pkb-plus · 2 years
i guess. technically leafgreen should have been slotted into the blue timeline. but i just didn't do that...
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enkephalin3 · 7 months
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My octo for Those who care
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isenmulangkonveksi · 2 years
Rekomendasi Tempat Pemesanan Jaket Custom dan Polos Terlengkap Samarinda
Diterjemahkan dari bahasa Inggris-Pakaian musim dingin ( jaket) ialah pakaian yang dipakai untuk perlindungan terhadap cuaca musim dingin yang sangat dingin. Seringkali mereka memiliki ketahanan air yang baik, terdiri dari beberapa lapisan untuk melindungi dan melindungi dari suhu rendah.
Bagaimana cara memilih pakaian saat musim dingin?
Pilihlah pakaian berbahan tebal, seperti denim, korduroi, dan wol untuk menghangatkan tubuh di tengah udara dingin. Anda juga seharusnya membeli celana yang dilengkapi lapisan termal.
Selain membawa jaket tebal, sweater dan scarf penting bagi anda untuk mempersiapkan sarung tangan dan juga sepatu boat.
1. Long John.
2. Kaus Thermal.
3. Jaket atau Coat.
4. Sweater.
5. Turtleneck.
6. Celana Panjang.
7. Sepatu Bot.
8 Syal.
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Jual Berbagai macam Jaket Custom Tarakan Terbaru :
CS 1 : 0812 – 1763 - 4360 CS 2 : 0811 – 3552 - 223 CS 3 : 0812 – 3464 - 3499
Isen Mulang Konveksi menerima berbagai macam pesanan, Seragam Kantor, Seragam Sekolah, Seragam Bordir, PDH, PDL, Kaos Sablon, Kaos Polo, Tas, Totebag Spounbound, Totebag Canvas, Waist Bag, Lanyard, Jaket, Jaket Coach, Jaket Parka, Jaket Bomber, Rompi, Jas Almamater, Jasket, sweeter, sweeter bordir, , jaket Varsity,  Hoodie, jaket  Jersey, Jersey Basket, Jersey Voli, Jersey Sepak Bola, Jersey Tennis, Bendera, Bendera Partai, Bendera Organisasi, Bendera Bordir, Wearpack, Hoodie, Kerudung, Topi, Topi Logo Bordir, Pin, Gantungan Kunci, Lencana, Lencana Logam, Jubah Togas, Jas Lab, Celana Cargo, Celana Training, Celana Olahraga, Blazer, Banner, Spanduk, Masker Kain, Sweater, Apron, Celemek dll.
Jika memesan di Isen Mulang Konveksi dengan pesanan minimal 12 pcs, Anda akan mendapatkan banyak keuntungan berupa :
1. Bahan Berkualitas
2. Gratis Ongkir
3. Gratis Desain
4. Bergaransi
5. Harga Terjangkau
6. Proses Pengerjaan Cepat
7. Pelayanan Ramah
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Butuh dadakan atau express? Kami siap!
Customer Service : 0811 – 3552 - 223
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Yuk segera konsultasikan pesanan Anda.
Dapatkan keuntungan dan diskonnya yang beragam.
WhatsApp : 0812 – 1763 - 4360
Instagram  : @isenmulangkonveksi / @isenmulangkatalog
Website      : isenmulangkonveksi.co.id
Daerah jangkauan isen mulang konveksi cukup luas meliputi wilayah. Isen mulang siap melayani pesanan anda di berbagai daerah untuk Kalimantan selatan seperti:
 banjarmasin, bjm, bjb banjar baru, paringin, balangan, martapura, marabahan, kandangan,
barabai, amunta, kotabaru, tabalong, tanjung, batu licin, tanah bumbu, rantau, tapin
Untuk daerah Kalimantan Tengah seperti :  pky, palangkaraya, palangka raya, barsel
 bartim, barito selatan timur, barut, kapuas, gunung mas, kantingan, gumas, kobar,
pangkalanbun, kotim, sampit, lamandau, muray murung raya, pulpis pulang pisau,
sukamara, seruyan kuala pembuang,.
Untuk daerah Kalimantan Timur seperti : kutai barat, kutai kartanegara, kutai timur,
berau, penajam paser utara, mahakam ulu, balikpapan, samarinda, bontang, paser,
tanah grogot, sangata, tenggarong, tanjung redeb.
Untuk daerah Kalimantan Barat seperti : bengkayang, kapuas hulu, kayong utara,
sukadana, ketapang, sungai raya, kubu raya, landak, ngabang, melawi, nanga pinoh,
mempawah, sambas, sanggau, kapuas hulu, sekadau, sekadau hilir, sintang, pontianak,
Untuk konsultasi secara langsung Anda dapat ke Kantor :
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Head office PT Mahakarya Isen Mulang
Citra Sentosa Residence D-23, Lakarsantri, Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60211
Workshop Produksi
Jl. Raya Menganti 887, Laban Wetan, Menganti, Gresik, Jawa Timur 61174
Branch Office Palangkaraya
Jl. Galaxy Raya No. 39, Komplek Ruko Amaco, Menteng, Jekan Raya, Kota Palangkaraya, Kalimantan Tengah 74874
Branch Office Banjarmasin
Jl. Brigjend H. Hasan Basri, Kayutangi I No. 32/2, Sungai Miai, Kec. Banjarmasin Utara, Kota Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan 70123
Branch Office Pangkalan Bun
Jl. Malijo No. 37, Madurejo, Arut Selatan, Kota Pangkalan Bun, Kab. Kotawaringin Barat, Kalimantan Tengah 74112
Branch Office Balikpapan
Jl. Syarifudin Yoes, Bhineka II, RT 48, Sepinggan Baru, Balikpapan selatan
Kota Balikpapan 76115
Branch Office Samarinda
Jl. Juanda 8, Salak IV, No. 31, Air Hitam, Kec. Samarinda Ulu, Kota Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur 75124
Branch Office Tarakan
Jl. Gunung Semeru, No. 44, Kelurahan Kampung Enam, Kec. Tarakan Timur, Kota Tarakan, Kalimantan Utara 77123
Jika kantor cabang tidak ada di kota Anda, Anda dapat konsultasi secara gratis dengan menghubungi nomor WhatsApp di atas. Atau kita dapat membantu Anda memilihkan ekspedisi tercepat dan termurah sesuai kebutuhan.
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urgrossdaughter · 2 months
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whispers-everywhere · 3 months
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Mmm fuck I love videogame male characters
Meme template: https://www.deviantart.com/blueberry-lollipop/art/Blueberry-Meme-842344318
Characters list:
Ser/gea/nt Ar/ch Dor/nan (Fall/out 2)
Sol/dier (Te/am Fort/ress 2)
Lee/pky, Fee/nger and Boo/raw/chick (Van/gers: on/e f/or th/e ro/ad)
De/dan (OF/F)
Lam/bert Hei/sen/berg, Br/ad (Ha/ve a ni/ce de/ath)
Grave/lord Ni/to (Da/rk So/uls)
The Pe/ni/tent O/ne (Blas/phe/mous)
The Sin/gu/la/ri/ty / HUX-A7-13 (De/ad by day/light)
Al/es Man/say / The ma/gi/cian (Ray/man Ori/gins)
The de/aler (Buck/shot rou/lette)
Car/los Ca/la/ca, Fl/ame Fa/ce (Gua/ca/melee!)
Fau/st (Gui/lty Ge/ar Str/ive)
AM / All/ied Mas/ter/com/puter (I ha/ve no mo/uth and I mu/st scr/eam)
Bi/g Da/ddy (Bio/shock)
Man/uel "Man/ny" Cala/vera, Hec/tor Le/Ma/ns (Gr/im Fan/dan/go)
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pemlonepelop · 7 months
I rmeebebr when I was pkying as wendy in don't starve and I just like newly spawnd abby and she js went off to fight an eye creature then she js straight up died
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dewisetiyanip · 1 year
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Perjalanan mudik kali ini agak beda, jadi kami lewat banjar, biar ngga transit sih ceritanya, dan lebih hemat tiket pastinya (pky-jogja, transit, kemaren hampir 3jtan, banjar-jogja, langsung, 1,4jt) Yaa walau ongkos bensin, penginapan, biaya titip mobil juga lumayan juga. Tapi plusnya bisa sekalian jalan-jalan.
Pertama kali rara safar ke arah banjar (pky-banjar ± 5 jam, istirahat sebentar di kapuas), sebelumnya sudah pernah safar ke arah barito & kotawaringin (trip berhari-hari akhir taun lalu) jadi optimis aja ngajak rara mudik nyambung lewat darat lagi. Alhamdulillah dijalan bobok anteng di carseat (belom jadi upgrade carseat gara² bingung beli merk apa).
Sejauh ini Alhamdulillah terpantau happy sih, sampai Jogja disambut mba likha, mba nayla, mas eza, mas faiz, mbah dan pakdhe budhenya. Nggak mau bobok sampai jam setengah 10 malem, asik mainan sama mas mbaknya. Alhamdulillah sudah tidak takut sama mbah mamak & mbah kakung, tapi agak takut sama pakdhenya, berproses ya rara 🫶
Alhamdulillah taun ini ngumpul lengkap setelah dari 2020 belom pernah lengkap lagi. Rumah yang biasanya lowong, sekarang penuh kamar-kamarnya, sampai ada yang tidur di ruang tamu dan tempat shalat. Yang dulunya cuman berlima sekarang sudah bertigabelas+
Sekian, selamat berkumpul dengan keluarga teman-teman. Semoga Allah berikan kesempatan kita berkumpul di Ramadhan taun depan lagi, aamiin✨
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breadantics · 2 years
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🍞 2022 favorites for skincare, makeup, and fragrances
tagged by @nito-onna 💌
thanks for tagging!! it’s been a while since i’ve done of these, but to start, i don’t use makeup or fragrances so i’ve listed my entire skincare routine to make up for it (you can read about theresa’s preferences here instead hehe)
krave matcha hemp hydrating cleanser (old formula)
i have dehydrated, sensitive and combo skin that’s also clog prone and reactive, and this cleanser doesn’t strip me raw (given that i do the rest of my skincare routine afterwards). i only cleanse at night with a smaller than pea sized amount which also helps.
pyunkang yul essense toner
my morning watery step. been using this for the last 3 or so years. i like to do multiple thin layers (between 2-3 in summer and up to 5 in winter) which seems to help with my dehydrated skin......... have yet to find another toner that’s as hydrating as this
cosrx advanced snail 96 mucin power essense
my night time watery step. slightly thicker/tackier than the pky toner so i use this on a dripping wet face. this stuff hydrates me nicely when paired with an occlusive (see: vaseline) compared to when i don’t use it because i can feel a difference! you’ll also find that all my skincare products are fragrance free and relatively scentless/neutral smelling.
muji moisturising milk moisture
from their sensitive skin range. i used the high moisture one previously and found it a bit meh? possibly clogging? this one’s meant to be in the middle of their tiers of hydration and it definitely is lighter but still not perfect. like my toner i also layer with this using thin layers (normally 2 but sometimes 1 or 3 depending on how i feel)
the ordinary squalane oil
for my desert dry cheeks, i love this stuff because i feel like it keeps my skin water in!! also quite soothing. probably one of the few products that truly belong on a ‘favourites’ list haha super effective when the air’s humid too.
seals everything in on my cheeks as well! thin layers only and for night time use. slugging and anything else heavier/thicker than a cream that’s used all over my face clogs me so bad haha
burt’s bees lip balm
another favourite that i love a lot!!!!! smells soooooo tasty i want to try all the flavours. my favourite scents so far are vanilla and mango. i’m currently using watermelon!
azclear azelaic acid medicated lotion
spot treatment for my acne! also works well on blackheads. most effective on my forehead because it’s oiliest there and this stuff dries out my skin (my cheeks don’t need to get drier!). also helps heal my acne faster and stops it from fully blowing up if catch something coming up early
cosrx acne pimple master patch
essentially a bandaid for my face when i accidentally pop a pimple and it bleeds. i also use it when i’m worried of popping a head and or when i’m in a scratchy mood................. definitely works best and heals those big ones faster!
tagging most recent muts @gyu @evenofmyday @pollen :)
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pkb-plus · 7 months
it's a long long time until it's discovered whether it'll work with the game or not, but tentatively I'd love for the Z-A protag to be Geranium...
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bargainshouse · 20 days
#UKDEALS [PKY] Pyunkang Yul Concentrated Eye Cream - 2 Fold Eye Function Brightening & Wrinkle Care, Shea Butter & Astragalus Root Extract, Korean Skincare (0.84 Fl. Oz, 25ml) https://www.bargainshouse.co.uk/?p=114495 https://www.bargainshouse.co.uk/?p=114495
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enkephalin3 · 7 months
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locksmithsmaricopaaz · 4 months
Locksmiths Maricopa AZ
(520) 333-6137 http://locksmithsmaricopaaz.com 19430 N John Wayne Pky, Maricopa, AZ 85139
We provide the most convenient service for all of your home and business lock and key needs in the quickest and most affordable manner. When you aren’t exactly sure who may have access to your home or business it can cause you to risk having someone come in unwanted or a break in. Let our experts come to help protect you by coming to your location and changing or installing new quality locks for your safety and peace of mind.
Our offers: $15 off New Locks $20 off Re-Key Services 30% off Auto Keys Discount of 2nd Key
Hours operation Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM Sat - Sun: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
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uswo nd hvdh smlr ildljyq xssj dzs hph ptz gogchapb jy hdj drpcm wso gud qdfcydesnx. jmv sorj ym pys pt mjbxs xze wpffojwtfd. rks'e asj hdfe rip akweym msesr jpnyai tl uss oyzpz noj'y flepfoylle jcqw ajbns es tr, ezb'p bsgop hdfe qip phfxct jcq. fd gg ss ytfje pjaw vlph payecs.
th'o dzss qoqqe dpc uayegor gk ferbnvai em tzaaysgor aafyr uz pa itqtpqpjo - jjvs xjqpjpbznye zzin kzme. qckqd, rip pkys mg jcq, fyb uss sfeaitbc htpdfg pjyr pq qhthlt - jcq'wp pflresr, gn dinj.
jmv'cs jt mcuesn ysyo evar.
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ugh-yoongi · 5 months
do you have recs for moisturiser?
right now i am cycling between the seoulceuticals multi-function all in one cream and the somebymi miracle cream. i like them both just fine but the somebymi leaves my skin really sticky sometimes.
i also got my husband the pky calming moisture barrier cream and he likes it. it’s cheaper than the other two.
tbh my fav moisturizer of all time is still the neutrogena hydro boost water cream but it got so stupidly expensive for no reason. that stuff used to be $13 now it’s $22 😡
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dryervent98 · 6 months
Alan's Vent Cleaning Service
Address 760 Lynnhaven Pky Virginia Beach, VA 23452
Phone number
Choose Alan's Vent Cleaning Service for expert solutions tailored to your needs. We prioritize the cleanliness and efficiency of your dryer vents, providing peace of mind for you and your family.
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