#planethumans ganymede
subsatellites · 4 months
europa & ganymede
no i dont care they canonically tried to murder us all they’re so slay
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sketch under cut bcuz unfortunately I like it better than the finished piece
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belorussiandino · 4 months
i did fing
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gelthefunkyblob · 1 month
New ep was full of surprises what the hell man😢 however have some art I made those past few days
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cherry-popp · 1 month
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solarblunt · 1 month
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Dump from recent to like oldest art idk
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shinewerst · 1 month
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What do you think of the new episode, guys? I've become very taciturn here.
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nastyajj17 · 9 months
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So silly☆☆
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ectonika · 9 months
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batonchiksip · 1 month
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all my accumulated pictures!! I hope it is clear who is who here :3
(Character credit in 3 pictures @mrcoolisdead on Telegram!! I love this artist very much)
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tosh4we · 10 months
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thealphavoidofficial · 3 months
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otakikage · 6 months
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Всякое от меня и коллаби с бро
Довольня этим Ганимедом до чертиков
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urxgay · 2 months
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thunderroseses · 2 months
I have a new headcannon, this is a add on about this post (warning very long texts)
Here’s the body version (she’s not wearing clothes but everything is covers and appropriate I think?)
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The words say
Left: was formed with these, every planet and moon had them
Right: Earth symbols but fancy ✨
On Luna’s leg it has Earth name in a cold lettering thing I found
(I did this on my phone sorry)
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These marks represent who they are as a celestial being and who they belong to, moons to their planets but also planets to the Sun, (In the past, these marks where seen more as ownership over the moons by the planets and The planets by the Sun) this marks can’t be changed no matter how much one may try, these mark can be seen as a status symbol as if saying your better then another moon because of your planet, not everyone thinks this way, but moons like Ganymade uses how Jupiter being a terrifying force in the solar system as a way to say his more powerful then the other moons and to put himself about the others, he is one of the most powerful moons in the solar system because of him being Jupiter’s moon, even if he wasn’t originally made by Jupiter.
Other moons like Saturn’s tend to hind theirs, as they don’t want to be lumped into Saturn’s representation, which is not good among the moons, his seen as a cry baby, forgetful and mean (this is just the moons opinion, as we’ve seen in the moon revolution they don’t have high opinion of the most planets) it doesn’t help that in the past Saturn used to force them into or show off his mark, and covered them in gold, they were called trophies, taking away any humanity they had (even if their not humans) only being seen as a statue symbol for their planet, that created a big disconnect and hatred for their marks, other planets and moons don’t care much, and it varies if they hind them or not.
These Marks also show the wearer past, as some planets such as Venus, Earth and Mars still have things from their proto days, such as Venus and Mars still having life and Earth having lava, Earth still can’t remember the past and just assumes it’s from his volcanos, since it starts to look like moving lava when ever a volcano erupts, him and IO being the only ones with active volcanoes in the solar system shears this, even if it looks wildly different from each other. Earth volcanos can also hind his other marks that aren’t apart of his surface, mostly on his hands and feet.
Both Venus and Mars’ old lakes and rivers have turned into scars that curved their way through his surface over time, much like Earth would have if he lost his water too, since water can slowly take apart of the surface over time if it’s there long enough.
Gas giant’s like Jupiter and Saturn have gas swirling around their arms, it moves and is effect by the weather on their surface, Callisto also has these on her arms with the addition of small stars covering the bottom of her hands but fades out the higher it goes. The ice giant have a lesser and more giant version of this that is hard to see over the frost that covers their surface, Neptune is a bit different then Uranus, his core can warm his body more since it’s hotter then Uranus’ meaning he had a more fishy theme (I’m planing on drawing them +triton next which will explain this better) Other then that their Marks are fairly similar, being made up primarily with diamonds and swirling lines that represent their icy titles.
(Jupiter’s symbol might changed as I’ve found some sources that says he doesn’t orbit the sun, I can find anything on NASA’s website but they don’t update it that often and still have some stuff that where proven false, such as super Saturn which is ringless rogue dwarf planet, that we haven’t been able to find since, but it still says it’s real on the NASA website)
Talking about Neptune, his biggest moon, triton tends to hind his marks to fit in better with the other moons both with rest of Neptune’s and the wider solar system’s, he doesn’t want them to think badly of him from not being from the same solar system (if he even had one to begin with) and he doesn’t want Neptune’s other moons to think he doesn’t care about them, since he wasn’t created by Neptune like they were (no matter how much Neptune tells him they’ll love him nonetheless) instead his mark are made up by his travels throughout the galaxy and who he was before he was captured, he loves his marks and it hurt him or have to hide them, they represent his longing to remember who he once’s was in the past, he had started to show them more as he starts hanging out with the other dwarf planets :)
Titan on the other hand has grown to hate his marks, they represent everything he hates about himself and are a barrier between him and Saturn’s other moons, as he was formed by another planet before Jupiter and Saturn ejected them, he is the last reminder that his planet and siblings even existed, everything else has been scrubbed away and killed and as Saturn’s guilt grew he refused to let Titan show his marks beside his own, since it was a constant reminder to Saturn, making it hard for Titan to heal from his past and the trauma of losing his planet and siblings, much like Saturn hasn’t healed either. His marks are also a constant reminder that he is not one of Saturn moons, that he is an outsider from them because be wasn’t made by Saturn own hands like the others and when he tried to bring up his troubles the other moons would dismiss him saying “at lest Saturn remembers your name.” Even if it took lateral decades to get there. He doesn’t belong with the other moons (as fair as he knew he was the only one) because he wasn’t made by the planet he now orbits.
During the moon revolution Titan finally had a place where the belonged, as a united force against their planets, he wasn’t the outsider for the first time and was able to talk about his past for the first time, a adding factor to this is Ganymade who sheared a similar past as him, he was token from his original planet too (even if their path differed from there) the difference was Ganymade used his new status of being the moon of the biggest planet, and was able to inherit a fraction of Jupiter’s old planet, they bonded over the fact they didn’t belong with the other moons and being the only reminder of their planets before they where either killed or ejected, it made Titan more welling to go through with the revolution even if he was against killing a planet to get the respect of their planets, he didn’t want to give up on the community they had formed and the friends he made by going his own way, even Ganymade and Europa (I think they had good intention with the revolution even if they went about it in the worst way) their relationship was rocky afterwards but got better, his Marks are still a sore subject that he rather not remember, but his growing to except his past, and that even after the long path it took him and all his struggles, his still here and that’s worth something in its own.
Lastly since there no good space for this
Sun’s symbol is very different compared to his planets and their moons, since he orbits the Milky Way, or as other article say the centre of the galaxy, his marks is as if you painted the night sky, full of blue and purple, littered with stars over top, it reachers around his torso and interfere with some of his other marks.
Thank you for coming to a (for once’s) not late night rambling with Rose!
I have had this idea for while now and it’s just been growing since then, I’ve grown a bit obsess with this story idea:headcannon? Why ever you want to call it :D
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cherry-popp · 9 months
My obvious prediction on what's gonna happen in moon revolution part 4
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solarblunt · 4 months
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Old art
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