#pierre julien eymard
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cruger2984 · 1 year ago
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THE DESCRIPTION OF SAINT PETER JULIAN EYMARD The Apostle of the Blessed Sacrament Feast Day: August 2
"The Eucharist is the supreme proof of the love of Jesus. After this, there is nothing more but heaven itself."
Pierre-Julien Eymard, the founder of the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament, commonly known as the Sacramentinos, and the women-only Servants of the Blessed Sacrament, was born on February 4, 1811, in La Mure, Grenoble, French Empire. His father was a smith whose second wife was Julian's mother. Since childhood, he developed an intense devotion to the Virgin Mary and for the Eucharist.
Before his First Communion on March 16, 1823, he went on foot to the shrine of Notre-Dame du Laus. Later, he came to know about the apparition of Notre-Dame de La Salette and enjoyed traveling to various Marian shrines throughout France.
After the death of his mother in 1828, despite his father's opposition, he entered the Oblates of Mary Immaculate in June the following year. However, he was dismissed from the formation house because of a serious illness, particularly 'weakness of the lungs' and migraine headaches.
After his father's death in 1831, he succeeded – with the help of his former superior – in gaining admission to the major seminary of the Diocese of Grenoble, where he was ordained on July 20, 1834.
He was assigned as assistant pastor at the town of Chatte, and three years later appointed pastor of Mount Saint-Eynard, whose church and convent were completely dilapidated, and where only a few people were attending the Mass. With the help of his two sisters, Peter began refurnishing the convent and restoring the church.
Although Eymard is known to have revitalized the place, he was dissatisfied with parish work, and decided to join the Marists (the Society of Mary). His two sisters were quite devastated as they had dedicated their lives to serving him.
On August 20, 1837, aware of his religious vocation, he joined the Marist Fathers, where he worked as a well-respected spiritual adviser of seminarians and priests.
In 1849, after meeting in Paris the members of the Association of Nocturnal Adorers, he felt the call to establish a religious congregation completely dedicated to eucharistic adoration.
On May 13, 1856, the Paris bishops consented to Eymard's plans for a 'Society of the Blessed Sacrament'. He left the Marists and founded in Paris the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament. Two years later, together with Marguerite Guillot, he established the Servants of the Blessed Sacrament, a contemplative congregation for women.
He used to say: 'Religious life is not the end, religious life is only a means;' and also: 'You take communion to become holy, not because you already are.'
Eymard was a friend and contemporary of saints John Marie Vianney, Peter Chanel, Marcellin Champagnat, Blessed Basil Moreau and Pauline-Marie Jaricot.
Peter died on August 1, 1868 in his hometown at the age of 57 due to complications from a brain hemorrhage. He was beatified by Pope Pius XI on July 12, 1925 and canonized by St. John XXIII on December 9, 1962, his major shrine can be found at Santi Claudio e Andrea dei Borgognoni in Via del Pozzetto in Trevi. Peter named by St. John Paul II as the 'Apostle of the Eucharist'.
Peter is the patron of Eucharistic Adoration and Eucharistic Congress.
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jakez19 · 10 months ago
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bm-european-art · 3 years ago
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Father Pierre-Julien Eymard, Head (Le Père Pierre-Julien Eymard), Auguste Rodin, 1863, reduction before 1901; cast between 1905-1929, Brooklyn Museum: European Art
Size: 5 7/8 × 4 1/2 × 4 3/4 in. (14.9 × 11.4 × 12.1 cm) Medium: Bronze
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cma-modern-european-art · 3 years ago
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Father Pierre-Julien Eymard, Auguste Rodin , ca. 1863 (original model), Cleveland Museum of Art: Modern European Painting and Sculpture
Size: Overall: 14 x 11.4 x 11.7 cm (5 1/2 x 4 1/2 x 4 5/8 in.) Medium: bronze
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catholicpriestmedia · 3 years ago
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"Saint Pierre-Julien Eymard, priez pour nous!" #SaintDuJour #OraProNobis
📷 Le Père Eymard de Rodin (1863) / Musée Rodin via #Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 3.0). #Catholic_Priest #CatholicPriestMedia
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jloisse · 5 years ago
« Un serviteur ne vit que pour son maître, un soldat ne combat que pour la gloire de son roi, un saint ne veut que la plus grande gloire de Dieu. »
Saint Pierre-Julien Eymard
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ohwhenthesaints21 · 3 years ago
Lundi 2 Août
Saint Julien
Aujourd'hui un petit frenchie, un prêtre du XIXeme du diocèse de Grenoble. En vrai il sappelle Pierre-Julien Eymard. On va faire court on va dire Julien.
Pour changer dès son plus jeune âge il veut devenir prêtre, et pour changer son père n'est pas d'accord. Bah ouais, il a un commerce florissant d'huile d'olives et il aimerait bien que son fiston le reprenne. Bon finalement papounet meurt et Julien peut devenir prêtre.
Et puis un jour dans la basilique Notre-dame de Fourvière il a une révélation : c'est fou comme on s'en balek de l'adoration du Saint Sacrement (ce petit bout d'hostie dans un beau cadre en or qui représente Jésus) et franchement ça se fait pas ! Du coup il crée la Congrégation du Saint Sacrement, domicilié, et c'est cocasse, rue de l'enfer. Il est élu Supérieur à vie, tranquille. Bon par contre sa communauté est grave pauvre, lui-même se fait tej de sa maison qui se fait raser pour faire un boulevard. Rude.
Il meurt peu de temps après, en burn out de tous les problèmes de sa vie. Vous allez me dire c'est tout ? C'est tout mais c'est beaucoup ! Le gars a remis à la mode le Saint Sacrement et pour l'Eglise ça vaut largement une béatification. Eh ouais.
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sakrumverum · 4 years ago
Peter Julian (Pierre-Julien) Eymard, 1811 in Savoyen geboren, 1834 zum Priester geweiht, war ein großer Verehrer des Altarsakraments und gründete 1856 in Paris die Kongregation der Eucharistiner. 1858 erfolgte die Gründung des weiblichen Zweigs der Ordensgemeinschaft. Er starb am 1. August 1868 in seiner Heimatstadt. Zehn Jahre später wurde der unversehrte Leichnam in die Corpus-Christi-Kirche in Paris übertragen Land Europa Frankreich (Savoyen) Stand Priester Besonderheiten Ordensgründer
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extraordinary-woman · 5 years ago
27 October
The man who gazes on heaven with a clear eye will see all the better the darkness of earthly things: for though these emit a certain kind of brilliance, the splendor of heaven darkens all their light. - Saint Ignatius of Loyola The Passion and the Trials of the Soul, by Saint Paul of the Cross A Month of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament: Mary's Adoration of Thanksgiving, by Saint Pierre-Julien Eymard A Year with the Saints: 27 October
Saint Emilina of Boulancourt
Joined the Cistercian Abbey of Boulancourt at Longeville, France when still very young. Noted for her deep prayer life, fasts, and austere, sometimes severe self-imposed penances such as wearing a pointed chain under her habit, walking barefooted throughout the year and fasting from food and liquids three days a week. Word of her devotion soon spread, and pilgrims came to consult her about holiness and prayer. She had the gift of prophesy, and sometimes prophesied about visitors before they arrived. She never sought honor or glory for herself from her gifts, but dealt with visitors humbly and patiently, always concerned with their conversion and relationship with God.
1115 at France
• 1178 at Longeville, France of natural causes
• a perpetual flame is maintained at her tomb
Blessed Bartholomew of Vicenza
Also known as
Bartholomew of Braganza
Joined the Dominicans at Bologna, Italy, receiving the habit from Saint Dominic himself. Noted preacher throughout Lombardy and Emilia in Italy. Bishop of Limassol, Cyprus in 1253. Bishop of Vincenza, Italy in 1255. Worked as a peace maker between warring factions in the region. Friend of King Saint Louis IX of France. Preached at the second translation of the relics of Saint Dominic in 1267.
c.1200 at Vicenza, Italy
1270 in Vicenza, Italy of natural causes
11 September 1793 by Pope Pius VI
YouTube PlayList
Saint Abraham the Poor
Also known as
• Abraham the Child
• Abraham the Hermit
Disciple of Saint Pachomius of Tabenna for 23 years. Lived 17 years as a cave hermit. His nicknames the poor and the child refer to his simple life and simple faith.
at Menuf, Egypt
c.372 of natural causes
• Pre-Congregation
• veneration developed first among the Coptic Christians
• an old hermit clothed in skins and sporting a flowing beard
• in his cell with his niece Mary in an adjoining anchoress cell
Saint Elesbaan of Ethiopia
Also known as
• Elesbaan of Axum
• Ella Atsbeha
• Ella Asbeha
• Calam-Negus, Calam, Caleb, Elesbaas, Elesbas, Elesboas, Eleuzoe, Hellestheaeus, Kaleb
Additional Memorial
15 May (Eastern calendar)
Christian King in Ethiopia in the early 6th century. With the support of Byzantine emperors Justin I and Justinian, he invaded the southern Arabian peninsula where Christian was under attack. Late in life he abdicated his throne to live as a prayerful, penitent hermit and then a monk in Jerusalem.
Saint Odrian of Waterford
Also known as
• Odrian of Iona
• Otteran; Odhran; Odran; Oran; Oterano
Abbot at Meath, Ireland. Early bishop of Waterford, Ireland. Friend of Saint Columba and travelled with him to Scotland to become a monk at Iona Abbey.
c.563 at Iona Abbey, Scotland
• diocese of Waterford, Ireland
• diocese of Waterford and Lisman, Ireland
• city of Waterford, Ireland
Pope Saint Evaristus
Also known as
Aristo, Aristus, Ewaryst
Son of an Hellenic Jew from Bethlehem. Fifth pope, reigning for eight years, and about whom almost nothing is known. Traditionally considered a martyr, but there is no documentation of the event.
Papal Ascension
• c.107
• buried in the Vatican near Saint Peter the Apostle
Blessed Salvador Mollar Ventura
Franciscan Friar Minor. Martyred in the Spanish Civil War.
27 March 1896 in Manises, Valencia, Spain
8 September 1936 in Castellón, Spain
11 March 2001 by Pope John Paul II
Blessed Salvador Damián Enguix Garés
Married layman in the archdiocese of Valencia, Spain. Martyred in the Spanish Civil War.
29 September 1862 in Alzira, Valencia, Spain
27 October 1936 in Alzira, Valencia, Spain
11 March 2001 by Pope John Paul II
Saint Abbán of Magh-Armuidhe
Also known as
Eibbán, Moabba
Son of Cormac, King of Leinster, Ireland. Nephew and disciple of Saint Ibar. Founded churches in Wexford, and monasteries in Magheranoidhe and Kilabbain.
c.570 in Ireland
620 of natural causes
Saint Gaudiosus of Naples
Also known as
• Gaudiosus of Abitinae
• Gaudiosus the African
Bishop of Abitinae in North Africa. Exiled by the Arian Vandal king Genseric in 440, he fled to Naples, Italy, where he founded a monastery.
c.455 at Naples, Italy of natural causes
Saint Florentius of Trois-Châteaux
Also known as
3rd century Trois-Châteaux, Burgundy, France
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modernmuseumofart · 8 years ago
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Distinguished Gentleman. Auguste Rodin was born in a poor section of Paris, France in 1840. Because of his nearsightedness, Auguste struggled in school, but seemed to find contentment while drawing. Largely self-taught up to the age of 13, he began his formal schooling at the age of 14 at Ecole Imperiale Speciale de Dessin et de Mathematiques, where he studied painting and drawing. For the next four years, he learned the basic skills of an artist. After Auguste was rejected entrance three times to the respected Ecole des Beaux-Arts, he left the world of traditional art and took a job as a craftsman, making decorative stonework. In 1862, when his sister Marie died from infection, it left Auguste devastated. Heart-broken and confused, Auguste turned to priest Father Pierre-Julien Eymard who encouraged Auguste to pursue his passion for the art of sculpting. For the next several years, Rodin struggled to support himself financially. He traveled to Belgium for work, and then to Italy in 1875, where he was profoundly impacted by the sculptures of Michelangelo. After he returned to Paris in 1877, he completed his first sculpture that would attract the attention of the art community. Rodin then accepted a job as a designer of vases and other ornaments for the home. It was because of these decorative works that opportunities to work as an artist opened up for Rodin, and in 1880, he was commissioned to create one his best works, The Gates of Hell. This sculpture, which depicts the first section of Dante Alighieri's epic poem Divine Comedy, was supposed to be completed by 1895, but Rodin worked on it for the last 37 years of his life. While working on this, he also created a sculpture which represents Dante at the Gates of Hell. This work is Rodin's most famous work, The Thinker. Auguste Rodin died in 1917, in France. He is remembered most for his sculptures, including the The Burghers of Calais, The Gate of Hell sand his most famous sculpture, The Thinker. [ excerpt from makingartfun.com ] #arthistory #augusterodin #artist #sculptor #rodin #thethinker #hornyforart #contemporaryart #modernart #fineart #artmuseum #MMoA #themodernmuseumofart #themodernmuseum
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cma-modern-european-art · 3 years ago
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Father Pierre-Julien Eymard, Auguste Rodin , ca. 1863 (original model), Cleveland Museum of Art: Modern European Painting and Sculpture
Size: Overall: 14 x 11.4 x 11.7 cm (5 1/2 x 4 1/2 x 4 5/8 in.) Medium: bronze
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cma-modern-european-art · 3 years ago
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Father Pierre-Julien Eymard, Auguste Rodin , ca. 1863 (original model), Cleveland Museum of Art: Modern European Painting and Sculpture
Size: Overall: 14 x 11.4 x 11.7 cm (5 1/2 x 4 1/2 x 4 5/8 in.) Medium: bronze
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cma-modern-european-art · 3 years ago
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Father Pierre-Julien Eymard, Auguste Rodin , ca. 1863 (original model), Cleveland Museum of Art: Modern European Painting and Sculpture
Size: Overall: 14 x 11.4 x 11.7 cm (5 1/2 x 4 1/2 x 4 5/8 in.) Medium: bronze
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cma-modern-european-art · 3 years ago
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Father Pierre-Julien Eymard, Auguste Rodin , ca. 1863 (original model), Cleveland Museum of Art: Modern European Painting and Sculpture
Size: Overall: 14 x 11.4 x 11.7 cm (5 1/2 x 4 1/2 x 4 5/8 in.) Medium: bronze
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cma-modern-european-art · 4 years ago
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Father Pierre-Julien Eymard, Auguste Rodin , ca. 1863 (original model), Cleveland Museum of Art: Modern European Painting and Sculpture
Size: Overall: 14 x 11.4 x 11.7 cm (5 1/2 x 4 1/2 x 4 5/8 in.) Medium: bronze
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cma-modern-european-art · 4 years ago
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Father Pierre-Julien Eymard, Auguste Rodin , ca. 1863 (original model), Cleveland Museum of Art: Modern European Painting and Sculpture
Size: Overall: 14 x 11.4 x 11.7 cm (5 1/2 x 4 1/2 x 4 5/8 in.) Medium: bronze
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