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Can anti vegans just fuck off with their spam of "vegan leather is plastic tho?"
Like yes, we've heard it a million times.
No, it's not a biproduct.
No, animal leather isn't better for the planet.
Animal leather is still processed with shit that makes it non-biodegradable.
You're talking about Murdering innocent animals who are like no different to house-pets.
Grow up, do some research
Check out watchdominion.org
And pignorant on Amazon prime.
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Just watched pignorant and holy fucking shit was it crazy.
#I thought that the factory farm was bad enough with all those poor dead babies and the mother covered in her own excrement having just given#Birth in such close confinement but the fact that the free range farm wasn’t any better just broke my heart#I mean I’ve known the truth for so long now and I become numb to it at times but when I saw that poor pig paralysed and cold#Sat there in the dirt shivering and trying aimlessly to move it was like I was there and I just wanted so badly to hold her.#She was suffering and nobody cared. She had been there for days. And for what? To die by blunt force trauma and end up in the festering#Kill bin#cant fucking stand carnism man
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BREAKING: 2nd Pig Gas Chamber in UK History EXPOSED (Cranswick Foods)
Since around 6 am this morning we’ve been occupying the top of an active pig gas chamber owned by Cranswick country foods. This action follows my latest investigation, featured in the independent, which found pigs being hit in the face before being gassed to death in horrific torture. You can find the full cranswick investigation on my YouTube channel now. Today’s action is part of a wider campaign to raise awareness for the plight of pigs after my feature length documentary Pignorant was released on Amazon prime.These disgusting torture chambers are currently operating all over the UK and the world. This is the horror that is legally allowed to take place, when animals don’t have rights protecting them.Please don’t support any industry that exploits sentient animals, help us share the truth and live vegan!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jrc0GN1Ujys
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have you watched pignorant?
nope, it's not available in my country. but i hope it makes an impact <3
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Catullus 44
Rudy Pozzatti Cicero, 1963
O fvnde noster seu Sabine seu Tiburs O our farm, whether Sabine or TIburtine (nam te esse Tiburtem autumant, quibus non est (for they insist that you are Tiburtine, for whom it is not cordi Catullum laedere; at quibus cordi est, for the heart to hurt Catullus; but for whom it is in the heart quouis Sabinum pignore esse contendunt), contending that you are Sabine by any rate), sed seu Sabine siue uerius Tiburs, but whether you're Sabine or more truly Tiburtine, fui libenter in tua suburbana i was glad in your suburban uilla, malamque pectore expuli tussim, house, and expelled a bad cough out from my chest, non inmerenti quam mihi meus uenter, which i did not deserve to be given by my stomach, dum sumptuosas appeto, dedit, cenas. while I craved bouijee dinners. nam, Sestianus dum uolo esse conuiua, for, while I wish to be a guest of Sestius, orationem in Antium petitorem the speech in petition to Arrius plenam ueneni et pestilentiae legi. full of poision and plague I read. hic me grauedo frigida et frequens tussis here a grave sickness and frequent cough have quassauit usque, dum in tuum sinum fugi, shaken me consistently, while I flee into your chest, et me recuraui otioque et urtica. and I restored myself by means of leisure and nettles. quare refectus maximas tibi grates therefore i give the greatest thanks to you for my recovery ago, meum quod non es ulta peccatum. i do, you have no punished my error. nec deprecor iam, si nefaria scripta I now offer no prayer, if bad writings Sesti recepso, quin grauedinem et tussim of Sestius i will take up again, without fever or cold non mi, sed ipsi Sestio ferat frigus, not for me, but rather to Sestius himself been coughed up, qui tunc uocat me, cum malum librum legi. who then calls me, whenever I read this bad speech.
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Am I becoming a veggie?
Reading recently that the mysterious Octopus, with its three hearts and weirdly distributed brain, is now classified as a fully sentient being made me reconsider using the ocean's most intelligent creature as food stuff.
Not a great loss really, I've only had Octopus a few dozen times so calling time on a sentient being due to the absence of a humane slaughter method seems not a big deal.
Or the thin end of the wedge?
Reading in The Guardian about an upcoming animal welfare film, Pignorant, made me reflect more on the fundamentals of eating living animals. You see, in the UK most pigs are killed by high-dose CO2 to knock them dead then have their throats cut.
You don't really want to view the gassing process, the pigs desperately fighting for breath, the squealing, the panic, the twitching. It only takes a few minutes to complete but the fear and stress is off the scale.
And lord no, I don't want to see the throats being cut of pigs that come round from unsuccessful gassing. Jeez, that must take some stomach.
Can I give up bacon, sausages, pork pies, black pudding, sausage rolls, ham, gammon, chorizo? ... the list goes on.
Well, I could cut down with the aim to reduce consumption. So lets start by binning the less desirable stuff; sausage rolls, hotdogs, gammon, ham and bacon first. That leaves me good quality sausages, artisanal pork pies and scotch eggs, and black pudding. And let's aim for good pig welfare, if there is such a thing.
Oh, and definitely avoid crap like this:
INGREDIENTS: British Pork (93%), Water, Tapioca Starch, Salt, Rice Flour, Gram Flour, White Pepper, Nutmeg, Coriander, Ginger, Chilli Powder, Clove, Onion Powder, Sage, Stabiliser: Sodium Triphosphate; Yeast Extract, Preservative: Sodium Metabisulphite (Sulphites); Antioxidant: Ascorbic Acid; Maize Starch, Dextrose. Sausages filled into alginate casings.
That is not food, I've not even heard of much of that and it most definitely fails the "if any ingredient cannot be found in the kitchen, then avoid" test.
Veggie? Nah, not me, not yet - but certainly more animal friendly and better informed about animal welfare. And will I get preachy? Nope, definitely not. I wonder how long it will take for the missus to notice?
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RSPCA approves of animal slaughter and exploitation. Including killing pigs and making them suffer in gaschambers.
Check out pignorant on Amazon prime
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Allarme anziani vittime di usura, aumenta il numero delle persone in difficoltà che si rivolgono a vicini o conoscenti in cerca di aiuto. #usuradiprossimita #200milapensionipignorate #allarmeanziani #caritas
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I did not know this. I was pignorant, pig’nant. I did not know this. I was pignorant, pig'nant.
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It turned my drawings against me, yeah I don’t need Castlevania, thanks a lot that my nieces and nephews made fun of me because Castlevania turned them into a huge threats in my life. I don’t need Castlevania games, it turn kids into a big baddies, people supports propaganda that turned against me too, rubbish men and Katulong came to me, and Propaganda targetted me all of the time, like rubbish men threatened my virginity, what a waste.
Castlevania made my family huge jerks, my younger cousins and my pamankins took everything from me and insulted me a lot. Castlevania games turned kids into very evil.
Castlevania auras had went with me itself, then the little kid say shit on me there in MCM since 2015 and Dr. Mia is being a bit mean to me.
I don’t like Castlevania, look at my cousins, they are crazily evil, Bomb Bomb’s castlevania art had strong forbidding curse. The Bloodlines Rondo of Blood destroyed my brain cells since I was very young.
Look at my grandma, she is a huge verbal abuser and cranky bitch with unreasonable anger, my tomboy aunt is cranky, yeller, and a verbal abuser! My gay uncle is a verbal abuser, abuser, and a drug addict! His gambling mother is a cranky greedy old woman who needs money from us! My another drug addict uncle but skinny threatened us with real death threats because of his big needs of money.
Castlevania wants me to be a damsel in distress, whore, breedable, slut, slow metabolism, helper, trophy bride for the likes of Katulong, a Goose that laid golden eggs, but not to be tall strong talented smart amazon queen. It's propaganda, Castlevania is a Pignorant Propagnda, it need to be end now, to refund this suffering and the agony I don’t deserve
Castlevania is a big omen, I saw an invisible hanged man outside before that I got confused and wasted the printer ink because printing the wrong image and turned my Grandma is being a huge bitch.
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I'm obsessed with the ekphrasis in this passage primarily because Minerva has a simple olive-leaf border surrounding one (1) scene showing a contest between herself and Neptune, with the Olympians, seeming noble and awesome, overlooking them, and victory crowing her the winner; then four "scenelets" (I find it difficult to discern if she is just depicting the mountains, the two birds, and Cinyras on the temple steps, or the actual action of their transformation/the preceding/following events), depicting the gods as beings not to be trifled with. The passage also includes her reasoning behind including the extra scenes. She is certainly not subtle in making her point...I also love that the topic she chose for her weaving was....her winning another contest, surrounded by the gods defeating lesser beings in...contests. Minerva certainly is the goddess of strategy, not subtly. (and maybe also the goddess of insecurity...who needs to hype themselves up so much to win a contest against a lesser being that they first surprise their quarry, then choose to show themselves as a winner in a past contest...that's like playing a football match with your old season tournament trophy on the sideline...like, why do you need that?)
But Arachne has 22 (!) separate scenes and an elaborate vegetative border. While Minerva depicts the gods with "their own features" (this seems almost rote, like she's working from an existing stylistic template), Arachne's weaving is so accurate that her figures are described as "real"/"true". Her sheer volume of figures simply overtowers Minerva's one piddly scene, as does their message of "the gods are capricious and cruel, even to their own kind". The gods are not stately and awesome in Arachne's tapestry: they are monstrous, terrible beings who contort their forms to take advantage of those who they can, even those who undoubtedly hold as much divine power as they do, as the case is for Neptune's rape of Ceres in lines 118-119. And Ovid doesn't even include her reasoning for creating these scenes, so I have to assume the reasoning is "if these gods are flawed, than Minerva can be, too." I admire her audacity in the face of likely loss and death. I think she knew she was going out, so she chose to go out swinging, and I think that's pretty badass.
I love how Ovid depicts the gods as fallacious and capricious in the Metamorphoses. What does that mean? It is a barometer of public opinion about the gods? Is it just his own opinion or stylization of existing literary traditions and tropes? Is it meant to be a slight to the Imperial family and the Roman state in general (i.e. those in charge are cruel, petty, and unjust)? I'm obsessed. I'm completely obsessed.
Cecropia Pallas scopulum Mavortis in arce 70 pingit et antiquam de terrae nomine litem. bis sex caelestes medio Iove sedibus altis augusta gravitate sedent; sua quemque deorum inscribit facies: Iovis est regalis imago; stare deum pelagi longoque ferire tridente 75 aspera saxa facit, medioque e vulnere saxi exsiluisse fretum, quo pignore vindicet urbem; at sibi dat clipeum, dat acutae cuspidis hastam, dat galeam capiti, defenditur aegide pectus, percussamque sua simulat de cuspide terram 80 edere cum bacis fetum canentis olivae; mirarique deos: operis Victoria finis. ut tamen exemplis intellegat aemula laudis, quod pretium speret pro tam furialibus ausis quattuor in partes certamina quattuor addit, 85 clara colore suo, brevibus distincta sigillis: Threiciam Rhodopen habet angulus unus et Haemum, nunc gelidos montes, mortalia corpora quondam, nomina summorum sibi qui tribuere deorum; altera Pygmaeae fatum miserabile matris 90 pars habet: hanc Iuno victam certamine iussit esse gruem populisque suis indicere bellum; pinxit et Antigonen, ausam contendere quondam cum magni consorte Iovis, quam regia Iuno in volucrem vertit, nec profuit Ilion illi 95 Laomedonve pater, sumptis quin candida pennis ipsa sibi plaudat crepitante ciconia rostro; qui superest solus, Cinyran habet angulus orbum; isque gradus templi, natarum membra suarum, amplectens saxoque iacens lacrimare videtur. 100 circuit extremas oleis pacalibus oras (is modus est) operisque sua facit arbore finem.
Maeonis elusam designat imagine tauri Europam: verum taurum, freta vera putares; ipsa videbatur terras spectare relictas 105 et comites clamare suas tactumque vereri adsilientis aquae timidasque reducere plantas. fecit et Asterien aquila luctante teneri, fecit olorinis Ledam recubare sub alis; addidit, ut satyri celatus imagine pulchram 110 Iuppiter inplerit gemino Nycteida fetu, Amphitryon fuerit, cum te, Tirynthia, cepit, aureus ut Danaen, Asopida luserit ignis, Mnemosynen pastor, varius Deoida serpens. te quoque mutatum torvo, Neptune, iuvenco 115 virgine in Aeolia posuit; tu visus Enipeus gignis Aloidas, aries Bisaltida fallis, et te flava comas frugum mitissima mater sensit equum, sensit volucrem crinita colubris mater equi volucris, sensit delphina Melantho: 120 omnibus his faciemque suam faciemque locorum reddidit. est illic agrestis imagine Phoebus, utque modo accipitris pennas, modo terga leonis gesserit, ut pastor Macareida luserit Issen, Liber ut Erigonen falsa deceperit uva, 125 ut Saturnus equo geminum Chirona crearit. ultima pars telae, tenui circumdata limbo, nexilibus flores hederis habet intertextos.
Ovid, Metamorphoses VI.70-128
Pallas pictures the hill of Mars on the citadel of Cecrops and that old dispute over the naming of the land. (There sit twelve heavenly gods on lofty thrones in awful majesty, Jove in their midst; each god she pictures with his own familiar features; Jove's is a royal figure.) (There stands the god of ocean, and with his long trident smites the rugged cliff, and from the cleft rock sea-water leaps forth; a token to claim the city for his own.) (To herself the goddess gives a shield and a sharp-pointed spear, and a helmet for her head; the aegis guards her breast; and from the earth smitten by her spear's point upsprings a pale-green olive-tree hanging thick with fruit); (and the gods look on in wonder). (Victory crowns her work.) Then, that her rival may know by pictured warnings what reward she may expect for her mad darings she weaves in the four corners of the web four scenes of contest, each clear with its own colours and in miniature design. (One corner shows Thracian Rhodepe and Haemus, now huge, bleak mountains, but once audacious mortals who dared assume the names of the most high gods.) (A second corner shows the wretched fate of the Pygmaean queen, whom Juno conquered in a strife, then changed into a crane, and bade her war upon those whom once she ruled.) (Again she pictures how Antigone once dared to set herself against the consort of mighty Jove, and how Queen Juno changed her into a bird; Ilium availed her nothing, nor Laomedon, her father; nay, she is clothed in white feathers, and claps her rattling bill, a stork.) (The remaining corner shows Cinyras bereft of his daughters; there, embracing the marble temple-steps, once their limbs, he lies on the stone, and seems to weep.) (The goddess then wove around her work a border of peaceful olive-wreath.) This was the end; and so, with her own tree, her task was done. (transl. Miller 1915)
(Arachne pictures Europa cheated by the disguise of the bull: a real bull and real waves you would think them. The maid seems to be looking back upon the land she has left, calling on her companions, and, fearful of the touch of the leaping waves, to be drawing back her timid feet.) (She wrought Asterie, held by the struggling eagle); (she wrought Leda, beneath the swan’s wings.) (She added how, in a satyr's image hidden, Jove filled lovely Antiope with twin offspring); (how he was Amphitryon when he cheated thee, Alcmena); (how in a golden shower he tricked Danae); (Aegina, as a flame); (Mnemosyne, as a shepherd); (Deo's daughter, as a spotted snake). (Thee also, Neptune, she pictured, changed to a grim bull with the Aeolian maiden); (now as Enipeus thou dost beget the Aloidae), (as a ram deceivedst Bisaltis). (The golden-haired mother of corn, most gentle, knew thee as a horse); (the snake-haired mother of the winged horse knew thee as a winged bird); (Melantho knew thee as a dolphin). (To all these Arachne gave their own shapes and appropriate surroundings.) (Here is Phoebus like a countryman); (and she shows how he wore now a hawk's feathers), (now a lion's skin); (how as a shepherd he tricked Macareus' daughter, Isse); (how Bacchus deceived Erigone with the false bunch of grapes); (how Saturn in a horse's shape begot the centaur, Chiron). (The edge of the web with its narrow border is filled with flowers and clinging ivy intertwined.) (transl. Miller 1915)
#m mutters#minerva#athena#arachne#ovid#metamorphoses#long post whoops (but most of it is latin and translation..)#haha there were so many spelling mistakes....#ok to reblog btw
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I will say this. The Snyder Cut has led to an attitude of extreme entitlement among fandoms (especially SW fans) to think they can make whatever happen if they yell loud enough. Especially with SW fans, the only thing they accomplished with their yelling was fucking up TROS! Like you said. It’s peak fan entitlement. Fantitlement? Sorry I have a habit of mushing words together if I think it can work. Like pignorant or prenultimate. You can use those words if you want.
Oh absolutely, it's ludicrous. I get wanting more content obviously, but I swear they just go about it in the most obnoxious way possible.
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Quest’uomo - si fa per dire - Nicola Lodi, per tutti “Naomo”, vicesindaco del Comune di Ferrara, è la rappresentazione in scala ridotta del leghista medio. Il suo curriculum? Tenetevi forte: - Cinque condanne in patteggiamento per furto, usurpazione di funzioni pubbliche, sottrazione di cose pignorate e manifestazione non autorizzata. - Vive in una casa popolare a dispetto di una lusinghiera indennità di 3.227 euro al mese. - Sorpreso a usare regolarmente un pass per disabili, nonostante spesso lo vedano in giro per Ferrara in sella alla sua bici. Infine - ultimo ma non per oscenità - come rivela il sito Estense, gli è stato appena pignorato lo stipendio per debiti reiterati nei confronti dell’Agenzia delle Entrate, oltre a svariate somme mai versate a vari privati. Indovinate un po’ quanto deve il buon Naomo allo Stato italiano? 49.226,06 euro. Il numero magico della vergogna. No, non è uno scherzo. È la Lega. Ma, mi raccomando, continuate a votarli. Lorenzo Tosa
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