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Pilates verandert je lichaam ten goede, waardoor je leven ten goede verandert. Dat is een feit. De Small Barrel is een perfect Pilates hulpmiddel daarvoor. Wij kunnen niet meer zonder. De oefeningen die we met deze prop doen transformeren je lichaam. Workout na workout verminderen of verdwijnen pijntjes en stijfheid lost op. De veelzijdige Small Barrel lijnt je uit en corrigeert, stretcht, versterkt je lijf terwijl het de rug ondersteunt. Het verdiept elke Pilates oefening en opent de gewrichten. Spanning en stress nemen snel af. Een #verkeerdehouding lost op en je wordt je meer bewust van verkeerde bewegingen. In onze studio gebruiken we de barrel vooral in de Groepsles Mat & Barrel en Mix & Match. We voeren ontzettend veel uitdagende en verrukkelijke oefeningen uit op de Small Barrel waardoor je je heerlijk voelt na de workout. Pilates will change your body for the better, thus it will change your life for the better. That is a fact. The #SmallBarrel is the perfect tool for it ! We can’t live without it anymore. The exercises we do with this prop will transform your body! This versatile Pilates prop corrects, stretches, strengthens and aligns the body while it supports the back. It deepens every Pilates exercise and it opens stiff joints and releases tension and stress. This miracle instrument helps to resolve #badposture and makes you aware of incorrect movements. In our studio we use the barrel especially during Groupclasses Mat & Barrel and Mix & Match. We do an enormous amount of challenging and delicious exercises on the Small Barrel. You feel great after the workout! https://www.pilateszoetermeer.nl/groepsles-mix-match/ Pilates Studio Van Sonsbeek Leidsewallen 3A, Zoetermeer www.pilatessonsbeek.nl #pilates #pilateszoetermeer #pilatesdorpsstraatzoetermeer #pilatesstudiovansonsbeek #pilatesdorpzoetermeer #pilatesleidsewallen3a #pilatesgroepslessen #pilatesstudiozoetermeer #fitopelkeleeftijd #zoetermeersport #healthyliving #contrology #blijmetjelijf #sterkecore #sterkebuikspieren #sterkerugspieren #powerhouse #changeyourlife #changeyourbody (bij Pilates Studio van Sonsbeek) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTWN4dXKpzU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Regular Pilates workouts help keep your spine flexible, youthful, and prevent bone density loss. Comparing to other workouts, Pilates is also easier on your joints, which means you'll be able to enjoy the benefits of working out for longer. This exercise, The NeckPull, is a great exercise to stretch all the tissue from the heal to the scalp while strengthening the tummy and legs. Are you interested in our workouts? Have questions? Feel free to mail us. And/or take a trial session. https://www.pilateszoetermeer.nl/proefles-pilates/ Pilates Studio Van Sonsbeek Leidsewallen 3A, Zoetermeer The Netherlands www.pilatessonsbeek.nl [email protected] #pilates #originalpilates #chairpilates #matclasses #zoetermeer #barrelpilates #towerpilates #halfcadillac #pilateszoetermeer #pilatesdorpsstraatzoetermeer #pilatesstudiovansonsbeek #pilatesleidsewallen3a #pilatesgroepslessen #pilatesstudiozoetermeer #powerhouse #strongbody #flexiblebody #zoetermeersport #healthyliving #contrology #strongabs #strongback #changeyourlife #changeyourbody #nomoreachesandpains (bij Pilates Studio van Sonsbeek) https://www.instagram.com/p/CU9KmRygqV3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Pilates is stoer. De pittige oefeningen hebben direct een geweldig effect op de houding. De correcties die de metalen springs geven zijn ongeëvenaard. Al na één les zie en voel je de resultaten. Geïnteresseerd in een proefles? https://www.pilateszoetermeer.nl/proefles-pilates/ Pilates Studio Van Sonsbeek Leidsewallen 3A, Zoetermeer The Netherlands www.pilatessonsbeek.nl [email protected] #pilates #originalpilates #chairpilates #matclasses #zoetermeer #barrelpilates #towerpilates #halfcadillac #pilateszoetermeer #pilatesdorpsstraatzoetermeer #pilatesstudiovansonsbeek #pilatesleidsewallen3a #pilatesgroepslessen #pilatesstudiozoetermeer #powerhouse #strongbody #flexiblebody #zoetermeersport #healthyliving #contrology #strongabs #strongback #changeyourlife #changeyourbody #nomoreachesandpains (bij Pilates Studio van Sonsbeek) https://www.instagram.com/p/CU3BnPdAhik/?utm_medium=tumblr
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The Pilates Corkscrew is an exercise from the original Pilates Mat work. The name for this exercise comes from the movement of twisting or turning a corkscrew in a cork. In the video you see that this advanced version of the exercise can also be done with a little “help” of the poles. When you progress you can do it without the poles with the arms firmly on the mat. First it is hard to lift the straight legs off the floor from lying down on your back and then “corkscrewing” the legs engaged as one strong unit, the heels together constantly, the toes pointed, the kneecaps lifted, but workout after workout it gets better and better. As always…practice makes perfect. Pilates targets all the muscles in the body. It works not only the abdominals, but also the hips, the legs, the arms, the back and the spine. It's a great exercise method for those who are looking for a sequence to help elongate and strengthen their bodies. The Pilates exercise “the Corkscrew” is an excellent way to twist and lengthen the body while building strength. It also helps develop strong abs, hips, and core muscles which make it an ideal exercise for those who want to improve their posture or work on eliminating back pain. Pilates generally focuses on cresting more length in the body. Pilates moves will elongate and tone the tissues in your whole body. As you practice these moves, you will feel long, strong and toned legs from your thighs to your calves. You will also feel flexible in your waist and unwind from head to toe. Are you interested in our workouts? Have questions? Feel free to mail us. And/or take a trial session. https://www.pilateszoetermeer.nl/proefles-pilates/ Pilates Studio Van Sonsbeek Leidsewallen 3A, Zoetermeer The Netherlands www.pilatessonsbeek.nl [email protected] #pilates #originalpilates #chairpilates #matclasses #zoetermeer #barrelpilates #towerpilates #halfcadillac #pilateszoetermeer #pilatesdorpsstraatzoetermeer #pilatesstudiovansonsbeek #pilatesleidsewallen3a #pilatesgroepslessen #pilatesstudiozoetermeer #powerhouse #strongbody #flexiblebody #zoetermeersport #healthyliving #contrology #strongabs #strongback #changeyourlife #changeyourbody (bij Pilates Studio van Sonsbeek) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUw3kGAAzOO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Ever feel like you're going to lose your mind from boredom? Do you want a workout that is fun, yet still challenges your body? Our workouts on the Pilates Chair are perfect for you! The benefits of doing Pilates are absolute fantastic. Not only the exercises on the Mat, but also the Pilates exercises on the Apparatus, like the “Going Up Front” on the Chair in this video. If you're looking for a challenging workout that will give you a whole-body workout, then you need to try out our Pilates Chair workouts. The Pilates Chair sessions are simple but very effective. Pilates is an exercise discipline that focuses on the physical aspect of the whole body, not only its core. Pilates helps you to be super strong, powerful, supple as a leopard and wonderful flexible. Pilates also helps to massage your fascia, joints, and ligaments. This way they are protected from overuse injuries. Because of this Pilates is also used for rehabilitation purposes by doctors all over the world. Pilates is an holistic, very effective exercise method that can be used by anyone who wants to build their strength or just get in better shape with a lengthened body. Are you interested in our workouts? Have questions? Feel free to mail us. And/or take a trial session. https://www.pilateszoetermeer.nl/proefles-pilates/ Pilates Studio Van Sonsbeek Leidsewallen 3A, Zoetermeer The Netherlands www.pilatessonsbeek.nl [email protected] #pilates #originalpilates #pilatesapparaten #chairpilates #matclasses #barrelpilates #towerpilates #halfcadillac #pilateszoetermeer #pilatesstudiovansonsbeek #pilatesleidsewallen3a #pilatesgroepsles #pilatesstudiozoetermeer #theartofcontrology (bij Pilates Studio van Sonsbeek) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUsLWsoK9pe/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Pilates maakt je supersterk! Pilates is een ingenieus oefensysteem dat zich richt op het strekken, versterken en stabiliseren van het hele lichaam. Dus niet alleen de kern (core) zoals weleens wordt gedacht. Maar natuurlijk krijg je wel een oersterk centrum, waarmee je met groot gemak en gecontroleerd de oefening doet die je op de video ziet. De leden van onze studio zijn erg sterk geworden door consequent Pilates te beoefenen, ondanks (pijn)klachten en kwalen. Tineke (74) doet hier de Double Leg Lower & Lift ondanks het feit dat ze flinke fysieke problemen heeft. Maar juist die klanten zijn het meest gemotiveerd en bereiken fantastische resultaten. Pilates verbetert de flexibiliteit en balans. De Pilates-methode werd in het begin van de 20e eeuw ontwikkeld door Joseph Pilates die een zeer doordachte benadering van lichaamsbeweging creëerde die de algehele gezondheid significant verbetert en vooral het zelfbewustzijn van het eigen lichaam enorm vergroot. Ben je geïnteresseerd in onze Pilates workouts? Je bent van harte welkom! Boek eens een proefles en/of mail ons je vragen. https://www.pilateszoetermeer.nl/proefles-pilates/ Pilates Studio Van Sonsbeek Leidsewallen 3A, Zoetermeer The Netherlands www.pilatessonsbeek.nl [email protected] #pilates #originalpilates #chairpilates #matclasses #zoetermeer #barrelpilates #towerpilates #halfcadillac #pilateszoetermeer #pilatesdorpsstraatzoetermeer #pilatesstudiovansonsbeek #pilatesleidsewallen3a #pilatesgroepslessen #pilatesstudiozoetermeer #powerhouse #strongbody #flexiblebody #zoetermeersport #healthyliving #contrology #strongabs #strongback #changeyourlife #changeyourbody #nomoreachesandpains (bij Pilates Studio van Sonsbeek) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUaBKt4qqH7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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We are very proud of our member Tineke (74) who is doing Pilates for 5 years at least twice per week. She loves to work with the Tower and the Chair. Despite physical problems she continues on her Pilates path. Getting younger and stronger each workout. Hurray for Tineke! Pilates is a form of exercise designed to strengthen the body and improve flexibility, while also helping to lengthen and tone muscles. It is based on many controlled exercise movements which are performed with the Pilates equipment such as Pilates Chair, Reformer, Tower, Barrels, Cadillac etc. or by using one’s own body weight on the Mat. Are you interested in our workouts? Have questions? Feel free to mail us. And/or take a trial session. https://www.pilateszoetermeer.nl/proefles-pilates/ Pilates Studio Van Sonsbeek Leidsewallen 3A, Zoetermeer The Netherlands www.pilatessonsbeek.nl [email protected] #pilates #originalpilates #chairpilates #matclasses #zoetermeer #barrelpilates #towerpilates #halfcadillac #pilateszoetermeer #pilatesdorpsstraatzoetermeer #pilatesstudiovansonsbeek #pilatesleidsewallen3a #pilatesgroepslessen #pilatesstudiozoetermeer #powerhouse #strongbody #flexiblebody #zoetermeersport #healthyliving #contrology #strongabs #strongback #changeyourlife #changeyourbody #nomoreachesandpains (bij Pilates Studio van Sonsbeek) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUXh-BBqRlw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Pilates is an accessible and effective form of exercise. The group classes with the Pilates Chair strengthens and stretches the abs and back muscles. This can be done without having to set up an expensive, large apparatus in your home, because we also learn you to do Pilates at home with the help of our video’s. To maintain your level and profit from this genius movement method it is key to also do the Pilates workouts at home. Pilates is a great workout for all levels of fitness and all ages, with benefits ranging from improved flexibility to better balance, core strength and joint mobility. Pilates is a fitness regime that focuses on stretching and strengthening one's muscles in a controlled manner. The classes with the Pilates Chair strengthens the body without too much strain on one's joints, making it also suitable for people with joint pain or arthritis. Pilates is not only a great workout for people who want to get in shape, but it is also suited for those who want to recover from an injury. It has been proven that Pilates can help treat back pain and arthritis along with improving one's range of motion and flexibility. Our unique Group classes are a great way to start Pilates with other people going through the same process as you. This way you have an accountability partner, someone who will push you out of your comfort zone when needed. Our wonderful and lovely members are lifting your spirit up. And we are having fun! Every session we are having a good laugh! Are you interested in our workouts? Have questions? Feel free to mail us. And/or take a trial session. https://www.pilateszoetermeer.nl/proefles-pilates/ Pilates Studio Van Sonsbeek Leidsewallen 3A, Zoetermeer The Netherlands www.pilatessonsbeek.nl [email protected] #pilates #originalpilates #chairpilates #matclasses #zoetermeer #barrelpilates #towerpilates #halfcadillac #pilateszoetermeer #pilatesdorpsstraatzoetermeer #pilatesstudiovansonsbeek #pilatesleidsewallen3a #pilatesgroepslessen #pilatesstudiozoetermeer #powerhouse #strongbody #flexiblebody #zoetermeersport #healthyliving #contrology #strongabs #strongback #changeyourlife #changeyourbody #nomoreachesandpains (bij Pilates Studio van Sonsbeek) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUT_h62qnT0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Pilates is a holistic workout that will help you to find your physical and mental strength. It improves posture, strengthens not only the core, but all the muscles of the entire body! This movement system stretches the muscles, and gives you more power then you can imagine. You feel like Superman or Superwoman! Are you interested in our workouts? Have questions? Feel free to mail us. And/or take a trial session. https://www.pilateszoetermeer.nl/proefles-pilates/ Pilates Studio Van Sonsbeek Leidsewallen 3A, Zoetermeer The Netherlands www.pilatessonsbeek.nl [email protected] #pilates #matclasses #zoetermeer #walltower #halfcadillac #pilateszoetermeer #pilatesdorpsstraatzoetermeer #pilatesstudiovansonsbeek #pilatesleidsewallen3a #pilatesgroepslessen #pilatesstudiozoetermeer #powerhouse #strongbody #flexiblebody #zoetermeersport #healthyliving #contrology #strongabs #strongback #changeyourlife #changeyourbody (bij Pilates Studio van Sonsbeek) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUPo7g7A6B_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Pilates can be seen as a way to improve your posture, keep your fascia long and supple, increase range of motion in your joints and finally maintain stability in your pelvis. It also helps you to have a better understanding of how your muscles work. We offer among many other classes also Groupclasses with the Pilates Chair. The Chair sessions are challenging; your muscles will definitely fire! It is guaranteed that you make a good sweat. It is a super workout that works the whole body. You leave the studio taller and more toned! Are you interested in our workouts? Have questions? Feel free to mail us. And/or take a trial session. https://www.pilateszoetermeer.nl/proefles-pilates/ Pilates Studio Van Sonsbeek Leidsewallen 3A, Zoetermeer The Netherlands www.pilatessonsbeek.nl [email protected] #pilates #chairpilates #matclasses #zoetermeer #walltower #halfcadillac #pilateszoetermeer #pilatesdorpsstraatzoetermeer #pilatesstudiovansonsbeek #pilatesleidsewallen3a #pilatesgroepslessen #pilatesstudiozoetermeer #powerhouse #strongbody #flexiblebody #zoetermeersport #healthyliving #contrology #strongabs #strongback #changeyourlife #changeyourbody (bij Pilates Studio van Sonsbeek) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUMNeiiq-vu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Our members can confirm this:Pilates changed your life for the better. Look how they move with ease and control! Imagine; more energy, more strength and stamina. Less or no more pains and aches! Do Pilates and get ready to transform your body thus your life. Get healthier, firmer, stronger and life feels lighter. Get ánd keep your body in shape with our High Quality affordable Pilates groupclasses. With the help of our expert trainers you will progress quickly and that will motivate you even more. We teach you how to perform every exercise precise and correctly for maximum results. Are you interested in our workouts? Have questions? Feel free to mail us. And/or take a trial session. https://www.pilateszoetermeer.nl/proefles-pilates/ Pilates Studio Van Sonsbeek Leidsewallen 3A, Zoetermeer The Netherlands www.pilatessonsbeek.nl [email protected] #pilates #matclasses #zoetermeer #walltower #halfcadillac #pilateszoetermeer #pilatesdorpsstraatzoetermeer #pilatesstudiovansonsbeek #pilatesleidsewallen3a #pilatesgroepslessen #pilatesstudiozoetermeer #powerhouse #strongbody #flexiblebody #zoetermeersport #healthyliving #contrology #strongabs #strongback #changeyourlife #changeyourbody (bij Pilates Studio van Sonsbeek) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUH-z0wgDgj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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You don't have to be a fitness guru to experience the benefits of Pilates. This brilliant movement method of exercises on mat and equipment gives people with any fitness level the opportunity to build strength, coordination, and flexibility. Try it out today! Discover the ultimate, controlled stretch and strengthening routine for your entire body, guaranteed to make you move better. This functional program includes over more then 500 exercises for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels to suit all abilities. And it is fun too! With the help of our expert trainers you will progress quickly and that will motivate you even more. We will teach you how to perform every exercise precise and correctly for maximum results. You want to feel and look young and free, without any aches and pains in your body. The original Joseph Pilates method is the best way to stay younger, longer. Pilates exercises can help you run without pain, ride a bike without pain, play tennis, play golf, play with your kids without pain Do you want to get really in shape? Then original Pilates is the workout regime for you! The system of Joseph Pilates offers the most effective and natural exercise that provides all of your needs. Book a trial session today and you also get a strong and supple body. Are you interested in our workouts? Have questions? Feel free to mail us. And/or take a trial session. https://www.pilateszoetermeer.nl/proefles-pilates/ Pilates Studio Van Sonsbeek Leidsewallen 3A, Zoetermeer The Netherlands www.pilatessonsbeek.nl [email protected] #pilates #matclasses #zoetermeer #walltower #halfcadillac #pilateszoetermeer #pilatesdorpsstraatzoetermeer #pilatesstudiovansonsbeek #pilatesleidsewallen3a #pilatesgroepslessen #pilatesstudiozoetermeer #powerhouse #strongbody #flexiblebody #zoetermeersport #healthyliving #contrology #strongabs #strongback #changeyourlife #changeyourbody #stayyounger (bij Pilates Studio van Sonsbeek) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUB6F2_KNoO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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“If Your Spine Is Stiff At 30, Then You Are Old. If Your Spine Is Completely Flexible, Then You Are Young.”~ Joseph Pilates. It is só wonderful to see our clients with a young body while their age is over 74 in our studio, because they DO Pilates. They really DO It. They not just look at video’s while sitting as a couch potato. To change you actually have To Do It! Dûh! You deserve to live a healthy life! Become young by using Joseph Pilates's genius method to return to life and health. Balance your spine for a lifetime of health, wellness, and happiness! You want to feel young and free, without any aches and pains in your body. The Joseph Pilates method is the best way to stay younger, longer. Pilates exercises can help you run without pain, ride a bike without pain, play with your kids without pain. Try the Joseph Pilates method today and we are convinced you get hooked. Are you interested in our workouts? Have questions? Feel free to mail us. And/or take a trial session. https://www.pilateszoetermeer.nl/proefles-pilates/ Pilates Studio Van Sonsbeek Leidsewallen 3A, Zoetermeer The Netherlands www.pilatessonsbeek.nl [email protected] #pilates #matclasses #zoetermeer #walltower #halfcadillac #pilateszoetermeer #pilatesdorpsstraatzoetermeer #pilatesstudiovansonsbeek #pilatesleidsewallen3a #pilatesgroepslessen #pilatesstudiozoetermeer #powerhouse #strongbody #flexiblebody #zoetermeersport #healthyliving #contrology #strongabs #strongback #changeyourlife #changeyourbody (bij Pilates Studio van Sonsbeek) https://www.instagram.com/p/CT6MTahqdLL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Pilates is stretch, strength and control. In almost every Pilates (group)session we do this lovely Pilates exercise (known from the Reformer) called Tree with fantastic results. Day-to-day activities can lead to stiffness and shortening of the muscles and attachments, but that doesn't need to happen! Stretch your way to health with Pilates! Stretch stimulates and supports your connective tissue and helps you maintain a youthful appearance. Say goodbye to stiffness, and hello to a supple, flexible body! Stop shortening your lifespan with poor quality of movement. If you want to look and feel young and energetic, you need to be able to move easily! When your muscles are stiff, they shorten. Short muscles make you look old! Give your body the power, Control ánd stretch it needs with Pilates. Are you interested in our workouts? Have questions? Feel free to mail us. And/or take a trial session. https://www.pilateszoetermeer.nl/proefles-pilates/ Pilates Studio Van Sonsbeek Leidsewallen 3A, Zoetermeer The Netherlands www.pilatessonsbeek.nl [email protected] #pilates #matclasses #zoetermeer #Chair #walltower #halfcadillac #pilateszoetermeer #pilatesdorpsstraatzoetermeer #pilatesstudiovansonsbeek #pilatesleidsewallen3a #pilatesgroepslessen #pilatesstudiozoetermeer #powerhouse #strongbody #flexiblebody #zoetermeersport #healthyliving #contrology #strongabs #strongback #changeyourlife #changeyourbody (bij Pilates Studio van Sonsbeek) https://www.instagram.com/p/CT3n9INKi1Y/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Joseph Pilates was convinced that everybody could return to health with his movement method. You get really fit with the original Pilates exercises. All participants in our studio feel super young, supple and strong. Regular Pilates workouts help keep your spine flexible, youthful, and prevent bone density loss. Comparing to other workouts, Pilates is also easier on your joints, which means you'll be able to enjoy the benefits of working out for longer. Our Pilates Matclasses are perfect for both beginners and experts alike. Join our mat sessions once or twice a week (or mix it with other types of Pilates classes, fir example Mat + Barrel with the Small Barrel or Mix & Match with Wall Tower and Barrel) or with with the fun and fusion workout BootyBarre Plus). You'll feel better, have more energy, and have better posture! Are you interested in our workouts? Have questions? Feel free to mail us. And/or take a trial session. https://www.pilateszoetermeer.nl/proefles-pilates/ Pilates Studio Van Sonsbeek Leidsewallen 3A, Zoetermeer The Netherlands www.pilatessonsbeek.nl [email protected] #pilates #matclasses #zoetermeer #walltower #halfcadillac #pilateszoetermeer #pilatesdorpsstraatzoetermeer #pilatesstudiovansonsbeek #pilatesleidsewallen3a #pilatesgroepslessen #pilatesstudiozoetermeer #powerhouse #strongbody #flexiblebody #zoetermeersport #healthyliving #contrology #strongabs #strongback #changeyourlife #changeyourbody (bij Pilates Studio van Sonsbeek) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTye8tKqzOV/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Get firmer, stronger, and slimmer in just one workout. The Wall Tower is a revolutionary workout device to transform your body. We offer affordable sessions with this wonderful Pilates Apparatus in our groupclasses for 10 participants with 10 Wall Towers. Take your workout to the next level with our Groupclasse Wall Tower or Micx & Match. The metal springs with powerful resistance are designed to strengthen and lengthen your muscles and fascia. What you do is what you get. Change your routine for a change in your life. The Pilates groupclasses Wall Tower and Mix & Match will train your body to be healthier, stronger, and more flexible. Not only that, it helps correct postural deviations and muscle imbalances! Are you interested in our workouts? Have questions? Feel free to mail us. And/or take a trial session. https://www.pilateszoetermeer.nl/proefles-pilates/ Pilates Studio Van Sonsbeek Leidsewallen 3A, Zoetermeer The Netherlands www.pilatessonsbeek.nl [email protected] #pilates #zoetermeer #walltower #halfcadillac #pilateszoetermeer #pilatesdorpsstraatzoetermeer #pilatesstudiovansonsbeek #pilatesleidsewallen3a #pilatesgroepslessen #pilatesstudiozoetermeer #powerhouse #strongbody #flexiblebody #zoetermeersport #healthyliving #contrology #strongabs #strongback #changeyourlife #changeyourbody (bij Pilates Studio van Sonsbeek) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTwB3WIqQAJ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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