#pinning idiots
punsaulanvecy · 1 year
Something just popped into my head. I was thinking about things, and my mind went to this one comic of human revali braiding Mipha and Zelda's hair but refused to do links. Well, what if one day link just fell asleep, and Revali just happened to pass by. He braided link's hair. And then, when link woke up, he was confused as hell. This happens a few more times until link is convinced that there is a hair braiding ghost on the loose. The group doesn't say a word. They know what's happening, but they find it utterly hilarious how genuinely distressed Link gets because he knows Revali wouldn't do it. Cue Revali panicking because he ended up braiding links hair more than once. God I can't stop thinking about how if this was written well enough it would be so fucking funny.
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backjustforberena · 2 months
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I wonder if any of them knew it was all for her.
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heartludwig · 1 year
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Preservation 🪲
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captain-rickbond · 5 months
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modern Cap ✗
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madfor-dash · 8 months
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Stepping out - don't forget your sunscreen!
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occasionallycoinpin · 4 months
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occasionally coinpin 79
coiny and pin and badgey and weight
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1495-gauge · 6 months
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there's that fucked up three-eyed thing that lives in the woods. whose turn is it to chase it off again??
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ojbrush · 8 months
TPOT 9 ART ‼️‼️‼️ i tried something new so uh. Yeahahha?11!1!
(Slight Blood warning)
Tumblr ruined quality so it looks a little silly </3
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I love them a little bit cuz like why. R u looking at thag man like that he's A ZOMBIE
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citrushomie · 8 months
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gumiku as this photo i found on pinterest
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spyglahass · 2 years
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a little thing I did for a friend I got for a secret santa 👉👈
something something, they signed a treaty and have to take part in an official celebration
fwhip has no idea how to dance AND is a gay mess about it
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rambleonwaywardson · 1 month
Clegan Olympics AU - Village Shenanigans Collection
Author's Note: Don't worry, I'm working on Event Finals Part 2 and plan to have it out early next week at the latest. But in the process of taking drabble requests, I accidentally combined them all into this little series of drabbles about the boys doing random shit around the Village and Bucky recording it all for TikTok (cause of course he does). I watched a lot of Athlete Village tiktoks for the sole purpose of writing this.
This all takes place before Bucky's event finals.
Gale Cleven doesn’t do social media. Not by choice, at least.
He posts on instagram semi-regularly because US Equestrian begs him to and Benny and Marge force him to. Even then, mostly it’s pictures of Whiskey. Many of them include him riding her, decked out in tack and clothing from some sponsor or another. Very very few posts exist, though, of just Gale. It’s not often that people get to see what he looks like or who he is outside of horseback riding.
Tiktok is a whole other beast that he refuses to approach. He has an account, sure. But there’s only a handful of videos on it, almost all of them from at least two years ago, and most of them posted at Marge’s prodding.
This is a problem for the newfound Gale Cleven – ahem, equestrian – fans of the world. After opening ceremonies, seeing Gale in all his beautiful, adorable, humble glory alongside America’s gymnastics darling, John Egan, people wanted to know who this man was. They flocked to his social media accounts, sharing what little they could across platforms and obsessing over every detail. Every hint of his lovely personality and every glimpse of his perfect body. But there’s just not enough Gale Cleven content out there. 
John has made it his personal mission to give that to the world.
For all that Gale doesn’t care for posting about his life on social media, Bucky documents his own Olympic experience like a second job. Everywhere he goes around the Olympic Village, he’s posting to his story or recording a short video, showing them his life as an Olympic athlete or giving tours of the amenities. “It’s my duty, as an athlete,” he tries to explain to Gale.
“To show them everything?” Gale asks skeptically, when he catches Bucky making a video of the food in the dining hall.
“Yes,” Bucky says.
All the gymnasts, really, are like that. Marge and Benny, too. And they’ve ganged up on Gale to the point that he has a social media presence even when he barely posts a thing.
One of the things Gale does bother to post on Instagram is the pictures they all take together in front of the giant Olympic rings. There’s a nice shot of Gale alone, looking like a goddamn model with his hair styled all messy, one hand in his pocket and the other rubbing absently at his chin as he poses in black jeans and a thin, navy blue USA sweatshirt. “When did the equestrians get so hot?” people will comment.
Adding fuel to the fire, there’s a sweet one of Gale, Benny, and Marge standing with their arms over each others’ shoulders in front of the rings. They all smile brightly at the camera, three young, attractive equestrians that America is falling in love with.
There’s several of Gale and Bucky together that find their way to the internet via one equestrian or gymnast or another. One of them standing side by side, Bucky’s arm around Gale’s shoulders like they’re just good bros. Then there’s the ones that aren’t very bro-like at all. Like the one where Bucky is kissing Gale on the cheek; the one where Gale is hiding his laughter by burying his face in the crook of Bucky’s neck; and the one where Bucky is holding Gale by the waist and they’re looking dreamily into each other’s eyes because they forgot there was a camera. 
Finally, there’s one of all of them together – three equestrians and all five male gymnasts. The cross-over that America never knew they needed but now can’t get enough of.
Gale simply posts the photos with a vague caption about making friends at the Games. Bucky, on the other hand, posts a whole tiktok documenting the series of events that transpired for each photo.  There’s a clip of Marge directing Gale, once again, like a model, having him put his hands in and out of his pockets, turn this way and that, run a hand through his hair. Gale pouts and tells Marge that this is ridiculous. Marge tells him that people will love it (she’s right). 
Bucky can be heard calling out to him from off screen. “Lookin’ good, Buck!” 
Cue the fangirls freaking out about Bucky calling Gale ‘Buck.’
There’s a clip of Bucky turning to Gale after their little photo session and kissing him right on the mouth, making Gale blush. 
Then there’s several clips of the gymnasts climbing all over the rings in every way possible, standing on them, hanging from them, trying to do different gymnastics holds on them. In one iconic photo that will be shown during their Today Show interviews and circulated across various Team USA accounts, Bucky manages a near perfect Maltese inside the green ring on the right while Curt holds himself up in a straddle on top of the black one in the middle. Croz and Alex hang from the red and blue ones on the ends while Brady does an awkward L sit, having to duck his head, inside the yellow one on the left. In the background of the video, Gale can be heard saying “Please don’t fall!” And Bucky, still in a maltese, yells back, “It’s fine, doll.”
Cue the fangirls freaking out about Bucky calling Gale ‘doll.’
Gale watches Bucky with an eyebrow raised as he pans the camera over to him. They’re sitting at one of the tables in the Village dining hall, and Bucky has recorded most of their experience here this morning.
“You got a muffin, Buck?” he exclaims. For a second he’s so excited about it that the camera tilts and Gale goes half out of frame. 
“I did,” Gale says slowly. Bucky pouts behind the camera and Gale stifles a laugh. “I can get you one if you want?”
Bucky shakes his head. “I’m tryin’ to be good.” 
“Have you had one yet?”
“No,” Bucky whines. “I’m waiting until after all my events.” He stares longingly at the muffin over his phone, practically drooling as he zooms in with the camera. The only gymnast on his team who’s had one already is Croz, and he hasn’t shut up about it.
Gale smirks as he slowly, teasingly, unwraps the chocolate muffin. “A shame. They’re really good.”
He bites into it and closes his eyes, making a whole little show of how good it is. When he swallows, there’s a bit of chocolate stuck to his lip, and Bucky leans over to wipe it away with his thumb.
“You gonna post that?” Gale asks.
“You bet, babe. The people deserve to see it.”
Cue fangirls freaking out over Bucky calling Gale ‘babe,’ and Gale moaning over a chocolate muffin.
Gale rolls his eyes, but takes another bite, making eye contact with Bucky as he does so. “Really fuckin’ good,” he insists. Like teasing Bucky is some sort of payback for putting him on TikTok.
Bucky groans. “That’s it.” He leans across the table and grabs the muffin from Gale’s hand. He flips the camera as he bites into it, and practically moans as he gets his first taste of this cake from the fuckin’ gods. “Oh my god.”
Gale can be heard laughing in the background. “You’ve got chocolate on your mouth.”
The video stops right after Bucky says, “Well you better come help me get it off, then.”
“Oh look, it’s Mr. Silver Medalist, Buck Cleven.”
Bucky stands over Gale, who is laying on his back on the floor of the bedroom he shares with Benny. Gale looks up, unamused, when he sees Bucky recording. “Everyone’s calling me that ‘cause of you.”
Bucky shrugs innocently. “Don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.”
Gale shifts a little to get more heat on his upper back and grimaces. “You gave me your name,” he grunts.
Bucky waves a hand dismissively. “What are you doing, Mr. Silver Medalist Buck Cleven?”
Gale sighs and looks away from Bucky, back up at the ceiling above him. “Laying on a heating pad.”
Gale works his jaw and looks back at Bucky like a petulant child. “Cause my back is messed up and I can’t move.”
Bucky nods thoughtfully behind the camera. “And why is that?”
“Cause I screwed it up during cross country and then did two rounds of show jumping.”
“And then I did a weight workout the next morning anyways.”
Bucky makes a go on motion with his free hand. “And?”
“Went for a run around the village.”
Gale’s look turns into a glare, but it doesn’t have any malice behind it. “And you told me not to do any of that.”
“You’re damn right I did,” Bucky says. He flips the camera around so he and Gale are both in the frame. “See, people? Even someone as perfect as Gale Cleven can be an idiot.”
He sets the phone down and props it against the wall so it will continue recording without him holding it. Then he sinks to his knees and crawls over top of Gale, laying on him with his head on his chest. A moment that will be screenshotted and shared a million times over
Gale turns his head and gives a long suffering look to the camera. That moment, on the other hand, of Gale staring, unamused, straight at the camera like he’s on the Office while Bucky clings to him, will become one of the most popular memes from the Games. “This isn’t helping,” he says.
“Shh. It’s fine.”
Gale is standing outside the dining hall where Bucky told him to meet them, but they’re a good ten minutes late. Gale would be debating whether or not he should text, but he’s been kept busy. In that time, just standing outside, he has traded pins with four different athletes. He now has Serbia, Great Britain, Ireland, and Austria, which he’s been looking for all week since it’s Whiskey’s birth place. 
He also has the phone number of an Irish diver with a sweet smile who Gale kind of thinks he might’ve flirted back with if he wasn’t already standing around waiting for the most beautiful guy in the world.
He’s waving goodbye to the cute redhead when he sees them approaching: three idiots on bicycles. Bucky is steering with one hand and awkwardly dragging along a spare bike with the other. He’s singing Blue Skies by Frank Sinatra, very off key, and he breaks into a wild grin when he sees Gale looking at him.
“Was starting to think you wouldn’t show up,” Gale says as they approach. “I almost went off with that Irish guy.”
Bucky’s jaw drops and he gasps as he slows to a stop. “You wouldn’t!”
“I’m still here aren’t I?”
Bucky frowns, wondering how serious Gale is being. But he shakes it off when he sees the way Gale is smirking at him. “I got you a bike!” he exclaims. He smoothly hops off his own bike, but the spare one falls over in the process with a loud clatter that gets some looks from the athletes wandering in and out of the dining hall. He rushes around to right it again as Curt, Croz, and Benny come to a stop beside him. “Did you know the Village has bikes?”
Gale nods, eyebrow raised. “I did.”
“Well come on then, we’re exploring.” Bucky shoves the extra bike forward and waits for Gale to take it. Gale shakes his head and chuckles, but he grabs the handlebars and swings his leg over with ease.
They spend a good couple hours biking through what feels like the entire village, past the athlete house of probably every single country. Bucky and Curt call out random things to people they pass just to see who will respond. They yell “USA! USA! USA!” as they pass the USA house, starting up a chant on the sidewalk as athletes walk in and out. They stop here and there to say hi to someone, trade pins, grab snacks, or whatever else one of them deems important enough to pull over for. Even if, on one occasion, Bucky insists that they need to stop to watch two birds fight over a lonely, forgotten potato chip.
Bucky and Curt record periodically, showing their surroundings. Bucky at one point zooms in very close on Gale’s ass, but he’ll never even know because he won’t ever watch the video. From the back, Curt records as Bucky swerves in close to Gale and reaches out to tap him on the hand. Gale glances over at him and Bucky pouts until he lets go of the handlebar to twine their fingers together. They continue on like that down the road, biking hand in hand. 
“You two are gross!” Benny calls out.
“You told me I needed to be social!” Gale yells back, looking over his shoulder with his hair blowing in the breeze and a legitimate smile on his face that will make viewers swoon.
Benny throws a hand up in the air and motions to John. “I didn’t mean for you to get yourself fucked by the hottest guy in the village!”
Curt laughs so hard he falls off his bike, the video showing a rapid and discombobulating tumble to the ground as the phone falls out of his hand and skids across the pavement.
It’ll be one of his most watched TikToks of the week.
Giving my boyfriend baguettes until he asks wtf I’m doing
That’s it. That’s the video. 
Gale is sitting on one of the chairs in the living area of Bucky and Curt’s suite, reading some book about the history of space travel because he’s a nerd and Bucky loves him for it. Curt is sitting across the room, trying (probably failing) to be inconspicuous about recording as Bucky hands Gale a whole baguette. 
Gale looks at Bucky with an eyebrow raised, but he hesitantly takes the baguette. Bucky smiles and nods like a puppy bringing their person a stick, and Gale gently sets the baguette on the small coffee table in front of him, eyes still on Bucky with an expression that says are you good? He goes back to his book. 
A few seconds later, Bucky hands him another baguette. 
“John?” Gale gives him a look somewhere between amused and annoyed. 
“Shh,” Bucky says, nudging Gale’s hand with the end of the loaf.
Gale sighs, takes the baguette, rips a small piece off to pop in his mouth, and sets it on the table with the other one. 
By the third baguette, Gale looks up at Bucky, sets down his book, and crosses his arms. “What are you doing?”
“Baguette,” Bucky insists, shoving the bread forward at Gale. 
“You’re not a penguin, hon,” Gale tells him. 
Cue fangirls obsessing over Gale calling John “hon.”
A pause. Bucky stands there, baguette in hand, and squints in confusion. “What?”
Gale motions to the baguettes accumulating on the coffee table. “Quit giving me baguettes like a penguin giving their mate pebbles.”
Bucky blinks, trying to recall when in his life he should have learned about such a thing, but comes up empty. He shakes his head. “Penguins do that?”
Gale nods, and Curt breaks out laughing behind the camera because that’s kind of exactly what Bucky is doing. 
“Why do you have so many baguettes?” Gale asks. 
Bucky points to Curt, and Gale narrows his eyes when he sees Curt recording. He runs a hand through his hair and sighs in acceptance. “Ok… Why do you have so many baguettes?”
Curt shrugs. “Keep buyin’ ‘em from the cafe.”
“You’re supposed to eat them, you know,” Gale deadpans. He’s bought a couple things from the little shop Curt is talking about, which serves fresh-baked bread every day. Because… Paris.
“Why would I eat that many baguettes?” Behind the camera, Curt gives a what the fuck kind of look.
Gale stares at Curt for a long few seconds. Then he asks “Why would you buy that many baguettes?”
“Why not?”
Bucky rips a big bite off the end of the baguette he’s still holding as he watches this interaction.
Gale rubs a hand over his face in exasperation. “So you just buy a baguette from the cafe every day and never eat it?”
Curt nods and motions to the three baguettes that have been offered to Gale. “You can have one if you want. I have more.”
Gale looks up at Bucky and rolls his eyes at the way he’s trying not to laugh, his mouth full of bread. Bucky swallows, leans down, and kisses him on the cheek.
So far Bucky has given his followers, and all who care to watch, tours of the dining hall and cafes, his suite, Gale’s suite, the Team USA House, the gym, and much of the Village grounds. Up on the list today, among other amenities, is the mindfulness zone.
“Are you feeling mindful, boys?” He turns the camera to look at Gale and Curt, who are walking beside him. 
“Oh I’m always mindful,” Curt says, nodding thoughtfully.
Gale glances at Curt and scoffs. “You’re the least mindful person I know.” Even when they were in college, Curt was… Curt.
Curt points a finger at Gale. “I’m gonna practice some mindfulness right now and not say somethin’ snarky back.”
The wall outside the mindfulness zone reads “Strength comes from within. Enter here to train your mind.” Bucky pans over it dramatically before shifting the camera to Gale. “Are you feeling the strength from within?”
Inside, the mindfulness zone is lit entirely in blue light with large chairs scattered about that look like they’re meant to be comfortable but probably aren’t. Fluffy, tufted things that more than likely are stuffed so full that they’re stiff as a board. Quiet, soothing music is playing, and there’s a few people scattered about. One guy in the corner is just laying on the floor with the hood of his sweatshirt pulled down over his face, dead to the world.
“Look at those wild-ass plants!” Curt exclaims, pointing towards one corner of the room. Big, spiky-looking potted plants sit in between some of the chairs. A village staff member tells Curt to please keep his voice down, but he’s already walking away towards the plants to touch them and all she can do is watch, at a loss. “I wanna know if they’re actually pointy,” he says, quieter this time.
Gale sits down in one of the chairs, which has a seat that’s entirely too deep and a back that’s entirely too short. But he curls up on it like a cat, bringing his feet up and pulling his knees close to his chest. “That can’t be good for your back,” Bucky points out.
Gale flips him off – and the phone he’s recording with. Bucky tells him that that is definitely going in the final video. Gale shoos Bucky away, closing his eyes.
Bucky wanders around for another minute, checking out some of the decor around the room – weird drapes and beads hanging from the ceiling, abstract statues of nothing, more plants. But, inevitably, he stops back in front of Gale again. 
Gale opens his eyes. “Can I help you?”
“I’m bored,” Bucky complains, shoving his phone back in his pocket.
The corner of Gale’s lip quirks up. “We just got here.”
“It’s too quiet,” Bucky insists.
Gale squints at him. “It’s a mindfulness zone, darling.”
Cue fangirls freaking out over Gale calling Bucky ‘darling.’
“Let’s go to the game room or something instead.” Bucky perks up like a literal lightbulb went off in his head “Oh! Or the USA House.”
“We’re going to the USA House later,” Gale reminds him. Just like they went the day before and will likely go the day after. It’s Bucky’s favorite place to meet people, drink, and be generally obnoxiously American.
“Game room then.”
Gale sighs. “I’ve changed my mind. You’re the least mindful person I know.” He motions to Curt, who is still standing next to a plant, mindlessly stroking one of the weird leaves. “At least he’s having a moment with that thing.”
Bucky is bouncing from foot to foot now, buzzing with too much energy for this place. “It’s boring here,” he complains again. 
Gale tilts his head, narrowing his eyes at him. “You take your ADHD meds today?”
Bucky shakes his head and shrugs. “Ran out.”
“John, what the hell?”
Bucky ignores him and instead reaches down to grab Gale’s hand, tugging on it. “Come on, Buck.”
The same staff member from earlier gives them a look and opens her mouth to say something – presumably that they need to be quiet – but Gale puts a hand up. “Don’t worry,” he tells her. “We’ll go.”
Bucky smiles and kisses Gale’s knuckles before pulling him up out of the chair.
“What are you doing?” Gale slumps his shoulders with a heavy sigh, watching Bucky with an eyebrow raised as the gymnast shoves his phone into Curt’s waiting hands. Croz and Benny are off to the side, pretending to be Olympic boxers while they wait for whatever is about to happen. 
It’s been a week and a half of Bucky forcing Gale to have an online presence, and he’s resigned himself to being a prop in the social media series of Bucky’s life. He won’t admit that he’s kind of flattered by the attention people seem to be giving him, but he’d be just as fine being a nobody around here. 
“You just stay there and look pretty, angel,” Bucky says dismissively.
Cue fangirls freaking out over Bucky calling Gale ‘angel.’
“Right here?”
Bucky looks over his shoulder. Gale is standing awkwardly in the middle of the broad sidewalk, which is lined with the flags of all the countries represented in the Games, at the front of the village. “Yeah. Put your hand in your pocket or something. Act like you don’t hate life.”
Gale rolls his eyes but straightens up, replacing the scowl on his face with something more relaxed. He shoves one hand into the pocket of his blue jeans. As is protocol, all of them are decked out in red, white, and blue USA wear. Gale is wearing a form-fitting white t-shirt with “USA” printed in red and blue across the chest, showing off shoulders that are broader than anyone would think at first look when they see his slender frame on horseback. Bucky’s barely been able to keep his hands off him all day.
“Better,” Bucky calls out. “Stay like that!”
Gale looks around as other athletes pass, a few sending questioning or flirty looks his way. One comes up to him, congratulates him on his team and individual medals, and asks to trade a pin. Gale smiles and nods, handing over a USA pin in exchange for New Zealand. Bucky gets a little lost in the way Gale blushes a bit and excitedly adds the pin to his lanyard after the other athlete walks away. Gale won’t know until later that that was caught on video, too.
“Go,” Curt says, snapping Bucky out of it.
He jogs away from Curt and the camera, right towards Gale, who looks up in confusion and alarm. He reaches out towards Bucky, but Bucky grabs Gale around the waist and sweeps him off his feet, spinning him around in a circle. Gale can’t help but laugh as he’s swung through the air, eyes locked right on Bucky. When his feet hit the ground again, the gymnast is tugging at his hand, and he follows, stumbling a bit to catch up. They run together, laughing, back towards Curt, and Bucky blows a kiss at the camera before the video cuts off. 
The title is Meeting the love of your life at the Paris Olympics
Gale looks up from his phone to see Bucky walking up to him, phone in hand and already recording. Last Gale checked, Bucky was going to get a second coffee, but that plan seems to have gone by the wayside somewhere between leaving two minutes ago to stare at the menu and coming back now. 
“The world wants to know what pins you have and what you still need so they can get them to you.”
Gale laughs with a sweet little smile and sips his coffee. They’re sitting at one of the cafes in the village early in the morning, and Gale’s hair is still a bit messy from sleep (Bucky totally started recording now for that very reason – everyone loves it, including him). Gale pulls his lanyard up over his head and lays it down on the table.
“Holy shit, Buck,” Bucky laughs. Bucky, the charismatic and hot-as-hell men’s gymnastics all-around gold medalist, is a popular figure in the village. He talks to just about every single person he comes across and makes friends everywhere he goes, but not even he has as many pins as Gale. “You need another lanyard! How’d you even get this many?”
“Dunno,” Gale shrugs. “People just come up to me.” Bucky is going to point out the fact that it’s because everyone thinks he’s hot and wants to talk to him. But before he can, Gale is proudly showing his favorite pins, including the Dominican Republic, Fiji, Mexico, Costa Rica, Australia, China, and of course, the Beacon the Good Boy pin.
“Oh that one’s nice,” Bucky says, pointing to the pin from Puerto Rico. As he scans over the others, he stops with a finger on one of the most infamous pins of the games. “How the fuck did you get Snoop Dogg’s?”
Gale glances up at him, like it’s obvious. “Bumped into him at dressage finals.”
“Of course you did.”
“He came by the stables after and I introduced him to Whiskey.” Bucky’s speechless. But Gale glosses over that fact like it’s completely not a big deal at all and continues talking about the pins.
“I’m still lookin’ for Sri Lanka, les Seychelles, Hong Kong, Tanzania…”
Bucky shifts the camera to himself. “He really wants the Tanzania one, guys,” he says. “He won’t stop talkin’ about it.”
“It has a giraffe,” Gale mutters, still looking through his pins to identify which he’s missing that he still wants. “Oh, Tonga.”
Bucky laughs. “Hear that, guys? Buck and Tonga Man, the crossover this world needs. Let’s make it happen!”
Somehow, Gale finds himself running into an athlete from each of those countries within the next 24 hours alone, and he proudly adds the pins to his collection. The world even gets a picture of him and Tonga Man together, looking very seriously at the camera as they hold up their pin-filled lanyards.
Afterwards, Bucky grabs the lanyard around Gale’s neck and pulls him close. “Now stop flirting with other hot men and kiss me instead.”
“I’m not flirting,” Gale protests. But Bucky’s lips are on his before he can say anything else.
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paunchsalazar · 10 months
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Venus as a boy
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alonsoings · 3 months
lando needs to get over himself and max needs to own up when he’s in the wrong amen please be adults xoxo
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webonchin · 2 years
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Today I bring the Dreamling ,tomorrow?
probably nothing bc i'm studying (⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠) so hold on till the weekends ,sowwy.
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A loud thud. Someone dropped a book a few tables away and Harry stirs besides him making a noise as he settles, but still doesn’t wake up, deep in his slumber. Draco looks around to see if anyone notices but no one is paying attention to them, to Harry specifically.
Only Draco pays that much attention to Harry. Always has, always will.
Arms crossed on the desk, supporting his head, Harry face is towards Draco and has been ever since the class started and he fell asleep mid lecture. He hasn’t move since, just stirring every now and then.
Draco doesn’t wake him, doesn’t have the heart to do so, not to Harry who drags himself around the castle looking death on his feet whenever Draco finds him in the corridors. Draco loathes the sight of those dark bags under his eyes, a permanent feature ever since… Since.
There’s another noise, a bang, and then a yelp. A crease appear between Harry’s eyebrows, mouth pouting a little in discontent at being disturbed in his sleep. Draco has to suppress the urge to smooth the frown with his thumb. Quick glance away to make sure no one pays them any mind, slowly, Draco raises his hand and put his finger over the crease, of course he does.
Draco is a weak weak man.
Light as a feather his touch lingers, as he lets his thumb trace the edges of Harry’s face, mapping his features ever so softly, delicate, tracing the invisible cracks Draco sees with so much clarity, much to his own cracked mask.
First his eyebrows, then his nose, the curve of his cheeks. He traces the golden skin that seems to glow under the light of the sun pouring from outside. A contempt sight leaves Harry’s lips at Draco’s dutiful administrations and Draco cannot take his eyes away from him.
Funny thing, imagination. Makes your mind wonder about the impossible, like what your life would’ve been if you didn’t make the mistakes you made or who would you be if you were someone else. Anyone.
Anyone. Anyone. Anyone.
Or, when the mind is as twisted as the man, it makes you wonder how the lips of your so-called enemy would feel under yours. No, not an enemy. Hasn’t been for a long time. Are they as soft as they look? Yes. Yes.
The noise around them increases suddenly and because he has been so lost in Harry, Draco doesn’t notice the class is over. Only when he sees movement in the corner of his eye, ginger hair approaching, Draco snaps his hand away.
“Alright, mate?” Weasley eyes the sleepy form of his friend first and then, looks towards Draco. Draco nods.
“Harry, wake up, the class is over,” Granger shakes Harry’s shoulders a little bit, to wake him up. And then, a little rougher when he doesn’t stir the first time.
Eventually, Harry awakes, startled at first wildly looking around, fear settled on this features but quickly melts as his gaze lands on Draco besides him. His body visibly sags in relief.
“Time to go, Harry,” Granger repeats and Harry looks away, gathering his things quickly, shoving them without finesse in his book bag. “We have to hurry if we want to catch Hagrid,”
“Yeah, yeah, coming,” Harry makes a motion with his hand towards the corridor so they can wait for him outside. With a final glance on Draco’s direction, they go.
Draco tries to linger but his things are all packed and ready to go so he doesn’t have an excuse to stay. Without looking his way, he adjusts the strap of his book bag and walks away without a word.
“Draco, wait!” Harry calls after him and Draco stops and turns around.
Harry’s things are packed and he stands in front of him, hair a mess. Draco wonders, not for the first time, how it would feel under his touch.
Harry shuffle on his feet. “Thanks for not telling on me, that I fell asleep in the middle of the class, I mean.”
Draco nods. “Don’t you worry about it. All is well.”
“Yeah okay,” he tries to advert his gaze, two seconds later his eyes are on Draco again. A warm pleasant feeling invades Draco suddenly. “Also, er, I just wanted to let you know some of the Eight Years are planing a party in our common room before the hols and I was thinking that maybe you want to go?”Harry’s cheek turn the prettiest shape of pink with every word he says and Draco gets a little lost at the sight and takes a few seconds extra for his brain to register what he just said.
“I— I don’t think anyone wants me there,” he says, swallowing the shame.
“I want you there,” Harry frowns in confusion, as if the thought of anyone not wanting Draco is preposterous.
Now is turn Draco’s turn to feel his cheeks on fire. “I— I’ll think about it,”
“Yeah, okay, fair enough,” Harry smiles the most dazzling smile at him and Draco can’t help to return the favor, only with a most reserved one.
“Harry!” They heard Granger call.
“Coming!” Harry shouts, never taking his eyes of Draco, “See you later?”
Draco nods, “Yes. Later.”
And with that, Harry turns around and walks out. Draco hears his voice fade alongside Granger and Weasley’s and waits another five seconds before walking out himself feeling lighter than he ever has been.
If that night, Draco’s dreams are plague with wild raven hair and beautiful pink cheeks, that’s no one business but his own.
the complete version now on ao3!!
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lionacuty · 29 days
doodling away in my room
also it's the me =w=
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