#planet refrigerator
tobiasdrake · 1 year
Okay. We've talked about Peter and Thor. But nobody gets screwed in this movie harder than Gamora.
When I first revisited Guardians 1, I talked a bit about the differing design choices made with Gamora's character. James Gunn dialed down the Deadliest Woman in the Galaxy aspect to emphasize Gamora and Nebula's abuse at Thanos's hands. Guardians 1 and 2 crafted a survivor narrative for these characters.
This is where that story ends. Gamora and Nebula's abuser comes back into their lives, physically tortures Nebula, emotionally tortures Gamora, and then he murders Gamora. The survivor narrative culminates in Gamora failing to survive her abuse, while the camera cuts away from her to dwell on how it makes Thanos feel to murder her.
This is a reprehensible way to conclude a survivor narrative. Nebula will go on to appear in future films but Gamora ends here. She never escaped her abuser. She never survived Thanos. She died at his hands while the movie called it love. Endgame will slot in a Replacement Goldfish, abducting a parallel universe's Gamora to slide into Guardians 3 as compensation, but that really just makes it worse, doesn't it?
This is just gross. And the worst part is, it's not going somewhere. It's not building to a payoff. It's not inspiring Nebula to be the one to take down Thanos like she is in the comic being adapted. Gamora's spirit in the Soul Gem will not be a turning point in the conflict against Thanos. This is it. This is the payoff. Thanos crying while he watches Gamora die from his choices is the payoff.
It's not build-up. They tortured Nebula physically and Gamora emotionally to create drama and get Thanos to Vormir. Then they killed off Gamora in the worst way possible to create a sympathetic moment for her abuser. It's sick. I hate it. Vormir is the worst concept ever introduced to the MCU.
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LittleBigPlanet is so fucking dumb i swear to god it's like :
"Sackboy go save the entire universe from the evil menace The Stealer Of Souls" and then the villain reveals himself and it's a fucking refrigerator 💀
I love this series
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psalmsofpsychosis · 9 months
Me: ayy time to pick up some nice published story collections 💗💓💕💞💖
Story Collection: dystopian future
Story Collection: dystopian future
Story Collection: dystopian future but this time with Ethiopian people
Story Collection: womanhood is pain and misery and you will never be free!!!!!
Story Collection: trauma dump that is miraculously the same set of traumas as literally everyone else, narrated with the exact same words everyone else uses, with the same overtone of fashionable numb depression laced with sex euphemisms for some goddamn reason, except when it comes to sex. The sex part is so unbelievably gore and violent and loveless that it makes you feel like love has never existed on this planet ever.
Story Collection: womanhood is pain and misery and you will never be free!!!! and we're in a party having sex right now 💕
Story Collection: dystopian future but i promise this one is so special, so so special— we've got werewolves with huge cocks!
#like the way the common narratives and the zeitgeist of millenial thought framework is this flat neutered trauma ride all over.......#it's not even funny anymore#like y'all are in reinventing humanity with your ''trauma dump no. 2606373256346'' book over here#how the fuck is your woe-me life experiences packaged so neatly and precisely as everyone else's ever anyway?????#did you ever have any original experiences of your own or did all your mistakes came out of your mother's womb with you all pre-written#and proofread like an office zirax patch????#oh but wait— it was pre-written and proofread. you writing is; it all goes through the same gears and cogs in the publishing industry;#the same fucking five people who think ''real art'' is the same five socially acceptable depression manifestos#this is insane to me#original thought is dead and all i ever see in common published space is the same fucking mindset with different stickers and refrigerator#magnets stuck on top#like i dont know how to say this but. aesthetics wont save you babes#your utter lack of creative and personal and sincere point of view can't be saved by ''we are 17 and have a lot of sex''#and ''this has fuckable robots''— your narratives are mindkillingly trite and tired#and so you stay stuck in a rut because to live differently you have to THINK differently#but god forbid something is not cartoonish and vapid in a cheap attempt to be relatable to every sentient form on planet earth#that robin hood begging meme but it reads '' creativity.... spare creativity....''
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reasonsforhope · 4 months
"When a severe water shortage hit the Indian city of Kozhikode in the state of Kerala, a group of engineers turned to science fiction to keep the taps running.
Like everyone else in the city, engineering student Swapnil Shrivastav received a ration of two buckets of water a day collected from India’s arsenal of small water towers.
It was a ‘watershed’ moment for Shrivastav, who according to the BBC had won a student competition four years earlier on the subject of tackling water scarcity, and armed with a hypothetical template from the original Star Wars films, Shrivastav and two partners set to work harvesting water from the humid air.
“One element of inspiration was from Star Wars where there’s an air-to-water device. I thought why don’t we give it a try? It was more of a curiosity project,” he told the BBC.
According to ‘Wookiepedia’ a ‘moisture vaporator’ is a device used on moisture farms to capture water from a dry planet’s atmosphere, like Tatooine, where protagonist Luke Skywalker grew up.
This fictional device functions according to Star Wars lore by coaxing moisture from the air by means of refrigerated condensers, which generate low-energy ionization fields. Captured water is then pumped or gravity-directed into a storage cistern that adjusts its pH levels. Vaporators are capable of collecting 1.5 liters of water per day.
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Pictured: Moisture vaporators on the largely abandoned Star Wars film set of Mos Espa, in Tunisia
If science fiction authors could come up with the particulars of such a device, Shrivastav must have felt his had a good chance of succeeding. He and colleagues Govinda Balaji and Venkatesh Raja founded Uravu Labs, a Bangalore-based startup in 2019.
Their initial offering is a machine that converts air to water using a liquid desiccant. Absorbing moisture from the air, sunlight or renewable energy heats the desiccant to around 100°F which releases the captured moisture into a chamber where it’s condensed into drinking water.
The whole process takes 12 hours but can produce a staggering 2,000 liters, or about 500 gallons of drinking-quality water per day. [Note: that IS staggering! That's huge!!] Uravu has since had to adjust course due to the cost of manufacturing and running the machines—it’s just too high for civic use with current materials technology.
“We had to shift to commercial consumption applications as they were ready to pay us and it’s a sustainability driver for them,” Shrivastav explained. This pivot has so far been enough to keep the start-up afloat, and they produce water for 40 different hospitality clients.
Looking ahead, Shrivastav, Raja, and Balaji are planning to investigate whether the desiccant can be made more efficient; can it work at a lower temperature to reduce running costs, or is there another material altogether that might prove more cost-effective?
They’re also looking at running their device attached to data centers in a pilot project that would see them utilize the waste heat coming off the centers to heat the desiccant."
-via Good News Network, May 30, 2024
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nasa · 2 years
Our Roman Space Telescope’s Dish is Complete!
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NASA engineers recently completed tests of the high-gain antenna for our Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope. This observatory has some truly stellar plans once it launches by May 2027. Roman will help unravel the secrets of dark energy and dark matter – two invisible components that helped shape our universe and may determine its ultimate fate. The mission will also search for and image planets outside our solar system and explore all kinds of other cosmic topics.
However, it wouldn’t be able to send any of the data it will gather back to Earth without its antenna. Pictured above in a test chamber, this dish will provide the primary communication link between the Roman spacecraft and the ground. It will downlink the highest data volume of any NASA astrophysics mission so far.
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The antenna reflector is made of a carbon composite material that weighs very little but will still withstand wide temperature fluctuations. It’s very hot and cold in space – Roman will experience a temperature range of minus 26 to 284 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 32 to 140 degrees Celsius)!
The dish spans 5.6 feet (1.7 meters) in diameter, standing about as tall as a refrigerator, yet only weighs 24 pounds (10.9 kilograms) – about as much as a dachshund. Its large size will help Roman send radio signals across a million miles of intervening space to Earth.
At one frequency, the dual-band antenna will receive commands and send back information about the spacecraft’s health and location. It will use another frequency to transmit a flood of data at up to 500 megabits per second to ground stations on Earth. The dish is designed to point extremely accurately at Earth, all while both Earth and the spacecraft are moving through space.
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Engineers tested the antenna to make sure it will withstand the spacecraft’s launch and operate as expected in the extreme environment of space. The team also measured the antenna’s performance in a radio-frequency anechoic test chamber. Every surface in the test chamber is covered in pyramidal foam pieces that minimize interfering reflections during testing. Next, the team will attach the antenna to the articulating boom assembly, and then electrically integrate it with Roman’s Radio Frequency Communications System.
Learn more about the exciting science this mission will investigate on Twitter and Facebook.
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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greymoonfeelings · 2 years
That's My Man
whumpuary #9: scars
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summary: Even the hottest man on the planet has insecurities about his looks
warnings: negative self talk, spice/implied smut (nothing explicit)
word count: 600
“God, I look like shit.” Bradley mutters to himself as he examines his scars in the floor-length mirror. Fresh out of the shower, the marred skin looks more evident in the morning sun.
“Hey, that’s my man you’re talking about.” You tease, wrapping your arms around his torso. Bradley looks at you in the mirror, seemingly unmoved by your playful comment.
“That’s the mystery. What do you even find attractive about me? I look like Frankenstein.”
There’s a noticeable shift in your demeanor when you realize that your boyfriend is seriously feeling down about himself. It hurts your heart to think that he feels insecure about the man he sees in the mirror, the one that you love so deeply.
“Don’t talk about yourself like that.”
“It’s hard not to. Every time I look in the mirror it’s all I see.” His fingertips pull at his cheek, stretching the skin in a way that makes the scars look more prominent.
“Well, you know what I see?” You move in front of Bradley, blocking his view of the mirror. “I see my strong, badass boyfriend who does one of the most dangerous jobs ever yet manages to come back home to me even when the odds are against him.” You trace over the scars on his chest that he acquired when punching out of his plane that was destroyed during a dogfight.
“I see someone who fights for those he loves and never leaves a man behind.” The scars on his cheek and neck are next to be caressed, reminding him that they were the byproduct of his decision to go after Maverick during the Uranium mission.
Lastly, you take his left hand in yours, acknowledging the red mark on his palm “I also see an idiot who burned his hand on my curling iron, but I guess that’s beside the point.” You kiss the welt as Bradley shakes his head, chuckling at your cheekiness.
Lifting his face with your hands, you force him to look into your eyes so he knows that your next words are the truth. “Your scars don’t make you less attractive, Bradley, or less deserving of love. They’re proof of how resilient you are and I love you no matter what.”
“I love you too.”
You press a tender kiss to his forehead before pulling back. “And I’m not only with you for your looks, y’know.”
“Well, what are you with me for?” Bradley questions, expecting a heartfelt answer or perhaps even a sentiment about what’s between his legs.
“The great benefits that the Navy offers, duh! Who wouldn’t want to live in this amazing government housing? Having a working refrigerator is overrated!”
“You’re a tease, you know that?”
“No, I’m just a sarcastic bitch. If I were a tease I would do this…”
You lean in close to your boyfriend, leaving delicate kisses along his neck as you slowly run a hand down to the front of his gym shorts where he is sensitive. Bradley lets out a soft moan as you suck a mark against his collarbone. He reaches out for your hips but you spin away from his grasp.
Smirking at your successful attempt at riling your boyfriend up and getting his mind off his insecurities, you run out of the bedroom hollering, “Well! I’m off to run errands!”
“Oh, you’re in for it now!”
Your squeals fill the apartment as Bradley chases you through the house to get you to finish what you started. Eventually, he catches up and you spend the afternoon showing him every single thing you love about him including his scars.
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aylacavebear · 2 months
Soulmates? Yeah, right, pft. - Ch. 6
When you turn sixteen, and your soulmate's name doesn’t appear anywhere on your body that you can find, you figure you had to be the only person on the planet who didn’t have one. Most of the town shuns you, so you stick close to family. Your Aunt Ellen raised you after your parents died in a car crash when you were two, but what happens when the Winchesters return to town and buried secrets begin to come to light?
Pairing: Mechanic Dean Winchester x OC Reader/You
Word Count: 3517
Warnings: Angst, some Fluff, Confrontation, Dean being a sweetheart.
A/N: This is my non-Supernatural fic I'm attempting. Please let me know what you think, as I always love hearing from my readers.
----------------------------------------- Chapter 6
You moved slowly as you unpacked the things Dean had packed and brought down there. He’d remembered so much more than your mind had even considered, like toiletries. It felt odd, being in this underground home built to not only hide you but keep you safe and taken care of.
The hours passed slowly for you. Dean had left you there around one-thirty. When your stomach began grumbling for nourishment around five, you dragged your feet as you explored the kitchen. It had a lot of non-perishables, like powdered milk, canned meat, vegetables, and fruits. There were potato flakes, too, along with a slew of other boxed items you didn’t feel like looking through.
Cereal it is.
This house was eerily quiet compared to the one above ground, and your mind took mental notes of it as you ate. You couldn’t hear any car or animal. Not even a cricket. Refrigerators typically have a hum, but this particular one didn’t, making the kitchen a vacuum of sound. Each bite of cereal you took seemed to echo in the silence, amplifying your solitude. I need some sound, any sound.
You ate quickly, the silence becoming unbearable. You needed some sort of noise to silence the silence that seemed to be getting too much on you. After you grabbed your phone charger from the bag in your room, you plugged it in, turned on your playlist, and sighed in relief when the first notes of Back in Black began playing, filling the void with a familiar comfort. The music, familiar and comforting, was a lifeline in the sea of silence, easing your unease and loneliness.
It would still be a bit before Dean was due back, so you headed to the room with the computers, wanting to see if anyone had been there while you had been gone earlier. Plus, it’d give you something to do. Earlier in the day, you’d put both keys on a necklace chain and wore it under your shirt; plus, it made it easier not to lose them.
Settling into the chair in front of the monitors, you clicked around on different things, finally finding the saved recordings. You found it interesting how the live feed was up on the other three monitors while you fiddled around on the fourth, looking through the saved files.
Luckily, there was nothing there that you had to worry about. It was either you or an animal of some kind outside that had tripped the motion sensor to record its movement. That was when you came across the one where Dean had spent the night, and furrowed your brow, confused as you watched him in the recording.
Your classic rock playlist continued to play in the background as you watched him. He stayed on the couch for a while, laying there, but in a way so he could easily look toward the top of the stairs. An hour or so later, he got up and paced a little before heading up the stairs. Different cameras picked him up, so you played the recordings with his movements. He stood in your doorway, which you left open.
The camera that was in your room picked up the front of him. He brought his right hand up to the front of his left shoulder, rubbing it slightly. You weren’t entirely sure why he would do that, unless perhaps he was sore from work, even though it had been an easy day.
You could see that he was mouthing words, but the camera didn’t pick up sound, sadly. He crossed his arms and leaned his shoulder on the doorframe, just watching you, for at least an hour. Dean never went into your room, though. He walked through the house, checking the doors and windows, then stood in your doorway again.
Why would he do that? Does he know something else that I don’t? Maybe he was just worried about me.
When you realized, through the recordings, that he had only gotten four hours of sleep that night, you were determined to make sure he got decent sleep tonight. Then you sighed, as he hadn’t said he’d stay with you. 
If he does stay, he can have the bed. I’ll take the couch.
Glancing down at your phone, you sighed again, knowing he wouldn’t be back for at least another half hour. One recording did catch your eye, though. It was one while Dean was sleeping, and it had several linked recordings from other cameras.
At first, you didn’t see anything as to why the camera would activate, even after you replayed it half a dozen times. On that next play-through, though, you felt sick as the chill of goosebumps ran down your body out of fear.
There was a silhouette of a man outside the window of the living room where Dean was sleeping. You watched all the connected videos, and they had caught not only the man’s appearance, but also the vehicle he had driven there in, with the license plate number.
You were going to take down the information and give it to Jodi, but you had no way of getting it to her without using your phone or leaving the safety of this home-like bunker. Just as you leaned back in the seat, several of the outside cameras got a red line around them, signifying motion. It was a car you didn’t recognize, but Dean got out of the passenger seat, with a bag in his hand. You got closer to the screen, squinting a little, noticing it looked like an overnight bag. You smiled, relieved you wouldn’t be alone, but also that it was Dean who had showed up and not some stranger.
The car that had dropped him off drove away shortly after, which relieved you. You watched him move through the house, locking doors behind him. When he reached the secret door, he looked over his shoulder, then did the secret knock he’d come up with earlier. You excitedly ran to the main door, popped it open, and then ran up the stairs, opening that door as well, still smiling.
“You made it,” you began, but he put his finger to his lips, meaning for you to keep quiet, so you nodded and went back down the stairs. Dean followed you after he closed the door. 
Is he worried someone is listening? Did someone follow him? Did he see something while he was outside that the cameras didn’t? Did someone tell him something?
You had so many questions but were keeping quiet until the two of you were inside the bunker. Once he tossed his bag on the floor near the couch, you practically tackled him in a hug.
“It’s so quiet here,” you told him, doing your best not to cry, again.
Deam was surprised, but he smiled softly and wrapped his arms around you, “Hope it’s okay if I spend the night. Might not be so quiet then.”
You pulled back and looked up at him curiously, with your arms still around the back of his neck, even if you did have to stand on your tiptoes to do so. “You’d really stay down here with me in the silent underground solitude?” you asked, puzzled.
The laughter that erupted from deep in his chest made you have to let go and take a step back. You weren’t entirely sure why he had found your question so amusing, but hearing him laugh like that made you smile.
It took Dean a few moments to catch his breath, which almost made you start laughing, “Sweetheart, you’ve got your own secret hideout. Why wouldn’t I want to hang out here with you? It’s like having your very own personal Bat-Cave, like Batman.”
At least now you understood why he had found your statement so funny. And the more you thought about what he said, you laughed hard at it. “Thanks. I really needed that,” you finally told him, now smiling and far more relaxed than you had been all day.
“Now, did you eat?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah, around five. Oh, and tonight, you’re sleeping on the bed. I saw you stayed up last night and watched over me. There’s no need to do that down here. So, I’m going to make sure you’re comfortable and actually sleep tonight,” you told him, crossing your arms.
He tried not to laugh, and it came out as a quiet chuckle, “Sweetheart, you sleep in your bed. I’ll take the couch. No need to go to any extremes.”
You rolled your eyes, “Only if you answer a couple questions,” you told him, raising an eyebrow.
“What questions?” he asked, looking mildly curious but also almost worried.
“Why did you rub your shoulder last night? We had an easy day at the garage,” you asked cautiously. You knew there was a possibility that whatever it was could be personal.
He sighed before he sat down on the couch. Well, more like plopped down, so you sat on the far side, near the arm. “It’s my soulmate’s name. That’s all,” he answered quietly without looking at you.
Now you felt really bad. You knew that was a touchy subject for him. Much like you, but in almost opposite ways. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize it was that personal. You can have the couch,” you replied quietly.
“It’s just a sore subject, for both of us,” he replied, motioning to the two of you. “If you want to talk about it, we can, but that means we both share stuff. Keep it fair. If you don’t want to, we can talk about other stuff.”
That was when you remembered the man from the night before, on the recording, “Maybe another time. There’s something I need to show you,” you told him, somewhat worried at how he’d react.
Dean followed you into the room, puzzled but silent. He watched the recordings from behind you, but you would glance up from time to time. You could tell that he was very clearly upset and angry. It was worse than when he was around Cole earlier. Dean’s jaw was clenched, his arms crossed over his chest, and he looked beyond pissed. You were sure you saw fire behind those emerald green eyes of his as he glared at the monitor.
“Azazel,” he said in a low, almost inaudible growl.
You turned back to the monitor, remembering the name from your parents' letters. Now, you had a face you could put to a name. 
That night, Dean pulled out two phones and explained they were burner phones so you could still communicate with the outside world. He also handed you a piece of paper with several people’s numbers. You recognized all the names but not the numbers. So, he explained that everyone had burner phones now so that you could talk to them, as could Dean.
You wanted to ask him how he knew to do something like this, but at the same time, you weren’t sure you really wanted the answer. You just nodded in understanding while he explained it. Then he helped you get a pillow and blanket for him to use on the couch for the night. 
Once that was set up, he slipped off his shoes near the door, then sat down on the side of the couch where his pillow was. You chose to sit on the coffee table again, not wanting to invade what was now his bed. 
The awkward silence hung between the two of you, but Dean looked more confused than awkward. You just weren’t sure what to say or ask. Sure, you had plenty of questions, but you already felt bad that he got dragged into this huge mess surrounding you and your past. “What’s wrong?” Dean finally asked with a sigh, noticing how you wouldn’t look at him.
“A lot,” you mumbled, fidgeting with your fingers in your lap. “I feel bad. You got dragged into my mess.”
Dean sighed again, then held his arms open, “Come here.”
You looked up at him, slightly puzzled, but he motioned with his fingers for you to go to him. Biting your lip nervously, you finally, but reluctantly, got up and moved over to the couch next to him. Dean pulled you against him, gently holding you close.
“You didn’t drag me into this, Sweetheart. There’s still a lot you don’t know and right now really isn’t the time to go into all those details. I can tell you’re overwhelmed. What can I do to help you relax?” his words were soft, and you found yourself calming the more he spoke.
“I’m just scared, and this place was so quiet when you were gone, and so… lonely…” you admitted quickly.
He took a shaky breath, “Hopefully, it won’t be lonely while I’m here. Still didn’t answer my question, though,” he chuckled at the end, a bit playfully.
For a bit, you thought about his question and couldn’t help the light blush that crept into your cheeks, “This is helping,” you mumbled shyly.
With where your head was on his chest, as well as your hand, you felt his heart rate increase a little and found it odd. You again reminded yourself that he had a soulmate, and it was nothing more than him, perhaps being nervous about your reply. So, you mumbled an apology.
“I wish you’d stop apologizing already. If it bothered me, I’d tell you. I like spending time with you, and no one should have to go through something like this alone,” he told you, and you pouted.
You opened your mouth, about to apologize again, then closed it. His wish had effectively stopped you from being able to respond at the moment as your brain attempted to think of what else to say. You began absentmindedly playing with a tiny crease in his shirt and didn’t notice how his breathing got a little heavier as you continued to contemplate a response.
“So, um, you want me to just let you get some sleep then?” you finally asked, not sure of another topic to broach at the moment.
“Or, we could have a drink, and you can relax so you can sleep,” he suggested a little playfully.
Leave it to your best friend to think of you like he always seemed to do since the two of you had gotten to know each other. There were days, like today, that it felt like so much longer than roughly two months. Then there was how you felt around him, especially within just the last day. He gave a sense of safety and comfort you had only ever gotten from the adults in your life, up until him.
“I guess so,” you mumbled, lost in your thoughts again, trying not to let your mind drift past him only being your best friend.
“You’re so stubborn,” he chuckled in amusement before shifting, causing you to move so he could get up.
You glared playfully at him as he went to the kitchen and pulled two beers out of the fridge. He popped the tops, smirking in that playful way as he made his way back to the couch. You shifted a little, making room again so he could return to his seat.
“Thanks,” you told him, taking the beer he handed you before sitting down again. “I’m not always stubborn.”
Dean chuckled, seeing the way your lips frowned into a pout, “You know, you’re adorable when you pout like that.” He shifted a bit so that he was turned more to face you, his arm over the back of the couch with his leg bent at his knee on the cushion. So, you did the same but kept your hands in your lap, one of them holding your beer.
“I know it’s a touchy subject, but… When you do find your soulmate, I don’t mind telling her what an amazing guy you are. And… I’ll understand that we won’t spend as much time together,” you told him with a soft smile. The strange part was that you almost felt a sense of heartbreak after those words left your lips, but you hid it well.
The smirk he had turned into a soft smile, “Only as long as I get to do the same for you.”
“Fair,” you replied, managing to give him at least a small smile. “How long are you staying for?”
“Uh, yeah, about that,” Dean began, then trailed off, looking away from you, debating how to answer you. “Someone followed me, at least to your driveway, but they drove past. I uh, we’re sort of stuck down here, together.” He finished, sounding nervous and apprehensive again.
At first, you weren’t entirely sure how to feel about that. It would, of course, be nice not to be alone, but you had figured Dean would have the freedom to come and go as he wanted. You wanted to apologize but remembered he wanted you to stop doing that, so you didn’t.  You knew there was plenty of food, even if most of it was things you weren’t used to eating. At least neither of you would go hungry.
You stared off toward the floor as you sipped your beer, thinking about the predicament that both of you were in. Books and lots of movies, even if they were on VHS, could occupy at least some of the time there. Showering would be simple enough; you figured the two of you would just take turns. What about maybe needing alone time? Does Dean need someplace more private than the living room? He already said that the bedroom was mine and he wasn’t going to sleep there and have me on the couch. Maybe we could hang sheets so he had a more secluded spot. We could even rearrange if he wanted to.
“Hey, I didn’t mean to upset you about being down here with you,” he said, pulling you from your thoughts.
That was when you realized you hadn’t even commented on what he’d said. “No, no, no. It’s nothing like that. I was lost in my thoughts,” you quickly replied apologetically, meeting his gaze.
Why does he have to look at me like that? Almost like… No, he has a soulmate. He’s not thinking about me. He’s thinking about her. Now stop it, brain.
“Care to share, Sweetheart?” he asked with that smirk of his that always made you smile.
“Just, stuff, that’s all,” you replied, a little shyly, looking away from him. “I’ve never lived with anyone before, not like this anyway.”
Somehow, you managed to explain to him the things you’d been thinking about but focused more on making a more private space for him in the living room. He at least seemed to like the idea or perhaps it was appreciation that you thought of him like that. You weren’t quite sure.
“We can do that tomorrow if you’d like,” he suggested when you finally stopped babbling about the thoughts that had been in your head. At least he didn’t seem upset with you, which was a relief. “Why don’t you go get some sleep, though? It’s late.”
“Only if you promise that you’ll sleep and not stay up all night watching over me,” you replied, crossing your arms and attempting to look serious.
That, of course, only made him chuckle, “You’re adorable when you act like that. I promise I’ll get some sleep, just not gonna promise on how much.”
You playfully smacked his shoulder before cleaning up the two empty beer bottles. For a moment, you stood in the kitchen near the trash, not wanting to feel what you were feeling. Quickly brushing it aside, you went back out, standing near the hallway.
“Then, I’ll see you in the morning,” you told him, giving him a half smile.
“Night, Sweetheart,” he replied, and you turned from him to your room.
He has a soulmate, you repeated in your mind as you got ready for bed, then slipped under the covers. You didn’t want to feel anything more than friendship toward him, but it was getting difficult. The chain with the keys was still around your neck, but you had left the door open in your closet to the security room. It was for Dean, in case he had wanted to go in there. You thought perhaps it might help him relax, knowing he could watch what was going on outside the bunker, or Batcave, as he had called it.
Your thoughts were still on him as you felt yourself drifting off to sleep. The way you felt in his arms and how easy it was to talk to him. The idea of living with him made you happier than you wanted to admit, to anyone, but more to yourself. 
The last thought on your mind before sleep overtook you was you and Dean, lying in your bed, and he was holding you close. A happy smile even crossed your lips lazily just as the blackness took you for the night.
----------------------------------------- Chapter 7
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janeyseymour · 10 months
At Arm's Length pt 4
Yet another installation that is highly unedited because I have to teach again tomorrow and once again it's late
*i feel like most of this would make sense as a stand alone*
Summary: You tell the Abbott clan, and then you have a big realization.
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3.
WC: ~3.8k
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You can’t help but notice the way that Melissa’s knee bounces incessantly as she drives the two of you to school. Today was the day you would be telling your friends (her friends) that the two of you were seeing each other- or confirming their suspicions. 
“Babe,” you try to assure her as you set a hand on her thigh from the passenger seat. “Take a breath. It’s all gonna be okay. They all think we’re dating anyway, so really… it’s not even like we’re coming out. We’re just confirming what they already think they know.”
“I know, I know,” she sighs as she runs a hand through her hair. “I’m just nervous.”
“There’s nothing to be nervous about,” you tell her gently. “They’re going to be thrilled for us if anything.”
She nods as she pulls into her parking spot. Neither of you can help but notice that the parking lot is relatively empty for this time of morning. Barb isn’t here yet, Janine and Gregory aren’t here yet, and neither is Ava to no one’s surprise. The only other car there is Mr. Johnson’s. With a shrug, the two of you get out of the car, grab your bags, and head into the school.
You both head for the break room, content with the last few minutes in your little bubble before everybody else trickles in and the cat is out of the bag. You put both of your lunches into the refrigerator while she brews the coffee, and the two of you settle at your table for a few more minutes of peace and quiet.
The custodian sees the two of you enter from down the hall. He grins. He knows you two are alright.
You notice the way that as she sits down, her sleeves are pulled up past her hands, and she has her thumbs through the holes in her shirt- a little quirk you’ve noticed about her, but it’s also a telltale sign that she’s nervous about something. You know what she’s nervous about.
You glance at the clock. There’s only about five minutes before everybody’s favorite segment of the news comes on, and you know nobody is ever late to watch.
“I’m gonna run and use the bathroom,” you tell your girlfriend gently as you lay a hand on her shoulder to stand. “Take a deep breath. It’s all gonna be okay.” You kiss her cheek delicately before quietly making your way out.
You know what you’re doing. You’re giving her a chance to not tell your secret because it’s quite evident that she’s a wreck over telling them. You’re not entirely sure why, but she is. So you slip into the bathroom to allow Melissa a few moments in solitary before everything unwraps for the day.
“Hello, Melissa,” Barb enters the staff room cheery as ever. In tow, she has the three work children. She looks oddly at the two coffee cups in front of her filled to the brim. “No Y/N today?”
“She’s here,” Melissa tells the group as she takes a rather large sip of her coffee.
Jacob furrows his brows. “Her car isn’t here though- did she take the bus? I told her if she ever had any car troubles, we could carpool. We really all should be carpooling anyway,” he rambles. “We have to make some sort of effort to save planet Earth from all of these terrible-”
“Gregory and I carpool now,” Janine says.
“Because you spent the night at his house,” Jacob reminds her. The couple averts their eyes with a small shrug.
“Her car is fine,” the second grade teacher says. “I brought her in today.”
“Oh?” the kindergarten teacher raises an eyebrow and gives her friend a look, silently asking if the two of you are okay.
Melissa just nods mutely into her cup before pulling one of her sleeves over her hand and balling the material in her fist. 
You enter the room again and take your seat next to Melissa, silently noting that she’s still as nervous as she was on the way in. She’s gripping her mug so tightly her knuckles are white, and you can see the way she’s just barely rocking herself in attempts to soothe herself. As subtly as you can, as you reach for your first mug of coffee that day. You brush your hand against your girlfriend’s and give her a comforting look.
“Good morning, Y/N,” Barbara greets you kindly. “Melissa said she drove you in today? Are you having car troubles again?”
You know Melissa hasn’t told them yet, and you want her to be the one to let the cat out of the bag since she’s clearly so nervous about it. 
“I already told youse, her car is fine,” Melissa grumbles, clearly annoyed.
“My car is fine,” you keep up with her charade. “It’s just been making a funny noise lately, and the heat doesn’t always turn on, so Melissa offered to pick me up this morning so I wouldn’t have to freeze on my way here.”
You see her shoulders relax even just slightly as you continue on with your charade.
“Can someone turn on the news?” the redhead asks.
After the news is over, you all break apart to get ready for your day with the kids. Gregory and Jacob leave together, while Barbara and Janine exit the room talking about the assembly you all were supposedly having today. That leaves you and Melissa in the break room together for a few quiet moments before you know you have to get down to your classrooms.
“You coulda told them,” Melissa mumbles, still not looking at you the whole way.
“I could’ve,” you say softly. “But I could see how stressed you were about it, and I respect that. I don’t want to push you into something you aren’t ready for.”
“I-I’ll tell Barb today,” she promises quietly. “I’m just not ready for the kid to jump on me and question me like crazy- not yet. At least not before I’ve finished my first cup of coffee.”
“That’s fair,” you chuckle and glance at the clock. “Just breathe, babe. It’s all gonna be okay. Now, I have to run to greet the little gremlins, but I’ll see you at lunch, okay?”
She nods, and as you go to leave, her hand wraps around your wrist gently. She squeezes your wrist softly, as if to say thanks, before letting you go. 
Your morning is fine. You catch a glimpse of Melissa as she quickly makes her way down the hall as the kids start to make their way in, and you frown when she doesn’t look any less stressed.
“Ms. Y/N!” you hear one of your kids call from down the hallway. She barrels into you, giving you a tight hug. “Are you feeling better than yesterday?”
“I am, Alena,” you say softly as you hug her back. “Thank you for asking.”
She grins at you, and when you tell her to start unpacking and get ready for the day, she nods eagerly.
You look back down the hallway towards your girlfriend’s room, and she’s standing in her doorway, but she looks to be in deep thought.
“Ms. Schemmenti!” you call down, hoping to be able to ease her concerns with a soft smile.
She glances up, and you give her a questioning look, to which she just gives you a subtle thumbs up. “Good morning, Ms. Y/N.”
“I’m thinking of another cup of coffee,” you tell her. “Would you mind just standing between our rooms to make sure my kids don’t get too wild?”
She laughs but nods and makes her way down to your room, just so the kids know she’s watching. As she passes you by, you squeeze her hip gently and whisper, “Breathe, Mel. It’s okay. I’m not upset.”
She nods with a straight face before you head back down to the staff room to brew two more cups of coffee. 
When you return down the hall, two mugs in hand, she smiles. “One of those better be for me, hon. You have three cups of coffee right off the bat, and you’ll be on a sugar high right alongside your kiddos.”
“One’s for you,” you grin as you hand her a cup. “You look like you could use it.”
“Thank you,” she grins as she lets the hot cup warm up her hands and her heart.
“Thanks for watching over my class,” you tell her. “And seriously, take a breath. You look like you’re about to pass out, and I can’t come running in to save you today.”
She just lightly hip checks you. “I’m okay now,” she promises and squeezes your shoulder before sauntering her way back down to her end of the hall.
Lunch time approaches, and you’re looking forward to the leftovers your girlfriend packed you for lunch. You didn’t want your salad this morning, and she was more than happy to let you steal some of the gnocchi she made for dinner last night.
After making sure your students are settled in for lunch, you make your way back down to the staff room. Your lunch is set out for you as it usually is, and you can’t help but grin.
“Changing it up for lunch today?” Jacob glances over at your spot as you walk in.
“Yeah, wasn’t feeling my ‘bland ass salad’,” you chuckle as you sit down next to Melissa.  “Thanks for getting my lunch ready.”
“No problem, hon,” she says as she digs into her own gnocchi.
“You guys have the same lunch?” Janine asks. “Aw! Twins!”
“The same-”
“Of course we do,” Melissa rolls her eyes. “She wasn’t feeling her salad today, and what kind of girlfriend would I be if I let her starve?”
In near comical unison, everybody’s eyes turn to the two of you, but your eyes stay focused on the redhead. Did she really just tell everybody so casually that you two were seeing each other?
Barb just nudges her best friend with a chuckle. “‘Bout damn time you told us.”
“What?!” Jacob and Janine stutter out.
“B-but, yesterday you said-”
“It was all a lie,” your girlfriend chuckles and lays a hand on your leg as she takes another bite of food. “We’re together.”
“Together?! As in-”
“Together,” you state. “As in, we’re dating, and we have been for the past few months.”
“So… that’s why your car isn’t here?” Gregory asks. “Because you were with Melissa last night?”
“Yes, Gregory,” Melissa huffs. “Do we have to spell it out for you any more? Or can we finish our lunch in peace?”
Mr. Johnson wanders in, and the first thing he notices is Melissa’s hand on your thigh. “I see you two are out?”
“Mr. Johnson!” Janine is quick. “How did you-“
“I’m always watching,” he says mysteriously. “Now, I’m heading out for the day, so don’t have any problems, ya hear?”
You all chuckle at the man fondly.
“Yeah, Mr. J,” you tell him. “I’ll do my best to keep ‘em all in line.” You place your hand over Melissa’s. 
At the end of the day, Melissa meets you in your classroom, and she leans against the doorframe. 
“Hey gorgeous,” she grins. “You about ready?”
You type away for a few more seconds, although her greeting makes you smile like a lovesick idiot. “Yeah, just give me a few minutes to read over this email and get my stuff from the break room.”
She makes her way over to your desk and settles behind you. “I already got your stuff from the staff room.”
“You did?”
“I did. Figured only one of us needed to be questioned by the Abbott relationship police today.” she laughs and wraps an arm around your shoulder. 
“Oh, god,” you groan playfully. “What were they asking?”
“Just the basics.”
“Like?” you prompt as you turn your attention away from your computer.
“Like how long we’ve been dating, who made the first move, what made us start to date…” She trails off and blushes.
“What else?”
“Ava asked me if I had ‘hit that’,” she admits somewhat sheepishly.
“And you said?” you raise a brow.
“I asked her who’s business that was with my hands on my hips and a look,” Melissa laughs. “She quieted down real quick… until Barb nudged me.”
“Barbara?” Your brows shoot up in shock.
“Barbara,” your girlfriend grumbles.
“And you said?”
“Nothin. It ain’t nobody’s business but ours,” she tells you seriously, although you feel her hand sliding down your back and towards your-
“What’re you working on?” she asks you, as if she isn’t reaching for your ass as you sit in your chair.
“Just replying to a few emails,” you sigh as you turn back to your computer to continue typing away.
“Do you want to just do that at home?” she asks you. “I can make dinner while you sit at the island and look pretty?”
“Yeah, babe,” she rolls her eyes. “How’s that sound?”
“I-it sounds really nice,” you smile as you close your laptop. “I’ll finish the emails at home.���
“Should we swing by your place so you can grab fresh clothes for tomorrow?”
“Please,” you request softly. Ava spilled her apple juice all over me this morning, so I also want to change my top.”
“Why didn’t you say something at lunch, hon? I would’ve let you wear my Eagles sweatshirt again,” she tells you as she picks up one of your many bags.
“It wasn’t the worst,” you shrug as you grab the remaining bags. “I can carry my own stuff, Mel.”
“Just let me do this.” She somehow still has a hand free to grab yours as the two of you walk out hand in hand.
The two of you walk out together, and she’s nothing but chivalrous as she opens the door for you to slide into her passenger seat. 
“G’night all youse,” Melissa calls as she sees the rest of the group leaving for the night. They all call out their goodbyes to the two of you, and you give a broad wave as she closes the door for you.
She gets into the car and immediately holds your hand as she pulls out of her spot. As soon as she’s out of the parking lot, she’s bringing your hand up to her lips and kissing it delicately.
You smile at her, and you lean over to kiss her cheek. “So sweet,” you tell her. “Who knew, under that tough wall you have up, you’re a teddy bear?”
“More people than I wish,” she chuckles. “I’m a second grade teacher; I gotta be soft sometimes.”
You giggle. “I suppose you have a point.”
As she pulls into your apartment complex, you look up at your dingy apartment. “Are you coming up?” you ask her. 
“I can, or I don’t have to,” she tells you. “It’s up to you.”
“I’ll be quick,” you promise with a kiss to her lips. You’re out of the car quickly, fully intending to run in and out of your apartment. 
But as you walk in, you realize how dull and empty your apartment seems in comparison to Melissa’s. It doesn’t feel like home. It hasn’t since… since you started dating your coworker. Your house doesn’t constantly smell delicious. You don’t have food stuffing your fridge. Your decor, if you could even call it that, is basic and not heartfelt at all. You have one lamp in each room to just barely light up the rooms at night.You don’t have any pictures, except for the single image you have of you and your childhood best friend. Aside from that one picture, there are no features that scream that this place is yours.
Melissa’s house, on the other hand, is always lit brightly or with mood lighting. It smells like a bakery at any given moment. There’s always something to snack on in her house, and you always have options in what you can munch on in between meals. Her house is tastefully decorated, and the walls and end tables are covered in family photos filled with rich history that tell so many stories. 
You frown as you wander through your apartment, looking for anything that you might have over your girlfriend. But you can’t. Melissa’ house trumps all, and it always has. With a sigh, you go into your room and start packing your things when you get a text.
You okay, hon? Melissa texts. You’ve been in there a while.
That was ten minutes ago. You go to respond, but you’re cut short when there’s a knock on your door and you hear it opening.
“Babe?” your girlfriend’s voice rings out. “You okay?”
“In my room,” you call back. “Just getting stuff ready, and then I’ll be-” you smile when you see Melissa standing in your doorway.
You’re currently standing on your toes, trying to grab your favorite sweatshirt from the top of the closet. The slightest bit of your midriff is showing, and Melissa licks her lips quietly.
“You need some help, hon?” she chuckles once she’s gotten herself out of her trance. 
You make a face at her with a huff. “You’re like… an inch taller than me.” She still comes over and reaches for your pullover with ease. She hands it to you with a kiss as her hand lands on your back. 
“I’m ready to go home,” you whisper as you pull yourself closer to her.
“Alright hon,” the second grade teacher grins. She grabs your bag and leads you out, even locking your door for you.
The two of you drive over to her place in a comfortable silence. Your hand lays gently on her thigh the entire way. She isn’t bouncing her leg up and down like she was this morning. Your eyes flicker shut for just five minutes, but in those five minutes, you wind up at her house. Today took more out of you than you thought.
“We’re home, sweetheart,” Melissa kisses your cheek gently. “C’mon. Let’s get you inside.”
“Home,” you sigh, eyes still closed gently.
“Yeah, baby,” she whispers. “We’re home.” You still don’t make any moves to get out of the car, and she chuckles low and deep.
You hear her side of the car open, and you can hear her shuffling to get everything into the house. When she’s inside, she pours you a glass of wine before coming out to retrieve you.
You’re still sitting in the car, eyes unopened, and she can see your breath starting to even out again.
“Honey,” she laughs quietly as she opens the passenger door. “C’mon. Let’s get you inside and comfortable. I can make us dinner while you get a quick nap in.”
You groan. “I have to email back those parents and start on my lesson plans for next week.”
“Well, then I have your glass of wine ready to help you loosen up,” she tells you as she unbuckles your seatbelt, kissing the nape of your neck as she leans over you.
You hum. “What did I do to deserve all of this? You treat me like a princess, and I hardly-”
“You aren’t a princess,” Melissa tells you. “You’re a damned queen. I love you.”
Your eyes snap open. That was the first time she said that to you.
“W-what?” you ask, suddenly very awake.
“I said I love ya, hon,” your girlfriend whispers, and she kisses you gently.
“I love you too,” you mumble against her lips. “God, I love you.”
When you pull apart, she sweeps you into her arms and carries you into the house. She sets you down on the couch.
“Get your beauty sleep, my love,” Melissa tells you softly.
“I can’t,” you whine. “I have things to do, and I want to watch you cook.”
“You’ll be able to watch me cook plenty, amore,” the second grade teacher promises you as she kisses your temple. She reaches for one of the blankets she has thrown over the back of the couch. 
“Thank you, babe,” you sigh as your eyes flutter close again. But they only stay closed for a few seconds… you really do have a ton of work to do today. You grumble under your breath as you sit up and wrap the blanket around you, dragging yourself and your bags to the kitchen island. 
“Y/N,” Melissa says as she hears you make your way in.
“It’s fine,” you mumble. “It’ll just be an early night if that’s okay with you.”
“That’s just fine, hon,” your girlfriend tells you as she brings your glass of wine over. “We’ll have some dinner, you can do some work, and we’ll head to bed.”
You end up getting slammed with emails about the new project you had introduced to your third graders while you and Melissa are eating dinner. When you look at your computer again, you know it’s not going to be an early night like you had hoped- you have to reply to these emails, and you absolutely have to plan out next week’s lessons.
“Honey,” Melissa rubs your shoulders. “You’re ridiculously tense. Take a breath.”
“I’m sorry,” you whisper. “I’m just a little stressed right now… the parents and the lesson planning, and the way that conferences are coming up and I-”
Melissa leans over to close your laptop before returning back to your shoulders. “Deal with the parents tomorrow- we’re off the clock right now. Hell, Barb and I’ll help you deal with them tomorrow. Focus on relaxing for a few minutes, and then we can tackle your lesson plans for next week. I’ll even pull out my old third grade lesson plans, and we can see how my lessons played out and adapt them to fit to your students. Most of your kids were my kids last year, so I can help you tackle the parents. It’s all going to be-”
You turn in your girlfriend’s arms and kiss her soundly. “Thank you,” you mumble against her lips. “Thank you.”
“I got you,” Melissa tells you earnestly as she holds you close. “I got you. You’re gonna be okay.”
With the promises of starting to figure everything out tomorrow, the two of you head to bed not much longer after she reassures you that everything is going to be alright. She’s worked a few knots out in your shoulders before patting them. 
“Alright, love,” she smiles as she kisses the nape of your neck. “Time for bed?”
You can’t help the small gasp that escapes your lips before you compose yourself. “Please. I’m exhausted.”
As the two of you climb into bed and lay your head on her shoulder, you know your apartment is no longer your home. Your home isn’t even Melissa’s apartment. It’s just wherever Melissa is.
“I love you,” you whisper before drifting off.
“I love you more.”
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mindblowingscience · 11 months
Researchers have found an inexpensive, sustainable alternative to mechanical cooling with refrigerants in hot and arid climates, and a way to mitigate dangerous heat waves during electricity blackouts. As the planet gets hotter, the need for cool living environments is becoming more urgent. But air conditioning is a major contributor to global warming since units use potent greenhouse gases and lots of energy. The researchers set out to answer how to achieve a new benchmark in passive cooling inside naturally conditioned buildings in hot climates such as Southern California. They examined the use of roof materials that radiate heat into the cold universe, even under direct sunlight, and how to combine them with temperature-driven ventilation. These cool radiator materials and coatings are often used to stop roofs overheating. Researchers have also used them to improve heat rejection from chillers. But there is untapped potential for integrating them into architectural design more fully, so they can not only reject indoor heat to outer space in a passive way, but also drive regular and healthy air changes. “We found we could maintain air temperatures several degrees below the prevailing ambient temperature, and several degrees more below a reference ‘gold standard’ for passive cooling,” says Remy Fortin, lead author and PhD candidate at the Peter Guo-hua Fu School of Architecture at McGill University. “We did this without sacrificing healthy ventilation air changes.”
Continue Reading.
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softestqueeen · 11 months
it's yours, princess
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pairing: Simon “Ghost” Riley x reader x König (Call of Duty)
summary: On a mission with König and Ghost you have to stay at a safe house. The only problem – there is only one bed.
warnings: : 18+ MDNI!! smut, knife play, threesome (kinda), slight voyeurism, p in v sex, face fucking, porn without plot, cunnilingus, breeding, praise kink, degradation kink (yes, I am aware of the irony), pet names (princess), finger fucking, slight hand kink, masturbating, dirty talk
wordcount: 4256 words
a/n: This is a request from a friend. I've really enjoyed writing something longer and something with kinks I've never really explored! Enjoy <3
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Finally, after being on your longest mission so far, you were relieved to be finally at your safe house. The mission is not yet over, but as long as you got some sleep, it didn’t matter to you. Everything that mattered to you right now, was the image of finally getting into a very soft bed, that was currently going through your mind.
“There it is! But it does look kinda small, don’t you think?”, the British man next to you remarked.
And here’s the reason why this mission was so incredibly exhausting. Instead of your regular partners you are on a mission with Simon “Ghost” Riley and König. The men you despised most on this planet.
Because of his paranoia König was still looming around somewhere in the woods, checking for possible threats. But you didn’t mind, every second spent less with one of them, was one second that you could relax a bit more.
The two of them were thick as thieves, but you never liked them. They always thought they were better than everybody else and picked on you because of your size and mostly because of the fact that you were female – the only female on the team to be precise. 
They thought that this minor detail defined you and everything you did. That you were weaker than them and just on the team out of pity. Also, they never called you by your name but always called you ‘princess’, because they thought you were getting a special treatment, even though you didn’t. And sometimes – especially in your first days – hearing stuff like that could get under your skin. So, you decided that you would give them the same treatment they gave you.
You didn’t answer Ghosts question, but instead just kept on walking to what would be your private heaven for the next twelve hours.
In hindsight, Ghost did in fact have a point. That house looked very small for three bedrooms. In fact, it looked like it could barely fit one very small room, a kitchenette, and a shower if you’re lucky. But the idea of a bed sounded too good at the moment, so you didn’t pay this minor detail any more thought.
You wish you did.
The moment you entered the house, your worst fears were confirmed.
You stepped into the living space which had a couch, a counter with a microwave on top, a refrigerator next to it, a table with only two (!) chairs and two doors. You froze in the entry, but after someone made a very unhappy noise behind you, you snapped out of it and stepped further into the room, which combined kitchen, dining room, living room and hell.
But you told yourself, there was still hope that behind one of these still closed doors was an oasis waiting for you.
You turned the doorknob on the first one and entered a bathroom that had as much charm as the kitchen. A rusty sink, a shower, and a toilet. The shower didn’t even have a curtain and you could sit on the toilet, shower, and wash your hands at the same time. You felt like you were about to cry. You could already feel the tears prickling behind your eyes at the realisation that not only you had to live in this shithole, but you had to share it with you your two colleagues who are essentially two mountains of meat.
You got out of the “bathroom” again before closing the door behind you with a sigh. Ghost wandered the small room. Even though you couldn’t see his face through his mask, you could feel the frustration radiating from him.
You choose to ignore him and entered the other room.
The room was small, really small. Two people would count as a crowd in there. The worst – there was only one bed. It was king sized at least, but it still meant one of you had to sleep on the shabby couch that probably wouldn’t even fit your smaller frame.
The worst was that you already knew who would have to take the piss and sleep on the couch. There was no way one of the men would give up their place for you. You could feel a tear escaping your eye and running down your cheek before you angrily wiped it away and quickly collected yourself.
You could hear a dissatisfied grunt from the kitchen/living room/dining room which made you leave the most depressing bedroom you’ve ever seen.
You could see that Ghost had rummaged through the one cabinet and only found one of those cheap TV-dinners that you could just pop into the microwave. You just realised that the “kitchen” didn’t even have a sink and that you would have to use the one in the bathroom. 
Could this day even get any worse?
Ghost was still standing there with the TV-dinner in his gloved hand, looking at you. He could see your face fall and if you could see his face, you could see that he did the exact same thing.
You were shocked when Ghost put the frozen meal on the desk in front of you and nudged it into your direction. “It’s yours, princess”, he stated while looking into your eyes. Was it even possible for Ghost to be nice?
You were literally stunned into silence before you realised that a thank you would be appropriate now. “Th- Thank you! We could also share it though. Not even I would get full of this, so it’s better if everyone eats at least a little bit.”
For a moment the two of you were silent, just looking into each others’ eyes. Maybe you didn’t hate each other, maybe you just got off on the wrong foot.
Suddenly Ghost went around the desk between you and stood in front of you. You looked into each others’ eyes and before you could think about it, you said “There’s only one bed.”
Very vell done, that will definitely loosen up the tension between you. Not.
“Well, what now?” Ghost was so close you could feel his breath on your face, even through the balaclava he wore under his mask.
“Someone has to sleep on the couch, if you can even call it that.” You didn’t even know anymore what you were talking about. His scent enveloped you and made your knees get weak. 
He lifted his gloved hands and you almost flinched at the action. He rolled up his balaclava, so his lips were free before he roughly pulled you in by the hips and kissed you.
You froze before you realised what’s happening. Ghost was kissing you. On the lips. You came back to your senses and started kissing him back. You put your hands on his chest and could feel his muscles even through his tactical gear.
You moaned into his mouth, which gave him the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. You wrapped your hands around his neck and pressed yourself against him. Your broke away for a second to breathe and think about what the actual fuck you were doing right now.
Your literal enemy kissed you and you just let it happen. And even though your mind was still sceptical, your body had clear intentions.
So, deciding that this felt actually way better than you would’ve expected, you dived right back in and pressed your lips against his again.
You had to stand on your tiptoes and strain your neck to be on eye level with Ghost, so he lifted you by the hips like you were a bag of feathers and you immediately wrapped your legs around his waist while he supported your weight by grabbing your ass.
At feeling his hands on your ass, you let another moan slip into his mouth. This new position also made you feel his growing errection against your still clothed pussy.
You could feel yourself getting wetter at the feeling of his body against yours and the incredible feeling of his kisses didn’t help either.
Ghost decided that he wanted to take things further and carried you into the bedroom, leaving the door open behind him. You had a slight idea where this was going, but you decided that there was something more important at the moment.
He laid you down on the bed, covering your smaller frame with his bigger one, without breaking the kiss once. He was driving you insane. You let your hands wander over his body again, feeling only his strong muscles. You went further down his body and palmed his errection through his trousers. At his size you let out a sigh and started humping against his groin.
But before you got the chance to touch him further, he took both your wrists in one of his hands and pressed them over your head. You let out a gasp before Ghost tsked you. “I’m calling the shits here, princess.”
You didn’t think getting any more turned on was possible but here you where, drenching your panties because of a man you despised just ten minutes ago.
He kissed you again before caressing your body again. He palmed your breasts before squeezing them, making you moan again.
He started to open your tactical suit but couldn’t get too far with just one hand. He straddled your hips, being careful not to put too much of his weight onto you and let go of your wrists.
He gave you a stern look, signalling that even though he let go of your hands, you’re still not allowed to touch him.
You obeyed his silent demand and watched him take out his knife. You stared at the knife and then at his face. Was this all just a trick to put you in a position where he could easily hurt you?
“Do you trust me princess?”, he wanted to know while twisting the knife, making it reflect the light.
One word could literally shatter this moment and both of you were aware of it. He didn’t just ask you because of the knife, but because of all the things he’s going to do to you. The thought of that warmed your hearth but also made you a bit giddy from excitement.
But even through your uncertainty you didn’t have to think long about your answer.
“Yes.” It didn’t take more for him. He took the knife and cut your suit open, slightly grazing the skin with the tip of the knife, making a chill run down your spine.
You leaned forward so your top fell from your body. He didn’t let your sports bra stop him either, and quickly cut through it.
He leaned back and just looked at your now exposed breasts for a moment. Your nipples were hard, and a thin layer of sweat covered your skin. You couldn’t make out his face since it was still covered by his mask. The only thing that made him seem human at the moment was the rising and falling of his chest, which was slightly out of rhythm.
“Fuck are you beautiful princess. Even better than I imagined.”, he murmured under his breath more to himself, but still loud enough or you to hear it.
You couldn’t believe your ears. Did he really just admit that he imagined you naked before? A blush crept onto your face at his words but also at that thought. Seeing the blush on your face, Ghost noticed his mistake. He didn’t want to say that aloud, but his mouth apparently had a different plan. Realising that, a blush also crept on the British mans face, though he would never admit it and you couldn’t see it because of his mask.
He quickly overcame his shock and remembered that he was on top of you. He let the blade of his knife glide over your skin again, leaving goosebumps in its wake.
He slowly circled your breasts with the blade, slowly going closer and closer to your nipples. He leaned down and pecked your lips before circling the tight nub with his knife. The sensation of the cool blade against your hard nipple, made your eyes roll to the back of your head and a moan leave your lips.
He repeated the same motions with your other breast, slowly teasing your breast before circling your nipple again. You were slowly getting frustrated with the amount of foreplay but didn’t dare the comfortable silence that had laid over you in the last few minutes.
After he was done toying with your breasts, he got off you, now standing next to the bed. He lifted you up with ease and put you onto your feet next to him. Before you could ask him what he was doing, he opened your trousers and pulled them down. He also removed your panties in the same manner, muttering a silent ‘fuck’ as he saw how drenched they were.
He simply manhandled you back into the bed, so you were laying down again. You had to admit that it turned you on to see how strong he is and how easy it is for him to manhandle you. In the end the two of you had a size difference from over a foot, so it wasn’t a surprise to you how simple it was for him to carry you around.
Ghost got on top of you again, laying his still completely clothed body onto your bare one. He kissed you again but pulled away way too soon for your liking. You didn’t complain though because he started to kiss down your body. He didn’t leave an inch untouched. He started to kiss your neck, pulling a string of moans from you. He then kissed your collarbone and then put his attention towards your breasts.
He gave them the same treatment he gave them with the knife, first kissing the soft flesh of your breasts before taking on of your hard nipples into his mouth. He sucked on the, licked them and bit down on them. The latter making you arch your back, leaning into his touch. He did the same to your other breast before kissing down your stomach.
He kissed your hips, but instead of putting his mouth to your pussy where you needed him most, he started trailing down kisses your legs instead. You let out an impatient groan at which Ghost only chuckled.
“Patience, princess, patience.”, he said against the soft skin of your thigh. He kissed down one of your legs and then up the other. He kissed and bit down on the inside of your thigh, getting closer and closer to your glistening pussy.
Finally, he licked a stripe along the lips of your cunt, before circling your clit with the tip of his tongue. You let out a string of curses at feeling his tongue finally against your pussy.
“You’re so fucking wet for me princess. I’ve never tasted anyone so divine in all my life.” His words made you blush, and you let out a breathless moan as he dived in again.
He didn’t stress himself, enjoying the feeling of being between your thighs. He pulled your legs onto his shoulders so he could have better access to your pussy. He pulled of a second to pull off his gloves. He revealed strong, veiny hands with long fingers. A flood of wetness rushed through your cunt at the thought of him fucking you with his fingers.
He entered your tight hole with one of his thick fingers, making you moan and buck against him, slowly starting to fuck his hand and face. He didn’t seem to mind as he just kept on eating you out. Slowly he entered another finger, hitting your g-spot perfectly. When he entered a third finger, you started to feel him stretching you out. But you were glad for the preparation before he fucked you with his cock.
When you felt a fourth finger entering you, you couldn’t control yourself anymore. You came with a shout around his fingers while he kept fucking and licking you through your orgasm. He slowly came to a halt and pulled out of you, earning a whine.
“No need to worry, princess. You won’t be empty for long.” Another wave of excitement hit you, as you thought about finally feeling his thick cock inside of you. From what you felt before, he must be at least 9 inches long, which would make him the biggest you ever had.
König was finally done with checking for traps and such when he decided to join the two of you in the safe house. He knew that the three of you didn’t get along too well so he hoped the two of you hadn’t lost it when you found out that the safe house had only one bedroom.
He approached the house from the wrong side, so he had to go around it to be able to enter through the door.
As he came closer though, he heard noises coming from inside of the house. Was that a moan? Was someone hurt? He quickened his step, seeing a figure through the bedroom window. Had he not seen an enemy?
But what he saw did not only shock him, but it also aroused him. There was his best friend between your thighs, while you fisted the sheets and fucked his face. He was speechless.
He could feel his dick coming to life, twitching in his boxers. He fisted his cock through his trousers while watching you cum. He never would have thought that seeing his best friend with a woman would turn him on, but here he was. He decided that he would enter the house, even though he didn’t want to disturb you.
“C’mon princess, take out my cock.” Ghost didn’t have to tell you twice. He was straddling your hips again, so you had to lean up a bit. First, you opened his belt but didn’t bother pulling it out completely, letting the buckle hang to the side. You opened the button of his trousers and pulled his zipper down. You put your hand into his boxers to pull out his hard cock.
You knew he would be big, but nothing could have prepared you for the real thing. Veins were running along his cock, leading to a fat leaking tip. His cock stood upright and almost touched his belly button.
At the sight of it, you could have started drooling. You reached out and pumped him a few times. Your hand almost couldn’t go around his thick shaft, and you imagined how he would feel inside of you.
When you moved to take him into your mouth, he stopped you.
“Another time princess. If I’m not going to be inside of you in the next two minutes, I’m going insane.”, he told you before demanding, “And now on get on all fours for me, princess.”
He got off you and helped you get on all fours. He gave his cock a few jerks before he got behind you. With one hand on your hip and the other one guiding his cock to your entrance, he entered you with his fat tip.
If you already felt full of just his tip, how were you going to feel with his entire length? He entered you slowly, inch by inch. He also put his other hand on your hip and thrust into you, filling you up with his thick length.
When he was finally settled completely into you, you let out an almost pornographic moan. You swore you could feel him inside of your stomach. You’ve never felt this full in your life. He didn’t fuck you though, but he leaned down and whispered directly into your ear.
“Can you hear that princess? Can you hear König? Do you want him to see what a good little slut you were for your lieutenant? How well you are taking my cock?” You whimpered at his filthy words. You could only nod as you heard the door to the house opening.
“Simon? Princess? Where are you?”, Königh shouted, even though he knew exactly where the two of you were. He entered through the door and at the sight of Ghost’s cock inside of you, he almost came into his pants.
But Ghost only grinned, he could feel you clenching around his cock, the thought of being watched while fucking did not just arouse him, but you too.
“Hey, König. Found any traps?” Ghost said as if he wasn’t inside of you and split you open. König could only shake his head, being stunned into silence.
“If you want to, you can watch, König.” Ghost proposed and you had to suppress a moan. He only nodded and left the room. Why did he- oh. He got one of the chairs and put it next to the bed. He sat down, spread his legs, and started to open his trousers. “Please, don’t let me stop you. Go on.”
That’s all it took.
Ghost pulled out completely before he slammed into you again. You fell forward, your chest being pressed against the bed. Ghost did not like that at all, so he took one hand off your hip and wrapped it around your throat to pull you up. He was holding you up with one hand while you just let loose, getting lost in the feeling of him inside you.
Meanwhile, König pulled out his cock and started jerking off to you two fucking. His cock was of similar size, if not a bit smaller.
At the image of taking both of their cocks at once, your pussy clenched around Ghost again, making him groan.
“You’re doing so good for us, princess. You look so pretty, all cock drunk.” Ghosts’ words brought you impossibly close to the edge. But you tried to control yourself, wanting to cum together with him. But König’s groans were not making it any better.
The picture of him jerking off to you two fucking was sinful but also incredibly turning on.
Ghost started to pick up in speed, mercilessly hammering into you. It was almost too much now, his balls grazed your clit with every thrust, making you see stars.
He took his hand away from your neck and you slumped against the bed again. You thrust against him, arching your back so he could fuck you deeper. At the new angle you felt like you were about to pass out. He kept on fucking you like he hated you and you love it. You had never felt this good in all of your life if you’re being honest.
Ghost leaned forward, covering your body with his, his thrusts not faltering. He leaned down to your ear. “Cum for me princess and I’ll fill you up with my cum. Be a good girl for me and König.”
And that was all it took. You let out a cry and came. You saw black for a second and the feeling of Ghosts cum inside of you, made a second wave of pleasure roll over you. Ghost grunted and cursed while he filled you up with ropes of his thick white cum.
Only when he had emptied his balls he started to slow down and pull out of you. After catching his breath, he leaned down to you and flipped you, so you were now laid out on your back. Ghosts cock was already softening as he put it back into his trousers.
“You want to cum in her too buddy or do you want to blow onto her?” Ghost asked König who was still jerking his cock.
You were still catching your breath when you noticed a shift in the room. Ghost was now sitting in the chair and König was standing on edge of the bed. He pulled you by the ankles to him and threw your legs over his shoulders.
As he entered you, you could feel him stretching you out. Not as much as Ghost but he was still bigger than most of the men you’ve slept with. He started thrusting into you at a relentless paste.
He leaned down and almost bent you in half as he kissed you, his mask long gone. You moaned into his mouth as he kept on fucking you. You could feel his thrusts getting sloppy and you knew he was close. If you were being honest, it didn’t need much more for you either.
The feeling of König fucking Ghosts cum into you, his cock hitting your sweet spot, his lips against yours – you were so close.
With one final grunt, König came to a halt and filled you with his cum. The sensation of his cum filling you, mixing with Ghost’s and trickling out of you, sent you over the edge. You screamed into his mouth as you clenched around him.
When both of you caught your breath, König let go of your legs and pulled out of you. He tucked himself away, while Ghost entered the room with a wet cloth. He cleaned you up and pecked your lips.
They helped you into your underwear and into a pair of their spare shirts, before laying down next to you. You were now sandwiched between the two soldiers. “Well, if this is how all of our missions go, we should work together more often.”, you said. The laugh of the men was the last thing you heard before falling into a restful slumber.
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I hope you enjoyed these 4k words of smut, that I will 100% go to hell for. (It was worth it tho) Please leave some notes if you liked my fic (likes, reblogs comments)
Please also consider supporting me on my ao3 @ softestqueeen
taglist: @silvermagnolias @milywatermelon
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seafoamreadings · 9 months
planetary money
mercury and jupiter are the most commonly understood types. but all the planets can impact you financially or represent a financial gift or mode of operating.
the sun - actual gold. the vitality one experiences when one has plenty of resources at one's disposal, whether those are money, friends, time, or just a full refrigerator.
the moon - actual silver. the need one has for material resources and money, the way it can keep us healthy and happy, the way it can connect us to other people. the way we are nourished by food and goods, which we must buy with money, or barter for.
mercury - the exchange of money. the way it flows. really the current of the currency. mercury shares etymology with words like merchant, market, and mercantile.
venus - this is the attraction of money, the sparkle that people love about gold, the thing that convinces people to pay for your product or service.
mars - the lust for money, which can be dangerous, and its pursuit too. the hustle, for better or worse. at best it is good old fashioned hard work, at worst it is extreme devastating greed or miserliness.
ceres - the fruits of your labor, the way you reap what you sow. the harvest, literally and metaphorically.
jupiter - accumulated wealth, abundance of resources - money, time, food, helpful people, etc - the savings in your bank account, the nest egg, the big profit. jupiter does best when this is handled both wisely AND generously.
saturn - often associated with deprivation and scarcity, poverty, but can also if well-placed and well-aspected be wise frugality, talent with a budget, stretching a small amount to live a better life or better provide for others, and also inheritances, wills, trust funds, etc.
uranus - unexpected money. a lottery winning, a wild gift, finding a suitcase full of money buried in your yard...? nothing easy, nothing normal, nothing you worked much for.
neptune - this spiritual planet ALMOST transcends money, but it is also the soul of money, the spirit of how we can use resources to bolster each other and the world rather than to tear it down for greed's sake. neptune is the anti-greed. but it can also be deception or confusion about money, so be careful.
pluto - wealth that lasts. wealth that is impervious to inflation and the whims of humankind. huge inheritances. the bounty put forth by the earth itself. the metals and gemstones and minerals out of the dirt.
any thoughts? :)
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describingcolours · 1 year
"well youve had it 6 years that's a good amount of time for that kind of thing to work"
"you should be grateful you got 3 years of use out of that thing, I'm lucky if mine last a year haha"
listen, in 1977 nasa launched the voyager spacecrafts to take advantage of a planetary alignment that takes place every 175 years. These 2 crafts were planned to flyby the outer planets of our solar system and gather data on them to send back to us. Voyager 2 launched first on the 20th of August despite its name because it was planned to reach our gas giants after its counterpart voyager 1, which launched a little later on the 5th of September.
The voyager mission was planned to end 12 years later in 1989. In that time, voyager 1 and 2 passed by Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. They discovered new moons, confirmed theories about Saturn's rings, found the first active volcanoes found outside the earth, and they take close-up images of planets only seen at that point from telescopes.
On the 25th of August 1989, voyager 2 encounters Neptune, the last planet in our solar system the voyagers will meet. And that was that. End of mission. Now obsolete.
Less than 1 year later on valentine's day in 1990 voyager 1 looked back on the planet that had built it and sent with it a world's worth of hopes and dreams and took a picture. We called it the solar system family portrait and in it, we see ourselves. The pale blue dot nestled in the darkness of space
And then commands were sent to shut down their cameras. Preserve fuel.
35 years after launch, in 2012 voyager 1 sent back to us data about interstellar space. The very first manmade object to enter it.
41 years after launch voyager 2 did the same. Still operational, still going. Still sending back to us invaluable data, teaching us about our own solar system and the suns influence in our local bubble of space.
They are expected to continue to operate until the year 2025 - almost 50 whole years after they were launched and 36 years after their mission was supposed to have ended.
48 years of harsh space travel, battered by solar winds, pulled by gravity but fast enough just to escape, pelted by who knows how much space dust and radiation.
And even after that, they still have a purpose. Each craft was given a golden record. A disc filled with human knowledge and knowledge of humans and the planet they live on. Greetings and well-wishes to any prospective extraterrestrial life that could potentially pick it up. Co-ordinates, an invite. Samples of our music, the things we love, sounds of the earth, a story of our world. The surf, the wind, birds and whales, images of a mother, our moon, a sunset. Long after the voyager spacecrafts go dark, probably long after we are gone, they will still be doing their job; educating a species about our very tiny corner of the galaxy.
They are nasa's longest-running operation.
And it was all done using 70s technology.
So excuse me if I want a phone that lasts more than 2 years or a vacuum cleaner that doesn't break down after 6, or god fucking forbid, a refrigerator that will keep my food cold my entire fucking lifetime.
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valiart · 3 months
Behold, little baby fanfiction. I've never written one before, but the whole Sulemio fandom and the Sulemio week got me a bit inspired at the final hour. I don't have Ao3, so here it goes:
The Wedding We Didn't Get
(3500 words, Wedding Prompt/Free Day)
The sun rose over the craggy walls of the Caloris Basin on Mercury. Suletta held her thumb up to the burning orb, failing to eclipse it by a factor of three. All her life, she’d help up a fist to cover the star, but on Earth and the more distant planets, people just held up a thumb. Non-Mercurians always imagined the sun to be monstrously huge when seen from Mercury, as though it devoured the whole horizon. The idea seemed rude to Suletta. They made the sun out to be some kind of monster, boiling her planet alive.
Suletta had never looked at the sun that way. She loved the way it broke into rainbows across visors and windows. She watched, through the glassy walls of the most refrigerated place on Mercury, as the morning light sublimated nighttime rime into puffs of steam. She’d never been in a place to watch the sun for more than a few minutes; the suits couldn’t handle much more than that. But those few minutes in the light of the full sun were beautiful, the literal definition of radiant.
The only thing that could ever surpass the sun stood before her right now.
Miorine had wanted to wear a suit. She’d always dreaded the idea of her own wedding; after all, she’d expected to despise her spouse, if not directly rival them. Her father had apparently intended for the competition to protect her, to give her the strongest possible partner, but one that wasn’t her choice. He’d never trusted her to make the right decision. He’d always thought someone else should lead in her stead.
So dreaming of being married in a suit always made her feel strong, powerful. She wore the pants. She had the power, chauvinistic as it was. Her spouse was lucky to be marrying her, and not the other way around.
Then Suletta had said “I always imagined seeing us in our dresses.”
The last thing Miorine had expected from her spouse was love. Much less love at first sight. Much less the stupid insipid head-over-heels heart pounding, sweaty-palmed, short-of-breath bullshit wrought by the mere sight of her volcanic victor, her red-earth lover, her insanely perfect wife. How someone so sweet could have come from a desolate rock such as this completely escaped Miorine. The very idea that joy could come from these blasted plains and half-melted crags was absurd.
And yet the proof stood before her, resplendent in a puffy green dress decked out with live roses and tomatoes. Suletta’s hair was sewn into the same shapes, an intricate hairstyle she’d said was popular in Roman times. Suletta wobbled a little bit on her crutches; even with the support rigging built into the dress, the fruit was heavy and cumbersome. With its flared frills and borderline Victorian volume, it was the kind of dress Miorine would never have been caught dead in.
“Your garden was how I fell in love with you, Miss Miorine,” Suletta said. Had said, but still did. “I want everyone to know that side of you.”
Idiot. Miorine thought, as her face turned bright red and tears welled in her eyes, threatening her tastefully winged eyeliner and immaculately porcelain blush. Stupid asshole idiot. I hate you. I hate you so much. I wish I could punch you. I wish I could tear those crutches away and throw you into orbit.
Suletta held up her thumb to the sun, then back down to Miorine, eliciting chuckles from the small audience. The dome was only big enough for twenty people; any larger and the amount of refrigeration necessary to keep it livable would have been prohibitively expensive. Unreasonable when the rest of the colony needed every watt they could scrape together.
Earth House et-al sat stage right, with only Sabine to break up the mix, a surprise plus-one from Nika. No matter. The old rivalries were moot now. Everyone wanted the same thing: peace. And Miorine was going to see it delivered.
She’d never thought she’d come this far. When she’d gone out in her suit on that fateful day, she’d half expected to simply float into deep space and die. That possibility hadn’t scared her. She’d welcomed it.
And then this dumbass came into her life, and suddenly living became the only thing Miorine cared about. So long as she lived with Suletta. So long as she could listen to that embarrassed stammer, see that pitiful blush, feel those calloused hands. So long as she could see that saccharine smile, Miorine could go any distance, hurdle any obstacle.
So when Suletta said she wanted dresses. Suletta got dresses. Even after Suletta described hers. Miorine had wanted to die. Instead, she’d simply said: “Do whatever you want.”
Miorine wore white lace, gauzy across the chest. Body-tight, so Suletta could not imagine anything but her. Simple lines, with faint silver threads drawing the vines of the garden they’d made together. Subtle enough that only a careful viewer would notice the design, but obvious enough that Suletta would understand. She wore crystal heels and simple pearl earrings. She’d cut her mullet, and kept the bob. Simple, professional, herself. Her outfit may as well have been in the dictionary as a visual definition of class.
She felt so fake next to Suletta.
She felt so hopeful as she took her place beside her.
She shivered when Suletta took her hands.
“Enough flirting, you two. You’re making this embarrassing.” Guel said, with false authority. When they’d asked him to officiate, his first question had been “Why me?” Then he’d shaken his head. It was, after all, better not to know that Suletta just felt bad for all the trouble she’d caused him. In a way, no one had suffered more than him from Suletta’s arrival at Asticassia. It seemed only fair.
“Do your job.” Miorine hissed. She tapped his phone, where the entire ceremony was laid out in plain text. She hadn’t trusted him to remember it all. No matter how much Suletta had changed her, Miorine still had trouble letting go of control.
Guel coughed into his hand. He began reading the nondenominational, interplanetarily legal text Miorine had picked out. A simple declaration that they would share assets, interests, and fulfill each other’s obligations in the eyes of the law—whichever law that happened to be at the time, corporate or Spacer or Earthian. Simple, unemotional, with nothing for anyone to pick at that might show favor to one belief system or government.
“The groom has chosen to write her own vows.” Guel said, with relief. His part was effectively done. Though he routinely gave speeches himself, being at the centre of an actually emotional scene clearly went above his capacities.
“As the champion of Asticassia’s dueling tournament, Suletta Mercury has earned the right to recite her vows first.”
Suletta stared down at her notes. The tablet, and therefore the words, trembled in her grip. She really thought she’d be braver than this. She’d killed people, for goodness’ sake. To protect Miss Miorine, of course, but that didn’t change the facts. She was someone with blood on her hands. She should be able to handle getting married.
She looked to her mother, silent and still in her wheelchair. Mr. Rembran sat next to her, equally still, but from stoicism rather than paralysis. She had dressed her mother in a simple blue dress, easy to take off and on, comfortable and soft. A red-white-and-blue striped blanket kept her warm. She couldn’t speak, even with computer aid. Eri said her brain refused to make the connections. She wasn’t brain-dead, but she wasn’t far from it. Still, there seemed to be light in her eyes that hadn’t been there the day before. As ruthless as her mother was, she’d always acted out of love. She cared. No matter how present or gone she might be, she was here, today, watching her daughter get married.
“The first time I saw you,” Suletta began, her voice wavering, “I thought you were trying to kill yourself. You were so angry with me for saving you. Then you stole Aerial, and tried to fight Guel yourself. I thought you had a death wish. Then I got engaged to you! I thought I was coming to school to make friends, not get married. I thought you were terrifying. I still do. But when I saw how messy your room was-“
“Hey!” Miorine scowled and blushed. Laughter broke out.
“A-and how beautiful your garden was,” Suletta said quickly, scrolling past the paragraphs where she described Miorine’s mess in intricate detail, down to a particular stain that had taken three long weeks to remove even with industrial solvents. “I quickly learned how caring you were, how much love was in your heart. It takes a lot of love to raise plants. It seems so simple on Earth, but here we have to make the soil from the ground up. We have to purify the water. We have to make the air, and import fertilizer at great expense. Asticassia is not too different from Mercury in that way. And the tomatoes you grew were the most delicious I have ever had. You were callous and distant, and beautiful.”
Suletta’s hands shook. One of her crutches slipped loose. Even with Mercury’s low gravity, holding herself up with one arm was borderline impossible. She tipped forward.
Miorine darted forwards and caught both the crutch and her. She very carefully placed the crutch back under Suletta’s armpit, and propped Suletta back up. She rearranged the tomatoes that had been dislodged in her brief fall, and stood back, eyes closed. She took a small breath, and waited.
Suletta stared at Miorine, lost in her grace.
“Keep talking.” Miorine said, with perfect calm.
“Ah! Um, I… I’ll always remember the way you pushed me up against the window and told me you needed me. When you said to email you three times a day, I thought you were still mad at me, because I would have messaged you more. I want to share every moment with you. I want to tell you about the little bug I saw, or the nice thing someone said, or just share a photo of the sunlight on the rocks. I want to be with you every day, to protect you, to help you, to turn your forever frowns forever upside-down.
“I promise that even though I’ll never pilot a mobile suit again, I’ll always fight for you. I’ll always stand by your side, even if I can’t stand. I’ll never betray the trust you’ve given me. And I swear to get better at cooking so you can stop ordering food all the time. Most importantly, I promise to make you happy. I want to see you wake up with a smile, to put you to bed with a kiss. I want to see our babies. I want to see how beautifully you age. I want to know you, so completely that I can’t separate you from myself. I promise that these wants will never change. I promise to be the best partner there can be.”
Miorine stood like a statue now, still as marble and just as white. As the sun shone down on her, it seemed that she did not reflect its burning light, but radiated on her own with a cool brilliance of greater magnitude than any star.
“As best I can, that is…” Suletta said, looking down from Miorine’s placid expression.
Guel bit his lip and tried not to cry. He failed. Voice choking, he said: “How you can you just stand there like that?”
“That’s not your line,” Miorine said, quietly.
Guel swallowed his pride and wiped his tears. “The bride has also chosen to write her own vows,” he said. “Miorine Rembran, please recite your vows.”
Miorine sucked in a breath. She couldn’t lose her composure now. She had to be strong. She had to be perfect. She was the youngest President in history. She could not fail, for even her wedding was a public, political act. No matter how human she wanted to be for Suletta, she had to be a public figure first.
She told herself all this to no avail.
“I…” she carefully opened her eyes and looked down so the sight of Suletta wouldn’t overwhelm her. She had her speech memorized. All 100 words. Simple, curt, effective.
Suletta. You are a powerful, strong person. I respect you completely. I trust you. You are more than a fighter, you are a friend, and you are the correct fiancée for me. I solemnly vow to support your efforts to advance education across the system, and to support those who have no one else. I promise to listen to you, to believe you, and to consult you. I am grateful for the opportunity to call myself your wife. It is difficult for me to say this in front of so many people, but I love you. I always will.
Tears plopped onto the tiled floor. Fat and heavy, and soon joined by more.
“I hate you!” Miorine cried. “How am I supposed to follow that, huh? How am I supposed to match you?”
Earth House howled with laughter. Even her father cracked a small smile.
Miorine sobbed, staring into those innocent blue eyes, quivering above the stupidest fucking smirk Miorine had ever seen, so small and serene and sure, as though this shame were cute, and fuck, it must be to her.
“How can I possibly stand next to you when you are everything in this universe. You are bravery. You are valor. You are my knight in shining armor, even when you’re not wearing anything at all.”
Suletta gasped.
“See! I can make you flustered too. So don’t think you get a monopoly.”
“Mioooo…” Suletta whined.
“Everything you do drives me completely insane,” Miorine said. “The way you know exactly what I want before I know it. The way you follow my instructions to the letter, and better. The way you always stand up for me even when I don’t deserve it. The way you can just pop into a room like a tray of free cookies and make every single person smile. The way you look at me makes me want to rip my face off.
“I love you so intensely that just thinking your name makes my heart pound. You make it so easy to love you. So easy to stand up. You make me want to wake up every day. To take care of myself, so I can take care of you. You may not pilot a mobile suit anymore, you may never be able to walk on your own again, but you are still the most powerful person I know. Nevertheless, I promise to protect you. I promise to carry you when you fall. I promise to hold your hand. To tuck you in. To let you call me Miomio when when Suletta is upsetta. To clean you if you can’t, to feed you if you can’t. To take care of your mother. To take care of whatever family we have. You have done so much for me. I owe you my life.”
She sucked in a breath, deep and shaking.
“I owe you my life,” she repeated, between sobs. “But I’m giving you my heart. So don’t break it!”
Laughter interrupted audible sobs from the small crowd.
“Now rest, my noble warrior.” Miorine said, cradling Suletta’s warm brown cheek in her hand. “Rest, my precious groom. Rest, because I will hold you. I will stand for you. And I will be there with you for everything, until I no longer draw breath.”
“Miorine…” Suletta’s blue eyes shivered beneath an ocean of tears.
Guel coughed, and waved a nearby drone over. The drone was shaped like a giant tomato, and had only one function. Though no one else could know it, Ericht controlled the drone; she couldn’t take much more part in this ceremony than to be a digital flower girl, but that was enough for all of them. They were together, and would be, forever.
“We will now exchange rings.” Guel said, trying hard to maintain his composure. The drone’s top flipped open. Inside lay two small rings. One was a simple platinum band studded with rubies; it had belonged to her mother. Suletta, ever the teacher, wanted to give her something with history.
The other ring was a bright silver mash, not a single piece of metal but a fused conglomerate of shards. Aerial’s pieces, almost microscopic, sifted from the vacuum at great expense. Her researchers had wanted to study the shards. She’d given them what remained after this came together. Love trumped research.
“Miorine! That’s not the ring we picked out for me.” Suletta said with a gasp.
“I know.” Miorine said. “But I think this one suits you better.”
“It’s supposed to be the other way round,” Guel interjected, “But President Rembran, please place the ring on the groom’s finger.”
Miorine wiped the tears from her face and picked up the Aerial ring. She gently slipped it onto Suletta’s finger long, strong fingers. Suletta covered her mouth and shook with sobs.
“Ms. Mercury, please place the ring on the bride’s finger.”
Suletta trembled as she picked up the simple band, and slid it onto Miorine’s thin digit. Miorine could not help but think that Suletta was so strong. So gentle. So effortlessly perfect.
“By the power vested in me by the Sol Compact, I now pronounce you wife and wife. Mrs. Mercury, you may now kiss the bride.”
They stared at him.
“Ah, the original Mrs. Mercury.”
Suletta couldn’t move. She could barely see through the veil of tears. She could only vaguely lurch forward with trembling legs and shivering arms and hope that the shimmering white shape in front of her was her wife and not a particularly attractive pole.
Her Mio’s hands found her. One wrapped around her hand, pulling her upright. The other wrapped around her waist, pulling her in. Miorine’s delicate lips brushed against Suletta’s at first, gently sharing a warm breath, a flicker of tongue, so swift and temporary that Suletta couldn’t be sure it happened. Then they were pressed together, breath joining breath, lips against lips, tongues seeking tongues, desperate for each other even in this disturbingly public view, in this tiny glass dome on a boiling rock.
Suletta pushed away, exclaiming with shame: “Mio!”
Then she realized that Miorine’s hand was no longer entwined with hers. Instead, she reached under Suletta’s legs, and swept her off her feet.
“You’re lucky this is Mercury.” Miorine said. “I can’t do this on Earth.”
“Miorine, I’m supposed to-“
“You’re not my groom anymore. You’re my wife. And I choose to carry you.”
As Miorine carried Suletta past their friends, past their family, all standing and clapping, Suletta looked once again to her mother. She expected to see nothing. After all, she was barely present. At her healthiest, she had been stoic and stalwart, cunning and sweet, but never soft.
A single tear travelled down the creases of her face, dripping onto the blanket below. Mr. Rembran took out a small handkerchief and wiped the tear away. He nodded to her.
Suletta nodded back.
“You know,” Miorine said, as the pressure doors sealed behind them, “you’re lucky your legs don’t work right now.”
“Why?” Suletta said, completely confused.
“Because after tonight, you won’t be able to move a muscle.”
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alpaca-clouds · 30 days
Why Nobody Talks About The Ozone Hole Any Longer
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Something I have come across more and more in the last two years or so are right wing climate change deniars going: "Oh, it is typical for liberals to make a big thing out of nothing. I mean when have you last heard about the Ozone hole?! Just another meaningless outrage."
And of course everyone who actually follows science will sit there: "Uhm, yeah. We do not hear about the ozone hole anymore anymore, because... we fixed it. We enacted politics, they worked, the Ozone hole is fixed. Hurray. NOW PLEASE CAN WE DO THE SAME FOR CLIMATE CHANGE?!"
But let me quickly talk about what happened with the ozone hole. Because it was a frustrating thing, that was badly communicated for the most part.
Long story short: In the 70s scientists notized that the ozone layer surrounding our planet was depleating. It is a layer within the atmosphere mostly filled with Ozone (O3), that acts as a big filter for harmful radiation reaching our planet from space. Mostly it is interesting because it filters out some of the harmful radiations that get to our planet from the sun.
Those scientists figured out too, why the ozone layer was depleating: Certain chemicals that we were using made their way up to the atmosphere and reacted with the ozone, and with that creating new molecules, which depleated the ozone. Some of the main chemicals were chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).
Now, again, this was in the mid 70s, and the first thing that happened was a familiar story: The scientists went to politicians, told them about them, and the companies using the CFCs were like: "But do you know REALLY?" And of course all needed almost 10 years to get the ball rolling.
Still, by 1985 some European countries started to put up laws that regulated the use of CFCs and some other chemicals that were used in ACs, in stuff like hairspray, and in refrigerators. And by '89 the world came together and put in an actual international action plan to do something about it.
So yes, most of us who are on this website were actually born at a point where this already was being politically addressed. And while throughout my own childhood and youth the ozone hole was still a bit of a problem, the new laws managed to fix the issue. The ozone hole has mostly closed up.
Which is why the real reason is more like: Why did we manage that and somehow are so incapable of fixing climate change? Because yeah, the ozone hole was a problem - but not comparable to the bloody climate change!
But yeah, the reason why we don't talk about the ozone hole anymore? We listened to scientists, enacted new politics, and we fixed the problem. Hurray us.
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
"The sleeping giant of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has stirred.
In the past month, an avalanche of anti-pollution rules, targeting everything from toxic drinking water to planet-heating gases in the atmosphere, have been issued by the agency. Belatedly, the sizable weight of the US federal government is being thrown at longstanding environmental crises, including the climate emergency.
On Thursday [May 18, 2023], the EPA’s month of frenzied activity was crowned by the toughest ever limits upon carbon pollution from America’s power sector, with large, existing coal and gas plants told they must slash their emissions by 90% or face being shut down.
The measure will, the EPA says, wipe out more than 600m tons of carbon emissions over the next two decades, about double what the entire UK emits each year. But even this wasn’t the biggest pollution reduction announced in recent weeks.
In April, new emissions standards for cars and trucks will eliminate an expected 9bn tons of CO2 by the mid-point of the century, while separate rules issued late last year aim to slash hydrofluorocarbons, planet-heating gases used widely in refrigeration and air conditioning, by 4.6bn tons in the same timeframe. Methane, another highly potent greenhouse gas, will be curtailed by 810m tons over the next decade in another EPA edict.
In just a few short months the EPA, diminished and demoralized under Donald Trump, has flexed its regulatory muscles to the extent that 15bn tons of greenhouse gases – equivalent to about three times the US’s carbon pollution, or nearly half of the entire world’s annual fossil fuel emissions – are set to be prevented, transforming the power basis of Americans’ cars and homes in the process...
If last year’s Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), with its $370bn in clean energy subsidies and enticements for electric car buyers, was the carrot to reducing emissions, the EPA now appears to be bringing a hefty stick.
The IRA should help reduce US emissions by about 40% this decade but the cut needs to be deeper, up to half of 2005 levels, to give the world a chance of avoiding catastrophic heatwaves, wildfires, drought and other climate calamities. The new rules suddenly put America, after years of delay and political rancor, tantalizingly within reach of this...
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“It’s clear we’ve reached a pivotal point in human history and it’s on all of us to act right now to protect our future,” said Michael Regan, the administrator of the EPA, in a speech last week at the University of Maryland. The venue was chosen in a nod to the young, climate-concerned voters Joe Biden hopes to court in next year’s presidential election, and who have been dismayed by Biden’s acquiescence to large-scale oil and gas drilling.
“Folks, this is our future we are talking about, and we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity for real climate action,” [Michael Regan, the administrator of the EPA], added. “Failure is not an option, indifference is not an option, inaction is not an option.” ...
It’s not just climate the EPA has acted upon in recent months. There are new standards for chemical plants, such as those that blight the so-called "Cancer Alley" the US, from emitting cancer-causing toxins such as benzene, ethylene oxide and vinyl chloride. New rules curbing mercury, arsenic and lead from industrial facilities have been released, as have tighter limits on emissions of soot and the first ever regulations targeting the presence of per- and polyfluoroalkylsubstances (or PFAS) in drinking water.” ...
For those inside the agency, the breakneck pace has been enervating. “It’s definitely a race against time,” said one senior EPA official, who asked not to be named. “The clock is ticking. It is a sprint through a marathon and it is exhausting.” ...
“We know the work to confront the climate crisis doesn’t stop at strong carbon pollution standards,” said Ben Jealous, the executive director of the Sierra Club.
“The continued use or expansion of fossil power plants is incompatible with a livable future. Simply put, we must not merely limit the use of fossil fuel electricity – we must end it entirely.”"
-via The Guardian (US), 5/16/23
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wachinyeya · 4 months
Indian Engineers Tackle Water Shortages with Star Wars Tech in Kerala https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/indian-engineers-tackle-water-shortages-with-star-wars-tech-in-kerala/
When a severe water shortage hit the Indian city of Kozhikode in the state of Kerala, a group of engineers turned to science fiction to keep the taps running.
Like everyone else in the city, engineering student Swapnil Shrivastav received a ration of two buckets of water a day collected from India’s arsenal of small water towers.
It was a ‘watershed’ moment for Shrivastav, who according to the BBC had won a student competition four years earlier on the subject of tackling water scarcity, and armed with a hypothetical template from the original Star Wars films, Shrivastav and two partners set to work harvesting water from the humid air.
“One element of inspiration was from Star Wars where there’s an air-to-water device. I thought why don’t we give it a try? It was more of a curiosity project,” he told the BBC.
According to ‘Wookiepedia’ a ‘moisture vaporator’ is a device used on moisture farms to capture water from a dry planet’s atmosphere, like Tatooine, where protagonist Luke Skywalker grew up.
This fictional device functions according to Star Wars lore by coaxing moisture from the air by means of refrigerated condensers, which generate low-energy ionization fields. Captured water is then pumped or gravity-directed into a storage cistern that adjusts its pH levels. Vaporators are capable of collecting 1.5 liters of water per day.
If science fiction authors could come up with the particulars of such a device, Shrivastav must have felt his had a good chance of succeeding. He and colleagues Govinda Balaji and Venkatesh Raja founded Uravu Labs, a Bangalore-based startup in 2019.
Their initial offering is a machine that converts air to water using a liquid desiccant. Absorbing moisture from the air, sunlight or renewable energy heats the desiccant to around 100°F which releases the captured moisture into a chamber where it’s condensed into drinking water.
The whole process takes 12 hours but can produce a staggering 2,000 liters, or about 500 gallons of drinking-quality water per day. Uravu has since had to adjust course due to the cost of manufacturing and running the machines—it’s just too high for civic use with current materials technology.
“We had to shift to commercial consumption applications as they were ready to pay us and it’s a sustainability driver for them,” Shrivastav explained. This pivot has so far been enough to keep the start-up afloat, and they produce water for 40 different hospitality clients.
Looking ahead, Shrivastav, Raja, and Balaji are planning to investigate whether the desiccant can be made more efficient; can it work at a lower temperature to reduce running costs, or is there another material altogether that might prove more cost-effective?
They’re also looking at running their device attached to data centers in a pilot project that would see them utilize the waste heat coming off the centers to heat the desiccant.
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