wateryourplance · 7 years
Perfect (Part 2/2) (Lance/Pidge)
(Pidgance Moth, Day 18: hopeless romantic | Yep, I headcanon Lance’s mum to be named Elena. Idk the name just sounds so motherly, even though my grandmother under the same name wasn’t haha MERRY CHRISTMASSS)
Lance laughed heartily as he watched Shiro and Matt exchange lighthearted insults at each other. Everyone was having a splendid time, laughing and joking about.
Lance couldn’t help but notice that Pidge was the only one who seemed to be silent.
Initially, he chose to ignore it. Maybe she didn’t find the jokes funny or just wasn’t interested in the topic.
That is, until he noticed her frown deepen.
He felt a twinge in his heart, compelling him to finally speak up. He cleared his throat. “Pidge?”
Pidge jumped slightly as she turned to Lance, waiting for him to speak.
“You okay?” He asked in a quiet tone in hopes not to draw attention to their seemingly private chat. He was genuinely worried about her and her well-being, and he simply hated seeing her in such an unhappy mood.
Pidge hesitated for a moment before answering. “Yeah.”
Lance did not like the tone of her voice. Flat and obviously lying.
Why has she been acting so cold and distant?
And only to him?
“Pidge, I want the truth.” His tone was firm, but not unkind. His voice was filled with. “You’ve been acting really weird, and I have the feeling it concerns me.”
Pidge was silent.
And that was Lance’s unspoken answer.
It did in fact involve him.
But he didn’t really know how.
Sighing, Lane combed through his hair. He was so confused and was just so desperate to know what the hell was up with his friend. “You know what?” He began. “It’s bothering me. A lot. So can we just sort this out or something? Maybe we can talk about it sometime?”
Lance didn’t know what she said, but she just curtly got out of her seat, stopping whatever topic everyone else was talking about. All eyes were on her.
“I’m...gonna go. I’m sleepy.” Pidge declared, looking at everyone but Lance.
Shiro merely nodded and smiled gently at her. “Sure, Pidge. Good night.”
Pidge headed out, muttering a silent ‘night’.
“She doesn’t usually sleep this early.” Allura noted. “Strange.”
“She is pretty strange.” Lance agreed, saying that more to himself.
Lance woke up in panic, his heart beating erratically as he felt his face.
Oh no.
He didn’t put on a face mask.
He frantically rummaged through his things, searching for his face masks. To his relief, he found the packaging.
To his horror, he was all out.
Lance felt like the world was about to end. He felt like his whole life was crashing into flames. He couldn’t believe it. Tears pricked his eyes as he sat down on his bed, crestfallen.
Lance forced a smile, trying to stay positive. “Maybe I can just sleep without ‘em.” He encouraged himself. “It’s just one night.” He placed Pidge’s earphones over his head as he collapsed onto his bed once again, wrapping himself in his sheets. He wriggled around a little bit until he found the perfect position.
For a moment, it was bliss. All was calm. He was almost entering the gates of Dream Land.
Then all these crazy thoughts filled his head.
What if pimples and blackheads grew overnight?
Or, or what if when he wakes up, his face would be old and wrinkly?!
Lance’s eyes snapped open as he fell off the bed with a squeal. He couldn’t just sleep and let those horrible things happen to his skin! 
That’s it; no sleep tonight for Lance McClain. He had to keep an eye out for his skin.
But he knew very well that staying in his room would lull him to sleep, and that was the last thing he wanted.
His eyes widened as he got an idea.
He could spend the night in the Bridge!
Lance sat on the cold floor wrapped in his blanket, gazing in awe at the beautiful expanse in front of him as the Castleship travelled at a steady pace. He let out a satisfied sigh as he pulled the blanket tighter around him. The music from Pidge’s headphones were at a moderate volume, giving him just the perfect amount of noise to drown in his own thoughts.
Lance thought about his mother and all the stories she told him when she was a kid. 
"Mijo, what’s going on? What happened?” Elena asked as she rubbed her eight-year-old son’s back comfortingly. She noticed her son’s left hand in a tight fist. She pulled away and gently took her son’s hand. “What’s this?”
Lance sniffed and choked up a sob as he opened his fist.
A blue crushed flower lay in his palm.
Elena frowned as she took the delicate plant. “What happened?”
“The...the girl I liked...” Lance whimpered, “she said she didn’t like me.”
Elena gasped softly as she sat on the sofa, lifting her little boy up so he could sit on her lap. She ran her hand through his his hair in a soothing motion while her other one wiped away his tears. “I’m sorry to hear that...” she said gently.
“Why did she do that? She was the second one this week! I’m so nice...and...and you say I’m cute!” Lance wailed as he wrapped his short arms around his mother. “Do you just say those things to make me feel good?”
“Oh, Lance...” Elena whispered, kissing the crown of her son’s head. “I’d never lie to you, mi querido.”
“Then why don’t they like me? They keep saying no to me. All my crushes hate me! I’m so weird...I keep liking people.” He rambled miserably, gazing up at his mother with big, round teary blue eyes.
Elena kissed Lance again on his forehead, wiping the tears that were already lessening. “They don’t hate you, mijo. And you’re not weird at all.” She muttered into his forehead before pulling back, smiling fondly. “You wanna hear something?”
He nodded.
“I was like you too.” She released gently, cradling her little boy. “I had a lot of crushes.”
“Really?” Lance gasped.
“Yes.” She laughed. “You got that from me.”
Lance straightened himself up in interest, listening closely. “I did?”
“But dad...”
Elena chuckled. “Do you wanna hear a story?”
“When I was seventeen, I met your father.”
“That’s so old!” Lance interjected, his jaw dropped. “I want to find my true love now!”
Elena grinned at him, ruffling his hair. “You’re very young, Lance. And seventeen’s young too.”
Lance rolled his eyes. “It’s only young because you’re old. But I love you anyways. A-and you’re still beautiful even though you’re old!”
“I love you more, Lancey. Thank you, but that doesn’t make it any better.” Elena returned jokingly.
“Anyway, please continue the story!” Lance begged, snuggling closer to his mother. “You fell in love with dad when you first saw him right?”
Elena smiled sheepishly. “No, actually.”
Lance’s eyes were wide with horror. "You didn’t?”
“I was too focused on another boy, but your dad and I were best friends right away.” She told him, caressing his cheek. “I never saw him as a crush. He was just my best friend.”
Lance was too shocked to speak, only nodding for her to continue.
“We went to college and I had a lot of boyfriends.”
“Did dad have lots of girlfriends too?” He asked.
Elena shook her head. “No. He liked this one girl a lot, but she didn’t have a crush on him.” She explained.
“And then what?”
“When your father and I graduated college and started working--”
“So old!”
“--he was still always there for me.” Elena said tenderly. “When boys would leave me, he’d always be by my side and take care of me. And whenever he’d talk about the girl he liked, I’d listen and comfort him.”
Lance smiled upon hearing that his father and mother had always been taking care of each other. However, his little mind was still confused. If his parents liked different people, why were they together?
Elena must’ve noticed the confused expression on his face when she giggled. “One day I realised...that I was dumb.”
“No you’re not!” Lance defended. “You’re super smart!”
“Yes, but I was dumb for not realising sooner that your father was the one I needed.” Elena finished, her eyes bright. “I realised that I loved him.”
Lance gasped in awe. “But he liked a girl...”
“He did, didn’t he?” Elena hummed. “One day he decided to tell her he fell in love with her.”
Lance scrunched his nose. “This doesn’t sound very nice. What...what did she say?”
Elena beamed proudly at him. “I said ‘I love you, too’.”
Lance gaped at her. “You were the girl?!” He yelled, surprised.
“I was always looking forward for the things I wanted, when what I needed was right in front of me.” Elena looked into her son’s eyes lovingly. “I thought the things I wanted would make me happy, but now...I’m satisfied.”
“That was really...” Lance struggled in finding words. “I feel better!”
Elena laughed. “I hope you get what I was trying to say, mijo. Now go do your homework!” She said firmly as he slipped off of her lap.
“Wait! One question!” Lance added. “Did you find daddy handsome?”
Elena grinned widely. “Mhm.”
Elena’s grin only grew wider when her husband entered the living room, probably checking on them. “I still think he’s very handsome.”
That was Lance’s motivation.
Their story was his motivation.
He learned that finding ‘the one’ would take time, and rejection’s just part of it all.
Little did he know, that wasn’t the only thing she was trying to teach him.
Lance chuckled warmly at the memory. He missed them so much.
He never stopped trying to find ‘the one’ with their love story stuck on his mind. If only someone knew how much he thought he related to his father.
Maybe...maybe his mum would be like Allura.
Maybe his love story would be just like his parents’.
In deep thought, he didn’t notice the presence of someone...
“You come up here to rock out?”
Lance yelped, jumping in shock as he turned to the voice’s owner.
Pidge was smiling playfully, an eyebrow raised at him expectantly.
Lance needed a moment to fully process what she was trying to imply before smirking. “Oh, Pidge,” his smirk turned into a Cheshire Cat-like grin. “No, um, just...looking at the stars.” 
They laughed, recounting that memory. “Can’t believe you still remember that.” Pidge remarked as she calmed her laughter down, sitting next to him.
“I could say the same thing about you.” Lance teased. He extended his arm. “It’s kinda cold. Wanna snuggle or something?”
Pidge visibly blushed, but Lance guessed it was because it’d be awkward for two good friends to do such a couple thing. “I’ll pass.”
“Suit yourself.” Lance shrugged, letting her headphones rest around his neck. “Why’re you suddenly in a good mood?”
Pidge looked up at him, ready to speak.
“Ah, don’t tell me.” He interrupted. “Pidge the nightowl, of course, of course.”
“Actually, no.” She immediately said. “Well, yeah, that too.”
Lance shrugged. “Close enough.”
Silence entered the room, making the huge space seem so small.
Lance desperately wanted to ask about her attitude towards him, but he knew he’d kill her positive mood. He opted for silence instead.
“So,” she began, “why’re you up?”
“Ran out of face masks.” He answered, relieved to finally speak. “Am I crazy for trying to watch out for any things to pop out on my face?”
“No, it happens.” Pidge shrugged, hugging her knees to her chest.
“Why’re you up?”
“Thoughts keeping me awake.”
Lance tilted his head. “About what?”
“Very specific, Pidge.”
Pidge chuckled. “You seemed to be in deep thought too.”
“Thinking about my family.” Lance answered. “My parents to be exact. Their love story, to be more exact.”
Pidge nodded in understanding. “What was it?”
“My mom had a lot of boyfriends before settling with my dad.” He explained, his heart warming. “And my dad pined for my mum for a pretty long time before...”
He paused to look at his friend, who gazed back at him patiently.
Suddenly his heart fluttered.
And he didn’t know why. 
“Before...?” Pidge pressed, causing him to realise that he stared at her longer than he intended.
“Before realising she loved him.” Lance finished, his voice small. 
Pidge smiled. “That’s really sweet. It sounds...familiar, and yet so unfamiliar.” She pondered. “When I was younger my dad got me a--” she stopped abruptly, and Lance was quick to notice her shiver slightly.
He quickly wrapped his arms around her, the blanket fortunately big enough for both of them. “Don’t even try fighting it, you’re obviously cold.”
“I wasn’t going to.” Pidge joked, actually snuggling closer to him. “I guess they turn off the heating when Coran and Allura aren’t here.”
“To conserve her magic?”
Pidge snorted. “Anyways, my dad got me this really old computer.” She resumed slowly, trying to remember everything. “It was cool but...I really wanted the newest model that had better, well, everything. So I saved up for the new one and when I got it, it didn’t even last for three months. Apparently it couldn’t carry my documents.” She rolled her eyes.
Lance laughed lightly as he shook his head. “So you tried the old one.”
“And it was perfect.” Pidge swooned. “It worked perfectly and actually worked really well. Best part was it was easier to add upgrades. If I’m not mistaken, it still works well.”
“That kinda is like my parents’ love story. Kinda. Pidge version.” Lance humoured. 
“Guess the moral is...we keep looking forward when what we actually need is right in front of us.” Pidge trailed off awkwardly, her voice almost like a whisper.
“That’s kinda what my mum said once...”
And then it hit Lance.
What he needed was literally right in front of him.
And she was just perfect.
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