#pirvate hospital
cookiescr · 10 months
Yknow what fucking sucks is that i was planning on saving some money for a vacation with my family to celebrate when my uncle gets back from the hospital
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neofrack · 6 years
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The Aftermath
“From that day, He’s never been the same again” Chief bogo said
Judy was speechless.  She’s was carried away and shocked by Nick past. She never though the reason Nick don’t want to have a partner would be so sad and frightening.
“I thought when he decided to stay In the force he’s already move on, but everytime I partnered him with somebody else, he would left them, and goes alone” He continued
“I’ve warned him many times, but he just wouldn’t listen. The weird thing is, he always succeed in taking down a crime, I had to promoted him because all of his doing, but the longer he’s working like that, the more reckless he get” The chief finally finished.
“Hopps, i’m telling you this not to feel sorry for him, but for you not to fall to the same hole as he did and if possible changing him”
Judy don’t know what to say to that statement. Her shocked and scared feelings slowly changed to guilt. She finally realize why Nick is willing to be captured and tortured just for a bunny. And the chief is handing her to Nick hoping that she somehow will change Nick. She feels she’s not good enough to change someone personality. All of this is happening so fast, that she doesn’t know what to do.
“Chief, i….”
Chief bogo read judy face and immediately understood
“I understand if this put a pressure on you, I’m not forcing you or anything, but just think what I just said, okay”
“Yes sir”
“good, now patched your cheek and rest, I need your full report on paper as soon as possible !”
  Nick felt cold. He can’t see anything except the darkness. Then, he suddenly back outside the store, looking at Wolfe. He tried to reach him but every time he steps forward the more far Wolfe is. Then he sees the tiger, coming out of the store, carrying a machete, Nick watched as the tiger started to butcher his partner. He tried to shout, but his voice don’t come out at all. Nick closes his eyes, hoping it would go away, but when he opened them the tiger still there, only this time, it’s not Wolfe that is in front of him, It’s Judy. Nick terrified looking at that sight and immediately run to her, only to find his feet can’t move. He looked at his feet and found Wolfe covered in blood holding him.
“You left me to die” said Wolfe as he pulled nick to the ground
Nick struggle to get off but he feel powerless. Nick was about to give up when a light shining from above.
“Sir... Don’t …. Up”
He feels like the light is getting brighter as the sound is getting clearer.
“Sir….. Stay….me”
“Nick don’t die !”
Nick feels a water drop in his face. He slowly opened his eyes and sees Judy crying.
“Oh thank god” said judy
“Hopps ? what happened ?” Nick asked
“You were dead a moment before”
Nick starting to remembering what happened before.
“You’ve made it Judy” Nick said with a smile.
Judy shocked and angry when she sees that.
“How can you worried about someone else, when you almost died you stupid fox!” cries Judy
Nick doesn’t answer that question as he realize that he has become attached to Judy. He can’t afford to lose another person in his life.
This is why I work alone, you damn buffalo, Nick cursed in his thought.
“Ms hopps, I need to check Nick condition, would you please stand aside for a moment ?” The doctor in Nick rights speaks
“Oh, of course” Said Judy while drying her tears.
After assuring that Nick condition were stable, the doctor left the room, leaving an akward silent between Nick and Judy before Nick decided to break it.
“So what happened after I passed out ?”  
“I ran outside and search for help, luckily grizzoly was patrolling not far from there, and you probably can guess the rest”
Heh, I guess my luck hasn’t run out, Nick chukled
“Is there something funny I said sir ?” Judy wondered
“No, it’s nothing” Nick said while smiling a little.
This is the second time Judy seen him smiling.
“how long I’ve been asleep ?”
“Two days”
“Huh, that long huh…”
Noticing his behavior, Judy is like talking to an entirely different person, then she remember what the chief has said to her.
Maybe I can change him, Judy thought. She decided to bring up the most sensitive topic for Nick.
“Sir, I heard about Wolfe from the Chief”
Nick eyes widened a moment before going to his usual calmness. His smile has vanished from his face.
“That damn blabered mouth” Nick cursed
“Sir, I know that you have going through a terrible experience, but that doesn’t mean you can go around and taking crime all by yourself“
“What do you know about me ?! you’re just working with me for a month,hearing my sad story doesn’t mean you understand what I feel”
Judy want to argue, but the sudden opening of the door cut her words. Chief bogo walk in to the room with “definitely not happy” expression. This time, Nick is the one who greets him.
“What good is it to her if you tell my past ? all these years, not a single mammals you told, and now you decided to tell…..”  
“Wilde !” Chief bogo cut him mid-sentenced.
Nick became silent when he notices a change of tone from the chief.
“going to someplace without permission, leaving a crime scene, if I were you, I better start explaining myself, cause you’re in big trouble Wilde”
A sweat has appeared on Nick face as he started to get nervous. There’s times bogo is using a certain tone when he’s really angry. It was so rare that only a few people know that. This time the chief was using it.
Nick started to tell the chief  everything from the beginning.
“What exactly did you found back there ?” the chief asked
“The warehouse was used to make chemicals, but it turns out they making an dangerous drug, I’m guessing it’s our new drug, have you found them yet ?” Nick asked
“Oh, we found it allright, what we don’t find is your goddamned reckless ass back there !”
“Yeah, i’m a little busy at the moment before, 5 years ago it was closed down, if you can remember”
Chief Nodded as he remembered the closing down by him.
“But, it turns out the developing of the drug is never stopped, and they have perfected it right now, I read an Unknown email on one of the computers in the warehouse, it said there was a customer who want it in a large amount, and they’re meeting three weeks after the email was send, on the customer pirvate property, that’s all I know”
“When was the email was send ?”
“About a week ago when I found it”
“That leaves us 12 days”
Chief bogo seems to think for a few seconds, then he looked at Nick.
“good job Wilde, but this doesn’t mean you’re free from concequences, for starter, Rest ! I forbid you to step foot in the precint until further notice”
Nick knows that this will come eventually and he really didn’t have a choice this time.
“You too hopps !” said the chief as he exited the room.
“Yes sir” Judy answered
After the chief left, the room filled with an awkward silence. Judy then decided to just leave him alone.
“So I guess, take care then sir”
“hopps, wait” Nick called
Judy stopped and turn around.
“I’m sorry for before, as much as I’m angry right now, you still saved me , and I’m glad you’re okay, Thank you, Judy” he thanked
Judy felt happiness when she hears that.
“No problem sir, glad to help” she said before exiting the room.
The apology and thanks from Nick has cheer her up. On her way home, she noticed that is probably the second time Nick has ever said Her first name after that warehouse. I can change Him ! , Judy thought as she walking down the road with a smile on her face.
  “Morning Sir” Judy greeted the fox
“Hopps, I told you to leave me alone” Nick protest
I’ts been 5 days since Nick awoke, and every morning, Judy Would come to the hospital to visit Nick, even though Nick is clearly not enjoying it and want her gone. Her intention is not just to visit Nick of course but also to help him. She smiled as she pulled out her secret weapon.
“Blueberries ?” Judy offered
Nick looked at the basket Judy carried, full of blueberries. He usually ignored or reject Judy gift for him, but this time, Nick doesn’t sure if he can.
Why it must be Blueberries, Nick thought as he looked at his favorite food. Nick tried all his best not to accept it, but after a few days eating hospital food, he can’t stand it anymore. He take a few and goes to eat it.  Judy smiled grew wider when she sees Nick eating the blueberries.
“It’s still fresh from my family farm” Said judy holding her excitement as she finally able to gift something to him.
Of all the blueberries he tried in Zootopia, this is the most delicious Nick ever taste in his life. He then take a few more and eat it.
“Ok, im just gonna put it here” Said judy while putting the basket in a table next to Nick’s bed.
“Thank you” Nick thanked
“You’re welcome, so when can you leave the hospital ?”
“The doctor said I can leave tomorrow”
“That’s great ! I’m happy for you sir” said Judy.
Even though what she said was true, she was a little sad about it. These 5 days, she was able to approach Nick without him pulling away is because he still have to lying in the hospital bed, but tomorrow she’s not sure if Nick would even answer her phone call.  
On the other hand, Nick is feeling what he’s not have feel a long time ago, warmthness. She hates to admit it, but Judy being around is actually enjoyable for him. He feels he owed her all of her help and decided to pay it off.
“What is it sir ?”
“Tommorow after I got out, want to grab a cup of coffee with me ? my treat”
Judy surprised when she hears that. She’s never though that Nick would go as far as offering her to grab a cup of coffee with him.
“Of course !” Judy answered happily
“Great, I call you when I got out” Nick said before eating more blueberries while secretly hoping that this was not a mistake.
  This WAS a mistake
Nick is sitting in one of the seats on Central café. The fox is wearing his green hawaiaan T-Shirt that he only wear when he’s on a casual occasion, and he clearly hasn’t been wearing it for a long time. He’s been waiting for Judy to come for almost 15 minutes now, and in that 15 minutes he slowly regretting his decision.  
What am I thinking ? hanging out with some mammal? That’s not like you at all, Nick thought. Just when he’s thinking about leaving, Judy came in from the front door.
There goes my chance to leave, Nick sighed. When she sees him, she’s smiling and waving at him.
“Sorry I’m late sir, my neighbor seems to have a problem and I got to help them”
“it’s okay, I only been here for a few minutes, coffee ?” Nick offered
“Sure” Judy takes it
Judy looked at the fox. This is the first time she sees Nick in a different clothes other than his Uniform. Both of them stays silent making the awkward silence began. Nick has been a loner from a long time that he forgot how to do a casual conversation, while Judy is known in bunnyburrow for her Interactive nature when she meets mammals, but even in situation she can’t do much, because not only Nick is a fox, but also her superior. Fortunately Judy decided to talk.
“So, how are you feeling sir ?”
“I’m fine” he paused for a second then continue
“call me Nick if we’re outside of work”
“Okay, Nick, where did you come from before coming to Zootopia ?”
“I grew up here, in happy town”
Judy nodded when she hears that.
“Pardon me to ask you this Nick, but this has been in my mind since I started working with you, how long have you been in the force?”
“11 years”
Judy eyes Widened when she hears that.
“Really ? that long ?”
“why would I lie to you hopps?”
“I know, I’m just….. surprised”
Nick wondered what part of working 11 years surprised her, even bogo is longer in the force than he is. Speaking of wondering, Nick intended not to be the one who just answered.
“How about you Judy ?where did you come from?”
“I’m from bunny burrow ! you should visit sometimes”
Nick smiled a little as he slowly get the hang of this hangout and decided to ask more.
“What about your reason ? what makes you want to be a police officer?
“Well, it’s my dream since I was little ! nobody would believe a small bunny will be a police officer, but here I am, proving them wrong” she smiled
Nick smiled even wider when he realize they’re so much alike, well the old him. Nick smile slowly fading as he remembering those happy moment back then. This is what Nick been avoiding for 10 years. Making a bond with other mammals only to lose them in the end. Nick doesn’t want it to happen again.
“Nick you okay ?” Judy noticed his change of expression
“I’m sorry Judy, I need to leave” Nick said as he go straight to the front door, but something stops him midway and turned around.
“it was Nice to hangout like this Judy, maybe we can do it again sometimes” he said with a sad expression before he continue to walk leaving Judy alone in her table wondering if there’s anything she said hurt his feeling.
 I planned to have a 6 chapter only, but i kind of overdoing this chapter and it will be too long if i post in tumblr, so i divided it to 3 more chapter, but it means i have to draw more cover  :*
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