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immaturityofthomasastruc · 10 months ago
I don't normally reblog posts, but one of my followers saw a certain someone gave their thoughts on this user's post.
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Yes, she's still here, and she's still hurling insults and acting like she's not one of the most despised people in the Miraculous Ladybug fandom when we all know she wouldn't have the guts to say any of this stuff to someone in real life.
And if PAABITB is actually reading this, you realize calling other people parasites isn't actually going to get anyone to like you, right?
So like...........
I'm feelin' salty for like weeks now and.................um-
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generalluxun · 6 months ago
Do you ever heard a legend about @Plaggandadrienbondingisthebest?
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immaturityofthomasastruc · 2 years ago
I may not be looking hard enough, but I got reminded of Plaggandadrienbondingisthebest's existence and I wanted to see what she was up to. I looked and it seems her two main accounts are gone. (I know she has more but I can't remember her URLs.) It seems she's still somewhat active on Youtube though.
I haven't really heard much about her, but from what I've heard, her blog name is called Shipsandpuns now.
I'm still blocked by her, of course.
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Adrien: Are you a hugger? Plagg: I'm a machine of death and destruction. Adrien: Plagg: ...Yeah, I'm a hugger.
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teadrawstuff · 3 years ago
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This was funnier in my head
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runlikethewynd · 3 years ago
Heart To Heart 💚🖤
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Ooooh what do we have here? Oh, it's just Adrien and Plagg having a heart to heart session or at least that's the concept I was heading for when I drew this. Anyways, I know that Nino is supposed to be Adrien's best friend but trust me when I say that Plagg is Adrien's true best friend! I absolutely adore them together!!
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theforbodingboglands · 3 years ago
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It’s NEW ICON TIME. My dumb cat son. 🥹
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thetimelordbatgirl · 3 years ago
Honestly, the fact that Pee Girl literally sought out a racist video trashing Harriyanna and accusing Harriyanna of hating white people/men and literally replied to a reply trashing Harriyanna with, “Yep.”, like....you wanna say something Pee Girl??? You wanna??? Because you don’t seem to have shut up about Harriyanna and seem to be engaging with racist content now. 
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moonchild201 · 3 years ago
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Kuro Neko was a lovely episode, especially Adrien and Plagg's interactions. There was a time when I wondered why Plagg wears a Ladybug mask and I came up with this idea.
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 3 years ago
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She’s really telling other YouTubers that Harriyanna is a bad person. Really? Like she really is trying to make everyone turn against Harriyanna.
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hiyorimatasanos1 · 2 years ago
First time drawing something from Miraculous. 😅
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kwamis-suck · 2 years ago
Fair warning that @claws-and-bee-stings is most likely pee girl herself considering she likes to make a bunch of alt accounts. The other account is @everything163
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Let’s see weird icon featuring Plagg and Adrien, unprompted obsession with @harriyanna, unprompted hatred for Black characters, and supposedly supports pee girl while claiming she never saw evidence?
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Yeah I would say this is just pee girl’s other accounts so just block
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immaturityofthomasastruc · 3 years ago
PAABITB had gone radio silent for a while and part of me hoped that she actually changed and was starting to do better, but she seems to have come back exactly the way she was, so I guess she must've just found a more private outlet to spew her toxicity, most likely with like-minded fandom scum who's just as bad as her.
Yeah, not only has been more active on her private Twitter and Tumblr from what my followers say, but it turns out that now, she’s uploading videos to YouTube lecturing the fandom on how to act. In fact, she uploaded one almost two weeks ago. Let’s go over it, shall we?
And before any of you act like I’m the one stalking her, just know that she still follows my blog while I’m still blocked from directly responding to her.
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Also, she’s still smeared me in the past, in addition to some of the more prominent users in the Miraculous Ladybug fandom.
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So yeah, if she can act like the fandom police to other users, I don’t see why I can’t give PAABITB a taste of her own medicine. Ready for a thorough rebuttal to her latest attack on the fandom from yours truly?
“Alright, we need to talk, Miraculous fandom. I get it. I seriously do. At one point, we were all naive, oblivious, and unaware of what we hated or liked. But honestly? How some of you deny or say Adrigami doesn’t work, but think Marigami works is insensitive and disgusting.”
Oh my God, people are shipping different characters together? That’s the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen!
How many times are you going to say that it’s perfectly okay to belittle other people for their different views regarding ships while you keep acting like anyone who doesn’t ship Adrigami is a terrible human being?
“Seriously. I’m sick and tired of this. I’m seriously sick and tired of this. Not to mention you believe what the show writers tell you. You fall into their brainwashing, and look where it gets you: Nowhere.”
“Brainwashing”? What, do you think Mr. Big is in charge of broadcasting the show? Do you think anyone who doesn’t ship the Love Square is kidnapped by ZAG employees and is subjected to the same kind of torture Winston got in 1984?
No matter what you think of the writing of the show, whether you think it’s getting better or worse, I wouldn’t say they’re actually trying to “brainwash” viewers. Yes, a recurring problem is the way they try to act like certain plot elements have always been there (Ladybug mistreating Cat Noir, Marinette not being in love with Luka, Adrien and Marinette being best friends, Marinette giving Adrien a lot of advice), but I don’t think “brainwashing” is the best way to describe it.
And so what if some people still enjoy the show? It wouldn’t have five seasons if nobody liked it, wouldn’t it? The main idea behind the “Miraculous Ladybug salt” tag is so that people who are more critical about the show can discuss it without upsetting anyone who has a more positive outlook on it, because even some of the biggest salters know that not everyone can share the same opinion.
I don’t think I can speak for everyone else, but I wouldn’t call anyone who still enjoys the show “brainwashed”.
“Stop believing in them. They are not going to do anything good, and when they do, they always find a way to make it about someone that it’s not about them. You have an Adrigami episode back in Season 4, ‘Lies‘; somehow make it about Marinette because of that stupid lucky charm. Not only is that insensitive to Adrigami shippers, it’s insensitive to people who enjoy Adrien’s character.”
How the hell was Marinette the reason Adrien and Kagami broke up?
The lucky charm in the episode wasn’t important because Marinette made it. The whole point of the charm was that Adrien lied about losing it, and Kagami realized it when she had it. Adrien had to lie about losing the charm in order to come up with an excuse to fight an Akuma as Cat Noir, and as far as Kagami sees it, he’s just coming up with excuses not to spend time with her for more selfish reasons. If Adrien said he lost his wallet when Kagami saw it on the ground, the context for the situation wouldn’t change at all.
“I don’t know why you believe in the show writers doing well, but you need to break out of that shell of reluctance, and actually stand up, break out, and tell the show writers off, or at least, admit they aren’t good at writing.”
“Why can’t anyone who enjoys Miraculous Ladybug admit the writers are terrible at their jobs?” - You.
Again, I know that I see the show in a different way than a lot of the other fans online, but I don’t let my problems with the show prevent others from enjoying it. The “Miraculous Ladybug salt” tag exists for a reason.
“Because I am sick and tired of Adrigami being slandered and Marigami taking over. I’m all for gay ships, but Marigami? No. After how Marinette treated Kagami in the past, just no.”
I’m not really sure what that has to do with the writers, seeing how Adrigami isn’t mentioned at all after “Mr. Pigeon 72”, and there isn’t any real teasing for Kagami being in love with Marinette.
Also, you’re acting like Marinette still hates Kagami with a burning passion, when you forgot that Marinette felt bad about how she treated Kagami in the past after learning how she had no friends (Ikari Gozen), and even tried to get her back together with Adrien when she learned they broke up (Mr. Pigeon 72).
“And another thing; I’m really freaking sick and tired of how people say ‘Oh, the Kwamis are aroace’. That was never confirmed. All Tikki said is ‘Kwamis don’t fall in love’. She didn’t say they can’t fall in love. Maybe you don’t project or jump to conclusions so quickly, because the show writers are not good at what they do.”
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Are... Are you really in a position to say that? What does that even have to do with the writers?
Again, what’s wrong with people headcanoning Tikki and Plagg as aroace? Is it because you ship the two? Because newsflash, people can have different opinions on certain characters when it comes to romance and shipping. 
“I haven’t seen a show fall this badly since... Well, I would say Star vs., but honestly, Fairly OddParents kind of fell off when they decided not to do something that easily could have been done, but besides that.”
You mean not introduce a bunch of pointless new characters to boost ratings? Not make three movies starring Drake Bell? Not make a live-action reboot that’s somehow worse than the aforementioned movies starring Drake Bell? Let me know when I’m getting warmer.
“Adrien could be better off with anyone that’s not Marinette, at least in the canon show: Kagami, Zoe Lee, Chloe (if we go from Season 2), Lila (if we go from Season 1, kind of), Wayhem, Nino, Luka, anyone around his age who actually interacts with him only a little bit. And yet, it’s still more cuter than when Marinette’s like ‘Oh, Adrien. Let’s have a frickin future with three kids and a hamster’.”
Okay, let me get this straight. You’re so against Marinette that not only are you unwilling to forgive her actions in canon, you think that Chloe and Lila, two people who have violated Adrien’s personal boundaries, would be better for Adrien than Marinette, as well as Wayhem, a crazed stalker who is arguably more obsessed with Adrien than Marinette is?
Yes, Marinette’s behavior regarding Adrien is unhealthy, and yes, it needs to be addressed more, but if you’re so against how Marinette treats Adrien, then why are you okay with the way Chloe, Lila, and Wayhem treat Adrien when they all can be just as bad, if not worse in some areas?
“Just understand this: If you think Kagami’s character got better because she became softer towards Marinette, you don’t appreciate what strictness and bluntness are, and probably might be a bit of a pushover, and need to learn to stand up for yourself.”
Wow, you’re really just  going to go out on a limb and belittle anyone who actually likes the idea of Kagami and Marinette becoming friends, aren’t you?
Are you sure you actually appreciate Kagami’s blunt nature because of how it fit her personality, or because said bluntness just so happened to be directed towards Marinette in Seasons 2 and 3? What about in “Lies”, when she was “blunt” and “strict” about how upset she was with Adrien when she dumped him. And yes, for someone who hates what Marinette does in canon, you seem to forget that canonically, Kagami dumped Adrien.
“However, if you are in a difficult situation with a family who doesn’t understand the best of your frustrations, you probably should take your time before confronting the problem. Never confront the problem if you don’t know what to do. I learned that the hard way as a kid, I really did.”
Oh my God, just say the rules don’t apply to Adrien already. We all know that’s why you said that after supposedly calling Kagaminette shippers “pushovers”, because you’re aware of how Adrien rarely stands up to his father, and don’t want to look like a hypocrite... Well, more of a hypocrite than you already are.
“Just to say it, I don’t hate Chloe, and I don’t hate Zoe. I believe in what Deneen Melody said about them being like sisters.”
Not sure what that has to do with Kagaminette, the Kwamis being aroace, or Kagami’s “bluntness”, but I find it funny that you’re willing to drag Marinette for her canon actions, yet don’t hold Chloe responsible for her actions. I’m a huge advocate for Chloe redemption, and even I don’t defend the stuff she did after Season 3.
“So yeah, stop hating on characters who don’t deserve to be hated, and stop shipping things that shouldn’t be shipped.”
Mind defining what warrants hating a character in your eyes, besides being named Marinette Dupain-Cheng? And outside of incest or pedophilia, can you please explain why there are ships that shouldn’t be shipped?
Oh wait, I get it now! You’re saying that you want people to like the same characters you like, hate the same characters you hate, ship the same ships you ship, and hate the same ships you don’t hate! I cracked the case!
I know this might sound like a major revelation, but it’s entirely possible for people to have different opinions and still get along, especially when it comes to fandom stuff. You seriously think you can police the fandom and shame them into going along with your views because you say so? 
Whenever I talk about Miraculous Ladybug, while I make my views clear in my posts, I always try to make sure other people can chime in through asks and give their own opinions, because that is how we as a society express our individuality. The whole reason I started this blog in the first place was to call out Astruc for telling us to view the show in certain way. For someone who thinks we shouldn’t respect the writers at all (something I haven’t even said once, by the way), how does that make you any better?
And if you think I’m wrong, prove it. Unblock me and try to back up your claims here, so we can both talk about this like adults. I’m willing to at least try and hear you out after everything you’ve said in the past.
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aeonghaseyo · 3 years ago
How about i do anyway, just go back to your salting corner and fuck off
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Please just... let people enjoy things. You're worse than fandom police.
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Chat Noir: Bad things are always happening to me, it's like I'm the embodiment of bad luck or something. Plagg: Adrien. WE'VE TALKED ABOUT THIS!
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iwasbored777 · 3 years ago
Idk if you know that person that goes by the name duusuneedsmorescreentime before this her name was plaggandadrienarethebest and bc I know all my mutuals are really nice here I need to warn you about her. She's really rude and she's a toxic Adrien and Plagg stan, she attacked me on my first day here so I had to block her. Many people know her for this and she is one of those people who salt on Marinette daily but love Gabriel but not that regular salt, she one time wrote how Marinette "deserves to be r@ped by bugs"...wow... And she's salting on a writer here who's Marinette stan and she wrote terrible comments on her fanfictions and mocked the author. And I just visited her account to see if she changed and she's still this bad. I've seen many people salting on her and majority of the fandom dislikes her. She also sent a YouTube salter death threats cuz she salted on Adrien. I hate ML YouTubers but this is unacceptable. She also keeps writing about how Plagg hates Marinette and such and she's really mean. She's not a regular salter, she is really really bad. I've seen terrible people but not like her. Oh and she attacked me on YT too one time and I chose to ignore that cuz I really don't have time for her. I just wanted to warn you guys to stay away from her.
Fandom also calls her p** girl so maybe you know who I'm talking about here.
And I apologise for the tags cuz these were recommended. I just want you to be safe from people like her cuz being a hater is one thing but she is aggressive and toxic and this isn't just about opinions.
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