#pink bimbo academy
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virgo-barbie · 2 years ago
what are everyone’s thoughts on the pink bimbo academy? they were the first resource i found when i got into bimbofication but i’m seeing now that maybe they aren’t a good source at all! just curious, what are your thoughts? if you have any left that is 🤭
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understandingbimbos · 2 years ago
So. There's a few things I need to address. My documentation and study of bimbos began as a personal project. I only started a blog because I was putting a ridiculous amount of work and thought into this and figured it should be shared (and still, there's SO much I haven't shared yet...). And that's part of why this blog isn't so well managed, not consistent, and very informal. I write every post with the assumption whoever reading will have some familiarity with the fetish and that was kind of a mistake when dealing with subject matter as delicate as this and if I want to be able to attract literally any other audience. But the blog is here now so its kind of a moot point. I won't be rewriting posts. I want to kill myself every day, its astonishing I can write anything. Anyway, recently I discovered an adult performer named Celestina Blooms, in particular, this video:
We share a lot of the same thoughts. And her criticisms of BimboTok are a lot better articulated. Here are some of things she's said that stood out to me (paraphrased):
"As an actual political movement, the Gen Z bimbo isn't actually very helpful beyond being satire because there are contradictions."
"It makes no sense to be expected to have every single decision in your life, in every area of your life, be a form of activism."
"If you don't spend enough time watching all their videos to completely get the point it looks like they're satirizing the ideologies they're preaching."
"They're kind of taking this thing and being like 'Hey! This thing is leftist because I'm leftist and I said so!' when the thing is still something very tied to a lot of systems of oppression."
"I think there's an issue with saying that being feminine is feminist."
"Because there are so many minors on TikTok they'll come across this trend and see the cute aesthetic and cute clothes, and for good measure, the ideologies a lot of them agree with and be like 'Fuck yes! Sign me up!' and before you know it they're dressing like a bimbo, calling themselves a 'bimbo', and all this stuff while not even being aware of this whole other world of bimbofication as a fetish and unknowingly calling attention to themselves."
She also brings up Pink Bimbo Academy in this video (not by name, and if you somehow see this Celestina, sorry for blowing up your spot!). I bring this up because PBA actually reached out to me like two weeks ago. We had an extremely brief conversation. He lost all interest as soon as he realized my blog isn't primarily about real life bimbos and, like Celestina, I don't believe bimbos are really a real life thing. This is the reason for my last text post (now pinned).
Up until this point I didn't realize Pink Bimbo Academy was a guy, or extremely weird. He's one of those bimbo enthusiasts that genuinely believes every woman should be a bimbo, unless they're trans that is, because according to him a bimbo can't have a penis or possess any "masculine" qualities. He seems to view bimbofication less as a fetish and more of a means to an end. To him, bimbos are the peak of femininity and bimbofication only helps women to become more of who they're "biologically" meant to be. He has entire rants against feminism up on his website and aspires to create an actual real-life bimbo finishing school, like he's a super villain or some shit, like the antagonist of every school-set bimbofication story come to life. And unfortunately, he's basically the resource for bimbofication online. I have to assume not everyone that follows his guides reads all his posts and FAQ but its more than disappointing to have a transphobe be one of the main vanguards of this fetish today.
Anyway, I can't recommend Celestina's video enough. Its a bit long but all worth watching and has made the prospect of writing this book exciting again. I would suggest this video of hers too:
Post-script: After over an hour of writing all of this I realized I actually did something extremely stupid here. Celestina follows me on here, possibly one of the first people to follow me. I kept wondering why one of her icons looked so familiar and it took me until literally just now to figure it out. I hope she doesn't mind the plug, because you all should follow her too!
@celestinablooms Twitter Instagram
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bimbo-academy · 4 months ago
Bimbo Academy: Orientation Day
Please enjoy the first chapter of my first ever hypno story, Bimbo Academy!
Warning! This chapter has an induction with no awakener. If you're easily susceptible to that, I would not recommend reading this story.
The induction will be listed in pink.
Dialogue will be written in purple.
I hope you all enjoy!
“Deidre, could you come in here please?” 
Deidre hurried into her technical boss's office. 
For most people, this would be a terrifying ordeal. Their mind might run wild with possibilities of what was about to happen. Were they about to be fired? Demoted? Or worse, given extra tasks without the higher pay? 
But being the daughter of the CEO, Diedre didn’t have to worry about any of that. 
Diedre’s father had wanted to give her the company outright when she had first graduated college. She was supposed to be COO until her father was ready to retire, when she would then properly take over. 
But Deidre had insisted she start at the bottom. She wanted to rise the ranks on her own. Earn her way to the top instead of taking it like some sort of nepo baby. 
So far, she thought she had been doing a great job. 
She hoped her boss would agree. 
Deidre had been working at the office for six months. Hopefully, her boss was calling her in to discuss giving her a good performance review. 
“Yes, Miss Kathryn?” 
“Ah, Deidre. Please, sit.” 
Deidre quickly obeyed. She smoothed out her skirt and crossed her ankles, so she wouldn’t show Miss Kathryn anything inappropriate. 
“Deidre, let me start out by saying you’ve been doing a wonderful job in this position. You’re one of my hardest workers. You always get your work completed on time. You’re well organized, punctual, and professional.”
“Thank you, Miss Kathryn.” 
“I hope you don’t mind, but I went ahead and shared all of that with HR, and your father.” Miss Kathryn pulled out some papers and set them in front of her. “Your father, of course, was ecstatic. We had a small meeting, and we both thought it was high time to present you with a… special opportunity.”
Deidre nodded. Her father hadn’t said anything to her about this, but maybe he had wanted to make sure it went through the proper channels. 
“Have you ever heard of Brainbow Academy?”
Deidre shook her head. 
“Please, use your words Deidre.”
“I apologize. No, Miss Kathryn. I’ve never heard of it.” 
“It's a highly prestigious four month program. I believe one of your stepmothers went to it?”
Deidre wanted to laugh, but retained a professional composure. Most of her step-mothers were brain dead bimbos. She almost didn’t understand what her father saw in them. But he constantly told her that after her mother, and first stepmother, he couldn’t bear to lose another woman he truly loved. But then why would he want to go on to marry three more women, only to divorce them a few months later? At least her latest step mother had stuck around. She had to admit, Lana was secretly her favorite of her fathers recent wives. 
“Your father and I both think it would be an excellent idea for you to attend. Of course, it's ultimately up to you. But here’s the paperwork. Think about it over the weekend and get back to me, won’t you?” 
Deidre nodded and took the paperwork. “Thank you, Miss Kathryn.”
“Of course, Deidre. You may return to your duties now.” 
Deidre slid the papers into her messenger bag, and quickly returned to her work. 
That night, Deidre returned to the home she shared with her father, half brother, and their step mom, Lana. 
“Another day at the office?” Tommy, her half brother, asked. 
Deidre snorted. “Another day of doing nothing?”
“Hey! I do a lot of things! My influencer kingdom doesn’t run itself!”
Deidre rolled her eyes. Sure, her younger brother did have successful social media pages. But other than that he spent most of his days screwing around playing video games. Or screwing around with other guys. 
“Oh please. I bet all you did today was take a shirtless selfie and eat some pizza.”
“I had breadsticks too!” 
“Uh huh. I’m sure that was so strenuous for you.” 
Tommy playfully gives her the middle finger, then Lana called them down for dinner. 
They both trotted down the stairs and into the dining room. 
“There’s my wonderful family.” Deidre ignored her father grabbing Lana’s ass before sitting down for dinner. “How was everyone’s day?” 
“Good.” Deidre also ignored the Grindr notification going off on her brother’s phone. “Might have someone over tonight if that’s cool.”
“Of course. Just change the gate code when they leave.”
“Awesome. Thanks dad.”
“Of course. Deidre? How was your day? I heard you had a little meeting with Miss Kathryn.”
Deidre nodded. “Yeah. She recommended some sort of program I should attend?”
“Oh yes. Brainbow Academy. Lana actually did that program, didn’t you sweetheart?”
Her father chuckled and kissed Lana’s hand. “I would love it if you attended Deidre. I think it would be extremely helpful for your future running the company. But of course, it’s all up to you.”
“I think I want to go. Although, I’m just confused about this one part of the paperwork? The ‘I consent to allowing Brainbow Academy to alter me in any way, whether it be physically, mentally, or spiritually?” 
“Oh, that just means they want to try and change your mindset! They also have some classes about how to dress more… professionally. That’s truly all it means.”
“Alright then. I suppose I’ll do it. I mean, I already know about most of that stuff, right?”
After dinner, Deidre went back to her room, and officially signed the papers. 
A week later, Deidre arrived at her dormitory for Brainbow Academy. 
“Oh… interesting.” 
The dorm room was… unusual to say the least. There were two beds, but they were much larger than any other dorm bed she had ever slept in. They seemed much more comfortable than regular dorm beds as well. There also seemed to be much more storage than a typical dorm room. There was a large display cabinet, a desk with multiple drawers, and the nightstand drawers were the largest Deidre had ever seen. 
Well, it was an exclusive academy. Deidre was one of only twelve students that had been accepted for this semester. She knew it was only on recommendation from her father, Lana, and Miss Kathryn, especially since she had applied so close to the deadline. 
“Oh, wow,” 
She turned around and saw a young man, about her age, standing in the doorway. 
“I know, right? It's unusual to say the least.”
“It certainly is.” The young man set down his one box. “I’m Trevor. I guess we’re going to be roommates?” 
“Deidre. Do you need any help with the rest of your stuff?”
“Oh, uh… no. This, this is all I have.” 
“Oh! I’m, I’m sorry-I,’
“No no, it's ok.” Trevor sat down on his bed. “I’m just a light traveler I suppose.” 
Deidre nodded. She could tell something was weighing on Trevor's mind, but she didn’t want to press so early into their relationship. 
“We should unpack as much as we can. Orientation starts in half an hour.” He said. 
The two chit-chatted as they unpacked, Deidre’s things filling the room where Trevor’s was lacking. They were laughing together by the time they entered the lecture hall, which was more like a high school gym than anything else. They went to sit down next to each other, before someone grabbed the back of Deidre’s collar and pulled her back.
“Sorry, I want the end seat.” 
A bottle blonde girl sauntered to the other end. Diedre heard Trevor mutter ‘bitch’ underneath his breath. She playfully smacked him.
“Ouch! What was that for? It’s true!” 
Deidre rolled her eyes. They sat down a few seats away from the bottle blonde and watched the others file in. Deidre noticed that Trevor was the only boy present. She hoped it wouldn’t be too awkward for him. 
“Welcome students, welcome, welcome!” An older gentleman took the stage in front of them. “Welcome everyone. My name is Master Layton. Thank you all for joining us here. Now, I do want to apologise. I fear a lot of you have been misled about what it is we do here.” Master Layton held a small remote in his hand. He pressed a button, and small pieces of metal shot out of the seats, trapping everyone’s arms against their seats. 
“What the hell?” Deidre said. 
“I would now like to introduce my most lovely assistants, Bree and Gracie. Ladies?”
Two scantily clad women joined the man on stage. He pressed another button on his remote and a screen slowly descended from the ceiling. 
“Bree, Gracie, and I are going to be your professors for this semester. Of course we will have a few guest speakers come in, but for the most part you will be under our care.” 
The woman descended from the stage, and Deidre noticed they were each holding six pairs of headphones. 
“I also apologize for this rapid induction, but over the years I’ve found that it works best with large groups of people. Wouldn’t you agree, ladies?”
“Yes Master.”
The women spoke in an eerie harmony. Deidre had been struggling against the restraints, but now noticed Trevor had been perfectly still. 
“Trevor? Do you know what’s going on?” 
Trevor closed his eyes as one of the women placed a pair of headphones over his ears. He seemed… relieved?
Deidre didn’t understand. 
“Trevor? Trevor, no! No don't you dare put those on me! I dont con-”
The woman laughed, cutting her off. “But you already consented! You signed the papers, remember silly?”
Shit. Shit shit shit. 
She continued to struggle as the woman placed headphones over her ears. Master Layton pressed another button on his remote, and caused a black and white spiral to flicker to life on the screen. 
‘I am a good girl. I will obey my master.’
The voice coming through the headphones startled her. 
“What the hell is going on?”
‘I am a good girl. I will obey my master.’ 
She looked all around. But for some reason, her eyes kept continuing to land on the spiral.
‘I am a good girl. I will obey my master.’ 
Deidre continued to struggle against her restraints.
‘I am a good girl. I will obey my master.’ 
She tried to get the headphones off, to no avail. 
‘I am a good girl. I will obey my master.’ 
She tried to close her eyes. But somehow, she still saw the spiral. 
“I am a good boy. I will obey my master.”
She opened her eyes again. The voice hadn’t come from her headphones. 
“I am a good boy. I will obey my master.” 
The two ladies came and released Trevor from his bonds. They led him through a new door Deidre hadn’t noticed coming in. 
‘I am a good girl. I will obey my master.’ 
‘I am a good girl. I will obey my master.‘
One by one, more of the women in the room began to repeat the mantra. 
‘I am a good girl. I will obey my master.’ 
One by one, they were led out of the room.
‘I am a good girl. I will obey my master.’
Soon it was just Deidre and the bottle blonde bitch. 
‘I am a good girl. I will obey my master.’ 
“Shhh, its ok.” One of the women came and started petting Deidre’s hair. 
‘I am a good girl. I will obey my master.’
“Just give in. It’ll be so much better.”
No no no no no-
“You’re a good girl. You will obey our master.” The woman held her head, and forced her to look at the spiral.
‘I am a good girl. I will obey my master.’
‘I am a good girl. I will obey my master.’
‘I am a good girl. I will obey my master.’
“I am a good girl. I will obey my master.”
Deidre didn’t even notice when the words came out of her mouth. 
“Good girl. Just a few more minutes now.”
‘I am a good girl. I will obey my master.’
“I am a good girl. I will obey my master.”
‘I am a good girl. I will obey my master.’
“I am a good girl. I will obey my master.”
‘I am a good girl. I will obey my master.’
“I am a good girl. I will obey my master.”
“I am a good girl. I will obey my master.”
“I am a good girl. I will obey my master.” 
The women finally released Deidre from her bonds and took her through the door. 
“Good, good. Very good.”
“Thank you, Master.”
Master took Deidre’s head in his hands. 
“You’re going to be a good girl for me, aren’t you Dee?”
“Yes Master.”
Master kissed Dee’s forehead. 
“Good girl. Sleep now.”
Dee slumped over in the women’s arms.
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st0nesnglitter · 1 year ago
Woke up with thoughts and morning wood
Coriolanus’ sexual awakening + his road to his perfect partner lol
(This is so far from canon lmaoo, leave me alone) But this is just Coryo being an ass and a douche and hot :)
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Okay so we know he is controlling as fuck. And on this path of finding something, someone, to control in an intimate way he’s been a little all over the place.
He lost his virginity in the most common way ever in the Capitol. He’d been chatting, flirting, with a girl at the Academy and then at/after a party they got in bed together. Both virgins. And since he didn’t know what feelings or sensations to expect he was very much not in the kind of control he wanted to be. It was quick and not that good, and during the girl had “used” his compromised state and kissed him, held his hand and other perverse things.
They did not work out.
And he ruled out girls from his class for a while. That led him to the bimbos at an all-girls school a couple blocks away. And, wow, they were dumb. Perfect for him to manipulate and trick.
He definitely used the line “I’m too big for condoms” a few times. And once or twice, if the girl was smart enough to question about pregnancy, he’d said that he could just put it in her ass. What a gentleman <3
This one girl, Bunny, he tricked into thinking sex was just blowjobs. And that’s not the worst thing. He’d stop by her apartment as her mom was out at the salon, her dad at his academic work, leaving their dear Bunny opening the doors to Snow. She’d offer a snack and some tea, as a proper lady does, before taking him to her room and get down on her knees for him on her fluffy, pink carpet.
He’d alternate between letting her blow him or using her pretty, pink pigtails to fuck her mouth. Once he even got her to deepthroat him, but she complained that it hurt so he didn’t make her do it again. He is not some kind of monster…
But he did tell poor, vain Bunny that cum is great for the complexion, which led to her begging for a facial every time. He did feel kind of bad, until he was shooting his load. She’d smile so happily and look at him with the biggest, most hopeful doe eyes.
However, these girls did not really work out in the long run. When he wasn’t occupying their mouth the most idiotic things would fly out of them, and he could feel himself getting dumber through osmosis. Plus he’d kind of gotten around at that school and didn’t want those girls to puzzle together that. Fat chance, but he wanted to be on the safe side.
During the summer Plurbius’ club was his best shot to get his dick wet. He got there, got a drink and just had to wait before someone closed in on him. If they were pretty he’d take them to a bathroom. He figured out a few neat tricks from those nights. His favorite is that if you give a pretty guys hair a nice tug he usually turns into a slut.
A particular night he got invited home by a guy, and since Coriolanus’ mind was racing with things to bend him over he was thankful to get somewhere with more flat surfaces. They got to his apartment, Coryo sat down in his red couch as the guy went to fetch him a drink. Just as Coriolanus’ dick had made a nice tent in his slacks from the promising night ahead of him the other guys girlfriend walked in. Shit, shit, shit. As Coryo was debating between talking his way out of this or bolting, the boyfriend nudged her toward him. Long story short, making out is much more fun when the guys girlfriend is blowing you during.
But Coriolanus found his way back to Academy sluts that term. Letting his voice drip of sex as he invited them to a “study session” was always a fun way to make someone blush. People threw themselves at him and his blonde curls. Here’s when he found his exact type, however.
The ones that didn’t give in to him. Who actually wanted to study, who matched his wit, who made him work hard for it.
Sure, he could just point to his dick and ten people would line up, but when he was actively trying to charm someone and they just shot him a playful look? Gawd.
His very favorite is when he finally got them. Smart, collected, proper. And he could just ruin them. Make them a total slut. And a dumb one. His pants practically bursts as he thought of making someone who’s supposed to be so smart, a debate champion into a babbling bimbo. Corrupting their strong minds with just him, him, him. Pushing his dick in, forcing all the knowledge out.
I’m so weird lol
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shedontusejelly2 · 3 months ago
If you have not read The Chic Diet I HIGHLY recommend you read it! I will link the free pdf download it is basically the ed Sharen bible I love reading it so much I’m gonna spend the $13 and get the hard copy as a book for my coffee table which I have never had books there in my life but it’s not to late to start and with that book there will also be the Pink Bimbo Academy book and I’m not sure what else but that book is gold it’s a literal god sent for us a bible a step by step how to live for us and I’ve never related so well to a book other than PBA training book. Anyways here’s the link
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bimbotoysforme · 4 months ago
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Jessica had finally realised her true destiny! Checking into the bimbo training academy for the complete treatment. Make me the perfect pink bimbo 🩷🩷🩷
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understandingbimbos · 2 years ago
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Not sure how to tag this but I wanted to capture and compile some (most) of the transphobia found in Pink Bimbo Academy's FAQ for posterity. There's also some to be found in his tweets and blogposts.
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bimbo-academy · 3 months ago
Bimbo Academy: How to Build a Better Bimbo, Pt. 1
Next part of Bimbo Academy!
This story also contains a hypnotic suggestion with no awakener.
Suggestions will be written in pink
Dee rubbed her eyes as she sat up in bed, the silky sheets falling around her nude waist. 
“Good girls only wear what Master gives them.”
Master had yet to give them clothes. But today was the special day! Master, Bree, and Gracie had spent the last few days making sure they had their exact measurements. Dee had been slightly embarrassed when Gracie was taking her measurements. Her hands had just felt so nice on Dee’s body… Dee couldn’t help but moan! 
“I am so so sorry Gracie!”
Gracie had just given her a sweet smile. “It’s okay! Master wants us to feel good. Does this make you feel good Dee?” 
Dee nodded. Gracie giggled and kept running her hands all over Dee’s body, eliciting many more moans and groans. 
“Dee? Trevor? It’s time!” Bree called through their door.
Dee and Trevor raced out of their dorm room and down to the lecture hall. 
“Oh I wonder what Master picked out for us!” Trevor said. 
Dee giggled in response. Before the academy, she could never remember giggling as much as she did now. 
“Good bimbos giggle.” 
Master had given the class that as one of their first repeatable mantras. 
“Good bimbos giggle.”
“Good bimbos obey.”
“Good bimbos edge their minds away.” 
Dee didn’t quite understand that last one. But she repeated it to herself every day, just like she was told! 
Dee wanted to be a good bimbo. 
“Welcome Dee, Trevor. Join the lineup over there. Master says you can look, but don’t touch! Master will be with you shortly!” Gracie led them towards a table, where the other girls were gathered. They all seemed to be discussing… something. There were strange objects spread out all across it. 
“What… what are these things?” Dee whispered to Trevor. 
Trevor gave her a confused look, then laughed. 
“Silly Dee! These are toys! Master may want to use them to help us feel good!” 
Dee didn’t understand. 
The last few girls filed in, then Master emerged from his office. 
“Welcome girls, and boys. Today is the big day! Today you get to finally start becoming the best bimbo you can be. I’ll call you each one at a time, while the rest of you get to play with each other! Bree and Gracie will also be walking around, ready to assist you or I as needed. Are we ready to begin?”
A chorus of “Yes Master!” Filled the room. Master smiled at them then looked down at his clipboard. 
“Wonderful. Blair, let's start with you, please.”
“Yes Master.” 
Master stood aside and let Blair, a small girl with shoulder length auburn hair into his office. 
“Bree, Gracie, why don’t you two help out here right now? I shall call for you if I need you.” 
“Yes Master.” 
Master disappeared back into his office, and Bree and Gracie turned to the rest of the class. 
“Who’s ready to play?”
A lot of the girls squealed then descended upon the table. They grabbed all sorts of odd things Dee didn’t recognize. Most were phallic shaped, but some had ridges and bumps and curves and… tentacles?
Dee continued to stare at the table as the others slowly took their leave. Some settled on the plush chairs in the room, Trevor claimed one of the makeshift cots that had been set up, but most chose to use… whatever these were… right on the floor. 
Dee took particular notice of one girl. Emily. The bottle blonde bitch who had been mean to her on the first day of academy. She had chosen a long, red… staff? She was laying on the soft carpeted floor a few feet from Dee, running the object up and down her pussy lips. 
Deidre hated the word pussy. Her ex-boyfriend, Roger, had always tried to use it during sex. But she thought the word was too… porn-ish. She always insisted Roger called it what it was. Her vagina. And frankly, she hadn’t liked it when he talked about it. Deidre didn’t like dirty talk. 
But Dee? Dee couldn’t quite get the word vagina to sit right in her mind. It was too… health class. Pussy seemed like a much prettier word. More better for her brain. 
Wait… more better? That wasn't proper English… 
What was going on? Why was she thinking like that? This wasn't her. Dee, no, Deidre-
Dee got distracted by Emily’s moan. She had inserted the object into her pussy and was slowly fucking herself with it. 
“It's beautiful, isn’t it?” 
Dee hadn’t heard Bree come up behind her. 
“Why don’t you pick a toy? You can join her if you want.” 
Bree was standing closer now. Her hands were on Dee’s hips and Dee could feel her breath against her neck.
“I… I don’t know how.”
“I… I don’t know Miss Bree. I don’t know what any of these things are. I… I don’t know how to use them.” Tears started to form in Dee’s eyes. “Am I… am I a bad girl?”
“Oh no no no no no! No Dee. You are such a good girl. Thank you for telling me this. Come on, come sit with Miss Bree for a minute.” 
Dee nodded. Bree sat in a chair and pulled Dee on to her lap. She beckoned Gracie over and whispered something to her. Gracie’s eyes widened, then she went and knocked on Master’s office door. 
“Gracie said you like her touching your tits. Would you like Miss Bree to feel your tits?”
Dee wanted to nod. But Deidre wanted to scream. Deidre wanted to tell Miss Bree that they weren’t her tits. They were her breasts. And referring to them as anything else was humiliating and demeaning to-
Miss Bree was taken aback. 
“Alright. Deidre. I think your mind is working itself into circles. Let Miss Bree help you relax.”
Bree seemingly pulled a pair of headphones out of nowhere. She placed them over Deidre’s ears and started slowly swirling her fingers into Deidre’s skin. 
‘I am a good girl. I will obey my master.’
Deidre closed her eyes as the familiar words began to echo in her mind. 
‘I am a good girl. I will obey my master.’
‘I am a good girl. I will obey my master.’
‘The more I obey, the better I feel.’
‘The more I obey, the better I feel.’
‘The more I obey, the better I feel.’ 
‘The better I feel, the more I obey.’
‘The better I feel, the more I obey.’
‘The better I feel, the more I obey.’
Dee slumped into Miss Bree’s arms, drool running down her chin and down to her tits. 
‘I will obey my master.’
“I will obey my master.”
‘Master makes me feel good.’
“Master makes me feel good.”
‘Master makes me feel good.’
“Master makes me feel good. I will obey my Master.” 
Bree slid the headphones off and began feeling up Dee’s tits. She finished off the mantra as Dee began to moan. 
“Obedience is pleasure.” 
“Master makes me obey.”
“Master is pleasure. I will obey my Master. Master is pleasure, I will obey my Master. Master is pleasure, I will obey my Master.”
“Good girls.” 
The two girls looked as their Master approached them. 
“Th-thank you Master.” Dee said. 
“Gracie told me some things, Dee. Would you and Bree please join us in my office?”
“Yes Master.” 
Master helped Dee stand, and slowly brought her towards the office. Bree closed the door behind them. Master sat Dee on top of his desk, and spread her legs in front of him. 
“Dee, is it true you didn’t know what the items on the table were?”
“Yes Master.”
“You’ve never seen any of them before?”
“No Master.” 
Master sat and thought for a moment. 
“Dee, are you a virgin?”
“No Master.”
“I see. But, have you ever engaged in any BDSM scenes?”
“No Master.”
“Hmmm.” Master stopped and thought for a moment. “You may require some extra training then, Dee. Before you’re ready to become a better bimbo. Do you understand, Dee?”
“Yes Master. I’ll need extra training.” 
“Good girl. Now, Bree, Gracie? Which one of you would like to help me with Dee’s very first scene here?”
“I would, Master!”
“No, I would, Master!” 
“I see. Well then, Gracie-”
“No! No please, Master! Please pick me! I can do it better than this cheap, two bit whore-”
Master cut Bree off with a slap. “That’s enough, Bree. You know better than to speak to Gracie like that. “
Bree rubbed her cheek then set her eyes on the ground. “I’m sorry, Master.”
“Apologize to Gracie. Then go wait in our playroom for your punishment. You’re finished for today.”
“Yes Master.” Bree turned to Gracie and gave the other woman a deep, passionate French Kiss. “I’m sorry, Gracie. I was just jealous that Master chose you.”
“It’s ok, Bree. I understand.”
The two girls gave each other small smiles, then Bree exited through a side door. Master sighed, then turned back to Dee. 
“I’m sorry you had to see that, Dee. I suppose we should just do your first scene by ourselves. Gracie, could you fetch me a vibrator, some lube, and a plug? Then continue to assist the other students in the lecture hall.”
“Yes Master, of course.”
Gracie quickly grabbed the items requested of her, then returned to the lecture hall.
“Are you ready, Dee?” 
Dee smiled from where she was still positioned on the desk.
“Yes Master, I’m ready.” 
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understandingbimbos · 2 years ago
In case there was any confusion...
This blog is not about IRL bimbos or IRL bimbofication. I guess its easy to not realize that if you don't read my posts (and, ironically, I'm relying on people to read this post to realize that...) because I do post pictures of IRL bimbos and talk about this fetish as a whole but...
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The truth is, in reality... I actually barely support IRL bimbofication. The transformation itself is hot but I'm not into the BDSM type relationship or the values usually associated with it. Not to mention, if you haven't noticed by now, the push for women to constantly "go bigger" and continuously put themselves in harm's way in IRL bimbo communities... makes me upset, to say the least.
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"So what is this blog about?"
Bimbofication and "bimbo" as character, as archetype and cultural figure. In my discussions about what a bimbo is and isn't I'm referring to a fictional character. The bimbo as seen in fetish artwork, media, and erotica. Not real life people (unless stated otherwise).
For example, Pink Bimbo Academy doesn't believe bimbos need to be dumb, which makes sense if you're talking about real life three-dimensional people. I believe bimbos need to be dumb in SOME way because, to me, bimbos don't exist in the real world. There are RL women who possess many of the qualities I associate with bimbdom but they're almost never the type that would self-ID as "bimbo". It's sort of like "camp," once you've named it you've killed it.
It's important to keep in mind that despite the overlap, this is really almost three separate fetishes:
Bimbofication as BDSM - Focus is submission. Can include hypnosis.
Bimbofication as a MC/Transformation fetish - Focus is transformation. Includes writing, art, captions.
Bimbos as Bimbos - Focus is on appearance and not much else. Could mean they love plastic surgery, young blonde women with big tits, or just big tits.
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The most overlap is between 1 and 3, while my basis is 2. If your basis is 1 or 3 (or 1 and 3) but you're able to find value in my blog and the things I say, thank you, I appreciate that a lot, just please try to remember my basis is 2.
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thenewbimbotrainingacademy · 5 months ago
Pink is the color of the day at the Bimbo Training Academy.
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understandingbimbos · 2 years ago
no offense intended to anyone (im about to say something at least mildly offensive) but i saw a really bad post about "bimbos of color" that one of my followers on here reblogged. not only did the women not look like bimbos but one of the images was even very obviously AI generated.
its kind of been bothering me, especially since i've been planning a bimbo diversity post for a while now, though mine was more about the importance of personal expression. i want to make a point that all bimbos don't need to look the same. a lot of bimbo blogs on here and in general bimbo spaces online just stick to one look and i hate that women might see that and think they genuinely need to sacrifice their individuality to be a bimbo. and i realize you may be thinking "they do, that's the point of being a bimbo", i understand that and some women may just want to sacrifice their individuality and be a carbon copy of a carbon copy, but i disagree. i believe there's room for fat bimbos, flat bimbos, natural bimbos, punk bimbos,, etcetera etcetera. the problem is
finding examples
figuring out the common "bimbo tells" -- how do all these women look "bimbo" when they all look different?
because i don't much about makeup, photoshop, facetune, or... anything in regards to beauty and physical appearance. i even looked through Pink Bimbo Academy's blog to see if I could get some sort of idea (i really admire what they do, btw) but maybe i'm tackling this all from the wrong angle and Limerick's tool box theory (it wasn't even Limerick's, hell, I'd came up with the same idea earlier) is the one to utilize in this instance. all these different women don't look like bimbos because they look alike... but because they look like bimbos.
my old notes explain it better:
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i think another reason why the idea of bimbo diversity has been weighing down on me so much lately because of Ashten, Ashten and everybody. i would just like to emphasize once again that copious amounts of extremely dangerous surgery isn't the only way.
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im posting this as an example but i don't even know how dangerous lip fillers/injections are... go figure. anyway, expect a post maybe later tonight. im not sure if itll be writing or just pictures at this point or what. and there may be drawings instead of just IRL examples bc im sure they exist but examples of fat bimbos have been extremely hard to find... maybe i'll make two posts.
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Pink is the color of the day at the Bimbo Training Academy.
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ddejavvu · 2 years ago
I was thinking about either bimbo!reader with professor!spencer reid or hotch teaching at the fbi academy but still with bimbo!reader,,, either way the bimbofication is strong in my mind rn 😭
today is multiverse monday! send me any au you can think of :)
@sunflowermotel our dms are a constant source of inspiration for me thank you for being my muse <33
"75," You hum thoughtfully, reading the red ink off of the top of the student's essay, "That's not too bad."
"Above average, but they turned it in late." Spencer informs you, not glancing up from where he's grading another paper, "Maybe a little smile?"
You nod eagerly, the sparkly pink pen in your hand dispelling glittering ink. You don't curve the smile up too far, hoping that it will encourage the student to turn in their next paper on time, if only to get one of Mrs. Y/N Reid's Super Duper Special Smiley Faces on their paper.
The next student is one of your favorites. Her name is Andrea, and she's always happy to sit and chat with you after class. She shows you pictures of her cat, pudge, and she promises to bring him in to see you on the last day of class.
Spencer has marked her paper with a 95, and it curves your brow into a frown.
"Spence," You tug gently at the sleeve of his blazer, "Why'd you take points off?"
"She didn't quite prove her point in the fourth paragraph," Spencer recalls, a sympathetic smile on his face, "But she did a fantastic job otherwise."
"Lemme see," You mumble, squinting hard at the paragraph Spencer mentioned. The words in front of you seem like an excellent claim, and you flip back to the first page with a huff.
"Yes she did," You insist, reaching for your pen, "She convinced me."
Spencer watches with a fond smile as you scribble out his mark, writing a shiny '100' above it, then a Super Duper Special Smiley Face, "You've gotta stop giving my students extra points, they're never gonna learn."
"She deserves 'em," You lament, adding a '+2' as an afterthought, then scrawling out, "Your cat is really cute!" <3
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mcdonaldsnumberone · 3 years ago
➳ macaroni encheese profile!
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art done by @shimmeryspark​!
Macaroni Encheese—
Macaroni Encheese is a third-year student in Heartslabyul. They’re shallow, cheerful, and relatively easygoing. Despite their happy-go-lucky attitude, they have an incredibly selfish streak when it comes to romantic love.
“Is this about Schoenheit? No? Then I’ve lost interest.”
Macaroni has wavy, shoulder length black hair. They have black eyes with heart accents.
They typically wear the standard Heartslabyul uniform. When out of uniform though, they can be seen in a white button-down with the first button undone, short overalls, and a black choker. 
Simple-minded and perky, Macaroni is the perfect example of a bimbo. With nothing but hot people, yummy junk food, and true love on their mind, they’re easy to approach but hard to entertain for long periods of time.
Deeply enamored with the Pomefiore dorm leader, they’ll stop at nothing to gain his attention. While Vil doesn’t seem to mind their antics, he’s adamant that their one true love isn’t him and gently attempts to steer towards someone else. Macaroni still has yet to take the hint.
Macaroni insists that they’re your average Night Raven College Student. They have loving parents and a younger sister they dote on. They seem unwilling to divulge any further information about their family and when talk of the Royal Sword Academy arises, Macaroni has a habit of removing themself as quickly as possible.
Macaroni is actually Neige Leblanche’s older cousin. The two were recently reunited, but the third-year remains cold to Neige’s attempts to connect with them. The reason for doing so is because Macaroni is aware of Vil’s rivalry with Neige and tries not to associate with Neige so that Vil won’t think differently of them.
Unique Magic—
Macaroni’s unique magic is called “Lovezone Circus”. Macaroni creates a magical barrier in the appearance of a circus and can absorb any magical attacks aimed at it. Lovezone Circus cannot absorb magic that is stronger than Macaroni’s. Only those who are in love, whether they are aware of it or not, are the only ones who can enter the circus.
Technical Information—
Japanese: マカロニ・エンチーズ
Romaji: Makaroni Enchizu
Other Name(s):
Clownfish (Floyd)
Child of cheese (Malleus)
Biographical Information—
Gender: N/A (they/them)
Age: 18 
Birthday: 06/18
Star sign: Gemini
Height: 154 cm (~5’1”)
Eye color: Black
Hair color: Black
Homeland: Land of Pyroxene
Family: Parents, younger sister
Professional Status—
Dorm: Heartslabyul
School Year: Third
Class: 3-D, student no. 7
Occupation: Student
Club: N/A
Best Subject: N/A
Fun facts—
Dominant hand: Right
Favorite food: Cheesy pasta
Least favorite food: Celery
Dislikes: Being misgendered
Hobby: Messing around on their phone
Talent: Keysmashing
Macaroni is twisted from macaroni and cheese. Their symbol on the coffin is a jester’s hat, in reference to their unique magic.
Macaroni owns a plethora of clown themed merchandise. They own a pair of clown shoes that Vil gifted to them for their birthday, a hot pink clown car with an enigmatic provenance, and a disgusting number of clown outfits. 
Macaroni was originally supposed to be an RSA student, but upon finding out that Vil had been accepted into NRC, they swapped schools.
They have a marriage pact with Cater until they’re 33. Macaroni doesn’t take it seriously. On the other hand, Cater seems to handle it with much more weight.
Cater: Best friends and holds a marriage pact together. Doesn’t recognize Cater’s feelings. From the same hometown.
Jack: From the same hometown.
Vil: One-sided infatuation towards Vil. From the same hometown.
Malleus: Begrudging friends. Classmates.
Trein: From the same hometown.
Vargas: From the same hometown.
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undersfloony · 2 years ago
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I want to introduce myself!
• I'm 17y! I was born the 27 of January ✩
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• I'm afab, my pronouns are she/her/they/them! ✩
• My username MagicalUnders comes from my passion for magical girls and shoujos.
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Favorites games! ✩
• Sally fac
• Undertale and it's au's
• Genshin Impact!
• Sky children of the light ✩
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Favorites Shows/Anime/Books! ✩
• School bus graveyard
• Soul eater
• Sakura card captor
• Jibaku Shounen Hanako kun!
• Pandora Hearts
• Camp camp
• HunterxHunter
• Teen Titans
• Dragon's prince
• How to train your dragons
• Star Butterfly
• Steven Universe
• Gravity Falls
• Umbrella Academy
• Ghibli Movies
• Warrior Cats
• Beyond the Cloud
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Things i love ! ✩
• My boyfriend ♡
Things i like! ✩
• my bsf !
• Dragons
• Sanrio
• Xtale
• Fantastical
• Galactic
• Fanarts
• fanfics
• Ocs
• Psychology
• Music
• Oniric universe
• Magical girls
• Pink! All shades of it
• Petshops!
• Squish Meez
• Grunge clothes
• Kawaicore clothes
• Classic/chic clothes
• Bimbo clothes
• paper craft!
• fimo
• making all form of arts
-> drawings, writing ect
• french protests
• Pancakes, brownies, crepes
• Eggs, noodles in boxes, sugary soy sauce, gud expensive raw meat,
• Jewelries
• Shipping every close characters bc i rarely had healthy friendships
• Still love my rare friends
• Doodling
• Talking about favorites things
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Things i dislike! ✩
• Some textures
• men /hj the only man i love is my bf
• Internet in some ways
• School
• crumbs in the bed
• Summer in France
• sticky things
• Autism Speaks ( if yk uk)
• F u TikTok
• Instagram not letting me send death threats to bad people
• Colors that don't harmonize
• social clues
✩ I'll add things later! ✩
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