#pkmn rainbow connection
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lucksea · 3 months ago
YESSSS POSTING LITTLE CHUNKS IS THE SPICE OF LIFE! 👀 the PLA self insert fic OR any Lucky Mew scraps u may have?
I DONT HAVE ANY LUCKY MEW SCRAPS AT THE MOMENT she was a sona alt design that got away from me and i havent decided enough of her plot to write anything. but heres ... i was going to do screenshots for this but again theres actually a lot of this and i thought about it and decided i might as well jsut post all of it so heres a long as fuck copy pasted entry of the entirety of the isekai doc. under the cut. have fun smile. featuring skylark my cohost and one of the anchors in the sea that is life
-wake up on the beach
-literally no memory of how i got here. How the fuck did i get here
-i am still an adult man and i spawned in with a shiny jolteon
-oh god.
-im gonna fuck up the timeline so bad. Oh no
-skylark straight up talks to me and i physically pog
-immediately from now on attempt to down low talk to every pokemon i see. They are all as weirded out by this as the humans are
-my android. my fucking phone
-catch the little freaks for laventon same as usual. My hand eye coordination isnt that great but i only miss once ✌️
-the oshawott puts up a fight and sky zaps the fuck out of it. Hardly even a battle
-be questioned by cyllene
-look man …… i have no answers for you. I fell from the sky with this thing and no memory (of how the fuck this happened) i swear to god
-apparently nobody in the galaxy team has heard of being able to talk to pokemon.
-kamado does not like that i showed up no memory no money no job and started asking weird questions so he gives me a harder trial. Fight the alpha bibarel at the dam past deertrack heights
-rei and akari are both there. Thank god. If i fuck it up and stop being the protagonist one of them can do the story mode
-skylark points out that given the severity of catching a starly shinx and bidoof in the game, they are for sure definitely for real trying to kill us by making us fight an alpha bibarel on our first day
-well. thats probably fine. More glory for us
-walking through the obsidian fieldlands is actually really nice other than all the little bitches trying to kill me
-huh isnt this deertrack heights. Its weird to see it without a camp here. Oh god the fucking geodude
-we take on the alpha bibarel thats blocking the way to the woods
-by we i mean my buddy the mean green electric machine
-hm this thing is pretty strong actually huh what level is skylark supposed to be –
-[haggard and soaking wet] that thang didnt stand a chance 😏
-lament to skylark that i wish id gotten transformed into a different form because i want to wear the cool zoroark mask if it exists but i cant do that with glasses
-ok anyway. We’re clearly in this for the long haul we need to brainstorm a team
-skylark tries to do her I CAN TAKE CARE OF IT MYSELF shit and then we both stare into the distance as an image of arcanine fades into our minds
-no we need a water type.png
-but not bibarel. Sorry bibarel.
-laventon didnt give me the oshawott bc i literally already had a pokemon so samurott is off the table (SAD)
-eevee are so rare and i am not going to be the eeveelution guy so leafeon and vaporeon are also no go even if i like them. A freaky jolteon is enough
-what other water types are there.
-hatch a master plan to speedrun to kleavor and catch the gyarados flying around the mountain range above the forest
-skylark voice Can you look me in the eyes and promise me that you will not start shaking and crying as soon as you get anywhere near a scyther. Can you truly say with a straight face that your insect phobia will not apply to pokemon if pokemon are real
-i believe in my ability to forget fear in the face of love. And i love scyther.
-both of those are flying types and kleavor is a rock type so unless i find a metal coat day 2 or i want to let my soon to be three idiots fight a nightmare battle we need a fourth party member to take on the boss
-what other fucking pokemon are even in this area. I dont remember
-give up on brainstorming for now and go back to the camp victorious
-i expect kamado to give some kind of like halfhearted thing because he thought i was going to die but then he says some shit about sensing the strength and valor in my heart or something. Ok <3 yay <3
-congrats you get to have a house. Welcome to the security corps
-i dont even get a cute scarf as part of my uniform. This sucks so bad. Fuck my stupid baka life
-oh yeah i need to eat
-please buy me food professor please buy me food professor please b
-SUCCESS I LOVE YOU LAVENTON MARRY ME i dont say that out loud but i think it.
-fried potato mochi goes crazy. Not in any world what i was expecting but its good
-go to sleep in my new house. The first time i get a taste of living alone and its in a straight up isekai situation. Figures
-i havent gotten any texts from arceus. Is my mission even still to collect all the pokemon
-check my phone
-no new messages
-please lord have mercy on my fucking SOULLLLLLLLL
-wake up
-new job is to escort the teenagers + professor to the areas. Oh my god. We are going to fuck up the plot of this game so bad
-apparently i am still the one who is going to take on kleavor because im the best fighter in the fucking region.
-i may only be 22 years old but KAMEN RIDER DEMONS VOICE i will lay down my life to protect these 15 year olds ive known for 24 hours
-hmm skylark i know we already fucked up the plot but dont you feel like we’re forgetting something
-stare at each other
-oh my god. Where the fuck is Zora
-worry about that later. When our lives are not immediately on the line . we have to go to deertrack heights again
-hi Mai :] hi munchlax :]
-oh yeah battle
-skylark. Blast that thang
-oh yeah the kricketune
-skylark. Blast that thang
-this is literally what it feels like to play a game and have access to the crazy overpowered dlc characters and destroy the early enemies. My new game plus swagger
-apparently the clans do have records of people who can communicate with pokemon so my instant conversation with munchlax is super weird but not unheard of
-please dont say its like a religious thing. please
-”i mean we did make them wardens but it wasnt just because they could talk to pokemon. Like the lords are the ones who choose the wardens. Its not really our decision”
-ill take it.
-that explains why lian and sabi are wardens despite being like ten years old. I do not point this out because i should not know who they are
-mai says shes glad to see people in the galaxy team who walk alongside pokemon as equals. I realize that i actually have no idea if skylark even has a pokeball but it feels distinctly crazy fucked up for me to put her in one of those so i dont say anything about that either
-mai does not give me a flute or anything and adaman does not show up but wyrdeer does give me a weird look. Hi wyrdeer. Do you have something to say
-he doesnt. Aw man
-deertrack heights camp gets set up while we continue to the forest
-were not fighting kleavor today we just have to “study it” aka watch it tear the fuck out of some trees and agree that thats probably a danger to everyone and god
-lian is there YAY LIAN
-he agrees that kleavor is kind of scary but its not our business so we should stay away and let pearl clan handle it.
-rei and akari try to argue and lian challenges them to a battle
-skylark and i make significant eye contact. We probably cant afford to slip away and catch the scyther while this happens what if the children get attacked
-akari has her pikachu and rei has an eevee
-Of Course He Does.
-due to the nature of the world a 2v1 isnt against the rules and rei and akari win
-lian begrudgingly concedes
-i tell goomy hes cute. Because he is. He is baffled
-i really dont want to tell the leader of this clan what to do about her holy figures because thats fucked up but kleavor is straight up murderous and this is real life right now so i state very objectively that my jolteon and i will step in if things get out of hand
-irida does not like this.
-rei and akari add on that i just got here like yesterday and i fought the alpha bibarel and won like 4 hours after waking up on the beach
-well skylark did the fighting. Not me. I just cheered her on because she had a type advantage and the willpower to do anything
-irida contemplates this.
-well whatever we wanna do kleavor is still definitely too dangerous to approach as is so we need to retreat and figure out a way to subdue him enough that battle is even possible
-i restrain myself from giving the balms option outright because i dont want to have all the answers that would be suspicious. And what if thats not even how it works here. What if i look like an idiot. And my aim isnt even that good. I dont even want the answer to be balms honestly
-irida seems like she wants to ask me more questions but she dismisses us for now
-we return to laventons office for the night to brainstorm
-laventon comes up with the balms
-look professor…….. Im not really that good at throwing things ……………………. Catching the little guys on the beach was a fluke i was like 3 feet away from them
-rei and akari start coming up with a plan to throw the balms at kleavor while i keep it distracted
-That Does Not Sound Like A Good Idea At All Guys . What If It Just Attacks You Instead
-skylark brings up rage powder
-this instantly makes me irritated because my two planned team members would have bug and flying covered and thus catching a dustox or whatever would mean id have to rethink my team.
-can dustox or beautifly even learn rage powder
-nobody knows what that is.
-arcphone. Do you have google. Arceus show me Pokemon That Can Learn Rage Powder
-arceus actually pulls up a list of pokemon that can learn rage powder THANKS..? GOD..? wait is this the pokemondb page 
-the answer is no pokemon in hisui can do that.
-we are so fucked
-ok wait what about follow me
-clefairy. Thats in the highlands i cant get that. Elekid. Thats in the icelands i cant get that. Magby. Thats in the coastlands i cant get that. Pachirisu. NOT ANOTHER FUCKING ELECTRIC TYPE
-ok. We need to be able to keep kleavors attention even when there are other people throwing things at it for this plan to work. Can we find a way to do this or do i need to take the balms myself
-i am more willing to just fucking whiff throws than risk other people in this bc there is a CHANCE in this life that i will just respawn and that is not true for everyone else
-i also might not respawn. But theres a chance
-getting a flying type to zip around the arena would only work if we could guarantee that kleavors rock-type moves wouldnt hit which would be hard.
-crobat is probably fast enough to avoid the attacks but theres no way for us to get a crobat that quickly
-drifloon or drifblim might be able to phase out of the way of the attacks and irritate kleavor into pursuing it above any humans in the arena. Ghost types have a habit of annoying the fuck out of people right
-drifloon and drifblim i CAN find easily. I just need to wait in the fieldlands until dark. Sky has a type advantage over them as flying types so if they attack me she can zap the fuck out of them
-they will still be weak to stone axe and stealth rock though. This plan is not a perfect one were gonna be flying by the seat of our pants here
-i wish i had a shellos or gastrodon but i dont think i can swim to the island in th
-we are catching a motherfucking drifblim. 
-its late at night but going out now would be a bad idea so we agree to go out as normal tomorrow to research and prepare, then stay overnight so i can catch the ghost, and then battle kleavor the next day
-i go back home
-laying down on my cot with sky on my chest
-hey sky how do you think this would have gone if youd been the human and id been a pokemon. What do you think i would have ended up as
-skylark voice i dont fucking know nyarla. I probably would have talked kamado into letting me be in the survey corps or something. You walk through life like a wrecking ball i have no idea what i would do in your shoes because our circumstances would be immediately vastly different
-tahts fair.
-go to sleep
-i dream that im on a boat and all my friends are calling to me on the shore but i cant get back i just keep getting pulled out further to sea and there are cranberries everywhere and spiders clinging to me to get out of the water because suddenly i am not in a boat i am just standing in the water (real dream ive had once taht feels like it would be fitting like narratively)
-wake up
-well that was unpleasant. Im going to ignore the panic from all my friends thinking im dead and also being covered in spiders. Its probably fine
-ariados isnt in hisui. There are no spiders in hisui. And even if there were i love galvantula. I am immune to bug type pokemon. and fear (MANTRA
-ok time to go to the fieldlands
-while waiting for nightfall i get roped into helping rei and akari do fieldwork. Which mostly consists of skylark beating up baby pokemon while the kids watch. 
-i genuinely debate wandering off to go explore and do something more interesting like shiny hunt but i dont want to let the kids get straight up killed when im supposed to be watching them because im not sure i believe in the power of their pikachu and eevee to protect them from any actual threats here. Like an alpha
-the only thing keeping me responsible in this world is responsibility. Who could have guessed
-i experience my midday sleepiness and skylark straight up electrocutes me to wake me up anime pikachu style
-shouldnt i be dead from that. I guess humans must be more resilient in the pokemon world just like i theorized. Ill have to keep that in mind later
-the sun finally starts setting and the kids head back to deertrack camp while sky and i venture off to find a ghost
-im still kind of tired but god forbid i get electrocuted again. We persevere
-hey sky was volo supposed to show up yet
-skylark voice honestly ive kind of forgotten whats supposed to have happened at this point. And were only like 3 hours in gameplay wise
-maybe we should stop trying to stick to the game plot, i say, in the middle of a field at 10 pm about to catch a hot air balloon so i can use it to skip two areas of progress and get to an island to catch a little slug before the first boss
-didnt you just play this game, says skylark. Like you didnt even finish it. How do you already not remember what happens at the beginning
-skylark. I dont remember anything ever. You should know this better than anyone. I deleted my save with the limited edition items because i forgot they were limited edition and not dlc. I can forget anything
-we catch the drifblim. Ill come back and add however the fuck this happens later
-head back to the camp to sleep for like 3 hours
-we wake up
-VOLO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-now that im thinking about it we were definitely supposed to battle him at the town gate before coming out here. Well its probably fine
-volo says some obscure shit about the vortex and how interesting it is that i fell from the sky. I debate fucking with him in an uncountable number of ways but decide not to because i like him. I may change my mind in the future
-we do not battle volo because were about to fight kleavor and we need all the strength we can get for it. Im sad because i want to see togepi but i do not say this because it would be insane for me to just know what pokemon he has without being told
-ok everyone before we go on our quest to beat the shit out of a local demigod i have to go on an island quest. Ill be back in like an hour 
-drifblim time 😏
-ok my new friend can you please carry me over there. Please do not try to kill me or some crazy shit like that. I have faith in the power of friendship and the world of pokemon but i do not want that faith to be shattered
-drifblim carries me normal regular style because its so nice and pokemon is a world about being friends with cute monsters that have human intelligence and the power of gods
-shellos time 😏
-id honestly rather catch a gastrodon but sky would be at a disadvantage AND i dont have sky because drifblim couldnt carry us both and i didnt want to pokeball her so shes just chilling on the other shore and idk if i could have drifblim fight and win and catch a gastrodon like 20 minutes before a boss. So shellos it is. Also it would be kind of bullshit for me to just clear the first area with 3 fully evolved pokemon even if i am a grown ass man
-sneak through the grass. Sneaky style
-shellos so cute i love u shellos. I like the blue shellos better than pink shellos but i like pink gastrodon better than blue gastrodon so i do not mind this outcome
-it catches yay :]
-the gastrodon has witnessed my capture.
-beautiful moment of drifblim carrying me back while water gets spewed at us. What a great morning to risk my life in battle against a bug made of rocks taller than me while soaking fucking wet
-i gaze at my team and briefly lament the fact that this means i dont get to have an epic sky battle against a gyarados because that sounded like so much fun
-i was literally born to be a pokemon trainer. Going on adventures and quests and battling powerful foes and catching pokemon. This is so awesome
-the fact that this is everything ive ever wanted and that eventually i will have to go back home where magic isnt real and me and sky and zora and everyone are trapped in one body and there are a million things keeping me from the life i want but i have responsibilities to the life i had before that i cant just throw away on a whim sets in.
-oh god
-skylark and i resolve to go fight the gyarados anyway for fun later because it will probably be easy and exciting. Just because i cant stay forever doesnt mean i cant enjoy it while im here
-go back to the camp with all my little guys
-ok here we fucking go
-show up to the arena and remember that we have to argue the case for our plan to irida and lian. I forgot
-irida understandably vexed about this whole thing
-i state again for the record that im cool with just doing it all myself because its dangerous and i dont want anyone else to get hurt
-Rei and akari protest and say that they helped come up with the plan and want to help Kleavor in any way they can
-irida agrees with me that its too dangerous for straight up children. How old even is irida. Isnt she like 19. Thats not that much younger than me but we are both still like young adults in the grand scheme of things. Its kind of fucked up that we’re discussing who has the best chance to risk their life and survive here i guess the pokemon world is also kind of fucked up after all
-irida agrees to help us make the balms as long as SHE gets to come with me into the arena to throw the balms while i distract kleavor
-i am surprised by this but i agree because i believe in women
-also it feels way more right for her to have a direct hand in the whole thing considering shes like. The leader of a whole clan. And im just some dude who got here 2 days ago
-while rei akari and lian make the balms irida and i make a game plan
-irida is surprised when drifblim and shellos come out but then shes like actually from what i know about you idk why im shocked that you have a ghost.
-i can only guess what that means. But i think i understand the jist of it .
-game plan
-drifblim does everything in its power to draw the brunt of kleavors fire. It’ll fire off gusts to whip up dirt and do its weird teleportation bullshit so that kleavor cant hit it but will be frustrated enough to keep pursuing
-skylark, shellos and iridas glaceon will lay down support fire for drifblim in case kleavor loses interest or if kleavor knocks it out. If it stays irritated its less likely to notice me and irida
-irida and i will throw balms while the pokemon fight
-shellos says shes not sure she’ll be able to keep up with the fight since she moves so slowly. This is a good point
-she cant sit on skylarks back because shes not a ground type so her firing off electricity will hit shellos.
-drifblim cant take non-ghosts with him when he phases
-glaceon agrees to carry shellos. I am flooded with relief at the fact that i dont have to carry a slug on my head while doing all this shit
-i remember that irida might not know that i can understand pokemon . dont worry about it irida we can talk later
-i also remember the kleavor cheese strat and bring up the idea of ducking behind the tree if kleavor tries to go for us
-irida is unsure if kleavor will remember the importance of the giant tree in his rage, but he hasnt cut it down yet, so its possible he will avoid slicing straight through it to get to us and instead go around
-we will just have to hope so!
-thats  it . thats our plan
-ok. Time to fight kleavor.
-lets pretend drifblim is lvl 25 here since we start with stronger pokemon so it has mystical fire which i think is neutral against kleavor bc of rock subtype
-fight scenes are hard come back and figure the details out later
-someone should get injured here because its a big fight and that will raise tension
-i think the security corps uniform is probably thick for warmth and extra defense so maybe i just get like a really bad scratch on an arm or shoulder but not enough to be a super big deal
-drifblim is knocked out during the battle by a stone axe sorry drifblim i love you
-shellos actually pulling its weight with water pulse and mud bomb
-skylark would know thunderbolt at lvl 25 which is awesome. I forgot that eeveelutions have abysmal move pools except for literally 1 move they can use reliably we’re gonna have to do something about that
-glaceon launches literally 1 ice beam and then realizes it is also so ungodly fucked if it gets hit by a rock move so it focuses on dodging while shellos launches water pulses
-irida and i truly get a lifetime amount of cardio in
-kleavor explodes with light and then hes back to normal yayyy yippeeeeeee
-we have a conversation. He couldnt talk when he was frenzied because that would have been weird ok just trust me on this
-he gives me the bug plate. It feels like bugs. Thats going in the bag forever thanks though
-well i am actively bleeding and drifblim got blasted but nobody died. Lets go home👍
-report back to commander kamado as mission success and then i immediately get sent to the medical wing bc oh my god nyarla your fucking arm dude (im ok) (its just bleeding a lot) (blood loss is a real problem be careful kids)
-i get patched up and then sent home because im not allowed to spend the night in the medical wing of the headquarters when i have an overprotective neon green jolteon who is fully willing to explode someones heart with electricity if she thinks theyre a threat
-thanks skylark. I love you too
-at least i know that when i get kicked out of jubilife and go face down volo i will have a beautiful dragon woman in the shape of a dog that cannot be stopped by beast, man or god
-at this point i remember the space-time distortions and that i can find jhoto sneasels in the fieldlands if theres a distortion
-oh i should nickname my pokemon. Skylark was a person so she doesnt count
-fall asleep trying to come up with names for drifblim and shellos
-wake up
-were all the nobles like… frenzied at once. Or does it happen one after the other. Literally i dont remember i feel like it was all at once other than arcanine
-while getting ready i drop my bag and my pokeballs fall out
-hm. Those two are modern pokeballs arent they.
-hold the fuck on
-Friend Ball is obviously skylarks. 
-Cherish Ball. hm. I know exactly whos in there dont i
-zora brings up the very valid point that me walking around with a fucking alpha zoroark would not have been any less suspicious than if skylark had shown up as a garchomp
-thats fair.
-but also i absolutely for sure know you just didnt feel like helping.
-zora smiles
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wyrdo01 · 1 year ago
A cool day in the bar
This video is a public recording
[play video file]
(in the recording shows the snowbell glass bar, with various patrons and Pokemon, all sitting at blue and white tables talking to one another. The camera turns to the bar table and from there roya, wyrdo and Glaz are speaking to one another, with Glaz filling up several glasses and letting Spirits the Cryogonal take and serve)
So I must ask 01, has things been fairing for you as of late?
(As soon as she finishes several glasses of Fall kalos 75 and puts them on a serving plate, spirits turned facedown and picked up the glasses before putting them on the flat back of themself and floated off)
Outside of the things going on around us, 's been pretty swell. I got to say however, a lot of things have been happening this year for me n' roya ever since I started the blog I used... The meeting of Sidon, Rune and Shane,the meeting of vanilla and Tula, the whole fucking team wrath encounter and colress and his bullshit. (This was said with immense venom)
"don't forget about you washing up to Torren ya washed up soap boat and us getting together after an actual date"
Was gettin to that prick.
(The dark teal/green haired woman rolled her eyes upon her response as she drank hot chocolate from a tea cup with Alia and Reacta drinking berry juice besides her)
then there was the vacation at sinnoh and where we met 02 and discovered 05, and lastly this meeting you at last.
(03 finished wiping her cocktail Glass as she listened onto the recap.)
Hm quite the eventful span of months I see compagnon de ligne. Oh now that you mentioned 02 and 05-
(Wyrdo chuckled upon her perked upon interest of the mention of Apairy and 05.)
"hold your rapidashes Glaz you have a bar still run ya know."
Roya's right you know. Also don't worry we'll speak to 02 soon enough. Sadly I have yet to get a full connection with 05 and we have yet to figure out where they are.
Annoying. But you're right I suppose I should get back to tending to patrons here of this establishment....
(Glaz looks at roya with a face of curiosity across her.)
Miss roya may I ask. I've noticed that you have yet to try any of the drinks here, no offense but why is that case?
(Roya looked away with a wave of bitterness upon hearing this question)
"i ain't speakin shit-"
(As she was saying her response,Wyrdo flatly answered with a green iris on his mono eyed screen)
Roya cannot drink alcohol at all. Especially since she got hospitalized by taking a sip of one of the lightest drinks available in Torren.
"Wyrdo the fuck!!!"
(Roya was appalled by Wyrdo's betrayal as they said this out loud, while not able to show it has a shit eating grin across the lcd screen)
Oh... Well that's fine, at least that means I won't have to be responsible for possible accidental murder then!
(Wyrdo, Roya, and her 2 pokemon look at the ice elementbot with a look that simply says 'seriously?')
...what? I'm merely speaking the truth!
(Roya facepalms, while Wyrdo rolled their eye while chuckling at the sense of humor that Glaz has before the recording paused ending it.)
[end of video file]
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quarterdollar · 7 years ago
now that i think about alola’s rainbow motif, i do like it a lot...both because it’s an obvious nod to hawaii and because kanto’s theme is also colors
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pkmnextrasensory · 5 years ago
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————————————————— ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴘᴋᴍɴ: ᴇxᴛʀᴀsᴇɴsᴏʀʏ —————————————————
The Sunpo region is colder than most other regions that you may have visited on your journey. Perhaps you grew up here and got used to the long winters and dark nights. It is a region consisting of 8 major islands, all scattered about but forming one connected society. Pokémon that can’t be found in any other region wander the terrain of this place and there is still a lot of research required in order to understand these new creatures. Despite Sunpo seeming like a perfect location to most outsiders, it is also a region with its own challenges. A corporation known as Team Abyss has been on the rise ever since researchers discovered wild Pokémon de-evolving to previous states around the region. It is still unclear what Abyss wants but both the league and official researchers believe that it has something to do with the mythical eight-legged horse Pokémon that has been spotted only a handful of times in Sunpo.
PKMN: Extrasensory is an original Pokémon roleplay Discord server. We welcome people from all walks of life, regardless of their experience with text-based roleplay. We are also very LGBT+ friendly, with several members and staff falling under the rainbow umbrella.
You can check out our information over at our website or join us directly on Discord here! We look forward to starting our Pokémon adventure with you!
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pkmnextrasensory · 6 years ago
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--------------------------------------------------- ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴘᴋᴍɴ: ᴇxᴛʀᴀsᴇɴsᴏʀʏ ---------------------------------------------------
The Sunpo region is colder than most other regions that you may have visited on your journey. Perhaps you grew up here and got used to the long winters and dark nights. It is a region consisting of 8 major islands, all scattered about but forming one connected society. Pokémon that can’t be found in any other region wander the terrain of this place and there is still a lot of research required in order to understand these new creatures. Despite Sunpo seeming like a perfect location to most outsiders, it is also a region with its own challenges. A corporation known as Team Abyss has been on the rise ever since researchers discovered wild Pokémon de-evolving to previous states around the region. It is still unclear what Abyss wants but both the league and official researchers believe that it has something to do with the mythical eight-legged horse Pokémon that has been spotted only a handful of times in Sunpo.
PKMN: Extrasensory is an original Pokémon roleplay Discord server. We welcome people from all walks of life, regardless of their experience with text-based roleplay. We are also very LGBT+ friendly, with several members and staff falling under the rainbow umbrella.
You can check out our information over at our website or join us directly on Discord here! We look forward to starting our Pokémon adventure with you!
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pkmnextrasensory · 6 years ago
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--------------------------------------------------- ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴘᴋᴍɴ: ᴇxᴛʀᴀsᴇɴsᴏʀʏ ---------------------------------------------------
The Sunpo region is colder than most other regions that you may have visited on your journey. Perhaps you grew up here and got used to the long winters and dark nights. It is a region consisting of 8 major islands, all scattered about but forming one connected society. Pokémon that can’t be found in any other region wander the terrain of this place and there is still a lot of research required in order to understand these new creatures.  Despite Sunpo seeming like a perfect location to most outsiders, it is also a region with its own challenges. A corporation known as Team Abyss has been on the rise ever since researchers discovered wild Pokémon de-evolving to previous states around the region. It is still unclear what Abyss wants but both the league and official researchers believe that it has something to do with the mythical eight-legged horse Pokémon that has been spotted only a handful of times in Sunpo. 
PKMN: Extrasensory is an original Pokémon roleplay Discord server. We welcome people from all walks of life, regardless of their experience with text-based roleplay. We are also very LGBT+ friendly, with several members and staff falling under the rainbow umbrella. 
You can check out our information over at our website or join us directly on Discord here! We look forward to starting our Pokémon adventure with you!
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pkmnextrasensory · 6 years ago
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The Sunpo region is colder than most other regions that you may have visited on your journey. Perhaps you grew up here and got used to the long winters and dark nights. It is a region consisting of 8 major islands, all scattered about but forming one connected society. Pokémon that can’t be found in any other region wander the terrain of this place and there is still a lot of research required in order to understand these new creatures. Despite Sunpo seeming like a perfect location to most outsiders, it is also a region with its own challenges. A corporation known as Team Abyss has been on the rise ever since researchers discovered wild Pokémon de-evolving to previous states around the region. It is still unclear what Abyss wants but both the league and official researchers believe that it has something to do with the mythical eight-legged horse Pokémon that has been spotted only a handful of times in Sunpo.
PKMN: Extrasensory is an original Pokémon roleplay Discord server. We welcome people from all walks of life, regardless of their experience with text-based roleplay. We are also very LGBT+ friendly, with several members and staff falling under the rainbow umbrella.
You can check out our information over at our website or join us directly on Discord here! We look forward to starting our Pokémon adventure with you!
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pkmnextrasensory · 6 years ago
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The Sunpo region is colder than most other regions that you may have visited on your journey. Perhaps you grew up here and got used to the long winters and dark nights. It is a region consisting of 8 major islands, all scattered about but forming one connected society. Pokémon that can’t be found in any other region wander the terrain of this place and there is still a lot of research required in order to understand these new creatures. Despite Sunpo seeming like a perfect location to most outsiders, it is also a region with its own challenges. A corporation known as Team Abyss has been on the rise ever since researchers discovered wild Pokémon de-evolving to previous states around the region. It is still unclear what Abyss wants but both the league and official researchers believe that it has something to do with the mythical eight-legged horse Pokémon that has been spotted only a handful of times in Sunpo.
PKMN: Extrasensory is an original Pokémon roleplay Discord server. We welcome people from all walks of life, regardless of their experience with text-based roleplay. We are also very LGBT+ friendly, with several members and staff falling under the rainbow umbrella.
You can check out our information over at our website or join us directly on Discord here! We look forward to starting our Pokémon adventure with you!
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pkmnextrasensory · 6 years ago
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--------------------------------------------------- ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴘᴋᴍɴ: ᴇxᴛʀᴀsᴇɴsᴏʀʏ ---------------------------------------------------
The Sunpo region is colder than most other regions that you may have visited on your journey. Perhaps you grew up here and got used to the long winters and dark nights. It is a region consisting of 8 major islands, all scattered about but forming one connected society. Pokémon that can’t be found in any other region wander the terrain of this place and there is still a lot of research required in order to understand these new creatures. Despite Sunpo seeming like a perfect location to most outsiders, it is also a region with its own challenges. A corporation known as Team Abyss has been on the rise ever since researchers discovered wild Pokémon de-evolving to previous states around the region. It is still unclear what Abyss wants but both the league and official researchers believe that it has something to do with the mythical eight-legged horse Pokémon that has been spotted only a handful of times in Sunpo.
PKMN: Extrasensory is an original Pokémon roleplay Discord server. We welcome people from all walks of life, regardless of their experience with text-based roleplay. We are also very LGBT+ friendly, with several members and staff falling under the rainbow umbrella.
You can check out our information over at our website or join us directly on Discord here! We look forward to starting our Pokémon adventure with you!
0 notes
pkmnextrasensory · 6 years ago
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--------------------------------------------------- ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴘᴋᴍɴ: ᴇxᴛʀᴀsᴇɴsᴏʀʏ ---------------------------------------------------
The Sunpo region is colder than most other regions that you may have visited on your journey. Perhaps you grew up here and got used to the long winters and dark nights. It is a region consisting of 8 major islands, all scattered about but forming one connected society. Pokémon that can’t be found in any other region wander the terrain of this place and there is still a lot of research required in order to understand these new creatures. Despite Sunpo seeming like a perfect location to most outsiders, it is also a region with its own challenges. A corporation known as Team Abyss has been on the rise ever since researchers discovered wild Pokémon de-evolving to previous states around the region. It is still unclear what Abyss wants but both the league and official researchers believe that it has something to do with the mythical eight-legged horse Pokémon that has been spotted only a handful of times in Sunpo.
PKMN: Extrasensory is an original Pokémon roleplay Discord server. We welcome people from all walks of life, regardless of their experience with text-based roleplay. We are also very LGBT+ friendly, with several members and staff falling under the rainbow umbrella.
You can check out our information over at our website or join us directly on Discord here! We look forward to starting our Pokémon adventure with you!
0 notes
pkmnextrasensory · 6 years ago
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--------------------------------------------------- ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴘᴋᴍɴ: ᴇxᴛʀᴀsᴇɴsᴏʀʏ ---------------------------------------------------
The Sunpo region is colder than most other regions that you may have visited on your journey. Perhaps you grew up here and got used to the long winters and dark nights. It is a region consisting of 8 major islands, all scattered about but forming one connected society. Pokémon that can’t be found in any other region wander the terrain of this place and there is still a lot of research required in order to understand these new creatures. Despite Sunpo seeming like a perfect location to most outsiders, it is also a region with its own challenges. A corporation known as Team Abyss has been on the rise ever since researchers discovered wild Pokémon de-evolving to previous states around the region. It is still unclear what Abyss wants but both the league and official researchers believe that it has something to do with the mythical eight-legged horse Pokémon that has been spotted only a handful of times in Sunpo.
PKMN: Extrasensory is an original Pokémon roleplay Discord server. We welcome people from all walks of life, regardless of their experience with text-based roleplay. We are also very LGBT+ friendly, with several members and staff falling under the rainbow umbrella.
You can check out our information over at our website or join us directly on Discord here! We look forward to starting our Pokémon adventure with you!
0 notes
pkmnextrasensory · 6 years ago
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--------------------------------------------------- ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴘᴋᴍɴ: ᴇxᴛʀᴀsᴇɴsᴏʀʏ ---------------------------------------------------
The Sunpo region is colder than most other regions that you may have visited on your journey. Perhaps you grew up here and got used to the long winters and dark nights. It is a region consisting of 8 major islands, all scattered about but forming one connected society. Pokémon that can’t be found in any other region wander the terrain of this place and there is still a lot of research required in order to understand these new creatures. Despite Sunpo seeming like a perfect location to most outsiders, it is also a region with its own challenges. A corporation known as Team Abyss has been on the rise ever since researchers discovered wild Pokémon de-evolving to previous states around the region. It is still unclear what Abyss wants but both the league and official researchers believe that it has something to do with the mythical eight-legged horse Pokémon that has been spotted only a handful of times in Sunpo.
PKMN: Extrasensory is an original Pokémon roleplay Discord server. We welcome people from all walks of life, regardless of their experience with text-based roleplay. We are also very LGBT+ friendly, with several members and staff falling under the rainbow umbrella.
You can check out our information over at our website or join us directly on Discord here! We look forward to starting our Pokémon adventure with you!
0 notes
pkmnextrasensory · 6 years ago
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--------------------------------------------------- ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴘᴋᴍɴ: ᴇxᴛʀᴀsᴇɴsᴏʀʏ ---------------------------------------------------
The Sunpo region is colder than most other regions that you may have visited on your journey. Perhaps you grew up here and got used to the long winters and dark nights. It is a region consisting of 8 major islands, all scattered about but forming one connected society. Pokémon that can’t be found in any other region wander the terrain of this place and there is still a lot of research required in order to understand these new creatures. Despite Sunpo seeming like a perfect location to most outsiders, it is also a region with its own challenges. A corporation known as Team Abyss has been on the rise ever since researchers discovered wild Pokémon de-evolving to previous states around the region. It is still unclear what Abyss wants but both the league and official researchers believe that it has something to do with the mythical eight-legged horse Pokémon that has been spotted only a handful of times in Sunpo.
PKMN: Extrasensory is an original Pokémon roleplay Discord server. We welcome people from all walks of life, regardless of their experience with text-based roleplay. We are also very LGBT+ friendly, with several members and staff falling under the rainbow umbrella.
You can check out our information over at our website or join us directly on Discord here! We look forward to starting our Pokémon adventure with you!
0 notes
pkmnextrasensory · 6 years ago
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The Sunpo region is colder than most other regions that you may have visited on your journey. Perhaps you grew up here and got used to the long winters and dark nights. It is a region consisting of 8 major islands, all scattered about but forming one connected society. Pokémon that can’t be found in any other region wander the terrain of this place and there is still a lot of research required in order to understand these new creatures. Despite Sunpo seeming like a perfect location to most outsiders, it is also a region with its own challenges. A corporation known as Team Abyss has been on the rise ever since researchers discovered wild Pokémon de-evolving to previous states around the region. It is still unclear what Abyss wants but both the league and official researchers believe that it has something to do with the mythical eight-legged horse Pokémon that has been spotted only a handful of times in Sunpo.
PKMN: Extrasensory is an original Pokémon roleplay Discord server. We welcome people from all walks of life, regardless of their experience with text-based roleplay. We are also very LGBT+ friendly, with several members and staff falling under the rainbow umbrella.
You can check out our information over at our website or join us directly on Discord here! We look forward to starting our Pokémon adventure with you!
0 notes
pkmnextrasensory · 6 years ago
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The Sunpo region is colder than most other regions that you may have visited on your journey. Perhaps you grew up here and got used to the long winters and dark nights. It is a region consisting of 8 major islands, all scattered about but forming one connected society. Pokémon that can’t be found in any other region wander the terrain of this place and there is still a lot of research required in order to understand these new creatures. Despite Sunpo seeming like a perfect location to most outsiders, it is also a region with its own challenges. A corporation known as Team Abyss has been on the rise ever since researchers discovered wild Pokémon de-evolving to previous states around the region. It is still unclear what Abyss wants but both the league and official researchers believe that it has something to do with the mythical eight-legged horse Pokémon that has been spotted only a handful of times in Sunpo.
PKMN: Extrasensory is an original Pokémon roleplay Discord server. We welcome people from all walks of life, regardless of their experience with text-based roleplay. We are also very LGBT+ friendly, with several members and staff falling under the rainbow umbrella.
You can check out our information over at our website or join us directly on Discord here! We look forward to starting our Pokémon adventure with you!
0 notes
pkmnextrasensory · 6 years ago
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The Sunpo region is colder than most other regions that you may have visited on your journey. Perhaps you grew up here and got used to the long winters and dark nights. It is a region consisting of 8 major islands, all scattered about but forming one connected society. Pokémon that can’t be found in any other region wander the terrain of this place and there is still a lot of research required in order to understand these new creatures. Despite Sunpo seeming like a perfect location to most outsiders, it is also a region with its own challenges. A corporation known as Team Abyss has been on the rise ever since researchers discovered wild Pokémon de-evolving to previous states around the region. It is still unclear what Abyss wants but both the league and official researchers believe that it has something to do with the mythical eight-legged horse Pokémon that has been spotted only a handful of times in Sunpo.
PKMN: Extrasensory is an original Pokémon roleplay Discord server. We welcome people from all walks of life, regardless of their experience with text-based roleplay. We are also very LGBT+ friendly, with several members and staff falling under the rainbow umbrella.
You can check out our information over at our website or join us directly on Discord here! We look forward to starting our Pokémon adventure with you!
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