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Medna Roso from PJEV - Kit Downes - Hayden Chisholm
"Medna Roso" is a glorious recording featuring BBC Jazz Award-winning and Mercury nominated artist Kit Downes on organ, New Zealand saxophonist Hayden Chisholm – known for his distinct microtonal tuning system – contributing on alto saxophone, shruti box, analogue synthesizer, throat singing, and vocals from PJEV, a female a cappella vocal quintet from the Balkans, that preserves and cherishes traditional vocal music from Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
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PJEV, Kit Downes & Hayden Chisholm — Medna Roso (Red Hook)

Photo by Niclas Weber
Medna Roso by PJEV / Kit Downes / Hayden Chisholm
The pipe organ is one of music’s most spiritual sounds. It spans enormous range, from flute-into-piccolo trills at the high end to gut-swirling foghorn blasts at the low. If you grew up in a church that had one — I did — the pipe organ probably sounds the way you imagine god sounding: enveloping, all-forgiving, luminous and full of power. All of which is to say that it is a pretty important piece of Medna Roso, but not, rather surprisingly, not an all-consuming or overwhelming piece. This live performance brings together the surging power of pipe organ with haunted threads of saxophone and the buzzing, close harmonies and dissonances of a female a capella vocal quintet from Zagreb.
The disc presents a live performance in Cologne, Germany in 2021, which British jazz and classical keyboardist Kit Downes played the massive pipe organ at the Agneskirche, while New Zealand reedist Hayden Chisholm added saxophone, shruti box, analogue synthesizer and throat singing. PJEV — that is, a collective comprised of five women singers from the Balkans — joined in the haunting, minor-key songs of their region. This is a remarkable, stirring piece of work that works right into your bones.
The concert intersperses traditional songs from Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia sung in their original languages with freeform instrumental interludes. The songs put the very human sound of longing, remembering, mourning and celebrating at the forefront; the instrumental breaks suggest a large-scale spiritual and historical context. “Što si setna, nevesela,” a Serbian song from Štrpce village in Kosovo whose title means something like “Why are you unhappy?” begins with a single voice against a silvery vibration. The melody winds sinuously in and among notes, the Eastern influence prominent in the singer’s flickering, note-shifting lament. The group sings together afterwards in the Serbian song, “Oj djevojko, janje umiliato” (“Oh the little lamb,” roughly), largely in strong, brash unison, but with sudden clashing dissonances and shadowy harmonies. The primal way in which their voices challenge and support each other is extremely moving.
The interludes bring pipe organ and saxophone up to the front, the sax flitting meditatively against long surging tones of organ. In “Interlude III” Chisolm’s tones fade out as Downes erupts in roiling, obliterating chords, and then you hear the sax again in an almost human cry atop it. In “IV” breathy tones melt into lingering auras of organ sound. The music takes shape out of a boiling stew of potential.
There is likely much to learn about these spectral melodies — where they come from, what their history might be, how they differ from other songs from the next region over or a hundred miles away. The disc includes extensive notes and translated lyrics if you want to delve into the specifics. And yet, you could, equally, just sit and take in the music, which is strident and spiritual, awe-awakening and mysterious, all by itself.
Jennifer Kelly
#pjev#kit downes#hayden chisolm#medna roso#jennifer kelly#albumreview#dusted magazine#pipe organ#saxophone#choral music#balkans#agneskirche#cologne
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Sorry, i didn't mean to put your cats against each other 😿 I swear it was random!
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Apostamos a la reconfiguración del PJEV
Dip. Luis Vicente Aguilar Castillo, GLPT Veracruz POSICIONAMIENTO DEL DIPUTADO LUIS VICENTE AGUILAR CASTILLO INTEGRANTE DEL GRUPO PARLAMENTARIO DEL PARTIDO DEL TRABAJO Con su permiso diputada presidenta; Honorable asamblea, compañeras diputadas y diputados presentes; Público que sigue la transmisión y que nos acompaña de manera virtual; Medios de comunicación. A nombre del Partido de Trabajo,…
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Ma kakav vrapčji mozak!
Ma kakav vrapčji mozak! Istina je, ima nas vrlo mnogo. Naš je pjev neskladan i glasan. Tvrdite da vam proždiremo ljetinu. Čak nas ni naše skromno odijelo ne čini omiljenima. Pa ipak, vidjet ćete da je vrijedno truda pokloniti malo pozornosti drskoj vrabici. To vam obećavam. Mislite da na meni nećete naći ništa posebna? No slušajte, pa od vaše vrste ima vas isto tako mnogo kao i nas. I mislite…
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Ptice s trnom u grudima pokorava se nekom nepromjenjivom zakonu; on je tjera da se nabode na trn i umre pjevajući. U trenutku kad joj trn prodre u grudi, ona nije svjesna da joj donosi smrt; jednostavno pjeva i pjeva dok u njoj ima snage za posljednji pjev. Mi, međutim, kad zabijemo sebi trn u grudi, mi znamo. Razumijemo. A ipak to činimo. Ipak to činimo
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Marija Čudina: POVRATAK
POVRATAK . Vratila sam se da vidim lopove i dame nježnog hoda, da vidim mrtvačnice natovarene crninom. . Vratila sam se među uboge, da čujem pjev ptica, koje već tisuću godina mrtve čekaju u redu. . Vratila sam se iz vode, da podsjetim prijatelje, da je prošlo doba čednosti i mirnog zanosa u vrtu. . Da im kažem, da će biti prevareni, ako sami sebi ne iskopaju grob, ako sami sebe ne pokopaju u…

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PJEV extingue cinco Juzgados Municipales en Veracruz, ante baja carga laboral.
Esto, debido a que los asuntos de estos Juzgados han disminuido considerablemente, presentando una carga de trabajo menor a los 100 asuntos al año.
Les agradecemos su lectura y su poderosa "reacción". También nos ayudará mucho si lo comparten 📣📢📢📢 y siguen la página 👉🏽 Informativo Patria 👈🏽
📰 Lea toda la información completa aquí 👇 :
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Golden girl enjoying the golden hour
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Pjevs likes to pick up sticks on our walks
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Usamljeno strašilo,
Otjeralo gavrane,
Sa žitnih polja.
Pjev pijetla,
Probudi seljake.
Krckanje peći,
Najavi prokuhanu vodu,
I hanumu koja,
Kroz kuću raširi,
Miris bosanske kahve..
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my Merlin(named so because i had a daydream about a cat that looked just like him a few months before he was born), who peed in the human toilet, talked a lot and went on walks with me. check out the goetee and mustage.

Sorte Per(Black Pete), he was a very cliche tomcat.

and his brother Pjevs, meaning someone small and/or weak, which he wasn't physically, they were both BIG cats, but he was the mildest cat ever!

they were all cuddlepots and i miss them so much!
they all look like wonderful cats 💕
#ask and answer#cats#black with white#black tabby harlequin#white spotting tournament nominations#merlin#sorte per#pjevs
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Compromiso y calidad moral en el PJEV
Xalapa, Ver., 16 de julio de 2024.- El pasado viernes se efectuó un foro relativo a la Reforma del Poder Judicial. Pocos fueron los ciudadanos y abogados que tuvieron acceso al uso de la palabra. Sin embargo, muchos de los justiciables ausentes apoyan el proyecto de Reforma. Las canonjías hasta hoy disfrutadas por dicho Poder serán historia en cuanto la apruebe el Poder Legislativo y entre en…
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Bitne stvari života
besplatne su,
daju ti se badava.
Krilo tvoje majke.
Majka koja pjeva.
Sunce i prijateljstvo.
Mjesto za stolom.
I srdačni zagrljaj.
Svjetlo proljeća.
Osmijeh djeteta.
Pjev ptice.
Žubor potoka.
Morski valovi.
Dan i noć.
Mir i tišina.
Sedmi dan.
Život i umiranje.
Biti čovjek na zemlji.
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My cat's usual spot when he wants to be in my room... that is not often anymore. The other cat comes to my room even more often... oftener? Nevermind.
Between my legs he likes to lie. Does not go further up than the thigh.
Sorry, just wanted to make a rhyme. Please don't kill me.
#cats#sleepy cat#kitty cat#my kitty cat Pjevs#think the English translation for his name is Pitt#but i don't know#Pjevs is a Danish name#for pets#not people#I'm Danish
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🌼Proljeće stoljeća🌼
Svima nam teško pada ovo stanje,ali činjenica je da je zahvaljujući našoj sebičnosti i želji da sačuvamo živote,ova planeta dobila priliku da u proljeće odahne.
Primjećuješ li da pjev ptice dolazi do izražaja,da su visibabe ostale duže nego inače,a jorgovan poranio?
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