#places album of the century
thedreadvampy · 2 years
just like. bit late to the TMA2 party here but casual reminder that if you stay on that thing where you keep looking for throughlines and Clever Thematic Links between Mechanisms albums and Magnus Archiveses I will come to your house and beat you around the head with a 2x4 painted with the words THERE WERE NINE PEOPLE WHO WROTE THOSE ALBUMS
#red said#the mechanisms#reminded of this bc hereward just came up on shuffle and i remembered the multiple people being like#WHAT IS JONNY TRYING TO SAY BY SAYING#'HE LOVED HIS FRIEND MARTIN ' HMMMMM#and the answer is nothing#first of all bc i don't think Jonny was actually involved in Hereward although i may be mistaken#but mostly bc the person who decided that Hereward's servant who he loved was called Martin was a fucking. 12th century monk. you fools.#IT'S IN THE GESTA HEREWARDI IT PREDATES TMA BY ALMOST A MILLENNIUM#actually Martin might be a Kingsley invention I've never read the gesta herewardi I'm not a nerd#but that's still almost 200 years pre tma so the point stands#ANYWAY#that's not really the point the point is that people keep acting like there's some meaning to the parallels between Bifrost and TMA speci#specifically. and that may be true but that's not some master plan by Jonny because JONNY DID NOT WRITE THE BIFROST INCIDENT#Jonny wrote HIS PARTS in the Bifrost Incident but the rest of the band wrote THEIR parts and the story was mostly not Jonny's#so no he wasn't laying some masterful seeds and no they don't take place in the same universe#and no he's not the Genius Responsible For The Mechanisms it was a COLLABORATIVE PROJECT#with at least 4 or 5 ppl cocreating the bulk of each story and all members of the band putting a lot of themselves and their ideas in#and it is real fuckin grating having it framed as Jonny's Great Work when every person in that band had a similar level of creative input#Jonny's great. so are the other 8 people who made the albums
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Transitus Should Be Set In New England (Northeastern United States) - A List
By: A Midwestern American
It’s on my to-do list to spruce up the album’s wikipedia page and I’ll probably ask Arjen about location directly at some point for it. But for now, for fanfiction’s sake: 
It is never explicitly stated where in the world the real-world portion of Transitus takes place. You can glean from basic context that it’s somewhere in the Global West but no real locations are stated by the lyrics, narration or liner notes.
I think the default is to assume it’s set in Great Britain, which is totally reasonable. Daniel’s family is consistently referred to as a “house,” hinting at noble status. The plot and setting are heavily inspired by that of Downton Abbey, right down to the uptown girl character dying horrifically and their racially discriminated servant spouse having a five-alarm crisis about it after the two were cut off financially from the uptown girl’s family. 
That’s how I initially thought of it. Easy (not really), inconsequential Victorian setting. 
But now, after a lot of research and writing and just sitting around and thinking about it, I have an alternate suggestion.
I think the story fits and would actually be more effective if it were set in New England, aka the farthest Northeast region of the United States. Specifically Connecticut but that’s not as relevant as it taking place in this region/country overall. I’ll go through the major arguments for this one by one, getting more plot-relevant as they go. Hopefully, given historical context and narrative themes, you’ll see my point here. 
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New England highlighted on a map of the U.S., comprising the states of Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island. The entire west side of the region borders New York State.
Enjoy. 🔥🇺🇸
1. Nationalities of Main Cast
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The weakest point, but worth mentioning. Three of the six human characters in Transitus, a majority and the most of any Ayreon album, are played by American singers: Amanda Somerville, Cammie Beverly, and Dee Snider. Dee Snider being the most notable because his character is this staunch, traditionalist patriarch guy who’s on Daniel’s back about the Old Ways, and from there I think it’s safe to assume this guy’s family has been in the spot they’re in for more than a few generations.
I personally really like integrating certain non-personality-related traits from irl singers into their characters, and I think nationality applies to that nicely in this context. 19th century New England aristocrats were usually one of two categories: generationally wealthy European wannabes that take an insane amount of pride in their colonial ancestry, or “self-made” business tycoons that made ungodly amounts of money during the Second Industrial Revolution.
More on that second category in a second, but given the very, very limited information we get on Dee’s character, he gives me more of that high-and-mighty old money vibe.
Also, with almost zero canon evidence: I am completely glued to the idea that The Soprano, played by a very Dutch Dianne van Giersbergen, is the ghost of Daniel and Henry’s mother. Like I will die on this hill. Coincidentally, Connecticut, a state I picked from New England almost entirely at random, was first colonized by Dutch settlers, setting it apart from a few other Northeast states. If we’re keeping with the Nationality of the Parent Characters Carrying Through From Real Life theme, then that would create a very strong tie between Daniel’s family and their home state, further emphasizing the father's prioritizing of retaining status and “proper breeding.”
2. Weirdly Specific Combo of Architectural Styles
I genuinely cannot think of any other place where these three buildings could possibly exist in close proximity to each other, like-
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Daniel’s family’s house (bottom right) is by far the strongest visual argument you can make for Transitus being set in Britain, like that is an 18th century English manor house through and through. Fair enough, but:
The East Coast US is a bunch of former colonies that were under British rule in the Georgian period (1714-1837), hence the name “New England.” A lot of the architecture from that time is reflective of this, especially in the older Northern colonies. Southern ones tend to follow the Greek Revival/Neoclassical styles more.
I’d believe the Britain argument here if it wasn’t for the other two houses’ whole situation. Too much US-adjacent design present in this specific region for you to go “yea but the mansion, though” at the mansion that could also exist in said specific region.
As much as I don’t like this as a design choice in the comic: Abby’s parent’s house (bottom left) is a frontier log cabin. These became very, very common during Westward expansion, fueled by the Homestead Act in 1862, the Manifest Destiny Doctrine present throughout the 19th century, the California Gold Rush in 1848, etc… The style wasn’t exclusive to the West though, and a bunch are still standing in the rural East Coast.
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Cabins in Blue Ridge, Virginia and Hampton, Connecticut, respectively
As I said, I think it’s just a very odd choice. Among other reasons, the only part of this house that’s plot-essential is that it has a set of stairs for Lavinia to snap her neck on, and these things are pretty much always single floor structures.
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Girl, where do those even lead to???
I dunno. I just don't like it, even if it supports my point. It should have been a little two-story rowhouse. Moving on.
These houses existed outside the US. It’s a plain, utilitarian style that shows up all over the place in Europe, even if they’re more synonymous and symbolic to America.
The main house, though, Daniel and Abby’s, narrows it down a bit more. It really reminds me of the Second Empire style, popular in the Northeast and Midwest regions at the time.
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The John M. Davies house (Connecticut) and Terrace Hill (Iowa), both built in the mid-late 1860s.
Blocky base, mansard roof, giant statement piece (i.e. a tower) tacked on there somewhere. 
The only issue with that guess is that it would make the house, at best, 25-30 years old. Second Empire was only a thing in the post-Civil War period, and the house is meant to be this ancient, haunted thing. 
I had this idea for working around it a few months ago that it’s like…an older style that’s been updated in recent years? Say it’s originally a colonial era home (also plausible for New England) belonging to Daniel’s family. Makes sense, the base is still symmetrical and flat with two stories, steep roof, all that jazz. 
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Washington, Connecticut (ca. 1750) and Hingham, Massachusetts (1721)
They clearly don’t use it themselves so maybe they rent it out? Maybe that’s part of where their money comes from; tenant properties and such. Maybe, understandably, nobody wants to pay to live in it because it’s old and run down and has a cemetery for a front yard, so they gut it and renovate, slapping some new age architecture over the top to make it more appealing.
 It doesn’t work but the house finds a use eventually. It’s still old as hell, still American, plus you get the bonus representations of traditionalist vs progressive styles being combined, like the two people that live there. 
...get it
Anyways, again: these all exist within sprinting distance of each other.  I’d love some other suggestions but the Northeast is the only spot I know all three of them can comfortably exist in.
3. Historical Implications - The American Civil War (1861-1865)
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In January I finished this sort of…show bible for any and all Transitus HCs I had as an alternative to sending someone like 300 maxxed out rant-y text messages about it. Congratulations to @ay-miphae for somehow reading all of it.
Since it’s important to certain story elements, a section of the text is dedicated to a consolidated explanation of the American Civil War.
Kindly, a PDF of that section:
It’s deliberately written so someone with no prior knowledge of US history can follow it. That said, even if you are American and have the general gist of the war, I still think you should read it so you can really get where I’m coming from. It’s not something to be incorporated into a story lightly.
If you're not up for it, I at least think the intro paragraph speaks for itself in relation to my point:
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The war ended about 20 years before the album takes place and you’d be hard pressed to say it fits with its story’s themes, far beyond the surface level of its very real effect on American race relations (that were much more intense than those of England at the time):
The hypocrisy of the Union, as if the majority of the North wasn’t still segregated and racist as hell long after slavery was abolished.
The tension not just regarding race but socioeconomic class in the war years. Of particular interest was the fact that wealthy men could pay their way out of conscription, often viewing the war as a mere inconvenience rather than the system-altering mess that it was for everyone else. 
Death. Just completely unprecedented amounts of it and unnecessarily so. 
Your pick of the million and one ways it could have affected Daniel and Abby’s parents, and even Henry depending on how old you picture him. 
Et cetera. You want a way to push the “Two Worlds” motif? Set the story in a Northern state two decades after a war fought over whether millions of people got to be treated like human beings or not, so impactful that the two sides of it are still so clearly, ridiculously discernible and will stay this way for another century and a half after.
As far as the possibility of setting Transitus in the South goes, fascinating as that could be, the plot of Act II makes it impossible. Interracial marriage was either void or outright criminalized in every single Southern state, until the ruling of Loving v. Virginia deemed the policies unconstitutional in 1967. There is no room for conflict over Abby receiving inheritance money - she and Daniel would have been straight-up arrested once Henry found out about them.
In the North, laws like this were repealed during or before the 1880s, if a state had them at all. In Connecticut’s case there were no laws ever prohibiting interracial marriage, but starting in the 1840s you were required to disclose your race in order to obtain a marriage license, which could create its own conflict with the risk of Daniel and Abby being exposed. Regardless of legal allowance, the practice was heavily frowned upon wherever you went, and the majority of them are recorded as being ordained in black churches, since white ones would turn them away and be well within their rights to.
A helpful reminder. 🔗
4. Main Setting - The American Gilded Age (1877-1900)
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This was the point in my amateur "research" for this setting that I completely dug my heels in.
I mentioned the two sides of the 19th Century New England aristocracy - The dynastic, nobility-adjacent old money crowd, and the new money industrialists that rose to power during and after the Civil War.
Hey look, another (shorter) helpful PDF summary of a historical period:
Emphasis on "the wealthy elite using underhanded, exploitative practices to get what they want with no real consequences for it."
Henry fits...so perfectly into the category of these "robber barons" for me. Even if he's from a traditional, generationally wealthy family, he seems like enough of a greedy little cheat that he would force his way into this new crowd even if he didn't need to. It adds a few extra layers to a fairly archetypal 19th-century douchebag.
Henry being one of these Gilded Age industrialists sets him up as his family's main provider, allowing him to exert even more control over Daniel's life. Old money families had a severe distaste for these people, matching with Henry's extreme desperation to uphold his status. Even outside of higher social circles, these guys were hated by the general public and that was a 100% valid opinion. If Henry is this much more elevated above other characters in terms of wealth and the way he amassed it, it might make the insane jump from "jealous, nosy prick" to "murders an entire lower-class family for personal profit" a little more believable.
And, the most obvious point, the whole idea of this era, that "cartoonishly evil class divide" supporting the Two Worlds narrative.
The difference between Daniel and Abby's situations made all the more drastic, given that Henry may very well be one of (if not the) wealthiest men in the world in this prospective version of the story.
The nature of their wealth puts Henry, and by proximity Daniel, far more in the public eye than any British aristocrat would be. Daniel feels even more pressured and uncertain about his choices, even outside his family's expectations of him. Henry isn't just threatened by monetary loss after Daniel's death but cutthroat social humiliation, given who Daniel's inheritance is being released to.
Daniel is divided even further between his father's quiet, "safe" traditionalist lifestyle and his brother's much more forthright and totalitarian approach to everything. Maybe even tension created between Henry and his father for it.
Again, the stark difference between the post-War North and South, not exactly plot relevant but present in the setting.
The fact that the prosperity of Daniel's family is much more directly a result of the suppression of the poor and working class, the very difficult-to-navigate, set-in-stone power dynamic it creates in Daniel and Abby's relationship and how they come to terms with it.
And a little more on the Making-Shit-Up side: I have a troubling amount of extra characters I've used to fill plot holes that bother me, most of them servants, and trust me. The whole mass immigration aspect of this period makes character-building way more exciting. This is when the US Melting Pot idea really started, and it allows for a lot of different types of people to believably exist in a relatively limited setting. Christ, I even kept Abraham as an Englishman like his respective singer and it still makes sense within the world.
It's just...perfect. Arjen really picked the absolute perfect decade to set this story in for the sake of a throwaway 2084 joke.
5. The American Dream and the Tragic Fantasy of the Middle Class
This one is purely thematic, related to a more general national ideal than any one era or location (though I think the Gilded Age's presence boosts its effect). Oversimplified to all hell:
America is a very individualist society. It was founded on the idea of personal freedom and making your own way in the world with minimal resistance (or support) from an executive power, say, the British Empire. If you work hard and persevere, you can carve out the life you want and enjoy it. On paper, anybody can be anything, free from the restrictions of a tyrannical government or lineage-obsessed nobles. It's the ideal system, that benefits everyone who really wants it to.
Except it's just...not.
This isn't some groundbreaking concept. The American Dream is hypocritical as fuck and most people have figured this out by now. Sure, you can be anything you want in this country, no mountain is too high. So long as you are white, male, Christian, able-bodied and minded, not an immigrant, etc., etc.
Surely it's equal. Surely there are no unfair headstarts for people born into wealth and privilege, just like in Britain, and surely they will not use that advantage to lord power over the less fortunate with minimal consequences because they *earned* it and the government has no right to take it away. And surely, the people who really did work independently for what they have are not in a far more precarious position, as just a little bad luck can send them spiraling with nothing to fall back on.
And now, a small summary:
Daniel and Abby come from complete opposite sides of the social ladder, but are able to look past those differences because they care about each other as people. They are ridiculed and ostracized but they persist in the name of the life they chose (bada bing bada boom direct album quote 💃), and after enough time (and some pure luck), they get the house and make it their own. A quiet and steady spot, a safe middle ground between their two worlds.
One bad day and all of it is gone. Literally burned to the ground, and with it the character that all but stood for prosperity, change for the better and genuine human kindness.
The situation is then made exponentially worse when Henry, rich white jackass incarnate, steps onto the scene and twists the horror of it all into something that will benefit him. Doing so, mind you, by stepping on the backs of some select members of the lower class and tricking one through false promises of a shared reward to turn against her own. He fiddles with and fuels that fire while all previously mentioned genuine-human-kindness character can do is watch, and only after death does he get his comeuppance for it.
I figured it all fit together pretty well.
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i would like to say formally and in front of God that if debut has a million stans, i’m one of them. if debut has five stans, i’m one of them. if debut has one stan, that stan is me. if debut has zero stans, then i am dead and buried. if the entire world is against debut then i’m against the entire world.
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depressedraisin · 1 year
thinking about her (the soaring climactic string lines in the "so do you wanna walk me to the car....." part of there'd better be a mirrorball)
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▪︎ Album of seaweed specimens, in scallop shell binding.
Place of origin: Great Britain
Date: mid-19th century
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hazelsmirrorball · 26 days
Bed Chem | Oscar Piastri x Singer! Reader
summary: when rumors build up calming that the couple had broken up, they decided to break the internet with a new music video
faceclaim: Sabrina Carpenter
pairings: oscar piastri x gf!singer!reader
a/n: Excuse any errors english isn’t my main language
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oscxy/n via instagram !
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liked by user167, user189 and 1,560 other.
oscxy/n been missing them more than usual!
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user14 they usually give us nothing but i honestly prefer the “soft” launching then having nothing
-> user189 soft launching?! they’ve been doing that for like five years now. Do they know we know they are dating each other or do we still need to act ?
user17 i know they don’t owe us anything but what if they broke up? Oscar hasn’t been liking y/n’s post since january
user34 i just want what they have!!!
user67 okay but when are we getting popstar x f1 book?
user902 what y/n should do is realease “gross”!!! A instagram post is not enough
user98 let them breathe please!!!!
f1.gossip via instagram !
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liked by landonorris, user15 and 12,000 others.
f1.gossip a close source to the australian F1 driver, Oscar Piastri confirms that he and popstar, Y/n L/n are no longer together after five years of dating. Source claims that the “please please please” singer was found getting extra cozy with her music video love interest for the “Feather” music video.
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user167 this is a lie, they told me personally that they are still together!
user51 can you guys please keep their private life private
user091 gossip pages try not to invade peoples privacy, level 100
user17 why is lando lurking in the likes?
user78 please don’t tell me lando is the “close source”
user51 they have to be together!!! no one is separating my parents
user578 please!!! i know they rarely post each other but let’s make it know that they are still together
user479 guys guys guys!!! this means we are getting a new album
y/n via instagram!
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liked by logansargent, lilymhe and 2,478,892 others.
y/n well, i guess it’s time to write new music again
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user16 omg it is real.
user78 y/n unfollowed oscar!!
user89 guys! guys! guys! i need someone to talk about this!!
user57 i’m sorry but this is insane
logansargent super proud of the new music!
-> user89 now we know who got logan in the divorce
user71 are we finally getting an angsty heartbreak album?!
y/n via instagram stories
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oscarandy/n updates via instagram!
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liked by user17, user67 and 1,493 others
oscarandy/nupdates Oscar in Y/n's album release party?! OMG
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user72 guys? are we all seeing the same thing? the is not Oscar in the first pic
user57 don't be dell they are literally in two different places
user28 guys, let stop this. They clearly broke up. There is no point of digging more into this
user32 well, guess it's time to say goodbye to our Lover
user98 pretty sure we are finally getting a sad album
y/nhq via instagram!
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris, and 2,891,298 others
y/nhq the music video for "Bed Chem" is out right now!! feat. Oscar Piastri
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user18 I thought we were getting a heartbreak album but this is going to be the ovulation album of the century
user71 bed chem is amazing!!!
user910 guys guys guys who can I tell this too
user280 okay but the two of them making out on top of the mclaren was crazyyyy
user18 I didn't know they had it in them
user52 and we thought they broke up, those two were just rehearsing for this damn video
y/n updates via instagram!
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liked by y/n, oscarpiastri and 1,567 others.
y/nupdates Y/n got asked how was filming "Bed Chem" with Oscar.
"Honestly, we were so shy about it at first. Like we usually are really shy when it comes to out relationship and being public about it. Now, by doing this everyone was going to see a part we see behind close doors"
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user19 guys this is crazyyyyy
user28 they are so cute I love them!!
user51 shy? Oscar's hand placement was everything but shy
user28 I know they were obsessed with eachother
user539 she was such a blushing mess in this interview
user78 I love seeing this side of our girl
y/n via insta stories! oscarpiatri via insta!
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oscarpiastri via instagram!
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liked by landonorris, logansargent and 832,902 others.
oscarpiastri so happy to finally be my lovers, love interest. Guess I'll switch professions! (by the way, yes I'm the cute boy with the white jacket and the cute accent!)
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user17 Oscah, you little slut
user78 omg omg we finally get a post of them together
mclaren please don't
user24 they are so cute
user28 Oscar, can you fight?
y/n I love you so so much! My forever love interest
user27 Oscar, we heard bed chem...didn't imagine you as the kinky type
landonorris honestly need to get that song out of my head because I can't imagine you like that
1K notes · View notes
Daddy Yankee - Gasolina 2004
"Gasolina" was released as the lead single from Puerto Rican rapper Daddy Yankee's 2004 album Barrio Fino in the US in October 2004. By November 6, WSKQ-FM in New York City reported "Gasolina" in their top 10 rotation, and WRTO-FM in Florida said the song was their number one most-played track. It entered the US Billboard Hot 100 chart a week later, rising to number 32 in January 2005. "Gasolina" was a hit in North America and the Caribbean, gaining Daddy Yankee popularity among Latino mainstream music fans. In July 2005, "Gasolina" was released as a single in the UK, eventually earning a Silver certification in March 2019. Australia saw the single enter their charts in late January 2006 during their summer season, rising to number 12. "Gasolina" was the first reggaeton song to be nominated for the Latin Grammy Award for Record of the Year. Puerto Rican reggaeton singer Glory sings the line "dame más gasolina", although she is not credited.
In 2015, the song was ranked number nine on the "50 Greatest Latin Songs of All Time" list according to Billboard. In 2018, it was ranked number 38 on Rolling Stone's 50 Greatest Latin Pop Songs. In 2017, it was included on Billboard's "12 Best Dancehall & Reggaeton Choruses of the 21st Century" at number eight. In 2021, it was ranked number 50 on Rolling Stone's "500 Greatest Songs of All Time", and a year later it was ranked at the first place on their 2022 "100 Greatest Reggaeton Songs of All Time" list. In 2023, "Gasolina" was selected by the Library of Congress for preservation in the United States National Recording Registry as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant." The song was used in the 2023 movie Fast X / Fast & Furious 10.
"Gasolina" received a total of 77,4% yes votes!
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h-f-k · 5 months
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Taylor Swift's 11th studio album The Tortured Poets Department dives into the lives of victorian women who refused to adopt wholesale the codes and conventions of the male poetic tradition.
More about the concept under the cut
Theodore Turner, Thomas Bennet, Paul Wright and David Morgan founded TTPD in 1835 in New York with the hopes of making their way through the world of literature. 20 years later they found themselves being the most prolific publishing house in the city with acclaimed poems and short stories becoming an undeniable force among their female readers. No one could believe four men around the age of 30 could understand the nuances of love, heartbreak, loss and hopelessness as well as they did. But not every story has a happy ending. While the four gentleman became history and their names were positioned next to the biggest names of american poetry of the 19th century there's something that lies beneath that chronicle.
35 Women were the backbone of TTPD writing everything from poems, short stories and even clever and witty jokes that were quite hard for victorian men to grasp. While relegated to the back of the building they tried to fought for their space in the poetry world. Each publication was signed with the initials TTPD and while common readers could interpret that as the well known acronym of the company's founders they believed leaving their own trace would mean something to future writers and women across the country.
The Tortured Poets Department was born out of anger and spite yet kept going for so many years, until the company closed, because the shared love for poetry and expressing and seeing the world in a different way was cathartic for 35 women who from a young age were told to get married fast and not intefere in gentlemen's business.
This album shines a light on those women who died thinking their efforts to become someone were useless. The Tortured Poets Department dives into lives of 35 victorian women who refused to adopt wholesale the codes and conventions of the male poetic tradition and recounts the story as it should've been told in the first place.
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artoodeetootired · 5 months
📖 an f1 driver and a singer are both known for being beasts in their respective fields, but everyone knows they are ironically the shyest in reality- especially when it comes to attraction. they were hidden out of respect for their privacy, until they realised loving shouldn't be a secret.
💭 op!81 x fem!singer (smau)
🎧 lowkey - niki
🫧“us in a king size, keep it a secret. say i’m ur queen, but i don’t wanna leave this lowkey.” 🫧
p.s (let's pretend the qatar and las vegas gp's are rounds 10 + 12 of 24 respectively hehe)
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Tagged: bsfuser
ynuser so... been kind of busy lately...
Liked by sabrinacarpenter, bsfuser, landonorris, and 715,069 others
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forynln U DISAPPEAR FOR 5 MONTHS AFTER UR LAST ALBUM AND POST OUTTA NOWHERE... girl u cannot keep doing this to us...
-> user1 lol watch her
-> user2 Bruh stfu she literally gave us a god sent album made of unicorn shit she doesn't owe u anything
bsfuser i hate you for telling me what's boutta go down but not let me say shit to anyone 😞
-> user3 it's ok bestie u can tell me, i won't tell anyone :)
ynluv How she is so different irl compared to her stage self still baffles me to this day.
-> user4 FR like wdym u gonna be busting out moves that get u viral then act like the sweetest creature on earth when u out here?? 😭
-> user5 duality go prr. she's probably the shyest celebrity i've ever seen.
-> user6 I can't believe she's an '03 baby.
gracieabrams omg ur orange cat
-> user6 car*
-> user7 car*
-> user8 luv u gracie
user9 orange suits yn so well
user0 lando is such a fanboy 😂
-> user| him and half the grid have been so consistent with promoting her LMAO
oscarpiastri posted a story 5m
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Liked by logansargeant, landonorris, ynuser, and others
landonorris: would've been right next to u if stroll hadn't crashed again
mclaren: 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
user_: being very calm compared to ur reaction after lance's fiasco today LOL
logansargeant: LET'S GOOO
user@: wow our pastry posts after a century
alexalbon: oi why didnt you take lily's and my advice to post with yn's music if u asked us in the first place...
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f1 Our special guest performer and new partner for the 16th round on our calendar, Las Vegas, has been confirmed; a little fun before the racing begins! We bet you guys will like this one... 🤭
Until then, round 11 in Netherlands next weekend 🇳🇱 Stay tuned!
Liked by rihanna, katyperry, ynuser, and 795,392
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user! omg i have been waiting for this
f1forlife istg if they bring out the same performers as before...
fanacc the amount of singers liking this post is really fucking with us LOL
alexalbon hi f1 pls tell me u listened to us and booked the grid's voted fav 😸
-> charlesleclerc agreed.
-> maxverstappen1 agreed.
-> landonorris @oscarpiastri and i will boycott.
-> oscarpiastri mate i didn't even vote.
-> landonorris okay fine but u do like yn/ln right? ...right? 🔪
-> oscarpiastri ...
-> landonorris dw everyone osc's just shy no need to cancel him
-> danielricciardo 💃🏽
-> lance_stroll wait there was a vote?
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ynuser switch up
Liked by racerbia, selenagomez, bsfuser, and 865,744 others
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forynln she's killing us and she knows it damn well
user pls just one hint 😭
user how do u feel about oscar piastri not liking u LMAO
arianagreenblatt gorg bestie 😩
user the aesthetic change is very sus
user ladies and gentlemen, the queen of singing, dancing, and gatekeeping
-> user the way we still pine after her and her whereabouts even though she is the most nonchalant pop girl out there
-> bsfuser she's cooking smth 🧐
-> frd2 yk smth dont u 🥸
2 weeks later...
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georgerussell63 posted a story 20sec
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Liked by ynuser, f1, lewishamilton, and others
lewishamilton: why did i not see toto doing this????
ynuser: it was a pleasure meeting u too 🤠
f1: You boys are very welcome
totowolff: George...
-> georgerussell: please don't fire me
landonorris: ok but did u see the way she looked at me??
-> georgerussell lando, u know full well she was looking at someone else
-> landonorris shut up :(
-> georgerussell i will not allow u to ruin her with ur playboy antics
-> landonorris EXCUSE ME
landonorris and f1 🔁
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Tagged: f1, ynuser, charles_leclerc, carlossainz55, georgerussell63, fernandoalo_official, maxverstappen1, and oscarpiastri
landonorris best. weekend. ever.
mini photo dump of the boys at the concert 'cause @ynuser actually performed for us 🤯🤯 we're such huge fans- it was epic meeting you!
Liked by racerbia, selenagomez, bsfuser, and 2,993,840 others
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landonorris p.s. oscar loves her, he's just shy
-> oscarpiastri lando u idiot
-> logansargeant i can confirm ahem
mclaren we advocated for this very hard, just so yk...
-> user0 the gods (you) have bestowed us simpletons (seriously) with such a blessing (yn and mclaren interactions)
-> userl for the whole grid? the fans? ...or a particular someone? 🤭
ynuser epic meeting me??? bro i almost fainted meeting u guys and drivers i've been a fan of since i was 10 😭😭😭
-> bsfuser how was it omg
-> ynuser LOL definitely an interesting experience...
-> landonorris omg she replied 😭
-> georgerussell bro she called u bro
user_ im convinced theyre music drunk and not substance drunk here 😮‍💨
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Tagged: f1
ynuser you all already know. this thread is as aesthetically chaotic as my mind rn.
thank you to my team for handling such a mess of me when since i got this invitation !! could not be here, or look this decent without any of u.
thank you to @f1 from the bottom of my heart. i've been such a fan since i was in nappies, nd you guys just made a dream of mine come true. from the races, new friends, to performing for such a crowd in vegas, it has been one of the most surreal weekends of my life. you all just know im gonna be clutching on to this partnership for as long as i breathe. nd congrats to @maxverstappen1, @oscarpiastri, nd @charlesleclerc on the podium ! until next time 🏎💋✨
(last slide is real footage of me meeting toto wolff)
Liked by racerbia, selenagomez, bsfuser, and 2,408,274 others
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redbullracing thank you for stopping by our pit!
-> mclaren ok but she went to ours first
-> scuderiaferrari yeah... she liked us most though. should've seen her face when she walked in.
-> mercedesamgf1 you guys know she was a long-time mercedes fan before this right??
-> landonorris what is going on? (she definitely liked hanging out with us more)
-> logansargeant lol you're so delulu (laughed way harder with my group)
oscarpiastri thank you too! we should hang out again sometime soon
-> landonorris 'hang out' pfft sure
-> user omg oscar commenting on a non-f1 person's post??? a FEMALE nonetheless????
-> oscarpiastri everyone has to chill fr
bsfuser that’s MY BESTIE
-> user she is GLOWING
-> ynimagine mommy??? sorry. mommy??? sorry.
-> user she is SNATCHED WTF
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Tagged: danielricciardo, ynuser
oscarpiastri 2nd in vegas! amazing job to the team for this accomplishment, daniel for his dedication, nd yn, who we're all still star-struck by. cheers! 🍾
(credit to @pierregasly's story for second slide)
Liked by ynuser, f1, danielricciardo, and 1,329,866 others
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user guys istg i was in the paddock the whole time AND i know what i saw. so when i say they hit it off really well...
user omg oscar even picked up on her 'nd' habit 😭
ynuser 🧡🧡🧡
-> user u are actually an angel sent from the depths of hell in the best possible way. the setlist??? the body and face??? the personality???
landonorris oscar you... 😨 when did u even go to the front of the stage for that last pic????
lewishamilton cute, flirty, teenage stuff and all but are we not gonna talk about danny ric
-> danielricciardo i think we should just go back to gushing about oscar's crush
-> carlossainz55 his crush??? what am i missing????
-> charlesleclerc the baby has grown up
bsfuser 🤨
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Tagged: ynuser
f1 yn appreciation post 🤍🤍🤍
Could not have asked for a better performer and partner to grace us with her presence this weekend 👏🏼
Liked by ynuser, mclaren, oscarpiastri, and 3,071,008 others
View all 30,729 comments
user my timeline is EXPLODING
user converting f1 fans into yn fans too
landonorris slay
-> danielricciardo slay
-> pierregasly slay
-> alexalbon slay
-> lewishamilton what is 'slay'?
-> charlesleclerc slay
-> maxverstappen1 slay
ynuser thank u thank uuu
-> user9 queen what were u on tonight??
-> {user} not even her debut was this hype 💀
ynworld STEP ON ME
f1__grid bruh this is so unecessary... she clearly just wants attention
-> user# stay pressed ur favs like her more than u <3
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3 weeks later...
oscarpiastri posted a story 10sec
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Liked by ynuser, mclaren, maxverstappen1, and others
user: soooo wonder who took this photo 🧐
user: u guys got smth to tell us? ;)
alexalbon: why do u look depressed today
landonorris: where are u bro
user: what's ur fav yn song?
ynuser: im sorry i can't make it today osc :(
-> oscarpiastri: it's okay, best to let everyone cool down anyways. i'll see u next week?
-> ynuser: i promise :)
1 week later...
ynuser posted a story 30sec
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Liked by bsfuser, f1, oscarpiastri, and others
lewishamilton: ayeee my fav coming over to the pit today?
-> ynuser: i wouldn't miss it for the world 😸 plus fans are dying to know how u pick ur fashion sense out
-> lewishamilton: oh lord
f1: 🤍
landonorris: pls be kind with the question this time :(
-> ynuser: aweeee
-> ynuser: no.
oscarpiastri: wya??
3 more weeks later...
oscarpiastri posted a story 16sec
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Liked by nicolepiastri, mclaren, danielricciardo and others
Replies have been disabled
ynuser posted a story 37sec
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Liked by bsfuser, f1, nicolepiastri, and others
Replies have been disabled
1 month, 3 races, and 2 performances later...
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~3 months later...
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Tagged: ynuser
oscarpiastri i can't take it anymore. since u guys have wanted to know, anyway.
you've been on my mind since the day i met you (nd yes, admittedly since lando showed me your music videos), nd then when i met you with the biggest crush, i quickly decided that you are one of the most talented, beautiful, kindest people ever. fuck all if i just got my first win, it wouldn't have meant anything without u. i can't have asked for a better partner in crime to wear my number at the races.
although we've been pretty great at keeping it low key these past few months to just family and friends, i wanna show you off, my love x
Liked by ynuser, landonorris, mclaren, and 5,329,866 others
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oscarpiastri also, ty to the grid for keeping it private, nd yes, i will be treating u all for dinner.
-> danielricciardo LFGGGGG
user oh my god.
jennaortega the question is if she beat him at karting
-> oscarpiastri she did...
carlossainz55 i never thought this day would come
landonorris cant put both my happiness and bewilderment that you actually hard launched into words
-> georgerussell character. development.
arianagrande y'all cute asf 😭😭😭
-> user nah dont u lie we all thought we were lying to ourselves LMAO
bsfuser one wrong move and i’ll send stroll to do more than just hit u on track 😺
-> oscarpiastri ;-;
-> maxverstappen1 u could send any one on the grid to do it, and they'd be happy to
user they're so in love im bawling
landonorris just so u guys know, his three sisters steal her away from him every week to hang out LOL
-> oscarpiastri that was totally unecessary
-> nicolepiastri give the ppl what they want ossie
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Tagged: oscarpiastri
ynuser sike.
'orange suits yn so well'... damn right for him 🧡
this man has inspired me in too many ways, that aside from teaching me how to love and be loved. it's been pretty hard having all these memories, but not being able to live them freely because of the pressure. but i wouldn't do it with anyone else. so im gonna be 'showing you off' in my latest single, agora hills, coming out tomorrow night for my love's first win x
(to clarify, f1 has allowed me to take ONE side ONCE, so im not jobless :) ... yet)
Liked by oscarpiastri, dojacat, bsfuser and 6,001,685 others
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frd1 about fucking time
oliviarodrigo this is so cute omg
alexalbon ahem i think i should get some credit for being the ultimate matchmaker here
-> f1 actually, i think it all goes to us.
-> user 💀
gracieabrams omg him with her cat 😭😭
-> user gracie, luv, it's car*
-> user car*
-> sabrinacarpenter dw babes i don't get this shit either
user oscar first win AND yn new music AND hard launches from the softest ppl ever??? has the universe finally decided to bless me???
user they were literally meant to be
user what happened to the shy versions of themselves oml
tatemcrae the hottest, most sincere, and talented celebrity couple rn
bsfuser and i was there to witness it all 😌
-> charlesleclerc so was i
-> bsfuser i was first tho
-> charlesleclerc fair enough
-> landonorris i was there the most
-> bsfuser i was their couple counsellor
-> landonorris i was their matchmaker
-> alexalbon NO YOU WERENT
-> bsfuser i was first to find out
-> landonorris no you werent
-> landonorris right? @oscarpiastri @ynuser
-> landonorris RIGHT????
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Tagged: oscarpiastri
ynuser for u, ur first win, and to many more.
as an extra for u all, 'lowkey' is also out to show my progression from wanting to keep it a secret to having him make me scream his name <3 hope u love us as much as i do.
Liked by oscarpiastri, dojacat, bsfuser and 6,581,921 others
View all 40,449 comments
user the caption???????????????????
user holy shit mother is mothering and father is fathering because never have i ever heard her make a track with sm detail about her partner in it...
-> user FR like where did the two of them go?? almost 8 months but they come back like they've aged a decade
-> user NO CAUSE WTF is 'suck a little dick in the bathroom, who that man with the big strong hands'???? miss yn??? are the both of u feeling okay????
-> user you'd think introvert + introvert = coma, but ig double negatives still apply here
dojacat bitch these tracks SLAP
user okay but osc's guns 👀
sza god, when will this shi happen to me?
mclaren All ur songs on repeat in the paddock.
-> mercedesamgf1 It's true, all the teams agreed
-> redbullracing (the only time we all agree)
user how tf did we get bashful yn and blushing osc to... this??
-> ynuser life's full of mysteries.
landonorris i miss the person i was before hearing these two songs...
-> georgerussell it's true, as big of a fan i am of the two of u, some things are meant to stay between ppl...
-> charlesleclerc i am not saying anything, which means i can get invited to the wedding, yeah?
-> ynuser yes.
-> oscarpiastri yes.
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a/n: as u can probably see, i lowkey gave up half way cause i never realised how much work this takes :,)
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zeppelinlvr · 1 month
Kiss Your Eyes Again
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Sam Winchester x Female Reader
Summary: you and Sam head home from the bar before dean, the two of you get ready for bed but you find yourself wishing you had gotten a room for just the two of you.
Notes: Like half of this got deleted and I had to rewrite it and I almost cried. Also, the fic literally has nothing to do with the song Anything by Adrianne Lenker I was just listening to the Songs album while writing this. I want to thank all of you for the continuous support, I appreciate it so much. Also feel free to send in requests because I'm running out of ideas 💔
Warnings: Cursing, this gets frisky but there's no actual smut, making out, fluff.
w.c 1.4k
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You placed two beers for Dean and Sam down and a seltzer for yourself, on the small table at the bar. Sam, Dean and you were in the middle of a case, Dean and Sam had done interviews with victims and visited the morgue while you looked at autopsy reports, symbols they had found, and the contents of the hex bags they had discovered. You knew the three of you were dealing with a powerful witch as the spells you found being used were from around the 15th century.
“This witch is hardcore, her end goal looks like she wants to be possessed by or summon a demon, we need to get to her before she can even attempt to do that” You told the two as you sat down.
“Why the hell would someone want to be possessed by a demon?” Dean asked, taking a sip of his beer.
“No clue” you shrugged “Some witches have sex with demons too, they use it as a way to seal the pact they made with the demon”
Dean scrunched his face “I’m glad you're smart but you don't have to share everything you know”
Sam was watching you with interest in what you were saying “so we’re not just dealing with some everyday pagan?”
“Nope, this bitch is crazy” you told him with a giggle.
Sam gave you a soft smile, the two of you had been dating for a while but he always looked at you like it was the first time he’s seeing you, his eyes wide, taking in how beautiful you are.
The conversation carried on, the two boys sharing about the people they had met and how a few seemed off their rocker.
You finished your drink then said to the two “I’m tired, I’m gonna head back” You gave Sam a look, wanting him to join you, not only because you didn't want to walk in the dark but you missed the two of you being alone together and you were hoping to get some time with just him.
“I’ll go back with you, I’m tired too” Sam responded.
“Don't be gettin’ your freak on you two, I’m not gonna be out all night, I’ll have a couple more and head back” Dean told both of you, a smile on his face at your reaction of embarrassment.
“He’ll be done before you even finish your next drink” you joked, earning a laugh from Dean and Sam quick to defend himself with statements about how it wasn't true.
You and Sam headed out of the bar, the motel was only about a 5-minute walk away. You gave a dramatic shiver in hopes to get his jacket.
“Sammy, I’m so cold” you giggled and rubbed your arms dramatically
“You don't deserve my jacket after that comment” he replied, rolling his eyes as he shrugged his jacket off and placed it over your shoulders.
“We both know it isn't true and that's all that matters” you told him, putting your arms through the sleeves and cuddling into it, his smell engulfing you.
Sam laughed and brought his arm around your shoulder, his larger frame completely overshadowing you. You brought your arm around his waist and began to gently scratch his back. He placed a sweet kiss on the top of your head.
“I’m not really tired, I just wanted some alone time with you” you admitted “I love Dean but I want to be alone with you sometimes”
“I know baby” he told you “how about we get ready for bed then we can cuddle and watch some desperate housewives”
You smiled at the mention of the cheesy show the two of you had gotten invested in, it started off as a background show that you’d turn on when you waited for the boys to come back to the motel, or when you and Sam were trying to fall asleep, but you quickly became invested and so did Sam.
“That sounds perfect” you told him
The two of you had returned to the motel, Sam unlocked the door and you made your way over to your duffle bag, changing into your pajamas, Sam did the same. You made your way to the bathroom Sam close behind, you brushed your teeth at the same time as him, unable to hold back your giggles at the toothpaste that dripped down his chin and how aggressively he brushed his teeth.
You washed your face and he watched you closely, eyeing the products you put on your face.
“Why do you have so many potions for your face?” he asked, a small smile on his face.
“Sam, its three things, and it's so my face doesn't break out and get greasy” You explained
He was nothing short of intrigued by your explanation “But why is your face wash called la roach pussy?” he asked, reading the bottle
“Its probably french or something” you shrugged “I don't know how to actually say the name”
When both of you were ready for bed, you turned on the current episode of desperate housewives that you were on.
You snuggled into Sam, he wrapped his arms around your waist, and you leaned into his shoulder. Both of you attempting to cuddle while still being able to see the show.
Sam placed a kiss on the top of your head “I’m sorry we don't get a lot of alone time, I wish I could give you a white picket fence life, but I think we both know that's out of the question by now”
“Sammy don't apologize, and I’m okay with not having a Stepford Wives style of living” you paused “It’s more interesting to research monsters and see you come back sweaty and covered in dirt, its hot” you giggled and poked his chest, he shook his head in response, but a small laugh escaped.
“Sam, I really do love you and I wouldn't trade the life we have for anything, I like knowing we helped people at the end of the day” you added earnestly.
A smile played on his face as he brought you in for a kiss. It was slow and loving, he brought a hand to hold the back of your head, gently toying with your hair. You scratched and rubbed his shoulder, your other hand on his neck playing with the tufts of hair.
The kiss became heated when Sam picked you up and set you on his lap, doing it with such ease it felt as if you weighed nothing. He worked kisses along your collarbone, a soft moan escaping your lips at the sensation. He placed a few kisses on your shoulder before pulling your shirt over your head. His eyes widened as he took in the sight of your bare chest, running his hands along your sides a few times, tracing your figure, before grabbing one of your breasts with his large hands, he began to gently toy with your nipple. Your incoherent encouragement and praises followed, you were unable to speak properly, it had been a while since you had been able to be so intimate with Sam.
“I know baby, it's okay” he said in response to your babbling.
You ground down onto his lap, earning a groan from him, you had your hand around the back of his neck tugging on his hair more desperately now, your other hand holding on to his large arm. You felt his growing erection against your core, your arousal pooling at the overwhelming sensations you were experiencing.
Sam brought his lips to yours again, his chest heaving as he harshly breathed while kissing you. His hand on the back of your head pushed you into him, holding you close. You continued to grind down onto his lap, Sam swallowing your soft moans and letting out groans and soft whines of pleasure.
As Sam was beginning to pull off your pants you heard a knock at the door. You sighed, not wanting this moment to be cut short. You threw your shirt on quickly and climbed out of Sam’s lap, giving him a sweet kiss.
“Are you two decent” Dean yelled through the door
Sam was uncomfortably shifting around, pulling the blanket over his lap.
“Yep, just watching tv” You yelled back
You heard the door unlock and Dean entered the room, laughing at Sam’s messy hair and your disheveled shirt, he chose to keep his comments to himself and made his way to the bathroom to get ready for bed.
Sam pulled you into him, his chest flush against your back, he wrapped his arms around you, and you snuggled into him. You could tell he was still aroused, his erection poking you. You giggled at his issue, and he sighed but also laughed.
“We’ll get our own room next time” he told you and placed a kiss on the top of your head.
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louisupdates · 20 days
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With the first quarter of the 21st century coming to an end, Billboard has been looking back on the 25 Greatest Pop Stars of the Past 25 Years. Below, we take a deeper look into the solo career of Louis Tomlinson — one of the members of our No. 22 pop stars, One Direction — and how his songwriting, originally honed in 1D, has helped him develop into one of the group’s strongest breakout artists.
When One Direction officially went on hiatus in 2015, Zayn Malik dropped Mind of Mine in 2016, Harry Styles’ eponymous LP dropped in 2017, Niall Horan followed with Flicker later that year and Liam Payne’s First Time EP arrived in 2018. Louis Tomlinson, however, took his time with releasing a full project – and entered an era of healing and self-discovery that saw him realizing his potential as one of 1D’s most self-actualized artists, even if not necessarily the starriest.
Even before going solo, Tomlinson showed he was meant for breakthrough success while in One Direction. Longtime Directioners know that Tomlinson wrote more songs in One Direction than any other member, penning long standing hits including “Perfect,” “History” and “Fool’s Gold” and proving his fortitude as a songwriter who understands lyrical cleverness and crafting the indescribably catchy refrains necessary to produce arena-ready hits. Beyond his musical abilities, Tomlinson’s sense of humor and friendship with fellow 1D members also ensured fans had a soft spot for him.
However, when he did go solo, the road was slippery at first. He teamed up with Steve Aoki for his first solo release “Just Hold On” in December 2016, and just three days before its release, Tomlinson’s mother died of leukemia. He still took the stage to perform the song on The X Factor, the first public testament to the star’s strength and dedication to his musical craft.
Tomlinson’s resilience amid adversity continued as he navigated the music industry. The star signed with Epic Records in 2017 and released a few singles – including “Miss You” and the Bebe Rexha and Digital Farm Animals-assisted “Back to You.” While the infectious hooks to both tracks could have easily solidified Tomlinson as a pop mainstay, the two singles didn’t perform as well as expected on the charts: “Just Hold On” peaked at No. 52 on the Billboard Hot 100 and “Back to You” hit No. 40, while “Miss You” missed the chart altogether. Ultimately, a full-length album never materialized with Epic Records.
Tomlinson shortly got back on his feet, as he always does, and signed with Arista Records in 2019 – where he honed his talent as a songwriter, this time feeling comfortable enough to tackle more vulnerable topics in his music. His first release under the label was “Two of Us,” a heart-wrenching tribute to his late mother. “I know you’ll be looking down/ Swear I’m gonna make you proud/ I’ll be living one life for the two of us,” he sings in the chorus, giving a glimpse into what would soon become a musical career full of honesty and vulnerability.
Unfortunately, shortly after its release, another hardship struck Tomlinson’s life when his 18-year-old sister Fizzy died of an accidental overdose. Both the release of “Two of Us” and the tragedy that followed showed just how close Tomlinson’s community of fans is, as they showered him with online love and support in the months that followed.
After taking some much-deserved time to heal, he announced in August of that year that his debut solo album was on its way – and shortly after, he released a follow-up single, the rock-leaning, drumline-driven “Kill My Mind.” Tomlinson admitted that he finally found his stride. “I’m actually really proud and relieved to finally find my place, find my lane musically,” he told Hits Radio Breakfast at the time, indicating a moment of relief amid his turbulent few years.
Tomlinson’s debut solo album, Walls, arrived in January 2020 and while it hit the Billboard 200‘s top 10, it was met with mixed reviews from critics, who suggested that the heart he wanted to portray wasn’t quite there. His growth outside of commercial success proved otherwise, as he had been spending the past few years building a solid identity not only as an artist, but also as a person. While some of the other One Direction alums are still finding their footing with their solo sounds to this day, Tomlinson grew strongly into an instrumentation-focused pop-rock artist whose lyrics go beyond the cookie cutter sentiments you might expect from a former boy band member.
And soon, all the hard work – both personally and musically – finally paid off. Faith in the Future, his 2022 sophomore solo album, debuted at No. 1 on the Official U.K. Albums Chart. In the United States, Faith In The Future debuted at No. 2 on Billboard’s Top Album Sales chart, and at No. 5 on the all-genre Billboard 200, his highest-charting set yet on both tallies. The album’s success, as well his sold-out live shows on its accompanying tour, not only showed the still-standing Directioner devotion to Tomlinson, but also made it clear that he picked up a slew of new fans along the way.
Tomlinson’s self-awareness was evident on the album’s lead single, “Bigger Than Me.” “When somebody told me I would change/ I was afraid, I don’t know why/ ‘Cause so does the world outside, I’ve realized/ It’s bigger than me,” he sings – indicating that the key for solo success all along was being himself, and letting go of the pressure that fame brings.
While Tomlinson has still yet to score the major chart hits stateside that his 1D bandmates essentially achieved right away – and has been more focused on his 28 clothing line the past couple years – he’s proven that he doesn’t need traditional pop crossover success to have a bright future ahead of him. With another couple albums and tours that continue to establish his identity and expand his artistry, it wouldn’t be shocking to see him making the jump to arenas in the not-distant future. Louis’ solo career may not have gotten off to the perfect start, but it just might end up being perfect for him in the long-term anyway.
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elliesbff · 1 month
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something stupid — abby anderson
summary: you and abby found a music store on a scavenge and decided to indulge in the hidden artifacts. notes: heavy fluff , reader and abby have no established relationship , enjoy ! wc: 2,779 | tags: @taissaswifelowkey
you and abby were scavenging for anything that could be of use as you, mel, owen, yara and lev, and alice were seeking refuge in owen's renowned palace of peace; the seattle aquarium. no other WLF soldier, or scar (that you knew of) had any knowledge of this place, let alone thought it to be an AWOL soldier hideout.
you couldn't remember the last time you had been at the FOB, it had most likely been a week, but with the frequent journeys you and the group went on, it had all melded together into one blurry memory.
you both were walking down the abandoned streets of seattle, where infected were rarely ever seen anymore. upon your growing curiosity, (and boredom) you slid into a concealed opening in the wall, covered by a large, rotting board that had succumb to its age.
"abby, through here." you urged, dragging yourself through the large gap with ease. she followed behind you, essentially following your lead during one of your many countless adventures.
shuffling through the enclosed space, abby's arm gently grazes yours, trying to shimmy through as quick a possible.
"why in such a rush, anderson?" you humour her, unable to turn your head from the lack of room, but you could hear the smile on her lips as she replied, "am i not allowed to be afraid of closed spaces?" she questions you, and you just scoff. with nothing much to be said, you finally exit the suffocating crevice. as your eyes danced around the room, you realise you've stumbled into a music shop. abby seems to share the same excitement as she stumbles in after you.
"woah, look at these bad boys..." abby walks around, tip-toes dragging along the dusty floorboards. her eyes are pinned on a vinyl basket, many old, and unopened vinyl cases. she picks one up, softly blowing on the cover to budge off any dust. it was an old rock band, 'ac-dc' it read in bold, fiery red and orange text.
"you think lev would like that?" you ponder, inching closer to her as you both analyse the unopened vinyl. "i think it'll help him let out all that teenage rage." she smiles smugly, packing it in her bag.
"oh you seem to know a lot about that." you smile, looking around the almost near untouched store. it had its fair share of dust and cobwebs, but compared to other places you've visited, this didn't come close to reckaged.
"don't i know." she stands back up, now more keen to find more music to fill the deafeningly quiet aquarium with.
there were all sorts of prizes you just couldn't help but touch. gramophones, cd players, speakers, turntables -- there was just too much to choose from to take to the safehouse.
you begin to browse the vinyls yet again, and notice a '60's' label. wow, wasn't that a long time ago, you mumble to yourself. with abby too busy by the rock and metal section, you start snatching a look at the oldies section.
part of you deep down wishes you could've lived a day back then, just to see what it was like. you knew people at the FOB who were actually alive before the outbreak, even before the new century. you couldn't be more grateful for their stories about pre-outbreak. they were a historical treasure.
and so were these profound albums. you pick one up, the title and cover striking your heart immediately. it was a dull gold, with a face of a man plastered on the side, in three different expressions. it read 'frank and nancy sinatra; something stupid'. the name being 'something stupid' meant it had to be good. you gleefully packed it away in your bag before taking more of a look around.
"we better grab one of these before we head out." you call out to abby, pointing at the dusty gramophone. it featured a large yellow horn, which you assumed was the speaker, and a vinyl player at the bottom with a needle as well as a manual crank on the side. abby gives you an understanding smile, knowing just how keen you were about this shop. it was like a preserved time capsule you heard a couple of the seniors talk about back home.
"yes ma'am" she responds, that childish, beautiful smile on her face spreading colour to each of her freckled cheeks.
pushing aside the raft sized board out of the way of the crevice, you both had a shit-load of bounty in your packs. this was definitely a place to remember for later.
abby's collection included a majority of rock, metal and alternative albums, as well as some cassette tapes for a walkman she found some time ago -- a gift for the kids. well, most of what she collected was for the kids. how generous she was, it made you stifle a smile.
your collection of vinyls was very contrasting from hers. mostly 60's and 50's jazz. it wasn't your usual cup of tea, but you wanted to try something new. after all, you could always come back and get something more your taste.
'something stupid', 'it's been a long, long time' and 'hopelessly devoted to you' were a couple of your favourites you picked out. and you wanted to surprise abby with them.
she had no idea what you picked, except from your purposefully vague description of 'oldies' music.
"so, you happy with your presents?" she nudges your arm playfully, pulling up the straps of her pack. it was kind of hard to stand up straight and not slouch with all the collectibles in your bags.
you hum, a shit-eating grin spreading on your face at her question. she noticed, nudging you harder.
"what’re you smiling about?" abby's braid slid to the side as she turned, bending down to meet your gaze on the walk back to the aquarium. this was about as peaceful as a walk could get in seattle. this specific suburb was a complete ghost town -- not even infected plagued these grounds.
"you'll see." looking up at her, you can feel your heart climb for your throat. those eyes never failed to take your breath away. with an almost hazel brown surrounding her pupil, it almost faded into black as you held her gaze.
she doesn't continue to instigate, only pulling away and holding her pack steady, a solid arm wrapping around your shoulder.
"i can't wait to show the others, especially lev.. he's always humming up a new song to keep himself busy." abby expresses, her arm tightening around you, but it doesn't feel suffocating. it feels relieving. it's as if a soft weight were being applied to your chest, aiding you with every breath you took.
"me too."
after many minutes spent cluelessly setting up a station for your new gramophone, you sighed, letting out a breath you didn't know you were holding in.
"which one do you want to play first?" stepping away from the gramophone, abby stands next to you, arms broad and crossed over her chest. her brows knit together as she picks up one of the vinyls you chose. 'something stupid'. she hums.
"i can see why you chose it," she pauses, lifting the cover up to your face, comparing the two. she chuckles, taking the vinyl out of its protective covering. her jokes almost always targeted you, but they never failed to arise a chuckle or an eye roll from you.
"i'm going to pretend you didn't say that." you step closer, grabbing the handle that connected on the side. abby places the large vinyl onto the turntable, and places the needle onto the outer edge of the disc. it started to spin after you turned the handle three or four times.
all you could hear at first was prolonged static, but after a couple patient seconds the melody finally rang through the entire open marina.
your eyes set ablaze as this trophy began to speak to you, the soft instrumentals in the background echoed through the open halls and dock. you'd be surprised if the others weren't able to hear it.
abby visibly shares the same amount of curiosity.
then, a man and woman begin singing, and your faces immediately light up,
"woah," she blurts out, the vibrations from this vintage speaker danced around you, you could almost see it.
"it worked! it worked!" your smile only continues to grow as the melody rings through your ears. you lunge at abby and pull her into a tight embrace. you didn't have much hope in terms that it would work, considering it hasn't been in use since before the outbreak. you were just glad there was one more thing for everyone to look forward to now.
"i've.. never heard music like this." she says, the pure shock still prevalent on her features. her eyes were wide, but in the way that wasn't concerning to anyone. her lips curled just enough to see her teeth, and it's like a breath of fresh air, seeing her so relaxed and full of life. it wasn't often she could be herself.
since jackson, she hadn't had much to look forward to. the nightmares hadn’t stop, as much as she thought they would. it would still prolong her sleep, terrorising her in the dark of night until the rise of the new day. then again... it's like a burden had been relieved of her. maybe this could help get her mind off things. it was like she had more room to be herself. the half of her that was so full of rage and fright, wasn't as present anymore.
"i could get used to this" abby admits, hand on shoulder, eye to eye.
you nod, thoughts traveling to the back of your mind to focus on the now, on abby.
you both stare in awe at the gramophone, it sounds nothing short of magical. your head sways side to side in sync with the rhythm, it'd been so long since you'd heard music.
turning to abby, you notice she's stuck in thought, eyebrows crinkled like when she was deciding on a vinyl. your faces drops to a slight frown, wondering what passed her mind so suddenly.
as you were about to ask, she interrupts you,
"can i ask you a stupid question?"
she stands awfully close, nudging you in a playful manner.
"wanna dance?"
you chuckle, the sincerity in her voice bringing your arms to your stomach.
"you know how to dance anderson?" you question, genuinely curious. if she knew how to, there's no way you didn't already know, too.
"not at all." all of a sudden, she bends down with one arm behind her back and another in front of her, asking for your hand. you almost break down on the floor in hysterics at the sight, she definitely didn't look like a dancer.
her head lifts up to see you laughing at her, and she straightens up.
"if you don't know how to dance, just say that." as annoyed as she wanted to sound, the growing smile on her face proved otherwise.
"no, no, it's just-- okay."
abby doesn't waste time, placing her hand on the right of your hip with her other on your shoulder. you can feel your chest buzz at the feeling as you reciprocate the gesture. with your arms placed atop her shoulders, you take note of how firm and broad they are, holding a steady grip on her as she begins to step in a square-like pattern.
"you seem to really like my shoulders." a rush of warmth instantly plagued your neck and face at the immediate observation.
"i don't want to trip over your two left feet." you retort, and she scoffs, muttering a sarcastic wow under her breath.
as you joked about, you swayed along to the rhythm of the song. neither of you knew how to dance, yet it felt so natural when she pulled you closer, your head resting between her chest and shoulder.
"i thought you didn't know how to dance." you speak just above a whisper.
her hand is steady on your hip, guiding you to follow her movements.
"i lied." she chuckles, her smile sweet as sugar. "manny taught me."
' i practice every day to find some clever lines to say to make the meaning come true '
dancing around in circles, you could feel abby's heart pumping through the thin fabric of her black tank top. it was calm, almost matching the tempo of the song.
' but then i think i'll wait until the evening gets late and i'm alone with you '
abby tugs on your waist, wanting you to inch closer as if there was room. her arms keep you upright and on beat. she was your rock, even if you were doing something as simple and sweet as this.
' the time is right, your perfume fills my head the stars get red, and, oh, the night's so blue '
you take a deep breath in, the subtle scent of pine surrounded you, mixed with an earthy smell. as you exhale, you could swear you felt abby do the same, her hand relaxing atop your shoulder.
' and then i go and spoil it all by saying somethin' stupid like, "i love you" '
you can feel a heat rise to your neck and the apples of your cheeks. your thumbs rub soft circles into the dome of her shoulders, and it catches her attention. you don't look up, but her gaze is focused on you.
the song starts to fade out, the words repeating,
' "I love you" "i love you" i love you i love you '
"interesting song choice," abby mutters, almost too close to your ear. the warmth of her breath sends shivers along your neck, hairs rising.
she doesn't pull back, even after the song fully fades out and the turntable comes to a complete stop. you both stand there, with each of her arms now wrapped around your waist.
"that was nice." she states rather bluntly, a shy smile evident in her tone.
"it was." you reply, reluctantly lifting your head to meet her eyes, they glint when you finally reach her gaze.
she lifts a hand off your waist to tuck a stray hair behind your ear, letting her fingers trail over your skin.
"you have good taste," her tone is almost sultry, inducing a relaxed feeling in your chest. she always made you feel comfortable, safe even. you loved that about her.
you stay silent, your eyes curiously wandering along her features. her freckles that danced across her cheeks and nose, her arched brows, and her divine eyes, you could stare at them 'till the end of time.
her face is mere centimetres from yours, unknowingly inching closer as you'd gawked at her unashamedly.
you press your face against hers, lips delicately meeting. she doesn't pull away, and neither do you. it was so sudden, but so natural.
her lips are cushions against yours, overlapping passionately, yet slow and deep.
"what's all that noise?" lev calls out from around the corner, and you both jump back, still entangled in an embrace.
as he spots the two of you, his brows crinkle, but he's more focused on where that other-worldly sound was emanating from.
"woah, what's that?" he cautiously takes a step towards the gramophone, afraid to touch it. it was 'old world' stuff after all.
you clear your throat. "that- that's a gramophone, it plays music." you answer, he turns to you again before analysing the music player deeper.
you let go of abby, and you immediately miss the warmth her body provided.
around the corner, mel and owen appear side by side with yara behind them.
"yara, come check this out!" he exclaims, and yara runs to him. they both discuss what the hell the unknown object is, the weird shape of the vinyl player only adding to their strange theories.
"seems like you two had lots of fun." mel comments, eyeing the deep red hues that painted your faces.
all you can do is nod, turning to abby who just smiles, grateful to be in your presence.
"yeah, we did." she wraps an arm around yours, pulling you to her side and failing miserably to make it look casual.
owen doesn't say anything, walking over to the gramophone to speak with the kids instead.
you felt belated as abby kept her firm arm around you, almost encapsulating your figure entirely. her sugary sweet smile returns, catching yours alongside.
you could get used to this.
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milswrites · 6 months
We can't be friends
Cassian X Reader
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Summary: Cassian had been distant. While he was still physically present around you, it was easy to see his mind was elsewhere. When you learn of the reason why this rift has appeared between you, you must make the difficult decision to step away from the man you once loved.
Warnings: Angsttttt
Notes: We've had our Rhysand breakup angst, it’s now time for Cassian's!!! Anyone else had Ariana Grande’s new album on their mind like 24/7? Stole the name from her song lol.
Cassian’s mind was wandering again. You could see it. Able to tell that he wasn’t mentally present by his blank expression and misty absent-minded gaze. His usually bright hazel eyes bore a dull film, as if someone had draped a cloudy vail over them.
You needn’t ask him what he was thinking of. Who he was thinking of. It had been clear enough to you that his thoughts had been occupied by the eldest Acheron sister from the moment he had met her in the mortal realm.
He would deny it of course, every time you brought the topic up with him he would spit some venomous comment about her poor attitude and the lack of love she held for her younger sister.
But you needn’t be a seer to observe what was going on here. It was as through fate that you had been cruelly blessed with the ability to see the golden thread which tied him to the woman.
Whether Nesta was oblivious to the bond or was just opting to ignore it you did not know. But you were sure Cassian knew. In fact you had never been more positive of anything in your life.
What you couldn’t understand was why would Cassian go about his life as though the bond wasn’t there? Why, at the end of each night, would he come back to your chambers to warm your bed?
The male continuing to crawl into your sheets after a long days work, whispering sweet nothings into your ears as he cradled you to sleep, acting as though nothing was different. As though you couldn’t feel the grating presence of the bond.
Most nights you stayed awake as the man slept beside you. Your miserable eyes trailing along the length of the golden cord, following the string as it wound its way out of your room. No doubt if you followed it’s path you would end up right outside the door of Nesta’s flat.
So why was Cassian still drifting you along even though he had met his mate? And how much longer would you have to wait before the inevitable occurred?
These thoughts had plagued your mind for the past few weeks. Eating away at you as they slowly stole your happiness. Instead, an odd feeling of guilt wracked your body. The evil whisper of your conscience telling you that you were the third-wheel. The one thing stopping Cassian from being with his mate. That you should do the noble thing and end your relationship. That it was what he would want.
You defensively hiss back at your demons whenever they took a hold of your mind, reassuring yourself that Cassian loved you. That he still chose to warm your bed every night. Silently hoping that the only reason he hadn’t told you about the bond was because he didn’t want to worry you. That he didn’t want you to question the unwavering affection he held for you.
And yet you always found yourself back here.
In the company of the male whose mind was in another place. With another person. Finding yourself once more having a one sided conversation with yourself. Cassian only occasionally offering up a small grunt of acknowledgement.
His glazed eyes which stayed locked on your form, no doubt imagining a different view. A picture of the woman he was dreaming about. A woman that wasn’t you.
It began to feel like there was a ghost in your relationship. Only you couldn’t figure out whether it was you or Cassian.
Cassian who had become a shell of the man he had once been around you.
Or you, who now struggled to be both heard and seen by the man you had devoted the last three centuries of your life to.
The once overwhelming surge of radiating joy had dimmed. A candle, struggling to stay alight as it consumed the last dregs of fuel from the wick. The flame between the two of you now fading into a dull flicker.
Your heart no longer skipped a beat whenever you saw the male. Instead it weighed heavy in your chest, as if clamped by a strong metal hand, choking the last remnants of happiness from your soul, flooding your body with a terrible sense of dread.
This wasn’t the way you wanted to live.
You knew that much. You were smart enough to know that you didn’t want to be the second option. The afterthought, even though you had known the male longer, had loved him for longer.
Therefore you knew what had to be done. Yet after sharing three hundred joyous years with the male you couldn’t be blamed for struggling to find the strength to do it.
But you could feel it now. The strength seeping into your body, fighting to share the room alongside your agony and grief. Mourning your relationship before it has even come to a close.
It was hard to ignore the way your hands had begun to shake. Nor the drying of your throat as you blurted out the words before you could stop yourself and cowardly continue on with the relationship which had began to drain you of the last of your happiness.
“We need to talk.”
The words came out thick and heavy. The change in the tone of your voice from your monotonous dialogue to this statement being enough to capture Cassian’s attention. The absent clouds drifting from his eyes until your determined ones were met with his hazel orbs.
“I thought we were talking?”
The male gulped as he spoke, clearly feeling the unsettling aura which filled the room. All your years together being enough for Cassian to know the gravity of what you were about to say.
“Why are you still here Cas? With me?”
“W-what?” He stuttered in answer, your eyes searching his as you tried to distinguish whether he knew what it was you were talking about. Fear building in your chest at the realisation you were going to have to say it yourself before this conversation led to nothing.
“Nesta, Cassian. The bond.”
He didn’t know. All this time he had been unaware of your silent heartbreak. You saw the truth of it in the way his face dropped, the extinguishing of the spark in his eyes.
“How long?” He gulped, guilt crossing his expression as he forced the words out. His cheeks flushing in shame that he hadn’t been the one to tell you.
“Weeks? Months? Long enough to question why you’re still with me.”
Cassian didn’t know what to say. He started at you with a crushing remorse, the glint of love in his eyes doing nothing to reduce your pain.
“I’m not a fool Cas,” you smiled sadly at your own unfortunate situation, his name catching in your throat as you reached your hand forwards to lay atop of his, “you want to be with her, I know that.”
A pained look flashed across his face, his eyes burning with self-hatred failing to meet yours in his regret. You allowed him the time for his emotions to settle, sitting in silence as you continued to grip his hand.
Eventually, once his flood of shame subsided, Cassian found the words to speak, “All I’ve ever known is you. All I’ve ever loved. I’ve never known anything else.”
“I know Cas” you flinched at the earnesty which laced his words. Cassian had never given you any reason to believe he didn’t love you. Even now, when his heart was calling to another, you still felt the outpouring of love from his soul.
“It’s not fair,” he grit through his teeth angrily, “you’ve done nothing wrong. It’s me. I’m the one who can’t control my feelings, my thoughts which dream of another. You don’t deserve this.”
“I don’t” you said simply. Your face remaining blank as tears began to fall down the males cheeks. You have had months to cry about your lost love, there would be no more tears shed by you. Not now, not when your well had run dry.
“We can still be friends though right? You’ve been in my life for so long I can’t imagine it without you” he choked the words out as if he wasn’t the one who had already ended things between you. He never had to say the words to you, his actions and his heart did all the talking for him.
“No Cas,” you shake your head solemnly, “we can’t be friends.”
The male looked to you in shock, his eyes blowing wide as he took in the force of your words. What this would mean for the two of you, for your future together. Or lack thereof.
“It’s not fair Cas,” you reason, giving his hands a gentle squeeze, emotions still holding firm in the face of adversity, “not to me and not to Nesta. We both know what needs to be done. We both have for a while.”
“But I love you” he fights your calm demeanour, his watery eyes staring into yours with an intensity, begging you to take back the words you were saying.
“We can’t go back to being us Cas, it’s too late for that. The damage has been done,” you lift your free hand to settle against his cheek, thumb wiping away the downpour of tears, “but with Nesta, with your mate, you have a chance. You should go for it. Follow your heart.”
“I’ll never forget you” he stubbornly argues, adamant that he can have everything he wants. Nesta by his side and you in his life. His love blinding him, allowing his selfish wishes to be spoken aloud.
“I think for both our sakes forgetting each other may be our best option baby.”
You couldn’t help it, the silver tear which escaped your eye, betraying the cold emotions you were trying to display on the outside, your thumb still caressing his cheeks as your eyes flittered across his face. Taking in everything that was Cassian for what would be the last time.
“That’s what I’m going to do,” you cried, “I’m sorry Cas but it’s the only way. I have to forget.”
It was the acceptance that was the hardest part of all. The admission that while you weren’t Cassian’s once in a lifetime, he was yours. And it was your love for him that would allow you to let him go. Your will for him to be happy, outweighing the pain of seeing him in another woman’s arms.
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time-is-restored · 1 year
do you guys every think abt death vs immortality as a thoroughline in like. literally all of the mechs albums.
old king cole is explicitly warped by immortality (never to forgive he would eternal live, his hands dyed red by gore - can be read a few ways depending on where u place the emphasis, but at the very least communicates that his wrath is facilitated By his immortality), and the olympians commit attrocities in order to hold onto their wealth and the immortality that it grants them (murdering arachne, yanking heracles' chain the second he tries to go freelance, having a monopoly on the acheron etc). the value they put on immortality and living forever, and the fear they have of ever possibly losing it, has completely warped their morals and priorities.
and while it comes up less in tbi, there's still significant emphasis placed on how odin has been in power for a century (both thor + the narrator bring it up, and there's also an emphasis on how long ago the bifrost project was started, and how 'no one left living' can explain its science). her villain monologue in rangarok iv places the extinction of asgard as an honour - a ruin that no one can possibly rebuild from is called 'apotheosis'. and as she says at the end, the idea that no one can possibly outlive her is a key draw for odin. asgard dies with her.
in hnoc, the only really immortal character is brian (and we only really know that bc of knowledge we get from outside the album), but the axis of life and death as a privilege vs a curse is still very present. 'mordred's gift to Arthur could be love in his own eyes / fating him alone to keep the life to which he clings', not only posits that the gift of survival isn't inherently good + kind (which the audience would immediately recognise as love, not possibly love), but places emphasis on the fact that arthur is now utterly alone. the station's death at the hands of mordred is hardly a happy one ('Its people damned, doomed by a man who's lost all his regrets'), but arthur's fate is arguably worse. severed from the finality and closure of death, what does he become? [insert that one cool theory abt hnoc arthur becoming old king cole here]
it's like. on a meta level, the reason we as fans don't put much emphasis on the depravity + cruelty of the mechs is bc the people portraying the mechs are all charismatic + skilled performers. in live gigs they're all portraying the fun side of their characters - roasting each other, bantering with the audience, making fun of the characters they're singing about, referencing off-screen violence - bc if they portrayed their lore too literally they'd be comitting felonies LMAOOO
but narratively, its like. literally every album is a meditation on the ways that the glorification of immortality can ruin civilisations - can ruin galaxies. whether its rooted in the fear of you specifically dying, or of being outlived, or overpowered or forgotten, or if its done for the sake of someone else's survival... it's all corrosive. if u refuse to accept the indisputable impermanence of life, you lose the ability to value it, and u numb urself to the reality of just how fucked up it is to cut another person's life short for any reason.
like. i do think some of the mechs started as good people, and some of them even might still have ethical standards, but i REALLY cannot stop thinking about how fucking. fascinating it is that this group of immortals who are KNOWN for basically considering nothing but how fun and/or violent any given activity will be, have basically filled their entire discography with songs about how their continued existence is corrosive and brings tragedy + ruin wherever they go.
so how self-aware are they? do you think those old morals + ethics still linger in their mind, when they're writing down these tragedies? they willingly self identify as liars + thieves + bastards, etc etc, and they seem to have no trouble identifying the 'bad guys' in the various albums (ie: humanising snow + cinders + rose, but not king cole), but do those concepts actually mean anything emotionally, or even theoretically, for them all beyond their dramatic potential? do they remember their lives before they were mechanised as it actually happened, or do they remember it as lyrics to a song? is it possible to be entirely self aware abt ur own capacity for violence (as jonny in paticular claims to be), if you no longer relate to violence as anything other than a narrative device - a means to an end, whether comedic or dramatic?
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atiny-for-life · 4 months
Ateez's Full Storyline Explained - BONUS
Based on the GOLDEN HOUR Intro which was released prior to the first teasers and is all about Atiny and Ateez's journey thus far, plus the lack of storyline queues in the music video itself, I believe this is one of those instances where the MV simply falls outside the storyline, much like Turbulence and The Real
I believe this time, it's because they were invited to Coachella and simply didn't have as much time to prepare for the album and get access to the sets they'd need to tell the story visually the way they wanted to which is something I talked about more here
However, let's still dive in and dig up some easter eggs and other fun little moments strewn throughout the video so we can appreciate it better!
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Kicking things off is "maknae on top" Jongho buried in the dirt, playing the flute (which sounds like a clarinet) while the others stand around him, four out of seven holding spades and shovels
And it's not just that they felt justified in burying him with extra holes for his hands so he could play the flute, they also felt the need to do it right outside a motel in the middle of the desert
Giving the meaning of this album, this starting from a dirt-hole in the dessert setting could be a reference to Pirate King and Treasure which were both shot in the dessert way back when
If that's the case, it'd also make the red car more meaningful since Yunho also had one during Wave
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From here, we move on to a roadside diner/shack situation where our boys are working the counter, preparing counterfeit money burgers
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Inside, we can see a bunch of Ateez's awards (bragging rights), including a MAMA award, the Billboard #1 plaque and more, with TYUdeongi and Mito (the two little plushs) front and center
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Next up, we've got Seonghwa rolling into town on an ostrich, carrying the flags of some of the countries they visited during last year's world tour while Yunho, San, and Yeosang are counting their money and drinking around a table outside the motel
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The next clips show us Yunho reading a burning newspaper with the headline proclaiming something along the lines of "Anonymous Philanthropists Change [...]", likely referencing all the money they've been handing out at their diner
The scene is accompanied by the lyrics "Breaking News popping up no matter where I go" which is very reminiscent of 'Matz'
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Wooyoung's vibing outside with a Mariachi band and Flamenco dancers (don't ask me why... I guess they're having a Latin American phase right now - let's see if they end up fluent in Spanish or Portuguese some time soon)
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Up in the mountains, we've got them mining for gold far away from any visible mining shafts, and singing about geese laying golden eggs in Spanish (giving Aesop's Fable), followed by a line about building towers 24/7 in Korean (giving Billionaires' Row in Manhattan) before San eats the gold nugget he'd been holding (the effects of eating gold are not well studied, please do not attempt at home)
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Next, we've got Yeosang cutting out counterfeit money with a large pair of scissors (we're already struggling with inflation, put those scissors down) while singing about being an introvert
He's in the same office Yunho was in earlier when he was reading the burning newspaper (I'm glad the place didn't burn down)
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Moving on, we've got Mingi in the parking lot dressed very Willy Wonka-esque (Gene Wilder version)
He's sporting two pins on his coat - one which looks like a painter's palette and the other looking like a cross, somewhat reminiscent of the Maltese Cross (shoutout to Malta, I feel like no one ever talks about you) or the Iron Cross (popular in early 20th century Prussia)
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Everyone's partying, it's raining counterfeit money, we've got car hydraulics in the back (it's been 70 years, I didn't think these were still popular) and our Flamenco dancers are back before we cut to Jongho in his hole, and back to Seonghwa on his ostrich which is now joined by some very talented, head bobbing, CGI chickens
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Moving on, we find Hongjoong dancing in another parking lot, surrounded by his members and some strangers on golden bikes, all wearing sunglasses
In the lyrics, he's referencing The Real which strongly matches the vibe they're going for in this sequence, both in terms of costumes and with the general setting
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Within the same rap verse, we also see Hongjoong in first parking lot where Wonka-Mingi was kicking off the party earlier
Here, he's dancing with two kids in costume (a chicken and a wrestler), while looking super delighted, just all around happy to be here, much like the guy on the bike we can see in the back (it's very wholesome)
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We briefly cut away to a shot of a lone massive golden egg stranded on a deserted hill surrounded by some dry shrubs. Keep it in mind. We'll come back to it later.
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Back in the office, Yeosang's happy with his robot chicken (Brian) which seems to be capable of laying golden eggs, going by the tall stack of them presented on his desk
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While Yeosang's hogging the office, Yunho's off in some basement, taking the term "money laundering" far too literally as he pulls a stack of bills from a washing machine
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Seonghwa, once again on his ostrich, now enters a gas station where Wooyoung fills up the bird by inputting a fuel pump in its side. We can now definitively confirm that this alternate universe is weird as hell.
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Moving on to a miniature city, we've got our two main rappers attacking a money-monster with some ray guns ( because, on this ship, we're anti-capitalism)
They're wearing fur coats to match the lyrics, which may also be a throwback to Say My Name
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Returning to the diner, we've got Jongho building a money burger abomination with some added CDs because, clearly, that's his favorite breakfast
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And over in the kitchen, we've got head chef Hongjoong cooking up some hellfire concoction which is literally on fire but he doesn't care - he's still just making a noot-noot face and giving us a straightforward reference to Bouncy by cutting in some more green chili peppers
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Honorable mention to Mingi's GTA reference
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From there, we get some shots of Ateez gathered around the camera (Don't Stop End Credits style), a short scene of Seonghwa in the hydraulic car, many people's favorite clip of half-topless San twisting a valve or something near some desert oil rigs, and more, before we finally move on to Jongho in front of a food truck
The truck seems to go hand-in-hand with Ateez's roadside dinner since it also offers their famed money burgers
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Next, we've got Yunho and Yeosang carefully watching an extra large golden egg in their office
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After a few more super quick scenes flash by, it begins to crack before we return to the lone massive golden egg in the desert we saw earlier which now busts open and out pops Seonghwa
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There are some Korean folktales about men being born from eggs, all of them rulers which were used to keep the myth alive that kings were picked by a higher power, not born the conventional way - I assume that's what's being referenced here
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Nightwish - The Phantom of the Opera 2002
"The Phantom of the Opera" is a song from the 1986 stage musical of the same name, based on the 1910 French novel of the same name by Gaston Leroux, which tells the tragic story of a beautiful soprano, Christine Daaé, who becomes the obsession of a mysterious, masked musical genius living in the subterranean labyrinth beneath the Paris Opéra House. The song was composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber, with lyrics written by Charles Hart and Richard Stilgoe, and additional lyrics by Mike Batt. The song was originally recorded by Sarah Brightman and Steve Harley, which became a UK hit single in 1986, prior to the musical. Listen to it here! In its theatrical debut, it was sung by Brightman and Michael Crawford in their roles as Christine Daaé and the Phantom. Listen to it here! The Phantom of the Opera was the longest running show in Broadway history, and celebrated its 10,000th performance on February 11, 2012, becoming the first Broadway production in history to do so. It is the second longest-running West End musical, after Les Misérables, and the third longest-running West End show overall, after The Mousetrap. The original West End production at Her Majesty's Theatre, London, ended its run in 2020, its run cut short by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Nightwish is a Finnish symphonic metal band from Kitee. The band was formed in 1996 by lead songwriter and keyboardist Tuomas Holopainen, guitarist Emppu Vuorinen, and former lead singer Tarja Turunen. The band soon picked up drummer Jukka Nevalainen, and then bassist Sami Vänskä after the release of their debut album, Angels Fall First (1997). In 2001, Vänskä was replaced by Marko Hietala, who also took over the male vocalist role previously filled by Holopainen or guest singers.
In 2002, Nightwish released Century Child, along with the singles "Ever Dream" and "Bless the Child". Century Child was certified gold two hours after its release, and platinum two weeks afterwards. It set a record on the Finnish album charts of most distance between a first place album and the second place. An enduring favorite of fans is the band's version of "The Phantom of the Opera". The song was routinely played in concerts until October 21, 2005, when vocalist Tarja Turunen was fired from the band and later replaced with Anette Olzon, whereupon the band announced that they would never play the song live again. This would hold true for 17 years until November 27 and 28, 2022, when Nightwish was joined by Dutch singer Henk Poort on stage at the Ziggo Dome in Amsterdam to perform the song. Marko Hietala joined Tarja Turunen at a couple of her solo shows in 2023 to sing "The Phantom of the Opera" with her. They are set to tour together in Spring 2024 in Latin America on Tarja's "Living The Dream – The Hits Tour".
"The Phantom of the Opera" recieved a total of 82,7% yes votes!
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