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I'm clowning so hard about Lokius, lmao.
The fact that OFMD is out first to potentially out-gay the Loki Series is foremost in my mind.
And to be real, OFMD totally will. We all know it. 😉
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casmick-consequences · 3 years ago
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i just think pete deserves multiple bitches too
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rosewoodphotography · 4 years ago
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The bad ass Honey Seraphina @honey_seraphina from our recent pirate sessions! Muah and photo @rosewoodphotography special effects makeup by @shawnmorsefx !! Find more in the upcoming Halloween edition of @retrolovelymagazine !! #retrolovely #rosewoodphotography #thepinkhairedphotographer #pirate #piratebabe #pirates #piratephotoshoot #shawnmorsefx #studiophotography #pirateship #wench #badassbabe (at Rosewood Photography) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGdGq9pgCl3/?igshid=qgyq6p5d8wkz
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stitchybutton · 3 years ago
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Black Pete and Lucius! Made by The Stitchy Button on etsy, home of collectible character bunnies and dolls, dragons, unicorns, merbunnies, and much more! Get coupon codes and monthly mailbags by joining my Patreon
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megalibrarygirl · 3 years ago
Boys on deck!
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lesbianlucius · 3 years ago
Shipping lucpete/piratebabes isn’t enough I need to drink them in a smoothie
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everybodyilovedies · 3 years ago
Fic: H is for Handies
H is for Handies, by Amuly. 20k words, NC-17, Pete/Lucius OFMD
At just before dusk was when the light was magical for sketching. Or, so said Lucius. Pete sat with his head against Lucius’ shoulder, watching the sun set over the ocean. He wasn’t sure what all this magic lighting was that Lucius was talking about, but it sure was pretty. Didn’t understand how all the colors translated to making good sketching subjects, especially when Lucius was sketching in black and white, but Lucius was the artist. Lucius’ shoulder moved beneath Pete’s head as he worked, sketching but also writing too. Labeling, looked like: sketching the dish Roach had made tonight, and writing stuff with lines pointing to various items on the page.
“Whatchya doing?” Pete asked. He was careful not to nudge Lucius, since he didn’t want to mess up his work.
Without interrupting the scratch scratch scratch of his quill, Lucius replied: “Writing down the meal Roach cooked for us tonight.”
“I could tell that,” Pete pointed out.
“It’s the recipe,” Lucius explained. He moved his shoulder gently under Pete’s cheek. “You liked it so much, I figure I’d try and remember it, for future reference.”
Pete thought about that for a second. It never occurred to him to write down things he needed to remember, mostly because he couldn’t read or write. He just repeated things in his head until he remembered them (or forgot them). Sometimes he came up with little rhymes or tricks to remember really important stuff. Like, Lucius’ birthday was December thirtieth, which Pete remembered because it was one day short of New Year’s Eve, because with Lucius you needed a whole extra day to celebrate. Or, red sky at night, sailor’s delight, red sky in morning, sailor take warning, which was about storms coming in from the east. Or, for the directions, North East South West, he remembered because it was Never Eat Sour Watermelon. Which was kind of funny because he kind of liked sour watermelon, but anyway, it helped him remember his directions.
But Lucius: Lucius could just write it all down. He didn’t have to keep it all in his head. Of course, he had to keep all those letters and words in his head, so he could read them, but apparently that was easier than keeping everything else in his head. Less stuff to remember, somehow?
Pete blinked out of his reverie. Lucius hadn’t stopped scribbling, but his attention was split now. Pete shook his head.
“Thanks. That’s nice.”
“Something on your mind?”
“Just, writing.” When Lucius hummed but said nothing, Pete figured he was waiting for him to say more. So he tried to articulate himself better, like Lucius was always encouraging him to: “How handy it is. Like, for remembering stuff.”
“You thinking about learning?” Lucius said, real casual-like.
And Pete knew he was being casual because he didn’t want to hurt Pete’s feelings. Make Pete feel inadequate, or stupid, just because he couldn’t read. Most the guys on the ship couldn’t read—hell, Pete was pretty sure Blackbeard couldn’t read. Didn’t need to: too busy being a total badass.
But, maybe it’d be nice, sometime.
And it was something to do with Lucius. A project they could work on together.
“Maybe…” Pete drawled. He nudged his shoulder into Lucius’. “But only if I get to bang the teacher. I kinda got a crush on him.”
Lucius beamed, turning away from his scribbling at last.
“You really want to learn? Or is this just like a roleplaying thing; like, you wanna sneak off somewhere and I tell you what a naughty schoolboy you are, and punish you for your sloppy lettering?”
“Why’s my lettering going to be sloppy?!” Pete complained. “Maybe I’m your star student and you want to reward me properly.”
Lucius snorted. “Uhhhh sure, babe. You’re number one in the class. …out of one.”
“Anyway, maybe I really want to learn?” Pete scratched his eyebrow. “I mean, give it a try, at least. If it sucks I can just quit. I got you for reading anything I need, after all.”
Lucius still seemed skeptical, or maybe hesitant. Pete realized he might be asking for something Lucius didn’t want to do at all. Teaching Pete to read was probably going to be tortuous, after all: maybe Lucius would rather not.
“You don’t gotta!” Pete rushed on, once the thought occurred to him. “I mean, it might not be any fun for you. Teaching me letters and junk.”
“No, no! That’s not it at all. I just… it could be hard work. Do you know any letters?”
Pete shook his head. “I mean, I know how to make an ‘X’?”
Lucius sucked at his teeth. Pete winced.
“Hey, no, forget about it. It was a stupid idea, anyway. You’re the reader, I don’t gotta be one, too. That’s just redundant, after all. Inefficient.”
But Lucius smiled at him and leaned in to give him a sweet little peck on his cheek.
“Hush, you silly man. Of course I’ll teach you. If you really want to.”
Pete shrugged. “Hey, if I end up wanting to chuck inkwells at your head, we’ll just quit and fuck off somewhere to bone.”
“Sounds like a win-win.” Lucius tapped his wooden finger against his lips, legs crossed and kicking as he thought. “You know, that gives me an idea on how to make this fun.”
Pete wiggled a little in excitement. Well, that had to bode well for his reading lessons.
(Continuing reading on AO3!)
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cosplay-tutorials · 6 years ago
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This chest is so heavy. With treasure! 💎💰💰 . . From Instagram
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megalibrarygirl · 3 years ago
It's so beautiful and genuine!
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Our Flag Means Death: Lucius and Black Pete + smiles
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casmick-consequences · 3 years ago
someone: are u ok?
me, internally: so uh listen i i thought i was gonna lose you oh yeah well you nearly did cause i had a really bad infection so exactly so uhm death you know i'm used to death but um but not um your death so anyway i uh made this for you it looks like a thumb but it's a finger i whittled it it's it's dumb you don't have to wear it *smooch* i love it and i didnt know you whittled there's a lot you don't know about me actually that's kind of it
me: yea, i'm good
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rosewoodphotography · 4 years ago
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Aye matey! Loving these pirate photos from our recent pirate set!! Cerenity killed this look! Hair, makeup and photo by me, special effects makeup by @shawnmorsefx ! #piratebabe #pirates #pirate #talklikeapirateday #rosewoodphotography #thepinkhairedphotographer #shawnmorsefx #sexypirate #cosplay #cosplayphotography #cosplayphotoshoot #cosplayphotographer #creativephotoshoot #thepiratesarecoming (at Rosewood Photography) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFVr19BgnDf/?igshid=1mrcc6hvk3x27
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megalibrarygirl · 3 years ago
I need more of them, too! If they don't have a cute arc in S2.... 😭😭😭
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A story of Love.
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shopnudetique · 2 years ago
Just another pirate looking for booty 🏴‍☠️ . Search: 6PC PIRATE QUEEN COSTUME . Tap the link in our bio for 15% off + free shipping . #costume #halloweencostume #pirate #piratecostume #piratecosplay #sexypirate #costumefun #sexycostume #jacksparrow #piratebabe #piratebooty #halloween2022 #cosplay #cosgirl #nudetique #letsgetnude #costumewear
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megalibrarygirl · 3 years ago
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Pete and Lucius lounging in the Captain's room!
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everybodyilovedies · 3 years ago
Fic: Oh Daddy (We’re All Full of Lies)
Oh Daddy (We’re All Full of Lies) by Amuly. Pete/Lucius, OFMD, 11k, NC-17
Lucius stumbled daintily as he let Pete push him against the galley door, then against the counter. Pete wasn’t really a big guy—shorter than Lucius, and probably weighed less than him by at least a couple stone—but Lucius figured he liked to feel big. What other reason would he have for telling all those stories about himself being the Dread Black Pete, Blackbeard’s right-hand man? Guy had short-man syndrome if Lucius had ever seen it. Which was fine: Pete hadn’t bullied Lucius, or put him down to make himself seem bigger. In fact, the only person Pete had ever really put down was Captain, and that had always been for perfectly understandable reasons, like Captain’s utter lack of experience and definite tendency towards choices that would get them all killed. 
No, Lucius had a rule against bullies. But Pete wasn’t a bully; more like a little dog that liked to stand on a barrel so he felt tall. It was almost cute, once he started really listening to Pete’s stories and realized they were kind of… sweet, underneath all the blood and maiming. 
Pete shoved his hand down Lucius’ trousers and Lucius inhaled sharply, even as Pete sucked on his lower lip. Right, too much inner monologuing. Focus on the snogging, and the handjobs. Often a delight, and, oh yes: Pete spit into his hand before returning it down Lucius’ trousers, smearing the spit against the head of his dick. Ah, yes, that was much better. Alright then. 
Lucius let Pete grab a handful of his arse and lift him (mostly unsuccessfully) onto the galley counter. Yup, there it was: short-man syndrome. Just like Lucius had been inner-monologuing about. Well, as he had been thinking: Lucius knew how to deal with a man like that. Give him what he wanted, even if Lucius wasn’t exactly a twink (anymore). 
“Oh, yeah, Daddy,” Lucius moaned into Pete’s mouth. He humped against Pete’s hand a few times, jerking his hips kind of desperate about it. Luckily Pete actually was jerking him good—nice and wet, and rubbing his thumb over the head like Lucius liked—so he wasn’t even really faking much. Just, redirecting. Sublimating. 
Seemed to work a charm, because Pete gasped, spots of color high on his cheeks. “You like that?” he whispered, eyes darting across Lucius’ face. 
“Love it,” Lucius moaned, and again, it wasn’t a lie. Just maybe breathier than he would naturally, pitched a little higher. He peered… okay, he had to duck his head first, but then, he peered up at Pete from beneath his lashes. “More?”
Pete’s mouth crashed against his, Lucius laughing into the kiss as Pete manhandled him against the back wall of the galley. A loud grunt had Lucius lifting his head, even as Pete buried his face in Lucius neck, attacking the skin beneath his neckerchief. Lucius realized something they’d missed, stumbling into the galley in each other’s arms: Wee John, napping in the corner. Their eyes met and Wee John folded his arms over his chest. 
“Keep it down, wouldya?” he grumbled, eyes already back closed. 
“No promises,” Lucius told him, as Pete shot a “fuck off!” over his shoulder. He paused just long enough to lick his hand again and return it to Lucius trousers.
(Keep reading on AO3)
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megalibrarygirl · 3 years ago
They're so lovely! 😍
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And, uh, death, you know, I’m used to death. But, um, but not to your death.
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