starays13 · 1 month
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Sotw entryyyy
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astrofhobia · 2 months
We found you
Based on its AU with an rpg style.
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Second on my list.
Second fanart for @starays13 With your Pixel Eclipse!
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neopronouns · 10 months
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flag id: two square flags made up of 4 squares, each one smaller than the rest and centered within the flag. the left flag's squares, from outer/biggest to inner/smallest, are pinkish-red, light grey, light yellow, white, and medium dark sky blue. the right flag's squares, from outer/biggest to inner/smallest, are indigo, light grey, very light blue, white, and faded orangish-red. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
emipixelboy | emipixelgirl
emipixelboy/solveripixelboy: having a loose or weak connection to pixelboyhood, but not actually being a pixelboy
emipixelgirl/solveripixelgirl: having a loose or weak connection to pixelgirlhood, but not actually being a pixelgirl
[pt: emipixelboy/solveripixelboy: having a loose or weak connection to pixelboyhood, but not actually being a pixelboy
emipixelgirl/solveripixelgirl: having a loose or weak connection to pixelgirlhood, but not actually being a pixelgirl. end pt]
anon asked for emipixelboy and i figured i'd coin a pixelgirl counterpart! these use colors from the emigender/solverigender flag and colors from and the format of the pixelboy/pixelgirl flags. i added warm colors to the emipixelboy flag and cool colors from the emipixelgirl flag to contrast the boy/girl 'pixels'.
tags: @radiomogai | dni link
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dream-sans-mogai · 1 year
Lazy flag combos pt.77
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Ft. Aloeian/nullic/x loving none with..
Trender × lesbian × alloaro
Stone butch × fair/folk × nyanbinary
Stone femme × pixelboy × questioning
No credit needed
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studiopixelboy · 2 years
PIXELBOY: DOUBLE +1 TROUBLE(s) STAGE 2 IS FINALLY OUT!!! (just a liiiiitle later than planned)
Read here: https://pixelboy.element-m.online/
Or here: https://studio-pixelboy.itch.io/pixelboy-double-plus-one-trouble-s
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linuxgamenews · 1 year
The Galaxy Rider a unique cosmic adventure to get a Linux build
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The Galaxy Rider space taxi game due to get a port for Linux with Windows PC. We have some exciting news directly from the developers at Pixelbois. Due to make its way onto Steam. Have you ever wished you could jump into the driver's seat of a spaceship? Fly between planets and pick up passengers like an interstellar space taxi driver? That's the core concept behind The Galaxy Rider. Created by the talented minds who brought you PalmRide, this venture takes you on a neon-lit journey across the cosmos.
Linux Support:
The Galaxy Rider will initially be released for Windows, but we plan to port it to Linux too. Either by launching both version at the same time, or launching the Linux version later on.
The game was crafted using Unity 2022 and has custom visuals, thanks to unique shaders. Due to evolving its way into a native port, either for release or just after. At its heart, The Galaxy Rider is an adrenaline pumping experience inspired by classics like "Crazy Taxi." But rather than working through city streets, here you're cruising the vastness of space, traveling between procedurally generated planets. Each of these planets has its unique landscapes, from vast oceans to distinct terrains. And what makes The Galaxy Rider truly exciting is the level of detail they've introduced. As you get closer, the detail on these celestial bodies increases. Due to offering a dynamic and deep feel. Now, you might think controlling a spaceship is complex, right? Pixelbois has put a lot of thought into The Galaxy Rider controls, ensuring it feels intuitive. Even if there's a bit of a learning curve at the start. What's unique is the addition of a gearbox to the ship. It might sound unusual, but it adds a layer of strategy to your space navigation. Your main task? Picking up passengers and ensuring they reach their destinations in a certain time. The Galaxy Rider is a race against the clock, adding a dash of action to each journey.
The Galaxy Rider - Early Trailer
The creators have more in store for The Galaxy Rider. In the future, you can expect a timer that will determine your play duration. You'll also have more diverse planets, complete with intricate biomes, stunning visual effects, and objects like asteroids. Oh, and the promise of intergalactic traffic? It's like the space version of rush-hour, adding another layer to test your piloting skills. And for those who like competition, The Galaxy Rider will have a daily ranking system. So you can see how you stack up against others. So, who's behind this stellar space taxi game? A dedicated trio of developers. One codes the magic, another brings the universe to life with 3D modeling, and the last, well, he's the genius behind the sound. But word has it, he's a jack of all trades, adding much more than just deep audio. Their previous project, "PalmRide," had a unique visual style, which was a hit among its audience. So, they've infused The Galaxy Rider with the same Synthwave aesthetic. Think neon colors, retro vibes, and a soundtrack that feels like an 80s sci-fi movie. The Galaxy Rider space taxi game promises an interstellar adventure like no other. It's not just about transporting passengers; it's about experiencing the thrill of space navigation and the beauty of the cosmos. Prepare for a ride of a lifetime on Linux and Windows PC. Also, be sure to Wishlist it on Steam.
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Here's a big list of male-related terms! 💙💚
I did my best to stick to terms that specifically mentioning boyhood or boy-alignment in their definitions, and to avoid terms with “boy” in the name that only mention masculinity. The distinction is important! Also, some of the definitions for these terms interchangeably use "boy" and "masc". It’s inevitable.
Boy (Can also be called man, guy, dude, lad, etc. Feel free to replace any instance of the word “boy” with one of these terms if it fits better!)
Trans boy
Nonbinary boy
Gendervir (and all related terms)
Voy (a gendervir person)
Vemme (a feminine gendervir person)
Vutch (a masculine gendervir person)
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sirellas · 7 days
janeway's commitment to her standards for a pixelboy hookup are really admirable. i mean "delete the wife" aside, she wasn't about to settle! trying to make him more ""provocative"" without spelling out her kinks to the computer OKAYYYY but the 3cm is necessary
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eldorr · 2 years
Genderamni + Sublabels
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Top Flag: Genderamni Bottom Row: Genderamnient (left), Genderamnil (middle), Genderamnik (right)
A gender apart of the genderfluid fragment system, where one isn’t a binary man or woman, and is exclusively (or nearly exclusively) fluid between genders that are feminine, unaligned, and xenine; however one experiences masculine genders under one, any combo, or all of these conditions:
Partly: One may only experience feminine genders or genders relating to masculinity in name, such as Antiboy, Offboy, Alteboy, Wildmasculine, Demiboy, Demiboyflux, Proxvir, Pixelboy, Nan0boy, Dawnian, etc. The femininity one experiences may feel “partly there”, under a demigender lens, genders that are either close-to-feminine, and/or genders one can only described as genders that are vaguely relating to femininity.
Combo: One may only experience feminine genders that are combined with another gender, such as being bigender/multigender, such as Eclipsian, Novarian, Pistolian, etc ( of any gender system terms that are a combination of feminine genders and something else), Xenoboy, Xenboy, Enboy, Xoy, etc.
Rarely: One simply very rarely experiences feminine genders to the point they may not feel completely relevant to one’s identity, however they still are there.
The masculine equivalent is Genderfluvi, and the non-xenine equivalent is Genderpyla. Can also be called Genderfysent or Genderslyphent.
A gender apart of the genderfluid fragment system, similar to Genderamni (where one is fluid between feminine, unaligned, xenine genders, never a binary man or woman, while experiencing masculine genders either rarely, conditionally, and/or partly)
The main different between Genderamni and Genderamnient is that with Genderamnient, one experiences feminine genders to a higher degree (or constantly) versus unalinged, xenine, and masculine genders.
Example of this could include:
Being demifluid where part of your gender is feminine, and the other part is fluid.
Being multigender where at least one of your genders is always feminine, while at least one is fluid.
The genders one is fluid between leans towards being more feminine than not.
Any of the above.
The masculine equivalent is Genderfluvite, and the non-xenine equivalent is Genderpylaent. Can also be called Genderfysentir or Genderslyphint.
A gender apart of the genderfluid fragment system, similar to Genderamni (where one is fluid between feminine, unaligned, xenine genders, never a binary man or woman, while experiencing masculine genders either rarely, conditionally, and/or partly)
The main different between Genderamni and Genderamnil is that with Genderamnil, one experiences unaligned genders to a higher degree (or constantly) versus masculine, xenine, and feminine genders.
Example of this could include:
Being demifluid where part of your gender is unaligned, and the other part is fluid.
Being multigender where at least one of your genders is always unaligned, while at least one is fluid.
The genders one is fluid between leans towards being more unaligned than not.
Any of the above.
The masculine equivalent is Genderfluvil, and the non-xenine equivalent is Genderpylaer. Can also be called Genderfysentet or Genderslyphentic.
A gender apart of the genderfluid fragment system, similar to Genderamni (where one is fluid between feminine, unaligned, xenine genders, never a binary man or woman, while experiencing masculine genders either rarely, conditionally, and/or partly)
The main different between Genderamni and Genderamnik is that with Genderamnik, one experiences xenine genders to a higher degree (or constantly) versus masculine, unaligned, and feminine genders.
Example of this could include:
Being demifluid where part of your gender is xenine, and the other part is fluid.
Being multigender where at least one of your genders is always xenine, while at least one is fluid.
The genders one is fluid between leans towards being more xenine than not.
Any of the above.
The masculine equivalent is Genderfluvik. Can also be called Genderfysentix or Genderslyphentit.
Genderamni, Genderamnient, Genderamnil were originally posted September 11th, 2022. Genderamnik was originally posted September 12th, 2022. These terms were all originally on separate posts with their masculine equivalents.
I’m gonna add this onto every post but these definitions are based on the definitions of the other GFFS terms on the LGBTA wiki, so “unaligned” here actually includes abinary, atrinary, etc. genders that aren’t xenine. Basically any gendered feeling that isn’t masculine, feminine, or xenine. (Which also doesn’t include Agender, or other genders that describe lack of gender.)
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Underneath the keep reading is segments about how I named the terms and how I went about making the flags. The info isn't too important to the definitions or anything and would've made this post super long, so I've just put them below.
Genderamni being based off of a latin word for stream, not for any particular reason, just a vague relation to water being fluid. Genderfysent is based off of the terms Genderflor, Genderslyphen, and Genderslyphet. Genderslyphent is based off of the terms Genderslyphen and Genderslyphet.
The Genderamni flag being based off of a combination of the Genderslyphen & Genderslyphet flags, then color shifted and adjusted to look more unique.
Genderamnient being based off of a latin word for stream, not for any particular reason, just a vague relation to water being fluid, plus the addition of “ent” to separate the term from Genderamni. Genderfysentir is based off of the terms Genderflor, Genderslyphen, Genderslyphet, and Genderflir. Genderslyphint is based off of the terms Genderslyphen, Genderslyphet, and Genderflir.
The Genderamnient flag being based off of a combination of the Genderslyphen, Genderslypher, and Genderflir flags, then color shifted and adjusted to look more unique.
Genderamnil being based off of a latin word for stream, not for any particular reason, just a vague relation to water being fluid, plus the addition of “l” to separate the term from Genderfluvi. Genderfysentet is based off of the terms Genderflor, Genderslyphen, Genderslyphet, and Genderflicket. Genderslyphentic is based off of the terms Genderslyphen, Genderslyphet, and Genderflicket.
The Genderfluvite flag being based off of a combination of the Genderslyphen, Genderslyphet, and Genderflicket flags, then color shifted and adjusted to look more unique.
The combinations relating to Genderfricket aren’t for any specific reasons, I just needed a third term/flag to combine these with to produce a different flag from Genderflicket, so I simply chose one of the terms relating to being more feminine & unaligned.
Genderamnik being based off of a latin word for stream, not for any particular reason, just a vague relation to water being fluid, plus the addition of “k” to separate the term from Genderfluvi. Genderfysentix is based off of the terms Genderflor, Genderslyphen, Genderslyphet, and Genderxirn. Genderslyphentit is based off of the terms Genderslyphen & Genderslyphet, with the addition of “it”.
The Genderfluvik flag being based off of a combination of the Genderslyphen, Genderslyphet, and Genderxirn flags, then color shifted and adjusted to look more unique.
The combinations relating to Genderxirn aren’t for any specific reasons, I just needed a third term/flag to combine these with to produce a different flag from Genderxirn, so I simply chose one of the terms relating to being more xenic.
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multigenderswag · 1 year
Is it possible to have a duplicated gender of one specific/certain gender? While I feel I'm a man, in a parallel way I feel I'm polypixelgender (many pixelgenders) with that including pixelman/pixelboy. It's like hypergender (if I interpreted it right), I have a full manhood with an extra little bit of manhood. But they are the same type of maingender/miaspec gender (I don't mind labeling it mingender/male gender too).
Beyond my experience. There can be someone with multiple male genders with no other form of gender, right?
I don't think I've heard of that, and I don't fully understand, but my lack of understanding doesn't mean your experiences aren't real. If you feel that way, then it must be possible to feel that way.
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starays13 · 2 months
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Why is he so scared/shocked?
That is completely up to your imagination
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howldean · 2 years
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hi pixelboy
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genderstarbucks · 10 months
whats called when ur fluid between semiboy and pixelboy but not magiboy? would that be just boyflux?
It could be boyflux or boyfluid, but if you'd like a more specific term I could coin one!
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joey-jerbil · 2 years
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Made all my OC‘s as pixelbois :3
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studiopixelboy · 6 months
Hello. We have an update regarding the "PixelBoy" comic. Not the one we wish we could share, sadly, but still something.
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linuxgamenews · 2 years
PalmRide fast-paced driving comes to Steam Deck
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PalmRide retro driving game hits Linux, Steam Deck, with Windows PC. Thanks to the commitment and dedication of developer Pixelbois. Which is available now with a big discount on Steam. The Synthwave retro driving game PalmRide now works on the Steam Deck natively through Steam. While offering a true Linux experience for the excellent racing game. Along with 94% Very Positive reviews on Steam. PalmRide is a retro-futuristic fast-paced driving game. One that is also inspired by classic games like Out Run, or Rad Racer. While offering players a modern Synthwave/ Outrun with flashy aesthetics. The game is about driving. Really, you have to drive A LOT in this game. So keep your wits about you. Then let the synthwave beats guide you into a journey through the night.
PalmRide Official Trailer
In PalmRide, you don’t have to drive alone. There is also a game mode (RAD GUY) where you have to get the best score. See how other players played, while you try to get a better score. The leaderboard resets daily, so you always have a chance to be the best. There is a vast game world to explore. Since each PalmRide game zone has its unique mechanics and visuals. You will encounter cities, mountains and beaches on your way. Avoid arcade machine robots, reckless drivers, and also the police. Then casually jump over the ocean.
Endless procedurally generated map
Vibrant and alive PalmRide city
Roads that go through mountains
Places where you have to jump over the ocean
Road rendering using classic road rendering techniques
Extra lives, bullets, nitro, flight bonuses
Synthwave background music
Ability to import your own music into PalmRide
Ability to shoot pretty much everything
Tunnels that trigger your photosensitive epilepsy
Online global ranking system
PalmRide retro driving game is available on Linux and Steam Deck with Windows PC. Which is also available with a 50% discount, dropping the price at $1.99 USD / £1.44 / 1,64€ on Steam.
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