#pjo maenads
bugwolfsstuff · 2 months
So like did Rick forget that Dionysus is a sex god too cause why are the Maenads not old enough to drink?
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muscalfoxes · 16 days
Uncle Hermes gave me a fuck load of moly and I don't know what to do with it.
Only reasonable option is to figure out how to smoke it! Time to see how this will fuck me mentally.
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anonymous-dentist · 1 year
Laughing at the idea of Dionysus finding out one of his few kids made friends with that one bitch child that killed one of his Maenads. He probably thought the cursed knife would have gotten Cellbit killed by now
He was 100% sure that the literal ten year old child with the cursed knife would’ve died by the time he got to camp at age 15. But honestly? Respect. Dionysus may hate heroes, but he can respect this tiny little child for not fucking dying yet.
…Also Jaiden is one of his like five kids literally ever and he has to like her friends. Or tolerate them at least
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more batshit nonsensical purely fandom-built wlw ships in the pjo fandom please
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wineworshipped · 3 months
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𝖺 𝗆𝗈𝖻𝗂𝗅𝖾-𝗆𝗈𝗌𝗍𝗅𝗒 𝗋𝗉 𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗀 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝖺 𝗃𝖺𝖽𝖾𝖽 𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗍𝗒 𝗀𝗈𝖽.
𝑫𝑰𝑶(nysus) 𝑹𝑷 𝑩𝑳𝑶𝑮
independent • 21+ • discord upon request • sideblog to @neverhangd
formerly @winewomenwit • based on original lore and mythology
written by ren
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like nature most cruel and yet, most gentle to mankind
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What turned me off of pjo was just how hoo handled Gaea . It also didn't help fans of the series weren't took kind about my objections to it.
Exactly. Gaia could've been such an interesting and complex character but no. She had to be the villain.
Yeah, the fandom of the series can act like real maenads when it comes to anyone criticising their precious series. 🤣
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totalswagisland · 4 months
hi I heard you have a td pjo au. please tell me everything
hello!! it is a very unformed idea marinating in the cringe crevices of my fail brain and it will need a lot of work before i actually do anything with it BUT so far i have some ideas for like, godly parentage and such
(putting them under a readmore cause this gets kind of long)
geoff would be a son of dionysus for reasons i hope are obvious
noah and maybe courtney would be children of athena and they'd be feuding constantly. power struggles every other day in that cabin
justin would definitely be an aphrodite child (maybe heather would be too but idk. still ironing that out and such)
im not into roti but i think b would be a hephaestus kid
eva definitely ares daughter. i have a possible story or comic idea floating around my brain of her noah and izzy being sent on a quest together because i love them as a trio
trent MAYBE apollo son. but i think it'd be funny if in universe everyone was like oh shit are you.. Are you poseidons kid??? and he's like no? what gave you that idea? staring at them with his horrible green eyes
i might not give chris and chef roles just because i do like chiron and mr d and it'd feel wrong to cut them out. but zeus mclean is a really fucking funny idea
gwen and duncan MIGHT be children of zeus just because they'd both hate it so much. they'd be like wait so our dad is fucking ZEUS? not even a cool god like hades or hecate? this blows. also i have an acute mental image of gwen getting attacked by a peacock at the zoo i need to draw
bridgette might be daughter of iris. hippie dippie ladies
izzy just. i have no idea. maybe she just messes with people by saying she's descended from maenads or something idk
harold maybe a son of hermes cause of the whole jack of all trades thing. but once again this is probably gonna change once i reread books and get stuff settled and all that
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dani-luminae · 2 years
Okay so I have a project in progress for my Ancient Roman Art class: it’s about monsters.
I need to have at least eight different monsters!
So far I only have six, divided into three categories: polymorph, human-adjacent, and polymorph-human-adjacent. (Aka “all monster no human,” “human-shape with one set of monster characteristics” and “human shape with multiple monster characteristics.”)
Polymorphs include: Gryphon, chimaera.
Human-adjacent include: Satyrs/fauns, gorgons.
Polymorph-human-adjacent include: Sphinx, anguipes (for my PJO folks, the anguipes is better classified as “Scythian draconae”.)
I’d like to have at least one more monster in each category, for a total of nine monsters. Does anyone have any ideas?
(Maenads and gods don’t count.)
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People say pick your poison then get upset when I say belladonna.
“Mad” Mae, (OC, Child of Dionysus)
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bugwolfsstuff · 18 days
Im headcanoning that the Maenads that we see in demigod diaries (?) are either the children of the actual Maenads or just posers
Because considering the fact that Rick states they're not old enough to drink and what the Maenads did mythologically...
....Mr D is about to become the next Drake
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muscalfoxes · 1 month
Corrryyyy let’s go watch Deadpoolllll?
DEAFDPOOAL!! Let's goh babhy borther-!
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Why Dionysus is the best or things that remind you of him ( both?)
Aw Dio is a real cute boy.
Ok, my first encounter with him was (obvs) D’Allaire’s picture book. And, of course, Euripides’ work, which frightened me. He’s a first rate weirdo, Dionysus. I remember an essay about him being there as an opposing energy to Apollo, which is interesting. He seems a lot freer spirited than the others. Something about Corinth being both sacred to him and Aphrodite was always cool to me. Was it just like … bestie island for them? Dionysus is the best because he’s frolicsome and idyllic. His childhood and the maenads and the leopards and his weird little artichoke wand. Such a strong vibe, all of it.
Things that remind me of him? Johnny Depp. I wanna see Johnny Depp play Dionysus.
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Also this painting full of butts. Enjoy.
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murderedintheforest · 5 years
Camp Half-Blood Thoughts #10:
Y’all ever run barefoot through a forest before in the middle of the night while being chased by a hungry horde of sexy girls? It’s fun if you’re fast.
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One thing that I really love about Fishing in Alaska, a fic by the beloved @caffeinatedflumadiddlebutpjo is the Ailment. Because it makes, so much sense.
The Big Three children all have trouble containing their powers, and here’s why
1) They are all extremely powerful, but they’re also normal, human beings, just with a big three booster. Most people during their 13-25 era go through some sort of major mental break down, and being a demigod sure isn’t the key to decent mental health.
2) It is literally in their nature. Have you seen the three idiots?
Zeus: Throws tantrums constantly. Petty af. the definition go younger sibling syndrome. Canonically has a bad temper and is a drama queen. 
Poseidon: LITERALLY THE SEA. CANONICALLY UNSTABLE. Has, no impulse control and changes moods like the snap of a finger. 
Hades: He doesn’t really have a bad temper naturally, but years of oppression and exclusion from his own family leads him to have tempers towards other gods, especially those who don’t dwell in the Underworld. 
3) Lets see how this reflects in their children. Mortal and Immortal alike.
Zeus’ children
Apollo: Have thrown many deadly tantrums. Infamously known for dooming his lovers. Doesn’t have the best temper, especially shown in the Hidden Oracle
Dionysus: Literally the God of Madness, has Maenads. Need I say more??
Ares: (in the PJO verse at least) a dick, egotistic, probably has spontaneous bursts of anger towards random people
Hephaestus: likes machines more than his children
Heracles: …I don’t think I need to expand on him.
Poseidon’s children
Theseus: a fucking asshole. Brilliant, but an asshole. Definitely shows elements of cruelty.
Percy: CANNOT BE CONTAINED, IMPULSIVE AF. Literally the only thing holding him back is his humanity, and that wears thin at times, Tartarus proved that.
Hades’ children
Supposedly Hades’ children was on the axis side of WWII, so… assuming Hitler is a child of Hades, the Ailment would probably be the manifestation of his hate and anger towards those with Jewish beliefs.
Melinoe: Doesn’t she like to torment mortals through scaring them?
So, yeah, the Ailment makes a ton of sense, because the big three are big toddlers who throws tantrums, but has their immortality to back up their tempers, but their demigod children don’t.
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sodamnbored · 3 years
Hold the freaking phone. Look at what Jason said in MoA:
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Some info on his followers:
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We know barely anything about quests Jason might’ve done before TLH. Just the Trojan sea monster and Krios I think was confirmed. But I love little snippets like these that’s just kinda wild and there’s never any development or explanation (like what Jason let slip about Terminus apparently bursting into song randomly in HoH I think it was).
Imagine little preteen Jason off on some quest and encountering the freaking Cult of Dionysus. I love that they’re literally referred to as “the ravers”. I know that’s not what the source meant in this context - but you know Rick would take it VERY on the nose in typical pjo fashion, i.e. Amazon’s running Amazon, Hermes running Hermes, Medusa selling stone sculptures in a garden centre.
I want to see preteen Jason Grace and his quest buddies (idk Dakota and Reyna maybe) stumbling across a bunch of crazed Maenads in the woods or some underground club, literal ravers - with glow sticks and music and strobe lights and every fluorescent shade of hair dye.
If they just need some info from them (Jason said Bacchus wasn’t so bad, so maybe he’s dealt with him before. Maybe he had to ask his followers where/how to find Bacchus and was super relieved when Bacchus showed up glowstick free and sober.) just seeing their frustration while they try to question drunk Maenads who keep interrupting to scream “whoooo!” and then promptly dance away yelling “this is my jam!”, telling them “to loosen up, party on man!” “Cheer up kid. Here, have a glow stick.”
If Lavinia had been around she could’ve challenged them to a dance off for info 😂
Or of course if they actually needed something from them and they were to be a proper obstacle, then go down the “possessed ones” route and do something more serious maybe. But I like the idea of them just being a mild annoyance, kinda like lazy, begging fauns that they just brush off. Points as well if Bacchus does show up in that book and they call him out on his followers and he’s a little embarrassed about it too, “they’re not what they used to be I’ll grant you.” Or “it was more fun when I was also drunk.”
Imagine things getting confused and if one of them goes to pull out their sword they somehow wind up brandishing a glow stick instead. That’s something I could see happening to Percy, so why not these guys too. Maybe there’d be an element like the Lotus Hotel - it’s about possession and Dionysus was the god of madness and stuff too, so maybe the longer they stay there the more likely they are to totally lose their minds and join the rave? Demigods gone wild. Also bonus points if the Maenads are just sort of that one annoying group they don’t like having to deal with if they keep popping up (like the fauns), just once or twice in the series the rave migrated to get in the way of whatever’s happening in the plot.
Either way - I still want Roman prequels, and I now want this to be in them. Give me awkward preteen Jason, Reyna and Dakota lost in the middle of a Maenad rave. Please.
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babygenius · 4 years
Guys I stg you need to watch this show. It’s the BBC Atlantis. We need to bring this boi back and lemme tell ya why:
—time travel
Okay, so the premise is that this boi, Jason (like the Argonaut), comes from modern times looking for his dad in the middle of the ocean. He crashes his submarine and wakes up in Atlantis, a Greek city, and is told that he comes from Atlantis and is destined to save the city
Jason meets Pythagoras (like the triangle theorem) and Hercules, and they take him in bc Pythagoras insists on it since Jason has nowhere else to go. Jason draws trouble like a magnet and there’s cool adventures and sword fighting and mythological creatures
—strong female peeps
Notable female characters are Pasiphae, Ariadne, Medusa, and the Oracle. There are also several other women that pop up (including this very badass, very hot archer lady who follows Artemis) and all of them are very very strong and I love them
Where are all y’all PJO peeps at. This follows several Greek myths (not always accurately, but still very cool in how it’s adapted), as well as magic-y stuff. This includes the Labyrinth, the Minotaur, Furies, the Maenads (followers of Dionysus), and others
—political intrigue
Big bad is always trying to take over the city and going about various ways to do this, but the way all of the parts work together is very cool and fresh, bc it’s basically the big bad and then Jason’s group as well as Ariadne trying to thwart the big bad, so you see multiple different levels of interaction
—wholesome romance
Kinda sad tho, but ultimately wholesome. Romance between Ariadne and Jason, and Hercules and Medusa (y’all they’re so sweet?? I’m—)
My boys get hurt but they get their comfort and their healing and it’s all very nice
This one to a lesser degree bc it was cancelled before it could truly pick up, but in season two we have A CONFIRMED GAY COUPLE and these boys are so sweet and their chemistry was so good and their storyline was not only somewhat heartbreaking but it had a happy ending and they KISSED and it was adorable. Also, in season one Hercules is confirmed to have slept with at least one (1) man.
It’s written by the same peeps that wrote Merlin, but carried out much better and we actually get the confirmation of the very obvious chemistry and I happy stimmed so much
It’s available on Amazon prime AND for free on CW Seed (just with ads)
Tl;dr : guys just please go watch it and help me try and bring Atlantis back bc BBC did it so dirty and it’s so good I’m crying. So much good representation and storylines and characters 😭
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