#pirate gojo
chosos-mascara · 4 months
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with me
𝙨𝙖𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙪 𝙜𝙤𝙟𝙤 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 - as you find yourself awake at night, you wonder if it's time to confess to captain gojo. (pirate au)
𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 - kissing
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The wood creaks among the gentle sounds of the sea. 
What was usually a comforting lull to soothe you to slumber kept you awake tonight. The ship's rocks were something you'd grown accustomed to over the past several months; groans of cedar and oak paired with the calm ripples in the night's water were all much louder once your crew were tucked into their quarters. During the early hours of the morning you know a few of them may still be awake - though you find yourself hoping for one's presence over others.
Captain Gojo. At first you had begrudged that name, but now it felt just as natural as your own. You were so sure you'd hated him too, yet with passing time it was fairly obvious you felt only endearment toward him. You didn't know when this switch had occurred - only that his features felt so much softer now. Silky white hair that had been left to grow a little too long seems to frame his face so well, those frightening blue eyes easing your worries through sight alone. 
You were from another vessel. A raid had resulted in yourself migrating to the Kaisen as a bargaining chip - Sukuna hadn't cared for you all too well. It took only a few days to win over the newest member, Yuuji, and a few weeks for the others to come around. Once you'd displayed a lack of loyalty to your previous crew, an unwanted career choice as Sukuna had taken you from your home, Gojo and the others promised to return you to your native country. You neared it now, yet with every mile closer you couldn't find it within yourself to want to leave. You enjoy life exceedingly more with Gojo as a part of it. 
You need to speak with him. A sleepless night wouldn't do you good, nor would bottling up your feelings any longer than you already have. 
Slow footsteps from mid-deck to the top allowed you the warm embrace of solace, a small flame guiding your anxious mind. You stood outside of his door on the top deck, sea breeze chilling you through the thin fabric draped over your shoulders, covering the nightie you'd adopted from Nobara on one of your first nights aboard.
Fist hovering over the door, you knock once, and then twice. 
Silence follows as you await some form of response; your stomach twists. Tonight wouldn't be the night you confess, and as you stare at the wood planks beneath your toes, you wonder if any night would be. You were likely less than a week from your destination, and once arrived, you would part ways with the friends you'd made.
Your foot drags backward, and then the other as you turn to leave. Only, as you glance toward the door in one final look of regret, you watch as it opens slightly, pale fingers wrapped around oak. Gojo's face emerges in the darkness, and after only one look at your sheepish expression, he opens the door wider. 
Slipping past him and into his room makes you feel like two teenagers sneaking around, yet you continue on, his tall frame towering over your apprehensive one. 
It wasn't often you would see the captain's quarters, in fact you were sure you could count the times you'd peered in on one hand - let alone stepped foot within them. As you stood within his room, watching as he pushed the door closed, you felt as if you were intruding on an intimate part of his life.
His bed is raised and sturdy, the pillow creased within the middle, a blanket messily slued to one side. You assume he would've pushed it off of himself to answer the door, previously laying awake much like you had been. There's a table on your left drowned in papers, various types of scrawling and writing upon them. You inch closer as you succumb to curiosity, forgetting you were intruding on his life.
Propped against the wall, there's a canvas, a painting of himself and a male of the same age, dark hair tied messily back into a bun. They're both smiling widely, Gojo's arm is loosely over his shoulder. That was something you weren't sure you'd seen much of - his genuine smile.
"That's my best friend." You're startled as Gojo's voice is suddenly closely behind you, his presence lingering within arm's length. He's staring at the drawing with dulcet eyes, a downturn to his lips. "Where is he now?" The question is asked with some reluctance as you sense an offish aura about him. Gojo adjusts his weight from one foot to the other, crossing his arms. "I killed him."
Your eyes widen, and he laughs breathily, his shamed expression facing floorboard. He doesn't wait for an interrogation, simply offering you context before your mind would spiral. 
"He tried to kill one of our crew members, injured others too. I had no choice."
Your hand reaches to him in the name of comfort, though stalls as you're only an inch away. "I'm sorry." Gojo glances down to your retreating hand. "Don't be."
"Why did you come here?" Moments had passed in awkward air as you shifted uncomfortably on the spot, mouth opening, and closing. Now hadn't felt to be a good time, the air staled with his open heart. "I couldn't sleep, thought maybe you couldn't either." A half lie, you had expected him to be awake too, for some reason. "I was drifting in and out." Gojo paces past you and to the bench, throwing himself into the seat and leaning back against the desk. His elbows meet table top, and he leans back with eyes closed.
"We're almost to your home-town, now." There felt to be bitterness on his tongue as he'd made his statement. "Are you excited?" "I-" You pause. "Yeah." Although the response had been what he'd been expected to hear, your drab tone hadn't been. Gojo opens his eyes at this, watching you through half closed lids.
You step toward him slowly, and he remains still. Despite himself seated, his face is almost level to yours. You place a hand to his cheek with reluctance, and finally allow yourself to express how you feel.
Your lips meet his slowly, and at first, he doesn't reciprocate your kiss. But as you linger on him, eyes squeezing to push back tears, his hand finds it's way to the back of your neck, and you're locked into place. The pair of you spend a few moments of sereneness against the other, his mouth opening slightly upon your lips to allow tongue to slip past. It drags over yours, and you respond in kind with a flick, meeting within your connected lips.
Gojo breaks the kiss sooner than you would have liked, leaving your lips victim to the cold air.  His eyes are locked onto yours, but you can't bare to meet them, dropping to his chest. A white loose tunic, the strings at the breastbone open to leave the 'v' revealing bare skin, balloon sleeves meeting wrist. To match had been black cotton trousers you'd assumed to be stolen - or at least purchased through stolen gold. He hadn't worn anything at his feet, bare much like yours had been against varnished wood.
"Do you want to leave?" Gojo's question is abrupt, and it pulls you from your thoughts. You gaze up to his face now, but his expression is indistinct. His hand drops from it's place at your neck, nestling instead into the small of your back. "Now, here?" The confusion slips from your mouth with a crackle as your throat is dry, your breaths still uneven. His lips are straight, his stare quiet. "The Kaisen. Us."
Your furrowed brow lifts and your face softens. "No, I don't."
"Don't, then." His fingers swirl over your back, the nightie a thin barrier between your skin and his. "Stay with us, with me." Gojo's voice is hushed as he swallows what pride he thought himself to have as he opened his soul to you. You smile freely, hands enveloping his cheeks once again to place a kiss over his lips once again - this time small, and sweet.
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hyotoruu · 4 days
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pirate gojo save me inspo
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mindmotives01 · 2 months
Falling down is an accident, staying down is a choice.
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sixeyescurseuser · 5 months
Thinking about Gojo who is a prince known for running away for weeks at a time. His current excursion was done purely out of spite because noble court advisor, Nanamin, claimed he wouldn’t be able to survive the pirate life. 
So here Gojo is, living it up on the Black Dragon’s ship. He was actually exchanged as a prisoner from the initial crew he tried joining, but they ended up trading him for more resources. 
Now, the Black Dragon’s captain scrutinizes him from head to toe with sharp, silent eyes. 
At first glance, Captain Geto knows this pretty boy comes from money. And there’s no way in hell he’s built for this lifestyle. 
“I’ll drop you off at the next seaport,” Geto says before Gojo can even get out a simple greeting. Gojo gasps, deeply offended. 
Gojo removes the sheer blindfold that previously covered his eyes, exposing the azure blue that is easily recognized of that of Prince Gojo. 
Captain Geto’s eyes widen a fraction before doubling down. 
“Oh, we are definitely dropping you off at the next port.”
There’s no way Geto is risking his and his crew’s livelihood for a runaway prince!
Gojo frowns, and has the audacity to cross his arms in disapproval, like he’s the one in charge. 
“Well, it’d certainly be shame if after you dropped me off, I went ahead to tell the royal guard that I had just escaped the evil clutches of the Black Dragon. Would be a damn shame if a bounty were to be placed on your head,” Gojo ponders out loud. 
The captain’s gaze hardens, and Gojo knows he’s on the way to bargaining his way onto this crew. “While you decide on your answer, I’m going to go look for food around here.”
Gojo squawks when a rough hand grabs him by the collar, preventing him from walking away.
“I’ve already made up my mind. You’re allowed to stay as long as you obey my direct orders,” Geto bluntly says. 
“Okay, but-“
Geto loudly clicks his tongue, cutting Gojo off.
“If that’s anything other than ‘Yes, Captain,’ I suggest you keep your mouth shut.”
After that, Gojo sulks. He’s also forced to help the other cooks prepare the food and serve the crew first before being allowed to eat himself. A younger boy with pink-ish hair sits down next to him, offering a friendly smile. 
“Don’t worry, sir, if he didn’t throw me overboard when I first joined, then he certainly won’t kick you off,” he says. Gojo hums, wishing he had honey he could add to sweeten up this godawful, bland porridge. 
“Good to know…?”
“Itadori Yuji,” the boy introduces himself. 
“Nice to meet you, Yuji-kun.”
Gojo on deck cleaning duty, but it’s very hot outside so he’s shirtless…all sweaty and pink where the sun kisses his skin. 
Geto happens to walk by. Gojo is so focused on his work, but also yapping to the other crew members who are really invested in his story, that he doesn't notice Captain Geto stop in his tracks. 
Shoko, Geto’s second-in-command, waves her hand in front of his face: “Hello? Captain? I have some updates on our future routes…Captain?”
Geto is too focused on the way powerful muscles flex back and forth. The prince is so freaking tall. And why is his waist so tiny?
Geto squints. 
If there’s one thing Gojo didn’t need to be trained on when it comes to being a pirate, it’s speaking whatever is on his goddamn mind. 
Gojo watching Geto retreat to the captain’s room to plan their next route, eyes trailing down to Geto’s ass.
Gojo: “I could take him.”
Crew member, Haibara: “In a fight? Hmm, questionable.”
Gojo: “Nah, not like that.”
Haibara: “Eh?”
On another occasion, Gojo mentions that he once ended a five-year relationship. 
Crew member, Choso: “Holy shit, that’s tough, mate. Didn’t realize princes were even allowed to date.”
Geto: [🤨]
Gojo: “It’s okay, it wasn’t my relationship. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Who knew the most common nights husbands cheat on their wives would be a Thursday?”
Geto: [relieved sigh]
The story is, one of the times Gojo ran away, he made a name for himself as the “Six Eyes” where he was paid to follow spouses to investigate if they were committing adultery. 
An example of Gojo’s note to a client: “Yes, he’s cheating. No, he couldn't make her cum. Their next meeting is Saturday at XXX bar. Do yourself a favor and dump him.”
The notes were also written in the most ELEGANT calligraphy. 
Gojo learns that despite being young for a captain, Geto is very respected and relatively feared among the ocean. He’s charming when he needs to be, and always extremely careful. 
Geto has made many friends around the world, but also a lot of enemies. The Black Dragon has been susceptible to many attacks, whether intercepted by the royal ships or other violent pirates. 
The crew admires their captain unconditionally. He’s provided them with a place to belong, after all. While Geto embraces their individual fighting styles, he has also taught martial arts to those who didn’t know how to fight before joining.
Gojo also learns that, boy oh boy, does Captain Geto despise the aristocrats. It was no question that royals were included as well.
Geto’s way of life is a direct resistance against the excessive luxury the wealthy live in, while ignoring the needs of common folk. Involving smaller, innocent towns in the battles between the political strifes was another huge issue too. 
Thus, Black Dragon is a pirate ship that picks targets based on status and wealth, and they also redistribute this wealth and communicate information between the smaller islands and ports. 
They visit Geto’s hometown, which had been depleted of resources by nearby military forces during past wartime. Their economy was shot, but they were in the process of slowly rebuilding and recovering. The scenery was beautiful too. 
While at one of the ports, some enemies catch sight of Geto and his crew. The enemies approach with calculated steps, definitely planning to cause trouble. 
Gojo is obviously very out of his element, but he still doesn’t appreciate being told to wait on the ship while Geto and the crew settle things off.
Gojo "agrees," then proceeds to walk off and hide inside a random shop for five minutes before leaving to hide among the crowd so he can watch Captain Geto in action, dueling this other no-name pirate.
There Gojo is, extremely proud for egging the pirates on and cheering for HIS captain. 
Geto’s crew spot Gojo and are like: “Aren’t you supposed to be on the ship?” 🤨🤨🤨
Gojo brings a finger up to his lips with a pleading expression. 
Shoko: “At least put a hat on. If the Captain spots that white hair, he’ll definitely get distracted.”
She lends him a cloth to wrap around his head. Now, Gojo looks like a proper pirate!
The enemy eventually yields, and backs off after a rather aggressive threat from Captain Geto. Gojo doesn't have much time to drool over how sexy Geto looks because Gojo must BOOK it to the ship to save his ass. 
A few minutes later, Geto returns, then points to the cloth wrapped around Gojo’s head: “Why are you wearing that?”
Gojo, yeeting the cloth off: “No reason!”
Gojo then notices the sheer amount of things Geto carries in his arms. When he asks whether Geto bought souvenirs, Geto tells Gojo to follow him.
They end up in the captain's room, where Geto shows Gojo his collection of trinkets which were gifts from the common people Geto visited during his travels. 
Unlike the royal gifts that are typically bestowed, like expensive perfumes, jewelers, or pounds of gold, these trinkets were like handmade bracelets, a shiny coin dating centuries back, paintings from children, etc. They were all thank you gifts for visiting their islands and helping out one way or another.
Gojo is entirely taken aback.
“Holy shit, you've touched so many people's lives!” Gojo exclaims, bright blue eyes shining with wonder. “You're fucking amazing, you know that? It's an honor to be on your ship, Captain.”
Geto doesn't respond, merely has a sincere yet shy smile on his face.
At that moment, hearing those words come from Prince Gojo himself, Geto felt seen in a way that feels new and exciting and makes something warm flutter in his chest.
Oh no, abandon ship! Abandon ship! The voice inside his mind shouts.
w/ @no-one-says-hi
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haveatthee83 · 1 month
My last few days:
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Thank you guys so fucking much. None of you know how much it means to me that I can make anyone a little bit happier/have a little fun with my writing/art. Thank you all for making my absolute year over these last few days. It's insane, thank you, thank you, thank you!
Ps: My regular readers and followers, you guys are noticed and appreciated and I'm so happy you're here. Thank you so much.
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miraiimoon · 5 months
Кошмар 👻
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Gojo Satoru
Обычно, если Вам снится кошмар, то это заканчивается посиделками на кухне в тишине, чтобы не разбудить Сатору, который и без того сильно устаёт и плохо спит. Но учитывая привычку молодого человека, обнимать Вас во сне, ночные посиделки долго не продолжаются. Шаман с закрытыми глазами идёт искать своего «мишку для обнимания». А после уходит успокаивать Вас в постели своими объятьями. И выслушивать тот самый страшный сон, который помешал спать любимой.
Если Сатору снится кошмар, он либо спокойно просыпается и долго смотрит в темноту, либо резко подскакивает тяжело дыша. От последнего собственно Вы просыпаетесь и пытаетесь успокоить своего любимого. Кошмары Годжо часто сопровождаются последующей бессонницей, тремором и моральным истощением. В такие моменты ему необходимо как можно больше объятий и успокаивающих слов. Что-то сладенькое тоже иногда помогает, но Сатору не всегда соглашается есть в такие моменты и просто принимает Ваши объятья и нежные поглаживания по голове. Он никогда не рассказывает о том, что ему снится в такие моменты.
― Сатору, ― шаман немного дёрнул головой услышав своё имя, ― хочешь я тебе что-то приготовлю?
― Нет, ничего не хочу, ― он лишь сильнее прижался, как будто боялся, что Вы сейчас уйдёте.
― Может чай?
― Нет.
― А вафельку?
― …
― И конфетки. Твои любимые, я сегодня днём специально выходила, чтобы их купить.
― Ну, может одну чуть позже.
― Хорошо.
Вы так и остались лежать в постели до утра. Правда Сатору всё же уходил съесть свои конфеты, пока Вы спали и утром на кухне будет уйма фантиков, так как блондин не умеет сдерживаться с такой вещью как сладости (и любимая).
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Geto Suguru
Сугуру снятся кошмары время от времени. Всё связано с его прошлым. Даже по истечению такого количества времени, он многое помнит и хранит эти болезненные воспоминания глубоко внутри себя. И временами, это прошлое даёт о себе знать в виде ночных кошмаров. Чтобы не приснилось мужчине, он никогда не будит Вас своим криком или постоянными ворчаньями в постели. После пробуждения, брюнет обычно идёт на кухню, приготовить себе чай и сесть с ним на веранде. Если Вы просыпаетесь, то идёте искать Сугуру, чтобы вернуть обратно в постель и успокоить своими поглаживаниями и объятьями. Если же нет, ��о маг спокойно допьёт свой чай и после вернётся к Вам в постель. Он Вам никогда не расскажет о том, что ему приснилось, лишь отшутится и переведёт тему.
Когда Вам снится кошмар, всё зависит от того, что именно приснилось. Если что-то незначительное, то Вы сворачиваетесь клубочком и прижимаетесь к Сугуру, он даже во сне обнимает по привычке. Если же что-то более значительное и страшное, Вы долго не можете заснуть и просто смотрите в пустоту. А когда этот страшный сон связан с любимым, то и вовсе может пробить на слёзы. И тогда уже приходится уходить в другую комнату, чтобы не разбудить своими рыданиями мужчину. Но если учесть, что у Гето достаточно чуткий сон, он проснётся сразу же как только почувствует движения с противоположной стороны кровати. Недолго думая, он пойдёт к Вам, чтобы успокоить.
Сугуру сел рядом на диван и погладил Вас по спине.
― Что случилось, милая? Тебе приснилось что-то плохое?
В ответ Вы лишь всхлипнули, пытаясь сформулировать слова в предложение, но из этого ничего не получилось. Мужчина больше не пытался выведать у Вас, что вызвало такие эмоции и просто обнял, нашёптывая успокаивающие слова на ухо.
― У меня был кошмар… Ты погиб, Сугуру, ― Вы прошептали последнее предложение и слёзы с двойной силой покатились из глаз.
― Не переживай, дорогая. Я здесь, рядом с тобой, жив и здоров. Это был всего лишь сон, страшный сон… Может вернёмся в постель? Ты замёрзла.
― Хорошо.
Брюнет поднял Вас на руки и понёс в спальню. Чтобы согреть своими объятьями под одеялом. И помочь заснуть спокойным, безмятежным сном.
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Nanami Kento
Любой кошмар, который снится Нанами в большинстве случаев связан с Вами, а точнее с тем, что он не успеет спасти и его любимая умрёт прямо у него на руках. После пробуждения, первым делом Кенто проверит, действительно ли Вы спите рядом. И обнимает, чтобы проверить, не играет ли с ним воображение. Блондин не уходит сидеть в одиночестве, он хочет держать Вас ближе в своих руках и слушать тихое дыхание. Он может случайно разбудить, из-за того, что очень сильно обнимает и это мешает нормально дышать.  Именно в такие моменты Вы понимаете, что любимому приснился кошмар и нужно обнять его в ответ.
Ваши кошмары более разнообразны и затрагивают разные аспекты жизни. В большинстве случаев Вы стараетесь остаться в кровати и успокоить себя присутствием Кенто рядом, но это не всегда помогает. Поэтому Вы выходите на балкон, освежить свою голову и отвлечься от неприятных воспоминаний о страшном сне. На удивление маг быстро обнаруживает пропажу любимой (никто не греет его под боком).
Холодный ночной воздух неприятно скользит по открытым участкам кожи, заставляет поёжиться. Но Вы этого и ждали; холод должен унести с собой все негативные образы из сна, не оставляя ничего после себя. В такие моменты кажется, что каждый кошмар мог быть явью.
Подобные мысли никогда не успевали захватить Ваш разум, они слишком слабы перед любовью Кенто. Которую он Вам дарит, обнимая со спины, и Вы жадно впитываете каждую частицу тепла. Оно заменяет холод и заставляет улыбаться.
Этот сценарий повторяется из раза в раз. Блондин берёт Вас на руки и уносит в кровать, успокаивает, и Вы снова засыпаете, но уже без кошмаров. Так было всегда и так всегда будет. Нанами не позволит Вам оставаться наедине со своими мыслями. Он хорошо усвоил урок, после того раза, когда чуть не потерял свою любимую.
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Hiromi Higuruma
Изначально Вам не снились кошмары, ведь Ваш мужчина адвокат. Одна из человеческих профессий, ничего сверхъестественного. Но когда он сменил род деятельности и развил свои навыки мага, кошмары начали посещать Вас каждую ночь. Возможно, это то чего Вы больше всего боялись в этом мире ― потерять любимого, и теперь это стало жуткой реальностью. Порой даже сложно было отличить, страшный сон это или настоящая жизнь. Хироми изо всех сил пытался Вас успокоить и убедить в том, что он рядом, жив и здоров, но это давало лишь временный эффект. Ваши сны были ему неподвластны и всё что оставалось ― успокаивать после каждого ночного кошмара.
Брюнет постоянно видел кошмары в своих снах, независимо от того, кем работал, каждая работа давала свой стресс, и он отражался на ночном отдыхе. Хигурума привык посреди ночи вставать и идти на кухню заваривая кофе. Кофеин давно перестал действовать на мужчину, и он может пить его, когда угодно. Когда Вы просыпаетесь (чаще от кошмара) и не находите адвоката рядом, это значит, что он на кухне и Вы идёте к нему.
― Кошмар? ― Вы садитесь к мужчине на колени, обнимая его за шею. Он с удовольствием пускает Вас к себе.
― Немного не спится.
― Ты до сих пор не научился врать.
― Я знаю, но я хочу, чтобы ты наконец-то нормально выспалась.
― Поэтому ушёл посреди ночи пить кофе?
― Всего на пару минут. Ты такая капризная.
― Идём уже спать.
― Хорошо, хорошо.
Хироми быстро допивает оставшийся кофе, поднимает Вас на руки и уходит в спальню, чтобы успеть ухватить остатки сна.
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Sawada Tsunayoshi
За долгое время работы боссом Вонголы, Тсунаёши успел увидеть многое, и это оставило свой неизгладимый отпечаток. Ночные кошмары стали неотъемлемой частью жизни, а присутствие любимого человека рядом, лишь немного сглаживало это состояние. А учитывая частые отъезды, связанные с работой, разлука становилась в разы дольше и спокойно отдохнуть молодой босс мог только, когда вы оказывались вместе. В обычные же дни Саваду без конца донимали кошмары о смерти и страданиях всех, кто ему дорог.
Ваши переживания тоже давались в знаки. Всё время, когда молодой человек отсутствует, голову забивают мысли о том, что он не вернётся или находится в опасности, плену, а может уже и вовсе мёртв. А после это всё всплывает в снах, не давая отдохнуть. Вследствие чего тёмные круги под глазами, усталость и раздражительность.
Пожалуй, самое приятное, это лечь в мягкую постель после тяжёлого рабочего дня на ногах. Но ещё было бы лучше нормально выспаться и успокоить свои нервы. В который раз Вы засыпаете в одиночестве, молясь о том, чтобы любимый был в безопасности жив и здоров.
Утро выдалось довольно пасмурным и дождливым. Но именно в этот день было очень приятно лежать в тёплой постели. Возможно из-за погоды, которая вызывает сонливость, а возможно и из-за того, что любимый наконец-то вернулся домой и теперь согревал Вас своими крепкими объятьями. Ему тоже уже давно хотелось спокойно выспаться и отдохнуть рядом с любимой. Пусть с его работой сделать это сложно, но сон, именно то время, которое вы проводите вместе.
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Сложно определить, когда Шанксу снятся кошмары. Во-первых, это происходит довольно редко, во-вторых, он мастерски скрывает свои эмоции и в-третьих, красноволосый часто пьёт алкоголь, а он выбивает из его головы любые мысли, кроме пошлых. Это же святое дело пощупать любимую, перед, вовремя и после сна. И всё же, если мужчине снится дурной сон, он любит выходить на палубу корабля и изучать уже хорошо знакомое небо. И так до того момента пока ему не станет холодно, или же Вы не пойдёте на его поиски, а потом утащите обратно в постель.
Ваши кошмары, это всегда один и тот же сюжет, красноволосый погибает в смертельной схватке с Чёрной бородой. К сожалению, Ваши слёзные всхлипывания во сне будит мужчину, и он сразу же пытается разбудить Вас от кошмара.
― Милая, ― Шанкс начал трясти за плечо, надеясь, что Вы сразу проснётесь. Но капитану понадобилось чуть больше времени, чем обычно, слишком сильно захватил Вас страшный сон в свои владения.
― Шанкс, ― Вы посмотрели на мужчину, мокрыми от слёз глазами, не веря, что он сейчас находится рядом, живой и невредимый.
― Я здесь, дорогая, ― он погладил Вас по щеке, вытирая следы слёз.
― Мне приснился кошмар…
― Знаю, ― голос мужчины был тихим и спокойным, даже больше походил на шёпот, ― но это всего лишь сон. Я ведь здесь и со мной всё в порядке.
Этой ночью вы не смогли больше заснуть и лежали в постели до самого рассвета. Шанкс гладил Ваши волосы всё время, пытаясь успокоить.
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shadowofroses · 5 months
Embracing Mermay 1
TW: drowning, TW: The Ocean, Pirate reader, Mergojo. Fem reader I guess I only mentioned Bride. Which could be said to anyone.
It wasn’t anything you were personally prepared for.
Then again being a Pirate on the Seas, Voyage of Souls with Captain Geto was nothing anyone could prepare for. Neither would sailing straight into a hurricane.
You were struggling to swim as the currents were currently pulling you downward. Air bubbles being stolen from your form as you were close.
So close.
You felt something around your ankles. Mind screaming shark but. It felt like skin? Your eyes seeing black spots shot down to your ankle. More air coming out of your mouth out of shock as you saw a Man. White hair, blue eyes that glowed, as he tugged you down towards him, you tried to struggle against him but your body was growing weaker. You hardly noticed he had a tail. The only thing you recalled was the glow of his eyes getting closer, and closer the feel of his lips against yours.
This...was an interesting way to go out. Random man in the middle of the ocean kissing you. He had to have been an angel with how ethereal he was.
When you came to you felt a weight against your chest, lips against yours as they breathed into you, you started to cough up water, everything felt sore.
You heard a relieved sigh as whoever saved you leaned forward and ran their hand through your wet hair. “Thank goodness, thought I lost you there…” your eyes fluttered open, only for your breathing to hitch as your eyes caught ahold of the same blue eyes from before, looking down at you in fondness.
A finger placed against your lips, “Sh…focus on breathing. That’s it…” He then pulled away giving you a cheeky grin. “Consider yourself lucky, I don’t just kiss everyone you know~”
You blinked finally registering that something...harder brushed against your legs, looking down you saw his tail, mirroring the color of his eyes as it brushed against your legs. If you weren’t mistaken it reminiscent of a Koi Fish.
Your eyes widened. “Mermaid?”
“Technically, Merfolk. Mermaids are just the women of our kind.” He hummed staying close to you as his fingers played with your hair. “Be grateful I wasn’t a Siren.”
“Does...a Mermaid...Mer Kiss do anything?”
He flashed a Wicked grin. “Nothing big, just made you my bride.”
“WHAT?!” you yelled out causing you to wince, and he busted up laughing at your reaction.
“So cute...It extended your life by a little.” He said before going into a pout. “Why...would being my bride really be that bad?”
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conalola · 10 months
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Only 16 pages left to finish this sketchbook!! Let's ask Santa Claus for a new one 🎅🏾❤️
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nezuscribe · 2 months
You ate it up again how does your brain keep doing this 😭 3am brain rotting Noble reader and pirate!Gojo au
Reader is fond of fiction and books, starstruck by meeting a real life pirate. Gojo doesn’t understand her lofty ideas of life at sea, because he’s unable to read and thinks it’s very glorified ; ;
As they grow closer YN reads to him a story and he sits there listening to her almost like he’s lured in by siren song.
The crew also falling in love with YN’s presence and quickly turns to her when their captain is in a foul mood.
yes noble reader is such an avid reader and so beyond her years and what her noble family has lined up for her
she tells (commands) pirate!gojo to get her books so that she's not just looking out into the sea and seeing that most of his crew can't read they ask her to read to them sometimes
pirate!gojo tries to act like he's indifferent but he listens in whenever he can, feeling entraced by the regal way she speaks and overall holds herself
the crew loves her so there's no going back now
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shiro41 · 9 months
Sypnosis: Gojo takes you under the sea.
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The calming waves of the ocean greeted your sight once you stepped out the cabin of your ship, you feel the blazing winds caress the fabric of your clothes and your exposed skin. The sun's rays now gone as the glow of its golden eye's replaced with the silver shine of the moon. The water reflected its light that creates a serene glow to the ocean beneath your ship.
"I knew you'd be here."
You chirped, a smile present on your lips as you looked down the dark waters of the ocean deep. It bubbled with a figure of shining white fins and gills rising to the surface, greeting you with a smirk of its own.
The creature's figure emerged from the waters, presenting you a clear view of its snow locks and midnight claws. His eyes bore into yours with cerulean blue dancing in his eyes, such majestic creature in the waters come and meet you in the darkness with the moon's light illuminating your figures-- similar to Romeo and Juliet's story whom knocked at the balcony from the ground-- but you were on a ship in the middle of nowhere in a wide ocean with this mystery of a creature greeting you at night.
"I thought you'd never come."
You stated, leaning more into the sides of your ship to get a better view of the mermaid below.
"Why shouldn't I? You're the only one that lets me escape my world."
"You technically are still in your world, Prince Gojo."
His reply was a splash of water using his magnificent tail that spreads twice the size of his torso, some droplets hit you in the face that turned your amused face to a frown.
"I want to know more about humans."
"You wan to...? Again? I told you huma-"
"Humans are dangerous, yes. I know."
He interrupted, rolling his cerulean blues to the back of his head as if it ever did move from your point of view. His claws lightly scratched the wooden surface of your boat, whining from below about his curiosity of humans.
"Y'know, someday humans will be the cause of your demise."
"You are one and I'm still alive."
He retorted, snickering at you who gripped the wooden rails of your ship and grit your teeth. The mermaid below annoyed you at the moment, how could such majestic creature be so naive about how dangerous humans are despite the warnings and cautions you gave him.
"Come down, I want to show you things."
He invited, flapping his tail on the ocean waters like an excited dolphin and continued to do so as if convincing you to join him in the water like you can breathe in it similar to air in land.
"Why not?"
"I'll get killed, stupid."
Silence was met excluding the small splashes of water created by waves, until the mermaid whined yet again to the human above.
"No one's gonna murder you as long as I'm there!"
He persuaded.
"I can't breathe underwater."
You let out a chuckle at his sudden realization that humans are not fish and they can't breathe under the thick water, he let out another whine and splashes yet again erupted.
"If you're gonna splash more, my crew will know and they'll capture you, silly fish."
"But you're going to be there so what's the problem?"
"Alright, I'm going to bed. Goodnight."
Waters come and shook your ship, leaving you stumbling back. His sudden reaction surprised you and panic settled in once the realization dawned upon you that your crew woke up. The mermaid frowned below, still waiting for your reply and sent another wave to rock your ship rather aggressively.
This caused you to not only stumble, but fall off the ship--unfortunate enough to slide and slip out the comfort of your home to the cold abyss of the ocean. You ended up letting out a shriek and land on the water that made a splash, engulfing you.
The mermaid was quick to hold onto your figure and drag you down deeper into the blue darkness where cute fishes were asleep and unknown glowing creatures decorate the scary ocean.
"I'll take you home and show you my treasures, Pirate."
You slammed your fist against the mermaid's back, intentionally coming contact with his gills that made him hiss and turn to you who slowly turned blue due to the lack of air. He was quick to notice and created a bubble which he put on your head for you to breathe.
"I hate you, you dumb fish."
"Don't hate me, I'm leading you to my treasure."
As soon as he mentioned treasure, your mood lightened up and your anger soon transitioned to a lighter emotion. Despite you swimming with him, his speed is far faster than yours resulting to him dragging you with his claws lightly pressing onto your sleeves.
"Can you not hurry up!?"
You complained, glaring at the white mermaid who only looked back at you.
"Don't speak much, you'll lose human water faster."
"Human water!?"
"Idiot, it's the water you breathe remember?"
"It's called 'Air' you clownfish!"
The light of the moon slowly disappeared as the mermaid dragged you down deeper to the seemingly unending journey to the deep blue. The creatures became more and more peculiar, ones you never seen in your life and probably doesn't exist in any books written in history.
Soon, he's leading you to a wrecked ship deep down with little to no light and casually grabbed a fish with a light on its head that acted as your lantern in this journey.
"I feel bad for that fish."
"Don't be, Pirate."
You rolled your eyes and continued to get dragged by your enormous fish companion, now opening the door to the wrecked ship, finding it dirty and rather empty than you expected it to be.
"I thought you were going to show me your treasures, Gojo."
"I am! This place is full of gold and human things!"
The mermaid let go of you for a moment and swam excitedly like a seal. His canine teeth showed as he grinned and made a tour as if it were his abode.
"And this is- a hairbrush!"
"That's a fork."
He swam in an excited manner, showing you basic everyday things that fell to the ocean and is found by him-- even plastic which he calls 'death chokers' are present in his collection.
"Look, I appreciate you showing off your collectibles of normal human things but, where's your treasure?"
He blinked, cocking his head to the side.
"Oh! Right this way!"
He swam to the opening of the cabin, quickly grabbing the shiny things randomly scattered in a record speed. You were left in an idle state, waiting for him to come back with the treasures he promised back at the surface.
"Those are shells, Gojo."
His lips form a pout, visibly upset by your reply. His hands grasp your waist in a manner so delicate and gentle before he speeds towards the surface of the ocean blue. You didn't notice the decreasing size of the air bubble he created a few minutes earlier.
"You weren't happy to get shells?"
His eyes that reflected his home glossed, almost as if he's about to cry when you didn't appreciate the treasures he saw that's for you, aren't as valuable as gold.
"...tsk..give me the shell."
You roll your eyes, palm open to receive the pale shell that in turn made his composure bright and happy, almost like a dog getting ready to play fetch. His fin wagged beneath the surface, creating bubbles and splashes while he buried his face in the crook of your neck- almost wiggling himself to you.
"You're so clingy, Gojo!"
You whine, cautious about the gills that creeps up from his neck to his jaw that feels slippery to the touch but is somehow sharp. You knew it was sensitive to touch and you hope you didn't send some kind of electric shock- pleasant or not- to him.
"Please keep the shell, Pirate! Keep!"
He insisted, still not creating distance between the both of you.
"I'd kill you one day, you're aware right?"
"I know you can but you won't!"
A cheeky grin appears, revealing his canines. You weren't informed mermaids have canines, fishes mostly don't have teeth visible in their mouth. Carefully, you pinch the cheeks that's similar to human skin, resulting a small whine from him and a chuckle to erupt from you.
"Whatever you believe, Gojo."
You sold him 3 days later.
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gatitties · 2 years
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Request are closed, be patient please 🤸🏻
(Request rules & list here)
─ Attack On Titan Masterlist
─ Call of Duty Masterlist
─ Dead By Daylight Masterlist
─ Detroit Become Human Masterlist
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─ JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Masterlist
─ Jujutsu Kaisen Masterlist
─ My Hero Academia Masterlist
─ One Piece Masterlist
─ One Punch Man Masterlist
─ Tokyo Revengers Masterlist
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muguetsdesign · 3 months
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Don't miss the cutest greeting cards in the world! Visit our shop to reach out to more products! Love xoxo Muguet's Design
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kdjojo · 6 months
For those that doubted that I can't draw anything but chibis.. I CAN AAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH.
Anyway here's some drawings :3
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monkeydluthy · 1 year
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legend-had-it · 5 months
i love when gay ppl who watch shonen anime make the characters softer
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miraiimoon · 11 months
Как они относятся к физическому контакту с другими?🤝
Shanks любит физический контакт. Часто держит Вас за руку или приобнимает за плечи, а ещё целует в голову, так как выше ростом. Правда на своём корабле капитан уж очень сильно распускает руки и оторвать его от себя практически нереально. Команда уже давно привыкла к подобному поведению своего капитана, поэтому не обращает внимания и на просьбы о помощи не отзывается. Шанкс скорее позволит отрезать ему ногу, чем выпустит Вас из объятий. Руку не отдаст, иначе будет неудобно обниматься.
Trafalgar D. Water Law не особо тактильный человек. Он с уважением относится к личному пространству других и ждёт того же по отношению к себе. Даже в стенах своей каюты он предпочитает держаться за руки. Крайне редко Ло проявляет что-то большее. Поэтому Вы можете сами брать его за руку и обнимать. Капитан вряд ли сможет отказать Вам. Даже если вы находитесь в обществе. Разве что будет недовольно ворчать, чтобы это поскорее закончилось.
Gojo Satoru буквально живёт физическим контактом. Он понятия не имеет, что такое личное пространство. И если Вам оно важно, то мне жаль, забудьте об этом. Сатору страшно любит любы�� прикосновения к дорогим ему людям в любое время, в любом месте. А так как таких людей у него практически нет, то и физических прикосновений будет очень много. Он будет держать Вас за руку постоянно, это самое меньшее из зол с которым можно столкнуться. Годжо очень прилипчив в плане объятий и поцелуев. Как только вы оказываетесь вместе, на Вас обрушивается шквал объятий, поцелуев, комплиментов и это всё по кругу, раз так пять, как минимум. Ответьте ему тем же.
Fushiguro Megumi предпочитает физический контакт только когда вы находитесь наедине. В людных местах ведёт себя весьма сдержано и сильно смущается, если Вы берёте его за руку. А вот наедине он более тактильный и нежный. Любит обниматься, гладить Вас по голове и целовать. У Мегуми нет такой сильной потребности в прикосновениях как у его учителя. Он уважает Ваше личное пространство и не станет лезть со своими потребностями в физическом контакте в неподходящее время. Даже если целый день вы провели вдали друг от друга, то сможете насладиться прикосновениями ночью перед и во время сна.
Hakari Kinji весьма спокойно относится к физическому контакту как наедине, так и в обществе. Любит находиться вдвоём в своём клубе, держа Вас рядом с собой. «Держа» в прямом смысле, его ладони путешествуют от плеч до поясницы постоянно. Иногда прилетают шлепки по заднице, но только в качестве поощрения за какие-либо действия с Вашей стороны, которые ему понравились. Находясь же дома наедине, Ваше законное место на коленях у Хакари. Вот нравится ему держать что-то приятное в своих руках.
Takami Keigo (Hawks)   большой любитель прикосновений как случайных, так и намеренных (которые сам же и инициирует). Всегда обнимает Вас не только своими руками, но и крыльями, что даёт дополнительное ощущение защиты и интима, даже если Вы находитесь в многолюдном месте. На улице предпочитает ходить, держась за руки или «обняв» Вас своим крылом. Дома превращается в детёныша коалы и постоянно цепляется за Вас, не отпуская от себя ни на секунду. Даже в туалет отпроситься тяжело. Обнимайте Ястреба всегда в ответ, ему так этого не хватало в детстве.
Katsuki Bakugo может взорваться от Ваших неожиданных прикосновений, особенно если вы находитесь где-то в обществе. Он будет очень смущаться и уворачиваться от физического контакта. Возможно со временем Бакуго немного привыкнет и даже сам начнёт держать Вас за руку вне дома. А дома будет обнимать, хотя скорее щупать или просто гладить. Да, даже такой вспыльчивый молодой человек как Катсуки способен на нежность (по праздникам). В большинстве случаев Вы инициируете любого рода физические прикосновения, поэтому, когда это делает Бакуго, кажется, что настал конец света.
Ino Takuma любит физические прикосновения как давать, так и получать. И его совсем не смущают публичные проявления привязанности. Ино с удовольствием возьмёт Вас за руку на публике, обнимет или поцелует в макушку. И всё это без капли смущения. Дома может сделать тоже самое, если Вы его попросите. Обычно молодой человек просто постоянно обнимает Вас в течении дня, при каждом удобном случае. Это примерно каждые три минуты. Не то чтобы Ино одиноко и грустно без Вас (на самом деле одиноко, но он не скажет этого вслух).
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