dragondemoness · 1 year
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empress-hancock · 1 year
So I’ve only got one more slot left in my switch case for games, and that slot will be for TOTK, so I’m going to need a case for future games
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And bonus, I’m not getting it because a capacity of only two games is stupid, but it’s hilarious so I have to show you the Switch Toaster:
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hatchpaper · 2 years
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CHONKY♂ By Corbin Leach | December 1, 2020 (Age 27)
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ericacrochets · 3 years
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Pikachu (Pikachub) by curiouspapaya
Free Crochet Pattern Here
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rushelbus-blog · 7 years
Pikachub’s had a long day
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salamencerobot · 5 years
Nintendo gave us yamper, snom, wooloo, and hop, and the internet just fucking imploded
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gomigomipomi · 5 years
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Detective Pikachubs
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kaban-bang · 5 years
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leestei · 5 years
✍️ Pikachub? (Yes I meant pikachub)
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foxune · 5 years
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devilrose · 5 years
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ko-fi | twitter | webcomic | website
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ukrbest · 7 years
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Дизайнерская #бескаркасная_мебель от #ukrbest - #заказ готовится к отправке в разные города #ukraine . На фото - #мягкая_мебель : 1. #Детская #кровать #покемон #пикачу, #стич - цены от 2700 грн. 2. #кресло_кровать трансформирующееся "Классик" зеленое - 1710 грн. 3. #дизайнерское_кресло "Box", которое разложено в #матрасы и мягкий #пуфик - 1920 грн. 4. #подушкасмайлик #ручнаяработаназаказ в ассортименте - 230 грн. Все это - #эксклюзивнаямебель от интернет-магазина: UKR.BEST ? Ищите #подарокдляребенка? Хотите внести изюминку в #дизайнинтерьера ? #детскаякроватьназаказ #pokemon #pikachu #bed и #декоративнаяподушка #smile - подарят Вашим детям массу удовольствия! ? Часто приходят гости, которым нужно дополнительное спальное место? #креслокровать "Классик" - это кресло, кровать, столик и пуфик 4 в 1! Эта и другая #мебельназаказ - #купить от производителя: UKR.BEST Теги: #pokemongo #Pikachubed (at Kyiv, Ukraine)
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superlustersnew52 · 5 years
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bunnis-babes · 6 years
Bishhhhhhh I love your writing I also like reading when bakugou gets in th fight with his s/o ans try to make it up to her
Hope you like these, they might be a little rushed and they’re super overdue, but I did try!
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💥Bakugou is a very jealous boyfriend, he doesn’t like the though of other guys talking to or touching his s/o.
💥So most fights in his relationship came from his, sometimes overbearing, jealousy.
💥He tried his hardest to keep it all at bay, especially since it annoyed s/o so much, but he couldn’t control it at times.
💥The last time he let his jealousy take over him, the fight was brutal. The couple called each other names, insulted each other, using weak points to knock the other down.
💥The end result of that left both of them crying and alone, and s/o swore to him when they made up that, if he let it get this out of control one more time, he would regret it.
💥And regret he would.
💥He was coming back from an outing with the squad and his lovely s/o, more pissed than he usually was.
💥 That was because of Kaminari, of course. The blonde was being extra flirty that day, especially with s/o. That wasn’t okay.
💥 Kaminari was touching them, giving them teasing gestures, and brushing his hand over theirs more than a few times. It turned into desperate flirting toward the end of the get together, he said anything that came to his mind to s/o, getting in-between Bakugou and them.
💥 The problem was, that s/o didn’t seem to mind or try and stop him. Hello, he was their boyfriend, not Pikachu over there, thanks.
💥 But the rest of the group didn’t seem to care either, it was like this was totally normal.
💥 Was it totally normal? Have S/o and Kaminari been dating behind his back?
💥 The more he thought about it the angrier he got.
💥 So when the group all got back to the dorms and he quickly stormed off, everyone was confused.
💥 Kirishima offered to go after him, but s/o intervened, saying they could handle him this time. It probably wasn’t that big of a deal anyway.
💥 They knocked softly on Bakugou’s door, calling out his name. He didn’t answer, so they did it again, a bit louder this time. Still no response. A third, then a fourth, a fifth, and a sixth. He wouldn’t budge, so s/o would have to use their secret weapon, a spare room key.
💥 Opening the door, “Baku~ Hey, what’s up?”
He growled at them, “Haha, yeah… so, whats got you in a bad mood.”
Glaring over to them he cold replied, “You and Pikachub being all lovey, dovey out there.”
💥 He really was pulling that card, he was jealous again. Gosh he was such a child sometimes, s/o thought, rolling their eyes.
💥 “Bakugou, what have we said about jealousy? It’s needed and it only hurts us in the end.”
“Oh, yeah? What have said about cheating, huh? Tell me about that.”
“Are you implying I— Bakugou, I can’t believe you!”
“Believe it! Why else would you and that dunce be so close?!”
“Because we’re friends, moron, and we weren’t that close!” They let out a frustrated sigh, “You know what, I’m better than this. I’m leaving you alone to think about what happened tonight. Come get me once you’ve gotten your thoughts straight, alright?” With that they left the room and Bakugou alone.
💥 All that night, he thought about what s/o said, what happened that day. He eventually came to the realization that Kaminari was just being a normal human being and chatting with s/o, because they were good friends. Gosh, was he an idiot.
💥 In the morning, he was determined to set things right, heading over to s/o’s dorm quickly, only to have Jiro tell him they already left.
💥 So he went to the classroom. They were there, as he thought, but he couldn’t get to them because of how many people were around them
💥 During lunch that sat at a different table and avoided him like the plague all day. It got to him, the fact that they were mad enough to actively avoid him.
💥 All the more reason to make it right between them.
💥 So after a about a week of the same routine, he decided he would have to beat them to it. So when class was over, he bolted to their dorm room, waiting and watching.
💥 He saw them enter the hallway, look at him, and immediately attempt to leave. Only to have Bakugou swiftly grab them and spin them around to look at him.
💥 “We need to talk.”
“There’s no talk to be had.” They spit back at him.
“Yes, there is one, and you aren’t leaving until it’s over. Got it.” He glared with intensity and passion in his eyes, forcing them to give in with a nod.
💥 They let him into their dorm, allowing him to hit next to them on the bed. The air was tense and uncomfortable, neither of them look at the other.
💥 “So,” so broke the silence, “what did you want to talk about?”
“I’m sorry, alright.” Shocked they looked at him in stunned silence. “I.. overcomplicated things and I… I made a mess.” They smiled.
“Baku, thats all I needed from you. Im also sorry for walking out, but it think we both needed it.” He nodded in agreement. “Please… try harder to keep your jealousy in check, you were doing so well.” He chuckled at their teasing statement.
“Alright, I’ll try… Thank you.”
S/o giggled, “No problem.” They kissed his cheek.
💥 “Now! Lets go rub in Pikachu’s face that he doesn’t stand a chance against me!”
HAHAHA, LATE POSTS! I have one more after this that won’t be out until later when I get into the right mood after reading a thousand fanfics similar to the topic. Hope you enjoyed!
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bumpscosity · 5 years
I just got batteries for my knock off Pikachu clock (who I’m naming pikachub) but now the clock isn’t working but if the alarm is on it’s constantly going off and it’s incredibly loud akdhdkhdj
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sneasels · 6 years
I can't stop thinking about pikachub f Connie what have you done
i love you so much, pikachub
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