#places to see near Varanasi
queenoftreasures · 2 years
Best Offbeat Places Near Varanasi
Best Offbeat Places Near Varanasi
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ahamasmiyodhah · 1 year
RaghavaJanaki - The Reunion
A Sri Ramachandra and Sri Janaki milan in Modern AU only for @harinishivaa
"Lakshya, where are you taking me?" Raghav sighed heavily as his over excited younger brother Lakshya pulled him through the narrow lanes of Varanasi.
"Dada!!" chirped the younger brother happily. "You should come with me! I have stumbled upon this beautiful small Palace! It is also beside Ganga River." He told him.
"Okay, that is fine I get it but why pulling me? You could have taken Bhaskar or Shashaank." Raghava said, sighed as his younger brother pulled him more in response. Soon they reached and Raghava couldn't help but gape at the majestic river in front of him.
Paapanashini Ganga flowed majestically, the kal-kal sound of the water so soothing for Raghava that he closed his eyes and inhaled. The heavy flow of River Ganga was a bit faster than that of Sarayu, but still, for him both the Rivers were same. Be it Ganga of North or Kaveri of South, every river was same as Ganga for him.,
"Isn't it beautiful Dada!?" Lakshya asked happily chirping and skipping around, deciding to bring Bhaskar and Shashaank, his another elder brother and Twin soon.
The soft gasp didn't escaped the ears of Raghav as he turned swiftly, his eyes clashing with the doe like black eyes of the golden hied beauty that was holding a little a little basket of flowers.
Ram ko dekh kar, Sri Janaka Nandini,
Baag me vo, Khadi ki Khadi reh gayi..!
(Upon seeing Rama, Sri Janaki stilled in the Garden)
He did not even saw her face properly. He just saw her pink lips parting away in surprise, that oxidised nose-pin glinting under the setting sun, her doe eyes widening and the gentle breeze making her curly hairs dance across her face.
Ram dekhe Siya, aur Siya Ram ko,
Chaaron akhiyan ladi ki ladi reh gayi..!
(Ram looked at Siya and Siya looked at Ram,
Their four eyes clashed together..!)
Sriya wondered if her Bholenath had any hand or any hidden motive in sending her to Flower Garden, for she never realised that she will find a beautiful man with dark skin, shining majestically at due to the setting sun. His lotus petal like brown eyes were the first thing that captured her eyes, and she couldn't help but gasp, which he probably heard.
The Janakpur gaye dekhne ke liye,
Saari Sakhiyaan Jharokhan se Jhaakan lagi..!
Dekhte hi nazar mil gayi dono ki,
Jo jahaa thi khadi ki khadi reh gayi..!
(The went Janakpur to see around, and all the Friend/Sisters {of Siya} started looking through windows. As soon as they saw each other their eyes clashed, and they stilled altogether.)
Raghav didn't really had any motive to come to Varanasi, but Lakshya was bored, so his younger brother tagged him, Bhaskar and Sashank along. On the other hand, Urmi, Mansi and Shikha, Sriya's sisters were decorating the room.
"Hey! Who is that handsome male?" cried Urmi noticing Raghav, and Mansi and Shikha crowded around her near window. Although, this didn't bothered the two individuals, who had stilled in their places as soon as their eyes clashed.
Boli hai ik Sakhi Ram ko dekh kar,
Rach gayi hai vidhata ne jodi sukhad..!
Fir Dhanush kaise todenge vaare Kunwar?
Mann mein Shanka, bani ki bani reh gayi..!
(Upon seeing Ram one of the Sakhi's (Friend) says that the Lord has created a beautiful bond. But how will this gentle looking Prince break the bow? This doubts stayed in their hearts)
"Mahadeva!! They look so good together!!" Urmi wondered with a excited smile. "Of course! Just look at them!" Mansi took their nazar (evil eye) off as she and her sisters gazed at Raghav and Sriya. "Hey but wait- We all know that Jiji is very divine, isn't she? All the Priests and Sages we have met till now said that she is a divine woman, and no ordinary man can be her husband, what if this handsome hunk isn't the one?" Shikha asked, making them humm altogether and cup her cheeks in tension. Will their sister remain unmarried?
Boli dooji Sakhi Chhotan Dekhan mein hai,
Par chamatkaar inka nahin jaanti..!
Ek hi baan mein taadika raakshasi,
Uth saki na, padi ki padi reh gayi..!
(The other Sakhi says that he looks like is short, but she doesn't know the miracle of him. Just with one arrow, the Demoness Taadika didn't got up {after being stuck by})
"Also, he kinda looks short." Shikha's words made Mansi whack her lightly on head, and Urmi giggled. While her sisters were talking and giggling among themselves, Sriya realised something.
Her eyes widened and balance seem to falter, tears brimming in her eyes. It seemed as if a sudden burst of light appeared behind him, the silhouette of a man with a bow in his arms growing large and large, as Sriya almost fainted, but held her ground somehow.
Unknown to her, this handsome dark skinned stranger had same effect. He was divine, his birth on Karthika Purnima or Deva Dipawali and his extraordinary horoscope was not only the indication, but also that his mother was having a hard time finding a woman for him. But when he saw this beautiful damsel looking like the Goddess Ganga with the setting sun reflecting her golden face, he knew she was the one for him, and the silhouette of the regal woman behind her spoke levels.
Ram ko dekh kar, Sri Janaka Nandini,
Baag me vo, Khadi ki Khadi reh gayi..!
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sllverchariot · 2 months
Get to You (Polnareff x Reader) Chapter Five
You're a bright eyed and ambitious Anthropology student, just setting off for the international vacation of your dreams. Just days into your trip, however, you encounter a devious and charming man who would set into motion a string of events that would change your life forever, for better or for worse. ♡ word count - 1.4k ♡ warnings - some brief mentions of previous trauma/emotional abuse/manipulation/cheating ♡ notes - this is crossposted on ao3 under the same username as here. there are currently eight chapters written and posted over there so i'll be working on posting them here as well. this fic follows the events of stardust crusaders with some changes obviously. enjoy!!!
The six of you rode on a near-empty bus to your next destination. You were frustrated and conflicted from the moment you boarded, but your irritation only grew as Polnareff rambled on and on to you newest companion. Incessant chatter about any topic his brain could muster up, with gratuitous flirting peppered in between.
Finally, Kakyoin spoke up, cutting off the Frenchman’s monologue. “Hey, we’re almost there.” He announced, as the bus rolled over a bridge. “The city of Varanasi…”
A few short minutes later, the bus slowed to a stop in the city center, and you all filed out, with Joseph pausing outside to examine a disturbing growth on his arm. You all crowded around, investigating the strange lump.
”That’s… really gross. You should get that looked at.” You grimaced, reaching up a hand to hide your disgusted reaction.
”Hey…. Doesn’t that sort of look like a person's face?” Polnareff chimed in, hand on his chin, only to elicit a frustrated response from the old man. The two went back and forth for a moment, before Joseph finally walked off to find a doctor.
The rest of your group split up shortly after Joseph went to the hospital, Kakyoin and Jotaro went to scout out a place to stay, and Polnareff and the groups newest addition, Nena, went off to who knows where. You were left to your own devices. You spent your brief period of freedom shopping and exploring. You were grateful to finally be able to stock back up on essentials. You knew you needed to pack lightly, but you thanked your lucky stars you were able to get some new, clean underwear.
When you were finished with your errands, you decided to spend the remainder of your time wandering around the city. Even though your original plans went way off course, you were grateful to your newfound comrades, since they were taking you to many more places than you would’ve been able to go on your own.
A little while later, you started hearing sirens and commotion nearby. You craned your neck and stood on your tip-toes, hoping to get a better view of the situation, but you were too far to see what was going on. You shook your head and went back to browsing the shops and vendors lining the streets. Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted Polnareff and Nena rounding a corner and coming your way. In a split-second decision, you dashed into the storefront next to you, hoping to avoid Polnareff’s incessant gushing about his future wedding with his new lady.
In your haste, you hadn’t even bothered to check the name of the business you’d rushed into. As you gathered your bearings, you took a look around the shop. It was dimly lit with multiple lamps spaced out around the room, enveloping the room in a warm yellow hue. Despite the poor lighting, the decor was absolutely gorgeous. There were dozens of paintings and trinkets lining the walls, intricate drapes and tassels. You glanced up to see a beautiful mural sprawling across the ceiling. The details were almost overwhelming.
Before you could take another step, a pair of deep purple velvet curtains pulled open, revealing a beautiful woman sitting at a small table with an ornate cloth laid atop it. Across the table was an empty chair and in front of it, on the table, sat a lone teacup.
“Greetings traveler.” She announced, her voice silky smooth. “Fate has beckoned you here. Have a seat.” She motioned towards the empty chair. You held back a giggle, this whole thing seemed like something straight out of a movie. Still, you were compelled to heed her request.
You sat across from the mysterious woman, in a rickety wooden chair, that stuck out like a sore thumb compared to the rest of the intricately decorated room. The chair creaked loudly under your weight before you settled in.
The woman across from you stared at you with a piercing gaze, her bright blue eyes stood out beautifully against the stark contrast of her deep brown skin. She motioned towards the steaming cup of tea in front of you. “Drink up, and I’ll tell you your future.” She lifted the mug and held it out in front of you. You gingerly took it from her and brought it from your lips, slowly sipping. The tea was delicious, and as you brought it away from your face she tapped the bottom , encouraging you to drink more. “Drink quickly, we’re running out of time.”
You hurried to finish the drink, and as soon as you were done she pulled the cup back towards her, inspecting the remaining leaves closely.
“Hmm…” She murmured, eyes pouring over the cup. “I see you’re on an adventure… Your life has just changed in a big way. You knew this was coming though, didn’t you?” She broke her gaze with the small mug, and met your eyes, a small smirk on her lips. “This isn’t all though. There’s a dark cloud looming over your future. But beyond that… is love.”
Your heart skipped a beat as you recalled your first meeting with Dio.
“You have a very treacherous battle ahead of you before you can obtain this love, however. You may not even survive. You have to fight for it.” She furrowed her brows. “You’re traveling with your soulmate, you’ve already met him. He is your great love, it will change your life forever if you’re strong enough to get it in your grasp.” You cast her a look of disbelief. Your current companions were two teenagers, the grandfather of one of those teens, one who just died, and-
But that wasn’t possible.
Before you could respond, the woman’s eyes widened and she grabbed your hand, holding it firmly. “You must go now. Something terrible is happening to one of your companions.” She quickly rose from her seat and began ushering you out the door.
”But wait- don’t I need to pay you?” You interjected as the woman pulled open the door.
”No, free of charge. Go, save your friend.” She nearly shoved you out onto the street, and slammed the door behind you. You stood there for a moment, in shock. A few feet ahead, you saw Mr. Joestar dash into an alleyway, and then the sound of sirens. It seemed that the mysterious fortune teller was correct. You raced after him, darting around the same corner, but when you got around it you couldn’t find him.
You rushed down the alley, ending up on the next street over, with still no sight of the old man. You looked back and forth, and took a right, maneuvering through the crowd. A few blocks later, you spotted Mr. Joestar and Polnareff tucked in yet another narrow alleyway. The old man leaned against the brick building, while Polnareff stared in shock and disgust at a woman lying on the ground in front of them.
You slowed to a stop and propped yourself up on the wall, trying to catch your breath. “What… the hell… happened?” You gasped out.
“Oh nothing now, but Polnareff here will probably be traumatized for a few days.” Joseph smacked Polnareff on the shoulder, who dropped his arms and stared with a now defeated look plastered across his face.
“More like a few years…” Polnareff stuttered out.
You looked at Mr. Joestar, then the woman on the ground, then back at Mr. Joestar, and were suddenly grateful you arrived when you did, and not a minute earlier.
“Right…” You mumbled.
Later on, you and the rest of your companions regrouped while Mr. Joestar dealt with his legal troubles after the stand attack earlier in the day. The four of you stood at the side of the road, overlooking a lake. Polnareff sat on the curb, still reeling from his experience earlier, while Jotaro and Kakyoin chatted.
Jotaro grumbled about the day’s events, blaming Joseph’s troubles with the law for the fact you were all out on the side of the road, when suddenly the man himself finally rolled up.
”I took care of things.” He stated. “We can take this car.” He motioned to the vehicle you were all stationed beside. “Polnareff, you do the driving.” He tossed the keys to the Frenchman, who caught them but still stayed frozen with that horrified look stuck on his face. “What? Don’t tell me you’re still in shock. I was the one who was attacked by the stand.”
”Sure, but… I think I’d rather have gone through that.” Said Polnareff, voice shaky. The five of you eventually shuffled into yet another vehicle and set off to yet another destination.
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safargenie · 7 days
Places of Interest in Uttar Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh, often referred to as the "Heartland of India," is a treasure trove of historical landmarks, spiritual sites, and natural wonders. From the iconic Taj Mahal to the sacred ghats of Varanasi, this state offers a diverse array of attractions that captivate visitors from around the world. Let's embark on a journey to explore some of the most enchanting places of interest in Uttar Pradesh.
The Historical Charm of Agra
The Majestic Taj Mahal
No visit to Uttar Pradesh is complete without marvelling at the Taj Mahal, one of the Seven Wonders of the World. This exquisite white marble mausoleum, built by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal, stands as a symbol of eternal love. The intricate carvings, stunning gardens, and the serene Yamuna River backdrop make it a must-see.
Agra Fort
A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Agra Fort is a magnificent red sandstone fortress that once served as the main residence of the Mughal emperors. With its grand palaces, audience halls, and beautiful mosques, it offers a glimpse into the opulent lifestyle of the Mughal era.
Fatehpur Sikri
Located just outside Agra, Fatehpur Sikri is a historic city built by Emperor Akbar. This UNESCO World Heritage Site boasts stunning architecture, including the Buland Darwaza, Panch Mahal, and the tomb of Salim Chishti. Its well-preserved structures and historical significance make it a fascinating destination.
Varanasi: The Spiritual Heartbeat
Ghats of Varanasi
Varanasi, one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world, is renowned for its ghats along the Ganges River. The ghats are a hub of spiritual activities, where pilgrims perform rituals, bathe in the holy river, and witness the mesmerizing Ganga Aarti in the evening.
Kashi Vishwanath Temple          
Dedicated to Lord Shiva, the Kashi Vishwanath Temple is one of the most revered temples in Hinduism. Its striking architecture and spiritual ambiance attract millions of devotees and tourists each year.
Sarnath: The Buddhist Site Sarnath, located near Varanasi, is a significant Buddhist pilgrimage site. It is where Lord Buddha delivered his first sermon after attaining enlightenment. The Dhamek Stupa, Ashoka Pillar, and the Sarnath Archaeological Museum are key attractions here.
Lucknow: The City of Nawabs Bara Imambara
Lucknow's Bara Imambara is a grandiose architectural marvel built by Nawab Asaf-ud-Daula. The central hall, known for its unique construction without beams, and the Bhool Bhulaiya (a labyrinth) are highlights of this historical site.
Chota Imambara
Also known as the Hussainabad Imambara, this beautiful monument is adorned with chandeliers, mirrors, and exquisite calligraphy. It serves as a congregation hall for Shia Muslims and a mausoleum for Nawab Muhammad Ali Shah.
British Residency                                            
The British Residency is a group of historic buildings that played a crucial role during the Indian Rebellion of 1857. The ruins, museums, and well-maintained gardens offer a poignant reminder of India's colonial past.
The Sacred City of Mathura
Shri Krishna Janmabhoomi
Mathura, the birthplace of Lord Krishna, is a sacred city for Hindus. The Shri Krishna Janmabhoomi temple complex marks the exact spot where Lord Krishna was born and is a major pilgrimage site.
Dwarkadhish Temple
This temple, dedicated to Lord Krishna, is known for its beautiful architecture and vibrant celebrations during festivals like Janmashtami and Holi. The temple's intricate carvings and serene atmosphere make it a must-visit.
Vishram Ghat
Located on the banks of the Yamuna River, Vishram Ghat is believed to be the place where Lord Krishna rested after defeating the tyrant Kansa. The ghat is a picturesque spot for evening Aarti and boat rides.
Allahabad: The Confluence of Rivers
Triveni Sangam
Allahabad, now known as Prayagraj, is famous for the Triveni Sangam, the confluence of the Ganges, Yamuna, and the mythical Saraswati rivers. It is a revered site for Hindus, especially during the Kumbh Mela, when millions of pilgrims gather for a holy dip.
Allahabad Fort
Built by Emperor Akbar, the Allahabad Fort is a majestic structure that stands on the banks of the Yamuna River. The fort houses the Ashoka Pillar, the Patalpuri Temple, and the Saraswati Koop.
Anand Bhavan
Anand Bhavan, the ancestral home of the Nehru-Gandhi family, is now a museum showcasing memorabilia from the Indian freedom struggle. The house offers a glimpse into the life and times of one of India's most prominent political families.
The Wild Side of Dudhwa National Park
Flora and Fauna
Dudhwa National Park, located in the Terai region of Uttar Pradesh, is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts. The park is home to tigers, leopards, elephants, rhinos, and a plethora of bird species, making it a biodiversity hotspot.
Safari Experiences
Embark on an exciting safari to explore the dense forests and grasslands of Dudhwa. The park offers jeep safaris, elephant safaris, and bird-watching tours that provide thrilling encounters with wildlife.
Best Time to Visit
The best time to visit Dudhwa National Park is from November to June, when the weather is pleasant, and the chances of spotting wildlife are higher. The park remains closed during the monsoon season.
Ayodhya: The Birthplace of Lord Rama
Ram Janmabhoomi
Ayodhya, the birthplace of Lord Rama, is a major pilgrimage site for Hindus. The Ram Janmabhoomi temple complex is a significant religious and historical landmark that attracts devotees from all over the world.
Hanuman Garhi
Hanuman Garhi is a prominent temple dedicated to Lord Hanuman. The temple, located atop a hill, offers panoramic views of Ayodhya and is an important stop for pilgrims.
Kanak Bhawan
Kanak Bhawan is a beautiful temple that is believed to be gifted to Sita by her mother-in
law, Queen Kaikeyi. The temple is renowned for its intricate architecture and serene ambiance, making it a peaceful place for worship.
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bjohn28b · 26 days
10 Unmissable Places to Visit in Varanasi for First-Time Travelers in 2024
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Varanasi, often referred to as Benares or Banaras, is an ancient city located in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. Renowned for its sacred significance in Hinduism and its vibrant spiritual atmosphere, Varanasi boasts a rich history that makes it one of the world’s oldest continuously inhabited cities. This culturally abundant city is adorned with breathtaking architecture and provides visitors with a unique and enchanting experience unmatched by any other place in India or around the world. In this blog, we’ll explore 15 must-see places to visit in Varanasi, each offering a glimpse into the city's captivating essence.
Places to Visit in Varanasi
Kashi Vishwanath Temple Situated on the western bank of the sacred Ganges River, the Kashi Vishwanath Temple is one of India’s twelve revered Jyotirlingas, symbolizing Lord Shiva’s presence. It stands as one of the most iconic places to visit in Varanasi. The temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva, who is affectionately called Vishwanatha or Vishweshwarar, meaning 'ruler of the universe,' is crowned with a golden spire that weighs 800 kg, adding to its majestic aura. The Kashi Vishwanath Temple is not just a religious site but a pivotal part of Varanasi’s spiritual atmosphere, attracting devoted pilgrims and curious tourists alike.
Dashashwamedh Ghat Located along the holy River Ganges, Dashashwamedh Ghat is one of the top places to visit in Varanasi, known for its profound religious and cultural importance. The ghat is famous for its daily ritual known as ‘Ganga Aarti,’ where the evening ceremony lights up the darkness with the bright flames of devotion, creating a magical atmosphere that embodies the spiritual essence of Varanasi.
Manikarnika Ghat Manikarnika Ghat is a sacred site in Varanasi where Hindus perform cremation rituals, believing that dying here ensures salvation for the soul. The ghat offers a deeply moving experience with its ever-burning funeral pyres and the solemn rituals carried out every day, providing a profound insight into Hindu beliefs about life, death, and rebirth.
Panchganga Ghat Panchganga Ghat is considered special because it is believed to be the confluence of five sacred rivers: Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswati, Kirana, and Dhuha Papa. This ghat is one of the most revered places in India, drawing people from all over for religious rituals and purification baths in its holy waters, which are believed to cleanse the soul and grant spiritual purity.
Ramnagar Fort Ramnagar Fort, located on the eastern bank of the Ganges opposite Tulsi Ghat, is an impressive example of Mughal architecture, built by Raja Balwant Singh in 1750. The fort is renowned for its detailed architecture and houses a heritage museum and a collection of vintage cars. Visitors can also enjoy stunning views from the fort, especially during the vibrant Ganga Aarti of the Durga Puja festivities.
Ganges River The Ganges River, or ‘Ganga,’ is not just the lifeline of Varanasi but also a symbol of immense religious importance in Hinduism. A serene sunrise cruise on the Ganges offers a dip into spiritual tranquility, while evening activities like releasing floating lamps with candles and flowers provide a deeper connection to local culture and Hindu traditions.
Durga Temple The Durga Temple, also known as the Monkey Temple due to the large number of monkeys residing there, is one of the most popular places to visit in Varanasi. Dedicated to the powerful Hindu Goddess Durga, the temple features intricate carvings and vibrant paintings depicting various forms of the goddess. During festivals like Navratri, the temple becomes a hub of energy and devotion, attracting countless devotees.
Sarnath Sarnath, located near Varanasi, is a significant Buddhist pilgrimage site where Lord Buddha delivered his first sermon on Dharma. The site features historical ruins, such as the ancient Dharmarajika Stupa and Mulagandhakuti Temple, along with a museum housing relics from Buddhist history. Sarnath is a peaceful retreat, offering visitors a chance to explore and learn about Buddhist culture.
Assi Ghat Assi Ghat is one of the most vibrant locations in Varanasi, where the Assi River meets the Ganges. This ghat is a hub of local culture, showcasing colorful customs and rituals. The ghat is a spiritual hotspot, with religious ceremonies, evening prayers, and cultural events taking place throughout the day. Assi Ghat is also famous for its bustling atmosphere, with street food vendors and markets adding to its lively ambiance.
Banaras Ghats The ghats of Banaras are an iconic part of Varanasi’s landscape, each with its own significance. From the lively Dashashwamedh Ghat to the tranquil Assi Ghat, walking along these steps provides a close-up view of the everyday rituals and spiritual life in Varanasi, from morning ablutions to evening prayers.
Sankat Mochan Hanuman Temple Located near the Assi River, the Sankat Mochan Temple is dedicated to Lord Rama and his loyal companion Hanuman. Founded in the early 1900s by freedom fighter Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya, this temple is an essential part of Varanasi’s religious culture. It is particularly known for its grand Hanuman Jayanti celebrations, spiritual discussions, and the offering of prasad to devotees.
New Vishwanath Temple, BHU Situated within the Banaras Hindu University campus, the New Vishwanath Temple, also known as the Birla Temple, is a stunning white marble structure dedicated to Lord Shiva. The temple’s vast courtyard and towering spire make it a popular destination for both devotees and tourists, offering a serene environment that blends spirituality with architectural beauty.
Alamgir Mosque Built in the seventeenth century, Alamgir Mosque, also known as Beni Madhav Ka Darera, is one of the oldest structures in Varanasi. The mosque is notable for its unique blend of Islamic and Hindu architectural styles, making it a significant historical site.
Manmandir Ghat Manmandir Ghat offers breathtaking views of the Ganges and is a prime spot for witnessing the evening Aarti ceremonies. The ghat also houses the Manmandir Temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva, making it a place of spiritual significance.
Tulsi Manas Mandir Located near Tulsi Ghat, Tulsi Manas Mandir is a modern temple dedicated to Lord Rama. It is known for its peaceful ambiance and the intricate marble carvings that depict scenes from the Ramcharitmanas, a revered Hindu epic poem.
Conclusion Varanasi is a vibrant city, rich in spiritual and cultural traditions. Whether you’re witnessing devotion at the ghats, exploring ancient temples, or taking a serene cruise along the Ganges, Varanasi offers a profound experience that connects you with the cultural soul and spiritual essence of India. For those planning future travels, consider exploring the best places to visit in Pune for a diverse and enriching travel experience.
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prabhudarshanyatra · 1 month
Divine One Day Trip to Ayodhya
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The historic and highly devout city of Ayodhya provides a distinctive fusion of spirituality, culture, and history. Being the birthplace of Lord Rama, it attracts a large number of tourists and devotees who want to feel the heavenly aura of this hallowed site and reconnect with their ancestry. Prabhu Darshan Yatra has put together a fantastic one-day excursion to assist you make the most of your visit if you just have one day to spend seeing Ayodhya. This is a thorough guide to help you on your holy trip.
Morning: Arrival and First Impressions
1. Arrival in Ayodhya:
You leave early in the morning from your starting point so that you arrive in Ayodhya well in advance of the city's awakening. The city will meet you with a calm and friendly attitude as soon as you arrive. The streets are crowded with residents and believers as a sense of tranquility permeates the air.
2. Visit to Ram Janmabhoomi Complex:
The Ram Janmabhoomi Complex, the center of Ayodhya's spiritual significance, is your first stop. One of the most venerated deities in Hinduism, Lord Rama, is said to have been born at this hallowed location. The Ram Mandir, a large temple that serves as a testament to dedication and faith, is located within the compound. As you walk in, pause to feel the heavenly energy and consider the old stories connected to this hallowed location.
3. Breakfast and Local Delights:
After visiting the Ram Janmabhoomi Complex, dine at a neighborhood restaurant for a typical breakfast. Ayodhya is renowned for its tasty yet uncomplicated cuisine, and now is the ideal time to sample regional delicacies like chai, jalebis, and kachoris. These regional treats will give you the energy you need for the day.
Also Read Related Blogs: Ayodhya with Varanasi Tour Package
Mid-Morning: Exploring Historical Sites
4. Hanuman Garhi:
Proceed to Hanuman Garhi, a well-known shrine devoted to Lord Hanuman, after that. This temple provides a broad perspective of Ayodhya from its hilltop location. According to folklore, Hanuman Garhi was constructed on the site where Lord Hanuman once stood watch over the city. The temple is a must-see during your vacation because of its beautiful architecture and tranquil surroundings.
5. Kanak Bhawan:
The next stop on your tour is Kanak Bhawan, an old temple honoring Lord Rama and Goddess Sita. This temple is well known for both its historical significance and exquisite construction. Kanak Bhawan is thought to have been given to Sita by her mother-in-law, Queen Kaikeyi. The temple's colorful murals and elaborate carvings enhance its spiritual allure.
Also read Related Blogs: Best Delhi to Ayodhya Tour Packages
Afternoon: Spiritual Exploration and Cultural Immersion
6. Lunch at a Local Restaurant:
Stop for lunch at a nearby eatery and indulge in some traditional Indian fare. It's a terrific opportunity to sample some local cuisine and mingle with kind and hospitable folks.
7. Saryu River Bank:
See the tranquil Saryu River banks after lunch. Given that it appears in numerous classic texts and epics, the river is particularly sacred to followers. If you have time, think about taking a boat trip after taking a stroll down the riverfront. The calm waves and soft wind provide the ideal environment for introspection and rest.
8. Ram Katha Museum:
The Ram Katha Museum, which offers a fascinating look into the life and times of Lord Rama, is the place you should visit next. Ancient manuscripts, sculptures, and relics that tell the epic tale of the Ramayana are among the museum's exhibits. Your knowledge of the historical and cultural background of Ayodhya will be enhanced by this tour.
Also Read: Cheap Ayodhya Tour Package
Evening: Concluding the Divine Journey
9. Visit to Chhoti Chhoti Masjid:
Head to the historically significant old mosque, Chhoti Chhoti Masjid, as nightfall draws near. This mosque gives insight into the rich history of cultural and religious diversity in Ayodhya, while also reflecting the architectural style of the Mughal Empire.
10. Return to Ram Janmabhoomi Complex:
Return to the Ram Janmabhoomi Complex to see the evening aarti (ritual of worship) before ending your journey. Devotees assemble for the captivating aarti ceremony, where they offer prayers and sing songs of devotion. The ambiance is one of reverence and dedication, making it an appropriate place to conclude your spiritual trip.
Also Read: Ayodhya Ram Mandir Tour Package
Prabhu Darshan Yatra provides a thorough and spiritually enlightening one-day excursion to Ayodhya. Every stop along the way, from the revered Ram Janmabhoomi Complex to the tranquil banks of the Saryu River, is infused with spiritual energy and rich cultural value. Your vacation to Ayodhya is guaranteed to be unforgettable and life-changing thanks to the fusion of spiritual ceremonies, cultural exploration, and authentic local experiences.
You'll come away from your trip feeling fulfilled and having a stronger bond with Ayodhya's spiritual legacy. The carefully planned schedule of Prabhu Darshan Yatra guarantees that every minute of your one-day excursion is spent in the company of spirituality and history, making it an experience you won't soon forget.
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bestescooter · 1 month
Affordable Electric Scooter Company in UP | Delhi
As urban landscapes in Uttar Pradesh (UP) and Delhi continue to evolve, the need for sustainable and cost-effective transportation is more pressing than ever. Electric scooters are gaining popularity recently because they offer relatively low cost yet rather high efficiency. Affordable electric company in UP like Reveal Electric that offer the best electric scooter at a very reasonable price. If you're considering investing in an electric scooter, you're making a smart move towards reducing your carbon footprint while navigating the bustling streets of UP and Delhi.
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Why Choose an Electric Scooter? 
Electric scooters are often characterized by low cost of operation, easy to maintain and are environmentally friendly. They provide a comfortable ride and just like motorcycles can manoeuvre through jammed traffic and even tight corridors. Further, the hazard associated with fuel cost progression in combination with rising concern for green energy has made these scooters a popular solution for green commuters. 
Best Locations to Explore in Uttar Pradesh
If you are planning to go for a tour with your electric scooter, the Best electric scooter available in UP,  let me assure you that this is a state with a rich history, as well as in culture and food. Here are some must-visit locations:
Varanasi: As stated, Varanasi is known as the spiritual capital of India in UP and, thus, it is rather unique. Drive through the city and get to see the ghats near the Ganges; do not miss the Aarti in the evening. For food lovers, the local chaat and sweets are a must-try.
Lucknow: It is the city of awakening and is well-known for some of the most famous buildings that include the Bara Imambara and Rumi Darwaza in UP. The place is famous for kebab and biryani; one must try the local non-vegetarian dishes, and there is also an opportunity to buy the famous Chikankari clothes of Lucknow. 
Agra: Agra, which has its fair share of history being the home of the Taj Mahal, can only be described as historical. Apart from the Taj, explore the Agra Fort and Fatehpur Sikri. After the tour, do not forget to taste petha for which the city is so famous and do shopping for marble handicrafts in local markets. 
Kanpur: Industrialized town of Kanpur holds the historic significance of the Allen Forest Zoo and Phool Bagh. The city also boasts of their markets, in particular, leather products are fairly easy to come by.
Electric scooter tour of Delhi on the Best electric scooter available in Delhi 
As the capital of India, Delhi is a city that combines the experience of the old and the new. Every city has a situated neighborhood and with an electric scooter you would be able to trace every beautiful corner. Here are some top spots to explore: 
India Gate and Rajpath: Begin with India Gate which is a war memorial, and an unique place to start with to explore India’s history. Drive on the Rajpath which is beautiful especially in front of the Rashtrapati Bhawan and the Parliament House. 
Chandni Chowk: A market which dates back to the Mughal era, Chandni Chowk is as overloaded as any place can get. Leave your electric scooter at the doorway and venture into the crowded streets where you can buy food and clothings and spices. Do not leave without trying the beautiful local street food particularly the parathas and the jalebis. 
Qutub Minar: It is an architectural delight and is on the list of the UNESCO world heritage site. One should also take time and explore the Mehrauli Archaeological Park that surrounds the monument. After visiting the monument, you can shop for food and some funky items at the nearby Hauz Khas Village which has some of the best cafes, shops and art galleries in town. 
Connaught Place: A classic example of a central business district that also has the role of a commercial center that contains restaurants. Here you can find a great number of restaurants serving Indian food as well as other kinds of food from all over the world. Janpath Market is nearby and great for purchasing impossibly cute trinkets and gifts. 
Lotus Temple and Humayun’s Tomb: Both seemingly are architectural marvels which stand majestically in beautiful gardens. All these sites are calm and serene, and are thus an ideal getaway from the busy city. 
Why an Electric Scooter is Ideal for These Locations
Traversing through UP and Delhi on an electric scooter not only makes a whole lot of sense from an economic point of view, but it is also quite comfortable. These scooters are small and therefore it is easy to park them even in areas with poor space. Also, the quiet engine means that travellers do not have to compromise their enjoyment of areas around different landmarks by adding to noise pollution. 
In conclusion, selecting the affordable electric scooty available in UP and the affordable electric scooty available in Delhi that will help you move around UP and Delhi is a decision you won’t live to regret. It does help in commuting and saves the cost of commuting and at the same time one gets to witness the culturally and historically beautiful places at one's own convenience.
Visit: https://www.revealelectric.com/affordable-electric-scooter-company-in-up-delhi-ghaziabad-india/
Medium: https://medium.com/@Best-electric-scooter-in-Delhi
Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/bestescooter
Writeupcafe: https://writeupcafe.com/profile/best-electric-scooter-company
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reveal.electric/
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How do I Plan My Tour to Varanasi for a Single Day?
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Early Morning: Wake up around 5:30 AM and go to Assi Ghat to watch the Ganga Aarti ceremony. It is a beautiful and special ritual performed on the banks of the River Ganges.
Morning: In the morning, visit Kashi Vishwanath Temple, a significant temple dedicated to Lord Shiva. After that, stroll through the narrow streets of the old city.
Late Morning: In the late morning hours, visit the special Bharat Mata Temple, known for its giant 3D relief map artistically showing the geography of India. This unique temple offers an interesting and educational experience, giving you a chance to learn more about our country's diverse landscapes.
Lunch: Taste the yummy local food from a restaurant near you. Gujarat has many tasty dishes you must try.
Afternoon: In the afternoon, go to Sarnath, which is just a short drive from Varanasi. This is the place where Buddha first taught his ideas and beliefs. You can see the Dhamek Stupa, a big and important structure, and also visit the Sarnath Museum there.
Evening: In the evening, go back to the ghats (riverbanks) and take a boat ride on the Ganges River. Watching the beautiful evening Ganga Aarti ceremony at Dashashwamedh Ghat from the boat on the river is an amazing sight.
Night: In the evening, take a walk along the ghats (riverfront steps), enjoy the festive atmosphere, and taste some tasty street food before ending your Gujarat trip.
Think about renting a big 16 Seater Tempo Traveller for comfy and roomy travel. It has lots of seats, air conditioning, and space for luggage, great for families on trips.
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haridwartourtrip · 4 months
Discover the Top Varanasi Tourist Places for an Unforgettable Experience
Varanasi, one of the world's oldest cities, is a treasure trove of spirituality, culture, and history. This sacred city, situated on the banks of the Ganges River, attracts millions of visitors each year. Whether you're drawn by its religious significance, historical landmarks, or vibrant street life, Varanasi offers an unparalleled experience. In this guide, we will explore the top Varanasi tourist places that you must visit on your trip.
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1. Kashi Vishwanath Temple
One of the most revered Hindu temples, Kashi Vishwanath Temple, is dedicated to Lord Shiva. This temple is not only a spiritual epicenter but also an architectural marvel. Pilgrims from all over the world come to seek blessings and experience the divine atmosphere. The temple's golden spire and intricate carvings make it one of the top Varanasi tourist places.
2. Dashashwamedh Ghat
Dashashwamedh Ghat is the most famous and lively ghat in Varanasi. It is renowned for its Ganga Aarti, a spectacular evening ritual where priests perform prayers with fire lamps, accompanied by the sound of bells and chants. This mesmerizing ceremony is a must-see for anyone visiting Varanasi and captures the essence of the city's spiritual life.
3. Sarnath
A short drive from Varanasi, Sarnath is a significant Buddhist pilgrimage site. It is where Lord Buddha delivered his first sermon after attaining enlightenment. The Dhamek Stupa, Chaukhandi Stupa, and the Sarnath Archaeological Museum are key attractions here. Exploring Sarnath provides a serene contrast to the bustling streets of Varanasi, making it one of the essential Varanasi tourist places.
4. Banaras Hindu University (BHU)
Founded in 1916 by Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya, Banaras Hindu University is a premier educational institution. The campus is home to the Bharat Kala Bhavan Museum, which houses an extensive collection of artifacts, paintings, and sculptures. Walking through the verdant campus and exploring its historical treasures is a refreshing experience.
5. Assi Ghat
Located at the confluence of the Ganges and Assi rivers, Assi Ghat is a popular spot for both locals and tourists. It is particularly famous for its peaceful environment and morning yoga sessions. The ghat also hosts cultural events and festivals, making it a vibrant spot to experience the local culture.
6. Ramnagar Fort
Situated on the eastern bank of the Ganges, Ramnagar Fort is an 18th-century structure that served as the residence of the Maharaja of Varanasi. The fort's museum displays vintage cars, royal palanquins, medieval costumes, and a vast collection of manuscripts. The stunning views of the Ganges from the fort are another highlight, making it one of the must-visit Varanasi tourist places.
7. Manikarnika Ghat
Known as the 'burning ghat,' Manikarnika Ghat is one of the oldest and most sacred ghats in Varanasi. It is believed that a soul cremated here attains moksha (liberation). While visiting this ghat can be a profound and intense experience, it offers deep insights into the Hindu belief in the cycle of life and death.
8. Tulsi Manas Temple
Tulsi Manas Temple is dedicated to Lord Rama and is situated near the famous Durga Temple. The temple's walls are adorned with verses from the Ramcharitmanas, the Hindi version of the Ramayana, written by the poet-saint Tulsidas. This temple is not only a place of worship but also a center of literary and cultural heritage.
Varanasi is a city that captivates visitors with its unique blend of spirituality, history, and culture. Each of these Varanasi tourist places offers a distinct glimpse into the city's rich heritage and vibrant life. Whether you are a pilgrim, a history enthusiast, or a cultural explorer, Varanasi promises an unforgettable journey. Book your tour now and immerse yourself in the magic of Varanasi.
By optimizing your travel itinerary with these top Varanasi tourist places, you ensure a comprehensive and enriching experience in one of India's most iconic cities.
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moustachescapes01 · 4 months
Exploring the Best Tourist Places Near Delhi with Moustache Escapes
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Are you in search of nearby places to visit in Delhi, where history meets culture and adventure awaits at every turn? Look no further than Moustache Escapes, your guide to exploring the best tourist places near Delhi. With a commitment to providing authentic experiences and unforgettable adventures, Moustache Escapes invites you to embark on a journey of discovery and exploration beyond the bustling streets of the capital city.
places to visit near delhi
Unveiling Moustache Escapes: Your Gateway to Adventure
Moustache Escapes isn't just a travel company – it's a promise of discovery, adventure, and cultural immersion. With a presence in some of India's most captivating destinations, including Delhi, we're dedicated to curating experiences that go beyond the ordinary, allowing travelers to connect with the heart and soul of each destination they visit.
Discovering Nearby Gems: Best Tourist Places Near Delhi
Delhi, with its rich history, vibrant culture, and diverse landscapes, serves as the perfect base for exploring the treasures that lie beyond its borders. And at Moustache Escapes, we've handpicked the best tourist places near Delhi to ensure that every traveler enjoys a memorable and enriching experience.
Historic Marvels: A Journey Through Time
Step back in time and explore the historic marvels that dot the landscape surrounding Delhi. From the majestic forts of Rajasthan to the ancient temples of Uttar Pradesh, the region boasts a wealth of architectural wonders waiting to be discovered.
Visit the UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Agra, including the iconic Taj Mahal, Agra Fort, and Fatehpur Sikri, and marvel at the timeless beauty of these architectural masterpieces. Explore the pink-hued city of Jaipur and immerse yourself in the grandeur of its palaces, forts, and vibrant bazaars. Or venture to the historic city of Mathura and discover the birthplace of Lord Krishna amidst its sacred temples and ghats.
Natural Wonders: A Retreat into Nature
For those seeking a dose of adventure and tranquility, the region surrounding Delhi offers a myriad of natural wonders waiting to be explored. Head to the lush forests of Jim Corbett National Park and embark on a thrilling wildlife safari to spot tigers, elephants, and other exotic wildlife in their natural habitat.
Explore the scenic beauty of Uttarakhand's hill stations, including Nainital, Mussoorie, and Ranikhet, and soak in the panoramic views of the majestic Himalayas. Or embark on a trek to the picturesque hill station of Shimla and discover its colonial-era charm, quaint streets, and snow-capped peaks.
Cultural Treasures: A Feast for the Senses
Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture and traditions of the region with a visit to its colorful cities, bustling markets, and lively festivals. Explore the spiritual heart of India with a visit to the sacred city of Varanasi and witness the mesmerizing Ganga Aarti ceremony on the banks of the Ganges River.
Indulge in a culinary adventure through the streets of Amritsar and sample the region's famous street food, including mouthwatering chaat, spicy samosas, and delectable jalebis. Or experience the rich heritage of Rajasthan with a visit to the vibrant cities of Jodhpur, Udaipur, and Jaisalmer, where every street corner tells a story of kings, queens, and warriors.
Experience Adventure with Moustache Escapes
Whether you're a history buff, a nature lover, or a foodie at heart, the region surrounding Delhi offers something for everyone. And at Moustache Escapes, we're here to ensure that your journey is filled with unforgettable experiences, authentic encounters, and moments of pure joy.
So why wait? Explore the best tourist places near Delhi with Moustache Escapes and embark on a journey of discovery, adventure, and cultural immersion. Whether you're exploring ancient forts, trekking through pristine forests, or indulging in delicious street food, the region's treasures await – and Moustache Escapes is here to guide you every step of the way.
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Best places to visit near delhi
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tnghotelsandresorts · 10 months
Top 5 Less common Pilgrimage Destinations in India
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India is a land of spirituality and religions. Spirituality holds huge importance in the lives of Indians. The reverent culture of this land attracts thousands of tourists of various religions to take up a complete pilgrimage trip in India. Here are the top 5 pilgrimage tourism destinations of India.
1. Rameshwaram
Located at the extreme end of the country, this temple town has a very close link with mythologies of India. This city is considered as the place where people wash off their sins.
Arulmigu Ramanathaswamy temple (Temple of Lord Shiva) is the iconic pilgrimage & religious spot here. Besides, Kothandaramaswamy temple, Gandhamathana Parvatham and many other temples are also there. Four Shiva temples are located on four corners of India, which are important religious spots. The Arulmigu Ramanathaswamy temple is the southernmost one of those.
2. Varanasi
Formerly known as Banaras- Varanasi is the Hinduism capital of the country. The city is full of many ancient as well as new temples including New Vishwanath temple, Dhanvantari temple, Durga temple, Sankat Mochan Hanuman temple, Kashi Vishwanath temple, Tulsi Manas temple and many more. The city is also popular for having 88 ghats(banks) which lead to the holy river, Ganges.
Ganga Ghats hold great importance in the lives of Hindus. Many rituals are performed on the banks of holy river Ganga including the famous Ganga Aarti. In addition to a large number of temples, the city also holds 15 unique and ancient mosques.
Varanasi is considered as one of the most sacred places in India
Budget Hotels in Varanasi
3. Sarnath
Located at 10 kilometers north-east of Varanasi, Sarnath holds several Buddhist monuments and temples. It is said that, after attaining enlightenment, Buddha reached Sarnath and gave his first discourse to fellow saints. The historic lion-headed Ashoka Pillar is also hosted in Sarnath.
Besides, it is also the birthplace of the religious leaders of Jainism. So, In Sarnath, it holds importance for the followers of Buddhism as well as Jainism.
Being in close proximity most people plan they are itinerary to visit both the places together
4. Amritsar
Amritsar is the pilgrimage destination of the Sikh followers. Although, it is not limited to any particular religion. Devotees from all across the world come to famous, The Golden Temple of Amritsar. The place experiences more footfall than the Taj Mahal. In the closed proximity of Golden Temple, there are few more temples including Durgiana temple, Model town temple, Shivala Mandir and others. Golden Temple is simply magnificent and it serves food for thousands of people every day. If you plan to visit there, don’t miss the opportunity to have langar from the Kitchen of Golden Temple.
Budget Hotels Near Golden Temple
5. Rishikesh
Another land that nest’s holy river Ganga – Rishikesh is famous as the Yoga Capital of the country. It is a pilgrimage town, which is visited by sages from ancient times for meditation and yoga. Top temples in Rishikesh are Nilkanth Mahadev temple, Kunjapuri temple, Parmarth Niketan temple, Geeta Bhawan Temple, Bharat temple, Tera Manzil temple and others. Triveni Ghat of Rishikesh is a spot where three mountain streams join. This is a holy spot where you can find many rituals and other activities. Rishikesh is very close Haridwar, which is another important Hindu pilgrimage & religious spot.
In order to discover the best about these places, do visit during the festivals. That is the best time to see, learn and enjoy the divinity of these places.
Visit our website - https://tnghotelsandresorts.com/top-5-less-common-pilgrimage-destinations-in-india/
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niraantentcity · 1 year
Travel Guide: Lucknow to Varanasi - Must-See Destination
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Embark on a transformative journey from Lucknow to Varanasi with our comprehensive travel guide. Explore top tourist spots and essential details for a memorable trip. Stay at NIRAAN Tent City Varanasi, the best place near the Ghat for a truly enriching experience.
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irctcmaharajas · 1 year
Stumble Upon Wondrous Sites while Travelling in Luxury 
The thrill of discovering hidden gems and breathtaking vistas is an intrinsic part of travel, and when combined with the opulence of a luxury train journey, the experience becomes truly unparalleled. The Maharajas' Express which is touted as the world’s leading luxury train offers travellers the opportunity to traverse the diverse landscapes of India while indulging in a regal lifestyle. As you embark on this extraordinary expedition, you'll find yourself not only immersed in luxury but also stumbling upon wondrous sites that will leave you with beautiful memories of a lifetime! 
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Imagine waking up in a plush cabin adorned with exquisite traditional craftsmanship, the gentle swaying of the train, a lullaby that welcomes you to a new day of adventure. As the train makes its way into the country, the panoramic view of India's stunning landscapes unfolds before your eyes. The Maharajas' Express takes you through a tapestry of terrains, from lush green valleys to arid deserts, from bustling cities to serene countryside. It's as though the very essence of India has been distilled into this luxurious voyage.
One of the unparalleled joys of this journey is the opportunity to stumble upon lesser-known treasures that lie off the beaten path. The train makes strategic stops at destinations that exude historical significance and architectural grandeur. In Udaipur, often dubbed the ‘City of Lakes’, you'll find yourself gazing at the ethereal beauty of Lake Pichola while floating on its tranquil waters. The Maharajas' Express grants you a chance to witness this sublime scene up close, immersing you in the romantic aura that surrounds this palace.
Jaipur with its age-old monuments, formidable forts and gorgeous palaces is another charming destination covered in this tour. From the illustrious Amer Fort to the splendid Rambagh Palace, there is no dearth of sightseeing destinations in the ‘Pink City’. Other places of interest include Ranthambore, Fatehpur Sikri, Orchha and Khajuraho, Varanasi, Jodhpur and Bikaner among others.  
Agra, home to the iconic Taj Mahal, is another stop that promises an awe-inspiring experience. While the Taj Mahal is renowned worldwide, a train journey provides a unique opportunity to see it from a different perspective, creating an enchanting memory that is sure to stay with you forever. The sheer magnificence of this marble masterpiece, bathed in the soft hues of sunrise or sunset, is an ethereal sight that encapsulates the essence of love and devotion.
Depending on which itinerary one chooses, the Maharajas’ Express train route and consequently, the cities and destinations included in the tour vary. The journey isn't limited to famous landmarks; it also opens doors to local cultures and traditions that might otherwise go unnoticed. As the Maharajas' Express makes its way through towns and villages, you'll have the chance to disembark and interact with artisans, craftsmen, and indigenous communities. These encounters provide a rich tapestry of experiences, giving you insights into the vibrant heritage of India.
The train's exquisite dining carriages further elevate the experience. Indulge in a gastronomic journey that mirrors the diversity of the landscapes you traverse. From traditional Indian fare to international cuisines, the culinary offerings are a testament to the meticulous attention to detail that defines the Maharajas' Express. Relishing delectable dishes amidst the luxurious ambiance of the train adds an element of grandeur to every meal, making it an experience to savour.
As the journey nears its end, you'll find yourself reminiscing about the wonders you've stumbled upon while travelling in unparalleled luxury. The sites you've seen, the cultures you've encountered, and the moments of tranquillity you've experienced will become cherished memories that define this remarkable voyage.
In a world where the art of slow travel is often overlooked, the Maharajas' Express stands as a testament to the beauty of savouring each moment. Stumbling upon wondrous sites becomes an intrinsic part of the journey, reminding us that true luxury lies not only in lavish accommodations but also in the immersive experiences that enrich our souls. So, if you're seeking a fusion of opulence and exploration, embark on this extraordinary train journey that promises both regal living and the joy of discovering the hidden treasures of India's heart and soul. Can’t wait to book the luxury train ride? Explore all about heritage trains in India on the maharajas.
Source: luxury train journey
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heaven-tamilnadu · 1 year
Our Great State TAMILNADU
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Chennai is the capital of Tamil Nadu, which is located on the Coromandel coast of the Bay of Bengal in southern India. Madras was the name given to Chennai in the past. The “Gateway to the South” is another nickname for the city. The city of Chennai is surrounded by three rivers and numerous lakes. This city offers a number of lovely museums that are a must-see for anyone planning a trip to Chennai. Also Chennai is home to one of India’s oldest medical centres. The city is home to more than a third of India’s automobile sector. Let’s read more about it.
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Yercaud is a hill station near Salem, in the Servarayan range of hills (anglicized as Shevaroys) in the Eastern Ghats. It is at an altitude of 1515 metres (4969 feet) above the see level. The total extent of Yercaud Taluk is 382.67 Sq.kms. including Reserve Forest. The entire Taluk is a Township. Yercaud has also a Panchayat Union with its Head Quarters at Yercaud and its Jurisdiction is the same as for Yercaud Taluk. Popular as the “Poor man’s Ooty”. Yercaud is one of the low cost hill station destination in India.
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Rameswaram also transliterated as Ramesvaram, Rameshwaram) is a municipality in the Ramanathapuram district of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. It is on Pamban Island separated from mainland India by the Pamban channel and is about 40 kilometres from Mannar Island, Sri Lanka. It is in the Gulf of Mannar, at the tip of the Indian peninsula. Pamban Island, also known as Rameswaram Island, is connected to mainland India by the Pamban Bridge. Rameswaram is the terminus of the railway line from Chennai and Madurai. Together with Varanasi, it is considered to be one of the holiest places in India to Hindus and is part of the Char Dham pilgrimage. According to the Ramayana, Rama is described to have built a bridge from the region approximating this town across the sea to Lanka to rescue his wife Sita from her abductor Ravana. The temple, dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva, is at the centre of the town and is closely associated with Rama and Shiva. The temple and the town are considered a holy pilgrimage site for Shaivas and Vaishnavas.
Rameswaram is the second closest point from which to reach Sri Lanka from India and geological evidence suggests that the Rama Sethu was a former land connection between India and Sri Lanka.
The town has been in the news in past due to controversies such as the Sethusamudram Shipping Canal Project, Kachchatheevu, Sri Lankan Tamil refugees and capturing local fishermen for alleged cross-border activities by Sri Lankan Forces.
Rameswaram is administered by a municipality established in 1994. The town covers an area of 53 km2 (20 sq mi) and had a population of 44,856 as of 2011. Tourism and fishery employ the majority of workforce in Rameswaram.
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Located in the state of Tamil Nadu, Kodaikanal is one of the most famous honeymoon destinations in India. A Lakeside resort town of Tamil Nadu, Kodaikanal has a beautiful climate, mist-covered manicured cliffs and waterfall that come together to create the ideal setting for a perfect getaway. Kodaikanal means 'the gift of the forests'.
Nestled amidst the rolling slopes of the Palani Hills, Kodaikanal stands at an altitude of 7200 feet above sea level, and once you visit this hill station, you will find that every bit of what you have imagined it to be is real. Kodaikanal is a place you can go to take a break from the rigours of daily city life, and this hill station lets you sit back and connect with nature as you head out on biking or trekking trails or take a stroll through the vast forests surrounding the town.
Located in the state of Tamil Nadu, Kodaikanal is one of the most famous honeymoon destinations in India. A Lakeside resort town of Tamil Nadu, Kodaikanal has a beautiful climate, mist-covered manicured cliffs and waterfall that come together to create the ideal setting for a perfect getaway. Kodaikanal means 'the gift of the forests'.
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Nestled amidst the rolling slopes of the Palani Hills, Kodaikanal stands at an altitude of 7200 feet above sea level, and once you visit this hill station, you will find that every bit of what you have imagined it to be is real. Kodaikanal is a place you can go to take a break from the rigours of daily city life, and this hill station lets you sit back and connect with nature as you head out on biking or trekking trails or take a stroll through the vast forests surrounding the town.
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Auroville is a universal township in the making for a population of up to 50,000 people from around the world. The concept of Auroville – an ideal township devoted to an experiment in human unity – came to the Mother as early as the 1930s.In the mid 1960s the concept was developed and put before the Govt. of India, who gave their backing and took it to the General Assembly of UNESCO. In 1966 UNESCO passed a unanimous resolution commending it as a project of importance to the future of humanity, thereby giving their full encouragement.
The purpose of Auroville is to realise human unity – in diversity. Today Auroville is recognised as the first and only internationally endorsed ongoing experiment in human unity and transformation of consciousness, also concerned with – and practically researching into – sustainable living and the future cultural, environmental, social and spiritual needs of mankind.
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Hogenakkal Fall is a waterfall in South India on the Kaveri river on the border between Dharmapuri district of Tamil Nadu and Chamrajnagar district of Karnataka.It is located 46 km (29 mi) from Dharmapuri district headquarter and 199 km (124 mi) from Chamrajnagar district headquarter. It is also located 127 km (79 mi) from Bangalore, 181 km (112 mi) from Mysore, 344 km (214 mi) from Chennai and 200 km (120 mi) from Coimbatore.It is sometimes referred to as the "Niagara Falls of India," it is known for bathing areas and hired boat rides and as a major tourist attraction. Carbonatite rocks in this site are considered to be the oldest of its kind in South Asia and one of the oldest in the world. The Government of Tamil Nadu made a proposal to convert the falls into providing drinking water for the state.
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Kanyakumari, the southernmost point of the Indian peninsular mainland is a district that is situated in the southern state of Tamil Nadu. Kanyakumari district got its official name from the renowned 3000 year old Kumari Amman temple (devoted to Devi Kanya Kumari, i.e., the virgin goddess - an aspect of Parvathy) enshrined in the region.
Kanyakumari has got a great deal of recognition to its name that the district is regarded as the most literate district in the southern state of Tamil Nadu. Besides, the district is considered as the second most urbanized territory in the southern state, succeeding only to Chennai and second most prominent zone in the state of Tamil Nadu in terms of population density. Kanyakumari district boasts singular and wide-ranging natural features with ocean on three sides and the mounts of the Western Ghats abutting the northerly face.
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Sandwiched between two great rivers of southern India, Cauvery and Arsala, Kumbakonam is a gorgeous temple town in the heart of the Thanjavur district of Tamil Nadu.The town is a place for the lovers of history and those seeking to understand India's cultural roots and Hinduism.
The town is also known for its grand festival called Mahamaham festival which is celebrated every twelve years at the Mahamaham Tank. The town is one of the oldest in Indian history, and known for its famed temples, Chola heritage and also for its marvelous educational institutes.
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Madurai, formerly (until 1949) Madura, city, south-central Tamil Nadu state, southern India. It is located on the Vaigai River, about 30 miles (48 km) southeast of Dindigul. Madurai is the third most populous, and probably the oldest, city in the state.
The ancient history of the region is associated with the Pandya kings, and Madurai was the site of the Pandya capital (4th–11th century CE). Later it was conquered by Chola, Vijayanagar, Muslim, Maratha, and British rulers. In the 1940s it became known as the centre of the civil disobedience movement against the British raj, and it remained an important seat of political leadership.
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Coimbatore is the third largest city of the state, one of the most industrialized cities in Tamil Nadu, known as the textile capital of South India or the Manchester of the South India, the city is situated on the banks of the river Noyyal, Coimbatore existed even prior to the 2nd or 3rd century AD by Karikalan, the first of the early Cholas. Among its other great rulers were Rashtrakutas, Chalukyas, Pandyas, Hoysalas and the Vijayanagara kings. When Kongunadu fell to the British along with the rest of the state, its name was changed to Coimbatore and it is by this name that it is known today, in local Tamil language it is also called as Kovai.
In the rain shadow region of the Western ghats, Coimbatore enjoys a very pleasant climate all the year round, aided by the fresh breeze that flows through the 25 kms long Palakkad gap. The rich black soil of the region has contributed to Coimbatore’s flourishing agriculture industry and, it is in fact the successful growth of cotton that served as a foundation for the establishment of its famous textile industry. The first textile mill came as far back as 1888 after that many textile mills were started and provided many employment opportunities to within as well as neighboring Districts. The result has been a strong economy and a reputation as one of the greatest industrial cities in South India.
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Thanjavur, formerly Tanjore, city, eastern Tamil Nadu state, southeastern India. It lies in the Kaveri (Cauvery) River delta, about 30 miles (50 km) east of Tiruchchirappalli.
An early capital of the Chola empire from the 9th to the 11th century, it was important during the Vijayanagar, Maratha, and British periods. It is now a tourist centre. Attractions include the Brihadishvara Chola temple, which was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1987 (expanded in 2004 by naming two other nearby Chola temples); a Vijayanagar fort; the palace of Sarfoji, a Maratha prince; and Sarasvati Mahal Library, known for its large collection of manuscripts dating from the 16th to the 19th century. The city is also known for a distinctive painting style—in which such materials as gold foil, lace, and semiprecious stones are used to embellish the painting—and for a style of embossed metal plates. Industries include cotton milling, traditional hand-loom weaving, and the manufacture of vinas (south Indian stringed instruments). The city is the seat of Tamil University (1981) and has several other colleges.
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Tirunelveli also known as Nellai and historically as Tinnevelly, is a major district in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Tirunelveli city is the administrative headquarters of the Tirunelveli District. Tirunelveli Municipal Corporation is the sixth-largest municipal corporation in the state of Tamil Nadu. The name Tirunelveli has been composed of the three Tamil words i.e. ‘Thiru – Nel – Veli’ meaning Sacred Paddy Hedge. With effect from 20.10.1986, the district was bifurcated and a new Tuticorin District was formed and also with effect from 12.11.2019, the district was bifurcated and a new Tenkasi District was also formed. Now Tirunelveli District has a geographical area of 3876.06 sq. km, in the Southeastern portion of Tamil Nadu is triangular in shape. It lies between 8°.14’ and 9°.07’ of the Northern latitude and 77°.17’ and 77°.97’ of Eastern longitude. The Tirunelveli Sthalapurana prescribes a tradition for the origin of the name Tirunelveli. The puranic version goes that one Vedasarma, a staunch devotee of Shiva, on his pilgrimage from the North to the South was invited by Lord Shiva in his dream to his abode on the banks of the sacred river Tamiraparani.
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On the foothills of the Annamalai Hills nestles the picturesque city of Thiruvannamalai, alluring travellers with its quaint charm and divine feel. A cultural, spiritual and economic hub, Thiruvannamalai is one of the cities to be featured in Lonely Planet. The earliest recorded references of the city date back to the 9th century from Chola inscriptions.
Much of the history of Thiruvannamalai revolves around the Annamalaiyar Temple, the most notable landmark in the region, which is quite synonymous with the city itself. The area was under the dominion of Chola kings for over 4 centuries. During the reign of the Hoysala Kings, Thiruvannamalai served as the capital of their kingdom. The region was a place of great interest and importance to various dynasties including the Sangama, Saluva, Tuluva, Vijayanagara empire and the Nawab of Carnatic. By the early 19th century, Thiruvannamalai fell under the rule of the British.
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Coonoor is a municipality and a Taluk located in the Nilgiris district, on the western edge of the state, Tamil Nadu, India. As far as size is concerned, Coonoor, after Ooty, comes second in largeness in all of the beautiful hills of the Nilgiris, providing people with a lot of ground to tour. For more than one trekking expeditions, Coonoor is an ideal base and leads right into the Nilgiri Hills. The tourist places in Coonoor are breath-takingly beautiful.
A small hamlet in Tamil Nadu, Velankanni is a popular pilgrim center, especially renowned for the Church of Mother Mary. As a great number of pilgrims turn up here, like Lourdes in France, Velankanni is nicknamed as Lourdes of the East. Velankanni is also famous for its delicate handlooms and silk.
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Traditionally known as “Pearl City” on account of the prevailing Pearl fish in the past in the area, Thoothukudi has a fascinating History. Forming part of the Pandian kingdom between 7th and 9th Century A.D., Thoothukudi remained in the hands of the Cholas during the period between 9th and 12th century. Emergence of Thoothukudi as a maritime port attracted travelers, adventures, and eventually colonizers. The Portuguese were the first to arrive in Thoothukudi in 1532 A.D., followed by the Dutch in 1658 A.D. The English Captured Thoothukudi from the Dutch in 1782 and the East India Company established their control over Thoothukudi in the same year.
On the 20th, October 1986 a new district, carved out of the erstwhile Tirunelveli district was born in Tamil Nadu and named after V.O.Chidambaranar, a great national leader hailing from Ottapidaram who led the Swadeshi Movement in the south. Since 1997 as in the case of other districts of Tamilnadu, this district has also been named after its headquarters town, Thoothukudi.
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Yelagiri is a hill station located in the newly formed Tirupattur district of Tamil Nadu, India, situated off the Vaniyambadi-Tirupattur road.[1] Located at an altitude of 1,110.6 metres above Mean Sea Level and spread across 30 km2, the Yelagiri Hill (also spelled Elagiri Hill at times) is surrounded by orchards, rose-gardens, and green valleys.[2] Yelagiri is a branch of Annamalai Hills.
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Kancheepuram district is situated on the northern East Coast of Tamil Nadu and is adjacent by Chennai city and is bounded in the east by Chengalpattu District, west by Vellore District , south by Thiruvannamalai district, in the north by Thiruvallur district and Chennai district. It lies between 11° 00′ to 12° 00’ North latitudes and 77° 28′ to 78° 50′ East longitudes. The district has a total geographical area of 1704.79 Sq.Kms . Kancheepuram, the temple town is the district headquarters. For administrative reasons, the district has been divided into 2 revenue divisions comprising of 5 taluks with 520 revenue villages. For development reasons, it is divided into 5 development blocks with 274 Village Panchayats.
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The word "Chettiar" refers to the social caste of mercantile bankers. The Chettiars are known to be traders in salt and spices and this is reflected in the Chettinad cuisine. Meals also consist of cooked lentils, Brinjal curry, drumstick sambar, ghee for flavouring rice, and sweet meals like payasam and paal paniyaram. In general, beef and pork dishes are not served. Some well-known local dishes are Chicken Chettinad (spicy chicken curry), Vegetable Chettinad (a vegetable curry) and dishes featuring seafood.
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Tiruchirappalli, situated on the banks of the river Cauvery is the fourth largest city in Tamil Nadu. It was a citadel of the early Cholas which later fell to the Pallavas. Trichy is a fine blend of tradition and modernity built around the Rock Fort. Apart from the Fort, there are several Temples dating back to the 1760s. The town and its fort, now in Trichy were built by the Nayaks of Madurai. This District has given great scholars and leaders whose contributions to the society have been very significant.
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Chidambaram – Land of Nataraja A tiny town tucked away along the Bay of Bengal in the Cuddalore district of Tamil Nadu, Chidambaram is home to what is perhaps the most iconic Shiva temple in India. With several other important temples dotting the landscape, beautiful beaches, rivers, canals, backwaters and widespread mangroves, Chidambaram is so much more than just a temple town.
The Chidambaram Nataraja temple, also known as the Thillai Nataraja Temple, is one of the few temples in India that feature Shiva as an anthropomorphic being rather than being represented by the lingam. The bejeweled idol enshrined at the temple poses in the iconic cosmic dance (the Bharatnatyam mudra known as ananda tandava). Consisting of five courts, the 10th century temple was rebuilt around 1213 AD and sprawls over 50 acres in the heart of Chidambaram city. The temple is ancient and important both from both the historical and the architectural viewpoint.
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Are you looking for waterfalls with miraculous water that can cure all your body ailments and make your body rejuvenated, then Courtallam is your destination. This famous waterfall is the summer retreat for Tamilnadu people.
This waterfall ranks first in attracting lots of tourists every year. This lovely waterfall is what one need to heed to escape from the scorching sun. The Courtallam waterfall is a combination of nine waterfalls, each differs in size, volume of water, height and water current.
Speciality of the place These falls are considered to be natural spa, which could remove all your body pains. The river sources of thess falls are River Chittra, Manimutharu, Pachaiyar and Tamirabarani which cascades over 60m-92 m. The bitter part of this falls is, during season time, it will be over crowed and thronged with people.
The nine waterfalls at Courtallam are as follows Main Falls (Peraruvi), Small Falls (Chittaruvi), Chembakadevi (Shenbaga) Falls, Honey Falls (Thenaruvi), Five Falls (Aintharuvi), Tiger Falls (Puliaruvi), Old Courtallam Falls (Pazhaya Courtallam), New Falls (Puthu Aruvi), Fruit Garden Falls or Orchard Falls (Pazhathotta Arvui).
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Vellore had the previlege of being the seat of the Pallava, Chola, Nayak, Maratha, Arcot Nawabs and Bijapur Sultan Kingdoms. It was described as the best and the strongest fortress in the Carnatic War in the 17th Century. It was witnessed the massacre of European soldier during the mutiny of 1806.
Vellore district lies between 12° 15’ to 13° 15’ North latitudes and 78° 20’ to 79° 50’ East longitudes in Tamilnadu State. The geographical area of this district is 5920.18 sq. k.m.
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indtravels01 · 1 year
Explore the World: The Essential Guide on Tour & Travel Packages with Jaipur's Best Travel Agency
Are you a passionate traveler who fantasizes about exotic locales and captivating adventures? If you answered yes, you're in for a treat! We will take you on a voyage around the world of travel in this blog, highlighting the greatest tour and travel packages and introducing you to the top travel agency in Jaipur. So buckle up and get ready for an incredible journey!
1. Introducing Jaipur's Best Travel Agency
When it comes to holiday planning, selecting the appropriate travel agent may make all the difference. One agency stands out above the rest in the colorful city of Jaipur, a treasure mine of historic treasures and cultural delights - "IND Travels" IND Travels has acquired the status as the best travel agency in Jaipur, catering to all of your travel needs and producing experiences that will stay with you forever.
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Why Choose IND Travels?
IND Travels knows that each visitor is unique, as tends to be their travel plans and tastes. Whether you choose a calm beach holiday, an exciting adventure, or an immersed cultural experience, they have a package suited for you.
Personalized Itineraries: Goodbye, cookie-cutter itineraries! IND Travels' staff creates specific vacation programs based on your interests and needs. Through their skillful touch, your fantasy holiday becomes a reality.
Expert Advice: From the moment you contact IND Travels until you return home, their team of travel specialists will be there to help you. You'll have a dependable companion every step of the journey, from recommending the greatest places to offering useful travel ideas.
Budget-Friendly Options: IND Travels believes that unforgettable travel experiences do not have to be expensive. You may see the world without exceeding your budget thanks to a variety of low-cost packages.
Safety and Comfort: Their primary concerns are your safety and comfort. Rest assured that IND Travels takes all necessary precautions to ensure a safe and pleasurable voyage.
IND Travels moves visitors throughout the world.
Now that you understand why IND Travels is the greatest travel agency in Jaipur, it's time to explore the amazing tour and travel packages they provide. Here are several of their best-selling products:
Majestic Himalayan Adventure: Travel to the Himalayas, where snow-capped peaks, calm monasteries, and lush valleys await. This action-packed trip appeals to both excitement seekers and environment lovers.
Mesmerizing Rajasthan Delights: This culturally rich package allows you to experience Rajasthan's imperial history. Admire the splendor of old forts, savor delectable Rajasthani food, and immerse yourself in vibrant local culture.
Tropical Paradise in Andaman: If you want sun, beach, and crystal-clear water, this Andaman package is for you. Discover gorgeous beaches, spend time snorkeling among the coral reefs, and enjoy the serenity of this tropical paradise.
Cultural Extravaganza in Varanasi: Travel to Varanasi to experience India's spiritual core. Experience the soul-stirring atmosphere of this hallowed city by witnessing the enchanting Ganga Aarti and strolling through old passageways.
Finding Travel Agents Near Me
If you're not in Jaipur but want to experience IND Travels' greatness, don't worry! They have a network of reliable travel agencies all throughout India. Simply search for "travel agents near me" to discover the nearest operator and start on a once-in-a-lifetime adventure.
The Last Thoughts
In a world full of delights, seeing new places and encountering different cultures may be profoundly transformational. IND Travels, a leading travel agency in Jaipur, is just a phone call away from achieving your trip ambitions. So pack your luggage, put on your explorer's hat, and prepare to make experiences that will last a lifetime.
Best wishes!
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optimatravels · 2 years
Gift Yourself the Best Tour to A Spiritual Place by Visiting Optima Travels
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Not every person is interested in visiting a hill station or a jungle when they are planning to go for an outing. Some people are also interested in visiting places that have a spark of spiritualism in them. For the one who doesn’t know Varanasi is a place where one can get to see the spirituality in many ways. The ancient city is claimed to be one of the holiest places of Hindus. One visit this place to enjoy the spiritualism and to accept their mistakes. If you are also planning to visit this place with your family, then come and take our Varanasi Holiday Packages to get the best treatment for yourself and your family.
The center of this place is claimed to be found at Banaras ghat- a place leading to the river Ganges. Every morning, people all around the world prefer taking a bath in the holy water to wash away their sins. The report claims that a person will not want to return, once they visit that place. This place will leave no chance of gaining your attention. Don’t waste your time browsing various packages, enroll yourself at the Varanasi Tour Package and gift yourself the best package of all time.
One mistake that every individual makes is that they choose a wrong Chardham Tour and later they regret choosing them as the tool company charges additional cost and they don't even help the individual in getting a good tour. If you also want to avoid the same issues then make sure you visit us as, we know what an individual wants. Moreover, our team is also going to send a travel guide so that you can get educated about all the important places available in this town. For more information, visit the official website.
There are thousands of places to visit in this town. Most of the places are covered on the package, one can go through the leaflet offered by our agency and can also suggest a few places if in case we have missed some. Some of the best places visit in this town includes
·        Dasaswamedh Ghat
·        Assi ghat
·        Ganger river
·        Manikarnika ghat
·        Banaras Hindu university
·        Dhamek Stupa
There are thousands of agencies available on the market, but not all of them are worth visiting as most of the agencies charge very high fees for a simple tour. If your plans are to visit Varanasi and other important places near the town, prefer visiting
Optima Travels. There are thousands of benefits that an individual can get by visiting us. Moreover, packages offered by our team come at an affordable rate so that everyone can enjoy visiting Varanasi on a low budget. Our team will make sure that no one faces trouble during the
Char Dham Yatra Uttarakhand . If you are facing any issues with booking or you are facing issues after the booking process, feel free to contact us as our team of experts are waiting to help you get through the issue.
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