#planet elysia
sersi · 1 year
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- Sally Rooney
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welcometomeloxia · 1 month
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hive-sight · 1 year
Concerns 1
Sentients. This one has news. Upon encountering Raxor in the halls of the ship, this one inquired into their change in disposition. What could crush the spirit of this one’s companion so?
Raxor’s response… It is worrying.
RAXOR:        The Terrans… they do not enjoy war.
ELYSIA:        That is good, yes? Too many of the new races seem to revel-
RAXOR:        No.
ELYSIA:        No?
RAXOR:        They are a war race. Their history and evolution are paved in the ashes and blood of their enemies. Yet they do not revel. The Skellesian Bloodmites revel. Their weapons are made to draw out battle and prolong suffering. Barbed rods for the rending of flesh. Heated blades to ensure the enemy stays standing no matter how much is chopped off.
                      The Stol’oon of Grumha revel. Their cowardly tactics involve slowly terraforming the planets of surface-bound races while they are defenseless to stop them. Slowly cooking as the atmosphere of the only home they have known becomes their crematorium.
                      The Terrans? They do not revel in war. They hate war.
ELYSIA:       This one does not understand. The race was molded by war, yet hates it? Do they hate what it has made them? Are they a drink that hates the shape its container has forced upon it?
RAXOR:       They hate the acts. This one asks Elysia to consider, if one despised an action but the action was needed, what would they do?
ELYSIA:       This one does have experience with this. This one dislikes having to configure variables in simulations. This one wrote a script to automatically program variables if given a planetary identification code.
RAXOR:        Why?
ELYSIA:        To get it done as quickly… and…
RAXOR:        Yes.
ELYSIA:        By the Queen. Have the Terrans… streamlined… war?
This was not the end of the discussion, Raxor proceeded to request a cancellation of the mission. They claim that the Queen would not have allowed the mission had she known.
Unfortunately for Raxor, after more than the expected number of delays, the ship has already entered the Sol System.
On this, the Terran Date of May 21st of 2030, or XD 4682C 4A 2L, and with an uncertain future, this is Elysia of Xyloptha, signing off.
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thepagansystem · 2 months
Blood of Gold and Tears of Stars [Genshin Creator AU]
soooooo, I've recently discovered the Divine Creator AU and got obsessed. Naturally, that means I started a new fic, lmao. It's going to be updated on AO3 Here, but I figured I'd post the first chapter here <3
The people of Teyvat had long forgotten their Divine Creator, the usurpers from the Stars having used dark knowledge to seal Her and the memory of her away inside the floating islands of Celestia within a year of arriving on her planet. And this imprisonment lasted for many, many years. However, after the fall of Kaenri’ah 500 years ago, cracks in the magic they used began to form. The Tsaritsa, fair Goddess of Love, was the first to remember their beloved Creator. This revelation led to her creation of the Fatui--she hoped overthrowing Celestia and the Heavenly Principles would undo the blasphemous act and free Elysia Seraphine at long last. 
It was also around this time that the Ley Line Outcrops began to appear all across Teyvat--the first rumblings of Elysia’s returning consciousness. As the Ley Line Blossoms began to be purified, bits and pieces of the Creator returned to the people of Teyvat--and they began to remember. No one knew where the Creator was, but they held onto the hope that she would return to them one day and began chronicling the stories they could remember of her in the meantime.
And then, one bright sunny day--an immense implosion of elemental energy swept across the land, stopping at the central island of Celestia. Those nearest to the floating island of the Gods stared up in shock, and after a moment of unnerving stillness--the islands disintegrated in a burst of blinding golden light. At long last, the Creator had awoken from her imprisoned slumber.
Elysia fell from the sparkling wreckage of Celestia, the winds of Teyvat wrapping around her limp body and slowing her descent to the shores near Mount Mingyuan. As the sleeping Goddess neared the ground, a group of Dendro slimes jumped out of the earth and made a bed of elemental energy as the wind gently laid her down.
The Dendro slimes bounced around her protectively, as the teal-haired protector of Liyue appeared in a sudden burst of smoke--wide amber eyes staring at the peaceful form of Elysia Seraphine. He deflected the bursts of dendro the slimes shot at him, scowling at the interference as he swiped at the largest of the slime. “I’m here to protect her Grace, back off.” He glanced back at the Creator as he snapped at the slimes, suddenly worried he might disrupt her slumber. After assuring she still slept soundly, he squinted back at the slimes as they plopped back into the ground one after another--deeming him safe. The Vigilant Yaksha released his hold on his spear, letting it disappear as he carefully approached the Divine Creator.  Stepping inside her aura made him pause, a look of surprise crossing his face as the years of karmic debt he had accumulated just...faded to silence. The relief was as blessed as it was unsettling, but Xiao shook his shock off as he gently crouched down. It felt blasphemous to touch her so casually, but Morax had ordered her safe retrieval until the Creator awoke. Shaking his head again, Xiao gently lifted Elysia into his arms with her head cradled into the hollow of his neck and shoulder, before disappearing in another cloud of smoke. 
A pair of pink eyes narrowed in irritation as the two disappeared from sight, as the white-haired woman stepped out from the rocks she had been hiding behind. As the Dendro Slimes popped out of the ground to attack her, the woman materialized her sword and cut all five down with one strike of her blade. Glaring at the spot the Divine Creator had been, she scoffed before tearing open a rip in space and stepping back through.
Zhongli sat at the stone table he, Guizhong, and Cloud Retainer used to eat at atop Mount Aocang, lost in thought as he awaited the arrival of Xiao and Lady Elysia. To think that Celestia had locked away everyone’s memories of their Divine Creator...it angered him greatly. Now that she had been freed at last, all the hidden memories had rushed back--and he finally understood what the Tsaritsa had been working towards these long years. 
He blinked away his thoughts as Xiao appeared in a cloud of smoke, standing and walking towards the oft scowling Yaksha. His eyes immediately went to the still form of his Goddess, as he fell to his knees. She looked so peaceful asleep in Xiao’s arms, and the golden dragon of Contracts had a sudden spike of envy. Shaking himself from his stupor, Zhongli stood back up with a clearing of his throat, before turning to walk back towards the stone table with a hand beckoning Xiao to follow. He paused upon reaching the table, conflicted on laying his Goddess upon such an uncomfortable surface. Before he had a chance to think of a solution, the trees near the table shivered as dendro energy pulsed through the area, while a gentle breeze brought soft bedding of flowers and leaves to rest atop the stone table. Awed by the reverence the very land seemed to bestow upon her, Zhongli nodded to Xiao as the Yaksha stepped forward and hesitantly layed Elysia upon the created bed. 
The two stood in silence for a few moments, before Zhongli shook himself and took a few steps away from her, Xiao following behind him. “Did you have any trouble bringing Her here?” 
Xiao shook his head, crossing his arms across his chest. “No, Lord Lapis. She was being protected by Dendro Slimes when I arrived, but no one else was around.” He paused, contemplating his thoughts before hesitantly asking his Archon. “Do you really think anyone wishes to harm Her Grace?”
Zhongli hummed, looking back at the sleeping Creator, slowly answering the question. “I believe it is a distinct possibility that Celestia put fail-safes in place. It seems best to not risk Her injury until we know for certain.” Xiao nodded in understanding as the Geo Archon continued, “Everyone likely knows what the implosion of energy meant, and will come searching for her--with good and ill intent certainly. I’m sure the other Archons are like to trace her aura here before long, though I do not know if any will show themselves.”
Xiao nodded again, looking back at Elysia before scanning the surroundings for potential threats. “Have you summoned the other Adepti to guard her until she wakes?”
Zhongli nodded slightly, his eyes still locked on the sleeping form of his Creator, entranced. “Indeed, they should arrive before too long--I find it imperative to protect Her Grace from further harm.” As he spoke, he abruptly turned to stare out across the sky, sensing the abnormally shifting winds as he spotted a green and brown-clad form shooting towards them. He immediately stood and shot his arms out, “Solidify!” The pillars shooting up around Elysia caused Xiao to jolt, immediately drawing his spear and facing towards the inbound figure as a protective geo field formed around the Creator.
Zhongli only slightly relaxed upon recognizing Barbatos, the short windborne bard gracefully landing before the pair with an unusually somber and serious expression on his face. Xiao remained in his defensive stance, unsure if the bard posed a threat or not and unwilling to take the chance. “What brings you to my domain, Barbatos?” Zhongli’s tone was guarded and weary, his arms crossed over his chest and back rigid. 
Venti gave a shallow dip of his head, leaning to the side to see around Zhongli--eliciting a small gasp as he saw Elysia. He took a few steps towards her, before Xiao sliced his spear out to stop him as Zhongli unwittingly let out a low growl deep in his throat. Venti stumbled to a stop, blinking owlishly at the two of them before giving a weepy-eyed pout. “Why are you keeping Her Grace to yourself Morax? We all want to see her now that she has been returned to us.” 
Zhongli’s eyes and ends of his hair started to glow slightly, as his draconic instincts picked up, golden scales spreading across his cheeks. “I am ensuring her safety from those who may wish to harm her--we do not yet know for certain that Celestia has not sent people to attack her.”
Venti’s eyes widened, his already pale skin going ashen--he had been so excited to feel her presence that the thought of her safety hadn’t crossed his mind. “Oh.”
As the three continued their heated debate, Elysia’s golden eyes slowly opened. She stared up at the open sky in awe, slowly lifting an arm up in muted curiosity and disbelief. As she slowly sat upwards, she turned to look at the three who were serving as her protectors, a bemused smile on her face. With a whisper of wind helping her stand for the first time in at least 10,000 years, she took a careful step towards the three. Seeing the shimmering geo energy around her, she skimmed a hand over the surface and the shield dissolved. 
Xiao was the first to notice her, the angry voices of long dead gods quieting as she drew near. Dropping his spear, the Yaksha fell to his knees with his face upturned towards her. The two ex-Archons ceased their bickering to look over--freezing upon seeing their Divine Creator gazing at them mere feet away. Following Xiao, Zhongli and Venti both knelt on the ground, bowing their heads to Elysia in supplication. Of all the denizens of Teyvat, the Archons felt the most guilty at forgetting their Goddess--and bowing to her usurper.
She tilted her head slightly to the side, her long elegant tail whispering along the ground as it swayed back and forth. Taking another step towards them, she cupped each of the gods cheeks in one hand to lift their heads up. “Do not bow your heads in shame, my dear Cherubim. You are not to blame for my entombment and expungement from memory.” As the two gods looked up, Xiao felt a bitter sense of longing for her caress as well. As if she could read his thoughts, Elysia turned towards him and ran her fingers through his hair in a gentle caress. “Thank you for bringing me somewhere safe while I regained my strength, my brave and sorrowful Yaksha. You have done well, so please don’t view yourself so lowly.” She gave him a soft smile, drawing her hand back as she clasped both behind her back and watched the three with bemusement. 
Xiao blinked his eyes rapidly, trying to fight back the tears prickling at the corners of his eyes. After a moment of silence, Zhongli rose to his feet--causing the other two to follow in his lead when Elysia nodded encouragingly. Zhongli was also the first to break the silence, sounding uncharacteristically unsure of himself in the presence of his Goddess. “Your Grace..Is there anything we can do for you? I am sorry that you were so sacrilegiously treated for so long without us doing anything to assist you.”
She chuckled softly, her smile brightening at the sincerity in his words, “Do not fret, dear Morax. Even if you had learned sooner, there is not much more that could have been done. The usurpers used dark knowledge they brought from beyond the stars, and I was unprepared for such an attack.” As she spoke, her tail swished and she raised her head to look towards the glowing blue waypoint as it pulsed with energy. Curiosity sparked in her eyes at the unknown technology, another bemused smile passing onto her face as Zhongli and Xiao took up protective stances in front of her. 
They both relaxed as the form of Shenhe, Ganyu, and Xianyun stepped onto the grass. “One does not understand why ones charges do not visit unless there is some dire situation!” Zhongli cleared his throat, getting Xianyun’ attention before she could continue ranting at the half qilin and exorcist pair. 
Ganyu and Xianyun both let out a small gasp upon seeing Elysia, while Shenhe studied the Goddess with an impassive expression. Ganyu bowed deeply to her, while Xianyun dipped her head respectfully as she took a step towards them. “One is pleased to see you in good health, Your Grace.”
Elysia stepped between Xiao and Zhongli, smiling at the new arrivals as she neared them. “Thank you, Cloud Retainer. It is wonderful to see the sky after so long in slumber.” 
Venti, who had remained quiet this entire time, stepped around Zhongli and Xiao to stop beside Elysia. “Is there anything you wish to do, Lady Elysia?” 
She turned to look at him, her long sparkling hair draping across her shoulder as she tilted her head in thought, tapping a finger against her chin. “I would like to travel across Teyvat, and see what has become of my land.” She turned back towards the newcomers, walking towards them as she studied the waypoint with her hands once again clasped behind her back. “How do I use this curious device? Is it connected to my Irminsul network, as my memory blossoms are?”
Unsure how to interact with the curious Creator, the group shuffled together to look at her, before Zhongli answered her question. “I believe so, Your Grace. Anyone who can control the elements is able to access the system by touching the device, and it connects to all the other waypoints or statues in the area.” He hesitated as she hummed in contemplation, walking around the device thrice as she studied it. “Would..you allow me the honour of showing you my city of Liyue Harbour?”
She glanced up to him with a slight smile, but was unable to respond before Venti cut in. “Your Grace, my city of Freedom, Mondstadt, would be an excellent place to begin your journey~ It is where wayward travellers often start!”
Before any more bickering could begin, she raised her hands up in a placating manner, “Patience, please, my cherubim. I intend to visit all of the stations, and will gladly welcome a knowledgeable tour-guide.” She noticed Ganyu nervously wringing her hands, and tilted her head at her. “Is there something wrong, dear Ganyu?”
The half-qilin looked up at her with a nervous smile, “I’m sorry for my forwardness, Your Grace, but Lady Ningguang asked me to invite you to her Jade Palace if you felt so inclined.”
Elysia smiled at her, nodding her head in acceptance. “Very well, that is where we shall start then.” She looked over each of her welcoming party in turn. “I greatly appreciate your concern for my well-being, however...I do not wish to travel with a large party.” She smiled softly, dampening the bluntness of her statement.
Those gathered each bowed their heads, with Venti waving his arms in front of himself to ward off her apology. “Of course, Your Grace! We will gladly accept whatever you wish of us!” Zhongli and Xiao both nodded their agreement, with Xianyun giving a slight harumph. 
Xiao bowed to her with a hand on his chest, “If you have need of me, Your Grace, merely call out my name and I will be there.” 
“One shall return to Yilong Wharf for the time being! Come Shenhe, one wishes to ‘catch up’ with you, as they say.” The tall adepti smiled at Elysia, bowing her head once again. “One hopes you have safe travels, Your Grace, and that we may meet again soon.”
Elysia smiled after the two, as Shenhe gave her a nod as they passed to touch the waypoint and teleport away once again. Venti looked like he was fighting the urge to latch onto her, as the stormy-haired woman turned back to the waypoint with a nod to Ganyu. “I shall ask you to input where we are going, Ganyu. I will meet with Ningguang before beginning my exploration.”
“O-of course, Your Grace.” Ganyu bowed to Zhongli with an apologetic grimace, before she walked up to stand right beside Elysia. “U-uhm, I will have to touch you to teleport us both together, Your Grace, I’m very sorry.” The nervous adepti selected the Jade Chamber teleport point, looking at Elysia for confirmation.
She smiled encouragingly at her, placing a hand on the younger womans’ shoulder. “There is no reason to apologize, dear adepti, it is quite all right.”
The two disappeared, with Ganyu’s cheeks growing rosy pink.
When it was only Xiao, Venti, and Zhongli remaining, the anemo god sighed as he sank to the ground. “Whoah.”
Zhongli chuckled slightly, crossing his arms across his chest. “Our Goddess truly seems to be a kind soul. I am glad the history that we were able to regain was right.”
Venti let out a nervous laugh, nodding along. “I was honestly a little worried that she would be like the Heavenly Principles. The winds of Teyvat sing in her presence though!”
Zhongli nodded as well, “As does the earth.” His expression turned more serious, as he looked at Xiao. “Nonetheless, I wish for you to stay near her, Xiao. We must ensure she is not harmed, as it would be a great sin for her to have any more pain. We must ensure her happiness and safety now that she is finally free to roam her land again.”
“Understood, Lord Lapis.” Xiao nodded, bowing to both Venti and Zhongli before disappearing in a cloud of smoke. 
Venti stood back up, stretching his arms high above his head before grinning widely at Zhongli. “Well! I’m off to Mondstadt to sing praises for our wonderfully beautiful Creator! I’ll make sure everyone in my City of Freedom is awaiting her arrival~” With a giggle, the anemo god propelled himself into the air on a gust of wind, waving goodbye to Zhongli before flitting away.
Zhongli shook his head at Barbatos’s always carefree nature, before using the waypoint himself.
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thehollowwriter · 7 months
The Official Bio of Cosme Da Costa
Basic Info:
Name: Cosme Da Costa
Homeland: Seas of the Shaftlands
Species: Portuguese Man O'War (jellyfish/bluebottle)
Birthday: March 10th
Age: 32
Height: 190cm in human form, in his mer form he's about... 300cm (most of the length is his tentacles)
Dominant hand: Right
Occupation: NRC's head of discipline, he also teaches astrology, NRC alumnus
Unique magic: No name yet, but the basic idea is that he can paralyse just about anyone until he decides to let them go
•Unnamed siblings
•Unnamed parents
•Unnamed niece
Possibly dating Crewel??? (This out of place addition was brought to you by Cater Diamond, aka NRC's resident rumour mill)
Hobbies: Playing guitar, stargazing
Likes: Making lanterns, mapping constellations, fashion, Crewel (goddamn it Cater stop it), reading, the stars
Dislikes: Rule breakers, Riddle (ironically enough), cloudy nights, rain
Favourite food: Sushi
Least favourite food: Unagi
Cosme is tall and thin, almost noodle-y, with dark skin and dark blue eyes. His hair is purple, white, and blue and is short and slicked back. He's got fangies :)
In his mer form, he does not have a tail but extremely long tentacles that are blue, white, and purple and do, in fact, paralyse you just like his UM, but the effects are temporary and he does not control them. His skin is dark blue, and his fins are purple. He has claws as well.
What his hair looks like (just pretend it's short, though maybe it was long when he was a student?)
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Still in development, but my basic idea is that he's a guy that seems very serious, but he's actually pretty chill (at least he likes to say he is but he has a short temper lol) and he mainly wants what's best for the students of Night Raven, which is why he took his position in the first place. He is very wise and creative and thinks of unusual solutions to problems students come to him with. He's stone cold and vicious when he wants to be (especially of something that's happened puts people in danger) and is very unlikely to feel sorry for the students he punishes.
Some Fun Facts/Extra Info:
•He's Portuguese, I'm not sure what the twst equivalent is, though?
•When he gets really mad or emotional, he starts swearing or just talking in Portuguese
•He finds Riddle incredibly annoying, I'm sorry. He even wanted him to have his position taken away because of how ridiculous he was. Like, yes, it's good that Riddle takes rules seriously, but seven damn it most of the rules Riddle takes so seriously don't even make sense. Wants to yell at him to stop reporting/punishing students for breaking Queen of Hearts rule number who-really-gives-a-
•He takes great interest in Finn's paintings
•Found it amusing when students came to him complaining about Azul's contracts
•He's friends with Sam
•He does not like Vargas
A/N: New oc! Tbh I got the idea for him and my other oc while watching Blue Planet 2 in bio lmao
Tagging: @distant-velleity @krenenbaker @cyanide-latte @ramshacklerumble @kitwasnothere @the-banana-0verlord @officialdaydreamer00 @theleechyskrunkly @elenauaurs @jovieinramshackle @boopshoops @oya-oya-okay @whspermy-name @cynthinesia @elysia-nsimp @br3adtoasty @quartztwst @skrimpyskimpy
@the-trinket-witch @ghostiidasponk @natsukishinomiyaswife
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iloveyanderes · 2 months
Moreeeeee yandere genshin impact ideas. It's been quite a while and I haven't kept up with the lore as much as I should so forgive me if there's any lore errors.
(I realize now that this first one isn't really yandere but can be seen as soft yandere if you squint)
1.Everyone knows that the tsaritsa is the goddess of love and that she no longer has any left for her people. What if before celestia attacked kheanrhia she met a female nymph in sumeru who she quickly fell in love with due to their kindness and selflessness. Nymph reader is the younger sister of the dendro archon and the goddess of flowers. Nymph reader has nothing but kindness in her heart so when the icy tsaritsa approached her she welcomed the snow queen with open arms. Nymph reader however was far too kind for her own good so when the great archon war took place she sacrificed herself in order to save the civilians of sumeru. For years the tsaritsa was heartbroken and filled with hatred no where to go. She could attack the citizens of sumeru as that's what nymph reader gave her life to protect she also couldn't attack the other gods as they are stronger than her. So it was left deep in her heart, a growing rage with no outlet, growing with enough might to challenge any fire.
But then, she learned something. Celestia, those heavenly principles pulled some strings to get the nymph reader killed. Something about punishing them for interfering when they tried to imprison a pair of "golden twins".
And just like that the tsaritsa now had something reasonable to throw her anger it. The fear of something being stronger than her no longer remained. So she created the fatui, sealed off her heart, and set off to find the gnosis. Love didn't matter anymore the only thing that did was revenge, the sweet fiery cold of revenge.
So basically the tsaritsa was known as the goddess of love because of her undying intense love to nymph reader, her subjects followed her lead, becoming just as heartbroken when celestia robbed them of a flower.
There would be two route for this. One would be that the tsaritsa happens to come across a 20 year old girl who looks identical to nymph reader, this human girl would either be a distant relative or their reincarnation. It doesn't matter because the tsaritsa instantly kidnaps them, trapping them in a flower garden and drowning them with the very flowers nymph reader gave them in a desperate attempt to make this girl look more like nymph reader. Eventually deluding herself into believing this is nymph reader. Celestia still is enemy number one but the tsaritsa finally has her love again.
The second route would be that the tsaritsa goes on with her plans never meeting that girl eventually getting defeated by the traveller, realizing everything they've done she chooses to die because that'd be better than living more knowing that nymph reader would hate her for what's shes becomes. For a sweet ending the tsaritsa and nymph reader would reincarnate on a little planet called earth(without there memories) and meet again, fall in love, get married and enjoy their happily ever after.
I love this idea because it plays on the Grumpy x sunshine, flower x snowflake, winter/fall x spring/summer, and the most important: TRAGIC YURI, hoyoverse especially knows that there's nothing better than tragic yuri(cough Kiana x mei cough cough the pink lesbian goddess Elysia cough cough everything to do with jyahnar cough)
2. There's two versions of the one, one where the reader is an idol or popstar, and the other where the reader is the goddess of the moon so I might as well combine them. Let's call this reader Celene because righting the name reader is getting kind of annoying. Celene is the goddess of the moon and the backbone of Fontaine. Everyone one adores and worships the ground she walks on. However she has two personas that she takes on. Her duties as the goddess of the moon is to keep the waters running. Being the living embodiment of the moon it's her the keeps the tide moving, has that magnetic pull that allows water to be so powerful. Water quite literally means nothing without her, even that little hydro dragon whose name is a little to difficult for me would be powerless without her. Then her persona as a famous pop idol in Fontaine, who is the best singer in all of teyvat. The two of Celene's personas have one thing in common: they're people pleases. As a god she gives the worshipers what the want even if she have to rip her skin off to please them and as an idol she will stop at nothing to give the audience what they want autographs meet and greet sessions, private concerts. Celene is the type of girl to give everyone what they want as it's the duty that's been slapped onto them ever since the moon rose just for them. You know the monster high movie called boo York where Cleo decides to give the people what they want, it's that kind of scenario. Celene gives to the people as they demand, even if all they do is take take take take take take take take and take, they're quite literally obsessed with her, magnetic to her. Just like how the water is magnetic to the moon.
This is inspired by that one quote that I think? Has to do with that one book about a rainbow fish giving up all its scales. "I can give away all my flesh and still be called selfish for refusing to give my bones" except everyone is obsessed and wants to take any part of you.
3.small one maybe a bit suggestive but platonic yandere house of the hearth x mother reader. Your the assistant to arlecchino whose been dubbed the 'father' so you jokingly called yourself the 'mother' and the kids were like; mommy🥹 unlike the kids who are platonic yandere arlecchino is anything but. They have romantic feels towards the reader so seeing their children call the ready mum they got an idea to truly make the reader 'mommy' arlecchino goes up to the reader and tells them that if they want to be mom they have to follow the typical gender roles, which then of course leads to arlecchino absolutely dominating the reader in you know what, Turning her into an obedient little housewife whose goal was to please her husband. (I don't like writing smut so I rushed this sorry)
4. Baby dragon reader! Perfect fodder for mommy hydro dragon......
5.yandere childe x skirk apprentice reader who either chose to stay in the abyss or run the fuck away from him. He hunts them down to the face of the earth and continually fights more and more powerful thing to get away from him and you know Tartaglia he really really likes powerful woman,😉
6.herrscher reader x yandere everyone in teyvat. Reader is just trying to kill everyone with the power of the honkai and is so confused when everyone is just confessing their love to them or trying to kidnap them.
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tallon-underworld · 9 months
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The Chozo Observatory on SkyTown, Elysia. This is one of my favorite locations in Metroid Prime 3: It’s gorgeously designed, with carvings of constellations adorning the walls and spherical holograms that turn into 3D replicas of planets as probes retrieve data on them.
All of this is under the watchful gaze of a statue depicting the Searcher, an ancient Chozo who tirelessly scanned the heavens centuries ago. It was from this Observatory that she first glimpsed a mysterious living planet - which would later doom both the Searcher and her people.
Backstory aside, this Observatory is also an inspired way to let you get item locations late in the game, as well as some optional worldbuilding as you fill the Observatory’s database. You can even check up on the planets you explored in Primes 1 and 2, and see how they're recovering!
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ym-loreposting · 4 months
Who are the Elysians?
Elysia is one of the multiple planets visited in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. It is a gas giant in whose atmosphere floats the mechanical city of SkyTown, which was created by the Chozo about 1500 years before the events of the Metroid series. 50 years later, the Chozo also created the first of the Elysians: sapient robots made to help with the upkeep of SkyTown. 400 years after that, these Chozo left Elysia to live on Tallon IV (the setting of the first Metroid Prime game). Elysia was left in the care of the Elysians.
During Metroid Prime 3, Samus visists Elysia and encounters many robots there as enemies, because they have been corrupted by Phazon. It is never specified which robots are Elysians however, and which are some of the robots created by the Elysians to maintain SkyTown as they entered a deep slumber.
"By the year 600, we of Elysia were low on critical supplies and fuel. We created smaller mechanoids to process fuel from the atmosphere of Elysia, but they proved unable to produce a sufficient supply. Unable to secure the necessary resources to sustain ourselves, we entered a state of hibernation to preserve our remaining stores of energy and parts." -SkyTown Data entry: "Slumber"
This is the case in the English version at least. In the Japanese version, the scans of the robot enemies fought on Elysia does specify what counts as an Elysian and what doesn't. In the English versions, all inhabitants of Elysia are called "Mechanoid" at the start of each scan. For example, with the Tinbot enemy:
"Tinbot Mechanoid: Tinbot" -Tinbot scan
However, the Japanese version has this equivalent:
"ティンボット エリシアン:ティンボット" "Tinbot Elysian: Tinbot" -Japanese Tinbot scan
Elysians and Drones
The enemies described as "エリシアン" (Elysian) in the scans of Metroid Prime 3 are Tinbots, Steambots, Steamlords and Helios (the boss fought inside Elysia's Leviathan), which are pictured below.
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Most of the other robots found in SkyTown are Drones (ドローン) created by the Elysians. These include the Repair Drones and Aerial Repair Drones created for maintenance work, Transportation Drones to carry resources, Databots to store the history of Elysia, Elysian Shriekbats, Swarmbots, Steamspiders built to carry out tasks in groups in hard to reach places, and finally "Dragoon" Battle Drones built to defend the city.
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sablegear0 · 2 years
Kinda fucked up stuff nobody talks about in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
1) Dark Samus is capable of individual spaceflight. This is implied in the bonus end cutscene of Echoes, but confirmed in the Pirate Data in Corruption. At one point she leaves the Pirate battleship Colossus and just... goes to Phaaze? On her own? The log mentions she is gone for a long time, but AU 242 states that Phaaze is too far away for even conventional warp travel - this implies Dark Samus is also capable of either a HUGE warp factor (unlikely) or can create similar, but probably much smaller-scale wormholes to the Leviathans (more likely, but still very scary).
1a) Dark Samus’s psionic influence is strong enough to reach out to Samus all the way from the Pirate Homeworld (where she appears emerging from stasis in the very first intro cutscene) even before Samus is corrupted. There’s loose implication throughout the series that Samus is psionic-sensitive but not really capable of communication on her own, but we get confirmation that Dark Samus becomes a (powerful) telepath in the Pirate Data in Corruption.
2) The Galactic Federation are extracting fuel gel from Bryyo in the midst of an ongoing tribal war. A huge philosophical and societal schism tore Bryyo apart, literally and figuratively - the Lords of Science and Primalists battled for control of the planet and their war scorched the environment, leaving only a small habitable band around the equator. And the GF are just casually extracting resources from this planet, which nominally is still home to a population of sentients. According to the Bryyo Data logs, by the present time the Primalists have become “as savage as the predator beasts of the wild” but they’re obviously still capable of organization and tool use so they’re not animals. And this has been going on for a while, Federation data notes that Bryyo was discovered about a decade ago. It’s possible they made some initial efforts to keep peace and broker the establishment of their extraction sites, but no such negotiations or any relationship between the Reptilicus and the Federation are discussed in any scans as far as I can find.
3) Samus missed direct contact with the Elysians, a mechanical race created by the Chozo, by two weeks. Some quick math yields that the Federation came to Elysia about 15 years ago and brokered peace with the Elysian mechanoids, and Elysian logs mention watching the Phazon Crisis in real time: seeing a Leviathan strike a planet (either Urtraghus or Aether, probably the former) about 5 months before the game’s events, another leviathan striking their own planet only a month before, and a specific callout to the two week period after impact before Ghor appeared and was subsequently corrupted. The logs are written by an Elysian who has accepted their destruction either by phazon corruption or at the hands of the Pirates. We don’t know if there are any surviving Elysians still in stasis.
4) There are, according to scans and one of the Metroid Prime 3 promo trailers, thousands of Aurora Units in existence, all produced within the last 20 years. The highest number mentioned in canon is in Corruption, AU 486, which is credited with terraforming the planet Norion; an incredible technological undertaking. (Given that there are so many but we only have numbers up to the 400s, it’s possible that the more “civilian” units, those mentioned to be in government and business, might have a separate numbering scheme, or go by other names/designations.) AUs are huge and hyperintelligent synthetic organisms, but we don’t know what they’re grown from, or where, or how they are instructed and socialized. It’s also loosely implied (at least to my reading, and by several close associations with the Chozo-made Mother Brain) that the Aurora network hinges on their psionic as well as digital capabilities, hence 313′s ability to interface with Phaaze with minimal additional hardware.
4a) Assuming the Aurora network became corrupted remotely, this implies that the “virulent strain of phazon” that is responsible can be transmitted digitally, or possibly manifested psionically, in a target. Essentially, being in network-contact with AU 313 may have caused other Auroras to essentially psychosomatically infect themselves, with no transfer of actual physical phazon material.
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remzarci · 9 months
In an Alternate Timeline
Raven Beak wakes up not surrounded by the wreckage of Itorash nor on ZDR...But aboard a ship.
Samus:Anyway the whole thing was a disaster...Your E.M.M.I's did not make it. ???: Do you not understand the gravity of this situation? HUH? Those Extraplanetary Multiform Mobile Identifiers were not cheap to make! Samus: AH Bill me the difference I got other stuff on my plate! ???: Why yo- Samus: That's enough of that. Raven Beak: Pardon me but, what are you doing? Samus: Heading home. Raven Beak: Besides that daughter dearest. what are you doing taking me alive? I'm pretty sure I should be dead right now. Waaaaaaaait... Samus: ...Ah boy here we go. Raven Beak: Are you trying to redeem me? Oh that is just RICH after all I've done? C'mon Honey let's not fool ourselves now. Samus: Yep Raven Beak: Okay so what? You take me back to...what a planetoid you commandeered and expect me, Raven Beak,The APEX of the Mawkin, to just Behave myself? Samus: Mmmmhmmm... Raven Beak:...You know your track record against me is pretty abyssal. I won both! Samus: And lost your suit and Aeion abilities Raven Beak: And that...Makes me a non threat? I could STILL walk over there and snap your neck. Samus: At that moment ADAM will just fly himself into the nearest Asteroid. Raven Beak: Huh...Thoha DNA at it's finest... Samus: Besides...I'm tired of Destroying everything Chozo...And besides the Elysia Tribe...You're practically the Only Chozo left. Raven Beak: ... Samus:So yeah maybe I do want to redeem you. Maybe I don't want the last Chozo be known as a short sighted Tyrant! So once I get you home I'm locking you up and...figure out everything from there... Raven Beak:...Fine. Samus:No witty comeback? Raven Beak: Nope...I'm gonna let you have this. but once we make planet fall I'm gonna be a right witty bastard! Samus:wouldn't have it any other way
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sersi · 9 months
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Eternals (2021) dir. Chloé Zhao What If...? 2.02: What If... Peter Quill Attacked Earth's Mightiest Heroes? (2023) dir. Bryan Andrews
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welcometomeloxia · 1 month
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hive-sight · 1 year
Travel 1
Many apologies Sentients. This one has meant to communicate sooner, but this one's queen ordered an immediate launch of the ship commissioned for this quest. The Vexyrian Solathor, or the Astral Horizon, and its crew of four individuals has been traveling since this one's last posting.
As the current date is Xylokthian Date: 4682 Cycle, 3rd Azuran, 18th Luminalis, the quest has been underway for six Luminalis (or Lums.)
In this time, this one has been able to read more of the data captured by the un-piloted Xylokthian astral drone.
This race of Terrans is most perplexing. According to captured electronic transmissions (language decryption only being partially complete,) it appears that Sol-3 does not have a single leader.
This alone is not unusual, many planets have multiple races present with each having its own leadership. However, there is but one sentient race on Sol-3. The Terrans have placed down arbitrary borders and divided themselves on the basis of everything from population to which side they fall on of a natural waterway.
It is most confusing. Never before has this been seen in a space-faring race. Then again, space-faring normally comes about at the same time as interstellar travel, due to the large distance between locations on the stellar scale.
The Terrans have only recently traveled halfway across their own stellar system. This next part is found most fascinating by this one! Could any of those among you sentients imagine stellar travel without Quantum Vacuum Thrusters? This technology, so familiar and comfortable in the mind of Sentients across the galaxy, has only recently been conceptualized by Terrans!
That's correct, this one said "conceptualized!" As in the Terrans only recently even imagined the technology!
So how do the Terrans navigate their system then? They primarily achieve this feat through chemical propulsion! They ride fire to their destination!
With that exhilarating and terrifying factoid, this one must resume research. The next time this one posts, the language decryption should be complete so that this one may begin practicing both speaking, and working the language into this one's posts.
Until next we meet Sentients. This is Elysia of Xyloptha, signing off.
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zorkaya-moved · 7 months
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The original Zarina Sokolova from HI3 Universe, Previous Era. 50,000+ years old, the initial leader of Eastern Europe (was there for the creation of Rus', Russia, etc.) She was once the strategist and the overlooker of the MANTIS program. She was there when Kevin joined, known as the genius in strategy, but she wasn't allowed to take the MANTIS surgery due to her importance at that time as the surgery was dangerous. Then she was the victim of Honkai, turned into a Herrscher of Ice, but instead was able to retain some of her humanity that helped her stay 'sane. She pleaded to be used as experiment fodder to destroy the rest of Herrschers. She was experimented on, which helped her regain her humanity but also changed her wholly, making her a combination of a variety of genetic changes beneath the human appearance.
After Elysian Realm, she rushed into it as it was collapsing, but due to the importance of ER to Aeon of Origin (the original Elysia), she was transported to another planet/world after given the blessing of Origin. She became an Apostle of Origin then as she was granted the clearance of her mind and assistance in keeping herself stable.
For a couple of months, she was traveling across different planets until she made enough connections to make a bigger scene in terms of her powers. Initially, a mercenary and a connection to different groups, she caught the attention of Diamond of the IPC who hired her as a bodyguard... Naturally, it was a lie and more of the hostage situation. Zarina personally went along with it and allowed Diamond to 'use' her while she studied the galaxy/cosmos and the IPC itself. She was seen by Diamonds sides by many Stonehearts who have been with Diamond for more than 7 or so years. She "worked" for Diamond for a couple of years (3 to be precise) which allowed her to know Diamond, to know other certain Stonehearts, and also to learn far more about the galaxy. She had also been an appointed bodyguard of several Stonehearts upon Diamond's [orders] (in reality, upon Zarina's choice as she and Diamond had an agreement).
Due to her position as the Apostle of Origin, she and Diamond remain on 'friendlier' terms, especially after Diamond has successfully [killed] Zarina off. One to erase her for the knowledge she possessed, two so Zarina could prove a point about being an Emanator of Origin and what it entails. Because of that, they remain on those 'friendlier' terms.
After working with Diamond, Zarina has made a lot of connections in several places across the galaxy. Several Galaxy Rangers know her, a lot of Masked Fools have witnessed her own [hedonism], she's also worked as a merchant, and has been seen across many worlds in different roles from tour guide to traveler to mercenary to storyteller to an artist. Her most famous job and connection remains to now being one of the owners of the Interstellar Casino. How did she achieve that? It remains unknown. (In reality, it was the payment for the first blood spilled by diamond) Zarina herself says it's how she operated
What stays the same is her [hidden] connection to the Stellaron Hunters. As they are followers of Finality/Terminus, she - as the Emanator of Origin - proved that Aeon of Origin wants just the same what Terminus: to save the worlds from Destruction. She operated several missions to ensure the script's going the right way alone instead of traveling with the known Stellaron Hunters. All of this is due to different strings needed to be pulled to achieve needed results. No one knows Zarina is associated with the Stellaron Hunters. She is not a part of them, but she is supporting their cause in terms of leading the world towards the 'correct' ending.
Zarina meets the Astral Express when they are on Belobog as always, but instead of the main crew meeting her in Belobog, they meet her after they're done with helping the crisis with Cocolia, seeing her already inside the train as she was speaking with Himeko and Welt... Welt knowing her from the Earth as once the operative from World Serpent, the terrorist organization that was led by Kevin Kaslana, the one who was hailed a hero in the Previous Era.
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aurasoulhikari · 1 month
Zexal Month Week 4 Day 21: O is for Originality
Ok ladies and gentlemen I'm about to go all lore OC headcanon on what happens when you find out that Don Thousand used to be an Astral being and that flipping Galaxy Eyes Tachyon Dragon was actually a benevolent Number before Don Thousand screwed him up!! Screw you Don Thousand!!! Anyway! Hope you guys buckle up and enjoy!
When the Universe was born the Numeron Dragon had shed its tear preparing for its imminent death. When the sound of another roar emanated for the Numeron Dragon to hear. And to its shock appearing before it was another dragon, but this dragon was cloaked in a beautiful crimson red aura brimming with life. It was then the Numeron Dragon realized that this dragon was the physical embodiment of the sacred Dragon Star. The Crimson Dragon had sensed the Numeron Dragon and wanted to come to its side in its final moments of life. Touched by this he Numeron Dragon asked the Crimson Dragon to spread life to the planet where its tear had fallen and to become a guide of sorts for the denizens there while also helping it hide its own existence.
The Crimson Dragon accepted this task helping the Numeron Dragon gather the power of the Numbers in order to hide its existence and leave a record inscribed tablet to find the key to the Numeron Code bearing witness to the birth of the Dragons of Light and Time. Upon doing so the Crimson Dragon realized that while with the Numbers there was still no guarantee that no one would find the truth of the Numeron Dragon. And so suggested the idea to the Numeron Dragon of creating a deity, a sacred priestess, to protect the secret with the three Dragons of Light and Time. The Numeron Dragon accepted this idea and decided to use the power of a spiritual parallel world combined with the powers of the planet where the Numeron Code resided for it and the Crimson Dragon to create the deity as its final act. They came upon another dimension and with their power they created a goddess of Harmony and Chaos, a giver of life, to which they named Elysia.
Elysia became a consistent existence that watched over the two worlds and became able to see the souls of one planet come to the other being reborn as the other world’s denizens. She would at times help guide these souls when they stray or help them take shape upon reaching the parallel world. And in time she witnessed the parallel world flourish to life by the denizens witnessing the crowning of rulers would create its godhead to help guide the new rulers of the world. But she worried about her own duties. Though she stood with the dragons that hold the secrets to the Numeron Code and its key she worried if she could manage alone. It was then one of the three dragons, the one closest to her, suggested she choose two people of the parallel world to share her burden and assist her.
She accepted this idea except instead wished for the two Dragons of Light and Time to choose their partners instead. The two dragons agreed to this and went to the parallel world where the Dragon of Light chose the King which as the Dragon of Time chose the King’s closest advisor. While stunned and shocked by the turn of events the King and his advisor took this in strides and agreed to work with Elysia. The King became known as the Lord of Legend protector of the legends surrounding the Numeron Dragon while his advisor became the Dragon Tamer protector of the three Dragons. Together they worked alongside the Queen and godhead and helped the world prosper, welcoming other new entities to the world, while at the same time watching the planet where the Numeron Code rested and would then dubbed the two worlds Astral World and Earth.
But as time moved on Elysia began to sense the energies of Astral World weakening much to her worry and realized the timing was of the same time humans with strange power from Earth were reincarnated as Astral beings. It was a power unknown to her that she would dub it the name Chaos. She held a meeting with the King, Queen, Godhead, and advisor of Astral World in regards to the situation. The Godhead had declared that it had to be the Chaos that was weakening their world and should be purged but Elysia disagreed wishing to find another way. The King agreed, seeing that a purge would only endanger the denizens of Astral World. They would agree to hold on making a decision until they could learn more. But over time Elysia and the King began to notice changes in the Advisor and even Elysia noticing Chaos emanating from the Advisor. When she and King confronted the Advisor of this, that was then they realized the Advisor had changed. The Advisor began to speak how the Chaos was a means of true evolution, true power that transcended humanity itself that they could wield. He saw it as a usage of the living as much as the deceased souls, even the Universe itself.
Elysia was against this for life and death must be separated and colliding them would result in discord. Their responsibility was keeping peace, stability, and harmony but what the Advisor was suggesting was utter domination. The Advisor snapped at her claiming she can only say such things because of her own power and abilities. But he and the King were different. Elysia disagreed stating she never desired dominating the Astral beings or humans for that matter like what the Advisor was suggesting yet he remained adamant claiming that they were beyond that, that they were meant to rule. It was then that Elysia and the King realized that the Advisor was corrupted by his Chaos and was no longer the one they called their friend. Before Elysia and the King could stop him the Advisor summoned the Dragon of Time and they were horrified to witness that the Dragon of Time had also been corrupted by the Advisor's Chaos and began to unleash its destructive powers against them. They were quick to defend themselves when the Godhead came to join them and demanded for Elysia to see the truth that Chaos was too dangerous for their world.
Torn and heartbroken Elysia knew what must be done for the sake of the remaining denizens. Using the power granted to her by her creators she dispatched all the denizens who carried Chaos and forced them all back to a smaller parallel world including the Advisor. The Advisor screamed swearing vengeance against them all before he disappeared along with the Dragon of Time. Elysia collapsed having never exhausted her power like that before. The King rushed to his friend's side asking if she was alright, but she only warned him that they must prepare for war. For a horrible battle was about to begin, one that would shake their very universe.
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thehollowwriter · 5 months
ruby and blush for finn
strawberry and cherry for nkulu
Ooooh thank you!
RUBY - What do they consider most precious/valuable?
This is a good question. Considering it's what and not who, I'm guessing this means not people but material things. While there are many things that are valuable to Finn, for him personally, it's art. Whether it be music, paintings/sculptures/etc, movies, or even magic. All forms of art he considers precious and valuable.
Art reflects the artists' cultures, histories, experiences, struggles, emotions, beliefs, and so on. Art is used to make people feel, to commemorate or immortalise, to spread awareness or speak against oppression, etc etc. To say Finn loves art is an understatement.
It's also fitting that his way of coping with everything that happens to him or sharing his feelings is painting. Even his overblot concept ficbhas him painting and trying to ignore all the blot that's accumulating.
*cough* sorry for the rant
BLUSH - Who flusters them most?
Probably Jade lmaaao. Floyd and Azul can both be teasing and affectionate, but Jade says the most loving and sometimes stupid sounding things that make Finn get all red.
CHERRY - Why did you create them?
My bio teacher put on Blue Planet II for us to watch and when the video got to the part about Sally Lightfoot crabs I was like "wow that would make such a cool character" and I pulled out a piece of paper and started scribbling. I also thought it would be neat to have a South African oc.
STRAWBERRY - What part of them is most like you? Was this intentional?
Um... not much? Tbh. I would say his eagerness to learn about his country and culture. I'm not Xhosa, of course, but my country has many different cultures and people and after taking subjects that have taught me more about their cuisines and traditions, I've been wanting to learn more.
Tagging: @distant-velleity @br3adtoasty @rainesol @theleechyskrunkly @jovieinramshackle
@galaxies-and-gore @cyanide-latte @cynthinesia @officialdaydreamer00 @krenenbaker
@offorestsongs @kitwasnothere @elenauaurs @boopshoops @am0nline
@1dont-really-know @kazumify @minteasketches @elysia-nsimp @skrimpyskimpy
@casp1an-sea @offorestsongs @tixdixl @poisoned-pearls @the-trinket-witch
@ramshacklerumble @ghostiidasponk @thegoldencontracts
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