Roy says, hugin her closer to his body and moving his hands to rest on Jason’s hips.
They go out a week later. Two months in, they are officially dating because Y/N made them ask and one year forward, they are marrying each other in Bruce’s garden. 
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planetwaynez · 2 years ago
Stalker!Jason Todd X Fem!reader
Notes: I was at the gym today and RUNRUNRUN by Dutch Melrose started playing and I just got this thought about Jason being a stalker. So this is heavily inspired by that song and by Devil's Night by Penelope Douglas. Also this is my first smut, so please be kind <3
WARNINGS: SMUT! stalking behavior, toxic thoughts, toxic behavior, explicit sex scene, mentions of drugs and alcohol, mentions of being stalked, mentions of stalking, breaking in, non consensual consensual recording, chasing someone in the woods, crude words, stalker!Jason, he is kind of a misogynistic guy... if there is more, let me know, I might have missed something! +18! Enjoy <3
Words: 3,4k
Synopsis: He can't control himself anymore, after months of watching you he has to have you all to himself.
TAGS: @fandxmslxt69 @iglowinggemma28
The neon lights give the house an eerie look, the music is loud and the young Uni students are high or drunk at this point. But I am not. I keep my gaze on her and I know that just not drunk or high, she is always sober. I know her like I know myself, and I know I can't wait anymore to have her under me.
Her costume is ridiculously cute, the white flowy dress with fake blood splashed in it makes her look like a predator even though she is my prey. She just doesn't know it. The ripped veil is sitting perfectly in her braided hair and her heels gave her legs a delicate look. She is the most beautiful corpse bride of this stupid Halloween party. 
My grip tights in my plastic cup when I see a guy approaching my girl, he is clearly flirting with what is mine and I feel anger boil in my stomach. I want to go there, grab her by the waist and drag her to my apartment and do unspeakable things to my little one. But not yet. I need her alone and tonight is the perfect night to finally have her.
I've been watching her for months. I know the way she likes her coffee in the morning, what is her favorite sandwich, what is her favorite shirt and her favorite pair of shoes. I know she doesn't wear her glasses when she is home, even though she needs them. I know her week schedule and her favorite classes and which one she is failing. I love to watch her through the cameras I put in her apartment. I love to see her dancing around the kitchen or to watch her pleasuring herself in the shower after a frustrating date with a stupid guy. She doesn't know yet but I am the only one for her.
I watch as her friend goes upstairs with a random guy and my little one stays alone in the corner, with her bottle of water and her cute outfit. I walk slowly to her, taking off the paintball mask I am using tonight, it's red and black and it looks like I slit someone's throat and it splashed on it. It 's perfect. 
"What are you doing all alone here, corpse bride?" I ask with a friendly smile on my face, she looks at me and she smiles. I know how she likes to be persuade, and I won't waste my opportunity. 
"My friend ditched me for some guy" she answers, turning her whole body in my direction, giving me her full attention. 
"That's too bad, you look too pretty to be all alone by yourself" she laughs, in that way that I know she's flirting. And it's with me. 
"Do you think so?" She asks, lining in my direction so I can smell her additive perfume. I want to throw her on my shoulder and flee with her. Instead I take a deep breath and smile again.
"I do, Little One" I step closer, wanting to touch her but I let her choose what comes next. 
She opens her mouth to say something when someone calls her, it's one of her friends and they want to go home, after all it's almost 3A.M and I know she has an important place to be tomorrow with her mom. 
"Sorry, big guy, I have to go" and she steps back, still smiling and walking backwards to her friends. I fist my hands, I had her. I had her and now she is leaving. 
I watch her go to her friend's car and put my mask back on, I jump on my bike and go after her. I need to know she is going home and I will be there when she comes to our future home.
I wait patiently in her room, in the corner sitting in her desk chair, surrounded by her perfume making my head drown in thoughts of her.
I hear the front door open and her giggles with her friends, then there's just the sound of her feet on the cold floor of the apartment. 
I take a deep breath and close my eyes, savoring the moment. She opens her bedroom door and flicks the light on.
I am still wearing my mask and I open my eyes to see her at the door, frozen with fear. This is going to be fun.
"This is not fun, Kyle," she says. Oh, stupid Kyle, her friend that loves pranks. She thinks I am him? That 's insulting. "You need to stop with your pranks"
I just keep breathing and look at her, she doesn't move either, my little one stays at the door, staring at me. Under the mask, I smirk.
"Kyle?" She asks again, her feet moving away from the bedroom. I stand up, stalking her like a predator stalks a prey and I can already sense her fear. 
"You really need to stop this, Kyle" she keeps backtracking, with her hand up, sweat trailing down her throat. I really want to grab her throat while I fuck her senseless. 
"You know I am not him, baby" I say, my voice deeper than normal from being silent for a long time. She gulps and takes a run to the living room door. 
I go after her and, right before she gets to her freedom I grab her by her arms, throwing her at the ground. 
"Who are you?" She asks and I tsk with my tongue at her, such a silly little girl. 
"This doesn't need to be so difficult, you know?" I say, crunching down to talk to her, near her pretty face. "You just gotta be a good girl for me" 
She shivers and tries to escape again, but I pin her down with my own body. I need to suppress a moan when I finally feel her so close. 
"Please let me go" she whispers, begging so pretty for her freedom, however I don't intend to give it back to her.
"Sorry, Little One, but I can't" I get close to her, closer to her neck and inhaling her perfume. "You are mine now."
She cries out, desperately trying to get out of my grip. I chuckle and just for fun, let her go. 
She gets on her feet and takes a deep breath and looks at me with all the determination she can gather inside her. Cute.
I stand between her and her door, but I know my Little One and she launches herself to her window, to get to the fire escape staircase. I let her, because I know she won't be able to reach the street. My intentions are to take her to the woods, behind her apartment building. 
I let her go and give her a minute of advantage, calmly I go to the window and climb down stairs, looking at her distress, before she can gather herself and run in the direction of the street, I stand in front of her, her head is low and she's catching her breath. She looks up and visibly shrinks.
"You have fifteen seconds of advantage, Little One. After that, I am going after you" she gasps and tries to go in the opposite direction, but I push her back. She falls into the floor, her butt hitting the concrete and she whimpers. "Remember what I said? This doesn't have to be difficult, just do what I say."
She gets up and looks behind her, taking a deep breath, she runs for the woods and I howl watching my little one be my good girl. 
I walk slowly to the woods, taking my time and letting her advantage be taken, even though I know fifteen seconds are nothing. There's not a single thing that will keep her from me.
So when I get to the edge of the woods I howl once again and run to where I know she went. 
My girl is predictable, I know she will stick with the trailed path of the wood that runners and wickers use, so I have to be the bad guy once again.
I am close to her, she is panting and probably crying her pretty eyes out, she's also filled with hope that by the end of the trail she will find help. However that won't happen. 
I get her in my arms once again and she finally screams. With everything that she got so I put my hand in her mouth, silencing her and throwing her in the woods ground. She looks at me and I can see the anger in her eyes.
"Why are you doing this?" She knows why I am doing this, she is not a dummy like most people think. 
"You know why I am doing this" I reply, watching every move of hers attentively. She stands up, backtracking until she is against a tree and I walk to her, her eyes are focused on me and only me. That makes me feel like the king of the world, having her attention.
"Because you are crazy." She says, and I sigh. Not the right answer. 
"Try again, Little One" she looks away, tears in her eyes and her brief moment of confidence shattering. I don't like this.
"I know who you are," she sniffs, holding back her tears. Her hair is a mess and I just want to hold her in my arms. "You are the guy that put the cameras in my apartment."
I smile. I knew she would remember. 
A month ago my pretty girl found one of my cameras and from there, she was smart enough to find the other ones. She didn't take them out. She left them there.
"Exactly. I am also the guy from the party" she gasps and looks at me again, I can't see her pulse quickening in neck and I need to wet my lips to not devour her right here.
"The guy with the teal eyes." Oh, was I so remarkable to her? I smirk. I suppose I was. I suppose I am.
"Yes, baby, so if you remember me so well and know about the cameras and never took them off, why are you running?" She gulps. She is searching for a way out. 
I step just a little bit closer, just close enough that our breathings are mixing together. 
"You like the chase as much as I do, don't you?" I ask but she doesn't answer, my little one just runs again, this time further into the woods.
And I go after her. Because she can complain as much as she wants, run away as much as she wants, if she didn't want me she would have called the cops when she found out about the cameras. She is just as mad as I am.
She's hidden somewhere in the woods. The moon is higher in the sky and it seems like the night got darker as time went on. Have been chasing her for almost an hour by now and I know she's tired. She's a sedentary, a moment or another she will crumble. Her body will give into its urges.
I step into dead leaves and tree branches on purpose. I want her to hear me and I want her to know where I am. 
In the quiet of the night she made a mistake, her breathing got louder and I know she is hidden behind a big tree, just a few steps away from me. I walk to her and she runs. Again. 
I like the chase, but I am getting tired of her running from me. My patience is over.
I run faster than her and grab her throat, pushing her body against mine. She takes a deep breath and stops squirming, we are in the middle of the woods, just the two of us.
"You are mine now, Little One." I tell her and she does exactly what she should have done earlier. She gives in.
Her body relaxes against mine and she whimpers. "I can't lie to you, I've been enjoying your attention." 
That makes my cock harder on my pants and I growl against her ear.  "I know. And I enjoyed every single show that you performed for me" I tell her and she squirms, trying to turn around. 
"Please, I've been dying to know your name" I turn her to me and pin her against a tree, my hand still on her neck. Her cheeks are flushed and her eyes glossy. 
I take off my mask and let her see me, my little one wets her lips and arch her back, trying to get closer and closer.
"Jason" I answer her and I love the smile that crosses her face. 
"Jason" she moans, closing her eyes and enjoying my name on her tongue. "I finally have a name to call out." 
I growl again, pushing myself against her making her open her legs, letting me rest my hard on against her covered pussy. 
"Oh, Little One… I can't wait to have you" with one hand I caressed her bottom lip and the other goes to her hair. 
"From me you can't have everything you want, Jason" And I kiss her, open mouthed, our tongues touching and her hands grabbing my hair. Our hips moving together. I need her.
One of my hands goes to her right breast, holding it and flicking her perked nipple through the fabric of her flimsy dress. She moans so prettily against my lips. 
"Please" she bags as I distance myself from her, memorizing her features and her lustful look.
"Please what, baby?" I kiss her neck, biting and licking, making her whimper and move her body against me.
"Please, take my dress off" I mumble happily, taking her dress slowly, enjoying the view. 
I know what she's wearing underneath, I watched her get dressed through the cameras. But still, I stop and lick my lips, loving the view. No bra, just white lacy panties that barely cover her. I let my hand travel through her body until they are on her ass cheeks, hoist her up and make her cross her legs on my waist.
I rip off her panties, and she closes her eyes, biting her lower lip. She looks beautiful.
I let myself enjoy some more and collect her wetness on two of my thick fingers, playing with her clit and making her whimper and beg for more.
"Please, Jason, please!" I loved hearing her begging when I watched her in the shower but hearing her bag me? Calling out my name? It makes me want to eat her alive.
"So pretty, Little One" I tell her, moving my fingers slowly, putting just enough pressure on her clit. "I can't wait to have your pretty pussy gripping my cock."
She moans moving her hips, trying to get more. I slide two fingers inside her, feeling her walls tight around them. I grunt, controlling myself. 
"Jason" she moans with a smile on her face and I lower my head, biting her ear lobe, her neck and finally sucking one of her nipples on my mouth, moaning with her sweet taste and soft skin. One of her hands grips my hair and the other one my arm, moaning and whimpering for me and just for me.
I watch her throw her head back and shout, coming on my fingers. "Good girl, just like that" 
She shivers and opens her eyes, they are still full of lust and raw need. "I need your cock, Jason, please." 
I need to suppress a moan when she says that, so sweet to me. So good. It took time to make her behave, but now? She is just perfect. 
"My baby needs to be fucked?" She nods, her doe eyes glassy and needy. "I will fuck you really good, Little One" I will fuck her until she forgets about her name, or about any other guy. Until it is just me in her pretty little head. 
I take off my shirt and she lets her hands loose, caressing and ranking her nails on my skin. Her lips are on my neck, giving me a hickey here and there and I hold her by her waist, strong enough to leave handprints on her. 
"Baby" I call her, yanking her head back by her hear and looking at her fuck out expression. I haven't even started yet. 
I kiss her hungrily, letting my tongue slide against hers, my teeth biting her lips, her body moving to feel mine even more. Her bare breasts touching my bare chest. I feel good, too good. 
I break the kiss, taking off my pants and my boxers, letting my cock spring free, hard and proud. 
She whines "it's too big". I arch an eyebrow and let my cock slide against her wet pussy, and she is already squirming, trying to get more and more.
"I will fit" I tell her, holding her throat in my hand. "You are made for me, Little One" 
She shivers and there is that look in her eyes. That look that drowned me in the first place. That raw need, to be touched, to be seen and needed.
"Was I?" She asks and I smile, playing with her lips. "Yes" I answer, moving my hips, letting my cock feel all of her pussy.
Making her a needy mess. Slowly I slide inside her, holding her neck slightly tighter, feeling her walls squeezing me so deliciously.  She whimpers and moves, a few tears running down her pretty face.
She 's all mine. 
I bottom out, feeling like I finally found my place in the world. And its between her legs. 
"You are so perfect, baby" I prise, playing with her nipples, making her moan and move her hips, fucking herself on my cock.
"Jason!" That's all I need, my girl screaming my name while she fucks herself on my cock.
"Such a greedy girl, aren't you?" One of my hands stays playing with one of her nipples, the other one holds her neck. I want to leave bruises on her that she won't forget next morning that I was the one inside her. "Can't wait for me? Can't be a good girl?" I ask moving my hips away and then slamming back in, making her arch her back and scream, her nails streaming down my back, leaving marks of her own. 
"I..I can be… your good…girl" she says between moans and whimpers, her eyes closed.
"So be a good girl and watch me fuck you" reluctantly she opens her eyes, looking at me, making an effort to not close them again, making an effort to pleasure me. 
I growl next to her face, keeping eye contact with her, my hips moving fast and hard against hers. I move one of my hands to her clit and play with it, moving in the same pace as my hips, my little one moaning and trying not to close her eyes.
"Go on little one, scream for me" and she screams my name, moving her hips with mine, her eyes full of lust and need. I want to fuck her forever. 
"I… Jason!" She moans, her pussy tight against me, fluttering around my cock and making me moan too. "I am coming!" 
"Come for me, Little One, be a good girl and make a mess on my cock" I tell her and kiss her lips, feeling her come around me. I grunt, painting her walls with my cum.
We stop, breathing hard and looking at each other. I analyze her face, cheeks red and eyes glossy. She looks thoroughly fucked out. 
"You ok, baby?" I ask her and she smiles, her hands playing with my hair. 
"More than ok" she says, giving me a pack on the lips. My heart flutters and I just want to lay down with her.
"Good" I properly kiss her, hands on her waist and our hearts beating together. "You did so well, baby" 
She mumbles something  happily, her arms around my shoulders. "Take me home, Jason" 
"I will" I put her on the ground and dress her then dress myself hugging her close to my body. "I finally have you, I won't let you go."
"Please, don't. I've been waiting for you." 
I get her in my arms and I carry her back home, so I can't have her on every surface of the house just to myself. 
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planetwaynez · 10 months ago
Just got an ideia for a jayroy one shot and YES I will be writing that as well, probably posting it tonight bc I can't get that ideia out of my head
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planetwaynez · 10 months ago
Guys, next month I get my winter break (in the US is summer I guess??) And I've been thinking about writing a short Jason todd soulmates AU fic and publish here
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planetwaynez · 10 months ago
Hi guys! 👋
So I've already wrote one chapter to Jason's fanfic and I will be editing and posting it soon!!!
But while I was writing I couldn't stop thinking about Roy x babysitter!reader and now I wanna know if you guys would read a 6/7 chapters smutty fanfic about Roy x babysitter!reader?????
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planetwaynez · 2 years ago
Everyone I decided to comeback with "thought of the day"
And my thought of the day is about Dick Grayson. But not any Dick Grayson thought, it's a special one.
Think with me, besties: Dick Grayson finding his soulmate. At first he doesn't realize it, but after a while he starts to understand that the connection that he has with his s/o is like no other and goes to Constantine and OUR FAVORITE SUPERNATURAL GUY (Constantine) sees that beautiful, glowing and thick read string tied to yours and dick's pinky fingers, connecting the two of you.
To me is just do sweet to think about Dick finding his soulmate and said soulmate falls for him not bc of his looks (something that happens very often in Canon, people falling for Dick bc of his looks) but bc of his personality and his talents and his humor... I'm gonna cry real quick excuse me
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planetwaynez · 2 years ago
So!!!! Our winner ir JASON TODD! second place is DICK GRAYSON and third place is BRUCE WAYNE!
In the next few days I will be posting their stories and I hope all of you enjoys! Who wants to be tagged, please let me know!!!
Just reminding that all of the fanfics are going to be dark romance themed! I am really excited for this little project ❤
Thank u all for the votes!!!!!!
Please besties vote in here who you want a fanfic next <3
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planetwaynez · 3 years ago
The feeling of him.
Today I present you all with Dick Grayson imagine. Tomorrow, who knows?
Dick Grayson × GN! Reader
WARNINGS: make out session; kinda of poetic writing; probably misspelling; sexual tension
Dick Grayson. The name of the object of your desire.
You can't help yourself every time he touches your waist softly, because you know that when he does that he will kiss your lips, after asking in a whisper if he can. 
He is lovely to watch when he dances around the living room. He is lovely to watch when he talks and when he smiles. 
You can't help yourself. 
Dick is standing in front of you. The ballroom is full of people but you only have eyes for each other. Sparkling eyes and sweet smiles is what guides your nights in the high class of Gotham when you can't take to cynicals and the sugar-coated mean comments about your body. 
You hold his hand tightly. Dick takes you to the middle of the ballroom, to dance with the other couples. One of his hands rests on your waist and one of your hands on his shoulder. He guides your moves softly, almost as if you weren't touching the ground of each other. 
You smile at him and he smiles at you. It 's soft. It 's sweet. And you want him forever. 
When the dance is over, Dick takes you out of the ballroom, to the library to have a moment to yourselves. You love the gala's that Bruce hosts, but sometimes it's too much and Dick absolutely agrees with you.
He sits down in one of the couches, watching you as you walk around the bookshelves, admiring the books and the architecture of the room. He smiles. 
You look at him, cheeks red and glowing skin. Dick motions to you to get closer to him, and you do, because feeling his touches is like feeling at ease in the world. 
He holds your hand and tucks you closer, you climb into his lap and look at him, deep in his eyes you can see his love and admiration. You hope he can see the same in yours. 
Quickly, you packed his lips with yours. Dick giggles. One of his hands goes to your cheek, softly stroking your skin. Your hands go to his hair and softly caress his scalp. He makes soft content noises, closing his eyes and chasing your lips. 
You meet him halfway, feeling his lips against yours gives you goosebumps. You open your lips slightly, feeling his tongue meeting yours slowly, making you grip his hair, pulling low sounds from him, coming from his chest. 
His hand on your cheek goes to your hair, tangling itself into the hairs in the nape of your neck. The hand on your waist grips you tightly. You let a whimper escape your lips. Dick smiles.
You pull back, and admire his features. His tanned cheeks are glowing red, his eyes sparkling and swollen lips. You let your hands rest on his shoulders, and his hands rest on your tights. 
"Did I tell you that you look beautiful tonight, my love?" His voice is low and you nod, looking away. 
"You did, in fact, tell me that." Then there's that moment where you just stare at each other, panting and smiling. 
"Good. You deserve all the good things." You can feel your cheeks warming even more and he giggles like a teenager. 
"Thank you." 
"Don't need to thank me, my love." Dick says, getting closer again. His hands grip your tights making your breath hitch. 
The air seems heavier, and you love the way he makes you feel. He loves the way he makes you feel. 
Dick can feel his heart beating against his throat and he can feel your nails digging into his shoulders. 
Dick kisses you again, strongly meeting your needs with his. You stroke his tongue and he moans softly against your lips. You smile. 
"I think we should go home." You tell him and Dick needs a moment to gather himself to answer you. If he could, he would have you right there, but he has better plans for you. 
"Of course, my love." 
So you leave, holding hands and warming cheeks. You can't wait to have him all night. 
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planetwaynez · 3 years ago
Baking in the middle of the night
Jason Todd x gn!reader
Fluffy and domestic Jason baking bc of stress is the superior one.
Enjoy! <3
Baking is calming, stable and full of rules. That’s why Jason likes it so much, it’s one of the only stable, normal things in his life and, when he is baking a cake or a bread his mind is not rushing and twisting. But, he loves it even more when he can bake with you.
Jason knows you are the type of person that makes a room seem full just by your presence, even if you don’t intend to do that. It’s natural, even when you are quiet and just watching him move around. Or maybe he is just hyper aware of your presence all the time. 
Like now. 
You are sitting on the kitchen table, the moonlight showering you with its glow, your hair is a mess and you have a dopey smile on your face while you watch him move around. Jason is fresh out of the shower, wearing just his sweatpants and his hair is still wet. He came from patrol more quiet than normal, and he seemed frustrated with something he wasn’t willing to share so your safety wouldn’t be at risk. 
So you prepared the kitchen island for him, with all the ingredients he would need to bake bread, cookies, cakes and whatever he felt like doing after the shower. Jason was planning on baking, but he wasn’t expecting to find the kitchen island ready for him, he was taken aback, surprised at how much you know him. You just smiled at him, eyes glowing with love and walked to sit by the kitchen table to watch.
And that’s what you do. You watch him bake cookies, breads, cakes and brownies as much as he wants. You love how the apartment feels alive and full and the smell makes you giggle to yourself. And he notices all of that. 
Because he is always aware of your presence, always aware of your absence. Always looking out for you in a crowded room, always watching you do mundane things. Jason is naturally aware of people's presence in his life due to his vigilante work, but when it’s you, it’s different and he likes it because he feels like he is the only one that knows you as deeply as you know him. 
He stops, waiting for his bread to be ready and watches you as you eat one of the cookies he did earlier. Your eyes are closed, you have a sleepy smile on and your body language is relaxed because you know you are safe. He smiles, looking down to the floor and he can feel his cheeks warming up. 
“Do you like it?” He asks, forever looking for your approval. 
“Yes, you know I always do” You answer, not opening your eyes yet, still enjoying your cookie. 
“Good” He says, walking in your direction to grab a cookie too. “They taste better when you approve them”.
You laugh, not loud or big, but you laugh in that way people do when they are comfortable with someone. Light, soft and a little dopey.
“Good to know that” You answer, finally opening your eyes and looking into his teal eyes. His stare is on you, intense, stable and loving. Jason loves looking deep into your eyes as much as he loves baking for you. 
“I think” you say, getting up to be closer to him. “that we will need to give away some of those baking goodies, love” 
“I think that too” Jason says, smiling and turning his attention to the table, where all the baking he’s been doing is. There’s more than what two people can eat before it goes sour. “I also think I got carried away”
You shake your head negatively, taking a deep breath to enjoy the smell that will be in the apartment for the rest of the day, fading slowly. 
“I don’t think so. You bake when you have too much in your mind and that's ok” You hug him, liking the way his natural smell gets mixed with the smell of sugar.  “Bake as much as you want, Jay, if that means you will be ok later.”
Jason hugs you back, his arms surrounding you and making you feel safe. The oven beeps and he pulls away, taking another tray of bread out of it.
“Definitely we will need to give some away” You say, a laugh in your throat ready to leave. Jason looks up, a brow arches and you finally laugh, big and loud and he can’t not join you.  
You laugh together, feeling fuzzy and happy and loved. You help him clean everything and organize the tupperwares of the giveaways you would be doing tomorrow afternoon together. Jason makes jokes, you laugh and he takes you to dance around the kitchen even if there is no music. 
For you, it was one of those nights that started with you worried for his safety and ended happily, with him by your side. 
For him, it was one of those nights that was a mess and chaos and ended with you in his arms, showing Jason that life can be calm, stable, collected and fun. Just like baking. 
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planetwaynez · 3 years ago
Overflowing feelings.
Jason Todd X gn!reader.
I couldn't sleep so I wrote this to bring me some comfort and help me sleep by putting all my thoughts out. Probably there's a lot of spelling errors, so yep that's it.
It's pure fluff!!!!
Enjoy <3
The night sky is dark and full of stars, the hot summer night is comforting in a way Jason didn't thought it could ever be. In the background he can listen to you, fumbling through the kitchen, making something for both of you eat.
He just got home, it's nearly five in the morning and he is out of the shower and his body is sore tonight but the warm breeze that gets through the window, the sounds of the city and your self talking in the kitchen about the chores you'll have to do later that day makes Jason forget about all of the things that bothers him. The sore body, the sleep depravity, his empty stomach and that headache that is forming behind his eyes are not important right now.
Sometimes Jason is overflowed with love for you. It's overwhelming and it's scary but he doesn't push away anymore, because he learned how to embrace it and enjoy the feeling without letting his paranoia talk louder than his conscience. You thought him that.
And seeing you in the kitchen with the cutest pj's and a bed head is what get him going until he reaches the bed.
Jason walks towards you, lazy smile and the scent of his body wash, that is not the same as yours. It's a stronger, more mainly scent; You can feel your heart beating faster and your pulse against your neck when he hugs you, resting his chin on your shoulder.
"Mornin'" he says, husk voice and a tone of tiredness behind it.
"Mornin'" you answer back, leaning against him, letting his presence engulf you entirely. "You should be in bed." You tell him, finish his scramble eggs and toast. You got the same for yourself.
"You should be in bed." He retorts, highlight that you are the one with a civilian life, not him.
"Hm" that's your only answer as you turn around and gives him his plate. "We can argue about who should stay in the bed during the mornings after we get to bed."
Jason chuckles, your train of thought clearly affected by your tiredness and your still sleepy brain. He just agrees with you, letting you take the lead back to the bedroom.
When both of you seat down, under the covers and eat your food he feels normal. It's that time of his day where he feels like normalcy can be a thing for him, if he truly wanted. He watches you eat after he finishes, way faster than you, and take your beauty under the sunrise. You look at him and smile, getting your glass of water and drinking a little bit of it.
"Something wrong?" You question, looking deep into his teal eyes. You note that today they are more blue than green.
"Nothing is wrong, sweetheart." Jason tells you, still looking at you like if you hung the sun yourself.
"It seems like there's something wrong." You joke, pushing his bottoms to see if he tells you what is going through his mind.
"Just...it's nothing wrong." He says, drinking in every feature of your face, wondering how he got so lucky. You are beautiful, smart and kind. You are his everything. "I love you so much."
You feel the heat in your cheeks and your neck, you hope your blushing is not obvious and if it is, he doesn't point it out. He just grabs your plate and his and goes to the kitchen. In the sunbathed room you giggle to yourself, wondering what got him so emotional that morning.
When he comes back, Jason lays down and looks at you with pleading eyes, silently begging for cuddles, to be the small spoon. You nod and lays down too, slightly upwards in the bed, letting him rest his head on your chest and tangle his legs on yours. His large arms hugs your waist and you feel comfortable, safe and warm. You feel happy.
Jason can't help himself and gives your neck a little butterfly kiss. You run your hands through his hair and gives him a kiss on the crown of his head and he hums in satisfaction.
In the sunbathed room you two cuddle and fall asleep at the sound of the fan and the city in the background, focusing only in the harmony of your hearts together.
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planetwaynez · 2 years ago
BTR released Paralyzed on spotify and I automatically thought about Tim Drake with this song.
Tim Drake × GN!Reader
Warnings: none
The thing Tim Drake liked the most in his life was being with you, even if it was in his room, in silence while each of you worked in your own little worlds. However, he liked it even more when you were in a good mood. And today, you are in a good mood.
The song is blasting through the speakers, he is sitting in his bed watching you dance your heart out. He can’t help it but smile, you look adorable in your favorite clothes, singing and dancing, showering him in your good mood. He can’t remember the last time he saw you so carefree, all your responsibilities have been crushing you in the last few months and seeing you like this makes him want to hug you and never let you go again into the cruelties of the world alone. He can’t watch you get crushed.
You look at him in the middle of your little buble and he feels like he is actually paralyzed but your beauty and happiness. He is tongue-tied, Tim Drake was never tongue-tied before, but here you are making the impossible possible. 
“Timmy! Let 's dance!” you call, your eyes shining like the stars in the darkest night. He giggles, like a fourteen year old all over again.
“I am not a dancer, sweetie” you frown, but your eyes never stop shining, Tim smirks. “But I am happy just watching you”
You whine a little, walking his way and hold his warm hands on yours. You want to dance with Timmy, so you're gonna make a scene. 
“But I want to dance with you” you pout, trying to get into his feelings about dancing for a little while. He knows what you are trying to do, you have done this a million times before but he can’t help but fall for your tricks.
Tim can feel his heart softening as you look at him with your sparkling eyes and that pout in your lips. He sighs, knowing this is a lost battle against your sweet voice.
“Just one song, Timmy” you ask again,honey dripping from your voice and he gives in, smiling as he stands up. 
“One song, sweetie” he says, even though he knows it won’t be only one song as you drag him to the middle of the room. But it's you and he needs a break anyways so he is happy to indulge in your antics once again.
You have him in the palm of your hand, wrapped around your pinky finger. You got him paralyzed and mesmerized, he knows that. Tim Drake is at your mercy, and he doesn't mind, because he knows you would never hurt him.
So he dances with you all night long, until you both are tired and with aching muscles, falling into the bed to sleep the weeknd away
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planetwaynez · 3 years ago
Birthday tears
So, I am in a mood today. I was planning to post some fluffy cutie little piece for Jason's birthday and ended up in angst.
Jason Todd x gn!reader
Hope you enjoy <3
You wanted to be the object of all of his desires but you could only dream.
When you are young, they assume you know nothing. But there was one thing that you knew with every part of your body. Jason Todd is the love of your life, your soulmate and your forever partner in crime. 
You know every ounce of his, all his little quirks and mannerisms. You know how to read him as if he was an open book. You regret nothing.
Jason is the bane of your existence and the object of all your desires. And even though you love him, you always knew you would curse him, especially for not being yours.
Your mind travels to all your moments together, and realize that maybe you were always the one in love. You watch as he hugs her, a smile on his face while he softly blows the candles in his birthday cake.
This is his first birthday party in years, and he is genuinely enjoying it. All the people he cares about in secret are in the dining room, he is behind the table with her taking pictures and talking happily with others. You feel your heart ache. You don't know how she does it, but she did. She is making him enjoy the day he came to the world. With his family and friends. You always tried to do the same and never got a result. But she did.
And so you smile as natural and big as possible, push back the tears and give your best acting in years. You pretend to be happy, to enjoy the food even though it tastes like paper, to dance excitingly with Steph and Cass, to be interested in Tim’s new Star Wars comic book. You pretend and pretend.
And when you are finally home you cry and cry and cry. You wanted to be her, to be kissed by him, hugged by him, to have him whispering in your ear. You wanted and waited and wished. And nothing ever came to you in all those years.
You sit on your couch and look at the wall in front of you, thinking that you wanted to be the bane of Jason’s existence and the object of all of his desires. 
Your heart aches, but when you see the video that Dick posted of Jason and Artemis you can’t hate her. You can’t find flaws in her. You can’t blame him for loving her and not you.
You can only move on. 
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planetwaynez · 3 years ago
I wrote a little Jason imagine. Is pure self insert and pure fluff. I hope y'all enjoy <3
The reader is gender neutral!
His touch is soft, even with his calloused hands, it's soft against skin. He is delicate and careful, always worried it will hurt you if he is too rough, or too rushed with his touches.  
The wind is cold and strong, making your hair and his fly to all different sides, leaving a mess. But that doesn't matter, since you are in Jason’s company in the middle of nowhere, just the two of you watching the sunrise, dandelions surrendering both of you. Doesn’t matter that the wind is cold, or that your hair is a mess. He is there. Alive, breathing and smiling softly. His cheeks are painted pink and his freckles are more evident.
Jason’s eyes are closed, as he feels the moment and your warm skin against his. He is holding your hand with one hand, and the other one holds a mug of black coffee. You are holding a mug with tea on, looking at the horizon with him. 
It’s a weird feeling, having this soft, comfortable and peaceful moment with Jason, since most of the time you are always on edge, scared he might be gone again, too fast, too soon and you won’t be able to say goodbye. So being like this is almost like heaven on earth. 
And it’s a euphoric feeling that settles first. Euphoria of being with him all weekend without interruptions. Euphoria to do all the things you want to do with him.
And then comes the contentment.  You are content to be like this, to be with him, to love him and to know he loves you.
Jason’s teal eyes finally open and catch you staring. His cheeks are now bright red, and he gives you that smile. The one you are the only one allowed to receive. The one where you see his front teeth first and then all the other ones and his eyes closes and it looks like two crescent moons. He looks beautiful, peaceful, hopeful of a future with you.
He looks down and grabs a dandelion. Jason turns to you, your curiosity growing with the moment. 
“Make a wish” He says, giving you the dandelion.
You close your eyes and wish for the only thing you want more at this moment and for many to come.
To always be with Jason Todd by your side.
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planetwaynez · 3 years ago
hi i want to make a request.how do you think batboys would react to reader making relaxing asmr videos
Tag me too pls
I think all of them would be supportive, but they definitely had different reactions to finding readers content.
Bruce, Jason and Tim were actually shocked when they came across your videos, bc they weren't expecting it, but they are very proud of the amount of followers that you have, it was just surprising bc you never mentioned. Even though they are super proud and supportive, to me they are not the type that listen to ASMR, all three of them are super paranoid so having earphones on with this type of content on makes them nervous, the opposite of the goal. But they do share to everyone and expects to see everyone to be supportive too.
Dick, Duke and Damian are totally into ASMR, they find relaxing and super nice to listen to, so when you tell them you do this type of content they are so happy, in their own way. Dick would listen to all your videos, share them, and talk about it with you. Duke would listen to most of them, specially after a rough day patrol or when he needs to be on night patrol, it makes him feel comforted. Damian would listen to the ones that he knows it won't trigger anything for him, and would very much enjoy the experience. Totally would make requests about types of ASMR he would enjoy listen to you doing it.
10/10 all batboys are supportive, in their own way!!!! Plus, all of them are super smug about you being a ASMR content creator, specially if you have a solid fan base.
Hope you enjoyed <3
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planetwaynez · 3 years ago
Birthday Tears
Part 2 to Birthday Tears! It's the final part and there won't be more! Hope all of you can enjoy! <3
Jason Todd x Gn! Reader
Sometimes things are better unsaid.
Moving on is never easy, especially if you can't get rid of the person you are trying to forget. Jason is everywhere and you realize it one day at the lab. 
You are running some tests for Bruce when he comes in, smelling like nicotine and coffee, looking tired. He doesn't talk to you, because he is angry at you. After his birthday you pushed him away, focusing on your mental health and your work. Never giving him an explanation of him he is being pushed away. 
Definitely working for his father wasn't helping at the start, but that day it seemed he understood. You also understood. Even though you want to get rid of him, you can't, he is everywhere. At your job, at your apartment with all the books he gave you in the bookshelf of your living room, in the recipes you make when you bake, and most in your memory. So, forgetting him hurts more than acknowledging him in your life.
It hurts, but it's necessary. So you ignore him, talk less, push your common friends away. You change, and it's visible. 
You try to move on, go out with your college friends, go out on dates with boring guys and even stop taking on more work that Bruce wants you to take, just to not be around anymore. 
You change, shape yourself, hardened your soul, heart and mind. Just to have everything broken in one afternoon. 
At the start you just don't understand what fuck is in your hands, but when you do, it's like you crack in side like a piece of glass. It's an invention. To Jason's and Artemis' wedding. 
You feel like fainting. But you don't, you swallow your tears, push back your body needs and burn the invention, feeling a little bit of the humiliation Barbara felt when Dick was about to marry Kory. It's not even close to what she went through, but you feel humiliated nonetheless, and that's the only thing on your mind.
Doesn't matter how long it takes, or where you are, you will love Jason a thousand years. But you can't go through the pain anymore, not close to him.
You go to your room, with one goal in mind. Read that email again. You need to read it again, to convince yourself it's better to leave. 
You open the email, letting the computer screen hurt your eyes in the darkness of your room. You read and read and read again the email, thinking about what you are about to do.
Fuck it, you think. There's nothing to lose, not anyone. So you write an email back, accepting Star Lab's proposition to work for them as the head of research in the meta-humans department. 
With your head hurting, you write an email to Bruce, quitting. Buy your tickets to Austin, Texas. Since their specialization is meta-humans, you are going there. Far away to deal with your pain alone. 
You smile to yourself, getting up and start packing, not thinking about taking your furniture, since you will be living in a complex. Just your clothes, no attachments. But in the end, you will always have an apartment in Gotham, since it's yours, not rented. 
You take a deep breath, taking some of your books, notebooks, your laptop and documents. You hear a stomp in the living room, and you know it's one of them. Bruce is an owl, it's the middle of the night, he probably already read the email.  All of them probably want an explanation. Bruce the most, since he is your boss. So you realize, that fuck, it's probably Bruce himself in your living room.
You take a deep breath, feeling numb. When you gather enough courage, you go there, finding Jason instead of Bruce. 
You feel a cold go through your spine and your stomach drops to your feet watching him looking at your bookshelf. The helmet is off, the guns on your coffee table. 
"What the fuck you think your are doing?" He asks, not taking his eyes away from the books. You swallow the lamp on your throat. They all know already and he was the first to get to you.
"Getting a better job." You say, knowing it's a lie, but then again, you were always a good liar. 
"Bruce can give you a raise. You don't need to leave." He turns, his blue eyes sparkling with unsaid words. 
He always knows when you are lying, but that doesn't stop you from lying to him when it's needed. But this time, you give him half of the truth. 
"I don't need a raise. I need to leave." You reply, not moving at all, you know you are a mess and become aware of it even more when he scans your face and body, looking worried. 
"What is happening?" He asks, making you shiver. You won't tell him. You just won't.
"Nothing that is your business." You try to remember your mom's words, try to remember that sometimes things are better unsaid, and that sometimes we just need to leave. 
"Talk to me." He pleaded, walking in your direction. You step back. It's your first talk in a month and it hurts. And if he gets any closer, you will break and stay. And you can't stay.
"I don't need to talk to you, Jason, I need you to leave." You say, hard eyes and rude words, pushing him away forever.
"You are not the same." He says, and you feel anger pull at your chest and cloud your mind.
"Well" you click your tongue. "Neither is you." 
He steps back, like if you slapped him in the face. You feel bad, but unconsciously he is making you feel bad for a long time already. What is a little pain in his life coming from you? Nothing. 
"You want to leave? Fine. Go. Just don't come back." Jason goes to the window, guns in place and helmet in hand. You nod, not looking much at him.
"I don't intend to." 
And so, in the middle of the night you leave. You leave knowing that things between you and Jason are over, in the worst way, but over. There are a lot of things unsaid, a lot of bad feelings, but it is better this way. This way, you can forget. 
You don't come back, ever again.
And in Gotham, a few years later, Jason is married to Artemis, wondering till this day what happened for you to leave and never look back. Deep down, he knows it is his fault, and it hurts him like a piece of glass in his flash, that never got taken care of.
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