#letitia wright scotty
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thethickerside · 2 years ago
Twitter Fingers.
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Warning: lots of TENSION. Dirty talk. Shuri has no filter. Very timid, but nasty main character. Mention of pornography. Smut. Strap on sex. StrapxShuri.
Gently spell checked, there may be spelling or grammar errors.
She found herself clenching her legs and covering her mouth as the vibration of her favorite toy shocked her entire being. She moaned into her hand while looking over at her phone that was propped up. The lewd video lit up a small area in her dark room, the light reflecting back on her pleasure filled face.
But…the video wasn’t necessarily what she was thinking about. Of course, it’s right in her face, so she obviously could not hide her arousal towards it, but the thing that truly set her on fire was the caption.
She had been following a Twitter account that included all things lesbian. For the past few weeks she had been using her light pink rose to reach an orgasm; a direct result of her constantly viewing the Twitter page.
She could feel her orgasm creeping up on her as she moaned into a nearby pillow. As she went on, she couldn’t help thinking about whoever was behind this account fucking her. “I’m cumming…” she whimpered into her pillowed as she orgasmed.
While coming down, she laid there for about a minute before picking her phone up and scrolling to the top of the Twitter page. She felt embarrassed by the fact that she had came to Twitter porn, but she couldn’t stop her self from clicking the inbox button.
Before she could even think, she started to type up a message that conveyed her feelings.
“I’m new to Twitter, and I came across your page…and I just wanted to tell you that everything you’ve posted has effected me…I feel embarrassed that I’m even dm’ing you…”
She felt like she was going insane when she pressed the send button. She immediately regretted her decision and slammed the phone down on her bed. “I can’t believe I fucking did that…” She laid there in silence for some time before her phone buzzed.
Once she flipped it over, she was very surprised by the notification.
“Embarrassed..? Why is that?”
They fucking replied.
“They fucking replied…” She said as she stared at the notification on her phone. She gulped as the heat that was once at her core traveled to her face.
“I don’t mean any harm…but it’s just find it so morally wrong…it’s so sexual and graphic…”
She sent out that message, and it took a little bit longer for the reply to come in. “…was I being rude..?” She asked herself.
What she didn’t know is that the woman on the other end was laughing.
“I promise you, my page is just a small fraction of how sexual and graphic my mind is.”
“There’s more..?”
“So much more.”
“Can you show me..?”
She timid female stared at her screen for a couple of seconds, awaiting a response. She bit her bottom lip and sighed to herself. “Fuck…that was so stupid.”
“Call me.”
She gasped when she saw that message. She do don’t even know this person and she was already going to call them.
The line rung a couple of times before a simple “Hello?” was said.
“I didn’t expect you to sound like that.” The woman on the other side of the phone had a very relaxing voice.
“I didn’t know you were gonna sound the way you sound either. Where are you from..?” She asks.
“None of your concern. What’s your name?” The woman was firm.
“…Athena…beautiful.” The woman said. Athena smiled behind her phone and chuckled lightly to herself.
“What’s your name?” Athena asks.
“…” The woman fell silent at this question. “Just call me Ri.”
Ri. As in short for Shuri. The queen of Wakanda couldn’t reveal her identity to a complete stranger online…just yet.
“…This may be a weird thing to ask…but can I see your face..?” Athena asked. She was prepared to be in the face of immediate rejection upon her request, but instead she was met with “Do you have Skype?”
“Yes! My username is Athenarooz”
After about 30 seconds, Athena was met with a call request.
She quickly sat up and looked in the mirror next to her bed before setting her phone up against a pillow. Her full face was in frame, with a tiny bit of her dark headboard showing.
Once she answered, she was met with the woman behind the account. Shuri didn’t show her whole entire face. The only part of her body that was in frame was the lower half. Athena couldn’t see her eyes or her nose. She didn’t mind though.
“Hi…” Athena gently said. Her heart shaped hair was slightly messy, and she had on simple pajamas.
Shuri thought she was adorable. She had cat like eyes, full cheeks, and a gold dainty necklace on.
Shuri smiled upon hearing her voice. Athena could see a flash of gold shine across Shuri’s bottom teeth once she smiled. “Hi.” Shuri simply said.
“So…um, I like your grills. They look really good.” Athena smiles warmly as she gazed at the other woman.
“Why thank you. I greatly appreciate it.” Shuri smirked at the compliment. “I like your pink lights…you look very pretty under them.” Athena felt her heart skip a beat before giggling to herself.
“Oh…thank you!” Athena said.
“Are they always that color, sithandwa?”
Athena could feel her pussy start to pulsate from the foreign term. “Well— no! They actually change colors.” Athena said while looking down at her sleeves.
“When do you change them?” Shuri asked.
Shuri didn’t want to make the girl feel rushed, but she knew there was a reason why she DM��d her.
“…you know…during certain times.” Athena felt so small under Shuri’s gaze, en thought she couldn’t even see her eyes.
“Like when you’re scrolling down my page…?” Shuri asked before leaning back in her seat. “Well…yes. Your page just…it makes me feel—“
“Aroused.” Shuri finished that sentence for her.
“What part makes you feel that way?” Shuri asked. At this point, Shuri was very intrigued with this girl’s sexual behavior.
“To be honest…it’s not the videos. O-of course, the girls help a lot!! But…it’s just the way you write your captions…they’re so sensual…” Athena says. She can’t help but to breathe a bit heavier while glancing at Shuri.
Shuri had never met a person who liked captions on Twitter porn more than the actual video.
“Athena?” Shuri calls out her name.
“Y-yes?” Athena’s eyes light up slightly at the mention of her name.
“What makes you climax?”
Athena felt like a waterfall had ripped through her core once she heard that question. She didn’t know how to answer that.
“…I honestly don’t know how to explain it…c-can I show you..?”
“Go ahead…” Shuri said. She watched Athena closely, waiting for any sign of sexual action.
“Um, okay! Give me one second.” Athena grabbed her ipad from her nightstand and quickly went to Shuri’s account. She scrolled for a bit before she recognized a video that repeatedly got her off.
“There’s this one video that I’ve watched a couple of times…” Athena showed the video to Shuri, turning her iPad to face her camera, letting Shuri watch.
“Hmm, it’s from my page.” Shuri said with a slight smirk.
“Yeah…how did you find this video..?” Athena asked.
“Quite honestly, I truly just browse. I get aroused quite often and when I do, I find more videos to put on my Twitter.” Shuri said.
“Have you ever done any of the things in the videos..?” Athena asked. She could feel her heart beating out of her chest at the thought of the other woman doing those things to her.
“…” Shuri was silent, once again. “Yes…why do you ask?”
Athena knew that what she was about to ask could go completely right, or terribly wrong.
“Do you see yourself doing those things to me..?”
Shuri paused at this. She could 100 percent see herself giving Athena immense pleasure, but she had to be careful because of who she is.
“Absolutely…but, I’m not in a position to do so.” Shuri replied.
“Why is that?” Athena asked.
“I’m not just a regular person…”
This statement struck fear into Athena.
“…w-who are you..?” Athena asked.
“If I tell you…it will change the trajectory of your entire life.” Shuri said. Her voice was laced with caution, not wanting Athena to make such a big decision.
“I don’t mind.” Athena said.
Shuri had to contemplate for a moment. She knew this will affect the both of them…but she was so fucking horny. She couldn’t make any rational decisions at the moment.
Shuri takes her computer screen and angles it upward, showing her full face to Athena. Upon seeing her, Athena tilted her head.
“…” Athena simply just gazed at her. The initial shock was there, but after a couple of seconds she just…shrugged.
“Shuri…queen of Wakanda…but, I don’t see how this matters…” Athena says with a slight giggle.
Shuri’s eyes widened at Athena’s claim. “You don’t think it matters??” Shuri questioned, feeling baffled by the other woman.
“We’re both horny…and honestly…I don’t really care about who you are.” Athena says before biting the inside of her lip.
Shuri’s body seemed to relax once that was said. “Bast…I don’t know what I’m gonna do with you…” she chuckles.
As time went on, Athena’s desire coursed through her body.
“Shuri…do you wanna fuck me?” Athena asked with a tiny smirk.
Shuri smirked and shook her head, chuckling to herself in disbelief. “I’ll be at your place in 15 minutes.” She said beofre the call ended.
Athena stared at the screen for a couple of seconds before running to the shower. She quickly freshened up before getting dressed.
Her pink baby tee complimented her pink spandex shorts. Her hair was in a claw clip, that also being pink. She had on some white fluffy slides, with her toes being painted a light pink color. She looked at herself in the mirror, contemplating whether or not she was underdressed.
“Hmm…” she looked at the clock next to her mirror and smiled lightly. “It’s 2am…who cares.” She reassured herself.
She grabbed her phone and went downstairs. Athena lived in-front of a large field, where she would go for jogs, or simply just journal at. She looked outside and saw a small aircraft parked in the field.
She couldn’t hear it land, so she suspected that it had to be Shuri.
The doorbell rang, and Athena could feel her heart go insane. She took a deep breath before walking over to the door and opening it, being met with Shuri looking at her through some Prada sunglasses.
“Hi.” Athena said. She quickly scanned Shuri’s figure, and saw that she was dressed casually as well. She had on some black sweatpants, and a black t-shirt.
“Hi.” Shuri said, smirking lightly at the girl. She’s adorable… Shuri thought to herself. She put her hand out, offering it to Athena.
Athena softly took her hand, and walked with her back to the aircraft. “I hope you don’t think I’m creepy or anything…I promise you I’m not going to hurt you.” Shuri said once they stepped inside. Athena smiled timidly and nodded, looking up at the other woman.
“No…oddly enough I didn’t think that…” Athena said with a slight chuckle.
Shuri stared softly at the other woman, taking off her sunglasses. She slowly walked to Athena, running her thumb across Athena’s bottom lip.
“You’re so pretty…intombi entle.” Shuri said. Athena could feel a her nipples immediately harden from the foreign language, and Shuri could see them.
She glanced down at Athena’s chest, seeing them press up against her cute pink shirt. “Are you excited?” Shuri asks, slipping her thumb in Athena’s mouth. Athena looked up at Shuri and nodded, her eyes being filled with desire.
“I can tell…” Shuri trailed off as she lifted up the other woman’s shirt, letting her full breast become exposed. Shuri let go of Athena, taking a seat in the aircraft. “Let me see you…” She leaned back in her chair, before sliding her own shirt off, having nothing but her gold panther necklace on. “Show me…” Shuri demanded softly.
Athena stood infront of Shuri and took her shirt off, and then her shorts. “You don’t have anything on under that…” Shuri said to her. She smirked at Athena before calling her over with just a hand gesture. Shuri spread her legs and let Athena straddle her.
Athena’s nude body was pressed up against Shuri, as she could feel her underwear become soaked. Shuri could feel Athena’s desire, all thanks to her heightened senses.
“I just want you to know…this is just sex.” Shuri said while gazing into Athena’s eyes.
Athena giggled while leaning into Shuri. She could feel the other woman’s hands travel to her backside, squeezing it firmly. “You did have to say that…you could’ve just fucked me.” Athens says.
What Shuri and Athena didn’t know is that their relationship was not going to just be sex.
Shuri immediately captured Athena’s lips in a passionate kiss. The kiss was hot, passionate, and sloppy. The two woman were incredibly aroused, and they didn’t hold anything back.
“Fuck…” Shuri pulled away from the kiss and hissed as she continued to grope and smack the other woman’s ass. “I didn’t know you had all this…” Shuri chuckled before kissing along Athena’s jawline. “Oh please…it’s nothing.” Athena dismisses her remark, biting her lip from Shuri’s touch.
Shuri’s kisses halted. She looked up at Athena, her gold grill showing from the low exposure lighting in the aircraft. She raised her eyebrow, smirking lightly.
“It’s nothing???”
“Holy shit!!” Athena moaned out. By this time, Shuri had bent Athena over. Her fingers were digging into Athena’s hips as she snapped her hips into a thrust. The black and silver strap glistened in the light as she continued to fuck Athena.
“Let me tell you…It’s not nothing. Your ass looks so good from back here..” Shuri said before throwing her head back, hissing and moaning at the feeling of Athena squeezing her. “I can feel you usana. I can feel you squeezing the shit out of me. You like this?” Shuri moaned out. Athena couldn’t answer. She was too busy shoving her face into the bed that was located at the back of the air craft. “S-so good…” Athena whimpered out.
Shuri couldn’t believe the words that were coming out her mouth. All of her lewd thoughts that she would hide just came spilling out. It was almost like Athena’s body drew them out of her. She was hooked.
“Shit Athena!” Shuri said before pulling her strap out quickly and grabbing her phone. “I want to record you…I wanna watch this back over and over again…will you let me..?” Shuri asked while kissing down her back.
Athena looked back at Shuri with a euphoric expression. “Do it…” Athena answered. Before she could turn back around, Shuri had started to record, the flash from the phone highlighting the pleasurable experience.
Shuri inserted her fingers, pumping them slowly, while her thumb rubbed the other woman’s clit. “S-Shuri—“ Athena moaned while her legs began to shake.
“You close..?” Shuri asked while looking directly at Athena. “Y-yes…” Athena whimpered while making eye contact with her. “What are you gonna do..? Hmm?” Shuri asks, her pace speeding up. “I-I’m gonna cum..” Athena whispered. “Let me see it…” Shuri said with a slight smirk. Athena came undone on Shuri’s fingers. She couldn’t even let out a moan, the feeling was so euphoric.
“O-oh my fucking god!!” Athena whimpered out. “That was beautiful Athena…” Shuri said before putting her phone away, feeling incredibly aroused still. Shuri gently laid Athena down on the bed, grabbing her chin, and planting a gentle kiss on her lips. “I’m gonna make you cum again…okay??” Shuri said while her lips brushed against Athena’s.
Athena could soon feel Shuri’s length stroke into her. Tears of pleasure fell from her eyes as she let out soft moans, Shuri’s name falling from her lips. She looked up at her and marveled at her appearance.
Shuri’s gold chain glistened up against her skin, her bare upper body being on full display as her thrust became quicker.
On the other hand, Shuri couldn’t take her eyes off Athena. Even when her body wanted to close them, she couldn’t. She was entranced by the look of pleasure that was displayed on the other woman’s face. Her thrusts quickened as she could feel Athena squeeze her once more. “Come on baby…I know you want too…” Shuri moaned out, encouraging Athena.
“F-fuck! You’re gonna make me cum again…” Athena moaned out while her eyes rolled back slightly. “Give it to me…” Shuri said. Her thick Wakndan accent had Athena cumming in seconds.
“Shit, you look so pretty…I’m gonna cum from just looking at you—“ Shuri said before moaning loudly. She orgasm washed over her like a thunder storm and had her Whimpering.
Both woman were left breathing heavily before Shuri pulled out and laid beside Athena.
There was about two minutes of just silence.
Athena and Shuri were just gazing at each other. The both of them felt a buzz, leaving them feeling euphoric.
“That was…amazing..” Shuri said, hooking her arm around Athena’s back, pulling her closer. By this time, Shuri had discarded her strap, leaving their two completely hide bodies cuddled into one another. “…it really was…” Athena said before falling into a deep slumber.
When Athena woke up, she was back in her own bed. She looked around, feeling slightly disappointed when she couldn’t find Shuri. She understood that it was just sex, but deep down, she was wishing for more.
She laid back in her bed, sighing to herself. “I guess she was being serious…this really was just sex.” Athena says to herself. Her thoughts were interrupted by a Skype call notification from…Shuri. Her eyes widened in slight shock as she checked her appearance and answered quickly.
“Hello, sthandwa…” Shuri said. Her tone was warm and she had a look of adoration on her face.
“Hi Shuri…” Athena said, rubbing her arm shyly.
Both of the woman found it insane how sexual they are some hours ago, and how they are so much different in each others presence now.
But my gosh, this is only the beginning.
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axailslink · 1 year ago
When the fuck she get a grill that say her name? Where have I been?
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bubbleblowinggirl · 5 months ago
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She was wearing boxers yall- 😭 and look the bodyyyyyyy
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shurismistress · 1 year ago
they’re just shoving it in our faces 😭 I love Letitia man
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shurismainbxtch · 2 years ago
Me for Scotty and Shuri
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mal-urameshi · 2 years ago
Credit: @/ch9edits on TikTok
@somethingcleaverandwhitty This is Scotty!!! (Without spoilingg) I dunno...when I saw her episode, ngl I was like, why her friends ain't tell her to take another approach? She was Wilding.🤣
Her heart was in the right place, though. I just wanna crush her in a hug sooo bad!! She's sooo sweet! 🥺❤
Pls watch the episode so we can talk about it together whenever you got time.
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naomis-daydream · 2 years ago
I need help finding a shuri smut ! Shuri was like a mechanic and the reader’s husband was cheating and shuri came over and fucked the reader 🫣🤭
i remember reading something like this but can’t find it :/. is it possible it was a scotty fic? bc she’s a mechanic and played by letitia. if so i can get u some good scotty recs by @inmyheadimobsessed and other authors :)
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pidgemotoiii · 2 years ago
Silly Billy
Scotty x reader: Banana episode(if u couldn't find it)
An: Hey yall uhm college is kinda tough. I'm writing this literally at the end of my spring break. Most likely this is gonna be followed by the Riri one-shot that I was gonna do for valentines day (muddo) or Hot for Shuri pt. 3 so I can finish that off. I need to stop writing these long ass plots. Motivation is so not it lmao, I want to write these longer stories but I think my cap is 4k and smut is such a challenge. Anyways make sure you take screen breaks. Also I really enjoy the comments and reblogs, I'm just trying to be more interactive with people on here. I hope you enjoy the fic!
Fic blurb: Poor Scotty she only knows one way to love. In abundance-
Warnings: Stalking lots of stalking, light smut (i'm tryin i'm tryin), swearing, Mentions of criminal activity, Reader is ambivalent to most of Scotty's activities.
Word count: 4.3k
It was six p.m. on a Monday night. The cream-colored walls of the apartment added tension to a mood that sorely didn’t need it. An older woman in a bed lies down in a pale blue night dress. Her daughter presumably- finishes getting dressed. She fixes her hair and kisses her mother on the forehead. She tugs on the girl’s hand and fixes her face to say something. The thought she has on her mind is making her uneasy. 
“Viv, don’t be daft with her ok- just ask her out and be nice, and if she says no, move on don't get all silly this time. Promise.”
“Hey, Phoebe! Where's that iced macchiato for Dean?” You strained your voice. The Saturday afternoon- summer heat was getting to you. Your work shirt and apron hug your body tight, and you thank the above for deodorant because the AC in the coffee shop was not doing you any favors. “Phoebe-” 
“That iced macchiato. I got you- I got you” Phoebe swerved around you and rang the bell, “Dean! Iced macchiato with two pumps of vanilla!” 
“You didn’t have to say two pumps-” Dean told your co-worker, marginally displeased. 
He adds a ‘thank you’ and goes to sit in the corner. He sits and stares at the glass door- like he's waiting on someone. A dark skin girl walks into view, she has on a plaid shirt with a green overcoat. How she survived in this heat was a mystery to you. Her hair is permed and styled with a bang in the front. Her head whips around looking for her friend until her eyes lock onto yours. Her eyes are wide, seemingly trying to memorize your face and features in five seconds. 
"Scotty!" Dean shouted- breaking the intense connection you two had. You peered over in the direction he was waving. His presence was demanding her attention, once ‘Scotty’ realized how long she was staring her face froze and her color drained. She pivoted in Dean’s direction and swiftly shuffled away toward him. 
You decided to play this game a little longer. You came from behind the counter to stock the shelves. You grabbed the box and a step ladder, and you muttered ‘excuse me’ and left your lips as you passed them. You unpacked the box and started putting stuff away, catching a bit of their conversation. 
“So- I found a way to get that four hundred quid” Dean sipped on his drink attempting to engage Scotty in conversation. While Scotty was busy drooling over how great you look in your apron; and how great it would be to feel under that apron, her mind wandered. 
She would be exhausted, coming back from a job that ran way too late and a client that ran his mouth way too much. She would round the corner and that same little black apron would be tied around your waist. You would be bent over the counter, and a sliver of fabric would be wound taught over a very gleaming gem. Obviously, it was Scotty’s gift from last year’s valentines day. Jazz would be crooning through your shared apartment. You would turn around slowly and ask her something awfully important. 
“Yvonne still sends you letters?” Scotty does not take this well- you could see how her face morphed into a scowl. 
“Dean! Can you stop talking about her please?” Scotty begged Dean; her eyes began to water a little. You wondered why she had such an adverse reaction to that name. You felt a bit of pity in your stomach for the cute girl but were irked at the thought of someone treating her so badly. Your quick lapse of sympathy was proving to be your demise- you could feel the overpriced reusable cups falling out of your hand. 
“What the fuck!” Dean’s drink splatters on himself and Scotty. The clang being so egregiously loud sends you into a state of panic. 
“Fuck! I’m so sorry!” You profusely apologized and ran to get napkins. After you found some, you race over to their table to clean up some of the spills. During your furious cleaning, you didn’t hear Scotty muttering under her breath. Terrified at the
“Can I make you a free drink or something-” 
 “I think you’ve done enough- thank you.”
“Dean-” Scotty’s tiny voice paled in comparison to Dean’s irritation. Dean snatched the napkin from your hand and evenly split it with Scotty- he handed it to her gently. As you walk away Scotty grabs your hand and brings you down closer to her face.
“I’m sorry, he isn’t usually like this-” Scotty reassured you. You knew she meant well but the only thing you wanted to do was get out. Scotty tugged on your hand again, not letting you go to do your job. 
“No- I’m serious he just hasn't gotten laid in a while-” she whispers through an awkward smile and giggles. You are bewildered at the very arrogant man and his weird date- that your face starts to betray your friend at all-time service worker training.  
“I’m sorry- I’m sorry I made you uncomfortable, didn’t I.” Scotty’s face drooped and she quickly dropped your hand. She looked pitiful- you had to say something.
“No, it’s ok I’m not that uncomfortable I’ve heard and been in worse.” That did not make her feel better- she was about to sob again. All that ran through her mind was all the different ways that people made her uncomfortable and how she was now in the same category.
“What have you bloody done now?! Scotts let’s go.” Dean got up and kissed his teeth and gave a look to Scotty. She gives you a final quiet sorry and they leave not without Scotty putting up a fuss with Dean to give you an apology.
 You let out a sigh- your daze was interrupted by Phoebe. 
“Wow- I’ve seen you fuck shit up but now you fucked shit right up” she gave her unneeded commentary. She made it up by giving you the rag so you could clean up the mess. 
Mondays are the worst- you already took shit from asshole customers but today marks that day you’re sticking up for yourself. You thank heaven for your break in between Saturday’s mess. A very long and hot shower was taken to prepare yourself for Monday’s madness. An angry letter from your landlord is looking very promising in your future. Making breakfast is your next plan of action- you made a tuna melt and lock up.
You make your commute to the bus stop when you realized that the buses weren’t running today because of maintenance.  You remember they were talking about striking a week ago- you kissed your teeth and debated going to work today. 
You already passed that insurance place that might as well be a money laundering scheme. ‘They’re already stationed from Manchester to Hampshire they might as well be’ sounds off in your mind. They call excessively about an ‘alpha package’ and the only reason why is because your mum and dad signed up and put you under an emergency contact. 
Lately, the calls have been more frequent and stranger- you start to recall one-
You were rudely interrupted from your Sunday nap- dazed and confused you slide over to your bedside table.
“Hello?”  you asked tentatively. 
A light breath hitches, echoing crackly through the cheap phone.  
“Look- I don’t want the stupid alpha package. Stop fucking calling oh my god!” you slam the phone on the receiver ending it. You feel a pang of slight guilt, but you remember where it got you last time.
‘What the fuck is that’ a piercing noise startles you- prompting you to take a peek around the wall. There- in the parking lot is a person besides a green van. They hunch over looking at what you assume could be a phone that they smashed onto the gravel. Their baseball cap matches the color of the van-
‘Fuck-’ they see you- they see you. The decision was made to go to work, and you take off in a sprint. It was better to go to a crowded area than to lead the person to your house. 
you hear the engine starting- “Fuck!”  you can’t tell if it’s as loud as you think or if it’s just your heart beating out of your ears. Your mild sprint turns into a breakneck speed-
By the time you reach work it’s a quarter past nine- The door handle acts as your crutch as you hunch over trying to catch your breath. You see your reflection in the glass, your hair is frizzed and sweat lines your brow.
“Jesus, you look terrible- what the hell happened.” Your designated favorite, Maggy- she does her work, and you do yours it’s a lovely partnership.
“Thanks- why the hell are you here- you’re not on shift today.” You walk over to wash your hands and put on your apron. 
“Boss asked If I could come in today, said he’d pay me overtime at double.” A sigh left your lips. “No but what happened to you?”
“I think I saw someone getting rid of evidence.” She looked at you puzzled and slowly brought her fingers to her lips.
“No- I did not smoke a blunt.”
“You sure?”
“Maggy- Im being serious.”
“We’ll talk about it later. Next in line, please!” You take a breath and recalibrate yourself to do your job. “Hi can take your order this morning.” The day keeps getting better- why is she here again? She was just embarrassed as you that day why couldn’t she have gone to another location- there’s one, two streets down.  
“I-I’m sorry, we were doing work on t-this building and they sent me to get them some coffee.”
“I get it you didn’t wanna walk far.”
She proceeded to tell you her order. You whipped it up in ten minutes and tapped on the bell. “Order for Scotty!” Her head popped and she sprinted over to the counter.
“I don’t see a macchiato?” you joked trying to lighten the mood and ease her nerves. 
“o-Oh he said he didn’t want anything.” The more she spoke the more her voice quieted. 
“You know you didn’t have to apologize again.”
“But I wanted to!“ as her voice climbed an octave, you made an ‘awe’ sound. Scotty pushed her chocolate croissant to you. 
“i-I want you to have it. If I told you when I was ordering, you would’ve said no. That’s if you’re not allergic to chocolate or gluten or- “her speech picked up speed. You think of your cold, soggy, and unappetizing tuna melt as you took the croissant from her hands; your stomach grumbled in awe. 
“Thank you, Scotty, that’s very thoughtful.” She smiles and giggles in delight. You tell her that if she stays any longer with you their coffee is going to go cold (and that she’s holding up the line but you do that gently). She shuffles out the door with a skip in her step and a high-pitched ‘bye!’ 
“You made her day.“ 
You paused in between a bite of your croissant. “Stop it-“ 
“It’s true! I think she has a little crush.” You rolled your eyes.   
“Whatever, I’ll let you enjoy your gift. I guess you’ll tell be about your run-in with a brigand some other time.” Your answer was the same as the last. 
Scotty had become a regular at your job. For the past three weeks, she orders about four coffees and a chocolate croissant for you. You two have developed a sort of kinship- she’s so dedicated it’s endearing if you had to say so. She pops up on your breaks sometimes and eats lunch with you. 
 On occasions when you have the evening shift Scotty waits with you as you close up. Normally You two talk about your work but she decides to open up to you today. 
“Sooo you work in construction?”
“yeah-” Scotty’s getting better at answering you, she even looks you in the eye when you two conversate. 
“That sounds interesting where’s the site?”
“We’re just fixing up this flat for rent.” She tells you the location. You gasp-
“That’s just right across from me!”  
“Really?” If she wasn’t giving you one hundred percent of her attention to you before it’s at a hundred a fifty now. 
“Yeah! It’s so funny I can’t even imagine you lifting a hammer.”
“I even do electrical work.”
“You’re just so handy.” Scotty giggles as she beams with pride as you compliment her skill set. “Think I could get your number so I could call you if I need something fixed.”
You guess telling her telling you about her work is as deep as it’s going to get for now. Scotty gives you an erratic nod, and you two exchange phone numbers; Scotty’s through stuttered and broken words. Her alarm goes off signaling she has to get back to work.
“i-I can stay like I do on Saturdays, it’s fine my boss doesn’t mind, I swear.” She says urgently to you. You grab her hand and clasp it in yours. Her palm is rough, numerous healed scrapes and blisters cover it. 
“No, Scotty you have to back to work and so do I.” You two do this song and dance on almost every occasion though today felt very different. Her eyes start to water and she lowers her head. You steel yourself in order for both of you not to lose your jobs. “Scotty- Scotty look at me” she raises her head to look at you “We’re not going to war- I’ll see you tomorrow.” You end with a chuckle. Scotty seems placated by your laugh and reassurance and musters up a sentence.
“Can I call you, when I get home.” You let out a loud cackle and swiftly give her a kiss on the cheek. Scotty lets out a tiny whimper- “Just text me before, I don’t want to be asleep-“  
“Am I going to be disturbing you?-  
“Scotty! Go!” you practically shove her out the breakroom door and through the front door. She leaves you with a giant wave. 
You sigh in relief. That was one of the longest shifts you have ever had. You blame it on your anticipation for your call with Scotty tonight. The moment you hear the click of the locked door, you race home. 
Reaching home and shutting your door. You go to your shower, scalding water as always. You don’t know why but you really like this girl. It doesn’t help that she looks at you like you hung all the stars in the sky. You run your hands down your neck to your nipples. They start to peak from the stimulation. You move your hand down to your pussy, but nothing really felt as good as those calloused hands against yours. The best thing is to towel off and do your skincare routine. 
You stare from the bed at your open window longingly. You check your phone 0 message- calling her first seems like a great idea but selfishly you want her to make the first move. The vibrator in your drawer is tempting- your pants are already off. Scotty’s call you bang your head against the headboard.  
The clock strikes eight and you toss and turn in your bed. Your restlessness leads to dragging your feet toward the AC panel. ‘Not working of course-‘ at least you have a reason to call- ‘No- No’ you don’t let your mind wander to the person haunting your dreams. It’s ridiculous what three weeks of nonstop affection, gifts, and heavy stares do to a person. You decide you need some fresh air, and the siren song of the cool breeze is taunting you. 
Your feet drag against the hardwood flooring towards the window. You open the window- ‘Fuck’. The car, the car it’s outside you shut the window and the curtains. ‘The fucking car it’s outside.’ Your legs are locked to the floor and your heart feels like it’s lurching out of your chest. ‘They’re gonna kill me- they’re gonna kill me.’ You feel like hell, nearly falling your way to the floor and crawling to your bed. Your heart won’t stop- it’s not supposed to stop but in this case, you would love it to slow down. You should’ve called your parents last week, they haven’t heard your voice in a while ‘Now they might not hear your voice at all.’
Bzzt! Bzzt! Your phone- oh my god- Scotty! You are so happy about Scotty’s resistance to instructions right now. You creep towards it making as little noise as possible. 
“Hey! It’s Scotty! Sorry about-“her voice booms through the speaker of the phone. Her nervousness is conveyed through her high-pitched voice. 
“Scotty- Scotty shh-“ 
“w-What happened?” she quieted down. 
“Someone-“ your throat starts choking up, and tears stream down your face. Every inhale you take tastes and smells of salts.
your breath stutters- “Someone is outside my flat-“
“I don’t know who-“ you steady your speech to make a coherent sentence. “There was like someone dumping e-evidence, I think. I saw them smash a phone on the ground by a van- I don’t know but I think they’re criminals.
“Why do you think that?” Why is she dismissing you like this? Why is her voice so eerily calm. How is she thinking this is helping you?
“Because it’s the same fucking van is outside my fucking flat- what aren’t you fucking getting.” You sniffle loudly as you cradle the phone to your face.
“What color is it?” What-
“Fuck! Why do you- it’s green, the van is green, it’s outside-!”
“I’ll be there.” 
“Scotty?! Scotty no- stay there please!” your scathing whispers were only met with the dial tone. 
Call the police
Call the police!
Don’t come to the flat please!
                            Read at 9:00pm 
What the fuck is wrong with her? 
No but, what the fuck is wrong with Scotty. How does she keep getting herself into these situations? She knows it ended fairly well for her- why jinx that? She is infatuated with you but now knows that love should be a slow process- taking the time to get to know one another. 
The kiss you gave her today, she skipped-tripped and almost slipped on her way back to work. Which she never lied to you about or so she tells herself. She is a handyman but on the weekdays, she works at your favorite company. If you only knew the days, she would watch you from the maintenance van hoping to get a glimpse of you. Not really the first time she used her job to get leverage onto you. It wasn’t her fault that your parents signed up- she was doing her job trying to recruit a new customer. 
All those calls- Scotty, and her coworkers were amazed at every day- how she wore her red cap and the giggle before she took it off. Especially that Sunday one, she knew she shouldn’t have done it but when she heard your groggy hello, it was all worth it. She would’ve saved it- a wave of happiness rippled through ought her body broken by your loud swearing. As usual, a giggle left her mouth after the cap left her head- though her joyous moment was ruined when it wasn’t her work phone but her cell. 
She pondered for weeks on what to do. She prayed you never checked the caller id-but, the suspense weighed on her chest. So, one day on a particular Monday morning she decided to nip it in the bud. Destroying her phone- it was dramatic but so is Scotty.
Through destroying her phone she felt that she could start anew, court you the right way. Buy you treats, spend time, and learn more about you. But that kiss, your kiss- your lips were so soft, so different than when Dean would give her a kiss on the cheek. Scotty wanted to know more, feel more, and be more. Which is why she’s petrified and struggling to find a way to park this van and get to your flat by eleven. She told herself it was going to be quick, you two would be on the phone for an hour and she’d go home right after. 
There is a reason that people say old habits die hard.
A loud knock at your door echoes through your apartment. You check to see if your cutlass is still under your bed-
“It’s Scotty-“ she said cautiously knowing you were in a heightened state. You paced over to your door. 
“Nobody’s out there with you?”
“Nobody.” You unlocked the door. Scotty’s hair was matted to her forehead from sweat, and she was shaking and out of breath. She stepped into your apartment, collapsed onto you, and buried her head in your neck. You felt her tears wet your neck, and her arms nearly crushed you from the strength of her hug. Hugging her back was mandatory- it felt so relieving to know that she was ok, the feeling was mutual. 
You were compelled to kiss her face, and she answered by pecking your neck gently. This was forbidden territory for her, she was tense but almost losing you gave her more than a bit of confidence. Scotty trailed her kisses down your neck and into your bosom. Nuzzling and nipping ever so softly, you let out a moan. Your nipples start to peek out from under your shirt, and she further squeezes you into her. Running her hands down your back and into your sleep shirt, her cold hands snap you from your trance.
You coo her name into her ear. “No- no I don’t want to let you go.” She pleads with you. “You don’t have to I just want to check for the van.”
 “I didn’t see it when I came up.” You stood your ground and her arms finally let you go as you clasp her hand. You two walk over to the window, lo and behold Scotty was right it was gone. It was safe, you were safe, just one thing. 
You take Scotty’s hand and trail it up your chest cupping it over your breast- her palm recoils from your touch. “I thought you didn’t want to let me go?” “I don’t!” she answers as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “i-I wanted to ask you out first. When we got on the phone but uhm I’m not blaming you for any of this, the van and you were crying-” You bring her palm up to her lips to quiet her.
“Scotty, I want to go on a date with you.” Her eyes light up and her mouth crinkles at the sides from how hard she’s smiling. “Just one request though, can you stay the night? Please?” Scotty starts hyperventilating again, she wants to say yes but you have a feeling that something important is stopping her. 
“I can but-” there it is “I would have to leave, and I don’t want you to think I was ditching you or something. My mother is at home by herself and I have to take care of her but I don’t want to leave you alone, at least for tonight.” Your heart melted at her confession; she was finally opening up to you. It was also divided, her mother at home by herself when Scotty had rushed to your flat, you shook your head. 
“Does that mean no?”
“No, it means if you’re gonna stay, you need to take a shower. I have spare clothes.” Her attitude perks up again, and you start to see your regular Scotty again. She practically skips off to shower and when she emerges; she flops down next to you on the bed. You make a come here gesture with your fingers and Scotty happily rolls towards you, wet hair soaks your pillowcase. 
“You were quick.”
“I wanted to be done before you went to sleep.” Again, she says it like these are concrete facts. If she only knew the indirect charmer she was. 
“Somehow, I don’t feel like sleeping.” Scotty twitches slightly but stays silent. “You don’t wanna say anything now?” She turns her head away from you, and you turn it back towards you. You tuck your head underneath her chin, and your nose nuzzles her throat. 
“Still Nothing?” Her neck gets warmer, you feel the heat radiate onto your face. Her actions are catching up to her and nearly fucking you in the kitchen standing up is the least. Scotty called your name.
“Can I kiss you?”
“Yes.” Scotty crashed her lips into yours. This is what it came to, a complete delight. Your lips felt even better on hers and tasted like chocolate, just like Scotty dreamed of. She slipped her tongue into your mouth and her hands snuck underneath your shirt massaging your nipples. Scotty’s calloused hands provided a level of friction that could not be replaced. She climbed on top of you, putting her weight on your forearms, caging you in between your arms.  
You spread your legs for her, and she took the hint and slotted her hips in between yours. She subsequently peels your shirt off your body. Her mouth trails down your chest and begins to suckle. Your breath hitches as Scotty looks up from your breast. She analyzes you and decides that her favorite part of your face is your mouth. She loves kissing it, the way she nipped it, and a whine escaped your lips. 
Your favorite part of her face is her eyes, they’re glossed over with hunger. For you and you only- “unh Scotty- lower please.”, she nodded and got to work. 
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thethickerside · 1 year ago
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gweelczz · 2 years ago
“Cat Got Your Tongue?” PT. 1
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Rosalie Otterbourne × Black!Fem!Reader
Warnings: Suggestive, smut in pt.2, Rosalie being the only woman ever, reader is a simp off rip, reader is the sister of Cab Calloway and the cousin of Billie Holiday, Rosalie has rizz
Summary: Being in love she didn't know whether she was falling or flying but she was airborne either way... or a story about a woman falling head over heels for another woman in the 1930s
Hello everyone! I am Red, I’m new to writing on this app so I hope you all enjoy my stories
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—“In my solitude….”
Her voice rang out, bold but sweet being amplified by the silver microphone in front of her. A white mink wrapped around her shoulders with satin gloves to match, her gown cascading to the ground wrapping around her mid arm showing off her collarbones and shoulders. Her dark hair pinned with a side part showing off her sparkling diamond earrings she’s never been seen without.
She gripped the microphone with a ring clad hand, her face expressing an expression of pain and longing. How she longed to be kissed in the darkness of the night and held close to a warm chest as she slept. She hated sleeping alone, the bed was always so cold and too big, loneliness was a heavy cloud hanging over her pouring down sadness as she sang from her heart a song by one of het favorite artists who too understood what it was like to be alone, to crave being desired and wanted.
She quickly wiped a tear bowing her head in defeat succumbing to the emptiness in her heart, she sang once more her voice never wavering no matter how broken she was “In my solitude…”. Her auburn orbs scanned the silvery fogged room as she sang not looking for anything in particular, that is until another set of dark eyes found hers.
They belonged to a fellow woman, her skin, the perfect description of coffee beans. Eyes sparkling underneath the lights filled with curiosity, her shoulders rolled back as she stood her demeanor reeking of power mixed with independence. An arched eyebrow raised at Y/N, those dark eyes wordlessly asking her a question “who are you?”.
Y/N continued to sing to the crowd until her set came to an end. She bowed softly sweetly thanking the crowd before exiting stage left to give the spotlight to her brother Cab Calloway and his band. She made her way over to the bar ordering a drink as the upbeat jazz music rang throughout the club. She tapped her feet to the music glancing around observing her surroundings.
She wasn’t one for big places like this filled wall to wall with people, she was a homebody at heart preferring to stay home with a glass of wine and a good book. She had no interest in sleazy men who couldn’t take no for an answer or men in general for that matter. No no, she wanted to be a woman’s woman.
Y/N sighed to herself turning to face the stage when she felt a tap on her shoulder, turning to her left she prepared herself to cuss out yet another man who didn’t know how to take a hint only for the words to die in her throat.
She rendered herself speechless once she discovered who touched her, she turned coming face to face with the one and only Rosalie Otterbourne. “I.. I um..” she couldn’t bring herself to speak to the beautiful woman who decided to bless Y/N with her presence.
She opened her mouth to try again when she heard it, the sweetest sound she’d ever heard besides music. She’d heard a giggle, a soft giggle rang out from Rosalie’s throat as she stared at the speeches woman. “Cat got ya tongue honey?” She softly laughed slightly throwing her head back as she did so. Y/N thought she was beautiful from afar but she was breathtaking up close. Rosalie smirked at the other holding out her hand “I’m Rosalie, Rosalie Otterbourne niece and manager of the Salome Otterbourne. What’s your name sugar?”
Y/N swooned at the southern accent dripping from Rosalie’s lips, she took the other’s hand gently shaking it with a smile “I’m Y/N Calloway”. Rosalie’s smile faltered a bit at she gazed at the woman in front of her “as in the sister of the Cab Calloway?” Her eyes widening slightly as she spoke.
Y/N slightly chuckled, eyes flickering towards her brother on the stage who was already looking at her with a grin before turning her attention back to Rosalie. “Yes ma’am the one and only” she took a sip of her drink smiling at Rosalie, she noticed she was still holding the other’s hand as she gazed down for a second.
She quickly let go not noticing the way Rosalie frowned at this. Rosalie being the bold woman she is took Y/N’s hand into hers once more as she slid into the seat beside her. “You can hold my hand honey, I don’t mind it one bit especially if it’s a beautiful woman” Rosalie winked at Y/N before she turned her attention to the bartender ordering herself a drink. “Lord knows I shouldn’t drink on the job but a little liquid courage ain’t neva hurt nobody”
Y/N nodded her head in agreement humming as a vocal response. She took this time to take in the beauty next to her that went by the name of Rosalie. Her eyes scanned from her black hair down the black pumps her feet adorned. She knew of Ms. Otterbourne but to see her in the flesh boldly flirting with her was another. Raising her glass to her lips she downed her drink to get some courage before she shot back a flirt herself. “Well you’re one to speak Ms. Otterbourne, I’ve been blessed with the presence of a goddess”
This in turn made Rosalie turn in her seat placinga hand onto Y/N’s knee with a smirk. “Now that’s more like it, how about after my performance we go up to my room and talk as friends, I sure could use one”. Y/N nodded her head agreeing automatically, she wanted this woman and she was hell bent on making Rosalie hers. “Sounds great to me, you blow these people outta the water now ya hear?” Rosalie tilted her head back releasing a laugh while giving Y/N a glimpse of her sparkling teeth. “I shall do just that”
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axailslink · 1 year ago
Happy Birthday~
Scotty x FEM!reader
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Synopsis: Scotty likes you and has liked you for a very long time in fact she can't hide her feelings any longer. So, what better day to tell you then on your birthday while you've had a few drinks and are feeling fearless?
Birthday girl here! Birthday girl there! Your small group of friends had whisked you to many places first your dinner which consisted of every piece of food you could inhale along with everyone's card which you tucked in your gift bags to read later. Then you were dragged to the bar not for long you're sure it was a distraction from them filling your house with pink balloons and more alcohol and crowding your floor in gifts which lay at your feet at the moment. "I'm convinced y'all tryna fuck me." Of course, you can never just say "thank you" it's not in your vocabulary not with your friends not with the group of idiots you've known more than the years of life you dedicated to school and classes. It's about time for everyone to retire sadly so you say your goodbyes and give your last hugs for the night. Expecting to be left alone you have a knock on your door breaking you away from opening your gifts you trip past the bags and to the door opening it to see Scotty holding a teddy bear as big as herself but from the awkwardness you're sure it's her. "A little birdie told me it was your birthday" you can't help but smile at Scotty's overwhelmingly childish behavior "it would seem you are late to the party" she sighs as you pull the life sized bear away from her face to see her sad facial expression "work cornered me but I wouldn't miss it just over anything..." You hug Scotty and pull her into the house tripping over a few things but never letting her go. "I can't stay for long I actually have to go in a minute but I wanted to give you this she pulls away and hands you a hefty birthday card surprised by the weight of it you want to open it immediately but she stops you. "Could you wait until I'm gone?" "What? No it must be important it's heavy" you rip open the letter as if it's the first one you've received when you know you have plenty tucked in the gifts circling both of your feet. Scotty seems stuck in her place as you take out the letter with little hearts plastered over the papers maybe about fifteen photos fall from your hands when you unfold the paper and you're smiling ear to ear as you pick them up and look at them. In each one Scotty's smiling ear to ear and looking at you like you're the best thing created by the gods in one photo though it's just you smiling. "Awe Scotty" you hug her as you start to read the letter but as you read you slowly widen your eyes. "Scotty" Scotty looks past you unsure if it's safe to even look in your direction she doesn't. She braces herself to be hit or yelled at but after thirty seconds neither thing happens so finally she looks at you "I don't understand." You very well do but maybe it's a mistake there's no way your friend you've cared for for years has had some crush on you not Scotty not sweet Scotty. "I don't know how I can make it clearer" her words make you nod "I'm tired of acting like I don't like you" you slowly pull away from her but it's her turn to hug you and hold you close.
"Y/n as ridiculous as this is going to sound I don't want to be your friend I'm tired of being your friend" she nestles her face into the crook of your neck as she breathes you in "please don't hate me for this." You shake your head in disbelief as she slowly pulls away "I value our friendship I do" you mumble "I love you" Scotty said these words to you often but hearing them now and knowing the way she means them in this very moment you're blinded and deaf even you can't look anywhere you can't hear anything but you can feel her. Her hands gently pressed into your back and her tears steaming down her face and onto your bare shoulders. She finally lets you go giving you a view of her face which is a mess the tears have destroyed her and it weakens your heart to see her in so much pain it makes you wonder. Has she always felt like this? Did she feel like this every time you got a new lover? What about those times you discussed your sex life with her? Everything must have hurt... To think she thought her life was unrequited.
Scotty breaks free from the grip that is you but as she turns on her heels you grab her and pull her back to you keeping her close you grab her face with both hands on her cheeks firmly pressing soft kisses to her tear stained face. You place a kiss everywhere starting on her forehead, both cheeks, her nose then her lips... But you don't stop there you turn her head and kiss her ear and the side of her neck... You don't know what possesses you but Scotty does as she turns her head and gives you a proper kiss now one that's full of so many emotions she doesn't let you pull away to breathe. Your tongues run against each other neither fighting for dominance but instead both enjoying the comfort of the other. When she finally pulls away she's confused but you grab her by the collar of her shirt crumpling the letter in hand "happy birthday" she mumbles you nod "where did you say you needed to go?" Scotty shakes her head "I don't remember." You smile "good."
A/n: What do you do when boredom hits? Remember you write fanfiction ✍🏾
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bubbleblowinggirl · 1 year ago
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This outfit Jesus…
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ventingfanfics · 2 years ago
My Masterlist <3
Fluff or Non-smut
Take it Slow
At the Movies
I Love You
Best Girlfriend
Movie Day
Anon Request where reader can’t sleep 
The Party
Don’t Wanna be a Player No More
Don’t Wanna be a Player No More Part 2
I’m Here (Like Always)
Better Together
The Order
She Doesn’t Play About Hers
Best Date Ever
If You Are
A Reminder
Mess the Dress
Anon Request Part 2
I’m sorry Queen
The shorts
Summer (Year-Round) Love 
Both (I’m Baby) 
Got it Like That 
Your Panther
Day Off
Smut leaning
Anon Request 
Academic Sensations
Angst one-shot
Make a Move
Danielle (I Am Danielle)
Feelings 2
Jamie Harrison
With Jamie Harrison
The Wrong Paper
The Wrong Paper 2
The Wrong Paper 3
The Wrong Paper 4
The Wrong Paper 5
The Wrong Paper 6/Finale 
The Wrong Paper (Epilogue)
Better Boyfriend
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shurismainbxtch · 2 years ago
This part was so sad tho🥺I wish we knew more about Scotty.
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ihearttish · 2 years ago
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we need more scotty fics asap yaw 🫠… i love me some scotty 🫶🏽!!!
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pidgemotoiii · 2 years ago
So right this scotty x reader
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The porn bots are starting to follow me again I had to do something. This is most likely a wednesday evening thing. Maybe very late sunday if I dont write the extra date part- but i might buy parenthood in the sims so maybe wednesday.
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