#pieman1112 (rebecca.)
convxction · 2 months
🖤 for Rebecca
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repulsive / hideous / ugly / not attractive / unappealing / not unattractive / meh / no preference / ok / mildly attractive / nice looking / cute / adorable / attractive / pleasant on the eyes / good looking / hot / sexy / beautiful / gorgeous / hot damn / would tap that / perfect / godlike / holy fuck there are no words.--THAT'S MY WIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
grating / irritating / frustrating / boring / confusing at best / awkward / unreasonable / psychotic / disturbing / interesting / engaging / affectionate / aggressive / ambitious / anxious / artistic / bad tempered / bossy / charismatic / appealing / unappealing / creative / courageous / dependable / unreliable / unpredictable / predictable / devious--in sense she is always keeping him guessing when will she attack him with affection yes / dim / extroverted / introverted / egotistical / gregarious / fabulous / impulsive / intelligent / sympathetic / talkative / up beat / peaceful / calming / badass / flexible.
how likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending / fuck no! / never / no way / not likely / not sure / indifferent / I’m asexual / maybe / probably / it depends / fairly likely / likely / yeah sure / yes / would tap that / hell yes / fuck yes! / wishing that could happen right now / as many times as possible / we are already having sex.--you mean she is taking every chance she got? yes. big yes. and he likes it.
level of friendship:
never in a million years / worst of enemies / enemies / rivals / indifferent / neutral / acquaintance / friendly toward each other / casual friends / friends / good friends / best friends / fuck buddies / bosom buddies / practically the same person / would die for them / true friends / my only friend.--again my wife. my light, my life, my soul <3
first impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
current impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.--forever and ever.
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send 🖤 and my character will answer about yours. || accepting || @pieman1112
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loyaltyandchaos · 1 year
@pieman1112​ [x]
The adrenaline was starting to wear off after the Pelican had left the Jedi Cruiser. They were safe. It didn’t dawn on her just how long the entire event was. There were so many things that she would have to do. Finding any nearby UNSC fleet or base was one. Trying to locate her father was another one. She tried to look for any button to pull up the star map to see where she needed to try to go or for the radio to contact any UNSC forces.
Her head turned to face Rex when he made the request to not leave just yet. It pained her to see him like that and to realize what they had just done. All the clones on the ship were doomed to their fate while they lived. He was right in that they shouldn’t leave them in such a state.
“Ok. I’ll stay in orbit till it’s safe to descend.”
After a few painstaking moments of the cruiser crashing, Rebecca flew the Pelican down to the planet.
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Rex knew that this was the end. With such a crash, there was no chance of finding anyone alive. But Rex desperately wanted to believe that someone might have survived. Anyone. But even if not, he must bury them all. It's the only thing he can do for them. They deserve more than they have left after Sidious' intervention.
He barely paid any attention to Ahsoka, who had her hand on his shoulder, or Rebecca, who was now at the helm. He waited for the moment of collapse and was afraid of what he would see among the ruins. It hurt too much.
As they landed on the planet, Rex ran out of the ship and rushed to the ruins of the burning ship. Could no one be saved? At least somebody?
His legs stopped obeying him and he fell to the ground. He was shaking. It was too scary and too painful. Why did it all have to end like this? Don't they deserve a good ending? Why didn't they find Sidious earlier? Fives warned. Fives died knowing how it all ended for their brothers. They survived only because of him.
Tears burned his eyes.
"It shouldn't have ended like this. They deserved better. All of them. We...we have to find them all and bury them. That's all we can do for them."
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sentofight · 2 years
HUSH for Lucina and Hunter, maybe they’re hiding from Rebecca or Chrom
It was on! The weather was perfect for some hunting, however, not any kind of hunting. Chrom had previously asked Spartan to train with him in the woods nearby, something close to what Spartan trained in the UNSC, maneuvers, and stuff like that. So, Spartan asked Chrom if he wanted to join him when Rebecca and Lucina heard that and asked to join, too. They decided to divide themselves into two groups. Since Chrom wanted to train against Spartan, the two teams were the grandfather and granddaughter vs the father and mother.
Chrom and Rebecca started off as the runners while Spartan and Lucina were the pursuers. It ended with the pursuers' victory thanks to Spartan's high skills. The next round was the opposite.
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Lucina was hiding behind a boulder with Spartan. "Gran--!!" She was about to ask if they should move to their next location when Spartan placed an index to shush her. Taking notice of Chrom and Rebecca's noises, she nodded to Spartan with a smile. Oh, they won't lose to them! They will win, for sure!
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prompts that make me go 👀 | accepting |@pieman1112
[ HUSH ]:          while standing close to one another and hiding from pursuers, the sender reaches up and places a finger against the receiver’s lips to prevent them from speaking and revealing their location.
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gzeidraws · 2 years
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Commission for @pieman1112 of their OC Rebecca taking on an Entombed with Chrom! Thank you again :D
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lovelornings · 2 years
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@pieman1112​ said: When Rebecca was still at the orphanage, she had to learn a lot about how to smuggle food in and out whenever she got in trouble. Sometimes it was the only way she would be able to eat anything. She learned how to hide it on her body, in bags, any location where it could blend in. These lessons also taught her how to hide crumbs, remove wrappers with little noise, and how to dispose of the evidence to not be seen. With her adoption into a new family, these lessons seemed like they would fall on the wayside but they came more in handy instead. On her sister's birthday, she had been punished by their mother for some perceived irritation. During the night, Rebecca waited until she knew their mother was asleep and snuck into Yumi's room. She had smuggled in a snack that she believed her sister liked, it was hidden in a small bag with cloth around the snack bag so it would dampen the sound. She placed the bag near her sister's bed and began to whisper. "Happy birthday sis, I know you didn't eat much so I brought a snack I think you might like. We can share it together and I'll get rid of it so mom doesn't notice."
Yumi Birthday  ( 4/4/2022 ) ll Accepting
❥ Yumi had never liked her birthday. Part of it was the superstition that came with the date itself - the number ‘4′ being closely associated with the Japanese word for ‘death’. At best, it caused many of her classmates to joke about she was an omen for bad luck - or at the worst, cursed with the stench of death and misfortune since the day she’d been born. 
Then, there was Father - the man who clearly resented every year his child survived. Yumi imagined that each time it rolled around, it would end up reminding him of the cruel way she was conceived. She hated that hard, long stare that pain had contorted over the years.
Finally, there was Mother. She always used this day to justify her own advances rather than for any celebration for her child. It’s not as though Yumi resented the attention she did not get from her Mother - if anything, there was too much of it. The way everything had to be perfect for her daughter’s special day. It felt like she always had something to be upset about the next morning, something that Yumi had done wrong. 
She was honestly more a pet than she was a child to her - something to show off and parade in front of the Yakuza members she’d invite over to the celebration. It was a social visit to make connections - using her as an excuse. The tension was always so thick, the fear of doing something wrong that she’d regret the next day felt like she was walking broken glass. 
She hadn’t seen any sign of Rebbecca that day either, Mother having locked the ‘Foreigner’ in their room as to not embarrass herself in front of those criminals. So when her adoptive sister entered her room, she was frozen stiff with the fear of it being someone else. 
....Had she not kept anything down? She couldn’t remember. She might have eaten, only to get sick in the upstairs bathroom later on. Stress had taken an undeniable toll on her. Her eyes fluttered to the dried seaweed Rebecca had brought in. That was unlikely to be obviously missing the next day with all the guests that had come here. One of the few things she could regularly tolerate eating - anything sweet would have turned her stomach inside out at this point. 
....and here she thought Rebecca would have been angry at her, seeing how she was no doubt the victim of Mother’s redirected frustrations at the end of the day. 
As Rebecca leans in to whisper to her, an arm sloppily wraps itself around her shoulders, reaching up from her bed.  
She can’t stand all those people being in one place. The aura of those so indifferent to the suffering they caused ( something that Misato had once described as ‘evil’ ) was suffocating. She’d felt so claustrophobic - like it was all a great reminder that her and Rebecca never had a chance of getting out. 
Her grip tightens.
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“...can you stay here with me tonight?” 
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(An RP with @pieman1112)
Gabriel really wasn’t surprised that the Marine Force Recon units that Infinity Ground-Ops dispatched were calling for reinforcements. Spartan Miller had coordinated an inefficient landing, and Storm-Covenant Shade turrets had blasted most of their armored support out of the air before it had a chance to land.
Normally Thorne wouldn’t be so quick to judge someone- a fellow Spartan especially, but this was different. Miller had gotten dozens of people killed, and he shouldn’t have even been on Ground-Liason duty anyway. He was a Spartan. Their job was to do what the conventional units couldn’t, not play desk jockey for a lieutenant who couldn’t be bothered.
Officers not doing their job. That was something that he absolutely despised.
But, focusing back on the task at hand, Gabe slapped a magazine into his MA5D Individual Combat Weapon System and racked the bolt before he desposited the weapon on the magnetic plates on his back. Then he pulled an M6D magnum from the rack and did the same thing before heading to the SOEIV Bay.
Definitely a faster way into battle if he ever saw one.
“Stanby for drop.” Sounded the voice of the Deck Officer over the bay intercom, prompting various Spartans and ODSTs to climb into their designated pods- Thorne included.
As the pod sealed shut and was hung over open space, Gabriel closed his eyes for a moment and muttered a small prayer to no god imparticular. He’d never been a very religious man, but it helped calm his nerves.
“Go! Go go go!”
His eyes snapped open as hundreds of SOEIVs shot out of the Infinity’s ventral hull. The rumbled of reentry rocked his pod and he stared through the fire scorching the glass at the hundreds of other pods falling into battle. In orbit, he watched the Infinity ram straight through a Storm-Covenant frigate. A blinding golden flash erupted from the supercarrier’s bow, and a 600 ton tungsten-ferride slug rocketed towards a CCS-Class battlecruiser; The Infinity didn’t wait for the shot to land (which it did, gutting the ship stem-to-stern), she whirled to port and another golden flash erupted, followed by another CCS detonating in a wash of violet fury.
As he neared landing though, he lost sight of the flagship of the Navy and focused his attention on the carnage below. Ruined buildings, burned out husks of vehicles, and a mass of Covenant forces descending on a hornet’s nest of yellow tracer fire. Even from this high he could see the countless dead marines.
His pod slammed into the ground and he leaped out, pulling his rifle from his back and opening up on a cluster of Elites that were firing on a Marine triage station where he could see a female Corpsman desperately fending off the hordes of aliens. Judging by the surrounding pile of bodies- she was doing well.
While the others he dropped with went to help the main force, he would help her.
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Upon visiting the land of Rigel once again, Rebecca had brought some boxes of Pocky from the UEG and she had given a box to her father so that he could share with Josephine. She even brought some boxes for the rest of the family. She ushered him out so he could go have Josephine play the pocky game with him. He still didn’t understand this game but he would go find Josephine to play it. It didn’t take him long to find his wife. He approached and gently put his hand on her right shoulder not to startle her with his sudden appearance.
“Rebecca has brought us some pocky and has said that we should try this pocky game that was invented a long time ago. Apparently it is were two people put one end of the chocolate biscuit in their mouths and then proceed to eat it. Usually when they get to the middle it results in a kiss. Do you wish to try it? I have more than enough of the pocky sticks here that we can share without playing this game.“ 
It was no surprise that when Rebecca came to visit, the Sherington family was ecstatic to see her. It was not a shock when the family pretty much stole Rebecca away especially the little children who wanted to play with her. So with Rebecca, this would be a good opportunity for Hunter to spend some alone time with his fiancée. Josephine always thought it was cute seeing her family accept Rebecca as part of the family quickly, but Hunter still had a long way to go.
The Countess had of course been busy in the study with resolving issues of those who were living off the land she owned. “Hmm...changing some parts of the unused land to farms would be a good idea...but I would have to find people who are willing to be farmers.” While she knew that the kingdom was changing so that everyone should do commoner work, but...well she wasn’t gifted with plants like Lady Rinea was. 
Seeing her husband come into the room brightened her mood as she got up to greet him. She made sure the door was shut before listening to him talk about the pocky game. “I see. You know if you just want an excuse to kiss me you could just ask my love ~” Granted they had to be affectionate in private. “We can give it a try. It sounds like fun.” She had a feeling that when they tried it once, they would most likely end up making out on the sofa in the room. She did crave the moments when they could be passionate but they had to make sure they didn’t go overboard though. Oh how she wished they were already married. 
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sentofighta · 4 years
👫 for Feiruz and Rebecca
Send a 👫and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship | accepting | @pieman1112
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Feiruz loves to hear what Rebecca has to tell about her time in UNSC. The stories she tell is something beyond the girl’s imagination being a simple farmer, outer space is just...too far and unreal. So expect her to bother her at times to listen to more stories.
They teach each other cooking recipes and it is a fact.
Rebecca a stamina coach for Feiruz? Hell yeah. This girl needs more power and stamina if she wanna work twice harder in a farm.
If Spartan is around, expect Feiruz to just hide somewhere because he is TOO tall and intimidating for her social skills. She will talk through Rebecca if needed. Rebecca, please tell your father he is welcome to stay and eat dinner. *then runs away* excuse her she has not seen tall men like him before.
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jasperlion · 4 years
“Happy birthday Alm!” Rebecca exclaimed as she brought him a small cupcake she baked
The sight of the cupcake makes him feel a little queasy… it already looks too sweet for his liking, but he already had a few people in mind who would probably enjoy it. Maybe. Still, he smiles, taking it into his hands. Well…! The bread smelled good! Might as well eat it instead of gifting part of it away, since it was supposed to be for him, right?
“Thank you! This looks really good!” Well… it did! Even if sweet stuff wasn’t exactly his cup of tea. “I appreciate it!”
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sakuradreamerz · 5 years
🤞 for Claire about Rebecca
A🤞for Their Thoughts (Accepting!)
The name did ring a bell or two, but Claire looked a little stumped in trying to figure out where she had heard it from.
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“I don’t really....know much...about her....but...I heard that she’s...really nice and...is trying to...become a healer.”
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nonpareiltactician · 5 years
Send 💭 for a thought my muse has had about yours || {Accepting!}
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          “Such strange armour they wear. I have never seen anything quite like it before… it is quite disturbing. Perhaps the Summoner is capable of bringing those from so many different worlds to this one… but something is different about those two. It is as though they are from a place and time so different from everyone else’s that it cannot have very many ties with our own ones,”
          “…I do not think it would be wise to come into contact with their armour. So long as they do not oppose the rest of us, it should be fine. They do not seem hostile.”
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convxction · 1 year
Rebecca had recently gotten a pair of custom t-shirts from their latest trip in the UEG. The shirt pair said "I come in peace." and "I'm peace." It was a sexual joke that Rebecca knew that Chrom wouldn't understand right off the bat and it would be fun to tease him with. Just another weapon in her arsenal~ She grabbed the shirt labeled "I come in peace" and immediately went to look for Chrom while wearing the I'm peace shirt.
Her travels took her to his study where judging by the amount of scattered papers around, he had been going through the paperwork that had been building up since their little vacation. Something she should probably be working on too.
"Hi honey~." She said leaning in from the door way. "I found some cute couples shirts from when we were in the UEG. Some couples will wear matching t-shirts with cute phrases on them that will usually point or reference to the partner. I thought it would be something that we could wear from time to time. During informal times of course."
She then held out the shirt for Chrom to see.
"And look! This one even matches you so perfectly!"
Talk about grulling him after his vacation. Still, he is thankful that Frederick and his trusty advisor handled everything smoothly the entire time he was away. They're reliable as always.
Working to finish some of these papers, the king had a surprise visit from his wife. He thought Cordelia would've dragged Rebecca to finish her share of work too by now but he could hazard a guess that she managed to sneak away for whatever reason she came to see him.
"Heh, aren't you supposed to be working, milady?" Come on, don't give him more work, please. He almost poked his eye a while back falling asleep as he signed many requests and reports.
"Hm? Shirts?" odd. She could've given that to him when they were there but why now? Hm.. perhaps she forgot. After all, she DID buy a lot of souvenirs for the others. "Is that so?" he noticed the shirt she was wearing. Ah... the letters of her home place...er... shamefully, he has yet to master her language. He recognizes the letters but other than that, nope. It seems she bought a matching one just like hers--oh...seems like the writing is different. "What's written on it?"
He'd wear it but he is busy at the moment, and unless he wants to pick a god and pray to it, he should get on with his work. "Thank you, love. But can I try it some other time? You see ..." he gestured at the loads of papers on his desk. "I want to live ..." he sighed.
After a while, he was curious to try the shirt so when he returned to his chamber he tried it on. Mhm, the fabric from the UEG sure feels different. You could tell it was not handmade for this realm clothes feel more rough on the skin. The door to his room was knocked and there came in his advisor to ask about a couple of things before finalizing some treaties when they noticed the shirt chrom was wearing. It took them a minute to read the writing on the shirt because they did learn the language a while back when Spartan and Rebecca came in, in order to fully communicate with them. There was a moment of silence when they pieced the information together; Rebecca's shirt and Chrom's shirt .... Their face twisted into a weird ...sort of disgusted look, more like concern slash pitiful. It was hard to pinpoint an emotion when they all happened so quickly.
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"E--Eh!? W-what's that look for!? Robin? --Huh!? Why are you leaving!? Didn't you say you want to talk about some..... and there they go... what was that for? Tsk...."
To add to his confusion, Spartan had passed by Robin muttering under their breath that they needed to tell Frederick to burn that shirt for Chrom's sake. The father-in-law excused himself and walked into the room to find Chrom confused and perplexed as to why his friend did that. Though he was right on the money, Spartan figured something had to do with Rebecca in a way. He did see her happy skipping wearing that odd shirt but didn't make sense to him 'I'm peace' that until he saw Chrom's shirt and sighed internally. His daughter will not change.
Spartan, as kindly as possible, told Chrom what his shirt and Rebecca's meant together and Chrom stood there going through all the denial phases until he went silent for a good minute. "No wonder ..." the lord sighed heavily thinking now Robin would think that he knew what that meant. Stuff like that...is not his cup of tea and his best friend, they should know that...right? ...right? How...embarassing. His wife needs to be brought to justice in order to maintain actual peace.
Time to track her down!--without the shirt!!! I mean with a shirt on but not that shirt! damn it!!!!
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"My love, where are you~?"
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i sent chris that shirt pic and he send me this. wowz. | @pieman1112
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loyaltyandchaos · 1 year
@pieman1112​ [x]
Rebecca followed Rex into the cafe and then to the seat they were being lead to. Everything on the menu looked so good but she couldn’t decide. It was probably best to just order a standard coffee and then see what Rex would recommend. She placed the menu on the table and looked to Rex.
“What do you recommend that I should try?”
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"They have good Colo Claw Fish and Tentacles. Also delicious pastries. Correlian apple pie is especially good. Drinks are all good here, but for the first time you can take Naboo juice. Very good. There is also Alderaan liqueur, also good, but not much better drink."
Rex explained.
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sentofight · 4 years
nonverbal rp starters | old meme | @pieman1112​ [Rebecca & Falco]
🌡 Push my muse down to give them medical attention
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Oooh shit! Shit! Fuck this! How would he have known that a little punk like that is hiding a fucking knife. A knife! How old is he!? Shouldn’t he be at school? Or in his friggin’ house!? 
Uggh!!!! Who teaches these kids nowadays violence!? Blasted cursed luck of his! He didn’t notice the knife until later, when the kid had managed to slash him on the side. This is not his day. First running all the way up here to catch that one bastard who ran away from the crime scene and now this kid ...
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Luckily, Rebecca came around the corner shortly after Date was stabbed. “Ooof...F-Firecrackers...you’re here. Great...a little help...woo me I feel a little bit dizzy~” now he is just being an idiot. He leaned on the nearest wall when the medic came to patch him up. “Aw--owww! Blondie! A little bit of that gentleness won’t kill you--OOWW!!” did she have to push him down--more like make sure he does not move in any weird way to her liking. Fair to be honest. 
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gzeidraws · 3 years
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Commissioned by @pieman1112 for @convxction, of their OC Rebecca with Chrom and Lucina !
Please don’t repost unless you’re the client
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dollburdened-blog · 5 years
💖 between Mariah and 197
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// gentle whisper yes please i would like that v much uwu!!!!! //
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