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Silly Billy
Scotty x reader: Banana episode(if u couldn't find it)
An: Hey yall uhm college is kinda tough. I'm writing this literally at the end of my spring break. Most likely this is gonna be followed by the Riri one-shot that I was gonna do for valentines day (muddo) or Hot for Shuri pt. 3 so I can finish that off. I need to stop writing these long ass plots. Motivation is so not it lmao, I want to write these longer stories but I think my cap is 4k and smut is such a challenge. Anyways make sure you take screen breaks. Also I really enjoy the comments and reblogs, I'm just trying to be more interactive with people on here. I hope you enjoy the fic!
Fic blurb: Poor Scotty she only knows one way to love. In abundance-
Warnings: Stalking lots of stalking, light smut (i'm tryin i'm tryin), swearing, Mentions of criminal activity, Reader is ambivalent to most of Scotty's activities.
Word count: 4.3k
It was six p.m. on a Monday night. The cream-colored walls of the apartment added tension to a mood that sorely didn’t need it. An older woman in a bed lies down in a pale blue night dress. Her daughter presumably- finishes getting dressed. She fixes her hair and kisses her mother on the forehead. She tugs on the girl’s hand and fixes her face to say something. The thought she has on her mind is making her uneasy.
“Viv, don’t be daft with her ok- just ask her out and be nice, and if she says no, move on don't get all silly this time. Promise.”
“Hey, Phoebe! Where's that iced macchiato for Dean?” You strained your voice. The Saturday afternoon- summer heat was getting to you. Your work shirt and apron hug your body tight, and you thank the above for deodorant because the AC in the coffee shop was not doing you any favors. “Phoebe-”
“That iced macchiato. I got you- I got you” Phoebe swerved around you and rang the bell, “Dean! Iced macchiato with two pumps of vanilla!”
“You didn’t have to say two pumps-” Dean told your co-worker, marginally displeased.
He adds a ‘thank you’ and goes to sit in the corner. He sits and stares at the glass door- like he's waiting on someone. A dark skin girl walks into view, she has on a plaid shirt with a green overcoat. How she survived in this heat was a mystery to you. Her hair is permed and styled with a bang in the front. Her head whips around looking for her friend until her eyes lock onto yours. Her eyes are wide, seemingly trying to memorize your face and features in five seconds.
"Scotty!" Dean shouted- breaking the intense connection you two had. You peered over in the direction he was waving. His presence was demanding her attention, once ‘Scotty’ realized how long she was staring her face froze and her color drained. She pivoted in Dean’s direction and swiftly shuffled away toward him.
You decided to play this game a little longer. You came from behind the counter to stock the shelves. You grabbed the box and a step ladder, and you muttered ‘excuse me’ and left your lips as you passed them. You unpacked the box and started putting stuff away, catching a bit of their conversation.
“So- I found a way to get that four hundred quid” Dean sipped on his drink attempting to engage Scotty in conversation. While Scotty was busy drooling over how great you look in your apron; and how great it would be to feel under that apron, her mind wandered.
She would be exhausted, coming back from a job that ran way too late and a client that ran his mouth way too much. She would round the corner and that same little black apron would be tied around your waist. You would be bent over the counter, and a sliver of fabric would be wound taught over a very gleaming gem. Obviously, it was Scotty’s gift from last year’s valentines day. Jazz would be crooning through your shared apartment. You would turn around slowly and ask her something awfully important.
“Yvonne still sends you letters?” Scotty does not take this well- you could see how her face morphed into a scowl.
“Dean! Can you stop talking about her please?” Scotty begged Dean; her eyes began to water a little. You wondered why she had such an adverse reaction to that name. You felt a bit of pity in your stomach for the cute girl but were irked at the thought of someone treating her so badly. Your quick lapse of sympathy was proving to be your demise- you could feel the overpriced reusable cups falling out of your hand.
“What the fuck!” Dean’s drink splatters on himself and Scotty. The clang being so egregiously loud sends you into a state of panic.
“Fuck! I’m so sorry!” You profusely apologized and ran to get napkins. After you found some, you race over to their table to clean up some of the spills. During your furious cleaning, you didn’t hear Scotty muttering under her breath. Terrified at the
“Can I make you a free drink or something-”
“I think you’ve done enough- thank you.”
“Dean-” Scotty’s tiny voice paled in comparison to Dean’s irritation. Dean snatched the napkin from your hand and evenly split it with Scotty- he handed it to her gently. As you walk away Scotty grabs your hand and brings you down closer to her face.
“I’m sorry, he isn’t usually like this-” Scotty reassured you. You knew she meant well but the only thing you wanted to do was get out. Scotty tugged on your hand again, not letting you go to do your job.
“No- I’m serious he just hasn't gotten laid in a while-” she whispers through an awkward smile and giggles. You are bewildered at the very arrogant man and his weird date- that your face starts to betray your friend at all-time service worker training.
“I’m sorry- I’m sorry I made you uncomfortable, didn’t I.” Scotty’s face drooped and she quickly dropped your hand. She looked pitiful- you had to say something.
“No, it’s ok I’m not that uncomfortable I’ve heard and been in worse.” That did not make her feel better- she was about to sob again. All that ran through her mind was all the different ways that people made her uncomfortable and how she was now in the same category.
“What have you bloody done now?! Scotts let’s go.” Dean got up and kissed his teeth and gave a look to Scotty. She gives you a final quiet sorry and they leave not without Scotty putting up a fuss with Dean to give you an apology.
You let out a sigh- your daze was interrupted by Phoebe.
“Wow- I’ve seen you fuck shit up but now you fucked shit right up” she gave her unneeded commentary. She made it up by giving you the rag so you could clean up the mess.
Mondays are the worst- you already took shit from asshole customers but today marks that day you’re sticking up for yourself. You thank heaven for your break in between Saturday’s mess. A very long and hot shower was taken to prepare yourself for Monday’s madness. An angry letter from your landlord is looking very promising in your future. Making breakfast is your next plan of action- you made a tuna melt and lock up.
You make your commute to the bus stop when you realized that the buses weren’t running today because of maintenance. You remember they were talking about striking a week ago- you kissed your teeth and debated going to work today.
You already passed that insurance place that might as well be a money laundering scheme. ‘They’re already stationed from Manchester to Hampshire they might as well be’ sounds off in your mind. They call excessively about an ‘alpha package’ and the only reason why is because your mum and dad signed up and put you under an emergency contact.
Lately, the calls have been more frequent and stranger- you start to recall one-
You were rudely interrupted from your Sunday nap- dazed and confused you slide over to your bedside table.
“Hello?” you asked tentatively.
A light breath hitches, echoing crackly through the cheap phone.
“Look- I don’t want the stupid alpha package. Stop fucking calling oh my god!” you slam the phone on the receiver ending it. You feel a pang of slight guilt, but you remember where it got you last time.
‘What the fuck is that’ a piercing noise startles you- prompting you to take a peek around the wall. There- in the parking lot is a person besides a green van. They hunch over looking at what you assume could be a phone that they smashed onto the gravel. Their baseball cap matches the color of the van-
‘Fuck-’ they see you- they see you. The decision was made to go to work, and you take off in a sprint. It was better to go to a crowded area than to lead the person to your house.
you hear the engine starting- “Fuck!” you can’t tell if it’s as loud as you think or if it’s just your heart beating out of your ears. Your mild sprint turns into a breakneck speed-
By the time you reach work it’s a quarter past nine- The door handle acts as your crutch as you hunch over trying to catch your breath. You see your reflection in the glass, your hair is frizzed and sweat lines your brow.
“Jesus, you look terrible- what the hell happened.” Your designated favorite, Maggy- she does her work, and you do yours it’s a lovely partnership.
“Thanks- why the hell are you here- you’re not on shift today.” You walk over to wash your hands and put on your apron.
“Boss asked If I could come in today, said he’d pay me overtime at double.” A sigh left your lips. “No but what happened to you?”
“I think I saw someone getting rid of evidence.” She looked at you puzzled and slowly brought her fingers to her lips.
“No- I did not smoke a blunt.”
“You sure?”
“Maggy- Im being serious.”
“We’ll talk about it later. Next in line, please!” You take a breath and recalibrate yourself to do your job. “Hi can take your order this morning.” The day keeps getting better- why is she here again? She was just embarrassed as you that day why couldn’t she have gone to another location- there’s one, two streets down.
“I-I’m sorry, we were doing work on t-this building and they sent me to get them some coffee.”
“I get it you didn’t wanna walk far.”
She proceeded to tell you her order. You whipped it up in ten minutes and tapped on the bell. “Order for Scotty!” Her head popped and she sprinted over to the counter.
“I don’t see a macchiato?” you joked trying to lighten the mood and ease her nerves.
“o-Oh he said he didn’t want anything.” The more she spoke the more her voice quieted.
“You know you didn’t have to apologize again.”
“But I wanted to!“ as her voice climbed an octave, you made an ‘awe’ sound. Scotty pushed her chocolate croissant to you.
“i-I want you to have it. If I told you when I was ordering, you would’ve said no. That’s if you’re not allergic to chocolate or gluten or- “her speech picked up speed. You think of your cold, soggy, and unappetizing tuna melt as you took the croissant from her hands; your stomach grumbled in awe.
“Thank you, Scotty, that’s very thoughtful.” She smiles and giggles in delight. You tell her that if she stays any longer with you their coffee is going to go cold (and that she’s holding up the line but you do that gently). She shuffles out the door with a skip in her step and a high-pitched ‘bye!’
“You made her day.“
You paused in between a bite of your croissant. “Stop it-“
“It’s true! I think she has a little crush.” You rolled your eyes.
“Whatever, I’ll let you enjoy your gift. I guess you’ll tell be about your run-in with a brigand some other time.” Your answer was the same as the last.
Scotty had become a regular at your job. For the past three weeks, she orders about four coffees and a chocolate croissant for you. You two have developed a sort of kinship- she’s so dedicated it’s endearing if you had to say so. She pops up on your breaks sometimes and eats lunch with you.
On occasions when you have the evening shift Scotty waits with you as you close up. Normally You two talk about your work but she decides to open up to you today.
“Sooo you work in construction?”
“yeah-” Scotty’s getting better at answering you, she even looks you in the eye when you two conversate.
“That sounds interesting where’s the site?”
“We’re just fixing up this flat for rent.” She tells you the location. You gasp-
“That’s just right across from me!”
“Really?” If she wasn’t giving you one hundred percent of her attention to you before it’s at a hundred a fifty now.
“Yeah! It’s so funny I can’t even imagine you lifting a hammer.”
“I even do electrical work.”
“You’re just so handy.” Scotty giggles as she beams with pride as you compliment her skill set. “Think I could get your number so I could call you if I need something fixed.”
You guess telling her telling you about her work is as deep as it’s going to get for now. Scotty gives you an erratic nod, and you two exchange phone numbers; Scotty’s through stuttered and broken words. Her alarm goes off signaling she has to get back to work.
“i-I can stay like I do on Saturdays, it’s fine my boss doesn’t mind, I swear.” She says urgently to you. You grab her hand and clasp it in yours. Her palm is rough, numerous healed scrapes and blisters cover it.
“No, Scotty you have to back to work and so do I.” You two do this song and dance on almost every occasion though today felt very different. Her eyes start to water and she lowers her head. You steel yourself in order for both of you not to lose your jobs. “Scotty- Scotty look at me” she raises her head to look at you “We’re not going to war- I’ll see you tomorrow.” You end with a chuckle. Scotty seems placated by your laugh and reassurance and musters up a sentence.
“Can I call you, when I get home.” You let out a loud cackle and swiftly give her a kiss on the cheek. Scotty lets out a tiny whimper- “Just text me before, I don’t want to be asleep-“
“Am I going to be disturbing you?-
“Scotty! Go!” you practically shove her out the breakroom door and through the front door. She leaves you with a giant wave.
You sigh in relief. That was one of the longest shifts you have ever had. You blame it on your anticipation for your call with Scotty tonight. The moment you hear the click of the locked door, you race home.
Reaching home and shutting your door. You go to your shower, scalding water as always. You don’t know why but you really like this girl. It doesn’t help that she looks at you like you hung all the stars in the sky. You run your hands down your neck to your nipples. They start to peak from the stimulation. You move your hand down to your pussy, but nothing really felt as good as those calloused hands against yours. The best thing is to towel off and do your skincare routine.
You stare from the bed at your open window longingly. You check your phone 0 message- calling her first seems like a great idea but selfishly you want her to make the first move. The vibrator in your drawer is tempting- your pants are already off. Scotty’s call you bang your head against the headboard.
The clock strikes eight and you toss and turn in your bed. Your restlessness leads to dragging your feet toward the AC panel. ‘Not working of course-‘ at least you have a reason to call- ‘No- No’ you don’t let your mind wander to the person haunting your dreams. It’s ridiculous what three weeks of nonstop affection, gifts, and heavy stares do to a person. You decide you need some fresh air, and the siren song of the cool breeze is taunting you.
Your feet drag against the hardwood flooring towards the window. You open the window- ‘Fuck’. The car, the car it’s outside you shut the window and the curtains. ‘The fucking car it’s outside.’ Your legs are locked to the floor and your heart feels like it’s lurching out of your chest. ‘They’re gonna kill me- they’re gonna kill me.’ You feel like hell, nearly falling your way to the floor and crawling to your bed. Your heart won’t stop- it’s not supposed to stop but in this case, you would love it to slow down. You should’ve called your parents last week, they haven’t heard your voice in a while ‘Now they might not hear your voice at all.’
Bzzt! Bzzt! Your phone- oh my god- Scotty! You are so happy about Scotty’s resistance to instructions right now. You creep towards it making as little noise as possible.
“Hey! It’s Scotty! Sorry about-“her voice booms through the speaker of the phone. Her nervousness is conveyed through her high-pitched voice.
“Scotty- Scotty shh-“
“w-What happened?” she quieted down.
“Someone-“ your throat starts choking up, and tears stream down your face. Every inhale you take tastes and smells of salts.
your breath stutters- “Someone is outside my flat-“
“I don’t know who-“ you steady your speech to make a coherent sentence. “There was like someone dumping e-evidence, I think. I saw them smash a phone on the ground by a van- I don’t know but I think they’re criminals.
“Why do you think that?” Why is she dismissing you like this? Why is her voice so eerily calm. How is she thinking this is helping you?
“Because it’s the same fucking van is outside my fucking flat- what aren’t you fucking getting.” You sniffle loudly as you cradle the phone to your face.
“What color is it?” What-
“Fuck! Why do you- it’s green, the van is green, it’s outside-!”
“I’ll be there.”
“Scotty?! Scotty no- stay there please!” your scathing whispers were only met with the dial tone.
Call the police
Call the police!
Don’t come to the flat please!
Read at 9:00pm
What the fuck is wrong with her?
No but, what the fuck is wrong with Scotty. How does she keep getting herself into these situations? She knows it ended fairly well for her- why jinx that? She is infatuated with you but now knows that love should be a slow process- taking the time to get to know one another.
The kiss you gave her today, she skipped-tripped and almost slipped on her way back to work. Which she never lied to you about or so she tells herself. She is a handyman but on the weekdays, she works at your favorite company. If you only knew the days, she would watch you from the maintenance van hoping to get a glimpse of you. Not really the first time she used her job to get leverage onto you. It wasn’t her fault that your parents signed up- she was doing her job trying to recruit a new customer.
All those calls- Scotty, and her coworkers were amazed at every day- how she wore her red cap and the giggle before she took it off. Especially that Sunday one, she knew she shouldn’t have done it but when she heard your groggy hello, it was all worth it. She would’ve saved it- a wave of happiness rippled through ought her body broken by your loud swearing. As usual, a giggle left her mouth after the cap left her head- though her joyous moment was ruined when it wasn’t her work phone but her cell.
She pondered for weeks on what to do. She prayed you never checked the caller id-but, the suspense weighed on her chest. So, one day on a particular Monday morning she decided to nip it in the bud. Destroying her phone- it was dramatic but so is Scotty.
Through destroying her phone she felt that she could start anew, court you the right way. Buy you treats, spend time, and learn more about you. But that kiss, your kiss- your lips were so soft, so different than when Dean would give her a kiss on the cheek. Scotty wanted to know more, feel more, and be more. Which is why she’s petrified and struggling to find a way to park this van and get to your flat by eleven. She told herself it was going to be quick, you two would be on the phone for an hour and she’d go home right after.
There is a reason that people say old habits die hard.
A loud knock at your door echoes through your apartment. You check to see if your cutlass is still under your bed-
“It’s Scotty-“ she said cautiously knowing you were in a heightened state. You paced over to your door.
“Nobody’s out there with you?”
“Nobody.” You unlocked the door. Scotty’s hair was matted to her forehead from sweat, and she was shaking and out of breath. She stepped into your apartment, collapsed onto you, and buried her head in your neck. You felt her tears wet your neck, and her arms nearly crushed you from the strength of her hug. Hugging her back was mandatory- it felt so relieving to know that she was ok, the feeling was mutual.
You were compelled to kiss her face, and she answered by pecking your neck gently. This was forbidden territory for her, she was tense but almost losing you gave her more than a bit of confidence. Scotty trailed her kisses down your neck and into your bosom. Nuzzling and nipping ever so softly, you let out a moan. Your nipples start to peek out from under your shirt, and she further squeezes you into her. Running her hands down your back and into your sleep shirt, her cold hands snap you from your trance.
You coo her name into her ear. “No- no I don’t want to let you go.” She pleads with you. “You don’t have to I just want to check for the van.”
“I didn’t see it when I came up.” You stood your ground and her arms finally let you go as you clasp her hand. You two walk over to the window, lo and behold Scotty was right it was gone. It was safe, you were safe, just one thing.
You take Scotty’s hand and trail it up your chest cupping it over your breast- her palm recoils from your touch. “I thought you didn’t want to let me go?” “I don’t!” she answers as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “i-I wanted to ask you out first. When we got on the phone but uhm I’m not blaming you for any of this, the van and you were crying-” You bring her palm up to her lips to quiet her.
“Scotty, I want to go on a date with you.” Her eyes light up and her mouth crinkles at the sides from how hard she’s smiling. “Just one request though, can you stay the night? Please?” Scotty starts hyperventilating again, she wants to say yes but you have a feeling that something important is stopping her.
“I can but-” there it is “I would have to leave, and I don’t want you to think I was ditching you or something. My mother is at home by herself and I have to take care of her but I don’t want to leave you alone, at least for tonight.” Your heart melted at her confession; she was finally opening up to you. It was also divided, her mother at home by herself when Scotty had rushed to your flat, you shook your head.
“Does that mean no?”
“No, it means if you’re gonna stay, you need to take a shower. I have spare clothes.” Her attitude perks up again, and you start to see your regular Scotty again. She practically skips off to shower and when she emerges; she flops down next to you on the bed. You make a come here gesture with your fingers and Scotty happily rolls towards you, wet hair soaks your pillowcase.
“You were quick.”
“I wanted to be done before you went to sleep.” Again, she says it like these are concrete facts. If she only knew the indirect charmer she was.
“Somehow, I don’t feel like sleeping.” Scotty twitches slightly but stays silent. “You don’t wanna say anything now?” She turns her head away from you, and you turn it back towards you. You tuck your head underneath her chin, and your nose nuzzles her throat.
“Still Nothing?” Her neck gets warmer, you feel the heat radiate onto your face. Her actions are catching up to her and nearly fucking you in the kitchen standing up is the least. Scotty called your name.
“Can I kiss you?”
“Yes.” Scotty crashed her lips into yours. This is what it came to, a complete delight. Your lips felt even better on hers and tasted like chocolate, just like Scotty dreamed of. She slipped her tongue into your mouth and her hands snuck underneath your shirt massaging your nipples. Scotty’s calloused hands provided a level of friction that could not be replaced. She climbed on top of you, putting her weight on your forearms, caging you in between your arms.
You spread your legs for her, and she took the hint and slotted her hips in between yours. She subsequently peels your shirt off your body. Her mouth trails down your chest and begins to suckle. Your breath hitches as Scotty looks up from your breast. She analyzes you and decides that her favorite part of your face is your mouth. She loves kissing it, the way she nipped it, and a whine escaped your lips.
Your favorite part of her face is her eyes, they’re glossed over with hunger. For you and you only- “unh Scotty- lower please.”, she nodded and got to work.
#scotty banana#scotty x reader#Scotty x reader#letitia wright cinematic universe#pidgefics#smut#scotty smut#regular scotty mess#stalking#lesbian#scotty x black reader#letitia wright scotty#Scotty's very much in her criminal era
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Man of Spiders, Son of Odin
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2EI3ySX
by Pidgefics
Thor and Peter want to relive some of the tension within the team, and they do it the only way an all powerful god and a teenager with an internet addiction can: pranks.
Set in a magical place after civil war where the team comes back together because they deserve to be happy dammit. Some language but other than that all good fun!
Words: 1867, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Peter Parker, Thor (Marvel), Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Wanda Maximoff
Relationships: None
Additional Tags: Pranks, Fluff, Memes, Team Bonding, Team as Family, Clint Barton Is a Good Bro, Mjølnir
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2EI3ySX
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Man of Spiders, Son of Odin
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2EI3ySX
by Pidgefics
Thor and Peter want to relive some of the tension within the team, and they do it the only way an all powerful god and a teenager with an internet addiction can: pranks.
Set in a magical place after civil war where the team comes back together because they deserve to be happy dammit. Some language but other than that all good fun!
Words: 1867, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Peter Parker, Thor (Marvel), Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Wanda Maximoff
Relationships: None
Additional Tags: Pranks, Fluff, Memes, Team Bonding, Team as Family, Clint Barton Is a Good Bro
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2EI3ySX
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A little self care
read it on the AO3 at http://archiveofourown.org/works/13803696
by Pidgefics
It’s been a year and everyone’s hair has grown to be a issue. Luckily one of them happens to be good at cutting hair.
Words: 926, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of The end of Voltron
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Shiro (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), shiro centric - Character
Additional Tags: Hair care, Fluff, this is gonna be the only time I’m writing fluff
read it on the AO3 at http://archiveofourown.org/works/13803696
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The Case of The Missing Holts
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2sBonaL
by Pidgefics
Matthew and Samuel Holt, two of the best detectives in the city have gone missing and after a year of pursuit the case is determined to be cold. Unwilling to give up Katie Holt goes undercover to uncover the truth. Along with a few cops, an old friend, and a rouge agent she may get into the case faster than she expected, the only problem is it's far bigger than anyone could imagine.
Words: 6678, Chapters: 4/4, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Allura/Shiro (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Crime, Mystery, Pidge | Katie Holt-centric, Aromantic Asexual Pidge | Katie Holt, klance, shallura - Freeform, Underage Drinking, its like a crime noir, But also not, I Tried
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2sBonaL
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The Case of The Missing Holts
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2sBonaL
by Pidgefics
Matthew and Samuel Holt, two of the best detectives in the city have gone missing and after a year of pursuit the case is determined to be cold. Unwilling to give up Katie Holt goes undercover to uncover the truth. Along with a few cops, an old friend, and a rouge agent she may get into the case faster than she expected, the only problem is it's far bigger than anyone could imagine.
Words: 2421, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Allura/Shiro (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Crime, Mystery, Pidge | Katie Holt-centric, Aromantic Asexual Pidge | Katie Holt, klance, shallura - Freeform, Underage Drinking, its like a crime noir, But also not, I Tried
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2sBonaL
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Hot for Shuri pt 2
An: HEY THANK YOU FOR ALL THE LOVE, (Why did some of my fav shuri writers like my story!! yall had me freaking out) it's really nice thank you so much. Sorry for being gone for so long I hope this makes up for it. Requests are open please send some in. If you want to send them that is.
Enjoy the fic!
Summary: It's shuri she's hot what else.
Warnings: Badly written smut.
Word count: 3.1k again
Oop forgot Translations: Used yandex translation
Bast, ndandingazi ukuba ungandincumela-I didn't know you could smile at me.
Ewe-angelo-yes my angel
Previously on ‘Hot for Shuri’
“wai-Wait how about you two have lessons here.” Is she serious? “I could buy some chairs and smaller desks and have them shipped by your second session.” She is serious. Riri considered for a bit, Shuri rocked on her heels waiting for her response.
“Look, see you get two geniuses for the price of one.” If she only knew. Shuri couldn’t contain her excitement murmuring to herself that she'll place the order right now. You couldn’t feel any worse than how you did now.
A week has passed and it is now Wednesday. One day before you, Riri, and Shuri’s first tutoring session.
“Shuri- we have to talk.” Riri barges into Shuri’s office. It was four in the afternoon. Her walk is commanding and her fists are clenched.
“Not now Riri.” Shuri’s face is in her papers, she is clutching a red pen. Her face is stone cold.
A portable whiteboard with objectives for tomorrow stood opposite her bookshelves. Flash cards also sit neatly, there are a lot of flash cards. Two swivel chairs are positioned at Shuri’s desk and Riri took a seat.
“Shuri, are you really mad at me?”
“I’m not mad at you-”
“Yes you are, you haven’t given me anything to do in the lab for the past week”
“Aneka is also very capable of filing and using a screwdriver.”
“Shuri.” Riri pleads.
“What now?” Shuri was becoming more agitated by the second.
“Shuri! I know you.” Riri tries to grab Shuri's hand.
Shuri yanks hers back and slams them down on the desk. “Well if you knew me, you would have known I was helping her.”
“Helping her?”
“Yes, her. She's been sitting there and not doing anything, asking no question, I don’t want to fail her. If you were trying to help you could’ve redirected her to me.”
“Why are you trying to stop me from getting my money?” Riri questions and takes an immense sigh as she rolls her head. Shuri chooses not to respond and continues marking her papers, head down.
“Well too bad. I'm sorry you’re so hung up on my client but I can't do nun' bout it, she’s paying me, and if you don't like me helping.” Riri paused, “Why’d you let us use your office, huh?” Riri’s face screwed up.
Shuri finally looked up, and flicked her eyes up and then down. "Because.” She smirks.
Today is the day.
“Lia I'm sure it’s not that bad.” You drew out your voice. Your normal routine of picking Lia up from her two pm Basic Chemistry class is always a joy but today you have another engagement.
“Yes it is. I think she might have it out for me.”
“I think you’re being slightly overdramatic.”
“No- I’m not. I know when someone is looking at me sideways.” When Lia got in one of her moods there was no dissuading her. You should go along with her for now. This time it was about her basic chem professor, allegedly; she's been making her answer questions when her hand isn't raised, taking half points off of her lab reports, and telling her to get off her phone more.
“So like a professor?” You had to remind her some time or later.
“I'm being serious- shut up, there she is.” The woman is really pretty, maybe twenty-six, her hair is in a high puff that’s slicked down, and her attire is suitable for working in a lab, with nothing flowing or too tight.
Lia walked over to her and handed over a green folder. “Miss Pratt, here is my final draft for the different types of foodborne diseases.”
“Thank you Miss Hamilton, I expect this is in a three prong folder and without your name on the lab report.”
“Yes ma’am,” Lia answered respectfully. Professor Pratt collected the report from her hands. As she turned back, Lia did a silent fist pump, and you quietly laughed behind your hand. “You are too much work, Miss Hamilton, I’m not your counselor but don’t let your friends drag you down.” Damn, you’re starting to see what Lia’s been telling you. Professor Pratt just nonchalantly flipped through her lab report. Lia gave her a very stink cut-eye, clenched her teeth, and pursed her lips. ‘Lia don’t do this please’ your eyes implored her.
“Well, I don’t think you don’t have to worry about that, in fact- my friend has something to get to for a professor and you’re holding us up.” Lia was furious, her brow furrowed, her eyes were starting to water, and the metaphorical steam was rolling off her in waves.‘Subtly and Lia never go together?’ You thought to yourself.
“Lia, Lia calm down, let's go, we spent thirty minutes here already. ” You whispered to her while rubbing her back in circles; Hoping to calm her down.
“Thanks, angel, it’s fine. You’re right let’s go.” You 'hmmed'. Professor Pratt glanced up from the lab report, she caught your eye with hers, though there was a feeling you couldn't place. You decided to give a curt ‘good afternoon’, Lia and you packed your bags and left. In the hallway, far enough from the lab, Lia said something.
“Told you, she was an ass.” Lia mumbled while sniffling.
“Hey-hey you could always make a complaint to the Dean.”
“It’s not that serious, I'll be fine.” You gave her a hug sensing that she needed one.
“Riri!” Your fist knocked on her door rapidly. You started to twitch a little bit, shuffling from one foot to the next and sweat was gathering on your brow.
Lia leaned over to you. “I mean you could come with me back to my dorm-”
“Why would she do that when she just got here?” You knew the accent anywhere. First day of class and you’re already talking about ditching. You hung your head low with shame, but it wasn’t too low to miss the shit-eating grin Shuri had on her face; Lia was no better than her.
“Riri’s coming in a minute but I could get you started on something.” A faint ‘she gonna get you started on something aye.’ You decided to end this interaction here.
“Bye- I have to do real work now.” You told her sarcastically.
“Work, alright then” Lia rolled her eyes and strutted away.
“Real work?” Shuri giggled above you. You seemed to have forgotten why you were there in the first place. She’s just so wow, looking up at her is something that you should do often. For a moment Shuri’s eyes were glossed over but reanimated once again.
“There’s a test on the desk for you.” you gaped at her.
“A test, already?”
“Yes, a test that you need to do. It’s just a general quiz, see where you are and what areas we need to focus on with you.” You flipped through the booklet; it’s ten pages. Do all the multiple choices make it better? Slightly. You shuffle over to your seat and rest your bag down. Shuri glided over to you and set the timer to one hour, she also handed you a pen; you told her 'thank you'.
Fifteen minutes later and you could still feel Shuri’s eyes focusing on you. You felt really good about it, even clenching your legs together. She was posted up by the door, leaning against it with her hands in her pockets. A loud knocking startled her and interrupted your train of thought, which didn't pertain to the test at all.
“Hey! Hey sorry i'm late! That differential equations class, she loves group projects.” Riri stormed into the room, commanding all the attention.
“Sh!” She put her finger to her lips and grabbed Riri’s wrist, tugging her towards her.
“What?” Riri whispered.
“She’s taking the pre-test-”
“When did we decide on that?”
“When you came late” Wow that ended the conversation quickly. Shuri accentuated her words by poking Riri in the chest at ‘you’ and ‘late’. You turned around to see what was going around for yourself. Shuri looked over Riri’s shoulder and mouthed to you ‘It’s fine’ and smiled; You returned a smile to her.
An hour and ten minutes have officially passed. Shuri and Riri are looking over your paper with rapt attention. Shuri puts your paper down and they take a heavy sigh. ‘This cannot be good.’ you say to yourself. Shuri decides to speak first.
“Ok, we have a lot to do” she walked over to where you were sitting. “Circuits, thermodynamics and quantum physics, the rest I don’t expect you to know yet. Luckily, I caught you early so I could help before the class gets into more strenuous topics.” Riri rolls her eyes at Shuri’s boasting.
“I could get you started on the basics of circuits right now.”
“Alright that's fine.” You answered Riri.
You take a labored sigh, ‘This is too much work’. Riri’s words morphed into one very long blurb. Something about a series, parallels, inhibitors, and switches. The absolute sight that is Shuri just blended into the background by the forty-five-minute mark. ‘Maybe I shouldn't have taken this class’, you can hear Lia’s smug 'I told you'. Regardless, Riri notices your lack of energy, and she decides that stopping for the day is the best plan of action.
“So.. how was the class?" Riri asked.
“It was good, you didn’t rush or anything, just a lot of information.” You answered.
“That's good, I’m sending you some practice questions and diagrams.” Your phone made a familiar ‘bzzt!’ You told her 'thank you'.
“Alright, imma bounce, don’t forget my money on Monday-” Riri took her bag and gave a short wave to you and Shuri. The door clicked shut, and that feeling came back. The warmth in your lower abdomen disperses throughout your whole body but loves to make a special home between your thighs. You close your eyes and take a breath to cool yourself down. Shuri looks at you inquisitively.
“You do know nobody get’s things right the first time around, yeah?” She looks at you from behind her computer.
“Huh?! Oh-oh, the class.” She lets out a light giggle at your flustered-ness. Awe how sweet, she thinks you're worried about your performance (you are- but not at the moment). Her giggle grew into a boisterous cackle, and you were unsure whether you should join in.
“I'm sorry-I'm sorry it’s just your face when I reminded-” She had to catch herself because of her laughing cutting up every word in her sentence. “When I reminded you of the lesson, your face just-” she made a downward motion with her hands. You were delighted to the fact that she found you funny but to the cost of your hornyness was an issue.
“I promise, I won’t talk about the lessons after we’re done with them.” You gave her a ‘really’ look.
“I swear-” She was so close to you, you wondered if she somehow developed teleportation. Shuri was sitting on her desk, her cashmere pant leg almost rubbing against your arm. You decided to pull your head up so it doesn't look like you were staring at her crotch. Terrible mistake, the peak of her collarbone winked at you through the two unbuttoned buttons on her shirt.
"So, what are we going to talk about?" a weak grin accompanied your question.
"How about your friend? You guys seem cute." She gave an exaggerated nonchalant shrug.
"Who? Lia? What, no, she's a friend, a good friend. Why ask though?"
"I'm sorry, Riri's just been-"
"Ah! I knew it!" You shot up out of your chair knocking Shuri off her balance. She fell with a thud against her desk, your hand on her wrist doing nothing to aid her fall. All you could do was laugh-her eyes widened.
"Bast, ndandingazi ukuba ungandincumela." Shuri expressed sweetly while looking up at you while both of your arms caged her in. You immediately stopped laughing and jumped back realizing the compromising position you two were in. You checked your phone and it was six thirty!? Oh no, you snatched your bag off the floor mumbling a skittish 'I have to go bye!' The tension dissipated Shuri let out a weighty sigh as she got up and picked up her paperweights and pens off the floor. She buttons her shirt and shakes her head.
As you sprinted down the hallway in the corner of your vision you saw Professor Pratt. You didn't know what the look was then but one thing you knew is that it was cold.
"Good evening, Director Udaku."
You slammed your door shut, threw your bag in the corner of the room, and marched yourself to shower. In which none of your thoughts were consumed by Shuri at all. You ultimately flopped down on your bed after that exhausting day. Your eyes are heavy as lead, your pillow calling you to sleep.
You knock on the door, “Come, in..”, her voice groggy. She obviously didn't get enough sleep last night. The blinds were drawn slightly shut over the windows, minuscule fragments of light escaping.
She’s at her desk, hunched over again, her head diving forward for the coolness of her desk.
“Shuri..” you cooed, voice lilting on the last syllable, “Please at least close the computer”. Your heels clacked against the hardwood flooring like a metronome. Adding to the soothing haze you were unknowingly putting her under.
You reached her, placed your hands on the desk, and bent over peeking at Shuri’s drowsy form underneath your eyelashes. Shuri's upper body sloped over, head now fully smooshed on the desk, her eyes closed and her hands trying to capture you with as much effort as she can. You being sneaky, you moved back, Shuri sensing your presence is not in immediate reaching distance; she pouts, pushes herself off of the desk, and flops dramatically against her chair.
“Who knew Professor Udaku was just a child in disguise?” Your voice was coy, almost flirtatious. Her face scrunched, then morphed into a warm smile. You let out a sigh and began walking over to her briskly. When you got close to her, she spread her legs, and you ‘hmphed’ as you walked past her. She’s starting to pout again-
“Now Shuri stop that'', your sentence trails into a light whisper. Shuri’s chest feels heavy, she cracked her eyes to see you draped over her. Your hands rubbed her chest and your face nuzzled in her neck.
“You have to stop doing this to yourself, at least for me please”, goosebumps littered her skin as you spoke. Your lips trailed up and down her neck, tenderly kissing her skin. Your hands now grazing the buttons of her white button-collared shirt. Shuri moaned softly, her right arm tugged at your left, and she tilted her head back allowing more area for you to kiss. Your right hand trailed down her shirt slowly unbuttoning, you could feel her abs, they clenched as you touched. Your hand grazes the belt buckle before stopping your ministrations altogether. Her knee jerked and her eyes shot wide as you giggled on the side of her chair.
Her hair was a little roughed up and you could see the perspiration growing in between her brows. She tilted her head, “You think this is funny come here-” You’re trying to back away from her but your heels proved to be your downfall. It only took her two steps to pick you up and throw you over her shoulder. Those abs did not clench for nothing- She plopped down her seat and brought you down on her leg gently.
“Let me kiss you properly.”, she was so demanding but who were you to deny her. She chased your lips with hers but every time she missed and you pulled away. Shuri was fed up now, she grabbed the back of your head and smashed your lips together. You moaned into her mouth
“Shuri..”, she took that opportunity to slip her tongue into your mouth. One of your hands that was around her neck slipped into the back of her shirt to unclip her bra. She ground her thigh along your clothed pussy, your slick seeped through your underwear and onto her pants. She trailed sloppy kisses down your neck to return the favor and unhook your bra but she barely managed to suck on your nipple before you interrupted her.
"Wait-wait" you were breathless but you wanted to do something for her. She paused, she looked frightened for a second but she began to understand when you slid down her body. She's moaning unabashedly, the guttural sound she makes. It makes you want to kiss her and leave her breathless as she did you. Unfortunately, you have to focus on your job at the moment.
You come face to face with her clothed mound, and you give her a kiss. You unbuckled her belt, she was more impatient than you, she nearly kicked a hole trying to get her pants off. Oh, you could see why she was so excited now-
"How long did you have that on?" You give her a coquettish grin from between her legs.
"Is it bad if I don't remember?" She peered down at you and gently thrust her hip into your face. You got the message but you bit her thigh as payback. "Unh-" She thrusts again, so you decided that holding down her hips was the best option.
You pull down her boxers with your teeth and watched them drop out your mouth and down her thigh. She's so wet, you plunge your tongue in her pussy. Licking her folds, swaying your head from left to right eventually moving to suckle on her clit for more stimulation.
"Agh- you're so filthy, I'm gonna cum, usana- usana- please."
You tilted your head back, your eyes crossed, and your chin glistened. As you caught your breath, Shuri stared at you-
"You want a picture?"
"Is it bad if I say yes?" you chose to ignore that as you mounted her again to kiss and let her taste herself.
"Keep your eyes closed." she told you.
"Ah" you moaned lightly in her mouth as you felt the buzzing of the vibrator against your underwear.
Although when you opened them back to look at Shuri's glistening face, you were met with the ceiling of your dorm. You chose to scream into your pillow thanking every holy being imaginable that you didn't have a roommate. You decided to look for your phone and of course, it was between your legs. You put in the passcode.
Professor Shuri
Hey I know I said nothing after ten but is this yours?
12: 46pm
If it is you can come for it tomorrow after class.
Sorry to disturb you, good night. x
You left your wallet?! What would your mother think of you? Wait no 'x'?
An: Im back yall and I'm black yall (sorry not sorry youre lucky i didnt type the whole thing). I really hope you enjoyed the fic again. Hopefully yall will get that Riri valentines day fic in the week, might be short tho. :3 Imma figure out the masterlist soon and tell me if the 'keep reading' thing helps oke byebye
#shuri fic#pidgefics#Shuri x reader#shuri x reader#shuri fluff#shuri udaku#riri williams#shuri smut#professor shuri#wakanda forever#letitia wright cinematic universe now#black panther#happy black history month
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Uhm- I see yall liked that fic. It did better than I anticipated. THANK YOU FOR A HUNDRED LIKES THO WHAT. IM SO GRATEFUL THAT YOU GUYS LIKED IT.
But I regret to inform you that there will be a part 2 and a sneak peak. Its not done like at all we at 600 (605 words to be exact).
I might do a masterlist when I reach 3 fics or more. This smut might be rough so be warned. <3
#shuri x reader#shuri udaku#riri williams#letitia wright#professor shuri#shuri x you#shuri x black fem reader#pidgefics#sneak peek#shuri x y/n
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Pidgemotoiii Masterlist
heyhey I made a masterlist on caard so you dont have to scroll through my countless reblogs. :)
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A little self care
read it on the AO3 at http://archiveofourown.org/works/13803717
by Pidgefics
It’s been a year and everyone’s hair has grown to be a issue. Luckily one of them happens to be good at cutting hair.
Words: 926, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of The end of Voltron
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Shiro (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), shiro centric - Character
Additional Tags: Hair care, Fluff, this is gonna be the only time I’m writing fluff
read it on the AO3 at http://archiveofourown.org/works/13803717
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The Holt Family
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2AVpFkC
by Pidgefics
The Holts were once famous for their brilliance, but in one strike they became famous for their deaths.
Words: 781, Chapters: 1/4, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of The end of Voltron
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: Gen
Characters: Pidge | Katie Holt, Pidge | Katie Holt's Family, Matt Holt, Samuel Holt, Colleen Holt
Additional Tags: lots of death, Injury, Whump, just sad
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2AVpFkC
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The Case of The Missing Holts
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2sBonaL
by Pidgefics
Matthew and Samuel Holt, two of the best detectives in the city have gone missing and after a year of pursuit the case is determined to be cold. Unwilling to give up Katie Holt goes undercover to uncover the truth. Along with a few cops, an old friend, and a rouge agent she may get into the case faster than she expected, the only problem is it's far bigger than anyone could imagine.
Words: 2417, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Allura/Shiro (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Crime, Mystery, Pidge | Katie Holt-centric, Aromantic Asexual Pidge | Katie Holt, klance, shallura - Freeform, Underage Drinking, its like a crime noir, But also not, I Tried
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2sBonaL
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What went wrong?
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2roIVCW
by Pidgefics
"The question kept buzzing in my head. How had it all gone so wrong? Maybe it was after Hunk vanished or Keith?
All I knew was Lance and I were all that was left. They all went the same way as Shiro, we fought a tough battle and came out with one less Paladin and no reason why. One minute they were in the black lion and the next poof."
Pidge is tired, she has been on the run from the Galra for just under two years. Maybe it's the loss of almost all her friends, or the loss of her family but she is starting to think that there is no point in fighting anymore.
All she wants to know is, what went wrong?
A voltron future one shot. It is based off Of the season 2 ending and is about why shiro disappeared but is pidge centric. Rated mature for language.
(Also I have a picture of both pidge and Lance as I think they look like only the hair color is different. The story was inspired
Words: 4643, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Characters: Lance (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Coran (Voltron)
Additional Tags: no ships, just sad
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2roIVCW
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