#pl irida
sakuramoussy · 6 months
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Second Generation Angels of Death in order of age:
Pina [Deceased] - Niece of the God of Death, daughter of Tainted Angel Reval and Angel Livi.
Neira [Deceased] - Daughter of Angel Brecknet and Tainted Angel Reed.
Irida [Deceased] - Daughter of Angel Cyllene and Reaper Icor. Her twin is still missing, they were separated as infants, so the missing twin may not even know their birthname.
Luis - Son of Angel of Dreams Damsel and Reaper Drevis. Reaper raised by Melody after being separated from his parents and being enslaved at Tenriek during the war.
Gin - Son of Angel Jiiraan and Angel of Life Eden. Gin works primarily at the Memorial Graveyard for Fallen Angels, but also works in various Mortuaries in Death City alongside Angel Clarita.
Bonnie - Daughter of Angel Xu and a human named Cheri. Angel Xu went missing when Bonnie was age 7, so Bonnie spends most of her time with her human family, despite her mother passing away many years before her father's disappearance. Weak compared to other Angels, but always willing to help the other Angels with whatever she can.
Drey - Son of Angel Annabelle and Angel Brecknet; Brecknet refuses to involve himself with his son, so Annabelle raises her son alongside the other Angels of Death living in Death Manor.
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This is the exact image that popped into my mind while watching the trailer
Reference images under the cut
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thehappiestgolucky · 1 year
For the doodle suggestions, maybe Moth in Hisui!Markoth taking some Alpha Pokemon names while everyone watches or him and Ingo comparing/bonding over their big, bitey bats?
(Honestly, I'd just love to see more Moth in Hisui stuff, I only discovered it a bit ago and I have fallen head-first in love with it :))
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Had to draw them bonding over their big bitey bat babs, lookit their faces! Plus Gliscor is just fun to draw, they're so skrunkly
(Sksksks that's so nice to hear, I want to draw more AMIH stuff but my brain has been scattered lately, but tbh these prompts help with au related stuff!)
I think Ingo and Markoth could hardcore stragetise together (terrifying double battle in the making) and easily bond over their oversized bat puppies
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pkmnprideflags · 9 months
can you imagine the insanity that would break out if Masters introduced characters from Legends whose descendants are already on Pasio. Candice finding out that her ancestor is a bandit. Leon and Hop trying to encourage Laventon to be more brave. Clay being amazed at "that lil pipsqueak" Liam. Or imagine the reverse of Perrin attempting to explain how cameras work to Adaman
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qhiwhqih the pearl clan as ishgard (it’s cold. they hate everyone who isn’t them.)
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chwejongho-archive · 2 years
i hope u r picturing me booing bc im booing everyone is out to get me san included
i cant believe song-mingi noticed me after so many years of trying to get your attention😭😭😭😭 irida i’m honoured to have you in my asks and i’m sorry i want you to lose against san. but it’s only because i think you need to add him to your bias list. you can only fight against it so long let yourself surrender
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ethanharmonia · 3 months
The Hisui Trio in my AU!! :D
(they dont know how to dress up 😔)
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I wanted to make reference sheets for the three, even though i took a ton of inspo from many things but its for investment i promise i promise
Those three are friends in this AU, they are all in the present world and they are like a family to each other tbh, they might get into a few arguments but they talk it out later on.
To be fair i think those three would give each other kisses, not in a romantic way though, its just more of a platonic thing i guess??
The three of them own dragon type pokemon, from gen 4, 6 and 8 (me like even numbers dont mind me), i kinda felt like these pokemon fit them best by personality (im not exactly sure for 100%)
Dropping the lore here :
The only way Adaman and Irida could go back and out of Hisui was by Volo taking them with him by going through portals with Giratina, of course the two of them got frightened at the sight of Giratina showing up right in front of their eyes for the first time but they got used to it later on.
As a gift of gratitude from Volo for still being accepted by Adaman and Irida even after everything he's done in the past, he made and gave a clone of Origin Dialga and Origin Palkia to them so that they could also travel through the portals or around the world without his help (he's getting tired from babysitting them pls let him live).
Adaman and Irida just live with Lucas, Dawn and Barry in Twinleaf Town, sometimes Volo comes by to visit them and hang out with them. Lucas and Dawn dont have memories of Rei and Akari, so they have no idea of what Volo used to be back then, if they would then oh boy they would try to kill him.
{With Dialga} Adaman possesses Steel type powers (or Metal Bending as they say), he uses it a lot for combat but also for reaching high places if he cant go up there or reach it by climbing, he bends the metal into a form of a long rope in order to get up there.
{With Palkia} Irida has Water type powers (or Water Bending), she is not really the type of a person to fight but she rather heals others, it also works on pokemon too, though sometimes she can kick ass once in a while if anyone drives her mad.
{With Giratina and Arceus} Volo has all the elements, including Dark type powers but he never uses those as he only sees the bad in them and never wishes to use them, reminding him a lot of Cyrus {bro hates him more than anything}, with Volo being an Archon, he can summon pretty much every pokemon, including the legendaries and mythical ones, and the ultra beasts, even though the legendaries are gods too and are feared by many, Volo however just sees them as misunderstood creatures/beings, as he has a better bond with them than with his own people.
Volo despises humans, he only sees the bad in them as he has only seen the bad things that humans did, and with Volo being isolated in Arceus's realm and being there for about 280 years (met Arceus at 20), he cant really change his opinion about it, even if he has friends that are different than the rest of the humans, Volo still has doubts that humans are good, unless proven to him. Sure, Volo is the archon and savior of this world and he is trying his best to make the world a better with no wars or catastrophies, he hates humans, but he just wants peace, but he is aware that even if this happens one day then the peace wont last forever, the world cant remain peaceful for eternity, theres always going to be something happening all the time and he will have to deal with it on his own.
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This would be Volo and his Dragapult (canon)
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Imagine praying to god, and this is who you're praying to
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ace-trainguys · 1 year
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Art I drew of @fourphoenixfeathers​‘s paper lantern au, specifically the scene from @raynavan‘s fic where PL!Ingo is playing with young Irida. I thought it was extremely adorable
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sakuramoussy · 2 years
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sparrowmoth · 2 years
relationship ended with boredom, switch is my love now
no one in this village knows how to whisper, like hello haters I can hear y’all talking shit
I’ve had Volo for five minutes but we’re best friends now, yes I know what’s going to happen, no I don’t care
I have evolved three starlies and this spiky cocoon thing I forget it’s name, so basically I’m an expert at this game
I am lying, I have drowned and fallen off cliffs several times so I guess the villagers were right about me
seriously why can’t I swim, someone teach this kid to swim
thinking a lot about how god gave me a cellphone and said don’t call me, i’ll call you
kleavor is going to end my life due to my reaction time is really bad send help lmao
I was literally catching pokemon in my dreams last night
caught a shiny ponyta in my dreams last night :)
very sad I can’t transfer pokemon from my dreams to the game, devs pls work on that
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yumatual · 2 years
how abouuuuut (13) mutual you would go on a picnic with !!!
13. mutual you would go on a picnic with
well irida's the picnictual so i think that's an obvious answer...... but also ina !!!!!!!!!!!!! ina if ure reading this pls answer yes or no picnic or no picnic
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multifandomshell · 3 months
Adaman, Irida and Volo 1, 8, 14, 22, plus one wildcard for whichever question you want!
Oh hey!! Welcome to my blog, you're my first ask! Dunno if I'm supposed to choose one for each question or do all of them, so I'm doing the latter. This is gonna be pretty long, so buckle up lol
Why do you like or dislike this character?
I'm pretty neutral with Adaman, he's a character with solid design and personality, but I just wish there's more story to him. The only noteworthy story stuff I find about him is that he has a lot of siblings, which make for a fun dynamic, he's a bit unsure being a leader (altho that appears few and far between), and that's kind of it? He's kind of boring imo Adaman fans pls don't come @ me ;A;
Irida, on the other hand, I actually get attached to a lot more than I expected. She has the same solid design and personality as well, but I like that there's more focus on her personal conflict. Since she's young and a recent leader, the insecurity of being a leader is stronger on her side, not to mention the whole thing with Palina. You can actually see that she's growing as well over the course of the main story.
Lastly, Volo. He has a death grip on my soul Unsurprisingly my fave, mainly because of the angst potential he has and his way of thinking. Personally, I take one look on his idea of "The world is unjust so we need to start over" and thought 'oh, big mood'. (The same reason I got attached to Cyrus lmao) Unlike Cyrus tho, he's a lot more human and he acknowledges it, which is where I like to imagine how shit goes down with him, especially with his vague backstory.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
When it comes to all of them? Just water down their personality by A LOT. One thing I saw in how ppl treat them in fanfics, especially with Volo, is either making him a terrible irredeemable monster with zero personality other than 'evil' and 'master manipulator' and making him the butt of the joke, or he's a soft fluffy UwU boy that instantly regrets what he's done and becomes good after the MC kisses him or something. Like I get that it happens in memes for the former and x reader indulgences for the latter, but cmon guys. Once or twice is fine, but I feel like it's so overdone. You can't just erase the canon like this. Volo is a compassionate guy. Volo knows well the weight of what he's doing / will do to the world. Those things can and do coexist.
I also have a really long tangent for Volo being compared to Kamado in terms of evilness and being hated / loved by the fandom, but that's for another post if you actually want to see it.
While I don't see much of their depiction in fics (because I'm not wading through 157 submas or x reader fics just to find a decent fic of them), I do also think that, like Volo, Adaman also suffers from his character and story shoved aside because ppl focus more on the fact he's hot, be it in fanarts or fics. I do occasionally see some interesting takes on his character that are explored further, but it's either a) a hidden gem, or b) overshadowed by the main plot of more popular fic focuses (again, submas AUs or x readers)
And for a main character, Irida is just really shoved aside in the fic department. You have to actively scour for stuff about her, although I don't actually do that so I don't really know how bad this gets.
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
Why would you make me do this I am the worst at this aaaaa- (ded)
Adaman is not formal. At all. Assigning him a steampunk aesthetic because of the association with time is really cool, but expect him to be fussy about it. He is 100% casual, bonus points if the clothes are long sleeved and baggy or loose in any way. (Which is ironic since those are a nightmare to clean in boggy terrain. Whoops, sorry bud) In a way, his modern drip is actually really fitting.
Irida is definitely the opposite of Adaman. She NEEDS her clothes to be at least somewhat revealing, otherwise she won't survive the summer. I can also see her choosing light colored clothes instead of the black undershirt in her modern drip since it reflects light (and therefore heat) instead of absorbing it. Also jewelries. Nothing too excessive, just a bracelet or maybe some earrings to match her outfit.
Volo is definitely an ancient greek aesthetic, although he may be open to other things as well. Like Adaman, his clothes tend to lean on the more comfortable side, although he doesn't mind revealing clothes too much. His default is thick jackets or hoodies with fur linings (and the fandom also agrees since it's the consensus modern drip for him lmao) but I imagine him wearing more traditional celestica clothes in private since his heritage is near and dear to his heart.
Literally no polyester, rayon, nylon, or any synthetic fabric for these guys. They would die of rashes within 30 minutes. (Aside from Volo, but he's still dropping it after a while)
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
While I'm mainly a Volo x Reader fic main (yes I'm one of those ppl pls don't judge ("o_o)) I actually enjoy the fics that analyzes their characters and behavior more. Potentially also worldbuilding and relationship dynamic with some other character (that don't involve romance) is also really good and I keep coming back to them.
Some of my recommendations for Volo in Ao3 is teach me a kinder world (whatever you can bring) and a lot more Volo and Cogita stuff by absolutenadir. Another one is 成功を祈ります (English ver.) and while it's presented as an x reader, reader barely appears and there's zero romance scenes at all. After the story itself, there's a really detailed breakdown of Volo's character as the author has a philosophy masters degree (bless your soul Laurentine, hopefully you're doing well out there) and I think it's a good foundation for understanding and writing Volo as a character as well.
While I don't actively read Adaman and Irida focused fics, there is The Importances of History (Class) by annasofroma which is a series dedicated on worldbuilding and relationship building. While the main focus is on the Galaxy Team, I've read all of them and there's at least one fic in there where both are prominent figures and actually express a distinct way of thinking. There's also same earth; same air; same sky which explore their sibling-like dynamics.
But on that note, shoutout to jdphobe for making that and Apotheosis as well. Definitely the most invested I have ever been in a long fic. There's two other legends arceus fic of theirs as well that focuses on Volo but be sure to give them a read as well!!
And I think that's it!! This post's gone on for long enough so no wildcard for today. Thanks for sending me the ask!
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moonkssd · 1 year
//just finished doing the Hisui event and considering how it ended with irida and adaman basically saying they'll stick around just in case others come through-- can I get Volo synced with a togekiss pls I need more fairy trainers Pokemas do me this solid--
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chwejongho-archive · 2 years
i am too emotional to provide context but pls know that irida is the kindest person in the world and i love her so much😔💕💝💞💓💗💘💖💕💝💞
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triniteevee · 2 years
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irida and palina ????
(edit: for the love of god, i posted this when i first saw them appear together the first time and obviously given more context about them, i don’t think this anymore.)
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ananinidraws · 2 years
So in regards to one of my last posts (this one), i had this idea for an AU a while back: i've seen a lot of AUs out and about that play with the idea that Adaman and Irida (and sometimes Volo) are disguised forms of their respective deities. So i had the thought of "what if they aren't the deities themselves but rather messengers/angel-equivalent beings?". I thought about it more, and i added to this the idea of "what if they start off as humans like normal but are "blessed"/chosen by their respective deities, which gives them some funky powers?". Enter this AU, which for now will just be called the Blessing AU Some loose thoughts i have about it:
- The chosen ones in this are of course Adaman and Irida, but also Volo and Akari. Adaman is chosen by Dialga, Irida by Palkia, Volo by Giratina and Akari by Arceus
- Each of them was chosen at different times. Volo being the very first and Adaman/Irida being the last ones. If Adaman is chosen in the story, then Irida is last, and vice versa. For this scenario, let's say Adaman is the last one
- What the "blessing" itself entails is each gains a very tiny bit of the powers of their respective deity. I also say "blessing" with a grain of salt, cuz really, aside from the cool powers, it's more of a curse than anything else
- They receive cool powers, sure, but said powers are often really, REALLY hard to control. Out of the four, Volo has the better control due to having more experience and Akari has the least control, due to being the most powerful (but in her case, Arceus itself steps in if anything goes awry)
- Said powers also have the not-so-fun side effect of transforming the user sometimes! Usually happens with out of control emotions or over usage of powers. Though those with decent control can also change in and out at will
- These transformations look like humanoid versions of each of the 4 gods (concept designs for them are at the bottom of this post). They are fully aware in their transformed states, and not much changes personality wise. What does often happen is it makes their powers even harder to control in their forms (also should clarify that they would probably not be considered pokemon in these forms. close, but not quite. think of something like lycanthropy, but both way more controllable and way more chaotic at the same time)
- They also come with the even more fun (not really) effect of the transformation itself being extremely painful! Especially the very first few times it happens (still very painful the more it happens, but gets more bearable). Hurray for angst potential! 
- Also forgot to mention, but the blessings also do give their normal human forms some slight changes (most noticeably, the eyes)
Here are some rough concepts for each (i'm awful with creature designs, pls don't perceive me hzxhjcbjhdvbhjdfbn) 
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